Q 0 0 0 O o o o o o o o o o o o O Q o 0 o o e I. o o o O . 1 i V El)C.U)cckh) ntcvprisc. FRIDAY, : : : AUGUST 16. 1872. How Grant Conducts His Campaign. The people may not be aware or the fact that their money is large ly used in supporting Grant's claims for another four years of plunder. Yet such is the case. That the corrupt character of the present Administration is known throughout the country is evident from the strength of the Liberal movement, but the people ought 'to know the manner in which they are being swindled. Palsied by corruption, Grant and his support ers are frantically endeavoring to retain their hold upon the Govern ment. - Country papers are daily in re ceipt of "voluminous copy sheets prepared by the Urant comnnuees in Washington, and fdied with laudations of their candidate and bitter vituperation of Dr. Greeley. They are sent to the faithful to be published in the columns of their journals, their editors thus ac knowledging the fact that the brains of the Grant party exi.t on ly at Washington, where the stom ach and other necessary component parts of the party are. These partisan documents are printed, we undersfaml, at the United States public printing office, and paid for, as well as the paper on which they are printed, out of the public money. They are then dead-headed through the mails under cover of Congressional franking. Ke cently "John A. Logan, U. S. S.," disgraced the corner of a public envelop containing a sixteen page "pamphlet entitled " What Horace Greeley Knows About Oiiice-seek-ing." The publication was a fu tile attempt to asperse Dr. ( Tree ley's claims to popular support by republishing distorted versions of his old editorial articles. This ef fort to disgrace the people's favor ite went through the country with a similar swindle under frank of 0 " John Coburn, M. C." Duwnir Pierce's administration the question arose as to whether old boots sent to home coblers were legitimate franking matter, and if dirty linen passing between Washington and a Congressional hamlet m Iowa might not be con sidered a stretch ot courtesy. But what are old boots or foul linen compared with these printed in sults to a nation's intelligence ! What is the abuse of the franking privelege when contrasted with the corruption that this theft of pub lic money through the public printing office proves ? Grant ism in its various phases has devel oped more varieties of public fraud and opened up more channels to official plunder than all the specu lators in the nineteen preceedinir Administrations put together.-A" Y. Sun. The Louisville Coariei'-Junrwd says: Kentucky has been the ban ner State of the Democracy ever since the war, but it is somewhat doubtful whether she will be able to maintain her position. Geor gia proposes to give Greeley fifty thousand, majority, Missouri sixty thousand, Virginia forty thousand, Pennsylvania thirty thousand, New York fifty thousand, and so on. W ell, all we or Kentucky can promi.-c is that we will do our best, and will certainly roll up a rousing Democratic majority, as has been our wont, and if in such a rivalry we lose our horns, we shall rsther rejoice than repine. . - Tuiixs Statks Evidence. The odore Tilton, who supported Grant four years ago, says in the ir olden Aye of Xew York : "The severest commentary that can be made on the failure of Grant's first term of the Presidency is the platform on which lie stands for re-election. Kvery important promise which that platform puts forth for the fu ture is a confession of the Admin istration's dereliction in the past. Each successive pledge made at Philadelphia turns States evidence to convict the very candidate in whose behalf it was made."' Once on a time, at the funeral of a wife, the undertaker arranged for the husband and mother-iu-la v to ride in the same carriage. ".Must I," said the broken-heart"d man, '"must I ride with that awful wo man?" " I think you will have to," answered the undertaker. "I will disturb every carriage in the pro cession to make a eh:in;o, and yon must ride here." t; Weil, if I must, I must," said the stricken man ; "but to ride with her destroys all my pleasure on this occasion." -o- A railroad conductor residing in Brattleboro, Vl., being absent from duty several days during the late heated term, accounted for his non appearance by saying he had a sunstroke. Much sympathy was . accordingly expressed for his mis fortune, but commiseration was speedily turned to congratulations when it was learned that the stroke 'was in the form of a pair of twin 'boys. SiiKKwn pKorxK. The Pitts burg Vott says: "Uncle Horace's strength among the Republican lawyers of this city is among the most noticeable events of the times. We were shown a list yestreday which comprises the names of sev eral of the most prominent. The lawyers as a class are a shrewd people they can see what's com ing, and will make themselves felt ere long." The llaltimorc Platform. Following is tbo platform adopted by the Democratic Convention at, Baltimore on the 9ib of July. 1872: 1. We recognize the equality of men be fore the law, and hoi 1 that it is the duty of the government, in its dealings with the people, to uitte out equal, and exact justice ! to all, of whatever nativity, race, color or j persuasion, religious or political. j . e pledge ourselves to maintain the law, the union of these s:ates, emancipation and enfranchisement, and to oppo-e any re opening of the questions setiled by the Thirteenth Fourteenth and Fifteenth amend ments to tiio cons itution. 3. We demand tbe immediate and abso lute removal of all disabilities imposed on account of the rebellion, winch was tin. illy subdued seven years ago, beliering that universal amnesty will result in complete pac tieatim in all sections of the cum try. 4. Local self-government wi:h impartial suffrage w.ll guard the rights of ail citi.ens more securely than any cential z d power. The public welfare demands the supremacy of the civil over tbe militaiy authority, ami freedom of nevson under trie protection of the luibra corpus. We demand fur the in dividual the largest liberty con-istent with public order, for the state self-government, an 1 for the nat'ou t return to the method of peace and the constitutional limitations of power. . The civil service of the government has become a mere instrument of part sin tyranny and personal ambition and an o'-ject of seiti-h greed. It is a scandal and re- pro ich upon free institutions, and breeds a demoralization dangerous to the perpetuity of a republican government. We therefore regard a thorough ref'oim of the civil service as one ot the most press ing necessities of the hour - th.it nom-sty, capacity and tidel.ty co:i-t tire the only valid claims to public employment; that the olli -es of g .vernment cease to be a matter of ar b.trtry favoritism and pa. ronage, and that public station will become again the post of honor. To this end it is imperatively re . -aired that no president shall be a candidate tor re-t 1. -ction. 7. We demand a system of federal taxa tion which shall not unnece-sai iy interfere with the industry of the people, and which .-hall provide the means necessary to piy the expenses of the government, economically the interest on the p-ibbe deht.. and a moder ate annual i eduction of the principal thereof; and recognizing that there are l.i our m dst honest but irr. c -neilable ddl'erences of opin ion with regard t tee respective systems of protection and iree trade, we remit the -lis cussion of the suhj-ct to the people in iheir congressional districts, sin I the decision of congress thereon, wholly free of executive iuterler.iice or dictation. S. The public credit mn-t be sacredly inaintai'.id, and we denounce repudiation in every form and guise. '.). A speedy return to specie payment is demar.de 1, alike by the h ghest considera tions of commercial morality and honest government. to We remember with gratitude the heroism and saecilices ot the sold ers and sailors of the republic, and no a t ot ours shall eve" detract from our justly earned fame or the fait rewards of their patriot ism. 11. We are opposed to all further grants of lands to railroads or other corporations. The pu! d.. m. tin should be held sacred to actual settlers. 1. We hold that it. is the duty of the g iverument, in its intercourse with foreign nations, to cubivate the trie ..Ushipsof peace by treating with all on fair and tq ;al terms; regarding it alike dishonoi able either to de mited what is not ri.,ht, or to sub. nit to what is wrong. 13. For the prom tion on 1 success of the several principles and support of the cindi dafes nmnuiatcd bv this convention, v."e in vite and cordially the co-operation of all patriotic citizens, withoat regard t previous political adiliation. A cautious correspondent of the .Springfield Rinhlh-an, says the Y7 Y. Sun, who is not an enthusi astic Greeley mat), gives that jour nal a careful review of the politi cal situation in Massachusetts at'the present time, lie says that the immediate effect of Greeley's nom ination was to kill the Liberal lie- publican demonstration in that iStatc. Three weeks after the Cincinnati Convention there were not in till the State two hundred Kepub'icans who would avow themselves Greeley men. Since Sumner's speech, however, and the events which succeeded it, the movement has progressed rapidly, until there are now at least 10,000 Republicans who will vote for Greeley, and 10,000 more who will not vote for Grant, but will proba- ably stay away from the polls, while all the Democrats, with a few insigniticent exceptions, are enthusiastic for the Chappapia farmer. It is not impossible that even Massachusetts may repudiate the Great American Quarreler by November. - . Well posted politicians begin to think that Michigan will go for Greeley and Brown. A leading Grant man, Hon. Jno. J. IJdgley, recently urged Colfax to go there and stump the State for Grant, when the following colloquy en sued : "Why," said Colfax, "with evident surprise, "you don't need any help in Michigan, do you?" "Yes, by G ehosephat, we do," replied Uagley; "we want all the help we can get, and we shall need all we can get too, I tell vou." A novelty in the way of "hops'1 has been introduced in Boston. A hall at the. South End is now open every Friday evening for "shirt and pants dancing parties," aud the attendance is confined to those of the middle class who are dispos ed to behave themselves The proprietor takes the ground that if l ubes consider themselves dressed in "shirt waists," there is no rea son why "gents" should not ap pear in the same cool. There is a wheat field on the west side of the San Joaquin river, California, thirty-live miles in .length by eight in breadth, with an area of 17u,000 acres. Estimat ing the average yield at sixteen bushels to the acre, it would give a total yield of 2,80 1,200 bushels, 80,015 tons. This amount of grain would load 8,001 cars, which, if made up in one train, would reach for over eighty miles. Wit r v. A F re u c h maiYiuius was riIing out ont: 1 day when he passed an old priest rid in c aloii"- contentedly on a donkey. " ha !" exclaimed the marquis, "how goes the ass, good father'?" "On horseback, my son," replied the priest. Xo IJettkr. Men may sophis ticate as they please, but the man who does not endeavor to pay his debts is no better than the "man who steals outright. A U V TIOX AND C 0MMISS1 01 AUCTIONEER! Corner ol Front and Oakstrsets Portland AUCTION SALES Of Ileal Estate, Groceries, Generalilerchan dise aud liorses, Every Wednesday and Saturday ! A. B. Richardson, Auctioned AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined liar and Bundle Iron English Square aud Octagou Caststsel Horse shoes, "iles, Hasps, saws; Screws, Fiy-paus, sheet iron, li. G. Iron also -. A lare assortment of (j roeeries and Liquors A. 13. UicuAiiiux, Auctioneer OREGON' CITl', OREGON, RETAIL DEALERS IX BOOTS & SHOES, I also keep constantly on hand SALEM C A 3 S I M E It E 3, EL A X N ELS, TWEEDS AND ELANKET;, Which I '.rill sell at the Factory Trices, and will take wool in exchange; JTT will also pay the hiVie-t prices for Butter, Ejrss, and ad kinds of iiood country produce. I will sell as tow as any house in Oregon, for ('ash o" its equivalent in go d rr.rch an table produce. " gg- Give me a call and sati-fy vourselres JOHN jiVEUS. Jm. 13, 1S71 tf SPiiJHa & SMEBaOSBS JUHT RECEIVED AT DE.VLEU IN DI1Y GOODS, CLOTIUXG, ROOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE. GROCERIES, CROCKERY, NOTIONS, AC. MilS STREET, OREGON CITY. PRODUCE of all kin Is bought, for which I pay the highest market price. if you ilosire irood Goods, at LOW Prif a. ca'l at I. SELLINti'S, and examine his fresh stoek of Spring Goods. G I YE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. Mr Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL pnoi'iTs. For which I will pay the higheet market price. I. SELLING. Ai-ril 14. tS71:tf Sii5M5S MASONIC II ALL DUILD- OREGON CITY, - OREGON. yr-EEI'S CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND A. lor sale, cii!:.vp fok casu, PARLOR, BEDROOM, OFFICE, 5ITTINGR00I1, and KITCHEN FURNITURE, Hureaus, Lounges, Rocking Chairs, What nots. Def stea ls, Wra hst.inds. Curled Hair and I'olu Matresses, Pulii Pil lows, spring Beds, Window Shades, Picture Frames, Mouldings, Ac, &c. J3T"Spocial attention fiven to Upho'ster work in ail its I. ranches. Orders rilled with promptness. Repairing Ione w ith neatness an I ill snatch. 1 iirnitnro niadu to order. ''.."'(roods delivered to any patt 0 town tree of chaige. Call and examine for your s. Iv;w. " m.i y 1 7n2t W 2 L L ! A Til SICER FO II 211 E MA .V UF I C TOR V OF SASH, BUNDS AND EGCBS AND MOULDINGS OF ALL S1ZEU. tnr They will also do TURNING, ofvn de.-cription to order, With Neatness aad Dispatcl -o ALL WORK Vv'AKR ANTED. Shop on the River, in Lewis' shop. opposite Oregon City Mills. JOHN FLEMING, DEALER IN BOOKS AND STATIONERY, IN MYERS FIRE-PROOF BRICK, MIV STREET, OREGON CITT, OREGON. pIPERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaRoqne & Co., OREGON CITY. eKeen constmt'y n ha d for ale Midlines, Bran and Chicken Feed ParMes purchasing !ee(1 must fUrnl,h the sark Business Directory of Portland, Oregon. PUBLISHED V L. SAMUEL, General Advertising Agtnt, 13 Front Street. Ackerman's Dollar Store, No l9 First iret. Importers and Job bers of Fancv tloo ls. Toys, Crockery, Class ware and Plated Ware. ToTuTFirsr at, between Oak and iV I'ine. Ev er) thing neat. b. L. Longfel low, Proprietor. " BWCUOn' A MOUSE,. WnU for Mabie. Todd A Co.'s celebrated a iolit l-n. Ivison, Blakeinan. Ta3lor & Co's School Books. Jt rab!iitd, JUUecj Ltgal JJlank for this Mai. rv.rman.t'ToTdv di ect Importer of t loth 1 Jin- Ac. cor. Front Alston -ton sts. ""CBTASrcTBA R R E T T, f notiSAii nOKSEI.MiK & STATIONER, LARGEST STOCK IX PORTLAND. 79 front m fi'l N'. 5jWah- I ECK, WILLIAM A SON'. Wi Front st. ' Importers and dealers in Gtun, II !! "' Uevolirr of everv descript on. Fishirikj Tackle. Fancy Ooois. Heads bird Caes, Baskets, Croquet 1 James, aud Kabv ai riaes. Agents for the "California I'owder Woiks;" B also, for tb' ' Wheeler X Wilson Sowing Machines." 1""ck, John A., 12! Front street, practieal 3 W .ichmaker A: Jeweler. Work done tor I he Trad--. IIOO Si A.M.T01I I'IMMKHS. IllME-s A KAf'llEi DKR !3 Front street 1risiham, Ueinhait, First st. bet Oak & 3 Fine, importers of Stoves, Ranges, Kitcl.en Uten-iU. u hanan, W. A , s. w. cor. First A T i.vlor 5 J-ts. Cheapest Furniture House in Poit-land- V.yiVlVl. lli 1 O, SI Front stieit tllarke, Henderson A Cook, si .t Ml First ; .street. Dealers in Dry Coods. Fancy Good. Ac C1ohn A Uo.nf. Id, I ts Front st. Cotn:nis ; sioti M.-re ha .U & Dealers in On jjon & California Produce. Connie, J. B. Manufacturer A Deder in Saddles,' Harness, and Saddlery Hard ware, 'J 1 Front street. virrier, W A Co., 10! F.ont st. Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, liats r uriiisiiing tioods. D'-Lish.-nntt A Oatman, 'J2 Fr oit street. Heal Estate Agents, money loaned, houses rente!. DENTAL GOODS, :,o'L-,r;,!; i' IOlll 1! IVtit. DRUG GISTS, Ali!) AC' . 1 ' 1 Fr-nt strret. Orders from ntiv portion of the State or Territories care fully til. e l bv m i l or expres--. ITin I, laiwenstein A Co. Furnit ire am! 1 j Carpet dealer--Stores from 15 A to loS I 11 st st re t. ITVnplovment A.-ency. Wit'ierell A 1 1 ol 1 man", S .i Front s.t. Furnish alT kinds of be!'. - venl ng A Beebe, lo Fro-it -tre't. C' jj mission Merchant- and dealers in Do mes! k: l'roduc-1. S ishion Livei v Stable, cor. First A Salmon sts E. Oorbett, L'r. p. Croud turn -outs always on h are I. I -v, .he-1 A R be:f, eor. Fiist .V Wasir-ncton st -.. Dealers A Mannfac. Cotliing, Furn- is'-ldif leiOih. jreeland. Dr. B. R., Dentit Office, No. ; , DekuTii's 151 iCk, eor. First A -Vash-ington sts. ill A SfevL 7") a-id 77 First, street. D" il ers in Book., Stat! niery, and Musical I nstru merits. GRAY'S MUSIC STORE. The largest Music House on the Coast. STEINWAY FIINOS, ITI)KTT ORGANS, O. L. IK-PR.VS9, Manager. 90LE .GE.XlY FOR the 12IoTe,' Staving 3TacJiine. XfAirents wanted. ""(Tjt nickeeey A Sterne .Grocers and d alers .11 all kinds of Seeds, cor. First and a: 11 sts. Hiit.bn-irer, B, L'e5 f irst s reet. importer and dealer in Staple Fancy Dry (roods. Millinery. Ht-;dee. D II., Photor iphic Artist, s. w. cor. First and Moiri-on sts. Child s I'ict seec It v. He :nclise -, L. C. A Co.. lo;i F rst street Ma m' n tnrers and dealers in Jewelry, arches, Ac. Hi'. bard. Ceo. L., OS Front st.. w dealer in Crocesies, i)oor., Waj renal-, Ac. inlesale ion Ma- Hodge, Calef A Co., 07 Fr-nt. sr., whole sale dealers in dmg-, Paints, Oils, tr ass, Ac. Ty'"T T Sewing Machine, strai .ht L'.LK All1J in ed!e, under f.-ed, "!-ck stitch." Competition challenged. M. E. Iraver, I 2 Front st. nm-gren A Shin Her, N'--s. lf, to 172 First st. Iiiip-'iters Furniture, Bed ding. Ac. international llo'el- cor. Front and M -rri son s:s. M. Rudolph, Prop. Free B:isS attends steamers. ohn..L A Co.. '.'I Front st., whols i!e -and ret lil dealer in Fine Clothing, Furnish ing Cools. Mai-on D-'ree llestauraiit, piivate rooms . for Families, eor. 1st and Pine streets. i. Voos Pi op. M'mhi, E & Co , wh -le-ii'e deal--r in Wmes A Liquors. O. S. X. Co's Block, and San Fran eier A Sch nicer, 1 1 1 Front st.r wholesale i. ana retail l ontecnoners. Miller, John B , 03 1st st. Watchmaker A Jewe'er, otTi-rs to the public a fine as sortment of Watches. Clocks and Jewelry. M- eller A Co . Front near O st.. Dealers in native and foreign Wines, Liquors and Cigars. "XTorthrnp. E. J., Hardware. Iron, Steel. IN Hubs. Spokes, Hardwood Lumber, tK, P.-rtland. o cidental Hotel. cor. First and Morrison sts. Smith & Cook, Proprietors. 1 parish, Vt ns & Cornell, Real Estate Agents, 00 Front street, bet. Alder and Washington. )iioTOGRArmr good. c. n. Wood- 1 ard A Co., Ki Fiont sf. R ice. J. M.. 127 Front street, wholsale V dea'er in Tinware and Stoves. 1ichter, Paul, loo First st.. importer of Berlin wooden Carvings, Parlor Orna-m-nts. Ac. 1" ider. (I. C-, Ral Este A Money Broker, V 02 Front . oifPt. Porflan-1. T" osenbauni, I. S.eV:Co., Tobacconists, import V ers of For.ign and Domestic Llqnors. 1) uss House, Front ft. Ou First Class Vt'm Xi cipal. Thomas Ryan, Proprietor. Sherlock, S., 01 Fiont and ti2 First sts , dealer in Harness, Saddlery aud Sad dler Hardware. Sitnou. J.,5t Front street, dealer in Doors, fa-li A Blinds, Window A Plate Class. Sinsheiiuer, 11., p7 First st., importer of Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Music Instrument.-. O kidii'ore, S. (.. 123 First st. Druigist A O Ap -thecary, a large stock of I'ertuinery A T ilet Articles. Smith A Davis, 71 Front street, wholesale dealer in Drugs, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Perfumery, Ac. Snow A R os, 7;5 First strtet, IMcures, Fiames, Moldings, Artist's Mat'.s, Draw ing lust; umenis. Smith, I'ut.. Uroker. fo Front st. Dealer in Legal Tenders, Go- ernment Roods and (tol.l Dost. fc'4' .vmwm9JMm w nima .mm it. n'mM.jjuimum.!v umw STOK, li. 1., 107 Kront rf-t. Watchmaker A Manufactunni; Jeweler is appointed Ai-ent tor the YYaltham, Eljii'. K. Howard A: Co., Cha. E. Jacot, and the California Watches; also, for a!! the produc tions and imports or the California Jewelry LCon pany, Han Francisco. Send tor circular. atcties repaired in the verv tiest manner and wakrantkd to give satisfaction. rperry Dros., N'o. 17s First street, nianufac L turein and dealers in Furniture. Bed dirnr. Carpets, Ac. rphe Clothing store 1L5 Front st. Clothing, L Furnis' in' Cotds, Boots aud Shoes. Harris & Pi ager. rputt e, II II.. U2 A M4 Front st. Dealer J i i Wagons A Agricultural Implements. rpyne. E. F)., n. vr. cor. First A Oak sts., l dealer in Brandies, Wines, English ale and Porter. rpyler. J. A., 147 Front at., wholesale deal 1. er in Butter, Eg;js, Cliee-e, Lard, Ba con, Ac X7"iHi:ims A .Myers, 5 Central Block, V Front st., Coinuiis-ion Merchants A deal's in Pro-luce. "7'ha!ley A Fei-.li! eimer, At'orneys A So- lieit-irs i i Banki upt- y. Oliice in Odd Fellows Temple. !TfT.-7-s PI ODD MEWBl LOOK OUT FOR GOOD BARGAINS ! S- AN & CO. AVE JEST RECEIVED A LARGE Mock of WHICH THEY OFFER Cheaper t!i;ir tte Cheapptl. We wouhl say, come and convince your self hef -re pu-chasing elsewhere. Our stock consists in pari of FANCV AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, CIIOTH1NG. HATS, BOOTS AND SH OE. NOTIONS, G ROCERIES, HARDWARE, and a trreat many articles too numerous to men' ion. ALSO, Doors, Windows, Glass and Putty. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. ALSO. YTOOIj wanted, for which we pay the HIGHEST PRICE. S. ACHERBIAN & CO. Oregon City, April 21, lS71:tf Eye, Ear, Throat & Lungs. JOHN 3. PILKINGTON, DI. D., T ATE OF S.N FIIANCLSCO, DAS LO XJ ca'ed in P-.i-tland, Or u-00. Oiliee : In H Imts' Building. First street ( three do. rs from Lad I A Tilton's lbnkl where he um bo coa-u'i' d daily, and will treat diseases of the ah ve named org us as pecitlt es. All operations upon the Eve and Kai per !ormel in the most scientific and careful man ner. ARTIFICIAL EYES, having all the beauty and mobility of the nat- ral eye, inserteil. Refers bv pcrmis-ion, for bis professional standing, to L. V. Lane, M. 1)., Profe-s r or Sa-gerv. and Jvlwin llentlev, M. D., I'r-des-sor of An -ib-my. University of the Pacific. San Francisco; and for his sncce-s in the reatment of eases, to over l.ooo cases tieat d tiv iiim, in San Francisco ; also, to Levi Est.-s Esq., Lev T L. Eliot. Portland ; Wm. II. Dillon, E-q., Vancouver, W. T. ; and many others Oregou and Washington Ter rioiy. aug2;":nn HOUSE Aft'D LOTS FOR SALE rPHE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR T'i! ale hi-s residence in Oregou City. There are four lots, a good hmt-e and liarn, with a tine cellar -and a good well of water. There is plenty of land, and it is wtll adapted for early gardening purposes. Part payment mav be made in stock. For particulars tp pie to GEORGE CLARK. Ore on City Juna2 I S7 1 t f REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. PORTLAND. - - OREGON GEO. Ta, CURRY, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND OTHER INVESTMENTS. Commissioner Selecting Swamp and Ovei fiowed Lands. Farm Land- sold and purchasers obtained tor all kinds of landed property. Val.mb'e securities transferred in exchange for real estate. 0 Loans negotiated on property, and titles examined and determined. Commissions solicited and executed with nd!itv and promptness OFFICE-No. U Carter's Building, corner of Alder and Front street Ftb. 3. Is70;if THE HOUSE WE LIVE ESNS AND T II E INHABITANTS OF THE HOIAIV lSOIY. ryilE CAUSE OF A GREAT MANY DIS JL eases, that have been piouounced incur able t-y the most eminent physicians, for the very reason that they overlo- k d the eaiue, and as Dr. Van Den Bergh lias made the Entozoa a life long Study, he wou.d infoim the sick generally that by close observation and ;:reat xperinieins, has come to the con clusion that there are more acute and ihroti ii; diseases caused by Worms, llrdat.ds, An ima.culie. 01 other species of Enii 20a. The public generally, -r the profession at large, are not aware of the number of Patients who are treated by eminent Physicians, for this, that, or such a complaint, without any relief. If the disease had been understood, a few doses of Dr. Vs. Sovtrtiyn, W'urin Itemt-ly woubi have immediately cured the complaint and saved a great "many lives. INHABITANTS OF THE HU MAN BODY! What think you reader, of your body be ing a planet, inhabited by living races, as we inliabt the tarti.? What, ver may be your thoughts on the subject, ii is ereii so. Your body may be but a home for parasites that crawl over the surface, burrow beneath tbe skin, nestle in its entrails, aud riot and propagate their kind in every corner of its frame. The following is from the San Francigco Uutetin, of J auuary iiOth, ls7. (A recent date.; Car Martins recently died in Cleveland, Ohio, from eating meat infected with the Ova "J' Tuna t Solim. At the C01 oner's Inquest, on Tuesday, (January d,'l it was si.owu that thiee w eks before Christinas, Mai tins purchased a cat cuss of Bul k. Some of the meet was eaten the same day, and some was made into sausage. About ten days laier, some i f the sausage was eaten, and in a sho-t time the whol? family were taken sick. .Martins died on Sunday. Ikcem ber 31st, 171. Mis. .Martins and her two children are now very sick, and the fomer is not likel, to recover. 'Ihe verdict was in accordance with the facts. For further par ticulars, s. e Cleveland, Ohio, papers of above date. A Coroner's Inquest brought this fact to light. Now I would ask how many more such deaths a-- inquest would bring to light V Ponder well, leader, upon this, and thi. k of the thousands that die every year and no c:u-e can be assigned tor their death. Now the question thai would naturally enter the min. 1 of ihe reader, is what shall Id.? The advice of the Dr. would be go to some one that is compet. nt ol treating such c 111 p aints. And who is rev-re competent than the one that has made Worms a speciality. Tknias. Yesterday, Dr. J. W. Van Di-11-Be-gh exhibited to us a number ot pani.-dtes which bad been removed from persons af flicted; there were st veral d luient species, oneof which appears to be entirely unki.ovvn to the ir e. Heal profession. This new taenia is shaped something like an orange se.d, but perfectly flat, or lather like a cucumber seed, with a tail about a quarter f uu inch inhrgth. Another was a tape worm s7 f-i. t in length, consisting ot y,t"o joints. Among medic. I men theie ex;sis no little dilleivm e of opinion relative totheoiigin of tuese entozoa. One class of writers be lieve thai these parasPes, at least, many of them, originate in the endowment ot animal molecules with vitality from ti e parent body, faviued by certain states of the vital forces of that body; the states originating their organization and promoting their : owth and propagation. That ail description- of entozoa are met with far more frtquently where animal food is used in greatest abund ance, is an indisi uta rde tact. specially where ti.e food i.s the flesh of the "one ean beasts," vsh;c!i the Jews and Mohammedans are ioi bidden to partake of. Rut our inten tion "s not to wi ite a thesis upon this sul jer t: we on! v desire to chronicle the fact that Dr J W. Van Den 15- rgh hi-s found a med'eine a simple vegetable w-iicli glows in 1 bund since m Calitornia. which is a dead shot to a ornoziui. of whatever de-cript on, gener ally iiccom plishi ng its olject 11 tr m an hour and a bait to six h -urs. .lnrning Cull. Had we the space ! ere. hundreds ! testi monials could be prod-iced, tosti lying to the tnrh of the asser ions that have here been made, but it woul-i Vie useless and woulo nlv occupy the reader's time. The follow ng are some of the diseases that Worms are often mistaken for. Dyspepsia, Chronic Affections ot the Liver and Kidneys, Consumption, Whiie Swell, ng. Palsy, Spermatorrhoea. Diarrl eea. Inconti nence of Urine", Gravel, Flor Albus, Diabetes. Dropsy , etc Dr. V. would advise those ladies tronb'ed with tinj Irregularities of the L'ierus to try his new r.-m-'dies and get cured. Dr. Van D.-n Betgh's Infallible Worm Syr up for Children. 1 rice ? I . WarranteO to expel the worms. Seit everywhere upon receipt ot price. Dr. J. W. Van Den Rergh's, Hair Tonic a Mire cure to fl est toy all animalcule of the Hair Follicles, prevent- falling out. and pro moting the G row th ot the Hair. I'rice 1 ,50; Warranted. iiy C'oiisn It-ng ami I'ndrrpiins SIMPLE EXAMINATION, The afflicted can learn if their disea-e is caused by W'nnns or not; at all evems. Dr. Van Deo Bergh can tell them from what dis ease they are buffering. Consultations ami Fiaiiiinalions PP.EE OF CHARGKt OFFICE ROOMS HQS. 33 x 39, OVER THE POST OFFICE. Letters describing the symptoms w ill be promp'lv answeted, and persons living at a detain e will be saved the expense and trou ble of calling upon the Doctor. Address It AV. VAX DEJ! BKKGII, P O. BOX 172. PALEM, OREGON. Testimonial. Poutland. Pel. 10th, 1R72. Dr. J. W. Vin Den- Brcncn Dear Sir: Our child, a little girl eight years of age, has had tits and c-iiviilsimis for the last 'two years, and we had tried many d actors and rrau remedies without much benefit, in fact our oa-.iing was getting constantly wots until we heard of vo-ir worn svr-p "thM-ueli a friend of ours. We though, "that perhaps it might do some good to give it a tiial, ai d vou cannot imagine our surprise when'over L'ol) worms were expelled with one bo tlr of your valuable worm syrup, and from thi time on we certainly shall ne' er be without it so long as there is a po-sible chance for it f. be had. You are at libeity to publish this if you choose, and may it do much food Respectfully yours, " K II. OKTuX M. J. ORTOX. Symptoms or AVorns, Alternate pa'encs and finshing of the countenance, dnll expression of the eves, drowsiness, itching of the nose, a swelled upper-lip. tongue whitelv fur,e and thick ly speckled with red points, fetid breath, and enlarged abdomen, a part'aJ or gen eral swelling or puffingness of the skin a start'ing in the sleep and grirdimr of the teeth, a sensation as if something was lodg ed in the throat, a gradual wasting of the flesh, sickness of the stomach, yom tirg, a short and dry cough, appetite si-mctinn s'to rac ons, :.t other times fepl le, bowels some times costive, other Cmes loose, great fret fulness and irritability of temper, pains in the stomach and bowels, cohc. Sts, convuL sioris and palsy. P the worm syrup is not to be had in your town, send orders to the manufacturer it will be sent promptly tn any address frte of express charges. 'Direct orders to Dr. J. W. VAX DEX BERGH, F. 0. Box 172, Salem, Oregwrj. To Stock . rovers rpiIE ROAD ACROSS THE Caxp, X Mountains, known as the ' 1,0 . grant Hoad," is now in splendid orrf the accommodation of the public, 'fl e t fr on the road have all been thoroughly ed, and stock drovers will find jj r lfP;r; to cross ti e Mountains by this route t"1'4 is plenty of goou water and glass ',, ,u si-Jes of the Mour.UiL-s, sud tl,. n b across is only do miUs being the htJit'tn,,'e well as tbe best road over the Cascade V l' tains. Stock droves and tmigrauN u-,'i, J'L" it to their advantage to travel over th, li Tyles reasonable. 8 r . JOSEPH YOUXG. Prefcide Clackamas county, June 21st, 172 AXD 9 DR. HUFELAND'S CELEBRATED SWISS STOMACH BITTERS ' The First and most healthful T0lc ever introduced in the United States. These liittets have been in theSSan Fie. cisco illaiket Ji j- (,ffT . lily Vmis,a not wifhstandintr the n any m w candidate S lor public favor, h sit-s iiue coiiii. ntir p :r creased. TAVU H & BtX. EKL, b'ole Ape-tits 4i". and 411 Clay iM " i-an Eiai cis-co. K-1t. '' 11 Jij V -T.2-- -r5S--55 -?..:. ) "WEI se-w everything iieadsd in a fam:'y, fA-oa the heaviest to the lightest fabric. IT ROES ?OI.I -VTOKK, xoai: ii3fir or vcr., ax iirrTi:n v. cjit Thau any other machine. If there is a Tlorcv.re Pcwir !. clilae L.h'.n ore tLtmsaiid li.'.'.ca of Ban Franc isco l ot v cuLing vt'il cud fiivir." en4;ro failsfnethin, if I f-m in. fonne-J of it, it v. 1 Ee a'fpr.t'cd to v.i:Liout expense cf any Liud to ta owner. EAIIUIL EILL, Arent, 13 tlr Kor.tomer S.reef, Grand Hotel Bu'Idlnj, Can Francisco. Sftnl for Circulars and anm-p'i'x rf the. tvorl:. Active Aytnta tcuiutti in evi ry jjlace. PRIVATE f.EOICAL m. (iuitl- Cures unci delate Cfcuif. Or. W. lCOchertyTs Private IU-lic-il w s i j; i j 1 J ir kI i in i. . Ko.519 Sacramento Street, corrit: o; Leidfesorfi, loi.rs k.-.w, the What Cheer House.) (Private entrance on Eeidtsd. if httrt tablishedKxpi-essy to Al!ti d tie At'.. tti Sound and S- ieiUifie II -dicai Ah., n. Treatn.ei.-t and Core ot nil I'nvi .i j. i c Chronic (leasts. Cases ol Ifeciei j ; I c tl: Sexual l):sorotrs. To the AClicttd. DR. W. K. 1)011 Eh TV re nins !,is .Mini, thnnks to his i un eious jr.tin.ts tt-i tl t-; patronage, and would tale ll.is i i r i iiv to ri-mind t l em thai lie coi m i t- 1 1 1 m it at his Institute hurtle cine ot 1 u i i- ci tasts ! tin- Lungs. Liver, Kidntjs, l ipi tive and Cer.ito-Urii.Miy Oituih, no.) private dis use-, viz : Syphilis in i-11 it f if andsfagts, Sen.ii.al VVtnli.es i.rf nittif honid oon.-eiiences ot st If-al in t , 1" r. n hoea. (ileet, Strictutes, eti nn I ut C 1 ii.: nal Emi-sions. Sexual Dthil ty, Iimi.m.'c' he Hack and Loins, ii.l:tn n utu i; H d Elndder and Kidneys, et .; ond lelt-in that his lon tr experience and Mictt-s-tui I n-c-tiee will continue toinsuie bin a fd.mrcf public patronage. Jty the piaclici (t tin) Tears in Europ-e and the Cnittd Sitis-.li ' enabled to aj.j.ly the m si tfticunt iroif-o cessfnl remedies against dist iif-os of nil 1 i i He uses no mereuiy. cl ai i es n odet strji" t his patients in a t-olrei t and hei r.n L i tv and has references of ui quer-ti t ; l! iu ty from men ot know n resj t tti li t cm high standing in toe ety. jl) j liitit- o r sulting him by lettei r otl t-i woe. lf ceive the best and gentlest ti tatnu u; implicit seciecy. To Ke in It s. When a female ism trouble oriffihd with disease, as weakness ot the link tr d limbs, pain in tbe head, din l t ss d .mj 1 1, loss of muscular power, pal itat n i i il e heart irrit.ibi ity, nt rv iis-ntss, utiun-ci-inary difficulties deiarginini ol die-me functions, general debility. yug'i.ii's, :U ('' e;ises of the womb, by stei ia, siei iiiM ft (i i-H other diseases peculiar to ft mules. It .) i ud eo or w ri'e nt oru-e to tl e ct h bistrd !d '? doctor, W. K. IX H I liTY, at his J!t rir; I In stitute, and consult himl ut l,n lie v-L- and disesse. The Doctor is f ctirp n i it cures than any othe i pl sic mi it ila of Ciilifornia." Let no false delicrci in'lflit yon, but apply immediately m ri suvi vo""" from painful snfl't-i incs anil pu n atui' Tr n tb. All married ladies, vi liose tit iier.te lc'll rr other circumstances prevent an in t'f ' B their families -lo uld write or call ' 1 K- " K. DOHEinV'S Medical Institute, m d d J will receive every po-sihle reli flfd 't;f The Doctoi's office s are so arn.nrtd tl ft le can be consulted without fear of oLseivaticu- To Cor jre jiciultn' Patients residing in ary prit of tiff If1' nowever rlistrrt. ivl o rr-nv d s?rf O erj u ' ' and advice of IK. DOHFKTY " Otn 'CI.,C tive cases, and who think p ref er w s-i" "(o written statement of sreb. in pi ' ' fl j holding a persot al intt tvii w, i if "M ".. ly assuied that their con n unitat"'-' v held sacred and conf dential. If lleci-i-fully and candid'y tlesciibtd, I eiftr" ' munication will he ui net csflin . rs i" lions for diet, i egin ei- and ti e prrerni ' ment ot te case itself ( inclining " e 1 d es. will be foiwa.dtd witl ort fel,,-( tlf in such a nv-nner as lo convey re id(f' purport ol the letter or prtcel t'f Tllv , -C nsultation by le tier or FREE. Permanent cure guaranteed ot i I - 9 Spci inaloi rlierit DR. POIIERTY has just ptd lifd MJ pe-rtantr amihlet. emb tiyU e h'-" J1 ' .ff pr and experiences in lelation to lnIc "Virility; bring-a SI ort Tre-Ai fe " -1 ' 6 torrheea orSemiral Weknrj-s. fn' Physical Del ilityc nseejrcrt of i' ' t:on, and other dise; Pep of the Serf 1 'J j(.f This little work eontnin inf' in ty r ' utmost value to al'.whether mfirriedr-r'H1 and will be pent FI-FE by trail en rfr"' ft six cents In postage stamps for retrrr r age. Address. r july.r-ly San FraDt-iiCots- O 7 t ' f " rv v - : 1 "A 1 i ' . ;" - ""H--"" .. .' ttr i i t--i T r rr n