o 9 o SSE o rni'ST 15. 1'- L v. i - - TOWN AXO COUNTY. 5B,DiK M K T I N O . P 1 1 rs ' 1 a 11 ' to noiici net at the a large number or our Court Hor.se last Friday evening, for the .i . L.wMiilit v of p,,rp,eof con,. '.-,;eU,llam building a 'rep u, , . n j n was ene river at tins ''cti lUn. J. M; called to i.p1 . -j M k?.z-p. I1 t..,irlrt1l). alio ' , , v- c- Cbairirnn. a" ' ' ; , , several X fn ra'; nnd opposed .nriemen 0 committee ot three ,bepn'J'"" ,. J '? a'rlow.Thos. R. Fields CTF (Mwn were appoint, to so Hcb Hti J ii " a Resting the- City i tax to vote of the citizens ol the cty. I, w te.l in the meeting that respon V. ,vere nrepared to build th ..f;,i.r,. for the pmn ..,...., f!,n hndire if fini.-hed and ac m itter for""-" ... " .1.:.,,. i..... c-nt' d. :! imool tance lO mil I." v The eoii- ruction ..I' this bridge would bring manv persons raiding on the west side of the r ill, mi- !i-:dinr. he river . r III lull I ' 1 ' ' " ' " " v - ,1,. h.imlreds of people womci come up 'roio Forllatid on pleasure excursions as ' , .,, -is the road on that side is completed v.nbl he Out a t hort time and W 111! " " . , , t )r.4v..l ihrouuli the entire yailey would ,,, tiiis w..y should the bridge be con structed, i t is estimated that about SS. 000 ol the sum required can be obtained i,v donations, which would le.ive 522.0 )0 to b raised by this city. This amount could be raied on a tax of less than three ,-r cent, on the properly, and the mo ,ent the bridge is linUe-d. our city prop erty would enhance in value at least !iom twenty to thirty per cent. We are of the opinio" that un.essthe people ot our town will exert themselves and taKe adv intage of all the avenues which are calculated to ad I wealth and business to our town, we (hull soon be cut oft" by some successful rrival. and instead of our town keeping "j.-ice with the improvements going on about us. we shall retrograde. Tue iuter t t of every business man and properly holder in this place requires that we shall open all available avenues which will center trade here, and this is one of the most important we have. We want the bridge to be free to all A toll bridge v.oufd be ol but Utile benefit. Farmers on the west side would stili have reason to go to Portland if th-y had to pay toll to cone here. There should be extra in ducements given for people to come here and we can give it w i' hunt doing ourselves nnv harm. Let this bridge be construct cd'aud Oregon city will take a new start la all her industries. New settlers will come here, ami before long otir Main Hretjwould be crowded with factories of all kinds, and business houses. We hope this matter will be carried to a success ful termination and that Oregon city will have the honor of erectirg the first bridg across the Willamette. County oci:t Puockkoixus, The fol lowing proceedings were held at the Au gust term of the County Court. John Sawtelle appeared and fook his scat a Commissioner. A Noli nor3 whs recognized the legal ly elected School StiperintentTent. " The report of ex sheriff Warner, in re gird to the delinquent tax list, was ap- prnveu. appointed to ascss dam- 1 lie view ei s u(i ageS claimed by . C. W.'son. reporteu adversely, to allowing any damages. which report was approved, and the road order ed to be opened. The Court asrreed to pay one lui'f the cwt nf :t bridge across Butte Creek, at Monitor Mills. The Treasurer was autnoTized to pur chase r new safe. rthuT Warner. Joseph Fields an 1 . m. Holmes w w appointed viewers to lo-.it'e tiie coun'y roid on what is known as the MilL Ueserve. jf Rarstow. J. Kaufman and Joseph Fields, were appointed viewers, to meet on the 2'h insf.. to view a ro4 from Os wego to Aurora. The road from the school hou-o. run ni 'I- in a westerly course on the line be tween A. F. Hedges nnd Warner's was de clared a public road and ordered to be opened. ' In the matter of ti e road commencing o-i the 1 in ! of A. F. Hedges, t intersect ing the Partott's T'.ridge road, it was or dered that the same b" not established W. II. Vauirhan was app inteil superin tendent of the construction of Milk Creek bridge. Hill - to !he amount of $I2.".."7 were or dered paid. Nearly an Accioknt. Last Saturday while the train was in motion, a lady. with jv babe in her arms stepped off the cars, and fell, her feet extending under the wheels. Some gentlemen pulled her away in time to prevent an accident. We have noticed several times of late that the train hardly stops long enough to al low the passengers to tret on and off nd nvmv have to. g"t on or rff while the train is in motion. This should be remedied in om way. -or there will be a serious acci dent to record some day. IIki.p to Answkk. Tlse two men. Lee and Prndy. nirestrd on a charge of being connected iti the post office robbery. were examined before Justice Burns last Tues- d iv. The prosecution wn conducted hv Mers. K. C. Cronin. and P. til of Portland and the defense bv C. E. Warren, Esq. The Justice held Le to answer at the next term of Court. and discharged Brady. As this case comes up before our Court, we will omit the evidence as given before the Justice. P.KTiTtNKn. Capt. J T. Apperson. Grand M rster of the I. O. O. F., re'urned h mi last Monday from a visit to the va rious lodges in EtMern Oregon. The Captain speaks in high terms of the breth ren of that section, and also reports the Order in a prosoerous condition. lie ex pects to visit other Lodges in the jurisdic tion this season. Masonic Hall. Capt. Norton, of Nor ton in this county, informs tis that the new Masonic II ill at his place will be completed and ready for dedication about the 14lh of September. It is a very neat building and will be an honor to the fra ternity. It is expected that the Grand Officers and a number of visitors will be in attendance when the dedication takes place. Stolen. Some rascal walked inlo the hall of the residence of Recorder Piller last week and stole his coat. It was a very good coat, and being the only one which matches the remainder of the suit, is pretty valuable. The thief had better Come back and get the vest and pants. Notary Ptni.ic Capt. Norton, of this county. iias been appointed Notary Tub- he. and is prepared to transact all busi- ness in his line c . Kwixs society. The Sewing Soe:eiy the Episcopal Church meets next Tnes- day at the residence ot Mrs. E. D. Keller. To Loan. Gold coin to loan on real estate ee-iri-y by Mrs-ow. Johnson McCowv. Justice. From the Daily Herald. We received information from a phy sician resident in thi3 city, last week, con cerning the death of Mrs. O. Hansen, of Clackamas county, and last evening we received lhe follow-in? card from her 'hus band, which we publish in justice to him and the deceased lady's friends and rela- i tives : Ci-aceamas County, Oregon.) August 10. Is72. f To TKE K1MTOR OK THE IIeUAU) My attention is called to a notice m your paper relating to the death of mv v i!e. ?lary Hansen. in which vile and slan derous charges are made against me. You will do me the justice to say that I request and defy 'he examination of mv late wife it' made by the proper public officer. It pains me greatiy that respectable news papers wiii allow them-elves to be used to publish such malicious charges against me or any other man. There is noshad ow of truth in the entire statement.except that my wife died suddenly, being dan gerously ill about three or four bonis." Hut she had been affected for several years with the asthmatic trouble, which finally ended her life. And it is not true that my neighbors suspect any wrong on my part. Hut if those who maliciously tra duce me will call the proper officers to their aid, I will render any needed assist ance in a proper examination. Yours truly. Oi.k Hans ex. Pkkskntatiox. - At a meeting of Cata ract Hose Co.. No. 2, S. Y. Moss. Esq .one of the ohlest pioneers of Oregon, present ed a fine trumpet to the Company with appropriate remarks, which were replied lo by Col. W. L. White. The Company passed unanimously the following preaui ble and resolution. Wit kijkas, S. V. Moss. Esq . one of the o!det pioneers of Oregon did on the I.'lih day of August. 1S72. present to Cataract Hose Co.. No. 2. of the Fire Department of Oregon City, a handsome and elegant trumpet, therefore. as an humble acknowl edgment of this marked evidence of res pect and esteem, in which C. II. Co., No. 2, is he'd by Mr. Moss, be it Unsolved, by said Co. that this substan tial remembrance and token of devotion to the interesss. prosperity and success of C. II. Co.. No. 2. coining as it does from on a so long and c'osely identified with the early history and development of Or egon, will ever be held by the members of said Company as one of the brightest jewels of memory's ea-kef. IIkmjy IIakoinu, Charles E. Warkkx Committee. W. L. White. Pres. Attest. IIkxuy IIauiuxu. Sect'y. School. The school at the Oregon City Seminary will commence on the 2Uth inst.. when it is desirable that all who propose attending this year should commence. The corps of teachers is now complete and we have no hesitancy in saying that we believe that Oregon City will be able to boast of the best public school in Ore gon. Pt-iRSOXAL. W had the pleasure of a visit from our friend Hon. Win. E kins, of Lebanon last Saturday. On Tuesday we also had a visit from Dr. Weatherford , o! Portland. The Doctor looks quite hearty and is sound on Greeley. Nkw Rooms. Dr. Welch, dentist, has filled up new rooms at Portland, said to be tin1 fnest in the State, a good workman and we meeting with such succes- The Doctor is are glad he is C liters. The Crystal Palace circus is advertised to be here next Monday. Of course everybody will go and see the wonders of the age. Conk. Recorder Diiler left to day a short visit to San Francisco. fc AiimvKii. Prof. Nicholson and wife ar rived last Wednesday. PoiTt.u: DfsuisT. The New Haven (Conn.') Ueijis'er says : "Never in the po litical history of this country has there been a greater popular disgust manifested with an admiuistr atioti or such a remark able siatnoede f nun the ranks of its sup porters, as at present. It does .not seem cnliued to anv particular locality, but it breaks out in all quarters. There is not a town m tins county b'-.t in which we have the names of Repuh'Icans who will vote lor Creeley; our letters from every part of the State tell the s-im si or y. arid so do our subscribers of their Re publican neighbors, and so docs our sub seription bo k perhaps the best criteri on of all. Connecticut- will vote for Gree ley, or we have no knowledge of our peo ple.'' As an instance of how Protection works for the farmer. Alabama cotton is laid down in Liverpool at an advance of 4 'cents n pound over its price at the plan tation ; but Liverpool products are ad vanced 2nd to ?,'.)() per cent, before they reach the plantation. The planter P'UjS a bonus in fi eiuh.t equal to l." per cent, on his product , and then . wisninz to exchange the remainder, is taxed 200 to 3lK) per per cent. Tin-: Waii Cry. The. Chicago Tribune declares that the melancholic days have come in the Departments at Washington The clerks, high and low. are daily, and almost hourly importuned for money where wi ll lo meet t he expenses of the hov'ess struggle now being urged by Giantism against Honesty and reform. Your Stamps or your removal" is now the war-cry. li KsiitxED. On the 1st insf, Win. II. Koekwell, Unite.l States Revenue Collector for the Six teenth District of Xew York, sent in his re'si equation to President Grant, stating that lie would sup port Greeley and Irovn. lie also resigned the Chairmanship of the State Central Commit tec. ) " Deak Brotheii : Wtiy do you not write to your IJrothers and friends on whom you can pefksd; who sympntl-ist- wiih you in your troubles nnd will do a'l in their power to relieve ymir em!arra men'.s. Tbere i- no o);acle to your com ing buck and taking your old phiee in so eieiy and business and being a man. You have friends here who will spend their hist dollar to relieve any financial burden under which you may labor. There is no possible necessity "for your abscence. unless yon mean to wilfully desert your family, which Heaven forbid. Pe reasonable, and write to your family immediately. Think of the situation in which your family is left; in a worse con dition than if you were dead. Your in surance for their benefit (which shows you had their future welfare at heart) has been kept up in view of your return. - Your conscience will not allow von to desert an innocent fami'y, and leave tbem in ncnin5fl If vru-i it n nrf J -, ... I , . j ,nrn. select a location and send for your j family. They demand justice at your i b inds. and we hope von will be prompt j to mwt jt 0i!t ,0 ,Pra Let votir con- i science dictate, not pride, I J. P. F.. Sr. J. C. S.o. J..L. Y. A. D. The limes comes out with a long black list of what it calls the infamous suppoit ers of Greeley. It includes in this the name of Sweeney, but does not publish the names of either Tweed or Connolly. II is Tom Murphy succeeded in his nego tiations with those two men and in secur ing the support of his old chums and as- socUfes for Grant In Clackamas county, Sit.idiy, Aug. 3rd, 1S72, of consumption, Nancy, wife of Joseph Harrow, aged o4 years, li months, and dav s. In Portland, August 13;h, 0 eutucdk E. Dai.Y, daughter ot Mr and Mis. Ch:.s. H. Daly, of an Francisco aged 3 years and 5 days. Sear Oregon City. Anorust 10th, Albert L. Heals, sou of S. F. and II. F. ieala--aged ill vears, 2 mouths and I day. Xlcligiou.4 Sfivicfs. St. Pauls (Episcopal) Church, the n.ev. John W. Seilwood, rector. Services on Sunday at lo a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Bible class at 2 p. m. 1st Congregational Church Seats Free Morning Services, . o . Sabii itn Scb..ol 12 o'clnck M. Eveuiui; Services 7 o'clock. Kkv. E. Ukruy, Acting T'astor PKAYElt MKET1NGS. Sunday evening Tuesday evening o M. E. Church, Morning Services, . . .5 o'clock . . .7 o'clock. Seats Free. 10.30, . . 7A o'clock. Eveuing Set vices, . Sayhath School at 'J.V o'clock a. in L. Olmstek, Pastor. AGENTS KOIl THE KM'EHPKiSE. The following persons are authorized to act as agents for the Entcrpiiise : Geo. P. Howell i Cc, i ) Park Row, New Votk. Con. Wetherill & Co., U07 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Abbott .: Co.. No. 82 &. 84 Nassau street, New York. Portland, Oregon Ti. Samuel. San Francisco, Thomas Hoce. San Ftancisco, L. P. Fisher. Sc. Helens, Columbia county,. . . .S. A. Miles. Astoria, Clats p comity A. Van Dust-n. Lafavvtfe. Yamhill county.. J. L. Furguon Dallas. Polk county Co: valiis C m von City Dalb-s, W.isco covnty f.atirandt", Union county.. Pendleton, Umatilla count1, . . Dave Holmes ,..... S. Palmer W. li. baswtll N. II. Catos' A. C. '.h a g, . . . . S. V. Knox Eu cue City J. M. Thompson CLACKAMAS COCNTY. li -aver Creek C. F. P-eatie. Eigie C. eek Frank W. Foster. Casoad s Henry McGugin. Power Molalla W. Moreland. Can by I. W. Sttawser. Upper M ilalia W II. Vauirhan. Harding's Z. C. Norton. Cutting-,' D. Wright. Parents less -n vonr Slioe bills two thirds by buying only CADLE SCREW" WliiE fatened Hoots and Shoes. Never rip or leak. All genuine goods bear the Patent Staaio. L. P. KtS!!E'.t, '20 and 21 New Mer chants' Exchange, is our authorized Agent ;n Sun Francises. DdST HAWK, SPIT, SPIT, BLOW, tilo w ,nd tru-t ever' body with your ( a- tiu t'i and its oil'eusive odor, wlieu !.-. Sage's Catarrh Hetnedy will s)eedily destroy all odor, urre-: t ie discharge and cur' you. lie ben-it Utgiie t.otlje ro. ), O. O. Vm Meet on the Second and Fourth TL'ESDA Y EVES' IXUH, ot each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Meinbtrs ol the D jgrce at c invded to attend. lli,S KAt'A3IlJIK.T .. !,! . O. F. Meo'.s at Odd Fellows' Hall on the ITuST AND THIRD TUESDAY EVENING of each nvmth. Patrurchs in good stand in 2 are invite 1 to attend. Feb. S, ls72-tf Jliilliitimah Ijulge Xo. 1, A. F.anti a. rti Holds its regular comninnu a 'tions on the Fir it and in each month, at c!o,-k from the 20th of Sopteipber to the '2nt'ii of Marc and 7 o'clock from the 2oth of March to the 2oth of September, llicth ren in good standnur ars invited to attend. Dec. 23.1 S7o, iiy order of W. M. F t t!ie very beat photographs, go to Brad ley k Rulofs ui's Gal'ery without, Sl'AU?--ASCEND IN THE ELEVATOR, 120 .Montgomery Street, San Franei co. WILLIAM DAVIDSON, REAL ESTATE DEALER. OUce, Xo. Gl Front Strct, PORTLAND, - - - OREGON. REAL ESTATE in this CITY and EAST PORTLAND, in the most desirable localities. consisting of EuTS, HALF BLOCKS and BLOCKS, HOUSES and STOUES; also IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable uncultivated LANDS, located in ALL parts ol the STATE lor SALE. REAL ESTATE and other Property purchased for Correspondents, in this CITY and ibro tghout the S TATES and TERRI TORII'"S. with greaf rare mid on the most A D V A N T AC EOUS T E R.MS. ! MOUSE-? r.nd STORES LEASED LOANS NEGOTIATED, and CLAIMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COL LECTED. And a General FINANCIAL and AGENCY BUSINESS transacted. AGENTS of tins OFFICE in ail the CITIES and TOWNS in the STATE, will re ceive descriptions of FARM PROPERTY andf irwar.i the same to the above address. Feb. 3, IS71 A Peril mi Season. Glorious and delightful as the Summer weather is, its tropica! heat is a severe trial to the vital powers. Even the stronge-t are sometimes pi o-t rated by its elTVcts. The common phra-e upp ied to th' condition of the body is "general debility." Now, gen era! debility arises from ami includes a va riety of ailments. The liver is mora or les affected, the bowels are cuber constipated or less fleeted, the bowtls are either c-.n-ti-patcd or too much relaxed, the stomach but half performs the Work of digestion, the ap petite is poor, and the spirit- d pies-el. This is called general debility. It is a gener al Lsaji cement of all th physic d fundi ns, and requires as a lemedy a medieine that wiilregdate them all. Hostettei's Stomach Rittcr's is especially adapted to this purpose. Its general operation is not MiiSne.l to a si.igle organ. If the liver is affecte 1. it re stores its' tone. If the ftmnacn i- torpid, it teireiierates it. If the nerves are tremulous and weak, it braces and reinforces them. If the mind, which ever sympathizes with the bode, is gloomy and despondent, it re lieves the duliculty and so m brings the whole mechanUm of the body into harmony wit'.i th? laws of health. i'i.re is no civilized nation in the vl est-cr-i lieiiu:)!iere in which the utility of II s t t er's S'o ouch "Jitters as a tonic, c -rrect-ive. anfib lions medicine, is not known and appreciated. Tliroii ihout the Tropics it is considered, both bv the people and the pro fession, the sta idard spec ti-. jule it is a nied.c n-! tor all seasons and all climates it is especially suited to the complaints Cen eraied bv the weather, being the purest and be-t vegetable stimulant in the world. Beware of the Hitters made of acid and dangerous materials, which unscrupulous narties are endeavoring to foist upon the people. I heir name is legion, and the pub- j lie has no froarantee that they are n t poison ous. Ad iere t the tried remedy, Ilostet tei's Bitters, sold only m glass, and never iD j ke:5 or lu're!.-1. Special ""'otice. The best and most etli -ient cure known for dyspepsia and indigestion, is I)r, Henley's Celebrated I X L Hitters- Try it. lie a. 1 ad vertisement in another column. jun7m3 Oregon Lodge Xo. 3, I. O. of O. F. jy,. Meets every Thursday even iiPISs in? at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's && HaU, Main s eet. Members of the Order are invited to attend Bv order . .V. ti. jVcxv To if THE GREAT CRYSTAL PUACE CIRCUS! HAVINfi VISITED ALL THE PRINf'I pal cities of California and Nevada. -'v-M,,r irenf-ral satisfaction, and 'onounecd hv tl'.e press ami mii.lic to be the J5EST CIRCUS OF THE PEEL li) ! Will appear in Oregon Citt on KOXDVY, AUfifST 10, 1S72, A snendid troupe of First Class Artists both Male and Female. A Spacious, New and Larsre Pavilion, comfortably seating all who may attend. CYNOCSPKALUS ! TIIK WOXDEU of the WOULD DON'T FAIL TO SEE IT! ,T. A. DODGE, General Business Agent. anil owl ishsriff's Sale. TiTOTrCE US JIKRKBY GIVEN' THAT BY 1 virte.c of tin execution issued out of the Cir cuit Court of Multnomah county, State of Oregon on the 27 ih day of July, 1S72, and to ie uu-eeled, in favor ot 1'. M. Arnold and a tin -t (. C. ifuut- iii'4lon, Ueo. i n iubot ham and M ay Cuttniir, tor tii'e sum of .-ij 45 li-lliO d.liars in oid ooin.di-siiurse- nients and costs, I did on tin: 3rd day of August, 1S72, for the want of p-.r-onal proper! y, le y utia all the rhiht, title and interest of -Mary Cuning widow of 1 avi:l Cuitiny. deceased--iu and to the f,.!!owin-' described real estate, to-v,nt: cast half of donation claim of i avid 'utthstf and wife, de scrilcil in notitieation No. 7,2!2 anU papers there w e.niiiei reil on lil,' in the I.uii'l OHi. e in Ore- iron C'itv, hein-r part of see' ions N'o. 17, 20 and 21, in T 3 S, K 2 K; said lialf beinix determined bv a line running north 2.i uee;., 3u min. wes , containing 321 12-100 acres, and t lie dower riuhi of said widow in the west half of said land claim, to satisfy the said execution. I will at )iit lie auction, to the highest bidder, for jjtdd or sil ver coin, i-.i hand paid, on Saturday. the 1 Itti day of September, 1S7'-', at the t'ourt House door in Oregon Citv, tit 10 o'elock, A. M-, of said day, all tlie riirht, title and inter. :st of s.tid M vry Cutting in and to the above dtvribed real estate or so inuuii tliereof as will satisfy .said oxceutioa. Uivcron ( iiv, Auifust llni 1S72. A. F. Jli'.OeiKS, Siierilf. Jiy C. P. EAT IE, U.-puty. ji-12w4 THE FOLLOWING MUSIC-BOOKS are receominendcl asteintrthc 13 F.ST of their class : I Trice. .S t 7.) 12 The S'on'-r Evho. fr Schools. K inkers .New Methou loi- lu 5n y Orjran will bo ready An;. 2.", t rotors' Fcleetic 1'iaiio .eu.x'i, t over 3'W,U00 copies in u-o, ) Peters' Barrowcs' i'l un'T If f Vovr all's iOiitar School Festival i 'himes, Sia.uu cla -ses Xu Bins Ultra (ilee Book, wilh 1 ol) 1 ::) 1 Jtl 3 50 3 tin 3 CO 3 :) Tiiti.o or rwn Ac'p'mt l 1 , ud ten's Schoal tor the Voit-e.. Beiers' Art i f fc:iiijin AViclitTs Violin SchT. Peter's o.l., Kiuaicer's Fiute Scliool AV imnier-tcdt's Violin School. . . AVimmcr.si-uJt's Fiure Scli-jol... I'e eis' Vioiia Senool 1'eteis' I: late t chonl. . . X-:: .ei ' 1'a rloi-1 '. iinpanio'i. i-'or Flute, Violin, and Biano, Tetcrs' Pat lor i 'ampaaioa. For j 11 B .-1 12 12 3 03 2 (K) p.iw., Ad- B 3 ail. i'luU! and 1'ii'lio, v.-ill he s the m.trk Tit .. I pr.e Oil IV c .). l. nrridts, .wj uuirlCru2 New Veil iknnl Cable Screw Wire BOOTS A XI) SHOES. Last as Song again as any other kind. tuiglon4",ml To Teachers. rpilERE WILL RE A PUULIC EXAM IN A L tion of teii'dicrs f-r (Tuckumas e muty, at the Seminary building, in Oregon City, on Saturday, August 21th A-NOLTXER, County School Superintendent. Final Settlement. In tho nutter of S' AT 1 1 A X I E L KOIJBIX'8 es'ate. rT&MlU EXECUTORS OF PAID ESTATE lcive liied in tin; fount y Co art of (Taekaia is eo-int y, tl.oir .wnunts an 1 voaoh.-rs for linal sc-t-tk-meiit ; and tin: ('oart has appointe 1 the iirst ilon iay in !ep"einber, A. 1)., 1.S7J, for the exam inatioa of siu-ii aceomits and the sortleiuvut of sm-li estate. All persons intei-ested are notiiied to IIP- their exceptions, if any they have, before that d fe. iiv ordi. i of Hon. J. K. AVAIT. J uTre of said Co-art. II. F.CACf 11X1), Coani j- f icrk. Johnson fc McCown, Attorneys. nlhvl f4oiicetoTax Payers. A fla P.OAItl) OF E (iU A E I. AT I OS OF as ''iiif--, Oregon, will inet't at the f 'ount v Clerk's o'.tiee. in !aid coanty, on Jlotidav, the 2ith day of Au'U-it. A. J).. !S7-', and pahliely examine and correct all errors in de-crip; ion. valuation, etc., ia As-es-ment Roll for 1ST". All j):-r--ons interested will please appear at such time and place. C. C. O A lilt KTT, Assessor of CI icka?nas Au?. 1st, 1S72. County, Orojon. nilwi. " Administrator's Notice. If IT AVE liEEX APPOIXTED IIY TIIK IIOX. - 1'imntv Court of Claek-mi'is c anv, Oreyron. Administra'or of the estate of MA U V IIAXSKX, decease I. AH persons havin clauns, will pres ent tliein to me at the olii'-e of .b)iin-on 5c Mo Own, lawyers, Oregon City, Oregon, wiihm six months fijin the date of this notice. l'AIOX (iLEASOX, A linuM rator. Dated Oresron Citv, Oreson, Aug. a, 1S72. iitlwl Pctico. "PARTIES WHO WERE OCCUPYING .1. la ids in the u'.rande Ronde and Siletz Reserves," in tlie State of Oregon, in the years lsr..V")!i,nn.l had to abandon the same in c msequeiice of said Reserves having been selected by the C. S. for the set' lenient of the Uogae River In. Hans, will d- ase -end their addresses, for further correspondence, to II. V. OS VY.I VS, Att'y, Box li 5 Washin-tcm Citv, D. C. VVO di VOID QUACKS. A victim f exrlv in- scretKn. causing nervous debility, premature decay . &c , having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has a simple means of self-cure, which he w;ll send free to Ids fellow sufferers. Address J . 11. REEVES, 73 Nassau st. , New York Sept. l:ly TTOME-M ADE CARPET FOR SALE AT JlJL it 3f.iijiti,v 1 ft L7 I y ff CLOSING OUT! THE E.NTIRE SPLENDID STOCK OZ BOOTS 2iiil SUOES AT THE PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE ! j Will be closed out immediately AT COST. QUITTING- BUSINESS! Those indebted to the firm will please call and settle PROTZBIAN, GILLIHitN h C0.3 Cor- Front and Morrison Sts-, rORTLAND, LEG ON. July 16, lS7Ltf ICE-CREAM SALOON ! I.OU5S SAAL, - - - Proprietor. T WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE I to the the citizens of Oregon City and vi cinity, that 1 have just opened an ICE-CREAM & COXFF.CTIOVARY establishment in the building formerly occu pied by L. Dilier, corner of Fourth and Mm in streets. The ArJio Sosl:v Fountain will Le in operation to supply the demands of the thirs ty. I manufacture all mv own t-tuek, conse quently they are ruin-: and frksh. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. jul'2u:l7tf Grocer & Provision Dealer, Next door south of the Court House, Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon, DEALER IN BEST FAMILY G3GCE0IE3, COFFEE. TEA , SUGAR, FLOUR AND MEAL of alt kinds, PICKLES. SO l SALT, CANNED FRUITS and OYSTERS, Also, all kinds of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. BUTTER. CHEESE and EGOS. TOBACCO and CIGARS, GLASSWARE, Etc., Etc. All kinds of country Produce t tken in ex chance f ir goods at the highest market rates. 2 ; f"i ! o-ls delivered in t he city free of charge. A fair she re of patronage solicited. March T.',, Is72:!f IJS'W GOODS : ON THIRD STREET, Iietwcen .tiler and Slorrison Streets. Ijiiicit rnvu, Kiiif Ii-isH lioiom Table stiitl Ioom ): latis'.s, I-iiix-it ii nd Co'ton ilusiIi- r. liit fs. UlatkDrf s Sillts, Kl.teU Silk ioj I i n Hlark Atp teas, IiHiiiiin- Ooo5s, Hosiery, Kools siuil S!i3'S, Fh rjissli'g Guosls r niters A linrjle Store, a.S !; Ooid Business stand, in winch a prosperous business his bet-n conducted for over t.vo jcars. Rent Low. Apply to JOHN WILSON, ' niiio st., sorrsi ov aldku, PORTLAND. OllECON. 2'j -.ilylm. $1,000 IN THI5ME MONTHS. AtiENTS CAN MAKE THE ABOVE a-nount by sellicg the Greatest Book of the Age, the STRUGGLE OF '72. The issue-, and candidates ot the present political campaign, HiMoi ij and J'hitform, Review of ("rant's Admihi-dration. The Rec ord of Hhrvck OuEiii-EY. by Everett ("ham be; lam, formerly of tlie Chicago Tribune. The illustrations are drawn expressly for the work bv Stephens. Entirely original. The finest, both humorous and grave. If yen want to make money send Oxi" Dollar for outfit and secure territory at once, terms, ttc, furnished on application. Address -V. -liAXCKOKl' Si CO., H:m Fraiiciiico.Ca I,. il. n41w7 BEST REMEDY FOR DYSliiPSIA, INDIGESTION, EILIOUSSTESSi 10SS CF AFFtT'.TE AXD IMACTICN C7 THE tiVER. If : i 's---f bss". -'.--- -: t t,4 fc"J in -i-- Are acknowledged to be the n-opt. wholesome and rtKcient of Tomes p.n.l iteciii crativ; s Ii::AH I'HVSH lANS CtiiXil ica!I;s on back ot Cacii bottle. ,..!! "s'one penuino without our iraa& "iiarK tlown on the liottlr. . . To sell other than the reruine r.rticle ont of our botthi is a criiniiud C,eiis-. .'.mi we MijOI. wlien A'-trcted. prosreute such p.-irties to the full extent of t!),- law. . 11. JL-i'STCIX i Co.. hnl.. Prnrnetnrs. 5iH Front Ft., S. 1'. Summons. In the County Court of Clackamas county, h'tate of Oreiron. JACOU WORTMAX, TlaintbT. vs. X. XETVELE, Defendant. rg-lO X. XFAVF.EE, THE Al'.OVE XAMED - l...f jndant In the aanie of the State of )re jron you are hereby re jnire 1 to appear and an swer" the complaint file 1 a-j-ain-t you in aid Court in the atovo ftntirlr.d action within ten days after the si -r vice of this summons upon you, if served in Clackamas county, or twenty days if served in any other cvanty in said State, and im-les-i you so appeur and answer -ai 1 e imrdaint in said t.-rm or on or before the 1st day of the term of said Court ciiiim?nrirr.f next after the expira tion of six v,e-'ks from the publication of t'iii snmmon. to-wit : on Monday, the 2n 1 day of SeTitcmier, J872, the plaintitt will take a judg ment against you for the snra of 45 and inter est tlcreon since the 14th day of May. lS72,also for cxs and dis'jur.-emen'-s of this a'-fion. I'uhlWie 1 bv order of Hon. J. K. Wait, Jude of said Court. .IOIIXSOX A- JW'OWN, Dated 23d July, Alfys for yd ff. 2:tj uly6w TloticD In the matter of the estate of JACOB F.XGLE, decease.!. "5k-OTK 1, IS HEREBY GIVF.X BY THE un ler-i-rned that he has teen appointed by C-ounty Court of Clackamas county. Otrum, Ad ministrator of the estate of Jacob'Encrle, deceas ed, and that all creditors of. and all persons owin? claims arainst said deceased, are required to pre sent the same with the proper vouchers, within six months lrom the date of the notice, at his office ia Oregon Citv, ri:wkama rounh-. Oren HENRY WAR REX, ' Adrninistator of the estate of Or?cra City, firwn, Ant ;j, iV:. Jacob F.nsio, doc!-!. Iilrn-4 CHAS.H. CAU FIELD, COESER MAIN" AXD SEVENTH STREETS, OREGON CITY", OREGON, lea!er in DRY - GOODS & GROCERIES, CROCK EE.Y and GLASS AWRE. Also, a full assortment of Milliner' and Fancy Goods OF THE LATEST STYI.E.i, JUST RECEIVED. COUNTRY" PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Oregon City, June 21st, 1872. tf SPRING GOODS JUST RECEIVED I1V HAVE JUST REDEIVED A COMPLETE and well-assorted stock of USTOM-MADE CLOTHING, AND GEMLE3IEXS Fl'UMSIIIXG GOODS, Which I will sell at reduced prices. Call and examine my stock before purchas ing elsewhere. Produce Taken in Exchange for Goods. A . LhiVY, Madn street, Oregon City. FOR SLTC. r p 1 1 E U N D E P. S I G N E D D ES I R ES TO SELL JL his property in Orciron Citv will sll at a liargaui, to a good purchaser. Lot S, in block .'), whereon there is a good Dwelling House with S rooms, partly hard finish, bal ance cloth and paper and the Livery Stable now occupied bv dessrs. ibis & Broughton Water pipes laid on the premises, from IYa-e's water wuiks. Also 4 town lots in Canemah, with good lence around. Also ii town lots in lower end of Oregon City : also Itjo ot laua known as the dona tion land cla in of Wm. Stone, 3 miles sontueast of Oregon City, with some im provements, thinly timbered, nc under growth, good lasting water 2"liqiiire at County Clerks office. J. M. ERAZER. Oregon City, May Cth, 1S72. v6n'2S SHADES SALOON, i. A. HAAS, Proprietor, Main Street, Oregon City- FM BILLIARD TABLES in OREGON Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to them T II E B A II J S S UPPTAED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors and Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Bourbon already famous Whiskies and Punch. also, a xo. 1 SHOOTING GALLERY Is connected with the Salot n. Oregon City, Jan. 1, lS72:tf EW GOO AT TUF. LINCOLN BAKERY. . WSLLIAHrlS a. HARDING, AVE JUST OPENED A FULL VARIE ty of choice FAMILY GROCERIES. AND PROVISIONS. The Bakery will be constantly supplied with fresh BREAD, CR VCKERS, CAKES, PASTRY. CANDIES AND NUTS. All of which will be sold at living rates. Remember that we do not seli goods at cost. Also, please bear in mind that it takes money to do business. To the fanning trade we would say CASH for you. produce, and CASH for our goods. Goods delivered to all parts of the city. Feb, l1!, ls72:tf WAGON AND Carriage Manufactory ! The undersigned, having increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City Oregon. Takes this method to inform his old pat rons, and ns many new ones as may be pleased to call, that lie is now prepared, with ample room . good materials, and the ver beft of mechanics, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete any sort ol a vehicle trom a com mon cart to a concord coach. Trv me. Biacksmithing, Horse or Ox shoeing, and general jobbing ueatlv, quickly and cheap ly done. DAVID SMITH. Opposite Excelsior Market OREGON CITY BREWERY! jHEXRY II EI,, Having purchased the above Brewery wish os toinform the pubiiethat he is now prepar edto manufacture a No. 1 quality of LAGER BEER,' As -rood as can be obtained anywhere in the Stale. Orders solicited nnd promptly filled. .R.FREELAIMD, DENTIST, TOOM 2 DEKUM'S BUILDING. CORN V; er First and Washington Sts.. Portland. Nitrous Oxide adminisferpd. n23tf. Store to Rent. THESTORE nOUSE FORMERLY OCCU pied by Kafka, on Rock Creek. 1 2 miles from Aurora, situated at a fine point for coiintrv trading pos ; can be had on very reasonable terms. This is it de-irably point for a man with sma'l capital to go into busi ness. Enomre r-f JOnNSON & Met u Dr. O iu2"f. ! Orfroa City, Oren. THOMAS CHAEMAN . 1833 t ESTABLISHED - - DESIRES TO INFORM TI1E CITIZENS of Oregon Citr, and the Willamette Valley, that lie is still on hand, and doing business on the old motto, that "A imble Six-Pence is better than a Slow Shilling." I have just returneif -from San Francisco where I pui chased oce of the LARGEST and BEST SELECTED Stock of Goods ever before offered in this city slid consists in part, us follows : Boots & Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats & Caps, Hosiery of every Description Hardware, Gro ceries, Paints & Oiis, Sash & Doors. Queens ware, Crockery Glassware, Chinaware, Stoneware, Platedwar Jewelry of various qualities & styles, Clocks (feWatches-Ia dies & Gentlemen's Furn ishing Goods, Fancy Notions of every dcscription.Patent Med icines, Rope, Farming Implements cf all kinds, Carpets. Mattings, 0 Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, &c. Of the above list, I can say my stock is the MOST COMPLETE ever offered in this mar ket, and was sleeted with especial care for tliis market. All of which I now ofl'er for sale at the Lowest Market Rates. No use for the ladies, efr any one else, to think of going to Portland to'buv goods for I am DE'IERMINEI) TO SELL CHEAP and not allow myself to be nBERSGID IX THE STATE OF OREGON All I ask, is a fair chance and quick pay ments. Believ ng, as I do, that nineteen years' experience in Oregon City enableu tue to Know ihe reqirements of the trade. Come one and all, ani see for yourselve that the old stand of THOMAS CHARfvl AN cannot be beat in quality or price. It would be useless for me to tell you all the advan tages I can ofl'er you in the sale of goods, as every store (hat advertises does that, and q probably vou have been disappointed. All I wish to say is, come and see and examine for yourselves, for I do not wish to make any mistakes. My object is to tell all my old liiends now that I am still alive, and desir ous to sell -oods cheap for cajsh, or on such terms as agreed upon. a Thanking all for the liberal patronags heretofore bestowed. TIIOS. CIIARMAN, Main street, Oregon City. :3F"Legal Tenders and County Script taken at market rates. TIIOS. CIIARMAN. 57";o,000 Ib3 wool wanted hr TIIOS. CIIARMAN. REAL ESTATE, REAL ESTATE. JACOB ST1TZEL, C.C.WAT; JACOB STITZEL&C0., SCCGESSORS TO STITZEL k UPTON., REAL ESTATE AND MONEY IIKOKEBS Cor. Front and AVasli ington St., PORTLAND, O R E G ON . Special attention given to the sale of farir- ing lands and city property. All corren pondence relating to the recources of Ore gon will be promptly answereu- REAL ESTATE JOURNAL Published monthly. Sent free of charge t any adaress. JACOB STITZEL A CO. March 15, lS72:tf !BRjSrTTM ESTAU RANT. LEGNDeLOUEY ProoV- 1 FA TE OF THE CLIFF JIOUSF M AIN' STREET, OREGON CITV, OREGON'. THE UNDERSIGNED HE spectfully announces to his friends and the traveling public. that be has re-opened the above named Ktstanrant. The proprietor knows how to ferve hi csutomers with O vstei s, Pis's Feet, a good cup of Coffee or a SQUARE MEAL. LEON DeLOUEY Oregon City, Jan, 27, 1371:tf JGEit'a SCHRAM, HIAIN STREET, - OUECOX ClTTi 31AMFACTIRER AXD DIPORTER OF SADDLES, HAIiXESS, saddi-i:hv-iiakd- 1VARE, Ac, &c. TTniCII II E OFFERS aS CHEAP AS can be bad in the State, at Wholesale or Retail. ejj-I warrant nil mv coods as f eprr senff ( . Oregon City, April l", 1S72. n2?tf. TEWTORKlIOTEL, (Deutfches Gafthaus.) No 17 Front Street, opposite the Mail steam ship landing, Portland. Oregon. H. R0THF0S, J. J. WILKENS, PROPRIETORS. o Board per Week $5t0 " " " with Lodging 6 on " ' Day 1 oo A. NOLTNER, yOTARYPUBLTC, ENTERFRISr OFFICT Or?tron City, Jan MS:tt 0 O O 0 o o o 0 0 G G G O 0 O o O O o o O o o o o o o o o O o G 0