Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, August 16, 1872, Image 2

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vEI)c Ukekin Enterprise.
OREGON CITT. 0REG0, -llGlST 16. 1S72.
O For Vice President,
Presidential lileetors,
GEO. U. HELM, of Linn County.
N. II. Ci.VTES, of Wasco Connty.
L. V. LAXE, of Douglas County.
Democratic State Central Committee.
State Central Committee of Oregon are
requested to be present in .person, or by
proxy, at a meeting (if sa d Committee to be
held in the City of Portland on Monday,
September 2nd, "1ST 2, at 10 o'clock, a. m., at
tue office of Judge Page. By order of the
Chairman, J . A. CHAPMAN.
Portland, August 10th, 1S72.
The follow ing are the namts of the gentle
men composing the above Committee :
J. A. Chapman
1'enj. HaymoiiJ
Aaron Rose
W. II. Jacks ,n
Win. Tichenor
A. L. Waldron
J. C. Avery
. W.Cray
N IJ. Crauor
F A. Bailey
W. A. Musgrove
A. Van Dustn
Vic. Tievitt
11. C. Paie
A. C. Crafg
J. D. Haines
J. W. Baldwin
o H. NT. V. Holmes
. .Multnomah
Co s
. . Josephine
. Washington
. . . . Columbia
. . Clackamas
. . .Tillamook
J. II. Upton...
J. J . Walton, jr. .
W. L. White
W. H. Faucet te. .
A Campaign Roorback.
Secretary Bout well paid out of
the United States Treasury the
snug .little sum of seventy-five
thousand dollars, to one Pickett,
for what purported to be a portion
of the archives of the Confederate
Government. This sum was paid
with the hope of finding documents
which might be used in the Presi
dential campaign for electioneering,
but in this, in all probability, Bout
well will come out of the specula
tion as poorly as he did out of that
infamous syndicate of Ids. lie has
undoubtedly paid seventy-five
thousand dollars for a first-class
mare's nest0 The Xevv York limes,
tlu chief organ of Grantism in the
United States, has commenced the
publication of a portion of these
documents pertaining to the sup
posed rebel plot to burn the leading
cities in the United States, and
although, from those documents it
finds no warrant therefor, it at
tempts to implicate Horace Greeley
in the plot,; This shows the straits
to which that party is driven. It
unscrupulously uses the people's
money to buy what are supposed
by many to be forged and fictitious
documents for base parry purposes,
and when it fails to find anvthing
therein of particular benefit to its
waning cause, it coolly fabricates
o charges, unsupported by any writ
ten evidence whatever. In fact,
the idea of the Times, in charging
"Old Honesty" with being a par
ticipant in any plot to burn north
ern cities is ludicrous in the ex
treme. Now all that, perhaps, is needed
"to fire the Northern heart," is
for Nast, fn. Harpers Weekly, to
port raj- the old man, with a flaming
torch in his nand, heading a band of
those " indespcnsible and uncouth
Irishmen and Catholic Priests
with like torches, running about
the streets in their work of arsen.
If this will not suffice, we surest
to the Kadical journals, that they
charge Greeley with burning up
Chicago last fall. They- can get
just exactly as good proof that he
was instrumental in burning Chi
. ss
cago as they can that he was in
any supposed rebel plot tOj
to bum the northern cities during I
- s
the war. Ami besides, Chicago
was really burned and millions of I
property was destroyed. Now,
what right has this old city burner,
Greeley, to compete for the Presi
dency with Grant, who never
burned anything else than his
stomach with bad whisky and fine
Havana cigars, smuggled into the
Kxeeutive mansion without duty
paid? The idea is preposterous.
We, therefore, suggest to the
Times and other Radical journals,
that they fight the canvass out on
that line, "if it takes all summer,"
seeing they have got nothing else
in the world with which to stay
the progress of Greele who- now
appears to be t: firing" not only
cities, but the whole Union with an
enthusiasm unpalleled in the politi
cal history of the country.
-Cannot Forget. The Israelite, the
leading Hebrew Organ in this country,
is an earnest supporter of Mr. Greeley.
It cannot forget that mean special order,
which stigmatized the Jews "as a class."
and banished them irotu a department
which Grant wanted to monopolize whol
ly to hiaiselt and his coRSociato thieve?.
Stealing's Under Grant.
Tlie New York Tribune of the
27th ult. contains a three column
list, comprising nearly a hundred
cases of robbery and defalcations
by office-holders under Grant.
Nor is it a complete list, either, as
no man is officially reckoned a
defaulter until suit has been brought
against him by the Government
for the recovery of the stolen mon
ey. The names of the several par
ties are given, but the amount in
all cases is not exactly known, and
will, undoubtedly, greatly exceed
the figures given. These figures of
frauds and robberies in the several
departments put up as follows:
Internal Revenue.
Post -Oflice
State Department
Department of Justice
47 c; 88:;
Thus, in three
years, three
millions of dollars have been stolen
from the Treasury. While the
President is off at the sea-side, the
plunderers are robbing from the
people, and when caught, as some
of them are, they are punished in
the following manner, as told by
the Tribune:
Reed, defaulting Postmaster at Jackson
ville. Fla.. was merely dismissed from of
fice ; he is the fon ot a Governor; Edwins,
convicted of embezzlement in the Treas
ury Department, has been pardoned by
the President alter a. few months' eonfine
ment : Hulburd was re-appointed Con
troller of t he Currency while he was on
trial for taking bribes, and on conviction
he was merely requested to resign ; Rrit
ton. defaulting United Suites Marshal in
Arkansas, al'ier defrauding the Govern
ment of S121.O0O. was dismissed and rein
stated ; Palfrey. Ogden "and Merrick, dis
honest -Custom officers, were simply re
moved. And so with others.
A change in the Administration
is not only politic, when viewed
from ever" conceivable stand-point,
but it is an absolute necessity, in
order to prevent such wholesale
plunder of the people's money.
William S. Ciroesljeck Declares For
The Hon. Vv". S. Groesbeck has written
the following letter, defining his position
in the Presidential campaign. It is ad
dressed to the lion. Amos G. Thompson
and General Robert Brinkerhotf. chairmen
of the State committees of Ohio :
Gentlemen : I have your note, inviting
me to prohle at a mass meeting of Demo
crats and Liberal Republicans, which will
be held at Coin tubus oti the 3t)th instant,
to ratify the nominations best suited to
heal all animosities and restore good-will
between all sections of our country and
all our people I differ in politics with
Mr. Greeiey. who was not my choice, but
he has been chosen, and with extraordin
ary unamity. and is now before us as the
oniy representative of roconci.iaiion. and
is under pledges for important reform.
His great ability, courage, and patriotism
art: unquestioned, and it he is selected we
have good reason to believe we will get
reconciliation and reform. If lie is defeat
ed, we already know we will not get them,
but the Administration now closing will
be repealed. It should not be repeated,
nor should we make it an example for im
i'atiou by the endorsement of a re-election.
As a soldier General Grant has been just
ly distinguished. His war services were
great, and should be acknowledged by all.
i hey have been, and ever generously ac
knowledged, and we shall never forget
them. Hut he is not suited for the Civil
Magistracy, and we should allow his Ad
ministration to close with the pending
term. I intended to write at more
length and more in detail, but what I have
alref.dy said is a fair reply to your note.
Thanking you for your flattering invita
tion, I ai!t, very respectfully.
W. S. Cito.sr.nc-i.
V'uo Cakuieo The News. The Suns
Washington correspondent, telling how
Union secrets were made known to the
Confederates, says : "When the rebellion
was in its early stage, no less a person
than General Thomas Jordan, of Cuban
notoriety, but then a rebel officer made
an arrangement wlih the noioriou Mrs.
G reenhow. who was afterward arrested.
whereby she was to forward to the head
quarters of the Southern army such facts
as would be important for them to know.
Mrs. (J reenhow proceeded to becom iiti
mate with the Hon. Henry Wilson, then
chairman of the Military Committee. This
she. confessedly accomplished, and the
Hon. Henry was so thoroughly manipula
ted that, every plan and projected move
ment, was known by her. The design of
the advance of the troops to the battle of
Hull Rim was got by her from him before
the fact, and forwarded to the rebel head
quarters through the agcucv of Tom
I Hewitt."'
A new Republican paper is projected at
lVj;,in Ci,y- :ike u hot- Tony. Dento
Let 'em come. But this item
is news to the people of this sec
tion. The first heard of this pro
ject was from the Oreyonian, and
we have been anxiously looking
for the individual who has this
in view.
A Change. The Dallas lltjnib
Ilcein, heretofore a Grant orau,
has taken down his name and hoist
ed Greeley and Brown. 1. C.
Sullivan, Esq., is to be the editor
of the paper in the futuie. He will
do effective service for the people's
candidates. Air. S. has heretofore
been a strong and consistent Re
publican. State Cextual Committee.
A call for a meeting of the Demo
cratic State Centrat Committer is
published to-day. The meeting i
to take place at Portland on the 2d
of September. Let there be a full
representation present.
The Difference.
The old Satyr that expelled the
traveler from his care, because he
blowed on his benumbed fingers to
warm them, and in his mulled wine
to cool it, lor the reason that he
would have nothing to do with a
man that blowed hot and cold at
the same time, would have much
jrreater" occasion for anger at the
Radical journalists of to-day than
at the poor benumbed traveler,
who, unfortunely for his own com
fort, blowed once too often. The
modern Radical newspaper writers
are thorough adepts at this trick of
blowing hot and cold with the
same breath, and at no time have
they showed their adeptibility at
performing this trick at better ad
vantage than during the present
Presidential canvass. Addressing
Democrats, they will say, " How
can you vote for Greeley, tvho is
now, as he always has been, a dyed-in-the-wool
Republican?" And
then, addressing Republicans, they
will say, "How can you vote for
Greeley,who has gone, body, boots,
old hat, and all over to the Demo
crats?" We have lately felt like
asking them to be somewhat con
sistent in their statements, but after
reflecting that consistency is a thing
they never followed, either in as
sertions or exemplified in practice,
we have quietly forborn. In re
spect to such charges, however,they
have infinitely the advantage over
us. We cannot, with any show of
truth whatever, say of Grant that
he is either tiiis or that, for the
people all understand, that, so far
as political opinions are concerned,
he is a mere nonentity.
All that we can assert with truth
(which Democratic papers rigidly
adhere to) is, that Grant is a wooden-head,
without any opinions
whatever. Greeley holds opinions,
and may therefore change them.
Grant don't have any, and there
fore can't change. That is the
ic Tidal Wave.
The Greeley wave is sweeping over
Wiseonr-in with irresistible force. The
Milwaukee JV ir.9 says : From every di
rection intelligence is being received of
a general stampede from the Administra
tion party, not merely of the rank and
file, but of those who have been promin
ent organizers and leaders even. Old
Rock, t he banner Republican count of
the Slate, is feeling the effect of the ad
vancing tide, and the Republican ranks
are becoming broken and decimated to
an extent that is realty alarming to the
office-holding Administration men. In the
northwestern counties 1he acquisitions to
the L'beral ranks are numbered by thous
ands, while along the lake shore, north
of Milwaukee, the stampede is equally
great. A letter from Sheboygan county
states that Gen. Conrad Krez. one of the
alternate delegates to the Philadelphia
Convention, has resigned his position on
Guv. Washbnrne's staff and espoused ihe
Liberal Democratic cause. Cuny Jnoge
Gilman. Mayor El well ex-State Prise n
Commissioner. Edward Megraw. and hun
dreds of other Republicans, are out, for
Greeley. The correspondent writes that
it is no longer a defection, it is a stamp
ede in the countv. which will trive a larg-
or majority for Greeley, than it lias t ver
ixiven for any candidate before. He says
he does not know of a single German Re
publican who will vote for Grant. News
similar to the above is being received
from Manitowoc and other Lake Shore
counties. Wisconsin can be set down for
Greeley by not less than 5.000 majority. -
"Lliithusiasm of the While Republicans.
Frcm the X. Y. Day-Hook.
So far. all the enthusiasm is confined to
the White or so-called Liberal Republi
cans. The Grant or Black Republicans
proper are as stolid and silent as their
own chief, and seem incapable of enthu
siasm or excitement of any kind. But the
White Republicans, the crowd following
the old white hat. as their banner, are all
alive and ready for the fray. After all. it
is the enthusiasm that tells, and in the
present abnormal and anarchical condi
tion of the American mind, anything be
comes possible, and it is quite on the
cards that Greeley will carry the day.
Thing- cannot be worse, and may be bet
tor ; indeed anything, monarch'. Czarism.
wore better than Mongrelistn, propped up
by bayonets under Grant.
The Reward of Merit. The one
"bright particular star'" of the War De
partment appears to have been Mr. .John
Potts, for thirteen years its chief cleik.
but now gathered to his fathers. "He
was a perfectly incorruptible man," says
Secretary Belknap, in a biographical no
tice of the deceased. '-He disbursed mil
lions without an error.'" During the war
he undertook delicate and important du
ties, and always ably. Yet. says an ex
change, he lived &nddiei a clerk. Fitted
tor the highest stations and the irravesl
i esjiousibilities ; trusted when others were
suspected ; clean handed when some
were plundering arid others deceiving the
Depai itni'iii-as in the French arms busi
ness this man of sterling integrity was
fixed to h's clerkship during i te. and his
only reward is an empty panegyric, now
that he is gone.
Stkange. It is remarkable to
see what a bad man Horace Gree
ley has become since lie has re
ceived the nomination at Baltimore
in the estimation of the Grantites.
It is but a few week since he was
regarded as the purest and best
anions the Radicals.
The Atchison (Kansas) Patr'iol says :
There is more of a stampede going on in
Kansas from the Republican party than
any other State in the Union. There is no
doubt that Southern Kansas will go for
Greett y and Brown. If the northern
j part of the State does half so well. Grant
j ill be beaten by ten thousand majority."
How Grant Re-elects Himself.
From the Washington Patriot.
The following officers of the Govern
ment are now abseut from their duties :
Hon. U. S. Grant. President.
Hon. Mr. Boutwell. Secretary of the
Hon. "Mr. Robeson, Secretary of the
Hon. Mr. Delano, Secretary of the Inte
rior. Hon. Mr. Creswell. Postmaster General.
General Baker. Commissioner of Pen
sions. Hon. E. B. French. Second Auditor.
Hon. Allen Rutherford, Third Auditor.
Hon. J. Martin. Sixth Auditor.
Besides a large number of clerks de
tailed to do election duty in Maine. North
Carolina, and Georgia.
The Pennsylvania Republican Associa
tion are occupying the room of the Com
mittee on Mili!aryfTiirs in the Capitol,
and. with several clerks detailed from the
Departments, are sending out documents
in favor of the re-election of General
Grant. To further this object they are
diligently engaged in -imitating' the
names of Senators and Representatives, in
order to -frank'' their documents through
the United States Post. Oflice. Some of
the documents franked. are the New York
Times of June 12. containing the proceed'
inirs of the Philadelphia Convention. i.bout
50.000 copies of them have been and are
being sent every d iv ; and during the
last week 50.000 copies of the Bingham
ton. (N. Y.) Jimrruil have been folded and
put in envelopes, and are now being
ATnong the franks most used are those
of Hon. John A. Logan. Senator Harlan.
J. C. Piatt. Z. Chandler, and many others.
Most of these are franked by ladies. The
person in charge of the document room
of the Grant headquarters is a clerk in the
Treasury Department, and who draws his
pav monfhlv as such c'eik In the Land
Office. Mr. Lines, acieik is daily franking
documents to Ohio-; this seems to bo his
fmly occupation, and in the Pension Oflice
Mr. Harding is doing the same thing. A
large number of clerks are writing editor
ials (such as they are) for country sheets,
which are sent under frank to all parts of
the United States, and. last, though not
least, (as we before noticed.) Major Stan
ton. Paymaster United States Army, is de
tailed as assistant edi or of an Adminis
t rat ion paper. The business of the Pen
sion Office is entirely neglected, and dur
ing the last week. General B iker. Com
rnissioner of Pensions has been with his
superior. Secretary Delano, electioneer
ing in North Carolina, and during the
course of this week intends to go to Min
nesota to speak in behalf of his - Ring
Master Grunt."'" An nppropi iat ion o f s.jt,':
000 was obtained during the last winter
from Congress by Genera! Baker, and out
of this bind, c dled '-special service." is
supposed to come the expenses of the
A NelJe "Position.
The Gulden -b? estimates that over sev
en hundred papers are either owned cr
edited by office-holders, or supported in
part by Government patronage. Even
the poor little St'i'alttd in New York eiry
drew most of it.; support from the Cus
torn House, ami died the day after that
full udder was taken away from its hun
gry mouth. 'Ihe people did not care for
its S"cond -hand opinions, and did not be
lieve its fiction, and refused to give it
support; and when Grant's Own. the
Times, retnsed to divide the Government
spiis v.i'h it- any longer and ins.sted
that i' should be cut oTilie pen-ion roll,
it sank to rise no more. That is the way
the Grata Administrator tries to manufac
ture public opinion. bi tin- oilier hand,
this is (he way Mr. Greeley frowns upon
and snubs all effort!, to erea'e a tieliii ;is
public sentiment . the Liberal side.
When asked to give his intl'ience in sop
port id" a new Liberal p iper in Washing
ton. I c replied as follows: Trihntif olli'je.
July 17. I decline decidedly to ask my
friends to lurnish money to sustain a
newspaper in Washington. F do not con
sider this a legitimate political expend
iture. If the people will noi. snopori
newspapers that bivor my clectjoii, thoy
must get along without tio'in as feey may.
Horace Greeiey."' This is u noble posi
tion, and a step toward a much needed
reform. A subsidized press is one of the
woist curses that can fail upon a country:
and when a leader of .i great party bold
ly retnses to sanction the support of an
unneeded organ in his own in'erest.
and trusts his cause to the advocacy
of such journals as an honest and intelli
gent public will support, it shows that a
new era in our political life has dawned.
Preparing for the Fight.
The Washington Patriot says : "A full
meeting of the Democratic Congressional
Executive Committee was held at the Cap
itol. July 12th. lion. Samuel J.Randall,
who was recently elected Chairman of the
Pennsylvania Democratic State C inmit
tee. resigned his position as Chairman
of this Committee, and Gen. II. W. S!o
cum. of New York was chosen to fill the
vacancy. The Committee was visited
during the session by Messrs. Casseriy.
Heck, Marshall.tml other prominent Dem
ocrats. A conference took place bit ween
this Committee and that of the Liberal
Republicans, headed by Senator Fenton.
Preparations were made for the imme
diate publication of documents for distri
bution, and a resolution passed asking the
Chairman of the Democratic Central
Committee of each Slate and of each
county in all the States to forward at
once the names and Post oflk-o address o!
the members of iheir respective commit
tees, for the purpose of en aiding the Co:i
gressional Committee to forward docu
ments to them for distribution.
On July '20ih. a second meeting of the
Democratic Congressional Executive Com
mittee was held at the Capitol. Present :
General II. W. Siocum. M. C. Chairm-ui
of the Executive Committee, ami Senator
Ca-serly, Chairman of the Joint Congres
sional Committee, with the working stuff
of the Executive Committee. Arrange
ments were considered and some of them
concluded for the printing and circulation
o! documents on the most extensive scale.
Ax Imperfect Memory. The New
York Kcpres proposes to be charitable
totbe President and attribute to his im
perfect memory the denial by him of the
truth of the statement m ule by Senator
Schurz. Imperfection o i memory is some
times a convenient plea urged to escape
the charge of deliberate falsehood But
admitting the plea, will not the American
people seriously pause before they again
intrust, the high "oflice of President to one
who first publicly denies what is subse
quently proven to" be true. and h then pcr
mitted'to escape the unpleasant dilemma
in which he is placed by the charitable
assumption that his memory is imperfect
and not to be depended upon? It is
about time tha' we should have a states
man, and not an imbecile, at the bead
of public affairs.
A Southeren editor promises with his
wife's assistance, to name a baby each
year after the person who shall furnish
the largest club if suscribers to his paper
State Items.
The Wasco county corn crop is fine.
Senator Kelly arrived at Portland last
Old u-heat is bringing 70 cents per
bushel in Salem.
The Washington county Fair begins on
the 14th of October.
Governor Grover is recovering from his
recent attack of illness.
Salem has not yet got the Chief Enain
eer question settled.
The railroad depot at St Joseph will be
completed this week.
The name of the Wtsfside has been
changed to the Yamhill Importer.
The Rosebnrg land oflice disposed of
23 0S2 acres of land in July.
Forty thousand acres of swamp lands
have been located in Coos county.
General Lane is robust and healthy.
He is over 70 years of age.
The Phillips family, of Lane county,
have all recovered from the small pox."
A m;n nam,ed W. F. Mansfield came 1
near dying at Salem .vhile on a drunk.
The stampede from the old town of
Oakland to the new site, continues.
A festive Dalles party recently ascend
ed to the topmost top of Mount Hood.
Col. Ber. Stark lias presented Trinity
Church with a 2.000 pound bell.
Jackson county expects to make a con
siderable quantity of wine this year.
It is said that Walter MofTif, of Port
land, is going to build a 1.500 ton bark.
Hon. B. R. Riddle, of Corvallis. an orig
inal Republican, h is come out for Gree
Icy. The oldest Republican in Lane county
has come out for Greeley George Mar
shall. Business at Canyon City this year is
very dull. The mines are gradually fail
ing Dalles Fife Department has elected F.
Dehm. Chief Engineer and N. W. Wallace
The Salem Statesman is informed that
there are two cases of small-pox at St.
The Baker City Academy which wa
burned down some months ago, is nearly
The Oregon &.. California Railroad is
completed to a point within five miles of
The Fair Ground is being thoroughly
overhauled in anticipation of the coming
State Fair.
The residence of Mr. Smith war the
Dalles, was totally destroyed by fire last
Five hundred thousand brick have been
used in the first slory
e new court
house at Salem.
Fred Ilanuon. of Linn county, is held
to answer for obtaining money under false
Farmers of Washington county refuse
to take 55 cents for wheat delivered at
Be.i Head is making a good paper out
of the Benton Deaiocrat . Give hiiu a lib
eral support.
A Greeley and Brown Club has been
organized at Eugene city, composed of
old Republicans.
Hon. J. D. Fay returned fiornSan Fran
cisco this week. He is stopping at Asto
ria for a few day s.
Snug pulling is in operation on the
Willamette river at Bower's bar, a few
miles below Corvaii is.
Indian Superintendent Odeneal was at
Canyon City, on the (Ith. and started on
the 7th for Camp Harney.
The deaf mute school will reopen in
Salem on September l-o. under the .super
intendence of Prof. Smith.
Tfios. Ceroy was sentenced to four years
in the peni'.einiary from Yamhiil county
for highway robbery.
M.-ssrs. Beard 4Cc Co. have erected a
warehouse at Tangent. Linn county .which
wi!' hold (to. 0O0 bushels of grain. '
Wostey Graves lias leaded theChemeke
ta Hotel. Mr. G. is an experienced land
lord and will keep a good house.
A miner at Auburn. Baker coun'y. the
other day jacked up a nugget of gold
weighing forty-five ounces.
L. White ,y Co.. wholesale dealers of
Portland, have removed their quarters to
Nos 1) and II Front street.
(.has. Roebuck was sentenced Thursday
at Portland, to three years in the Peniten
tiary, for pei jury.
East Portland is getting excited now
about the location of the bridge to be
built across the Willamette.
Members of the M. E. Annual Confer
ence, and their wives will be carried by
the O. & C. R R. at reduced rates.
The Eugene Jimrnal says that wheat
dealers are not disposed to offer more
than fifty cents for wheat at that place.
A two legged calf is the wonder in
Washington county. The owner contem
plates exhibiting him at the State Fair.
Bishop Morris will add seven new teach
ers to the various schools established by
him in Oregon and Washington Territory.
W. L. Adams, a leading Rejiublican of
this State, anil Lincoln's Collector of Cus
toms at Astoria. has come out for Greeley.
Colonel Joe Teal bought fOO head of
sheep from Martyn Payne, of Linn coun
ty. They are of the Cotswold and Merino
R. II. Tyson, late of the Dallas PrpJ,!;.
i can. has gone to Roseburg and will revive
the E&hjn. under the name of the Panla
frnph .
Willowa valley, lying east of Grande
RonuV. Union county, has been taken pos
session of by whites and about one hund
red homesteads located.
A little child of Mr. Christian, nged IS
months, residing in Union county, was
poisoned l is- week by di inking a quanti
ty of concentrated lye.
The ITrroid pronounce! the report that
?.!r. W. II. Newell, one of the best, news
paper men on the coast, was about to buy
that japer, as false.
Dr. C. C Strong. f Portland, has been
anjiointed as physician to the Home of
the Friendless under the auspices of the
Ladies" Relief Society.
Judge Trvin. livirg on Beaver about 14
rni'es trom Corvallis fell from the roof of
his lam breaking several libs and re
ceiving other severe injuries.
Mr. P. Shul'.e of the Oregon Deutsche
Zrfhm.j. is making in examination of the
southern part of Oregon, with a riew to
planting German settlers there.
W. L Iliggin's has been appointed Su
perintendent of Construction of the United
States Postofiice and Custom House at
Portland, vice E. St. John, resigned.
A Umatilla farmer, who is also a warm
supporter of Old Honesty." has raised a
beef weighing five and three quarter
pound: and a radish weighing two and
a half pounds.
Information is wanted of John McCol
lingan. whose mother resides in Lockport.
N. Y. He can get some important inform
ation by writing to the postmaster at
Jacksonville. Oregon.
The Statesman rays : The large building
now in course oreonsrucston by the Sis
ters ff Chartly. and to be used as a school
building when completed is to have a
Fpire fifty feet in height, finished at the
top with a large cross. It will be one of
the most conspicuous buildings in the
The Farmer says : "The farmers who
are hauling their wheat to market, report
that the yield for the present harvest runs
from 25 to 37 bushels per acre for fall
wheat, and averages belter than in 1871.
The spring grown grain yields less, but is
.still better than last year.
The Statesman says : '"The Chemeketa
Hotel has been leased af last to a comre
tent hotel-keeper. Mr. Bush will start
for San Francisco immediately, we are in
formed, for the purpose of purchasing fur
niture, etc. It will be in readiness before
the Legislature convenes, so our private
families need not fear being compelled to
take boarders, during the Legislature or
State Fair.
The Dallas Republican says : "The woods
around town are on fire in several places
and we learn that the families of B. F.
Nichols and S. Coad. while out on a ber
rying excursion, were compelled to aban
don camp and leave all their . provisions:
and equipments behind them in order to
escape being overtaken by the fire. Par
ties camping out should be careful how
they set out fire."
William Hill, of McMinnville, on Mon
day last, in company with his wife and
children. while ou their way to the Grande
Ronde Reservation, came near perishing
by the burning woods with which they
were surrounded He managed to make
his way (o a creek. where"he family were
Compelled lo remain two days. The wind
changed, w hich gave the family an oppor
tunity to make th'eir escape.
An act of Congress provides that col
leges which have capacity to educate 150
students may have a department of mili
tary sciences under charge of an officer of
the army. President Gatcfi. of Willam
ette University, will ask that Lieutenant.
Fred. Sehwatka. now of the Fifth Cavaliy
s'ationed on the North Platte, may be de
tailed to act as such Professor fit Military
Science at that j.laee. The number of in
stitutions so favored is limited to twenty.
The Mountain Seutlnel (La Grande.)
says : "It is reported that David Henry
one of the financially ho ivy men of this
valley is reported to have been killed
by if e Indians somewhere between Boise
and Salt Lake, while in charge of a band
ot Texan cattle. The report is believed
by his most intimate liiends. but from
whence the report emanated we could not
learn. John Creighton and young Tom
B tird were in company with him."
The Oreaonian says : Two boxes of
what was supposed to be rich copper ore.
were brought to this city by trie last steam
er from Sitka. One of the boxes was sent
below to be assayed, and i fie other was
snbmi ted to Mr. J. H. Fisk. of this city. to
havr its contents tested. After a thorough
examination ol the ore Mr. risk informs
us that it Jiroves to be the richest copper
bearing ore yet discovered on the coast
being 'lit er cent, copper. 20 per cent,
lead and also contains seven dollars silver
per ton.
The fire engine recently bought for
Corvallis is the old Momum-mul. brought
to San Francisco in IS50 and used for ov
er fifteen years in that city. She got the
name of "man killer" there, on account of
running down Clay street several times
on her own responsibility and killing per
sons. The juice paid for her was $2,000.
If' our Corvaliis friends expect to use her
much they had better imjort more men.
for the entile jxqmlation of that place
can't "work her ' nfteen minutes. She is
an elephant. We know the machine of
A Palpable Fraud.
From the facts communicated to us by
Judge Hardy, wiio has juet returned from
the Atlantic Stales, says the San Francis
co llc-imiiwr. we are convinced that the
announced result of the election in North
Carolina was and is a palpable fraud.
Through the central part of the State, the
ballot-boxes were in the hands of white
:-ien. and in those counties where the
white men had control of the polls, the
Conservatives were triumphant. Away
from the railroads and telegrajdi lines in
sparely settled counties. Ihe ballot boxes
were under the control of negroes, and
from those counties immense majorities
were reported for the Republicans.
To-a man of fair judgment the fraudu
lent character of the result announced must
be apjiarent when it is considered that
in every county where the result was
first made known the Conservatives gain
ed largely, while in every county where
the result was held back the Radicals
made extraordinary gains. The Conser
vatives announced their vote in -ill instan
ces without delay. The Radicals waited
to see bow many votes tbey would need.
It was known in the office of the Mis
souri licpubhcan n$ early as the 2d of Au
gust that messengers had been sent, trom
Raleigh to the western counties of North
Carolina to endeavor to swefl the majori
ties, and that Sena' or Pool refused to
sanction the fraud. This manly honesty
cost him the Legislature and secured us a
United States Senator who will truly rep
resent the voting jiopnlation of that
State. If Pool had joined the swindlers
we should not. have had the Legislature.
As it is. the election will be contested,
and as a conservative Legislature is to
juiss ujion the frauds perpetrated, we
have an assurance of a fair and honest
The evidence of fraud in Rockingham
and two other counties will be conclusive
and even honest Radicals will refuse to
accept the returns from those counties.
At the East the facts are understood, and
the result is hailed with actual triumph.
We retain our Congressional representa
tion and gain a Senator of the United
States. Well done, North Carolina!
A Gkekley Cia-jj. One hun
dred and seventy-five printers, in
S;in Francisco, signed the call for
the organization of a Greeley Club
in that city. In their call, they
sav :
Horace Gueei.ev has always nobly
stood by the Printers in iheir efforts to ad
vance ihe soci.'d and pecuniary interests
of the Craft, and now that we have a
chance to repay in a measure our debt of
graiit tide to a fellow pi inter who hastiseu
from the Case' to Ins present exalted
jiosttion. it Is hoped that every member
of the Craft v.ili cheerfully respond.
Will Canvass. Hon. Jas. II.
Slater, member of Congress, will
stamp the State for Greeley and
Brown. Mr. Slater is one of the
ablest speakers on this coast, and
we predict that he will make it
warm for the " Bread-and-Butter
Brigade" attached to Grant.
The. late duty on cotton goods, now re
duced about 10 per cent, was laid when
cotton was selling at 70 cents per pound,
and then amounted to a protection of 40
per cent. At present prices it is equiva
lent to a protection of 150 per cent. And
yet. even under all this stimulous. the New
England manufacturers have never leen
able to lake up an annual million of bales,
and muslins are so high that half the ne
gro field-hands who pick cotton have
not a shirt to their backs !
Political News.
The Winchester (Ohio) Timis has da-
seated Grant and flies the Greeley flag.
Judge W. J. Groo. one of the most prom
inent temperance advocates In New York
has announced himself for Dr. Greeley.
Magttmist. Democratic candidate for
Delegate to Cori ress, frcni Montana, is
elected by an Immense majority.
The Union, published at Grand Haven,
Michigan, and a Grant organ heretofore
has signified its intention to support Gree-
The Hon. E. P. Wheeler, Grant elector
of the Orange and Sullivan district, of
New York, declared for Greelejr and
The New Orleans Picayune, which op--posed
Greeley even after his nomination
at Baltimore, has finally hoisted the Lil
eral fl g.
Hendricks, it is thought by shrewd and
well informed politicians of that Slat
will be elected Governor of Indiana by
30.000 majority.
Fifty Republicans in South Bend. Ind ,
the home of Schuyler Colfax, are in oppo
sition to the Ge'ena tanyard bore and
Presidential ho rse-j o c k ey .
A late attempt to get. up an enthusiastic
Grant meeting in San Francisco, is report
ed by a Grant organ in that city.as havino1
resulted in a miserable failure.
The Auburn Xccs says a voe taken in
the manufacturing establishments nt
Hartford, resulted in 290 for Horace, and
G for Ulysses. How high is that?
Orvil Grant, arrived in Portsmouth,
Ohio recently, lie roamed around thi
city inquiring for the best cigars, and
was verv anxious to bet $15,000 on
Hiram's election.
A call for a meeting o form the St.
Paul (Minn.) Greeley and Brown Clab.
on the 23d of July, received over 400
signatures, equally divided between Re
publicans and Democrats.
Hiram Green. Esq. on "What 1 know
abount conundrums:" "To what age will
future hisforiars ascribe the downfall of
Grantism. nepotism, and scalawagism ?
This 'age of Chappaqua."
Judge Charles T. Sherman of Cleve
land. Ohio, b-other of Gen. Win. T.. and
of Senator John Sherman, writes to a Re
publican friend in Mansfield. Ohio, advis
ing him to work and vote for Greeley.
Ex senator George E. Pugh is out for
Greeley. lie will stump Ohio, and will
shake up the dry bones of the Grant
corruptionists in a way that will draw
howls of dismay from the officeholders.
The Democrats and Liberals of Arkan
sas are united and working together har
moniously, while the Radicals are quarrel
ing and divided. Greeley's majority in
that State will be from 20,000 to 30.000.
Dr. II. C. Fessenden, brother of the
late Senator Fessenden. and a prominent
Republican, pronounces for Greeley and
Brown, and was one of the officers at a
ratification uyeetHMr at East port. Me..
A letter received in San Francisco from
Jack Balltnger, Esq.. who is considered to
hnow whereof he sjieaks. from the Lore
Star State, asserts that Greeley and Brown
will carry Texas in November by -iO.OOf.
Mr. George Vf. Walker of Jefferson,
Texas, writing to- the President of the
New York Manufacturing Company says:
"Everybody here for Greeley and Brown.
This State
will give 50.000- majority fi ?
The Cincinnati Enquirer says : "If $75.
000 were paid to Grant's friend Badeau,
perhaps the stolen 'archives.' which con
stitute the history of the war on this side
of Mason and Dixon's line, might be
turned in."
The campaign in Missouri is progress
ing very encouragingly. Liberal Rejuibli-
cans nre forming clubs all over the Stair.
Pi Minnea jiolis five hundred llejmbiicatis
have signed a call for a Greeley club.
Only five hundred more. Uucle Hoiace!
The merchant prince of New York. A
T. Stew.-irt. gives an evidence of his desire
of see Grant defeated. lie has sect a
check $25,000 to Hon. Eathan Allen to ",e
used to aid in the election if Greley and
Brown, and authorized that gentleman to
draw ok him for $75,000 more should it
be needed.
The Democratic State Conren tion of
Georgia met at Atlanta, on the 24th of
July, and renominated Gov. Smith b" ac
clamation. The platform of 1870 was
adopted with an additional resolution in
dorsing Baltimore and Greeley and Brown.
The Liberal Republicans, in Convention
at the same jdace. agreed to support the
Democratic Greeley Election ticket.
The delegates to the National Labor
Convention held a meeting in New York
ci'y last Tuesday. After a stormy session
they adjourned, deciding to hold an
other convention at Philadelphia some
time next month to nominate candidates
for the Presidency and Vice-Presidency.
The President. Secretary . and others of
the National Executive bolted from th
party and announced themselves in favor
of Greeley and Brown.
Pkoscku'tive The Hartford Evening
Post, the same journal in which a large
interest was lately purchased by Gov.
J well, in order to convert it into a Grant
organ, gives notice that the Hon. Francis
Kernan cannot be a candidate for Gov
ernor ol New York because he is a Cathu
olic! Gov. Jewell, we believe, has also
been identified wi;b the movement to
change the Constitution of the United
State so as to obliterate the principle o
universal religious toleration which now
forms one of iis foundations. As yet.how
ever.that movement has not been siicc-ss-ftil.
and neither in the Constitution of the
Union nor in that of New York is it laid
flown that a man who professes any par
ticular religious belief is thereby disqual
ified frora election lo office. We presume
that the Gram men will be q-uiteas-unsuccessful
in proscribing any class of unbe
lievers or believers as they have- been
the application of their unconstitutional
Ku-Klux and bayonet election laws.
Francis Kernan is a sincere Catholic,
and he is an able, high-minded, nprigfe'
stmesman. who will administer with fidel
ity, impartiality, and dignity any ofSce to
which he may be assigned.
Means Business. The Boston Post says:
"The rapid formation of Greeley clubs,
by Liberal Republicans, shows the tone
of public sentiment. In all the New Eng
land town3 these associations are being
organized, and with a zeal (bat astonishes
Uucle Horace's opponents. In the prin
cipal cities and villages in Connecticut,
New Hampshire and Maine the Republi
can friends of Greeley and Brown are
combining for a work which will aston
ish confident Administration men in No
vember. This action of the reformers
means business business by the people,
for the people.''