o o 0 O 0 O o o G O O O 0 O O ! O O IS C3 O O o o o o O EI)C lUcclily (enterprise. nun ay. A L"G I'S I 'J 17 2. liliAlJTIFUJ, POIi.H. The following beautiful poem was written by George D. I'ren tice, the immortal editor of the Louisville JohvikiJ onl was fiit puhiisheol in the New York led ger in 1SC9. The poet and his subject were well known to have been the mot violent political antagonists at the time the verses were written, ami they were even then attracting the attention ot the whole country with their polemic duels, but Mr. Prentice never allowed his political predi lections to interfere with his ad miration for the personal qualities of his opponents. The poem is entitled : TO A POLITICAL OPPONENT. I srm the!'. Greeley, words of cheer, Thou brive.-;, truest. best of men. For I h;tvi! tin i ked thy strong career As traced by th hie own sturdy pen. I"v' seen tin? .-trn'.e wish the foes That d.uvd liiee to the desperate; fight. And loved to w itch the iroodly blows Deult for tlia cansc thou deeru'it the Thon'.st d ir.'d to afin-l .ipr tin.-! the wrong When uth'TS .''altered by the Hide, In thy own sireitird) h itd sied he strong Nor oti into; Iter's arm relied. Thy own bold thoughts thou'st dared to think. Thy own gre-U purpose? avowed, Ami none h;iv ever seen thee shrink From the fierce surges of the crowd. Tit'Mi a:! t;na!ded and alone DtdVt taUo thy way in life's young years. VVi'h no kind hand clasped in thy own. No g.'ntle vniire to soot!)-' thy tears. Ihit thy high heart no power could tatne, And thou hist never ceiled to feel Widiin thy veins a sacred li one That turned thy iron nerves to steel. 1 know th it thou art not. exempt l-'r un all the weaknesses of earth. F"r pa--sio:i comes to noise and tempt The tnie.-t Minis of mortal li th. li It til n inss. well fuliiiie 1 lliy trust. Jo spre o! Ii'ijic and love and fe.tr, And e'en the tem pes! 's t h u ndei'gast Lut clears thy spirits atmosphere. Thou still art in thy miu'iond's prim"1. S:id lorcin ;st 'mid ihy iellow-men, Thougli in each year ot all thy time Thou hast compressed thret -scire and ten. Oh may each b'cr.sed pvtnpathr, lirei'he 1 ,,! thee vr'tih a te'ir and sigh. A sweet fi iwer in thy pathway be. A blight s ir in the clear blue skv. A Lrrir.i: Contrast. The or pins of the Administration are making a givat flourish about its Indian noliev. Let us make a lit tle contrast between one year of j Andrew Johnson's Administration i and one year of his successors. ! In 18GS, the Last year of Mr. John- I 4 "1 " .1 T 1 sons Administration, the Indian service cost OSS, 9.3d. In 1871, the third year of General Grant's Administration, this same service cost 7, 420, 307. This is another brilliant example of the economy of the persent Administration. There was far more trouble with the Indians" lat ye:ir than in 1808. The fact is, Grant's Indian policy or impolicy has increased the mud- ii -ii.i i.. Oxe or Grant's Victims. A Southerner by the name of Moore is now in the Albany Penitontia- rv under sentence as a Ku-Klux. This is the story he tells ; "Before the war t was a well-to-do planter m A'anamp;. i owned many slaves which constituted my wealth. The events of the war reduced me ne arly to poverty. At its close, I gathered together the fragments of my ruined estate, hired a few of my former shaves, and com menced "life anew. All went well with me until a month or six weeks ! ago, when I was suspected of be- 1 ing a Ku-Klux, arrested hy a Uni ted States Marshal, given a hasty trial, found guilty, sentenced, and two weeks ago was brought from Washington to this prison. Mv tcrm is tea years' Love-Sick. I gave her a rose and gave her a ring, and .asked her to marry me. then ; but slv sent them all back the insensible thing and said she'd no notion of men. I told her I had oceans of money and goods tried,, to frighten her with a growl ; but she answered ?he wasn't, brought up in the woods, to be scared by the screech of an owl. I called her a baggage and every-thing bad ; I slighted her features and form : till at, length I succeeded in getting her mad, and fdie raged like a sea in a storm. And then in a moment I turned and smiled, and called her my an- ge 1 and all ne dl m my arm- like a wearisome child and ex claimed : "We will marry this Fall." Don't See the Argument. A Grant paper contends that there is still use for the Republican party, because some men live in the South w .-ho bate the tx.vernment of me Juited States. The Courier-Jour- . ,1-1 " u 7i rd don t see tlu argument, since Toombs, Wise and Mosby have all of them virtually arrayed them selves on the side of Grant. The Most Fruit. It has been found that in nearly en-cry civiliz- ed country the tree that bears the most fruit for the market is the axle-tree. The S. F. Chronicle reports that "Fighting Jo. Hooker" de nounces (tract us having no more mora! sor-re than a dog. i.e ent; meu ute ex pen. ut ure, ' " I ()f (irant men in Raleigh mobbed netted the Indian "ring and add- j t,vo coU)ml liun u-!l(, ha, appear ed to tdio dangers ot the border j C(l jn n Greeley procession, and i-.ettlers. , ,roV(; them from the city. If the gl.lUJSai.cli..J ------ An Interesting- Scientific Knterprise. St. Louis Republican. It is a fact well understood by the unlearned as well as the learn ed that in determining the true north line surveyors and civil en gineers are accustomed to make a certain allowance for what is called "'the variation of the. magnetic nee d'e," or in other words, it is well known that the magnetic needle does not point due north. The ex tent of this variation differs with different periods of time, and, also, in different localities on the earth's surface. Another well known fact connected with the operation of the magnetic needle is that when suspended upon a pivot, instead ot assuming an exact horizontal posi tion it lu a ;i slight dip toward the north, and that the extent of this dip likewise varies with time ami place. In view of these well-known facts it becomes a subject of great practical importance, as well as a matter of sireat interest to science to determinate the true north line of different points of the earth's sur face, in order to know what extent the needle varies from the north course, and also, to see to what extent the needle dips at different localities. When t lie true north line is once established at different points, it will then be an easy mat ter to note from year to year the slightest difference either by way of an increase or a diminution of the variation of the needle from this true line from year to year. The true north line is found by an astronomical observation, and the process of ascertaining the true meridian lino and measuring the intensity of the magnetic force which controls the variation and dip of the needle is called a "mag netic survey." Such a survey of the United States is now being made by Dr. I. C Ililgard, under the auspices of the National Academy of Sci ence. The Smithsonian Institute will publish the results of these surveys for ths general benefit of the com munity. The Prospect in Maine. All advicces from Maine point to a Greeley triumph in both the Sep tember "and November election. Even the defeat of Speaker Blaine for Congress, in the Augusta Dis trict, is hinted at ; and, in the Eastern District, Hale's defeat is certain. There is a prospect, that ex-Governor Chamberlain will ac cept the Greeley nomination in the Portland District, in which case he would surely carry it. The Port laud ArjH in a leading editorial, significantly and boldly remarks that Maine will cast its electoral vote for Greeley, and adds : "A few weeks will bring developments to make this plain to all, as it is now to us." Not Without Effect. In one of Secretary Boutwell's speeches in North Carolina he said : "We are advised to clasp hands across the bloody chasm made by the war. I protest against this advice." The Secretary's protest was not without fV-ct for nn tlir s;nmi il:tv a nartv " - . , ! famous fourth section of the Kti- j Kulx law was still in force, what. j a magnificent opportunity tics i would be for Grant to proclaim j martial law in North Carolina, and incarcerate all tne IjiUeral-Uemo-c ra tic campaigners. A Notakle Defection. A not able from the Radical party is that of ex-Go'Ternor Austin Blair, a Rep resentative from Michigan, who has formally given in his adhesion to the Liberal-Democratic; move ment. This act was not altogether unexpected. lie has long seen and denounced the corruption of the Grant Administration, and after his discovery of the Robeson frauds, where, as a Committeeman, lie became cognizant of some of the stupendous rascalities prevalent in our naval bureau, he could no longer act in any manner with the dominant party. Determined. A high-tempered hushand quarreled with his wife the other morning, and getting the worst of it, he took his razor from his box and threatened to cut his jugular vein. His daughter fell to her knees and bogged him to de sist, but he wouldn't do it. "Let the old fool cut his throat if he wants to " exclaimed his wife. "Oh, that's what you wain, is it ?" retorted the .husband. "Well, I was determined to get the best of you somehov, and now I'd do it," he added, as he carefully placed the razor m its box. Washington dispatches again hint at threatened Indian disdurb anees. The Kiowa and Cheyenne are said to be perfecting their ar rangements for a grand swing around the circle of frontier posts, in widen, tuey are undoubtedly pre 1 a : - j jKm.,i to engage in the burning ot j villages, the murdering of women and children, stealing of stock from struggling settlers, and in dulging in any other savage pas. times. These Indians favor the peace policy. Republicans in Maine are bolt ing. There seems to be a general misunderstanding as to who shall hold the offices in the party. --- o- Oni.t. A Londoner remanded for attempted suicide by hanghing, Uim-d that lie only intended exp Making a The Springfield (Dakota) Times, j a Grant sheet, calls the Germans 'The lieu Mouthed Dutch." That paper has no doubt heard of Wil son's nomination for the Vice Presidency, and thinks it in order to take a leaf in his book as a bit ter Know-Nothing. - . The live surviviors of Mr. Lin coln's cabinet as originally consti tuted are Seward, Chase, Blair, Welles, and Cameron. The latter alone indorses Grant. It will be remembered that he was turned out of the cabinet in disgrace. - The owner of the little farm in Vermont on which Horace Greeley was raised, of fers to sell for the modest stun of $.000 he old pine stomp from which II. G. used o get torches to read by at niht. The house, in which h was born is gone, but they talk of cutting the cellar up small holes for campaign purposes. into Neitiir Knows nor Cakks. Henry Ward Beecher would make a poor President of a genealogical society, lie says: "I want to know were I am going: I don't care where I came from." "Don't Try." A lady once complained to her doctor that she could scarcely breathe. "Don't try my good soul," replied the can did physician ; "nobody wants you to do it," Will Have. If Adam is ac countable for " consequential dam ages," he will have a rough time of it. A G C Tl OjY a xd commissi oz- A. 15. lHclftSlliS029 AUCTIO N E E R ! Corner ot Front and Oakdtreets , Portland AUCTION SALES Of Ileal Estate, Groceries, LJeuuralMerchan dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday ! A. li. iticiiARDsox, Auctioned AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined U.ir and Itundle Iron English St(are and Octagon Cast steel dorse shot's, Files, Rasps, saws; Screws, Fr-paus, sheet iron, li. G. Iron also : A largeassortmentof Groceries -and Liquor A. li. KicHAuijfcON, Auctiouetr OREGON CITY, OREGON, c RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY COOIS, BOOTS &; SHOES, I a!o keep constantly on hand SALEM CASfllMERES, FLANNELS, TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Which I wilt sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. 2-i7l will also pay the highest price- for Butter, Ejrus nd ail kinds of good country produce. I will sell as low as any house in Oretron. for (.'ash of Us equivalent in gomi meridian table produce. " STS Give me a call and sat.i-fy vonrselves " JOHN MYERS. Jan. 13, 1S71 tf SPRING & SUMMER SO00S JUST RECEIVED AT DEALER IN DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES. HARDWARE. GROCERIES CROCKERY, NOTION'S, AC. MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. PRODUCE of all kin Is bought, for which I pay the highest market price. It" you desire trood Goods, at LOW Prices. CiU at I. SELLING'S, and examine his fresh stock of Spring Goods. GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. Mv Mittois, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. Wool Wsicitocl, For which I will pay the higheet market price. I. SELLING. April 14. lTittf Summons. In the County Court of Clackamas couuty, JACOB AVOUTM.VN, Plaintiff. X. XEyELL.,"ffeudant. MHO X. XEWELL, THE ABOVE XAIED defendant In the name of the Stato of Ore gon you are hereby required to apjiear and an swer the complaint hied a-ainst von in said Court in the ahove entitled action within ten days after the service of this summons upon von, "if served in Clackamas comity, or twenty days if serve! ia any other county in said State, and' un less you so appear and answer said complaint, in sail term or on or before the 1st day of the term of said Court commencing next after the expira tion of six weeks from the publication of this summons, to-wit: on Monday, the 2nd day of September, li7- the plaintitf "will take a judg ment against you for the sum of i;s 45 and inter est thereon sinct? the 1 1th day of May, 1872 also for cost-s and disbursements of this action Published by order of-Hor. J. K. 'Wait Jud--e of said Court. JOUXsUX & MrfOWN c Dated 23d July, 1S72. AttVs for pP. SOjulyCw HOME-MADE CARPET FOUALK AT Busiaiss Directory of Portland, Oregon. PITBLISUKPBY L. SAMUEL. General ABnt, 13 Irani Stntt. Ackerman's Dollar Store, Xo J First street. Importers and Job bers of Fancv Goods, Toys. Crockery, Glass ware and Plated aie- A stor House. First t , between Oak and i Pine. Everything neat. li. L. Lojyfel low, Proprietor. U CIlOKT & MOUS15, Wr.U for Mabie. Todd A Co.'s celebrated " itlU I'tm. Ivison, Pdakeman, Ta3 lor A Co's School Books. J.Jtt J'ubliMhe.1, nyullitneoj Jg-il Blanks for thin Stt. 1arman. the ordv di. ect Importer of Cloth-in-, Ac, cor. Front y"-1"" - ""CHASrcTYi R B T T, IIOLHSALR BOOKSELLER A STATIONER, LARGEST STOL'K IN roRTLASD. Xo. 7Q Front R ml :. 5W'k- IVrX'K, WILLIAM A SON. T1 Front st. 3 Importers and dealers in Uuua, Rll! and Revolver of every description. Fishing; Tackle, Fancy Goods. Heads, Bird Ca'es, Baskets, Croquet Games, and Uaby Carriage. Agents for the "California Powder Woiksj" also, for th W heeler A Wilson Sewing 'Machines. ' 1"ck, John ., I'iTt Front street, practical ) Wechmakcr & Jeweler. Work done tor the Trad". IM W-tfVirWTJJU'MjU'lliJI mpn mini l V Hiwmflw l mi hiwi ij BOOK AM) .JOB PRIXTERS. IIIMESA RAtUILI DKR !3 Front street Iritjham A IJeinhart, F.rst st. bet Oak A 3 Pine, importers of Stoves, Ranges, Kitchen Ut.eniU. 1u- hanan, W. A , s. v. cor. First A Taylor y sts. Cheapest Furni'ure House in Port land" CARPETS. WALT Kit BUG -'.t Front stieet llai ke, Henderson A Cook, 81 A S3 I irst stieet. Dealers iu Dry Goods, r ancy Goods, A". J sion Merchants A Dealers in Oregon A California Produce. Con;'e, J. IJ . ; S.Td.IK-s, 11;: Manufacturer A Deih-r in arness, ana Ouuulery iiura ware, Front street. Cou rier, V A Co., 1;:! Front st. Merchant Tadors and Clothiers, Huts Furnishing Goods. DeLishmuit A Oatm in, 'l Fr int street. Ileal Kstite Agents, money loaned, houses rented. DENTAL GOODS, 'iX . Wood- 101 L loui slret't . DRUGGISTS,..!!: Alt!) AC'. lni Ff nt street. Orders from any portion of t'te Slate or Territories care fully til ed by m i l or e'pres-. TTmil, l.owensti in A Co. Furniture and arpet dealers Stores from 13 1 to 13s Fn t street. XT 1 1 1 p ! oy m e n t A : e n cy . Witherell A Hoi Furnish all kituU of man, s() Front st. help. I.verd HL--A Ueehe, lo Front -treet. Com U mission Merchants and dealers in Do- ne-ti - Produce. 1 Tishion liive' v Stable, eor. First A Salmon sts K. Corbett, Pr. p. (rood tuiu-o'.its tl w.i vs on hand. I X- TJ- hci ts eor. first. A Va-Jin'fon i s. t i. ; -. rum. l n rr ( roods. 1 V-eela-.d, Dr. B. TL., Dentist Oin;e, Xo. ii. Di-ktrn's 151 ck, cor. First A -Vash- infjton sts. r 1 ill A Steel. 7" a'd 77 t irit. street. Deal- X ers in Wo 1 iistrurncnts. ik-, Stationery, a:id Musical GRAY'S MUSIC STORE- The largest Music IIouso on the Con ft. STEIN WAY HANGS, BURNETT ORGANS, CJ. I". ntPniXS. JLinagfr, SOLE AfJRNCY flip. THR 6t53ove''' Sewing 3Iacliine. ,3??..!Tent- wanted. "S-a Ku'ker'ey A Sterne Grocers find dealers n all kinds of Seeds, cor. First and Ma u st-. nimbiv irer, B., Kirst s' reot . i;n fxirter and dealer in staple Fancy Dry Goods, Millmerv IT tTirlef.D II. , Photosr ipliic Artist. . v. c-r. First and ec ltv. Moiri-un sts. Child s 1'let TJe ,r:chs-., L. ( Co.. ln;i F r-t street. 11 Manu'.H Warehcs. Ac. turers and dealers in Jewelry, nibbird, (ifo. L.. !'s Front st.. wholesale dealer in Groceries, Doors, Wa.on Ma terials, Ac. Hod-e. Calef A Co., J7 Front st., wh de sale dealers in drus, Paints, Oils, (iiass, Ac. TTA" I" T7 Sewins Machine, strai -ht J..LV 'Al I J medio, under feed, "h ck stitch." Competition challenged. Al. K. T raver, 1 1 ii Front st. Hurtrren A Shin ller, X". to 172 First st. Importers Furniture, 15ed- illoe iVc. International Ilo'el. cor. Front and M uri son s's. M. Uudolph, Prop. Free Buss attends steamers. Kohn.J. A Co., M Front st., wholsafe and ret i ii dealer in Fine Clothing, Furnish ing Goods. 1 I ai-on Doree Ivestaurint, pnvate rooms tor h annbes, cor. . "oos Pi op. 1st and Pine streets. E A Co., whole-ale dealer in mo- A Liquors, O. S. X. Go's Block, and San Fran eier A Sehmeer, III Front St., wholesale and retail Confectioners. Mi!'er-, Tohn B , i'S 1st st. Wat'dimaker A Jeweler, otV.'rs to t'u public a tine as sortment of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. Mueller A Co , in native am Front near (' st.. Dealers d lorein Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ATort'.rnn, L J.. Hardware. Iron, St-el. IN Hubs'. Spokes, Hardwood Lumber, dx-., Portland. Oehlental Hotel, cor. First and Morrison sts. Smith A Cook, Proprietors. 1)ari-h, Wat ns A ..nell, Ite-1 Kstate Asents, 00 Front street, bet. Alder and Washington. I) HOT GRAPHIC GOOD-5. C. II. Wood 1 ard A Co.. KM Fiont s. rice. J. M..127 Front street, who!3ale V dea'er in Tinware and Stoves. Ti ehter. Paul 105 First St.. importer of Jl Yi Berlin w ooden Carvings, Parlor Orna- merits. lYC. T) ider. G, C, K"al Ho'a'e A Money Broker, IV 02 Front treet. Portland. T ''senbaum, I.S.ACo.. Tobacconists. import ' IV- ers of F.'T!-'. and t'otr.?5t;c L:quor. 1 u.-s House, Front !-t. On First Class Piia V cipai. Thomas Iiyai, Proprietor. Sherlock, S., 01 Front and 2 First sts , O dealer in Harness, Saddlery and Sad dler Hardware. Simon, J., ot Front sti eet, dealer in Doors, asli A Blinds, Window A Plate Glass. Sinsheimer, H., lo7 Fust st., importer ot Pi.mos, Organs, Sheet Music, Muio In-strumetits. Qkidrrore. S. G.. First st. Drugg'st A O Ap .thec.irv, a lare stock of Perlumeiy A Toilet Articles. S until A: Davis, 71 Front sti e t. wholesale dealer in Drills, Paints, Oils. Window Glass, Perfumery. .te. Siftv A It .os, 7.', Kirst strtet, Picaires, Fiames, Moldings, Artist's Mat'.s, Draw ing Iiistriimen's. Smith, Put.. Broker. O t Fro;it st. Dtnler in Legal Tenders, Go- ernnient Bonds and Gold Dust. ST1K, . L.. o H7 Front Street. Watchmaker A Manufacturing Jeweler is unpointed Asrent tor the Walthaia. Eh-'in. E. Howard A Co., t'has. E. Jacot, and the Caliiorni Watches; -also, for all the predic tions and imports of the California Jewelry Con pany, San Francisco. Send for circular. Watches repaired in the verv best manner and w.vhhantkd to give satisfaction. pn., AtP'KMinresAjr ferry Bros.. Xo. 17s First street, nianufac .JL turers and dealers in Furniture, Bed dina:. Carpets, Ac. rphe Clothing store 1 1 :i Front st. (dot'inu 1 Furnishing Gocds, Boots and Shoes. Harris A Prager. ''puttie, II 11., 142 A 1-1 1 Front st. Dealer JL iv Wagons A Agricultural Implements. rpyne. E. D., n. w. cor. First A Oak sts., JL dealer in Brandies, Wines, Finnish Ale and Porter. rpy!er, .1. A., 14-7 Front st., wholesale deal JL er in Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Lard, Ba con, Ac. TYTilliiiini A Myers, f Central Block. V Front st., Comniisdon Merchants A deal's in Produce. 7'hallev A Fechheimer, At'ormys A So y bcitoisii Banki ujitcy. OJlic'e in Odd Fellows Temple GOOD NEWS. LOOK OUT FOR GOOD BARGAINS! 6. ACKERMAfl & CO. II AVE JCST RECEIVED A LARGE stoi k of WHICH THEY OFFER Cheaper t5an t!ie r:5sea5?ef. We would say, come an 1 convince your self before purchasing elsewhere. Our stock consists in part of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, CHOTH1XG. HATS. BOOTS AND S110E. NOTIONS, GROCERIES. HARDWARE, and a great many articles too numerous to mention. AL0, Doors, Windows, Gla-s and Putty. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IX EXCHAXGE FOR GOODS. ALSO, TI'OOL wanted, f r which we pay the HIGHEST PRICE. S. ACXERftXAN & CO. Oregon City, AjM-il 21, l71:tf Eye, Ear, Throat & Lungs. JOHN B. PILKIKGT0W, EI. D., I ATE OF SAX FBANCLVf'O, HAS LO j caed in Portland, On gon. f)l!ice : In H line-' Building. First street (three do ts fr m Ladd A Tilt-m's P. ink), where he mnv bo coii'ult-d daily, and will treat, diseases of t he ab ve named org ms as speeialt es. All operation ujioti 'he Eve and P.ai per formed in the most scientific and careful manner. A RTI FICI A L EY ES, having a'l the beauty and mobility of the nut :ral eye, inserted. Refers bv permis-ion, for Ids professional standing, to L. C. Lane, M, D., Profo-s r ot Surgery, and Edwin Lenilev, M. D , Proff sor of .n itorny. University ot the Pacific. San Francisco; and lor his success in Hie treatment of cacs, to over l.otH) cases tieat ed bv him, in San Fiancisc .; also, to Lrvi Ests. Esq., Uev T. L. Eliot. Portland ; Wm. H. DiU.ui, E-q.. Vai couver, W. T. ; ami many others Oregon and Washington Ter-riiOi-3 aiiti2o:mi HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE THE UXDERSIGXED OFFERS FOR sale bis residence n Orogo'i City. There are four lota, a good hou-e and barn, with a fine cellar and (goml well of water. There is plenty of land, and it is well adapted for early girdeniiifr purposes. Pait pavmeut mav be made in stock. For particulars sp plv'to GLOKGE CLARK. Ore on City Juna2 lS71tt REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. POUTLAND- - - 0REG0U- GEO. Ja. CURRY, DEALER IN REAR ESTATE AND OTHER INVESTMENTS. Commissioner Se'esting Swamp nnd Oyei -flowed Lands. F.-trm l inds s"ld and purchasers obtained for all kinds of landed property. Valnab'e securities transferred in exchange for real estate. 0 Loans nesrofiite.l on property, and title examined and determined. Commissions solicited and executed with fidelity an-1 promptness. OFFICENo. UCrter'aRuildin-, corner vi .nier anil rrnvf, -rpr F..h. 3. i-r tf THE HOUSE WE LIVE IN AND THE INHABITANTS OF THE WORMS, rriIE CAUSE OF A GREAT MANY PIP JL eases, that have been pronounced incur able by the most eminent physicians, tor the very reason that they overlooked the cause, and as Dr. Van Den Hergh has made the Entozoa a lite long Study, be wou d infoiui the sick generally that by close observation and great xperiuit ins, ba come to the con clusion that there are more acute and thrun it: diseases cau.sed by Worm, Jlrdat.ds, An ima.cula;, 01 otiier species ot Entozoa. The public generally, or 1 tie profession i:t large, are not aware of the number of Patients who are treated by eaiinenl Phvsic.ians, for th.s, ttiat. or utdt a complaint, without any relief. It the disease had been understood, a few doses of Dr. Y's. Sovtreij 11 Worrit Jitiueiy would have iniined;uttd,Y cured the complaint ai.d saved a great many lives. INHABITANTS 0? THE HU- HAN E0DY ! What think you reader, of your body be ing a planet inhabited by living races, as we inhab t the earri V What ver may be your thoughts on the subject, h is even so. Your body may be but a home for parasites that crawl over the surface, burrow beneath the skin, ne.-tlein its entrails, and riot and propagate their kind in every corner ot its frame. The following is from the San Francisco Bulletin, of J anuary -jdih, ls7ii. (A recent date.; Car i.'artins rccct.tly died in Cleveland, Ohio, from eating meat infected with tho Ova of 'linat Sol'ium. At the Coi oner's Inquest, on Tuesday, (January 2d.) it was shown tht three wi eks before Chi i.-t;nas, M ai tins purchased a carcass of Pol k. Some of the meet was eaten the same day, und some was made jnro sausage. About ten days iater, some of the sausage was eaten, and 111 a .-hoit time the whoU farni'y were taken si. k. Martins died on Sunday. Decern ber 31st, 171. M.S. Alart.ns nertwo children are now very ssck, and t he tomer is not, likel to rec .ver. The vercict was in accordance with the facts. For further par ticulars, s e Clove ami, Ohio, paper of above date. A Coroner' s Inquest brought this fact to lijrht. Now 1 would ask how many more such deaths a" i. -quest would bring to light f Ponder well, reader, upon this, and thii-k of the thou-a us that d-.e every j ear and no ivvii-p e m be as lulled tor their ileadl. Now the question that w.-uld naturally enter the mimi f ihe reader, is what shall I ! ? The advice of the Dr. w o lo be : to some one that is competent oi treating such e.-nt-plaints. And who is nc re competent than the one that has made Worms a speciality. Tkmas-Yesterday. Dr. J. W. Van Dcn Peigh exhdjited to n's a number ot parasites which had been removed from persons af flicted; there were several d lb rent s; ecics, oneof which appears to be entirely unknown to the iredical profes-ion. This new taenia is shaped something like an orange seed, but perfectly Hat, or lather like a cucumber seed, with a" tail about a quarter f an inch inhrgth. Another was a tape worm 67 bi'-t in leittrtb, consisting of ii.Cioi, joints. Among medical men theie ex. sts no little difl'ereiiee of opinion relative totbeoiigin of these entozoa. One class of writ- rs be lieve that these parasi es, at least many of them, originate in the endowment of anneal molecules with vitality from the parent body, fafo: ed bv ccrtai i states ot the vital forces of that body; the states origiualing their rj i nizat i-.n and promoting their g ovi ih and propagation. That all description-; of entozoa are met with far more frequently where asdmal food is used in greatest abun 1 auce, is an indisi titanic fact, .specially where t;e food hi the !le!i oi the "une'ean beasts.'' h,c!i the Jews and M ohammedajis are forbidden to partake of. But our in'en tion s not to wiite a thcsHup-e this sid.je d: we onl v b sir- to chronicle the tact that Dr J W. Van Den IJeigh has iound a med'cine a simple vegetable whicti grows in s bund ance m California, which is u dead shot to a eu'oza. of whatever de-cripLnti, gener ally ;icc!)i!i d isli r s its ol ject in tr m an hour and a half to six h ujr. Mtmiri (.'till.. Had we the space ' ere hundreds d testi monials could bo produced, testifying to the Ifirh of the assert ions that have here been made, but :t would be useless and would onlv occupy the reader's time. The foliow n, are some of the diseases that Worms ate often iniaken fur. Dysoepsia, Chronic Affections oi tho Liver and Kidneys, Con-unipti iu, Whi'e Swell ng. Palsy, Spermatoi rhce t. Diarrt-tea, I c 'liti neticeof Urine, Gravel, Fior Albas, Diabetes. Dropsy, etc Dr. Y. would advise those ladies froub'ed iritli any lrroe ularit'es of the Ulerus to I ry his new r m dies ami get cured. Dr. Van I) n Bergh's Infallible Worm Syr up for Children. 1 rice l. Warranted to expel the worms. Sent everywhere upon receipt ot price. Dr. J. V. Yan Pen Bergh's, Hair Tonic a ure cure to destroy all a'dmalcube of the Hair Follicles, prevent - falling out. and pro moting t e Growth o! tliellair. Piicejl,50; Warrar.ted. IJy Con alt'iifj nnd I'ndi r groins SIMPLE EXAMINATION, i The affl.o'rd cm learn if their flisen-p ia 1 caused bv Worms i;r no- nt all pven a Dr i an Den B. rgh can tell them from what dis ease they are .-.ufivring. Consultations and Kxaiuiiuitlous IfilF.K OP CIIAIIGK. OFFICE ROOMS N0S. 33 & 39, OVER THE POST OFFICE. Letters describing the symptoms will bo promptly answered, and persons livingata distance will be saved the expense and trou ble of calling upon the Doctor. Address 1)11 J. IV. VAX DE KFdtCII, P O. BOX 172. SALEM, OREGON, Tcstiiooiiiol. I'ortlaxh, Pc-l. 10th, 1.5.72. 11 ti. .1. W.X y Urn Behgii J)var Sir : Our rhild.a tilth jjrirl eight yearf of ajre, has had tits and c-mvnlj-ions f,,r t))0 ast two years, and we bad tried m-.ny d ictois and n-an remedies without much benefit, in fact. our davlinir was ttinjx constantly 'worse tint 1 we ht-nrd of unr worn sy rn th'-cujih a friend of ours. We tho iyh. fhat perhiqn it miht do so'ee y.-jod to give i; a tiial, R .d i,u cannot imairine our surprise when orer tioo worms were expelled with 0-e bo tlr of y.-ur yalnable wrm yriin, and from this time on we eerbiiidy shall i e er be r thont it so Inn; as there U a vf.-silb- fbatice tor it to be bad. Yon are at libeity to publish this if you choose, and mav it do much tood. Respectfully vours, " S. U. ORTftN. M. J. OR TON. Symptoms of "Vcrn, Alternate pa eness and finshinc c.r the conntenanee, dull expression of the eves, drowsiness. it-hinr of the nose, a swelled upper fin. tnmroe whiteiy f'nr.e' and thick ly f-peck'ed with red points, fetid breath, and enlarged abdomen, u part'al or cen cr:.l swellinsr or piifrin-rnpss of the skin a start'intr it the sleep and jrrir,di'ir of the teeth, a sensition lis if Rniethinr wasl'idg ed in the throat, a srradnal wnstincr of the flesh. sicbns of the stomach, vomitinj?. a short and dry conai1t appetite sometimes vo rscons -t oth.-r timet feeide, bwels some times enstiye, other t;me. loose, prreat fret ddness and irritability of temper, pains in the stomach and bowels, colic, fits, convul sions and palsy. I' the worm svrnp is not, to bf had in vonr town, send ordera to the mnini'nctiirer it will be sent promptly to nnv 'nddress free of express char-res. Direct orders to Ph. J. W. VAN DEN HERGII, V. O nT 172. .fitm, Org-r. To Stock rover, rpiIE ROAD ACROSS THE c7 X Mountains, ki.own as. the .7,CAfE grant Road," is now in spltnlid , ttn' the accoruiiiodatioi. of the public 1" 1 r on ttie road have ail been thon,Ki'', "n ed, and stock drovers will nnd u ,!' to cross tiie Mountains by this rout ut! is plenty .f good water" and grass' T'"r sides of the Mountains, nJ the across is onlv o ruilvs beiu ' the'sh sTa,'c well as the best road over the Case "riV l tains. Stock drove and emigrant.. '1 "l" U to tlieir advantage to travel ov'pp VI Erd Tolcs reasonable. - - u.s 1 JOSEPH YOUNG. Prei,, Clatk itnas county, June 21st, 172 TW15 OlUlj: AND THE BKx DR. HUFELAND'g .'CELEBRATED S "W I s s STOMACH BITTERS The First and most healthful T0rJc ever introduced in the United State, These Bitt..c been in the Sb.. p,.. Cisco Maiket tv.r uoiwiuistandini.' t)t ii'tinv new fiii;,i.i,. - ' 'VI Btl , for public favor, th siiles have const ,ntlT Incrpfispd jTAVLfK & TiV.S. KKI Sole Atrr... i 4oi and 411 CUv w. ' San Frai.cisco. ft BfJ-. T7II1 se-w eTsrytliing seeded in a fanry, f:ca tba heaviest to the L'giitest fi'oric. it roes :?roi:r: v.x)i:ii, 320211: ZLZyiili WGZllZ, ax'd j:etix2j work, Tho.ii c.117- other machine. If thcro ft I lorrr.ce Fewing Ma chlno v. i.hin or, thousand ilIIcs of Han Frar.cisco rt vorliing v i'l anl pivinrj entire fnlirx'-icdifd), if I .tn in iomietl of it, it l e nttciuW to without expe-nse c f ai.y kind to tL.j 0viier. CA1IUZL HILL, Arent, 10 New f'or.tjome.-y Street, Grand Fete! Buitdi.-., S-a Franchco. S''tif! for Circulars and tamplrs rf ttic irer.'.-. Active Agrixla uunit J in O PEIVATE MEDICAL AID. (ui li Cm ( am! ?r.f iatc f l.argri. Dr- W- KDoherty's Private JHt-cllru S ui;it u) inlilun. No. 519 Sacramento Street, corner oi Leick-sorlii dyr h-ot flu- Wbil Che.M IIt.n.--r.) (I'riy iiie entrance on l.eidesdi'i fi strut ' Establib d Exprejoh to Aliiu tl.e Alii it..! Soiind and S. iei.! 1 tic 21 . d it :ti A ::, 11, it;. Treatment and Cine id nil I'i ii.,f 1 : .1 Chronic I 'i-ea.-es, C.iies ol St ci c y :.i (; Sexual Disorder. To tiie Alillcterf. uiv. vv . K. IJ U 11 1. 1. I 1 re 1. 1 1 .s ti: itiifctt thanks to his i.uneior.s intitris toil!.' patronage, and v uiU.tr.Kt this j 1 ri i to remind 1 1. em thai lie cct tu its n 1. 1 -i !t at bis Institute lor tl e ctae el . h'Cii ot easts of the Lnmrs, Liver, Kidius, 1 if.ii tive and Gcnito-Ui 11 aiv ('h.iii.. ;iaA ju ivate dist a.e-, viz : Sypi ilis it: ; 1 1 :tr I' in and stagi Sen ii.ul TYcaKne. s i.d ri: 'If horiid i oji.-t jnences ol self r.yc. 1" r' htea. Gleet, Strictur es, Ncettn tial f! I':i' nal Emissions, Sexual Dtlnhtv, I infnM'1 he Rack and Loirs, i id! an" 11 :iti. 1; el '!p Rh.dtler and Kidicys, et. . ; j-i.d It if'l'1, that his lonjr experienct nnd s:t( f f'liii t i?f tice will continue ttiir suie l it. a .tinf' pui.lic patrotuiire. b'y the pir.titi t rui yeaisin Emopeand the F'nitrd St;d. 1 enab'f cl to ajdy the m si 1 11 c 1 1 t f-r.r f,f cessfnl rememe.s against dist ;es of 1. ' '"' lie uses no mercmy . c! mj. i 11 c-i'ett :(,ti"; his patients in a cm ret t ;.nl l.oi on 1 rV and lias references ol 111 (jtier tici :1 "!'!; ty fr.iiiim. il o! known 1 esj ettul-i d hiirh standing in noc.ety, A 1 1 l urti.. suiting him by letter or oth ei im'. ill ccive the best and geutUft titatni.n implicit, seciecy. When a female i in tionble cr fT! 'f with disease, as wealmws d the ba.kr't limbs, pain in the head, din rt ?s of MM' loss of ntnsculHr power, palpitat on f heart in it,i hi: ity , n rvi nsr.ess, oti.iitf inary ditliculties derar.tn tid ''''i functions, ceneral debility . Tiiguiii's, J-'1,"'. east s of the womb, hystc'tia, .steiiiit. '!,cf.'f other disease peculiar to ft 'a!efi.'li, 'n:, p;o cr wrre at once t.. the cth bi!ed tj!'' e doctor, V. K. DOHFRTV.at his J!t (lie; ' 'n stitnte. and consult him about her na' and disease. The Doctor is fit ctmB -enres than anv other phsi rnn it. 'f;t . i- , , 1 . - - m . ' .-.1 . ,i..ut"- mitt'-' 01 Laniornia.. jri no laist" 1 t .. ,( ou, bnt apply immediately ard sine V J from painful "snil'eiinpF anil prrii.iitt'ir All married ladies, w hose dt licnte 1 other circumstances prevent an their families shmibt write or call a' 1 ''.,, K. DOIIERIY'S Medical Insti i.te, s ; will receive every po-sihle relief V 'jt'f The Docfoi's oTi'ees are 50 arranf-'-" can be consulted without fear jf obseMl- ' " To Corr .loficli Patients residing ia nr.y rt of tl howerpr distpnt. wl o mnv Hf sir ti rL f. and adviceof DR.mGIEKTV ' jt and aoviceot nn.iMuir.iu M1 jt five eases, and who tfiitiK pioj' IC .... . r ei in Tint"' holding a persoral interview, l ie ,f'J j;beo ly assnied that their con-n uniei't ' held sacred and coniuierdii'i- 11 .pain full v and cartidly desciibed, r4'1'" 'sc n.nnication wjll Up ur.tic esary. s- f f, tions for diet . recimen and the pen if(I.f. ment of ttie case itsel f finchiditif-' ' . ffi d'-es will he forwarded without ('f in Fucb a manner as toconvtv re ;rel. purport of the let ter or parcel s 1 ' jc,,-i, eirCons-ultation-by letter or . FREE. Rernianentcure piiara"" u . .. . .,wisbfd n DR. DOH1H I V nasju-i r"-" Tjfw' -ortant pamphlet, emb- dyn p "j' tfr.ff o relation to in I lit. I . ill. . 1 ... 1 t . , TrrT,nt( .Mat nihf.dvile i"a -..rt ' trilitv ; being a Short TreaVf- ,r4 torrhrea or Seminal eakne'r,- trte . . , .... ,n,,nt en ,u tV.P, nnd other disenses of tne . e r:. tl This little work contain? lnff,rn'? jrr"f:', utmost value to al .whether marr. ir,r; and will be sent FREE by 171! frf jx cents in postage stnir u'r 'X- ii. 1U M I! & m 1 1 n mm 1 V. T. PonFRTr:Jf.f;;: San Frnsc' -- c7 1, I' , 9 o ; 1,, . , j