o ORIGINAL DEFECTIVE o Z)t tUcckhj (enterprise '. : AUGUST 9. 1872 FRIDAY. TOWN AND COi'VTY. n-t. ciri nuws of l lie drown 5n. of Vrihurl). Charman. eldest son ol ;M,;or Cbarman. spread a gloom over 'i ,T Tn',.nHfn orcoinjr in swinim:n?. w, li.e I" " , H V Cooke IS , . . .K .t ntitno-'. Jit" tit Will m.r.rci i.m i taking a .i- ii . f,r ibi-i.!" I-n-; .. . , 1 v ... v. ; ji-m ;, Til- 'OVS W.IO ' , , lnzcfhl-r' cn.lMOj until he le. " r it and l.i" o.!v went immediately i'i!T ran down tn .m i' , iii,.him Hen. id.- the second dive ' inlown Cos. bv .he s.-am-r. and :W-Jmmintf out under wan-r Home twenty fl.,.. s,w the bndv and brought if up. It w;4s under waer prob li!y. a h-.if liour. Kverv effort was made to resume-rate ihe Vm-Vs b-v but widio.it avail. The doc tor thiiik-s tb it he most have been attack ,., with pulmonary apoplexy which ren dered linn pnwo-loss to call hr aid Ar thur w s a vonnr man much liked by hi-; assoei a f s -and his loss has 1 -piiv.-.l them ofalrieno" and sijrrei-aMe. companion.- The farxTii ok place at the I'ip'i-t SClinrch on Wednesday, the sermon b,-inr preached v Rev. H. Cenv. aisted by l)r A'k'msun of Pnrln nd ; the si;irin; was under the char" of llev. Mr. SHI wnoil. The stntes and a'i husi ooss booses were closed. Had the Fire lepartmnt t irned out in full force as well as our eit iZ"tis cenerall V. It was om of the larg est fun' nls that has ever taken "place in this city. The community deeply sympa thise wi'h the afflicted family in their sad bereavement in die loss -t,t so proin!sirr and hopeful a son. His prospects for a cat oft "I'f.'J. bright future were suddenly of the tincertamU,:,t,;i.M,,t!KJr illustration I) v.uno Uouukuv. A during robo.- lion winuow name, making a hole ,-! !, r ten inches square. This enabled iluuu to raise the lower catch and then ihev were enabled to reach up and sjuin '- the upper fastening. This done, they w.-Te in the main building. They brcke open the Hate belonging lo Postmaster liacon. whit h is in ide of wood lined with sheet iron ,id frfsifiiod wiMi a lock which is easily prved olf. and they readily secured ihe depo'-iis in ide there. There was a large amount ol postage stamps in the safe-, which liiey refused to take. They went till-' ugh life ni iiiey drawer and got. about i'JO ou! ( Iha'. and in he .-ljow case there wis -about JUt) wur;!i o! old and curious coins of which they look about sO l leaving the gold co us utidis urb"d. They then coiuiii-iK-ed 'ii'-ir work on ih safe be longuig io .ur. ooi.niin. on' oi-t not get Jat..- il being eyiUen ly scared n!f. 'II, ey bail succeeded in making a hole in j ! j -lop of ihe sale of aboil, eigal or ten inc! 's in leiighl. and had dug up ihe cemeir, and w.'iill soon have mole their wav through uie inside ir.ui In :bisa!'e. Mr Wor.'m in informs us. there w is d'-posped over .sl.U IJ. ii wis a dariig loli'o'ry. and evideniiy shows that tiie parlies hid ciieluily examined .heir ground and had Hi ir plans weil laid. Tlu-v knew ore i v Here sir. it., to commence taking ie ihe lit si or lower e-r pe; ra' oi s of ih is o-H llie Look. daring ,i l: lo We I,- ruSroery m .v be iouud out and brougiu 1" jifstice. We also learn that, there have i , i . , i o.-eu o itci atieaipi" a- ourgiii v. prnoi lily by the same par i, s. These w.-re 'o j fitter tin lious-'s of JI:as. L-.gns. Mr. Li ! 3'wiMjili-. A. J Aopersou and (Jen. Miller . . . I 1 t . 1 . . - : I n i in, .,!,i.i mm noaoav ni.n s i in e. o :j,e Would ii w.-lt !o be , i!;eir gu aid. Siiuje tins a!ov was itl type. ,!i;er Met "oy ii.m Jve,-n iii town and arrested two ',ip.s,,i lo be engtged Hi lliese 5 .irlat ies and hdg" l 'hem ni j.iii, ainl is on tin track o! diets. vs i otsoNK'n e la if ihe f. Ityw itg from the JJr-niUl of lass Mom! tv. It is a fi i Iff we know nothing about and t hercfoi e g iee it as per. leaving out lie it appears in ilitt pa- fl lines of I he Jiai i ie-. We nave lusi been tl-. i in inSortnari:., ot a suspicion -i case u iiiciJ seems 'o tend to tile tact ot foul play It a ipe -IS ih a Airs AI . rea ling about eleven i-.!e Mi Irom Oregon City, iu Clack am is county, w is wooeif and won by a Mr. II. about one year .go. She n ad at that I lt:i e al, mi t $.''' m g"el ceiu. ami the neighbors thought it was a money in t'cli mi the pari if ihe, inn Titeir m irried life took tie itsi il cour-ie. un'il a week ago list Sun day, ihe 2s:!l day of .lily, and while a!i the (,,. gab rs were at church and Mr. and Mr-. II. were at home, ihe lady was sad deiily taken ill. Her grandson, who was lues..,,!, wi.s sent tor a physician. If -cam-, but loo late to be oj any tise. as ihe lady was dead From our informant we learn thai Mrs. IL when taken sick began foaming at the mouth, gasped very hard and straggled as though su.Iering great hvrual agony, and as if in great pain. From all on; ward appearances Airs. 11. died of ap.ipiex v. but ihe neighbors are frispicious of some foul play. The doctor who wis called iu would not give or ex press an opinion as t the cause of her death. We unders and Unit the body wih tie di-in-erred 'and an autopsy field upon i he remains. It anything should be a is covered iu the unfortunate worn m's su.ni acii her s'.aer should meet with just and coiidtgu p mishment. The result of the autopsy is looked for with great inferos in Clackamas county, as the parties were well known, and Mrs. H.'s sudden death h i ere lied great excitement. We hope nothing wilb, tonnd for Mr. H.'s sake.' Fatal Acci.knt. A fatal accident oc cuned on ihe Lock and Canal last Wednesday, which resul ,-d in the dtu h of Wiliiam Dubon. familiarly known as ' I'' uas charge of a gang j; v. iiinatiK'tl. wi the rock and dii i in the wagon beds which are letdown an! t! no;-te,i hy a Ie, , jck. He had just cot pleted loading one of these beds, when he gave ihe order to lnit. standing nndei the tied. When it was about twenty live feel up. ilu r,,pt broke, letting ihe whole load of rock, wcighinyr al.ont three tons down upon him. m ishing him into pieces cinsingneah iu ta tl . We a e inform ed that no one is responsible for the aeci dent, asiit is one ot those occurrences which ate liable to take place and which are unavoidable. The funeral of ihe de ceased yesterday was i tended by a large .lumber of citizens and his feliow-work-nieri. We ar: informed that Mr Ddt.ei has two sis frs iu Sun Francisco. He was touch esteemed by i hose wdio knew him. following is the verdict of the Coroner's J ii ry : )e the undersigned Cot oner's Jury, this day called to sit upon th- dead body d Wiiiiaui D ilton. d find as a verdict, 'hn the saiil Wiliiaui Dalioti came to his h tu Linn City. Oregon, while work- 'fig unit!. t!, Canal it Locks accidentally " l.emg struck and completely crushed J a falling car I iad of stones, on the 7th "ay of August. l-s72. J- L. Harlow k'rn nl- f in..:.,.. t- r. t v ... r " ' .. -iti'i i''in. r, ii. J l Ward. Wm. Whiilock. Ira iu-a.jij. i 'i;rr ; U v';;r.v. C -1 7!'j. I7J. P V was committed in this city last Tuesday 1 "'c ''fighteiied near the residence ot night. The post-office was broken into vJ-vT'''- ."'''V" j'V gl n tbe U1" a,,d the safe robbed of between SI Oil!) 1 p f " 't " ' ' ,l'Uk "?m ' and S1.20J. The .Jiieves effected an en h v ' ,1 Ul!,n where the trance .hrough.the window r a w " le , '"i 'yeh building attached to, he brick, and then 1 d r H. V'f was well picked away the brick by the side of ,h, i ' , , .. 'U.'' .a"(l ' Only wonuer is r-KintiE Mektixg. Tersons interested in the welfare of Oregoi City are request ed to attend a meeting at the Court House this Friday evening, at 7 o'clock, to take under consideration Ihe feasibility of con structing a bridge across the Willamette at this place. Kvery business man every property holder. and every citizen who has. the least interest in the future pros pects of Oregon City, should attend this meeting. It is an important more in (he milt direction. Let there be a full meet ing, so that there can be a thorough ex pression of sentiments in reg ard To this matter. We need to do som thin- to binld up our town ami no one thin" that can be done, will aid m re than thi-T Let us have a rousing meeting and take hold ot the matter in earn-?!. It can be done ""'i ii i.'i'isi ie none ii v i' expect our city to grow ami pr, per. The OrejonianKiy: -The enterprising horticulturist. A. R. Shipley, E.. near Oswego, has in his garden a golden band ed h'y. tHium uuralnm. which is something .f a wonder in i,s w;ty. It is now in ffi bio,, m, ki,1 cousis-sot 0!le slem- liv.,. fvvi ten inches hi-h. without a branch. Fuell ing out oi this singl,. sU.m :ire tWl.,v. eight perfect buds, fifteen of them fallv e.p;inled. the other not. vet open. The loll tized flowers are ten Indies in diam eier. til. een ,t ih,. buds pu.-h out at the same height, ihrt-e lee; three inches IV,,:,. the ground, iht- others ;it inlerva'.s foil, top. It is a most in urnifieent ppeimn. What Kt.i. The Wiilatnette Firmer sa that Mr. J.-icob?. Fresident ol the Or egon City Wooien Mills I'xiu-esses the con clusion that wool taken from sheep hull .Merino and halt Southdown is the best cii'cul ated for the use of their tnilis ami tlie run of goods which they manufacture lie also thinks Ihis breed of sheep are piolii abie '.o Oregon fart:i"! as much as anv other. Don't torget the meeiing House this evening. at the Court Xkari.y ax At'C! dk.t. As the hearse was coming back to town from the bury ing ground, last Wednesday, a horse with a boy about foiu t e l years of age on him, iLACKi;KUKi!-;s.--Wf a iv u..u. r obliga tions t Mr. Uudney Tompkins for a fine supply of blackberries of the KiUatinny vaiLuy. We pronounce them equal it not superior to any bei ry we liuve ever eat I hey are very large and most excellem U tvo.vd. lio lney ongltt la make a for tune with a paicii of such blacKberris. 1 11 allies. iilAXX.s. .Mr. Thorn. is Chartnaii desires to reiurn to the Fire Department and Irieiids generally, his hears felt dunks fo, file kindness and sympathy fchown him on iht w o occasion ol nii late bereavement, and lid siv o.'l b -iiai! of hhii-iel; :oi I ; i.v mar me irateniat Condolence will he e ei lie;il Ml eui'-inbr a uce. Axoruii Ai;ciy.i.sr. a inn about 1 t years of age name. I Kani-den. who resides n -ar Howards mil. lell o:f the b.i-in aits near Ihe Warehouse, a di: .'a uce O; aoou. tll een feet, last eduesd. ay ivceiv- lug severe injuries. The peuj.de say we want a five bridge nd the nieet- across ihe Willamette. Ant ing lii.s evening. Rkti: :xki). W. F. Hi-riitieid F., r. - c-. - i . turned home Irom a visit to Sun Fran ewe.. i yest, r,l av. lit e looks Well and heart v- ami we sup ost us new s'oc '.- will be ready if inspeeiiou m a lew davs. j G :o to i'oun.Axu-. I , .f 1 1,.. W . . . r i , -Mr. Jacob. r rest , ... . .,,o,e.i ..1,1. s in mis city, pi- in tnis poses .o engage m wholesale business in i'ortland. nd expects soon to reuuve to iliat place with his family. IhH'utvr ax IviKttKsr. -M Charles L a one-third gas. ; ihis city, ha bough I tnlerest ui J In a 1 I building the buiid- it Salvia The ,,nee lag Was r-.'t.0:M Coin paid for Accn;-:xr. Mr. ,.,U. itU, off a horse on Main street - a- t nrown last, Monday e.eumg, receiving some slight, injuries Rt in -mhef the 'oiirt House (his bridge meeting at th evei-i ig. K wtv:- Sock i y. Tin ."sewing society Of he F ios.,oiiai ti, area meets next lues Chare tlay at th e-ul...ice ot Mrs. A N ltner. Dkath ,:- Annie. Charm x. soinea har tf a solace io Mr -It IT Ciiar ay be nan. s ineuus io Know the particulars of the s id and melaneho'y accident that, has visited his family. Arthur CLarman .vho wit, -ome boys were bathing alongside the Company's wharf and whilst, swimming smo"ihly around he was observed by some of die boys to be sinking, the alarm was giv.-n when George Harding (well known for his generosity and bravery.) hurried to the spot and dived 20 feet deep ""1 swam about I') feet along the bottom uid brought the body up. It. was imtne diaiely taken on board the steamer Cooke winye every available assistance was promptly rendered, hot blankets, a vigor ous fric'iou. wit h stimulants and air" in jected irto the lung-, but all means to re suscitate :lit body were unavailing as the vital -park of life had li-d. Anhur Char ui in was an expert swiuiueu- and g iod diver and had not been long enough in lie wa'er to cause exhaustion. From the wpeatarices of ihe body when taken on' of the water and subsequent hemorrhages there are strong indications that deceased was attacked wi h pulmonary apoplexy which rendered him unable io ask iY.r as stance. Fount--s BudT.iv. M. D. In Mt'iiH)n,iiii. Wukkkas il has pleased the Divine Ru ler of I he Universe to remove from the midst of us. our well beloved friend. Ar 'tiur Diller Charman. an active member of ihe Fire Department of Oregon City Or egon, therefore be it i'-Notv, by i he Board of Delegates of aid I-ire Department that in the death of Arthur Diller Charm in. the Department His been deprived of one of its most hon red and industrious members, which leaves another vacant ph-.ee anion -- those w.io nave borne the burden in the hour "t duty, and whose services ,ave largely conjribnred i brinj-ing ,be Department ; -" eiu.et pusKiotl Which It now p'.es. occu Le,ice.l That we bow with unquestioii- e.i suuanssi.,,1 !1(it.r r this sad hereai-... ment am' wide sprea-1 gb 'oin. and while oep,oi l.lrr OI1I- ore it ! io-s we will strive to and follow Lis self emalae h; virtues ... .-iii-x ex i'n p ie. 7.vo'(-d. Thar we sinC,.re!v svmpathi?. with l!. -. .r.,i t .- - .- - I 1 r-',"s iinii irien-is of the d. ceaseo u i tn ttieir hotir of severe iitiiiciiou. sorrow and Leiolrd, 1 h it (be rooms of the Depart ment be draped in mourning for MU.l.vs and that a copy of these resolutions be' furnished the Oregon City Kxtkki-uisk for publication. Attest. W. L. Whitc. TroCt. J". D. w. U. l,rr. S''tv r,.-o r t. " 1 " rir"'f 'i ' V "-imm. ,Tl ' -r ' 'ri't ' T 'i'-' ., ,- -j , ii ! n A Forgery Exposed. The New York Tribune of the 9'h uH. contains the following : -We have neither space nor the inclination to notice the thousand calumnies against. Mr. Greeley and the Tribune wi'h which the Grant papers are daily filled. Their favorite pursuit seems to be to ransack the old files of the Iribune. and take from its cor respondence or its clippings anything which may be calculated to injure Mr. Greeley, and boldly to attribute it to him. These gubiings and misrepresentations we have not noticed and do not propose to. Hut Harper's Uek!. h iving gone beyond Ihis and resorted to forgery .seems to require a word of contradiction. In a recent number it prints a caricature of Mr. Greeley gloating over the ruin of a Southern family ; and knowing that the public will recognize the absurdity of a representation so much at variance wiib his character and record ihey have adopt ed the simple expedient of loi iifying their caricature by printing in large tvpe the oUowing.sentence which they pretend to teavt- extracted from the Tribune of Nov. 2C, 1SG0: 'V.'hen the rebellious traitois are ove whelmed in the fi.-ld. and scattered like leaves before an angry wind, it, must not be to retai n to peaceful and contented homes. They must lind poverty at their firesides, and see privation in the anxious eyes of molhersand the rags of children. ' "We dt em it only necessary to say thai not a word of th; pretended extract is found in the Tribuhtt of that date, and no s-u-U tennis were ever spu'eu bo Mr. Gree ley. We leave the public- to judge Un moral quality 'f the act, committed by the Messrs. Harper." Il is supposed Uiai t'uii.ix was ousted from the po.-iiion of Vice President ai Fniladel phi i because (Jrant's re elee lion could no! be accomplished, during a hot campaign by the aid of Cold facts; so each-supporter of Grant was requited to swallow a euhder. Jai-kkz Dka i. Ijiiitv.. Fu-sident of ih Mexican Kepuldio, died in the city oi Mexico cn the lOih of July. He was a pure blood Iiiuiui, or A, ee, and was a very remarkable man. J. II. Cravens is the last nominee of the Democracy of Indiana for Lieutenari Governor. Cravens is the Republican who withdrew Irom the Grant electors. r iiow Tribune pers of Thev Staxd. The Chicag'i asserls that of the German pa the United States, eighty-three are .or dreeiev. itnrlv for (Irani., and on, the Cincinnati 'uksblatlU non-com milled. Ciiicagj August 7.-Gen. J. I'lens worih late member of Congress from the Fourth I:iin-..i.s District, is out in a letiei innouncing his adherence to Greelcv and Drowr:. AWE.VTS VOLl 1'HIZ ENTKIiPIJISE. The following persons are authorized to act as agents for the Fnt.uuuusk : Geo. I'. Co well & Cc, 4o I'ark K v. New Vo k. (,'oe. Wetherill ,t C ., CO? Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Abbott V Co.. No. S2 .-v- Si Nassau street, New York. Por tland, Oregon L. SauHiel. San Francisco, Thomas Boce. au Fiiincisc t, L. p. Fisher. St. Helens, Columbia county,. . . S. A. Miles Astoria, 1lats ,p . onnty. . . .". .A. Van Dusen' Lata, ette Yamhill count v. ..I. L. Fur'Mt-on' Dallas. I,ik county (Ui val'iis . . Dave jb;lei. s ...J. S. I'.dme.-' W. B. Luswiil ... N. II. dates ... A. C. "raig i ' , n yon City .iM s, Wasco covnty ,a 'Iran le, Fni ,n co an'y. . 'endii-t ui, f inatiila c uintv. S. V. Knox ug -ne Cii v . J. M om-iso- CLACXAilAS C0VXT-. '. Heaver Ore k V.Y. licatie. Halt C.a-ek K-aiik W. Fost, r -a-sead s I!, nlv McL'ugm. ow-r Mo alia v. Mort-land. :!'"by .'. W.Str.iwser. upper M .iail i v U. Vaaghan. !!t"!l!1 Z. C. Norto .. '-"i'lng- i). Wright. Hm.sskd sue they l.iver C niplai it." 'I ' d. 1'i ,11 lies . i;ioc who seek rclii-t fro i ' H d'.i mis ii S3 ." IJa o'ches. Fru itions ',i u .ct-i, .-v.lt Ivn om. Frysint'las and Scr f S.lt Ui iseases, by the us - of Dr. I'ier-e's A It. rC dk-n M ..ileal Discoveiy. for they , shall e Inppv in k ow n g that the care i.i coin let e. Sold bv alt druggist-;. iolutt ii Dtrct O.O.F CS Meet on the Second and Fourth v. 7 i ES I) AY E 'EXIXGF, of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree are invited to attend. o. V. Meets at Odd Fellows:' Hall on the FIKST AND THIRD TUESDAY KVENIXG of each m mth. Patriarchs' in good sta-id- III; arc i ivite i to . 1 at tend. Jlln It iioui all ;: -Vo. 1, A. P. :itS iA iiuais us regular c itninunica jv.yiionsoii t!te tirxf and 'lnr.i S,itnr- f'l'il -n each month, at 7 o'clock from the i'th of September to the 2oth March, and 7k o'clock from the 2"th of March to the 2'Mh ot September. Ureth rcn m good standing are invited to attend. Doc. 2v.ls- , by order of W. M. For the very best photographs, go to Ib ad ley fc Ualofsan's GaPery without STA1K.-,--rT" ASCEND IX THE ELEVATOR, l-O Montgomery Street. San Franci co. Speclul Xotlcc. The best and most efficient cure known for dyspepsia and indigestion, is Dr. Henley's Celebrated I X L Butets. Try it. Km I ad vertiuemt-nt in another column'. jmi7m3 A. FIOLTi ER, NOT nVPUBLIC. ENTERPRISE OFFICE Or g 't C tv. Jan ;i3:ti V7ILMAM DAVIDSON, REAL ESTATE DEALER. Offiif, ?T. 6-1 Front Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. REAL ESTATE in this CITY and EAST PORTLAND, in the most desirable localities. consisting of LnTS, HALF BLOCKS and 15 LOCKS, HOUSES and STORES; also IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable uncultivated LANDS, located in ALL parts .,f the STATE for SALE. REAL ESTATE and of her Property purchased for Correspondents, in tin's CITY and throughout the STATES and TERRI TORIES, "with creaf care and on the most 1DV A XTAGEO C S T E R MS. FlOrSEs and STORES LEASED LOANS NEGOTIATED, and CLAIMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COL LECTED. At.d a General FINANCIAL and AGENCY BUSINESS transacted. AGENTS of this OFFICE in all the CITIES an 1 TOWNS in the SPATE, will re ceive descrinti ns of FARM PROPERTY ! an-iif- jforward the same to the 5.7 ' ai.ce a 1 Irei- A Perilaws Season. Glorious and de'.ightful as the Sum-Tier weather is. its tropica! heat is a severe trial to the vital powers. Even the strongest are sometimes prostrated by itsefi'ects. The common phra-e applied to this condition of the body is "general debility." Now, gen eral debility arises from and includes a" va riety of ailments. The liver is more or 1 -s allotted, the bowels are either constipated or less otl't-cte l, the bowtls are either cm ti pated or too much relaxed, the stomach but half performs the '-.v-ji k of digestion, t'ae ap petite is poor, and the spirits d'p-esse'l. Tim is ca'tled geneial debility. It is a gener al disagreement of all the physic d fundi ns, and lectures as a lemeiy a medicine that will regulate them all. Hostettei's Stomach Hitter's is especially adapted to this purpose. Its general operation is not online 1 to a ri ig'.e organ. ' If xhi liver is ad'. cto.!. it re stor, s its t.uie. If the stomach is torpid, it legeuerates it. If the nerves tire tremulous and weak, it braces and reiuf irees them, if the mind, wlech ever sympathizes with the body, is gloomy and despondent, it re lieves t he difliculty arid so in brings the whole mechanism of the body into harmony with the laws of health. There is no civilized nation in the V.'est- ern Hemisphere in which the utility of Hos- j t-trer's Stomach Hitters as a tome, cured- ive. an! ib lions me Line, is not known and appreciated. Throughout the Troj.i -s it is j considered, both by the people and tie pro- j .'ession, the staadard spec tic. While u jd A j med c n for all seasons and all climate-;, it ! is especially suited to the complaints gen erated by the weather, being the purest lind ' oe-t vegetable stimulant in the world. I Reware oi the Hitters made of add and 1 dangerous materials, which unscrupulous pani-. s are endeavoring to foist upon the ,-eopIe. 'their name is legion, and the pub lic has no guarantee that ihey are n t i lson ous. Adiierc to the tiied remedy, llos'et tet's 15, iters, s d only in y'ass, anu neve.- iu ke;s or b m el-. Do you want the best Shoe ever made, one that will not rip or cone apart?. Then buy die CABLE SCREW WIRE Boots ana Shoes all have the Patent Stamp. Oregon Lo-.lgt; So. 3, I. O. of O. K. . sii'''H5. Meets every Thursday even i-VS ing at 7 o'clock, iu Odd Fellow's Hall M.f.i a ' " demhersof the Order are Get. invited to attend Hy ordt r . t OEN "JL an:t OENTS CAN M.'E Ti'E AllilVK ount by selling the Oita'.est Rook of tat Age, the STRUGGLE OF '72. The issues and candidates cd the present oolitical campaign, Ui.-.to-y and J'litf-rm, Review of Jit a xr's Administration. The Rec ord of HoRACs (.JaEHLEY, by Everett Chatn Oe'lani, tormerly ol the Chicago Tiibitne. The illustrations are drawn expressly for the .vork by Stephens. Entirely original. Toe aoe.st, liolh lHiiiiorous ar.d grave. If yo: want to make money send Oxs D.jllak tor mtlit, and secure territory at oil -e. Terms, Ac., furnished on appiicati ,11. Address A. L.. xiA.VC'ItOi',i' Si CO., KiaiuiNto.Ca!. nilwT Final Settlement. In the matter of NATHANIEL KOIUilN'S estate. Wll E EXECUTORS OF PAID ESTATE le.ive nleil in the Count v Court of Ciat-karaas u.-mut y, their aeenauls and voat:h:r.s tor dual sct- .V1'"":"1' : anil t,i' oort has uupointed the lii-t .uoiiilay in .'Setenib -r, A. 1., ls;-. f,j- the e.vura laalum of sucn ,1,-,-oiuits auj the se'.tk ni,-i:t of "," : vsiii.e. Alt iiersorn im-n--te,l ar. re-He,! are notiiieii .o me rtieir exceptions, if anv t.hat date. they have, b,.fjie 15 y order of lion. J. J-:. AVATP. Ju l- - of s;.id i:. 1- . CAUFIELD, T , r i-'oaur v i 'le; k. Johnson & Mc-Pown. Attorneys. rillwl Hoil co to Tax P tax iavn: 2- !a IiOAUD OF UQI i-kai'! :s cour.tr. Or"- VLIATTOX OF n, v.; 51 riif-t af 1 1n Con if y ( -1,-rk's tli-:.; in l , oanrv, on ih Jiirh -.rh .Jay o: Augut, A. 1.)., Isrj, a-ul p,.!,;i,.jv 'me and :t--T all errors in ,1. -,r:pr :ou 0"-: ti t ia i m. err-., n, Awt,i(,,it l'.l! t..r i s .- All p r- jTis ii, ten :-l,-.l yv;!I j...im a-.poar at s unit- and jda--t-. C. c. OAUUKTT, Ass'( vr or i.Jark.im'i.-j Aub'. Is;:. C,.-.ir.tv. Or, n'lhvi. ' A Jmlnistratcr's f-Joiice. tr.vvi: i5;:x aitoixtmi) r.vTin: iion. . ' o-irt Ot ( . ,tr:c iTa. is ,-:.,-oi! v, )r, f in, ra'orof tle-estatf ot" M. y KANsiX, All p--r-.,-n Ii ivinr c-laiMw. will t.iv.I d nini-i dce--,. I en- h,--T n o T'u a'- the hire ot . I, ,i, ... m. t.ow ii. iav rs, i irur m itv h, - ei i in six iti,...i.7 iiijij, ,i;r ,;;;, oi !j',is llo'lr'1 PAR -O.V l , LK A SOX. T , . A In, . rat ;r. IJated Oregi-.n Citv, Or --.-on. An - o is;1 nllvvt Citation. In the r, of Ore mty Court of Claeka? "is c-ninly, State "in. S.N' Till" M.ATTRR OK Tilt: ;.-Ten.- ,t- iuti .,!. 'aiiiiiion. V ru'tie.:,, i... .: i filed -v. .,. .u,-, .mie, on u,! m , , . . , -. . ii,.. in:; ' u est.ttofJohn Me( :.,. :, . n- of t! ,11 ...m i..l n-Iuf,.f -2 1 . aer,s of l-i-ij siJu.m-.l m ,-. .., .12, 1 , s, Ii 1 K, Will u,-it,, mrri-Iia:.. Ihrretar. in the name of tin, Sr,l$.. (t- t nU'o r "l?(,n!')r!;!a-J,,!l,lM- M"' -amnion, UoU-r c s lie ol - t U, VI;-r" h"1(:b5' , he and M ,Uv it,. ' U!rt H'Vis, 1!1 "" CiM-on ri -Ir.' 'V i 'liy A" ';f. 1S72, iulsai-t .,", . I , V , 11 whv an r.trr .-lt. . -'iv;ttiu ill):. l:f I'l-inK, i ., . , - - i prayi-.t lor. J. tc. )"AIT, ( '.iTOtv.lnl-e. LL1), CV.-iuty I'k-ik. Attest: Jl. V. CA Ul.LVAA ). I f l m ...... -r i n"'7wl ON THIRD STR-T Hettveen Alrfcr Mon lwn Sir, TS. llckl.)rci8SiIci IllatU silk 1 1 1 i il rtlotii-sji,,;, Oo.kIs, H lisil-l -y Kim: IiiU iiosotii I.: m us. Tulic Jid Iaom Da masks, Liiiitii :ol ('i,ito-i liaixtki r-: ii rs. Towels undC rash, j KuriiUh'g Ooods V Large Store, 25xS0; ood Haslne4 -t;ind, in which a prosperous business h is been competed for over two 3 ears. Rent Low. Apply to JOHN" AVILSOjST, THIRD ST., SOUTH OF ALDER, PORTLAND. OREGON". J-'dnlvlm. . :i. pope, Grocer & Provision Dealer, Next door south of the Court House, rtlain Street, Oregon City, Oregon, DEALER IX BEST FAMILY GROCERIES, COFEEE. TEA . Slf?AR. EI. OCR AND MEAL of 1 kinds, PICK EES. SO l SALT. CANNED FRUITS and OYSTERS, Also, ai! kinds of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. PUTTER. CHEESE and EGOS. TOP iTf'O and CIGARS, GLASSWARE. Etc., Etc. All Kinds ot country Produce tiken in ex-. ) chansre for tr-etds at th highest marKet rates. I '"Goods delivered in the city free ot !: nre. A fair slsre of rniro'- '- March 23, 272:!.f ' " ' KG OUT! THE ENTIRE SPLENDID STOCK 07 HOOTS siiid SII OI5S AT TLIE BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE ! j Will be closed out immediately AT COST, j QUITTING lU'SlXESS! Those indebted to the frm will plea-e call and settle PROTZBIATJ, GILLIHAIJ & CO., Cor- Front and Morrison Bts-, I ORTLA ND, t I ( N. July 13, lSTLtf ICE-CREAM SALOON JAUJl! SAAI., - - - Proprietor. WOCLD RESl'ECTI-'L'LEY ANNOUNCE to the the citiZ'-i;s id' Oresron City and vi- ciuiiy, that I have just openTd an Ice-cream & coxfi;ct:onauy establishment in the building formerly occu pied by L. Dd.er, corner uf Coarth and Main streets. The Ai-Sit- PoiIji Pou n t u i will 1e in operation to supply the demands of th, thirs ty. I niatiu-'.icture all my own st a'k, conse quently they are ruHK axi i kesh. A share of public patronage is respectful v solicited. jiil2n:J7if MASONIC HALL BUILD ING. OEEGON CITY, - - OREGON. EEPS CONSTANTLV ON' HAND AND 'Of sale, ClIKAF FOR C.ASJI, PARLOU, BEDRCOIJ, OFFICE, SITTIKGr.0011, and KITCHEN FURKITUIIE, Bureaus, Lounges, Rocking Chairs, What nots, stea ls, V.'a hstands. Curled Hair and I'ulu Matrcsses, Pnln Pil lows. Spring Beds, Window Shades, I'ictare Frames, Mouldings, &c., Szc. ".Special attention g ven to Upho'sterv work in all its branches. Orders tilled with promptness. Repairing don. with neatness ! ami dispatch. l'urn:ture m ide to r,1..r "-i7'Gooiis delivered to any part of town In of chatge. Call and examino for vom-- sclvas. mayl7n2i LEST REMEDY TOR DYSPEPSIA, IEDIGESTIOJr, EILIOUSlTESGi 133S C? AfFETlTt AK3 !!fACTiC8 DF THE LIY'R. Are iic'.-isav. h-ded to . tl;r r.io-l V'hdeciue Und t'!;,i.'K'l;t ot 'I'oilTfs ;iTld lie, .11 1 : PlVit r. Pi Kfao I'hvsicians- OLiii'iiicAi.; ca beck of Caoil bottle. X-'ii' ffpimina without ocr Trr.de ?I:-ik blywo on the bolt Ir. To sei! otlier th.-.n 111. .-eT o ii'tif-!.- net of nur bott! is ,i t r:,i-itij.l ol! !!.-,-, p.r-d v. e sh.-d!. iien ib-t. tt-i!, jii ujtcuie such pai tu i to the l'u.l 'ei.Xi.ai of ti e bow 11 i.ViiTEU; X Co.. f-ob Prorrietnr. i'.-i Front st.. S. K. notice. TARTIES WHO WEUE OCCUi'VIXC i lauds in the Crande Konde au-t Siletz Keserves-," in the State ol Oregon, in t he years 1 ."." "i5, and had to abandon tbe same n c mseu nc of said Reserves having been selected by the f . S. for the settlement of j the Uojj.ie River Indians, will please send their ad-lresses. for further correspondeiu-p, j to ii. . nit w ai v.',, Att y, Uox 105 Wa.shiimtwn City. I). C. filllorsof Pairs Sold. Gable Screw Wire BOOTS AXD SHOES. m37xnl WILLIAM SINGER JttS Est'iblie'lmd ' i , I ! 1 r I 1 1 i " 4 FOll 711E MAN UFACTOEY OF SASH. BLIHOS AMD DOOBS AXD MOULD IX OS OF ALL SIZES. Tlu-y will niso do TUIiXIXG, of '-v ry lescription to order, With Neatness and Dispatcl , ? o ALL WOftK WAIiRAXTED. Shop on the River, in Lewis shop, opposite Oregon City Mills. JTEW YORK HOTEL, (Deutfc?,es Gaftl ans.) Xo. 17 Front Street, opposite tie- ".fail steam ship landing, I'ortland. Oregon. H. EOTHFOS, J. J. WJLKEETS, PROPRIETORS. Board per Week .r)00 with Lodmsr g qu " ' TUr 1 CO JOHN FLEMING, s3. e PEA PER IX BOOKS AND STAT!GHEPJ IX MYERS' FIRE-PROOF PRICK, M VIX SIP.EET. ORKGON- CITY, Or.KOON. NotlC3 Tn tbe matt.-r of the estate r.f JAf'OK J'XGL17 deceased. "V OTICE IS TTEPEI1 -'" lmrlersicned that, ht Y GTYEX 15V Tni: has bty.-n arrointc-d bv . . -.T -- i.:ri.t--.m... - --v A " ' " ' o-ir' oi '..lae irrias ponntv. Oregon 1 rnir.isrator of the estate of J,!,'i:n, drU e-i. and That all cr-,--li'..r? of. :,a I all imt-ocs o-vintr elaims asrainst f-aid a.-rr ;, ore r-.-uir,-! to r-re-snr rhf same -with the projr vo- h.-r., vrit!jin months irom the .ie r,f the noti.-e a hi-' oia.x- in Ore--oQ Citv, (iV-kim! ro-m-v ( W-,,n HK.VIiY M'-VKKKX,' Adnunistator ,f t.o e.stHte'of . , Jnat), Fn-'le. 3 id''i CH AS- H. CAU FIELD, COHSSi; MAIX AXIi sr.VKKTU STREETS. OREGON CITTT, Or.SGCN, iiwilcr in DRY-GOODS & GROCERIES, CROCK EE, Y and GLASS AWIIE. Also, a full assortment of MiHinery and Fancy Oootis OF THE LATEST STYLE. UST RECEIVED. COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOU GOODS. Oregon City, June 21st. 172. tf SPRING- GOODS JUST RECEIVED BY .A.. LEVY. I HAVE JUST REDElVED A COMTLETE and well-assorted stock of CUSTOM-MADE CLGTiiiH-3. AXD GEMLE31EXS' I HMSIIIXC GOODS, Which I will sell at reduced prices. Call and examine ing elsewhere. my stoc k before purcl.as- ProiJiicc Titian in Exclianse for G bOO'JS. A. LKVY, ktrt-ct, Oregon City. Fori svlji:. IE UNDEPS1GNED DESIRES TO SELL h:s iroperty in Oreg-m City will sell T' at a harga n, to a good purchaser. Lot S. in block 3, whereon there is a good Dwelling Honse with S ro oils, paitly bind finish, bab ance cloth and paper and the Livery Stable now oecupieii hv Messrs. W ibis i Hrougbton Water pipes laid on the premises," from I'ea-e's ws;ler wanks. A'.so i town lots in Citncmah, with good fence a i on nd. Also ! town lots in lower end of Oregon City; also lio of land known as the dona tion land claim ot Win. Stone, 6 miles southeast of Oregon City, w ith some im provements, thinlv timbered, no under growth, good lasting water ISfli.quire ;.t County Clerks oilice. J. M. FRAZER. Oregon City, Mae Oth, 1-7L'. v3u2S SHADES SALOON, G. A. HAAS, Proprietor, Main Street, Oregon City- Ih,t MILLIARD TABLES ir, OREGON Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention d the lovers of this popular amusement to them THE BAR IS SUPPLIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors find Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Ucurbou already famous Whi.-diies aad Punch. AI.sC, A NO. 1 8KOOTIKG GALLERY r ..... . is crnneoieti witn ttieriii-j, n, Oregon City, Jan. I, 17'2:ii at rriK LINCOLN BAKERY. W1LLEASVIS a HARDINC, HAVE JUST Ol'EXED A FULL VARIE ty uf choice FAMILY GROCERIES. AXD PROVISIONS. The Pakery will be cous.iaiitiy supplied with fresh BREAD, CR CEER, CAKES. PASTE V, CAXDIEs AXD XUTS. All of which" will be sidd at living rates. Remember that we do not sell goods at cost. Aldo, yd ease bear in mind that it takes money to do business. To the fa-niiiiLr trade we would say, CASH for 3 011. produce, nnd CASH tor our goods. Goods delivered to all parts ot tbe citv. Feb, 1(1, IS.L'Mf :Y WAGON AXD Carriage Manufactory ! The undersigned, havinaj incr-asd the di mensions of his prernlsesat the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City Oregon. Takes this method to inform his old pat rons, and as manv new ones as may be pleased to call, that be is now prepared, with ample room, .rood materials, ;ind the 'very bf-st of mechanics, to build anew, recon struct make, paint, iron and turn out all complete any sort of a vehicle from a com mon cart to a concord coach. Trv rne. IPacksmithitig, Horse or Ox shoeing, and e. e,ai jouomg neatly, quickly and chear- Iv done. :AVID SMI rK. Opposite Excelsior Market OREGON CITY TU I E W ERY! IIKMIV IIIOIBEL, Having purchased the above Brewer v wist, f-Mo,nform the pahli-that he is now prepar ed to manufacture a Xo. 1 onalitv of EAGER BEER, s.T0 ,':an bf "Gained anywhere in the SrriS Io-.'mi,tly filled Or. B. Rm FREELAP3D, DENTIST, T?V-- rrES PUILDIXG. CORX 11 errirstand Wasliincrton St".. Portland. .Nitrous Oxrde admrnisterpd. nS-'itf. Store to Rent. rpilE STORE HOUSE FORM ERLY OCCU 1 pied by Kfka, on Rook Creek. 12 miles "rom Aurora, situated at a fine point for country tradinc: 1,0s' : run be had on verv reasonable terms. This is a desirably rmt f for a in an with funa'l capita! to go in o Lusi- L'eqair. r,f .?0rLVOX i MeCOWX, THOMAS CHAKMAN KSI A ELI SUED - - - D ESIKES TO INFOIIM THE CITIZENS of Oregon Citv, and the Willamette YullcV.that l.e is still on hand, and doing business on the old motto, that A Mmble Slx-Pt nc-e is better than n Slow Shilling." I have just returned from San Francisco, where I purchased ote of the LARGEST and IJKST SELKCTLD Stock of Goods ever before o fit red iu this city; and Consists in part, us follows : Loots & Shoes, Clothing, Dry Gcc ds, Hats & Caps, Hosiery of every Tescription, Hardware, Gro ceries, Paints & Oilf, Sash & Doors. Queens:- 0 ware, Crockery, Glassware, Chinaware, Stoneware, Platerlware, Jewelry of various qualities & styles, Clocks &WatchesXa- Q dies & Gentlemen's Furn ishing Goods, Fancy Notions of every decripticn,Patent Med icines, Hope, Farming Implement of nil kinds, Carpets. Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, &c. Of the above list, I can sav m3" stock is tha MOST COMPLETE ever ottered in this mar ket, and was sleeted with sp- ial rare for this i.n.iun. M of which 1 now oiler for sale at the Lowest Market Rates- ... ao use for the ladies, or any one else, to think of jrninor to Portland to'huv poods for I am PISTE KM I NED TO SELL CHEAP cud not allow mvselt tj be I MiERSOIJ) n TIIE STATE OF ORECOX. All I ask, is o fair chance and quick "pay ments. Heliev r.jr, as I do, ihut nineteen years' experience in Oregon City enables to Know i Le reqiremerits if the trade. Con.e one and all, and see for vourselree that the old stand cf THOMAS CHARM AN cannot be bent in quality r,r price. It wi u'd be useless for rne to tell you all ihe tdvau tiiges I can offer you in the sale of goods, as every store ihut advertises does that, and probably you have I. een disappointed. All I wish to say is. come and see and examine lor yourselves, for I do not wisb to make any tipstakts. My object is to till all niv dd iiiemis now that I am still alive, and desir ous to sell floods cheap, for cah, or on such terms as aureed upon. Thnnkinj; all for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed. TIIOS. CHARJIAX, Main street, Oregon City. rJTT.ccr-d Tenders and County Script taken at rnaiket rates. TIIOS. CHAKMAN. 5"0,OCO lbs wool wanted bv TIIOS. CIIAIiiLA.V. HEAL ESTATE, EEAL ESTATE. JACf II STITZEL, CC.ff.ir. JACOB STITZEL & CO., SUCCESSOR.v TO STITZEL & UPTOX., REAL ESTATE A N D MOXEY imOItURS Cor. Front anil A as.Jif iigton S.. P O R T L A X 1) . Q ii E G OX e Ppecialattentir.il given to the sale of fam ing lands and city property. All cortes pondence relatinu; to ihe recourcea of Ore gon will be promptly answered- KEAL ESTATE JOUENAL Published monthly Sei.t free of charge to anv address. .IAC0C STITZEL CO March 15, I S7-2:rf RESTAURANT- LEOFisDeLOUEY Prov'r? I LA TE OF THE CLIFF HOUSE MAIN STREET, OEEGOX CITV, ORE00W. f-pilE UNDERSIGN ED HE L spcetfully announces to bis ft lends and the O nve'inc public. thatvl,e bos re opened the above named Restaurant. The proprietor knows how to ferve hit cyntoniers with Oytfeis, Pig's Feet, a gocd cup of Cofl'ee or ti SQUARE MEAL. LI OX DtLOUEY Oregon City, Jan. 27, lSTLtf AYgIP QUACKS. A victim of emly in discretu n. causing nervous deLility premature decay. Ac , having tried in vaift every advertised remedy, 1 as a simple means of self-cure, which be wdl Fend fire to Ms fellow siit! ere is. Addr.es J. IL PLLYER , 7S Nassau st. , New York Sept. Liy JOHN SCHRAM, M.UX STKEET. - OltECO.V CITY. )l.pMFAfTrRER AXD DIPORTER OF SAi)i)M', iiakm:. SAII)I.i:iV-HA D- XtTHICIl HE OFFERS aR CHEAP AS V can be had In the Stat, at Wholesale or Retail. girl warrant all my goods as reprinted, Oregon City, April 17, 1S72. cC-U. piPEIUAL MIIjLS. Savier, LaRoqne & Co., OR EC ox city. ".. Kir- n CT Mpr IP. ( I kl 1 f.ll t! If. -W' 0 O 0 o o o o o o o 0 o 0 o o o ej o o o o o 0 0 o o V : : l : ' d k V 1 I;', le C5-.ifV.fn P 1 fu: id-L iLr !. 4 O