"J'O o o o o o G G o o o O o o '-5 O o O o o O o o o o O 0 o O O o o o o 0 o o o o o o o I)C tUcdiln (enterprise FRIDAY, : : AUGUST 2. IS 7 2. George Washington's Election. HOW HE RECEIVED THE NEWS. G. A. Town.--end in Chicago Tribune. On Tuesday morning, the 4th of April, 1789, a venerable oM gen tleman, with fine eyes, an amiable countenance and fine white locks, ro!e into the lawn of Mount Ver non, coming from Alexandria. Three gentlemen of the latter town accompanied him. It was between 10 and 1 o'clock. A negro man sallied out to take the nag, and the old gentleman, entering the mansion, was received by Mrs. Washington. "Why, Mr. Thompson," said the good lady, "where are you from, and how are your people?" "From Xew York, madam," an swered the old man, "I come to Mound; Vernon on A GOOD ERRAND, for the country, at least. The General has been elected President of the United States under the new Constitution and I am the bearer of the happy tidings, in a letter from John Langdon, President of the Senate." The General was out visiting his farm however, and the guests were entertained for two or three hours as we take care of our visitors in the country nowadays. A glass of the General's favorite Madeira, im ported in the cask, was probably not the worst provision made for them and the cheerful gossip of Mrs. Washington, who had known 31 R. THOMPSON and visited his House in Philadel phia, helped to enliven the time. This grave and respectful old man was the link between the new Government at Xew York and the new Magistrate at Mt. Vernon. Charles Thompson had been the Secretary, through all its eventful career, of the Continental Congress which directed the cause of the colonies, from the desultory revolt to indenendence and to union, and A. " now he had ridden over the long and difficult roads to apprise the first President of the Kepublie of the wishes of his countrymen. iva s 1 1 1 x (".to x s a rr i: A R A XC E. At one o'clock Gen. Washington rode into the lawn of Mt. Vernon, in appearance what Custis, his adopted son, has described : An old gentleman riding alone in plain drab clothes, a broad-brimmed white hat, a hickory switch in his liand, and carrying an umbrella with a long star!" which is attach ed to his saddle-bow. The um brella was used to shelter him from the sun, for his skin was tender and easily affected by its rays. Wash ington greeted Mr. Thompson with a grave cordiality, as was his wont, inquiring for his family, and, di vining already the object of his visit, broke the seal of John Lang don's official letter. Dinner fol lowed, and, while the visitors re tired to converse or stroll about the grounds, the President elect WROTE A LETTER to the President of the Senate and Rent it forthwith to the post-office at Alexandria by a servant. The letter was as follows: Mount Vernon, 17 April, 1789. Sir: I had the honor to receive your official communication, by the hand of Mr. Secretary Thompson, about 1 o clock this day. Having concluded to obey the important and flattering call of my country, and having been impressed with the idea of the expediency of mv being with Congress at as early a peiiod as possible, I irojose to commence my journey on Thurs day morning which will be the day after to -morrow- This done, the vest of the dav passed in conference . between Washington and his wife, in the preparation of his baggage for the notunexpected journey, while, meantime the distinguished guests e were amused by the young ollicial household in the library and grounds. There was ANOTHER FEMALE dear to the newly elected Presi dent, and he kept her in filial re membrance at the very moment of his greatest promotion. It was growing late in the evening of the day on which our chapter opens, when Washington mounted his horse, and followed by his man Billy, rode off into the woods of Virginia with speed. His destin ation was Fredricksburg, nearly forty miles away, with two ferries between one at the CK-coquan, t he other at the Kappahnnnock. His purpose was to see his old mother, now about eighty years of age and drawing near the grave. It had been long since he had visited her, but he could not feel equal to the responsibilities of his great office until he should leceive her blessing. Few candidates for the Presidency in our day would leave a warm mansion, filled with congratulat ing friends, to ride all night through the chilly April mists, to say adieu to a very old woman. But thus piously the Administration-of Washington began. lie passed old Polick Church, of which he was a vestryman soon to tum ble to ruins crossed the roaring Occoquan, and by its deep and picturesque gorge, where passed tho waters of the. future bloody - Bull Pun, and by night he saw the old churches of" Aequia and Po tomac rise against'the skv; he saw the decaying seaport of Dumfries. In the morning he was AT FREDRICK SRURvi. and his mother in his arms. Marches, perils, victories, honors, power, surrendered to that look of helpless love, too deep for pride to show through its tears, and the President of the new state was to her a new-born babe again, no dearer, no greater. He was just in time, for she had but the short season of summer to live, and, like many dying mothers, life seemed upheld, at four score and five, by waiting love till he should come. History is ceremonious as to wha passed between them, but the part ing was solemn and touching, lik. the event. "You will see me n more," she said; "my great ag and disease warn me that I sha! not be long in this world. But go George, to fulfill the destiny whid heaven appears to assign you. Go, my son; and may heaven and your mother's blessing be with you al ways." Passing from that dear pathetic presence, the President elect, per haps, did nut hear THE PLAUDITS OF THE TEOPLE in the streets of Fredricksburg. He rode all day by the road he had come, and reached Mt. Ver non before evening, having exhib ited his power of endurance at the age of fifty-seven, by riding eighty miles in twenty-four hours. His good wife had made all ready; the equipage ami baggage were at the door next morning, and, leaving Mrs. Washington and most of the household behind, he sat out for Xew York at 10 o'clock on Thurs day, the 10th of April, accompa nied by I hompson and Hum phrey The new State was wait ing anxiously for its magistrate. How to 3Iake A Town. The following, which we clip from an old number ef the Ed wardsville Hepubliean, we think will afford useful hints not only to the citizens of Oregon City but like wise to people generally through out the State : Encourage every one, especially new men, to come and settle among you, particularly those who are worthy and active, whether they have capital or not. Their labor alone is worth money. Tjiose who have capital will buy lots, build houses, or tear out and remodel old ones. Go to work and stimulate every legitimate en terprise, by giving it every en couragement you can, or by unit ing your industry, influence and capital in the cause. Cultivate a public spirit, and talk less than you work. Help your neighbor. If he is in danger of breaking down, prop him up in some way, either by kind woids, good coun sel, or a lift from your pocket-book. If he gets fairly down before you know his situation, set him on his feet again his misfortune is to be pitied not blamed and his talents and labor are worth money to the community. Besides, it may some day be your turn to need a corres ponding sympathy. Encourage your local authorities in making public improvements for the good of your town. HOW TO KILL A TOWN. If you wish to kill a town, put up no more buildings than you are obliged to occupy yourself. If you should have an empty build ing, and any one should wish to lvnt it, ask about three times it value. Look at every new com r with a scowl. Turn a cold shoul der to evrrv business man and me ehauic who seeks a home among yoe. Go abroad for your wares rather than purchase from your nici chants and manufacturers at the same prices. Refuse to ad vertise, so that persons at a dis tance wi 1 n t 'now that any busi ness is being done in vour citv. A prompt and close observance of these rules will ruin any town in two years. A Good Way. It is a common saying that there are more ways than One for doing many things. It, would be much to the advantage of the poor working women if there were more Ways than the one spoken of in an East ern journal, which mentions how one Samuel A Way, a Boston broker, whose whole life has been given to money-making, has shown by the disposition made of his money that he knew the value of wealth in more ways than one. His will gives the greater part of his immense property to trustees for the benefit of sewing women. The money is to be divided into two funds, one of which is to be used in building comfortable and healthful apartment-houses, which a e to be let to sewing women at fair-paying rents, and the other in the manufacture of clothing during the seasons of the year when sew ing women fall short of work. The clothing is to be made solely for the sake of giving work to needy women, and the profits de rived from its sale, as well as those coming from fhe rents, are to be added to the general fund again. The trustees are allowed a wide discretion in the administration of this gran'd trust, and there are no limitations upon them of such a nature as to embarrass them in carrying out the spirit of the tes tator's purpose, which is to provide work and homes to the sewing women who aiv able to work, and to give temporary assistance tn ; those who are not. The world can never have too manv such Wavs. Grcck-y & Brown vs. Grant fc Wil-sor?, A UVTlOX AJSD COMMISSION A. 15. Riclisirdson, AUCTIONEER! Corner ol Front and Oakstreets .Portland AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate. Groceries, UeneralMerchan dise and liorses, Every Wednesday and Saturday ! A. B. Kichardsux, Auctioned AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Bar and Bundle Iron .inglisli Square and Octagon Cast steel lorse shoes, Files, Hasps, saws; Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iroa , H. G. Iron also : V large assortment of Groceries and Liquors A. li. UiCHAKDiON, Auctioneer JOilX MYERS, OREGON' CITY", OREGON, I RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY COIS, OSIOCEHIES, BOOTS & SHOES, 1I1BDWARE, I also keep constantly on hand SALEM CASSIMERES, FLA S X ELS. TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Which I will sell at the Factory Trices, and will take wool in exchange. 57r will also pay the highest prices for Butter. EiTijs, and all kinds of good country produce. I will sell as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash o its equivalent in good tnen-h in table produce. Give me a call and sati-fv yourselves JOHN MYERS. Jan. 13, 1S71 tf SPH3HG & SUMMEBGOOOS JUST RECEIVED AT DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES. 1IARUW RE. GROCERIES CROCKERY, NOTIONS, 1C. MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. PRODUCE f all kin Is bought, for which I pay the highest market price. . If you desire trond Goods, at LOU" Pric s. cdl at I. SELLING'S, and examine his fresh s mk of SpiMig Goods. GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. Mv Mdto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFIT-?. Wool Wsisale!-, For which I will pay the higheet market price. I. SELLING. A 'Til 14. Is7l:tf N JEW YORK HOTEL, (Deutfches Gafthaus,) No. 17 Front Street, oj.-pos:te the Mail steam ship lauding, l'oriland. (Meg- n. H. K0THF0S. j. j W'LKEKS, PROPRIETORS. Board per Week -. $5 00 " " with Lodging C on " " Dav 1 ro Summons. Tn the Count' Court of Clackamas county, State of Oregon. JACOB WORT-MAX, riaintilT. vs. N. NEWELL, Defendant. 'ipO NT. NEW ELI,, T1IE AISOVE NAMED - defendant In the name of the State of Ore gon you are ht-reby required to appear and an swer the complaint tiled a-rainst you in said Court in the above entitled action w it Inn ten days afer the service of this summons upon you, if serve 1 in Clackamas county, or twenty days if served in any oilier county in said State, and un less you so appear an I answer said complaint in said term or on or before the 1st day of the term of said Go-art coinni'infi ig next afer the expira tion of six woe ks from the publication of tiiis sutnm iai, to-wit: on Aloud. iy, the 2nd day of September, 1872, the plaintiff will taU j a judg ment against you for the sum of -?:S 4 and inter est thereon si nee ihe lltn day of May. 1872, also for costs and disbursements of this hi" ion. i'ubllshe 1 by order of lion. .1. K. Wait, Judge of sail .irt. JOHNSON & MrCOWN, Dated 21d July, 1872. Att'ys for pVff. 2lju!y(iw Citation. In the County Court for Clackamas county, Ore gon July term, 1872. In the matter of the estate and guardianship of Lulu M. Russcl, a minor. ST A IT EAR ING TO TITIS COURT FROM the duly verified petition heretofore presented and riled by Thos. S. Kussell the guardian of the person and estate of said Lulu M. Kusscll, a mi nor, praying for an order of sale of certain real estate belon-rmg to his said ward, for the reason that it would be benelieial to the said ward that such real estate should be soil, said real esta'e being situate 1 in Clackamas County, State of Or egon, and said petition containing the m itter and Idlings required by law to be therein set forth. Wherefore it is hereby ordered that the next of kin of said ward, and all persons interested ia the said estate, appear before this said Court, at the Court House in Oregon Citv, ( laekam ts county, Oregon, on the 1st. Monday of August, 1872, being the 5th day of said month, then and there to show- cause why a licence should not be granted for the sale of said real estate. And it is further ordered that a copy of this or der, be published at least three successive weeks before the hearing of sai 1 petition, in the Oregon lty Enterprise, a newspaper printed in the said county of Clackamas. July 1st, 1S72. J. K". WATT, Countv Judge. Attest : R. F. OAU FIELD, County Clerk. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the original order m this cause made as above stated. July 3rd, 1372. R. F. CAE FIELD, county Clerk, seal Noticoof Final Settlement 1 N THE COUNTY COUUT OF CLACKAMAS county, state of Oregon In the matter of the estit of D. II. Good, decease 1 Mary E 'ood hiving this day, J uly 3 I, 1872. tiled her final re port and account as Administratrix of the above estate the Court appointed Monday, the 5th dav cf August, 1872. lor final settlement at which time all persons interested are notine l to appear and tile their objection if anr thpy hare J. K. WAIT, County Judge. Johnson & McCown, AtboTTiRri for Admiaistratiix. liiismess Directory of rortlaiidr Oregon. FCBL1SBED BY- L. SAMUEL, Gencrul Advertising Agent, !3 Iront Street. Ackerman's Dollar Store, Xo. tU Kirt .irtet. Importers and Job bers of Fancy Goods, Toys, Crockery, Glass ware and Plated Ware, Astor House. Fir st , between Oak and Fine. Everything neat. B. L. Longfel low, Proprietor. BOOI STATIONERY AND PERIODICALS, BWCKOKT Si MOUSE, Agents fur Mabie. Todd &, Co.'s celebrated Iviscn, Dlakeman, Taylor & Co's School Books. Jt fubi.Uhed, a full line of Lgat Blank for this State. R rn arman, the only di ect Importer oft loth iuj;, &.C., cor. Front & Washington sts. CHAS. C. BARRETT, wnOLESALE BOOKSELLEil & STATIOXEB, LARGEST STOCK AY PORTLAND. Xo. 79 Front anil 5Ta. 5JAVsU- BECK WILLIAM & SON. 129 Front st. ' Importers and dealers in Cans, IlUtcs nl Revolvers of everv description. Fishing Tackle, Fancy Goods. F.cads, Bird Ca'"es, Baskets, Croquet Games, and Babv Carnages. Agents for the "Calif;;rn,a Ponder Works;" al-o for th- " VV he.h-r .t. Wilson Sewing Mac-Lines." T-ck, John A., 129 Front street practical J W. -comaker c Jeweler. Work done HOOSi AND .JOB P 18 INTERS. JlIMES.t HAGUE' Di' Ii f- Front str- et T" riir'iani & Reinhai t, First st. net Oak & ll Pine importers of Stoves, Ranges, Kitchen UtenMU. B ii hanan, W. A , s. w. cor. First & Taylor sts. Cheapest 1- uruiiure House in i'ort- land. n A PPI?T WALTER Bi.O (iVlVl 11 JL O. S Front stiett (Clarke, Henderson Cook, 81 & 83 First J street. Dealers in Dry Goods. Fancy Goods, &c Cnhn &. Roenf Id, 14S F:ont st. Commis sion Mercha .ts & Dealers in Oicgon & California Produce. Cong'e, J. B, Manufacturer & Deiler in Saddles, Harness, and Saddlery Hard ware, 'J'i Front street. Cvirrier, W &, Co., FT! Fiont st Merchant ) Tailors and Clothiers, Hats Furnishing Goods. DpLtshmutt A Oatman, V2 Frmt street. Real Est.ite Agents, money loaned, douses rented. DENTAL GOODS, 'Lcr i ruin sireec. DRUGGISTS, iftol Aii AC. 1"1 Fr nt ireet. Orders !mm nny portion of i e State r Ten hones caie fui'ly Of el by m i I o- cypres-. Iitiil, Lowenst.in .t N. Furminre an-: J Carpet dealers Stores from 1.14 to 13S Fi.t stre :t. 1 Employment A ciicy. Wit :etvll k Hoi j man, so Front st. Fumi-h all kind-i o' help. Iverd n-r.v Beehe, M Fm-it, -tt eet. Com j mission Merchants and dealers in Ho rn ti-- Pioduc . 17shion Livery Stable, cor. First & Sal mo ; st E. Gorbett, l'r -p. Good turn out ilw ivs on !ian'- CVhel .t It Letts, r-or. Fust .1' Waslvti rt-m l" st .. Dealers & Mamitae. CotliiiiL', Furn i dnr Goods. I :-ppl:ml li- H It.. Demist Office. No. o i .,!-., l!l ..f.L- , iw l-'irst. Sr. .Vash- insiton sts. ill S: Steel. To a-id 77 First, street. Deal J ers in l'.ooks Stall mery, and Music t: I iiKtrumeuts. GRAY'S MUSIC STORE- The largest Music House on the Coast. STE1XWAY PIANOS, Bl'RDETT ORGANS, G. Tj. DtPRtXS, Manager. SOLE AGENCY FOR THE "Kowe'' Staving 3Iac!iiie. r3T ccnt- wanted. H.ekeney .V Steme Grocers and dealers in all kinds of Seeds, cor. First and Ma n sts. nimbu'irer, P., F13 1-ii.-t sreet. importer and dealer in Staple Fancy Dry Goods, Millinery. Hcidee D II., Photognphic Artist, s. w. cor. First and Moiri-on sts. Child s Pict s.'ec lty. ne:irichse-, L C & Co.. D"J F rt street Ma-iti a- turers and dealers in Jewelry, War. hes, Arc. Hi'ib ird. Geo L.. I'S Front t.. lm!es tie dealer in Groceiies, Doors, Wagon Ma terials, Arc. Hodge. Calefy Co., H 7 Front st., wh de sale dealers in drugs, Paims, Oils, ii ass, Arc. TTrvl I" 1 7 Sewirnr Machine, straight JL JL V )SjlX-J needle, under feed, "1 ck stitch." Comuetition cha'.lened. si. E. T raver, 112 Front st. Hoixren t Shin Her, X--s. Dili to 172 First st. Importers Furniture, Led dmg. Arc. International llo'el. cor. Front and Moiri s--m s s. M. Rudolph, Prop. Free Puss attends steamers. Kohn.J. & Co., 01 Front st., wholsale and retail dealer in Fine Clothing. Furnish ing Goods. Mai-on I) rce Restaurant, piivate r.-oms for Families, cor. 1st and Pine streets IJ. V'oos Pi op. Mn-iiii, E & Co., wlrdesaie dealer in Wines A: Liquors, U. S. X. Co's Block, and S in Fran eier tV Schmeer, 111 Front St., wholesale and retail Confectioners. Mii'e', lohn R . M 1st st. Watchmaker ,t Jeweler, offers to t'e public a line as s ltment of .v'utches. Clocks and Jewe ry. M teller .t Co , Front near C t.. Dealers in native and foreign Wines, Liquors and Cigars. "VTort Tup E. J., Hardware. Iron, St el. i Hubs. Spokes, Hardwood Luuver, tf-c, Portland O C'-identa! Hotel, cor. First aI)d Morrison sts. Sinim A: Cook, Propriet rs. I) rrish, Wat ns fe Cor' e!l. Real Estate Aden's, ,)0 Front street, bet. Alder and Washington PHOTOGRAPH' GOOD?. C. II. Wood I ard &, Co., K'l Fiont s. R ice. J. M.. 1-27 Front str rt, wholsale dea er in Tinware and Stoves. 1ichter, Paul. 105 First st. i-nporfer if i Berlin wooden Carvings, Parlor Orna m -nt-s. Arc. I 7) ider. G, C, R jal Es'a'e & fohey Broker, V V)2 r root srreet. roriand. oserrbanm. I.S.&Co.. Tobacconists imnori V ers of Foreign and Poacptic L?qnor5. J uss- House, Front st. On First Ciass Piin- cipal. Tnomas Ryan, Proprietor. O herlock, S., 61 Fiont and 152 First sts , dealer in Harness, Saddlery and Sad dier Hardware. - Simou, J.,56 Front t. eet, dealer in Doors, casii & lilmds. Window A: Plate Glass. O iusheimer, H., In? First St., importer o" O Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Muio In nti umeuts. lJ kidrrore. S. G-.. I2i First st. Drung.st Ac O Apothecary, a larg stock of l'ertuniery V i nlet Articles. 2 in tli tV Havis, 7t Front sti eet, wholesile O dealer in Drugs, Paints, Oils. indow Glass, Perfumery, !te. Oinitt' .v K .us. 7:t Kirst. strict. Pic ures O Fiames, Moidings, Artist's Mat'.s.Dru w- liifl lust! urnen s. Sin th. Put., limlcer. t0 Fro it st. Dtaler in Legal Tenders, Go- ernment Bonds and Gold Dust. Ul'OMC, B. I,., Xo IU7 Krnnl Street. O Watc imaker & Manufacturinir Jeweler- s appointed A stent for the W.iltliam, Elirin. E. Howard At Co., Chas. E. Jacot.andihe California Watches; also, for nil the produc tions and imports of the Calif irnia Jewelry Orriiiny, San Francisco. Send tor circular. Watches repaired in the verv best manner and w a it ranted to give satisfaction. rrVrry Bros.. No. 17s First street, manufac ,JL Hirers and dealers in Furniture, Ped- uiug. t nrjiets, tvc. rIVip ( dotliin it t.. r. i i r- r-i I. . JL Furnisliinj; Gocds. Roots and Shoes. uarns & 1 rager. 'Putt e, II. II., 142 & 144 Front st. Dealer JL in Wagons tt Agricultural Implements. rIvne, E. D., n. w. cor. First & Oak sts.. JL dealer in Brandies, Wines, English Ale and Porter. rvler, J. A., 147 Front st., wholesale deal JL er in Butler, Eggs, Cheese, Lard, Ba- c .n, Arc. W7"llll:lrns Myers, 5 Central Hlock, 1 t t rout St., Commission Merchants &. de i I's in Produce. VThalley A Fechheimer, Attorneys & So T y licitorsi i Bankiuptcy. Ollice in Od J Fellows Temple. vs, CO NEWS! . . "5' - ?Aj P LOOK OUT FOE GOOD BARGAINS! S. ACKERIV.AN & CO, II AVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE btock of SPRIXG & SlliMER GOODS, WHICH THEV OFFER Cheaper titan flic Ciscapest. We would sav, come and convince your self before pin chasing elsewhere. Our stock consists in part of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, CIIOTII1NG, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOE-. NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE. and a great many articles too numerous to mention. AL0, Doors, Windows, Glass and Putty. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. ALSO, "WOLi wanted, for which we pay the HIGHEST PRICE. S. ACKERMAN & CO. Oregon City, April 21, l?71:tf Eye, Ear, Throat & Lungs. JOIIItf B. FILKIPJGTOrj, EL D., IATE OF SAN FliANCLSCO, HAS LO j cu'ed in l'oriland. Or gon. Otiice : In ll line-' Building. First street (threr- doers from Lad. I & Tilton's Hmkl. where he may be con-uU d daily, and will treat diseases .f the ab ve named org ms as sjiecialt s. All operation upon .he Eve and Eai per ormed in the most sciemilic and careful manner. A RTI FICIAL EYES, having all the beauty and mobili'y of the natural eye, inserted. Refers bv pernus-ion, for his professional standing, to L. C. Lane, M. D., Profe-s -r oi Sii'gery, and Edwin Pentlev, M. I).. Profes sor of Anatomy, University of the Pacific San Francisco; and lor his success in the reatment of cases, to over I, -"on cases tieat d bv him, in San Fianctsco; also, to Levi Est.-s. Esq., Rev T. L. Eliot. Portland ; Wm. II. Dill-m, E-(., Vancouver, W. T. ; ai.d many others Oregon and Wellington Ter riior'. aiiL-2":mtj HOUSE AN D LOTS FOR SALE rpiIE UN DERSKiNED OFFERS FOR X sale his residence n Oregon City. There are lour lots, a good lmu-e and barn, with a line cellar and i srood well f water. TheTe is olenty of land, and it is well adapted for errly jrirdet-iug purposes. Part p-ivine d mav be made in stock. F'or particulars rp plv to GEORGE CLARK, Ore on CitT luna 2 I S7 ! t f REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. PORTLAND- - - OREGON GEO. Li. CURRY, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND OTHER INVESTMENTS- Commissioner Selecting Swamp and Over flowed Lands. Farm Lands sold and purchasers obtained for all kindfro-f Ian led p'ope'tv. Val inb'e securities transferred in exchano-(. for real Pstate. Loans negotiated on property, and titles examined and dC'-rmined. Commissions solicited' and executed with fidfliiv and prompt"esa. OFFfCE Xo. u Carter's Building, corner of Alder and Front street, Teh. 3. ivrottf THE HOUSE WE LIVE IN AND THE INHABITANTS OF THE IIUxllAlV roiy. piIE CAUSE OF A GREAT MANY DIS JL eases, that have been pronounced incur able by the most eminent physicians, lor the very reason that they ovei lo.dii d the ctuae, and as Dr. Van Den liergh has made the Entozoi a life long Study, he wou d infoun the sick genendly that by close obM-rvation and great xpermit-nts, ba come to the con clusion that there are more acute and iliron ic diseases caused by Worms, lirdat.ds, An ima cuke, or otiier species of Ent 20a. The public generally, or l he profession at large, are not aware' of the number of Patients who are treated by eminent Phvsieians, lor this, that, or -uch a complaint., without anv rehet. 1 f the disease had b. en understood, a few doses of Dr. Vs. Sm:ereijii Worm Remedy would have mimed at ly c red the complaint and saved a great uianj hvts. INHABITANTS 0? THE HU- MAN EOLY! What think yon reader, of vour body be ing a planet inhabited iy li.iug races, as we inhab t the taiti.? What ver may be your thoughts on the subject, it is even so. Your body may be but a home for parasites that crawl over the surface, buriow beneath the skin, nestle in its entrails, and riot and l.iopagate their kind in every corner or its frame. The following is from the Sun Francisco IhiJctirt, of January 2(ith, Ia72. (A recent date.; Car. J!artins recently died in Cleveland, Ohio, from eating imjat iniected with the (ha of 'Janata Suliur.i. At the Coioner's Inquest, on Tuesday, (January 2d.) it was shown that three weeks before t hi l.-trnas, Martins purchased a ca; cass of Pork. Some of the meet was eatn the same day, and some was rnadt? into sa a-age. About ten days later, some of the sausage wa eaten, and in a short time the whole tamiiy were taken sick. Martins died on Sunday . 1 t cerri her 31st, H7L Mrs. .Mar tins and her two c.'iildren are now very sick, and the (onier is not likel t rec .ver. The veroict was in accordance with the facts. For further par ticulars, s e Cleveland, Ohi i. paper.- of above date. A Coroner's Inquest brought lhi lact to light. Now 1 would ask how many more i:ch deaths a- inqii'-st would bring to litrht ? Ponder well, read.-r, upon this, and thi k ol the tlion-a ids that d.e every ear and n-. Ci.u-e can be as-igned 'or their iiea:h. Now the question that would natumlly euttr the mi no of the reader, is what shall I d. ? Tin a ivice of the Dr. would be o to s one one that is c-mpet- nt of treating such com plaints. And who is m re competent than the one that has made Worms a spei lail n . Tkxi vs. Yesterday, Dr. J. W. Van D -n-Beigh cxh'bited to us a number ot pa.a-itis which had been removed from ersons af ilieted; there were several d 11. rent species o-ie of which appear s to be entirely unk .owr to the ir edica! piofes- ion. This new taenia is shaped something like ah oran.e se-d but perfectly flat, or i at her like a cucumber seed, with a" tail about a quarter f an inch n h-rgth. Another was a tape worm b7 ! t in lenyth. consistinu ot t),'in joints. Among medical men theie ex sts no lirti difference of opinion relative t theoiiin of tuese entozoa. lne class of writ rs be lieve that these parages, at least man of them, originate in the -ndow:i.eiit ' t arnu al inolec.if- s wish vitality from it e parent body favo! e 1 bv certai a st ites ol the vital forces of that body; the t at. s originating their orir anizati n and promoting their owth and pmpairatto-i. That ail d esci it ion - ot entozoa are met w.t i f:r more frequently where animal food is n-ed in reatet abund ance, is an indisi iit.itsle tact. specially where t .e f od is tin fle.-h ot the 'uiic ean beasts," which the Jews and Mohammed .r.s re lorbidden to pai- ake of. Put, our iii'n -ion s not to wi ite a tin-sis up e. this si.bie t: e onlv desir- to chronicle the fact that Dr .J W. Van D-n !! lgh has found a no if cine a simple vegetable whicli grows in : bund ance in Calitornia, which is a d ad shot to a en ozmi. of wiuttever de-crij t on, gener ally accomplishing its object n tr m a., hour and a half 'to six h iir-. M'i ni'ig Cull. Ha l we the space i ere hundreds d testi monials could be produced, testifying t- the i ru b of th" asser ions that have here been made, but it would be useless and wuulo nlv occupy the reader's lime. The f'ol ow nil are om of the di-eases that Worms are often mistaken for. Dyspepsia, Chronic A flections id the 1 ivcr and'hli di:eys. Con-umjit i Whi e Swell ng. Palsy, Spermntoirhoea. Diarri cea, L c lit i nence of Urine, Gravel, For Aibus, Diabetes. Dropsy, etc. j Dr. V. would advise those ladies troub'cd with itny Irregularities of the L'lerus to try his new r m dies and g t cured. j Dr. Van Den Rei trh's Infallible Worm Syr j up for Children. 1 rice $1. Warranted to I expel the worms. Sent everywhere upon j receipt ot price. Dr. J. W. Van Den Pergh's, (lair Tonic j a sure cure to deshov ail auimalcuhe of the j Hair Follicles, prevent- falii g out and pro- j motingthe Growth ot the Hair. Pi ice ? 1 ,50; Warranted. Uy Consult ng ami T."uili ipnins SIMPLE EXAMINATION. The afflie'ed can lenrn if thei d-seasp is caused by Worms or no'; at all even s. Dr. Van Dei Hergh c..n tell them Ir an wiiut dis ease the- are ufl ring. Consultations rn;5 Kxuinlniitlong FUEE OF CIIAI1GK. PICS ROOMS NOS. 38 & 39, OVEIt THE POST OFFICE- Letters describing the fymptoms will be promptly aru-weied, and persons livingata d stiini e will be saved the expense and trou ble of calling upon the Doctor. Address Il J. XV. VAX DEW BERGII, T O. BOX 172. PALE.M," OREGON. Tisllmoiilal, Foktlanp, V(h. 10!h, IST2. lr. J. "W. Vx I)kn IlKnoif Jtear Sir: Our child, a little gii 1 jgl(t years of age. has had fits and c- nvulsifuis fir the last two years, and we hud tried many doctors and rraov remedies without much benefit, in fart our darlincr was eetting constantly worse unf.l we heurd of onr worn syrup ihru.h a fri- nd of ours. We th o ijlht. tluit perhapis it might do some srood to g;ye ji a trial, ai d voir cannot imagine our surprise when over ro(i worms were expelled with one bo th ot yur valuable werm syrup, ami from 'thi time on we certainly b'all never be v thont it so bintr as there is a po-sib!' chance tor it to be had. Yon are nt liberty to publi.-h tins if .vou eho se, and may it do much ood. Kespectlully yours, S II. OUToX. M.J. OHTOX! Symptomi of Worm. Altrnafe pa rnes-i s-nd finshin-r of the cntintenanr-e. d-dl expression of the eves. dro-.v-ines. itc-lnn of the nose, a swelled npper-lin. tnnne whitely t'nr.e- and thick ly -peck'ed with red poirsts, f?tid , hrpath. at(d enlirsed abdom"n, a par f al or iren cr d swelling or puffinsnp.as of the -kfn u startling ii the sleep and gri- di-icr f the teeth, a senat:on a if s.met!nnr was 1 rt rd in the throat, a erad-al w 'stinn of the flfsh . siekns of the stomach, vnm-tjrg. a short and drv conh, aotietite s-'mcti-riFsyo rac ous, .,f oih. r times fee'de. b we!s some times cst'Te, ofher fines Ioosp, creat fret fulnes-: and ii ritahditv of temp", p-.ins in tt.e stomach ami bowels, co'ic. fits, convul sions 3rnl pal-y. If the worm svrnp is not to bo had in yo'r town, send ord r to th a mannracf urer it will be sent prnmotlr t nv address free of express chare--.. ' pirct orders to Db. J. W. VAX DEX BERC.n. r. O. Dot :T5. cw, 9rgT. i o jiock wroverc Cat n.ourt ii as the grant Koad," is now in splendid Old toe uccomuiodatiou of the nubhe t. Tt U .... . I i . I i . i lift fill,! U. on Hie road have ad ed, and stock drove to cross the Mountains by tbis route rUb!e is plenty of good Water and in as lltr sides of the Mounu.cs, fnd ti,e f" 0ltl across is only 5o iuil-s beinsr the sh aiile we.l s the best road over the Cased''11 11 tains. Stock droves and emi.rr in,J n it to their advantage to travel over h K'1 To.es reu,onable. overt"iSrUU e JOSEPH YOUNG PresiH Clackimas county, June 21st', 172 ?" AND T I-I E BjSx DR. HU FEL AriD'g ICELEBRATED SWISS STOMACH BITTERS The First and most healthful Tor'cn ever introduced in the United state's. 3 These Bitters have been in the San Frac 1 Cisco Market fi.r over jjl w-nty Vtiiti.,, j notwithst-audino- tie i "'any new enndidatea I for public favor, the H sale have const nt!y increased. TAVU-K .Si BKX IEEL ole Apentj, 4o; and 411 Clay St, San Francisco. o 3) T711I sew everything seeded in a fanrly, frca tb.8 heav.e.t to tie lightest L'cz'.c. AM) i;;:"m:r: w vim, -ian -7 etner xnaci.ine, If tlicro is a Tlcrcnce Fowirq 'la clalno v..hla ore ti.in;s;:i.cl i:.i!es cf nivlr.'f cn'lvii Er.Ls.'.T-.-ti. -a, if I um in 1'oTif.l of it, it v 1 Le p'trr-Cid 1o vi; liout expense cf any LinJ to the owner. -i l s j iirent, 10 Lc, t:or;t;o!T5er3:.-ccti Grand Hotel Duiiuinj, Can Frar.clsco. AVucJ for CirrttJars antl stiTTtjurx rf the u t'rl;. Active Ajrnts wanted i. PRIVATE h'ECICAL A!D CJuiclc Cures and Slcdtrate C hnigf Dr- VV. ICDohcrtro Pi-ii-jite 3Ieilica.l urgical iiititiilr. No. 519 Sacramento Street, corner of Lfcidtscri.;', c tw ii.n, beioj tho What Cheer House.) (Private entraneeon eidesd rf strn-t.) Establish, d Exprlji to A fit- i d the Af:; ttid Sound ami S. ient ific 1 dical A id, in ii .e Treatment and Core of all l'rn;t Hid Chronic Id-eases, Cases ol Secret y ; i d si! Seiual J):soiuer. To tlie Aini( !!. DR. W. K. DOHEBTY returns his pi-rcre thanks to hi i un erous pntiet.ts foitl.er patronage, and w. uld lal-.e this j ( run i'J to r mind 1 1 cm thai he coi-tir i: .- ! ( 1 1 n..f at his Institute h-r tl e cm e i f ' !;n t i dis eases of the Lungs. Liver, Kidni vs, I ipis tive and Cenito-Urirwuy Orrans, m (i a ii private dir- asev, viz : Syphilis in nil ii- lurn t and stages, Seroii al Veakne-s r.ndihtlf horrid onequences of self-al lue. ri ir heca. tileet, Strictures, N cti.iiuil r.i d bii.r nal Eini.-j.ioiis. Sesiml Di Libiy, l i.-i f ' ' the Back and Loin?, i nf an -miituii f t!; Bhidder and Kidnej s, et .; ri d I. lii'5 that his long experience and si;ctes-lid 1 mt tice will contiiiue toinsuie bin- a slt-rf-i' puldic patronage. By the pin lice ( I " tuJ years in Euiojie and The United Stn'i 1 iS t nab'f d to aj jily i l,e nx st (fl.citM it.rit cessful rcmeincs against dis ii.-es of all If !i He uses no mercury, el-m j. es n m e i J1 1 ,1 ! ! l his patients in a cm ie t and bur on l i vtr and hns refert'iiees ot in quotii i 1 ie uiik tj' fritiri mi n o1 known i especial dihj s"' high standing in sec ety. A 1 1 pan u.s r tn' suiting him by letter r tfer ic, v id ceive the hot " and gentlest tieatuno implicit secrecy. To FViiuilcs. When a female ism trouble or nfHs't with disease, as weakness et the Lm k aj'u limbs, pain in the head, din re.-? t -'.t'.t-loss ot muscular power, p-.lpitat on 'H heart in it. Id ity. tu rvi usm ss, ix""11"' inary dithcultics dci ang( n t nf of c' c"tiTt functions, general riehihrr, vag r,i;-',s Vilr;. east s of the womb. Inste'ria, Meiiht'i i i d ;dl ether diseases peculiar to females..' hViWt go or wrr'e at once to tl P c.l hinted fnu. doctor, W. K. LOIiFRTY, at Lis VvcicA In stitute, and consult him about her n. id" and disease. - ,,e ))Ctr ij8 , fl clirp 0r c'JL7es t ban any of her phi sitiari it' il '",f of California." Let no false delicacy p'Cver;- on, but apply immediately and &ive yi i;rf'' from painful stitfei ings and prematura dcntlt. All married ladies, whose delicate l:a!t!" other circumstances prevent an ii reflf P their families should write or call ax DB K. DOlIERiy'S Medical Insti i-te, tn tl tfrj v ill receive every po-sible relief ai d 1 '!' 1 be Doctor's offices are so arranrfo x i . - -can be consulted without fear jfoLsei vatioc n T C'orresjonden 1 8. Patients residniiz i.n ai v j nit of the fte nowever disr;;f. v o n avVh s:r il eop" and advice of I'R.LOHLKTY in thrir it! 'c' live case- and who think proper te sa' 11 wi itten statement of eh. in pr. U r"1'1 ( ' holding a petsor al interview, ere H i- et'V'' Iv a-isuied that their con n unit-at i ;s i;' ! held sacred nd confidential. If h- Cl,( fully and candidly described, pers -: mnnication will he ur ne-es-nry . hs it s"r'c tions fo- diet, renimen and the geveri t ti ment of tt:e ca-e itseif Cnelnding l e iff d esl. will he f.rwu.did withcut" delnv. ,ra in such a nvnnr r as to cor vry ro id a ' f 1ff mirport of the letf. r or parcel s' tranf-n " ,tTC" JtVS-Cnultaiion by b tter or rtl n'. FBEE. Permanent cure guaranteed ornoi Spcrrnnf nrrhrr n DR. POHERTY has jnt puhlished irn pnrtant f amphlct. emb-dyinp his own v and experiences in if lation to Impo'd cp 0 ' irility ; ffii'g a Short Trearse op Sj:ern torrhcSH or Seminal Yeakne.'s, Xervr:? Jr Physical Pel ilitj- c nsequent on lh'c " . t oo, and other diseases of the Sexual rEfr. This little work contain infnrnuiti" n ' , utmost valne to al :, whether married orrnf and will he sent FBEE by mail on recent u -ix cents in postage 3tai pa for return Pos ge. Address. W. K. DOQERTT. M. P b-lyj Sua rripst-- Csi O 1 "-..