ORIGINAL DEFECTIVE v.. . . t . t". )C lUCCHll) VtlUCipvlV. J ' J!!! . --z::Tzr- i AUGCST 2. It.i- :7Zt7s. con- j The LoxTtsiw heard te.ted election in this coiiniy - . . . t. i ,frvton.at " A,weSr.ppoaed, th Rad . . , .r an appear lat Monday. ; er an 0pp ical m:.nager. rs-nry fur ihe 1k1 .' s only r.eo ance.nd it - ' c.lSH ;,nd take plaint to .nd,.ri.rt by Jnd.sro Judgment, wbic ..ion into the Pmn: eisd- Tb- plaintiffs' coun- UL ,L' uo books of this and r V precinct, and showed that ht.y IZ vo i 'ad been illegally recced by four v r ...,:. -nd asked that the J""?'' V .7. , - . , lnI1,. This ! C ie '. a an ies SJJri y ani Mr Nol.nerol The Judge niajoriiy. a..!.!,, the former ;nt..red an order to set as, ;..r!ifl.-au-s is-ned to Mes srs. Lntourette -c.-riificaies I Jjrtcriifn n.l ordered the UierK uo ... ' .nttat:int3. which t been done. The Radical managers of fhU cotintv. h'eaded by as renal ;t of l .mnee"ep s 'vpr l''sjrcel y I'rty. that iheir rascality would not bear r .mr!.t to hide their in f;imv by not appearing in the case and rrvenl me cimiicmj"i" m-n. 9 full expose ol their dirty w ,oik. l ney rxnect by this course to prevent the L-g-i.'.' , ir,,i n.istitor the Radical Represen ts ives who hold fraudulent, certificates or rleetion. m iking it appear as though the rrrdict of Judge Upton wm of no import, allowing the votes as given by Judge Upn to the Democratic Rei)resentatives and Mr. Uingo has a majority over Latin f 37 : Mr. Martin over Matlock. o. ; and Mr Shipley over Crawford. :W ; besides tliere were cast bv railroad hands who ltad be-ti iit o! the State and at work on the X. 1'. R- K- to' t,Vi'r nionths pri rr to ttn election, but came b tek and voted for pay i:i Milwaukie precinct, whe.i they had no" residence whatever in the State. Mbout twenty move votes, which nboulif le deducted from the Radical vote V'woiild give all our Repieseiitatives over n. J( n.!n;ljs be seen whether a Radical Let, t,.nite will allow tiiesf ttols f r.n;il manipiilatoi's to usurp tlie seats which the people of Clackamas cu.nty have refused to eiv them. Just ice ha been done the Democracy bv Judge Up'on. a R idicil. now it remains to be seen whether the Legislature will il'j likewise. KiCJiiiiLS Accihavr. Lt Monday even ing a prema'ure blast went off on the Locks which nearly resulted in ihe death ot a large number of hands. The work man were engaged in drilling a hole close to where a charge was alreaey in. and as tliey were blowing out the dirt and watrr The charge limited. M-ttinir off the blast, while some thirtv or forty men were close 'by. A number of the whi'e nn-n were hiir. but none badly except Mr. Sians field, mid tour Chinamen. The latter are a!! out id danirer. but Mr. Smii-dieM it1 a critical condition Ion he will probablv recover from the injuries received. No one is to blame for the ttcci lent. Mr. liieore. lite 'foremen, was standing within . lew feet the blast when it. went off but escaped unhurt. The Chinamen were o enraged that they attempted to assault the f irem tn with their pick- and shovel. 5-ut were soon quitted down by the white men showing them that, an assault would be disastrous to thein. The bl ist. carried away 'he derrick, and the only wonder 1. how f tu i ii V men exftosetl as they were escaped being seriously injured. Dr. Iiirclav 'ss iutmiiiely rniled and ad Tf.inis'ensi to the injured. Tin Chinamen 1 tit work but tesurn-d again next day af ter they learned thai it was purely an ac ei'ietit. Cvtuo ity. We were h'ihwii a day or two cince a ii!gu!ir fec-insen sf rock bl.isu'd out wbwe th-y are working on the Locks. From 'he somew hat porous ut'ureof the rock it would seem as though water kd penetrated to a gr'af. depth and formed over 'he natural rock a lav imr of quartz:, and upon the s!rfa(v of thi deposit, hen examined tF.der a glass. th"re is p 'resen ted the appearance of pet rified vegetable growth of a light yellow ish brown color. The specimen is well worth examination by parties interested i:i geological s'udies. Hani) Ftmu Letters have been re eeived frofH Mr. C. T Locey and family, who left here early in June for Eldorado. Riker county. They readied their desti nation in snfety. and are generally well pleto-d with the country. In the valley where they are living there is abundance of grazing but a scarcity of wood and liuiher and also of fruit. "Friends will be P -linen to learn that their li-tle girl who hid nearly recovered her sight under the care of Dr. Ross, h is again become blind. BtKTs. We are under obligations to Mr. X. Trullinger. of Cutting's precinct, for a lot of fine beets. There were three varieties, the White. Red and Greeley su gir beet. We pronounce them not only the Unrest but the best flivnred beet we have ever eat. They are solid and firm. nd m tender as could be desired. The it he presented to us would weigh about fifteen pounds. A Sad Accioknt. The team belonging h Gen. Lovejoy, was standing by the riiiroad when the cars came along last Monday, which scared them so that they Mi oft. Mr. Veager, the diiverwas drag Reii out of the wagon with considerable force whi'e he attempted to hold the fright ened animals, the horses kicking him as k" fell. The injuries received by Mr. eager are verv eeveie and may prove h'!tl. SciUBNEK .s. We have received 'Srib nt r'i. Magazine"' for August. As nsnnl. it is fall of interesting reading matter. This Migtz.ine. while not. us old as some others ha taken the front rank, and we consid er it the best pubiicaiion in the United States. Subscription. $1.00 per annum Address ScributT i Co., (iM Broadway. New York. OrrtCKits Ei.ki.tkd. The following are the ofticers elected at the last meeting of Wil'amet'e Lodge. N.. 15. I. O. G. T.. Icr the ensuing quarter; John Ria-kwell. W C. T. : Miss Anna C, . W. V T. : T. M Melvenna. W S. ; E. J SwalT.rd. W. V S. ; J M. P.acoii. W. T. : J. D. Locev. W. C. ; J..bn Oavin. W. M. ; Mis Mina R;1!i dad. W. I. G. ; Mr. Gilbert. W. O. G. Oi t'tCKfis. The following are the of ficers elect of the Independent Champions l the Red Cross : J. M. Bacon. E. C. ; Mrs. Rradish. G. C. ; John Gavin. I. C 'n. Greaves C U. ; Wm. Whith.ck. Sec.i M Ur.nlish. Treasurer ; Martin Angel' C-; Mrs. Newm ui. F. S ; Mrs Bacon C. ; Chas. Tftomns. Victim: Mr. Mel Jrt'in. Ruaiseller ; Mrs Kent. Importer. ,;ff Sue walks. Tlie Street CommLs !ner is after the property holders who Te nfpWted their sidewalks, and we notice a number of new walks bein !aid nave .Matt street in e-nod ''hr dovtn .-, r i . . (U " u iJoiauuB oeioia winter Lorvry CouRT.-Tbo August term of Coucty Court, Judgo Wait PrecUla X" TOAVN AND T . - - j 1 T" 11 1... .L .. ( ' T t w ir t? T . v nt'tr Ln f tK- t-i-1 , r I J- J "-e ' -v., -ji tuu- i test was not made -nn Mt. Campbell, the County Surveyorm time to make it Wal - - 1-)" and consecinemtly th cas was not called. .Seeing mat -Mr. ixiriiett has a legal major ity of the votes e-s dot-ided by Judge Up ton. it won Id he hut an act of iuspcf tr Mr. Cunsp'bell to resign aud eive up the fnr wl,,ctl h people refused t0 eleCl him. We shall see whether he will do It. AnoiT Time. Now that the electon con test !a over, and all things pertaining to the last June election should be settled up. would it not be well for our UatHcal friends to i-ettle t-w-ir -nmsic bill. Those that da-nee must pay." etc. Didn't WH ltiins? corrupuuTi lmd hold out? Tlie boys are beginning to want their tiioiiev. Pail Manufactory. The pails and tubs manufactured here by Riles & Co. are competing .sharply for the possession of the home market, cn account of there su perior quality. The leading house? in Portland will keep no others. Shipment's have already been made to San Fraueid co and foreign pot ts. Keeping Hotel.--We learn that Judge White and family who left here sometime aro for Auburn. Eastern Oregon, are now keeping hotel at Gem City. Mining pros pects just at present are not very encour asiing but all are waiting for livelier times to come. Deer. Prof. Macrtim. Forbes, and par ty returned the other day from a week's hunt in Ihe mountains in the vicinity of the Sandy. The parly were specially for tunate in the capture of deer, Laviug se cured ten. Democratic Clackamas county, for the first time in twelve years, is now Dem ocratic in its administration. Mr. Saw- telle will take his seat as Commissioner next Mondav. FlUE. Rojys are in the habit of lightire fires on the bluff, which is rather a dan gerous practice these dry times. We would caution them against such prac tices. Personal. We had a cult yesterday from Mr. Finley, proprietor of the Soda Springs in Linn conuly. He informs us that a large number of health and pleas utv seekers have visited his p'uice during Ibe present season. Cone to Salmon. Mr. Meldrutn and wife and Mrs D. P. Thompson, left here last Tuesday for a month's pleasure at Salmon River. Chanjki Tlie Height train now makes trips every other day. We have u in form iiiou whether this change will last for any length of time or not. Visit. The Sisters of the School of the Sacred Heart, at Portland. viited our city last Wednesday, accompanied by a number of iheir scholars. GitAiUNti. Street Commissioner Bridges is at work gradirg Filth Sueet. and filling up the hole on the corner uf Seveuih aud Main. ScnvEViNi; lion. D. P. Thompson left here last Sunday wiih a party to enter upon a surveying contract i.i Wabington Territory. He will be absent until fail. SEitEN.vp. We return our thanks lo the young gentlemen who gave us a ser enade last Saturday evening. The music was excellent. Ten Facto icv. Mr. Zcigler. an old cit izen of ibis place, returned here and h is opened a cooper s'iop opposite the Lin coln Uakery. SirrKii. The L C. R. C. had a supper last Tuesday evening, at Myer's Hali. which was well attended. Si;win(; Society. The Sewing Society of the Episcopal Church meets uext Tues day at the residence ot Mrs. Clark. LEcn.'ivK. Count Atidrew Elinsky, it Polish exile, lectured at the Court House last evening. Cocncil. Regular monthly meeting of the City Council next Monday evening. Fkcit. Xice - California Grapes and Peaches are now in the market. lies Y. Our farmers are all bur bar- vesting. Good. An exchange says tliut since Miss Susan Anthony, Mrs. Stanton, Mrs. Duniway ami some others of the strong minded have concluded to support Grant, it will he a Teat saving to the country. Won't these dear creatures take in their list all of Grant's relations? It would le so nice for the people to get rid of them. The Philadelphia l',ss says that the progress of the democratic party towards Greeley is happily expressed in this cal ender, framed by a con temporary January The old idiot Greeley. February The eccentric Greeley. March Old Horace (Ireeley. April Horace Greeley. May Mr Horace Greeley. June Honest Uncle Horace. The True Bourbon acknowledges that the calender may now be completed to November as follows : Julv The Sage of C!i ippnqna. August The Hope ol the Country. September Greeley, the Statesman. October The Democratic S andard Bearer. November President Greeley. Tin-; Mt:A.vs JrsriKKn. Tto integrity of the Democracy cannot be imp-ached for making common cause, says an exchange, for the comm m welfare, with men whom Democrats once antagonized on issues i I now dead and bnned. It is always sale to follow well established precedents, when the precedent will serve ; but Ihe political situation is entirely new. arid the nnpreeedenl nointnatiim ol a life long on ponent of the Democracy, bv a Democra ic Convention, u not, only jus'ified bv tin new position of affairs, but events occur ing every moment prove that it was the one wise nod safe course. The Cincinnati G'tztte (Administration) eays that -the rebel General Bradley Johnson, who has come out- for Greeley, is the one who commanded the prison pen at Salisbury, N. C "' Yes. and iho tebel Colonel John S. Mosby. who has come out for Grant, is the one who used to raid around Washington to the terror of the. iuhabitaa's thereof. Therefore, -which is tbo rsbel candidate for Fr0dlJnt !'' I k. I hi; ItV IIMU L-" I - If ll &U"I7 I Dlt t A I ra. . ... ... I 1 The .Baltimore Platform. Following U the platform adopted bv the Democratic Convention at Lfiltimoie i on the 9th of July. 1S72: 1. We recognize the equality of men be fore the law, and boll that H is the duty of the government, in its dealings with the people, to mete out equal and exact j ist ice to all, of whatever nativity, race, color or pe suasion, religiou- or political. 2. We pledge ourselves to maintain the law, tfce union of these s ates, emancipation and enfranchisement, and to oppo-e any re opening of the questions seUled by the Thirteenth Fourteenth lad Fiiueuih amend ments to the cons ittihon. 3. We demand the immediate and abso lute removal of all disabilities imposed on account of the rebtllion, wli ch was findly subdued seven years ago, believing that univeisal anmer-ty will result in complete pac nVati m in all sections of the ountry. 4. Local s-tdf-governmeat with iuipartia! suffrage w 11 guard the runts of all citizens mote securely than any centtal z d ower. Tlie public welfare demands the supremacy of the civil over the mwitaiy authority, and truedoin of person under the protection of Ua hubeu corpus. We demand f ir tlie in dividual the large.-t liberty eoni-te:it with 1'ublie order, for the sUHe seX-rovernment, for the nat on t return to the methods of peace and the constitutional 1, nutations of power. 5. The civil service of the government lias become a mere i istrumenc id" i irt s m tyranny and personal ambitioe. and an o jeet of seiii-h gived. It is a scandal and re pro, ich upon free institutions, and breeds a demoralization dangerous to the perpetuity of a republican government . We ti ei efore regard a thorough refotm of the civil service as one ot the most pies i: g necessiti-s of the hour; that hotnsty, capacity and tidel ty co;t-t tu e the only valid claims to public empioymeut; that ii.e'otHces of tfoverunient cease to be a matter of ar b.triry favoritism and pa ronage, and that public .-talton will become again she p(tt of honor. To this end it is imperuiv. ly re quired that no pres. dent shall be a candidate tor re- lection. 7. We demand a system of federal taxa tion which shall not uiiuece-sai i y i Uert'ei e with the industry of the j.e p!e. and which halt provide the ineas necessary to p iy the expenses of h- goveiiuuetit. tcon m t ally the interest on t'le p tbl c debt, and a tuoder a e annual i eduction of the principal thereof; aud recogirz'ng that there are l i our m dl honest but ii r c ncilable d H'jreuces of Ojiin ton With reuard t t;;e respective systems of protection ami :ree t ade, we readt the tiis cu.ssion of the subject to the peopj in ,heir conjures iunnl districts, an I the d ci-;i ui ot congress thereon, wholly five of executive intener-: nee oi dictation. b. The public credit rnu-t be sacre lly maintained, and we denounce repudiation i.i t very toi ni and guise '.) A sp!eiv return to speei payment is demat le l. alike by the h ghest coud leia tions of co.iunerciul murabty and honest irovemmen!. fit We remember with gratitude the heroism and sacr.tic-s ot the sold ers and sailors of the re ub!ic, aud no a t o' ours shall eve detract irn.n our justly earned fame or the full icwards of their patriot ism. 11. We arc opposed to all further grants i f lands to railroads or otrer coiyo au ns The pubi c d niaiu should be held .-acr. d to actual settlers. l- We I. old that it is t'.e out y of the goveriimeur, in its intercourse with foreign nations, to cn! iva'e the f'rie-iushipsof pea' e by treating with all on fair and q al terms; regarding it alike distioiioi able either to le ma d what is not light, or to sub:i:it to what is wrong. 18. For the promotion an 1 success of the several principles and upport uf ihe candi dates nominated by this convention, we in vite mil cordia..y welcome the co operation of all patriotic citizens, without regard t previous political affiliation. Jtt-liy io;is Sn vi(i. St. Pauls (Episcopal) Church, the Rev. John W. Selhvoo l, rector. Services on Sunday at ii'i a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School and iiiule class at '2 p. m. ist Congregational Church Morning Services, SahtMlii Sch .ol, Evening Service, . .Scats Free i o. 12 oV,o( k M. . . . .7 o'clock. Ukv. E.ii:nitv, Acting Pastor PIUYEK MKKT1NGS. Sunday evening 5 o'clock Tuesday evening 7 o'clock. o M. E. Church Seats Fn e. Morning Service- lo.Mo,' Evening Sei vices, 7 o'clock. Sa:-jbath School at 'j o'clock a. in. L. t M.mstep, I'astnr. 3i.niiiKi. In Portland, July '2Ci!i by Ii v. Mr. Elliott, Mr. .J. S .Ik.vkins, of this city, n Ulin i; Kit, of Sale:ii. iii:i. In CTackam s county, .li.ly Jijth, II A lttti k r Pehmil a. d in -.liter of .beph and Sai.C Rar.-tow aged '1 months and 1 a iy. In Clackamas c amty, July 2st-i, H72, in fant son of Mr. Win. Smith, living near the Clackamas river. AGENTS FOR TIIK E.VTEUPKlSE. The following persons are authorized to act as agents for Ihe Enticrprisk : Geo. P. ltowell & Cc, 40 Park Raw, New Vo k. Coe Wet'.erill k Co., 007 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Abbott .V Co.. No. 82 & 84 Nassau street, New York. Poithind, Oregon It. Samm 1. San Francisco, Thomas Ho ee sun Fianci.-co, L. p. Fisher. St Helens, C -lumbia county,. . . .S. A Miles Astoria, (Jlats p county A. Van Onsen Lafavttre Yamhill county.. J. L. Furgu-on liallas, I 'oik county Co. vallis Ciih on City . .Dave Ilolne . ....I. S. Palm- ' W. H. Las iv i II' ... N. ll.Cate ' .... A. C, -i h a Dalles, W.isco county La lirande, Union county. . Pendleton, Umatilla county. S V. Knox' Eugene City J. M.Tliompso CLCKA1AS COCNTY. Reaver Cre-k C.F. Reatie. Eagle Creek Frank W. Kost.-r ','acad s Hem v McGugin. I.o.v.-r Molalla W. Moi eland Canby . J. W. Str.iwse - UppeV M dalli. Y II. Vaughan. Mat-ding's Z. C. Norton . Cutting D. WrUht. ilel)eecii. Dcgri'i' Lodge o. JJ, O. O. I . Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDA Y ' EVE SI SOS, ot each month, at 7 o'clock, in OJd FeHow Hall. Members ol the Degree at e invited t attend. t'AlibS EC.)IP.HKXT M. I, I F. Mee:s at Odd Fellows Had on ' I e FII.'ST AND THIRD TUESDAY EVENING of each m nth. Patri -rchs in good stand ing an; i .vite 1 to aiteud. te .. S. lS72-tt" Tillnooi:iIi ;c o. I. A. F. ami A. 31. Holds its regular c unmunira '5Vrtins on the Firt and Third Satur- ''i'J in each month, at 7 o'clock from the 20th of September to the 2oth of March, and 7A o'clock from the 20th ol March to the 2oth ot Setember. Ureth ren i good standing are invited to attend. Dec. g:.IS7o, By order of W. M. Oregon Laxlge-Xo. 3, I O. of O. F. Meets ever' Thursday even ing at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's " Hall. Main s eet. Members of the Order are invited to attend By order. X, G. For the very best photographs, go to Brad ley & Rulofson's Gal'ery without STAIR--rW ASCEND IN THE ELEVATOR, ill Montgomery Street, Saa Franci co. Jl. V. PiekSe, Sf. D.. cf Bnflalo, N. Y.. will send his bock ca Csscyjo Dissi.xs fre i to any adJreai. A Perilous Season. Glorious and delightful ns the Summer weather ia, its tropical heat is a severe trial to the vital powers. Even the strongest are sometimes prostrated by its effects. The commen phrase app-ied to th-s condition of the body is "general debility-" Now, gen eral debilitv arises from an i includes a va riety of ailments. The liver is tnor; or less affected, the bowels are either constipated or less affected, the bowtls are either cn ti pated or too much relaxed, the stomach but half performs the w,.rk of digestion, the ap petite i-3 poor, and the spirits d -p; esse l. This is call?.! uncial debility. It is a gener al disagi cement of all the physic d functi ns, and lequires as a lemedy a medicine that will t eg itate them alt. Hostettei'.- Stomach Hitter's is especi dlv adapted to this purpose. Its general oi-eratiou is not conli ic i to a M:.gle organ. ' If the liver is affected, it re st or s its L.ue. If the stomach is t-rpid, it legenerates it. If the nerves are tremulaus auTi weak, it braces and reiufu.es tlie.n. If the miud wh ch ever sympathizes with thebodv.is gloomy and despondent it re-.iev-s thed.mcuy and so ,i brings the whole inechani-m of the body into harnu.iy wit.i ti e laws of hea th. t here is no civilized nation in the est etn Hemisphere in which tiie utility of II ;s t tier's Stomach Ditters as a tonic c rteet ive, antib lious medicine, is not k-iown and appreciated. Throughout tV Tr i i s it is conidered. both bv the people and the pro tesi .n, the standard spec While it is a med c u fur all seasons au l aH climate-, it is t specially suited to the complaints gen era. eJ by the weather, heiag the purest and oe-t veg-tab.e stimul i lit iu the world. Rewaie ol t!ie timers made of acid and dtngerous imtcrials, winch u..scr:ip alous pa:ii. s are endeavoring to foit upon the I eople. Iheir name is legion, aud tne pub lic has no guarantee tn it they are n t p ison ous. Ad.nere to the tried temeilv llostet- tei's Bitters, s dd o.ily iu kes or barrel. lass, aim never in Do you want the bet fitioeever made, one that will not rip or c-me a -ait? Then buv the CABLE SO HEW WiUE lijots and ShoJs all have the 1'ateut Stamp. Special ulice, 11. VAN 1)K liEUGII'S WORM Svrup tor Caildrcr A. Jf. B 11, drair- D 1.-.1 is agent for t iis invaluable remedy at Oregon City. Lett Jotin. Mgeut3 tur the uiuuaiucturers. Saieui, Oregon. WIIiTjIAM idavidsoist, REAL ESTATE DEALER. Ottice, No. 01 Fi-unt Street, PORTLAND, - - - OREGON. REAL ESTATE in this CITY and E VST FoltTLAXD, in the most desirable localities. yoiisi-ting of L'TS, HALI BLOCKS and iiLOuTvrf, ' HOUSES and STOtlES; also IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable uncultivated LANDS, located in ALL parts of the STATE for SALE. PEAL ESTATE and other Property purchased for 'on esnomlents, in this t'lT aud hro ighout t ie STATICS and TERKI TOIiHtS, 'with grear care and on the most A D V A N TAG EO U S T E 1 1 M S. HOUSE nnd STORES LEADED LOANS N EG OT f ATEf). and CLAIMS. OF ALL DESCRIP1TONS PROMPTLY COl- LE(JTEI). And a General FINANCIAL and AGENCY BUSINESS transacted. AGENTS of fins OFFICE in all the CITIES ami TOWNS in the SI A IE. will re ceive descripti t s ot FARM PROPEftTV andjforward the same to tfie above address Feb. 3, 1571. i)av of Letters I EM INI.G IN niE i'0-T-OFFICE AT V- Oregon City, August 1, 1-72 : Aldcrsor.. Wm. I.'iuis, f'has. Mtller, Wm. II. McCanley, Samuel McCanly, Samuel McC'onuel, James Martin, S. S. Oregon City J !;n Scott, Mrs. Emma Stcrart, T. W. inceut, W. K. Viirn tt, Swig e Welch. Mrs. Barbra Atejlin, Win. Barton. W. Barron, Nic Carry, 1 rvin Fiiz-.valer. Janiij Gates, Albert Hemlcrson J.-hti H iinilton, J. C. -lackman. Mrs. Emma Jack m in. Miss E. L. Johnston, Dave Knott, J. A. Kfllev, Wm. A n n White, Thos. lv v. J-invs Wo I e, L. Registered letter f r James Nicholson. If called for, please s iv advitiscd J. M. BACuN, P. M. Not'lC3 In the imtttr-of the estate of JACOB E.N'GLE, deceased. NOTICE IS nr.!!K!!Y (UVEN BY TFFK ii'idi-r-inel that he lias been appointed by County Court of Clackamas county, Oregon, Ad uiinistrator of the estate ol Jacob Ihiie, deceas ed, and that all creditors of, an t all persons owina claim iurainst said deceased, are reiinirod to pre sent the same with the proper vouchers, within ax mouths from the date of the notice, at lii oltice in Oregon Citv, ( lackamas o in'y, Orjtfou. 11 EN It Y WAKULX, Administator of the estate of Jacob taiifle, deeeassd. Oregon Citv, Orojron, A u trust 21, ls7i. nldwl On THIRD STREET, IJctvi ecu .-".lder and JlorrJson Stritls. I.im "ii finivn, Ft lie Irisli. Xiosoui Ii ii us. Ta l e and Ijoom Da Unisys, Iiiicn h iid Cotton Ihoetki r US Ts, rowtls anil t ras, I'lncU Dress Silk 151. tk SilU Pop' liu, niacin Alp icas. Miintiiiii tOjds, Hiisii i y, iioois iiml Slice's Kurnls li'ir C'ootli rarest V Large Store, 2"sS ) Ooorl I5itslnes-v stand, in which a prosi-rous business h i been eond -cted for over two jears. Rent .ow. Aplj- to JOHN" WILSON, T1II15DST., SOUTH OF A L DEIS., FOR I LAND O EG ON. 2'jdy 1 in. S. X. POPE, Grocer & Provision Dealer, Next door south of the Court House, 3Ialn Street, Oregon City, Oregon, DEALER IN BEST FAMILY GROCERIES, COFFEE. TEA , SUGAR, FLO FR M) MEAL of alt kinds, PICKLES. SO P, SALT. CANNED FRUITS and OYSTERS, Also, all kin Is of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. BUTTER, CHEESE and EGO?. TOBACCO and CIGARS, GLASSWARE, Etc., Etc. All kinds of country Prodnc-e tiken m ex change f )T goods at the highest market rate. --nrtri-j Htdivered in the citv tree of charze. A fair share cf patronage solicited. ) Marca i, loam H03IE-MAPE CARPET FOB PALE 4T Z. SELL1X&S. CLOSSreO OUT! THE ENTIRE SPLENDID STOCK 0? HOOTS and SHOES AT THE BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE! Will be close 1 out immediately AT COST. QUITTING BUSINESS ! Tims? indebted to the firm will please cJi aud settle PROTZriAN, GILLIHAN t CO., Cor- Front and Morrison Sts-, FORT LA ND, EIGCN. July 10, lS71:tf ICE-CREAM SALOON: LOUIS SA AL, - - - Proprietor. WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE to the the citizens of Oregon City and vi cinity, that I have just Ojten.-d an 1CK-CUK 3l & COXPECTIOXARY esfablishmei.t in the building formerly occu pied by L. Dil.er, corner of Foarlh and Maui streets. The Aiiie Soda Ponntalii will be h: operation to supply the demands o!' th thirs ty. I riia iut'ict.ir"e all my own t ick, conse quently they are rem; and khesh. A share ot public patronage is respectfully solicited. jur2u:7lf MASONIC HALL BUILD ING. CITY, OREGON. FEPS CONSTANTLY ON II AND AND .01 nan-, cn::.p for casu. ?AKLGH, BEDRC02I, OFFICE, SITTIKGB.00M, and KITCHEN FURNITURE, Rareaus, Lounges, Hocking Chairs, What nots. Ret stea Is, Wa hstands. Curled Hair and Pulu Matresses, l'ulu Pil lows, Spring Reds, Window Shades, Pictare Frames, Mouldings, ic, Ac. ;ySpecial attetili m given to Upbo'ster woi k in all its t. ranches. Orders tilled with proniptm-ss. Rejuiir-ng done with neatness an. I disoatch. Furn.ture m id-' to order. G ooils delivered to :y paitof town Vee of chaige. Call and examine for your s. lvas. mayl7n2li 1 .'Z-fZ '-ML-Zri t J BEST P.EMEDY FOR DYSTJPBIA, II7DIGE3TION, EILIOUSNESSi 10S3 CF APPETITE A:;D iNACTiOM OF THE LIVER. Are acknowleUa.'it to he the most v. -hole-some aiol eliiciTit ot 'i omc and Itft'iii eratiK s Kkao rnYici.Ns' CiarriFicAiES on hack or each bottle. .None p-'riuino without our Trade Maik blown on t!if l ottl. To sell other thnn the rprnine artic-lo out of oar bottle is .a criiuiuul olt-.-i.sf. end we sh 11. wi-en d'-teetpit. prosecute such parties to the fu.l extent of t '.u- t nv. 11. EPSTEIN & Co.. Sol" Provr?enr. 5is Front St.. S. K. JOHN FLEMING, f Tiry DEALER IN 300KS AND STATIONERY. IN MYERS' FIRE-PROOF BRICK, MVlV .STREET, Oft KG ON" CTTT, OHECION. W I L L 1 A fl SINGER lias Estiblihd A Factory FOR HIE MA.X L'FACTOIiV OF SASH, BLINDS AN J CCOOS AND MOULDINGS OF ALL SIZES. ifi? They will n iso do TURNING, of pvtj lecription to order, With Neatness and Dispatcl , o ALL WOIIK WARRANTED. Shop on the River, in Lewis' shop. opoos te Or'tron Citv Mills. Notice. T)VRTIESWHO WERE OCCUPYING I. la ids in the ''Grande Ronde m l Silctz lieserves," in the Sate of Or iron, in h v.-ars s.").")-"ii, anil had to ab 1 id n tfie same n c ins.qu 'i c" of s 1 d Reserves h vinjr heen s lected by the C. "s for the seti lenient of he llo-j'ie River fnd;;,ti--, will id"?:se eno hei'- addresses, for further correspnnden e to 11. W. DiMVVtUX, Att'y, Rox lor, Washington City, I) C. Citation. In the Coanty Court cf Clackamas county, State of Oreyon. JN' THE MATTER OF TIIK ESTATE OF John 31c! 'uTiiiuou. A petition havinat been Hied by A. J. Met 'amnion, a Inun'raNir of the e itato of John Mc .'ainiuon, prayiatr for the sale of an undivided one-half of 2 10 acre of land sit natod in see! ion ;12, X 5 S, R 1 E, Wiibmietto meridian. Therefore, in the name of the state of On-eon, you, Andrew J. McCatumon. :atharine Katen! Nancy Ann Slocum, .John M. McCarnmon, Itobert C. JileCainmoti, heirs of said deceased, and all o -her heirs unknown, are hereby cited to be and ppear at the Court House in" Oregon City on Mon lay the !th day of August, H72, insaid Court and show cause if any exist whv an order of sale fhoull not be irriu'e 1 as in sai'l petition prayed for. J. K. WAIT, founty Ju t 'e Attest: P.. F. CAUEIELD, County Clerk: " seal Oregon City, July 12, 1S72. n37wt rvnilions of Pairs Sold. Gable Screw Wire LOOTS AXD SHOES i'ilrl2n37rnl A. WOLTKER, NOT VRYPCBETC. Oreoron C tv. Jan ENTERPRISE OFFICE 'I3:tt Special .Vottte. The belaud mo-t effi ient cars known for dvspepsia end indi-estion. Is Dr. Henley's Ce'.eo-ated I Z L W tters. Jrr it. Rt ad ad vert'.sein'int ia aaother eolticiD jan'm3 I CH AS. H.CAU FIELD, CORKER MAIN AXX) SEVENTH STREETS, OREGON CITT. OREGON, Dealer in DRY-GOODS & GROCERIES, CROCKERY and GLASS4.WSE. Also, a full assortment of Milliner) and Fancy Goods OF THE LATEST STYLES, JUST R EjC EIVED. COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Oregon Citv, June 21st, 172. tf SPRING GOODS JUST RECEIVED BY C . LEVY. I H AVE JUST REDEl VED A COMPLETE and well-assorted stock of CUSTOM-MADE CLOTHING, !.'D GEMLEHENS" Fl"KXISniK GOODS, Which I will sell at reduced prices. Call and examine my stock before purchas ing elsewhere. Produce Taken iu Eichansr? for Goods. A MSVV, Mu.! 11 street, Oregon C'lly. i FOR SALE. rpHE UNDERSIGNED DESIRES TO SELL JL his property in Oregon City will sell at "a liarga ti, to a rood purchaser. Lot 8. in block 3, whenon theie is a good Dwelling House with 8 10 mi-, partly hard finish, bal ance cloth and paper and the Livery Stable now occupied by Mvs-rs. Wil istfc Broughton Water pipes laid on the premises, from Pea-e's water Works. A'.so 1 town lots in Canemah, with good .'euee around. A'-.-o -i tuwu lo's in lower end of Oregon City; als'i 10') of la'ia known as the dona- t ;,., I.. .1 . 1 . .. . .r v..,., , m m 01 w tn. fctone, b miles a itbeast of Oregon Citv, with some im provements, thinly timbered., lo under growth, go-id lasting water IPlnquire at County Clerks office. J. M. FUAZER. Oregon Citv, May 0th. Ib7-J. vCu'iS SHADES SALOON, G. A. HAAS, Proprietor, Main Street, Oregon City- o .R'.-it lill.TJARD TABLES in O T2 EG O A" Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention f the lovers of this popular amusement to them T II E B A B I S S UPPI.IED With all too choicest qualities of l.iqnors an,' Cigars. Scotch. Irish and Couibon aireadj famous Whiskies and Punch. ALSO, A no. 1 SHOOTING GALLERY Is connected wit!) the Salot n. Ore -.'Q.i City, Jan. 1, LS72:tf R3 w AT TI5K LIHGOLNJAKERY. WILLIAMS & HARDING, HAVE JUST OPENED A FULL VARIE ty of choice FAMILY GROCERIES. AND PROVISION'S. The Eakery will be con.-tautly supplied witfi fresh RREAD.CR CKER, CAKES. PALTRY, CAN DIE AND NUTS. All of which will be sold at livirg rates. Remember that we do not seli goods at cost. Also, please bear in mind that it takes motley to do business. To the faimiiiir tr..de we would Raj, CASH lor ou. produce, and CASH tor our goods. Ooods delivered to all parts of the city. Feb, It!, lS7l':tf EW WAGON AND Carriage Ptftanufactory ! The undersigned, liaving increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City Oreg son. Take tiiis method to inform his old pat rons, and as many new ones as imv be deased to call, that he is now prepared, w tli unple room, (food materials, and the -er3-be-t of tnechani' s, to build anew, recon - ruct. make, paint, iron and turn out all omplete any sort of a vehicle from a com mon cart to a concord coach. Trv me. ISiacksmithing-, Horse or Ox shoeinjr, and general jobbing neatlv. quickly and cheati iy done. DAVID MI r f I . Opposite Excelsior Market OREGON CITY EEEWEEY! 1 1 k n it v 1 1 u n 11 f: i, Having purchased the above Brewery wih e- toinform the public tht he is now prepar ed to manufacture a No. 1 qnality of LAGER HE EH, As?ood as can be obtained anywhere in the Staie. Orders -elicited mrl promptly filled. Dr. .B. R. FREELAND, wi-r--Z-zx7 PI E? F.I T 1 n i TOOM 2 riRKPM'S BUI LDTNG. CORN I V er First and VVasMnsfon St-.. Portland. Nitrotfs x;de adm;nister"d. n23tf. tore to Re unit . A. THE STORE HOUSE FORMER EY OCCU pied by Kafka, on Rock Creek. 12 mile from Aurora- situated at a fine point for country trading pos' ; can be had on very reasonable terms. T1 is is a dedrably point f r a mas with email ccpital to go Into busi ces. Enqmra cf JOHNSON & McCOWN, ju.'yfltf.J Oregnu CHy, Or-grou. THOMAS OHAKMAN ESTABLISHED - " - DESIRES TO INFORM THE CITIZENS of Oregon City, and the Willamette VaiLy, that i c Is still on ban4, and doing bus.inVs3 on the old motto, that A imlle slx-Pen e is better titan Slow Shilling." I have just returned from San Frarcii where I purchased oce of the LARGEST and BEST SELECTED Stock of Coods ever before offered in this city; aui 0Biat in part, us follows : Boots & Shoes, Clothing, Dry Gooda, Hats & Caps, Hosiery of every description, Hardware, Gro ceries, Paints & Oils, Sash &Doors.Queens ware, Crockery, Glassware, Chinaware, Stoneware, Platedware, Jewelry of Yaiions qualities & styles. Clocks & Watches.La dies & Gentlemen's Furnishing- Goods, Fancy Notions of every description,Patent Med icines, Hope, Farming Implement of all kinds, Carpets. Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, &e. Of the above list, I can sav mv stock is tb MOST COMPLETE ever ottered" in this mar ket, and was sleeted with especlul curt for tiiU inaiktt. ah of which I now offer far sa!e at the Lowest Market Rates. No use for the ladies, or any one else, to think .f going to Portland to buv goods for I am DEI EK.M1NEI) TO SELL CHEAP and i.ot allow myself to be UNDERSOLD IN TIIE STATE OF OREGON All I ask, is a fair chance ar.d quick pay ments. Believ ng, as I do, that nineteen years' experience in Oregon City enables me to KtiQw ihe reqirements of the trade. Come one and all, and see lor yourslVM that the old ttand of THOMAS CH ARM AN cannot be beat in quality or price. It would be useless for me to tell you all the advan tages I can offer 3011 in the sale of goods, na every store that advertises does that, and probably you have been disappointed. All I wish to say is, come and see and examine lor yourselves, for I do not wish to make anv mistakes. Mv ohj-ct 13 to ttll all my ol! friends now that I am still alive, and desir ous to sell oods cheap, for cash, or on sucb terms as agreed upon. Thanking all for the liberal patronag heretofore bestowed. THOS. CIIARMAN, Main street, Oregon City. rt?"EcgHl Tenders and Coanty Scrip! taken at maiket rates. THOS. CI1ARMAN. .JT"30,000 lbs wool wanted bv THOS. CIIARMAN. REAL ESTATE, REAL ESTATE- JACOB STITZEL, C. C. WAT. JACOB STITZEL & CO., SUCCESSORS' TO STITZEL & UPTON., AND aiOREYIIltOKlSBS Cor. Front and Washington Sin., PORTLAND. OREGON. Special attention given to the sale of farrrs irp: lands and city property. All torreE pondence relatirp to the reconrces of Or gon will be promptly answered- REAL ESTATE JOURNAL Published monthly. Sei.t free of cLarg U any address. " JACOB STITZEL & CO. March 15, l&72:tf ESTAURAWT, LEONDeLOUEY, Proo'r i LA TE OF TEE CLIFF 110 USE MAIN STREET. OREGON CITY, OKEGOX. rpi1E UNDERSIGNED R E Jl specif'ullv annonnces to his f lends and the ti avp'incr Tnb!ir that he has re-opened the above nameu lustaurant The proprietor knows bow to crve his csutomers with Oystei?, Pig's Feet, a good cup ot Coffee or a" SQUARE MEAL. LEON DeLOCEY Oregon City, Jan. 27, 1871:tf JMPERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaRoque & Co., OREGON CITY. t9Keep constantly on hand foi sale N'idiinjrs. Bran and Chicken Feed. Pafi en q o.i rid in, cr feed must furnish the sarkf. AVOID QUACKS. A victim of early in discrttion, causing nervous debility, premature decay, ic, having tried in vih every adveitised remedy, l as a simple mean of self-cure, which lie w'll Fend iiee to him fellow scflerers. Addrees J. II. EEAEF, 7S Nassau st. Sept. l:lv New York JOHN SCHRAM, MAIS STREET, - - OHEGO.fClTT. 31ArFlCTiiEE i.fl IMPORTER OF SADDLES. IIARVESS, SADDLERV-UARD. TV A BE, &c, &x. -rTrHICil HE OFFERS aS CUiPi8 V V ojin be bad Iu the State, at Whofeeale or Recall. wamrl all try sroods at rrprtT'v . Orror Cfy, pril'ir, ,'?T. r?tf. O O o