Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, July 26, 1872, Image 4

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Fill DAY,
JULY 2C. 1.72.
V Truly .Self-Made Man.
The San Francisco Examiner,
the ablest Democratic paper on this
Coast, thus speaks of the nominee
of the Baltimore Convention :
Horace Greeley presents to the
world a bright example of a truly
self-made man of the highest type,
lie stands before tiie people of the
country as a candidate of a great
party, who have chosen to overlook
his past opposition to their meas
ures and men, because they recog
nize in him the cxistenece of all
the qualities wanting in hH oppo
nent, and believe that in his adop
tion of their principles he is sincere
and governed by the most patriot
ic devotion to "the cause of his
Whatever have been the differ
ences heretofore between Horace
Greeley and the Democratic party
on questions that have passed be
vond the dominion of political dis
cussion, ho stands to-day in pefeet
accord with us on all the vital is
sues which are before the people for
their decision. His bitterest foes,
0 personal or political, have never
disputed his honesty of intention,
his purity of life, his singleness of
purpose or his large-hearted interest
in the welfare of his species.
Above all other things, however,
he stands a noble monument of
material success, as the reward of
heroic devotion to pure principle,
struggling against the most fearful
odds from earliest childhood. In
spite of every temptation that be
set his toilsome youth,defying every
assault of fortune that threatened
his young manhood, resisting every
advance of the enemy of the human
race that nrenaced his maturer
years, he never lost heart in the
0 battle of life, nor ever resorted to
a means of success that could dull
the edge of victory by its departure
from the standard of Conscience
and Truth.
Considering Mr. Greeley as a
representative American, as one
"who lias worked Ins way from an
Q obscure origin, with poverty and
labor as his only inheritance, with
Q no advantages of early education,
compelled by his circumstances to
drudgery at an infantile aire, and
all his life an honest, earnest woi Kor
with his hands and head, never al-
lowing himself to be seduced from
the line of virtue by any allurement
of vice or any blandishment of
power or bribe of wealth, he is a
man who eleserves the highest re
Ward that his admiring countrymen
can bestow.
In strong contrast to his compet
itor for the lVsidency, he presents
a career and a character in his mor
al life that will bear the minutest
investigation and need not fear the
licenest elissection of the casuist.
He came of paivnts who trained
him, as they had been trained, to
earn his bread in the sweat of his
blow, to fear God, and to .serve his
country; to abhor sin, while ex
tending charity towards the sinner;
to aspire to a life of usefulness and
honor; to live uprightly, honestly
fearlessly before his fellow-men.
By diligent application to private
study, by the exercise of his natur
al powers of mind, by temperance-,
frugality and industry, disregard
ing ridicule and letting the taunts
of his rude and thoughtless fellow
workmen "pass by as the idle1
"svind," he became first a mastered'
his trade, and then the- founder ami
chief of a journal of almost unlim
ited power and influence through
out the country; and became also
01 skillful writer, wonderfully adept
in a unique and vigorous style of
Knglish composition, possessing a
A ast fund of varied and well-digested
information, and a profound ac
quaintance with ail the questions
that have agitated the minds of
Americans for the last half century.
He early became marked and re
spected for his ability as a political
disputant, and by none was his
power felt more than by that great
party whose cause he has espoused,
and whose millions he is going to
lead to victory against the hosts
warring for a perpetuation of civil
incapacity and military despotism.
O lie dees not come before hi
countrymen elestitute of experience
as a civilian; he does not exhibit
utter ignorance of the structure of
the republic; he is not wholly tin
possessed of comprehension of the
theory of Government; he has no
past full of errors ;nnl misdeeds
that need concealment or obscura
tion by the glamoi of the battle
field; no recollection of strife1, nor
vision of brothers blood nee-d br
called up from the vasty deep of
memory to hide fraud, tyranny,
bribery, usurpation, drunkenness
or debauchery in Iris e ase.
Xo man can point the fincrer of
scorn or shame at Horace Greeley
and say he was a sot in early life
in the service of that government
to which he oweel his education.
Xo, lie is not bound by the silken
chord of obligation to any govern
ment nor to any man, for the know
edge or culture that, oonjoineel to
his native energy, persevering res
olution and honorable course, made
him the foremost journalist of the
age, and have placed him at the
head of the great movement now
bearing him to the Capitol.
First Love. At one of Lord
Holland's dinners, the conversation
turned upon first love. Tom Moore
compared it to a potato, because it
shoots from the eyes. Hyron add
ed, " Rather because it becomes all
theeJess by pairing'
Hot Weather.
People enjoying the equable
tempature of Oregon, can little
imagine the sufferings undergone
by the residents of the Atlantic
slope, both from the intense colel of
winter and heat of summer. On
the 1st of July, in Xevv York City,
at three o'clock m the afternoon,
the thermometer marked unity-nine
in the shade, and the 11 ro-iI of the
2d, records thirty-live eases of sun
stroke, most of which were fatal.
The night previous to the hoi day
was nearly as uncomfortable. A
facetious reporter of the Vorld
gives the following account of
some of the effects of the hot spell:
On Sunday night heat fell down
like a blanket of fire, te scorch and
smother us at the same time. The
very cats which, at ordinary times,
will go through rain, hail, and
snow to meet tegetiifir and hold
sweet converse of melody, utterly
refused to attend the Sunday night
sacred concert, and lay languidly
along shed and fence, or tried to
keep cool by remaining quietly
among the gra-. When a weary
mortal went to bed, if perchance
sleep visited his eyelids at all, it
was not ef that sort which the
poet calls '"Tired nature's sweet
restorer," but of that sort winch
puts strange, uncanny thoughts in
to one's head and makes him dream,
that he is being smothered by
miles and miles of super-imposed
feather beds, er swimming in boil
ing pitch, or enveloped in the fiery
tail of I'iantamour's comet. Bad
as were the tortures of the night
they were as nothin r to those of
the day. The pen almost melts in
the hand that would speak ef them.
Men felt themselves "expanding
wisibly," getting bigger and big
ger and continually exposing
greater surface to the blistering
rays of the sun, and even of the
shade which radiated heat in large
epianfities. Ladies walking in th
treets were surprised to find that
their parasols had bt.ceiny huge
umbrellas through the e-xpan ling
oower of heat ; men did nt know
1 - i
each othe r, and New V oik. was
one great blister. Hypocrites who
blew hot and cold at the same
breath were much loved, for the
heat was but that of the atfno--
phere, whin- in
cold was that of
the no'th win 1. The Polar bear
in the Central Park was in agony
and had to be parked in ice; but
toads and fro-jjs and snakes, being
cold !. -l animah, were calm
and elauimv
manv eon-e-s.
1 here were cast
of sudden d:ap-
pearance which we-n
ing. Two Germans
together in Nassau
vcrv surnns-
v ere
st res-
a i king
one of them suddenly
went out like a bubble,!
vamshe i
'aving not
a trace in the earth.. He had ac
tually bee-n di -sipati d, as many
other men have he't-n, by heat; he
had been converted
at ouce into
gas wiiiiou
l.niit rffiin'f 1 5i 7-i nfi the in-
termediate si ate ef
uu! it v.
JJcfiif-ias: ihc S vial liiil.
i lie
attention of moralists h;
'vcr.d times b-.-eu call-.-d to tl
efforts of St. Louis toward check
ing the soeial oil by m-.-ans of a
license system, and this is tiie re
sult, as slated by the chief of po
lice in his report for last, year :
First, bv this rei'ort it is shown con-c!u-lve!y
that tin1 nundn-r of pub
lic wermen ha;; uniformly decreased
each venr. Second, that they are
mo?c decorous in their manner in
publie-. Third, that open solicita
tion in tiie streets has been to
tally checked. Fourth, that a con
siderable number of abandoned
have been reclaimed an 1
restored to respectable li!
and in
several cases married. i'lnn, imu
elandestine or oprn p'-o-titu! ion,
wlreh o te-n degenerates into epe;n
vice, has been mateiially cheeked
by the fear o-' the legal conscire-n-ces
of such indulgence when
brought home to 'the effendi'r.
Sixth, that juvenile prostitution
has been greatly diminished if not
whollv removed.
Price of !?eans.
A fi-w days ago a couple of Bos
ton runners entered a rest n rant, in
Fortland and ordered dinner.
One was pleased to order a plate
of baked beans. When he came
to settle he asked the price, and
was informed tlr.it forty cents
would be satisfn-t ory. The run
ner was astounded ;m 1 exclaimed:
"Tsn't that a h 1 ot a price for
beans?"' The man of grub got
mad, and said that was the price
ami must be paid. The' rume r
still uttered the sam pious evel a
mation of aiouihm nt s-ver:d
times and pail the scot. On go
ing out of the door lie turned and
yelled it again, but the bean man
was silent. The next dav the res
tuaraut keeper iveeiwd u d'-sputch
and ;ail the te-li-'raim boy forty
T 7
cents. Judge, it you can, of his
utter disgust when upon opening
it he read : "Isn't that a h 1 of a
price for beans rM
Gi:ei:ley's First IJrr.i. IYr
Osi lat Welnesdav afternoon,
Horaces reeley received a small
package through the mail. It was
wrapped in brown paper, bearing
the printed words: "One ounce
Horace Greeley chewing tobacco,
Adlerifc Co., proprieters, 110 West
Lake street, Chicago, 111." Dr.
Greeley looked at the paper of to
bacco, and then handed it to Or
ange Stevens, saying: "There,
Steven, you may have that, that's
my first bull pup."
3- iS--. a 'r.y
A. 15. Xic.:ilsoi9
Corner of Front aa Ouks,treete:l'ortld.
Of Real Estate, Groceries, GeerlJercha
liise ami lior.-v?,
Ecery Wednesday and Saturday !
A. li. llicHAiuso, Auctioneer
English refined liar and Handle Iron
English Square and Ociiigoii Cast steel
Horse shoos, Files, Raps, su.;
Screws, Fry-pans, sWe i iiou, K. (5. Iroa
also :
A large assortment of i I i ocei ies and Liquors
A. ii. UlCIIAliUtiOX, Auct ioiu-i-i'
jf-1 " "1 7
vL js a, 'As -j JCd . .:': 5
I al.-o keep constant! y on band
T W E VA)6 A N D " L A N K EI .s ,
Which I vrill sell at the F.ictnrv Prices, and
will t.:ke wool in exchange.
rr-j rill nlso p.ir Hi hi'iv-t pri'-e f'r
IJutter, V.;2-z, uruJ all ki:d of ao-d countrv
s.r'id ie1'. 1 will sell io-v ;t- ay ln.)--i'
!M Oregon, toi- a.-h its -livui'.-iH in . (1
in rch ; nt ihl'' r .iiiK'?.
y (Jive m.s a call a:.d s.m"-fr vo'i'h-cs
J011X .M1ERS.
J.tn. I'i, 1S71 tf
1 Ji -U
I'"AI.r.R IN'
1 1 A R D - V A R E , G R 0 C i R T E S ,
PRODUCE i:f :!! kin Is b-vi-ht, for wliic!) I
; ay ;)).; hiilct inurke; nrice.
It' ro'i lU'sirt -: il (rijuiis, at LOW Pri:-rs.
e :it I. SiEELI.VG'S. and exainiiie his fresh
s.ni'k of SW: 11 u (i,ii;Is.
'"''Wool ante a j
Far -.v'.iich I will pay the hii.eet mark.'
p rice.
Ai-rii 11, U71:tf
Groecr & Provision Dealer.
Next door -o:ith of the Court Ilonee,
Mulii Stri-et, Orc'pn t iiy, Oregon,
i - ft ?"s 51 I i it .-? 1 V
Fl.OCR VM) M-.Ai-o." ill' kind.-,
l'ICKLES. SO r. s LT.
A Iso, all kill 1 - of
Fresh. Fruits and Vtg5i;ab,3.
BUTTEii. Cff EEs'-E ate! EfJ'IS.
1 Oti H 'CO ;e..i CtiiA KS,
(iLASS.VAiii:, Et -., Etc.
All ken?-; of rom!ry Proihlo t -ken m ox-.'j;.ii-v;i-
f !' .".i- at tit lii'l-i'-t marK-'i ra!f.
I v " m i iU'!;vcu-.I ia the city I'm'c h!
;ir:o A fnir iiiut of j.it: o.'a;c soiicirt d.
Mut'c'i 'J 'J, is72:tf
In tlo Conntv C'otirt for CUfkam s cirmi v, Ore-S-o.-.1:tly
'to:m, IMi. l-i llr- l!i.t of h
e '. aud jr'i.tfai.4!i-.hip of jtl. iJ.uM''., .t
in I nor.
- .Inly vmiiio 1 i::.ci;u i-ToJ.it.ii-fiir'.-'-.-o-.- i
!ta 1 iil' i ly i'U. . s. K-o -i-i i the i.-uo',r!n t li-. -tT-;i
,4ll V- f of .s i.i l ly.iV.i Si. ita-i.-.--;l, -t itii-ii-r.
iiimvih; .-m or !! ';f .-.il-'ni' vi-;aia r-.ii-o-'
.i' o tn-i- '.i .! ; i iii - i w ir.l, inr in;- li t ' ;i
- i' i i Wn i, i li. 1 1 : , !l-. -..1 1 v is- 1 Ui.r
i' h lo.ti --: ,r 'ii.':ii i 1.' ' i. i i rt-ui ; ..
N-.-t M :-i i.:t...-1 i:i i i .'k i:o i - f- ify, Ni.'f.? ul't r-
!-tl,.li'.i lil T-- l '-!'. ;!!!l- j i-- 1 Ti 4 ' - ' :
i i T !.-!-- iv j'iir t ' 1 t vv : i ' r;-! :t ! ; : j .
i '!';. ; i r.. , ; w fj.-iroy m i.-ict li ; i ii.-v
koi - if i-i v i v 1. .) -i 1 : 5 1 ;).; - ; - i j: , i.i ) ,-iv
i. t t , i ;; ;r .v.- - i i ; ', ' i:;r :i-
i- : : i i ii! - ' ii i.;:i'Yv,"-0'!1:h i !.r y.
V'i-, - i'i. i i ; i . 1 .! jy ;! A
. .i Uliy.it' I Hi i.i. li, t -.! i a i 1 ; ii.-: . i
- 11 V I'll-;. vv" i V ., i I,-, -:l : j .-i; i Ij.it I . ,
I' . o ' -n! ; - u i : -.; 1 t .
n i n ! I v iy, -ivi lit' :i i - -v .5 1' ' ; '-v-
o . ir . : .vjt,.,! tl- - i .,. s.t'-.- ' ; . v. - -.
''.- ' " ''. ' ; ''' ' "'- - i - i': .i. i " it:- -. ' - . .
t.'i:y isr. ; -1 a .. i, r nuu. t i:i Use ai-i
o ta v . ! .k.ii:r.i.
.T. K. WATT. Cr-nfv .T.i-1 .e.
AVa-t.: TL. F. CAE El ELD. 'oimty ilei k..""
I h.-r-t.y c..-r. il'y that the i' .s.-toin-a is a ' r-.io
opv i-i ; Mvioi.il orJ r in ih!s c ia i -
... .v.- - -ft- !.
Jnly -1-A, 1ST2. 11. F. e'AT.TIKLD,
' ' '" - Couniv CU-rk.
fiotscoof Fins! GcttJemont
1 1 n tiii: - irxxY cort.cr f -la k m
- v. ;.; n; ..1 -h, .;; . .,; : ,.
i f-: ''4 " lL r ''''- '-i-Mtrv i:..u.l
: 1: -1 !',:- iiy. -T;,!y :.: I:,-. 1 i, V ;ia .1 ,.-
I1' - -n:1 ;-o':t a A-!::riwrntrixf the .-ibove
'r eo e.i.?:o!rf aovioia'-.l Mrnii iv, the.Vlnl-iv
ot Anist. 17-2. v,i- tin-.il sc,.il.--i.i-nt at wh-vii
; t .:.l- ,:; jv r-;)-iJ ivif.-ro u-1 mo no! i.i. I to ;i.p;-Lir
; and :::o t:;-ii' 'j' i-.ri i;' -.n-.- '1: -v h iv,i
I -I. :C. WAIT, e'oautv TulI-c.
John-on & rnCowti.
Attorneys far AlmiaisiratrLs.
iTifc -W"i ''
Business Directory of Portland, Oregon.
General Advertlino Agtnt, i3 Front Street.
Ackerman's Dollar Store,
'o.l'. Fir,t stint- Importers and Job
bers of Fancy Goods, Toy, Crockery, Glass
ware at.d Eiuleii NS'are.
A st..rIIooe.Kii-t st , betwe.-n Oak at.d
l. LJhie. Ev.-rtiiiugneut. 1. L. Longfei-
1 J'.v, i'lopi it tif.
iJAycrMrT woik,
Agents for Ma bio. Todd Co.'--; celebrated
;.il '
Ivion. Blakemn.-i. Taylor A Go's School
U.:ks. J,,.--t J'.ih'i-'it-i, auli line uj Lt-ul
Li! dith for L'ti St'titr-.
1 rmun. th nnlv di.ect Itnporte r of i'loth-
W !! O L B ? A L K
X'J. 79 Prnnt a i1 No. 5"tV1-
T"ECK, WILLIAM So.V. l-'y Front st.
13 I ti.p.n t rs ;;id de-tlers ia
Gum, :J Il'lyr
of evt-rv il.-rrt;.-Eon.
Fishing Ta.-kio, E n.'-v (o . H -m, Biid
Ca-e, I ', .1 k t , Cri q-u't :a:cs, aad
A,v ( ';tl V.:fJ-' '.
Aretit fot tl i-aii'Hu i I'., '.v.liT Work.-;"
airo, f.,r th ' '-.Viif I r .V Wilson
Si win.' Eioliine-;."
1"'.--k, Jo'oi - ., CI: 1 Front -trct-f. pr tcti a!
Wrcirtiak. r A Jeweler. Work d no-
leu- :h- Tr-.d -.
HiMES.l ACUK! 1 )''.! '-3 Front -rr . t
T!ir''utis A E- toIi i t, f ii t. im t i .,k .-.
1 'y Fine i-;-i-te. s of -Si A t -., U:kuges.
K tie: Etr-n
i r h. ui. vi, W. A., i. w. cor. Ft ' A T.iyln
y ii-,. Cbc'.''fc.-t Furaiiure li.iasu i t Port
C A 1'I I?r10 vv'ALT;:i;r.i O -
(Alatktf, Heioi: r.oi A I ,; si A s:J Kirt
J ft revt. li-aicis iu lry eioo is, Fuooy
.'- !s. A:-.
1.d:n A f Id, 11 Front st. ('ononis-
J ion -M- ivh i .ti A DvaWfs iu O; un A
J.il;!'oi ui.t I'i OiEu-.f .
C.otV, J. 51 , M .tnif.xhirtr A !, -r v
) sjVd iiiiMf-i, a ml Sa-.Su!ery llurd
.ire, ' ' Froft .-'r.-t-t.
f irtier, V A Co., F .t t. M,--;-c:i:tnt
V J Tn.ior a; td CtoiUierrs ii its r ur;.i.!iiuc
Y-L !;iii;t A (-itit, in, '.'-2 r r tit -tiv. ?,
I ) M-A r. Ac Aotit-, tu.-iity loiiiie .!.
o.'Usi'S it- ti- '.
l' l-Jil Si
AUAC . I'-l Fi tit tr-t-t. Or. '.his ir f.
noy p -tiioi of t: o Si.it :r Ten itur:e. fare
fnily'ttLe 1 lv m i 1 o
;i I, t.-'W(
in A . r ;i r ! l ' I e i o
I J C;sr:-t .ieah rs Stores (tout V'. I to ir
V -r s; r- t.
Tuitdoypo'ttt A etjev. VV 1 1 :!!! A IE
i J oi io, -o r i
l it st. Faroi-ii Jill kind- o
Jv.-rd n-' .v !'! !o Er-;t t:oi t. Noii
. j oiii'm Mertrii :its a'.id doaVr.s in io--ti
i'nem Live; y Stnb'i-, ' Ftr.-t Sidtsion
1 !S E. '! it'tt, i'r ). t r H d t UI 11 -O -its
il'.v-iv o:i 1-attd.
Ti-bel A II .-t, -tr. Fit - A W:-hin?rf on
1? t ... ui erf A ?.:iu!;-.e. Cot'::iii,, Fnru-.-.
1 li i .
t .-!. T) -. !!. H., - (:Ti
i 1 1!. ".-!,
i;i;-tin si.
a'-s IM ck, :or. Fir.st A -Va-ti
ill A s- -.1. --, :v -l 77 Firs'- -trri-t. l).-.tl-
'J its n iJo-.k-, St, ui :;e:y, .t-id M usit-i!
I i t rumeiit-
The lar.e.-t Mas-c Il otso on the Co.ist.
i.Ti.-tiTiru- r-Mv.'s1 prrt-r v 0'rr
SiLiWtlS liiV-iA, fHi.!;.ii baulA-?.
d. 1. !)i r! S, ;i..n:5;rr.
soi.n a(!i:.v.-t for tit--:
""TAonts Tvanfed."f a
I "T :---k-O'V -V Sti-i'i'-. flr.-'Cf-rs and ialr:
II in all kinds of Seed-, cor. Fitst am
'-' ,i O ?!
T T ,-,i-,a--"-i', IV, 1 ! ir.-.t i-:roet, iiaporter
I I. atid deulrr in wt.jSo Fancy Dry Go"ds.
T t-i h'v. I) IE. EhotM.T -..hie Atlist, s. w.
L c-ir. Fi:t. Hii l Mo:i-i-.n sts. Child s
i ';! s it -.
I T - r ehs -, L e'. A Co., E'o F r-t sT"-m
l i -,?a ;u ' tar. rs and de.Etr- ia Jewelry.
..! hos, .V -
I ri'.bard, ;'. L.. .ts Fr.iiit, -r.. -.viioios i,.
1 I. de.iier i i Groee: 1..--S !! NVa.ion Ma
terials, Ac.
T To.Lr--. t.'-tl-f A C., -'7 Fr. i:t. s'., vh !--I
i s:t!o ,...., t. in drus, I'liu , Oil-,
I 1.1 )JI Vj n.-ed'.e, uodor i-. el, "h ek
-i.r.-ii." ti,.j..,.titio'i cliitllenje 1. l. E.
l .-.u-. r, 1!-- Er.oit st.
J T- v. "n A. Shi'i Her, N'os. lf to 17-2
I JL Fir-t .-t. L-sifi t.r. Fiiroittire, Led
i-'.r. -.
I iitcrsoi: inn ii !ho-Eeo Front :nd M-rri
i on s s M. End .Ijih, I'io.i. Free Eu-s
attends tc uu.-rs.
J7"ohn .J. A Co.. '! Fro-o st w'ioU Ee imd
i ret ,i; ii.-. ii -i- in Fine Clothing, i-'urnirh
i n z I o ls.
f .i "ii i' ot e Ki si aiir oi t . i-iivat-- r .(ocs
t L f r r a pi! f, cor. l.t atel Cine st reels.
' '. N'oos . Ei
r.-.rtri, E A Co., w!i .lo-i'.'e di-al-M- in
1. L '-.V '.- A Li yoors, t). S. N. Co's Elo.-k,
;iii't S Fran
J -: ,'v lioicrr, ill tr-eit s
a ;d r. t.iil ConVet'otiers.
ill Front st., wholesale
f i;'o:-, i-.bn I'.'1'! l?t st. Wat.c-.muker A
.fl JevreN.-r, oilers to Co- 501-,!! a line as
s rtiiu-.it of a..:', s. (.'i-.-eks atol .L-wolry.
1 r wd'or A Co , Fro tit nea'- ' -t.. D-ii'ets
VL in a'ivc a:;d lor. i-n Wines. L-.j tors
-.! i Ci-r ir.j.
VnH -ran. li. J.. IJar-lwaf". iron, t tl.
IN Hubs. S!okes, llardivovd Lti.nber, d-v:
1' rtlau-i-
O" -iiiental iiot.-l. or. First and Morrison
sts. :ni'- A Civk, Ei-ojr't-t -r.s.
) ;ri-h. V;tt.- ns A Cor: el!, lied Estate
1. A -s, ;.ti) Fiotit street, bet. All.r and
v as ii'iton.
i ard A Co.. 1"! Fiont s'.
""ife, J. M..127 Front str.-ot, wholsalc
I L da er in Tinware and Stoves.
1' iebter, Paul. 10o Fir-t st.. importer of
1 IJerUn wooden Carving-, Parlor Orna
;:: nt -. Ae.
T ider. Ci, C . Ral Estate A Money Droker,
1 ; o Fro-it -'r( t. Portland.
" o.scnbanni, I.S.AC-o..Tob:-.cconists.iaiport
V ers ot F..rc-ig ! and tJouiP-ttc uqnrirs.
1 nss Iloase, Front st. On First Class Prin
V cipal. Thomas llyau, Proprietor.
O herlock, S., 01 Front aud ii2 First sts ,
O denier iu Haruess, Saddlery aud Sad
dler Hardware.
Simon, J., 50 Front street, dealer in Doors,
stash A Blinds, Window A Piate Glass.
O iiisheiiner, H., l."7 Fu st st., importer of
O Pianos, Orgaus, Sheet Music, Music Iu
sti mnciits.
Qki.hrore.S. G.. Pi -3 First st. Druggist A
O Ap ithi C iiy, a Luge stock of Pertuuiery
A Ti.iU-t Attid- s.
Sooth Itiivis, 71 Front sue t, wholes ale
dealer in Drugs, Paints, Oils, Window
Glass, i'erf'ainerv, A.'.
l; ini.v iV lv os. , ; i- i;-st strtot, 1 icures,
O Fiaines, Moldi.igs, Artist's Mat". s.Draw-
li os.
s, Mo
iiiil lastriniien'.a.
1 in th. Put., Uroker, lo Front st. Dealer
in Leffal Tenders, Go- eminent Eonds
and (b 11 Dust.
SI'O - I'., ti. Ia., .o I07 front i I ! t.
Watc'imaker A Matiufacturtng Jeweler
s appointed Aent tor the Walt'iam, K'.'iit,
K. Howard A Co., (.'has. E. Jacot, and the
Caliibrnia Watches; also, for all the produc
t.ons M-.-d iniptits ot the California Jewelry
Chi pany, Sao Franciseo. Send for circular
Watches repaired in the very best maimer
and wakr iNT!-:i to give s itisfaction,
r!"V-rry Eros., X . 17s Firs? street, manufac
1. ti.ters arid dealers in Furniture, Hod-
ii !tr. 'arjiet.-
'piie Clotl.ing store. 1 El Fr 'tit st. Clothing,
L Furnis' im. (Jocds, Eouts uu 1 Shoes.
Ha: 1 is A Prag'T.
i'atl e. H. IE, Ui 14 t Fr. nt r-t. Dealer
i i Wagons A Agricultural Jnijdements.
K. D , n.
err. First A Oak sts.
.1 deal-r iu lirandU-s, Wiues, English AE
11. d P..i ter.
' p ler, J. A
I. er in 1$
en, Ac.
1 47 Front st..
sale deal
Lard, Ea-
itter, Ei
7iili atrts A Myers, 5 Central Eloek,
rrorit st., l.iimnns-ioii M ii hantsA
i"s in Pro-liu-e.
T!ia'lev -V
Fellows Tetfip'
Feeli! eiiut-r. Attorneys A So
1 Uaiiki uptcy. Ui!i :e in Odd
f, f R 2 " z
wl "W" J i m si O :
V: . ." - .7
e S
it' " 1 A
1 V V" .v.
rk js
rs p.? a r-? t d
s-to,.k of
Clic.npes' tliasi tit C3eapl.
We w on Id s-iv, eone and convince your
if bet 'ue 1 u .-v h as in ' el ew here. Our stock
-t .-
art ot
i-d a gn.-at nianr article too numerous to
, : t 1 1 f I 1 1 .
AI;-il, Do-t.s, Windows. Ghisa and Putty.
ALSO, 1VOOT. wanted, for which we pay
t.3. . W.,iu4i jiJi
Oregon City, April 21, lS7l:tf
Eyo, Ear, Throat & Lungs.
v'uiiii V. X lljiliiis Jikjiij IU. XJ.j
Lj ca'e.l in Portland, Or- gon. Othee : In
il I uie-' Eailil t g. Fit t s! teet (Euee dorrs
ti on Lad 1 A Tilt-ut's lSmkE wlit-re he toav
iio com u!t. d daily, and will treat disea.-es
f tee ab--ve 11 a tned org ins as spec-taltles.
All opt-ration- upon the Eve and Eai per
ortue l in the most sc:ea;ic and careful
maii tier.
A RT1 FICI A L EYES, having all the beauty
an i mobility of the tiat.-ral eye, inserted.
Refers bv pennis-ion, for his jiroh ssiona!
standing, to Jj. C. Lane, M, 1)., Profe-sor ot
Smgery, and Edwin Lentley, M. D-, Pndr.--sot-
of Aii starny, Uni verity of the Pacific.
San Eiancisco; and lor his success in the
treatment of caes. to over I,. "00 cases tt fat
ed lv l.iin, in San Francisco ; also, to Levi
E-t -s. Es.-j.. Eev.T. L. Eliot , Portland ; Wm.
H. Dillon,' E-i,., Vauconver, W. T. ; and
tna.iv others Oregon aud Wa-hington Ter
ri;o::y. aue2.".:rn0
L sale his ror-i:etice hi Oreeo'i City, lucre
ire four lots, a cimd iiou-e atol iatrn, with a
tiro cellar am! i' oood well of watT. There
is plenty of land, and it is wdl adapted for
Oi-rlv r.rd"nin purposes, i'avt payiriOtd
mav birmade iu stock. For particulars i.p
.,!,-'),) GKfJRGE CLARK.
' Ore on City Juna 2 1-7I U
GEO. Ia. C1CR5Y,
C-immissioner Selecting Swamp and Ovei
flowed Lands.
Faint L nols sold and purchasers obtained
for all kinds of landed property.
Yahiab'e securities transferred in exchange
for real estate. 0 "
Loans nesrotiited on property, and titles
examined and determined.
Commissions solicited and executed with
fid'-lifv and promntness.
OFFP E-No. 14 Carter's Building, corner
ot Alder and Front streets.
Feb. 3, 3ST0;tf
HITMAN is-o :'ir.
JL eases, that have been pronounced incur
able oy the most eminent physieiaiis, for the
very reason that they overlook- d the cans?,
ami as Dr. Van Den Eergh has made the
Entozo 1 a hie long Study', he won d infoim
the Sitk getiLM-uily that by close observation
and great e Xeriments, has come to the con
clusion that there are more a cut aud rhron
o: diseases cal led bv Worm-, HvdaUds, An
imalculie, or other soecies id Eui zoa. The
public generally, or the profession at large,
are not aware' of the number of Patients
who are treated by eminent Physieiaos, tor
th s, that, in- mch a complaint, without any
relief. D the disease had been understood,
a few doses of Dr. Vs. Sura-ci'jii Worm
iliii-dij would have immediately cured the
complaint ami uvd a great many lives.
T T ! ?
Wf a
What think yon reader, of your body be
ing a planet, inhabited by living races, as
we inhab t the ean u'i Vhat. ver may he
yoar thougnts on the subjeet, i; is even so.
Your body may ie but a h -me for parasites
that crawl over the Mirlace, burrow beneath
the skin, nestle ui ,ts entrails, and riot and
ptopagate their kind in evety corner ot its
11 ame.
The fo'. lowing is from the Sijt. Francisco
Ihillrliu, of J aiiuary iilii, 17. (A recent
Car: Martins recently died in Cleveland,
Ohio, from eating meat injected with the
lira of '':.- SiJi-'m. At the Coroner's
E'opie-.-t, on Taesd.iv, (January 2d. ) it was
s' own tht thiee Weeks before Christmas,
Mat tins purchased acaicass of Pork. Some
ot the uo.et was fateii the same day, and
-ome was made into sausage. About ten
days later, some of the sausage was eaten,
and in a shoi t time the whol ; family were
taken sick. M.ittins d.etl on Sunday. Decern
her 31st, 17. Mrs. MarLns and her two
children are now very sick, and the fomer is
not likel t recover. The yeroiet was in
accordance with the facts. For further par
taenia 1 s. s e t'leve and, hio . papers of adore
d st. A Coroner's Iruiuest brought this
act. to b.uht.
' Now I would ask how many more Mich
deaths aa j.ojii.-st would hi ing 10 light
Fonder wcl1, leader, upon this, and t'.i k of
the thoii-a ;ds that d.e everv- ear and no
civil - e can be a-i-i?o d tor their deal h. Now
the question that would naturally enter the
minu of the reader, is what shall I d ? The
advtce of the Dr. would be go to some one
that, is c-.-m pet -nt of treating such com
plaints. And who is m oe eompeteiit than
the one thai ha. in. -de Wm m a speoialh.ty.
Tt.Ni.w. Yesterday, Dr. J. W. Van Deti
Ie irh exh'-h-itid to us a iramber ot paiaitc s
which :
o ea re.
el from persons i-.f-
hi' tt--'; thei'
orient which
to t he medic:
is shaped s ,
wi fs S4'Vtral d to rent species.
i-o'.eaisTo be esitirelT unknown
! pi ides-ion.
iethinc like
This new tae;ia
an orange se.-d,
out perfectly !Ut, or
ll.it. or uit'.ier like a cucumber
seed , with a tail a!
stboe.t a tj'.iaittr f an inch
er w.,s ;i t.ipe wo: m s7
m let t!i. .iio
lt c! '.',''" points.
mi-.l;a.d men
nee of pin:;:i
c etitooa. O:
the! e exists no i it tie
reiat i vc to the 01 y;in
:i tla-s of writers be-
; t..e
lit ve that tto-e
arasi-es, at least, many of
iiiooi, originate 111 the. t noow i' cut 01 animal
m dec .1- s wid, vitality iVom t! e parent body,
f-irore 1 by certuia st itcs of the vita.! terce-i
of that body; the states originating their
orr-ni iti u and promoting their g-owth
and r op cxatioa. Tiiat ad description- of
etitczoa are met with far more frequently
where animal food is n-ed in greatest abund
ance, is an indisputable tact, 1 specially
where the f -od is the ile.-h of the unclean
beasts," hi : the Jews and Mohammedans
are toibil .en to partake of. Rut our inten
tion is not to wi ite a tie a - 11 pan this .suLjfet:
we only des-itv to chrordcle the fact that Dr
J. W. Van Den Pe igh h.-s touml a in aix-ine
a sttnp'e ve-etah!e which gtovs in 1 bund
a nee ia Ca! itornia, which is a dead shot to
a ODtoeni, of whatever de-cript on, gener
ally accomplishing its oi ject ;n f r -m aa hour
and a haif to six io-urs. .lr:t, 1?; Ceil.
Had we the space I ere. hundreds of testi
monials coal i be pteid'teed. testityi.-ig to tiie
. : u h of the asscr ions that have here been
made, but it would be u-odess and would
only occupy the reader's .hoe.
The f'oi.i.w n-H' are some of the diseases
that Worms at - of:;-u mistaken for.
Dyspepsia, Chronic Affections ot the hirer
and Kidneys, Consumption. 'A hi:e Swelling,
Palsy, S ' I'oo.t ", 1 loci. I )iarrl ic.i, TeC'Uiti
uct.ee of Urine, (travel, Fo;- Albus, Diabetes,
i Iroji.sy, etc.
Dr. V. wor.hl advise those ladies troubled
with .;,',! Irrcirulaiit-es of the Uterus to try
hisjiew remedies and g-t cured.
"Or. Van D.-n P.er.ch's Infallible Worm Syr.
uj for Children, i rice ?1. Wananteil to
expel the worms. Sent everywhere upon
receipt of price.
Dr. J. W. Van Den Berth's, Hair Tonic
a -ore cure to destroy all atiimalcnlie of the
Hair Follicles, prevent- falling out, and pro
moting the (j rowth ol the Hair. Price $1,50;
si;. Consult tug anil Xnci rgoi tc
The afilicfed can learn if their disease is
caused bv Wot p. is or no:; at all even:;
Van Pea P rgh cm tell them ir.-m what dis
ease they are susF.-ring.
Cons-iltations :i rs 1 K laminations
orncE ncois3 r?03. 33 & z9,
Letters describing the symptoms will be
promptly iin-wi-re!, and person living at a
distanee will lie saved the expense and trou
ble of calling upon the Doctor.
Address, TK .T. IV. VAX DKS BEKfiH,
P 0. EOS 172. PALE.d, OREGON.
PoRTi.Ayn, Peb. 10th, 172.
Dr. J. W. Vin Dkn- P.Etinn Dear Sir:
Our child, a little cirl tight years of age, has
had tits and c nvul. don's for the last two
years, and we had tried many doctors and
many remedies without much benefit, in fact
our darlinjr was catting consianfly worse
cr.t 1 we heard cf your worn svi up' th vouch
a fri.-nd of oars. U'e tiio i-ht. 'that perhaps
it might do some good to give it a tiiai, at.d
., ovt cannot imagine onr surprise when over
2o0 worms were expelled with one boitlr of
your valuable mrm syrup, and from this
time on we certainly shall never be without
it. so hm r as there is a possible chanc for it
tu be had. You are at liberty to publish
this if you choose, and may it do much eood.
Respect I ully vours, ' S. II. OSiToV
M. J. OR I ON.
Sj-.viploms of AVorns,
Altcrnnt pa em-ss und flushing of (lie
count -nance, d-d expression of the eve,
drow-inc-s, itehina of the nose, a swelled
upper-lip, ton;ue whitelv f'uive.i'and thick
ly spe:k'ed with red points, fetid breath,
ard enlarged abdomen, a partial or aen
cral swelling or pu!!innes of the skin, a
startling in the sleep and griudimr of the
t -eth, a scnsat:on as if something was lodg
ed in the throat, a gradual wastin of tl7e
iic.uh, sickness of the stomach, vomiting, a
snort an 1 drr couh, anpetite sometimes vo
rnc ous, at other limes beide, bowels some
times costive, other tMnes loose, creat fret
fulness and irtitabilitv ot temper, pains in
the stf.mao'i am bowels, cohc, fits, convul
sions and palsy.
If the worm syrup is not to be had in
your town, send orders to the manufacturer
it will be sent promptly to any address
free of express charges. "Direct orders to
P. O. Box 172. .Salem, Oregon.
(DeHtfches GafthauS)
Xo. 17 Front Street, opposite the Mail t
ship landing, Portland, Oi emn am-
Board per Week .'. .
w ltu Lodginor .. ;
(j 00
tiii oi;
The First and most healthful Tonic
ever introduced in the United States.
g These Ritteis have
g been in the San Frar.
S cisco Mat ket for over
I 1 wenty Yesirs.and
Q notwithstandin- the
k many new candidates
EH tin- Ti,l,10. .1
j, .... j uu.n i.i v ur, 1 ne
jj sales have const ntlv
sJ l'-KIi, Sole Agents
toy and 411 Clay St.'
San Francisco, ii'i-lr.
"Will scv FrsTyt-urtg nsedsa in a fn.-?y, f-ct
lio Lev:ost to the Lghtest fabric.
it ucrs 7ien: vons,
Tiian ar.y other machine.
If there ;s a r3orer.ee Fcwirs 31a
cLiae vi.bia ore :Lousii.,l n.ik-s of
aa rrafis.co J r,t -worLiug vail and
gisinjj enlire t-Titisfr.ctif n, if I am in
foirnecl of il, it v. '.'.I he attonded to
-Riiliout eTier.se cf any kind toLe
A!IirL KILL, Arent,
ID h'cv r.'ontrjonery Strtatj
Grand Hotel Bu"cli.-.r, Sa Fntr.cisco.
Seitd for Circulars ami sam-pifft of
tiie aorj;. Aclife Agents tcantcil in
tviT-j plucf.
Qnie3 Cures and Jlndtratc Cliarsrs.
. w
Pa-iTiitc rMeI5ca.l ., Surgical institute.
io.519 Sacramento Street, corner 0
Leidesorllj (a few doors beio-Aj-the
What Cheer House.)
(Private entrance on Leitlesdoifi' street.')
Established Expressly to A J!V d the Aili (hfi
Sound and Scientific 2k dicai A id" in the
Treatment and Cure of all Private ai.d"
Chronic E'ir-eases, Cases ot Secrecy i.d U
Sexual Disorders.
To Ue A (11 ie ted.
DR. V. K. DOH EET V re urns Lis sh cere
thanks to hi.-, i.uii crons pr.tietits tm tl..-:r
patronage, and would take this p r-uri-r
to rt mind tl.eni that he coutiiau.- t c 1 ri.it
at his Ipstif nte for tl e cuie of i hu : i, cis
eases ot the Lungs. Liver, Kidnevs, I !;,.
tive and (Jetiiio-L'riiiai v Orean's, in dad
private disease-, viz : Syphilis in all its terns
and stagt s, Semit.al VVcakne. s and all the
horrid coneouences of sclf-al use. (hiair-ho-a,
(Heet, StricTurcs, Nocturnal m-d lui.r
nal Emissions, Sexual Debilitv, Diseiisisef
the Pack and Loir,?, i ni'an" ma t ion cf the
Bladder and Kidneys, etc.; und lie lojts
that his lor.ir experience and successful prar
tice will continue to insure him a sinter'
public patronage, fly the practice ot p.si-t
year- in Europe and the United States, he is
; enabled to apply ike most efiicicnt iuui s e-
cessful remedies against diseases of all kirids
He uses no mercury, charges n-oderntr.tiei.ts
his patients in a coirect and hoi cnila- at,
and has references of imqueslioiuildo cj -city
from men of known respectability Etui
Irgh standing in soc:etv. All jiaiaies crc
palting him by letter c r otherwise, will it
ceive the best " and gentlest ticatujtu Mil
iiupik'it seci ( cj-.
" Females.
When a female is in trouble, or nffEcted
with disease, as weakness of the back and
limbs, pain in the head, dimness of .-ndd.
los of muscular power, palpitat on of the
heart irritability, nervousness, rxtn u e tu
iiiary diHiculties. derangement of digestive
functions, general debility, vaginins, nil f.is
eascs of the womb, hysteVia, stciility ;uai id I
other diseases jieculiar to fema les, slit should
go or write at once to the celebrated fi nude
doctor, V. K. DOHERTY, at hisMcditad In
stitute, and consult him about her neurits
and disease. The Doctor is eficctirg more
cures than any other physician in the Stare
of California. Let no false delicacy n? evert
ou, but apply immediately and save yourself
from painful sufibi iii.es and premature death.
All married ladies, whose delicate health or
other circumstances prevent an iiu naise 'n
their families should write or call at DIE V.'.
K. DOIIERTY'S Medical Instiuite. ard the.f
will receive every possible relief and 1 flp
The Doctor's oilices are so arrancrd that ie
can be consulted without fear of observation.
To Correspondents.
Patients residing in any part of theSlate
however distant, who mav desire theopii'i'-n
and adviceof DR. DOHERTY in their resj ac
tive cases, and who think proper to suit .nut 3
written statement of such, in preh h t'' ,d
holding a personal interview, are re.-pectfiii-ly
assuied that their communicath tis v i E be
held sacred and confidential. If the case l,-full-and
candidly described, personal com
munication will be unnecessary, as jrstruc
f ions for diet, reeimon and the genciai t'f-a
meut of ttie case itself (including the reme
dies), will be forwarded witlmut" (lelay. ara
in such a manner as to convey no idea or ,r',e
purport ol tiie lettt r or parcel" so transimtiefl.
a-Cousultation by letter or r -tkcrwc
FREE. Permanent care guaranteed oruoi a-
S'pcriiiatori-Jot st.
DR. DOHERTY has just published on im
portant pamphlet, embodying his own viu1
and experiences in relation to Impotences
V irility ; being a Short Treatise on Sptrzr.a
torrotea or Seminal Weakness, Nervous ana
Physical Debility consequent on this arcc
Con, and other diseases of the Sexual Ores"
This little work contains information ot t-W
utmost, value to all.whether married orsinfi
and will be sent FREE bv mail on receipt"
...... . r -,.. nnst-
six cents m postage stamps ior rcium L -
age. Address
San Francisco C'al l
Oregon City, Jan Ji3:tl
r. -- . ----- - -
4.-. - 4-