eije tUccfcln enterprise. FRIDAY, JULY VJ. Ic72. The Iron Ilule From tbe San Francisco Examiner. The people have complained for years of the arbitrary manner in which the present Administration has governed the country. These well-founded complaints have not been made alone by those who were politically opposed to the Ex ecutive; they have been uttered by the honest masses of the Radicals who have become disgusted with the abuses perpetrated from a ma levolent spirit against individuals and communities. The people have complained because a Senatorial "ring" lias directed the govern ment, and because Senators of the highest character, who protested against Executive usurpations and abuses, have been ostracized, their patriotism maligned, and their in dependence of character, as the representatives of States, held up by a subsidized press as the mere promptings of jealousy and disap pointed ambition. The distinguished statesmen Tvhohave brought npon themselves the persecutions of the Senatorial "ring" are the purest men that the Radical party contained. They had assisted to elect Gen. Grant, and for a long period cordially sup ported his Administration ; but they abandoned him when his acts convinced them that his views of government would bring ruin on the country. The wholesome ex amples allbrded Gen. Grant by the Administration of many of his predecessors were disregarded, lie determined to direct thy gov ernment upon a different system from that followed by the earlier Presidents, lie found a model in the character of Cromwell whose iron rule pleased him, and he found a land and a people, on whom to ex periment as did that tyrant for the purpose of reconstructing them ; and he found also obsequious leg islative bodies to aid him in his ar bitrary exercise of power. The Senate, through the acts of the Administration, became filled with venal men, who had secured their elections by military assist ance and the employment of mon ey; and the House was led by those whose misdeeds should have con signed them to incarceration. Undxa" these circumstances, what ever honest criticism independent Representatives felt called upon to make, in the interests of the people, fcil unheeded from their tongues. Liberty of speech in the legislative bodies was crushed our. 2s o language, however truthful or eloquent, could exercise any iniiu enee on the conduct of his support ers. They seemed bound to him with hooks stronger than those of steel they were his thralls, wili-iii"- to do his bidding, and received ample reward for the sycopaaney. The nomination of Gen. Grant, due to his military services, produced a spirit of man-worship which even gloriiied his faults and lauded his defects of character. He was ex tolled as a hero and a sags1, and his election marks and epoch in our political history. It established fulsome flattery as loyalty, and con demned patriotic inquiry as trea son. The Senators who were treated with contumely by the leaders of the Administration were far superi or, mentally and morally to their ad versaries,and their eloquence has awakened the people from their dangerous supineness. Trie tend encies of the administration of the elder Adams to make our svstem a strong government were not s. dangerous to popular liberty as the attempts making by the present Administration at centralization. The plans have been deeply laid to effect the change. The Supreme Court has been reconstructed, ami hereafter the questions that may arise between individuals, munici palities and States will be decided lor the purpose of consolidating the government. The power of 3 States will be curtailed, and even in municipal affairs, the interven tion of the General Government will be seen .and felt. The bu reaux at Washington may even designate the shape of our ballot boxes, and who shall preside at our elections; swarms of officers not needed for any useful purpose will be created, and the people taxed for their support. The system of government es tablished by master minds, and which challenged the admiration of the jurists of the world, will be subverted by an insidnous Admin istration introducing a plan which will fill every State with an army of office-holders, who, with or with out pretext, will send its soldiers to be present on certain occasions; and the legislative power, corrupt ed by the patronage of the Execu tive, will servilely enact such laws as the accomplishment of his wish es may require. The American people have been warned that this change is slowly and surely trans piring. Political infatuation, how ever, blinds immense numbers of patriotic people to the ! angers im pending over them: and when Sehurz, Trumbull, Sumner ana others, proclaim that such is the case, and support their statements by adducing facts, a majority of the people who once regarded them as their tried and trusted leaders hesitateto believe them. Rat the cause of reform is not lost because so many are incredulous. A great party believes that the statesmen to whom we refer have in no degree exaggerated the im" ,--,- -. c t, , . .... .. ? . . But a day or two will elapse before a patriotic body called to deliber ate on national affairs, will have de clared what must be done to pre vent the government becoming a centralized despotism. It will meet under peculiar cirumstances, and its decision will deserve the cordial support of every lover of his country. Can we be worse governed than we have been dur ing the present Administration? Can we not elect a President who will be free from the two most dan gerous vices that can beset the Caief Magistrate ? nepotism and gift taking. Let us try, and fear not for the result. Baltimore is a favorite as a place for holding national conventions, having had 13; Philadelphia, 4; Chicago, 3; Ilarrisburg, Buffalo, Xew York, Charleston, Columbus and Cincinnati, each one. "I'm so thirsty," said a boy who was at work in the corn-field. "Well, woik away," said his indu: trioas fit her, liyou know the prophet says ' Hoe every one that thirsteth.' " rm?.nc2 Exhibit OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY , STATE OF Oregon, lor the iiscal year ending June EYII1BIT OF STATE TAX : Td amount of State tax collected $11,6 U 04 To ain't Poll tux eoheet'd t.7- 00 Total Bv receipts of Secretarv of Sttte ".$11, 'U4 01 By ditto V)7-3 00 Total $12, SID ui EXHIBIT OF SCHOOL FUNI : To a n't of school fund on ha id, report U-t,,(ct.iu) -J 034 o'j " " i cur eney ) 27 o7 To amount of fines re- ce.ved for the yvar 103 50 To amount received from sale of esti-aye.4 2o 25 To amount received from saloon licens-j 100 00 To amount rec 'lived from lntei est on irreducible school fu i,4 (coie) 1,3S1 75 To amount received from interest on irreducible school fun 1 (cunvnev) 1,3.13 12 To anion ;t received from tax ol.ectoJ 4,320 72 Totsl $,:-5 00 By ani'nt puid on Myt's orders (coin) $o,23i 73 Ey am lit pail on Stipt s -r lers .currency) .... l.GTo 73 By am i:t eoi .n hand 1 .2:3. 13 By " rurren -y " " By amount owing from C i.ilst V food .... ..... By ambit p'-.l lor express charges : :! ":0 72 4 25 Total .3 325 01 rxmatr of eoc.vrr fund: To amount, a: taxes col lee led bv She: :U' S13,'.-j7 77 1,3;.)J 7S To aniou-i of nvm -y on ii.iod, la.-1. rep rt loam.) nt of inon'.y i or- r nved ft o.u c -O 'i i Oil 1 To amount e-di-.-eted by C mn-y Clerk, C maty Assessor, land redeem ed, t: i-U f '., pied-ilers' license, ferry hc-ns s, f.-vf. ikd road bonds, D:-A. Attj 's i'e. 3, ct-n, Tdal i By nmou at of redeemed and eaiei-l!ed or s i "J no 02 By aiifiit of into e-t p' I By amou it of coin in treasury By amount, of currency in treasury By iiiipun;tr 1 iscount oa Icgul lenders 177 01 G-iO 03 '31 70 CI 30 si 0,0 to 'lJ EXrCN'DlTUlltS : Expense of Circiiit Court $ 1,753 15 '" " C-.u.ity 1,012 no li s c c 1 ! a n e o a s s : a t ; o n a i y , wo h1, et 2SI 07 Ur.da'es, lumber lor r.ad ui:-.n mis, iv pairing of brid i 3,5S7 23 Drawmg Jury for J. P. C n: t 17 do C, i,n:na! c i.-es in Circuit and J. 1'. c .nrt.. 2,550 01 C'j.iectimi ui tax, i li ci ud ing st tt'onery, conies OI ,iS.CS i!ii' it i'il i, t'iC. 2,ll"l .".'5 Paupeis, Insane, etc.... U31 03 Boai il of nrisoucrs repair of j of e'o 421 25 Ri"i;no!irsement of par ties Ill 33 Election, i'oeludi .g post ing notice-, n-iSi -c-i on Ju.le-, pod bo'dv.-, re tm u of poll books, i'r il;nm o; .Judges and ci . r;i.s i U.iad-, extra pay of su-l)ervior-, eio District AU-trney's lei 3. . County Gommissio-m.s. . Rent of Comt lions?, Ciel k s oillce, salaries of ttvnmty J u -ii';e, T c s er & ric'uool Supt Total amount for which orders were drawn. . . . Amount f r which urders ii ivc been di a ni. ... Amount of out-tctndi ig oi'lers at Ia.-t ivpoit. . G"5 03 1,55 3 15-i 271 1,350 00 $17,373 77 17,373 77 S3 2 73 55 Total $13,:;00 By amount of cancelled and redeem.-d orders. -81-3,031 03 By amount out -t.ui Jio.g orders to date 5,201 56 Total ? 13,206 53 Outstanding ordeis to date S 5,201 56 assets : ludgment in State ca-e. .$ 313 SO Chum against Slate of Oregon in case o-' Las sy, State c.nirge . 147 50 'a',m against Mari m Co 731 12 CettlSicates o! mi redeem ed lauds, h (tight for de liattueut tax 5G1 S7 Or.-co.i City warrants on h.md ; 202 03 State warrants on Irand 77 50 Cu ii in treasury 013 03 Currency ia tieasary. . . jl ) Two foi lcited road bonds 0d Pi Ju Igemeut agiinst D. B. 11 moa 70 00 Judgement in State case "151 05 Tola! 0,2;;l 43 Iniicbte.i.i-ss over and above assets 07 received from all sources $53,553 01 en, 011 01 075 O'J 5.23S 75 ' 1.S70 7-3 1,230 15 165 41 ' 4 23 I 15.031 fl'.t 177 01 t5 40 03 '31 70 SI -30 Bv Bv Boil t ix. . cn School V-7 4 , ' O - . V ...... By am'et paid on School 'c-.t'j i.r.Kn'i r ii rrtO lev School fund in treasury com School fund in treasury, . -..-, o-..'V By amouut paid express charges By amount redeemed ai r:i!v-e Bel Co. orders By amount interest paid Coin, eo. tana, in treasury Car.. " Disc't on legal tenders. . Total ?30,05S 02 Attest: J. 31. FRAZETd, Ex Ch-sk. A UCTION'AND COMMISSION A. IS. IlIC 1 2 H.-5t Oil 5 -AUCTiONE E R I Corner of Front and OakstreetSjPortland. AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate, Groceries, Generalllerchan dise and Hoi st s, Every Wednesday and Saturday A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Earand Bundle Iron iinglish Square and Octagon Caststeel lorse s'noes, Files, Hasps, saws; Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, R. G. Iron also : largeassoitmentof Groceries andLiquors A. 13. Richardson, Auctioneer JOHN MYJ3ES, OREGON CITY, OREGON, RETAIL DEALERS IN BOOTS &SM!BSf I also keep constantly on hand SALEM C A S S I M E R E S, FLA NXELS, TV7EED3 AND BLANKETS, Which I will sell at the Factory Prices, and will tab 3 woo! in exchange. S7"I will also pav the highest prices fit TJaVor, Egirs, and all kinds of good country produce. 1 will sell as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash or its equivalent in good n i e v c h . i n t a b 1 e p r o d u c e . 3- (Jive me a call and sati-fy vonrselves JOHN JI VERS. Jan. 1.3, 1S71 tf S?BIM8asyM?1EBGG8BS JUST RECEIVED AT DEALER IX DRY GOODS, . CLOTHING, BOOTS ANT) SHOES, II A RDW A RE. CROC E RIE, CROCKERY. NOTIONS, kC. M MX ST REE i', OREGON CITY. PRODUCE of all kin Is 'omiTtit. for which 1 pav the hi-zhe.t rnarkc price. If rou de.-ire irmd Goods, at, LOW Prices. c,'l at I. SELLING'S, and examine his fresh stock of Spr.ng Goods. GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. Mv Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFIT-. Wool Wa-astcd, For which I will pay the liigheet market price. I. SELLING. April 14. lS71:tf . POPS, firoeer & Frovhlon Dealer, Next door south of the Court House, Street, Oregon City, Oregon, DEALER IN BEST FAMILY GROCERIES, CO EE EE, TEA , SUGAR, FLOUR AND M KA L of alt kinds, PICKLES, SO ! SALT, CANNED FRUITS mid OYSfERS, Also, ail kind - of Fresh. Fruits and Vegstables. BUTTER. CHEESE and EGGS, TOBACCO and CIGARS, GLASSWARE, Etc., Etc. All kinds of country Produce taken in ex change fu- gnuls at the highest maiic-.-t rates. 2-grGoods delivered in the city free of c' ar-e. A fair li.re of patronage solicited. March 2;!, lS72:tf Citation . In the County Court for Clackamas county, Ore gon July- tow, 1572. In the matter of the estate and guardianship of Lulu 21. Ilussel, a minor. RT APPEARING TO THIS COURT FROM the duly wrtticd petition iieremmre presen'c.l and tiled by Taos. S. ltnsell the Kn.irdian of the perrtoa au 1 estate ot s.tid Lalfi M. Uns-ei!, a mi nor, praying fr au ooier of sale of certain re.tl-e-;'.iro heioii jing- to !iis sai.t ward., for the reason that it, woal t be beneficial to the saiu ward that sucJi real estate siioahl , snhi, said real e-tate buinij itated in vmick.aa.ias Conuty, St.ite of Ov egon, aid said peu-ou containing the m ittcr uad things recjuiivd by law to he therein set forth. AVhert tore it is Lereky ordered that the next of kin of said ward, and ail persons infcves?e 1 in the said e.-fi'c, appear before this s.ud C'jnrt, at the Court House in Oretroa City, Clackamas county, re;-'on, on the 1st Monday of Aucrast, l"ir'. bjias? the dih. day of said month, then and thereto !-.ov.- cause why a tieonse should not be granted for tiie sale zi said real estate. Ami it. is iur. her ordered that a copy of this or der, published at least three- succcs-ive weeks before the lieaiiae' of said petition, in the Ore -on City Enterprise, a newspaper printed in the said county of L'iacii amas. July let, liT-h J. TT. V.'ATT, Count- Jtvlw. Attest: R. F. CAUi'IF.Ll), County Clerk.." I her,-by certify that the ftreoina is a true copy of the original oidvr in this eaa-se made as a'-ove shxtr-,1. July 3rd, ls; p.. F. C.VUFIELD, --- s County Clerk. seal k Jotico of Final Settlement I "S- THE COUNTY COURT OF CLACKAMAS county. State of Oregon In the matter of the estate of b- li- ooo.t, rteecaseu Mary ik Good V-vintt this day, July 3.1. 12, tiied her linal re-y.-rt and account as Adnimitra: : .x cf the above etn the Court appointed -Monday, the eth dav of Vusust, tor liaal set tk-uient at which time all persons interested are notified to appear ,-r, 1 tiie tlieu os. joc.aoM a any u;ev nave. ,m d- WAIT, Countv Judse. . t ,r--.-. " Business Directory of Portland, Orcren. PUBLISBED BY L.SAHCEt, General Advertising A sent, 'J3 Front Street. Ackerman's Dollar Store, Xo.ty first street. Importers and Job bers of Fancv Goods, Toys, Crockery, Glass ware and Plated Ware. A stirr House. First st , between Oak and Pine. Everything neat. U. L. Longfel low, Proprietor. EOOKsTiTATICXEilY AND PERIODICALS, BANCROFT & "IOP.SE, Agents for Jlabie, Todd & Co.'s celebrated ;oia Ptiis. Ivisan, Elakernan, Taylor & Co's School Books. 'jtiH PubtUhid, a fall- Luc vf L.tai Blanks for this Barman, the onlv direct Importer of Cloth ing', &.C., cor. Front & Washington sts. CHAS. C. BARRETT, trilOLESALr, BOOKSELLEli & STATIOXKK, largest stock at foztlaxd. Xj. 79 Finn mul fin. jAVasli ingtou Streels. BECK, WILLIAM & SON. 129 Front st. In; porters and dealers in Cans, Ilillcs and Revolvers of every description. Fishing Tackle, Fancy Goods. Beads, Bird 1 Catres, Baskets, Croquet Games, and Ilaby Curristges. Agents for the "Csdiforma' Powder Works;" also, for the Y heeler Wilson e w ing M a e Iiines.'' Beek, John A., 120 Front street, practical Wa'clunaker & Jeweler. Work done for till' Trad". COOJi AND JOB PHIKl'EllS. IlEuESA 11AOII ELDER 00 Front street Bri.trhara it Ileinhart, First st. bet Oak .V Fine. importers of Stoves, Ranges, Kitchen Ulen'il. Burhanan, W. A., s. sr. cor. First & Taylor sti. Chcipest Furniture House in Port land CARPETS. ?r10 WALTER i! i;G- s'J Front street Clarke, Henderson it Cook, SI & ho First street. Dealers in Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Claim & Rooenf.ld, 14s Front st. Conunis ) sion Jit'i-ebaots & Dealers in Oregon & CalifornLi Produce. Congle, J. R , Manufacturer & Derler in S.id.i'cs, Hari!e.-,s, and Saddlery Hard ware, i' Front .street. Curi-ier, W & Co., IC'i Front st. Merchant Tailors and Clothier,-;, Hats Furnishing Goods. DeL'.somuU & Oatrnan, ir Fr .nt street. Real Estata Ageuts, money loaned, houses reaC'J. ARI &C'. !:1 Fr-.nt street. Orders from any portion of the State or Ten itories wit fully fji.e.l by in id c exnrs--. Errd, I anveosti in it Co. Furnil ore ami Carpet dealers Stores from 1.11 to 16' S I i . t. st red. E ,..l.fti.-.!.t i.i,, WitVn-".!! X: ffol ii'iat), eo Front, st. Furnish ail ki:uD of iii-!:?. 'f7veid v.'S it Ib:e!ie, in Front, stieet. t;;on &JJ mission Merchants and dealers in Co in . ti - Pi n;hr! 17 is'doii Liveiy Slulde, cor. First i Salmon sis E. CYrhelt, i'r. p. G ael lui u-otits iiivavs on i.and. T7i-hel A E b 'rt, fnv, Fiist .t Washington st-.. Dealers it Manufae. Cothing, Furn- is'ii-.i- G h.'s. fTVeelaod, Dr. 15. R., Den1it OiTiee, Xo. V i, D.-kum's Black, cor. First & Yash in eti-n s'r-. Gill A S'-.d. To a-Tl TT First -treet. ii -..1 crs in ilo dv-, Stati Ji.rry, rr:d M usie il 1 otrtuiieiit-. GRAY'S MUSS G STORE- The largest Mode House on the Coast. STEiMV AY PiiXCS, BiaDETT ORGANS, sor.n agexjv fop. ruz SIowc'' Stuvitis 3IacSaine. A cent- vr anted. "irn TTickenev it Sterne. Grocers and dealers 11 in all kinds of Seeds, cor. First and Ma. a st. II inbioarer, P., FIC I- i rst s: reef . i in porter and deah-r in Staple Fancy Dry Good., .dlliill'MV Htndee. I) IE, Photogr ipbic Artist, s. vr. cor. Fiist and Moiri-on sis. Child s Pict. soec lty. H-or;chse", L. C. A Co., FHi F.rst- street. Man u 'in tare rs and dealers in Jewelry, Wac iies, c. Hibbml, Ceo. L., !'i Front -t.. w lodes ih dealer in Groceiies, Doors, Wagon Ma terials, ite. Hodge, Calef & Co., 07 Front st., whole sale dealers in drugs Faints, Oils, Glass, itc. TT 4" ? X? Sewing Machine, strai-ht I'll fil2j needle, under f ed, "h ek stitch." Competition challenucJ. l. E 1' raver, lit! Front st. Hnraren & Shindier, Nop. 1 (Jii to 172 First st. Impel ters Furniture, Bed ding, itc. international Mo'td. cor. Front and Morri JL son s's. M. Rudolph, Prop. Free Buss attends steamers. Kohn it Co., '.d Front st., whols lie and ret, ni dealer in Fine Clothing, Furnish ing Goods. MaDon Dorec- Restaurant, private rooms for Families, cor. 1st and Fine streets. Q. Voos. Pi op. Marl in, E. & Co., wholesale dealer in Wines it Liiuors, O. S. N. Co's Block, ami San Fran Meier it Sehmeer, 111 Front St., wholesale and retail Confectioners. MiFe--, John P. . li.l 1st st. Watchmaker t Jeweler, offers to the public a fine as sortment of u'atches. CMoeks and Jewelry. Mueller it Co , Front near st.. Dealers in native and loreign Wines, Lin-iors and C'i-zars. "IVJort'.rup. E. J., Hardware, Iron, St -el, J Hubs. Spokes, Hardwood. Lumber, d'C. Portland. o ceidenfal ll"f eD cor. First and Moirison sts. Smith & Cook, Proprietors. Parish, Watv.ns it (li.rnell, Iletl Estate Ag'ents, I'O Froat street, bet. Aider and Washington. OIIOTOGRAPII1C GOODS. C. II. Wood 1 ard & Co., 101 Ftont s R ice, J. M.. 127 Front street, wholsale dea'er in Tinware and Stoves. r ichter, Paul. 105 First st. . importer of j Berlin wooden Carving-, Parlor Orna ments. ,'cc. ider. G, C.,"Real Estate & Money Broker, 92 Front street. Portland. " osenbann;, I.S.itCo.,Tobacconist,i,irnport I i ers of F ovign and Domestic Liquors. nss House, Front st. On First Class Prin cipal. Ihomas Ryan, Proprietor. Sherlock, S., 61 Front and fi-2 First sts , dealer in Harness, Saddlery and Sad dier Hard ware. Simon, J.,o'j Front street, dealer in Doors, Sash & Blinds. Window & Plate Glass. Sinsheimer, H., l;T First St., importer of Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Music In struments. Ski Jmore. S. G., 123 First st. Druggist & Apothecary, a large stock of Periiimery & Toilet. Articles. mith & Davis, 71 Front street, wholesale O dealer in Drus, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Perfumery, Jce. Snow it Roos, T-3 First strtet, Pic:ures, Frames, Moldings, Artist's Mat'.s.Draw ing Instruments. Smith, Put.. Broker, lot Front st. Dealer in Legal Tenders, Go'ernnic-nt Bonds and Gobi Dust. UTOVE, U. L.,So 107 Front Strtet. 0 Watchmaker it Manufacturing Jeweler s appointed Atrent for the Walthara, Elgin, E. Howard t Co., Chas. E. Jacot, and the California Watches; also, for all the produc tions and imports of the California Jewelry Corrpany, San Francisco. Send for circular. Watches repaired in the very best manner and warranted to give satisfaction. 'THerry Bros., No. 178 First street, maaufac 1 turers and dealers in Furniture, Bed ding. Carpets, ,tc. rphe Clothing store, lid Front st. Clothing, 1 Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes. Harris & Prager. T Little, II. il., 112 i Ml Front st. Dealer in Wagons it Agricultural Implements. rJTvne, E. D., n. v. cor. First it Oak sis., 1 denier in Brandies, Wiues, English Ale and Porter. rjPyIer, J. A-, 117 Front st., wholesale deal 1 er in Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Lard, Ba c n, &c. 7"t!iiams & ilyer?, 5 Central Block. V Front st., Commission Merchants it de ii's in Produce. 7r'1 a''ey : Feehheimer, Attorneys it So- y f ncitorsiu uanki mptcy. Oiiice in Odd Pel lows Temple. GOOD aiEWS, good msmm LOOK OUT FQE GOOD BARGAINS HAVE JFST RECEIVED A LARGE Stock of spring a mmm mom, WHICH THE V OFFER Cheaper ilmn ttjs CSseapes. We would say, come and convince your self before purchasing elsewhere. Oar stock consists in part cf FANCY AND STAPLE DRY-GOODS, CilOTHIXG, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOE N O T 1 0 XS, G R O C E R I ES , HARDWARE, and a great inani- articles too numerous to mention. ALs.0, Doors, Windows, Glass and Putty. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. ALSO. WOOL wanted, for which we pay the HIGHEST PRICE. S. ilCKERElAH i CO. Oregon City, April 21, 13tl:tf EyOj Ear, Throat & Lnngs, jcnn b. piLinnaTcu, k. d., LATE OF SAN FI1ANCIACO, HAS Lo cated in Portland, Oregon. Oiiice: In Holmes' Building. First street three doors from Land & Tilton's Bank), where he way bo consulted daily, and will treat diseases of tbe above named organs as sperialties. All operations upon the Eve and Kai per formed in the most scientific and careful manner. ARTS FICIA L EYES, having all the beauty and mobility of the natural eye, inserted. Rerers bv permis-ion, for his professional standing, to L. C. Lane, M. I)., Professor of Surgcn-, and Edwin Fentley, M. I)., Profes sor "of A nn torn j University of the Paciiic. San Francisco;" and lor his success in the treatment of eases, to over 1,."00 eases tieat ed bv him, in San Francisco ; also, to Levi Ests, Esq., Bev.T. L. Eliot, I'ortl.md ; Wm. il. Dillon, E., Vancouver, W. T. ; and many others Oregon and Washington Ter ritory. augi'Tknitf IISOSE MO LOTS FOPiSSLE THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR sale bis resi fence in Oregon City. There are four lots, a good liou-e and barn, with a line cellar and .-Fgooil we'd of water. There is plenty of land, and it is well adapted lor er.rlv gardening purposes. Part payment mav be made hfstock. For particulars ep p!v to GEORGE CLACK. Ore on City Juna 2 1571-tf REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE- FOETLAIJD- - - OREGON- GEO. IL, I.TI1.IIY5 DEALER IN PEAL ESTATE AND OTHER INVESTMENTS. Commissioner Selecting Swamp and Ovei flowed Lands. Farm Lands sold and purchasers obtained for all kinds of landed propertv. Vahiab'e securities transferred in exchange for real estate. Loans uegotiiited on property, and titles examined and determined. Commission solicited and executed with fidelity and promptness. OFFICE No. U Carter's Building corner of Alder and Front s tre- ts Feb. d. J S7:tf R T II E HOUSE VE LIVE 1 AND T II E INHABITANTS OF TIIE HUMAN BOI!l THE CAUSE OF A GREAT MANY Dis eases, that have been pronounced incur able by the most eminent physicians, for tbe very reason that they overlooked the cause, arid as Dr. Van Den Pergh has made the Entozoa a life long Study, he would inform the sick generally that by close observation and great t xpei iments, has come to the con clusion that there are more acute and thron if. diseases caused by Worms, Hydatids, An imalcuhe, or other species of Eutozoa. Tbe public generally, or the profession at large, are riot aware' of the number of Patients who are treated by eminent Physicians, for tins, that, or such a complaint, without any relied. If the disease had beer, understood, a few doses of Dr. Vs. Srcrcinn Worm L'cmeify would have immediately cured the complaint and saved a great many lives. IEHABITAKT3 Q? TEE Kill! E3BY! HU- What think you reader, of your body be ing a planet, inhabited by living races, as we inhabit the earth? Whatever may be your thoughts cn tbe subject, it is even so. Your body may be but a home for parasites that crawl over the surface, burrow beneath tiie skin, nestle in its entrails, and riot and propagate their kind in every corner of its frame. The following is from the Scui Francisco Bu'tdiu, of January tiGLh, 1872. (A recent date.) Carl Martins recently'' died in Cleveland, Ohio, from eating meat infected with the Ova of Tunjfa Solium. At the Coroner's Inquest, on Tuesday, (January 2d,") it was shown that three weeks before Christmas, Martins purchased acarcass of Pork. Some of the meet was eaten the same day, and pome was made into sausage. About ten days later, some of the sausage was eaten, and in a short time the whole family were taken sick. Martins died on Sunday. Decern ber Cist, 171. -Mrs. Martins and her two children are now very sick, and the fomer is not like!; to recover. The verdict was in accordance wit'i the facts. For further par ticulars, see Cleveland, Ohio, papers of above date. A Coroner's Inquest brought this fact to Ru'ht. Now I "would ask how many raore .Mieh deaths an inquest would bring to light ? Ponder we'd, reader, upon this, and this k of the thousands that die every year and no erue can be assigned lor their death. 2ow the question that would naturally enter the mind of the reader, is what shall I d,,? The advice of the Dr. would be go to some cue that is competent of treating such com plaints. And who is more competent than the one that has made Worms a speciality. Tknias. Yesterday, Dr. J. W. Van D-.ni-Dergh exhibited to ns a number ot para.-ites which had been removed from persons af flicted; there were several ddh rent species one of which appears to be entirely unknown to the tx-edieal profes.-imi. Tins new taenia is shaped something like sn orange f e'd, but perfectly t! at, or i at ber like a cucumber r-ec-d , with a tail about a quarter f an inch in ler. gth. Another was a b'pe worm 7 feet in length, consisting of itf.mj joinls. Among medical men there exists no little difference of opinion relative to the oi igin of these cntozea. One clrss of writers be- I 1'sevc that these parasites, at least many of them, originate in the endowment of anmial molecules with vitality from the parent body, favored by certain states of the vital foree ' f thrt body; the 1 : ' s originating their oreaiiizr.ti -n and promoting their g-owth and propagation. That all descriptions of i, -...: a .. ". i,o :. with f u- mere he u iiiiv where .'.nhnal I'oo ! is iwd in greatest nl-und- uuc: is ;.n iotlisi n o: '!e l.i cf, '?p-e:ui!v where i e frd is 1 1 ; j hvd; of the. ''tinc'eaii bea-hs,"' l::eh t;-e J s acd M 'd: .: u-ine d no s are loibidden to ; nutake s-f. D'tt cur in eo ti .ii Is not, to ivi be a thesD upon this ; ; -. ee cnlv tbsir; to ..: 1.- ! In- .'. C thai '. r J. W. Van Den 'h igh has ten. id a ra.-d:c:::o a simple vegetable : e, grows in : Lund ar.ee in Calilorr.ia, v hich is a dea l shot to a tnicz.ii, of wha'.ever dc-ciipt'c.n, g.ner ally r.cconr-Ls'bing its clj-'ct In fn r.i an hour and a half to six hours. U. ;; .vg (.k-- .'. l!a 1 we the space 1 ere. hundr. -ds of mooiais could be produced, testifying to the tru'ii cf the as-;cr: ions that have i.oie been made, but. It would be i: ;. 1 r -, and w,ii:I.i only occupy the reader's time. The ioi.o'.ViBg are some of the diseases that Vii rmsare :: . n mistaken fcr. Dyspepsia, Ccrc-nlc Affections of the Liver end Kidneys, Ooruumpti n, Whi:e SwciL'p.g, Palsy, S?err.iatotiho. a. Diarr! cea, T .e -nti-iH uee. of Urine, Gravel, Fior Albcs, Diabetes, Dreggy, etc. Dr. V. would advbe those ladie1 troub'ed with umj Irregularities of the Uterus to try bis new remedies and get cured. Dr. Van Den Pergh's Infallible Worn F-yr. up for Children. 1 rice V"arrantedt. expel the worms. S-.,nt everyvihere upon receipt ot price. Dr. J. V,'. Van Den Per gh's, Hair Tor.'c a sure cure to destroy all atdmalcul.o of the Hair Follicles, prevents falling out. and pro moting the Growth of Cue Hair. Pi ice 8i,o'.; Warranted. Uy Coiisult'n g autt Vr.iargclns SIMPLE EXAMINATION, i ! Tbe iiiulc'cd cixi learn if their clisea-'e is ; caused by Vi'oins or not; at ail even's, l)r. 1 Van Den Bergh can tell them from what dis- ease they are suHVriDg. 1 j Ccnsultstions a;l I'.xa uii u;i j j i:::::: or ciiaiigi:. j 0??IGS EG0HS HQS. S3 h 32, OVER TIIE PC5T OFEICS. Letters describing tbe symptoms will be promptly answered, and persons living at a distance will be saved the expense and trou ble of calk'ag upon the Doctor. Address Kit J. V,. VAX DES CERGII, T O. POX 172, SALEM, OREGON. TcstiiiiOKial. Poktlaxo, Feb. 1 0th, l?72. Da. J. "W. Van Dex IJergii Dear Sir : Our child, a little girl eight years of age, has bad tits and convulsions for tbe last two years, and we bad tried many doctors and many lemedies without much benefit, in fact our darling was netting constantly worse until we beard of your worn syrup through a friend of ours. Ve thought that perhaps it might do some good to give it a trial, and you cannot imagine our surprise when over ghO worms were expelled with one bo tie of your valuable worm syrup, and from this time on we certiiinly shall never be without it so bintr as there is a po-sib!f chance tor it to be had. You are at liberty to publish this if von cho-se, and mav it do much pood. IlespectluSIv vours, S. I!. OUToN, II. J. OIITOX. Symptoms of IVorns, Alternate pa cut s-s ,nd finshins of the countenance, dull expression cf tbe eves, drowsiness, itching of the nose, a swelled upper-lip. tonrue whitely fur.-e and thick ly speckled with red points, fetid breath, ni il enl-irsed abdomen, a pnrt'al or gen eral swelling or putTingness of tbe skin, a startling in tbe sleep and grinding of tbe teeth, a sensation a if something was lodg ed in the throat, a gradual wasting of the flesh, sickness of the stomach, vomitine, a short and dry oough, appetite sometimes vo rncous, at othi-r i irnes feehle, bowels some times costive, other times loose, great fret- j lioness and irritability ot temper, pams m the stomaob and bowels, colic, fits, convul sions and palsy. Irtbe worm syrup is not to be had in yonr town, send orders to the manufacturer it will be sent promptly to any address free of express charges. Direct orders to Dk. J. W. VAX DCX BERGH, D. O. Box 172, alem, Oregon. MEW YORK HOTEL, (Deutfches Gafthaus,) No. 17 Front Street, opposite the if ail ship landing, Portland. Oregon. te" H. E0THF03, J. J. WlLKEs PROPRIETORS. ' Board per Week AND THE B E rp DR. HO FE LAND'S 'CELEBRATED SWISS STOMACH BITTERS The First and most healthful Tonic ever introduced in the United States. ibese Bitters have been in thp S p cisco Marked Pi? over notwithstandinr timany nv candidati f ! t ioi j-uuiic iavor, i tie sales have const .m!r :rr-.rpr. spot jTAVLOK & IJE- tru. oie Agents 409 and 411 Chi? St.' San Francisco. iC-lv. 7r ix it TTllI evsrytli-hgiiseGeiinri, fan';?, frca tka Leaviect to the lightest idzll. it does srorin: Vionu, zzojzj: iiixds or wni;, ATix wen:; Tliaii any ether machine. If tircro is a rioreriee Fewirg 'Ta cliltio vri.Lia one tliou-p.iid n.iles cf &in rra::c:.co mt working -wi'.l ni.J nivinpt entire F.tti&fr,ctiu, if I.-im in form oil cf if, it will he PttetKb d ti v.-iibout etense cf any kind to the owner. CALUIL HILL, Ar;cLt, 13 n c ,v r.!oi'gc.rr.c.-; Street, CrsnJ Hotil Du'.'dlng, Can Francicco. Cetid fo-r Circulars and, samWm.i ff i7te t:-ov7c. A.ctive Agents xvaiidd in PRIATE EEGICAL AID. Qttitli Chips nmi 3Iodei:ite tljargts. Dr. W. EC, OGhertyys rrlvatf "lexical & Susgtcal Institute. ITo.510 Sacramento Street, corner f Lcidsscrl?' (a lew doors beiowj tho What Cheer House.) (Private entrance cn Leidesclor!'sr..-ct.; Establiohed Expressly to Afford the Ai.l tied Sound and tb-ientific Medical Aid, ii, ti;-.-Treatment and Care of all Priva e hU Chronic DDeases, Cases of Seciecy a:J sill Scttal Disorder?. To tin- Amu tt.:. BR. W. K.DOIIERTY returns his shot re thanks to his numerous patients for tte'r patronage, and wf i;id take this c-pportiiintv to remind theni that be continues UcoiiMiJt at his Ir.slitnts for the cute of lncric ills eases of the Lut:-?. Liver, Kidneys, Dig- -tive and C enbe-Crinarv Organs, red all private diseases, viz : Sypiniis in ail its fern s and stagts, j?e:nir.al Weakness and all tbe horrid ionseqiieiiee3 of self-abufe, Oora-rr-been. tJleet, htrictnre?, Nocturnal rad Diur nal Emissions, Sexual Debility, Di.eas(sf the Buck and Loins, inflanhnation of the Bladder acd Kidneys, etc.; and he loics that his long experience and successful r iac tice will continue to insure him a siaiiecf public patronage. Ey tbe practice of ir.any .years in Europe and the United States, he is enabled to apply the most efficient snd suc cessful remedies against diseases of ail kinds be uses uo mercury, charges moderate.trcats his patients in a correct and honorable wav, and bos references of unquestionable veraci ty from men of known respectability and high standing in society. All parlies ccu suUir.g him by letter or otbei wise, will it ceive tbe best and gentlest tu-atunn- ai implicit secret--. T. Females. When a female is in trouble, cr ailheltd with disease, as weakness of the back zhi !in:bs. pain in the bead, dimness of shi'd Io cs of muscular power, palpitation cf t!.e heart, irritability, iit-rvousness, c xtren-.e ur inary diliicuhies, d era n cement of d'cstive functions, general debility, vaginii '"s, all dis eases of the womb, hysteria, steiilify end nil ether diseases peculiar to females.sltes-licuid go cr write at once to tiie celebrated female doctor, V, K. DOH ERTY, at bis Medical In stitute, and consult him about ber tioubles and disease Tbe Doctor iseiTeetinir more cures than any other physician in the !?tate of California. Let no false delicacy prevent yon, but apply immediately and save voursdf from painful suli'eiiiigs and premature death. All married ladies, whose delicate health cr other circumstances prevent an increase in their families honld write or call at DIE V'. K. DOIIEUTY'S Medical Instimte, ar.d tbey will receive every possible relief and help. Tbe Doctor's otiices are so arrancrd that lie can be consulted without fear of observation. To Correspondent s. Patients residing ia anv part of the Ftate however disrsnt, wl o mavdesire theopiteoa and advice of DK .DOIIERTY in their respec tive cases, and who think proper to sin nu't a written statement of such, in preference b holding a personal interview, are rcspccflid ly assuied that their communicatirns held sacred and confidential. If the case be fully and f-andid!y described, personal com munication will he unnecessary, as instruc tions for diet, regimen and the geseral t-ea ment of the case itself (including the reme dies), will be forwarded without" de!y, nnd m such a manner as to convey no ideaof the purport of the letter or parcel so transmitter. lf7f-C.nsultation by letter or otherwise, FEEE. Permaneutcure guaranteed ornopaw Slitrnuitoriliaa, DIE DOIIERTY has just published an im portant pamphlet, embodying his own view and experiences in relation to Impotence cr V irility ; being a Short Treatise on Sperma torrhoea or Seminal Weakness, Nervous am" Physical Debility consequent on tbi affec tion, and other diseases of the Sexual Orgat)3 This little work contains information of the utmost value to all.whether married orsingle and will besentFP.EE by mail on receipt of six cents in postage stamps for return post age. Address. W. K. DOIIERTY. M. P.. juiySOly San Francisco Cal 1 A. NOLTNER, NOTARY PUBLIC, ENTERPRISE OFFICE Oregon City, Jan jlilitt fin tJ- - 2-x- i