c T JULVI9. FRIDAY. TOWN AM) ,tXTV' Campaign llJ1 h" the I-:TEKrnrsi: from We will f-m-b ' ...;.,, ,i,,tion. ?-ir mi ,, . it ,v-.n K( r tsarr. c r, r ; tl. e:fCM.H is over. ' pri.p r ' epaperuor.hyof .he support 3mv t?rVof C....im.ionfl Lil..M-.y. and keaho. figbt eai...r the pn-sent cor r ip, Admini.-rauon. Send in your suo icnpti"ii at once. Usai-lt ami i a r i'kiiy. (j. M. S.rotid. n.ii.eior of the nut! train and J. G. Pf).-,.ri brakesman, were arrested last Tbim-luv tr assault on a passenger. !. v piead gai'.lv and were rim-d Slo and .,; each. .Mr. S;roud was imm.-d'.utely re arresu-d on a charge ot assisting a pris oner to escape from an officer, and gave b.il in the sum ot SoOt) to appear at the m.xt term of the Circuit Couit. The cause of the assault, as we learn it was. th:tt the candy boy left one of his pack ages of ca nly on a seat, and the passed g!V a-sanlied broke it open a; d re!us-d to pav lor it. when the two nem above named attempted to compel him to p;iy. and used him pretty roughly. This case, we hope, wiil learn some of the employ ee ot the road to keep their temper and the boy to keep his candy in his basket or hand until he gets his pay. We learn thai .mother passenger was roughly hand led and put oft' the ca s on Wednesday, and on the same day a boy was also put off on account of this candy business. '1 he worst lea ore in the whole tr.uisa.c;io i was the atti nipt of the parties to set at defiance the authority ol the officers. The Deputy Sheriff went to the train and told trie engineer that he had warrants lor two persons tin board and wished bun to stop fji'.g . ....iii, t(, maiie the arrest. 7 he par lies knew there were warrants out. for trietn, and consequently ttiey barely stop ped tne train here. The Marshal," while Mr. Heat tie was talking to the engineer. h.id loom! .Mr. Rodger and was reading the warrant to him. but the train went off with him on board. The Marshal notified Mr. Stroud that he wished h m to slop the train and let htm off wilh his prisoner, to which resistance wts used, and the Marshal to d he could pay his late to East Portland. or be put oil', and he consequent ly chose the latter. .Mr. Ueatiie. accom panied by Mr. Richardson, took the freight train for Portland a short, time af terward but were unable to find their men. The pat ties probabl' though; bet ter of their course and yesterday niorniog about (5 o'clock they arrived on an engine and gave themselves up. We know there may be palliating circumstances for as smiting a assengi-r. but there can be none whatever to resist the legal author ities. We have known Mr. S;roud long arid well and uavettlways given him Cl'ed it tor being a very clever, good-natured g-iitietuari. I. C. 11. C Mr. Taylor organized last Tuesday evening a lodge of the Iudepen dent Champions of the Red Cross in this city. We have no knowledge of the mer its of this ins-initio'), but. leain ihat i: claims lo he a temperance orgaaiz ttion. gotten 1 1 1 by Messrs. Mcl)"Ug.ili and Tay lor, who have no doMie to work tor a liv ing, and ii is claimed lor it by its a ithors nt having great merit over the Good Tern plars. If si. way not add these merits lo the Good Templar org miz ition . and no: trea'e a tiev insd'u: ion to hrculc Hi it uu It seenn iu us Irom what we can gather, that these two nvn are trying o intke a raise, and that their mission is to destroy the Good Tempi -r org iuiz i'ion Th C d ilornia pipers don't speak in very coin plim-'U'ary tei uu of them or their order The say. ;)eaking of Hie labor- of these men. -tli.it they proper b-e where they Jte n.it known." We wboiifl alvi-e peorile not to take iiji wilh every li!ly Vird 'ii liunioug in it mikes its appeirauee It diis tiling is it temper auce organi. ition. wiiy it is stipes fiaotis. and those who approve of such societies ha I belter s'ick to the Good Teinohirs. mi I not run alter a thing which his ri ii be-oi tested. Sr. il.:i.:;v"s 1 1 vi.r..--Ve h ive received the annual catalogue oT this popular in niiir.ioa ol learning at Portland. There were UK5 scholar, in attendance ouri ,g the prist year, which is very large when we consider that the schooi lets been in ;ierati.!i ,wo years. The iiisti:ti!io;i is under the immediate m per vision of Uish oi Morris, wi'h the following teachers: 1'rineipd, Miss M iry P. Rodney ; Ass's am. Mies Eydia Rodney. Lvdia II. I'.l.vkler. M try H. Clo iton. Cadieriue (J II iJirton. S. E izih ' !) iS.iyd. and Ida Boyd ; in ch irge of Music tl le;ir m-iit, Mis Cie.n "ititii Rod iey ; Teachi-r of Mu Julia L. Linds'.ey ; Miss Laur.i l Fos-er ; Drawing M ister. Mr. Edward T. Coleman. Among the scholars in attend ance we notice following Irom this place, Ade! tide L. Latourette. E izabeth M. Lovejov. Clara I'otter and Mary Sh:w. The next term will coiamence on the i-h of September next. Mutr.i.u;;: Lickn.sk.s. During the year commencing July 1. 1S7J and ending Ju ly 1. 1S72. there were issued out of the Clerk's offiee in this county 53 marriage licenses. December has the preference, ami February next, there being nine is sued in the first ti tm d month, arid eight in the last. So far only two have b-en is sued this month, showing that people do not care much about getting married this warm weather. Daow.NKtv Mr. lames Graham, an old citizen of this county was drowned in the Clackamas last Wednesday. He was missed frowi his house by persons p issing by on Thursday, but no suspicion was Treated that anything had betallen him. )a Fri lay he had not made his appear ance. so his relatives went in search of bita. They soon found lus clothing on the bank of the river, ami e!oe by his fciody was found ia about two feet ot wa ter. Goxk East. Mr. N. W. Randall, an old and much esteemed citizen of thi place, left last Monday for a short visit to bts friends and relatives In the East. This is the first lime Mr. Randall has been out o! the Slate for twenty years. We wi.h Lim a pleasant visit and a safe re'tirn. Stoke. We have heretufoie omitted to mention the fact that Chas. Cauffeld has become the successor to Robt. F. Caufield. Clerk in tVi., ctnre n1 is rvren a red In fnr- nish dry goods and groceries at very rea- - r --t - - -ouao.e prices. Charley soils gooi at a ; luederate p:ofit. Give him a call. i ' Ot'T of Town. A large number of our ; People are out of lown.ome in the raoiin- , i 'tt4US "-aers gone to tlte coast and a nam- . ... 1 . uae gone io ,-soaa springs. vvecon-t frratufui. those who are so fortunate as to ! -e able a get away lor recreation these vs' Mf.n Wanted. The Turk Oomnv ' svntfifty more laborers, to which they I piy $2 25 per day in coin. Here is "a ' ibsnre for nu.n rini wort now until n-M- s ;rBoWlber. In T n illf-rnW an extra copy t! t'V iX,i- . Vv- : ' r ' Peksoxau We had the pleasure of a call Irom Judge "Wilson, Congressman elect, last Friday. The Judge looks hale and hearty. He expects to start Eist about December which will bo the first time he has been oat of Oregon for twen ty years. IIakvestixo. The farmers have com menced harvesting in this vicinity. We are informed that the crops are generally good, and in many cases excellent. The trait and vegetable crcps will be large this. veai Rear. We call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of Messrs. Protzman. Gillthan & Co.. Portland They mean what they say and persons going to Po'-iPmd to purchase boots and shoes will get bargains at their store. Gone. Mr. W. F. Ilighfield, jeweler, left last Monday for San Francisco, on a pleasure trip and fo purchase a new stock of goods, lie will be absent about three weeks. A pleasant journey to him and safe return. Ctrr Cocxcit.. An aJjuuiiel meeting, at which the teachers for the Seminary for the ensuing year will be elected, will be held on Monday evening We hope a good corps of teachers will be selected. Examination. We are requested to give notice to those who desire to make app'i cation as teachers, to be present at nine o'cloet- m . tomorrow, at the Seminary, for examination. Wai'.m. The weather has been extreme ly warm during the past week. The smoky season has commenced, and we are having a pretty fair specimen of In dian Summer. '; Passko Tni:ot'oii. Our friend Mart. V. Drown passed through town last Monday, to Portland. Marl, looks as happy as usual. Wooo. We would like to have all who propose to pay their indebtedness to tre office in wood to deliver the same with out delay. In Town. We had the pleasure, last Wednesday, of meeting our old friend. Or. R. C. Hill of Albany. The Dr. looks hale and heart v. Dkpl'tv. Mr. John Thomas, formerly Sheriff of tliis county, has been appointed Deputy Sheriff and Jailor. Personal. Wo had a call last Friday from II. L. Pitlock, Esq., proprietor of the Oretjn'lui. Orit ur Next Monday is the time pet b' Judge Upton to hear the contested election caes in this county. Hot. The thermometer reached about 92 this week. Pretty warm for Oregon. A country merchant of Clackamas c.nun -ty, himself a Greeley Democrat, informs us that on Saturday last, of eleven Demo crats at hii s'ore :it one time, five said "hey would not vote at all. ihree declared their purpose to vote fur Grant and three said lllev "supposed they would 'nave to vote for Greeley.' The same m m tells us i hut. 'hat is bout the stale of affairs all over Clackamas county. The above is from the Orpqiw in. Now that paper may have had such informa'ion tint we very much doubt it. We venture the assersion tha n n one Dnnacrul in this entire county will y..te for Grant, and that sheet can put. down Clackamas coun ty at least 100 majority for Greeley. Lois of Repuh :ieans hereabouts who will no' vote for the G:f" 'nk"r. Wtn- mber that. From Ito.N G.; a. K. ll. i.M. in reply to rnmy iiuioiiies. Hon. Geo. R. ll'!tn as caused his position relative to his s ippte. t of ttie Ralniioire nominations to be nitide pub'ic in the billowing patriotic note : "I abide by the ac ion ol the Raltim- re Convention. I ledped make liiat C n veo'ion. and recognize its binding an th. r i'v. W'litever I m ty have said "f i!m e. (he fight will now he against public plun derers and a dishonest administration. I am willing to make sacrifices for the good of my country. Gto. R. II;;i.m." We have no doubt but the other two Electors en erfaiti tin? same- vie ws as ex pressed by Mr. Helm. nisuoi' Sc irr Guammu: School. We hive received a very hinds enely printed ei'alogueof the Bishop Scott Grammar Sc ool for the year ending June IS. 1S7J The school is in a prosperous condition, there being DiO scholars in attendance during the year, of which 27 were board ers. Following are the officers of the School : Rector. Right Rev. B. Wis'ar Morris. I). I).. Bishop of Oregon and Wasii- t mgton territory ; Head .M ister, u. v ! Laiug A. M. ; Professors. Rev. George Burton. A. M.. Walter F. Jones. A. M. ; Preei-ytross, Miss Gertrude M. Tuttie ; Teacher of Music, Mrs. George Burton ; Teacher of Drawing and Painting. Edward T. Colman ; Ch iplain. Rev. George Bur ton ; Matron. Miss Maria Emery. The next term will commence September 2ud, 1672. The I'l'ii.'tdr'iler says : '"Coos cnenty now contains a population of 2.o00. There are three steam saw mills which cut an average ot 110. 000 feet per day. at;d at te.ist id Odd tons of coal are shipped to San Francisco annually. The fade sup plies about thirty vessels. The coal and limber 1 rad rapidly inetvasio - .,n.i the agricultural lands heretofore neglect en. ;u e oeuig lupiuiy seiiieu up p wim ;U1 For all er.terpri-ing cia-s of armors. these settlors there is only p- ivi led a weekly m ill by way of Oakland. Scotts burgh and Gardner, which reaches Em pire City in three days from Oakland. The commercial interests of the l.av have suffered on this account to studi an extent that a telegraph line will soon l,e con structed to connect with R- selmrgh.'' 'Timor gu Line.' We have received the first number of this paper, published by- Col. W. W. Chapman, of Portland. Il is devoted to railroad interests and kind- i red subjects, and especially to the build- 1 ing of the Portland. Dulles and Salt Lake 1 Railroad." It is we'd filled with interest- I j ing matter, and promises to be a faithful i idborer thtf c ulse for w,jch its founder . , , ,,r . , has shown so much energy. We wish it success I t- r f TT . i kf.suN.iu .vi aj. oen. .looser, an on . , , ,, , ... Oregontan. and known throughout the i . . .. . Lnion as "I'lghting Joe arrived a. I ort- land, last Wednesday, on a visit to bi ; old friends. A proper reception was giv- I 'n b-v the lie of I orflind on his arr5vaL Tbe Gen' Las man.T o!d friend5 j i" Oregoti who will be p!eaed to see him again. Fiddle-faddle iu Wasliiuglou. . , 7 ! Portland, foil head first, into a well thirty V.e are informed Irom athir.gton.says j two feet deep, the other day. A woman tbe New York Herald, that the State De- with a smalt cord, raiied him hair way parttnent has suggested to President Grant I 011t vv!ien tlu' u -v dropped. He was sb-il,unr,,n-;u.f!...:.- v i seq-ietitly drawn out none the worse for . u..uuig nomer. now j ard.the released American victim of Span- j ish tyranny, in one of the vessels of our j European squadron, as a public recogni- , j won ot l.is Amencin citizenship. We trust President Giant will be guilty of no such piece of egregious foil v. Alter our ignominious b ickdown on the Alabama quessiion. when we confronted a powerful nation !iiic Great Britain, we should be come the laughing stock of all the govern ments of Europe were we to make ;l great hurrah ali-mt this simple act of justice pet formed by a comparatively week n i tion like Spain. The lact is, "our whole foreign poiicy is weak and pusillanimous in the extreme: there is nothing in it to excite the admiration of American c'ui zens : on the contrary, there is much to humiliate and shame us as a nation : and o get up a hullabaloo, with processions bands of music, salutes, bonfires, illumi nations, liiineonibe speeches about the American flag, and so on. would m ike us appear like a little boy with bis first bunch of Fourth of July fire-crackers exhilarated over a very small matter. But the suggestion is so ridiculous that we do not imagine the President will entertain it for a moment. A LETTKlt KUOM HoKACK GtlLlK.LKV. The Hartford Times of June 2Gth. pub lishes the lollowing extract of a letter from Horace Greeley, which was v.'iitten to a gentleman. Though it was never in tended for publication, the gentleman to whom it was addressed has deemed it of sufficient importance and interest to justi fy its publication : New York. June 11, 1372. I have no possible claim to democratic support, anil never made au. The democrats wiil. of course, be govern ed by a consideration of their own inter est. It is nowise proper or probible that they should be influenced in mailing their decision by any e.on.-ideration personal to myself, arid if they could be I do not de -iiv it. Hence I have said nothing to any democrat unless he first addressed me. am; even then, I have gone no further than to say th it.it I should be elected, I would treat all who supported me alike, not ask ing whe'her they had been in the past re publicans or democrats. Yours. HORACE GREELEY. The K-derprise, the San Francisco organ of the Labor Reform Party, has hoisted the names of Greeley and Brown, for Pi es idont and Yice President, and in do ng so says : "The political situation demands a union of all the elements comprising tin opposition to the Philadelphia uominees. and in no other way can Grant be defeat ed lie holes in his hand the i muiou se patronage of the Executive, and has a ds command rinmey without li:;:it to aio tils ambitious designs. A reference to the oi'oceedings ol lhe Philadelphia Cotiven t:o:i is only necessary to show that he liar used and wi.l continue to use every me,in within his power to secure his own elec 'ion. It is ihereiore the duty of the peo pie to use every means in their power defeat t.iin and his military ring. To btiif up Labor Reiot ni,'. e must fir.-t tear down the Grant oiigoctiy, ami put in its place a go v ern men; b ' 1 Tkickv as it o...i..a.. - i ue Bostot. TiiUCX sas : A "C oiTospoi'dence" is g dug the rounds, said to have taken place b; -tween Queen Victoria and Miss Grant, daughter of the President.. It. is "very we 1 got up.1' It was first published in i tie Sun Francisco Chronicle, which p iper proles.-ed to have received it from riv.i e .sources. The truth is. the paper a'duded o is a tricky and unreliable publication. Aiili no .standing in Ca'ifornia. and an. one cognizant ot iis character would no: Oe long iu guessing that the irivti.e sources ' through which the cone-pond ence reached lhat paper w,is 'he feriil and maeiiiative brain of lhe editor. Tn Voici; ot-' a PAnuor Thorn is A. lien Irii ks, in accepting the nomination lor Governor of Indiana, at the h inds of the Democracy, said : We have turned our backs upon th oast ; we stand iu the present and tool. the future. The pa.-i is lost lo us ; th f I'ure is ours ; let us njake it. a gioii ou one My judgment in reference to tin duty of lhe Baltimore Convention is it h ii in my with Hie people ol Indi ma. and 1 will support it. I tally believe that tin administration of Grunt wiil close on tln 4 h ot March next. Two ok 'Eu bia.n i-? ,t CL.eivv nothing in the natural way, while Wilson is one in political sentiment, having been otn of the founders and leaders of the oath b oind an I bigoted organization known by that name, which thought our insti u lions loo narrow o enfoid in their em brace those who It'd hither to escape the oppressions of monarehteal tyranny. The O-sukosh Tunes believes Greeley will carry Wisconsin. It says there are now more than DO Republican votes in O-hkosh pledged fur the Cincinnati ticket, and l lie same proportion throughout th State wo. :ld indicate a change of l").:7 t. It is confident Grunt will lose the State by 10.U0J. J. F. Brown, ot W.t-tiington. Iowa, writes; 4T believe at Washington, where Grant's patronage is a constant bid for recruits, it is believed that Iowa will cer tainly give him (Gn nt ) her electoral vote. With the evidence spread before me. 1 am sure Greeley and Brown will carry the Slate." A Virginia paper. Commenting on the candidacy of ex Governor Foote for Con gi-es-. in Tennessee, says : "The country has i-njoyod the valuable services of Gov ernor route, for a long lime, and is wiil- in" 0 r him to spend the rem under of his d clintug years at Home, in peace and quiet The Mo-LttLu'ieer s avs : -Mr. Thomas Gordon, who lives on the Deschutes river j i i ornis us that his fruit crop is going to j be very large this season especially f s j peaches. Peaches are going to b- n't li es this yeir. as Jack Fr ist, out a veto on nearly a t ti e orchards in 'bis vie n ty.'' An,1' Johnson has been made richer by S-0-u'"-) by the refunding of his income t,x KU1 on liM saIary as I resident and Vice President. A communication in the IL'rn'd slates that ail the Catholic papers, with the ex cep'ion of the Freeman's Journal, are for Greeley and iJrowu We understand that since Mrs. Dtinni way has gone- over to Grant, that there ha been a voo7 In the Rennb'lctin nartv u Llu ''V-I! iai.it. ut puu.. can party Tbe Mounhoteer ha got its price and hohted t! ie ofSce-hoIders' candidatcs.- nox .ucj waj -lt , tra The late Chainn in of the liadicat Ceti- Committeo of California his come t otit for Greeley and Drown. A small bov. a son ot Mrs. Stre'big. of NVear. excent a lew scratches on one of his anus. From the I'i iU'Jctler we gather the fol owing Doutrlas county items : -ii!iam Boaebrake fell frcm a house whin assur ing A. J. Bellieu, and broke his collar bone. Oti the 7th inst., a daughter ot John Strader was severely hurt by being run over by a cow. A la.l named Rich ard R i per." aged twelve years, son of R. A. R iper, was thrown from a horse and severely injured." Stealing. The Post-office Department was last year defrauded out of over $300. MOO by dishonest Postmasters, and a qtiai t r of a million was stolen Irom letters. llcliioii Scrvici'S. St. Pauls (Episcopal) Church, the Rev. John W. Sellwoo.l, rector. Services n Sunday at I"i a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Bible class at '1 r. m. 1st Congregational Church Seats Fire Moruing Set vices, To. Sahii ath Sch- ol, 12 o'clock M. Evening Services, 7 o'clock. Rev. F. (lEttiiV, Acting Pastor I'KlYEtt MEETINGS- S tnday evening, Tuesday evening, .5 o'clock .7 o'clock. 0 M. E. Church, Scats Free. Morning Services, lo.30. Eve dug Sei vices, 7 J o'clock. Sabbath School at t'i o'clock a. m. L. Oi.mstkp, Pastor. If voi have discharge lioui the l O -e. of-fen-ive or ot' e-avise, partial loss ot t e n e of smell, taste or hearing, eyes wat.ii -g or weak, feci dull and stupid or dein.i ated, pain or pleasure in the he-id, take co d easi ly, yo i may iv-t assured that you h ve the "atar h "Thou-ands annually, v ithout m . nd' -sting half of the ab ve symp .uu s, erminate ia lon-umptt in and in the grave. o tiisease is so common, more deceptive, or !c-s understood by physician-. lr. Sage's Catarrh lU-medy is a perfect Specific o Catarrh or Cold in the Bead. Sold ly Druggists. . s Special ft-r. DTt. VAX Il-:" KKHGiPf) WORM Syrup fur Children- A. II. 1! 11. drcg gi,t is agent for this invaluable remedy at Oregon "City. Belt & John.-,, ngeuts for th iiiaiiaiacturers. Salem, Oregon. .special rVotice. The best and most cili ientcure known for lv.-p-psia and indL'Csti r, is Dr. Henley's Jelcbrated I :I L H ttets. Try it. R. . :id ad- vci tisemei.t in i.uiedier col a inn. ju n 7 1 1 3 The hot solar rays that ripen the harvests generate many distressing di-eascs. If the l ver be at all predisposed to irregularities, tcis is th. season in -which billious uttaeks uia- be anticipated. A weak stomach, too, s weakest in the s'.mnuT monlhs, and the loss ol vital, ty through the pores by c.xces dve perspiralion is so i'rc&. that a whole some tonic, combining also the properties of a diffusive i-tiuiuletit and gentle exhibit -ant, is in riany c; scs necessary t: health, and under ni; circumstances shotild be dis ,iense.i with by the sickly and debilitated. if all the preparation- intended thus to re f i;sh. sustiin, at! i f u'tify the hutuati frame, t!:et'' is iK.ute that, will compile itli liii.s teler's C -ti brated Stomach lilt ters they have tieen iv.-igbed in fie b ila-ce o experience n,il not I . end wanting; fare been recom nei d 'd from the 'irst as a great medicinal H' if:", not as a heverie, an.i iti spile ol interested op osition fo n iui.umeniole latters. staml, after a twenty veirs tri.d, i f.e iira.i f all propri tarv rne 1 ici n es in 'ended for the prevention -md -one ot a!l or iiuarv c roiiptaints ot the stomach, the liver, lit; b e.ve'is, and the nerves. In the u die iltto listricts bordering the great rivers of Culi- rma. llo.-tetter's Stotnach Ritte. s may be cl .sed as the siaudard one lor ( very species f tntfrmittent or reniittcnt fevyr. Tlie peo .i e who in'iab t those di tiicts, place tbe nost. implicit coufK'.-tic- in toe preparation -a c mfidei ce that is increased cve.y year by the results of its opei at, on. .s bitters, so c:ilie l. of the rr.ost perni io ;s ch.iraeter, are springing up like tuogi in every side, th .ljhc is hereby forewarn d U2ii i.8t tue dram-ho! friiuds. .k for ilo-tei e. ;re i rroo itticle is edy. s Hitters, t, and rem see that tiie label . etc., mli'T that the genuine never sold in bulk, but iu buttles t-- a i: , 3i j m v. s r o. 3 , i t. o. F. Meets at O.'.d Fellows' Hail on the Fill ST AND THIRD TUKSDAV FY EX ING of each m mth. Patriirchs in good stand ing are invite I to attend. bet.. M, ls7--tf aiiOiMiiiaii I-irle tt. i, A. 1'. an 1 1 -i in.iis us regn !a r e mi mumea tions on tite Fir. it and Third S.itur- sf 111 each month, at , o clock from ine .'"in oi iseptemoer to the 2"tli ot Marc! and 7i o'clock from the 2ot!i of M.irc.'i to the 2--th ot September. Hreth re a m good standiiig are invited to attend. Dee. 2tj.tt'7o, !y order of W. M. Oregon JjOtl-e No. 3, J. O. of O. F1.- Meets every Thursday even ,r-i' 1!'g at i oaoen, in udd i'tllow s i'iVitV iber " Hall, M iin s ect. Members of the Order are invited to attend P.v onb v. ti F r the very best photographs, go to li'ad ey Uulofs us Gal ery without STAIRS - ASCEND IN THE ELEVATOR, 420 Montgomery Street, San Franci-co. WILLIAM DAVIBSOIT, :al estate dealer. .?ni-;--, Xo. PORTLAND, Gl I-ioitt OREGON". RE AC- ESTATE in this CITY and E VSf PORTLAND, in the most desirable localities, consisting of LoTS, HALF !! 'KS and JJLOCKS, HOUSES and STORES; also IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable uncultivated LANDS, located in ALE parts d' the STATE for SALE. REAL ESTATE and other Propertv purcoased for Con e-nondents, in this 1'ITV -and Mho igiiotit t ie STATES and TEUR1- lORniS, v,-,sh grea arc an. I on the most VDVANTAO EOCS TERMS. HOrSE-i and STORES LEVIED. LOANS NECOTIATEO. and (MAIMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COL LECTED. A d a (Je-.eral FINANCIAL and AGENCY RC-sINESS transacted. AGENTS of tf.is OFFICE in aR the CITIES aa-l TilU'NS in the S1A I E. will re-e.-iye .lcsTioti.es oi FARM PROPERTY and; forward the same lo the above address. Feb. 3, $s:i. j Picbucn Di-gr.. Io -igc "o. 'i, C). O. F. j Ob Meet on the Second and Fourth j TUESDA Y EVEXIXG. j of each month, r.t 7 o'clock, in Odd Fe'Y.ws I Hall. Members or tbe Degree are invited to ; attend. ! finior.s of Pairs Sold. Gable Screw Wire BOOTS kM) S1I0ES. I i dv.CnlTn.l nnTTPTTY OTP RfiMnROFT T.TBRARY. Do you want the be-t Shoe ever made, one that will nit rip or ome a at t? Tiien buy the v'AKI.C SCREW WiUK'Uoots auJ Shoe's ail have the 1'utent Stamp. THE ENTIRE SPLENDID STOCK OJ asal SHOES AT THE PAOIFIO BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE! Vi;i be closed out immediately AT COST. QUITTING BUSINESS! Those indebted to the firm will please call atd stttle PROTZHAI-I, GILLIHAIJ Ci CO.j Cor- Front and Ilorrison Str-, rOUTLA ND, REG ON. July 1G, lSTlttf I CE-C REA M S ALOON! l.OUfS SAAt, - - - Ir OL'LI) R ES ; 1 EC T !' C L LY A X N O U N C E to the Hit citizens of Oregon City and vi cn.i'v, that I have just ooen. d an It i:-CItK vS. COMCTIO.VAUY cstahli-hmeitt in the bu'dding formerly occu pied hv L. Difer, corner of Fo nth and Main streets. Tin- Aili: Soda. Ioii ii tn 1st w ill he in operation to supply the demands of the thirs ty. I nr.rai'hcture all my o.vn i-t 'ck, conse iiiu tiilv they are fijiik am k:.!:s:i. A share of public patronage is respor tfully soiiciteil. jal2u:i7lt si3 t-.j-3? y,? MASONIC HALL RUILD- it c:ty, 0TTT'riT-T EEPS CONSTANTLY ON II AND AND . tor sale, caiiP Koa casu, and KITCHE.J FUEEITUEF, Euicau t, Lounges, Pocking Chairs, What nots, IJe steads, Va itstands. Curled Hair and Pnla Mutrcsses, Pulu PR lows, Spr.nn Reds, Vindov Saailes. Picture Frames, M tit!din's trS pccial attenti-.n given to UpIio'ster ,vn: k in all it oranelu's. Orders tilled with r-.romptiK'ss. Ri-jnur njx ii me with m-atness and d.so.ocii. Fr.rn.ture m.ide to onler. V""Cooils delivered to any tun t of town Vcc of chaige. Call and examine for your s, 1 iiis. ma v 1 7 n '0 .it i A t-I il LJ L -i i 'O J tJ a i v iy T)OOM -2 DEKFM'S RUILDINO, COI.N i j er First at;d Wushinutun Sts., Port I a nr. Nitrou:. Oxtde adiniiiist'Tfd. 'rjr:-x-t-!: ivtt rye.: Ti .'.fa & : - s ..'-.-..' -"-.I . BEST EEMEDY FOR DYSr i:;riGE3TI01T, BILIOUSNESS isss cf a:-petit: a- o tfiACTica 2' ts-s: i'.vsr. Ar;" jn-.tmovvleil'l fo tie the most wiinlruuie ami ctiH-fii! cf 'I f.ni"s nntl Kct-'t i-rf;l:rs KRAI! l'ilVtsK'JAS' C'i iil 11 - iCA w.a oil t..tk of ta .'ti tjatlle. , None -ntjin-J Without our rixJeiiuik !,;own on the l'olt!-. To Hell oil.T th-in the per.r.'.iH' nrticle nxtt ".f our liotile is ,i fi iii'.iii.il oiwnyf. .-ml v. Mi"l'. u lira J-T ci i n. iirosoculo sacli imi tiea to t!iu lull extent ol t'-" 1 '.'. 11. i;l'STEI-V & Co.. S-M- rT-ei r.ptr.TP. 5!s i'-ront ft., f. K. J O H N FLEMING,' &UJ?Z DEALER IN IN MYERS' FIRE PROOF BRICK, MIV STtlEET, Or.KOON" CITV, nnMnx. .-on t m f V C.? TT WiLii Ai -ts 2i b. k-i rrrZ:Tr JIjs EH blithe 1 EOJi mi: MAN C FACTORY OF -mr-m tt vs i- t r "f t TT a I SASHt BL1HDS AK3 E0SBS AND MO CE DINGS OF ALL SIZES. They wi'l ilso do TCRNING, of evrry desc; intinn to order, With Ueatness and Bispatc) t ' ALL WORK WARRANTED. Shop on the River, in L"wis' shop, orpos te Ore-oni City .!i!!;. y VUTIES WHO WERE OCCUPYINO I. 1 it i Is in the d r.i id;.' Ron le un l Silt-tz Reservt s," in the S itte of On rou, in hc v -ars IS ",.-)");, and h id to Mh ind n t he same n c i!ise,;n -nee of s i d Reserves h vinr heen s-.eeieu ' ' ' - - i ine sen ic-ment or svies ot the Mounter-., md the dUtancf the R..-.e River m'iuns, will ,d-ae end across is -idv mil-s beintr th. sh-rtft a their addresM- f..r further eorresnonden -e, j well us the best road t.v,,- the Cascade Vo -XV l,V,VfV ' AUy' iIox105 ! in,. Sto-kdn.ve and f-miirn.nt. wiil ti-d Wusmn-tn City, D. C. j it to their advance to travel over this route. Citation. In flic CoTinty Court of Clackara-M county, Stato i of rirer n. ' II S THE :-f VTTER OF THE E-TATF. OI' j .Toh.'i 'iTi-i'ii i i. A p'i'ioTi liavins bea j filed !- A. J. Jl!-(';tT:irvm, a Imr.'rn ir nf the I eea'rinf Joan Me'.HTiirnon, pr.tyina for th ule nf i nn imdivi ted onMiulf f 2Vt hcvi;. of land situ-e.l I in station 32. T 5 S, U l E. WiU.-iraeto moridi.tn. TSicrcfure. in tin tin me of the St." to of Onwn. ynn, Andrew J. Mc--amMon. ratharine H-i!en. Nancy Ann Slum. John 2.1. MpIW,.. Robert C. M"":i;riTiio-i, heirs of said dee.-.wl. and nil other heirs unknown, rue heretiv cited to 1m and ! finpe ir at the "o;;rt House in' Oregon City on I I j .u..u-.a niH.nn any or .u-ust, is., m t-;ivl ed to lnanufa,turp a No. 1 onnlity ol t Court and Ptifw can-e if anv exist whv an order i r j n & t n r ' A" Ft )riXfTl'lTi't Vl in!lr,it1011 I As-oodascan be obtained anywhere in the 1 aV - R. F. rSMKSI-- ! ale. Orders solicited and promptly JiEed. r r-.w. T..,,, ,., ! T-rnir.MMii: r.RP for SALE AT CHAS-H.CAUFEELD, COnNE.I il.VI.V AXD SEVENTH STEKETS, OREGON CITT, OHSG-Or?. Dealer in OBY-GOODS GROCERIES, CK0CKESY and GLASSA.WEE. Also, a full assortment of Miiilsicrj ami Fancy Goods OF THE LATEST STYLE, J u RECEIVED. COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Oregon City, Jun. 21st, lSTih tf SPKING GOODS JUST RECEIVED BY LEVY. Ii HAVE JEST REDE1VED A COMPLETE ind well-assorted stOL-k of CUSTOM-MADE CLOTHING, m CE.TIE5IESS' FIRMSHIXfi GOODS, Which I will frcll at reduced prices. Call and examine my stock before purchas it g elsewhere. Produce Taken in Exchange for Goods. A . LEVY. ?liiln street, Oregon City. FOR SYX. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED DESIRES TO SELL JL hi.s iroju rty in Oregon Citj will .sell it a liarg;i-ii, tn a :ood pnrrliii-er. I'-.t S. in block 3, whereon there is a good Dwelling lFi :se with S ro 'tn-, p:iitiy hurd finish, bal ni' .-e cloth and purer and the Livery Stable now occujded by R s--rs. Wil is fe Itroughtnn Water pipe- laid on the premises, from Pea-e's water woiks. Also 4 town lots in Canemah, with good fence around. A'fo town lo's in lower end of Oregon City; also 10o of Find known as the dona tion la n da m of Wm. Stone, S miles southeast of Oregon City, nitli omn im pro vements, thinly timbered, HO under growth, go-.d lasting water I"i?"lt. quire at County Clerks ofiice. .1. M. FRAZER. Oteiron Citv, Mav tjth. Is7: vonib SHADES Itlab Street, Oi-egon City- o JUsf niLLIAlW TABLES in OnEGOX .lave been ntnuineed, and the Proprietor in vites tlie attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to them T II e n A n I S S UP PLIED With ail the choicest qualities of Liquors nno Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Bourbon alreadj tatnous WLi.-kies and Punch. ALSO, a no. 1 SHOOTiKG GALLERY Is connected with the Saloon. Oregon City, Jan. 1, ISTl'ttf m ODS i .-vi W w AT TUK L I N C 0 L NB A K E R Y. WILLIAMS Cl HARDIMC, AVE JUST OPENED A FELL VARIE ty of choice FAMILY GROCERIES. AND PROVISIONS. The Fakery will be constantly supplied with fresh DREAD, CR-VCRERS. CAKES. PASTRY, CAN DIE AND NUTS. All of whir h wi'l be srdd at I i v i " r ratfs. Reineinber that we do nut sell goods at cost. Also, please bear in mind that it ' takes money to do business. To the fatniing trade we wonld s i v, CASH for you. produce, and CAS;i or onrj.oods. Guilds delivered to all put ts ot the city. Feb. 10, ls7-2:tf VTKV,' WAGON AND Carriage FSanufactory ! The unders'irned, having increased the di mensions of his premises, at the eld stand Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City Oregon. Takes this method to inform bis old pat rons, ami as mativ new ons as rnav bi pleased to call, that he is now prepared, w:0 ample room. x"fd materials, and the ver be-t of tvechanir-s. to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and torn out all complete anv sort ot a vehicle from a com mon cart to a concord coach. Ti v me. '"kstnithing, Horse or Ox shoeing, anc sencra jobbing n--'1, "-ii'-klv and cliea1 -ly done. DAVTD ,,T ''. Opposite Excelsior Market To Stock Drovers. nPITE ROAD ACROSS THE CASCADE - Mountains, ki own as the Old Enr-L-rnt Rea l," is ie w in spb r.did order for tlie acconiniod-ttio'! of the public. The bridpes on the road have all been th oonghly repair ed, and -t :ck drovers will find it mi trouble to cross the Mou-itains bv this route. Tfpr I i- tdentv cf goifi y.-atcr and errass on both i Tolcs rea.-oiabU. I JO-EPII YOUNG, President. I Clackamas county, June 21st, 172. OREGON CITY BREWERY! ! .'- II I'Yn T Ml IT -m rfrT i m",w"v ! "".r" . , I Having purchased tbe above Brewery wish i to i nform the public tha t he i now prepar T-rntr.Mtni: rRP kiksai.h,. i J-j I. SKLMJVOS. THOMAS CHARMAN ESTABLISHED - . . lb 33 : D ES1I1ES TO INFORM TnE CITIZENS of Oregon City, and the WilUmett Valley, that lie is stiil on hand, aad doing business ou the old motto, that 'A Nimble Sli-Pmce is better til an m Slow Slillllnj;." I have just returned from San Francisco, where I purchased orje of the I.AKCJI2ST and KKST SELECTED Stock of Goods ever before offered in this city; and consist in part, as follows : Eoots & Shoes, Clothing, Dry Gocds, Hats & Caps, Hosiery of every Description, Hardware, Gro ceries, Paints & Oils, Sash & Doors. Queens ware, Crockery, Glassware. Chinaware, Stoneware, Platedware, Jewelry of various qualities & styles, Clocks & "Watches-Ladies & Gentlemen's Furn ishing Goods, Fancy Notiors of every description, Patent Med icines, Eope, Fanning Implements of all kinds, Carpets. Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, &c. Of the above list, I can sar my stork ia the MOST COMPLETE ever ottered in this mar ket, and w as sleeted with especial care Tor tn is market. All of which I now ofl'er for sa!e at the Lowest Market Rates. No use for the ladies, or any one else, to think of going to Poriland to buv goods for I am DE I ER. MINED TO SELL CHEAP and not allow myself to be UNDERSOLD IN THE STATE OF OREGON All I ask, is a fair chance and quick pay ments. Heliev ng, as I do, that nineteen years' experience in Oregon City enables me to Know the reqirements of the trade. Come one find all, and see for yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CHARMAN cannot be beat in quality or price. It would be useless for me to teil you all the advan tages I can offer you in the sale of goods, as eveiy store lhat advertises does that, and probably you have been disappointed. All I wish to s-av ia, come ami see and examine tor yourselves, for I do not wish to make any inistakts. My object is to tell all my old ti Sends now that I am still alive, and desir ous to sell goods cheap, for cash, or oj3 such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed. THOS. CHARMAN, Main street, Oregon City. -"pLogrd Tenders and County Script taken at maiket rates. TII0S. CHARMAN. lJ.fZO,000 lbs wool wanted bv THOS. CHARMAN. EEAL ESTATE, HEAL ESTATE- JACOB STITZEI., C. C. WAT. JACOB STITZEL & CO., SUCCESSORS TO STITZEL & UPTON., REAL ESTATE A N D Cor. Front ami Washington Sis., PORTLAND. ORE G ON Special attention given to tbe sale of farrr hitr lands and city property. All corres pondence relating to the rccoarcca of Ore gon will be promptly answered- R AL ESTATE JOURNAL Put l'shed monlbh. Sect free of charge to any ; ddrcss. JACOB STITZEL & CO. March 15, 1872:tf BVIlITNrTTM: LEONDcLOUEY, Proo'rS f '.ATE OF TUE CLIFF HOUSE if MS STREET, OREGON CITV, OKEGON. npiIE UNDERSIGNED UE- 1. snect fully anronnces to bis I 9 , fiends and the ti ave'insr public, L it at hp lias re opened the above named Restiiurant. The proprietor know? how to serve bis esutomers ivith Ovste-, Pig's Feet, a good enp of CoO'ee or a SQU Hi MEI. J FON D.LCUEY Oiegon Citv, Jan. 7. 1871:tf I IMPERIAL MILLS. o Savier, LaRoque & Co., OREGON CITY. CHKeep constantly on hand foi Fale Midlines. Bran and Chicken Feed.Par'iea snqDindincr feed must furnish the S8ks. AVOID QUACKS. A victim of early in & discretion, cansrnjr nervous debility, premature decay. Jtc, haying- tried in Tain everv advertised rrtr-td v. I as a simple mrsna of self-cnre, which he WII fend free 'ellow siiflere rs. Aderess J. II. RLE Er, 78 Nassau st., N'ew York Sept. l:1y jonn schram, MAIX STREET, - OltEGO.V CJTV. ?.AMT.lfTOER AVD DIPORTEB OF VDI)bFS HARNESS, iiADDLEHY-HAKD-1VARE, fec, -rTHTCII HE OFFERS AS CHEAP AS y can be bad in the State, at Wholesale or Retail. -3"! warrant all mv soods as represented . Oregon City, April' 17, 157?. n2?tr. O o 8 O G 00 o o o o o o O 0 Q O o O