o o G O O i i 0 O O 0 o o o o o o o o 0 o o o t 0 o o Q O G o o 0 o 0 o 0 G9 o Q O O 0 o Zl)t iUccliln Enterprise, FRIDAY, JULY 12. 1S72. Ciesarism. There is a word of motloni coin age and of recent inrod nation into .American use whose full signifi cance is scarcely appreciated by all who hear it uttered, says the K.:- That word Cfesansm- Tlliilluti'. is pregnant with meaning in its ap plication in the politics of this country to-day. It shadows forth in its signification a destiny for the American people, that no true man can contemplate without the gloom iest foreboding, if not with heart felt dismay, it presents to the im agination a condition of affairs that fills the mind with fear and com pels the reflecting patriot to a train ol thought as to the future of his country painful to the last degree. Cffisarism means to the American the destruction of his privileges as a citizen, the surrender of his rights, the usurpation of his prerogatives, the loss of all the liberties that were secured as his inheritance by the blood of his ancestors. It means a lunglv government, whether in name'or in fact, it is all one; for it robs him of every vestige of consti tutional freedom and individual liberty igtler the law, except so far as the Ca'sar may decree. Let no man scoff at this as the highwrought imagining of a preju diced partisan, for it is but the de duction from the lessons history teaches of the process by which fv.ee peoples-have been deprived of their birthright. We have seen for years growing up in this laud a spirit of disregard for the funda mental law, of irreverence for con stitutional authority, of contempt foi3 legal restraints, of disrespect for the sanctity of the ministers and ministry of justice, and at the same time a spirit of submission to per sonal assumption, of obedience to the authorit3r ot force, of adulation of mere power and wealth, and a tendency generally to condone cor ruption and villainy in high places, all which points the v. ay to CYesar ism and a Casar. It is idle for any public speaker, or politician, or newspaper writer, to say tins is impossible, to occur in a country where intelligence is so widely diffused, where the spirit of freedom is so strong and deep in every individual breast, and where the opportunities ot resistance ai so many and so capable of easy and sudueu application. I here are more ways than one of wresting from a free people their liberties The worst wav of all because the surest in its effects and the most insidious in its approaches, is that which is now making its advances towards the vitals of American liberty. The gradual relaxation of that extreme vigilance with winch our people wore used to regard ev ery action of their public men; the growth of indifference conceruin,r great public measures ; the absence of that sp'uit of inquiry into all matters of gvneral interest in legis lation; the widespread apathy of the citizens in political aflairs; the relegation of such matters for the most part to trading politicians; and the aversion of business men to participate in the active conduct of political canvasses and cam paigns, in a country where every man who values free institutions should be something of a politician, even in a merely selfish regard all these clear the path to that very Ccsarism whose horrors affrigh us in the bare contemplation of its possibility. If we are tempted as Democratic partisans, to go beyond our lines to lind a candidate for Chief Magis trate, whose record is not to our lik ing, it is because we dread nothing so much as the continuance of a rule that not only threatens us, but already alliicts us with many of the worst attributes of Casarism; a rule and a ruler that have made us sensible of the danger to our insti tutions of such a fate as befell the ancient republics and that has humbled the pride of France in the . dust of defeat, humiliation and poignant s u tie ring. If we shall be willing to train under the standard of any chieftain whose past career has been full of bitter antagonism toward the prin ciples of our party and the expon ents of our faith, it is because the issue presented to us is one, not of life or death to our organization, but of life or death to our free country, the love for which has made us cling, hitherto, with almost superhuman devotion to our party organization. The spirit of personal govern ment, th corpse-like hand of cor ruption, the vice-like grasp of mon opoly, the confederate forces of wrong and shame and villainy ot every nature and description, pub lic and private, have seized with such violence upon the throat of this commonwealth, that we must rid ourselves of them at almost any sacrifice ot personal feeling orcla r isheil tMiei rnenf t ID I d.-,t;. ;cti,lt i ciations it tnat be theon y ho:e of for ours aa.,r', tenty, m peace, the soldid struc ture ot our republican government, and the blessings of constitutional liberty. A correspomleni Avritcs to the ixiltimore Sm, " that he takes no stock in the 'new women's club '" lie says that " the 'old woman's club is enough lbr him, and fre qitontly almost too much." A man who lias repeatedly tried them, says that all the short cuts to fortune are horribly over-crowded. Uecclicr on fJrammar. Mrs Stowe gives a characteristic- account of grammatical ex ercise at which her brother, Henry Ward Beechcr, assisted in his youth. Young Beecher was about eleven years old and full of fun and mischief as at present The teach er was drilling him on the rudi ments: ''Now, ITcnry'said she, "A is the indefinite article, you eee, and must be used only with the singula) number. You can say '"a man,' but you can't say 'a men' cat you?'' "Yes, I can shy 'a men too," was the rejoinder. "Fathe always says it at the end of hi prayers. '"Come Henry, don't be jokint; Dee1 inc. he." "Nominative he, possessive his, objective him.''' "You see 'his' is possessive. New you can say, 'his book,' but you cannot say 'him book." "Yes, I do say 'hym boo!:,' too," said the iui practicable pupil, with a (jui-'.zieal look. Each of these rallies made his young teacher laugh, which was j the victory he wanted. ! Lut now, Henry, seriously, just i attend to the active and passive -V tr . , 1 voice. Ao', I strike is active you see, beeause if you strike you do something. lut if you are struck, you don't do anvthiuir, do vou?;' 'Y'es I do; I strike back again." Alter about six months Henry was returned on his parents hands. with the reputation ot being an in veterate joker and an indifferent cholar. A witty clergyman, accosted by n old acquaintance by the name of Cobb, replied : "I don't kno.v you sir !'' " jlv name is Cobb," re joined tlicman, who was about half- seas o'er. "Ah, sir," said the min ister, "you have so much corn on you that I did not see the cob." The discrcj:tncy betv.-een the financial exhibits of the difierent branches of tl:e yovernment is ex plained by the supposition that .Mr. IJontwell, when he finds that his accounts cannot easily be squar ed, puis them down in round num bers. J.. A very foeble old man in niinton, Dcleware, vrho was help ed across the street by a yoini man, died recently and left him 1 0,0 00. Since v-iiicii time younjx men are seen at nearly all the street corners ferrying- aged indi viduals .across. ss. t t - XKrniKi:. A boy was sent to a drug store with a pcrsei ipt ion to be compounded. The druggist on reading it asked him if the medi cine was for an infant or adidt. "Oh, no sir, neither of them; it's for a stomach ache," replied the hoy. To Ih'Movi: Warts. Apply to the wai t with the end of a knitting needle a little fuming nitric acid, to be had of the npothecaiies. Re peat the application once or twice. and m two or turee days the ex cresetiee will come off without leaving any mark'. I - A Texas editor, in diseussino ihe right of a member of Congress from that State to his seat, says: ; The seat is Ids by one of the high est titles known to the law of civil ized lands the right of purchase 'or he bought his seat and paid for it !" - ITku Ansv.t.r. A young girl at an examination in grammar, the other day, when asked why the noun 'bachelor' was singular, biushiugly answered, "Hecause it's very singular they don't get mar ried." She went up head. e -y "Why, Ichabod, I thought you got married more'n a year ago?" 'Well, Aunt Jerusha, it'was talked of, but I found out that the girl and all of her folks were opposed to it. and so I just gave 'em 'ail the mitten, and let the thing drop. -ty ix The Sr. Louis I j:trfi hi a thinks that as far as Mr. (Jreel-y's abuse of the Democracy in the past is concerned that our side has little to complain of; we have certainly abused him enough to souare up that old account. Mother (loose is not an imr.gin' ary person, fedio was the mother in law of a printer in Boston, Mass., and her real name was Elizabeth Goose. The first edition of her well-known rhymes was sold for two coppers on Devonshire street. A balloon capable of a certain degree of guidance through the agency of a rudder and screw worked by lour men, K-.S )een constructed at i'ans by 31. Da uiuy do Lome. 3Iiss Anthony is reported, lor the i hr.-t time in her life, to have been aist ume in nt't 1IK-, to iiave OCCll q-Kte unmanned '' since her nn- 1 . .1 A- - c'' ra L" The locust eggs are poisoning the mulberries in Tennessee by be ing deposited in thtm, and the mulberries are poisoning children by the same process. If there is really a delightfully refreshing scene on this earth, it is a newly married man sliding to ward home with his first wash board. Does a cow's tail resemble a swan's breast ? Yes, for they both frov down. A U CTIOJS' Af.'fJ COMMISSI OA- AUCTIONEER! Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate, Grocer;es,aenera!Herchan tiise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday A. L. RicHAiiDsox, Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Par and Rut-die Iron English Square an J Oct:i;;c:i C.i.t steel lorse shoes, Files, Rasps, sti'Vij; Screws, Fry-pans, slice! ; iron, II. Q . Iron a i, s o : V largeassortmentof Groceries andLiqucrs A. 13. KiciiAiiDsox, Aiietiutitfc r Grocer & Provision Scaler, Next door south of the Court House, ?rliiin Street, Ort-joii City, Oregon, DEALER IX BEST FAMILY QF.0GES!I33 tOI-rr.E, IhX , SeCAE, FEOt'E AM.) M. AEof all kinds, pickles sop sLT, CANXi-D i :;l"i i'S and 0riii.lUS, A!, o, all kind.-, cf Fresh. Fruits and Vegetable.:. MUTTER, CUEr:K and EGO. T01J : iusd CHIAU, (iLAr'SV'AltF, Etc., Etc. All kinds of country Prodf.ee t tken in ex chance f..r e-x.ds at the hi-iit-st :n:irKet rates. ; -f"Go(is delivered iu the city free ot chanje. A fair hare of patrouue solicited. ilarch l-72:tf OREGON CITY, OREGON, RETAIL DEALERS IN c f7 SZi (' . TT,T TT TV S'' I also keep constantly on hand SAEEM C A 3 S I M V R E S, FLA XX EES, TWEEDS AXD PL AXKETf, Which I will sell nt the Factory Prices, rind will take wool iu exchange. will :?-n pay the. hiVe-t. prices fir IlntSor, E-rirs, ;ind ::'l Kinds of food country nrothic-i. 1 .vitl sell us low a-, any leni-e in Oreiion. for Cash or ua eui-.'ale.it in iro .d mere ha ntat'.e pr- -t.nee. r:Z Give ii'.e a ead and sati-fr vonr-elves joii:.; myeks. Jan. i:.E lsTl.tf JUST RECEIVED AT nnAi.nrt in DRY GOODS, CLOTDIXG, liOOT.S AXD SHOES, HARDWARE. GROCERIES, CROCKER V, NOTIONS, AC MAIN STREET, OREGOX CITY. PRODUCE of all kin Is bought, for v.hich I pay the highest roaikei ptiee. If yon desire troo l Goods, at ROW Frier s. call at I. SELLING'S, and csamiite his l'reh stock of Spi'itii; (joods. GIVE iiE A CALL AXD CONVINCE YOUP.SELVES. My Motto is, QUICK SALEo AXD SMALL PRO FITS.. For wliicli I will pay the higheet market price. I. SELLING. Arril 14, IRTDtf G i ZCiCiQll a In the County Court tor Ciaek.staas county, Oie froii July term, ls;2. In the 1.1. if tor of th" estate and guardianship of La da JM. Pesv.-l, a minor. "TJ T APPEARIXO TO THIS COURT FROM the ituly v iirie 1 j.etiiioa le ! er ei'i -i prc--en.e-i and tiled by TllOS. S. l;ns-t II the urnardiati of the person and e-t .te ot sa:d Lulu M. i:us,e;S, a mi nor, praying lea- an nnler ,,t s.:!.. if eerUtm real estate heli'i. imir t, his Mi I w.n-d, far ti-e reason that it v.oui'i be Fein liehil to the said v.aid t hai such real vtnte r-houl.t 1-e r-, ii !, said real e -t !. ,:. if itua.td ia CI 1. .'vain is Co ;ni y, st.ite f ( r ;i;oii, and slid jie:i;i..n .;:it-,iiihi ; the li.a! ler and things i ijaie.' 1 1 y lay,- to to uwein set l'-.i'th. V.'lv.lViuiV it i h u by eiI te 1 tti U the lf.t ot kin of said ward, a 1 : I : ;u r .; s inh re-le 1 in v ): ai.i eta.e, hi -pear l-.noie tid s.ti-1 Cooit, at tiie O. e;rt lleu-e 1:1 u- ::, l ie:, ( he Ic naas , ,ei;'! y, .cjon, .:i ih'- 1st i.. i .h; ;.- ii An r is', 1 s 7 J . ! , .i;tr the ,.h day of su-d i;f-:ilh, thvii aid th-.-iV to -ieiw cue,.' why a Urease shortia nor he gi ante 1 for the siile of said re.it e-tate. . Atid it is tavther or !-re.l :!;ita ropy of thi ; or der, he pithh-h.-l ut h a-: tlnee sir.'-.' vt w.-i. ks he.er" tiie he.uiiiii of ii 1 pediion. in the Oie.'un i: v Ent rpu--, a ncivsrai.er pro. ted in the said county of elaek.iunii. Juiv 1st, is7. J. U. WAIT, Counlv Ju.l-e. Attest: It. F . CAUi-TLLO, Coautv Cle. k." I he-ehy c rtiiv a- the t'-v in i is a true cony ot the 01 1 iaal ordi. r iu this cause made us above : e, h July 3rd, l.STi. It. I CAUPIEr.P. . Coaiity Cleik. al t FSotico of Final Settlement n tiie rorxTY coriix op ceacka:.ias oo'.ioty. State of Ore-ioa In the matter of the estate ot I). II. Oooi. lorc:-H?d Mny E. ;o.)d having this day. July 3 I, ls;, tiled le-'r final re port and aeeouiit as Administratrix of the above estate the Court apointed Monday, the 5th dav of Ausnist. 1S72, lor iinul sotth.-ment at wliieh time all pern- in'er-tc-d are noti.-isd to appear and file tlivir object ion it' anv thev have. J. IC. WAIT, Ce.uuty Jude. Johnson & -del o.vis. Attorneys for Administratrix. HOME-MADE CARPET FOR PALE AT t Baisiiit'ss Directory of i'ortluml, Oregon, i 1 rCCLlSHEl) BY L. SAMt EL, i General Adartinn-j Agent, l3 trout Strtet Ackermairs Dollar Store, So. i Firt tr-:t. Importers and Job- ! bets of Fancy Goods, Toys. Crockery, Glass- ware and Fiatcd are. j , stor House, First st., between Oak arid Jr I'jiie. Everything ueat. 1. L. Longfel low, Prepriet' r. Hi TlilCYfUY AMi iERIODIQlS, rA.vci:oPT xoasn, Agents fur j!:ibie, Todd & L'o.'s celebra'ed Ivison, rda-cenui!;, Talur ; Co' a School ISooks. I't'blithed, a full line of l..-.gal l:i:,.-!; t- t!;h ?an j in tie c:.!v di-eet Importer of t.loth , cur. Fr:.nt A Wa.shmston ts. ).'. J iJ- v. i ,. 1 j x jl ) V." ilOLE S A L '.: TF.L'X, WIl.UAM Si)I7, !'" v rout st. J 1 1 r, ;,) !, rs and d? ders in Cns, V.iitfi a.s;l I?fvolvevs cf everv d"seriiit;on. Fislr.n Tackle, Fancy (hnds. Heads, Tn'rd tj i'e-!, IJaskcts, t.'n cjiiet ( lames, and I;..-..;- C :: r.:'. Aenti for ihe "tilif inia Pov. der Works;" u'.-o, fcr th" Whe-'i"r .t Wilson P-.'wiii;? Maeliii.e." T""-k, Jdni A., l'Jf." Front street, practical &.J W i-eaniak-rr & Jeweler. Woi'k dune U-.y l!:e Tr.! illME A- HArJIEi.DF.Ii )Z Front .stn-et 'A !''! sain ?z Eeinh.-trt,. lvrst st. bet Oak $c I 1'ine. importer: Kiic'n-n L'ten-i!s. oi stoves, iUuiges, "J'nehanaii, '''. A , w. cor. Fust & Tuvlor 1 sts. Cheapest Furnilurc House in Port land. n l TiT?rrQ WALTER P.I 0 1 JlL JA 1 Vj 1 St' Front sioet ("Clarke, Henderson & Cook, ;1 & '' First J si rent. Dealers in Dry Goods, Fancy Kn-O.V. o!.n : P,.)senf.dd, 1-H Ftor.t st. Coran-iis- .ion Mercha-'t-.; & Dealers iu O. igon & C.iiii'o.:;i.i Pioduee. "t ' 1 11 : J. I! . Mann ks, l!.irne:s r'ront s' r. ct. ct i; rer e; Dei! -r in and Saddlery i!ard W J I'i S vm-ier, W & Co., 1 ''! F.ont. st. Merchant I Clothiers, Hats Fur.ds.hin tiood:: -', !::::'.. U 4; () itntan, Front street. Real E.-t iSi Aent-, i,:oi;ey leaned. hei::f.:s le.U.vl. aid cc Co. Ul i-JLilf. iJK u h -(jrlS lb, v,-o., A It : i .'( ' t. in I Fr i.t .-treet. Ov.lers fr-'in n ol i : e !ate ' r en :,V Kl 1 I O" I'Xl'lV-', fa i v ::i in X, Co. i nri.itni e n :i :s Stores IVotn Kit to i A A Ci.q-et ik: 1m -t t. T7 inidovr.i."n t A . . if ere llol ili man, so Front st. Furnish all kiiul of "ir-vetd n- A- . 'ront -tieet. Com- 1 1 : . 7 , 1 j l oi -io .1 .1! ore ;:i..nis un.i ik'-acr.i 10 i o- 1 r.! i; st a'.W'.l V: Li vcty : 't-.e-V, cor. Fii st c Sahnon JL Co; '..ett, Fr. n. (iood turn-onts han.l. Ti -hei ,y ii U i st i s. eor. 1 M st ,' ; Mao I . '. ! :r-t..n T 1. (.. .' Or. t Ol:h No. "irst i'i -V. 1.-list st;- er. D.-.-l-and Ma.ie.d ,t ', K-':ou i ? ( iii V Me L "aT e. l it i '. 11:2 largest Music House on the Const. dLu.il ii: Pi.;e1i l i;iii.e, soi.i: .hilvvv F.Kt rns Ci Zltv tiaclziae, ".i!ront- w a ; i f e d . " v" 'i I 1 y A Stenie. Grocers nr. '1 deal") s 1 1. n alt kinds of Seeds, cor. First and Ma.n sts. I f HuLir F. , Fi: I ii.-t s reet. importer i I. and dealer in st.ude Fancy Dry Goods. Mii.inerv. lee. D IL, Phot T udre Artist, s. v. J i. C First and .Moin-on ssts Ciuid To '. ie'.isen, L. C. A A X Ma-'ii acturers a: Co., p-.i i' r-t sttf N at rihh.trd, Oeo. L., I'S Pror.t t.. w!:n!esile L dealer ia Oroceiies, Poors, Wagon Ma terials, Ae. IXod-e, Ca'cf A- Co.. Ill sale dealeis in WO le- , Oils. drt: 1 1 s. ,V ... T TM F ewin Machine, strai .ht lIC )3lrj needle, under feed, "leek stiteh." Cooiiietiiion eltadeneed. M. L. T raver, 1 1 Front st. T' oirren t .hindler, .. !; to 17-2 I JL Pirst st. Imp t tors Puriritiire, Bed-d-JT. ,vc. nternational I!oe!. c-r. Front atid M-rri 1 son s s. M. Uudohdi, Prop. Free Puss attend.-? steamers.. T"ohfi..l. A Co., '.U Pro-it St., wdiolsale and X ret til deaU-r in Fine Clothing, Furnish- I ai-on Doree Pestanr mt, niivate rooms iA for Ka'oilies, cor. 1st au.l Cine streets, o. Voos. Pio;. Ii T'lnin, E A Co., wholesale dealer i:r fi I. Wii'.e- A Lienors, O. S. X. Co'., Block, and Fran f'e-er A Sehrneer, 111 Front St., wholesale ill a;-d retail Confectioners. f ii'er, John B.. 1'3 bit st. Watehmaker A A l Jeweler, oilers to tii joibiic a line as s 'itineiit d' Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. " J"oe!ier A Co , Fro tit near C st.. Herders x i. in native and lorein Wines, Liquors and Curais. ort1 rap. E. J.. Hardware, Iron, Shd, Hubs. .Spokes, Hardwood Lumber, civ., Prtluid. Occidental Hotel, eor. First and Moirison sts. Smith A Cook, Proprietors. 1) iridi, Wat; ns A Cornell, lie. 1 Estate Aeon's, l0 Front street, Let. Alder and Washington. I)IIOTO.'1RAPIiC GOODS. C. IE Wood ard & Co., 101 Ftont st. r)iee, J. M.. 1-27 Front street, wholsale V deader in Tinware and Stoves. Tichter, Pan!. 10." First st. . importer of J.V Berlin wooden Carvings Pari lor Orna ments, Ai Y ider. Cr, C, Pv"l Estate A Money Broker, IV Front street. Portland. T oscubanm, I.S.iSrCo., Tobacconist? ,iaport V era of Foreign and Domestic Liquors. I I u.-s House, Front st. On Fi i JLV Cipui. Thomas Ryan, Pic rst Class Prin- iotjiietor. Q he dock, S., rl Front and ta2 First sts , O dealer in Harness, Saddlery and fcjad- 4 J.,o(J Front atre lmon, J.,i)G Front street, dealer 111 Uoors, O sasli tV: Hhuds, Window fc Plate Glass. Sinsheimer, 11., l.vr Fust tit., importer of Pi-inos, Organs, Sheet Music, Miuiu Iu- struisient Qkidrrore. S. ii.. VIZ First st, Dru.agist &. O Ap-.thec.u-y, a large stock of Ferlumery & T-dlet. Ar ti-d.-s. Sm.th tV lavis, 71 Front street, wholes.ile dealer in Drug.?, Faints, Oils. Window Glass, Perfumery", Snow & Ii .os, Jo First so-tet, IMerures, Fiames, Moldings Artist's Mat". s, Draw ing I i.-ti ui'.en s. in'.tn. Put., ifr .ker, :ni Front, st, Ptaler O in I.f-ga! T-ndtrs, Go" ernment Por.ds and G 11 Dast. STaVR, Ji. J,,, tO? Front Str-rt. V.'atcinniiker & Mar.uf.icturinj: Jeweler is ar!ointed Awnt lor the W.iltham, Elsrtn, E. Howard ,; Co., Clias. E. Ja?oT, and the Californi i Watches; also, for ad the pr'dic t ons aiid inuoi ts oi the California Jewelry Cotr j-anv. San Fra:n-i.;ro. .'"end for circular. Watches re aired in the verv best manner and yy.vitn.yxTKn to nive satisfaction r'Jerry Pros,, X . 17s First street, niaaufac JL tnreis and dealers in Furniture, Bed ding, Carpets, ,'tc. phe Chni.in;; store. 113 Front st. Clothing, JL Fnrnis'di'ir (ocd, Pouts and .Shoes. Harris .' i'i a s-r. rfU.e, il I!., 112 14i Front st. Dealer A. in Wagons e; Agrieede.mil 1 mpleiiu-nts. wne. n. -.r. cor. First t'i Oak sts., A ileaier m iJranui i:s. Wines, En-lis and Porter. rIy!er, .1. A., 147 Front St., wholesale deal l " cr ::i lJattar, Ej;., Che E u-d, i.5a c .1, &c. TJ'illiams A Myers, 5 Central Fdock. V Front st., Coiiuuis.-ion Merchants ue.U's in Produce. ""Thalley .t Fechteimer, Attorneys & So- V licitors in Rank: utcy. Ollice in Odd Fellows Temple. r ?pv Pi rj ?f?.7 LOOK OUT FOE GOOD , A. T? r? r A P'-3 p, O n A VP .TC rpci D A LARGE . 1 - '' wiiici: ti:i:v cf feu Clsent-s- tLin:a 11jo Cheapest. YV to ul ! s-.v, come and convince your self before pu chasing elsewhere. Our stock consists in part of FANCY AND STAPLE DHYC00D3, CP OT i ! i NO, ' 1 ATS, Bt)'.;TS AXi) SHOE . NOTIONS, OUOCF.RIES, 11 A ED W APE, arid a great, many articles too numerous to mentioe. ALSO, Do vrs, Windows, Glass and Putty. ALL EIXPS. OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOE GOODS. ALSO, 'WCOJj wanted, for which we pay the HIGHEST PIIICE. Oregon City, At -ril 21, ISThtf Eye. Ear, Throat & Luns. -it i ijj.ii. ws x u i.j J.j ATE OF SAX PPANCLSCO, HAS LO- caed in Ihutiand, Or. Cliice : In il liii.s' P.iiil.ling. First street (three doi-rs from Eadd A Tiltott's 1 iiik'i, where he in.iv lie cOii-uil' d daily, and will treat diseases d the nb -ve named org ins as speei-.i'.t es All op r.i tiun - up. n he i.vp tud Fa i per- orined in the most sc:eni)lic and careiul mariner. A KTIFICIA L EYES, having all the beauty an-i mobility of the nut ral ey-, inserted. Eelei s bv' pe: mis-h.n, for his professional stan line:, to L. C. Lane, M. P., Profe-s r of Smgcrv, an i Edwin llentlev, M. D., Profes sor of An itomy. University of the Pacific. San Fr.-m.c-.sco; and for his success in ihe ireatment of eases, to over l.ooo cases tieat m1 by liirn, in San Fianciso; also, to Levi Ests. Esq., Lev T. L. Eliot, l'ord .nd ; m. !!. Diib.n, Esq., Vaiicouver, W. T. ; ad many others Oregon and Washington ler- n;ot v. aticL'-iiiny HOUSE AND LOTS FOB SALE rpiIE rN'OEESP.XE!) OFFF.RS FOR J .sale !iis residence in Oregon City. There are four lots, a uo-.d hou-e and barn, with a line cellar and a'gootl we'd i f water. T'heie is iden'tvof lamCand it is wtll adapted for ec.rlv sr'irdenjng jmrposes. J'ait pavtnetit rnav bemade iu stock. For part iculars tp Ply to G Id ) UG E CLAP K. Ore on City Juna 2 1-71-tf rOE,TLAIsD. - - 0HEG0N. 1L. DEALER IN PEAL ESTATE AXD OTHER INVESTMENTS. Commissioner Selecting Swamp and Over flowed Lands. " Farm Lands sold and purchasers obtained for all kinds of Sanded pronertv. Vabiab'e stsrities transferred in exclian for real estate. 0 " Loans negotiated on property, and titles examined and determined. Commissions solicited and executed with fidelity and promptness. OFFICE Xo. u Carter's Building, corner of Alder and Froat streets Feb. 3, 1 -bTC; if -:-s., s-S- M-l THE HOUSE WE LIVE If2 AND THE IXIUBimTS OF THE HUMAN SOIY. rpilE CAUSE OF A GREAT MAX1 L eases, that have been pronounced AXY DIS- pronouneeu incur able by the most eminent physicians, for the verv reason that they overlooked the aatme, and as Or. Van Dun' P.ergh has made the Entozoa a hie long Study, he wou t infoim tiie sick generally that by close observation and jire.it xperiments, has eoine to the con clusion that there are more acute arid thron diseases caused by Worms Ilrdat.ds, An iuia cula.., or other species ot Euu zoa. The pubbc generally, or the profession at large, are not aware of the number of Patients who are treated by eminent Physicians, lor th s, that, or uch a complaint, without any relief. If the disease had been understood. a few doses of Or. Vs. Sovereign II 'or 7 n A'tintty wool 1 have iniined attly cured the eonitdaint and saved a great many lives. IKHA3ITANTS OF THE KU HIAFJ BODY! What think you reader, of your body be ing a planet . inhabited by living races, as we inhab t the earth? What ver may he your thoughts on the subject, it is even so. Vi . 11 r I mi' v mi:!v i. luif a lioine for tiarasites that, crawl over the surface, burrow beneath I tiie skin, nestle 111 its entrails, ami riot and j ro").ig;ite their kind ia every corner ot its frame. Tiie following is from the &'tn- Praneisco Pnll'Jin, of J aiiuury :i!Tih, 172. (A recent date.; Curl Aartins recently died in Cleveland, Ohio, from eating meat infected with the Ova of 'lun t'if .S ". At the C01 oner's Inquest, on Tuesday, (January 2d.) it was shown that three weeks befoe Christinas, Martins pnreha.-ted a carcass cf Pork. Some of the meet was eaten the .same day, and some was made into sa vage, f. b "it ten days later, some of the sansaee was eaten, and 111 a short time the wholi family were taken sick. Martins died on Sunday. Decern her Slst, 1S71. Mrs. Mat.lms and her two children are now very sick, and the fomer is not iike! to recover. The verdict Wiis in accordance with the facts. For further par ticulars. See Cleveland, Ohio, paper's of above d.ate. A Coroner's impaest brought this fact to light. 2-.'oiv 1 would ask how many more Mich deaths a" inquest would bring to light V Pender v.'eii, leader, upon this, and thi k of the thousands that d.e every year and no Cuti-c can he as-igned lor their deaih. Now tin- i-.uestion thai would naturally enter the liiimi of tl: c reaue r, is what shall 1 do? The a- viceof t!i a Dr. wo.hi be go to some one tnat. is C"t:i nt oi treating such cm- 'aiut.s. And who is n. -re competent than ihe one that has made Worms a sneeialhty. T, m Ye.- ' ay. Dr. J. W. Van D -n- IK gh i-;;ii; h; ted to us a number ot parasites vlio:ii iir.il been removed from persons af iJieted; there were several d lb-rent species, oio'ot whicii appeals to be entirely unknown t'j She n.edieal pndes-iou. This new taenia is shape ! something like an orange se.-d, but 'peifectly Hat, or rather like a caenmher PLed, with a tail about a quarter ( f an inch inhreth. Anolher was a tape worm s7 ii' t iu length, consisting of t'.floo joints, ' Among if.edic.:! men tlieie cx.sts no little j diiS'ereuee of opinion relative to the 01 iaiii ! of t'-ese entovioa. One class of writ, is be- ! lieve that these j,arasi es, at least many of; them, originate in the endowment id animal lie oeeuh s wi; h vita! v f:o.i the parent bod v , of tiiiit bodv: the t.itt s or' iri nat i n th.eir orjanizatrui and promo! mg their u. owtn and propagation. That a!! descriptions of e.dozoa are met with far mora freipiently .viieie animal tood is u.-ed in greatest abund ance, is an indisputable lact, 1 specially where t e food is the llesb of tiie "une'ean beasts." v!.!jh the Jews and Mohammedans i: re ioi t.u.!.,vti To parialce or. i,ut ur in en lion is not to wiite a thesi-; upon this subject: we ordv ips'ii'- to c'.rouiele the fact that Dr J W. Van Den !! rghi has tound a nijd:eine a simple vegetable whicii glows in ; bund a nee in ?a! iteraia, v.dr.c'a is a deal shot to a en o:;,ia, -f wi a! ever -e cri; t on, g tit r ad v :i ecou; pi 1 sh i n its ohp-ct ii If1 m ao hour and a half to si:; h m r. M-o-n'mg Coll.. Had we the space 1 ere. hundreds, of testi monials eould be piodaced, testifying to the tru h o: the as-er ions that have be re been ma-' 1, ait !t v. ni'.lil Vie ue! and would n!y eceut'V tiie reader's lime. Tin- fhbow r.g are seme of the diseases thai Wi rms are often mistaken for. l'ys: eiisja. Chronic A fleet Ions of the Liver nml Kidneys, t'oii-uniptiori, W h're Swell ug. Palsv, Jecrmatoi t hu-a. darrt tea, t c- titi l 1- - , . , .,. , . , n nee of e. i me, ( rave;, if .or Aibus, Uiabetes, j),.,.,., . . ' ' 'dI-'.V. w.udd advise those ladies trnub'ed with nmi lrri-LTdarit-es of the I. .1.,,. I , ...i- ,.t 1 I, ., r , j t .. 1 his iic , 1 ,, t ..,. 1 Dr. Van 1) n Perch's I n fallible Worm Jyr up for Childten. i lice Si. Wtwianteil to expel the worms. Sent everywhere upon receipt ot price. Dr. J. W. Van Pen Pergh's, Hair Tonic a suit, core to desiiov all iinimalcula; of the Hair Follicles, prevents falling out. and pro moting t: e Growth ol the I air. Price fl.oO; Warranted. Ky Coiisult and Viidtrpoins S 1 al P L E EXAIIXATJOX, The afflicted cm learn if their disease is caused by Worms or no-; at all events, Or. Van Petfj'h rgh can tell thetu from what dis ease they are suffering. Consultations and Piaiainations FREE OF (IIARGK. OFFICE EOOmS N0S. G3 & 39, OVEPw TIIE POST OFPICE- Letters dc-ciibing tiie f-ym doms will be promptly an-were-', and pers-ns livingat i! stance v. ill be saved the expense and trou ble of calling upon the Doctor. Addres-. 11X .T. AV. VAX IJE?r IJEKGH, P O. POX 172. SALEM, OEEGOX. Testimonial, PoiiTLAxo. Pel). 10th, 1872. Dt:. J. W. Van Dt.v IIkkgii ear Sir: Our child, a little pr i 1 eight year of age, has had fis and convulsions for the last two years, and we lead tried many doctors and ir an temedies without much benefit, in fact our darlir-a- was Lretting constantly wmse out 1 we hefiid of our worn syrc.p tliruh a fr iend of ours. We thought that perhaps it might do some good to g;ye it. a tr ial, ai d yon cannot imagine our surprise when oyer Jod worms were expelled with one bo th ot your valuable worm syrup, and from this time on we certainly shall re- er be Without it so loner as there is a po-siblf chance for it to be had. You are nt liberty to publish this if you eho-.se, and may it do much pood. I.espectluHv vours, " S. il. OEToV Id. J. OliTOX. Symptoms of Worns, Alternate pa er.r.s and iinshini of the countenance, did! expression of the eyes, drowsiness, itching of the nose, a swelled upper-lip. ton-uc whrtely fur.-e" and thick ly sp ck'ed with red points, fetid breath, and en! trsred abdomen, a pai-t'al or gen eral swelling or pulTingness of the skin, a startling in the sleep and grindinsr of the teeth. sensation as if something- was bulg ed in the throat, a gradual wasting of the llesb , sickness of the stormich , yom iting, a short and dry cough, appetite sometimes vo rac ons, at other times feeble, bowels some times costive, other times loose, great fret fulness and irritability of temper, pains in the stomach and bowels, cohc, fits, convul sions and palsy. D the worm syrup is not to be had in your town, send orders to the manufacturer it will be sent promptly to any address free of express charges. Direct orders to Dk. J. W. VAX DEX PERGH, P. O. Fo: 172, 'alem, Oregon. JNJEW YORK HOTEL, (Devjtfches Gafthaus,) Xo. 17 Front Street, opposite the Mail ship landing, Portland, Oregon! ; II. ROTHFOS, J. J. WILKEKS ' PROPRIETORS. ORS. o Board per Week " " " with Lodgmg. -' . ....... t5 00 Till': OJLlIT AND rJ? XX ;i3 Til D R. O F E L A N D'S '.CELEBRATED S SV I S S STOMACH BITTEF?S O The l'irst and most healthful Touic ever introduced in the tainted States. These Bitters lu.v. I been in the Saa Frat. 0 t r,;nr, Ht ,. t-. i - - ' lwdiityVtari. notwithstanding' tie , many new candidate fetor public favor, tl9 T K sales have const. nUt B "trcre.'ised. p '": KTAYLUll e kEx. tKKI. Sole A pent, B4o!) and 411 Clay m', y San Francisco, lid-ir, Jit rx' xr iii " T V I: Tt v"m-. - .". .... yV-.''--i-fvv?v!-r---.s ;' A-'k - Will sew creryttiag nseded in E ztr?.j, Cft3 tha heaviest to the lightest LLrlc. jioitr i:ir:DS r won;, Th.an any ether machine. If there is a riorrnce rew:rr !.!a cliino v.d.hla ore tliuus.-i.il n.'.'.oa of baa FiT.ucisco 3 f v;:hii:f vi:l r::J giving eu'. '1 e eutisfttelioii, if I J.tn forr.ic il of it, it v. 1 e afffTuled to v.-i:hout espt-Ese cf any Lind to tie owner. (S , -n ry-r - IILL, Arert, f-cr.trjonne-y S:r 13 r: Grand Ito'.i.-! Du.li'r.j, Caa Frar.t.co. Sfitl for Circulars and aantjurn ,f tJ:c trai l;. Active Agents wanted i PRIVATE fsEGlOAL AID. Quit:! Curts ii(5 Moderate Cliargci, Dr. W. ICohertv's xJo.519 Sacramento Street, coirercf Leidesoriij oi f,'w d.e.rs b -iouj the What Cheer House.) (Private entrance on ! .ehhsd-o f 'ft reft h Establis'm d Exj res! to AtlV.rd the Afihlcd So ind and S i ci. 1 1 lie ! dh ai Aiii. ;d th Treatment and Cure O ul! hiivUe mi J Chronic Pi-eascs, Cases 01 Seel cry aud all Sexual D.soruers. To tUv dfiHrtic!. DIE W. K. DOHEKTY re: urns his sir me thanks to iii run emus patients (n thfr patronage, and w. uh! take this m ei'iahr ! to r- mind 'fen; that he cot, 1 :i u hcu.Mh! at tils Institute fi r t! e cm e cf hi t-i i di- i eases ot Hie i.nitL's, Jnvcr, Kn ra vs, iiiis- . .. , ., . ' , - ' ,r ,, i tive and (.emto-l rnraiv Orvans. iii.d a.l ! l" 'yate di-i ase-, viz : Svphilis in all its li.rn.s eases of the Lungs. Liver, Kidneys, Dijrci an1 vtnrr. sJ.i.i i, .1 1 W....I- . nA ..11 tl : s- r i ' 1 ' -s " " i horrid eon-eq nt-iicis ol scil-ahuse. (.r n ir- lice a. Gleet, Stridor es. Xocturnal aid L'iur- nal Embsions, Sexual Dthihty, I 'isniM .-if the Pack and Loin?, iidlummr.tu r. cf the Pladder and Kidneys, ct . ; unci he lot that his Jong experience tir.,; success lid Viac tice will continue to insure bun a slate of public patronage. I!v the pi to dice of t l.y. year s in Europe and the United States. Le is' enab'cd to ap ply the nn st efficient and tc cessfu! t en;edies against diseases of all kinds He uses no mercury, ehnrges model nti',tn-i-his patients in a conei t and hot ornblenr, and has refer enees of ur quet-tiorii.ble ti aci ty from in e ii o known resj-cctal i ity ani high standing iu soc ety. All parties cce suiting him by letter or utbei wie, w iii if ceive the best and gentlest titatnnn a -inipiicit secrecy. To I'eiii.: I s. When a female is m trouble, or fdflah with disease, as weakness ot the back ari limbs, pain in the head, dimness of i-ijd-! loss of muscular power, palpitat on cf L heart irr ita bi ify , nervniisness, r-xtri v. e nt inary difiiculties derangi merit drcstiie functions, general dehiiity, vag'niti's, T.llrif eases of the womb, hystetio, Meiilin and uli other diseases peculiar- to funnies, she lieii:ii go or wri'e at om-e to the ctlebtiited female doctor, W. K. DOIIFPTY, at his Medical In stitute, and consult him about her timil.'t and disease. The Doctor iscdlectine ir.ore cures than any other physician in tin-" t-tste of California. Let no false delicacy prevent mi, but apply immediately and save ytairstlf from painful suifer ings and premature dentil. All married ladies, whose delicate health or other circumstances prevent an increase :b their families s, ,.( write or- call at DK. V K. DOllEIilY'S Medical Insti l.te, ai d they will receive every po sihle relief and Dip The Doctor's othces are so arranrcd that l.e can be consulted without fear A olsei vation. To Correspoinltiif s. Patients residing in any p.irt --f the.c'a'e t riowever distant, who mav'ih sire tie opin''3 and advrceof PK.POHEliTY in tlu ir i sj;cc tive eases and who think proper to sn n-it a written statement, of such, in pn fu.r.ceto holding a personal interview, f-re respectful ly assured that their eommunicat r lis will be held sacred and confidential. If the case ot fully and candidly described, personal com munication will be ut ne essary. us ir.sti uc tions for diet , reeimen and the general t ea ment of ttie ca-e itself (including the i-'i'-" d est, will be forwarded without deh.v. ftid in such a nraiincr us inenrf v no ideacf h.e purport of the letti r or parcel so transn .':ec. rrf'm-iiltntion-l.v letter or otkciwue, F PEE. Permanent cure guaranteed or nop8 J- ffiprrniH lorrliorn.. DR. DO H EE TV has jo-t published an im por tant y amj.hlet, endi'-dyitig his own vie" and exper iences in if lation to Impotence or irility; bring a Sliort Treatise on Sperma torrluesi or Seminal Weakness, Nervous ana Physical Debility consequent on thi ---' ton, and ot her diseases of the Sexual Organs This little work contains information of the utmost value to a!', whether married or-in-' and will be sent FREE by mail on receipt ol six cents in postage stamps for return p"st' aga. Address. W. K. DOI1ERTY. M- julySOly San Fi ancisco Cjd A. NOLTNER, NOTARY PUBLIC, ENTERPRISE OFFICE Oregon City, Jan 1 13 :tt 1 1 fft s o Q V 1 f '- ; J