"S lje UJmWij (enterprise T - JULY 12. 172 FRIDAY, CllLNTV CoLKT . ,artr of the ,y. rminfv Court lncr is a fui"" j b ... r .. ,i .Tul v term jiroceeaings mi - - I-ig bonds as A. F. l-'Pn'- . I Im Mvel'5. 1 UOS. J Thos. K. r loots. fa as sure olei . " LU . t . ..iiil'ilVil. I) I- Carcl-av fii.nl his bond as Cnrt- .t.u i i ib.rb.w and Arthur ur- So -nreties. which was approved. reL' r r ,,.-rc..r lilfil Lis bond a? e.s Treas- ,-rir with J.l'.i.lS Log.ls.GoO.ge Larncqne ,tt r'. j Casom John Hchram. David f Ih V II Vaupban. W. Str.ekitn. fcmith.. , ,rr,ht James iftrais-' James . Mc.is I llfiUlI -i- ji"1" . .... A .. i.' k'..m 1). 1'. Thorn o- son and J. M. Frazr as sureties, which SrVorfehain fileJ iiis bond as . "...Bor wilb, John Darnall and Arthur wiriuT ai sureties, which was approved. Mr-. Elizabeth Roone was granted ier ry'license for a term of two years. ; Messrs. llowlett. Burnett and P.tlmateer reported favorable to the opening of a roi.lin Eagle Creek precinct which re rort was received ad the road declared a public highway. Iu the mi'ter of the report, of U m. ld : liott, John l'lanchurd arid James Elton, viewers, tiled then report. H'. 0 Wilson claiming damages in consequence ol said road being opened, the Court appointed iy Krthnr Warner, and George lira hum and J. T. lliinsi.ker to assess said damage.. In the matter of the petition of A. War ner, F. I'. Puquet and other praying for viewers to locate a road commencing near the school house on tho corner of the land-of J R. Ralston. Arthur Warner. ttn4 A. F- Hedges. .Samuel Waklron. J. 1'. - ;iaiic!iard arid F. V. SwaiTunl were ap liointrtl viewer?. !.i the matter of J.J. Card and others j.riying for viewers to be appointed to vie' and locate a road, known as the Swart mad. C. Misner, li. V. Wornbum mid II. 1). May were appointed viewers. In the matter of the County Chart, drawn by C. D. Talbot. 8. L. Campbell, County Surveyor, reported that there were sever al defects in the same, and said Taltmt was required to correct tin same before the Court would accept it. K. W. ifwall'ord was appointed Iloal Su 1 ju-rvisor of 1'istrict No. o.. in place of L. J). C. Lutonretle. resigned. The report of School Superintendent, (Jerry was approved and ordered Hied. The following order was made by the Curt : It is ordered that C. C. Garrerte. tin; present Assessor do finish and com plete the assessment begun by him and due return thereof make in the time pre scribed and directed by statute. It was ordered that SlOO be paid by the comity :o Kusiek and Geisey. and i to Mrs. ibit chard for services as nurse and physicians for James Heed, a 1 minor. Th.; ('!erk was instructed to procure stationery, wood. c. for the ue of tlj Shei'itf's aatl Clerk's oJice fur the ensuing ear. J. M. Frazer was ordered to make out nwi have Mi biished the fuuncial exhibit for I he past ti-cal year. 1 Jills to the uinount of S70S.0S were or der 'I paid. Yo'mV IiirfstiPss. In the matter of ill-.1 ec!a-t of J. L. McCammoti, deceased ; cita lion ordered pui.ilisiie.l. In the matter of the estat of George Hathaway, a minor, eale of real es'.nte ap proved. In the nutter of the 2r;;a;na:ishtp of , Lul i Iiu-jsell. citation ori 'ifd publi.sh.ed. In tie; matter of the eseite of l. II Cood. de(:easel, Goal settlement ordered piibushetl. S.ite of reul sta:e appro vel. lii the matter of John Long, deeeisei, fi th report approved- 1 the mu'ter of the estate of W. C. De nieiit, tleeeused ; sfiiii ainiu.il report filed :ui 1 approveil. In the nui'ter of the estate of A. M. Harding, deceased, report filed and ap proved. Coxtk.st. Mr. Hiram Cochran has s.'rv- c l notice on Mr. Myers that he will con test, his right to the seat in the ncjt State Sena'i'.. Considei iu tr th u the liadicaks til. lii ted every illegal vote they could oil their side, .".no rejected legal Uemi crat ic votes, besides refusing to count about six ty, this may be regarded as the very teighth ol impudence. 0 IH:eni'.;:r So. IVrsonn w!io are in the habit of giving or selling Iloghy vhi.-ky or lager, will fiml an ordinance In this is- b-.k whii h they had better reed. Tins step w is regarded as a necessity by the Conn ed in order to s ive him from the asylum uud the city from a great expense, to which he is cun'inu ill v running it. Ft UK Ai.ai: t. Last, Saturday n'ght about 10 o'clock a fire alarm was sounded. F.vervbody w;is soon on the street, and the lire department was out in force. It turned out that some mischievous, chap hid built a bon fire lor the purpose of a Joke. It Is rii! her ti bad way to fool people on D important a matter. IJ.u.l. The boys had a very pleaant little social ball at. Mers' Hall last Salur- 4 day evening. There were about twenty couple? present. and all enjoyed themselves finely. The music was furnished by the Oregon City Uras3 Band, which was most excellent. Sui.lixo Oct. Messrs. Prctzman. GilU- han A Co., of the Pacific Foot and Shoe House, Portland, are offering their entire "tock of goods ut cost, in order to close out their stock. Now is a good time to ?et bargains. Thk FuCRni. We learn that the cele brations hud on the Fourth at Mar.-lifie! J. Soda Spi'ings and Hubbard were well at tended and the exercises are highlv spok en of. Kxrv;;stv)X A large number of Port landers cn up oa t'ae excursion last Sunday. The PonUnd papers say the trip was very pleasant and the excursion ists enjoyed it very m icti. Kktaixeik Ttie City Council has engag ed Prof. Macruru for another year. The Prof, has given very general satisfaction. iace he has had charge of the school. Time Changed. The passerger train ?o;ng south leaves here under the new time at 3:12 a. ni.,and going north at 3:20. ? in. Sewing Society. The Sewing Poc'ely p the Episcopal Church meets next Tues J at the residence ot Rer. Mr. Sellwood. Fersqxai. We had calls during the past week from Professors Morelaad and i;n', of Corvallis. EUGiors Rev. A. C. McDougall will Pacb at the M. E. Church next Sunday mQing, at 10' o'clock. ?":K Stork A new tia and. stove store ;.C;CS P-d in the room uuder this Sfil i-yjjmii-1 : 'TOWS AND TMiniii..i rnrr,, i in T,p j- nFoux Finances as Viewed by a Cali- FortxiAN". The following is interesting, savs The West, by a Califomian. to a San Francisco paper, on Oregon : "Oregaa is growing so rapidly that the capital availa ble is insufacietil for its business, tln".h the rates of interest have risen considera Idy. A usury hi'.v limits the legal interest to twelve per cent, aunuallv, and for the sake of securing loans, the borrowers pay a bonus of five per cent., equivalent to seventeen per cent. A quarter cf a million could be loaned in thirty days at that rate, as we are informed on good authoritv. The influence of railroads, immigration, good crops and high prices of grain has induced the farmers to purchase large stocks of agricultural implements, and tire merchants of." Portland have erected line buildings. That town lias doubled its population in six years, and has now thir teen thousand inhabitants. There is not an empty business house in fhe place, and its banks, with an aggregate capital oC soO tioO. are not able to accommodate the banking demands of the State.' Our P.adical friends have been consid erably exercised in regard to what we would do in case Greeley was nominated We hope they are satisfied now. What would they say about a parfy paper that would refuse to support its legitimated v no initiated candidates? That is precisely our condition. Our hope wn before the convention uomiaated. Wo abide its de cisions. Pirn-: kencj; The Pallas Jl-pubUcan endorses the National Republican plat form in relation to no more railroad land grants. Tho Grtjonhta opposes this plank of its party. Strange that brethren of one lakh should disagree on so important a question. The lippublicni has the best of the argument. It is with the the platform and its caudi Jutes. The Otojonlan is agaiutbt both. Henry Wilson, the candidate for Vice President with U. S. Grunt, in l:?, said : The time has cjine when the uniform of the State militia should no longer be dis graced by being seen on the back of a Catholic Irishman or an infidel Pufch maii.' Will foreign citizens vote lor this bigoted Puritan next. November ? The New York lit raid, of the 2oih u It., has the following from Oregon. It is news to us : "liuilroal engineers be! ween Aslotia and Cornelius. Oregon, no' icing some marks on rocks, made an investigation and found a box containing $.".Ii):J ( old Spanish coins) and a quantity of jewelry. Pi:CiPKf),.y Si.m. There are now twenty five Republican papers in Penn sylvania opposing the election of the Radical candidate for Governcr. With such a formidable array against him, the chances for llartrarift are tit present de cidedly slim, and are every day growing "lie hi ! ifu ! I v h? i '' At lite residence of the bri !e's father, Mr. Iloi.ert. 1-1. Stephenson, bv the Rev. .1 .h.n W. Seihrool, July 4th, IT'J, Mr. Vi!!iru Fwi-iir a tl Mis ii i M. Stephen son, l,oih of M u'tnoniah Con ity Oreg ui. Ki iiisa Ii;iti2 upon ?!tri!. It is a subj-'Ct f gene-al remark, anions b"th wholesale a:.d retail druggists tfiat i O tiu td ne i.r.r liiuccl to t...e American pu'die has ever gain d s :ch a ; opularity and met wrh -o bu ge a sale m all parts or' the la:i-', in tie same length of time, a-s has Dr. 1 ierce's (bible l Med Cid D.sc ivery. This ean.iot h :et:.l open its l.avi i"' been mere largely advei t:ed ilum an v ether medicine, its such is not the case. The correct exp'.a lo.t; oi we biiik, s found in the tact that t a tne- icine pr due 's th,- most wonderful an 1 pt.rl'. ct ernes of t-ry had ca-es of bro:i :h:al, lii real and long d'seases, is Uiid.uibt ediy the tec-st peiliet and efficient remedy Co.- aii Muds of Cou.-hs tout has ever b.-e;i ititi o.t.uced to the j-uclic, and at ihe. soma possesses the greatest of btood purifving and sireiigtiieniiig projiei ties that medical c e ce has been able to pro.luee, thus ren detiog ic a sovereign rcmeu , not on! y in the cure of Coos .million, ! on 'hit is JLus - i.cus and Cou.li-, i.nt also for till di-eases of t e liver and bloo t. ;.s scrofulous cise.ise.-. skin tliseases, blot -hos, long i skin, pimj les, hi. ck pecks and ti .s-'olot atious. It has, then lore, a wide, range of a pplica te-n ami u-efuhiess, ami it not only gives th- mti-t perfe. t satisfacti u t all oho use if, but far exceeds the expectations of the most sangu ine. thu tiicitng the loudest praise, an 1 m .king perniuuent it-:lverti-ir.g me diums out of aii who use it. For these rea sons iC is that there is not perhaps a drug gist in all the whole d unaiu of this couli i.ent, wh i tries to pie ise les customers Mid supply their wants, that does not keep and sell large quantities of this most valuable met! iciue. F I.IiS lii . -AM tVUi-; A V M. t i.O. K. Meets at Odd Fellows' Hail on the FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAY EVENING of each m mth. Patrurchs in good stand i;ig are invited to attend, i-eh. S. lsri-tf Al till iiiimuit Iol ; N. 1, A. K. iia.! ft A. 5J. Iloids its regular c unmunica vtions on the Fir-it and Third S,ifur- 'n 0,!Ch month, at 7 o'clock from the L'oth of Sept. mber to the 2oth of March, atid 7.4 o'clot k from the "Jotli of Mareii to the 'th ot September. Ureth ren m good standing are invited to attend. Dec. -JtJ.fSTo, by order of W. M. Oregon Lodge Xo. 3, I. O. of O. V. Meets every Thursday even ing at 7 o'clock, iu Odd Fellow's Memhersof the Order are invited t.- attend Ity order . .V. ii. For the very bet photographs, go to brad !ey & Rulofs m's Gal ery wi.hout STAIbS--ASCEND IN THE ELEVATOR, 420 Montgomery Street, San Francisco. WILLIAM DAVIDS ON-j REAL ESTATE DEALER. Oiaec, J.'o. 04 Front Stn-t-t, PORTLAND, - - - OREGON. REAL ESTATE in thin CITY and BASF PUR PLAN I , in the most desirable loeantuM, consisting of LoTS u u v l rA HOUSES 'and S I dilLs ; also IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable cncu.tivatej LANDS, located in ALL parts of tae STATE fur SALE. 1 REAL ESTATE and ether Pronertv purchased tor Correspondents, in t! is CITV and throughout tiie STATES and TERRI TORIES, with great care and oa the mos ADVANTAGEOUS TERAJS. HOUSE-" and STORES LE-eTi LOANS NEGOTIATED, and CLAIMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COL LECTED. And a General FINANCIAL and AGENCY BUSINESS transacted. AGENTS of this OFFICE in all the CITIES and TO WNS in the SPATE, will re ceive descriptions of FARM PROPERTY audjforward the Fame to the above addrcs. Feb. 3, 1S71. Special Xotice. DU. VAN DEX BERCH'S WORM Syrup for Children- A. H. Bell, drug gist is agent for this invaluable remedy at Oregon City. Belt & Johns, agents for th. manufacturers. Salens, Oregon. Special Notice. The best and most efneieutenre known for dyspepsia and indifeKtiur, U Dr. Henley's Celebrated 1 A U imturs. Try it. Rtudad veitisemeiit in another cobimn". iunTrna Do you want the best Shoe ever made, one that will not rip or c-ns8 anait? Thn buv the OA HL1" SCRI-AV WlltE 'boots and Shoe's all have the Patent Stamp. - ?H(!smiiifr Maladicy. The hot solar rays that ripen the harvests generate many distressing diseases. If the liver be at all predisposed to irregularities, this is the seasoe. in which biliious attacks may be anticipated.- A weak stomach, too, is weakest in the summer months, and the loss of vitality through the pores by exces sive perspiration U so great, tbat a whole some tonic, combining also the properties of a diffusive i-timu'ent and gentle exhilar ant, is in many crses necessary to health, and under uc circumstances should be dis pensed with by the sickly and debilitate4. Of all the preparal ions intended thus to re fiesh, rust iin, an I fortify the human frame, there is none that will compare with llus tetcr's Celt bruted Stomach Bitters they have been weighed in the balance o- experience and not found wat ting; have been recoai metub'd from the tirot as a gre.it medici'ual speeiiu', not as a beverage, and in spite id' interested oprosith.n fiom innumeraole quarters, stand, aft-r a twenty years trial, ui t: e hea l of all proprietary medicines in tended for the prevention and cure of all or diuary complaints of the stomach, the liver, the bowels, and the i,tv..-s. In ibe u::bealthi districts Ijorderiiig the g' eat rive: s of Cali fornia. Ilostetter's StotuaeU Uitte-s may be cl tSsed as the standard one tor every species of intermittent or remittent fever. The peo ple who inhabit those di-tricts, place tl e most implicit eoutk'etsce in the preparath n a conti'denco that is increased eve.y yei.r by the results of its epeiatam. "As bitt-jrs, so called, of the rr.ost pcrni ciour character, are springing tip like lungi en every side, the public is hereby forewarn I'd aga "list the drum-sho; frauds. Ask for Ilostetter's Bitters, see that the label, etc., are correct, and reioeniher that tha genuine article is never sold in bulk, but in bottles rl'lr. Dr. Picice's C olden Medical Discovery will not raise the dead, but it will bcuelit and cure the living. For ad seveie Coughs, Tliro.it and Bronchial Qiseases it lias ne er beu epj.;iled. ICE-CREAM S A LOO N "LOL'IS BAAL, - - - Proprietor. T WOULD K F.S Pi iCT FULLY ANXOUCL X to the the ciezet s f Ot eg'-n City ami vi cinity, t.iat I have just opcn .d aa ICIC1U2.:H & ( OM'ECIIOi'AUY establishment in the building formerly occu pied by L. Dd'er, corner of Fourth and Alain streets. The A i-J i- S:l;i l'"otjiitaI it will be in ojeeration to supply the dernatiils of the thirs ty. I muett'licture all my own stuck, conse quently I hey are itiik and ini.srr. A f-hare o! public patronage i.s respeeffally solicited. jui'2u:irit The Rev. A. C. "c ' otig-dl, Depu'y Su preuie Organ'zin.tr officer, Champions i.-f ihe lied Cross, Will deliver an address on tem perance in the M. E. Church, Oregon City, io-ni 'ht, l'rid ty, Ju'y l'ilh at o eiok p. m , and it's i the follow Lg evening. Saturday. Ties Ord.M- has many new and important features. Two organ :. it ions have been i ; stit.iite 1 i:i I'.irtian.!, and anothi r in Salem. Li t all l. detcste 1 in the beuefiis t be deriv ed from this licv society at'. n 1 t'. ee lec tures. The Order is llouris'uug in Cal f-iruia and to be a pO'.ver in the c.-.use of temper tin ce. Admission free. t:lot "CO IS HERE'dY (JIVE.N Tff T THE CITY taxes tor --T-A are now due. All taxes I enmining unpai 1 on the 1st of Septe-mbi r, 1 S7-. be t e timed as delinquent. 15y order ol Citv C e.u :d. L. DILLE:j, Recorder. Oregon Citv, July Mth. 1 -72 EVliSIIor.oo? flairs c!d. Cable crew Wire BOOTS AXD SHOES. j ilyl-2na7ml Grdinanco Vio. 93. B it onli-nud tn,d e.f,ihlixht d by t?ft City Src. 1. That lor the purpose of ma'nfrdn ing the eaee, go.d other, a ! seem-in ; jiro-tccti-.ti to the the citizens o! tliis city, the City Council of Oregon City does hereby, from and after this date, declare Ji;u:!i Karnes a c fiimon drunkard, who is a resident with in the corporate limits of sai l city. There lore it shall be un'nwfd for ativ pers n or persons to sell or give to said 11. Karnes aay fpiritueus, malt or iutaxicaiiug driuk of anv kind. Si:c. 2. Any person or persorrs riolatintr spction one of th s ordinance shall be de -med guilty of rm-detiKM.'sor, and on eonvictam be fore ihe Mayor or Reeoi de;, shall be punished by a line of not less tha i live ') dollars nor more t'um twenty ii' '!') dollars, or bv itnprisonmet't in the city jail n.- t less than two t'Jl days nor more than a'ti (M) d;iys. and in all cases where a tine shall he imposed uuder this ordinance, it shall he the duty of Mayor or Recorder to adjudge that the of fender stand committed to the city jail u:i il such fine :'iid costs i f suit shall tie paid, for a number of d pvs spe "died, un.l iu all c uivic tions under t is or iioauce. the Mayor or Recorder sb ill adj otge the cost of suit against the ofler.der or oll' nders, and anv person or per.-ons who tdudl niaintain and continue rtvh vi-dat ion after conviction of the first offence, shall for each a id eierv vi o.ito ', on eonvict'cn thereof, be punished to the fait extent of tho fine or i m prisor.me nt provided in this -ectioii ; and upon ail c- n yietions mder thi- oid: nance njxui complaint ot the City Ahusi al, there shall be additional sum of five dollars t i.xed as c.st- a -gainst the offeeder, which sbdl be collected from said offender or offenders and paid to the said City Marshal. Approved this bib dav of Julv, W2. A. NOLINEU. .Mayor. Attest: L. DiLLER. Recorder. Ordinance Ho. 07. ; - it Ordained ami K t aMixh-ul trj the City Oau cU vf Oregon City: That the fees of City Attorney be ami the same are hereby fixed at $. 00 for every e.isp tried before the Mayor or R carder provided that be shall not be entitled to anv fees except where he appears and attends to the case and Ordinam-e No. Gl be, and the same is hereby repeiied. Anprovcd this 'Id day of July, 1S72. A. NOLTNER, Attest: L. D:ller Mayor. Recorder. Grdinanco TJo. 93. it ord -lined a, id (si-liliu-d by the City L':..un.;il cf Or-go.i Cit-j; That th" fees of City Recorded be and the same are hereby established, as lollows: For -a-h night's attendance upon Council, one dollar: 'for eich warrant dnwu upon the Citv Tteasurer, ten cents; and for ad other se vices he shall be entitled to the same fets as are adowed county o-Iieeis by the Act of the Legislature, passed m 1 ST' Entitled An Act to amend cf.ap'er IS of the General Laws concealing fees of officers. Approved this 'id day of July. 1572. A. 'NOLT.N ER. Mayor. Attest : L. DILLER. Recorder. F-Jotice. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE undersigned, are requested to come up 1 and settle old accounts, on or before the first dav of August, as I am in need of funds, i " " JOHN MYERS. Or?gon City, June 10th, 1S72. 3LU New To-Bay. Flnanco Exhibit OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY, STATE OF Oregon, lor the fiscal year ending June livta 1S72. EXHIBIT OF STATE TAX : To amount of State tax collected H,'H4 04 To aw't Pud tax coliest'd f75 00 Tettd $12,610 C4 Rv receipts of Secretary "of State '.11,544 04 Cy ditto t'75 uO Total i-l-bGFJ Vi KXUI3IT or school fcsp: To am't of school fund on hand.renort LiSt.i coin ) i SO 4 09 (tuireucy i 27 57 To amount of lines re ceived for the year. . . . To a mount received from sale of est ray es ....... To amount received from saloon license l"o amount reCiived from interest on irreducible school fund, (coin) .... To amount received from interest o:i irreducible sell ,o! fun 1 (currency) To amount leceived from tax ccl.ecteJ Total By am'nt paid on Supl's orders (coin) $3, 2 3 5 73 By ambit paid on Supt's "urders(cunency) 1,570 7ii ly atubit coin on hand 1,'2J'J 1" 103 50 23 25 100 00 1,334 75 13,323 00 tv " currency 105 41 300 72- By amount owing from county tunu Ry iim'nt p'd lor express charges 4 25 Total $3,325 01 KXUIUIT OF COl'Nir 1'CND ; To r.mo'.int of taxes col lected by Sheriff 513,107 77 To amount of mon. y ou hand, last lepoit." ... 1,300 73 To amount of .nont-y bor rowed fr.joi sciiuol fund ZJ0 72 To anioUiiL collected by County Cierk, C' unity Assessor, laud ledeem ed, trial fees, p'eddlers license, ferry licenses, forfeited real bonds, lb.-t. Atty's fees, etc., 650 02 Total 510,015 20 Rv amount of redeemed "and cancelled orders $li,0Ci 00 Rv am'nt of mtci est p'd 177 61 ily amount of coin in "treasury 640 09 Ry amount of cuirency "in treasury 01 70 Ry amount of disc mut on "legal tenders 3 1 3o Total 10,015 20 ETiPP-XPITt'ltES : Expense of Circuit Court " " Cmi,ty M isct ilaneous stationary, wood, etc Bridges, uintber tor road uistricts, repairing of bridges Drawing Jury for J. P. Court Criminal cases in Circuit and J. P. court Collection of tax, includ ing fctat otiery, copies of as,ses-me;.t roll, etc. Paupers. Insane, etc.... Board of prisoners.repair of jail, etc Reimbursement of par lies E'ee-tion, including post ing notices, noli -es o i Judge, poll books, re turn of poti books, per diuai ol Judges and cl rks Road-, extra pay of su pervisors, etc D.sti ict Attorney's fees. . ' m ut v Com niissioiie. m. . Rent of Coe.i t House, Clerk's etiiee, s;dari''s of County J udge.Ti Ciis er A School rnipt Total amount for which orders were drawn. . . . Amount fr which orders Uave oeen di a n . ... Amount of ontstamli !g ot i.e.'s at last repoit. . -V 1,783 45 l,o 12 uo 2il t.7 3,oS7 20 17 4u 2,550 01 2,101 50 j-J4 l5 424 2 111 30 005 CO 1, .".5'5 70 1.VJ r,o 274 00 1,S50 00 $17,373 77 17,37.' 77 Ed) 2 7s Total fls,-00 55 Rv atiitni'it of c I'i' t i'e 1 "and redeemed orders. .515,004 00 By amount outstanding "ord-.-fa to date G,2ol 50 To'al ?ls,200 55 Oiitsta.uling or deis to irate '. 3.201 i& assets : Judgment in State ea-e. .$ 310 ; 0 Clauii against State of Oregon in ease of Las sy, State charge. . 117 5") (aim against- Marion Co 731 4.2 Ceititicates ot unredeem ed lands b mght fur de linquent tax f,0i 57 Orego a City warrants on hand 202 00 State warrants on baud 77 5 0 Coin in treasury Oi'J 0'J CuiT'-iicy in tteasury... Vl 70 Two forfeited road bonds 00 C"i Judgement against 1). R. H nina 70 00 Judgement in State case 154 o5 Total .5,2ol 40 Indebtedness over and tib a'e assets . 07 SU.MMAHT : Received from all sources $00,05$ 61 Rv am'nt paid Sta'e tax. $11,0 1 1 04 Bv " ' JPoll tax. . 075 00 By " " on School 'Supt's orders, coin .. . 5,2 IS 75 Ry am'et pai I on School Supt's orders, currency 1.576 75 school fund in treasury coin '. 1,230 1.5 School fund in treasary, currency 165 41 Ry amount paid express charges 4 25 By amount redeemed and cancelled Co. orders. . 15,061 09 Ry amount interest paid 177 bl Coin, co. fund, in treasury G40 00 Cur., " " - " 01 7o Disc't ou legal tenders. . 81 30 Total -00,05S 62 Attest: J. M. FRAZER. Ex Clerk. Citation. In the County Court of Clackamas county, State of Oroeron. 3N TU10 MATTER OF TJIE ESTATE OF Jolin 2ueCa:nm-a. A petition havine- Vcen tile 1 by A. .. MeC.utuaon, admmtrator of the e.-tat-jof John 2.1e 'amnion, jjraymg for the sale oi an un-.livi. li.;..l one-halt' of aeroi of land situated m seetion 3, T j f i K, Willamette meridian. 1 herelore, in the name of the state ox' Oregon, you, Andrew J. MeCammon. Catharine llaiea, Xaney Ann Shx-uu, John Al. MeCammon, Robert C. Me''.'arnmoa, heirs of said deceased, and ail other heirs unknown, are hereby oiled to be and appear at the Court House iu Oietron City on Monday the 5th dav ot Augiwt, 1372, in said Court and show cause a' any exist why an order of sale .should uot be irraute 1 as iu said petition prayed for. J. Iv. WAIT, County du ige. Attest: R. F. CAUEIELU, County Clerk. ! ,..ii k i-ho.T, r'it,- .Tniv ie 1ST2. n37wl To Teachers. THE CITY COUNCIL WILL RECEIVE applications from teachers des;rmg to fiii the pos tions in the Academic. Interme diate. 1st and 1 Primary Departments in ti e City Seminary, until the 2oth of July which applications shall be presented to the City School Superintendent and be accom panied with his certificate of qualification before the same will be considered by the Council. L. DILLER, Recorder. Oregon Cit), July 5th, 172. ot,Miu street lying bet'vean blocks No. 20 arTd to block 15 by grading, roacadamtzing and building sidewalk. 1,390 12 4,"20 72 To Stock Drovers. THE ROAD ACROSS THE CASCADE Mountains, known a the Old Emi grant Road," is now in splendid order for the accommodation of the public. The bridges on the road have ail been thoroughly repair ed, and stock drovers will find it no trouble to cross the Mountains by this route. There is plenty ot good water and grass on both sides of the Mountains, iidthe distance across is only oo miles being the shortest as well as the best road over the Cascade Moun tains. Stock droves and emigrants will find it to their advantage to travel over this route. Toles reasonable. JOSEPH YOUNG, President. Clackamas county, June 21st, ls-72. CHAS. H. CAU FIELD, CORN 2 MAIN AND SEVESTH STREETS, OREGON CITT, OHEGON, Dottier in DRY-GOODS & GROCERIES, CE0CKESY and GLASSJIWES. Also, a full assortment of iinilner) raid Fancy Goods Or THE LATEST STYLES JUST RECEIVED. COUNTRY" PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOlt GOODS. Oregon City, June 21st, 1672. tf IS? MASONIC HALL BUILD ING. OREGON CITY, - - - OREGON. K EEPS CONSTANTLY ON II AND AND lor sale, cuiAe roK cash, PAULOE, BEDRGOIvI, OFFICE, SITTIIIGIlOOn, and KITCHEN FUHITUHE, Bureaus, Lounge?, Rocking Chairs, What nots, Bee steads, Wa-hstaiids. Curled Hair and Pulu Matrcsses, Pulu Pil lows, Spring Reds, Window Sliades, Pic tare Frames, M ouhlini :c, Ac. "Special attention given to Upho'sterv work in all its branches. Ordeis filled with promptness. Repairing done with neatness an I disiiatch. Furniture mad;! to order. -tjrtkio is delivered to any part ol town free of chatge. Call and examine for your sclvas. in.iyl7n20 DEPJTIST, Tt)OM 2 DEKUM'S BUILD I NO, CORN. V er First and Washington Sts., Portland. N itrous Oxide admuiistereil. ntitltr. BEST KEM"ICDY TOP. DYSJTSIA, II,"DiaE3TI0N, EILI0BSNE3& 133S CFAFPET:T A;D IflACTfO?! C? THt UVER. Am aenowledyed u ho Cn- irost. v.-liolrsoma u.el eti'.eo r.t, ot '1 ena'F ;,n ! Recee erMivc :i KCUI CliV-iIClANS' Cl.lti 11 ica-.es on hack of tni'ii h-itiie. None (-''"'lino v iihout cur Trade Mark blown o:i tlie 1kj tli-. To sell iitln-r thnn ihd jrotmine srritl? cut of oar bonle ii i':-:r.e,r.al lelen?,., mil ft bleill. when UeTecO'U. laTisecure Kuctipame.s to the l'uil extent ot t :. 1 II. E1STE1X & Co.. ?fi!" Proi.ripfors. 518 Front sU, S. I'. JOHN FLEMING, f:::i r DEALER IN BOOKS Mm GTATiONSP.Y, IN MYERS' EIRE-PROOF BRICK, MAIN STREET, OltEGOX CITT, OREGON. LOST. I 'ROM THE UNDE IsLv). LIVING AT ' lOTiiah ao nit the 5th iiist . a Sorrel i .r.i .ah.int 'it'leen hands hitrh : six years old ; small white streak in t bet orehead , wilb saddle maiks; shod a I! around. Any person returning sa d mare or giving information ot her whereabouts, will be suitably rewarded. Yv M. H. MARSHALL. Calient ah, Feb. 22, ls72. WILLI A Tfi SII1GER Ills KstabHJied A iETactorj' FOll TAE AT.LV CFACTORY OF SASH, BLIIJDS AMD DOORS AND MOULDINGS OF ALL SIZES. They will also do TURNING, of r-vry description to order, With Neatness and Eispatcl o ALL WORK WARRANTED. Shop on the River, in Lewis' shop, oppos te Oregon City Mills. 0E.EG02T CITY B II E W ERY! k!3llRXitY II UMBEL, Having purchased the above Brewery wish os to in form the pub'i'-flint he is now prepar ed to manufacture a No. 1 quality ol .ACER BEER, 9 good a s ran be obtained any where in the Stale. Orders solicited and promptly filled. Notice. PARTIES WHO WERE OCCUPYING lands in the "Grande Ronde and Sildz Reserves," in the State of Oregon, in the years 15 .'-5 8, and had to abandon the same in conseqiier Ce of said Reserves having been selected by the U. S. for the settlement of the Rogue River Indians, will please send their addresses, for further correspondence, to n. w . nmvMi ts, Att v Box 105 Washington City, D. C. Rebecca Degree Lodge So. . O. O. F" Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDAY EVEXIXGS, of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Felloes HaU. Members of the Derree are inrited to 1 attend. iiililliil PAG3F50 DOGT AfID SHOE HOUSE! Fall ami Winter Trade. II AY1NG RECENTLY FILLED UP OUR assortment ot Imported Styles in Ladies' and Gents' We will take great pleasure in displayintr and receiving orders lrom our patrons "and the puhlic generally. We have received from New York a few . : e l. t 1 . I.l..nl I.' I 1T a 'l1 nt-l pair Ol IOC vrnuiuica J I , BUTTON FRONTS, bv which a Lace Shoe can be turned into a beautiful Button Gaiter Will take orders for the same at any time. Wo have the Best and Latest Styles in Misses' and Children's Button Gaiersaud B ilmorals that are imported, but for good substantial wear there are none that can come up to our own make. We Yarruut them in every respect. Seven entirely New Stvles of Ladies' and Mi-ses' RUBBERS. T c'Nillson. Congress, Marie Antoinette, Queen's German, Velvet Front and Alaska. Light, ,'i is!i Durable and Neat Fitting. Also, a lot of Children's Rubbers. Bring on your feet. TO WOIIIOII. COME AND SEE GOB GMMPI0H BOOT! Respectfully, PnOTZEIAN, GILLIHAN r. CO., Cor- Front and Morrison Sts-, PORTLAND, REG ON. Dec. 1. 1871 :tf SPRING- GOODS JUST RECEIVED BY .Aj. LEVY. I II AVE JUST RKDE1 VED A COMPLETE and weil-asstirted stock of CUSTOM-MADE CL0TEI5HG, AM GEmEaUX' I'l'RMSIItXG GOODS, Which I will sell at reduced prices. Call and pvUniJite my stock before purchas ing elsewhere. Produce Taki-n in Exchange for Goods. A. IiliVY, 3Iuli street, Oregon City. FOE SVJLIIL THE UNDERSIGNED DESIRES TO SELL bis property in Oregon City will sell at a bargain, to a good purchaser. Lot 8. in block 3, whereon there is a good Dwelling House with S room-, partly hard finish, bal ance cloth and paper and the Livery Stable now occupied by Messrs. Willis & Rroughton. Wider pipes laid on the premises, from Pease's water works. Also i town lots in Cane-nab, with good fence around. Also '1 town lots in lower end of Oregon City; also De) of land known as the dona tion land claim of Win. Stone, 8 miles southeast of Oregon City, with some im provements, thinly timbered, na under growth, good lasting water ""Inquire at County Clerks office. J. M. FRAZER. Oregon City, May Gth. Is7:?. v0n2S SHADES SALOON, G. A. HAAS, Proprietor, Hain Street, Oregon City. Bet BIT.L1ABD TABLES in OREGOX Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to them T II E B A 11 1 S S VP PLIED With all the choicest qualifies of Liquors anj Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Bourbon alrcadj famous Whiskies and Punch. a i. so, a o. 1 SKOOTiHC GALLERY Is connected with the Saloon. Oregon City, Jan. 1, lS72:tf MEW OOOOS AT THE LINCOLN BAKERY. ViLLiAfrIG & HARDING, H AVE JUST OPENED A FULL VARIE- ty of choice FAMILY GROCERIES. AND PROVISIONS. The Eakery will be constantly supplied with fresh EREAP.CR CREES, CAKES. PASTRY. CANDIEs AND NUTS. All of which will be sold at living rates. Remember that we do not sell goods at cost. Also, please bear in mind that it takes money to do business. To the far ming trade we would sav, CASH for you. produce, and CASH lor our goods. (Hoods delivered to all parts ol the citv. Ft-b, lii, 172:tf TEYV" WAGON AND Carriage Manufactory! The unders'emed, having increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City Oregon. Takes this method to inform hh old pat rons, and as m anv new ones as may be pleased to call, that he is now prepared, with ample room, good materials, and the very best of mechanics, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete any sort ol a vehicle from a com mon cart to a concord coach. Trv me. Blacksmitbing, Horse or Ox shoeing, and central jobbing neat! v. qnieklv and cheap ly done. DAVID CMHH. Opposite Eicelaior Market TjrOME.MADE CART FOR BALE AT I. SE.LiIIGS. THOMAS 0HABMAN ESTABLISHED - IS 53 1 DESIRES TO INFORM THE CITIZENS of Oregon City, and the Willamette Valley, that he is still on baud, and doing business on the old motto, that "AXimblc Six-rtnce is better than i Blow SliDlIng." I have just returned from San Francisco, where I purchased odc cf lbs "LARGEST ami BEST SELECTED Stock of Goods ever before offered la this city; and consist in part, sis follows ; Boots & Slices, ClotQing, Dry Goods, Hats & Caps, Hosiery of every Description, Hardware, Gro eeries, Paints & Oilf, Sash & Doors. Queens- ware, Crockery, Glassware. Chinaware, Stoneware, Platedware, Jewelry cf various qualities & styles, Clocks & Watches-La dies & Gentlemen's Furn ishing; Goods, Fancy Notions of every descripticn,Patent Med icines, Eopo, Fanning Implements cf nil kinds, Carpets. Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, &c. Of the above list, I can sav my stock Is tho MOST COMPLETE ever offered in this niar ket, jind was sleeted with especial care for tnis market. All of which I now offer for sale at the Lowest market Rates.. No use for the ladies, or any one else, to think of going to Portland to'bur goods for I am DEiERAilNED TO SELL CHEAP and not allow myself to le I'MIERSOLD IN THE STATE OF OREGOX. All I nsk, is a fair chance and quick pay ments. Reliev ng, as I do, that nineteen year.-,' experience m Oregon City enables mo to Know the reqirements of the 'trade. Come one and all, and see for vourselve that the eld stand cf THOMAS CHARM AN cannot be beat in quality or price. It would, be useless for me to tell you all the advan tages i can oner you m me sale ot goods, as every store that advertises doeg that, and probably yon have been disappointed. All i wish to say is. come and see and examina lor yourselves, for I do not wish to make anv mistakes. My object is to till all my old tiiends now liiat I am still alive, and desir ous to .sell poods cheap, for cash, or on bucU terms as agreed upon. ed u po all for rbanking all for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed. TITOS. CHARMAN, Main street, Oregon City. -?"Legal Tenders and County Script taken at market rates. THOS. C1IARMAN. lT-3O,()0i) lbs woo! wanted bv THOS. CILARMAN. REAL ESTATE, REAL ESTATE. JACOB ST1TZEI., C. C. WAY. JACOB STITZEL&CO,, SUCCESSOR S' TO STITZEL & UPTON., REAL ESTATE AND Cor. Went and Washington Sts., PORTLAND. OREGO.V.q Special attention riven to the saleol farm ing land and city property. AUcorres- pouuence relating to the recourccs ot Ore gon will be promptly answered- REAL ESTATE JOURNAL Published monthly. Sent free of cliarre to any address. JACOB STITZEL & CO. March l.r, lS72:tf RESTAURANT. LEOrSDeLOUEY, Prop'r I LATE OF THE CLIFF HOUSE MAIN ETUEET, OREGON CITYfOREGON. TM1E UNDERSIGNED R E specifully announces to his fi lends and the ti ave'insr public. that he has re-opencd the above named Restaurant. The proprietor knows bow to Ferve his csutomers with Ovsteis, Tia'a Feet, a good cup ol Coffee or a" SQUARE MEAL. LFON DtLOUEY Oregon City, Jan. 27, lS71:tf JM FERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaRoque & Co., OREGON CITY. traKeep constantly on hand foi tale Midlines, Bran and Chicken Feed.Par'ie fmqo.mdin,ir feed must furnish the sarks. A VOID QUACKS. A victim of CBilyin TJL discretion, causing nervous debility, premature decay. c, having tried in vain every advertised remedj .l as a simple mean ot self cure, which lie w '11 fend fiee to his fellow sufferers. Address J. U. REEVES, 78 Nassau st. , New York Sept. ply JOHN SCKRAM, MAIN STREET, - - OKEGOXCITY. MAMTACTrRER AaD IMPORTER OF SADDLES, HARNESS, SADDLEKY-HAKD-WARE, &c &c. -TTHICII BE OFFERS .aS CHEAP AS W can be had in the State, at Wholesale cr Retail. warr-iLtali my good? as rep'", Oregon City, April 17, 1S72. nC?tf,