vx ) JL'LY. 5. 1672. The l'rinter's Devil. EV 1'YJ". O. QCAD. Ink-bespattered, Clothing tattered, W'i'.h his broom in baud, Leaning, cleaning, Jobbing, scrabbling, Under every stand. "NValh the cases. Typo and spaces Trampled where they fell !y this lu!o Doomed to pro to Printers' lea! her hell' Running hither, Darling thither, Tail of all the staff, Out and in doors. Doing all chores, Uriuging telegraph. Run:- for copy, Nor dare stop he l-'or his paper hat All the jour 'men, Save the foreman, Yelling for some ''phat." Proves the galleys : Then ho sallies. ( Pi Satanic opinion, 'from the new roota To the sunciiii.i Part of his dominion. And the bosses Often cross as Pears within their holes Make the devil Pind his level .-.birring' up the coals. Washing roller. Fringing coal or Lugging v .tier pail ; Time he wastes not A t the paste pot, Wrapping up the mail. When the week's done, Then he seeks one Where the greenbacks lay, There to ?-ttle T'i.r the little Devil is to pay. Pi this spirit Th'TC is merit, Far from taint of shame; P'ten gaining Py his training (loud ami honored name. Pegiators, (.1 rent debaters. .".eietp.Lie men. 'lave an.-e.i From thy prison Of the devil's d-'ii. I'rlnlers' Circular. One of HiE Pkf.sexts. The Cincinnati UCxirci' publishes the following as the reply of General Grant to a present of $105,000 forwarded to him by Gen. Daniel '(bitter n el d then holding a commis sion in the army, and while hold ing it, appointed Sub-Treasurer in New York, in which he was de tected in fraudulent complicity in the great gold conspiracy, but was allowed to resign from the army without a Court-martial. lut terneld,. on the 15th of February, 18G9, enclosed the gift iu this form: I nclosure. Mortgage 00,40 7 50 50,00o 7--t) U. S. Ronds 1st series 54, 25 00 Cash . . , 10,807 50 j Total.. . . . yl05,000 00 j The repay of Grant was in these words : Washington', Feb. 17,1809 Dear Gpxkpap : Your letter of the 15th, inclosing me the hand- snnii' t (! imoi'.i.-il of the riti.ons of New York, with the names of all ; tlio t im ri-c.nnvrn j 'O'ltrdeifAfC t r it ll.l l'V Vl.Vl.J I V'li 11 .UIII.VI IJ I.V A,J is reee-ive-h Throne-it you I isli to thank the 'gent iemen wltose names you have inclosed to me, individually and collectively. I have the honor to be, your obedient servant, U. S. Grant. At this time, General Grant was President elect of the United States. It would be interesting now to -have a list of these "too generous" givers, to see how many ami what, olliees were given to them. Will some of the Grant organs furnish the information ? -O- Ec-fore Lite close of the war srivs .1 . , the Sacramento ( tuon, the tross ! 11. (i , ... . , . i ( (Mil lit 1 1 (i f (n N.iMfn.'jti Stitne I Avas.A70,-tl5,spt. Xoiv, alter sev- I en years of alliance U-Uvoon carpet- I" sack political knaves ami plunder- j in- raihoa.l sconmlrels, it is v"201,- I ('.-id, 0P3 an increase of -S2P5,-J10,- ! 123 ! Lottisana has been mulcted I ior 2 0,000,000; (ieoria for nearly $10,000,000; Alabama for I5 000,000; and the Carolina for $10,- '00,000. Ihe corpora.tions and p itical thieves -viio served them i o- 1 m the State Legislatures have produc ed nine-tenths of tlie enormous in crease of the Xalional debt. rrhc London 'J'uiics in speaking of tlie presentation of Miss Nellie fir ant to Queen Victoria says the t-vent is not so remarkable as it Avouhl have been in the hist g-enera- tion, ''for lioyal personages now go ireely on their travels." There st be creat jay at the White ' use. blaster Vred has been i inn Wt- JlOl shouted over bv the lai'aroni of i Italv as ''The Prince," and Miss I Xellie lias been called a roval per- i soilage in the London Tours. Who ! cares for Cincinnati now ?X Y. A -entlemati in Mrmun L-. ! ade :i bet of s.viil-mn.L-'u,," ! that the Greeley ticlcct will carry ! the following States: Alabama ! tieorgia, Louisiain Tex i Ken' i tucb-y3, Tennessee, Arkansas' 3Iis- ! -.,,f-.T ' 1 son, Indiana, IVnnsvlvnni-i X'... 1 York, Delaware, Maryland 'ovi-! da and CWornia, making rno'-e ! in .m a uitijoncy ot the electoral votes.. He also ollVrs to bet th-U tlie Greeley ticket will tako Xe-l-ra:ka, Oregon, Ohio and Wen irruna. V HID AY, : A Husband Who Couldn't Appreciate the Dolly Vardens. If husbands are to Le mistaken in "Dolly VarJen" dresses, as was an unfortunate husband in Philadelphia, the sooner the iahion is squelched the better will it be for the peace of society. The hus band iu question, one niht missed from the supper table his wife Matilda, and enquired of hi.j little bov whither had she crone, and just at that moment the dining room door opened and a lady en tered. The husband observed a wild look in the eye, and also no ticed that she was attired in an outlandish style, having on, as tie says, a dress with sunflowers, and cabbages and pumpkins worked all over it, and a lot of snakes squirm ing around for a background. Jlisinir, the man said, "Madam, then said aside, "Poor thin- she's ! crazy." That last remark .settled the business for him, as the weird female made a bolt and tightly grasped his Adam's apple, and choked him until Ids face assumed the color of a banner of the Com- mune. After she had enjoyed a j surfeit of choking her husband she Hopped into a chair, and with tears eoursitpr each other down her cheeks, exclaimed: "That I should ever lived to hear my hus band say that I was crazy !" This amused the husband, and elevating himself to his full proportion, he ! said : "You can't blame me, madam, for supposing you an insane wo man, and now that I know you are really the mother of these interest ing children, will you have the kindness to retire to the sanctity of your chamber and peel your self of that piece of furniture chintz, or window curtain, or what ever it is you call it ?" "Window curtain chitz!' said the spouse ; "why, it's you that's out of your head. That's a Dolly Yarden,and a very pretty pattern, too." "Madam," replied the husband, "we may be out of our head, but if that is a Dolly Yarden, we are most decidedly out of pocket. Why, it looks like a circus dres; and the idea of a woman at your time of life " "My time of life!" "Yes, your time of life. The next tiling, I suppose, you will lie practicinir the trapeze act in the hack yard. Why, it is enough to give a man the delirum tremens to look at it. Who ever saw such a pattern ? It's Hash wall-paper run mad. You look like some Japan ese tea-sign. And now just bounce out of lie re with that 1'eejee battle-flag, or you'l scare the baby to death." Then; was an ominous pause for a moment, and then the eldest daughter said : "Why, you ought to be ashamed of yourself father. It's all the style, and I am going to have one, too: there now." "Yes, and I want one: all the girls have irot them." Tims spoke Marin, the second eldest. "Anv more V" g.-u the li itsProiil ; :avo llicro any more? lltifln't the babv bette r h;ive one V I. cness Fll m:t one ntvseli. How j do they make no for ptuitttloons -'t 11a! lia! lia ! (femonaic:iI! y). Let me liave a Dolly Vanlen. Let, me cmicii n. iring me a pattern oi monkey sealing lampposts, now would a Chinese puzzle look, or a map of Faii-inount Park ?' All the rest is a blank. J he unnaopv j husband has just been liberated front an asylum, and pronune'd cured. But theonly way tliey managed it was to dress hint up in a Dolly Varden, marked out with the ground plan of tiie streets of Boston. -C 9 XKtrar.it. Wiseacres and seers arc al ready busily engaged, remarks the Pal Si more G'tzei'e, iti casting the political horus crpe ot the coming President. The shadowy shape conjun.'d up by the first reveals the imperial lineaments of Grant. 11 uae uiu ueuev oie 11, coi i n lena uoo o Groeu'v is eiearly discerned bv the latter while the benevolent countenance o! ?VLca the V? ' uvly -vet be ,h:lt hoh Sl'cts exclu5;11" 1:1 u,e iail?i,a (iI irishman wno h'u1'''1 anolher 7 friend and fo""''1 liUnseU nnstaktsi, -wo looked cIoscl7 anl behold it was uaytlier of us.' Two. Kev. 3Ir. Taylor ,the Snilors1 minister, astonish. e-d a di vine wr.o had refused to enter his j pulpit because a Unitarian minister ! had been in it, by. falling on his j Knees on the pulpit stairs and ery- I........ 4411. T T IT 111 o.u, v.,i, j.oiti, (leaver us m loston frotn two tlniiT P-i.l vnm 1 and bigotry; Thou knowest which is worst, for I don't !"' Henry lead is tlie fastidious editor of a -certain v. estern pajier. Upon a late electioneering tour he slept at a farm house with two ot,crs in the sanie and the next niormng the datt-hter of the I:ul 01 the llol!se, enquired how tll(?V '- "I-Vst ratr," answered "no.- "J sort h , Bill slept hc)on and Henry IV. id in the rmddle." "Did he V" exclaimed usan. W bat makes you so glum. Tom because I've just had to j ?"rc4 a ial to AN hat .n earth was 11 AX h-v 1 l- ia to il 0,1 a rr-'tty girls' bonnet wllUo hcr niother ws,s looking on." - 5 " 1 , J'iDEor v. -My dear, ' said a ln to hl? we-Mo you tlnnlc j that a stove-pipe hat is tmbecom- j inq; tome?" "It is decided! v, when ! it is too much stove," replied the j wife,- Subscribe for the ENTiauasi:. AUCTIONANJj COMMISSION 1S9 "8"? 5 rrli SB -BJ3 - A UCT1 O N EERI Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate, O roeeries, fj eneral'Icrchan dise and Horses, Ecery Wednesday and Saturday I A. ib Richardson, Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined P.ar and Pr.ndle Iron I -In ilis h Square and Octagon Cast steel Horse shoe.-?, Files, Rasps, saws; .Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, R. G. Iron a i. so : A large assortment of (J rocei ies .'.r.d Liquors A. 13. Riciiaiipson, AuctioLter 4. X. POPS, CrOCCT & Pl OVisiOIl DcallT, Next door south of the Court House, Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon, DP A LEU IX DfTOT &M! V GfiOFP 8 ' UHWw.n COFFEE, TK.V -', Xl'(Ln, PEOi'It A Nil MEAL of ail kinds, PICKLES, SO Vi SALT, CANNED FRUITS and OYSTERS, J Also, all kin.l- of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. PUTTER, CHEESE and PC, OS. TOP A CCO and CIGARS. GLASSWARE, Etc., Pic. All kind:; of lOiintry Produce taken in ex change fm- goods at thc highest lriarlcot rates. V'i i - .r.' ; -...,,! ;,, t!u cifv fY.- of .o,.,.hr . .. ; i. c. .... , ,r 7i -, t ! r,-,. Voi i r- i t e.l March i72:tf xst r S'.J if, tk a i KJ a k-i w V. i DKAI.KI'S IN STOVES, TI.V I' LATE, SHEET IRON, ERA J ERt-i' COI'I'EII, LEAD Fill:, IU - J'll'E AND KiTTENCS, HI'lHiMi HOSE. Foi;CE AND Id FT PU.M FS. ZINC, COFFER, PRASS AND IRON" WIRE. Also a general c.-foi tn.ti.t ol Pens rushing Goods. MAN U FACT PR ERR OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet iron Ware. ROOFING ANDaOi'.niNG OF EVERY DESC!;!i''I'ltX iiON'E TO OK!) Eli, A NO AT LOW V RICES. o Also, at POPK'S STOVIO STOKE you will find II A Ti 1 ) W A Ti E AND 15 AS E EES, WO ) 1 R N , WARP AND 1 fNWAKE, LANTERNS, LAMES AND OIL. LCCINE AND ND.HT EA.Mi'S. AL.-O PPIIAMLPLATOUS. All of the above articles are for sale fit PRICES TO SLIT THE TIMES. C. V. I'Oi'K ( O. U:ly Oregon City Oregon. st" is ;?.f r f: f " t OR KO ON CI TV, OREGON, RETAIL DEALERS IN tS t IS J Sr ffi . . jfi m T'i Slfp p ' -i i: n aii x- v1 : . . ji.it-X' j j -& A. j. it, k- S V 4 Sk.. JU . e. Jat 5 I a!o keep constantly on hand SALLM C A S S I 51 F It E S, FLANNELS, TWEEDS A XI) PL A N K ETS, Which I will sell at t're Fuctory I'riccs, and will t.ike wo.oi iu exeliance. 2?""I will also pay the highp-t priee? fur hitter. Fugs, and ail kinds of good country odiice. 1 will sell as low as anv hou se j 01 wreon. ii)r t asn o' Us cpiivaieut m goon ! mere nan la Die proil uee. Give me a call and s-if isfv vourselvcs. J 01 IN .MY LPS. Jan. 13, isn.lf SPRING & SUMMEE GOODS JUST PECEIVED AT 'A J 5 : 1 H I PE.arr, in d;:y goods, clothin'g, loots and shops. jiakd w a in:, c; rt o c e k 1 1: -, CRhtCKFRY, NOTIONS, AC. MAIN STPEF.T, OPEOOX CITY. PRODUCE of all kin Is bought, for which I pay the hi ghest mat Let price. If you desire irod Ooods, at LOW Priers. call at P SCLLINePS. ar.d examine his fresh sloe it of Spring OooUs. GIYP MP A CALL AND CONVINCE YOUUSLLVFS. Mv Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL rWV T,m, r.. 0a vEa4Cji9 For which I will pay th? hi-jbeet tuatket frice- j SELLING. A-rii n. DTiof p B R- FREELAND, pyP1 r - Cfffff 1 ' --LxaJ..jjA 1 -rooM 2 pekpm s pi ildi.m;, corx- ! 1 1. er First and Washington St-1., Portland. ortland. l,'.' 'If. ' "irys Oide adnnniift Business Directory of Portland, Oregon. PCBLISHEI BY L. SAMUEL, General Advertizing Agent, J3 Front Street. Aekerman's Dollar Store, Xo. t-"j Virst street. Importers and Job bers of Fancy Goods, Toys, Crockery, Glass ware and I'iuted Ware. A stor lloase. First st., between Oak and l. i'ii'e. Every tiling neat. Ti. L. Loafel low, 1'roj.i ietor. BOOKS, STATIONERY AND PERIODICALS, CAXCROPT i 3IORSK, Agents for M-ibie. Todd & Co.'s celebrated Iison, Plakeman, Taylor & Go's School P'joks. Jutt J'iib'ixheJ, a fall line uf Legal Ulijt;!-' far liii-i State. annan, the only direct Importer of Cloth jDintr, Ac, cor. Front it Washington sts. CIIAS. C. BARRETT, lOlOLESAL E JJOOICSI-II.I.EIi & STATIOXE!?, LA I: U EXT STOCK A" FORTLAXD. 19 Front Xo. AjAVasli- ingloii Strei-t.s. "ECK, WILLIAM & SOX, 12U Front st. A3 Importers and dealers in Guns, Jlifics and Kevolvers of everv dosci i tion. Fishin- Tackle, Fancy Goods. Reads, Pird Caes, I5akets, Croquet Games, and Paby Carriues. Agents for the "California Powder Works;" also, for the " Wheeler it Wilson Sewing Machine-." J-ek, .John A., 12:) Front street, practical .1 ) V':itciii!iaker A Jeweler. Work done for the Trad-.'. HiMES .1- HACH ELDER !i: Front street. rijrham V Retnhart, First st. bet Oak & ) Fine, innmrters of Stoves, Ranges, Ciichen l.'tciisil -;. 1 )u-dianan, W. A., s. w. cor. First k Taylor 13 s.ts. Cliee.r:est Furniture House in l'ort- . J st.-.. caea land A I l i WALTER PROS l A Jlt JL U. h'J Front street. CGarke, Henderson A ('ook, 81 !c S3 Fir.-.t J street. Dealers in Dry Goods, Puucv (.too is. "(dm E'o.-c:;fV Id, I ts Front st. Cominis J sion Mfi-riiauis ,t Dealers in Oregon A Califurni i Froduee. Clongle, J. Ik, Mi.nuf.ictnri'r it Derler in . Sad !!-s, Ilarne.vs, and Saddlery Hard, ware, '. 'i Front street. f Mirricr, W A Co., in:! Front, st. Merchant XJ Tailors a:;u Clothiers, Huts Furnishing (ioods. I V'R d.niuH it Oalnian, i-'i Front street, i R'al Estate Agents, money loaned. houses rer.te.!. 11T'TTiTi ' T nr-OTin C H. Wo'..l JUL -i.jA.ij jUUiJO aid a: Co. 1UI i- !., s. , ef. ' T iDTTC n ICTQ ('- ! I J i. IJ U (jrlO I CU wood- AiiD A t.-i. lot Freiit street. Oniers I'min ' any r.ortioii of the Slate (!" Territories cai e- j IV.Uy i:i;-.l by in. id or exress. i l.ir!, Lowenst; in oc Co. Furniture and 1 .4 J C.-srpet. dealers Stores from 13 4 to !'.) .' t i. 7:Mployme!!t A.-eney. Withondl t Hoi i J man, so Front st. FurriPh ail ki.Rp of beip. i "ST'-vei 5 'ng l'eei.', io Front street. Com : ,ii erena n s t'i f tshi;.i;t Liverv Stable, cor. Firs; k S.il:no;i .1; st s. E. CmI ett, Eivp. G iod tuni-oiits always on hand. b-bel A. R 1. oir. First. A Washington st-., D.-alers A :in;;t ic. Ciithing, Furn- isbi'i."- ti-'-o !s. lreebmd. Dr. P.. 11., DeMi.-. Odiee, No. X' Deku n's Hb;ck, cor. First A -Va.-h-iugton . f St- !. T."i a-d 77 Firsr street. De;0 V I e:s in Ro..ks S:.ui ir.erv, ar.d Musiea! E;stru-, ;:-. GRAY'S MUSiC STORE Tie- lar-.-.t Music House on the Coast. : MlINWW YWsm, WVS.YaI ORGANS, ii. I.. lit Z-Jl A 3I:iii:i;t. S'M.K aOEXCV t'Oit THE '--'Agents wanted. '"(T-t "? " "ack:;:fv Sterne . ( ; roeers and dealers .1 A- in rdl kinds of Seeds, cor. First and Main sts. -Jatnbuter, P., Pi-l l'ir.-t .s'reet, importer .1 and dealer iu s-t iole Fancy Dry Goods, 51illinerv, Irtndee. 0. 11., Phofo-ir iphic Artist, s. w. JL cor. First and MonDon sts. Child s J'ict. SUIT It V. I Fenric'isen, l. C. A Co., PHi First street. ..JL Manufacturers and dealers in Jewelry, Watches, ,-e. I rihbiinl, Ceo. L., '.t.S Front st.. wholesale. JL.A. dealer in tJroceiies, Doors, Wairon .Ma terials, ,l-e. 1 1 Todg-, Calef & Co.. 117 Front st., wle.te .1 Scile ileaiers in drug-, Paints, Oils, r::iss. ,V-. ljf I" I? t'wing Machine, strait -I IV tJlYj needle, nn.ler feed, "lee Ait .!;teh."' (Von pt :t ion challenged. Jl. P. Traver, 1 1 -j Front st I Tnrgren it Shin Her, N'os. 1 tin to 172 i i. First st. Fniporters Furnitnre, Ped dinir, Ac. litem. 11 ienal Hotel, eor. Front u nil Morri son s's. M. Uudolid., Prop. Free Puss attends steamers. lohn.J. A Co., Front st.. wholsale find .1 l et i i i ilcalef in l ine Clethiug, Fnrni.-ih-ing (Joods. I ai-'on D ree PotantMnt, piivare roonif dl for i'toil'e. cor. 1.-1 ana Pine streets. 0- Voos, Prop. r'arthj, E A Co., wholesale dealer in ,H J Wire ,V Li'iuors, 0. S. X. Co's Block, iiiid San Fran M "ier A' Schnieer, 1 11 Front st., wholesale iKivl retail Confectioners. " il'er, Tobn P.. I'll lit si. Warehnnikc-r & lYl Jeweler, offers to the public a line as sort merit of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. neper ,y Co , Front near C st.. Dealers .!. in native and loreign Wines, Liquors and Ciirars. - Torti;r'ip. E. J., Hardware. Iron, St-el. i Hubs', Spokes, Hardwood Luaiber, t-c. , Poithnd, (Accidental ib id.cor. First and Morrison sts. Smitii ,; Cook, Proprietors. larUh, War.ns & Corned, Real Estate .1. A 2-enfs, I'O i roi at street, h. t. Aider aud Va-hingtI(. 1) HOTi ;p Al'lTiC (JOOMS. C. IL Wood aid A Co., K;i Fiont st. 1:ce, J. M.. Pj7 Front street, whclsale V dea'erin Tinware and Store... J"iehtcr, Par.i, !"-" First st. . importer of 1 Perlin v. oodcu Curving-, Parior Oi na- 111" nt. ,V e, I ider. i, ('.., Real Estnte & Money Iirokcr, J t f'2 Front street. Potthind. "! osenbanm, LS.AC'o.. Tobacconists, import il ers of Feiei-.-u Htid Dounvtie L;qn...j--. I uss House, Front st. On First Class Prin V cipal. Thomas Ryan, Proprietor. Sherlock, S., 61 Front aud C2 First sts , dealer in Harness, Saddlery and Sad dler Hardware. Simon, J.,o0 Front street, dealer in Doors, iradi & Rlinds, Window & Plate Glass. Sinsheimer, H., L")7 First St., importer of Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Music In struments. Skidirore. S. G., V: First st. Druggist & Ap'.aheearv, a lare stock of Fettumeiy A Toilet Artieles. Smith & Davis, 71 Front street, wholesale dealer in Drums, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Perfumery, Ac. Snow A- Roos, 7 j Pirt strtet, "Pictures, Frames, Moldings, Artist's Mat'.s, Draw ing Instruments. Smith, Pet., Hroker, t)o Front st. Dtaler in Legal Tenders, Go' eminent Ponds and Gold Dust. cTOE, IJ. I, 107 Front Strrtt. O Watchmaker it Manufacturing Jeweler is appointed A (rent for the Waltham, Elgin, H. Howard & Co., Chus. E. .lacot, and the California Watches; also, for all the produc tions and imports of the California Jewelry Con pany, San Francisco. Send tor circular Watches repaired in the very best manner and wak n a vr Hi) to give satisfaction. HPerry Bros., No. 17s First street, manufac X tnrers and dealers in Furniture, Red ding, Carpets, Ac. rpiiC Clothing store. 1 E! Front st. Clothir;g, X Furnishing Gocds, Roots and Shoes. Harris & Prager. TVittle, II. IE, 142 & Ml Front st. Dealer X in Wagons & Agricultural ! mpleuients. rpyne, E. D., n. v. cor. First t Oak sts., X dealer in Prandies, Wines, Englusb Ale and Porter. rf",y!er, .1. A., 1-17 Front st., wholesale deal X er iu Ratter, Eggs, Cheese, Laid, Ra con, &c. " I7"illiarns ,t Myers, f Central block, V V Front st., Comniis-ioii Merchants it deal's in Produce. "7'ballev & Feehl.einier, Attorneys Si So- Eeitorsin Rankiuptey. Ollice in Odd Fellows Temple. fs r s tr a s s"? SiX x t-aO" a fei i-a W yl i LOOK OUT FOE GOOD BARGAINS t O H O f " 5 fAffl A V,i . "t f b riEil E3 AI'J Cj GO, TTAn-; JUST RECEIVED A LA It! K XX s-to, k of SPIIIXG & SUMMER GOODS, WHICH T1IEV OF FPU Clieajjer t tlie C I.cn pes3. We wfinld say, conic and convinee vt-tir-sr-lf before pureitasing ciscvheie. Our sioek consists in uirt ot" FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, CI 10 THI NO, HATS, ROOTS AND SHOPS. X0T10NS, GUOCERIFS, HARDWARE, ami a great many articles too numerous to mention. AL.t), Doors, Windows, Ghv-s and Putty. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGF FOR GOODS. ALSO, WOOL wanted, for which we nay the HIGHEST PRICE. O. JtV-'jl.lJA4.L(ii.iitJ ifi. UUl Oregon City, April 21, IsTLtf Eye, Ear, Throat & Lungs. JOHN E. PILKINGTON, M. D., T ATK OF SAX FPANCI.vCO, HAS 1.0 .J cated in Porthmd, Oregon. Ollice: In lLdmes' Ibiildirg, First street ( three doors from Lad! Tilton's Pink), where he may be cons-lilted daily, and will treat diseases of the above named orgms as sjiecialties. All operations upon the Eve and Pal per formed in the most, scientbic and careful man nor. ART I FICIAL EYES, having all the beauty and mobility of the nataral eye, in.-er.ed. Refers bv permis-ion, for his professional standing, to L. C. Lane, M. I)., I'rofe-s r of Surgery, and Edwin Pentley, M. D., 1'rofes sor of Anatomy, University of the Pacific. San Francisco; and for his success in the treatment of eases, to over l,5tK easts tieat ed bv him, in San Francisc'i ; also, to Levi Est:'s, Lsq., Pev. T. L. Eliot. Portland ; Win. H. Dillon, E-q., Vancouver, W. T. ; and many others Oregon and Wa-hington Ter ritory, aug --'"- nt HOUSE AND LOTS FOB SALE piiE UXDERSP.NED OFFERS FOR 1 salebU residence in Oregon City. There are four lots, a cood hou-e and barn, with a line cellar and a good well of water. There j is plenty of land, and it is well adapted for early gardening purposes, rail payment in a v be made in stock. For particulars ep rdv to GEORGE CLARK. Ore on Cifv Juna 2 lSTl tf HEAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. FORTLAI-JD. - - OREGON. GEO. Ja. IIIi5 DEALER IX REAL ESTATE AXD OTHER INVESTMENTS- Commissioner Selecting Swamp and Over flowed Lands. Farm Lands sold and purchasers obtained for all kinds of landed property. Valuable securities transferred in exchanse for real estate. ' Loans negotiated n property, and titles examined and determined. Commissions, .solicited and executed with fid'ditv and promptness. OFFK'K No. 1 i Carter's Iiuilding, corner of Abler and Front 5ticets P. I-. IP J 7-:f i p '. ' ' - ' - V- - V T II E HOUSE WE LSVE IN AND TUP IXII IBITAXTS OF TIIE riUi: CAUSE OF A GREAT M ANV DIS X. eases, that, have been pronounced incur able hy the most eminent physicians, for the very reason that they overlooked the cause, ii nd as Dr. Van Den JSergb lm.- made the Entozoa a hie long Study, lie would inform the sick generally that by close observation and irreat xpenineiits has come to the con clusion that there are more (rtoV and tUron ; diseases caused by Wornis, Hydatids, A n inialeulu!. or other speeit.s d" Pntozoa. The public generally, or the profession at large, are not aware of the number of Patients who are treated by eminent Physicians, tor tli s, that, or such a eomplaint, without any relief. 11 the disease had b en understood, a few doses of Dr. Vs. Sr.rrigti trm lltiuolxf would have immediate ly cured the complaint and aved a great many lives. INHABITANTS OF THE HU IilArj BODY! What tiiiuk you reader, of your body be ing u jdauet.inbabaed by living races, as we inh.ib.t the earth? Whatever tnav lie vi-iu" thoulits on tlie sulijeet, it is even mi. ; Viua- body' may be but u h;,me for parasites i that, crawl o', r the surface, burrow beneath ! the skin, nestle m its entrails, and riot and ! propagate their kind hi eveiy corner of its! frame. j The following is from the Sit it- n,.-e. : lhulti)i, of January iSih, ls7. ( A recent ; date.; " ! Car! Martins iv c::,f ly died in Cleveland, j Ohio, from eating 1ne.1t intcete J with the Ova Tit inn -t S11U hh. At the Coroner's Irnpiest, on Tuesday, 'January 2d,' it was 1 shown that three weeks before Chri-t:na, ( .Mai tins purchased a carcase ol Pork. Some j of the m.-et was eaten the same day, end j some Was inadj into sausage. Ab-nt ten j ;.is later, some in toe sausage was eaten, ami in ;i sboi t time the wbolj family u ere taken siek. Martins d-et't in Sunday. Decern hi r :;!st, PTE Mis. Martins and" her two .eaihli en now very siei,. and the boner is not like!, t reaver. The verdict was in aeeordance with the fa- ts. For farther ; ar tieula.rs. see Cleveumd, bi . . paper1.- d" a !-o ve dale. A Coroner's In (pa eat brought this fact to imhr.. Now I woald ask 1, iw iniiiiv more ,n;cii deaths a'' i:,o!"Nt would bring to libt ? ; Pondvi web. 1 t-ad'-r. upon this, and thii.k ot the tbou--ai.ds that d.e every year and no j Cu. u-e can he as-iirned 'or thetr :.'a:!i. Now I the ijuestion that would naturally enter the j liiin.l of the. reader, is what .-ball I d-? The j a I vice of the. Dr. woald be go to some one ; that is e-unpet.-nt ol treating su-.di eotn- p'aiuts. And who is in .re eompetejit than ' 1 be one thai li.is niade Worms, a soe. iad.t v. i i : .M AS. - e.- W. ":..; !;. .,. ;.;!,-, to ns a iu;: which had h en re moved !ro ibete !; then- were vera! d oneof w hie! ) a ; r; o ai s to be e:.1 to t'je If edie.l; f e-.-ioil . T i ersiins T'e; ! .--t.ecieS, I !y ntiknowi, j !s .shaped :-o:;u': ii i ng ii:.e an ul'a!,e t-.'d. j bar perfeetiy ;i:.t, or l a: her IP; - a cnenmber ; eed,it!ia tail abc'iit a quarter d' an inch i m 111 gto. no', net' was a la f-v. t ill !o: , ( ., -i.-'io : of w i ; : n : n Among n:cd;cal men tSieie :'.!.: no little ! ii'Iereili e of jon.oil relative to t!:e o. i.'in ! of t ot! entoi.oa. One class of wt i;.; i s be- -. e t! ( . r: : . 1 .s :ia ( 1 i:aai body. '. -rees ilo.eC 1, i v::a.iiv ..vol e ! :. v Ce .11 s . .i ten id p, vila! f :f ti tj..dv; P:e -t :', s or; i a it i a i Of.-1 II iZ.il '. !! aad 1 V V, o,i 1: tb.'ir g1 1"'' nj.ti.,n -f frt-jneutlv eate.o; uMh f i" more 1 is n-cl ni irreiite.-t afund- i anee, is nn intli.-j utuble laet, i sneciul'v j where tfe food is the fhh of t!;e "unclean I beasts," hich the .b-ws and Mo! mtnineditps i are iorbid.ien to nari.ii.e of. Pat tion s r.t to wi be a t.e-i- i.;1 i;; t ,!::;r '":'" ue oniv ii..::v to e.oa i act that Dr J. "W. Van Den Pei-h ha.s found a m ji.j wn.en gioa; .. which l- a d oil a nee in f a! ibirnr t to "C. r a entoz.ia, d" whatever de-ei ij t or, ire; a ;!y a er a,:.: pi :si.i ;.g its d ject in fr- ti; a:i i and a half to six b ur :. ruing C !!. Had we the space I ere. h'.i:vireis of tesri nionials u!d be prod ..e.-d. testifying t t!-e tra'b of the as.-er i rs t! at '.,ae iaTf been nor'e, br.l. it woe,;..! be useless and would n!y era. o; y the i . .:.Yi 's lia.e. t'aii : -. are of'- ...i-ako: i.-r. l;y:o;.--i; (';;; . f, -e? a o , .. , ; i),o liver and Kidneys, (' :e nmpti n, V.'bi'e Swclbi'., Palsy, Si.i rieatori ;;;oa. Dianiaea, P c nii- iver bi'.g, nii- etos, if Urine, (j ravel, Fior Albas, Dial Drop...1, ele. Dr. V. wa.nld advise those ladies tioub'cd w.th ,..; IrregnlariP.es of ibe Utei'Uo to ti bis new r. iiiedn-s end uat er.retl. Dr. Van I). n Per:.h'- Infalbbb-Worm Fv u;r lor Cbif.iien. 1 c;o'l tie' worths. - ?!. Weiaante.i to ni every w bei'e upon receipt o prh'c Dr. !. Vf. Van Pea Rergb's, Pair Tonic a Mire cure to destiny all aninialenhe of the Hair F-.'liit les, pi event- fa!'; out. and pro I'lioiiinx t; e Growtii of the ILiir. I liee 5. 1 ; Warranted. 15 y Ci ts u I i ' it g si)l Xi ik' rjo f us S 1 31 V L E EXAMINATION, J The u.thcf' d can learn if their disene is caused by Woims or no'; at all events, lr. Van Den Pergb can tell tin 111 from what dis- ease thev are u lie ring. CoiiMuitntioiss sin l K.t n ml ia t ions KXi:i: OV CIIAIIGK. OFFICE RCGBIS K03. S3 h 39, THE POST CFFICS- Letters di-erib'ng the symptoms will be promptly answeied, and persons living at a distance will be sav.-d fbo expense and trou ble of calling upo.i the Doctor. Address lilt J. IV. VAX JDK?i HKUGII, P O. POX 1:2. SALEM, OREGON. Tent ilium Ja 1 . i 'i;ii.m), .!. loin, t;,'. j J ne Doctor s or.icos- are .so arraio td Calif Dk.J. W.Vw Ds:.- Vrn(,u ler Sir : can be consulted wit bout fear A ubei Our child, a little gn! eight year of age, has j had !its and c-n vubions for the last two ! years, and we had tried mativ doctors and! i respondents. rr any r.-ou-aies without much benefit, in Po t j Patierts residing in anv t n i of t In ' a' ' our darling was trotting constantly worsn : however distant, whon.av'd.'s're ibei'pit;'-"-r.ntd we heard of yen1 worn svrup thr-nh 1 and advice of DR PO 11 I'll T Y ii t'-rb1 ' - 1 "' a fru nd of ours. We thmnghf. that perhaps live cases, and who thin; i rer , r to si ,.'i-- it might r.o some -jood to a;ve i a t!i:P, aad wiitp n statement of s-.ch'. in pit f. rr.-' ?' you cannot imagine our surprise when over holding- a per-onai interview, are ifH oi : 'O -"''' wor;,ls ;vt'rt' cupelled with ,,ae bo1 tie of ; ly as n i ed t h a 1 1 h ei r rom m u r. i':i t " or s w il 1 i' - your vamable worm syrup, ami from this held sacred aed confidon. hd. 1 f the case 1 1 time on W(. certainly shall t,eer be Without ' fully and cardhilv described, persona! '-ii'.-lt so lo!lir j.s there is a possible chiinee lor it tmmieation will be nnne. ess'irv. n.- h v.v tobebad. You are at liberty to publish thins for diet . i eirimen and the L-enoial t ' ' tins it you cbo-.se. and may it do much t ooL ; nieni of ttie ease itself u'nelndinj the n-n ' Resnectlully yours, S. H.ORTOX. i .Pes will be f.rwa; ded without .lehiv.r'i M. J. ORTOX. i m such a manner as to eonv v no blear i e 1 vtirport of the left, r or p arccl so trans!:-.'..:- -' Sj-iiiitoitiii of Wonis, I .fir Consultation h.y letter or cthrrw;--. Alternate pa ern-ss and nnshinn of the i Fll EE. l'ertnaneiit cure guarautted or i;e; l eotintonatiee, dall expression 0f the eves, : 1 urow sines?, itetnug ot the nose, a sweile; upper-lip, t.on.:rue whitely far.-e-'and thick- ly speck'ed with red points, fetid breath. I and eril.iraed abdomen, a parlhd or sen- i cral swelling or .ti.Ti:i'gness of the skin, a ! Martbirg in he sb-e. and srritidin of the 1 teeth, a sensation a if s-unethintr was b-.lg- el in the throat, a gradual wasting of tlie '. tiesh , sick ni's.; uf the stomach, voniiijcg, a i short and dry cough, apatite sonieti;in s "t o rac ous, at other times feeble, b .wels some- times costive, other times loose, treat fret- 1 lulness ar.d irritability of ten empe.', pains m the stomach and bowels, colic, IPs, convul sions ami palsy. j -, . If the worm syrup is not fo be bad in J' '-"' ' your town, send orders to the manufacturer it will be sent orooit-tlv to any address i free of express eh a r gov. Direct orders to Dn. J. W. v. N Jipx PPRCH, t. O c-v Pi- ca!! in. Oi ..'"en. JEW YORK HOTEL 1 (DeHtfcUes Gafthans,) No. 17 Front Street, opposite the 'fa: ship lauding, Portland, Ori'SlC2!!:' II. EOTHrOS, J. J. VILXEs PROPRIETORS. " I EBoarJ per Week t. " with Lodging "" V 5 Pay AND "i 4i 1 - DR. HUFELA H D'S .C PL PRE A TED S "W I S 8 STOMACH BITTERS The First and most healthful Tonic tver introduced in the I iniU'd Suus P These liitto-s H he,"n in tl.eSau Flai -ti tusco Maiket fer uv, r h notwithst !ii.:IL ti:- p. n any ri w Cjt;dii!at s C for joiblic fivor, jr. i'- sale, have COL.-t'li:!-' K :r erer.sed. H i Wi.tiK & i:kv. h k:i,. So'.. a-,-t.. SM'-.t and til C-r.-x h San 1- it. iicis,-.-,. '.;i ,.' I. C4 r- -J i.C. ' -C -n.'i.-.i au..;. If t!:c-r ii :: I k" rLino v.-l.Lla c:.s il Pa:i I":a:.ri,eo i plvin-Ciah'. f,: 1-" 1 of it, j t 1 i- :"..' 1 ; i vitheT.t t?.' ( i:,;J C t r. owl: (. r. ( .r'-t,- -izr- :iii ' 1 cf th, , Z'l i ? e i i f - if i ' f i w -' v. r5, t 't . 1 ait a ' tm ; tiui i C ir j n Zioif -rte CJiarg. j Private SlfIeal ? .Vjn-gieal Imxtitu' , ! Ho.519 Sacramento Street, ccrrci cl" ! Cuvowil;, a -. "r : - .- . , W (.oe;v- bJ. 1, the n a i ..err j , i; e. ; (I VP. te en ft uin-v on Leid- .- doj ;f ;( -d :";.:! - b to A!o nhf , r Treattf eot a;.d Core ef all Pj n . .ii fine i ",ea.o s, Sexual 1) .sorters. - ( s oi e'.'.it; I'o t !.- Aflit .'!. T-R. W. K. liOltEPTV re n; r-. !.b thai to 1. . - t ':.; en.-ns irfu is : p;.t; cnage. ;.;;U efi !. ' e t' i- i . t: r.'iab.d t i eei ii at be n. t:i-res f. at i.is !i:!!!c.te for ti e en: e .f , h, east s ot the Longs. Livir, K idia , live and Gei.it!.. Urit.ai v "rears. 1 1 v at e l ; .a--. and sta- d V llfkl I nor; in con.- r .- e re s bo a. Gleet, Str.ctnrc I.a! Emissions. S-e ;; . 1 i'!ia ; the Rack su.d I.,.h: 11: lb:d:;. r and Kii!i:e s, vti . ; riu that bis lot, it; .....!' i:ee and .-ncei-s. lice will eontn. UV to !)-!; Pj;.! a public p:iti'(.r:age. i'v t! !t!-t!c-years in Enrr.jie and the Fniied M;. s, ! r i, nt ce-Si :u i emei.'te; .'igallisf C i 1 C Us 1 s no ulcl c u : , ; n 1 l v.- i : of. i : ; . V, 1 a......;.....:. . i . , , ' ms I'uiif iii.s m a co ice I a n (l i,o!cr:.i . e v. j1'"' '' ivi ''r lIi -i ' s :,- t lii'iii nn ii ol know n 1 1 o,; t -t a 1 1 ,t v ; : high standing in socletv. All ar'.ies ; sis'. t him l,y letter oi- ot !, e : w e, s '. 11 eeive the best nd gentliot tu-iitui. u. implicit jcc:tcy. I T Fcuialfs., When ft female ism trouble, or ' with disease, as weakness r ! the i ;; k ' 1 blobs. pj,;u in ths; beac . i i a t . s - - i - ' . ' ' loss of rnnsculur power, pal i;.,t r n , i :'. -heart . i r: if . !,i ity, nei vc n-i.r -s, , r c it inary dlihcnities". derant;, ir nt ft' Ch '' j oinct lors, genera) debility, a ap in;; i. V'i : fa si t; of the .vomb, by ttt i la, siei i I ;.; : '. : other diseases peculiar to f-nmb. s,si i f ; pro or w ri'e at once fo tie L bu.Je. -.' ; h;etor, W. K. PoHPPTY. at b:.. Mcdic.d ): stitute. and consult him about her in o' :. ; and di-ease. The Doctor i. ef.ee: h.s.' n.eiv cures than any otl.t-r physician p. ti,.-' ' of Califoi-ni:). L. t. no !..lse lb lie;.c i.i'-r;- but a: ply i ' ; m cd h.t e! v aiid save t v ' i t; o in p i info! si: fie i ir;. ;ii,d nre n, a 5 1: All married ladies. . 1 ,.-e didicaTe hud.';, or j other Circum. ranees pi event an p.. n-n-e -; their families s),,.,,!,. writ? or call af PP. W. K. DUiii; K'l Y'S M diea! Insti'ie. :ird tl.-t-will receive evei v no-si!, 1 . !:..' ..oi 1.1a. S prm alori htxai. DIP DOHFRTY bus just publi list t.l 11 --..........., . 1.1, .im V. ,.,!..; tr 1. i i A 1VT! V l ' ' C mill (f lllJ'IMt I, tlJi-ne and experiences in relation to inipotei.ee ei iiih'tv; f.eii.'ff a Short Treatise '-n Sj a lori-bo'a or Seminal Weakness, Xervons : Phvsical Dchi'i'.v err sequent on this r.i c1 Con, and otbsr b senses of the Sexuul Orcsr This little work contains iuforniati n ' ! utmost value to ah, whether married ors!:v"!' and will be sent Fb'EE by mail on recfij MX cents in posiage sianij;s ior reiuin I ; Address W. K. DOHFRTY. M. P-. San Francisco Cul 1 KOLTKER, ; v-iit rv fi' tr- rvrt'tTNt.1 oT''1 1 ; R T P u..ir. PX T L Lib- W .' uitvu Ci'..i . Jau . 1j.i1