o o o o o G O o o o G o o O G o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o 0 o o o o o o o o . 5Tl)C iUcckln Enterprise, FRIDAY, : JUNK 28. 1872 11 O A 1 I E. BY THE LATE B. F. WASHINGTON. Now twilight sits upon the hill nd lengthened shadows tbe valley fill; The wild bird's song is hushed, and still Is dreaming nature, Rosalie; While here within this spot, o'ergrown "With leaves and flowers. I sit alone, To muse on thee and hours flown, Love-winged and joyous, Rosalie. To muse upon those happy times. "When first I won thee with my rhyrces ; When s-weet as music's vesper chimes, Our hearts accorded, Rosalie; "When life flow'd ever like the stream Of some brain pictured lovely dream. Where airy shapes and fancies gleam Upon its bright waves, Rosalie. Afar in memory's misty light &s stars steal through the gloom of night The twinklings of a vision bright Come gently o'er me. Rosalie; A vine-clad cot beneath tbe hill The gladsome wanderings of a rill A- form which love's bright beamings fill Are all before me, Rosalie. Once more we walk this wildwood shade, Where oft in " love's young dream"-' we stay'd. Again upon the flowery glade We pick bright blossoms, Rosalie; Once more I hear the wild bird's song That charmed ns all tbe summer long, And with it comes a glorious throng Of bright-winged visions, Rosalie. And as the stars come out to night. All trembling on their lonely bight, Jlethinks amid their dewy light Thine eyes smile on me Rosalie; Those soft, those gently speaking eyes, Where hopes and pleasant memories, Like silver waves, alternate rise t'pon a bright sea, Rosalie. Tiiy face to me was as a tide. Where barks, love-laden, ever glide. With Hope, their pilot and their guide, And I their haven, Rosalie; Jhit ah ! a cloud on swift wings passed, And all the sky was overcast. And then were wrecked, alas! too fast. .My freighted treasures. Rosalie. I cannot twine my fingers now In thy soft hair, nor kiss thy brow, Nor hear thy gentle accents flow In murmured music. Rosalie; 1 cannot teel thy breath so warm Upon my cheek, nor press thy form, Which like a fiow'ret in a storm, Slept on my bosom, Rosalie. And though each wild bird sings of thee. And in each summer flower 1 see Thy own eyes, bright exceedingly. Look up and greet me, Rosalie ; 1 start and sigh to think that thou Art but to rue a memory now A star that gemmed life's morning brow. Then lied and left me, Rosalie. A tall oak stricken in its pride The fierce red bolt has rent its side Scattered its seared leaves far and wide Upon the cold hearth, Rosalie; fvw too. my heart, is sorely riven l!y a stern fate, 'gainst which I've striven. Till my poor thoughts like leaves are driven Upon the rude world, Rosalie. And I have sought to find, in vain, This vision of my youth again ; And I have dreamed until my brain Was wild with dreaming. Rosalie ; But. oh ! to sit and muse alone. Within this spot with flowers o'ergrown, Is all that's left me now, my own, My lost, my lovely Rosalie. Miscellaneous Items. A "busy watevin-plaoc all the year round A milkman's-. Can anything' that is baleful be a "Messing? Yes; a bale full of cot ton. Of all the "birds that please us with their lays the most popular is the hen. A Detroit picture-dealer says the hardest work he has to do is to frame excuses. Over three thousand five hun dred new books appeared in Eng land last year. A Xcw Yorker has made a clock fo large that it takes a steam en gine to wind it up. A boy who undertook to ride a horseradish is now practicing on a saddle of mutton. The minister who hoasted that he could preach without notes didn't mean bank-notes. A medical impostor in Xew York has been doing a thriving business among the poor people by pretending that he was the city vaccinator. A worthy husband who arrived home late one night last week, nave an excuse that it was a late spring, and that he wanted to look alter the rye crop. Admission to the Boston jubilee concerts will be 6-3 for a single ticket or fifty dollars for the sea son. 8 The people of Boston never had much of a reputation for holding their breath." The Americans have once more been beaten by the English in a rowing match on the Thames. The superior training of the Eng lish has enabled them to defeat their Yankee opponents. A quiet man rang his neighbor's doorbell one night. "Is the gen tleman in ?' he asked of the ser- rant. "I don't know. Did you to see him particular! v WlSil "Oh, no! I merely wanted to tell him his house is on fire'" Two log huts, eighteen feet high and twenty feet square, were dis covered in digging for the founda tion of a new building in the rear of S2 Sullivan street, Xew York. One was evidently a residence of primitive times, and the other a cattle shed. A Parisian quack lias been adver tising an infallible remedy for cur ing diseases of the skin. It ap pnared, on his examination in court, that there were "objections" to his mode of practice. If his pa tients were troubled with a cutane ous .eruption, he applied a plaster which took away the .kin ; no skin, no disease ot the skin vcrv logical theory. Consequental Damages. From the Philadelphia Age. The following correspondence shows the present condition of a long dispute between two neigh bors : Dear Hull: Some time ago your wagon ran into my buggy, at the turnpike gate, and broke one shaft and knocked four spokes out of the left wheel. What are you going to do about it. Truly yours, Johxathax Smith. Deak Smith ; I don't see that I ought to pay the damages done by the wagon. In fact, I had lent it to a relation of yours. But, as you say I am unreasonable, I agree to leave it to Hans Breitman, who keeps the toll-gate, to say whether I ought to pay the 'damages. Truly yours, Jonx Bull. Dear Bull to Breitman. I agree to leave it Truly yours, Jo ii x ath an Smith. Deak Smith: I went to Breit- this morning, and he showed man me the bill sent in by Mr. Shad, your attorney. He says that by the injury to your buggy you were stopped from going to town, where you might have made 6-500,000 by a speculation in mess pork. He has put in a bill for $500,007 50. I would not object to the &7 50 for repairs to the buggy, but the rest of the claim is ridiculous. Yours, John Bull. . Deak Sir: Tt don't make any difference about the amount of my bill. We have left it to Breitman to say what's right. Yours, Johxathax Smith. Dear Sin: I will not leave any such claim to Breitman. 116 can not understand it; indeed, he hard ly understands English, and might give a smashing award against me on your ridiculous claim. Yours, John Bull. Deak Bull: Don't let us quar rel about it. My attorney's claim does seem to be ridiculous. All my friends tell me so. Let us both say to Breitman that it is ridicu lous, and then leave the matter to him. Yours, Johxathax Smith. Deaii Sin: Since you admit it is ridiculous, you had better with draw it. I will pay anything that Breitman says for repairing the buggy, but will not put it in any fellows power to bankrupt me. Yours, John Bull. Siu: If I were to withdraw my claim people would laugh at me. I stick to it if it is ridiculous. I) n the buggy; I will lose the money on it. Not at all yours, Johxathax Smith. '"pleading- Infection. The Manchester Board of Health, reporting the progress of sanitary improvement in that city, mentions a remarkable circumstance in eon nection with the duties of white washers, who, in various towns in England, visit houses after the health employes called disinfect ors have left them. They strip the paper, often consisting of sev eral layers, from the walls, and subsequently wash them with a so lution of caustic soda; but these men frequently suffer from injec tions diseases contracted in the per formance of their duties, although the house had been disinJ'ected be fore their visits by the use of clilor ine, carbolic acid, etc. It appears that the absorbent power of the paper covering the wall is such that it enables it to retain the germs of infection, if such there be, or it shields it from the action of disinfectants so that on the pa per being removed or torn up these become liberated and infect the the men. Until the plan was adopted of stripping off the paper and dress ing the. walls and painted surfaces with caustic soda, the recurrence of the disease was not uti frequent. This, the medical oliicer adds, shows the necessity, even in the better class of houses, after the oc currence of infectious diseases, of not being satisfied with mere clean ing, whitewashing, and repainting, but for the removal of all paper from the walls, and the washing of these with some powerful corro sive that may destroy all injurious organic matter. The officer points out in his report that during the j ten years between the last census taken in England and that of 1801, not less than 15,417 persons died within the city of Manchester from five infectious diseases, of whom four-lifths were children under ten years of age. Ix a certain town out West there had been a very exciting election for the office of Sheriff ' The suc cessful candidate of course was very much elated, and at night was for a long time talking it over with his wife as she sat by the fire pre paring to retire. Meanwhile the youngsters in the trundle bed were "all cars," and at length one tow head popped up under inspiration of the query, "Ma are we all Sher iffs, or only you and pa ?" "Lie down you little scamp 1" cried the mother, "only your pa and me." . .o- i Quick Work. Pockville,Conn., says an exchange, boasts of a man who got married, became a happy father, buried both wife and child, married again, and buried the I second wife all inside of eleven j months. He remarked, with great f emotion, when handing in for j 1 publication the notice of his wife's j disease: "There's no rose without j its thorn V The thorn in this j ' case was having to pay for the ad-! vertisement. i Why She Endures It. Xcw York correspondent writes asked a pretty young lady why she dragged and drab bled her costly dresses m the ave nues, and she said; "I should think your woman's wit would tell you, even if your knowledge of the world did not. You know that my father nearly kills himself that we may appear "to be prosperous. You know, too, that my mother scarcely slumbers or sleeps for fear our set will know of our struggles and economies; and when she does drop off into dreamland, she wanders in her mind to find ways, means and fashions wherewith to make her pride and hope a marketable arti cle. It is probably unnecessary to say that this pride and hope is my self. I would not tell you of this skeleton in our closet if I were not sure you knew all about it. We guard it as old crusaders did their honor. Xow there is Gussy Swell up, and his father is a millionare, and very gouty, and very old. Gussy is not too wise or too witty. If I spoke the vilest of grammar, he would not know it. but he is the keenest detective of poverty, and he abominates poor folks. He thinks I am rich. He judges so mainly from the way I slash mv dresses in the mud, and the way 1 order lunch at Delmonico's when he is to pay for it. He thinks I am used to it at home. lie don't know that hominy and syrup is the price of my bedraggled skirts, spoiled hoots, and clear complexion. When I get him for a husband, and have the marriage settlement a sure thing, I can manage Gussy easy enough. Managing poverty and keeping it successful I' out of sight, fits a woman for all possible strat egies of the most difficult married career. You see I have contem plated and philosophized not a lit tle for one of my years. Want is a thorough school-mistress, and her demands are tvranous, but the mo ment I am married hurrah for free dom ! I'll wear clean stockings and petieoats till I die, or until I want another rich fool of a hus band." Haps ami Misshap. A hotel keeper in Lansing, Mich., has been arrested for not giving his horses enough to eat. Charles Vohnann died in Ilobo- ken, the other day, from the effects of bleeding trod need by the ex traction of live teeth a few days be fore. A man in Xewbnrv X. C, cut his hand in opening a box of sar dines the other day, and the result was that his hand and arm began to swell and he finally died. At Milwaukie, the other after noon, a girl name 1 Mary Ruml tiski, eight years of age, was startled by a passitiLT team, and sprang into the Phoenix Mill, where she Jell and in stantly expired. She was fright ened to death. A prairie fire overtook Mrs. John Jackson near Xeosho Falls, Kansas, a few davs ago while she was traveling along the road with her two children. One of the chil dren was burned to death, and the motherand other child would prob ably'die from their fearful injuries. Five years ago a gentleman bought a few acres of land in East Cleveland, just beyond the present city limits, paying for it 7,000. A few days since he sold it for $70, 000, and in three hours after the sale had been consummated, the purchasers disposed of it again for -SSO,000. John E. Porter & Co., of Phil adelphia, have 17,000 for the au thor of "White Pocks," the manu script of which was left with them five years ago, b' a boy, who has never been seen since the book was published. The author was to re ceive a royalty of ten cents per copy, and 170,000 copies have been sold. A handsome young woman an al leged widow, is Enoch-Ardening in Xew York witli success. She gets a man to engage to marry her and settle on her in advance so much money, then her first husband rush es in with a long beard and a re volver, and that is the last Philp Pay ever sees of the widow and the settlement. A farmer who was sympathy zing with his neighbor Jones on the death of his son, said: "you should remember, Mr. Jones, that there is no loss without some gain. John, you remember, was always a mon strous eater." "I know he was," responded the bereaved parent; but to think that he was laid up with the rheumatism all the win ter, and died just in haying time, is pretty tough, neighbor Jenkins, pretty tough !" The X ew York Herald lias been for some time past a strong advo cate of the re-election of Grant, but it is forced to make this con fession: "The disgraceful and pain ful condition of affairs in the South ern States, the tendency ot the government to military or arbitra ry assumption of power and other evils which have been forcibly ex posed at Cincinnati, have made the administration unpopular. Outside of the Office-holders there is no enthusiasm or affection for it. For Gen. Grant personally the peo ple still have much respect, but lit tle or none for his Administration. Unless he changes his course and the Cabinet lie will run a great risk of being defeated next Xo v ember." Business Directory of Portland, Oregon. PUBLISHED BY L. SAMCKL, General Advertising Agent, t3 f ront Street, Ackerman's Dollar Store, No. JJ First Street. Importers and Job bers of Fancy Goods, Toys, Crockery, Glass ware and Plated Ware. 4 stor House, First st , between Oak and XV. Fine. Everything ueai. 11. L. Longfel low, Proprietor. BOOKS, STATIOSERV AND PERIODICALS, BA.VCKOPT t MOUSE, Agents for Mabie, Todd & Co.'s celebrated Ciol.l Pell 3. Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Go's School Books. Just Published, a full line of Legal Blanks fur this State. B arman, the only direct Importer of Cloth ing, Slc, cor. rront x Washington sts. CHAS. C. BARRETT, WHOLESALE IZOOKSKLLCR & STATIONF.lt, LARGEST STOCK JX PORTLAND'. IVo. 70 Front ami Xo. SJAVasli iiigtou Streets. 1) ECK , W 1 1, LI AM & SON, 12l Front st. J Importers and toilers in Onus, ltitles and Revolvers of every description. Fishing Tackle, Fancy Goods. IWds, Bird Gages, Baskets, Croquet Game?, and Baby Carriages. Agents for the "California Powder Works;' also, lor the "Wheeler Si Wilson dewing Machines.'' 1eck, John A., 12'.) Front, street, practical ) Watchmaker & Jeweler. Woik done for thy Trade. HOOK AiD.TOK PKIiXTEKS. DIMES & BACHELDER 1)3 Front street. Jricrhani .v. Reinhart, First st. bet Oak Sc y Pine, importers of Stoves, Ranges, Kitchen Utensil. 1" uchanan, W. A., s. w. cor. First & Taylor 5 sts. Cheapest Furniture House in Port land f i A ! ) T 1?rrC: WALTER BROs jJ I 1 lli 1 O, SO Front st.ctt Cllarke, Henderson & Cook, SI & S3 First ) street. Dealers in Dry Goods, Fancy Goods. C jlm fc Bo.ienfVld, 14S Front st. Coiimiis J sion Merc hants & Dealers in Oregon & California Produce. Congle, J. B ., Manufacturer & Dealer in Saddles, Harness, and Saddlery Hard ware, 'jf! Front street. (Virrier, W .fc Co., l'i:5 Front st. Merchant J Tailors aud Clothier.",, Huts Furnishing Goods. Lishuiutt Ac Oatinan, "j2 Fr uit street. Real Fstjte Atrents. money loaned. houses re;:teJ. DENTAL GOODS (.;. II. Wool aid & Co. 101 front street" DRUGGISTS, AKfl MJO. 101 Fnnt street. Ciders Iron any portion of the State or Territories care fully lil'el by ma:! o express. TVnil, Lowcnstein k, Co. Furniiure and X'JI Carpet dealers Stores from 134 to 158 First street. Tmplovmpnt A .-eney. WithoreH V Hoi :j man, So Front st. Furnish all kiadi of help. I .""Herd nir A- Beebe. o Front stieet. Com- j mission Merchants and dealers in Do mestic Produce. "JirVishion Livery Stable, cor. First h Sal JL sts K. Corbet t, Prop. Good turn ahv.iys on hand. ninn outs I T'i-b'jl it Il-'berts for. Fiist A- W:islim'rton " . - . l 1 c. r iv n .: v ishi:ir (1 io.f- .-Vrdand, Dr. B. 11., Dentist OlhVe, No. L 2, Dekum's Block, cor. First it 'Vash insrton sts. "1 ill J: Steel. 7-S and 77 First street. Deal- jT ers in iio ik-, Stuti mei v, and Musical Instrument-!. GRAY'S MUSIC STORE The largest Music House on the Coast. STELWV.W Fi nos, 111 RDETT OUGANS, Ci. L. DcPUAXS, Jlanagtr. SOLE AGF.XCV Fill: THE uf2otYc'' Sowing Macliinc. '?7Ajrents wanted. 3 I jTackeriPv & Stome. Grocers and dealers ..A. in all kinds of Seeds, cor. First and .Mam sts. Hamiimtrer, B., p'O First street, importer and dealer in Staple Fancy Dry Goods, Millinerv "tndee. D II., Photonr.ipbic Artist, s. w. cor. l ust and Moins,,n sts. Child s Pict. Sjiec !ty. enrichse'i, L. C. & Co., 109 First street. . Manu'acturers and dealers in Jewelry, Watches, Ac. Hihbatd, Geo. L., Its Front st.. wholesale dealer in Groceries, Doors, Wagon Ma terials, Ac. Hodiro, Calef A-sfco., t'7 Front st., whole sale dealers in drugs, Paints, Oils, Goiss, Arc. XTT" I TT Sewing Machine, straight X.L JllLAlJ needle", under feed, "lock stitch." Competition challenged. M. E. Traver, 112 Front st. Hursrren & Shindler, Nos. Hit", to 172 First st. Importers Furniture, Bed dinir, Ac. International Hotel, cor. Front and Morri son sts. M. Rudolph, Prop. Free Buss attends steamers. Kohn.J. ,V Co., 91 Front st, wholsale and retail dealer in Fine Clothing, Furnish ing Goods. Maison Doree Restaurant, piivate rooms . for Families, cor. 1st and Pine streets. Q. "oos. Prop. rtn, E. & Co., wholesale dealer in Winps A- Liouors. O. S. X. Co's Block. and San Fran M eier A Sch nicer, 111 Front st., wholesale and retail Confectioners. li T iller, John B., 03 1st st. Watchniak iVl. Jeweler, offers to the public a line aker .t ne as sortment of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. M oeller t Co , Front near G st.. Dealers in native and loreijn Wiues, Liquors and Cijrars. fort'iriin E. J.. Hardware, Iron, Steel, JS Hubs. Spokes, Hardwood Lumber, etc., Portland. O ccidental Hotel, cor. First and Morrison sts. Smith & Cook, Proprietors. 1)arish, Wiit.ns & Cornell, Real Estate Agents, 90 Front street, bet. Alder and Washington. I)HOTOGRAPHiC GOOD-. C. II. Wood ard & Co., 101 Ftont s. "Oice, J. M..127 Front street, wholsale IV dea'er in Tinware and Stores. Kichter, Pan!. 105 First st.. importer of Berlin wooden Carving-, Parlor Orna ments, ,Vc. I irlor- n c T?ps1 Fv-state fc fonev Rrnlrpr X 92 Front street. Portland. Ii osenbaum. I.S.iVCo., Tobacconists, imnort V ers of Foreign and Domestic Liquors. USS Hmi(i Pi nnf ct (In P!vt. Hlaaj Prin. XL cipal. Thomas Ryan, Proprietor. Sherlock, S., 61 Front and 62 First sts , dealer in Harness, Saddlery aud Sad dler Hardware. Simon, J.,i)G Frout street, dealer in Doors, Sash A, Blinds, Window & Plate Glass. Sinshenner, H., 157 First st., importer of Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Music In struments. Sk' drrore, S. G., 123 First st. Druggist "& Apothecary, a large stock of Pert urn ery Si Toilet Articles. Oniith & Davis, 71 Front street, wholesale O dealer in Drugs, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Perfumery, Ac. Snow A Roos, 73 First strtet. Pictures, Frames, Moldings, Artist's Mats,I)raw ing Instruments. s mtth, Put., Broker. 90 Front st. Deafer 1 in Legal Tenders, Go ernmcnt Bonds 1 Gold Dust. an (JTOXE, II. I,., 1 or Front Slret-f. O Watctimaker A Manufacturing Jewelei is appointed Agent for the W.ilthani, Ivirin, E. Howard A Co., Chas. E. Jacot, and the California Watches; also, for all the produc tions and imports of the California Jewelry Corr pany, San Francisco. Send for circular. Watches repaired in the very best manner and WAititANTicD to give satisfaction. nrVrry Bros., No. 173 First street, nianufac JL tnrers and dealers in Furniture, Bed ding, Carpets, Ac. rphe Clothing store. 113 Front st. Clothing, JL Furnishing Gotds, Boots and Shoes. Harris A Prager. rputt!e, II. II., 142 A 144 Front st. Dealer JL in Wagons A Agricultural Implements. rpyne, E. D., n. w. cor. First A Oak sts., JL dealer in Brandies, Wines, English Ale and Porter. rpyler, J. A., 117 Front st., wholesale deal JL er in Batter, Eggs, Cheese, Lard, Ba con, Ac. TV .it: . , !. r r, rll. liiiaiu.- -Mei?, ventiui imuva, t." . : m 1. ...... i'. deal's in Produce. V7halley A Fechheimer, Attorneys A So Y'Y licitors in Baiiki uptcy. Oflice in Odd Fellows Temple, NEWS, ft 'IMC LOOK OUT FOE GOOD BARGAINS! S.AC HER Ft; AM & CO. II AVE JUST UIOCEIVKD A LARGE bto k ot SPIilXG & SUMMER GOODS, WHICH THEY OFFER Clitapea iiitm flic CIseapesf. We would s-iy, conic and convince your self before purchasing elsewhere. Our stock consists in part of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, CHO THING, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOE NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, and a great many articles too numerous to meiitjun. ALSO, Doors, Windows, Glass and Putty. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. ALSO, WOOL wanted, for which we pay the HIGHEST PRICE. S. ACKERIiXArj & CO. Oregon City, April 21, lS71:tf Eye, Ear, Throat & Lungs. JOHN B. PILKINGTON. EL D., TATE OF SAN FPANCLSCO, HAS 1.0 j ca'ed in Portland, Oregon. OHice : In Holmes' Building. First st reet (three doors from Ladd A Tilton's Bank'), where he may be couMiited daily, and will treat diseases of the above named organs as specialties. All operations upon the Eve and Hai per formed in the most scieulilic and careful manner. ARTIFICIAL EYES, having all the beauty and mobility of tbe natural eye, inserted. Refers by permission, for his professional standing, to L. C. Lane, M. D., Professor o! Surgery, and Edwin Eentley, M. )., Profes sor of Anatomy, University of the Pacific S.in Francisco; and lor his success in the treatment of cases, to over I.oOO cases tteat fd bv him, in San Francisco ; also, to Levi Estjs, Esq., Bev. T. L. Eliot, Portland ; Win. II. Dillon, Esq., Vancouver, W. T. ; and many others Oregon and Washington Ter ritory. aug2.':m6 MOOSE AND LOTS FOB SALE rpiIE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR JL sale his residence in Oregon City. There are four lots, a go-J hou-e and barn, with a line cellar and a good well of water. There is plenty of laud', and it is will adapted for earty hardening purposes. Part payment may benaade in stock. For particulars tp ply" to GEORGE CLABK. Ore on City Juna 2 ls71tf REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE- PORTLAND- - - OREGON. GEO. Jj. CUlIfiX, DEALER IN PEAL ESTATE AND OTHER INVESTMENTS. Commissioner Selecting Swamp and Ovet flowed Lands. Farm Lands sold and purchasers obtained for all kinds of landed property. Valuable securities transferred in exchange for real estate. n Loans negotiated on property, and titles examined and determined. Commissions solicited and executed with fidelity and promptness. OFFICE No. U Carter's Build in-. forri?r of Alder and Front streets. icb. 3, -70;tf THE HOUSE WE LIVE IN ASD THE INHABITANTS OF THE HUMAN HODX. rpiIE CAUSE OF A GREAT MANY DIS JL eases, that have been pronounced incur able by the most eminent physicians, for tbe very reason that they overlooked the caue, and as Dr. Van Den" Beigh has made the Entozoa a life long Study, be wou'd inform the sick general ly that by close observation and great xperiments, has come to the con clusion that there are more acute and thron diseases caused by Worms, Hydatids, An ima'cuke. or other species of Enti-zoa. The public generally, or the profession at large, are not aware of the number of Patients who are treated by eminent Physicians, for this, that, or such a complaint, without any rehet. If the disease had been understood, a few doses of Dr. Vs. Socf.rthjH Worm !tmey would have ininiediattd y cured the complaint and saved a great many lives. INHABITANTS OF THE HU- EEAW BODY! What think you reader, of your loly be ing a planet, inhabited by living races, as we inhabit the earth? Whatever may be your thoughts on the subject, it is even so. Your body may be but a home for parasites that, crawl over tbe surface, burrow beneath the skin, nestle in its entrails, and riot and propagate their kind iu every corner ot its ire. me. The following is from the San- Francixco Btilhliu, of January liGih, 1S72. (A recent date.; Carl Martins recently died in Cleveland, Ohio, from eating meat infected with the Ouu of Taiutui Solium. At the (-01 oner's Inquest, on Tuesday, (January 21, it was shown that three weeks before Chri.-tmas, Mai tins purchased a carcass of Pol k. Some of the meet was eaten the same day, and some was made into savage. About teu days later, some of the sausavje was eaten, and 111 a short time the wholi family were taken sit k. Martins died on Sunday. Decern her " I st, ls71. Mis. Martins and her two children are now very sick, and tbe fomer is not likef. to recover. The verc'ict was in accordance witli the facts. For further par ticidars. s -e Cleveland, Ohio, papers of above date. A Coroner's Inquest brought this fact to light. Now I would ask how many more Mich deaths a' inquest would bring to light ? Ponder well, reader, upon this, and thi k of the thousar.ds that die every year and no c?.ii-e can be as-igned tor their death. Now the question that would naturally enter the miutl of the reader, is what shall I do? The advice of the Dr. would be go to some one that is competent of treating such c-ni-p aints. And who is more competent than the one that has made Worms a speiiall.tv. Tt-.MAS. Yesterday, Dr. J. W. N an Deii Beigh exh'bited to us a number ot parasites which had been removed from persons af flieted; there weie several d fit rent species, one of which appears to be entirely unknown to the n.edica! piotesMon. Tins new taenia is shaped something like an orange seed, but perfectly Hat, or lather like a cucumber seed, with a tail about a quarter t f an inc-h inleigth. Anoil.ei was a tape worm 87 te-.t in length, consisting of ti.iloo joints. Among medical men theie ex sts no little difference of opinion relative to the 01 iin of ttiese entozoa. One class of writers L- lieve that these parasi'es, at least many of J them, originate in the endowment of animal I iii-decuh s with vitality from the parent body, f.ivo e l bv certain st ites of the vital fortes, of that bodv; the states originating il;tir organization and prouiotir.if their g owth ' ami propagation. That all descriptions of! entozoa are met with far more frequently where animal food is used in greatest abund ance, is an indisputable fact, -jvecn.IIv where the food is the siesh of ihe "unclean beasts." which .he Jews and Mohammedans are lot bidden to partake of. But our inten tion is not to wiite a tliesi-" upon this snbie.-t: e or.lv desir- to 0 ion cie t he f'aei that' Dr J. W. Van Don liergh has found a medicine a simple vegetable which grows in 1 bund ance in Cal ilornia, which is a dead shot to a en'ozoa. of whatever de d ipt on, gener ally accomplishing its object in tn-rn an hour and a half to six hours. .,,,,-), Call. Had we the space here, hundreds ot testi monials mul 1 be product -d. testifying to the truth of the asser ions that have here been made, bnt it would be useless and would only occupy the reader's time. The fidiow ng are some of the diseases that Worms are often mistaken for. Dyspepsia, Chronic Affections of the Liver and Kidneys, Consumption, W hite Swell ng. Palsy, Sot rniabo rh,s a. Diarrl eca, Ii cmti nriiceof 17 1 ine, Grave!, Fior Aibns, Diabetes. Dropsy, etc. Dr. V. would adyi.-e those ladies troub'cd with nay Irregularities of the Uterus to t ry his new j m dies ami get cured. Dr. Van l -n Beigh's infallible Worm Syr. up for Children, liice 1. Warranted t cxp 'I th worms. Sent everywhere upon receipt ot price. Dr. J. W. Van Den Bergh's, Hair Tonic a sure care to destroy ail aniraaleu've of the Hair Follicles, pi event- falling out. and pro Uioting the Growth ol the Hair. I'i ice $ 1,50; Warranted. IJj- C'tiHsiiItnf; siiul t"nl rgcins SIMPLE EXAMINATION, The afTlictrd can learn if their d'sea-e is caused by Wotras or no'; at all even's. Dr. Van Den Br-rgh on tell thisi trom what dis ease they are buffering. Consultations and Exntiilniitlou FItEK CF C.IIAUC'K. OFFICE ROOMS NOS. 38 & 39, OVER THE TOST OFFICE- Betters describing the fcyinptoms will be promptly answered, and persons livincrata distance will besiivedtheexper.se and trou ble of calling upon the Doctor. Address Dlt J. W. VAX DES IJEltGII, p O. BOX 172. SALEM, OP.EGON". ' Testimonial. Poi:ti.axi, l''cb. lntb, 1872. Dr. J. W. Van Hk.v Bkroii Jhar Sir: Our child, a little giil f-ijrht year 0f acre, has had tits and c-nvulsions for the last two years, ami we had tried many doctors and many remedies without much benefit, in fact our darling was iritting constantly worse unt l we hejird of your worn sy rti p t bron h a frienil of ours. We thonghf. "that perhaps it might, tlo some pood to g.ve it a tiial, and you cannot imagine our surprise when over 200 worms were expelled with one bo th of your valuable worm syrup, ami from thi time on we certainly shall never be "vithout it so long as there is a po-ibl chance for it to bo had. Yon are at libeity to publish this if you choose, and may it do much c ooj. Respectfully yours, " S. II. OKToV M. J. OliTOX. Symploni of V011m, Alternate pa eness and finwhinz of the countenance, dull expression of the eves drowsiness, itching of the nose, a swelled upper lip, ton.rue whitely fnr.e.i and thick ly speckled with red points, fetid breath and enlarged abdomen, a part;al or gen era! swelling or puffingness of the skfn a stalling in the sleep and grindinp of tbe teeth, a sensation as if something was lodg ed in the throat, a gradual wasting of the flesh, sickness of the stornnch, vomiting, a short and dry cough, appetite somctimes'vo rac ous, at oth'-r times feeble, bowels some times costive, other times loose, great fret lnlness and irritability of temper, paimt in the stomach and bowels, colic, fits, convul sions and palsy. I the worm syrup is not to be hod in your town, send orders to the manufacturer it will be sent promptly to any address free of express charccs. Direct orders to Dr. J. W. VAN DEN' BEKGII, P. O. Tor 172, 5a!em, Oregon, XfEW YORK HOTEL, (Dcntfches Gafthaus ) No. 17 Front Street, opposite the Mail ship landing, Portland, Oregon m H. R0THF0S, J. J. WILKEN? PROPRIETORS. J Board per Week " withLodgicg "" Vp AND THE BEs a, DR. H U FEL AMD'S ;C ELEBRATED S "W" I s s STOMACH BITTERS Tlie Virf-t aud most healthful T()ji'c ever lutroducea m ike i nited states. H These Bittels ',; L? been in the San Fr, cisco Maiket lor over 'I went j Ytarg,atld not itlistandin" tu g many new candidat. s tor pnunc lavor, the sales have coiistjntlr increased. Ii KEU Sole Agent, 409 nr-.d 411 Clay Nt', x- li H LI m "Will set7 everyf ting reede-i in a f.imiV, frca the beaviert to the I'g'utet fabric. Thzn any ether machine. Tf there is ft Florence Fo-wirg Ha. chine v.i:h:"n 01 e thoti-.-iiiJ u;;Tes if San Fniucisfo rot -wtiii.ii.g -well end nivir.'tniia.' Fa'.i.-fnoticii, if I .ni j.'i-l'orii:-a of it, it v. i;l .q utttrxed to vithout eipfiiso cf any Lhid to tLd owner. CA1TUZL KILL, Arct, 13 f:c-.v .''ortjomcry Strcft, rar.ci;co. &ri(T for Circular. end snmpirn r.f ? irtir!.-. 4cire Atjitt3 wtntid in. PRIVATE MEDICAL AID. QiiirU Cures aud 3IoI.vno ( linrrn. Private Jlttlffal it Surgfrn 1 I it,t It nf . G No. 519 Sacramento Street, corner t f Leidesorffj (a ftw dotirs b-iow liiy What Cheer IIoiiso.) (Private entrance on LeitlcsdoitV street.'1 Establi-bt-d Ilxjiri-s.-h to Ail'md the Afii (led Sound and Sri.'ii ti tie Medical A id, iu l ke Treatment and Cure of all Puva'e m tl Chronic Pi-easrs, Cast s of Sccreiy and ui Sexaal Ji.serders. " e Tn tlir AlHicle.I. TIi. W. K. D01II'l;TV re-io ns l is sir core thanks to hi- i umerous p.-.tients for the-r patronage, aud would take this oj'portuiii;v to remind ti em that he cor. tin nos u c imi!j at hU Institute for the cine of hroi ie d: sases ot the Lungs, Liver, Kidney., Ii, tive ami t'ciiito-L'rinavv Organs, :itsd jt-1 private di.-t ase, vi : Syphilis in idi'its f,rn s and stages, Seminal VVeakres and all tie horrid cou-equenccs ei seif-al,u-e. (.on. r luea. Gleet, Stricttn es, Nocturniil and Diiir nal Lnnssioi.s, Sexual Dt bil tv, Discuses of the Pack and Loii.r-, ii.tianMnation of ti e Pl.idder and Kidneys, etc. ; .-.nd l.e 1 t i-es that bis long experience end succesrtal prar tice will continue toinsuie him a si, ate id public patronage. By the prndice of mar.r yea-s in Euiope and i he United States, he Is eoab'ed to aj.ply t,t. ni,,st efhea-nt j.iidsir-ce.-stul i erne. lies again.-t dist ases of ail kliiC He ust s no mercury, courses moderate. tit-uM his patients in at;tiiett and hoi orable w av, and has references of hi. questionable veraci ty from men ot known respectability and high stan. ling in socefv. All parties eon sulting hint by letter or othei wise, will ir ceive the host and gentlest titatmt n m i implicit sec; t cy. "When a female is m troubip. or r.i1 tfd with disea.se, as weakness ot the ha. k so U limbs, jiain in the head, dimness of skl.t, loss of musciilur power, palpitat on of tLo heart, irrit.i bi'ity, nt i vi.i.sncss, extreme ur inary ditliculties. iei angi n,t nt of diee-t:e functions, general debility, vaginitis, a!! dis eases of the woiob, hystetin, stei ilit'v and idl other diseases peculiar to ft -males. sheshoii'd go or wri'e at once to the calcinated f.-nmle doctor, V. K. DOH KI.T V, at his Medical in stitute, and consult him about l.er troullt and disease. The Doctor is t IU cting more cures than any other plnsh-ian in the Sti;te of Calif.. rnia. Let no liihc delicacy prtvcri you, but apply immediately and save vnnrstdf from painful sullei inys and prtmaturc tlesitli. All married ladies, whose delicate health or other circumstances prevent an increase in their families -hould write or call at DU. V. K- DOIII.Il'l YS Medical Institute, i.r.d thrr will receive every po-sible relief and 1 e!p. The Doctor's offices are so arranecd that 1 can be consulted without fear of obsei vation. To C'orrcspoiiei. Patients rcsidmcr in an v pai t of the f f nowever distant, who n.ay'tles re theojiini-r and advice of DII.DOIII'KTV in their itsptc tive cases, ami who think proper to sin not a written statement of such, in preference 13 holding a personal interview, i re respectful ly asSHicd that their commuiiicnfei.s wilt it hebl sac ted and confidential. If the case U fully and eandi.lly described, persona! com munication will be unnecessary, as iiistn'c tions for diet, legimcn and the irencral tT.it ment of the cae itself find ud i nr ien;e' dies), will bo furwartli d without delay, nnd in such a maimer as to convey no idea of the nurport of the letter or parcel so ti ansniiticd. iTS'Consultation by letter or otherwise, FIJEE. Permanent cure guaranteed or nopav. Picrtialori"IiTn.. DR. DOHERTV lias just published nn im portunt pamphlet, embodying his own view' and experiences in relation to Impotence or V irility ; being a Short Treatr.se on Sjicrnra-torrho-a or Seminal M'eakness, Nervous, nnJ Physical Debility cont-eqnent on this affec t on, and other diseases of the Sexual Organs This little work contain information of ihe utmost value to all, whether married orsinpl and will be sent FLEE by mail on receipt of six cents m postage stamps for return post age. Address. W. K. DOHERTV. M. P., julySOly San Francisco Cal 1 A. NOLTNER, NOTARY PUBLIC, ENTERPRISE OFFICE Oregon City, Jan 'lS-tf t '-