T,.r t ii.iinj riMiKimhitwiVnr- tA-tt- V fThr tllffkul (llltCtpnSv. " JUNE 23. 1S72. FRIDAY, TOWS T AXO lOl-VTY. l.,.; r..blt ve to """ u . iun " The iron in that vicini. ctnt of the ores is up - f jn conneCtion ,f metallic iron wllkll CJU, with the 'I"1'1 j,-r,,0 tht-se on, and the be mnfa:,,1 . fij!l jbntion, indicates "brS!i";f -Uhin . he limits of Clacka , , y all the ele.m-nts of an im 5,,:VS r ; W Mrv. which shouhl findex S 'r-.luecuon both the maa- r,-oi-i KTV Sou--We learn that Mrs,. Proper Las sold her place at Oswego to a co.npanv of Extern capitalist for the sum r io ooO Tue same company has also r, irch ied a water front on the illarnette Lin the Tualatin Canal Company, on which thev propose to erect immediately exh-n-ive "iron works. It is the intention of the company to have theii new smelt ing apparatus in opperation within the next six months. This will cause the de veioreitienl of an endless mine ol wealth which bus lieretofo-e been neglected. Auctions. To morrow will be a day of auctions. Sheriff Warner proposes to sell all the real estate in the comity on which the taxes remain unpaid. Mrs. W. C. Dome-it will sell some desin-ab'.e honsehld furniture, sale to take place in the mom under this office. Mrs. Good. Administra tiix of the est at s ot D. II. flood. deceased, will -ell some very desirable property. At it Ao.u.v. We learn that a couple of thieves went on board the steamer Alice last Wednesday night, which is ly ing near the dry dock in the basin, pre n'ii'ed a pistol at the head of the watch man, and told him to get. "lie got." wiih o;i -tupping to as!c them their business, and he didn't go back aarain, either. We were unable to learn whether the thieves go I anything or isot. .SkuioI'.-i.v I.vji kki. A Genu in tinned D. Falh rt, employed at the qnarry on the Llackamis. was very seiiously injured last .Saturd 'V. by the falling of the derick A part of the timbers .-.truck h.ni. break hiir hi.-, jiw and ma-hi!!g the thigh of one of his leixs very 1) idly. Dr. Ross was im !i -dia:e!v called, and the sufferer was do ing as well us could he expected coiisid csihg the aa nre of his injuries. IIaI'I.V l.v.MKt.n. Joseph, son of Capl. Miller, was very badly injured last Satur d iv. He was on 'he top f a step-ladder g I'lierie.g t berries, when the ladder gave way tr.'in under him. causing hi:u to fall aeros i'. h;s entire weight snicking on lomer part oi the stomach. Dr. Barclay H attending on him. and we ate glad to be ubie to announce that he is out of dan-g'T- a; Sim:::: I'ark Ward is aving th More iunmaly occupied by Dr. Saff.irrans neatly paired and fitted up lor a drug tore. lb- expects to be ready to open it next Tuesday, wi h a complete stock of new g i.iiU. .'if. Ward is a clever yoiin man. ti'iders-aads ;he business in which ht i s e gin '.and we wi-h him abundant .'ess Ni-.w O ; -Kits. County oh'wers Ink -The newly elected possession next Mon- day. ("apt. Hedges, the new Shi-riff, we barn, has tendered the depu'vship to Mr. C. F. i'.eatie. .No belter appointment and one which would give more, general salis- factlOil, coil.d hive iieen m I'le. ..si' N We see ii announced in the I papers that tin excursion is to r.irll.i: take place next .Sand y from that city to this dace. g:vtr!jr the excursionist, an op por'.uuify to see tne (ai.s atel locks. 1 he ii m; i- to h-ive I'.o.tKtiid at 1 o'clock and letut ii in tiie evening 1'ko(;!'.;:s:(;. -Work is pi ogresstng very rapi ! 1 There are a double net of hands on day and night. We have not he ird of any men being ois- ctnrg ai oee ii s ticket. There se thev voted th.e is a doferep.ee in men. CoMMi-.M ;:i. - The papers were served lat Siturd i.v on a portion of the Radical ca delates. cntes:iiig their right to the o'Ti;es' whij'i ihey have been f adulant 1 v ilecl ii'-il I'leeieit. We leain that the co) test win j;obib!y be heard in about lu weeks. Run. We had a slight shower of rain last Monday night and Tuesday morning. It was not enough, yet what there was did considerable good. We need considera ble m ire to bring out the late sown spring K'ram. CKi.r-.iS i tions. There is to be a Fourth oof July celebi ath.n at Marshfield. Rev. Mr. fl-'rry, of i his place, will deliver the oration. There is also to be one at Oswe go. Mr. (i 'o Day will deliver the ora tion, and Miss Ltbby w ill read the Declar ation of Independence. CnvNci: o;-' Tim::. Passenger trains will commence running to Oakland next Mon day. We ate informed that the schedule time i. to be changed so that the passen ger train lea ves each the tn. lining. e YatVin a i :o . Dr. end the road in E.lis, ut Portland came up last Sunday and vaccinated a large number of the men employed on the locks, at the expense of the Company. Dr. B iit'lay has also been ex'enively en gaged in tSits line during the weeti. Lkkt. A man named Lane, who has be,.n keeping the eating department of Phieaix Hotel for the past two months took his departure very suddenly last Snn.liv. leatng behind him a number of unpaid accoiiirs. (rr- .luhn Long, who was very severe ly injured M'tue five weeks ago by a pre mature explosion on the locks. h;is so tar recovered as to be able to be around town again. L'x.vMlvU'iu.v. l'tie ciossi'ig examina tioa will take place at the Seminary to day. There will be a vacation oT about eight weeks before the commencement of the next term. Dkoi.ixki. Tito Cny Council declined to accept (he invi;ation of the. Committee of Arrangements at Portland to partici pv.e in the clebration a a body. - Skwini; Snciki'v. The Lodies" Sewinfr Kaciety of the Episcopal Church, will m.'et next Tuesday afternoon at the resi dence uf Mrs. 11. L. Kellv. Rku-uxki!. Hon. D. P. Thompson re turned home last Saturday from a busi ness trip east of the mountains. Mf.f.tw;. RegaLir monthly meeting of Staoe Line. Messrs. Kamsby & Wright are running a semi-weeklj hack this city to Soda Springs, leaving here every Monday and Friday. QcAitTEULY Meeting. The- quarterly meeting of the M. E. Church will be held in this city July Gth and 7tb. Rev. Win. Roberts, of Portland will efiiciate. Arrksteo. A fellow named. Cbauncy Martin appropriated some goods belong ing to squaws and left. Ho was arretted at Salem and brought hack. A Dance. A grand anniversary ball is to be given at the residence of Mr J. W. Caine, Oswego, on the evening of July I. Another Trouble. The Radi cal papers have now another ele phant on their hands in regard the locks at this place. They have just learned that the works are mortgaged. Well what of it. Suppose they are, as long as they will be completed in accordance with the bill passed by the Legisla ture ? Gone. The Portland papers state that the last small-pox patient has been discharged, and that no fears need be entertained of the disease from that section. Official. The official returns for Congressman are published in to-days paper. It will be seen that Wilson's majority is less than he got in Multnomah county. Klectioa Returns. Following id the official vote of the State for Congressman : Couiitie-s Burnett. Wilson Ibnton ,l;s Co:) Daker 5 it! ('iackamas 741 741 Columbia 1st) Coos 271 :',07 Curry 112 1 16 Douglas Hit) )U. (irant oO'J 3(j j Jackson .)0t; C.31 bin n 1171) 02S l-ane sJ:5 ),;t; Multnomah 118." 2 OS 4 Marion lull) 14o" I'olk 572 5'JK fillamook (i8 U'J Clatsop 180 204 Josephine S1 lot) Cmatilla ooG 3S3 Cuion oil 403 vV"a-co r,()) 4()8 Washington 'MS 5'.','J V'arnhili ot;3 (ill) Totals 12,317 13,103 Wilson's majority .Siti The I-ati Election. a Prince of the house You have heard of of David." A kirig from eastern bind. Well, he rushed his foreign hirelings up. Tl ev vot ai in perjured bands; Via after voting oirce. Viiey returneil to the charge anew; They rod.' a hundred miles or more. And voted each "precinct through A man at Spiinutield told me. V day or two ago. Thai he had stood by many a poll His hair was white as snow And many a vote had cast; Hut if he should live for a thousand years That, one would be his last, ihirbarous hoides sm round the polls IVuneyaud Tad and Mike. . blush perchance such doings; You never saw the like. ');i being asked their business there. They replied with -a savage shout. That Hen had sent them there to vote, And he would see them out." One crowd began at Yoncolla And vo'ed to Ivigene -There side by side with fjeo. E. Cole, I'heir names are to be seen. Have not. heard as yet whether These matters they will test : Hut of till the votes cast in that crowd. The niggers' the best. LK CoiNTT. Oregon City Prices Current. The following are the prices paid for produce, and the prices at which other ur cicies are selling, in this market : WHEAT Wuite.r bushel. SUc. OATS "j-l bushel. 7o cts. POTATOES bushef. 7o cts. ONIONS r bushd. SI (HfVf 51 50. FLOrii r bbl. oorTTiSti Di). LEANS White. t) lb.. o?oc cts. DRIED FRUIT Apples. th.,78chs. Peaches. lb.. lCjc: Plums. lb., lo, Hi cts.: Currants. -. Ib.. U)fa)20 cts. PUT l'EIi - E)..U(i)-j5cts. E(i(JS "r doen. 20 cts. CHICKENS r dozen. $4. SUOAR Crushed. lb.. 20 cf?.: Island V lb.. ioi2i cts.: N. ().. CJ lb.. 13 cts.; San Francisco refined. lh . 11 cts, TEA Young Hyson. J) lb.. $1 30 ; Ja pan. rt !b., ytje'i;i 25 ; Black. fc lb., 75c. IV,. 51 0. COFFEE "p It... 2325 cts. SALT lb.. lk7v,2K cts. SYRUP Heavy Ooideti. gall.,$l 00 ; Ex. Heavy (Jolden. "r1 gall.. SI 25 BACON Hams. -fi lb.. 1G cts; Sided, 15 cts. lb.; Shoulders. 11 cts. LARD "j- lb.. 14 cts. OIL Dr-voe's Kerosene, gall., 75. Lineed oil. raw. "pi gall., "si 25 : Lii-s.-ed oit. t.r.iled. yi gall., $1 237?il 50 .WOO! i P).. 35 cts. ftEEF ()u foot, 10hH cts. p1; Ib. PORK On foot. 7(Vcts. SHEEP Per headTsi 5i)(V,.3 00. HIDES Green. $2 50)1 ; Dry. lb., 15 cts : S ilt.-l sc MAUUIKI). At the residence f Mr. John 11. Moore in Oregon City, June 22nd, by Rev. E Cerrv, Mit. samukl Hood aid Miss Amck Moohk all oft 1 ickaniiis county, Ore'01. Kettets reMaadng in the Post Utiice Ore eon t':ty, J.dy 1, 137 : Ar.der on. 1 etsr. Burns, Hah. Burgess, Isiac W , Ch.it Isj -in. C, C.itupbell. J .hn (2) Derr.ujier, Andrew, Feau. George, iiutebtnus, Frank, Knott, J A, Baldwin. John, Conly, John, Cressman, V H, Davis, Thom is. Of 1 to. Miss M irv, Randall. Robei t H, Lane, Henry Win, Lasourd. J A. M at news. Earnest. McClune. M.irgrct E, McG.ll, Andrew, Neis u. S E, Oliver. Dauiei, Ruddock, P.itjirk, Robertson, Roseanna. Seymore, Wni 15, S'ewart, C, Walsh, John E, V'illiams & Bums, "elch. Madison. If called for please sav advertised. J M. BACON. P. M. PALLS EC.MP.Mt;T .0,4 I. O. K. Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall on the FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAY EVENING of each nvmth. Patrurchs in goad stand inn are invite! to attend. Feb. S. lS72-tf Special Xutite. DU. VAX DEX IJEUGII S WORM Syrup for Cnildren. A. II. Bell.drtig-gi-t is agent for this invaluable remedy at Oregon City. Relt A; Johns, agents for the ' maaafact urers, Salem. Oregon. Religious Services. St-P') .Episcopal) Church the Rex. John . hellwood, rector. Services on Sunday 8t Axi ,A- "1 and 7 P M UQday School and Bible class at 2 p. m. 1st Congregational Church Seats Free Morning Services, " ifJ Sabbatli School ".V.VlVtVVlock M Evening Services, . - o'clock; Kkv. h. f.EKKY, Acting Pastor I'KAYEtl MEETINGS. Sunday evening, 5 &-cIock Tuesday evening - 0-clock o M. E. Church Seat3 Frfe Morning Services, To vo Evening Ser vices, V.Vio -'clock ! Sa'wbath School at ii o'clock a. m". L. Olmste.'), Pastor. Ordinance No. 90. lie it Ordalm d ami ' Established by the Clt Council of Oregon City: J That, there is hereby levied for the rear 17::, a tax of live mills n the dollar oh all taxable property within the corporate limits of Oregon City, for corporation purposes. Also a tax of five mills on the dollar on said pionerty lor city school pnrpos.es. Passed the Common Counc I June li7 Approved this 2' th day ,f June ls7'2. T T, a. nultm-:r! Attest: L. D:lleu, Mayor. Recorder. If you desire rosy cheeks and a complex fair and tree from Pimples, Retches and Li upturns, purify your blood by taking lr Pierce's Golden Sledical DiscoVtry. li, has uo equal for this purpose. A Pit lul Condition. It is a sad thing to pass through life only half alive. Yet there are thousauds whose habitual condition is one of languor anj de bility. They complain of no specific dis ease ; they suffer no positive pain ; but thev have no relish lor anything which a fiords mental or sensuous pleasure. In nine cases out of ten this state ..f la-s;tudi and torpor t rises from a mot bid stom ich. Indices: i u destr.s the energy of both mind and bod v. When the waste of nature is not supplied by a due and regular as-iunlation oi the food, every organ is starved, every function interrupted. Xow.wiiat does common sense suggest under these circumstances of depression 'i Tile system needs rousing and s ren;theii ing ; not merely for an hour or t wo, to sink atlervvard into a more p:t able condition tha i ever (us it assuredly would do if an ordinary a!c holic stimulant were resorted to.'i but radically and permanently. Ho w is tins desiraole object to" be accom plished? Toe answer to this question, louuded on the unvarying experience of a quarter of a century, is eas ly given. Inluse new vigor into (he digestive organs by a course of Jlostetter's Stomcch bitters. Do not waste time by administering temporary remedies, but wake the system up by 'recup erating the foiintain-h aid of physical strength and energy, the great organ upon which all the other organs depend' for their nurture ami support. by the time that a dozen doses of the 'jr refit vegetable tonic and in vigo. ant have been taken ihe feeble frame of the dyspep tic will beiiin to feel i s benign intTietice. Appetite will be created, and with appeiite the capacity to digest what it craves. Per severe until the cure is complete until healthful blood, fit to be the materia! of flesh and muscle, bone and nerve and brain, flows through the channels of circulation, instead of thr? watery patouluin with whu li thev have hcrctore been iuipei fecJv nour i-hed. fSpi't-iul JVoticc. The best find most clli -icnt cure known for dyspepsia and indigestion, is Dr. Henley's Celebrated IXL Hitters. Try it. Ki ad ad vertiseinet't in another column. jun7m3 For the very bet photographs, go to brad ley k Rulofs m's Cal cry wi.hout STAIR.s-. ascend in thi: elevator, Montgomery'Street, San FraneioCO. Messrs. Iviilji'it llrotUt-rx, Whole sale and Retail Me chants, Canhy Station, (Oregon, are my authorized agents for tht sate of" the Infallible Worm Syrup, who will constantly keep a sunplv on louid. " DR. J. W. VAN DEN BERG 1 1. Salem, March T2, IsTi'.tf Orrgou Lodge .u. 3, I. O. ol" O. V, -y Meets evrrv 1 hnrsdav even -Sjs i!"g at 7 oVlock, in Odd Fellow's 11 all, Main s eet. Members of the Order are invited to attend by order. X. H. WILLIAM DAVIDSOIT, REAL ESTATE DEALER. Ome, Xo. Oi Front ht, PORTLAND, - . . OREGON. REAL ESTATE in this CITY and EAST PORTLAND, in the most desir-ible localities. consisting of BuTS, RAbF BLOCKS and BLOCKS, HOUSES and STOiiLS; also IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable uncultivated LANDS, located in ALL parts of the STATE for SALE. . REAL ESTATE and other Property purchased for Corresoondents, in this CITY and Miro aghout tue STATES and TLRRI TORIKS, with great cure and on the most A D V A N TAG EO US T L'R M S. HOUSES and STORES LE SPD LOANS N IXitfTI ATED. and CLAIMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COL LECTED. A -id a General FINANCIAL and AGENCY BUSINESS transacted. AGENTS of this OFFICE in all the CITIES and TOWNS in the St ATE. will re ceive descriptions of FARM PROPERTY audforward (he same to the above address Feb. 3, 1S71. 11 tilt noma It Lo'lije Tin. 1, A. F. u a A. SI. Holds its reixul.irc oinmuniea vtions on the First and Third Sutur- '?OI in each month, nt 7 o'clock from the L'otb uf SejitiMnber to the '2oth of March, and 7J o'clock from the 2oth of March to the 2oth ot September. Breth ren m good standinjr ar invited to attenil. Dee. -'o.l 7o, ifyorderof W. m! AOOTIOJ SALE! HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, hC. MRS. VV.C. DEMENT VTTILL D1SPO-EOF, AT PUBLIC AUC- ton. on Sill utl; y, .Iioie ,. lS7:i, ;U li o'clock, p. m., in the store room next door to John Myers sto, e, her entire lot or furn'.tur , co:isi-tiiiir of PARLLOR and BED-ROOM SETS, LO 0 K I N G-C. LASS ES, CH A I R3 , DLMNG BOOM & KITCHEN F U R-N I T U R E, STOVES ETC. ETC.. ETC. PiotiCO. LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE XJL undevsianed, are requ.srefi to come up and settle rdd accounts, on or before the first day of August, as I am in need of funds JOHN MYERS. Oregon City, June 10th. 1S72. 3t:4t Notice. Cor xtt Treasurer's Office, ) Oiegon City. June n, 17 2.' f OLACK M AS COUNTY WARRANTS endorsed for interest prior t March fith, 1S72. will be paid on presentation at the Treasurer's- Office at Oregon C1T3-. Inttre-t wid ceasp at this date. n.52w4 T J. McCARVER, Treasurer. CABLE SCREW WIRE Boots and Shoes ate sure to supercede all others because they are the most pliable durable do not rip or leak, Try tbeui. All geuuiue goods are stamped. To Stock C rovers. THE ROAD ACROSS THE CASCADE Mountains, known as the u Old Emi grant Road,' is now in splendid order for the accommodation of the public. The bridges on the road have all been thoroughly repair ed, and stock drovers will tiud it no trouble to cross the Mountains by this route. There is plenty of good wafer and grass on both sides of the Mountains, tnd the distance across is only 00 niiLs beinor the shortest as well as the best road over the Cascade Moun tains. Stock droves and emigrants will find it to their advantage to travel over this route. Toles reasonable. JOSEPH YOUNG. President. Clackamas county, June 21st, 172. CH AS. H. GAU FIELD, COENEU UAIX AXD SEVENTH STUEETS. OREGON CITY, OK EG ON, !.a!er in DRY-GOODS & GROCERIES, CROCKERY and GLASSAWHE. Also, a full assortment of HiUiiicr anil Fancy Cecils Or THE LATEST STYLES, JUST RECEIVED. COUNTRY" PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Oregon City, June 21st, 1S72. tf 9JSXJU!! II ISlM MASONIC HALL BUILD- OREGON CITY, - - - OREGON K r-EEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND for sale, cheap i-'ou cash, PARLOR, EEDRC0LT, 0FPICE, SITTINGRCOH, and KITCHEN FURNITURE, Bureaus, Lounges, Rocking Chairs, What nots. Bee steads, Wa-hstatids, Curled Hair and Pulu Matresses, Pu!u Pil lows, Spring Bed-, Window Shades, Pictare Frames,' Miiuldings, ic, Jv;C. 27"Speciul attention given to Uplio'stt r work in all its branches. Orders filled with promptness. Repairing doti- with neatness and dispatch. Furniture iu;ide to order. '"Goofl.s delivered to any part of town free of chaige. Call and examine for your sclvas. - niAvl7n'y BUY GOOD Gable Screw ire BOOTS AXD SHOES. The Best and Cheapest. 13 F.ST ItEMlIDY FOTt DYS5-IFSIA, i:;riGE5TI0N, EILIOTJSNESSi LOSS Cr APPETITE AND ISACTiSS 0" THZ UVE3. Are ncknowleiisro.l to ! tit' 1110-t w l:U-!:oniO and tliit'i':it a 'i fii.ii " jiini i'lTin (rclnts ItF.u) I'uvsKiA.Ns i.i.iira .111.5 ou buck of irt 'U bottle. Nonn crennine without our Trade Mark blown o?l tile tiott!"". To Sftl itl!"r t!:.".n tlio ppmiine irfielo oi:t of oar bo'tl" i i ( -ri!:iixi:d i:!eni'. and e slill. when (i -tcctiMi. prostcutc ru Su pu tits to the iud iXtOUt Oi ttl" I'l W. 11. 1,1'bTEIX A Co.. Sol fro-rip'ors, SIS front St., S. 1'. JOHN FLEMING, BOOKS AND STATlONEny IN MYERS' FIRE-PROOF BRICK, MVIS STUF.F.T, OaiCGON" CiTY. OKKliOJf. LOST. 7R0M TIIE UNDEllSl : ). LIVING AT 1 Canemah, about the oth inst , a Sorrel Mare, ab oit fifteen bands high; six years old ; small white streak in the forei ead, with saddle maiks; .-hod all around. Any person returning sad mare "i1 giving information o'. her whereabouts, vviU be suit il.lv rewarded WM. II. MARSHALL. Caneniah, IVb. 22, l.s72'. WILLS AFJ3 vGlQER His F.slab'iihiJ ia. ii. anvil? FOR HIE MANUFACTORY OF SASH, BLINDS AND DOOBS AND MOULDINGS OT ALL SIZES. ISV They will also do TURNING, of eyry lescription to order, With Neatness and Dispatch o ALL WORK WARRANTED. Shop on the River. i:i Lewis' shop, opposite Oregon City Mills. 0UEG0H CITY EKEWEIIY ! II KX It V 11 U M B E L., Having purchased the r bovc Brewery wish e toinform the- publi'- th.it he is now prepar ed to manufacture a Xo. 1 finality of LAG Kit BEER, s good ns can be obtained any where in the Stale. Orders solicited -nd promptly filled. notice. ARTIES WHO WERE OCCUPYING i. lands in the "Orande Ronde and Sib tz Reserves." in the State of Oregon, in the years 1 oo-G, and had to abandon the same in C")i.?quo!c of slid Reserves having been selected by the U. S. for the settlement of the Roirne River Indians, will pbase send their addresses, for further correspondence, to II. v. DOWVUVS, Atty, Eos 125 Washington City, D. C. Rebecca Degree Lottie Xo. Z, . -. O. K Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDAY EVEXIXGS. Of pafih mnrith of 7 1V in ClAA V11b . ml u viovi, 111 uuh i cnuna Hall. Members of the Degree are invited to : attend. BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE! Fall and Winter Trade. HAYING RECENTLY FILLED UP OUR assortment of Imported Styles iu Ladies' and Gents' liooSs trailers, Ye will take great pleasure In displaying and receiving orders from our patrons "and the public generally. We h.ive received from New Yotk a few pair of the CMebiated ELI'RAT OPERA BUTTON FRONTS, by which a Lace Shoe can be turned into a beautiful Rution Gaiter Will take orders far the same ut any time. We have the Best and Latest Styles in Misses' and Children's Button Oai ers aud B ilinorals tha t are imported, but for go;d substantial wear there are none that can come up to our own make. We Warrant them in every respect. Seven entirely New Styles of Ladies' and Misses' RUBBERS. T e Nillson, Congress, Marie Antoinette, Queen's German, Yelvet Front aud Alaska. Light, ish Durable and Neat. Fii ting. Also, a lot of Children's Rubbers. Bring 011 your feet. TO WOIS iOIISX. COME AXD SEE CUB CHAMPION BOOT! Respectfully, PROTZEIAN, GILLIHAW & CO., Ccr- Fx'ont and Elorrison Sts-, PORTLAND, REG ON. Dec. 1. lS71:tf SPRING GOODS JUST RECEIVED BY A. JVl'iYY. X 1 1 A V E .1 UST R Kl E 1 V ED A COM PLETE JL and well-assorted stock of CUSTOM-MADE GLOTMNG, AU GESTIOEB' l lliMSIIi.VG COOIIS, Which I will sell at reduced prices. Call and examine my stock before purchas ing elsewhere. Produce Tdktn iu Excliaiiffe for Goods. A. LKVV, Slain fctittt, Oregon City, for s.x,i:. r p n E U N DERSl C. N E D I ) ES I R HS TO PELL JL bis property in Oregon City will sell at a barga n, to a pood purchaser. Lot S. in block o. whereon there is a good Dwelling House with S room, partly hard finish, bal ance cloth and paper and the Livery Stable now occupied !'' Messrs. Wil is A Broughton. Water pipes laid on the premises, from Pea-c's water works. Also -1 town lots in Caneniah, with good fence around. A 'so 2 town lo's in lower end of Oregon City; also lfjo ofland known as the dona tion hf.d c!a 1.1 of Wtn. Stone. S miles southeast of Oregon City, w ith some im provements, thinly timbered, 110 under growth, go -d lasting water i;L. quire at County Clerks office. J. M. FRAZER. Oregon Citv. May (lib. 172. v0u2S SHADES SALOON, G. A. HAAS, Proprietor, Kain Street, Oregon City- Titst BILLIARD TAB LI'S in. OREGON Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to them T II E B A Ii I S S VP PLIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors an j Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Bourbon alreadj famous Whiskies and Punch. ALSO, A NO. 1 SHOOTING GALLERY Ls connected with the Saloon. Oregon City, Jan. 1, l72:tf MEW COO AT TIIK L I N G 0 L NB A K E R Y. W1LL1APIS & HARDING, HAVE JUST OPENED A PULL VARIE ty of choice FAMILY GROCERIES. AND PCOYISfONS. The Rakciy will be constantly supplied with fresh DREAD, CR CKi:i:, CAKES. PASTRY. CANDIEs AND NUTS. All of which will be sold at living ratfs. Remember that we do not sell goods at cost. Also, please bear in mind that it takes money to do business. To the farming tn:de wc would say, CASH for you. produce, and CASH for our goods. Goods delivered to all parts ot the citv. Feb, 10, lS72:tf JEW WAGON AND 13T Carriage Manufactory ! Thf undersigned, having increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City Oregon. Takes this method to inform his old pat rons, and as many new ones as may be pleased to call, that he is now prepared, with ample room, good materia!, and the very bet of mpchanii's, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete any sort of a vehicle from a com mon cart to a concord coach. Try me. Rlacksmithing, Horse or Ox shoeing, and general jobbing neatly, onifklv and cheap ly done. DAYID SMITH. Opposite Excelsior Market H OME-MAPE CARPET FOR PALE AT THOMAS CHARMAN ESTABLISHED - - - - 1S53! DESIRES TO INFORM THE CITIZENS of Oregon City, and the Willamette YalLy.that i.e is st.Il on haud, and doiu business on the old motto, that "A Kimble Six-Pence is better than a. Slow Shilling." I have just returned from San Francisco where I purchased oce of the ' LARGEST aud BEST SELECTED Stock of Goods ever before offered in this city; and consists in part, as follows : Boots & Shoes, Clothing-, Dry Goods, Hats & Caps, Hosiery of every Description, Hardware, Gro ceries, Paints & Gils, Sash & Doors.Giueens ware, Crockery, Glassware. Chinaware, Stoneware Platedware, Jewelry of various qualities & styles, Clocks & Watohes La- dies & Gentlemen's Furn ishing Goods, Fancy Notions of every description,Patent Med icines, Rope, Farming Implements of all kinds, Carpets. Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, &c. Of the above list, I can sav my stock is the MOST COMPLETE ever offered in this mar ket, and was sleeted with ii eiul cai e for tbi m;irlvci. All of which 1 now ofl'cr for sale at the Lowest Market Rates. No use for the ladies, or any tme else, to think of going to Portland to'buv goods for I an. DETERMINED TO SELL CHEAP and not allow myself to be IWDEKSOLD I. THE STATE OF OREGON. All I ask, is a fair chance and auick pay ments. Believ ng, as I do, tht nineteen years' experience in Oregon City enables me to Know the rcqtrements of the "trade. Come one and all, and see for yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CHARM AN cannot be beat in quality or price. It would be use'ess for me to tell you all the advan tages I can offer 3 on in the sale of goods, as every store that advertises does that, and probably you have been disappointed. All I wish to say is. come and see and examine lor yourselves, for I do not wish to make any mistakes. M3' object is to ttll all my old frit nils now that I am still alive, and desir ous to sell goods cheap, for cash, or on such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed. TIIOS. CHARM AX, Main street, Oregon City. "pv7Legal Tenders and Connty Script take'u at market rates. TIIOS. CHARMAN. "37"";0,C00 lbs wool wanted bv THOS. CHARMAN. REAL ESTATE, REAL ESTATE- JACOB ST1TZEI., C. C. WAY. JACOB STITZEL & CO., SUCCESSORS' TO STITZEL & "UPTON., pa atma A N I MONEY ISI&OKEISS Cor. "Pjojit antl 'Wusliingloii Sis., PORT L A X D , O R E G ON . SpccinI attention given to the sale of farm ing lands and city" property. All cones pondenci relating to the reeources of Ore gon will be promptly answered- REAL ESTATE JOURNAL Published monthly. Sent free of charge to any address. JACOB STITZEL A CO. March 1.1, !s72:tf LEONDeLOUEY, Prop'r? LATE OF THE CLIFF HOUSE ItktX STREET, OREGON' CITV, OHEGON. r I '111'. L.MI i U.N I'. 1 1. I.- ' t , I T . - T 1 T " T . . . 1 r T 1 T . T "L snectfullv announces to his S. i I O . - fuends and tiie ti ave'ina: public, that he has re-opencd the above named Restaurant. The proprietor know liow to serve bis csutomers with Ovstei, Pi's Feet, a good cup of Coffee or ti SQUARE MEAL. LEON DeLOUEY Oregon Cilv, Jar. 27, ISTLtf SPRING & SUMMER GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT L'EALEE IK DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES. HARDWARE. GROCERIES. CROCKERY, NOTIONS, &.C. MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. PRODUCE of all kinds bouqht. for which I pay the highest market price. If toii desire sroo.l Goods, at LOW Prices, call at I. SELLING'S, andexamine his fresh stock of Spring Goods. GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. Mr Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. Wool Wanted, For which I will pay the Ligheet market price, I. SELLING. Arril li, l?7Llf AUCTION AX 1) COMMISSION A. i. KicIirdsoiif AUCTIONEER 0 Corner of Front and. Oak streets, PortlftBsi. AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate, Groceries, GeneralMerchaB dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday I A. B. Richardson, Auctionee AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Par and Bundle Iron English Square aud Octagon Cast steel Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws ; Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, R. G.Iron also : A largeassortmentol'Grocerics and Liquor A. 13. Richardson, Auctioneer 'C. W. POPE & CO., DKALKKS IN STOVES, TIN PLATE. SHEET IRON, BRA i Ellis' COPPER, LEAD PIPE, lllc. PIPE AND FITTINGS, RU Bit Eli HOSE, FORCE AND LIFT PUMPS, ZINC. COPPER. DEASS AND IRON WIRE, Also a general cssoi tu.CLt cl licvs wishing Goods. MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware. ROOFING AND . CURING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE TO ORDER, "AND AT LOW PRICES. Also, at POPE'S STOVE STOKE je will hud HARDWARE AND P.ASKETS, WOODEX. WARE AND TINWARE, LAXTEKN8. LAMPS AND OIL, LUCINE AND NIGHT LAMPS. ALSO PERAMBULATORS. AH of the above articles are for sale t PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. 0 C. V. POPE & (O, 1 1 : 1 y I Oregon City Oregon. OREGON CITY, OREGON. RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES, HOOTS & SHOES, IIMIBWAKE, G O I also keep constantly on Land SALEM C A S S I M E R E S, FLANNELS. TWEEDS AND RLANKETS, Which I will sell at the Factory Pi ices, and will take wool in exchange. "5?T will also pay the highest prices for Butter. Eggs, and ail kinds of good country produce. I will sell as low as any bon in Oregon, for Cash or its equivalent in gooit) merchantable produce. jftf" Give me a cail and satisfy rourselvep JOHN MYERS. Jan. 13,1571. tf Grocer & Provision Dealer, Next door south of the Court House, O 31 n in Street, Oregon City, Oregon, DEALER IN BEST FAMILY GROCERIES, COFFEE, TEA", SUGAR, FLOUR AND MEALof all kinds, PICK LES, SO A I', SALT CANNED FRUITS ancr' OYSTtRS, Also, all kinds of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. BUTTER, CHEESE and EGGP. T01JACCO and CIGARS. GLASSWARE, Etc., Etc. Ail kinds of country Produce taken n ex change for goods at the highest market rate.. ;7"Goods delivered in the city free of charire. A fair share of patronage solicited. March 2;, lb72:tf JOHN SCHRAMj 3IAI-N STREET, - OKEGOX CITT, MAM'F.U'TIREU AND I3LP0RTER OF .S A DDF. I ".', II A UN KSS, SADDLEHV-HAIU)-WAIli:, &c, ctc. TrHICH HE OFFERS aS CHEAP A3 V can be had in the State, a,t Wholesale or Retail. fir warrant ail my g'o Is represented, Oregon City, April" if, 1S72. n2inf. pIPERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaRoque & Co., OREGON CITYX fL-Keep constantly on hand foi sale Midlings, Bran and Chicked Feed, Par ie srtp.mding feed must furniah the saeks. Dr. B. R. FREELAND, DENTIST, o T)OOM 2 DEKUM'S BUILDING CORN. 1 er I irst and Washington Sts., Portland. Nitrous Oxide administered. n23tf. AVOID QUACKS. A victim of earlr in, discretion, causing nervous debility, premature decay, &c., having tried in vam every advertised remedy, has a simple mtni of felf-cure, which he will tend free to hU feI5ow-su2ererp. AddreiB J. TJ. BLEVTS 7 Nassau St.. New Yerk " 4 0 0 o 0 0 o (3) O o I. SELLirfCS. I Sept. 1 :lr i a im n r vvn t t t t mr