Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, June 28, 1872, Image 2

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tSIje iDccIiln (Cntcrprbc.
Gragoa Oity, Oregon ,
Friday : :
June 28, 1872.
. I. -cv v ' f 71
Presidential Electors,
OEO. It. HELM, of Linn County.
3. II. GATES, of Wasco Couuty.
JL. F. LAXE, of Douglas Countv.
Radical Consistency.
There seems to be a strange,
mysterious stratum of inconsisten
cy underlying the entire super
structure of what is called Ke-
publieanism in these modern times.
The whole compound of Radical
ism is not only inconsistent, but
btrangelv fanatical. While men of
prominence in the Republican
party boast of their love of liberty
and their desire to dignify labor
and to elevate mankind, they seem
to think that tlie negro is only
worthy of their notice. For in
stance: While our .Senator Cor
bett advocates a high protective
tariff to exclude from our markets
the products, of what he terms
" ihv 2'au2vcr labor of Europe," he
turns around and votes without
tetint, money from the U. S. Treas-
to leed and clothe the pau-
pers of the United States, who
tciU not labor ; in other words, he
9vote3 to starve the poor toiling
millions of irhite people in Europe,
who can not labor, while he votes
to clothe, feed and educate negroes
at home, who will not work. This
is certainly a curious freak ol
statesmanship, first vote for "pro-
lection" to force people to be pau
pers, then vote again to starve
them, if possible, because they are
paupcres. Such is the substance
of his views as expressed in a
speech delivered March 22d upon
the bill to reduce duties. Such a
view is very croud, no doubt, for
American monopolists and negroes;
but how do our adopted citizens,
who have friends and kindred in
Germany, England, Ireland and all
Europe like the idea oi starving
their relatives to death or into
pauperism for the sake of elevat
ing and educating the lazy negroes
of the United States?
These modern philanthropists
appear to be completely overcome
with one idea and to have all their
energies concentrated upon one
object, or one division of the hu
man family the negro while
white and kindred nations, tongues
and peoples may starve or live in
hopeless pauperism, because we
must be protected. Is it insanity,
moral depravity, fanaticism, preju
dice or hopeless ignorance that in
duces men to approve or advo
cate such silly and perverse theo
ries ? From Corbett turn to the
sickening, monotonus harangues of
Senator Wilson, of Massachusetts,
who in one breath is thanking
Providence for negro freedom and
in the next invokes the blessings
of heaven upon the labors of the
Radical party because "it struck
the Tetters from four and a half
millions of laboring men and wo-
men ; converted them from things
into men and women" to steal
and beg, and to vote instead of
labor. Mr. Wilson calls this "dig
nifying labor." It docs not ap
pear to add much dignity to a
white Lishmen or German to
starve him into pauperism to dig
nify a negro thief; yet Senator
Wilson is so absorbed, 'rather sat
urated, with the idea of niggerism
that he overlooks every other con
comitant and turns his back upon
the poor millions of Europe to
feast his hungry eyes upon the
black and tan hordes of the South,
Avho draw subsistence from Recon
struction, Ku-Klux laws and the
Freed men's Rureau. Just let Sen
ator Wilson loose in Xew Eng
land and in his own peculiar wav,
lie can put more varnish on a
negro than any man in America
except one Wendell Phillips. tS0
inconsistent is he, that he seems to
forget his color, to forget the well
fare of his suffering kindred, the
millions of people in Europe and
elsewhere save in Africa and South
Carolina and only the black ones
there ; but this is not all, while he
is boasting of the dignity con
ferred upon labor by negro free
dom, allelic freedom he respects,
he tells us that we are growing!
rich and that the laborers ofj
t , j '7i
Europe xvz better paid because WC j
have "dignified labor;" now if the
t- , . . !
poor of Europe arc better paid ;
than formerly on account of negro
"elevation," will he explain to Mr.
Corbett why pauperism is increas
ing so rapidly in England as Mr.
Corbett asserts it is? These things
do not work together. Mr. Wil
son says laborers noc get two dol
lars per day in Xew Hampshire,
where he once worked for fifty
cents a day ; but he does not tell
us that his fifty cents would buy
six 2)oiotds of coffee thai just as
well as their two dollars will noic
buy the same amount. When Mr.
Corbett talks of a tariff, then we
are taught that every department
and employment of life depends
upon "protection." "When Henry
Wilson boasts of nigger freedom,
then the price and dignity of labor
hangs upon the hinges of Ethi
opian intelligence! When Morton
exhorts "loyalty" in Congress,
then the permanency of our insti-
tutions hang upon the shoulders of
Grant ! When the whining Sum
ner lectures the people, he tells
them that our future hope and
present salvation are so interwoven
with social equality and civil
rights, that we can not live with
out them; and so on to the end of
the list, whatever hobby one of
the Radical spokesmen happens to
mount he is ready to swear that his
hobby alone can preserve the Re
public ; Protection, civil rights,
ku-klux laws, reconstruction, dig
nity of labor, nigger freedom, free
schools, railroads, subsidies, home
stead laws, constitutional amend
ments and negro suffrage have
each served their time in saving
the Union; at one time Greeley
said "let the erring sisters depart
in peace," at another "emancipa
tion will call 1)00,000 fighting men
into the Union army ;" and now
Grant, Morton, Wilson, Conkling
and a fee: others will declare that
the election of Greeley will cause
us to lose the fruits of the late
war; reconstruction and the negro
amendments to the Consttitution.
So goes the battle, and such are
the consivtef't notes blown by the
trumpeters of Radicalism !
A "record of the national Re
publican party" now before us,
sent by Senator Corbett from
Washington, enumerates the bene
ficent acts and crowning glories of
Radicalism. Gut of the forty-live
ruinous acts cited, ttcetty-seren of
them, or live ninths, are in the
interest of or for the benefit of the
negroes. Twenty seven special
acts, for the negroes elevation, and
consequently white degradation,
in ten years, is the boast of Sum
ner, Wilson, Williams, Corbett,
Morton and the hosts of time
severs and oilice-holders that
hang to the skirts of "loilty,"
while the poor whites are taxed,
ku-kluxed, reconstructed and bo
deviled generally to support a
despotism, which the Radical ty
rants declare, as if to mo:k us, to
be at hist a great Republic where
all are equal before the law, while
cannon control conventions, bayo
nets bristle around the polls and
civil law is suspended to save one
man from the condemnation of an
outraged people.
Senator .J. IV. C'rimes on ('rant.
Senator Grimes, an original Re
publican, gives the following rea
sons why Grant should not be re
elected, in a letter to Judge Mason,
and also his opinion as to the re
sult of the contest of 1S72. lie
says :
1 have no doubt about the result of the
contest in ls72. it the Democracy make
wise nominations; but I In-y must not give
their adversaries the advantage ol the
v;tr issues, as they did befoie by nominat
ing Rlair on the s'rength ot 'his Broad
tiead letter : nor will they succeed upon
the strength of the Pendleton financial
theory, which drives to the Republican
support thousand and lens of thousand.-,
of conservative men who look upon it, its
a suit, uf repudiation. Hut the Republi
cans, will be overthrown and ought to be.
1st, Because of the utter failure of
their scheme for the recon slruc'.ion of the
Sou ill.
'Id. Because of their resolve to perpetu
ate as long as possible all of the passions
of the civil war. and their consequent te
fusat to enfranchise the men in the .South
who were honest enough to fight on the
strength of their convictions.
'Jl. Because of their inexorable re;ohi
tion to maintain an enormous tariff by
which a few are benefited at the expense
of the many, and by whieh they have ut
terly destroyed our commerce.
4th. Because of the persistent attempts
of the administration to force upon us
Spanish Catholic negro States. t)ot onlv
wunout ttie wiso. b it against the well
kuown wish of the people of :Le countrv
all in the interest of a ring.
ot'i. Because of the corruption that is
reeking everywhere in legislation . in tiu.
shape of land jobbing, steam -hip subsi
dies. Charpenitig claims and administra
tion as in the Cherokee land sale, the
gold corner iu New York, and in various
Other cases.
My fcwu opinion is that the financial
issues heretofore raised by the Democratic
party, are pretty much" exhausted and
that tiny have had a tendency to weaken,
rather than to strengthen the party. But
of this I nviv be mistaken.
locusts. i lie Jackson, Mis., Clarion
sUto's Iocusts are infesting vuiious
quarters in that State, ami alleesthit
each one has the brand 4'" on boil,
wing?, which, in connection with the long
drouth and carpet-bag pestilence, id ia-
tiTreted to forUadoV--Waut.'' '
A Vcice from One of the People.
Enrroii ExTEiiriusE : "Great raea are
not always wise j neitber do the aged un
derstand judgment." So spake Elihu
when he was engry with Job. and so am I
inclined to speak now, after viewing the
result of our late election.
If our -great men'' had been wise
our great Democrats I mean, they certain
ly never would have torn down the walls
of our Troy, to admit the "Trojan horse''
that was to destroy our liberties as free
men of Oregon. Common prudence
would have taught them years ago. what
we see and leel now. if they bad been
wise ; but like the besieged Trojans they
foolishly packed in the "hoise" full of
Greeks to work ruin, uor was that all ;
for like the Trojans again, they tore away
the means ot protection to let the horse
in and thereby opened the way tor inva
sion which resulted in our recent defeat.
Talk of Trojan horses or elephants won
at rafiie.if you will, but what were Trojan
horses or any other horses, elephants won
at rafile. or other elephants, co'mpared to
what we have won by "packing" hi or
by winning Mr. llo'laday with revolving
and repeating tools? Again, our "great
men are not wise," for they looked com
placently upon '-Peoples7 Tickets' and
black and tan Dolly Varden conventions,
fall of transparent policy and are de
ceived because they did not deceive
'Oh what a tangled web we weave.
AVhen first ve practice to deceive!"
But who has been deceived? Only
those who sought to decrive others. -Policy"
don't win. Outside of Oregon our
' great men are not always wise," for it i
written -fools learu by experience ; ''
yet -great men" do not learn by experi
encethat is. some of them do not; if
they did, they would talk no more of
Peoples' Tickets." coalitians. reforms
and Horace Greeley. When I read in a
paper or hear a Democrat, so called
spouting sucli nonsenoe as uniting the
Democracy and Liberal (?) Republicans
upon Greeley or any other man, 1 know
the author of such a proposition does not
understand judgment ; that judgment so
often expressed against mixing opposite
to gai.'j power. Look ba'.-k over the
history of such unions of antagonistic
forces and see the long catalogue of dis
graceful and disastrous defeat; which
have crowned the efforts of the uo-paity
policy in the past. Look forward and
see the great defeat that would follow the
ind( rsetnent of Greeiey and Brown by the
Baltimore Convention. It is just as plain
that such a result icouhl follow, as it is
that Mich a re.-ult dkl follow the people's
tickets in -Multnomah and Marion conn
Xor is the wisdom of the reat lacking
only in th" preceding cases, for we can
see year niter year that we are drifting
farther and fat t her from the bunlmaiks
of our party : every new platform indi
cates that we are progressing farther
Irom the doctrines of our ancestors and
farther into submission to a consolidated,
dictatorial, central desyot'wtn at Washing
ton. Horace Greeley and the llog-m trket
convention are very liberal? They ask
us to unite with them to seal the final d-s-t
in y diotn--of Democracy. They ask
us to indorse everything that we have op
posed for seventy yetirs : they a?k us to
-accept I lie sit nation.'" tne N? w Depart ure.
the passive policy, negro si.tl'ia;;e. eipiali
ty ol races, and to abandon the theory of
.State tights; they modestly b"g us to
vote for a recognition of the validity of
ihe three negro amendments to our Con
siiiution and the -stultiticat'n n ol all our
t'ormei professions as a party ; having ac
complished all that Phillips, Greeley and
John Brown sought to accomplish when
Lincoln issued h;s emancipation procla
mation ; they now ask us to reward them
lor the ruin of our country ami are will
ing to let the dead bury their dead ; they
are willing to let till ileii bauds, villain
ies and usurpation live, but Democracy
and all its adjuncts must die; they op
pose Grant, but Grant's usurpations inti-t
live : they are liberal, but radicalism in
its most obnoximts form must live. ;
fact, having tinned Loll loo?u upon earth
I hey now ptopose to prop the door ope 1
so i hat i: may 'emaitt loose forever, and
to maintain -the public credit.'' they will
pay from one to three dollars in gold lor
folly or fitly cents in greenbacks.
Their impudence is only equaled by
the folly ol aume Democrats, who, for the
sake ol policy, tire willing to vote lor
Greeley and Brown. Now if ihete i one
sentence in the Cincinnati Platform in
harmony with "the time honored princi
pies ' of Democracy. I tail to see it. Are
the lessons of past experience to be neg
lected ? Will our leaders run lrom one
folly to another seeking power and find
ing none? Will the Baltimore Conven
tion accept Greeley and Brown and ask
the people to abide by its action ? Will
the bondholders be recogni-d as our
rulers and the fallacies of Radicalism be
indorsed by it ? If go, our -great men.''
great bair.deiing men. great humbugs and
tools, great self-conceited fools, will tind
that "ice, the people" have turned our
backs to policy, that we are wiser in our
generation than political weather cocks,
and if no principle is involved no interest
will be taken in the Presidential cam
paign ; hence the folly and uickery ol
policy agents will be foiled by a united
party without a sensible or prudent lead
er. The Democracy are tired of leaders,
who have led them on to deleat ; they
wiil not vote for men who have denounced
them as traitors, or who have betrayed
them in the past, but our lat State Con
vention did not realize this fact, and it
our National Convention recognizes this
fact. i:i the future it will be wise ; if it
does not it will tind in November that
"great men are not always wise : neither
do the aged understand judgment."
Om: of Tin: ricorLE.
Y. Juuriutl (f Commerce publishes tables
showing the enormous balance ot trade
against this coutry, thus :
Imports for ten months $312,000,001)
Exports 222.127.:j.Sl
Balance against us $1R) 872. (Ill)
It is to help adjust that heavy differ
ence against us that we are now sending
gold and silver off to Europe at the rale
of about SLUOO.OUU per week. If they
would continue to buy up our bonds as
freely as they used to. in London and
I'rankfort, we could use papc money to
help us to wipe out the score ; but as both
countries seem to have as many ot our
securities as they want, at present, noth
ing is left but to pay up in cash.
Convicted. A scoundrel named
William Marshall, who voted the
Radical ticket in Portland on the
3d, about three or four times, and
swore in his tote, -'was convicted
of perjury,- last Friday. There
are a lot more who should be
served in a like innmier.
How it is Viewed Abroad.
The Yreki Union, speaking of the re
sult of the election in thirj State, eays;
Without pretending to a full
knowledge of all the mysteries of Oregon
politics, two causes are apparent w hich
seem quite sufficient to account for the de
feat that has overtaken the Democracy.
The tirt is the want of harmony in ihe
party. It is patent that the party in ihe
ritate ia tent in factions, between which
there are feuds more bitter and uncom
promising than is the war between them
and Ihe common enemy, the Republicans.
Who is responsible lor the existence of
these factions, or whose fault it is that
their differences were not compromised,
we shall not attempt to determine. It is
sufficient for our present purpose to know
that they existed, and thai the tate has be
fallen the party, which will always over
take a -house" divided against itself."
The other cause alluded to above, is the
coalition formed between Ben llollad ay.
the Railroad king ot" the sate.
and the Republican party. The entire
power ot the railroad interest of the State,
monied and otherwise, was exerted to its
utmost tension to carry the Republican
ticket. There is no room to doubt that
the victory just achieved is the victory of
Hollad ay more than the Republican par
ty Republicans are elected to office, but.
from such infoi niatinii as we have, we
have no kind of doubt, they had to swear
fealty to Hollad y in every instance be
fore he would consent that they should
become candidates. The Republican vie
lory places the Slate absolutely under
Holladay's control; he will dictate whom
the Legislature shall elect U. S. Senator,
what laws it shall euac. Louis the Pour
teenth could never with more truth and
emphasis declare- 'lam the State." than
lieu Holladay cauld to-day make the same
declaration of Oregon. He will, no
doubt, order Williams, the present U. S.
Mtorney-Geueral, to be returned to the
U. S. Senate, and require the enactment
of such laws as his interes's may demand.
Whether be will use the absolute power
with which this triumph invests him. for
the public- wellare. rather than for the
promotion of merely selfish schemes, re
mains to be seen
The San Francisco Uxnnbier says:
Oregon has voted t sustain the usurpa
tions of the Radicals. The Vote lias in
creased several thousands since 1S70.
when it gave a Democratic ' m .joi ity of
aa.. How the large increase of votes
has been effected we need not wonder ;
the power of the Government has been
used elsewhere to send voters into the
doubii'itl Mates, and this has probably
been the case in Oregon. Attorney-General
Williams, otte of Grant's henchmen,
(putted his post of duly at Washington to
canvass and. doubt hs, to distribute
moiie' freely from the Secret Serviet
Pond to ueeompli-h a Radical triumph.
The Radicals will have a majority i:i the
Legislature on joint ballot, thus securing
a L. S. Senator ; fortunately, however, to
replace one of their own kind. They
have gained a member of Congress.
The lesson in this east
is an important
ene to the
1 he ( tiiCinrsati i
Conven'ion has not. apparently, caused j
any break in the Radical ranks in Oregon. I
The Democracy of our
pressed no preference in
deulial candid ttes. T'it
ster .state ex-
gaio to t resi -
Uelega ite.s to
the B ib iitiore Convention were free to
accept. Greeley and Brown, far the p'at-
form was made with the view to suit a i
probable union ot interests in the contest
in November. The result in the web loot
State will be claimed us a great victory
for Grant. If there tire desatisfied Re
publicans there v, ho prefer Greeley to
Grant their number cannot be great or
they lailed to vote We have not diti at
present on which to form our opinio i ot
mis result, but it seems i.ke u counterpart
of the Connecticut election, passivism'
in the platform of the Democracy in each
S ate, instead of securing ictory. as their
trainers supposed, his product-din lo!h
instances, urnl in two closely balanced
Stales, only deteat tool itiort if; .-alioti to
the opponents of Radical itt;sru!e.
A Democratic exchange thus
speaks in regard to a thorough or
ganization of our ibices:
"It is useless to deny that the drill and
discipline of the Repub'ican party are
rigid and admirable. In polices, as in
war, the gravest of blunders h to under
rate the strength of an enemy, or count
upon the questionable resource of deser
tion. Whatever may happen afior the
coming Ptvsldi ntial election, nothing is
more probable cow than that party lires
will be preserved outside of the Liberal
defection. That a process of political dis
iuiegi eg dion has c'ttmntenred and the
bonds of party are much loosened, is not
denied. But there is r.o great break-up
yet, and the slow revolution which has
begun will baldly culminate before an
other term, result how the contest may.
II this theory be well founded, then it is
obvious that policy and wisdom recom
mend the prompt and thorough organiza
tion fct the Democracy. There are tens of
thousands accustomed to honor and obey
the KS.iges of the pat ty, who never would
vote for any candidate most assuredly
not for a Republican who failed to get
the approval of a National Convention.
They hare been educated in that idea,
and whether right, or or wrong, they cli'ig
to it as an article of political la'uh. States
and local organiz it ions, newspapers and
individuals, may wander off. and set up
tor themselves, and assume to nominate a
candidate, without regard to th.- wishes,
or if you please, the prejudices of the
tank and file. Such influences might pos
sibly, by clamor or other means, coerce
the Baltimore Convention. But what
would be gained by that impolicy, even
if it should triumph? Mr. Yallarniiug
liam's experiment iu Ohio, caused 2o.0;)n
Democrats to stay at home, who were well
inclined to accept a liberal policy from
the regular Convention, w h'c'i had pro
posed to recommend it. But they would
not submit to dictation, or allow an idol
to be set up for their wot ship. Hence, the
new departure, was smashes in hio, ai d
led to a Democratic defeat in Pennsyl
vania. This is too recent and too signili
cant to be ignored It it be foolishly dis
carded now. then like causes likely to
produce like result. J'.veti in the limited
sense or endorsing the Cincinnati ticket,
and putting out of view higher considers
lions.it is ot the first moment that the Pern
cratic party should be at once and thor
oughly compacted in detail. Wherever its
strength is to be thrown, in should be
cast solid. Every man of the three mil
lions and more should march to the polls
i:i line. The moral effect of that force
would drive tenor into th" hearts of the
Administration and compel success. Di
vide it. and tut combination however
promising, can succeed. Hence, we re
peat, organize, organize, organize. That
is the watchword of victory. It is the
only word by which Mr. .or any
other candidate who may be nominated at
Baltimore, can be elected President. It
shines out like the grand emblem on the
banner of Cbarlemuge in hoc aigno voi
ces. ''
Refused. The Democracy of
California refused to instruct their
delegates to the National Conven
tion in favor' of Greeley and
IJrown, Sensible,
State Items
It is stated that the cars will bemticfng
to Roseburg this fall.
The Plaindealer says the mines ot Ran
dolph are paying well.
The late spring sown grain iu Washing
ton county is a failure.
The Baker city Academy will be finish
ed by the Gist of August.
An unsuccessful a'tempt was made last
Saturday to fire the Dalits.
The copper furnace at Copperville, Un
ion county, has beeu started up.
A dead Chinamen was found last Friday
in the bushes near East Portland.
Three hundred more heathen China''
arrived at Portland last Saturday.
Major M. P. Berry arrived from Fort
Hall at Portland. Saturday evening.
A Mr. Miller, of B aker eonnfy owns a
yearling colt which weigh? 850 pounds..
A Miss Riley, a dressmaker, has been
sent from the Dalles to the Insane Asylum.
Three persons have been expelled from
the Baptist Church at Eugene for dancing.
The First Baptist. Church of Portland
has a new pastor Rev. A. R. Med bury.
M. II. Abbott editor of the JJedrork
J)rmocmt, has been elected Justice of the
Vivian, a celebrated actor, made his
first appearance at Oro Fiao Theatre last
The Grand Lodge of Masons dedicated
the new Masonic Temple at Portland last
James A. Smith. G. W. S.. of I. O. G. T.
will be editor of the Oregon Good Ttmplar.
after July 1st.
"Pritcard's." Baker county, Oregon, i.-
the name of a Postollice just established
it) that county.
About twenty persons were converted
at the recent campmeeting near Dixie. It
closed last Sabbath.
Smallpox has left Polk county. Both
cases have recovered, and no new ones
have been reported.
An adjourned rneetin of the State
Horticultural Society will be held next
Saturday at Poitland.
A par'y of about forty tourists from the
East arrived tit Portland last week. They
come to see the country.
The cars reached Oak land last Wednes
day. Regular trips -are to be made to
that place after the first.
The trains of iIip Oregon A' California
railroad will commence running through
to Oakland next Monday.
A citizen named Miloney. shot nnd kill
ed a corporal named Brooks, at Fort.
Klamath, on the 17th int.
The Corvallis 67 iz'le report' the late
crops of Ren ton countv as suffering sc
vere.y lrom tue lacic ot ram.
t ,Bn.. ,..oi- i.
tM.tw,.,.n Jacksonville tool Fort Klamath
(ln theSuumie
John Mnland wis convicted last week
of rape upon a child of ten yen fa- and he
goes to the I etnteiutary
for eight years.
The Oregon State Agricultural Soeietv
owns I ft) acres of land near Salem. The
improvements on it are valued at ."f p). ):)
Mr- Marv Harekson. of R.-rt'e-n count v
fell deid on Siindav
her babe w hich was
las-t while drestmr
;n! v tfii t-e weeks old.
A man named B. F. Whiv fell from a
scaffold at Por'lan-l iasf M-mdav, and was
injured fo badly that he died list Wednes
day. Henry P. B'i'b-r his been appotu'ed
Pos master at Tided . Demon county.
Oregon, and Charles II. Hicks, at Eilctis
Revs. Geo. B. Taylor and A 0. McDou
gall, (if California, have arrived in Oregon
and will lecture e.ttensivt-iy oil temper
ance. A fa timer iu Union county killed 2.000
ground squirrels during May last. May
wasn't a good month lor ground sqnitreU
The Cxn-'n- says that Hon. David Lo
g:tn has built a fine re-idetice. and nro-
j poses to ii side permanently iu Yamhill
j county.
Gov. drover has appointed J- F. Sti'es
of II trrisburg. a Notary Public for Linn
county, and Fred R. Strong for Mtiltno
mail county.
The Insane Asylum has I'i." pa'ients
12." m tlesnnd 4 ) fern ties. Fourteen were
admitted the last quarter, and sixteen
were discharged.
The l)emrcrtt says a Linn countv moth
er has nuiueil her latest baby, Horace
Greeley, "subject to the decision of the
Baltimore Co v e n t i o :i ." '
During the last. week, nc nrly one hun
dred people have passed Grand Ronde
Agency en" route to the beach at the
mouth of Salmon river.
T Patterson. Esq.. State Printer, and
Dan. Ilolton. of the Cosmopolitan Hotel,
were in attendance at the Philadelphia
Conveition us spectators.
Physicians have reported a bad case of
smaiipox in Eugene; and the city author
ities have passed ;i3 oidiuauce lo prevent
the j-prcad of the disease.
The Ili-droi-k D--mocr.il boasts that the
citizens of Baker county can now. and do
travel to any portion of the United Slates
within from five to eight days.
Mr. S. G. Thompson of Lane county-,
a well known horse raiser proposes to seJl
his thorough bied horses. He has some
of the best stock on the coast.
Win. Warren, of Yamhiil county, has
an ox which has been twice tiuen by rat
tlesnakes this season. The ox is likely to
die from the etl'ect of the wounds.
On Sunday, June 0;h. a man namod
Orion Powers, who resided in Rye Valley.
Baker county, commit red suicide by blow
ing his brains out w ith a shot gun.
Steps have been taken to incorporate
Occidental Lodge. No. If ) I. O. O. F. ac
cording to law. Messrs. John Bos'o;i. L.
Bellman and A. II. Brown. Trustees.
The running time on the Portland and
Tehama mail route, has been reduced to
three dav.s. between April 1st and Novem
ber 'JOtl., aud five days for the balance of
ihe time.
The hay crop in the vicinity of Oak
land will be almost a total failure. Grain
also will be very light. Many farmers
are already mowing lbeir oat fields to
make bay.
H. Lines, of Independence, had a horse,
saddle and bridle stolen fVoxi him last
.Monday night. D was ascertained that the
hoi-f.e was brought to Salem and sold to
J. W. Howell.
Col. Taylor of the IkraJd. delivered an
address before the literary societies of the
Willamette University, last Wednesday
His subject was. "The Struggles and Tri
als of Our Civilization.'
A well known attorney, says the HVsf
Side, who has retired from active life to a
splendid farm in this county, says that he
has one field iu which wild roses grow
abundantly, ami that he had a flock of
sheep turned in there. When shearing
time came be "did not know whether to
shear the sheep or the rose bushes to "-et
4 the moX wool I"
The fifth session of the Yamhill County
Teacher's Association will b held in the
Academy at North Yamhill, commencing
Tuesday, July 9th. 1872, at otic o'clock
P. M., aad continuing four days.
Geo. W. Butler was convicted last Sat
urday of adultery in the Multnomah
County Circuit Court; his victim being
his step-daughter, a girl sixteen years of
age. lie w ill receive his sentence Mon
day, July 1st.
The West Side says. We learn that Mrs.
Jackson, wife of Thomas Jacksou of
Amity, was found dead in her bed yester
day morning. She had been very low
with consumption, but had been up and
aoottt the day before.
At the Dalles municipal election last
week the following officers were chosen;
James M. Bird, Mayor; R. W. Crandall.
II. J. Wablron. George A. Liebe. J. W.
French. E. Wingath, Councilmeu; F.
Dehin, Treasurer; Dlehi, Marshal.
We have received a very neat pamph
let containing a list of premiums for the
State Fair of 1S72, and the Constitution
and rules of the State Agricultural So
ciety. The Annual Fair wiil commence
on Monday, September 33th 1S72, and
continue six days.
The Jacksonville Seid'vd says: Last
Tuesday, Col. Pollack and family", with an
infantry company of CO men. direct from
Arizona, via San Francisco and Crescent
City, passed through town on their way to
Fort Klamath. Colonel Pollack will take
command at Fort Klamath.
The new Hotel recently erected by W.
L. llalsey, Esq.. in the northern end of
Portland, is to be opened far the recep
tion ot guests on the 1st of July, under
the management of Mr. W. B. Illackwell.
an experienced landlord. It. is said that
this hotel is the finest in the State.
From the Guard we learn that a s'ep
daughter of Mr. Chris Taylor, living soin-'
miles south of Monroe, was last Sunday
thrown from a horse, and her foot becom
ing fast in the stirup. ws dragged a con
siderable distance. She lived but a few
tr.omenis after being ext ricated from her
perilous posfiou. She was aged about
thirteen years.
A correspondent near Silverton writes:
Who doubts that Oregon is the land of
Milk aud honey"' We h o e just cur a bee
tree, containing two swarms of bees one
with thirty odd pounds, and the oiher
wilh eighty-seven pounds of the delicious
sweets: and comb enough to contain three
to four hundred pounds of honey. The
comb in one of the trees Is or uiut be
five ye.its old.
The Dallas (Polk) Ii-pnhl.r,t,x says;
The crop prospects are not as f! ittei ing
as in some years. Owing to a scarcity of
late rai ls, late sown grain will be very
fdiort. Early sown gi;i.--s and grasses are
not near so thrifty as common, although
in s" tne portions of our county both the
bitter wiil be up to the average. More
than usual area ha been sown this season,
but from present indications the amount
for shipment will not, perhaps, exceed
that, of last year.''
II. L. Rudd. of Linn county, has some
fine Cotswold sheep, of which he says:
"They were two years old last April.
One of my bucks sheared seventeen
pounds, and one 0:uen pounds; the ewe
eleven pounds. Tiie ewe h is raised two
line large lambs, and they have had
nothing but ordinary keeping. The wool
is clean and Iree from dirt. The gro-s
weight of the buck is, one, Z13 pounds,
the o'her, o-)'- pounds.
The Benton Dt'-r.ocrtt. of the 20th In-a .
has the following: "On Tuesday last, as
Mr. William Galbraith was hauling ra'"3
from the umber o:i leaver creek, in Ben
ton county, the hots-'s became frightened
by a dog and ran away. Hitting a stump.
Mr. G. was thrown from the wagoti ud
seriously (if not fatally) injuied. 1'be
h ot-ej. the property ot R 1. Ruehanan.
ran some two hundred yards, when the
cam.' iu contact with a tree killing one
and sotuew bat injuring the other."
The A li.iict't' says that a letter from
leMiton couuiy btings us intelligence that
hi Friday last an obi man and two young
men. strangers came to the farm of Mr.
Callaway, ten miles below Corvabis. and
on ascertaining where the old i'ulifornia
trail crossed a small stream twenty-one
years ago. th-'v waiu-d until aberdatk
and then stealthily proceeded lo the spot
and commenced to dig at the foot of
stumps and trees. At last they were seen
to unearth a pair of old boot.- very much
decayed, from which they took, as is sup
nosed, about $-Ji).o:!t) i:i coarse gold dast.
left immediately
SI nee
which time nothing
been Seen of
Tin? 'Gi.ouhh- Flag." Our
Radical friends have much to sav
about how Grant's administration
has protected the honor ol our
lla. How does the following
read, and what will the adminis
tration do? We shall see. A
dispatch of the 24th inst. says:
A Washington special s ivs the State
Department has received dUp-itches from
George Holt, our Consul at G ispe Basin.
Canada, to the etl'ect that the Captain of
the Dominion cutter Stella .Marie h is can
lured the American schooner James Bliss,
for an alleged violation of the Dominion
laws, and bronchi her into port with the
Dominion 11 ig flying at. her pe ik over the
American i! tg. which w as union down.
Out Consul protested against the insult,
but it. was ropoat.e l. and it is understood
that the act was sanctioned by the highest
Dominion authorities.
IIi:ai:i Fko.m. The friends of
Jasper V. Johnson, J., will be
Uflad to see the following from the
Xew York Tribune of the 12th
inst. :
-The citizens of West Jersey, irre
spoe'h e ot fnrty. held a Greeley and
Brown ratification meeting at Camden
last evening. Jonathan Kirkbridgo pre
sided, and speeches were made by Colonel
.1 W. Johnson, of Oregon ; Hiram P.
Crozter. of New York, and others. The
attendance was large and the ecthusia.-ni
unbounded. -'
How tiikv .Stand. -The .;,
Albany Democrat, J'taindcakr,
limes and Mntkiu'izish have
come out squarely against GrceJe
The rest of the Democratic paners
have not expressed themselves on
this question.
Puo.x v. K. S. MeComas, Esq.,
of La Grande, left Portland last
week to attend the National Con
vention. He has A. Zieber's proxy.
We learn that Air. AlcComas is op
posed to the- Greeley amalgama
tion policy under all circumstances.
Stuiki-.s. Strikes have been the
general order among laborers in
the East during the past week.
This is caused by the low wages
and increased cost of living. Vet
capitalist want more protection.
General News Items
Farm hands are quite scarce i-, n.
Walla Walla valley. la tb
Crickets are destroying all the, crops G!,
Pataha river li. Idaho. 1 011
The Radical State Convention of r i
irornia is to be held on the 1st of Atil'
The St. Louis Republican says that a,
forney General Williams has nto-t t
1,500 offices in Oregon. oPl0ui!se4
Volney Smith, son of Delazon -?,.,!.,
was a delegate to the Officeholders' t- ,
ventioa at Philadelphia., from Arkansas
The National Park on the h,,uhyaters
of the Missouri river is attract it-g m,icljS
attention, aud many visitors will a0 thei
this summer. e 0
It is announced that ex Gov. Austin
Blair has declared his intention of thtkiiisr
the stump for Greeley if he id noniiaatej
at Baltimore.
The Walla Walla County Agrietiltnr .1
Society will hold the annual Fair next
September, commencing an the lHih aul
continuing four days.
The Cincinnati Commercial thinks that
the tariff plank of the Philadelphia plat
form "is pefectly lovely. It docs uA
mean anything upon earth."
At a meeting c-f Tammany on the 2.":!i
Horatio Seymour was, made S,-ichetu.'
Preparations were also made for a great
4th of July celebration. James Brooks
was chosen orator.
"Before the snow falls again." sav tht
men at work on the road, the Northern
Pacific Railroad wid be finished from
Ealatna to Olympiu. and the trains wiil
be running over it every day.
Ttie Greek Consul here received h let
frorn the Minister of Foreign Affairs char
acterizing the report of xVm sendin rf
Greek ciimtnals to 'the United SiU-s as
an odious and absurd falsehood.
An Oregontan arrived in San Franci-co
on the 2 J;h in putsuit of two daughter,
who ran away to get married. The hua
band of one ot Ihe girls has been found
but not the girl, and the other girl but
not the husband.
The Tacoma mill, in eleven and a ln-lf
hours, sawed Sj.UUO fett of lumber. 26.
OOd of which were one inch boards. Tli
sawyer. Mr. Isaac Thiiiston. says he caa
put through 100. OOJ feci in il:e sau.t
time, and challenges Pugel Sound to bcut
By the Act making appropriations
ihe repair, preservat Ion and completion of
public works on rivers and bulbing anj
lor odit.'r purposes, tor ttie Near endiiiir
June oil. SlOJ 000 is appropriated for iti.t
improvement ot river and u.iiboisin Uic
gotl. Joaquin Miller h.-.s jtest sold to the Orer
liiuil 31-r-dfJy. a poem entitled "Tht- Isle
of the Amazon." for a price- which is snid
to be the largest propoi .iottate oay esT
given by an American publi-,her to ati
American poet. Joaquin ha;: jrtst s'utn-d
b,r the Ejsi. in Company widi Grace
Green wo d and Mrs Sunve.
The Dnwcrnl. at Albany, sayi :A fair
hatred love sick y oil Mi ,d Benton etMttity.
presented his giri' with pair of tieu
new tangled tnetanc garter-
on h
er fjirt
day. last week. He thought t Sey wei
the latest thing in bracelets, and oiilv uis-
covered his tni.t:ik
to -try them on.' II
oti requesting lar
don'i call ihei e unv
Corporal G r
of the 7th U- S. Inf.-n'rv,
took a
notched lrom Fort Sli.iw. llo
llll! b- ! M III,. ..I,.! -it
i; l.utid in green-
the property of Unci- Sam; ditto the
greenbacks. Lieut. Wondrntf went utter
the Corporal, bat got neither male green
backs oi Given hack. Green was
isift I green
enough to be caught.
The small pox is consab-rably oil the
increase in S.wi Francisco. Five caf.-s
were sent to ttie h spi al on the 21 h.
Among the p it ;
u is
a policeman, who is in his own house, ai d
refiises to be removed. He has a pi-tol
by his side, and threatens to make u i ,b
i fur the Coroner if he is interfered with,
j In Mionessola there are fifty-five Repub
j licau papers. Of ihese twenty-t-even sup
j port Greeley and Brown. Niuetn n
i support tie; administration bocaitfe they
! are supported by it. 1 he i etnainib-r.
i that hae no post offices. Hssessoishsps or
i contra cs. get links id' th" same saus:o't
I .... v 0
from the Mute or county government-1, or
j are wavering in their allegiance, with a
strong leaning away from Philadelphia,
j The Convention called by Judge Stall
! it Filth Avenue Hotel i:i New York, en
j the i3.l inst. was secret, no r porters bc
j ing admitted. It has transpired, howei t r,
that ex Governor Cox spoke, endea. oriitg
I 'o harmonize on Greeley. AtkiiiMiu
! urged the nomination of Adams. Alter
;i lon debate the question of nominating
a ticket was decided in the ; fti: mative.
when Coy publicly withdrew hum Ihe
Conference. A platlorm was arh p ed de
nouncing Greeley and the Cincinnati
ptuttorn;. The Convention pledges tlio
Free Trader to support their own policy
under all circumstances.
The parly under Messrs. Hill and
Sweny, sent out by the Skagit River Co..
of Seattle. W. T.. to explore ihe upcr
Skagit and its tributaries, has just re
turned, and report that for sixty mil.-.H
above ihe jam the river navigable for
Steamers, and that the valley of the Sk tgit
lor that distance has ,vi average width of
It) miies. composed ol the richest river
bottom lauds ,.kn the Territory, though
mostly heavily timbered. These lands are.
utisurveyed ami unoccupied. The com
pany will probably open a portage around
the jam. ami place a .-learner above,
which will make the whole country ac
cessible to immigration.
A Washington dispatch of the 25th
S'ates that Spanish war vessels have been
instructed to siey.e and sink tin- American
s't-amers Virginias aud Edgar wherever
found outside neutral potts. The Yir
ginius. as appeats by a letter received
here from her Captain, ye.oterd-ay. was tit
Puerto Cabal la. Venezuela, in the latter
part of May. She was very leaky and
would be unable to secure the necessaiy
repairs there, and would be obliged to
leave- fur Martinique. Two Spanish war
vessels were in port. Their officers were
enraged at the refusal of the Venezuelan
government to deliver the Viiginius up to
them, and threatened to cut her out.
whereupon the Veil, zueleans trained the
g'tis of the Fi.rt upon t he Spania i ds and
the latter quitted the place The Yir
giuius is also out of coal.
A Noted IAer.--While the Radicals
have been screaming in Congress about
arson, rape and muiibr iu the south, the
late Attorney-General of the United
States. Hon. Henry A. Stanbery. a man of
education, experience, ami i ipe judgment,
who has been travelling iu the doomed
section tells the Philadelphia Age in sub
stance as follows : "No man can witness
the acts of the military t illers in these
States, as he has witnessed them, without
becoming satisfied that a change of ad
ministration and of parly is demanded by
the interests of the country. We doubt
it Poland in Russia h is suffered so much
from the -bayonet rule' as Soti'h Carolina.
Incident of perxmal and political aggra
uon that reach us through intelligent
sources, by Northern men whose business
leads ih-tn into the Southern States, nio
ainiost incredible, and stamp the adminis
tration ol Grant as a libel on Republican
government. The Government at the
present time is run for two purposes
first, to make money for those in authori
ty, and, secou By. to force by money,
fraud and bayonets the re no utnation ol
General Grant.''
f i x