Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, June 28, 1872, Image 1

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NO. 35.
i)c lUcckhj ntevprtse.
.4 o'l TIC PA PER,
Villi THE
Business Wan, the Farmer
OFFICE la Dr. Tlies'ng's Brick Building
fiingle Copy one year, in advance, $2 50
TnnVient advertisements, inelu.l'mg all
le-al notice. V ol 11 lmC;i' 1 vv f ""'
For e icli subequ-nt insertion 1 '"
One C jta nii, one year
Half " "
(iirter " "
Umine-w Oanl, 1 square one year.
.$120 fin
H$- Rr.nltt inrox to be mode at tlisrixko
&u'tscri!jfi-.i, and at the expense of Agents.
r The enterprise oflk-e is supplied with
l.e uitifiil. aiip'-ivt-.l styles of type. ;w;d mod
ern M ACIHX1-: l';tKS:-KS. whirh will friable
tlie Proprietor to do Job Bunting at all tunes
Xtut, U-tick and CUvap !
ta Work solicited.
AU itx-tinei tr in:trtUn upon a Sprcie for,..
B USIXESS CA 111) s.
7 II. W ATKINS, M. D-,
SUIUJHOX. Pouti.amk Or.Kiun.
OFFICE O il Fellows' Temple, vornr-r
First and VI br streets Residence corner id"
Main and Seventh streets.
p. hlki-vt. cir.vs. r.. w.u'.kun".
Attorneys at Law,
okk .on citv,o::i:go;.
Marc!. l-7'2:tf
Formerly Surjj'-jn to the lion. II. 15. Co.
33 Vrars Exjif rlcnrc.
Main Street, Orrgon "ly,
of the State.
j:- "-;.ii.rM.i' attention i veu in t a.cs in me
U. S. Land OnY-e at Oiv
on inv.
April 1 7 -JM t
nst.iblishe.1 sho-e ISl'.i.nt the old stand,
Mliil S!rrf, 0,-r;;o,l Ci!j, Vljou.
An Assortment or o ate oes , a e -elrv,
and S. th Thorn is' weight
Clocks, a'.i of whieh are warranted
to be aj represented.
IJ-'oairiu-s done on short notice,
nd th uihful for past favers.
City Drayman 5
All orders for the delivery of merchan
dise or packages and freitrht of w hatever des
eripttou.to any part, of the city, will be exe
cuted promptly and with care.
Pioneer Book Bindery-
( iHHfi- of Front snit Altr Street,
RU desired pattern.
PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety of
style known to the trade.
Orders from the counfry promptly at
tended to.
Importer and Dealer in
Oregon Ci hi, Oregon.
At Vharr.ia-i 4 IVitrvr ohl !t !, la'rfy oc
cutitd b'j S. Ach. nn-y.u, Main xtrtt t.
In tf
Odd Felb ws' Tm plr. err
of First niul Abb r Straffs. Pe"lnr t1 .
The patronage of those desiring superior
Operations is iii special request. .itrwut.ox
. . ol- tie- eauiless et ract ion of teeth.
T-eTA'tifieial teeth "better than the best,'
and us -'.- in a? tj,i rhi-wt.
Will be in Oregon Citvon Saturdays.
Nov. u.'f
TH fsl - S O T4 Si FITCH,
All oris vya sit lsiw,
Real Estate Agents,
VV of Title of all property in Eugene
Citv. and perfect plctsnf Pie same, prepared
with trreat care. We will practice in the
HitTerent Courts of the Stat -. Sjieeisl rt-te.tti-m
s'ven to the collection of uii claims
that may be rdaced in our hauu. I.eca!
Tenders bought sold. senSJ!
The Past and the Present.
In tbe Spring-of 1SC3. says the Exam
iner, a large portion of the Democracy
weie anxious to nominate General Grant
fr the Presidency, lie had visited the
South and on his return had proclaimed
that there was no need of harsh measures
towards the people of the South ; tl a'
they were anxious tn return to the Union
and render a cordial obedience to the
laws. Sergeant Dates who had served
in the war proved the existence of that
feeling- in the most conclusive manner.
He marched through the Southern States
unaccompanied by any one. and unfolded
the old Hag in town and country, and
everywhere was received with the kindest
feeling, and returning to Washington
placed the Mag on the dome of the Capi
tol. Gen. Grant at one time cherished a
similar view of the nutter, and had it not
been for the crew who surrounded him.
after he became President, inculcating on
all occasions a spirit of hatred, the South
would long ago have been tranquilizer
and her people rendered happy. He fell
into bad ban. Is. The Uadiea'.s made hint
their standard-bearer ; he surrounded
himself wiib. a Cabinet composed of
leading spirits of the then dominant
party, arid now. after more than seven
years have elapsed since peace was de
c'ared. we have several Stales run into
debt, to the verge of bankrup'cy, by the
C trpet-bnggor.-. w ho w ere sent to inaugu-
rate their governments.
the great writ of Right suspended, and
an effort being made to prevent its opera
tion over a vast territory until after the
Presidential election has been decided.
In 1 SC8 the Democracy coquetted with
Gen. Grant : his political record was
meagre, and when eaiefiilly examined to
ailotd a miide as what he might do in
forming Cabinet and as to w hat were
his. views on political q ies; ions, it was
found that, stationed in remote, places, he
had only voted once for President : an 1
that vote was cast for Buchanan. The
Radicals were sati-ii -d with his record
for although he had not been one of them,
they foresaw that by surrounding him
with counsellors, if he were their nomi
nee, they could easily direct him. His in
experience in civil and political life j t.t
staled them. They acted a little quicker
than the Democra ic leaders, and tailed a
convention at Chicago in April to be
held May 20;h ; and they had the as.su r
anQc that Grant would stand on a plat
form that suited him then, as it proclaini-
-1 ,... I ...... II .... 1...,s.l
eu l.is n;ea i.ei ua i i-.ii.i-.
The Democrats thus .-nrpiised did not
a! oiice detei mine to make a bold light
for a Democratic state.Muaii on a regular
1 'eiuocraiu: pi illorn'
1'hev went out ol
the ie tu
i:e' in.-idi-
,'. i'iou. r.ud succeeded in form,
tin nartv an intlientiul bod v
in lav.jr o'
Chase. D it the latter"?
resented ob.-taeles to its
p to that time Grant's
soat ed with that of Chase,
adupuon. I
eo'.ii'M1, as cos
inesented nttie rrotiua o
Democrats : a
as between the two, i:
was h ud to uceiu
what strong! li count
be c u ried over to Ch i
from our part v.
The conclu-iru was reached, however,
th we hid to mike a nomination
Horatio Son mour was selected, alter de
clin'uig it in the most emphatic manner.
a:.d with the most dir-inletvsted motives :
iiut was prevailed upon to accept, lie
foresaw that to win. the candidate ought
to have been taken from one of the great
Western States : or trom some State
w Inch, if doubt...i in politics, w ould have
rallied to the Democratic column i"r the
honor of leaving one ot lis sous nil the
Presidential office.
In the coming contest, if wo fail to win
it will be from the vacillating spirit pro
duced by counting the probabilities o!
some one now being adopted outside ol
our organization, and hading, vs hen too
late, as was the cause thai prevented
Judge ('huso's nomination, that the sen
timent of the party is to inn a stritght,
out-and-out ticket. Until the Convention
declares its choice the e.xpre.-iun ot in
dividual opinion amounts to nothing. It
would take years of talking to overcome
the feeling ol the majority of the Demo
cratic party to induce litem to abandon
their principles from motives of expedi
ency. " In the nomination of Gov. Seymour,
we weakened our cause bv tajiinjT a citi
zen of the State of New Yoik.
and this
reason would app'v to naming
any one
from that State now for the I residency.
The Republican party could not be held
together in IsoD. They disintegrated into
two organizations : the Boil and Uveretl
wir.g. and the Lincoln wing ; and as the
Democrats were divided. Lincoln was
elected by a minority vote. In 17'J we
have a more bitter s'ate of feeling exist
ing between the opponents of Democracy
than existed in any previous contest, and
hey will niaititsun their organizations.
They c animt fuse, and they will not fizzle
or they would have uo place to hide their
Splits in pvrties of far less importance
thau those hkely to occur in the Repub
lican organization, give the Democracy,
on two occasions, the Presidency, and on
two other spii's among themselves caused
their ib-teai. Jn 1 S 1 1, Birney. Abolition,
defeated Clay and elected Polk, although
the tirt named pidit-d oi.iy lUl.'JOi votes.
In JS."2 the candidacy of Hale, as a
Free Soib-r. denira!:yed the Whigs run
ning General Scott. In Is IS. Vau Buren.
I"r e Soiler. defeated Cass and elected
Taylor ; and in lsO-J. Pouf'.as. Breckin
ridge and Bell insured the election of
Lincoln. In the approaching struggle
the temperance men will present a for
midable organization. They Lave fashion
ed the laws of several of the States, and
are su'licient ly emboldened to try what
they can do as a national party : for Con
gressional legislation imposts duties cm
imported wines and liquors, and the in
ternal revenue system on those uianufac
lured by ourselves. We do not err in
believing that they will run an indepen
dent ticket that in several States will hold
ihe balance ot power.
The Labor Reformer? not abnndon
their organization. Should Judge Davis
withdraw, which has been rumor&d with
out proper foundation, their National
Committee would name some cce else,
and make a contest to sustain their prin
ciples. Should Mr. Greeley- withdraw,
som one else, probably I. Gratz Brown,
would be placed at the bead of the ticket
and another placed on the ticket with
him. The Liberal Republicans were too
much in e trnesi.as is exhibited b j the -'Ai'-dress
to the People of the United States.'
and in the declaration of principles em
b died in the platform, to back dow n.
The D-inocratic National Committee, in
our opinion, can name the standard-bearer
among those who are attached to
Democratic principles who can be success
ful in the coming canvass ; and we have
faith that it w ill do so as a matter of policy
and principle.
" A Free ttreakfast Table."
Those who voted for the repeal
of the tax on tea and coffee, almost
the only -purely revenue tax we
have, in order that the 819,000,000
of revenue derived from it, all of
which goes into the treasury, nrght
be raised on articles on which
nine-tenths of the tax would go in
to the pockets of manufacturini;
monopolists, did so, remarks the
Detroit guilder the auspeeious
pretext that they wanted to ""five
the poor man a free breakfast table."
'The transparency of the humbug
was perfect in the nature of things;
but Hon. James Ibooks, in a recent
speech in Congress, in giving a
comprehensive exposure of the
manner in which protective tariffs
aid the people, placed the "free
breakfast table" humbug in its true
light, lie presents in tabular form
an array of taxes which the present
tariff imposes upon articles used in
preparing and consuming a single
'free breakfast;" and in order that
our readers, who are in love with
that kins! of diet, may be the bet
ter able to digest it, we give the
figures below. They may be read
to advantage at the "free break
last table:"
Tin-; t.uu.k
or wo on.
20 per Cf ri'
o7 per cent
.4O01.V.) per cent
-lo per ceu l
-1 ) per cent
id per cent
Table cloth (linen)
Tii k strr-ouT.
Cr-ckerv 40f7?."0 per cent
Glass. . f." per cent; i! cut gla-s .".() per cent
Castors 4v. castor s.ands. ..oJ(7? 10 per cent
if plated
Spoons 45 per cent
Knives : per cent
Forks j." per cent
Tea-pot- (metal) 45 per cent
I'ea-pot (copper) 4, " per cent
Tea-pot (crocLery) -10 percent
THE i-'o on.
Bread Tartaric acid used in
baking powders f.7 per cent
Sugar 1 1c per lb
Beef, pork, chickens, turkeys 1c peril
Butter 17 i per cent
Cheese 2(5 per Cent
Vinegar ''- per cent
Pepper 113 per cent
Olive oil oO p-r cent
Mustard 15 per cent
.Salt Gi)6ij'M)0 per cent
17 per cent
18 per cent
Union J . per cent
Sardines 50 per cent
Potatoes. 22c per bushel, or 47 i per cent
a 1 a'oi em.
Buckwheat 10 per cent
Bice 114 per cent
Cleaned St. per cent
Tin: ki rruKN-WAiu:.
Range or' stove. . . . 7 per ;ent ad valorem
Kettle, glazed (hollow ware;) 45 per cent
ad valorem.
Manufactures of f i i
Ma mi fact res of copper
Toasting fork, if of w ire...
Fr ing pan
35 per cent
45 per cent
72 per cent
4f. per cent
4ijh per cent
Hollow ware.
Fire-wood . . .
. . . . 43 per cent
. . . . 20 per cent
washing rr- TIIK
S iap 45 per cent
Woolen rags, 12c per IT), and 130 pet- cent
ad valorem.
Towels, if of Enen 40 per cent
Towels, Ii of cotton i0(7r-70 per cent
e'O.-T OF V.'ATKK.
Load. p;g or dtpes 2j per cent
Brass lancets 35 per cent
Water pail, hooped with iron, from
per cent a 1 valorem.
Wife, Mistress, Lady. Who
marries for love, takes a wife; who
marries for fortune, takes a mis
tress; who marries for position,
takes a lady. You are loved bv
your wife, regarded by your mis
tress, tolerated by Our lady. Yon
Ihive a wife for yourself, a mistress
lor house and friends, a ladv for
the world and society. Your wife
will agree with you, your mistress
will rule you, your lady will mat r
age you. Your wife will take care
of your house hold, your mistress
of your house, your lady of ap
pearances. If you are sick your
wife will nursa you, your mistress
will call and see you, your ladv
will inquiru after your health.
You will take a walk with your wife,
ride with your mistress, and go to
a party with your lady. Your
wife will share your grief, your
mistress your money, your ladv
your debts. If you are dead, your
wife will weep, your m'utress la
ment, and your lady -wear mourn
ing. Whieh do you prefer ?
A man who was told by a cler
gyman to remember Lot's wife, re
plied that he had trouble enough
with his own without remembering
other men's wive-?.
Threatened. A Wi scon si n
fonr-y ear-old threatened to commit
suicide- if his mother wouldn't
take him to walk.
Don Piatt on Gift-Taking.
Jones, who is an observant gen
tleman, found himself questioned
upon the Pennsylvania Patent
Screw and Auger Line of cars by
a man from the interior of some
where, lie was a tall, rawboned
specimen of humanity, costumed in
the style of the middle ages of the
West; that is, says Jones, as a
middle-aged gentleman in Indiana,
for example, gets up his wedding
apparel. This nwddle-aged man
was accompanied by his wife and
two daughters, and ho asked our
friend where the President's house
"On Pennsylvania Avenue," re
sponded our friend.
" What's the number?" demand
ed Western innocence.
"It has no number."
"Xo number?" gasped the quer
ist. " Xone whatever. It is the high
privilege ot the President not to be
numbered. lie is the only man,
except Mullet who is above the
Hoard of Public Works. If the
Hoard were to order the President's
house numbered, or begin digging
about it, the President would rise
to a question of privilege, and then
the lioard would be in a devil of a
"You don't say so? What
would they do to it, do vou sup
pose?" " I can't say precisely ; we never
had a precedent; but it is more
than probable that the Hoard
wotdd be split into kindling wood."
"Poor devil ! Well, stranger, I
want to see the President."
" Do you want an office ? If you
do, yon must see Conkim."
"Don't want no ofiiee."
"Do you want an order on the
Xew York Custom House for a
" Don't want that neither. What
I want is a little secret between
Polly and me Polly's my wife."
"Yes, and it's a putty big thing,
I can tell you."
" Well, 1 have no wish to pry
into family secrets. I will point out
the house when we reach it. It
stands back in the yard, with a
scarecrow in fro tit to keep the
ollice seekers from the President's
garden sass. You go to the front
door and ring no kick on it, and
a man will open it. That is not
the President, but he will show
you up to a room where you will
find a small man attached to a big
nose. That is not, the President,
although he thinks he is. Xosy
will ask you for a card. Don't
give hitn a deck; he only wants
your name on a slip of paper to
send it to the President. Then
nosy will say, "Sit down." You
needn't be in a hurry to do that;
you'll have plenty of time. Alter
an hour, nosy will tell you that the
President is seeing Senators. If
you look sharp you can see them.
lhey will come in with their ebe
ne.ers elevated as if they smelled
a bad smell, then you'll be told the
Cabinet is jn session to come
again next day. The next day
you will be put through the same
performance, and the next, and so
on for a week, and then the door
will be thrown onen and you will
have tlie privilege of seeing his ex
cellency smoke and say nothing for
ten minutes.
"Great thunder! Polly, let us
take our present and go home."
"Present ! you don't mean to say
you have a present for the Presi
dent ?'
"Yes, we have. Fact we have a
stuffed goose tlie biggest goose
that ever walked. Its a perfect
natural curiosity, that goose, and
Poll and I determined to fetch that
goose and our daughters, on, and
give it to the President."
" Xo express charges on it?"
" Xot a charge ; there it is, the
biggest nat'rel curiosity of a
"My friend, kick at the front
door; sav a present for the Presi
dent," and you'll see him in three
minutes, and before you can get
home, you'll be postmaster."
Jones saw the little family and
hig goose disappear in at the
White House; and although 7Vte
Star informs us that the President
received, that day, no mention is
made of the goose.
Somebody describing the "Wood
hull Convention in Xew York says
that at the close "-he was in estacy,
and so was her sUter, Miss Claflin.
Her face beamed under her high
crowned Xeapolitan hat. She
shook hand with the gentlemen
enthusiastically. The ladies kissed
her and embra'ced her, kissed each
other, and kissed her again. I
never before saw so much kissing
and hugging in public, nor, for
that matter, in private either. Men
were not afraid to pass hands
around women that were not their
wives, and women indulged in po
litical osculation till thev were tired,"
A Nefarious Deed.
The Ku-Klnx Act has been con
tinned in force, says the 1'Zeamincr,
the Senate having tacked that in
famous enactment on the Civil Ser
vice Appropriation bill. A few
days ago the House, by a decided
majority, rejected the Senate bill
to prolong its existence. The Sen
ate, however, hesitated at no means
to continue it on the statute-book.
To do so that body recinded one
of its standing rules, which forbade
the adoption of any amendment,
not in keeping with the nature of
the original measure,being engraft
ed thereon.
Tlie House had no alternative at
the late hour at -which tlie Civil
Service Appropriation hill, thus
amended, was received. It was
compelled to continue the odious
law, or to adjourn without making
provision for the payment of the
employes of the Government. This
is the most tyrannical act the Rad
icals have yet perpetrated. In
time of peace the writ ot habeas
corpus can be suspended, and dur
ing the Presidential canvass, when
the person having the power to sus
pend is a candidate for re-election.
The perpetration of this outra
geous act should excite alarm in
the minds of I he people. It lore
bodes that military power will be
exercised to control elections in
several of the States. History
teaches us a lesson. In modern
times a great nation that had pro
nounced lor a republican iorm ol
government and had selected a
President, by universal saliVae,
for a fixed term, saw its happiness
blighted by a despot changing the
form of government and perpetua
ting himself in power by the aid of
bayonets. To-day that great na
tion, mourning in sackcloth, bur
dened with an enormous debt and
shorn of two of her fairest provin
ce?, can justly attribute her misfor
tunes to the acts of her President,
who, by military power, subverted
the Constitution of the French Re
public and made himself an K:n
peror. V"e are drifting in a like direc
tion. Stealthily and with the
Senate now acting as a mere
Council of State, forcing the House
to adopt an iniquitous law, military
power is rendered superior to civil
authority. It is a step toward na
tional degradation when such a
tleed can receive legislative sanc
tion; and it will woik our dowfall
should the election result in giving
Gen. Grant another term of the
Presidential ollice.
The Vcbster Kamily.
A correspondent of the
held .i puULtcan.
writ in or lrom
Hoston in reierence to a late acci
dent which befell young Appleton,
says :
The shocking affair of young
Appleton, a grandson and name
sake of Daniel Webster, has open
ed anew the sad history of the
Webster family, which, in this
branch, may soon be extinct. The
private vices of Webster have
often been remarked upon, prob
ably they were exaggerated by
scanda, but such as they were
they have borne evil fruit in the
habits of his descendants. His
1 son Edward died in the Mexican
war, too young to become much
known, either for good or evil,
Fletcher Webster, who also died a
soldier's death, had his father's
weaknesses, with little of his
strength, and seems to have trans
mitted them to his sons, who seem
to have been known to the public
by their vices. Young Appleton,
v. hose fate has for the first time
brought him to public notice, is
youngest son of Webster's beloved
daughter, Julia, who married into
the wealthy Appleton family here.
She and her husband have been
dead many years; their elder son,
Samuel Appleton of Southboro, is
a gentleman of fair reputation, and
has been once or twice in the Leg
islature. The younger brother,
Daniel Webster Appleton, though
an amiable and promising boy,
early fell into bad company, and
lias been for years though only
2G years of age a confirmed
drunkard. He seems now likely
to recover from his wounds, and
may take warning by the past,
ami forsake his evil ways. But
the subtle influence of ancestral
vice is upon him, and Ids future, in
any event, is an anxious one.
The Boston newspapers have dealt
very plainly with the terrible cir
cumstances of his case nor was it
possible to do otherwise. Tlie
moral lessons of Webster's life
are constantly enforcing them
selves. This is the latest instance.
Dang e no us. The Louis v i 1 le
ed'jci' says in come portions of
the South it is becoming danger
ous to use even the word "nig
gardly," the substitute therefor be
in ir "colored iv."
Tlie explosion of a Xew Jersey
boiler was heard six miles a way.
A Small Vice that Kills Slowly. I
The Boston (Hohe $tiy ; So gen
eral has the habit of smoking be
come in this country that tobacco
is now reckoned rather as one of
the necessities of life than one of
its luxuries. Old smokers will de
ny themselves of food, if need be,
to obtain the precious weed. It is
related by Baron Liebig that dur
ing the late Franco-Prussian war
the wounded sold Sens, when ex
hausted with suffering, would
turn away from the mot delicious
liquors and food, yet would eager
ly smoke a cigar, even if it was of
poor quality. To gratify this com
mon appetite there were manufac
tured in the United States last
year 1,.,32,24C,000 cigars, or at
least taxes were paid on that num
ber. At ten cents apiece, this would
would give the enormous ol vI-lV
224,000 to be divided amonrx man
ufactures, dealers, producers, tlie
customs and the internal revenue.
There has been a good deal of
growling of late, not only among
dealers, but among consumers, at
the extremely onerous taxes on an
article of such general use.
will be seen from tlie loiluwit
tine cit
these comi.lamts are not
groundless :
ars, bott-rht for
5o in
Havana, cost when la tided in Nov,
York, 112 50; for to the prime ! AJoston widow wears with be
cost in Cuba is added the export ! coming jpride a massive gold ring
duty of 1 50, freight 4 0 cents ; j Biade from the plate of her de
ad "va'orem $12 5'?; -2 CO nor ; ceased husband's teeth.
v f I n ! t ! n r 1l w i . i . .-; O - T i
fifteen pounds, ay 50 ; interna! i
revenue tax 5; handling CO cents ; I
gold premium on duties v5. W e
have already reached the n ! 1 2 50,
and have still to add I he profits of
wholesale and retail dealers, and
neither take less than 25 per cent
and we have brought the cost
per thousand to tlie neighborhood
of $170. before the cigtU's reached
the consumer.
It will be seen that of this sunt
00 goes to the Government,
which all intelligent
smokers will
agree is too much. j .v
ir.. '.o 1 . . i f ii. i
L iieie ram nas maue iree
the cup
mat euec-is we irust tie
sider the oppressive taxes that
now weigh upon those who use
the weed that comforts. The
Government surely should be sat
isfied with something less thau
one-third of the retail price of an
article which is used from one end
of the land to the oilier, and by
all sorts and conditions of n. e;i,
and whieh is. if a n.dson. like tea
and coffee, a very slow poison, and 1 nited Mates is set down at mne
a very great solace to the habitual , tv ne thousand, and their salaries
consumer. i 'it -rTOO each.
J -o nundred and seventy-two
It was not all a dream which ; persons were killed in the Pennsyl
made the wife of Julius C;esar so
anxious that he should not go to :
the Senate Chamber on tlie fatal
ri e i. ritr - -i
Ides ot Alareh: had he complied
with her entreaties lie might have
escaped the dagger ot Brutus.
T Hi-Hitoi" coomoil 1 1 feilbna- I ov I
in i no career or jsapoieon lrom the
time he ceased to feel tlie balance-
(nun f bn : l
W . . I l t . I. ;
wheel of Josephine's iniluonce on
ins impetuous spirit. General
Washington, when important qucs-j
tions were submitted to him, often j
has said that he should like to cany
tne subject to Ins bed-chamber be- j
tore no lormeu n.s (vms; and
those who knee the clear ind"--
who icnew the clear judg
ment and elevated purpose of Mrs.
Washington thought till the better
of him for wishing to make her his
confidential counselor. Indeed lhe
great majority of men who have
acquired for themselves a great
and good name were not only mar
ried men, but happily married
both paired and matched.
The Richmond llnfjn'irer, in the
course of an article on the Presi
dency, after stating the objection
of the late Southern rebels to vot
ing for a man for President who
contributed to their defeat in the
field, an objection holding good
against even General Hancock,
says: "With Mr. Greeley it is quite
another thing. He was not a sol
dier in the war at all. He was not
lluence, first to permit the South !
to depart in peace, and ai'terward
to settle the difficulty upon any
terms that were honorable alike to !
both sections. Every Confederate I
soldier in the South can vote fori
in .una ne useu an nis in
Greeley without feeling that he
ii. ui.u.ifj any -sacrifice oi ins prin
ciples or his manhood."
1 i ', , -
t SOU, W.'KluarC VOU
going to do with that club?"
"Send it to the editor of res,, "
"But what are you gob- to .n'd ! 'ets to make a pound, and as 1,
lt to the editor for?" "Cause he ! fSi2 P0" S S
says if any body will send him a JTar 120 2.3,30,000 must
club he will send them a copy of ! have given "P tho.r lives to colo,
i-or, rpi l ' the dresses and cheeks ot Amerir
ins paper. I lie mother came near ; l"L ,
fainting, but retained conciousuess j cau ,a(Jies-
enough to ask : "Hut. Tommy, : A firm in Dubuque received a
dear .what do you suppose he wants
with a club?" "We!!, I don't
know," replied the hopeful urchin,
"unless it is to knock down sub-
scribers as dno't pay for their pa-
Facts and fancies.
In Peru the raihcfiys liaveP
"ladies smoking cars."
A man is described as having
Ohio features if he has only one i.
Leave well alone is a good rule,
but leave ill alone is a better.
It requires one ton of steel to
make, on an average, 3,000,000 of
steel pens.
A child lias been born "at Fort
Kent, Maine, having seven fingers
on each hand.
Three hundred million letterP
yearly pass through the Post
Oilices of the world. Q
Punch savs lie has observed that
the unfortunate man's friends ljvg
a long way off.
There are said to be five hun
dred miles of gas-pipe underlying
the streets of Xew York city.
I at was asked the other day if
he understood French. "Yes, yer
honor, if its spoken in Irish."
There are twenty-eight orphan
asylums in the State of "Xew York,
giving shelter to over 9,000 chil
An Australian has a false eye,
an emerald and a dia-
lie considers
his sisrht
A St. Louisan has lost faith in
the doctors because shortly after
Vicing vaccinated he was bitten by
a mad dog.
A boy being asked the meaning
of the worel .amateur, said it was
a man what slipped up and wasn't
jawedi for it.
A new style of hand-ring has a
chain with a small gold bird at
tached, whieh holds tliePhandker
ehief in its bill.
A linker lias Invented anew
kind of yeast. It makes bread so
light that a- pound of it onlv
weighs twelve ounces.
Philosophers tell us not to be
lieve that, the rich are happy. Ah 1
But the question is, are they less
unhappy ?
If your wife docs abuse Vchi,
you have the pleasant conscious
ness that she will nob permit any
one else to do so. c
0 w O
imborof clergynit-n in tl
vania coal mir-.es last year, and
over six hundred were injured.
.. . - , ...
oi y gooos merchant in Xew
i ,r i i vc
York, who advertised for a boot-0
keeper at $700 per annum, received
six hundred applications for the
A . -i
tit.itt in Cincinnati gained-, a
bet that he would produce a one
ueeied carriage in iess tlian half
a,! hour. He went out and camp
hack with a wheelbarrow,
Stat isticians demonstrate thfct if
Loudon increases in the same ratio
ns for lhe hst tv,.cntv.ci.ht
u :n . - " J '
the city will contain over six mil
lions in the year 1&00.
Miss Ellen L. Fletcher, of Char
leston, X. II., having learned the
trade, lias opened a jeweler's shop,
and the watches of all young men
m town are out of order in conse
quence. Q
Death by starvation is a very
rare thing in this country, but al
most a daily occurrence, as re
corded by the British press, in
some parts of the kingdom, but es
pecially in England proper.
Swindlers tried to seduce a
Western man on a railroad train
into betting that he could open a
patent padlock which they carried
about. He took the bet and open
ed the lock with a sledge hammer.
A Reading, Pa., carpenter has
in:ic a bid tor fame by carving a
complete "tea set" plates, cups
ana' cancers, knifes and forks,
cream mug, sugar bowl, tea pot,
elc- out lach stones,
"F.mrv f rec Is cnbiect to disease n
; said a speaker in a Fruit Growers'
tf li.LU rAJIIIIV lit '
an oak? asked the
'A corn," was tho
nut f' 'i , l
you find on
I hnr.i.k n nt rr.!r
! ' n . " , .
As it takes Guuo cocmneai in-
; five dollar bill the other day, upon
, which was inscribed : "This is tbo
, last of a fortune ol 50,000 given to
j me by my mother. All spent ia
j dissipation, and this w-ill go tpr
night. October 2S 18(57,'