O o o o o o o o o Q O o o o O G o o O O 0 G O 0 O o e o o vEijc'lUjcfchi vSntcrprisc. Fill DAY. JUNE 21 1S72 TRUTIIFUX SAM. A boy went to vt with a man who was ?v.oMi)t.tMl it hard master, lie never kept his hoys; they ian away, or jjavo notice that they . meant to quit, so lie was half the lime without and in search of a hoy. The work was n t very hard opening ami sweeping out the shop, choppint; wood, goinc; errands, and lielpinuc around. At last, Sain Cisher went to live with him. "Sum's a good boy," said his mother. "I tdiould like to see a hoy, now-a-days, that had a sptirk of good ness in him," lt row led the master. It is always had to beudn with a man who has no confidence in you; because, do your best, you are likely to have little credit for it. However, Sam thought he would try. Tjie w aires were tood, and his mother wanted him to jo. Sam had been there but three days, before, in sawing a cross drained stick of wood, lie broke the saw. lie was a little frighten ed, lie knew he was careful, and he knew he wa a pretty jood sawyer, too, for a boy of his are. Nevertheless, the saw broke in his hand. "And Mr. Jones will thrash vou for it," said another boy, who was in the wood house with him. "Why, of course I didn't mean it, and accidents will happen to the best of folks,'1 said Sam, looking with a very sorrowful air on the broken saw. '3Ir. Jones never makes allow ances," said the other boy; "I never saw anything like him. "That Bill mi-ht have stayed, only that he jumped into a hen's nest and her eirs. He daren't tell it ; but Mr. .Jones k pt suspecting and suspecting, and laid everything out of the way to iil, whether liill was to blame'or not, till Bill couldn't stand it, and wouldn't." "Did he tell Mr. Jones about the egcr ?" asked Sam. 'WX." said the hov, "he was afraid ; Mr. Jones lias got such a temper." "I think he'd better own up iust, at once -am mi. "I snspeet. you'll find it better to preach than practice," said the boy. "I'd run away before I'd t'dl him;" and soon he turned on his heel and left poor Sam alone with his broken saw. The boy did not feel very com fortable or happy. Ih shut up the wood-house, walked out. into the garden, and then went, up to his little chamber under the eaves. He wished he eould tell Mrs. Jones; but i-he wasn't sociable, and he had rat her n f. "Oh, my God," said Sam fabinif upon his knees, "help me to do the thing that is right. " I don't, know what time it was ; but when Mr. Jones came into the house, the boy heard him. He got up, crept down stairs and met. Mr. Jones in the kitchen. "Sir," said Sam, "T broke your saw, and I thought I'd come and tell vou 'fore you saw it in the mornintr." "I should think morning soon enough to tell vour carelessness. "Why do you come down to night?" " u-ca use" said Srv". "I was afraid, if I put it oT I mi I t be tempted'to tell a lie about it. I'm sorry I broke it; but I tried to be careful." Mr. Jones looked at the boy from head to foot : then, stretch ing out his hand. "There Sam." he said, heartily, "give me your hand. Shake hands; I'll trust you, Sam. That's right, that's right. Go to bed, boy. Xever fear. I'm glad the saw broke; it shows the met tles in you. Go to bed." Mr. Jones was fairly won. Never uvr better friends, after that, than Sam and he. Sam thinks justice has not been done to Mr. Jones. If the boys had treat ed him honestly and "above board" he would have been a good man to live with. It was their conduct which soured ami made him sus- l'iv . iw imm mm now this is ; I only know that finds in Mr. Jones ; faiyd'ul master. am Cisher kind and Woman's- Krjiits. A paper in Troy (X. Y.), concludes an editori al on "woman's rights" thus; "Truly there's a good time coming, boys. We shall have our 'thirds' in cur wives' property, and they will be bound to support us and our children and pay our debts. There was but one drop of bitter in the prospective cup. It grinds us to confess it, but the humiliating concession must be made woman will carry the larch key. She will go. out after supper to 'see a wo man,' or in the 'Postoifc -,' or to the 'Postollice,' or to serve on a 'committee.' Afier mending the stockings and canvassing the char acter of all the other men in our parish, with our clergy woman, who has dropped in, we go to bed. We lie awake between the measles and whooping cough, ami late hear our wife stumbling over the door-mat, fumbling about the key hole, and coming up stairs tt hi Nebuchad nezzar, and experience the sensa tion of a corner 'grocery entering our chamber. The picture becomes painful, and we drop the curtain." Slight Error. An Tow a editor recently announced that a certain patron of his was "thieving as us ual." He declares lie wrote it thriving. An Underground River. The Crawford county (Indiana) Democrat says, on authority of ''one of the best citizens of the county Two men named John E. Stanley and Frederick ilenniger, were employed to dig a well on a farm of Mr. Benjamin Elli-, who resides in Washington county, near the line of Harrison and Washington counties. They had proceeded but a short distance, however, when they encountered a bed of loose 'nigger-head' rocks, which, upon being broken open, were found to contain water and other substances, supposed to be ore of some kind. When they reached the depth of sixty feet from the surface, they followed a distance of ten or twelve feet,when there before their gaze was a beau tiful river of clear water, which, upon examination, was found to contain an innumerable number of s nail white fish. 'Upon a closer examination, it was found to be sixteen feet wide and five feet in depth, and clear and cold as spring water. As an experiment, a lighted candle was placed upon a small piece of plank and tet afloat. It started off in the dark ness, with the current, and was soon lost to sight. Several persons have visited the great curiosity, and many were the conjectures as to where the water came from and whither it went, but nothing satis factory could be arrived at." Don't Depend on Father. Stand up here, young man, and let us talk to you. You have trusted alone to the contents of your fa ther's purse, or his fair fame for your influence orsuccess in business. Think you that "father" has attain ed an emminence in his profession but by unwearied industry ? or that, he has amassed a fortune hon estly without energy and activity? You should know that faculty requisite for the acquiring fame or fortune is essential to, nay, insepar able from, the attaining of either of these. Suppose "father"' has the "rocks" in abundance, if you nev er earned anything for him, have no more business with these "rocks" than a gosling has with a tortoise! And if he allows you to meddle with them, until you have gained them by vour own industry, he per petrates untold mischief. And if the old gentleman is lavish of his cash toward you, while he is allow ing you to while away your valua ble time, you had better leave him, yes,run away, sooner than bean im liecile, or something worse,through so corrupt an influence! Sooner or later you must learn to rely on your own resources, you will not be any body. Assorted Lot. In the new Jer sey Convention, calb'd for the pur pose of selecting rant delegates to Philadelphia, there was the fol lowing assorted lot of office-holders. One United States Marshal, one Pension Agent, one Revenue Collector, one United States De tective, two Custorn-IIouse officers, and three Postmasters. Of course the delegates chosen were unani mously instructed for Grant. Mistaken. "Fred," said a fa ther to his son, "I hear that you and your wife quarrel and wran gle every day. Let me warn you against such a fatal practice." "Whoever told you that, father was totally mistaken; my wife and I haven't spoken to one an other for a month." Slow. A misanthropic para grapltist writes: "the touching spectacle of a boy leading home his drunken parent waswitnessed at Burlington, Iowa, last week. The process was slow, however, as the boy was considerably the drunker of 'the two." TuornLE Ahead. "We will nvet in heaven, husband, dear," is the affectionate epitaph which an Ohio woman has had inscribed up on the tombstones of three depart ed husbands. Trouble ahead in that family, certain. Weary A Louisville editor is very weary with the fuss about Dr. Livingston, ami says; "We commend him to the oblivion which he has too long defied; we nomi nate him to the second place on the Grant ticket." A Stamp you can't buy the stamp of a gentleman. Notic IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE ASSESS L ment i II for Ove'r n L'ilv lor 1-72 i now c nnplete. ami will be open ir til t e ii"lh of June f r enrreetion or abitementt.f assessments, which nm t be filed before that due n .tier oath. L. DfLLER, Gn-gon City, June 7, 1S7J. Recorder. Notice. County Treasi." itKii's Office, ) O eiin City June , I CL CK MAS COU T Y W R It ANTS eiuim.-e., !: inter, st prior t Marcn iith. wi,l be pu 1 presentation at the 1 re i -us er uthc- Ht O eo i City. Int., e t wi i ceas at '.his d te" ' n:S-w4 T.l. WrCARV R, f'(.-irr HEAL ESTA'fE EXCHANOL PORTLAND. - . OREGON. DEALER IN UEALES FATE AND 0 r HER C -mmissio er Se eeting'swlnp and Ovei Howed Lands F,.m L.nds sold and purchasers obtained for all ki .ds o' Ian led popetv Val ,:,b e securities transferred 'in exchange tor real state. c L .ans ne.-oriited on property, and title examined rttid der-rniined. Ooi.nnisMOHs solicited und execut -d with fid ii.y an I prompt ,e s. CAeLU- a vrnn of l,lp.n i p, . . s Luilding, corner rb. 3. J -70 tf Sheriff Sale. BY VIRTUE OF A V aRRAN'T PLACED in iiiv hands for the purpose of collect ing delinquent taxes, due Clack.imas couuty tor the year 1372, and to me directed, I will, on Saturdar, the 2yth day of Ju.ie. 1872, at tue Court House door, in Oregon City, pro c, ed to sell, jo the highest bidder, to. U. S. -rold coin, i 1 h ind paid, t:ie tolb.wing d Gr.i.bd tracts or parcels of land, or so u.ir:h th.m ,f :,s mav be necessary to pay t.te taxes due thereon, together wiih the costs. SiUe to commence at 10 o'clock, a. ta. Names. Description of lands. No A. Aru". Alters, Mrs. E. A., N. E. 4 of Sec. 2S, T. 1 S, 2 E ICO $ 4 S2 Ald-oibon, C. part of doii.itioM land claim No 4y, T 2 rf, R3 E, Willamette merid ian as known and desig nated on the iiitpsof the IT. . survey in the Land OlEce at Oregon City bounded as follows: be ginning at Uie S E corn er of said claim, tiwMice we-t aloti the south line thereof SI chains to Southwest corner ot the same, thence north along the west line 25 chains to tht: northwest coiner ot the "L" on said claim, east 41 c'.ains, thence south 10 7u-Ro chains, thence east 40 chains to theea-t line of said claim thence south along smd east line to the place of beginni g, containing lbbS acres more or less 15S 6 41 Billings, i. N, west of north east J and e.ist o! noith- west j of Sec. 10, Town ship 4, south range 3 ea-t 1G0 5 40 Durnett, Mi s. L. A., Section 31, 2 S, 4 E, fractional part of L'.iiliip Fosters' dona tion claim . . 40j 13 50 Culrer, Mrs. E , lots 1, 2. 3, 4, and t, iii block IS n Or egon City 16 20 Collins, Me. .Mary, Commenc ing at a post or stone in tne east line of Front strciM, in tiie town of Milvvaukie, nnd in the souili l.ne of Win. Meeks' land c';i Pi, oi ; and 3S I west 01 the southeast cor ner of aid L eks' claim, thence along the east line of Fr nt street, X 10, W 1 chain Si iirks, to post or stone in Poit- land and M lwankie road, thence N 80, E t chains 07 luik to post or stone in fence from which the southwest corner of H, W. Eddy's stabie. bears " t0, E 34 links, ihence south 37, W 1 chain, 10 links to post rr stone, thence south 10, E 3 chains, U7 links to post or stone in fence, tiience S So, W 5 c lains, 5 links along fence to east line ot Front street, thence .V lo", U 2 chains by Jinks along east line of F'-on.t street to place of beginning; contain ing 2 So-luo acres, more or less 4 05 Cason, F. C, est ite X K of donation claim of F. C. Cason and wile in Sees. 17, 2o and 21, in T 2 S, R 2 E containing ... 320 8 64 Carditnil, e'has. N. U. Claim No. notification No. 7. HI! beiii.ic p ai ts ' f 'ecs. 1V 2 , -y aad 30, T 3 S, R 4 E C40 24 30 Chapman. Wiley The S E 4 of Sec :, T i S. R 2 E. con taining Hi;) acres, lieing in Clackamas couiitv, Oregon .". 100 17 55 Dunton, i . J. 1 'art of claim No 42. in Sec. 20, T 2 S, R 2 E oi tt e Will.i-r.ette meridian, descr.bed as fodows, to wit: c oiiiii'-n- cingat a point 12 7o-li0 chains south an.) l',)2ii- lot) chains west of mean der corn 'r on le.t bank Clackamas river, 111 east boundary of said section 2o, thfiico sourli t; west j 2.) loo c'.ianis, th. nee s -nth sy-'. east it 75 lot) thence north t;j east ciia'iis tli-nice north H l', w est y 7o-lo ) clrdiis to plme of begiuti no;,. oiita ning eiht acres more or less Eckles. J D. Th t'-Ilowi.ng desired parcel of teal eta'e, to-wit : lots four and ix, 4 mid f, section twenty-n n also the north half" of the south east quarter- of section twenty-nine (2'.)), town ship tnree (3 1, s mth T 'titie four (4) e 'St, Wil liainette meridian con taininLrone hundred and s xty-two .Oy loo acres (H;2 .".:)-Io0) more or less Ferry, C. I'. Ti e following described parcel of real esta e, to-wit: one to-vn or city lot situated in Oregon City. Clackamas county. State ot Oregon and numbered on the plat of s ii i city as lot No. (3, in Mock, No. 1,3 Ferry, Mrs. A. P. Commenc ing al S W corner of M. M. .MeCarver's donation claim in Clackamas coun ty, State of Oregon; thenci- running norther ly with the ( loye inrnent Survey of said line one fourth of a mile; then e running easterly on a line pa'-allel with the said Mi Caryer'. s uheist rly boundary line one fourth of a mile, thence south erly parallel with said McCarve r's westerly boundary liueone fourth oT a mile, thence wester ly along with MeCarver's southerly boundary line to place of beginn ng, containing eighty aces, b'1 ng the S V 4 of Mrs. Julia vcO nver's part of M M. MeCarver's d ma lion claim, as awarded to ihe .-aid Julia McCar- yar Gaines, Mrs. A. V. Beginning in the middle of the county road on the line between sections 13 and 1'.). runuinr from thence west one-half of a mile, thence north 1 2 mile then :e east one mile, tht-r.ce south one-fourth of a mile, thence west mile, thence south 4 of a mile to the place of be g'nning, containing 220 hcres.more or les--, being the outh half of St-c. IS in T 5 S, R 1 E. in ( la. k amas county, Oreg n, beinir a part, of the dona tion claim Wm. M. Kiez er and ins wife R xie. . . Hughes, W J N 4 ' donation claim ol said Hughes and wile; notification No 4,7t , on tile in the land office in )regon City, Or egon, bein? in See ao, T 3 S, R 1 W, containing 118 1 acres, being in 2 70 3 74 1 00 80 5 40 8 C3 Clickam'S Co.. Oregon Harrison. 1'iesley The frac tional s e 1-4 of see. 2!), t 2 s, R 3 E Hawkins Ch is Commencing at the s w cor. of si-c 24, t 4 s. r 1 e. runninjr n SO rods, thence e l'iO rol-!, thence south 80 rods, thence w lfid rols more or less, to place of beginning containg 80 acres, in Clackamas co., Oregon US 3 07 SI 2 90 80 4 72 Hay, Ciark Beifinintr at the s e cor. ot Jjvman V j I liams la'id cl n-n, thence w '' rods, thence nortn 128 rods, thsnce east 20o rods, thence s to place of Degiuuing, containing 160 acres, iu 1 1 s. r 4 e, Cackams Co., Oregon 160 6 43 Irvin, Robei t All ot the u A of sec 5, t 2 s, r 1 e, contain ing 32 ) acres, being in Clackamas Co., Oiegon, as per U S patent issued to J. L- Dahy, dated June 15th, IbtfS ....... 320 27 00 Locev, J. u. Lot s, block 10, in Oregon City, Oregoa, according to the plat of Oreo 1 City 00 hie in the Couctv Clerk's cilice, Clackamas Co., Oregon 3 Jennings, Mrs. B. The south erly half ol the donation land claim ot Berryman Jet 111111:3 and wife; noti fication No l 004, on tile in tue land oilice .Oregon City, Oregon, in sects 13 and 24. t 2 s, r i e, and iu sees IS and 19,t 2 s,r 2 e. Willamette meridian, Oreo; in 145 19 57 Knotts, Jas. N 1-4 of cec 27, t 1 s, r i e, containing 100 acres.being in Clack amas county, Oregon .. . 160 4 32 Lany, JoMah, heirs 01 The e of the vr k cf sec 13, t 5 s, r 1 e, Wiihtmetie meria ian con.aiiiing 100 acres 1G0 2 70 Laswell, Isaac Tne donation land claim of said Las well and wi.e, in sections 2'i, '27 & 35. t 3 s, i- 2 e in Clackamas County, Ore go, 1, containing 64o acres Robiusou, T. (i E of sec 1 tos, rle, iui lackamas couoty, Oregon,coutain ing 32u acres Lyon, S. M. Tue n h ol the e ot s w 1 4 and n of the w of s w 1-4 of sec 17, t 4 s, r 3 c, Cla. kamas county, Oregon, contain ing i0 acie.-.tnore or less Mattoon.Orrau The south half ut the ea-t half of the s w 1-4 and s 4 ol w 5 of the s e 1 4 of :eetiou 17 containing so acres, situ ated 111 Clackamas coun G40 20 320 5 40 80 4 7 j ty, State ot Oiegon 80 Mier, I.-aac Tne u e 1 4 of sec 0. t 2 s, r 1 e. and being a portion of the donation claim of Isaac Mitchel, situated in Clackamas county, Oregon, contain ing 100 acres. McCarver.M. M. The fraction al part of the donation land claim of said Mc Carver and wife, situated lying and being in sec 12 t 3 s, r 1 e, containing 206 acses, in Clackamas couuty, Oregon McKiuey, David, hens of The e of the e 5 ot sec 35, t 2 s, r 2 e, Clackamas co. .containing liio acres Morgan, H. 1. N i of u h of Cyrus Wudsworth'f. do nation laud claim, con ta uiug lto acres Markbam, Elizabeth Being a part ot claim No. 41, bounded and described as follow-, to-wit : be j tu ning at a point 23 chains West o! the quarter sec corner between .-ec s 2S and 'jy , t 2 s, r 3 e, the same being t!ie s w cor ner of claim 41, thence s 77, e 77 chains to the s e cor of said claim 41, thei.ee n 77", w 6 08 chains to place o! begin ning, containing 150 acres in Clackamas Co., Oi e.ou Moore, Wm--Oswego, Chtcka mas con .ty, Oregon, lot 7, in block 1, ad o. iling to the dat of sai-l town, Felton. Chas Tiie s h of the s 3 of the s e 1-4 of section 1, and t ic fracti uial n-w 1-4 of sec 12, t 2, s r 2 e, altogether containing l;o acres, aec r ling to deed from (. ('. 11 uniau and wilt to sid Felton, dated 25th J anuary, 1 -02, ly.ng and bei. g iudack :ima. county, Oteou. . . N'ou Residem Liid-Ne 1-4 of ec 27, t 1 s,r 2 e, l;o ae es " N w 1-4 of section 27, t 1 S, 2 e, 10 1 acres " N e I 4 of sec 2st I s 2 e, 160 acies Rhodes, Ceo The donation land claim of said Geo Rhod'-s, Ivimand being in sects io and 24, t 3 s 3 e, containing 10 0 a- res Cla. kamas county, Ore 1G0 20 206 G 75 160 3 37 160 16 20 150 4 50 1 35 gon Ii unities and Wm. M. Ua- 7 75 J. F. ke iiegintutig at the nith west corner of the south east 1-4 of section tl in town-hip 3 south, range 1 west o! the Ail- lamette meridian and running thence south 20 cha ns to a stake, thence east 15 chains to a stake thence north 2o chains, thence wet 15 chains to 1 ..... place 01 heginning, con tainmg 30 or less. . . . ro acres, more 1 a Wilson, Dan The south west 1-4 of section 6 111 town ship 2 s 'tith range 3 east of the Willamette meri dian, containing 160 acres Rits, "Phillip Lot 1 block 14 in Oregon C;ty. Oregon, ac cording to the "plat of said town now on ti;e in County C erks ollice. . . . Summe-s, Ceo Commencing at the s w corner of sec 29 t 4 s r 1 e thence north 165 1-3 rods thence e 120 roils, thence sooth 165 1-3 rods, thence w 120 rods to place of beginning, containing 121 acres, in Che kamas county, Oregon Thompson, R R. 2 acres in Holmes' ad ition to Ore gon City, Oregon, in t2 s r 2 e . Vanrenslear, J. C 34; acres of land 1' ing and being in Clackamas county Oregon, as described by two deeds recorded at pages 4'i2, 463, 404, 4'.3, 4'.4, 4y5, in book 11 of records of deeds for said county 1 60 C7 4 05 2 70 27 00 Vinson, J. S. South ea-t 1-4 of sec 32 township 4 south range 1 east of the Vi Lunette meridian, 1 60 acres 10 54 Young, Wm lhe n w 14 of northwest one-fourth, and east 1-2 of n r 1-4 of sect ion 1, t 2, s r, S e, con aining 12 acres, iu Clackamas county, Ore gon 3 24 Am 1VAUXER, Sheriff" of Clackamas Co., Oregon. WILLIAEVl SINGER His Establithtd A Factory FOR HIE MANUFACTORY OF FURNITURE, SASH, BLINDS AND EOORS AND MOULDINGS OF ALL SIZES. 3r They will also do TURNING, of v"ry description to order, With Neatness and Dispatcl 1 o ALL WORK WARRANTED. Shop on the River, in Lewis' shop. opposite Oregon City Hills. GOOD RSEWS, GOOD NEWS! LOOK OUT FOE GOOD BARGAINS ! S- ACKEREfi AN & CO. II AVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE btock of SPRING & SUMMER. GOODS, WHICH THEY OFFER Cheaper tlaa:i Hie Cheapest. We would say, come and convince your self before purchasing elsewhere, uur stocK consists in part of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, CHOTII ING, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOE NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, and a great many articles too numerous to inentmn. ALSO, Doors, Windows, Gla.-s and Putty. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. ALSO, WOOL wanted, for which we pay the HIGHEST PRICE. S. ACKERMAN & CO. Oregon City, April 21, l?71:tf a BOOT AHD SHOE HOUSE! Fall and Winter Trade. II AVI NG RECEN TLY FILLED UP OUR assortment of Imported stales i;i Ladies and Hoots s&fi&ci jimiic2s9 We will t;ike greit pleasure in displayinsr and receiving orders from our patrjus and the puolic generally. We have received from New Yoik a few pair of the CMebtated ELPRAT Ol'Eli V HUTl'ON FiloNTS, by which a Lace Shoe can he turned nilo a beautiful Dulton Gaitci' Will take orders fir the same at any time. We have the Rest and Latest Styles in Mioses' hikI Children's Hutton (J iiersand 1$ ilmorals that are imported, but for go.d substantial wear there are. none that can come up to our own make. We Warrant them iu every respect. Seven entirely New Styles of Ladies' and Misses RUDDERS 'f e Nills m, Coneress, Marie Antoinette, Queen's (Jernnin, Velvet Fmnt aiu1 Alaska. Light, - ish Durable and Neat Fitting. Also, a lot of Children's Rubbers. B-ring on your feet. TO WOllIOlEI. COME AND SEE GUP, CHAMPION BOOT! Respectfully, PR0TZELAN, GILLIHAN & CO., Cor- Front and Morrison Sts-, PORTLAND, REGON. Dec. 1. 1871:tf Eye, Ear, Throat & Lungs. JOHN B. PILKIWGTOW, M. D., I ATE OF SAN FHANCUSCO, HAS LO U caed in Portland, Oregon. Ollice: In H Ime-.' Ruilding. First street ( three doors from Ladil fc Tilton's Rink), wlitre he ruav be consulted dail-, and will treat diseases of the above named organs as specialties. All operations upon ihe Eve and Eat per formed in the most scientific and careful manner. ARTIFICIAL EYES, having all the beauty and mobility of the natural eye, inserted. Refers by permission, for bis professional standing, to L. C. Lane, M. D., Profe-s r o; Siiigerr, and Edwin lientiey, M. D., Profes sor of Anatomy, University of the Pacific. San Francisco; and lor' bis success in the treatment of cases, to over l,"oo cases tteat d by him, in San Fi anctsco ; also, to Levi Ests, Esq., Rev T. L. Eliot, Portland ; Wm. H. Dillon, Esq., Vancouver, W. T. ; and many others Oregon and Washington Ter ritory. atij.'25:m6 HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR sale his resilience in Oregon City. There are four lots, a good hou-e and l.arn, with a tine cellar and a good well of water. There is i lenty of land, and it is well adapted for early gardening purposes. Part payment may be made in stock. For particulars ap Ply o GEORGE CLARK. Ore on City Juna2 lsl tf OREGON CITY BREWERY ! Having purchased the above Brewery wish es to inform the public that he is now p"repar ed to manufacture a No. 1 quality of LAG Kit BEER, As good as can be obtained anywhere in the Stale. Orders solicited md promptly filled. THE HOUSE WE LIVE AND THE INHABITANTS OF HIE lilLHAX BODY. THE CAUSE OF A GREAT MANY Dis eases, that have been pronounced incur able by the most eminent physicians, for the very reason that they overlooked the cause, and as Dr. Van Den" JJergh has made the Entozoa a life long Study, he would iuform the sick generally that by close observation and great txperiments, has come to the con clusion that there are more acute and thrun ic diseases caused by Worms, Hydatids, An imalcukw. oi other species of Ent- zoa. The public generally, or the profession at large, are not aware of the number of Patients who are treated by eminent Physicians, for th s, that, or such a complaint, without any relief. If the disease had been understood, a few doses of Dr. Vs. Svcereiyti Worm Rtmt'hj would have immediately cured the complaint and saved a great many lives. INHABITANTS OF THE HU MAN BODY! What think you reader, of your body be ing a planet, inhabited by living races, as we inhabit the earth? Whatever may be your thoughts on the subject, it is even so. Your body'may be but a home for parasites that crawl over the surface, burrow beneath the skin, nestle in its entrails, and riot and propagate their kind in every corner of its frame. The following is from the San. Francisco DuLhlin, of January 'JOih, 1372. (A recent date. Car! Jt-'artins recently died in Cleveland, Ohio, from eating meat infected with the (tea of 1'anaea Solium. At the Coi oner's Inquest, on Tuesday, (January '2d.) it was shown that three weeks before Chri.-t:nas, Mai tins purchased a cat cass of Pork. Some of the meet was eattn the same day, and some was made into sausage. About ten days later, some of the sausage was eaten, and in a shoi t time the wholt family were taken sick. Martins died on -Sunday, Decern Ih r J'.lst, ls71. Mrs. Martins and her two children are now very sick, and the fomer is not Hkef to recover. The verdict was in accordance with tiie facts. For further par ticulars, see Cleveland, Ohio, papers oi above date. A Coroner's Inquest brought this fact to light. Now I would ask how many more such deaths a-t inquest would biing to liirht V Ponder well, leader, upon this, and thi: k ot the thousands that die every j ear and no c&u-e can be as-igned tor their ueadi. Now the question that would naturally enter the miu. i of die reader, is what iaU I do? The a-i vice of the Dr. would be go to some one that is competent of treating such com plaints. And who is ihtc competent than the one that has made Worms a speciality. Tr.xi as. Yesterday, Dr. .J. W. Van D -n-P.e gh exh'bited to us a nun. her ot parasites which had been removed from persons af flieted; there were several d lierent species, oneof which appears to be entirely unknown to tiie u e. Ileal proles-ion. This new taenia is shaped something like an orange seed, but perfectly Hat, or lather l.Wc a cn-umber seed, with a tail about a uuarler of an inch m lei 4th. Another was a tape worm s, i.-.f.n'j: of '.).( joints. feet iu length, co Among medical men these exists no little did'e-.-t m e of upiuion relative to the origin of tneso entozoa. One class of writers be lieve that tl,ee parasites, at least many of them, originate in the endowment of animal til' herb s v. i: h vitality from the parent body, favo'el by ccriai.i states t the vital forces of th.at body; the shift s originating their tir;:i;i.ati ui and iromoting their growth and pro, agaH in. That all d t set l pt ions of ei:t(.zua are n et. w.tii far in. re frcqtieutly where animal food is u.-ed in greatest abund aiice, is an indisputable fact, especially whi le t' e ford is the lie: h of the "unclean beasts," ixhic'n tiie .lews and Mohammedans are. loibi.hlen to pariake of. Rut our inten tion is in ! to wi ie a tnesis up.ui this subjerf: we ('t)!v desir. to e- ronicl.e t lie fact that I)r .J W. Van Den Hfigh has found a irnil:c"me a simple vegetable which glows iu ; bund ance iu Calitornia, which is a dead shot to a en'o of whatever de-cript on, gen !v accomplishing its ohject in fp'tn an hour ami a hall t.: six Had we the sp monials could be It uirs. JI rrii.'g V'Jli. H.e I ere. huni-re-ds i.f testi joodiiced, testifying t''i the trir.h of t! asset -ions that i,:i e here been made, hi. t it would be useless and Would only occupy the reader's time. The follow ng ate some of the diseases that Worms are often mistaken for. Pvs isia. Chronic Atlect.ons oi the Liver and Kidneys, Gon.-omption, While Swelling, Palsy, Six rmatot rluea, Diarrho.'a, li.c 'liii nenceof t'ri lie, G ravel, FJor Albus, Uiabetcs Dropsy, eic. Dr. V. would advise those ladies troub'ed with iuij Irregularities of the Uterus to t ry his new rein dies and get cured. Dr. Van Den Lei gh's Infallible Worm Syr. up for Children. rice 1. Warranled't i cxp-d the worms. Sent everywhere upou receipt ot price. Dr. J. W. Van Pen Kergh's, Hair Tonic a sure c ue to destroy ail auimalcuhe of the Hair Follicles, prevent- falling out, and pro moting ti e Growth ol the Hair. Piice $1,50; Warranted. lly Consulting unl Tn rgoinjr SIMPLE EXAMINATION, The afilictrd c-ui learn if their disea-e is caused by Woirus or not; at all events, Dr. Van Den liergh can tell them from what dis ease they are suli'ering. Consultations unci K va minnl ions FllEK OF CIIAUGE. OFFICE ROOI5I3 W0S. 38 & 39, OVER THE POST OFFICE- Letters describing the symptoms will be promptly answered, and persons livingata distance will be saved the expense and trou ble of calling upon the Doctor. Addres, Il J. AV. VAX DEJf BERGII, r. O. LOX 172. SALEM, OREGON. Testimonial. PoiiTi.AN-n, Feb. loth, 1872. Br, J. W. Va.v Dux Bkkgu Dear sir: Our child, a little pil l eight years of age, has had fits and convi.lsioifs fJr the last two years, and we had tried mmy d ieters and rcany remedies without much benefit, in fact our darling was petting constantly worse untd we heard of our worn svrap"thnaioh a fri. nd of ours. We thought, "that perhaps it might, do some good to give it a trial, and vou cannot imagine our surprise when over 200 worms were expelled with one bo tic of your valuable worm syrup, and from this time on we certainly shall never be without it so long as there is a possible chance for it to be had. You are at liberty to publish this if you choose, and may it do much pood, r.espectlul'y yours, S. II. ORTo.V M. J. ORTOX. Symptoms of Worns, Alternate pa eness nnd finshing of the countenance, drill expression of the eves drowsiness, itching of the nose, a swelled upper-lip, tongue whitely fur.e' and thick ly speckled with red points, fetid breath, and enlarged abdomen, a part al or gen eral swelling or puflingness of the skin a startling in the sleep and grinding of the teeth, a sensation as if something was lodg ed in the throat, a gradual wasting of the flesh, sickness of the stomach, vomitino- a short and dry cough, appetite sometimes'vo rac ous, at oth,-r times feeble, bowels some times costive, other times loose, great fret fulness and irritability of temper, pains in the stomach and bowels, colic, lits, convul sions and palsy. I' the WOrm RVmn ia nnt in Ki V.o1 in your town, send orders to the manufacturer I I 4y tit I m I ii win ue beni promptly to any address free of express charges. Direct orders to Dr. J. W. VAN DEN BERGH, P. 0. Box 172, .faletn, Oregon. MEW YORK HOTEL, (Deutfches Gafthans,) No. 17 Front Street, opposite the.Vit ship landing, Portland, Oie--. n " "C'aGl- TT UHTT-TFOS T J Vttttt. t -i-k j tt i T Y m ,v """O, f n o i a i l i u u a j ISoard per Week with Lodging '' V"0 Day G(" 1 io THIS AND T 'XJL E 33 E R. H UFELA M ID'S C E L E R R A T E D SWISS STOMACH BITTERS The First and most healthful Toui0 ever introduced, in the United State p These Bitters Lave Oetu m U.e ..... i cis.co .Maiktt hr (JV'!P E 't wiilyar,. S xotwitlistandin.' the hj irany m-w Candid.'j gf'or public favor, ti.e P "are cui.-t.nMv M 'I cl',,;.-.- '. h KKL, S .A..,,.,; U I ' : I,. I -ill ( ;.;-, ... ' tisan Fin,;.-;,,,, ' Ue heaviest to tlo V it bocs ?iv,ht. v.v;5j:-:, Amy i:zr. i : Than cy ether m.-. Tf ihern n I Ur-t-v,' i:?. cLl:ie v,-i.L;a c:.o tl.'-:.-' i..i i ,.'(.-, (,f Fan I'ra:. . :..(( j , t v ' ; :; - , i ;.. ; giving er.t f : .-; :;, r.' 1 ; Ionia .! cf it, i t v ' I .;. r.t. : without cr.u.- ..i L::..l to owner. Grand ZJM - Cin r.-ur'.Lco." fi-'tut for Circul.zis ' -f the t.--. .-. Ac'iva .-.-.-j.-c- U PRIVATE MEDIOAL Q.iiic-1 Cures tir.ri ?fo(!na((; C! arses. Private Medical .C isrgiral In?tit;;ff. H"o.519 Sacramento Street, comer of Lcidescrffj (a few tloors lseio-.ii tho What Cheer House.) (Private entrisn-e -i I o-.-;.,'- , - , Establish' d E.pre-.-i to .' -' l ! Sound oud -'K ;.:;h Treatment and Cure i Chronic I 'i.-eases, Cas s t. is e x u a 1 D i s o :d e is. DR. W. K. I)Ci!Ki:T- re .-!..- :. j thanks to hi i uii.etcu. j patronage, and w. :'.. tafe tl i. i ; j to remind t ) ei,i tl;:.t he to i v.- 1 , ' i at his Institute lor t' .o;:e easts ol the Lungs. S.iv r. it'.!'., -' tive a iid tietiit.-I'i i:..trv . : - t ! private di- ase-, viz : S jS.;I.'s iti : and stag.-s. Seminal W"-aki,c ;; i horrid roii-en ,:t :(-es ,,f !;'-;,' r-e j l.o.a. ('. !eet, Mri i h , 1 e .. j ; I nal Enii.-sions, So.ual in ' .! : -. ; the Rack and Loirs i loh; ; Rladder and Kidt.cys, tt . ; : that his long exjei ic-noe and ..i-(e, s lice wiil continue ttiinsuie hi:,, a public puitronage. P.v t!;,'' vm, ii-. years in Europe and the United . enabled to apjdv ti.e nr. t t h . t i.i cessl'ul i e medics aoaiest iHm a..-( ! lie uses no mercury, c' sites irmh-t his patients in a coiietl and Lot er and lias l eieic-net s ! ta .- ., .- i i-. ' . ! ty front mm of known 'u ,n !:.i high stautline in soc ctv. Aii suiting him b v letter t i- ( tinlv, ;-, ceive the l est and gentlest UcaM implicit seci tcy. Vi:i !- To Kern:: If s. When a female is m troupe, or with disease, as weakness -t the I limbs, pain in the hind, din i es- . loss of muscular power, j - , i ; iiat e heart, i ri it.i bi i ty , i.t-rv.u.si.ess, t .fi inary difliculties". d.-i a!eetl , ,,; if i functions, general debility, vacr't.if's. eases of the womb, hystciia, - ii t other diseases peculiar to f i,:. !...-, -i. go or write at once to ti e e-h b.-atf doctor, W. K. DOHKRTV, at his Me stitute, and consult hitn a! t-ut l.' i and dieas.-. 'ihe Doctor isilh-cii cures than any other physician in t! of California. Let no false ('eJicacy you, but apply immediately a:,d ;,u' - k a'-.i r .-i J t, it lis : e " : ii il," ti i. ...i e;d In ti: i U a ' V. eft' to' Vei .. if from painful siileiji.-gs and preioatnr All nmi-ned huMes, hose tieiie ate 1 other circumstances j revent an im their families hou!d wi ife or e:d' at K. DOIIER'l V'S Medical h.sti i te, u wtli receive every po-sible relit l' an The Doctor's oflices are so arranred can be cousulted without fear jf ubse: ,-,-( 11 V.'. ,i ! 'V 1 , j;,. !.;.t !'f To Cori-espoiKltnts. Patients residing in anv pail of theffat however distant, who inav'dt li'n- the ojoi and adviceof DR.DOIIKRTY m their ;.-;t-tive cases, and who think proper to mi- n -! '" written statement of such, in pn f-n ' t 'J holding a pcisotal interview, u i e ifsjattj-1' ly assutevl that their coinmni.icat i s w.'llc held sacred and confidential. If ti ".-'' fully and candidly described, persona! f'-"1' munication will be m.neeessary. as i "r-c lions for diet, regimen and the ge"cral t eat ment of trie case" itself (including ti c h-iho-dies), will be forwarded without uehiv.j''-1 in such a manner as to convey no io'( a i ( Uie purport of the letter or paicei s tiar snoto ' .Consultation by letter or . t!;ciw:fe, FREE. Permanent cure guaranteed or not a J Ppc Tiiuilorrlnra. DR. DOIIERTY has ju-t published an im portant pam)hlet. emlx.-dyiiig his wn vi J and experiences in relation to I impotence or irility ; being a Short Treat:se -n si torrhcea or Seminal Weakness, Nervals j.'-'1 Physical Debility consequent on thi- ni ce tion, and other diseases of the Sexual (re..'1 This little work contain informath K utmost value to all, whether married nrsin-11. and will be sent FLEE by mail on re ei t oi six cents in postage stamps for return pos' age. Address. W. K. DOIIERTY. M. P.. july3"Iy San Francisco Cat 1 a. noLTrjEn, NOTARY PUBLIC, ENTERPRISE OFH'-E Oregon City, Jan 13 :tl V ' m&. f " & a i & v; . . 'j nnTTRTPSY CIV HAKCROFT 1 . 1 Hrl Aw y