IT. V .... .... ,iiftfs!S-'.sl'ii , talM 'i o Eljc tocckbj Enterprise. JUNK 21,187: FRIDAY. TOWS ASO cot-XT disease exists in Port- Smau. Pox.-This in the State, and nlact'3 ,-t frnm our midst. c learn keeping it 'rred wbo was badly that a man 7be slrwt3 of Port- froftt W conduct is par l. able We 'call the attention o , ..... fiinw n! provisions CI nnr readers iu w.v. . . of this city relating to this an- ordinance matter ec 3d. That whenever any person shall 'know that be has within bis fami.y L h-A know that tbere exists within the olace in which he resides. iu- mi....---or cholera, such person shall immediately cause to be raised over the premises where such disease exists .a yellow flag eighteen by twenty-four inches and shall then forthwith give notice ol the facts of the case to the Hoard of Health ; and any person or persons who shall violate this section shall be fined in any sum not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dol lars, and costs of suit. Sec. 3d. That whenever any physician or any one practicing medicine, shall at tend upon any person within the corpor ate limits of Oregon City. Oregon, who is infected with the sirull pox. or cholera, Biich physician or other person shall give notice thereof to the Board of Health within 24 hours ; and any person who diall violate the foregoing section shall be lined in any sum not less thrxn fifty nor more than one hundred dollars. '. TUiTtsr Association-. The Willamette Baptist Association has been in session in our city since Wednesday morning. This body occupies the northern portion of the Willamette Valley, and one of five such in the Slate. Jt is composed of del egates from 12 churches, and a number of visitors, ministers and otters are pres ent from other associations in the State, making some 50 in all. The statistics how that 1() have been baptized during the year ami a number much larger re ceived by letter. But removels and deaths and exclusions leave the total number of members -lOU a net reduction of 11 during the year. Considerable bus jne3 has been transacted, but it is not expected that the session will close before Saturday morning. There will be a San day School meeting this evening, when a number of short addresses will be di-liv-ered. by active workers in the cause. It, in expected .hat some of the preachers presMit will remain over Sunday and preach in the Hapiist Church on Saturday evening, and Sunday morning and even ing. Fotnrn. A preliminary meeting to make arragemcnts to appropriately cele brate the OtJth anniversary ol our National Independence, was held last. Monday evening, at which time a general commit tee of arrangements was appointed." This committee met and appointed a sub com mittee on Finance. There was to be a meeting on Wednesday evening to hear the report ol this Finance Committee, but the meeting failed to be held, and what action there will be taken in the matter, wo are unable to s ale. We hope the committees will attend to the duties; thy were entrusted with, and that the Fourth will by our ci:iz be ns appropriately celebrated ExriiNstVK. The report published by order of the last Council showed that up to th fith day of May they had issued $2"ti less in script than than they had re deemed during the year. From that time until they went out of office, on the ll!h of they issued script to the amount of $1.174 0:I Bather a big haul for a week's work. Including this amount, the last year s expenses, exclusive of the in tt-rest on tho city debt, were SO I S 150 nbove the receipts. Including the interest, aud the city was in debt on the 11th of May, 1K72, at least $1,400 more than it was one year previous. Dtst'iiAUUKi). Mr. II. Straight, ono of Clackamas county's oldest citizens, was discharged bv order of Ben llolladay from the position of Watchman on tiie bridge for having had the audacity of be ing h man and not a slave. The position has been givtm to J. M Moore, the man who is us pliant as mini, and always ready to serve his masters. Mr. Straight gave Mr. llolladay the right of way through his farm, without a cent's consid eration, ami now he gets his reward be cause he would not be the slave to the would be despot of Oregon. All true men will honor Mr. S.. while they cannot bat coudemu the spirit which actuates Jdr. II. Take Notice. Wo most respectfully request our patrons who an: indebted to hp, either on subscription, job work or ad vertising, to call and settle their accounts. There are many who have not paid us for a number of years, others are behind for and two years. Wo need the money, and while the sums due us from each in dividual are sin ill, in the aggregate they amount to a large stun to us, and as we deoiro to use the money to improve the appearance of our paper, it is etjually beneficial to the patrons to pay up with out delay. Patrons at a distauce can re rait to us by mail or express, at our risk. Skrveu II im Riunr. We learn that a man who has been employed ia the tub and pail factory in this place, and whose political ideas had heretofore been Dem ocratic, voted the Radical ticket on the 3d, hoping thereby to retain his position. But retribution came quick. lie found himself discharged this week, and a moon jryed Celestial now occunys the place he expected to retain at the price of his man hood. It has served him just right. Agknts. We have added a number of local agents to our list for the and also others in various parts of the State. We hope our fiiends will try and extend the circulation of our paper, promising them that we shall do our ut most to make the I-xmir-Kiss worthy of their support. Bead tha list of agent, and you can subscribe through them or eend your order direct to this olliee. Fall's Encampment. At a regular meet ing of Falls Encampment, No. 4. I. O. O. y., held in this city last Tuesday, the Fol lowing oncers were elected for the ensn ing term: C. O. T. Williams. C. P.; W. P. Burns. II. P.; A. J. Apperson. S. W, C. K. Warren, Scribe: S. D. Pope, J. W. Auction". Mrs. W. C. Dement will sell her entire lot of household furniture at public action on the 29th inst. Persons tlesiring cheap furniture can have a good ppportunity to get bargains. Wants; Mqxkt. IJon. John Myers gives potice in tp-day's Ljsuc to those indebted to him that he want3 his old accounts set tled up forthwith. la says he means what he says. Sewing Society. The Ladies' Sewing Society of the Episcopal Church, will meet next Tuesday at the resdenc3 cl Mrs. E. D. Kelly. Meeting. An adjournment meeting of the City Council will be held to-morrrow GTcning. Fi:ll Dead. An Indian named Bob Tiee,, generally kaown as "Stuttering Bill" fell dead yesterday evening while engaged in sawing rood for Mr. Schram. It is supposed it was caused by heart dis ease, lie wa.i taken acniss the river where the live Indians kept up a howl last night. Ot'KX. The Cascade Wagon road Ls now open, aud in good order. See ad vertisement. A Chinaman got a head put on him by one of the boat hands. Probably not a miss. "Wool. Wool has cents in this market. gone, down to 25 We publish, for future reference, the vote of this county by precincts.this week. A x o tii er. A tiothc r 11 ailroacl election was held last Monday at Portland. There were three Di rectors to be elected. Mr. Ilolla day only got two out of the three. AUR-VJ'S FOlt T1IK EXTERPUISE. The following persons are authorized to act as agents for the Enterprise : Geo. P. Powell & Cc, 40 Park Row, New York. Coe. Wetherill & Co., GOT Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Abbott & Co.. No, S2 & St Nassau street, New York. Portland, Oregon L. Samuel. San Francisco Thomas Hence. San Francisco L, I. Fisher. St. Helens, Columbia county, ... .S. A. Miles. Astoria, Clatsnp county A. Van Dusen. Lafavttte. Yamhill countv..J. L. Fnrguson. Dallas, Polk county Corvaliis C in von City Daili-s, Wasco covnty La Grande, Union county.. Pendleton, Umatilla ccuntv . .Dave Holmes. .. .J. S. I'aliii"r W. li. Las will . . .N. II. Gates A. O. 'Jru;g . Knox Eugene Citv J. M. Thompson CLACKAMAS COtXTV. lWver Crek C. F. P.eatie, Eagle Creek Frank W. Foster. Cascades Henry McGuirin. Lower Molalia W. Morelaud. Cauby J. W. Stiawser. Upper M'dalia W II. Vauarhau. Hat diiiK-'s. . . Cuttings'. . . .Z. C ...1). Norton Wrihf loi'0 Ktw sKii is otlered by the proprietor of Dr. Pierce's (J .lden Medical DUcovery for a meil ciue will equal it in the cure of Bronehit's, severe Coughs, and the early stages of consumption. A Pit ftxl C'o it Ion. It is a sad thing to pass through life ouly half alive, Yet there are thousands who-e habitual condition is one of languor and de bility. They complain of no specific dis ease ; they suffer no positive pain ; but the' have no relish tor anything which affords mental or sensuous pleasure. Iu nine cases out of ten this state of la-situdii and torpor t' rises from a morbid stomach. Indigestion destroys the energy of both mind and body. When the waste of nitme is not supplied by a due., and regular assimilation of the food, every organ is starved, every futu tioa interrupted. Now, what does common sense suggest under these circumstances of depression ? The system needs rousing and s rengthen ii!,'; not merely for an hour or too, to sink atlerwara into a more pit aole coochtmu than ever (as ir assuredly ordinary alcoholic stimulant woulu uo it an were resorted o ) out !'iu I ca How is this esiraole object to be arcom- p'.ishcd ? The an tooud. d on the uuv er to this (.ie.-t;o:i, ii:ig experience of a quarter of a century, is e !v eiven in: use new vigor into ttie digestive coursj of Hostetfer's Stomuch organs by a !5itte;s. "l)j not wa.-.t ti me tiV au ministering temporary rcmeuies, nut, waKe tiie system up crating the fountain-heal of strength aud energy, the jireat or, which all the other organs depend nurture and support. by recup physieal gin upon for their By the time that a dozen d -ses of the great vegetable tonic aad invigoi ant have been taken the feeble frame of the dyspep tic will begin to feel i s benign inll lenee. Appetite wbl be create. U ant with appe;it.; Hie capacity to digest hat it craves, severe until the care is complete- l'er until althtal bio d, tit to be the m ateriul of flesh and musrle, bone and nerve and bruin, Mows through the channels ,01' circulation, instead of the watery p.ilouium with which toev have he:vt jfore becu impet foe J v nour ished. S;ccal Xotlee. The best and most clli -ieut cure known for dyspepsia and indigestion, is Dr. Henley's Celebiated I X L Bitters. Try it. Rtad ad verlisement in another col inu. jun7m:i For the very best photographs, go to Brad ley A Rulofsou's Gal ery without STAIR.'s--ASCEND IN THE ELEVATOR, 429 Montgomery Street, San Franeioco. 3Iessrs. liiii'it b lirol Iters, Whole sale and Retail Me chants, Canby Station, Oregon, are my authorized agents for the sale of the Infallible Worm Syrup, who will constantly k'ep a suoplv on hand. " DR. J. W.' VAN DEN BERG II. Salem, March 22, 3, I. O. of O. F".- Meets every Thursday even C.S in" at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's "H" H all, Main s eet. Members of the Order are invited to attend By order. X. ti. Ucbecca Degree boitge 3, . O. O. F 2 CN Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDAY EVEXIXGS, of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree are invited to attend. WILIilAM DAVID302T, REAL ESTATE DEALER. Oflire, Xo, 61 Front Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. REAL ESTATE in this CITY and EAST PORTLAND, in the most desirable localities, consisting of LOTS II-VLF BLOCKS and BLOCKS, HOUSES "and STORES; also IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable uncultivated LANDS, located iu ALL parts of the STATE for SALE. REAL ESTATE and other Propertv purchased for Correspondents in this CITY and throughout the STATES and TERRI TORIES, with erreat c are and on the most ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS. HOUSED and STORES I EASED LOANS NEGOTIATED, and CLAIMS OF ALL DESCRIPTION'S PROMPTLY COL LECTED. And a General FINANCIAL and AGENCY BUSINESS transacted. r,-, AGENTS of this OFFICE in all th CITIES and TOWNS in th STATE, will re ceive descriptions of FARM PROPERTY anuporwaru me same to the above addres Feb. 3, 1S71. MuUnomali IjOfle No. 1, A. F.ana I A. M .Hold 4 its regular c imrnunica tions on the FSrtt ami Third Situr (l.n in each month, at 7 o'clock from the 20th of September to the 2"th of March, and 7J o'clock from the 20th of March to the 2oth ot September. Breth ren in good standing are invited to attend. Dec. 23.1S70, By order of W. M. OME-MADE CARPET FOR SALE" AT I. SELLIXGS, CABLE SCREW WIRE Boots and sw aie sure to supercede all others because thev are the most pliable durable do not rip or leak, Try them. All genuine goods are stamped. KALLS ECA3IP.UE.T.0.4 I. O. . V. Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall on the FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAY EVENING of each month. Patriarchs in good sting ing are invited to attend. Feb. 8.1872:tf SALE! HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, MRS. V.C. DEMENT -X7-ILL DISPOSE OF, AT PUBLIC AUC- t on. on Saturday, June 172, at lh o'clock, p. M-, in the store room next door to John Myers' store, her entire lot of furniture, consisting of PARLLOR and BED-ROOM SETS, LOOK I X G-G LASSES, CII AIRS, DIMNU C005I& KITCHEN F U R N I T U R E , S T O V E S ETC., ETC., ETC. Notice. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE undersigned, are requested to come up and settle oid accouuts, on or before the first day of August, as I urn in need of funds. JOHN' MYERS. Oregon City, June ll'th, ls72. 34:-it To Stock rovOiS. rpiIE ROAD ACROSS THE CASCADE X Mountains, known as the Old Emi grant Road," is now in splendid order for the accommodation of the public. Ti.e bridges on the road have a 1 been thoroughly lepair el, aud st; ck drovers will find it no trouble to cross the Mountains by this route. There is plenty of good water and grass on both si tes of the Mountains, rnd the distance across is only 50 ruil-.s being the shortest as well as the best road over the Cascade Moun tains. Sto-k droves and emigrants will fii.d it to their advantage to travel over this route. Toles reasonable. JOSEPH YOUNG, President. Clackamas county, June 21st, 172. CHAS.H.CAUF1ELD, CORNER MAIN AN LI SEVENTH STREETS, OR ON CITY, OF.SGON, It;aJer in DRY-GOODS a GROCERIES, CROCK Ell Y and GLASSAWEE. Also, a full assortment of AliHIner) and Fancy Goads o' J U G THE LA TEST STYf-ES, T RECEIVED. COTJ2?TR.T PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOTt GOODS. Oregon City, Juno '-1st, 1672. tf Y MASONIC II ALL BUILD- -- l.U. 0P-EG0S CITY, - OPwEGOIT. K1- EPS CONST ANTE V ON II AND AND tor sale, ciikai' Koi: cash, CFFICr, SITTIlIGSOOIu, and HITCKEIJ PTJUKITUHE, Bureaus, Lounges, Pocking Chairs, What nots, Bee stea ls, V'a hstands. Curled Hair and Puhi Matresses, Pu'.u Pil lows, Spring Beds, Window Shades, Pictare Frames, Mouldings, Ac, Ac. JSpecial attention given to LTpho'stcrv work in all its branches. Orders filled with promptness. Repairing done with neatness anil dispatch. Furniture made to order. '-tJGoods delivered to any part of town free of charge. Call aud examine for your selvas. niayl7ii2'J BUY GOOD ai3ie &crew BOOTS AXD SHOES. The Eest and Cheapest. BEST REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA. INDIGESTION, EILIOUSNESSi tOSS CF APPETITE AD INACTION OF THE LIVER. Are acknow ledceil to le ttie rno.jt trliolesome anil eiheietit of Tonics anil liecni -trntivi s Reap Physicians' C'luitifu aids oa back of Caeii l)ottie. None pfnuiue v ithout our Trade Mark blown on tti bottle. To soil othetthan the n'iuirm article out ot our bottle is ,i ca iminnl oiiense. nd we sh !I, when detooteo. prosccuve such parties to tlie fud ssteat of tti" law. II. EPSTEIN it Co.. Slo Proprietors, 5iS Front St.. S. F. Administratrix's Sale of RcaJ Estate. In the matter of the estate of Daniel H. Good deceased. NOTICE -IS HEREBY GIVEN TTIAT, BY virtue of an order of sale made and entered of 'Record by thcjllon. County Court of Clack amas county, at the May term thereof, 1S72, I will sell at the Court House door, in Oregon Citv, Clackamas county, Oregon, at public auction, on Saturday, tlie dyi l day or .Tune, 1S74, at 1 o'clock of said day, the following dericd real estate, the property of sail estate, to-wit : the north half of iot'No. two ia bhx'k No. four, in Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon; also lots No. seven a:ul ei.rht in block No. sixty-nine in Oregon City, Clackamas county. State of Ore sron : siiso the west h itf of section nine, 9. T. 4 S It. 1 E., contaium? acres, being the donation claim of 1. II. Uood, deceased. Tortus of sale are one-half cash in hand, in 1". S. Gold Coin, the remainder in two equal install ments payable respectively in six and twelve months after sale. Secured by mortg.ur on prem ises sold. jIAKV E. GOOD, Administratrix of said estate. Oreg-oa City, May 17th, 1872. vCn29:wi fotice. I" ARTIES V.M10 WERE OCCUPYING L lands in the "Grande Ronde and Siletz Reserves," in the State of Oregon, in the years 1 ?.. "6, and had to abandon the same in consequence of said Reserves having been selected by the U. S. for the settlement of the Rogue River Indians, will please uend their addresses, for further correspondence to K. W. B(VV.1IV, Atty, Box 1951 Washington City, D. C, Speetal Notice. TfR- v X-J vrur AX DKV BEKGH'S WORM Svrup for Children. A. II. Bell, drug gist is agent for this invaluable remedy at Oregon City. Belt & Johns, aeeats for the manufacturers, Salem, Oregon. Busings Directory of Portland, Oregon. PUBLISHED BY L.SAMUEL, General Advertising Agent, t3 Front Street. Ackerinan's Dollar Store, So. W First Street. Importers and Job bers of Fancy Goods, Toys, Crockery, Glass ware and Plated Ware. Vstor House, First st., between Oak and Fine. Everything neat. B. L. Longfel low, Proprietor. BOOKS,. mHfXERY AND PERIODICALS, BA.VCItOKT & MORSE, Agents fo? Maine, Todd A Co.'s celebrated Ciold Pen. Ivis.on, Blakeman, Taylor & Co's School Books. J.ift PublUhtd, a full line of Legal Blanks for thig State. 1 arman, the only direct Importer of Cloth y ing, &.c, cor. Front & Washington sts. CHAS. C. BARRETT, WHOLESALE IiOOKSCLLER & STATION' EK, LARGEST STOCK -V PORTLAXD. 3T3. 70 Frout autl No. TJ"YasU iugtou Streets. I ECK, WILLIAM & SON, 129 Front st. ) Importers and dealers iu tl u lis, niCes aud lie vol vers of every description. Fishing Tackle, Fancy Goods, Beads, Bird Cages, Baskets, Croquet Games, aud liaby Carriage, Agents for the "California Powder Works;" also, for the ' Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines.' 1eck, John A., 12!) Front street, practical 3 Watchmaker &, Jeweler. Work done for the Trade. BOOSI AXDJOU PUIXTEUS. H1MES & BACHELDER 'J? Front street. TV riham & Reinhart, First st. bet Oak & Pine, importers of Stoves, Ranges, Kitchen Utensils. ia u; hanan. W. A., s. w. cor First & Tavlor sts. Cheapest Furniture House iu Port land- CARPETS. WALTER UltOi 81) Front street. Cllarke, Ilendersou & Cook, 81 & -3 First ; street. Dealers iu Dry Goods, Fancy Goods. &0. A Ho..eufcld, Ms Front st. Commis- J sion Merchant California Produce iV Dealers m Oregon &, Connie, J. B.. Manufacturer it Deiler in Saddles, Harness, and Saddlery Hard ware, t; Front street. Mir rier, W & Co., 103 Front st. Merchant 8 i 'r. .;!,,..;. .,.i o,o,; thiers, Hats Furnishing Goods. DeLishmutt & Oatman, t2 Front street. Real Estate Agents, money loaned, houses rented. DENTAL GOODS, A H. Woxt- Co. 101 Front street TF)TTnnTCTC! C. II I J IV I J VI VXIO wood- ARD ACO. 101 Front street. Orders from anv portion of the State or Territories caie- fu'iy filled bv mail or express. T7nil, Loweustein A Co. Furniture and kZj Carpet dealers Stores from 134 to 13S First street. mnlovment Aeencv. Witherell V Hoi man, so Frout st. Furnish all kind-t of help. "Iverd mr it Boehe, In Front street. Com i J mission Merchants and dealers iu Do mestic Produce. -icl'.inn I.Ivi'rv SW;ili rnr. h ii't A- Stiilmnn . sts. E. Corbett, Prop. Good turn-outs always on baud. T?i-hel A Re.bcrts, cor. Fitst A Washinutou L st-., Dealers A Manufac. Cuthing, Furn ishing Goods. 1 Vecland, Dr. B. R-, Dentist Office, No. '2, Dekuni's Black, cor. First & Wash ;ton sts. G ill A Steel. 7-" and 77 First street. Deal ers in Book-. Stationery, and Musical Instruments. GRAY'S MUSIC STORE. The largest Music House on the Coast. STE1XWAY PIANOS, BTRDETT ORGANS, Cm. L. DcPR VXS, Manager. SOLE AGENCY FOU TUB " Hoive'' Sewing 3Iaclaine. J7"Agents wanted."S"-a T.Tackeney & Sterne, ?rocers and dealers JLJL in all kinds of Seeds, cor. First and Main sts. TTamburjrer, B., 1.50 I-list street, importer XX and dealer m Staple rancy Dry Goods, .liiliinerv. tndee. D. II. , Photographic Artist, s. w. cor. First and Moirison std. Child s Pict. spec lty. Henrichsen, L. C. k Co., loj First street. Manufacturers and dealers in Jewelry, Watches, Ac. Hibbard, Geo. L., OS Front St.. wholesale dealer in Groceries, Duors, Wagon Ma terials, Ac. Hodge, Calef A Co., t'7 Front st., whole sale dealers in drug-i, Paints, Oils, Glass, Ac. HOME Sewing Machine, straight, needle, under feed, "lock stitch." Competition challenged. M. E. T raver, 112 Front st. Hurwren A First st. lllllL', Ac. Shindler, Nos. 16G to 172 Importers Furniture, Bed- I " Hotel, cor. Front and Morri son ss. M. Rudolph, Prop. Free Buss attends steamers. TT"ohn , J. A Co !'l Front st., wholsale and Jl retail ing Goods. retail dealer in Fine Clething, Furtiish- Maison Doree Restaurant, private rooms .for Families, cor. 1st and Pine streets. 0. Voos. Prop. Martin, Win E. A Co., whole-ale dealer in ines A Liquors, O. S. N. Co's Block, and San Fran. Meier A Schmeer, 111 Front at., wholesale and retail Confectioners. f iller, John P., 93 1st st. Watchmaker & XX Jeweler, oilers to the publio a fine as sortment of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. Moeller & Co , Front near C st., Dealers in native and foreign Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ""VTorthrup. E. J., Hardware. Iron, Steel, J Hubs. Spokes, Hardwood Lumber, f-c, Portland. Occidental Hotel, cor. First and Morrison sts. Smith & Cook, Proprietors. I Danish, WaU:ns k Cornell, Real Estate . Agents, 90 Front street, bet. Alder and Washington. 1HOTOGRAPIIlC GOODS. C. H. Wood ard & Co., 101 Front st. R ice, J. M.. 127 Front street, wholsale dea'er in Tinware and Stove3. Richter, Paul, 105 First St.. importer of Berlin wooden Carving, Parlor Orna ments. A-c. T ider. G, C, Real Estate & Money Broker, li 92 Front street. Portland. Rosenbaurn, I.S.ACo.,"Tobacconists,impor! ers of Foreign and Domestic Liquors. 1 COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, Iy uss House, Front st. On First Class Prin X' cipal. 'Thconas. Ilyau Proprietor. O herlock, S., 1 Front and 62 First sts , aud Sad O dealer in Harness, Saddlery dler Hardware. Simon, J., 5G Front street, dealer in Doors, Sash &, Blinds, Window A Plate Glass. Sinsheimer, 1L, 157 First st., importer of Piauos, Organs, Sheet Music, Music In struments. SkTdrrore. S. G., 123 Fust st. Bruggist & Apothecary, a large stock of Pertumery & Tiulet Articles. Smith & Davis, 7t Front street, wholesale dealer in Drugs, Paints, Oils, WinJow Glass, Perfumery, &c. Frames, Moldiugs, Artist's Mat'.s, Draw ing Instruments. Smith, Put., Broker, t0 Front st. Dealer in Legal Tenders, Government Bonds and Gold Dust. rr-rtniiMMfessaseaHaBgsag aa n ac OTOVE, IS. 1., So 107 Front Street. Watchmaker & Manufacturing Jeweler is appointed Agent far the Walthani, Elgin. L. Howard A Co., Chas.. K. Jacot, and the California Watches: also, for all the produc tions and imports of the California J;ewelry Corr pany, San Francisco. Send for circular- W atches repaired in the verv iiest manner and WAKUANiED to give satisfaction. Terry Bros.. No. 17S First street, manufac fnrri rle:il.r in Viirnitnro Hol ding, Carpets, &c. rphe Clothing store. 11.1 Front st. Clothing, JL Furnishing Gocds, Boots aud Shoes. Harris & Prager. T buttle, II. IE, 142 A 144 Front st. Dealer in Wagons A Agricultural Implements. ne, E. i., n. w. cor. first k uan sts.. dealer iu Brandies, Wines, English Ale and Porter. rIy!er, J. A., 147 Front st., wholesale deal X er iu Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Lard, Ba con, Ac. Williams A Myers, 5 Central Block. Front st., Commission Merchants A deal's iu Produce. hallev A Feehheimer, Attorneys A So- W licitors in Baukiuntcy. Oflice in Odd Fellows Temple. LOST. ITROM THE UXDEBSIEa. LIVING AT Canemah, about the oth inst , a Sorrel Mare, about fifteen hands high; six years old; small white streak in the foreiread, with saddle marks; shod all around. Any person returning sa d mare or giying information ol her whereabout.-;, will be suitably rewarded. WM. II. MARSHALL. Canemah, Feb. 22, ls72. SPRING GOODS JUST RECEIVED By Ill AVE JUST REDE1VED A COMPLETE and well-assorted stock of CUSTOM-MADE CLOTHING, AND GENTLEMEN'S' lTHMSMNG GOODS, Which I will sell at reduced prices. Call and examine my stock before purchas ing elsewhere. Produce Taken in Excliuiiie for Goods. A. LEVY, ?liiln street, Oregon City. FOE S-AJLE. rpHE UNDERSIGNED DESIRES TO SELL X. his property in Oregon City will sell at a bargain, to a good purchaser. Lot 8, iu block whereon there is a good Dwelling House with 8 rooms, partly hard finish, bal ance cloth and paper and tlie Livery Stable now occupied by Messrs. Wiliis A liroughton. Water pipes laid on the premises, from Pea-e's water works. Also 4 towu lots in Canemah, with good fence around. Also i town lo's in lower end of Oregon City ; also 1G0 of land known as the dona tion land claun of Wrn. Stone, S miles southeast of Oregon City, with some im provements, thinly timbered, no under growth, good lasting water "luquire at County Clerks nfhee. J. M. FEAZER. Oregon City, MayJJth, 1S72, v6n2d SHADES SALOON, G. A. HAAS, Proprietor, Main Street, Oregon City- B,st BILLIARD TABLES in. OREGOX Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to them THE B A Ji I S S UPPIAED With all Cue choicest qualities of Liquors and Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Bourbou already famous Whiskies and Punch. ALSO, A NO. 1 SHOOTING GALLERY Is 'connected with the Saloon. Oregon'Citv, Jan. 1, lS72:tf AT THE LIHCOLHJAKERY. W2LL1ASV1S & S-3 A F? D 3 f G , HAVE JUST OPENED A FULL VARIE ty of choice FAMILY GROCERIES. AND PROVISIONS. The Bakery will be constantly supplied with fresh UREA D.CRVCK ERS, CAKES, PASTRY, CANDIES AND NUTS. All of which will be sold at living rates. Remember that we do not sell goods at cost. Also, please bear in mind that it takes money to do business. To the farming trade we would say, CASH for you. produce, and CASH lor our goods. (Joods delivered to all parts of the citv. Feb, 1G, 1872:tf EW WAGON AXO Carriage Pflanufactory ! The undersigned, having increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City. Oregon. Takes this method to inform his old pat rons, and as many new ones as may be pleased to call, that he is now prepared, with arnpie room, good materials, ana ttie very oesi 01 mechanics, to ouiia anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete any sort of a vehicle from a com mon cart to a concord coach. Trv me. Blacksmithing, Horse or Ox shoeins. and general jobbing neatlv. o,nicklv and cheap ly done. DAVID SMITH. Opposite Excelsior Market THOMAS 0HAEMAN ESTABLISHED 1S33! DESIRES TO INFORM THE CITIZENS of Oregon City, and the Willamette Valley, that be is still ou haud, aad doini; busiues.3 ou the cid motto, that "A Nimble SIx-Pene is better than a Slow Shilling." I have just returned from San Francisco where I purchased one of the ' LARGEST and BEST SELECTED Stock of Goods ever before offered iu this city: and consists in part, as follows ; Boots & Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats & Caps, Hosiery of every Description, Hardware, Gro ceries, Paints & Oils, Sash & Doors.Queens ware, Crockery, Glassware, Chinaware, Stoneware, Platedware, J ewelry of various qualities & styles, Clocks & Watches La dies & Gentlemen's Furn ishing; Goods, Fancy Notions of every description.Patent Med icines, Rope, Farming Implements of all kinds, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, &c. Of the above list, I can say my stock is the MOM' COMPLETE ever offered iu this mar ket, and was sleeted with especial cure tor tula market. All of which I now offer for sale at the Lowest Market Rates- ISO use tor the ladies, or any one else, to think of ijoing to Portland to buv goods for I am DETERMINED TO SELL CHEAP and not allow myself to be I NilERSOLD IN TIIE STATE OF OREGON. All I ask, is a fair chance and quick pay ments. Believ ng, as I do, that nineteen years' experience in Oregon City enables me to Know the rectrements of the trade. Come one and all, and see for vourselves tuat the old stand of THOMAS CHARM AN cannot be beat in quality or price. It would be useless for nie to teil you all the advan tages I can ofl'er you iu the sale of goods, as every store that advertises does that, and prooaoiy you nave neen disappointed. All I wish to say is, come aud see and examine ior yourselves, for I do not wish to makeanv mistakes. My object is to tell all mv old friends now that I am still alive, and desir ous to sell goods cheap, for cash, or on such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed. THOS. CHARMAN, Main btreet, Oregon City. TT,egal Tenders and County Script takt'u at maikct rates, THOS. CHARMAN. F'ZO,iOQ lbs wool wanted by THOS. CHARMAN. EEAL ESTATE, REAL ESTATE- JACOB STITZKL, C. C. WAY. JACOB STITZEL&C0., SUCCESSORS TO STITZEL A UPTON., AND Cor. TPro3it unci "Washington Sts., PORTLAND. O R E G ON . Special attention given to the sale of farm ing lands and city property. All corres pondence relating to the recources of Ore gon will be promptly- auswered- REAL ESTATE JOURNAL Published monthly. Sent free of charge to any address. JACOB STITZEL & CO. March 15, 1872itf RESTAUR AWT. LEONDcLOUEY, Prop'r- I LA TE OF THE CLIFF HOUSE MAIN' STREET, OREGON CITT, OKEQOX. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED RE- X spectiullv announces to his V friends mid the travtinr Titit,H S. that he lias re-opened the above named Hestaurant. The proprietor knows how- to serve his csutomers with Ovsters, Pig's Feet, a good cup of Coffee or a SQUARE MEAL. LEON DeLOCEY Oregon City, Jan. 27, 1871:tf SPRING & SUMMER GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT DEALEB IS DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, NOTIONS, fcC. MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. PRODUCE of all kinds bouzht. for which I pay the highest market price. If you desire good Goods, at LOW Price call at I. SELLING'S, and examine bis fresh stock of Spring Goods. GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. My Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. Wool Wanted, For which I will pay the higbeet market ?rCe' I. SELLING- April 14. I871:tf 7 AUCTION AND COMMISSION A, H, Riclf MLTsfe AiJCTlONEERI Corner of Front and 0akstreets,:P9.rtl?$. ".I o AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate, Groceries, Generalllercbafc clise and Horsea, Every Wednesday ank Saturday I A. B. Richardson Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SALE. Englis.h refined Bar and Bundle Irou English Square and Octagon Cast tec 1 Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws; Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, R. G. Iron also:' A largeascrtmentof Groceries and Liqvpri A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer C. W. POPE & CO., STOVES, TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON,BE.A, ljitts currtiH, LtiAii rirf., ikua PIPE AND FITTINGS, RUBBEh" HOSE, FORCE AND LIFT PUMPS, ZINC, COPPER. BRASS ANT IRON WIRE-. AI30 a general tsspi t.tiit ol H. 0 nishing Goods MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and Shoot Iron Ware. o ROOFING AND JOBBING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE TO ORDER, AND AT LOW PRICES.' ' o Also, at TOPE'S STOVE STORE TOW will find HARDWARE AND BASKETS, WOODEK, WARE AND 1 IN WARE, LANTERNS,' LAW I S A Ay OIL. LUCINE AND SIGHT LAMPS. ALSO F-ER AMBULATORS. o All of the above articles are for sale 0 PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. AV. POPE & CO. Oregon City Oregon. ll:lyl JOHN MYERS, OREGON CITY, OREGON, RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, - GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, I also keep constantly on hand SALEM CASSI MERES, FLANK ELS, TWEEDS AND BLANKETg, Which I will sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool iu exchange, JTT will also pay the highest prices for Butter. Eggs, and ail kinds of good country produce. I will sell as low as any houao in Oregon, for Cash or its equivalent in good merchantable produce. Give me a call and satisfy yoursclve JOHN MYERS, Jan. 13, X. POPE, Grocer & Provision Dealcri Next door south of the Court House, JIain Street, Oregon City, Oregon, 6 DEALER IN BEST FAMILY GROCERIES COFFEE, TEA3, SUGAR, FLOUR A D JIKAL01 all kinds, PICKLES, SOAP, SALT, CANNED FRUITS and OYSTER8, Also, all kinds of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. BUTTER, CHEESE and EGGS, TOBACCO and CIGARS, GLASSWARE, Etc., Etc. All kinds of country Produce taken in ex change for goods at the highest market rate. ry Ooods delivered in tne city iree 01 charge. A fair fdiare of patronage solicited. March 23, lS72;tf JOHN SCHRAM, MAIN STKEET, - OKEGOS CITY, MAMTACTURER AND IMPORTER OF SADDLES, IIARXESS SADDLKK V- HARD WARE, &c, &c. -mTTniCII HE OFFERS AS CHEAP AS V V can be had in the State, at Wholesale or Retail. irs-I warrant all ray goods as represented. Oregon City, April 17. 137?. n25tf. JMPERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaRoque & Co., OREGON CITY. tTS,Keep constantly on hand foi s e Midhngs, Bran and Chicken ftX -SBtpanding feed must famish the sacks. Dr.B.R.FREELAND, DENTIST, KOOM 2 DEKUM S UUILUlU, tuit.v er First and Washington Sts., Portland. Nitrous Oxide administered. n23tf. AVOID QUACKS A victim of early in discretion, causing nervous debility, premature decay, Ac, having tried in ram eerv advertised remedy, has a simple meant of self cure, -which be will KeDd Ji, fellow suflerers- Address J. H. KL 7S Nassau st., New York Sep. 1:17 O o o o o O o o o o O O o 0 o o o o o O o O