Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, June 21, 1872, Image 1

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NO. 34.
ii-iiii t ci in
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!jc ulcckln (enterprise.
A j,i-:mociiatw paper,
FUi! TliS
DL!3inocsr,lan, the Farmer
the FA Mil A' CHICLE.
e dj roil and r u r.i.t s n e it.
OFF1C rIi !." Thes'itj;'s thick Building
psi"!o C :!" one year, in advance, $2 50
7 ;; .V.V of Al YE II TISIXG :
Xr-niic-: ;..lvertN:ru-it-. including all
le.'.il !iti--t;-, if of 12 lines, 1 w.$ 2 50
For ; ii suSseiUviii inset tiuti 1 )()
O.jl'i an, one vear $120 00
naff' - - 'J
limincws Card, 1 s'parc ""- year 12
; v '.;).'' iin'ile at the rUk o
S-i'x-:rl'tu-j, 'it.l at the ro.- .'Jgri.
i;.;A' -i.v; .o; I'UIXTIXG.
x: .r The. Eut.Tpr'w office is rotpplied with
jo.iii ' it'i 1 . ititr.Vf.l -tyh'H of type. and mod
, nl ;.J .uliUN'!-: I'iU-:ii. which will enable
tue iVi.eu-ielor to ... J ! ranting at all times
AW, Q i.irk and Cheap .'
fj" V-r!v '! cst-d.
I' ll-lli: If .. t ,'',?! s ?"' '1 Specie liasln.
-y II. W ATKINS, M. D.,
EON. I;;n..n. Oitr.uc n.
Oj-TirF --O.H lYllows' Temple, corner
j.'i,-,. I!( i ,,. erects U.-sddenee corner of
M vu and Seventh streets.
s. m ;:i..r.
( II VS. i:. WAitRKN.
i n . sv fj p5 j?r Si5
a c Vv -i s fc-s a i
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AX'S r.!i!CK, :.!ATX ST15EET,
(Hi" ;o t it v, o.: f.c.on.
M :;:!; i -7 : i t"
IV.; . V -..nto U,-' II- 15. O).
Vii.vr; :-;rv: i' s ax and muiigeox,
AT;a;;vs an;j n.u-N.Lnu; at-l.wv,
0aE-3O:i CIXjT, 13IIEGGIT.
wu.i, ruACTic:: ix all tiii: col'kts
r-i t' . 1 1 : m . t i ; i i r . t,i cAr-es in the
IV . ( -'.i.... ;,t. On-'ja Ciy.
IV ? i'.:: li-' " V a- o ! l.K i'.t t !:r ;,! stand,
V? V !Vi.;c '' !.
j? A:. ..s-.r.;,i.-,i! o!' Watches . Jev
r" - 3 -Trv, ;! -' t'l T!ic:n:!.s weiorht
f " -. ' ,-'.i ;sl; of whi -h ate warranifd
J :. !-;. r t- d.
'; . li' i i.v d :ic oti short notice,
v , , , , ,j :; p., st favors.
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v-s ord f n- t '10 d.divory of merchan
il ;-:. ... j ; 'a.:- f:,-i -ht "f whatever dos
rr: or j i i . r ! 1 m '.' p 1 it tlo- city, w ill he exe-ei.-'l
iii-'i ;;-it'v and w i t ! i'T".
Pioneer Cook Bindery.
(oiiiirof i'ro:it nu.I Alder Strtft,
ru:rn.ANi, uukcjo.n.
an lv5ired !a t ' era.
' ViM-i'iS. Kie., hound in every variety of
s t v 1 known to the Trade.
orl -rs !V.)ia the country promptly at
to-. ded to.
yoiix 31. 1 ; ac on
Ii.iMortcr atid Dealer in T:1
n 72 cr r cr r cr-rv
station'!-;:; v. ri;T;FrMLiiY, &.c, a-c,
Orron CUn, Oregon,
At Chxfr, s,' ('.' 1 01 x.'.i,, lat'-fyoe-
10 tf
V . di ia In if S y
OFFICK-Ii, (Vja FtlLn-' Ttrph, ri
of Firs Aid. r Stvct t-, I'o it'prf1.
'l"e ii tt-o-i-x z of these t'.eirhntr superior
v ?" it - o s is ; ;i -.ee" al request. Nitrout5 ox-i.t-.-
' !! 1 1 ; 1 ss t rn-1 : on of teeth.
"---'"Alt' .;i.x) tc-t'i "lietri-r than the best,'
0 id 17 ('(' t',.' ri,, .v.
AV" j i ' he in On;.)!i Cite on Saturdays.
Nov. :::
i. M. Tn 'MPSIlV, C W. FJTCn.
a v n
Real Estate Agents,
cuazr: CITY, OREGON,
f of Title ! ali propt-ttr in Eupene
Citv, and per fee t hatsid t 'e .same, prepared
w lt-j -.... t car-;. We will practice in the
disfronf O mrts of the Stat -. Special at-te-.ti
;j jiven to the collection of all claim
t iat ntav be td ced in our hands. Lejral
Tenders bonrht and sold. seoStf
J'.:v-.V". DSNTIST.
Though Twas Years Ago We Parted.
Though twas years ago we parted.
Time nor change could break the spell
Or thoughts that answered once so tnilv.
Of hearts that chonled once so well.
Voices soft perchance may whisper
Love's sweet tale in accents low,
But your heart will never ah.s.ver
As to mine so long ago.
Warm true hearts are beating, breaking.
Pres.-ed t I e ins that hold ihm dear,
Ail unknown to them the yearnings
Of the soul whose lorrn is near.
Kind dame Nature made us kindred,
Though between us roll the sea.
Heart will beat to heart responsive,
If allied by sympathy.
And though far thy feet may wander,
Change may charm (hoe for a while ;
Naught, forever can divide us,
Naught for aye thy heart beguile.
A dreary place would b this earth.
Were there 110 little people in it ;
The song of lik; would lose its mirth.
Were there no children to bee-'in it.
No little forms, like buds to grow.
And make the admiring heart surren
der ;
And little hands on breast and brow.
To keep the thrilling love chords tender.
The stoHi-'r sou's would grow more stern.
I'ofeeiing nauire more inhuman,
Am man to stoic coldness ti.rn.
And woman would be less than woman.
Life's song, indeed, would lose its charm,
Wert' there no babies to begin it ;
A doleful place this world would be,
Were there no little people in it.
Without Head or Heart.
on llutlor, who is now the Iiad
ictil le ader of the House of Kep
resent tit ives, in 1807 wrote a letter
in reference to General Grant's
character and fitness for the Chief
Magistracy. That letter has been
recenth reulihed, and it is as-
tonishiiiLT with what correctness
Hen foretold the influence that
power would exercise on Grant,
and it also explains why his com
panions m arms have been so bad
ly treated. Ilatleck and Thomas
were sent to commands where the
climates hurried them to early
graves. Hancock, the idol of the
brave men of the Armv, has been
treated with such injustice that
the ignoble motive prompting it
cannot be concealed. The record
of Grant pales before that ot the
soldier he persecutes from jealousy,
fhen there is his conduct towards
ivuel, whose defense has been ab
stracted from the archives of the
War Department, so that he can
not jutify his conduct ; and his
character also explains why he
treated the gallant IMoneman with
malevolence. He is without heart.
His conduct toward the brave men
who were his companions in war,
proves that an inordinate vanitv
ard a spirit of jealousy prompts
these malicious persecutions of his
military brcthern.
Den. Dialer's second objection,
that he is impotent to govern, is
fully proven. He has driven from
his support the ablest minds of his
party, because he was determined
to administer the government in a
manner incompatible with Repub
lican principles. J hey bade him
farewell, and they now appeal to
the people to rise in their might
and prevent a national calamity,
defeating his re-election. In do
mestic a flairs there have been a
series of blunders in every depart
ment, and in our foreign policy we
have suffered many humiliations,
and the cup of bitterness has not
been exhausted. We fear for the
action of the Administration on
the Alabama question will leave
our people a heritage of shame.
ut the letter of Hen. Butler ex
plains why these things have come
to pass. That prophet of evil, that
genius of discovery of the perverse
character of men, who weiues
the malevolent in a true scale for
he judoes them by himself read
arioht the character and fitness of
Gen. Grant when he penned his
estimate of his head and heart
in writing to a friend in 1807. We
give the letter entire for its predic
tions have become realities:
Day Vui:, nkai: Lanksyili.e,
Mass., August -25, 1SG7. f
Jy (km- sir : I have read your
letter to Mr. Smith on the propos
ed nomination of Grant with much
interest. Its criticisms on Grant's
career are just; but what will you
do? you cannot get it or anything
else concerning Grant, that is not
laudatory, published; anj M-hy?
Because both sides are courtim
him for the Presidency, and so the
truth must not be told. We are,
I tear, to try the experiment again'
that we did with Johnson, L e. ;
nominate a man for supposed
availability, without knowing his
principles or fitness. Grant's 'elec
tion will be a misfortune, because
it tcili put in a man icithout a head
or heart ; ituUrfcreat to human euf-
fcriit'j and impotent to aovern
1 am, yours truly,
Bkxj. F.'Butlek,
AV. Jones, Xeenah, Wis.
The richest tin mines in the world
are those at Cornwall, England.
'WHgywy i1.i4MI!Liimil w;l3!npjj.mpM
Greeley's Letter of Acceptance.
The following is the reply to the
official notice, by Horace Greeley,
of his nomination by the Liberal
Convention at Cincinnati :
Xkw York, May 20, 1872.
- Gentleman: I jiave chosen
not to acknowledge your letter of
the 3d inst. until I could learn how
the work of your Convention was
received in all parts of our great
country, and judge whether that
work was approved and ratified by
the. mass of our fellow citizens.
Their response has from day to day
reached me through telegrams,
letters, and comments of the
journalists independent ot official
patronage, and indifferent to the
smiles or frowns of power. The
number and character ot these un
constra ned, unpurchasable and un
solicited utterances, satisfy me the
movement which found expression
at Cincinnati has received the
stamp of public approval, and lias
been hailed by the majority of our
countrymen as the harbinger of a
better day for the liepublic.
I do not misinterpret this appro
val as especially complimentary to
myself, nor even to the chival
rous and justly esteemed gentle
man with whose name I thank
your Convention for having asso
ciated mine. I receive and wel
come it as the spontaneous and de
served tribute to that admirable
platform of principles wherein
your Convention so tersely, so lu
cidly and so forcibly set forth the
convictions which impelled it, and
the purposes which guided its
course. A platform which, casting
behind the reck and rubbish of
worn out contentions and by
gone feuds, embodies in as tit and
few words as need be the aspira
tions of to-day. Though thous
ands stand ready to condemn your
every act, your platform is hardly
assailable of the criticism and
ca-il that has been aimed at it,
and of which the substance may
be fairiy epitomized as follows:
Firs. All the political rights
and franchises which have been ac
quired through our late bloody
convulsion must and shall be guar
anteed, maintained, enjoyed and
res ec t e d fo re v e r 1 n ore.
Second All the political rights
and franchises which have been
lost through that convulsion, should
and must be promptly restored
and reestablished, so that there
shad be henceforth no prescribed
class, and no disfranchised beings
within our Union ; whose long es
tranged people shall reunite .and
fraternize upon the broad basis ot
universal amnesty with impartial
Third That subject to our
solemn constitutional obligations
to maintain equal rights to all citi
zens, our policy should aim at
local self-government and not at
centralization. The civil authori
ty should be supreme over the
military. That the writ of Iiolx-.o.H
corpus should be jealously upheld,
as the safeguard of personal free
dom. That the individual citizen
should enjoy the largest liberty
consistent with public order, and
that there shall be no Federal sub
version of the internal policy of
the several States and muuicipali
tios, but that each shall be left free
to enforce its rights and promote
the well being of its inhabitants
by such means as the judgment or
its own people shall prescribe.
Fourth That there shall be real
and not merely a simulated reform
in the Civil Service of the Repub
lic; to which end it is indispensi
b!e that the chief dispenser of its
vast official patronage shall be
shielded from the main tempta
tion to use his power selfishly by
a rule inexorably forbidden and
precluding his re-election.
Fifth That the raising of the
revenue, whether by tariffor other
wise shall be recognized and treated
as the people's immediate business
to be sliaped and directed by them
through their Representatives in
Congress, whose action thereon,
the President must neither over
rule by his veto, attempt to dic
tate to. nor presume to punish by
bestowing office only on those
who agree with him, or withdraw
ing from those who do not.
Sixth That the public lands
must be sacredly reserved for oc
cupation and acquisition by culti
vators, and not recklessly squan
dered by projectors of railroads
for which our people have no pres
ent need, and the immature con
struction of which is annually
p'unging deeper and deeper in the
abysses of foreign indebtedness.
Seventh That the achievement
of these grand purjoses of univer
sal beneficence, is expected and
sought at the hands of all who ap
prove them, irrespective of past
Eighth That the public faith
must at all hazards be main
tained and the national credit pre
Ninth That the patriotic devot-
edncss and inestimable service of
our fellow citizens, who as soldiers
or sailors upheld our flag and
maintained the unity of the Re
public shall ever be gratefully re
membered and honorably requit
ed. These propositions, so ably and
forcibly presented in the platform
of your Convention, had alreadv
received attention and command
ed the assent of a large majority
of our countrymen, who joyfully
adopt them as I do, as the basis to
a true and beneticient national con
struction and of a new departure
from the jealousies, strife and hate
which had no longer an adequate
motive or even a plausible pre
text, into an atmosphere of peace,
fraternity ami good will.
In vain do drill-seargents of de
caying organizations flourish men
acingly their truncheons and
angrilv insist that the files shall be
closed and straightened. In vain
do whippers-in of parties, once
vital, because rooted in the vital
needs of the hour, protest against
straying and bolting, and denounce
men, in no-wise their inferiors, as
traitors ami renegades, threaten
ing them with infamy Jtnd ruin.
I am confident that tiie Ameri
can people have already made
your cause their own, ami have
fully resolved that thir brave
hearts and strong arms shall bear
it on to triumph. In this faith and
with the distinct understanding
that, if elected, I shall be the
President, not of a party, but of a
whole people, I accept your nom
ination in the confident trust that
the masses of our countrymen,
north and south, are eager to clasp
hands across the bloody chasm,
which has too long divided them,
forgetting that they have been
enemies in the joyful conciousness
that they are and must henceforth
remain brethren
1 ours, grate-
To Hon. Carl Schurz, President ;
Hon. George W. Julian, Vice
President; and W. C. McLean,
John C. Davidson and J. II.
Rhodes, Secretaries ot the Na
tional Convention of the Liberal
Republicans of the United
Cure lor Sore Throat.
A correspondent of an Austral
ian paper gives the following cure
for sore throat:
It cannot be too generally known
that all forms of sore throat, wheth
er simple, ulcerated, quinsy, diph
theria, scarlet fever, or otherwise,
can be either totally cured or
greatly alleviated by simply wear
ing a soft old silk handkerchief
twice around the neck, high up and
next to the skin, especially if worn
at night when the pain is first felt.
Like Xaaman, the Syrian, people
will take .any trouble but the right
one, and fly to gargles, blisters,
potions, pills, etc., and keep at
them for a month at time; but an
old silk square- why it's too ab
surd, and so they hug their sore
throat, and wonder why it don't
get better. Not only does the
silk cure the sore throat, but it
prevents a recurrence of it. I was
formerly a martyr to quinsy and
ulcerated sore throat, and used
to have a whole month of it regu
larly every Winter, and in spite,
too, ot all the usual battery of
pills, gargles, etc.; it ran its course
till I tried the silk; the sore throat
took the hint, and has left me alone
ever since as a bad customer. I
invariably killed it within an hour
of any attempt, it made upon me;
an old sore throat will take a day
to cure. Mind, I do not pretend
to say that the silk will cure fever,
mi 7
or any other symptom or compli
cation that may accompany sore
throat; but this I do say, that, it
will remove all pain and difficulty
of swallowing in the throat without
the aid of any local remedy, or it
will do it in spite of them if you
apply them and it both without
it, cure only comes by nature, not
by physic, so far the sore throat
goes; other remedies are neither
good nor harmless, except as they
keep you from trying the infallible
The Rev. Mr. II had a large
family of unruly boys, and one of
them did something very wrong,
but as none of them would confess
it, he declared he would whip them
all, and then he would be sure to
punish the real culprit. Lisping
Jimmy, the youngest, retired to a
corner and grumbled," What is that
you say ?" asked his father. ''I
thaid," whispered Jimmy, "that
thatjth jutht the way old Ilerold
did. He killed all the children,
tho that he would be thure to kill
A Pougiikeei'SIE parent lately
induced a croupy youngster to
make quite a hearty meal of buck
wheat rakes and ""maple sugar,"
but the latter proved to be nice sy
rup of squills. The boy said he
thought something ailed the molas
ses the very minute his father told
him to eat all he wauled.
Philanthropic Massachusetts.
Massachusetts, wealthy, prosper
ous and nothing if not outwardly
moral, remarks the Baltimore Ga
zttte, votes, through her represen
tatives in Congress, millions of
dollars for the education of the
Soutl tern blacks. That the chil
dren of the negroes of Louisiana,
Alabama, or any of the cotton
States should be brought up in ig
norance, and should not be able to
read even the Declaration of Inde
pendence, the story of the landing
of the Pilgrims, or Sumner's
speeches, was, above all things, the
particular thing that needed the
speediest remedy. So the nasal
voice of the school-marm resound
ed in the land, and the negro is,
after a fashion, going to school.
Whilst those unlovely missionaries!
are all abroad, however, the chil-'
dreu of the factory towns of Massa
chusetts are suffering for the want
ot the very simplest common school
education, and no philanthropic
voice is raised in their behalf. In
the town of Fall River, for
instance, the number of children is
about four thousand, of whom but
half are able to gain even the rudi
ments of learning the remainder
being placed in the factories as
soon as they are able to work. Of
these factory children, from five to
til teen years old. eleven hours daily
work of the most unhealthy and
exhaustive kind is required. The
same state of affairs exists all over
the State, ami statistics prove that
there are therein thirty thousand
children attending no school; gro
ing up in ignorance, and exposed
to the brutalizing effect of hard
and incessant labor. Under such
circumstances Massachusetts, it
seems to us, had better cease to
occupy the position of a Mrs. Jelly
by, and leaving the natives of her
pet Roorboola Gha alone, attend
to the elevation of her own popu
lation. Something fou the Gjkes. If
a young man greet you in a loud,
free and hasty tone ; if lu? know
precisely where to put his hand on
his hit; if he stare you right in
the eye, with his own wide open;
if he turn his back to you to speak
to another; if lie tell you who
made his coat ; if he squeeze your
hand ; if he eat hastily in your
presence; if, in short, he sneeze
when you are singing, criticise your
curls, or fail to be foolish in fifty
ways every hour, then don't fall in :
love with him for the world. He
only admires you, let him do or
say what he will.
On the otlnr hand. If he be
mt rry with every one else, but
quiet with you; if he be anxious to
see mat, your tea is surucicnuy
sweetened and your dear person :
well wrapped up when you go into ;
the cold; if he talk very low; if
his cheeks are red, and his nose j
only blushes, it is enough. If he j
romp with your sister, sigh like a j
. 1 - . - .1 :
pair of bellows, look solemn when
you are addressed by another gen
tleman, and, in fact, if he be the
most still awkward, stupid, yet
anxious of all your male friends,
you may '"go ahead," and make
the poor fellow happy.
A Sad Case. Last Monday
night a bill passed the Senate, giv
ing $125,000 to Geo. C. liestor, of
Peoria, Illinois. Air. Destor was
a man well liked by all who knew
him. He contracted in 1 SG-3 wit h
the Navy Department to construct j
a steam battery for the United
States Navy. The contract was !
6387,000. Soon alter he commenc
ed building the battery the Navy
Deaprtment commenced altera
tions of the plans .and specifica
tions, enlarging the vessel, and the
alterations continued till October,
18G5. Failing to get pay for the
extra work and materials, he be
came financially ruined. He claim
ed as due him by the increased
cost of materials put in the bat
tery 171,702. He has been
in Washington a term of years,
watching and pushing his claim.
Last Monday morning he died,
wearied out, poor and broken down
with debility; and not having
money enough to pay for his fun
eral, the Odd Fellows, of which !
association lie was a member, took !
charge of his body for a respect a- ;
b!e interment. On the night of the j
day of his death, the bill giving
him 125,000 passed the Senate.
. ,
The Lakoi: Refoumeus. The
J'Jnterprixe, the organ of the Re
formers, states that there is no
truthful foundation for the report j
that Judge Davis will withdraw.
His organ on this Coast ought cer- !
tainly to be correctly informed of
his views Uxaminer.
Moxstkous Tax. Every man
in Louisiana, who owns a thou
sand dollars' worth of real proper
ty pays a State tax of about twen
ty-two dollars on it; and the num
erous class who have nothing con
sider their impecuniousuess a great
streak of good luck.
Republican National Platform.
From the report of the proceed
ings of the Philadelphia Conven
tion, June 5th and Gth, we extract
the following:
The chair announced that the
Committee on Resolutions was
ready to report, and put the ques
tion, etc.
Scboffeld of Pennsylvania, Chair
man of the Committee on Resolu
tions, announced that General
Ilawley, Secretary of the commit
tee, wotdd read the resolutions.
He said that the committee had had
but a short time in wirch to cousid
er a barge number of questions; so
that if they do not find in the
platform everything that they tie
sired, he hoped that they would
rest assured that it was not exclud
ed from any disposition to take up
an act upon it. General Ilawley
then read the platform as follows:
"The Republican party of the
United States, assembled in the
National Convention in the city of
Philadelphia on the 5th and Gth
days of June, 1872, again declares
its laith in and appeals to its his
tory, and annouces its position
upon the questions before the
First During eleven years su
premacy it has accepted with
grand courage the solemn duties
of the time; it has suppressed a
gigantic rebellion, emancipated
four millions ot slaves, decreed
eipial citizenship to all, and estab
lished universal suffrage. It has
exhibited unparalleled magnanim
ity ; has criminally punished no
111111 for political offences, and has
warmly welcomed all who have
proved their loyalty by obeying
the laws and dealing justly with
their neighbors. it has initiated
a policy toward the Indians. The
Pacific Raiboad and similar vast
enterprises have been generously
aided and successfully conducted,
the public lands freely given to
actual settleis, immigration pio
tected and encouraged, and a full
acknowledgmtnt of naturalized
citizens' secured from European
powers in form. The national cred
it sustained under the most ex
traordinary burdens and new
bonds negotiated at lower rates,
and the revenues have been care
fully collected and honestly ap
plied. Despite the annual large
reductions from rates of taxations,
the public debt has been reduced
during Grant's Presidency at the
rate of one hundred million dollars
a year; a great financial crisis has
been averted, and peace and plenty
prevail throughout the land. Men
acing foreign difficulties have bet n
peacefully and honorably compro
mised, and the honor and power of
the nation kept high throughout
the world. This glorious record of
the past is tho party's best pledge
for the future. We believe that
the people will not intrust the
Government to any party or com
bination of men composed of those
who have resisted every step in
this beneficial progress.
Second Complete liberty ami
exact equality in the enjoyment of
all civil, political and public rights
should 1 c estab is'm d and eff' ctaaly
maintained throughout t he Union
by efficient and appropriate. State
and Federal legislation. Neither
the law nor its administration
should admit of any discrimination
in respect to citizens by reason of
race, creed, color or previous con
dit ion of servitude.
Third The recent Amendments
to the National Constitution should
be cordially sustained, because they
are right, not merely tolerated be
cause they are law, ami should be
carried out according to their spirit
by appropriate legislation, the en
forcement of which can be safely
trusted to the party that secured
the Amendments.
Fourth The National Govern
ment should seek to maintain an
honorable peace with all nations,
protecting its citizens everywhere
ami sympathizing with all people
who strive for greater liberty.
Fifth Any system of civil ser
vice under which the subordinate
positions of Government are con
sidered rewards for mere party
zeal, is fatally demoralizing, ami
we therefore favor a reform of the
system by laws which shall abolish
the evils of patronage and make
honesty, efficiency and fide.ity es
sential qualifications for public
position, without practically creat
ing a life tenure of office.
Sixth We are opposed to furth
er giants of public hands to corpor
ations and monopolies, and demand
that the national domain be set
apart for the people.
Seventh The annual revenue,
after paying current debts, should
furnish a moderate balance for a
reduction of the principal of the j
public debt, and the revenue, ex- i
cept so much as may be derived !
from a tax 011 tobacco ami liquors,
be raised by duties on importa-"
tions, the arrangement of which
should be adjusted to aid in secur
ing remunerative wages to laborers 1
.and promote the industries, growth,
and prosperity oft lie whole count ry.
Eighth We hold in undying
honor the soldiers and sailors
whose valor saved the Union.
Their pensions are a sacred debt of
the nation, and the widows and or
phans of those who died for their
country are entitled to the care of
generous and grateful people. Wo
favor such additional legislation
as will extend the bounty of the
Government to soldiers ami sailors
who were honorably discharged,
and who, in time of duty, became
disabled without regard to the
length of service or cause of such
Ninth The doctrine of Great
Britain and other European powers
concerning allegiance, "a subject
always a subject," having atlast
through the efforts of the Republi
can party, been abandoned and the
American idea of individuals being
fiee to transfer their allegiance
having been accepted by European
nations, it is the duty of our Gov
ernment to guard with zealous care
the rights of adopted citizens
against the assumption of unau
thorized claims by their former
Governments, and we urge the
continued and careful encourage
ment and protection of voluntary
Tenth The franking privilege
ought to be abolished.
Eleventh Among the questions
which press for attention is that
which concerns the relation of cap
ital a'ud laVior, and the Republican
party recognize Che duty of so
shaping legislation as to secure full
protection and an ample field for
capital and for labor, to create for
capital the largest opportunities
and a just share of mutual pr tiis
for these two great servants of
Twelfth We bold that the Con
gress and the President have only
fulfilled an important duty in their
measures for the suppression of
violent and treasonable organiza
tions it: certain lately rebellious
regions, and for the protection of
the ballot; and. therefore, t hey are
entitled t o t he t hanks of the nation.
Thirteenth We denounce the
repudiation of public debts, in any
form or disguise, as a national jui se.
We witness with pride the i educ
tion of the principal of the debt,
and of the rates of interest upon
the balance, and confidently expect
that our excellent nat ional currency
will be perfected by the speedy
resumption of specie payment.
Fourteent h The Republican par
ty is mindful of its obligation to
the loyal women of America for
their noble
devotion to the cause
Their admission to
of freedom
received with
the honest eje-
satisfaction, and
mauds of any class
01 cii tzeiis lor
additional rights should b? treated
with respectful consideration.
Fifteenth We heartily approve
of the action of Congress in the
rebellion, and rejoice in the growth
of peace and fraternal feeling
throughout the land.
Sixteenth The Republican par
ty propose 10 respect the rights
reserved by the people to them
selves .as carefully as the powers
delegated by them to the Slate and
Territorial Governments. It dis
approves of assent to Constitution
al laws for the purpose of removing
evils by interferauce with rights
not, surrendered by the people to
either State or National Govern
ments. Seventeenth Tt is the duty of
the Genera! Government to adopt
such measures as w ill tend to en
courage American commerce and
ship-building. 0
Eighteenth We believe that
modest patriotism, the earnest pur-
pose, sound judgment, pract cal
wisdom, incorruptible integrity,
and illustrious services of U. S.
Grant, have commended him to
the heart of the American people,
and with him at our head we start
to-day on our new march to vie
tor v.
Beiiavino Badly. The vicious
paupers of Chicago are behaving
in a maimer which must draw
tears to the eyes of Mr. Bumble,
if that estimable parochial official
ever looks down on American
charities from the spirit sphere
where it is to be hoped that he is
still employed by an angelic board
of guardians. These perverse and
thankless person have actually
had the audacity to turn up their
noses at the nourishing fluid dis
pensed to them under the name ot
soup by the benevolent ladies of
the Good Samaritan Society, ami
to complain that hairs, maggots,
and substances not properly per
taining to a wc 11-regtdated cuisine
are found Therein. Whereto the
charitable ladies retort with virt
uous indignation that the alleged
maggots are no such thing, afm
that even if they were it's the
h;rlt of ingratitude in people
who haven't been accustomed to
the luxnrv of ai.imal food to com
plain of them.