-,3s-'"I J I Eljc lUcckhj (enterprise JUNK 14 1ST 2. FRIDAY, TOWN AM) COC.VTV. Sm.vi.L TniifES.-TI.ere wa, a regular ,y5tem of house robbing commenced in this citv last Friday ufebt. and conimned the .-ncfj fft They failed to rrT. an Jntriocat .he first named place, but heygo Tn at the latter, and obtained K,Lv from a child saving-bank Thev Uo visited the Barlow House un u,l some property which is adverted to-day. On Monday night they got m.o the tore of Mrs. II. M. Kelly and go gome tobacco. sigars. wearing apparel nd the contents of her children s savins bank, 28 00; to the value or about H:). On Sunday nijrh? thev paid their respects to Mr. M.ddruin. on the bill. They mide thorough search through the place, but obtained nothing. On Monday night they runted Mr. Albright's residence in the low--r end of town. but failed to effect an en trance. On Tuesday they aaiu paid a to Mr. Meldrutn's residence, but the 'd-g gave them a scare, and they left. t U pr. 8 uned that th'a is the same gang which had its headquarters at Salem re cently,- There has been a gann around to'n"fur the past month which has run its face at our hoiels until they have teen driven 'out. and now are living with the Indians, who are supposed to be the per petrators of these theft.-!. To meet their rase, the City Council passed a vagrant net to have such fellows arrested, and we presume they will find it convenient to nbsent themselves from our town. Our police have their eyes on the suspected parties, and we hope they may be brought to just ice. It is supposed that theyai connected with a gang at Portland, and their plunder is taken down there and disposed of. PuKCfNcr Oi-'fickks. Following is a list of the precinct officers elected at the re eenl election for Clackamas county: Canemah Precinct J. Paquet, J. P. G. (i. Smith. Constable. Cascades II. McUiigin, J. P. J. C. Montium, Constable. Cuttings David Wright, J. P. S. Car- lile. Constable. Harding A. C. Wilbur, J. P. J. II. MeCubbio, Constable. Tualatin A. II. Cyrus. J. P. D. Smith. Constable. Lower Molalla W. More-land, J. P J. Buck, Constable. Upper Mollala -Ira Moody. J. P. F W. Vauguh. Constable. Marquim Tie between II. Thompson and W.Jack for Justice ot the Peace. I. Cot Constable. Union W. Barlow, J. P. E. M. Brack ct, Constable. Can by F. C. Mack, J. P. W.Parker Constable. Pleasant Hill J. J. Seely, J. P. C IUrnhMU, Countable. Mtlwa.ikie 1 Spencer, J. P. E. S Gray . ( Iou-Vable. Mar.-hfield 1 J. Matlock, J. P. J.Tul hoi. Constable. Onwego. A. Bradbury. J. P. F.Ford. Co tstable Rock Creek Tsreal Gardner. J. P. J. T. Chitwood, Constable. Spring A-ater John Lenellen. J P. W. P. Scott. Constable. Heaver -J. J. G li d, J. P. R. W. rf or.di.un. Constable. Eijle Creek Frank W. Foster. J- P. S. II. Raney. Constable Shall Wk Cki.ki;uaik? This question must be answered quickly, by immediate action, if we propose to celebrate the coining Fourth We would like to see our citizens do something about the in it-t.-r. and in order to lest te q lestion. we surest that a meeting be held at the Court House this (Friday) evening, at. 7k o'clock to lake the m titer under consid rr i ion. j"t all attend, whether they are in tavor or air atnst a celebration, and give their realms either for or againft it. Japank.-k Tuot'PK. The Japanese Troupe gave performances in this city lat Monday and Tuesday evenings, to good hooe. Many of their tricks are wonderful and astonishing and very clev erly performed. They must lie seen to be apnrecia ed. a id we a-sure o ir readers that they will not be disappoi Med in get ting the. worth of their money by g insr i Witiif.M their performances, it, i.j worih tiie price of admission. Rain Nkkokk. Our uniu'i . are nettling urn; rain just at present. The fall crops are far a Ivanced, an 1 look extremely well, and need no nin. but the spring grin h already sulfeniivc tor rain. 'fil iate warm weather has dried up the high land and unless we soon have a goo I ihower, the late sown spring grain will not be he;vv. CiiruitiKs. Cherries are becoming ipiifp plenty in the market, and Oregon vegeta bles are beginning to supply the place so lomr occupied by California productions" Strawberries are not as plentiful as gen rally yet the. cultivated plants are pro ducing very abundantly, and the supply in Hullieient for the detnuid. Tiik Fot ttTii. Grand preparations arc being made by Mr. Btirbank. proprietor of the Soda Springs, for a celebration on the fourth. A. F. Forbes F-q.. of this place, has been selected to deliver the orittion. and Chas. I). Warren. Kq.. will read tlie Declaration of Independence. In the evening a grand ball is to take place. Vashnts. At a special meeting of the Council, last Tuesday evening, an ordi nance was passed to punish Vagrancy. This was deemed necessary to rid the town of a set of -worthless loavers. wtto are supposed to be engaared in stealing for x living. Tin; authorities will do ali in their power to check these depredations which have recently been perpetrated on .ur citizen, IKErt Kti.r.KU. A deer was killed in town near the residence of Capt. J.L). Miller. It had been chased by the dogs 0fvnd was nearly run down, when it sought refuge in a corner of a fence. A young toy went close enough to it to hit it on the Head with a rock, knocking it down, svben its throat was cut. CAt'TtON'. The young men who have late ly got into the practice of going into swimming and exposing their person within the city limits, had better take no tice that such conduct must cease, as the law will be strictly enforced against such "lenders. The complaint is becoming altogether to freq ient and steps will be taken to s'on the practice. Sovr. We acknowledge the receipt from Major Charman of a couple of cakes of soap, mamifactured by the Pioneer Soap Company of Sau FraneUeo. It is Certainly a superior article, being per fumed co as to it very pleasant fur toilet uses and a most excellent quality for washin-j purposes. It is tbe best cheap soap for all uses we have ever seen, j The Ladies' "Sewing Sf.wixg Society. c; .u rs , . ... .-ocaety of the Episcopal C'Jurcb. tneet next Tuesday at the residenca of Mrs, A. Noltqer, Boqcet. -Senator Myers received lu.t Siturday a vt iy handsomely arranged boqiift from a lady at Portland, wi h compliments to the Senator froln Clack nniis. The elected Sen itor desires ua to return his thank to the fair doner. Mkav. None but the meanest of thieves would feave stolen goods and money from i poor tvidow woman with orphan chil- iren. aand also the little savings of these two little childien which had been -iven them. Ordinance No. 95. In Ordinance to punish Vagrancy. The City Council of Oregon City does ordain as follows : Sue. 1. That whenever any dangerous or suspicious person or persons, slial' be seen about the city, without anv visible means ol support, it shall be the duty of the Marshal, or any person having legal authority, to arrest such person or ner- sons and take them before the Recorder. ami cause them to show in what way or manner, they obtain a livelihood, arid if proper cause shall not be given for such vagrancy, such offender shall be lined in a sum not le than ten nor more than thirty dollars. And in all cases of con viction, it shall be the duty of the Re eonler to adjudge that such vagrants shall stand committed to the jail until payment of said fine and eost of prosecution, or in default of payment, (or a enrabwr of days specilied. not exceeding twenty. This Ordinance snail take eff.-ct from and after its passage. Passed June 11th. 1872. Approved this 11th day of June. A. D.. 17- A.'XOLTNER. Attest : L Dn.r.Eit. Mayor. Recorder. A Pit ful Condition. It is a sad thing to pass through life only half alive. Yet there are thousands whose habitual condition is one of languor anj de bility. They complain of no specific dis ease ; they suffer no positive pain ; but they have no relixh for anything which utlor.is mental or sensuous pleasure. In nine cases out of ten this sttite of Ja.-situde and torpor f rises from a morbid stomach. Indigestion destroys the energy of both mind and body. When the wa.-te of nature is not supplied by a due and regular assimilation of the food, every organ is starved, every function interrupted. Now, what does common sense suggest under these circumstances of depression ? The system needs rousing and s. lengthen ing ; not merely f ir an hour or two, to sink afterward into a more jut able condition than ever (as it assuredly would do if an ordinary alcoholic stimulant were reported to,) but radically and permanently. How is this desiraole object to be accom plished? Tlie au-wer to this question, loiitidcd on tlie utiv;tring experience of a quarter of a century, is easUy given. luittse now vij;.r into the digestive organs by a course of llostetter's Stoimich Bitters. " l) not ivijt: time by administering temporary remedies, hut wake the system up bv recap -rating the. fountain h ad of physical strength and energy, the frreat organ upon whlc.i r.ll t ie other organs depend lor tneir nurture and support. By the time that a dozen d iscs of the great vegetable tonic and in vigo. ant have been taken the feeble frame of the dvsneo- tie will begin to feel i s benign i:ifl lence Appjtite will be create), and with appedte die capacity to digest a hat it craves. Per severe until tlie cure is complete until healthful bio d, fit to be the materia! ot flesh and ihum I,-, bout: and nerve and brain, flows through the channels of circulation, i istead of tin; watery p itoulum with whkh th"V have heretofore been impe: tec. 1 v nour-i-l.e.l. Snrriul Notice. The best and most elii -ient cure known for dyspepsia and indigestion, is Dr. Henley's Celebrated I X L li;ttets. Try it. II ad ad vertisement in another col .mm. jtniTm.'i F t the very b';t photographs, go to B. ad ley ct Kulofsotfri Gil ery wi h out SfAll.'.s.- ASCEND I NT THE ELEVATOR. .Mon tg unery "Street, San Franra .ro. Mi'r. Ivnij'it it Urol Hers, Whole salt" and Retail Me chants, Canbv Station. Oregon, are my aut'torized agents for t 1 . s.iie of tne lot tbib'.e Worm Syrup, who will c.mstantly keep a supply on hatel. DR. J. IV. VAN DEN BERG II. Sa'em. March Ti, IsT-'.tf Oregon Lodge No. 3, I. O. of O. F. Meets evtrj' Thursday even 'if-sP"S ing at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's "wSk'S Hall. Main s eet. Mc-moers of the Order are invited to attend By order. v. Iti'btcra Uegree Lodge V. -i, . . O. F Meet on the Second and Fourth 7 " C'AN D A Y E 'ES'IXGS, of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd F'ellows Hall. Members of the Degree are invited to attend. DtuKuoataU Lodge o. -l, A. P.;ind A. !--Holds its regular c-immunica ........ ..i. miv x .r n.f-, j n ( u e1'. ' I't-j in each month, at 7 o'clock from the "Joth of September to the. vlofh ot and 7i o'clock from the 'ioth of to the 2 uh ot September. Breth March March re u m good standing are invited to attend. I) c.i.-:.l s7o. By order of W. M. WILLIAM DAVIDS Oil, REAL ESTATE DEALER. Office, IVo. OA Front Street, PORTLAND, - - - OREC.OX. REAL ESTATE in this CITY and EAST PORTLAND, in the most, desirable localities. consisting of LOTS, HALF BLOCKS and BLOCKS, HOUSES and STORES; also IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable uncultivated LANDS, located in ALL parts of the STATE for SALE. REAL ESTATE and other Propertv purchased for Correspondents, in this CITY and throughout tne STATES and TERRI TORIES. V:th srreat care and on the most ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS. HOUSED nnd STORES LE VIED LOANS NEGOTIATED, and CLAIMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COL LECTED. And a General FIN A NCI VL and AGENCY BUSINESS transacted. AGENTS of thus OFFfCE in all the CITIES and TOWNS in the SI ATE will ceive descriptions of FARM PROPERTY andjforward the same to the above address Feb. 3, 1571. "ew To. i)iiy. UY GOOD Gable Screw Wire BOOTS AXD SHOES. The Best and Cheapest. Warnin&r, ! rpHK PUBLIC IS WARNED AGAINST JL buyuijr three cheeks, two drawn in fam. j ot James Murray, and agaia-t the L ick Co.. I l,e (or Ti nd the other for S3; and one iti I tavor ot M'.CKae Uanagan and against the ; Liick Co. for tLc su of $IU, as the atove ' named checks wtre s'tden frpm tbe Barlow I Hou-e, Q. A-fAMS. ."Moeliil ZNt k-o. IsnifiESTlON is the cause of nine-tr.ths of all diseases the living machine i subject to ' Oiva tone to tbe stomach and diBstire Tmmn-s. and von will save more than half in jour doctor's b'iiu Ir. HI?-Cl.rl.r.U- IVI m-r are recomt mended by alt paysjcians to UYtPKFTlcs and for ALL COMMAiKT9 of f-e LlVZA AND DtGFSTlVK OnuANi. See advertisem-eut ia another colunin, P.ifL.S EC.V.UPMKVr AO.4 1. O. t. P. Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall on the FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAY EVEXIXG of each month. Patriarchs in good stand ing are invite.l to attend. Feb. S. lsT-.'-tf Notice TS HEREBY GIVEX THAT TIIE AP9ESS 1 mcnt roll for Orecr-ui City for 172, is now complete, and will be open ut-til t.e xuh of June f r correction or abatement, f assessments, which mut be filed before that date under oath. E. D I LEEK, Oregon City, June 7, 1S72. Kecor.ilr. Notice. Cocnty Trksi;rku's Offick, ) Oregon City. June , -7 . f CLACKAMAS COUNTY WARRANTS endorsed for interest prior to March f.tb. 17-2. will be paid on presentation at the Treasurer's Oilice at Oregon "itv. Intere.-t will cease at this d ite n3-2w4 T J McCARVER, Treasurer. Spec in 1 ot iee. DTI. V A IV OKV ilUltGU'S WORM Syrup tor Children. A. It. 15,-11, dr.ig-gi.-t is agent for this invaluable remedy at Oregon City. Relt it Johns, agents tor the manufacturers Sa'ein, Oregon, JOHN FLEMING, DEALER IN BOOKS AMD STATiOKEHY, IN MYERS" FIRE-PROOF BRICK, M VIS STURET, OREOOX CITY. OltKOON. P.SAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. PORTLAND. - - OREGOK. GEO. I j. CVIZJIIl, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND OTHER INVESTMENTS. Commissioner Selecting Swamp and Ovei flowed Lands. Farm Lands sold and purchasers obtained for all kinds of landed p:ope:tv. Valuable securities transferred in exchange for real estate. Loans negotiated on property, and title examined xiid determined. Commissions solicited and executed with fidelity and promptne-s. OFFICE No. I t Carter's Building, corner of Alder and Front stteets. Feb. H. l-70:tf tMM MASOXIC HALL BUILD- IN(i. OREGON CITY, - - - OREGON. T'EEPS CONST ANTL V ON HAND AND 1 V. lor sale, o.ukac foi; cash, PARLOR, BEDROOM, OFFICE, SITTINGROOM, and KITCHEN FURNITURE, Bureaus, Lounges, Rocking Chairs, What nots, Befsteads, Wa hstamls. Curled Hair and Palu Matresses, I'ulii Pil low. Spring Beds, Window Shades. Picture Frames, Mouldings, Ac, etc. Jy?;. "Special attention given to L'pho'yttr. work in ail it-: liranclies. Orders tilled with promptness. Repairing done with neatness and disoatch. Furniture mult! to order. '--7"0ooi!s delivered to any pmtof town tree of chatge. Call and examine for your sclva.?. m ivl rn'J'.i JOHN SCHRARfl, MAIS STREET, - OitKQOV CITY. MAMTACTniEU AM) IMPORTER OF SADDLE, HAUXKsS. rf S A I )I ) I A-l K Y- 5 1 A K - fSS AT7HICH II E OFFERS aS CHEAP AS V c.iti be had in the State, at Wholesale or Retail. warrant all my goo Is as representee. O'-econ City. April" 17. 1S7 '. nv!'.'t'. TMPETUAL MILLS. Savier, LaPvoque & Co., OHCGOX CITY. ft"5,Keep constantly on hand foi sale Midling-s, Bran ami Chicken t-'eed, Par'ies Mirjamding feed must furnish tlie sin ks. Rm F , P F$ zj DENTIST, poOM 2 HEKCM'S BUILDINC. CORX-lV- er First and Washington St-., Portland. Nitrous Oxide administered. n2:iti. BEST REMEDY FOR DYSI3P8IA, IKDIGESTION, BILIOUSNESS. 10SS OF APPETITE AKD INACTiCN Cr THE LIVES. Are acknowledKeit to lio the most vhoifisoaio and fcthcif.r.t of Tomes ami Jte:iit-eratios Head Physicians' Cei;hhi.atls oa Luck of Cach bottle. Non? pjn2ine 'w itbout our Trade Mark blown on the t)ottle. To sell other than thp crnuiiie article rr.t of our lv)ttlo is criminal rlVni. ami e fhrll. when detected, prosecute such parties to the fuil extent of the l.v.v. H. EPSTEIN i Co.. Kn Prorrip'ors. 5!H Front St.. S. K. Administratrix's Salo of Real Estate. In the matter of the estate of Dank 1 II. Good deceased. -VOTICE IS HEKl-HY GIVEN THAT. BY virtue of an order of sale made and ciir ri;d of IteiHird by theJIIon. County Court of Itn-k-amas county, at the May term thereof. 1S7J. I will sell at the Court House door, in Orosron City, ClackauiiiS county, Oreiron, at public auction, on StrIuy, the -Z'Jt li day of Juiif, 1J2, at 1 o'clock of said day, the following described real estate, the property of said estate, to-wit : the north half of lot No. two in block No. four, in Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon; also lots No. seven an 1 eight in block N'o. sixty-nine in Oregon lty. Cl.iekamsis county. State of Ore P'on ; also the west half of section nine, !). T. 4 s;.t It. 1 E.. contHiumsr oi'n acres, lieinir the donation ci;iiiri of I. II. triw'-l, defeased. Terms of s.ile are one-half cash in hand, in 1". S. Gold Coin, the remainder in two equal instal ments payable respectively in six and twelve mouths after sale. Seeured bv niortc.ur on preia isos sold. JIAIt V E. ( H lOI , Administratrix of said estate. Oregon City, May 17th, lb72. vi!ni'J:wl Notice, PARTIES WHO WLRF OCCUPYING lauds in the "Grande Ronde and Siletz Reserves." in the State ot O rrpon, in t he years 15."-.ri5, and had to abandon the same in consequence of said Reserves hiving been selected by the U. S. for the settlement of tne Rogne River Indians, will sdease send their addresses, for further ccrrespondenee. to K. V. DOWVMAS,- Atty, Vox 103' sh;ngtcn"Citr, f. C COURTESY mm Dr. B. Easiness Dirt'ctory of rortl.iud, Oregon. rCBLlSIlED BV L. SAMUEL, Gencrw' Advert'ifing Agtnt, i3 trout Strut. Ackerman's Dollar Store, o. ViU Firt trMt. Importers and Job bers of Fancy Goods, Toys. Crockery, Glass ware and Piated Ware. Vst r House, First st , between Oak and Pine. Kverythiug neat. B L. Lo.igfel-. low, Proprietor. BOOKS, STATIONER " AND FEK10JUTALS, K WCHOFT ci MORSE, Agents for Mabie, Todd & Co.'s celebrated Gold lt-ti. Ivison, Pdakeman, Taylor ,t Cos School Rooks. J.it 'ubuitlwl, a fall line of J.tgul Bt.ukfor thin $tiitt. 1ai tnan, the only di-eet Importer of Clotli 3i:iiT. eve, cor. Front & vVashington sts. CHAS. C. BARRETT, TtllOt tSALE BOOIvSCI.LIull t fjl'ATIOXWt, L.l.'OEST STOCK IN TORTl.AXIt. IVo. ?'J Front and Vn. SjAVasU ingtoii SI reefs. BKCK, WILLIAM k SON, Vl Front st. Importers and dealers in Guns, Iti:"-s ami Rcvolvi'ij of every description. Fishing Tackle, Fancy Go'uls. Reads, Bird C'aes, Baskets, Croquet Games, and B iby Carriatres. Agetds for the "Cal'thorna Powder Works;" also, for the "Wheeler .V Wilson Sewing Machines.'' .. 1eck, John A., 1'2: Front, street, practic-al ) Watchmaker & Jeiveler. Work done for t he Trade. BOOK AND JO II PK I NT EEtS. HIM FS X- BACHELDKR !.? Front street. Brihani ,t Reinhart, First st. bet Oak & Pine, importers of Stoves, Ranges, Kitchen I'tensil-. Tm -hanan, W. A., s. w. cor. First fc Taylor 13 sts. Cheapest Furniture House in Port land CAUPFTS WALTER BROS. J sy Front street. Cllarke, Henderson A. Cook, si ,t s:i First ) street. Dealers in Dry Goods. Fancy (i.io.ls, Ac. Ciohn k o.enfi Id, 1-ls Front st. Conunis J sion Merchants k Dealers in Oregon & California Prod nee. C oniric, J. R.. Manufacturer k De der in S.iddles, Harness, and Saddlery Hard, ware, in; Front s'reet. (Mi rrier, W A Co.. in:! Front st. Merchant J Tailors and Clothiers, Huts Furnishing ( loocls. neli ishinutt A Oattn an, S Er nt street. Real Estate Agents, money loaned, houses rented. D i:XTAL GOODS, C. H . Woodard ,v Co. lol Front street. DlM'GtilSTS, V,. 11. WOODARI) A CO. 101 Front street. Orders frmTi nny portion of the State fir Ter ritories catfuHv fil'ed bv rort r evfecS I TVnil, Lowensfein A Co. Fntnitoic ami j Carpet dealers Stores from 134 to 13S First street. TTVuiplovmpnt Avency. AVit!:erell A Hoi j man, 60 Front st. Furnish all kind- o' help. E veril ntr A Beehe, lo Froot stieet. Cnni- j mission Merchants and dealers in Do mestic Produce. ITVishion Lively Stable, cor. First A Salmon sts E. Corbe't, Prop. Good turn-outs a! ways on hand. ITM-hel A R berts. cor. First A Washington st-:.. l)ealers A Mantitac. Cothing, Furn istiin ( loods. 1 Treeland, Dr. R. R., Dentist OHice, No. 1 li, Oektiin's Block, cor. First A Vash- infrtou sts. '1 ill A Steel. T. and T7 First street. Deal- JT ers in Books, Stationet v, and M nsical Iiistrument-J. GRAY'S MUSIC STORE- The largest Music House on the Const. STEINWAY PIANOS, BURNETT ORGANS, G. Ij,. Dt'PKAXS, Uluniigfr. SOLK AGRXCV FOR THE "Howe'' Sowing 3IicIiine. Z W Atrents want e d.us Uackeney A Sterne, Grocers and dealers in all kinds of Seeds, cor. First and Main sts. Haiiibir-irer, P. . 133 I-itst street, importer and dealer in i-taple Fancy Dry Goodai, M iiiinerv. "tndee. I) II., Phttogr-i)hic Artist, s. w. . cor. First and Moiri-on sts. Child s Pict. sure Itv. Heiii'ichsori, L. C. A Co., lo;t First street Mann'";icturcrs and dealers in Jewelr.y, Watches, Ac. Lribbard, Gen. L., '.is Front st.. wholesale L dealer in Groceries, Doors, Wagon Ma terials, Ac. Hodge, Calef A Co., H7 Front st., whole sale dealers in drills, Paints, Oils, (ilass, Ac. HOME Sewing Machine, straight needle, under feed, "lock stitch." Competition chadetiired. M. E. T raver, Hi Front st. T.""iirirren A Shinrlier, N'"S. ltr, to 172 I i. I- lrst st. Import; iporters Furniture, Red- ling, Ae. International Hotel, cor. I'ront and Morri son srs. M. Rudolph, Prop. Free Buss attends ste-itners. 'din.,7. A Co., 1H Front st., wholsale and retail dealer in Fine Clothinir, Furnish- in ir Goods. Maison Doree Restaurant,, piivate rooiris . for Families, cor. 1st and Pine streets. t,. Voos. Prop. MirCn, E A Co., wholesale dealer in Wines A Liquors, O. S. N. Co's Block, and San Fran 3 eier A Schmeer, 111 Front St., wholesale and retail Confectioners. Mil'er, John R , f3 1st st. Watchmaker A Jeweler, offers to the jiublic a tine as sortment of Watches. Clocks and Jewelry. A foeller A Co , Front near C st.. Dealers i.X in native and ioteign Wines, Liquors and Cigars. VTorthmp. E. J., Hardware. Iron, Steel. iN Hubs. Spokes, Hardwood Lumber, tf-c, Portland. O :ci(lental Hotel, cor. First and Morrison sts. Smith. A Cook, Proprietors. ")arish. Wat ns A Cornell. Real Estate 1 Asrer.ts, 90 Front street, bet. Alder and Washington. JHOTOGRAPIIif GOODS. C. II. Wood 1 ard A Co., 101 Ftont s 1)ice, J. M..127 Front street, wholsale V dea'er in Tin-vare and Stoves. 1icbter, Paul. 105 First st.. importer of X Berlin wooden Carving-, Parlor Orna ments. Ac. 1 ider. O, C, R-al Estate A Money Broker, V 'J2 Front treet. Portland. T" oseubaniTi, I.S.ACo., Totcconisu.iruport Y ers of Foreign and Domestic L'quors. R tiss Ho'ii?, Front t. On First Clahs Prin cipal. Thomas Ryan, Proprietor. OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, Sherlock, S., til Fiont aud ":2 First sts , dealer in Harness, Saddlery and Sad dler Hardware. Siinon. J.,ot Fiont. street, dealer in Doors, ."sash A lilinds. Window A Plate (ilass. Sinsheimer, H., loT Fu si st., importer of Pi.nos, Organs, Sheet Music, Mu-io In-slruinents. Okidrrore, S. G.. VIZ First st. Drugslst A O Ap rheciry, a large stock of Pertuineiy A T- ilet Artieb s. Om;ih& Davis, Tl Front stt eet, wholesale O dealer in Drugs, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Perfumery, &-. Snow A li 'os, 7 Fitst stret, l'ic;ures. Ft anies. Moldings, Artist's Mat'.s, Draw ing lnsti umen;s. O truth. Put.. Rroker. Ko Fro tt st. Dtaler O in Iiegal Tenders, Go- eminent Bonds and (iohi Dust. OTO.VE, U. No 1()7 Front STr--t. 0 Watchnoiker A Manufacturing Jeweler is ai;iointed A'ent tor the Wilthatu, Elirin E. Howard A- Co.. Chas. E. Jacnt. and the CaliiOi iii i Watches; also, for all the produc tions and imports of the California Jewelry Cotrpany, San Francisco. Scud lor circular Watches repaired in the very best manner and w.vi:i:.vNTi:r to give satisfaction. rerry Bros,, Xo. 17s First street, manufac JL Hirers and dealers iu Furniture, Bed lmg. Carpets, Ac. r phe Clothing store. 113 Front st. Clothing, JL Furnishing Gocds, Boots aud Shoes. Harris A Pragr. rputtie. II. II., 142 A 144 Front st. Dealer JL in Wagons A Agricultural Implements. r pyne, E. D., n. w. cor. "First A 0;ik sts., JL dealer in Brandies, Wines, English Alo and Porter. rfvler, J. A., 147 Front st., wholesale deal JL er in Rntier, Eggs, Clieeie, Lard, Ba con, Ac. J iltiann A Myers, .5 Central Block, f Front st., Commission Merchants A i deai s hi Produce. V" Thalley A Feehl eiiner, Attorneys A So- licitorsiu Bai.kiuptey. Oilico iu Odd Fellows Temple. LOST- 17 ROM TIIE UNDERt:: ) LIVING AT Cunetiiah, ah -ut the "th inst , a Sorrel Mare about fifteen hands high; six rears old; small white streak in the foreiead , with saddle matks; .-hod around. Any person returning sa i mare or'gi ying i'lformation o' lier whereabouts, will be suitublv rewarded. WM. H. MARSHALL. Canem:ih, Feb. 22, lt72. SPUING GOODS JUST RECEIVED BY I HAVE JUST RF.DKi VKD A COMPLETE and wcll-ussorted stock of CUSTOM-MADE CLOTHING, AMI GEMLEME.NS' l lRMSIIHf; GOODS, "Which I will .-ell at reduced prices. Call and examine my sto; k before purchas ing elsewhere. Produce Taken in Exchangs; for Goods. A . T, liVY. ?Iuiti sfrief, Oregon City. FOR SALE. rpHE UXDERSICNED DESIRES TO SELL jl his properly in Oregon (jity will sell at- a bargain, to u uood lurehaser. Jot 8. in bloc!: :i, whereon there is a good IHvellinir !Io'.;.e with 8 room-, paitly hrtl linish. bal unre cloth aud p iper and the Livery Stable now occupied bv Mes-rs. Wil.is it Urourhton. Water pijies on the premises, from Pea-e's water wmks. Also i town lots in Caneinah, witli good fence around. Also i town lo-s in lower end of Orcron City; also P'.o of lamt known as the dona tion la-id c.'a rn of Win. Stone. S miles sootbeast of Oretron City, with some im provements, thinly timbered, nc under growtit. jrood lasting water -""l. ipi re at County Clerks oilice. J. M. FRAZER. Oregon Citv, Mav !lh. Is7. vi'Mt'i SHADES SALOON, C. A. HAAS, Proprietor, Main Street, Oregon City. B t BJTA.1ARD TABr.i:Sin OREC.OX Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to them THE BAH IS SVP PLIED With all the choicest tpialitirs of Liquors anj Ci'jnrs. Scotch. Irish and Bourbon already famous Whiskies and Punch. also, a xo. 1 SHOOTIfIG GALLERY Is 'c nneeted with theSahxn. Ore o.rCitv, Jan. 1, ls72:tf MEW GOODS AT TIIK LINGOLNJBAKE-RY. WILLIASViS & KARDifJG, HAVE .1UST OPENED A FULL VARIE ty of choice FAMILY GROCERIES. AND PROVISION'S. The Bakery will be constantly supplied with fresh BREAD. CR VCKEHs, CAKES. PASTRY. CANDIEs AND NUTS. All of which will be sold ntlivi: rates. Remember that we do not stl! poods at cost. Also, please bear in mind that it takes money to do business. To the farming tr.ide we wonld say, CAII for you. produce, and CASH for our poods. Goods delivered to all parts ol the citv. Feb, Hi, lS72:tf AND Carriage iVJanufactory ! The undersisrned, having increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets. Oregon City. . . Oregon. Takes this method to inform his old pat rons, and as many new ones as may be pleased to call, that he is now prepared, w th atniile room. s;ood materials, and the verj best of mechanics, to build anew, recon struct, make, pyint, iron and turn out all complete anv sort ot a vehicle rro:n a com mon cart to a concord coach. Try rue. Blacksmithing, Horse or Ox shoeiop.. and eeneral jobbing ueatlv. qoi'-klv and cheap ly doiie. DAVID MITH. Opposite Excelsior Market HOME-MADE C AH PET FOR SALE 4T I. SELLINGS. Mil"! II 1T"rltfrltWWIWir?lWliBUi THOMAS CHAEMAK ESTABLISHED 1S53! DESIRES TO INFORM TIIE CITIZENS id Oregon Ci'y, and the Willamette ValUy, tloit be is si II on baud, and doiuj: business on tbe old motto, that .Y Ximble Six-l'ence i lt-tter tliuit a Slow Minting." I have just returned from San Fraucisco, where I purchased uce of the LARGEST and 15 EST SELECTED Stock of Goods ever before otTered in this city; and consist? in part, as foliaws : Boots & Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, H 's & Caps, Hosiery of every TescriptioE, Hardware, Gro ceries, Paints & Oils, Sash & Doors.Queens ware, Crockery, .Glassware. Chinaware, Stoneware, Platedware, Jewelry of various qualities & styles, Clocks & Watches La dies & Gentlemen's Furn ishing Goods, Fancy Notions of every description, Patent Med icines, Pcope, Farming Implements of all kinds, Carpets. Slattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, &c. Of the above list, I can sav mv stock is the MOST COM PLEi'E ever offered it. this mar ket, and was s ected with -sp--iI c-i-f for i Uis i.iai iot. (Jf whicii I now ofl'er for sale at the Lowest Market Rates- No use for the ladies, or aiiy one else, to think of iroiep to Portland to buv coods for I am REi ERMIXED TO .SELL CHEAP and not allow niyselt to be niOSGLl) IX THE STATE OF OREGON. All I ask, is r fair chance ai d ouii k rav- ments. Believ nsr, as I do, th.1 nineteen years experience in Oregon City enables uie to Know the reqirements of the trade. Come one and all, and see for yourselves that the old &tund of THOMAS CHARM AN cannot be beat in quality or price. It wcu'd be use'ess for tne to tell you nil thv advan tages I can ofl'er you in the sale of goods, as every store thtit advertises d"cs that, aud probabty you have l eeti disappointed. All I wish to sav is, come mid see and examine tor yourselves, for I do not wish to make anv mistMkes. My object is to nil all my old friends now thtit I tmi still alive, and desir ous to sell jroods cheap, for cash, or on such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed. TIIOS. CIIARMAN, laiti street, Oregon City. "-?T"Lcr.il Tenders and County Script taktn at mat ket rates. TIIOS. CHARM AX. IJoOjiiOO lbs wool wanted bv TIIOS. CHARM AN. REAL ESTATE, EEAL ESTATE JACOB STITZLL, C. C. WAY. JACOB STITZEL & CO., SUCCESSOR.? TO STITZEL k UPTON. REAL ESTATE AND MONEY UlSOfOSfSS Cor. front and Washington St., PORT L AND, O R E G ON . Special attention given to tbe sale ol farm ing lands and city property. All cones pondence relatinrr to i he recources of Ore gon will be promptly auswered- REAL ESTATE JOURNAL Published monthly. Setit free of charge to anv address. JACOB STITZEL & CO. March l.r, lS7'2:tf ESTAUR ANT. LEODeLOUEY, Prop'r- r LATE OF TIIE CLIFF HOUSE MUX STHEET, OrtEOOX CITY, OUEGOX. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED HK- JL sped fully announces to his ft lends and tlie t. a-e'inr public, that l.e has re-opened the above named Restaurant. The proprietor knows how to serve his csut tuers with Ovstets. P?'s Feet, a good cup ot Coffee or a SQUARE MEAL. i , . LEON DeLOUEY j Oregon City, Jan. 27, 1 87 1 :t f SPBIHQ SOfMERGOCDS JUST RECEIVED AT DEALER IX DRY GOODS, CLOTIIINCT, HOOTS AND SHOES. II ARDWA RE. G R0CERIE-. CROCKERY, NOTIONS, AC. MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. PRODUCE of all k'in ls bou-ht. for which I pa- the highest market price. If yon desire eood Goods, at LOW Pricrs. call at I. SELLING'S, and examine his fresh slock of Spr:ng Goods. GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. Mv Motto is, QUICK SAEES-AND SMALL PROFITS. , Wool WS1I2C1, j For which I will pay tbe higlieet market 1nec- i selling: j Apra li. U?lA? Ai 13. BR'liardsolif AtietibNEfthi , Corner of Front and Oak streets, rortlend. AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate, Groceries, lienef-alLercfcari dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday A. 13. KifcHARDsoXj Auctioneef AT PRIVATE SALE: English retined Bar and Uundle Iron , English Square and Octagon Cast steel Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws ; Screws, Fry-paus, sheet iron, R. O. Iron also : A. large assortment of Groceries und Liquor A. B. IIiculKBSONi Auctioneer C. W. POPE & CO., 1EALKK3 IX STOVES, TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON, BRA 1EI COPPER, LEAD I'll E, )RJs I'll E AND, FITTINGS, RUBBER HOSE, FORCE AND IllrT. pumPs. zinc, copper; brass and iron WIRE: Also a peneial csseiiu tct ol I.'cub nishing Goods. MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware; ROOFING AND aORRING OF EVERY DESCb'IPTlON I -'ONE TO order, and at low prices: - o .... . , . Also, at POPE'S STOVE STOISE rou will find HARDWARE AND BASKETS. -WOODEN, WARE AND HNWAltK, LANTERNS, LAMPS AND OIL. LUCINE AND NIGHT LAMPS. ALs-O PERAMBULATORS. All of the above articles are for sale t PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. c: w. pope & ct. 1 1 :1 y 1 Oregon Citv Oreg. n. JOIIjV MYEISS; OREGON CiTY, OREGO, RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GiOOIfS (jiKOCEKIEo0 I also keep constantly on hand SALEM CASSIilFRES, FLA" NN ELS,' TWEEDS AND BLANKETS WLich I will sell at the Factory Pi ices, and will take wool in exchange. will a'po pay the highest prices for Buffer, Ejrirs, and ail kinds of irocd country produce.- 1 will sell as low as any bonne in Oregon, for Cash or its equivalent in good merchantable produce. tS Give me a call and satisfy vonrsrlves JOHN MYERS; Jan.' 13, ISTl.tf X. POPE; Grocer & Provision Denier; Next door south of the Court House, Main Strict, Oregon City, Oregon,' HEALER IN BEST FAMILY GFGCERI'S, COFFEE. TEA , SUGAR, FLOUR AND MEAL of all kinds, PICKLES, SO M', SALT, CANNED FRUITS and OYSTERS; Also, all kinds of Fresh. Fruits and Vegetables.' BUTTER, CHEESE and F.GGP. TOliACCO and CIGARS. GLASSWARE, Etc.. Etc. All kinds of country Prnduce.txken ip ex-' chance f.r goods at tbe highest mai Kei rales.' 2ryf Goods deliTeted in the city, free of c' urge. A fair sbtre ot patronagt olicited.' '.'arch 1. Is72Mf R. F- CAUFIELD, CORNER MAIN AND SEVENTII STREETS. OREGON CITY, OB EG ON, Dealer in DRY-GOODS & GF.OCEFJES, CROCKERY and GlASSAWRE.' Also, a full assortment of Milliner) and Fancy Goods OF TIIE LATEST STYLES, j U & T R 5? E I V E D. COTJNTH1T PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Oct. 6, lS7):tf V Villi) QUACK4- A victim ff eaily in di.crettn. -i.irtg n rvon det Jlity, premature decay :c , havrng tried in rayi evcrv a lveitised remedy, I a- h to'mple mean of self cure, whreh be w;ll end fre to Ion fellow H-fleitr. Ari're6s J.H.REEVES, 7S Nassau st., New Yrk Bept. 1:17 O O o G O G o O o o o o o o 0 G G O 0 0 O o o o o o o