Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, June 14, 1872, Image 2

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    .u-i.-y -
IljclUccliln iC'itcrpvisc.
Crspa "ity, Oregon ,
n .3 .
M 1
June 14, 1872.
2 J. S"
Presidential electors,
OEO. n. IIKI.M, of Linn County.
.. II. G.VTi:s, of Wasco County.
1" F" LAJVK, ,f Douglas County.
Tbe Duty of tiie National Convention.
On the 9th of July the National
Democratic Convention meets at
Baltimore to nominate candidates
for President and Vice Presi
dent. While we have always sub
mitted a ready acquiescence to the
action of the National Convention,
we feel it our duty to enter our
protest in advance against the dan
icrotis and anti-Democratic course
advocated and counseled by some
p!-(i!'essed Democratic leaders and
journals. We allude to the policy
of surrende! iiiij the Demociatic
party to their iive-long enemies,
ami jJedu'm the party to a sup
port of men who would have no
sympathy with the organization.
Such a course we should regard as
the greatest calamity which could
.befall the future of our party and
No Democrat would be obliged
to support the nominees of the Lib
eral lienubHean Convention, and
but few could be rallied on such a
ticket. In Oregon there would be
no party organization to take up
their battle, and an overwhelming
defeat would be the result, of such
a course. We regard it as most
tin vise to seduce the party into the
support of the candidates of the
Cincinnati Convention. Such at
tempt cannot strengthen the party,
Avhile they are most likely to even
tuate in injury and lessen the pros
pects of success. We have never
believed that there was really any
depth in the fueling for 3Ir. Greeley,
and, every day convinces us that
the true sentiment, of the Democ
racy is adverse to adopting him as
our standard bearer.
We are satisfied that with men
lor our
nominees who can com
the support
ot the honest
uutranieled citizens of all parties,
opposed to Grant, we shall hold in
our l;and the
; an ces of succe:
e near the opinions or the people
expressed freely on this question,
and we kuow that the masses,
those who constitute the voters
and workers on ejection day, de
mand a party nomination, and will
not tight tor any other leaders than
men of their own choice. A defeat
with a Democrat, would be a sad
v cut
hut t
same wo
doubtedly be the case were we to
take a Iladical, and in the former
case, while we
would be defeated.
we would at least retain our
ous a party, and in the latter, we
would lose all, even the respect of
our opponents,
The party has been defeated for
the last twelve years, yet it lias
not,e.ven in its darkest days, thought
seriously of resorting to such ob
jectionable and dishonorable means
for success. We do not question
the right of individual Democrats
to express their preferance in any
ilireclion; but we deny their right
to force journals in consonance
with their views, or to impugn the
motives of those who believe that
this, above all other times, is the
hour when nartv discipline and
party organization should be strict-j llls "nn-v d',,KMl tli(-'s-' same bibor
ly Jn forced. The unity of the I ers tht'r ri!it to vote Ad if he
Democratic' party, by which it has ! ias su''h authority, it has never
been maintained" 'under most ad- I lhe Clis,rtm to collect the poll
. , . .
verse ana depressing circumstances
until it h:
arrived almost at the
point of success, should not be put
at anv hazard by indiscreet acts.
We have for too long a time borne
the standard ef our principles in
the "an of the contest, with serried
ranks and olid columns behind it,
incut when in the
QlO vv
at tiie moi
face ot' a distraete-d enemy, vietoiy
seems within our grasp, to permit
the timid counsels f any remnant
of !!!! follow ers to cause us tiie
Us- ut
bougnt laurels.
et the delegations consider toe
ishes of the people, and masses of
Democracy ami we are satis-
hid that their decision will be iu
favor of a'n ope:i and manly tight.
W9- are nor, nor never shall be, for
any other.
Dkath Fi;eM
K. .M'Viiv, son or lion.
Xf.vhv, of Yamhill county, died
Saturday at Portland from
The lead Party" Again.
The Radical press of Oregon is j
again announcing the death of the !
Democracy. Iu 1802, wluea the
Democracy carried only one coun-!
ty in the State Josephine this
same Democratic party was pro
nounced "dead," and we have
heard the identical cry ever since, '
especially when the Radicals gain
ed a victory, even if it were noth
ing greater than some municipal
election. Yet the Democracy sur
vived that Waterloo defeat, and
soon overthrew its opponents in
our State. That election was won
by them under false colors, and
the last was gained by fraud and
repeaters. They were soon defeat
ed. Four years ago the Democracy
trained the State. Two years later,
and they again were victorious
against corruption and rascality.
This election lias gone against the
Democracy by about 800 majori
ty, while the returns will show a
larger Democratic vole than has
ever before been polled in this
State, and had none but legal
votes been cast, and t he voice of the
people prevailed, the Democracy
would have again been triumphant.
Jhit the Radicals, through their
money and facilities of repeating
and illegal voting, have carried the
State. If the Radicals had gained
this victory by honest means,there
would be some reason for them to
pronounce the death of the Democ
racy, but when it is gained by the
means it was, the people will be
quick in rising to rebuke the cor
ruptionists. Oregon is to-day, up
on an honest and fair vote, Demo
cratic by at least 1,000 majority,
and the barefaced frauds perpetra
ted by the Radicals will soon con
sign them to an everlasting pit of
damnation. The Democracy, hen
they are defeated by fraud, can
survive a temporary loss, while our
opponents will find the victory
they have gained but an empty
triumph, soon to be lost and wrest
ed from them by an indignant and
outraged people. In the counties
of .Multnomah, Douglas and Lane,
where their corruption had the
best opportunities of devcJoping
itself, their gains are made. In
these counties there are at least
one thousand more votes polled
than they have legal voters. This
is the way the Radical victory was
gained, and while it was purchase'
.at an enormous price, it will not
last, and wiil prove this very fall
that Oregon is Democratic by an
overwhelming majority.
Let our Radical victors look
back a few years and see from
what the "dead Democratic'" party
has arisen in Oregon, and they will
soon ascertain the fact that this
defeat will not discourage the brave
and incorruptahlu Democracy 'of
Oregon; but they will rise in their
might, and hurl from power the
scoundrels and their aiders who
have so outraged the sacreduess of
the ballot-box. While the Radi
cals are rejoicing over their ill-gotten
victory, they ought to be
repenting and hanging their heads
with shame for their infamous acts.
All good and true citizens will
unite in future to put down a party
that has to resoit to such unlawful
means to accomplish its object.
The seal of condemnation is already
placed upon them, and will be to
the perpetrators when the people
again have an opportunity to ex
press themselves.
Ci!ki:ky. Sheriff Warner, last
Tuesday, went over to the Lock
Company's cilice and stood at the
door with his assistant, and de
manded poll tax from every man
that came out after he received his
i 1:'-V llus ls ther cheeky after
! 'IV
tax by the Sheriff until after the
' assessment roll was received by
him. We presume this undue haste
is for the purpose of making the
last "piece' V,y the wa we
omitted this week to see whether
the County Court paid that little
item of xi0 50 for loading and
! ck':l"g muskets, which the Slier-
id got ready for election day. We
shall have something to say about
thee little matter:; next week.
Honoi: TO Cf.ACK.vM vs, While
our Ha
ecnuptiorjists import.
i 1 1 L A I"'1 1(' men who would
I - i
j t:we mom"Y leave or stay away
j Irmi tne pobs, rejected legal vo
ters, Clackamas is the only county
in the State which has made a -ain
i this vear for lh. t V-.
j Democracy d Clackamash:ive just
rc;ls? n ''-,A P'Ol of their work
j on mo Jl.
j Wilson's majorit v so far is It.-
1 .from is 02T
It v. Jit ,,,..-1. , 1 T l
h'fle under that figure.
The next Legislature.
The next Legislature will stand as fol
lows :
Conn lies
.. I
.. 1
.. 1
.. 1
.. 2
Douglas, Coe and Curry
C!ack;.tn is
Washington. Columbia, Clatsop,
and Tillamook
.. 1
.. 1
... 1
.. 1
.. 1
.. 1
(Jrant . . .
Union . .
iiaker ...
Coos and Cuny
Vain hi 11
Mull unmah
Claisop and Tillamook...
CJ rant
Ik.ker and Union
. 1
. 1
. 1
Radical majority on joint ballot. 0.
lUection Heturns.
Following is the oGicial vote, as far as
received, for the Congressmen :
lit-n ton
I'olk (.majority)
Tillamook (majority) . . .
Linn (majority)
Josephine ''
Jai-kson 11
Clatsop "
Wa-co :'
Union "
irnett. Wilson
, T.13 60!
7-11 74 1
. 417 31 u
5;:i tut)
800 H'Ji
S!KS dim;
30 1 :$o.-
. :ilS 5o:)
1 1 8 " 2081
10 1!) 113.)
. 2"..j
, -10
511 403
With the aiel of Washington
Territory, California imports, re
peaters, and fraudulant voters in
.Multnomah, Lane, Douglas and
Marion counties, the Kadie-als suc
ceeded in polling about two thou
sand votes more than they have in
Oregon, and only elect Wilson by
this proci'ss by about 900 majori
ty. The Democracy of Oregon
have a clear and honest majority
in the State of at least one thous
and, and they are swindled out of
it by the influence of the Federal
money bags and the railroad mo
nopolist. The election was simply
a grand farea
In our classification of Represen
tatives we count Clackamas county
for the Democracy. We do this
because there are fiftv-two legal
votes reiected in one nrecinct. and
J . ' '
i' m anotner, which snouiu oe
counted, and about :J0 repeaters
counted for the Radicals which
ought to be thrown out. The
Democracy carried Clackamas
county by an honest majority on
their entire ticket of at least 7-5 to
200 and they propose to have their
rights if they can obtain them.
J"? r t:c i a j. I 1 k x 1 1 o x. T h e D e i n o c
raey of Clackamas county are
again placed under special obliga
tions to Hon. C. F. Dcatie for his
able canvass of the county prior to
ihe late; election. 3Ir. Deatie is
one of the best speakers in our
.State, anel his ellbrts in behalf of
the Democracy did much towards
the achievement of our splendiel
victory in this county.
That's Good. A Iiadical friend
of ours says the locomotive which
passed through this county on elec
tion day with twenty repeaters on
it, came up to get the election re
turns, and not to vote. That is a
good joke, and the only wonder to
us is that they did not bring fifty
men along to get the election re
turns. That man deserves a leath
er medal for his brilliant idea.
Small-Pux. We are reliably
informed that there are at present
live or six cases of small-pox in
Portland, and also one case at
Kola, Polk county. Every pre
caution has been taken iu these
places to prevent its spreading,
and if proper vigilance ami care is
exercised, no fear need be enter
tained of the disease becoming
Kefcsi-:d, The Railroad King
has again refuseel to allow the
Daily JItrahl being brought on
the morning train, and hence that
paper has to wait till evening.
We hope the Democracy will be
-, . - .
ik.ilt,,Mf nn.l .i,a 1 1 r.finr.l' I til. '
l-u'v-m, aim nu mv, rrv..
hearty support ill this fnjdlt be-
, , ,. T r
tween right and ihe malignity of a
Our Special Washington Letter.
Washington. May 27th. 1S72.
- Editor Entkhusk : The business of
the session is rapidly coming to a close.
Tbe past week has been q-iite exciting in
the Senate, that body having bad one ccn
tinuoua session of 24 hours. Daring that
time the bill authorizing the President to
suspend lhe writ of haheaa corpus, aud
use the military to elect himself, a civil
rights bill, and an amnesty bill were
passed. Charles Snmntfr being asleep
when the latter bid got through the Sen
ate. It is not believed that the two first
named bills can got through the House.
The various appropriation bills are
nearly all through, they are largely over
the estimates from the Departments, for
this Congress has been quite liberal in its
The Tariff bill got through the House
last Monday, and the Senate has had it
under consideration day and night since
it was sent to that body. The Finance
committee will report it to-day, and it
will be considered at once by the Senate.
The proposed reductions in the tariff and
internal revenue will amount to about
sixty million of dollars. This reduction
is made in view of the pending Rresi
denlial election, wiih a hope that it may
save lhe skins of those in power.
The impression prevails that Congre-ss
will certainly adjourn ou the 3d day of
The Treaty of Washington with a suj -
pleme ital article has been in the. Senate
lor a week, and lengthy Executive ses
sions have been the order of the day. It
is stated that the Senate came to a conclu
sion on Saturday night, adopting the ad
ditional article.
The Philadelphia Convention meets on
the 5th of June, and it will merely meet to
carry out in a formal manner the views o!
Craut's olliceholdt-rs and renominate
Ulysses. There will be a little tustle
over the Vice Presidency, but the artful
Wilson will '-get away with it.' There
appears to be no enthusiasm either here
or any wfTere else over this Philadelphia
Convention. The tact is it looks like go
ing to a big funeral Radical members of
the House and Senate all look melancholy
and well they may. in view of lhe un
favorable prospects of their pari v. The
people want, a change ef rulers and mean
to have it. This is apparent in all direc
tions. The Demi'Cralic National Convention
meets in Ralumore on the l) h of July,
and the time is too far off to tell how
large the attendance will be. It is de
sirable that the whole country should be
represented there, as much depends upon
its action. The opinion prevails that the
nominees of the Cincinnati Convention
will be endorsed by the Dein cratic Con
vention. There have been many im
pel taut movements on the pari id' some
of the States endorsing the Cincimi.i ii
Platform which has increa -t-.I the. pros
pects of Greeley and Drown, aud it is
now regarded as the. best means (if min
ing ull the elements of o'ir-i' ion to
Giant to go for the Ciuciunai tick u.
t ii e oy s let ler of acc-tani-e ;s of siuh
an excellent- character and so much m
harm any with ihe. views ot the Democra
cy, ihai i has had an exeid'o-n t effect U
reconcile tin; parly to him. and. if en
doi.-e J a Ihi I .i 1 i im-re ( "n veil ! i. n . there
is very liule doubt ot hi elecdon. for ii
is ten a in no true Demoir.it wiil ivi r
Mlpporl Grant. There is, however, iiiuc'i
diversity of opinion a.- to what ought to
be done at, ia;ttuire. Tin re is no ; aes
tiou at all of one thing Giant will re
ceive no support either positive or passive
fri.m the Democracy.
Secretary Poiiiweil stil! keeps over one
hundred nrfclion in gold 'locked up iu the
Treasury or rather iu pel National
Hanks, who loan the people s m-mey lo
the people at usurious rates. Ttiis Is
nothing more thin highway robbery. It
' !-? '"-' ncber and pom- poorer.
'i lie prosped of the wheat crop "in the
Stales" is nr.ythiug but enceut aging the
fact D, the yield vvili be very poor. It is
gratifying lo kn w that in Un.iii and
California the crop promises to be abund
ant. The price ol bi eads! ulfs will nile
high this year. Delovv lied the mat keis
lor grain at Paltimore. on the "'5th of
Mav :
i"; KKADSTU V F S. - Flock.- The market
for i'lonr is quiet, am prices are nominal
ly unchanged, with j;ood supply, mostly
of io .v grade' and Spring w hea Fionr,
while the demand is light. The receipts
reported to-day on "Change were ;i.!S71
btjls.. with sales o! Western Fxira for ex
port at SS To. and choice do. for local
consumption at Sli)
GiiAlN. U 'in;.!'. The receipts of
Wheat to-day we!e but 1.000 bushels red.
and we have reported sales of Western
on private terms, and Spring do. at 17.1
cents. The market is dull, and our quo
tations as given below are mostly nomi
nal. viz : While lair to prime 210(W 220
cents, umber prime lo choice 22U(V )2:u
ceuts.red Southern good lo prime 20t(Tr,21")
cents. Western 21)00220, and Penusyl
var.ia at 2 ltl(3'i'2.i cents.
Con. The market for Corn is active,
and prices are firm for all descriptions.
The receipts to-day were 40.00'.) bushels.,
and all oll'ered was sold at full price. Of
while the sales were Wesiern in elevator
at 77 cents, and Soul hern at 77(rr,78 cents,
buik, at which latter figure it closed
strong; Hoiohern yellow sold at 7o(a7."i
cents; Western mixed, on track, at 72
Cents, and in elevator on priva'e terms,
understood to be 73 cents; blue-eyed
whiw; sold at. 7o7G.
Oats. Are active and strong, with up
ward tendency. The receipts to-day were
2.000 bushels, and we note sale of West
e n mixed at 57j cents; bright at 51)
cents, and light Southern 02 cents.
Uvk Is lirni wiih small stock. We
hear of no sales to day, and quote at doOi)
luo cents, as to quality.
Your llepreseniai ive. lion. J. II. Slater
will soon be at home, with his constitu
ents, and your people should give him.
(as I have no doubt they will.) a cordial
reception. He has done honor to his peo
ple and himself iu the discharge of his
duties here. lie has won the esteem of
his associates by his fidelity, hones'y and
abili'y. No new member ever before
won so much in Congress as James II.
Slater. His speeches on important qr.es
lions have been quoted by the press of
the country, and received f ivorable com
mendation" throughout the country. He
U is shown himself to be peculiarly filled
for legislation. As an evidence of the
appreciation of his ability, I give au ex
tract from Urn speech of Hon. Horace
Mavnard of Tennessee, who hai been in
Con'ie-s off and on since 1854. in refer
ence to Mr. Slater's spe c'i on the Tariff.
Mr. Mavnard spoke as follows:
TTe" gen'leiain from Oregon Mr.
Slater made a speech the other day re
plete with illustration a speech. whn?h.
for a gendeman serving Lis first term iu
the House, represen'iug an interior and
coiuuarauveiy u vuiiuueiuiai jj-h i. ji iuu
i v "I
jcuuIrVi an,l not suppo.-ed tO DOVe m-
terested himself particularly ia these difH-
cult and perplexing questions, shows un-
j uglal abi'li;yaml Search.''
I From so distinguished a source, this is
a compliment "any man might be prond
This letter closes my correspondence
with the Exteki'rise. I hope your read
ers have been compensated to some ex
tent for the expense you have incurred
in precuring it. I desire to return my
thanks for the courtesy shown in the faith
ful publication of what has been written,
and the compliments you have paid to
t lie productions. May the Extkki'Kisk
ana its liberal proprietor 'dire long and
prosper.' as it richly deserves. It is a
paper worthy of a libera! support, as it is
an enterprising and valuable newspaper.
Farewell. - Pliu.icc.s.
Ui.vssks ox a Srtua;. Is it not a sad
tiling that the following lines may be
written and published about a President
of the United States, and under such cir
cumstances that the mass of the people
who read them, friend or foe, are forced
to believe them true.
We copy from a Washington letter of
the 15th to the St. Louis Tunes:
Incidentally I meutioned that Mr Presi
dent Grant was very sic!: that's what the
Administration papers said, but everyone
understands what Graat's sicknesses are.
it really was not the delirium tremens,
but it really was not very different.
When lhe madam was at home he was
maintained in a very respec'abie condi
tion ; at least so far as the public knew.
Put she's away. now. yon know, and he's
taking every advantage of it. The only
time he has been out, the whole week was
when ho went, to the circus. His brother-in-iaw,
Casey, of New Orleans, was at the
White House early in the evening. They
had both been dnnkinir, and Grant insisi
ed upon going to die circus. All of
C; s-y"s argument lo the contrary were in
vain the President insisted, and arm in
arm the two started out. They attracted
a'teniion all along as they walked to the
show. Iiut I heir condition shortly alter ar
rival there was perlejtly beastly. If anv
one than 'he President of the United
Stales had appeared thus drunken in a
place of public entertainment, he would
have been thrown out and handed over to
the police. Gram's lace is bloated and
red. and the Wljite lloilie these days is
famous for its orgies. j. "J
Down wirii Tin; IJavonkt Ust iu'kk.
George Francis Train, in one of his lec
tures says: We must turn the sword into
a hot;, the bayonet into a spade, and
smash, lhe nest of man killers at West
I'oint. ( pplausy.) Powder is dea'h to
liberty. What destroyed ihe Republics
of Greece and Rome ?
Military Despotism.
What broke up the Republics cf Eng
land. France and Italy ?
Military Despotism.
(Thai's true, and down with the Ameri
can man killer).
What made thieves of the Governors of
Florida an I Geoigia '.'
Mili'ary Dispoiiai.
What ha bankrupted South Carolina.
Arkansa. and imnoveris'ied Mississirmi
j Louisiana and Texas?
; Military Dep ,1 ismr
! (Applau-e). What made spies of our
American Consulates, aud of American
Military Despot i.-m.
Playing t he informer for Pisrnatlv and
sidling munitions ot war to Troehu and
Gambeiia. all came (nun the Poder- JJab
eoek military ring."' (Applause ami
" shallie.""
A Li nt.:: Ii.m s i ka i :o. Senafor Al
corn, a Radical Senator from Mi-sissippj.
!a!e Governor, says that in his ju Ignn-nt
not one-tenth of the internal revenue tax
tiial has been collected in North Mis.Ms
hippi i-ince i In? close of the war co'ton
tax and intern d levenue tax of all kiud-
has found its way into the Treasury of
the United Stales. As a little illustration
of how things are managed down there. he
says :
Why. sir. las! yen- a man appointed In
ternal Revenue Collet tor :or the Northern
Distriei of Mis.d-sippi defaulted lor all he
Collected. His bail was noi wo i!i a cent;
it was si raw bail : and 1 believe-at least
I am I old upon what I conceive to be
good authority that a iitile while before
he f.tiled for ail of it ho came here and
go' six thousand dollars of revenue stamps
and sold ihem.and that it is all gone: ami
every dollar has gone; and not a dollar
has gone into the Treasury. I do md see
Low the Government can improve Ih
until men of a diff"ii'Ut ch i ncur are sent
to hold office.
Icnokam Mu. Wilson. "To bean office
holder." Senator Wilson declares "is to
be a beggar." Mr. Wilson is, we believe,
rem irks the St. L uis ll.ntes. a member in
good standing in one of the Washington
Protestant churches, and we are therefore
obliged to set down to his ignorance of
lac:s what, in most men of bis opportuni
ties, would naturally be charged lo their
disregard for .he truth. We can point, to
twenty men who associate wiih him daily,
who entered public life in Washington
beggars and now are millionaii ies. Har
lan. Allison and Pomeroy are known to
hint. They are his senatorial colleagues.
L;-t him find out from tln-m if he can. not
I'ltiv how they have entiched themselves,
but h w is it that they have made count
less thousands of their dependents rich
and powerful '!
IU ii.kk'.s Piioriu-.sv. In August. 18(17,
Pen Puller's prophetic soul dictated ttte
following words concerning Grant :
Grant's election to the Presidency will
be a misfortune, because it will put iu a
man without a head or heart; indifferent
to human suffering and impotent to gov
ern.'' If Grain's election was a misfortune,
his re-election will be a double calamity.
He has shown himself to be without a
head in his treatment of ail questions in
volving the slightest stretch of intellect,
and without, a heart in his administration
of affairs iu the South, where his iMdilfer
erce to lhe suffeiinir caused by the out
rages of his subordinates has been pain
fully evident, and where his impotency to
govern lias produced terror, dismay and
politic il confusion where once were
peac, contentment and political order.
The increase in lhe vote in this State in
the past two years is about three thousand.
Yes, and if Wilson 'would have
needed three thousand more, you
would have had that further in
crease. Tiie increase i.-s a fraud
upon the people of Oregon, and
will eventually result in the ever
lasting disgrace of the patty which
perpetratcei it.
Aojoi'nxiiD. Congress, has ad
journed, for vhich the people
should be thankful. It has done
no earthly good for the people for
the siv months it has been in ses
sion, but aided the adminij-tratiou
in covering up its, corruption..
Telegraphic Clippings.
Washington, June 11. About 2.500
Democrats, representing Virginia. Texas.
Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois. Atkansas,
and New York, held a secret meeting
last night at the Owen House and re
sohed that if the IJaltiaiore Convention
indorses the Cincinnati nominees, they
would take steps to call another Conven
tion, and put forth a ticket fr President
and Vice President in the field. They
have established headquarters at Indian
apolis. Col. Gray is Chairman.
All the members of the Cabinet are ab
sent from Washington except liobeson.
Delano and Cresswell.
Toi'kkv, June 11. The State Demo
cratic Convention met to-day and elected
a delegation to the Baltimore Convention.
They adopted unanimou.-ly resolutions
condemning the Administration, urging
the union of all opponents of corruption,
indorsing the Cincinnati platform and
nc. minced, instructing the delegates to
Baltimore to oppose tb selection of a
straight Democratic ticket and voie as a
unit for the indorsement ol Greeley and
Dovkr Del.. June II. The Democratic
State Convention met today atid passed
resolutions outer. y dououuemg Grant, de- j
daring the 13: h. 14th and loih amend
ments to the Constitution, frauda upon
the people, and calling for a straight Dem
ocratic ticket. Senator Bayard, ex Gov
ernor Saulsbuiy. Priggs and Williams,
ate delegates to lalt luioie.
Tai.i.aiiasskk, June 11. The Conserva
tive Central Committee to day appointed
delegates to attend the Iialtiniore Conven
tion, a majority of whom have pledged
themselves to favor the acceptance of ihe
Cincinnati nominees, but will abide the
action of the Iialtiniore Convention.
J5Ai.TiMoitE.June 12. At the Democratic
primaries yesterday a select convention
nominated delegates to the Democratic
Stale Convention. Every ward elected
Greeley delegates.
IsoiANAfot-is. June 12. The Democrat
ic Slate Convention met at IU o'clock this
morning, a lull delegation being present
from every county in the State. A tern
poraty organization was dispensed with
and liou.Jolin Ciotforlh was unanimous
ly chosen permanent President and Col.
Pay ley. principal Secretary. A commit
tee on resolutions, and a com mil fee to se
lect an electoral ticket met wiih consider
able opoosi'ion. but was finally carried
by a vote of nearly two to one. Thomas
A. Hendticks was then nomina'ed lor
Governor by acclamation with enthusiast
ic app'ause.
1 lie New York Superintendent of pub
lic Instruction has decided against the ex
clusion of reading of the Pibie iu public
Nkw Yor.v, June 12. A Washington
spev i 1 says yesterday the llriiish .Minister
received a telegram from Karl Granville
seating that at a Cabinet meetiim it had
been decided to send another Hole to
.Minister Schenck. informing him that the
representatives are in-trucied to go to
Geneva on the 1.3ih insf. and submit to
tl.e at bit rators a req test tor an extension
ol time, on the plea that ihe ddlienliies
between ihelvvo Govern men's have t,o
been solved ; and remarks upon the sub
ject mat'er of reference; lo arbitrators lhat
the British Government declines to put. in
iheir argument as required by the treaty,
or to take any other step in lhe arbioa
tio'i at Ihe pre.-ent lime, and fur; her.
should any adjournment be ordered in ac
cordance with what England believes
wiihin the authority and power ol a
court of her Majesty's. Government, re
serves all its rights as heretofore, to re
sire from the arbitration whenever it UJiy
t!;iuk proper. No answer will probablv
be sent lo the last proportion, as the ulii
m t'iiu of our Government is in ibe sup
p'euientai article, and if ihe English argu
ment is i:ot filed on the loth it will be re
gaoled as a desire to terminate the arb'
'ra'ion. and a failure oi this arbitration
involves Ihe whole treat v.
G.'iAvr's Skkan". The nomination of
Harlrau't a notorious ring" master, for
Governor of Pennsylvania, by tin; Ridi
cals. has demoralized Grant's party in
that State. Harirauft was implicated in
the Evans frauds, one of the most stupen
dous atiempts at public robbery of ibis
free booting oHiee-holdei s" era.
The Philadelphia I'.ist says that -the
Padieal papers that are opposing II irt
raui'l assume the anomalous position that
Pennsylvania can elect the Democratic
candidate for Governor in October, -and
yet elect Grant in November. We can
not believe lhat any man acquainted with
the political history ol Pennsylvania can
sincerely believe thai the State can be
lost to the Pep'ibiiean party in October
nod saved to ' it in November. Il irtrauft
may be defeated in October, and if he be.
a disaster as significant as Sedan awaits
(Iran! ia I'enn-ylv tiMa in November. If
the nis! lie at all probable lhe latter will
be inevitable, and ihose Radicals who are
leading in this guerrilla warfare cannot,
be ignorant of it. They are simply fight
ing Gr mt behind a masked battery, and
if they succeed in breaking the lines in
October, a rout must follow th it will con
tinue till the second Tuesdav of Novem
ber." Saix Amox; i UK Pitoi'iiK is Hi en. TLe
odore Til ton is forced against the cen
tralism of Grant. Here is the way in
which be speaks of the government of
robbers: "The. worst thing about General
Grant is not hi chronic stupidity and
political insagacity which wholly unfit
him for any civil position requiring pod -ical
knowledge and insight It. is not the
appointment of his half imbecile and
half-knavish relatives lo oltiees which
they disgrase. It is not his connivance at
corruption, his patronage of thieves, his
constant advertising for a policy and
never adhering to a policy when it is
adopted, -bis tas'es and low associates.
All these ihiiiirs. bad as they are. are
trivia! in comparison with his fearful
usurpation of executive power and pat
ronage. If he can cairy a convention by
means of cash now. what is to hinder his
carrying the county by cannon four years
hence?" The principle is Ihe same, the
means are of no account. It is the prin
ciple that we protest against as full of
perils. And. if the Republican party had
not lost the vigor of its early virtue, it
would throw the usurper from its should
ers in scoin.and sweep his creatures
from its councils as so much offal."
A Guoit Geo. II. Williams made a
speeeh at Salem the other day. and in al
luding to ttie delegation from Jackson
county in the House of Representatives
at the last session, used the following lan
guage : -Look at your Jackson county
representatives. One of them (Jack Pur
nett) filed on yd.OOO acres of swamp land;
one (Joe Wells) is a murderer, and tine
(Jackson Rader) is dead wul .jone I know
not ichre.'- The allusion to Jack Kader
could 011I7 come tronv a bearl lost to all
feeling of humanity and calloused to -v-ery
sentiment of goodness. Mr. Iiader
was a mm who. in every feeling, thought
and attribute of manhood. ' was as far
above George. II. Williams as the heavens
are above the earth. He was one of
(rod's noblest works an honest nun.
Williams is. not. That'a the difference be
tween them. Williams has earned for
himself ;i lasting infamy by his contempt
uous allusion to the good aud honest man
who sleeps in his lonely grave on the
banks of the Willamette, and wlitm the
dread hour of death shall come upon him.
Geo. II Williams will ardently wish that
he possessed the spotless soul and Chris
tiiti record which Jackson Ruder present
ed at tbe Bar of God and will wish ia
Vaiu. Times..
State News.
Jacksonville is preparing lo eek-brit.
the 4th of July.
Vm. Ray. of Jackson county, has acnlt
two years old that weighs 3SI pound.
The School at Grand Ronde Indian
Agency bas 27 Indian pupils.
J. R. Neil was elected Prosecuting
torney in the First Judicial District.
Norman Parish had his leg broken in
a game of foot ball, at Salem, last TiJ.
The Statesman reports three ca.e nr
small pox at Albany, in the famiIj
Jack Alphui. 3 m
Tbe La Grand Sentind reports an excel
lent prospect for cerial crops iu f n;0
county. 1
The, track of the Oregon &, California
Railroad is laid to Smith's ilill, sevra
miles this side of Oakland.
James P. Newby, son of W.
of Yamhill comity, died at
T. New by
i oriund
Monday, of small pox.
The body of Peter Roberta, drowned
near Mihvaukie, June 2d was found Mon
day. The bay crop in Douclas county, on ac
count of the late dry weather, will not
amount to much.
The Annual Co-operation Meeting 0f
tbe Church of Christ for Oregon win t
held at Monmofith, June l;iib.
Thirteen hundred dollars hare brn
raised in Salem to buy a town clock
Two hundred more are needed.
The Grand jury of the District Court,
for Multnomah, has indicted A.J. Mnsi
tor forgery, and G. W. Puller for adult
ery. They bave got a case of small pox t
Eola. Polk county. The town authoriti
have taken the precaution to fence in th
main street.
Rather a serious affray took place at
Oakland June 1st, in which one tn-in wa
shot and wounded, and another oeriouslj
cut with a knife.
The President lias appointed George
Nourse as Register and George O'Connor
as Receiver of the Jand oCice in Linlt
ville, Oregon.
Lane county polls nearly 2 000 toIh
An increase of about five hundred OTtr
two years ago. A plain swindle of at
least lour hundred.
M. 3. Hart, convicted by the P. S. Pii
trict court, of fraud, was sentenced to ix
months in the Penitentiary, the motion for
a new trial having been denied.
A Turn Veredn Society has been organ
ised at Salem and the following oflicers
chosen: President..!. 11. Ilias; Secretary,
Mr. Latnpart; Treasurer, P. J. Loosen.
The people of Hubbard and vicinity,
Marion county, arc preparing for a grand
picnic celebration of the Ph July. Thy
are going in for an old-fashioned rousfr.
Haying has commenced in Utnj qu
Valley. The hay crop is going to be 1 ght
on account of the late dry wealher. 'iiio
grain crop will be light in that valley al
9 .
' Prick Pomeroy.' a trotting, horse Hidd
en from J. N T. Millet, of Jacksonville,
was found at Yrek i in possession of an
Indian, who was arrested on a c'nrg of
hor.-e stealing.
During the present week, four patirnt
have been added to the Insane Ayluin -t
Easi Portland a man from Grant county,
one from Tillamook, a woman frotn Cof.
and one from Multnomah.
Col. W. W. Chapman has issued -pre-pectus
for a new railroad journal, to b
called The Through Line." Il will br
devoted to the interests of the Portland,
Dalles .t Sail Lake Riihoad.
l lit
O. G
G. W
G. W.
O. W.
lie folbiwinrr Grand o?Tier rif tf, f-
r.. were elected. last Wednesday :
C. T.. Jacob Cons.-r. of Jefferson ;
Conn.. A. A. Honney, Poena Vio ;
V. T.. Miss Henrietta Miller, of Mii-
wankie : G. W. Sec'y. J. A. Smith. S
Portland : G. W. Treas.. J. P. McCUne.
of Salem. 1. Lelanl was elected Lecturer
for ihe Suite, at a salary of $li5 prr
The Grand Lodge of Good Templ.tr
now in session at Salem is well atliidt--arid
the reports of the various ofh-r
show lhe Order to be in a flourishing eru
dition. The following items of intr--t
relating to the Order are taken from th
G. W. S'cretary's report : Number f
Letlge reported last year SO; numbrr '
of Lodges organized. 1( ; number of
Lodges ceased working. 1.1 ; present
number. Sl : initiated. 1.4tl ; -admitted
by card, loii ; reitistiterl 81 ; to'al mem
bership. l.llDo ; cards gran'ed. 2P) : re
signed '2H2 : suspended. P3 : expellet.
12:) : deaths. 7 ; total. 1 112 ; increase a
P'U" Lodge reports. oS.'i ; to-al member
ship. April '.i'K 1872. with 150 Lodges t
hear from. 2 31t ; estimated, membership
Not Thansfkuahi.e. The leading Dem
ocratic journals are expressing their opin
ions on the duty of the National Commit'
tee. The Ikmocrat. published in Osag
county. Mo., places at the head of ils col
umns for President Thomas A. Ilendrick:
for Vice-President. Joel Park'T. and tin
speass of the situation : " Not transfera
ble! The Democratic National Conven
tion bas no authority to transfer, or to a
oinie to transfer, the vote of tbe Democra
cy to any body outside of the party nor
to attempt any such a thing, either direct
ly or indirectly. The Convention U u
meet in Paltiniore. July !(th. Hendricki
and Pendleton are opposed to Greeley,
and for a straight Democratic ticket.'
JosKrnixK CotNTY. The Jacksonville
Times: speaking of this county. iy :
This sterling Democratic comity bas-tdect-ed
a Democratic ticket as usual. Therf
is no foolishness about Josephine. She
was the only Democratic countv in th-
State in 18(12. and has nobly kept th
Democratic faith ever since, and to th
laurels she won ten years ago. she adds
this year the honor of being the only
County South of the Calapooia Mountain
that went. Democratic- All honor to the
Pedrock Democracy of Josephine ?"'
Mean What lie S.iyi.
Though "eonfi-n ation strong as proofs of
Holy Writ," and as numerous as the sand
on trip sea shore, were produced to pro
tb.it Dr. Pierce, the proprietor of Dr. Sag'V
Catarrh Remedy, is in earnest not metin
what he says, when he offers fooo reward for
any case of Catarrh which be cannot cure,,
yet there would be. some skeptics and fogies
who would continue to shout. "Humbug '
'Humbug!!" "It cannot be, because Ir.
llomvspun says Catarrh caneot be cured." .
Nw, tins Dt. Homespun is the identical,
good-natured old fellow who honestly be
lieves and persists in declaring that thia
earth is not round or spherical, but flat as a
"slap-jack," and does not turn over, other
wise tbe water would all be sp iled out ol.
Deac-un Pascom's Mill po id. Put astro
nomical science has positive!' demonstrated
aud proven that Dr. Homespun is wr ng iu.
supposing this earth to be fiat and sU.in
arv. and medical so enoe is daily proving th
fact that he U uu lesa. mistaken and behind,
the times in regard to the curability of Ca
tarrh, ia short, it has been positively
proven that this world moves, and that n.ed
loul science it progreivethc omnion or
Dr. 11 iinespuo o the contrary notwithstand
ing. That Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy wiU
cure CaUri b, thousands who, have- used it
Then buy it, use it. in doubt do not stand.
You will tin-l it in drug stores all ovec
the land
CABLE SCREW WIHE Boots a;id Shoes
aie 'sure to supercede all others because they
are the most pliable durable do not rip or
leak. Try theui. All genuine, gaods
stain pd.