- i - O 0 o o O o 9 o o o o o o o O o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o G o iEij'c U):ekin nterpvbc, FRIDAY. Men Wanted. The world wauls men large hearted manly mn ; Mn who sli-ill j 'in its chorus, and pinions The p-iiilm -'f labor ana tm psatm u hut. The times want scholars scholars who shall shape The doubtful destinies of dubious years, Aud land the ars. that bears our country's good. S ife ou some peaceful Ararat at last Tue. age wants heroes who shall dare To s'niirgle in the solid ranks of truth; To clutch the monster error by the throat; To bear opiniou to a loftier seat ; To blot the era of oppression out, And lead a universal freedom in. And lleaven wants feouls fresh and ca pacious souls. To taste its raptures and expand like flow ers. Beneath the glory of its central sun. It wants lresh souls not lean and shrivel ed ones ; It wants fresh souls, my brother give it thine. If thou indeed wilt be what scholars -should; It thou wilt be a hero, and wilt, strive To help thy fellow and exalt thyself. Thy feet at last shall stand on Jasper floors ; Thy heurt. at last, shall seem thousand l.tv.rls: Each pimple heart with myriad raptures filled "While thou shalt sit with princes and with kings Bich in the jewel of a ransomed soul. H - m Not Time. lie has not time to atteml to tliose black-eyed boys of his, so the little lellows are learnitii; street lessons J He has not time to take the baby for a little while, or even br'm tin wood ami water, so his frail voting vile is breaking down with care r.n I toil. He has not time to stop and kiss his wife, so her heart is aehitiLT for the love of one she thinks indiffer ent. lie lias not time to stop and sav he was too hasty, so that friend is carrympc with him the remem branee of a bitter wrong! He has not titm to drop into tin school room for an hour, and so a worthless teacher is al owed to in still more worthless principles and habits to root out the u'ood whin their mother has implanted in hi: chibl t en's minds ! lie has not time to set out flow ers and. shrubbery in the yard, an i no it is growing up to weeds and briars. He lias not time to eat his meals properly, and so he sutlers terribly iron i indigestion ! . He has not time to read an ag ricultural paper and so he farms in the rood old way, and wonders that his neighbor raises so much larger crops than he ! He has not time to haul a load of firewood for the widow across the wav, so the poor woman suffers with the winter cold! He has not time to be a Chris ti.-tn, so he runs a very narrow ml chance of being saved ! Busy man! what has he time for? Time to delve for gold, and drive close bargains! i'itne to wring t lie purses of the poor, and hoard the last worn cent that he can grasp ! Time to sell the debt or's farm on mortgage, and add the proceeds to his money in the bank! Time "to collect, the usury which has ruined the man whom he has obliged (?) by lending him a sum of money in necessity ! Time enong't for all this! Man of business! you must needs, perhaps, take time tor death ere long, and still more time for judgement ! k I haven't time," ill not avail when the In.-xorable calls; 'twill not avail to excuse you irom the presence of a just Judge. 2fr$. If. V. A. Croizicr. Beware I Beware of eating too much pie plant pie. Beware of sitting in a draught when warm. Beware of sleeping too late m the morning. Beware of marrying a wife you cannot support. Beware of buying more than you are able to pay for. Beware of drinking too much ice-water in the summer. Beware of promising more than you are able to pertorm. Beware of sudden conversion for disguises are easily put on. Beware of men who have no line of principle, but who work from policy. Beware ot men who say politics and money-making are the same tinny;. Be ware of doctors who cannot, take their own medicines or stand by thier own party. Beware of men and women who talk too much. Beware of the person who never finds anything good in his neigh bors. Beware of the preacher who Fays his route is the only one to Heaven. B-ware of men who are idle and indifferent as to work ami results. Beware of men who get drunk ami heal their wives. Beware of men who drink every time they are asked to. Beware of the boy who is too big to help his father, or who de nies his relatives. Beware of the boy who is ashamed of the kitchen, or to help her mot her. Beware of every one who pro poses to do something simply for your benefit. PNLY One. A goose has manv quills 1.111 an author can make a goose ot Imn&eli with oulv quill. 3 one The Attitude of Five Great States. The political horizon looks gloomy for Grant's re-election. Judging from wellfounded data five of the great States will be arrayed against him. Without one-half the vote they cast, which is 60, his re election is hopeless. The mass- meeting in Xew York on the 12th of April was one of the largest and most enthusiastic ever held in that city; and the arraignment of Gen. Grant's administration by Senators Trumbull and Schurz has been cir culated in every village of the Un ion by the Democratic and Liber al Kepublican press. The Empire State is as sure for the Democratic nominee in 1S72 as she was in 1808. In Pennsylvania the nomi nation of Gen. Hartrauft for Gov ernor has been characterized by the Uepublican papers as "the foulest trick in politics." In Philadelphia a committee selected in opposition to Grant indorsed this nomination and sold out the party that created it. I his attempt to disarm the reform movement in Pennsyl vania will only widen the breach existing there between the wings of the liepublican party. The Keystone State casting 28 electorial votes in the net Presi dential contest, only gave in the gubernatorial election of 1809 a liepublican majority of 4,590 for John . Geary, the present Chief Magistrate. In the election for her Executive, which will take place in October of the present year, the btate will give a Democratic ma jority beyond a doubt. We think we ate justified in this prediction, by the wide-spread dissatisfaction which the nomination of Gen. Hart ran ft has caused, and it will be ac complished as a rebuke to the ad ministration of Gen. Grant, which has interfered so often and so inju diciously in the local politics o Pennsylvania. It will also be tin prelude to his own defeat in that State; for the jobbery of the Sec retary of the Navy, for the benefit of his favorites, by which they have amassed enormous fortunes, has disgusted the yeomanry of that great commonwealth. The vote of Pennsylvania, in the Presiden tial election, may reach GsO,000. It will ue a aim cult task tor the oar tisans of Gen. Grant to overcome the arguments addressed to the people of that State by men in whom they have confidence. The eloquence of Trumbull and Schurz, which will soon be heard in the Keystone State, denounciny; the extravayace and usurpations of power, which have marked the course of the present Administra tion, will change stillicient votes to earrv the .State against him. Ohio is the neA't. great State in which disaffection is wide-spread, and in its metropolis will be held the great Convention on whose wise action depends the political future of the Union. Judging from the preparations making for the reception of delegates from all portions of the country it will ex ceed in number and ability any as semblage that has convened since the formation of our Government. In the contest for Governor, in 1871, the Democrats were defeated by a majority of 10,084, which would have been considerably re duced had more active efforts been made on theb- part in canvassing ti e State. The siy;ns of the impor tant change going on in Ohio have been unmistakably manifested by the cle -tion rc-entl' held in Cin cinnati, in which the Democrats cavried the city by nearly two thousand majority overcoming the vote against them in the guberna torial election of 1871 by 1,090. Ohio casts twenty-two electoral votes. Illinois is the home of Trumbull, and has been one of the strongest Iiadlcal States. Put her people on several occasions have expressed their preferences for the one term principle. The Legislature has been in session since Senator Trumbull esteemed it his duty to his country and constituents to de nounce the acts of Gen. Grant's Administration. Several vital ques tions have been before the Senate of the United States, and if the action of Senator Trumbull did not meet their approval, he would have been instructed as to the wishes of his constituents, or censured for his course, if it was not agreeable to the Legislature. His term will expire in 1873, and if he be not the nominee of the Cincinnati Conven tion, he will seek re-election, and canvass the State to obtain an in dorsement from the people, for the upriyht and fearless manner in which he has denounced the ten dency of the Administration to make the Government a centraliz ed despotism. Illinois casts 21 electoral votes. Indiana is a closer State and although represented in the United States Senate by O. P. Morton, there ate the strongest, hopes of her throwing off the'liadical yoke. In the last State election she'erave 2,958 Dcmocr.tie majority. 'ller Republican population must large ly sympathize with the reform movement. A very small percent age of votes would overcome the majority which in 1808 Gen. Grant earned the State. The Democrats of Indiana are under able leader slup. Thomas A. Hendricks, her favorite statesman, enjoying xhe hignest national reputation will bring her into line with a Iar'e Democratic majority. IW the contest stand with those five great Mates casting 119 votes atramst Gen. Grant?" His chances of re-election will be very slim in our estimation. Examiner Sheriff Sale. BY VIRTUE OF A WARRANT PLACED in -my htinds fur the purpose of collect ing delinquent tuxes, due Clackama3 county lor me year is, 'i, ana to me directed. 1 will. on Saturday, the 29th day of June, 1S72, at tue lourt House door,-m Oregon City, pro ceed to sell, to the highest bidder, tor U. S. gold coin, in hand paid, the following de cribbed tracts or parcels of land, or so ir.uch there f us may be necessary to pay the taxes due thereou, together with the costs. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, a. in. Names. Description of lauds. No A. Am't. Algers, Mrs. E. A., N. E. 4 of tec. 23, T. 1 S, 2 E 160 4 32 Alderson, C, part of donation land claim No 49, T 2 S, K3 E, Willamette merid ian as known and desig nated on the maps of the U. S. survey in the Land Office at Oregon City bounded as follows : be ginning at the S E corn er of said claim, thence we.-t a!onr the south line thereof SI chains to Southwest corner ot the same, thence north along the west line 2-i chains to the northwest coiner ot the "L" on said claim, east 41 chains, theuce south 10 TU-lUM chains, thence east 40 chains to the ea.-t line of said claim thence south along said east line to the id ace of bejiinnmg, containing liisi acres more or less 15SJ 6 41 Billings, It. X., west j of north east 4 and e.ist A of north west j of Sec. 10, Town ship 4, south range 3 ea-t 1G0 5 40 Burnett, Mrs. L. A., Section 31, 2 S. 4 !:, fractional part of l'iiiliip Fosters' dona tion claim 40j 13 50 Culver, Mrs. E . lots 1, 2. 3, 4, and t), in block IS m Or egon City 16 20 Coilins," M,rs. Mary, Commenc ing at a post or stnne in the east line of Front street, in the town of Milwaukie, and in the south I lie of Win. Meeks' land cUi.m.oo c and 38 1 we.-t ot the southeast cor ner of : aid Mi-eks claim, thence along the e.ist line of Front street, Nr 10, VV 1 chain Si5 lii'ks, to ost or st,"iie m I'ott land and M l .vankie road, thence N 8-.i- H b chains 07 links to post or st i;e in fence from which the southwest, corner of 11, W. Kddv's stable, bears X so0, E 34 links, i hence south 571-', W 1 chain, 10 links to post f r stone, thence smith 10, E 3 chains, H7 links to post or st ne in fence, thence si Ho'-', V 5 ciains, 5,5 links along fence to east line of Front street, thence X lo", W 2 b uns bo links along east line of F'-ont street to place of beginning ; contain ing 2 s.'j-lw acres, more or less 4 05 Cason, F. C, estate -N J of donation claim of F. C Cason and wile in Sees. Hi. 17, -'o and 21, :n T 2 S, Ii 2 E containing 320 8 04 Cardint ll, ( has. N. It. Claim Xo. ii ", notiiic ition Xo. 7,3 PI beinir parts i f ecs. 19 2o. 2'. and 3o, T 3 S, Ii 1 E C, 10 2130 Chapman, Wil.-y The SE . of Sec T 2 S. It 2 E. con- taming M;n acres, being in Clackamas coimtv, Oregon .". 160 17 55 Dunton, T. .J. Tart of claim Xo 12. in Sec. 20, T 2 S, It 2 E of tl e Willamette meridian, descr.bed as fo.b'ws, to wit: commen cing at a point 12 7o-loo chains sou: h and 1) 2'.!- 100 chains wt st of mean der corner on leU bank Clackamas river, in east boundary of sai.l section 2o, thence south tj", west 8 2" loo chains, th"nce smith S(f. east !7"lco thence north ti-" east S -Jn-lon chain-, thence n o rt Ii . ii -', west 9 75-lo eh;. ins to phne of heginn ng, conta ning eight acres more or less 3 2 70 Kckles, J I).lh.j following tles-ibed parcel of real e.-tale, to-wil : lots four and ix, 4 and ;, section twenty-n.nc-, 2'.', a I -so the noith half of the south-ea-e, quartc- of section twenty-nine (2a), town ship three (3), s nth range four (4) e.ist, Wil liatnette meiidian con taining one hundred and sixty-two ,Vj loo acres ( 02 .V.t-lo( ) mere or les 3 -4 Ferry, C. 1'.--The following described parcel of real esia e, to-wit : i.ne- town or city lot situated in Oregon City, Clackamas county. State of Oregon and numbered on the plat of s aid city as lot Xo. a, in block, Xo. 13 j (,o Ferry, Mrs. A. P. Commenc ing at S V corner of M. M. McCarver's donation claim in Clackamas coun ty, State of Oregon; thence running norther ly with the Coveinment Survey of said line one fourth of a mile; then e running easterly ,n a line pa- allel with the said McCarver's southeasterly boundary line one fourth of a mile, thence south e;!y pat a! lei with said M c C a r v e r's westerly boundary lineone fourth o' a mile, thence wester ly along with McCarver's southerly boundary line to place of beginning, containing eighty acres, b-ong th S W 4'of Mrs. Julia McCm-er's part of M. M. McCarver's dona tion claim, as awarded to the .-aid Julia McCar- vr SO 5 40 Gaines, Mrs. A. P. Beginning in the middle of the county road on the line between sections IS and 1'.', running from thence west ne-half of a mile, thence north 1 2 mile then ;e east one mile. ther.ee south one-fourth of a mile, thence west J mile, thence south 4 of a mile to the place of be- gaming, containing 220 hcres.more or less being the outh half of See. I S in T 5 S, R 1 E. in Cla- k- amas county, Oregon, being a purt of the dona tion claim W'm M. Kiez- er and las wife R xie. . . 220 S OS Hughes, V Jx Vol donation claim of said Hughps and wife; notification Xo 4,7'ii, on file in the land office in regon Citv, Or egon, being in See 20, X 3 S, R 1 V, containing 11S 1 acres, being in Cl.tckamis Co.. Oregon HSj 3 07 Harrison. Presley The frac tional s e 1-4 of see. 29, t 2 s, R 3 E SI 2 90 Hawkins, Ch is Commencing at the s w cor. of sec 24, t 4 s. r 1 e, running n SO rods, thence e 160 rods, thence south 30 rods, thence w ISO rods more or less, to place of beginning, containg 80 acres, in Clackamas co,, Oregon QO 4 72 Hay, Clark --Beginning at the s e cor. of Lyman Wil liams land claim, thence v 200 rod, thence north 12S rods, thence east 200 rods, thence s to place of beginning, containing 160 acres, in t 1 s. r 4 e, Ciackamis Co., Oregon 160 IrTin, Robert All of the n of sec 5, t 2 s. rle, contain- ing 320 acres, being in Clackamas Co., Oregon, as per U S patent issued to J. L. Daily, dated June 15th, lS'.iS 320 Locey, J. 1). Eot 8, block 10, in Oresron City, Oregon, C 13 27 00 according to the plat of Orego 1 City on tile in the County Clerk's office, Clackamas Co., Oregon Jennings, Mrs. B. The south erly half of the donation land claim of Berryman Jetniugs and wife; noti fication No 1 004, ou tile in the land olliccOregon City, Oregon, in sects 13 aud 24. t 2 s, r 1 erand in sees IS aud 19,t 2 s,r2 e, Willamette meridian, OregTii 145 Knotts, Jas. X 1-4 of sec 27, tls, r 2 e, containing 160 acres, being in Clack amas county, Oregon. . . ISO Lany, Josiah, heirs ot The e of the w cf sec 13, t 5 s, rle, Willamette merid ian containing 160 acres 1G0 Laswell, Isaac Tne douation laud claim of said Las well and wife, in sections 26, u7 fc 35. 1 3 s, r 2 e in Clackamas Couuty, Ore go.iFcontaiiiing 64U acres C40 Robinson, T. G E of see 1 t 5 s, r 1 e. in Uackamas 3 37 19 57 4 32 20 25 county, Oregon, contain ing 320 acres Lyon, S. M. The 11 o! the e of s w 1 4 and 11 J of the w of s w 1-4 of sec 17, t 4 s, r 3 e, Clackamas county, Oregon, contain ing 6U acies,more or less 20 5 40 80 4 Tj MattOon.Orran The south h ilf ot the ea.-.t half of the s w 1-4 aud s ot w of the s e 1 4 of section 17 containing sij acres, situ ated in Clackamas coun ty, State ot Oregon 80 Mier, I-aac Tue n e 1 4 of sec 6, t 2 s, r 1 e. and being a portion of the donation claim of Isaac .Mitchel, situated in Clackamas county, Oregon, contain 4 70 ing inu acres lou McCarver.M. M. The fraction al part of the donation laud claim of said Mc Cai vi r and wife, sit uatcd lying and being in sec 12 t 3 s, r 1 e, containing 2u6 acses, in Clackamas 20 25 county, Oregon McKimy, David, heirs of The e 5 of the e ot sec 35, t 2 s, r 2 e, Clackamas co.,c iiitaining 160 acres Morgan, II. B. X of 11 5 of Cyrus Wadsvvoi th's do nation land claim, con la ning 160 acres 206 160 100 1C 20 Markbam, Elizabeth Being a part ol claim Xo. 41, bounded and described as follows, to-wit : begin ning at a point z'.i chains west of ilie quarter sec corner between sec:s 2i and 2Li, t 2 s, r 3 e, the same being the s w cor ner of claim 41, theuce s 77, e 77 chains to the s e cor of sari claim 41, thence 11 77", w 6608 chains to place of begin ning, containing 150 acres in Clackamas Co., Oregon 150 Moore, Wm--Oswego, C'aeka mas comity, Oregon, lot 7, in block 1, acconling to the plat of sai -1 town, Fcltou. Chas The s S of the s K of the sell of section 1, and t:ie fractional n-w 1-4 of see 12, t 2, s r 2 e, altogether . containing 160 acres, according to deed from C. C. Hoi man and wih- to s iid Felton, dated 2"dh .1 ariuarj , I ly.ng and bei g inClack a m 1 a coo . i ty. Or egon . . . Xon -Resident Laid Xe 1-4 of sec 27, t 1 s,r2 e, 16o no es " X" w 1-1 of section 27, t 1 s, 2 e, 1 i'.o acres " N e 1 4 of sec 2S t I s 2 e, Kit) acres Rhodes, Ceo The donation land claim of said Ceo. Rhodes, lying and being in sects i3 and lit, t 3 s 3 e, containing 1 60 a'-ies Clackamas county, Ore gon " J. F. Kanghes and Wm. M. Bi ke; Beginning at tbe north nest corner of the south east 1-1 of section D in township 3 south, range 1 west of the W il himette meridian and running theuce south 20 cha ns 'to a stake, thence east Jo chains to a stake thence north 20 chains, thence west 15 chains to place of beginning, c m tain ng 30 "acres, more or less Wilson, Dan The south west 1-4 of ,-ection 6 in town- 4 5o 1 3.') 6 45 G 4S f 45 6 4S t o 1 67 shi 2 south range 3 east of the Willamette meri uian, containing 160 acres 1 60 Rits, Pidllip Lot 1 block 14 in Oregon C:ty. Oregon, ac cording to" the "plat of said town now on file in County C erks ofliee. ... C7 Summe's, Ceo Commencing at the s w corner of sec 29 t 4 s r 1 e thence north 165 1-3 roils thence e 12o rods. thence south 16") 1-3 rods, thence w 12o rods to place of beginning, containing 121 acre--, in Ch ekamas county, Oregon 4 05 Thompson, Ii 11. 2 acres in Holmes' ad ition to Ore gon Citv, Oregon, int2 R r 2 e. '. 2 70 Vanrens'ear. J. C 349 acres of laud 1; ing and being in Clackamas county Oregon, as described by two deeds recorded at pages 462, 463, 464, 493. 4 )4, 495, in book H of records of deeds for said county 27 00 Vinson, J. S. South ea-t 1-4 of sec 32 township 4 smith range 1 east, of the Widameu meridian, 160 acres 10 54 Young, Wm The u w 1-4 of northwest one-fourth, and east 1 -2 of n ir 1-4 of section IX. t 2, s r, 3 e, con 'aining 12o acres, iu Clackamas county, Ore- nou 3 24 A. U'.VltXER, SherifTof Clackamas Co., Oregon. WSLLSAfVI SINGER Jlus Estttblightd A ITstctorj- FOR HIE MANUFACTORY OF FUMITUBE,' SASH, BLINDS AND DOORS AND MOULDINGS OF ALL SIZES. They will also do TURNING, of ey-Ty description to order, With Neatness and Dispatd 1 -o all work Warranted Shop on the River, in Lewis shop, nnnnit Orpftnn Cttv Will opposite Oregon City Mills. " I COOD NEWS, GOOD NEWS! LOOK OUT FOE GOOD S.ACKERMAN & CO. II AVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE btock of spitixG & mnmi goods, WHICH THEY OFFER Cheaper than tlie Cheapest. We would say, come and convince your self before purchasing elsewhere. Our stock consists in part of FAXCY AX D STAPLE DRY-GOODS, CllOTHiXG, HATS, BOOTS AX I) SHOE-;. X'OTIOXS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, and a great many articles too numerous to mention. ALSO, Doors, Windows, Gla-s and Putty. ALL KIXDSOF PRODUCE TAKEN IX - EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. ALSO, WOOL wanted, for which wc pay the HIGHEST PRICE. S. ACKERMAW & CO. Oregon City, April 21, lS71:tf PACIFIC BOOT AMD SHOE HOUSE! Fall and Winter Trade. II AVIXG RECENTLY FILLED UP OCR ass irtment. of Imparled Myh-s in Ladies' and Gents' I5iMti sa,s2I niters, We will take great pleasure in displaying and receiving orders from our patrons and the puolic generally. We have received from Xew York a few pair of the (Yletoated ELL RAT OPERA BUT FOX FROXTS, by which a Lace Shoe can lie turned into a beautiful Button Gaiter Will take ord rs for the same at any time. We have the Best and Latest Styles in Mioses and Children's Button Gai ers and B il morals that are imported, but for gO"d substantial wear there are none that can come up to our own make. We Warrant them in every respect. Seven entirely Xew Styles of Ladies' and Mi-ses' RUBBERS T e"Xills in. Congress, Marie Antoinette, Queen's G- rtnan, Velvet Front a id Alaska. Light, - i Durable and Xeal Fitting. Also, a lot of Children's Rubbers. Bring on your feet. COME AND SEE CUR CHAMPION BOOT! Resjiecttully, PROTZMANj GILLIHAN & CO , Cor- Front and Morrison Sts-, PORTLAND, REG OX. Dec. 1. 1871:tf Eye, Ear, Throat & Lungs. JOHN B. PILKINGTON, M. D., I ATE OF SAX FRAXCLSCO, HAS LO j caU'd in Portland, Oregon. Ollice : In ll dme-. Building. First street (three doers from Ladd & Tiltotrs Bank), where lie may be consulted daily, and will treat diseases of the above named organs us specialty's. All operations upon the Eve and Eai per formed iu the most scientific and careful manner. ARTIFICIAL EYES, having all the beauty and mobility of the natural eye, inserted. Refers bv'permis.-iou, for Ins professional standing, to L. C Lane, M, D., Professor of Surgery, and Edwin Bentley, M. D., Profes sor of Anatomy, University of the Pacific. San Francisco; and for his success in the treatment of cases, to over 1,50 cases tieat ed bv him, in San Francisco ; also, to Lev i EstL's. Esq., Rev T. L. Eliot, Portland ; Wm. IL Dillon, Eq., Vancouver, W. T. ; and many others Oregon and Washington Ter ritory. aug2o:mi; HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE THE UNDEUSHiXED OFFERS FOR sale his residence in Oregon City-. There are four lots, a good hou-e and larn, with a fine cellar and agood well of water. There is plenty of land, and it is well adapted for early gardening purposes. Part payment mav be made in stock. For particulars p plv to GEORGE CLARK. "Ore on City Juna 2 1871-tt OREGON CITY BREWERY ! HENRY UUJiUE! Havimr nnrchaspd thA aVim n..,, ... , . j . uicntav WISH es to inform the ptibli- that he is now nrenar ed to manufacture a No. 1 quality of 8 good as can be obtained anywhere in the Stale. Orders solicited and nromnttv n-.f r ' J UilU t n e HOUSE WE LIVE IN AND THE IMIABITAXTS OF THE HUMAN IIOiY. rpiIE CAUSE OF A GREAT MANY DIS JL eases, that have been pronounced incur able by the most eminent physicians, for the very reason that they overlooked the cause, and as Dr. Van Den liergh has made the Entozoa a life long Study, he would inform the sick generally" that by close observation and ;reat xpenments, has come to the con clusion that there are more acute and efiron ic diseases caused by Worms, Hydatids, An imalcula;, or other species ol Entozoa. The public generally, or the profession at large, are uot aware of the number of Patients who are treated by eminent Physicians, lor this, that, or uch a complaint, without any rebel. If the disease had been understood, a few doses of Dr. Vs. Sovereign. Worm litmetly would have immediately cured the complaint and saved a great many lives. INHABITANTS OF THE HU MAN E0DY! What think you reader, of your body be- in; u planet, inhabited by hviug races, as we inhab t the earth? Whatever may he vour thoughts on the subject, it is even so Your body may be but a home for parasites that crawl over the surface, burrow beneath the skin, ne.-tie in its entrails, and riot and propagate their kind in every corner ot its frame. The following is from the San Franuco liulhtin, of January 20lh, ls72. (A recent date. ) Carl Martins recently died in Cleveland, Ohio, from eating meat infected with the Ova iif Tumtfii Solium. At the Coioner Inquest, on Tuesday, (January 2d.) it was shown that three wi-eks before Chri.-tmas, Mai tins pnrchasi dja carcass of Pork. Some of the meet was taten the same day, and some was made into sausage. About ten days later, some of the sausage was eaten, and in a sho't time the whol1; family were taken sick. Marlins died on Sunday. Decern ber 31st, 171. Mrs. Martins and her two children are now very sick, ami the fomer is not likel to recover. The verdict was in accordance with the facts. For further par t iculars. see Cleveland, Ohi . papers of above date. A Coroner's Inquest brought this fact to li.iht. Now 1 would ask how many more Mich deaths an inquest would bring to light 'i Ponder well, reader, upon this, and think of the t hou-ands that die every j cur and no Ci.u-e can be as-igned tor their death. Now the question that would naturally enter the tiiin.l of ihe reader, is what shall I d :'. The advice of the Dr. would be go to some one that is competent ol treating sul-Ii ci ni p'aints. And who is more competent than the one that has made Worms a .-pei iall.t y. TkXias. Yesterday, Dr. J. V. Van Den He gh exhibited to us a number ot paraites winch had been removed from persons af flicted; there- were several ddhrent spec-its oneof which appears to be entirely unkeovvi. to the n edical profession. This new taenia is shaped something like an oranpe seed but perfectly Hat, or lather like a c teumber seed, with a tail about a quarter of an inch in lei gib. Another w is a tape worm s7 I fe t m LniMh, co sistinr of '.i.'loo joints, j Among medical men theie o.ls no little j 'iitiereuee of o on;en relative to the oriiriu j of tnese entoz ;a. One class of writers be- J lieve that these parasites, at least, many of j them, orig!in:t in the endowment of animal tie It cnh s wish vitality from the parent body, f-ivoied by cer ai i st ites of the vital forces ( that body; the stiffs originating their oranizati n and promoting their jr;owth and prooaira'i That all descriptions of t-i to.oa are met with far more frequently where animal !ood is ned in greate.M abund ance, is an indisputable fact, (specially ivhere the food is the flesh of the '"unclean bea.sls," rthich the Jews arid .Mohammedans are fotbid ien to partake of. Uat on- int n tion s not to wi ite a thesis upon this subjeet: ve ' iilvdesir to c! run tie the fact that I)r J . W. Van Den i -i ir li has found a meo:eine a simple vegetable whic'i grows in : bund auce in t'atitornia, which is a dead shot to a cmozna. of "whatever de-cript r gener ally accomplishing its ol jeet. in fr in an hour and a half to six hour-.- .Morning Vol!.. Had we the space here, hundreds of testi monials could he produced, testifying to the tru'h of th-- assei" i"iis that have here been made, but it would be useless and would only occupy the reader's time. The follow n are some of the diseases that Worms are o lien m'sUiken for. Dyspepsia, Chronic Affections of the Liver ami Kidneys, Consumption, White Swellin;, Palsy, Spcrmatoi riue.i. Diarrl cea, Ii.c-'iiti-m nee of Urine, Grave'., Flor Alb .s, Diabetes. Dropsy, etc. Dr. V. wm wi'h a n u 1 rrei:ii!ai it es ot tin; Uterus to try his new r. m: (lies and get cured. Dr. Van D- n Heieh's InfailiVde Wi rm Pyr up for Chihhen. 1 rice Varranted to cxp I the wcirms. Si nt tverywhere upon receipt nt price. Dr. .1. W. Van Pen Pergh's, Hair Tome a sure cite to dcstiov ail animalcu'ie of the Hair Follicles, pi event- falling out. and pro moting t: e G row th o f the Hair. Price ?1 ,50; W arra ited. My CoiistiH 'ng and I mlt rgoini; SIMPLE EXAMIXATIOX, Tlie alllictrd can learn if their disease is caused by Wc-inis or no'; at all events. Dr. Van Den Pergh en tell th.iu lr,m what dis ease they are suiTering. ConHiiltat tons ami Einmlnntions FIIEE OF CHAUGK. OFFICE ROOMS IS0S. 38 & 39, OVER THE F0ST OFFICE- Lefters describing the symptoms will be promptly answered, and persons living at a distance' will be saved the expense and troii bie of calling upon the Doctor. Address I1 J- "IV. VAX OK IJKnGII, P. O. POX 172. SALEM, OREGON. T st Imonlal. Portland, eb. 10th, ls72. Dh. J. W. Van- Dux Urrcu Dear Sir : Our child, a little girl ight years of age, has had fits and convulsions for the last two years, and we had tried nmny doctcrj and icany remedies without much benefit, in fact our darling was getting constantly worse tintd we beard of your worn srup through a fri ml of ours. We though?, that perhaps it might do some good to give it a trial, and you cannot imagine our surprise when over 200 worms were expelled with one bo-tlo of your valuable worm syrup, and from this time on we certainly shall never be without it so long as there is a posibl chance for it to be bad. You are at liberty to publish this if you choose, and may it do much g-ood. Respectfully vours, S. IL OltToX M. J. OIITON" Syiiiptomi of "Woi-iis, Alternate pa eness mid linshin!i of the countenance, dull expression of the eves drowsiness, itching of the nose, a swelled upper-lip, tongue whitely fur,e.i and thick. Iv speckled with red .points, fetid breath, and enlarged abdomen, a part al or gen eral swelling or pufTingness of the skin a startling in the sleep and grinding of tha teeth, a sensation as if something was lodg. ed in the throat, a gradual wasting of the tiesh, sickness of the stomach, vomiting, a short and dry cough, appetite sometimes vo rac otis, t other times feeble, bowels some times costive, other timee loose, great fret fulness and irritability ot temper, pains in the stomach and bowels, colic, fits, convub sions and palsy. J the worm syrup is not to be had in yonr town, send orders to the manufacturer it will be sent promptly to any address free of express chartres. Direct orders to Dr. J. W. VAN DEN BERGH, P. O. Eoi 172, 5a!eco, Oregon, f EW. YORK HOTEL, (DeHtfchea Gafthaus ) No. 17 Front Street, opposite Hip T.-i ship landing, pLlaland, 0- H. E0THF0S, J. J. WILKES PROPRIETORS. ' 3oard per Week " withLod f fi Aft Sln fi " ' Day 1 00 TU12 OJLDfiST AND d:r. hufeland's CELElt R A T E D SWISS STOMACH BITTERS. The First and most healthful Tonic ever introduced in the United States. R These Bitters have been in the San Fran. B Cisco Maiket for over I 'lM tnty Yar,ai,d gnolwithstm n- the h many new candidates L for public favor, th8 faie.- nave const only increased. TAVbtJK & BEX. JRJ.. Solo A rent g -'.' ami i i v lay sit f U San Francisco. 2o-i, '-c ir ic r !5- Will sew everything needed in a famHy, frca tlio heaviest to the i'ghtest LlrJe. AM) KE'iTrir v. ;nii, Th.cn ar.y ether machine. Jf there i.s i Ylorcnoe f ow'ttg Ma chine vi.hin, c: e tLtiuni.d n.iles of S;i:i I'raiici-co j "t v. orliiiig vill aj,J niin;r entire F;i:..-f;u-ii..n, if I i :n in l'oruK'tl of it, it vill 1 o f;fr:uh-d to v.-iihout C5jensc of auy kind to lLo owner. cAiruiL e:ll, it, 13 i;-.rf Ko.V.omery Street, Grand Motel Buildlr.j, San rranciccc. &-:iil for Cimittir.v find snmpirn f,f thr tetji-Ii. Active, jtgtnts tcotilvU j PRIVATE fECiCL AID. iniIv tints it i1 ."Io! tin (e iiir. Dr. W. Km Ooherty's Private 3IHnl ti; "Surgical Institutr. No. 519 Sacramento Street, corner cf Lcidesorifi (a few doors below J tho W ti.it Cheer House.) (Private entran -eon LeidcsdoitJ street. i Establish! d Expressly to AfiV.i d the A 111 et.-d Sound and Scientific Medical Aid, in ii Treatment and Cure of all Pnvaic nr.i Chrome li-eases, Cases of Sect ecv and all Sexual Disorders. To t 11H (!. DP. W. Iv. DOHEPTV re"ni ns his sii ccro thanks to hii mineious p.-iti.-nts for tl.r r patronage, and wimld take this opporlunitr to remind ihem thai he cor.tuic.i s t. een- "t at his Institute fi.r t' en... ,.f . i, ... . : . j:- I east s of the Lungs, Liver, Kidnevs, I p - me iUHi ieiino-urinary Urirans, sm, ..,1 private di-t ase-, viz : Svp'hiiis in all' its fern ? and stairi s. Seminal '.-:.L- ..,-,.! ,ii o. hori id con-eq;iences of self-abuse. Ili in rr ! luea. (ileet. St rierm i X,,, . .1 ...,,! Ji;.... nal Emi-sious, Sexual Debil.fv, Diseiises of the Pack and Loins, inllammation of the Madder and Kidneys, etc. ; and he 1 cpe that his long experience and successful prac tice will continue to insure him a si, an- cf pu'olic patronage. F.y the practice of many years in Europe and the United States, lie i enabled to a pp! y t he m st efficient and suc cessful remedies against diseases of all kind He uses no mercury, ci ares n.oiieratc.trruW his patients in a coirc t and hoi on.ble war, and has references of unqintionable vrraci ty from men of known respectabi'itv and high standing in socctv. All j.artics con sulting him by letter or othei vV-e, will re ceive the best and gentlest treat nit u. ai d implicit secrtcy. To Frniiilcs. When a female is in trouble, or afHirfrd with disease, as weakness of the bark and limbs, pain iu the head, dimrcss of sicln. loss of muscular power, palpirat on ( f s b heart, in it ibi ity, nervousness, extreme ur inary difficulties, deiiingcnient of dige-tivt functions, general debility, vaginitis, ;:11 dis eases of the womb, hyste'iia, sterility and ail other diseases peculiar to f. males, sheshoii'd go or write at once to the cilebiated female doctor, W. K. DOUEPTV nt I.," - r,.,i;.,t i". stitute. and consult him about her t rouble J and disease. The Doctor is eflecrin mor c,'7,s,"ii,n i,r,.v ,,hfr Pb.xsician in the Stf of California. Let no false delicacy prevtnk you, but apply immediately and save yourself from painful suffei ings and premature death. All married ladies, whose delicate health or other circumstances prevent an increase in their families -b,tId write or call at DH. W. K. DOHEK1 V'S M.!ical Insti ute, nr.d tlier will receive every po-sihle relief and help. 1 he Doctor's oflices are so arranped that he can be consulted without fear jf observation. To C'orresjionI-H4 Patietits residing in anv part of theFfat nowever distant, who mavdes re the opinio and advice of PR. DOIIERTV in their rcspco f ive cases, and who think proper to sul tint & wi ittc-n statement of such, in preference to holding a personal interview, are respectful ly assured that their communications will he held sacred and confidential. If the case be. fully and candidly described, personal com munication will he unnecessary, as instrue tions for diet, regimen and the general t eat merit of trie cae itself (inol iidimr the reme dies), will be forwarded without" delav, rd in such a manner as to convey no ideaof the purport of the letter or parcel so transmitted. SrConsiiltation by letter or otherwise, FREE. Permanentcure guaranteed crimps). Sperm a (oi-rliora. DR. DOIIERTY has just published an im portant pamphlet, embodying his own view' and experiences in relation to Impotence or iiillty ; being a Slmit Treatise on Sperma torrhcea or Seminal Weakness, Nervous end Physical Debility consequent on this sficc t on, and other diseases of the Sexual Orpars This little work contains information of rhe utmost value to aM.wliether married orsinde and will be sent FLEE by mail on receipt of six cent in postage stamps for return post age. Address. W. K. DOMFRTY. M. P.. julySOly San Francisco Cal 1 A. KOLTNER, NOTARY TCBLTC, ENTERPRISE OFFICfl Oregon O.ty, Jau ? 1 S i t J RANRROFT I.lhHAkY.