. JseaseiMte. w Cljc lUcckhj Ohitcrpris. FRIDAY, : JUNE 7, 1S72. TOWS ASDfOl'STV. IxirouTANT. The last City -uimu. contracted for the construction of a cc culvert across Main street below the Con pregational Church, for the sum ofoO I & paid in coin or there being no "le !j the J Council f:rT,: a,C;Tj c" tract may bo complied with If tie money is not on hand, the O ncil iM be required to pay .he d.f ;'r - ce between city sept and com, iK will incur a debt or about .!!). for tt ,l,bt of Si;:0. The money to meet this ro-itract at the t:me it was made, was due the citv. and should have been kept to meet it, thus avoiding this increased in .i..i.t..dn. We hope our citizens will .iierallv respond. a" v iurn neraHy respond an-i pay me r um, . n a, pos,ib!e. ami thus save themselves ii increased indebtedness. j th .. ... ,!.... .1 1,...r r,f I'-.mt P 1 J ik Mil -'" . i Tf.Ml-'.-s who has been sick for the past licu3 . , live years, and has not been out of bed j f;r over two. died last Monday morning. great v. getahle tonic and in vi-o; ant have Tlioii'di we m iv mav regret to part with j been taken, the feeble frame of the dvspep lW dear to us. her deih was but a re- ! c will beg.n to feel s benign inlhience. ,' . i .,n .. .rtldv !,;! i,,r wliili sh. I Appetite wi.l be created, and with anuc it- M born.with great Chrlstain fortitude, i U.e capacity to digest hat it craves. Per-luiuojin- o is ,1,, i severe until the cute is comnlete until iJary was be oved by ,11 who knew her , ll,alt!iflli L!ull(1 (it t() btf 1 u f Ur her gentle d.spo-.uon and many fnend- ,iesl, aU(, lnu.c,,, bouc And n,,.ve"adnd brui iy hearts have deeply sv ni palhi.ed with : Hows through the channel of cir-ulation' her in her long su tiering. Her funeral J instead t.f the watery patouium with which was conducted by KeV. Mr. Sell wood, and . they have herctolore been impeitec.ly nour attended by a large circle of friends and , ishcJ. relations. , I)koWki Mr. I'eter Roberts, son of Uv A. Roberts of Portland, formerly ot . J Corvallis. was drowned oppoite Mtiwau- k e last Sand iy. bv th ca;si,'ng of a skifT, Tne manv Iri-mU'of Mr. Roberts and his di-lreui 1 d.-ep'y svmpathi.e ul h tliem in the loss o! a son a'nd a loved brother, U'e have known I'eter from childhood and there was no m re proniishig young man in our State. He was about 2 1 years .... . - . f age. His body h id not been recover- e. at 1 ast accounts, though every exertion j vn made to find it. i ! had b ,,ru- "it i , i r 1 n I i-. Mr. arner bad a lot , of Deputy Sheriff's to d the electioneer- j i;ig for the R idicd ticket in this precinct j - Ongon L.oige No. 3, I. O. of o. F". l""t Monday. As the duty of the City a- Miets every Thursday even M u-h..l is to keep order in the city, we j ing at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's .-..., reason why the Mer.if should re- - m,,;,, s ett. plli'e llltee-i nr twentv Depnili'S wlieic ! , tr.ey bad in. auMn.ri'.y. This was the ! ,s;;r",,"C rJcr a!'U i,ivite,'I taHend vh.nv the pre.-ent County ('oui t took of ; - ' J ' the m tMer two years ago.aml wo ,uesume : 1,bl,,,t n, U:tA So:i . their minds tiave ictt oeeu changed, and thev will refus., t. p:,v for Mr. Warner's CJ$ At'i't o!l t5,e s'nd and Fourth deputies :is ihey dM Mr. Myers. , TUESDAY 'J-:X!.XJ.S. of each month, n; 7 o'clock, in Odd fellows L r. r r. A R idical swore in his ' Hall. Members of the Degree aie invited to vote in thia precinct who had not bern ' attend, a citizen of tLi-i Siate, and as soon as hit i , M . ... ... . , . : MHll!it):iiiii I.;j!' Xii, I. A. I", aunt done so. a I 'einicr it llo'ih.'d him he would : ii . i , , 1. a.res.ed f,.r penurv, who,, t. lei buy i v rious ,, , ... Filt n,l .-catir- to toe CotH-.lKlon IO leave lor parts ! foj?r;j in e.teli month, at 7 o'clock from tiiik.i i.v.1. and has not been heard of j ihe -.'oJh ef September to t!io -joth o) 'ince. ! March, and o'chrk from the "Joth of .. ' March to the 2 uh of September. Breth Cm rv Coi ki. The County Court has ; been in session tliis week. We have not h oi '.'ni'.' to get tiie proceedings for this i -a,. I he Curt appointed Mr. Jennings ! , .., 11 ... . ! d;l over Measurer to ild tllO vacancy j coned l,V th.'deitli of Dr Sad'irraus. h"e : it'-i...; liif nt'vViV I'li'CU'.I itn 1 iiv-l t'Lolure ; ,1 ,!l!V Tl i" .Mlli'l' ! Bony )V:!!ki. --The body of Jv I allies ' Thompson, who v.a. drowned by filling; ol' the S-n dor last week, was found lat ; M eid iv evoiii.jg a:,d taken in charge- lv i Dr. B irel .v and pronorlv buried. Mr. ! Tn iuio-1 in had Ilm esteem of his assoei- nti's and was reLf ii'ded as a g.i,l citixeu : -Tie; (Jleat rcoo:! .!;, anese Troupe give? two performances in this c i ' y next week M-.md iy and Tues. d iy evenings t)ur exe'-anes speak very highly id liieir enr't taiiMiftits. and they Ira crowded houses wherever they have p -rfol Tiled . L'M CiU':M. The ladies eoum-etoi with j the Cngreg I'.ional Church served ice ; rr-Mm last Tuesd y eveniti ami Wednes- : d iy to a large number of patrons at Myr's ILi'l. Y' roriuu our i!i m!.s for ; beitig kilidlv remeillbered bf tlieili. - j l'i - 'I . , .,...' r,.i,.ool b , V.. 1-rr f Joi. i no new council tiait a loner nnd busy session la.-t Tuesday efenincr. nod transacted consideral.de business'; W e Inve not space to giv. Ih protw.i- . in-s this week, but shall do so in full hero- after. I.ko;;m rnix Wan ri:i). If Sumniervi!h Fo-bes a native- of London wiP ad- . lo.ins. a na.iw ot l. oudou. w U. ad ess the postmaster of this cny he will j di hear of something to his advant age. Any information relating to him will bo gladly received. Disi-HAi!;i.;. P.en Ilolladay has com minced discharging the men who had the independence, to vote the Democratic tick et. This kind of conduct will eventually be to his own disadvantage. "It is a long lane that has no turn."' Picntc. The various Sunday Schools of this city united and had a basket picnic in the grove near the residence) of Mr. Lovejoy. We. learn there was a general turnout of the young lolks. and a very pleasant time was had. S risKKT CoMMissiuNKit. Mr. Gorman Rridges was elected Street Commissioner last Thursday evening by the Council lie w ill make a good officer. i-.i.f.t iKii. . f . ihirns and Walter Vish were elected Justices of this precinct. aim .lohti At hey and n u. Jenkins Con stables. ruVL'L'l'TMVllir tilri.i. A r .. s: I Z. tit ting up'the building landy occupied by ! rur. inner as a conu-ctionary store, and f;e cream stand. I ' o sti i k kick. A new postufiico has been established at Cuttingsvillt', with lle.x- Monk Y. The County Treasurer adver tises that he has some money on hand. Don't all run for it at once. PimpU-s on the Face. Eruptions, Dlotchf s. Serof J, his diseases, atid all soies arisinjr from impure blood, are cured by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical discovery. " Fiotice. CorNTY TllEASCBER 3 OFFICK, I Oitgoa City. June 6, 1?72. y Interest will rcase at this date' 2wi T.J. McCARVER, Treasurer well Kamsbv as postmaster V , , ,'' ilAT TIIE ASSESS- - 1 "'"fj X ment roll for Oreui City for 17-' is 7. 7 . t. Mmv complete, and will be ooen liptift'.u CKI.mtATtUN.-lt ts proposed to have a 2o,h of June f-r correction or a wJrnl , f grand Fourth of July celebration, at ' HSsesments, which mu-t be tiled before that -:n..s?.-.. .x.t , i ,1.:., , 1 d ite under oath. f.. 1)11. t Flf O LACK A MAS COUNTV WARRANTS I , ? '"'p VJ endorsed for interest prior to March 6th. i i M lltore, I oiTaand, Ore;: W2. will be pai l cm presentation, lit the i Thomas Bo3ce, San Francisco. Treasurer's OrViee r iir.ro:. -,tv. I L. P. risher, " " A Pit ful Condition. It is a sad thing to pass through life only haifalire, Vet there are thousands whose habitual condition 13 one of languor and de bility. They complain of no specific dis ease ; they suffer no positire pain ; but they have L.0 relih for anything which a fiords uieniui or sensuous pleasure. In ume cases out ol ten lois stale or lassitude and torpor destrojs the energy of both ruiud and body. When the waste of nature is not supplied by a due and regular assimilation of the food, every organ is starved, every function interrupted. Now, what does common sense suc-cest under these circumstances of depression ? The system needs rousing and s lengthen ing ; not merely for an hour or two, to sink atiervvard into a more pit able condition thau evei (as it assurediv would do if an ordinary a!o ho!ie suniuhuit were resorted to,") but radically and permanently. How is this desiraide object to be accom plished? Ine an-wer to this tnie-tion loundedon the unvanieg experience of a quarter of a century, is easily given Imuse nc .s "'to ine digestive or"i,ns bv a t0!ir of Hosteller's Stomrxh Bitters I) . ot w-, time by administering teuv.orarv remedies, but wake the system up by Vecnp- t i . sieai s.icUS5l. a..u mci"), mtgrt'at org;m uj.on wllic1' a11 t','e ll-'' organs depeuddor their Ul,,,ure and support. Bv the time that d .l. c The best and mo?t eflieient cure known for ' jV fi;,':'': 1"v ,u":s ,r- "".ley's ( elt t.iated I . L Bilteis. Try it. Ri ad ad j vei tiscuiciit in another col inm. juium: j ,r ; , i , l'r t' very b-M photographs, go to Buid j ''' Ku!o,s ' s GiiI e,T "i.h.mt STAU?.r-. j Z-4? ASCEND IN THE ELEVATOR, 12V MontgnmeryStrect, San Francis -o. i - j Messrs. Mnigt & Ihniln is, Whole !., 111.' Ik, , v. , ",IJ ueian .ie ciianis, Lanoy Mation, '"ej-o,.. a,e .n am,:ori7.ei a-ents ir the S:,U' ot V,'e ,I,ltjl:,b!e NV,"rin s ''up, who will constantly keep a supolv on hand. Hii. J. V. VAN DEN BERGII. Sa:em March , s7i.,f - ''en m good standi ig are invited to attend. D e. :,. ?o. Bv order of Isviap-.srv is th. cii.- ot imv-t.-nths of all oiscusi'S the living iiiaclune is subject to I Give t.mu to tli.) st(imn(;h .mil diiresiivc oaMiis, .-ind vnu il mvo ihoimIct halt; in your ' doctors hills, riiMi!M by U i!.yici;:us to Iysi kitii s antl fuf ALL CoMI'LMNn lit t' e JIVJ.K AMI Dff;KTXVJ4 0:tOANs. tee a.U ortiweinont ia joiotl.cr coluuiu. l,' , . i . w r.- -v f m i i! is '-s . i w X-'. Jj0e;s at Odd Fellows' Hall oi til Fn:sT .ND THIRD TUESDAY EVENING .. . :( '':l, h y'"- I'af n.rcos in g,od stand- lii'JT are ievte I to attend. I. ,e, v i s . i ' ' " WILLIAM DAVIDSOIT, RAL tZSTATE DEALER. 4.'ticf, N.. Odt Front. Strtt, PORTLAND, - - - OP.E'.JON. REAL ESTATE in this CITY and E AS f PoRTLA N I , in the most dvsirahle localities. co!-,si-tinr of" LOTS, HALF BLOCKS and BLOCKS, HOUSES and SiOBLS; al.-o IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable nncultivated LANDS, located in ALL parts , -c -i , r . , ,- of tiie STATE for SALE. , io.ai- i-.m a i h anu oilier rrop.'m : purcnavut tor Correspondents, m this t'l I I j a,l throughout the STATES and T ERR I TtMUI-'S. "with trrear earo and on the most ADVAN'TACEOL'S TERMS. HOUSE-; ;1n,i STORES LEASED. L0A-N N E(iO IT A TED. ami CLAIMS OF j.b I 'ESCiil PT10NS PROMPTLY COB- LECTED. Ami a General FINANCIAL and AGENCY BUS IN E transacted. AGENTS of this OFFICE in all the CITIES and TOWNS in the SI ATE, will re ceive deseripti ns of FARM PROPERTY an ijforward. the same to the above address. Feb. :J, is'i. jSksw Toi53 y AT TII3 COURT" HOUSE," IN OIlF.t.OV CITY. Moitdny and Tm sihiy rvrithig, June i:U it nd 10tl. I :X TK A()IU)IAI!V ATT II ACTION MARSHALL .t CO'S GREAT TYCOON TROUPE OF- TJ" IS - i pOMPRIsIN( JUGGLERS, EQUILIB i J rists, Slack and Wire Rope Ascension- ists, from the reat TyCOOn Theatre, Osaca, This is tl the most wonderful tronnp nf ff. and Female artists ever permitted to leave Japan. Admission il Children half price. Oregon City. June 7, 1S72. Rccurd' r. BEST REMEDY FOR j DYSP-TFSIA, INDIGESTION, EILIOUSITESSi I 103S CF A?PT1TE AX!? IHACFiON OF THE LtVFR " The following persons are authorized to Hon. HudsoQ i Menet.-il Tarjt R0w,Xew York teo. t . i.oweii Park Rx, New I Vwrk HOME-MADE CARPET FOKS-VIFAT I. SELLiVf: DU. VAX DJ? BEUGHS WORM Syrup for Children, A. H. Bell, drug gist is agent for this invaluable remedy at Oregon City. Belt & Johns, agents for the manufacturers. Salem, Oregon. pi PERI A L MILLS. Savier, LaRoque & Co., OREGON' CITY. t"BKcep constantly on hand fot rale Midlines, Bran ami Chicken Feed, Par'iei smpimlmg feed must fu: nish the sacks. - House For Sale. A DWELLING HOUSE CONTAINING 1. V seven rooms, s tuated on the hill, is ot tered for sale on reasonable terms. For par ticulars apply to Geo. Harding at the Barnum Saloon, or to Henry Harding at the Lincoln Bakery. Oregon City, April 13, 17 tf JOHN FLEMING, . .r'iW DEALER IN BOOKS ANO STATIONERY IN MYERS- FIRE-PROOF IiRICK, M VIX STIIKET, ORKGOX CITY. OREHOX. NEW GOODS AT Til K LINGGLH BAKERY. WILL! AfvSS &. HARDSrJG, HAVE -JUST OPENED A FL'LL VARIE ty of choice FAMILY GROCERIES. AND PROVISIONS, The Bakery will be constantly supplied with fresh DREAD, CR CMv?, CAKES, PASTBV, CAN D I E i A N 1) N UTS. All of which will be sold at living rates. Remember that we do not sell goods at cost. Also, please bear in mind that it takes money to do business. To the fanning trade we would sav, CASH for on. produce, a nd CASH lor uur joods. Goods delivered to all parts of the ciiv. Feb, D'., WJ: tf BEAL ESTATE EXCHANGE- PORTLAND, - - OREG-OU- DEALER IN PEAL ESTATE AND OTHER INVESTMENTS. Commissioner Selecting Swamp and Ovei llowed Lauds. Faun Lands sold and purchasers obtained for all kinds of lauded piope'ty. Valuable securities transferred in exchange for real estate. Loans negotiated on property, and title examined and determined. Commissions solicited and executed wilh fidelity and promptness. OFFK'E No. 1 t Cartel's Building, corner of Abler and Front streets. l-b. Ii, Js7o:t.t RESTAURANT, LSOr-iDoLOUSV, TropV' LA TE OF Till: CLIFF HOUSE m MX sTi:i:i:r. t;i:i;r,n. citv, ohi:(;ox. T-'Ttr rV'HTvj'nvrii r 1.- 1 spccil'idiv anr;fmnces to bis fnend- and the ti ave'inir public, 0 . that i.e has re-opened tiie above named Restaurant. The prprietfir knows how to serve his csutomers with OvUeis, Pii's Feet, a good cup of Coli'ee or a SQUARE MEAL. LEON DkLOUEY Oregon City, Jan. '27, l671:tf SPRIK6&SUMMERG00DS JUST RECEIVED AT m:aler in '" w.s, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, II A R D W A R E , G E O C E E I E S , CROCKERY, NOTIONS, &.C. MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. PRODUCE of all kinds bought, for which I jiay the highest market price. If rou desire good Goods, at LOW Priers. call at, I. SELL! NO'S, and examine his fresh stock of Spring Gooda. GIVE ME A CALL AND CONA'INCE YOURSELVES. Mv Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. Wool WS5.23dlel, For which I will pay the higheet market price. I. SELLING. April 14. lS71:tf Administrator's Notice. rjpilK COUNTY COURT OF CLACKAMAS - comity, Oregon, havinir appointed me Ad ministrator of the estate of JE.SSK V. BOONE, deceased. All persons having claims asruinst said estate are retired to present them to me at the offtee of Johns in i: Me' 'own, Oregon C ity, within sis months from thi.i date, AV. CAUKY JtUi.N'SO.V, Administrator. May 17, 1S72. ii-'j;W4 JOHN SCHRAF, M.VIX STKEET, - - OKEGO.V CITY. 31 A N IT A (TIT. ER AM) DIPORTER OF sai)I)I.i, iihni:ss, cf s a i) ii-i :r v-ii a n n- C WAKIi &c, Ac. '-s T7IIICH HE OFFERS aS CHEAP AS. can bo had in the State, at Wholesale or Retail. warrant all mv joods as represented. Oregon City, April' 17. 1S72. n2'.'tf. Guardian Sale. tN FERSUAXCE OF AX ORDER OF TOE Honor. tide County f fiurt of Clackamas count-, (i;mn, irrantintr me license to sll the whole of the interest of Oeoive Hathaway, a minor in the estate of Chariorte linthway lt of said county, defeased, heimr tTte imdivideil one-tliird part of south lUf of the following de-k'ritfed reil estat,to wit: south 1-4 ol northwest 1-4: the east 1-5 of the foufhwt 1-4, and lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and A, nf suction :t:. T. 1 H. 2 :.. lot 3 of section No. a, T. 2 S., It. 2 E ootitainin? 2 $4 72-Kifr acr, I will sell to the liis-hest bidder, at the Court house door, in said county, the above described "jroper ty, on Saturday, the. 15th day o Jun, next, at the hour of 1 o'clock, p. m., of said day. Terms cash, or approved credit secure-l by mortgao. Aevi at Tne exre-nse ot pTirriiast-r. 1 " L-itK B.UUAWA1, iruaraiBU. .. 3Ii!ira.ukie, May 13th, 1872. v6n29:'w4 Business Directory of Portland, Oregon. PUBLISHED BV l. SAMUEL, General Advertising Agent, 'J3 front Street. Ackerman's Dollar Store, No. l'j First street. Importers and Job bers of Fancv Goods, Toys, Crockery, Glass ware and Plated Ware, A stor House. First st , between Oak and XV. Pine. Everything neat. 15. L. Loug fel low, Proprietor. BOOKS, STATIONERY AND PERIODICALS, BAXCKOPT MOUSE, Agents for Mabie, Todd 4 Co.'s celebrated (iold Ivisou, Bhikemau, Taylor & Go's School Rooks. Just 1'abii.thei), a fall line of ltgat Wank Jor thm .St-ite. I barman, the only direct Importer of Cloth ing, Ac., cor. Front A Washington hts. CLHAS. C. BARRETT, WHOLESALE IJOOlvSCI.l.IiH A STATIOXKH, largest stock ix Portland. So. 19 Front ami n. 5jAVash ington MroU. 3 ECK, WILLIAM & SON, 129 Front st. 3 Importers and dealers in (Jims, llitlcs and Revolver of every description. Fishing Tackle, Fancy Go als, Beads, Rird Cages, Baskets, Croquet Oames, and Baby Carriages. Agents for the "California Powder Works;" also, for the ' Wheeler V Wilson Sewinjj Machines.'' Beck, John A., F2n Front street, practical Walc'nmaker & Jeweler. Work dene for the Trade. IiOf)Ei AM) JOB P KIN TintS. DIMES A; BAf'H ELDER 03 Front street 1r:ilham .v. Reinhart, First st. bet Oak tt 3 Pine, importers of Stoves, Ranges, Kitchen Utem-ils. 1uchanan, W, A., s. w. cor. First Si Tavlor sts. Cheapest Furniture House in Port land. C 1 ARRETS W A LTER B EOS. t-0 Front street. Clarke, Henderson A ('ook, ?1 & S'3 First street. Dealers in Dry Goods, Fancy (iiio Is, Ac. " C1ohn A Ro..enf.-Id, 14s Front st. Commis ) siou Merchants A Dealers in Oregon A California Produce. CAongle, J. IV. Manufacturer A Dealer in ) Saddles, Harness, and Saddlery IIard ware, '.'' Frout street. ( Virrier, W A Co., Pi t Front st. Merchant J Tailors and Clothiers, Hats Furnishing Goods. Lishmutt A Oatmau, 'J2 Print street. Ileal Estate Agents, money loaned. houses rented. LNTAL GOODS, C. II . U'oodard A Co. lol Front street. DltlTiGlSTS, C. II. WOODARD A CO. 101 Front street. Orders from any portion of the State or Ter ritories eai fully filled bv mad or express. pmil. Lowenstein A Co. Furniture and J Carpet dealers Stores from 1.11 to 13s First street. T Employment Agency. Witherell A Hoi J man, so Front st. Furnish all kind-! of help. Everd'mr A Beebe, In Front street. Com i mission Merohant and dealers in Do mestic. Produce '.ishion Livery Stable, cor. First A Salmon sts. E. t orh-eti, Prop. Good turn-outs always on band. T7i-hel A R' berts, cor. Fitst A Washmirton sts.. Dealers A Manutac. Cotliing, Furn ishing Goods. ITVeehnd. Dr. B. R., Dentist Office, No. 2, Dckutn's Block, cor. First A A'ash iiiijtoti sts. G-t ill A Steid. 7" and 77 First street. Deal f ers in Bowks, Stati.oiciy, and Musical I nst riinient s. GRAY'S MUSIC STORE- The large.-t Music House on the Coast. STELWAY PIWOS, lU'RDKTT ORGANS, a. Ia. DiPII VXS, Manager. soi.t; achxcv ioi: the "Howe'' Scviisig 3IucSsiue. J7Agents wanted. "1 ff ackeney A Steme, Grocers and dealers .1 JL in all kinds of Seeds, cor. First and Main sts. nimbu-ger, B , 130 First street, importer and dealer in Staple Fancy Dry Goods, M illmerv. Htmlee. D. IE, Photographic Artist, s. w. cor. First and Monison sts. Child s P.ct. spec 1 ty. Henrichsen, L. C. A Co., lo;i Fust street. Manufacturers and dealers in Jewelry, Watches, Ac, Hibbard, Geo. L.. '. Front st., wholesale dealer in Groceiies, Doors, Wagon Ma terials, Ac. Hodge, Calef A Co., 07 Front st., whole sale dealers in drugs, Paints, Oils, Glass, Ae. 'OMR Sewing Machine, straight needle. muter teed, "leek stitch. Competition challenged. Al. E. Tracer, 112 Front st. Hurf;ren A Shfndler, Xos. 1 C,C, to 172 First st. Importers Furniture, Bed ding, Ac. International Hotel, cor. Front and Morri A son sts. M. Rudolph, Prop. Free Buss attends steamers. T ohn,.!. A Co., HI Front st., wdiolsale and 1 retail de; lealer in Fine Clothing, Furnish- inr (ioods. A I aison Doree Restaurant, private rooms it JL for Families, cor. 1st and Pine streets. (,). Voos. Prop, Martin, E. A Co., wholesale dealer in Wines A Lbjuors, O. S. X. Go's Block, and San Fran Meier A Schme and retail C eier A Schmeer, 111 Front St., wholesale Confectioners. A I iller, John IV, '.i:l 1st st. Watchmaker A 1 Jeweler, oilers to the public a fine as sortment of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. Moellcr A Co , Front near O st,. Dealers in native and foreign Wines, Liquors and Cigars. "VTorthrup. E. J., Hardware, Iron, Stel, IN Hubs. Spokes, Hardwood Lumber, iK'., Portland. O ccidental Hotel. cor. First and Morrison sts. Smith A Cook, Proprietors. X parish, Wat:ns & Cornell. Real Estate . Agents, DO Front street, bet. Aider and Washington. 1) IlOTOGRAPIIIC GOODS. C. II. AVood ard A Co., 101 Front s "ice, J. M..127 Front street, wholsale X dealer in Tinware and Stove. Tichtert Paul. 105 First st. . importer of .1 j Berlin w ,-ooden Carvings, Parlor Orna ment. Ac. r) ider. G, C, Real Estate & Money Broker, Li 92 Front street. Portland. Kosenbaum, I.S.ACo.,To'.acconists.irnport ers of Foreign and Domestic Liquors. E uss House, Front ft. On First Class Pria- cip&I. Thoroas Ryan, Proprietor. E3E32 Sherlock", S., 61 Front and 02 First 3ts , dealer in Harness, Saddlery and Sad dler Hardware. Simon, J., 56 Front street, dealer in Doors, Sash A Blind.. Window & Plate Glass. Sinsheimer, H., L7 First st., importer of Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Music In struments. Skidicore. S. G., ITS First st. Drugget & Apothecary, a large stock of Pei turnery & Toilet. Articles. Cj mall Davis, 71 Front stiett, wholesale O dealer in Drugs, Paints, Oils. Window Giass, Perfumery, ace. Snow A Koos, 7-: First strtet. Pictures, Fiames, Moldings, Artist's Mat'.s, Draw ing Instruments. Smith, Put., Broker. lo Front st. Dtaler in Legal Tenders, Go eminent Bonds ami Gold Dust. OTOE, IS. L Xu 107 Front Strert. O W'atchmaker fe Manufacturing Jeweler is appointed Auent for the Waltham, Elffin, E. Howard ,t Co., Chas. R. Jaeot, and the California Watches; also, for all the produc tions and imports of the California Jewelry Coir pan v, San Francisco. Send lor circular. Watches repaired in the very best manner and iv.iiBANTK& to give satisfaction. rry Bros.. No. 175 First street, manufac- rers and aealers in kuruiture. Bed- liing. Carpets, tc. r phe Clothing store. 113 Front st. Clothing, JL Furnishing Gotds, Boots and Shoes. Harris A: Piager. rputtle, H. IE, 142 A Hi Front st. Dealer JL in Wagons & Agricultural Implements. rvne. E. D., n. w. cor. First A Oak sts., I dealer in Brandies, Wines, English Ale and Porter. rIvler, J. A., 147 Front St., wholesale d.-al-L er in Ratter, Eggs, Cheese, Laid, Ba con, Ac. AA7"illiams A Myers, r. Central Block, j V Front st., Commission Merchants A j deal's in Produce. j " A Thai ley A Feehlieimer, Attorneys A So- j V licitorsiu Bankiuptcy. Otlic'e in Odd j rellows lemjde. r LOST. 17R0M TIIE UXDEIlsi:-:;). LIVIXG AT Canemah, about the 7dh iust , a Sorrel Mare, about lifleeu hands high; six years old; small white streak in the torelread, with saddle marks; shod all around. Any person returning sad mare or giving ii formation of her whereabouts, will be suitably rewarded. AVM. 11. MARSHALL. Canemah, Feb. 22. 172. SPRING GOODS JUST RECEIVED RV .A.. LEAY. X HAVE JUST REDE1VED A COMPLETE X ami well-assorted stock of CUSTOM-MADE GLOTiiiMS, AM) GEMLE3IEXS' IT'RMSHINU GOODS, Which I will sell at reduced prices. Call and examine r.iy stock before purchas ing elsewhere. Prodii-i' Taken in Exchuni' for Goods. A. I.,t';VY, Mil iu street, Oregon City. T ''HE UXDERSKiXED DESIRES TO PELL s property in Oregon City will sell at a bargain, to a good purchaser. Lot S. in Mock :;. whereon there is a good Dwelling House wilh 8 room-, partly hard finish, bal ance cloth and paper and' the Li very Stable now occupied by Messrs. Willis A Broughton. Water pipes laid on the premises, from Pea-e's water works. Also -t town lots in Canemah, with good fence arou nd. A!so 2 town lo's in lower end of Oregon City; also loo of land known as the dona tion land cla rn of Wm. Stone, 8 miles southeast of Oregon City, with some im provements, thinly timbered, no under growth, good Listing wat r ' ir"l 1. quire at County Clerks oflice. J. M. FRAZER. Oregon Citv, May tith. 1s7l', vi'.n'is SHADES SALOON, G. A. HAAS, Proprietor, Main Street, Oregon City. o R..H BILLIARD TABLES in OREGOX Have been introduced . and the Proprietor in vites the attention (tf the lovers of this popular amusement to them T 11 E F, A II I S S VP PLIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors and Cigars. Scotch. Irish and Bourbon already fatuous Whiskies and Puuch. ALSO, A NO. 1 SHOOTING GALLERY Is connected with the Saloon. Orciio'i City, Jan. 1, l,S72:tf Shonff Sale. jrY VIRTl'K OF AX KX i: UTION IsSFEl) j2I out of the Circuit Cmrt of the Stttte of re irori, for the County of ( lackn im-s, and to me di rected, in favor of A, Mir. plain'ilf, and against E. A. Oibson, defendant, lor the sum ot three hundred and forty-six dollars and forty-six cents, .34ti 40, now due and with interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from the 7th day of .tune 1S71, and the further sum of forty-four dollars and tifty-tive cents, ,t4 .").", costs, i have levied upon and on Saturday, the 22d day of lime, ls7J, at 12 o'clock, in., at the Court House door in Ircgon 'ity, . lai Uama- county, ( iregon, I will stdl at public auction to the highest bidder, to satisfy said execution, costs and accruing costs, all of the riht, title and interest of said K. A. (iibson in and to the follow in!" described real property situated in said C'laeka'.ias comity, to wit : lie south half of section eleven, 1 1, in town ship three, . '5, south, range one, i, west, contain ing three hundred and twenty, .'u, acres. AKTHCit WAIIXER, Sheriff of Clackamas count v, Oregon. Oropon City, May 21, 1872. ' u:!0w4 JEW WAG OX ?7T AXD Carriage SVTanufactory I The undersigned, having increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets. Oregon City Oregon. Takes this method to inform his old pat rons, and as many new ones as may be pleased to call, that he is now prepared, with ample room, good materials, and the very best of mechanics, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete any sort of a vehicle from a com mon cart to a concord coach. Try me. Riacksmithing, Horse or Ox shoeing, and genera! jobbing neat I v, quickly and cheap ly done. DAVID SMI r H. Opposite Excelsior Market Notice. PARTIES TV HO WERE OCCUPYIXO lands in the "Grande Ronde and Siletz Reserves," io the State of Oregon, in the years Io.WmS, and bad to abandon the same in consequence of said Reserves having been selected by the IL S. for the settlement of the Rogue River Indians, will please send their addresses, for further correspondence, to R. W. UOWSJUS, Att'y, Box I?5 Washingten City, D. C. THOMAS CHAEMAN ESTAIJUSHED 1S33I DESIRES TO INFORM Tils CITIZENS of Oregon City, and the Willamette Valley, that 1 is stdl ou hand, and dolus business on the old motto, that "A Xluible Six-Pence is lottcr tliiin a Slow SUilliiig.'" I Lave just returned from San Francisco, where I purchased oue of the LARGEST and BEST SELECTED Stock of Goods ever before otic-red in this city; and consists in part, as follows : Boots & Shoes, Clothing-, Dry Gocd;, Hats & Caps, Hosiery of every Description, Hardware, Gro ceries, Paints & Oil?, Sash & Doors. Queens ware, Crockery, Glassware. Chinaware, Stoneware, Platedware, Jewelry of various Qualities t styles, Clocks & Watches La dies & Gentlemen's Furn ishing Goods, Fancy Notions of every description, Patent Med icines, Rope, Farming Implements of all kinds, Carpets. Hattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, &c. Of the above list, I can say my stock is the MOST COMPLETE ever offered in this mar ket, and was s ected with t-i-tiul care for llis U t. All of which I now oiler for sale at the Lowest Clarke! Rates. Xo use for the ladies, or any one else, to think ot going to Portland to buy goods for I am IJE l ER.I IXED TO SELL CHEAP and not allow myself to be nDL'IiSOLI) IX THE STATE OF OREGON. All I ask, is a fair chance and quick pay ments. Believ ng, as I do, that nineteen years' experience in Oregon City enables iuu to Know ihe reqirements of the trade. Come one and all, and see for yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CHARM AN cannot be beat in quality or price. It wou'd be useless for me to tell you all the ndvan f. ges I can offer 3011 in the sale of goods, as every store that advertises does that, ami probably yon have l.een disappointed. All I wish to say is, come and see and examine lor yourselves, for I do not wish to make any mistakes. My object is to till all my old li iends now thai I am still alive, and desir ous to sell oods cheap, for cash, or on such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed. THOS. CHARMAX, Main street, Oregoti City. "Legal Tenders and County Script taken at maikct rates 'THOS. CIIARMAX. ."0,()00 lbs wool wanted bv THOS. CHARMAX. SEAL ESTATE, REAL ESTATE JACOB STIT.EL, C. C. WAT. JACOB STITZEL & CO., SUCCESSORS' TO STITZEL & UPTON., a x n Cor. Front and Wasliiiigton Sts., PORT L A X D , O R E G OX . Special attention given to the sale of farm ing lands and city property. All cones pondence relating to the rerourccs of Ore gon will be promptly answered- REAL ESTATE JOTJRHAL Published monthly. Sent free of charge to anv address. JAC0R STITZEL & CO, March 15. !S7i:tf Administratrix's Sale of Real Estate. In the matter of the estate of Daniel II. Good deceased. VOTICK IS TIF.IIELiY GIVEN' THAT, HY virtue of an ord-r of sale made and entered of Record by the'lfoii. ounty Court of Claejc ainas comity, at the May term thereof, 1S72, I will sell at the Court House door, in Cre:ron City, Clackamas county, Oregon, at public auction, on Saturday, tls 2Dn liy of Jnnr, 17H, at 1 o'clock of said day, the following described real estate, the property of said estate, to-wit; the north half of l"t X'o. two in blK.-k Xo. four, in Orciton City, laekamas county, (jreiron ; also lots Xo. seven and eijrht in block Xo. sixty-nine in Cregon City, Clackamas county. State of Ore fron ; also the west half of suction nine, B, T. 4 S., R. 1 E., containing 320 acres, beiii the donation claim of D. II. GixkI, deceased. Terms of sale are one-half cash in hand, in I". S. Gold Coin, the remainder in two equal install ments payable resptftively in six and twelve months alter sale. Secured by mortgaur on prem ises sold. M.VltY E. liOOD, Administratrix of said estate. Oregon City, May 17th, 1S72. v6n29:w4 T?. MILNE, MASOXIC HALL BUILD- OREGON CITY, - OREGON. KEEPS COXSTAXTLV OX HAND AND lor sale, ciikap for cash, PARLOR, BEDRC0M, OFFICE, S1TTINGR00M, and KITCHEN FURNITURE, Dureaus, Lounges, Rocking Chairs, What nots, Dec steads, Wa-hstands, Curled Hair and I'ulu Matres ses, Pulu Pil lows, Spring Reds, Window Shades, Pictare Frames, Mouldings, &.C., Ac. ffSpecraI attention given to Upholstery work in all its branches. Orders tilled with promptness. Repairing done with neatness and dispatch. Furniture made to order. jfGoods delivered to any patt of town free of chaige. Call and examine for your selvas. m,iyl7u2y Dr. B. R. FREELAIMD, DENTIST, JL1X is nrjOOM 2 DEKUM'S BUILDINO. CRV l'i er First and Washington Sfc?.. Tortlaod. NUrous Oxide administered. cztt. AVCTIOS AND C0MM1SS10H A. 15. KicltrIjson, AUCTIONEER I Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland. AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate. Groceries, Generaliferchan dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday A. B. IticHARDsuK, Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Bar and Rundle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast steel Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws; Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, Ii. G. Iron also : A largeassortment of Groceries nd Liquor A. 13. Richardson, Auctioneer C. W. POPE & CO., DEALKKS IX STO VES, TIX PLATE. SHEET IROX.BBJL I hits' COP PEL". LEAD IT IE, lit PIPE AND FITTINGS, RUBltE, HOSE, FOBCE AXD LIFT PUMPS. ZINC, COPPER. U It ASS AXD IRON W1UK. Also a general titoi tn ict ol l.'ova niohing Goods. MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and "Sheet Iron Ware. ROOFING AND jO BRING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE TO ORDER, AND AT LOW PRICES. o Also, at POPE'S STOVE STOXtK yon will find HARDWARE AXD BASKETS. WOODEN, WARE AND TINWARE, LANTERNS, LAMPS AM) OIL. LUCINE AND NIGHT LAMPS. ALt-O PERAMBULATORS. o All of the above articles are for cala at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. C. Yl POPE & CO. 1 2 : 1 v J Oregon City Oregon. JOIftiV MYERS, OP.EGON CITV, OREGON. RETAIL DEALERS IN II1l Cx001S, GROCERIES, HOOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, I also keep constantly on hand SALEM C A S S I M F R E S, FLANNELS, TWEEDS AND RLANKETS, Which I will sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. 1 will also pay the highest price? for Cutter. Eggs, and ail kinds of good country produce. I will sell as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash o"-its equivalent iu good merchantable produce. e i; Give me a call and sati-fv vourselve JOHN "MYERS, Jan. 13,1671. tf . X. POPE, Grocer & Provision Dealer, Next door south of Die Court House, Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon, DEALER IN BEST FAMILY GFOCERUS, COFFEE, TEA , SUGAR, FLOUR ND MEAL of all kinds, PICKLES. SO P, SALT, CANNED FRUITS and OYSTERS, Also, all kinds of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. RUTTER, CHEESE and EGOS. TORACCO and CIGARS, GLASSWARE, Etc.. Etc. All kinds of country Produce taken in ex change for goods at the highest mai ket rates. Goods delivered in the city free of c' arge. A fair share of patronage solicited. March 2:'., Iy72:tf R. F- CAUFIELD, COBNEIt M.VIX AXD SEVENTH STREET!, OREGON CITY, OREGON, Dculer in DRY-GOODS & GROCERIES CROCKERY and GLASSAWRE. Also, a full assortment of Millinery and Fancy Goods g OF THE LATEST STYJJZS, JUST RECEIVED. COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IX EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Oct. , lS71:tt AVOID QUACKS. A victim of only in discretion, causing nervous debility, premature decay. Ac , having tried in rs n vprv advertised remedv.has a simtde means of self cure, which be w:ll send free to hi fellow adtlerers. Ad'resa J. Jl. KEEV3 73 Nassau st., New York Sept. l:ly O O 9 o o 0 o o o o 0 o o o o o o G o a O o O O O "-7