Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, June 07, 1872, Image 1

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VOL. 0.
NO. 32.
vl I I
i)e llkckln (Enterprise.
you. THE
Businessman, the Farmer
r;ivruit and purlisiier.
JFFIC E -In Dr.Thcssini-'sBiick Building
Single Copy one year, in advance, 12 ."0
Tr:iTHif at advertisements, in.dudinc fill
noti'tes, - I- of 12 hne, I w.$ 2 .()
Forem-h sub-cjto-tit inc-rtiiiii 1 )'
One Column, one year $IJ0(M)
Hi!f " " ,;"
yu.trter " " 40
iJusiness Card, 1 square one year 12
tfV R-mittjiictx t he made at the risk o
Subset-the ri, and at the. erp:-n-ie of Agent.
g- The Enterprise office is Mipplied with
e:iuriful. :uir.v.'d tyl.-s of type. :n;d mod
ern MACHINE PIUv-UKS. which will enable
the Proprietnr t do J.di Piintin at all times
A'ci, ( i.it:k iin-l -do up
WorU solicited.
All lt'ttine. tr.n films upon a Spec i a b'"".
B US IXh'SS (J A R J J s.
7 II. W ATKINS, M. T) ,
SUilGKON. VonTi.vxn. 0'.:k; n.
OFFl E Odd Ptdlows Tempi'-'. "
First And lder streets Itoideiice eoraer
Main and Seventh streets.
Attorneys at Law,
orncK-ciiAUMAx'.-i r.r.ie'K, main iTiu-.KT,
March '., P-7'2:tt'
F. BARCLAY, fifl. 1 G. S.
l-'.-raicrly Sury.'on to the II.Ji. II. R. 'o.
35 Years K 1 Icsice.
n: At.'TK ix; physician and svroeon,
Strttt, t?i-joii i I y.
attoum:ys am) nirxsKUiKs at-lwy,
.!" the St.Ue.
: "S;i-,"i i' attftit:Mi i'vett to c;s-!S ill the
U. S. I.si'id 0:;i ;it Ort'-on Citv.
Ai! il ". V-:' I'
v7. ?. HiailFIELD.
K-ttlhlishi'd .slife isr.t.at thr old -tartd,
Jflin .Wo', ';.;, ( ..-..
A n Asortitn-ot f Watches, .lew
o!ry, an
t a I iio.ii .is wi-i t !i
fr' Ci-ck, aii of v!:i'-h are warranted
''n-Jr t lie a- rej't'i'-e!it( d.
tL'L i:c'i;ti:i-'s J.itH.' i.'i short notice,
.nd th inkfal i..r past favors.
City DrayEnan,
!"V r . -if
tn, VII orders for the delivery of mrrehan
clis(! or p I kaies and froiiiht of wii:itever des
cription, to any p art of tho otty, illbeexe-c-ifed
promptly an? with care.
Pioneer Book Bindery.
t im r of Front ami A1ler Street,
an ," desired pattern.
PAPERS, Etc., hound 1:1 every variety of
Stvle known to the trade.
Orders from the country promptly at
to i led to.
Importer and Dealer in
;et5 eix cd dncL a,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Ai Ch,rr:)i7" Jl'n-n--r's old .v.'.f ml, la'fhj e
CHpitd li'j S. Aclc i-J'-r n. Main stru t.
io tf
(OFFICE In Odd Fellrv' Ttrjh, cfi
of First and Alder Stn-r ts, Po it'n t1 .
Tap paro:ia ': of those desiring superior
Qf ir ltio'is is in peeial request. Nitrous ox
ide tor the nainloss ext r.ict ton of tooth.
-fAi ti';ei is teeth "better than the best,'
Old .i ., tt I -J the vh rpf-it.
AViH tie in Oregon Citvon Saturdavs.
X v. :Vf
ea. M. TH MP$oN. c TV. FTTCtl.
Atioa2ae,y. at Jsitv,
Real Estate Agents,
V of Title of all property in Eugene
Cttv, and perfect plats of the same, prepared
with great care. We will practice in the
diff-M-ent Courts of the Stat '. Special at
tention given to the collection of all claims
that may be placed in our hands. La!
Tenders bought and sold. sepStj
Old Age.
Fling down the faded blossoms of the
Nor cla?p the rosea With regretful hand;
The joy of Summer is a vanished th'mir :
Lot it depart., and learn to understand
The cladness of great calm the Autumn
The place of human joys, the latest and
the best?
Ah! I remember how in earlv days
The primrose and the wild tlower grew
.My tangled forest paths, whose devious
w ays
Filled ui? with joy of mysteries untried.
And terror that was more than half de-IV-'E
And sense, of budding life and longing
And I remember how. in life's hot noon.
Around my path tlie lavish roses sited
Color and fragrance, and the ai of June
Breathed rapture now these Slimmer
day? are tied ;
Day? of sweet peril, when Hie serpent lay
Lurking at every turn of life's enchanted
The light of Spring, the Summer glow
are o'er
And I rejoice in knowing that for me
The woodbine and the roses bloom no
The tender green has gone from field
and tree. ;
Brown barren sprays stand clear against
the bine.
And leaves hi! fast, and let the truthful
sunlight through.
For me the hooded herbs of Au'um grow
Square stemmed and sober, mint and
Iloa: b:;tnd and balm such plants as
healers know.
And th-' dooiiiie of life's long pilgrim
age !s soft and sweet with ntajoram and thyme.
Bright with pure evenieg dew nor ser
pents glittering s'ime.
And around my path (lie aroniau'c air
Breathes hi a'.th and perfume and the
turfy eround
Is soft fur weary f-et. and smoofh and fair
With -little (hornless blossoms that
about d
In sare dry places where the mountain side
Lies in the M-tting sun, and no ill-beast
can hide.
Yhat is there to regret ? YIiy should I
To leave forest and Marsh beh'nd.
Or toward the rank, low m -adow sadly
Since here another loneliness I find.
Safer and not less beautiful and blest
WiLh glimpses, taint and far. of the long
wished for rest.
And so 1 drop the fses from my hand.
And let the thorn-pick heal, and take
my way
Downhill, across a fair and peaceful land.
Lapt in gulden ea'm of liyitiir day ;
tU 1 the night is near, and glad to know
Tint . rough or smooth the way.l have not
far to go.
Duty of the liay.
We take tlie following article
from Point roifti J.k-mocraty wliicli
we most lieartily ciulorse :
AVlicii the delegates to tlie Na
tional Democratic Convention
meet at lialtimore, if tlioy attempt
to sell the juirty, ignore its honor
ed x inci pies and compel Demo
crats to follow political tricksters
into the 1 Jepnhlican camp, they
may look out for ihe beginning of
Li t there be at thnt'Convi ntion
an attendance from allparis of the
country. Of men who are not
delegates. Let them be there to
indorse the nomination if it be
Democratic, or to vnitc at once in
a call for a Xaiionol DMMO
CKATIC Co)tve.t,tio)i, .and tlie
nomination of Democratic candi
dates for the Presidency and Vice
Presidency, :uid for the reorgani
zation of the Democratic party on
a basis of principles.
Victory or defeat.
Put no cowardice or shirking
the responsibility of a contest
when the rights and liberties of
the people or the preservation of
a litpublic is concerned.
Others may ilo as they please.
They may buy, sell, bargain, trailic
and betray.
They may follow Greeley into
the patty he is sick of, and which
is sick of him. They may m
dorse him or any other Republi
can in their desire for that peace
which exists when the lion and
lamb lie down together, but when
the lamb is inside the lion, nothing
short of a Democratic candidate
will suit us. .The religion which
is good enough to live bv, is good
enough to die by. ,S0 wiili politics
and principles.
While the followers of Greeley
are citing to Democrats who will
support him, kt them bear in mind
that here is one Democrat, and one
Democratic paper, which iroes
direct from this office to fifteen
thousand three hundred and 'nisi
fuur office, which WILL NOT
support or indorse Horace Greeley
lor the Presidency, no matter if a
thousand conventions nominate
him, or if to maintain our position
and defend our principle, we part
company with every subscriber
whose name is on our" books.
"Prinipia, non Homines."
Principles not men not poli
ticians, whose jiolicy is office, plun
der and position.
Hank of tlie States.
Floating among our exchanges,
we find the following compilation
from the census tables, showing
the population of all the States and
Territories in 1ST0:
. : 7. .. 1,25S,520
New York.
Kentucky. ..t.i
'Po ss .
Virginia ,
Iowa ,
North Carolina. .
Xew Jersey
i exas
Louisiana ,
South Carolina
Maine ,
West Virginia
, . .1,054,070
. . . .990992
. . . .780,894
. . . . 705,000
53 7,454
4 39,700
Xew Hampshire
Rhode Island
I )eleware
District of Columbia. . .
New Mexico
Ft ah
. 131,700
. .91,874
. . 87,7S5
. .39,80 4
. ..23,955
. .20,595
. ..14,090
. .14,181
Wyoming 9,118
In the F
a a i.
a a u
u a u
S. in 1830.
" in lSf0.
" in 180O.
" in 1870.
. 3 1,44:?,-'12 1
Territories .
Two new religious sects have
lately been added in Fteglaud to
the countless number already ex
isting there, one called the Wal
worth Convulsionists, and the
other calling themselves Peculiar
People. The leader of the first is
a Mrs. Girdling, who calls herself
a seven-devilled woman, although
she says she has rid herself of the
tormentors which once possessed
her. The meetings of Mrs. Gird
ling's followers have been inter
rupted by scoUers who were ar
rested by the police, an examina
tion in court led to an explanation
of the doctrines. She said that
the manifestations which had at
tracted attention to her meetings
occur when the worshippers feel
the Word of (iod, and when it
falls on them they remain in an un
conscious state for a time, after
which they are impelled to dance.
All who dance have passed from
deatli to life; the death takes
place during the period of uncon
sciousness, and some persons take
seven hours in passing from the
old state of Adam to the new. At
least so says Mrs. Girdling. The
Peculiar People believe that they
are the special objects of Divine
protection, and permit their chil
dren to die of accidents or illness
without calling in medical assis
tance, because they have faith that
God will heal them supernaturally
if it is His will that they should
Th e Pa n s Tin pel rel a t es t h at the
famous Hungarian General Gar
gey (who in 1849 gave the death
blow to the hopes of Hungary in
surrender with 45,000 men to a
Russian force of much inferior
numbers) was recently recognized
by the populace while passing
through the city of Torda, in
Lower Hungary. Immediately a
crowd assembled crying out,
"Down with the traitor! Down
with the coward !" Geergey wr.s
compelled to seek refuge in a bar
racks among some soldiers, where
he remained until nightfall and
then made his escape in disguise.
This is the first time since 18 49
that he has shown himself in that
part of the country which he had
The "Washington Capital re
cently offered a premium of a bot
tle of brandy to any one who
could make a rhyme on the name
of Senator Conkling. Among
others the editor received the fol-
jowmg :
The bard that cannot coin a word
To rhyme right pat with Conkling.
May henceforth pass for a jackass,
In other words, a donk-ling !
This poet feels sure lie has suc
ceeded and calls loudly- for "thern
Helnibold's fall.
It is evident that Ilelmbold's
failure was due to great yanity.
It is about four years since he was
making his greatest dash, and then
his career certainly was a remark
able one. He had only been three
years in trade in New York, ami
during that time had made his
remedies famous and had become
rich. His income was $50,000 per
year, and all that was required
was a continued attention to the
business which he had established.
Instead of this, boweer, he be
came ambitious of political distinc
tion. When Grant was nominat
ed for the Presidency, A. T. Stew
art advanced $30,000 toward an
electioneering fund. Helmbold,
who had the folly to believe in
Seymour's chances, determined to
outdo Stewart and consequently
advanced -810,000 to his party.
Forty thousand dollars is a large
stun of mone It has generally
been considered a capital sufficient
for many kinds of business. That
any man should deliberately throw
such a sum away can only be ex
plained by a proud desire to out
rival Stewart. Helmbold, it is true,
expected to make money rapidly,
but pride was continually in the
way of enduring success. Having
outbid Stewart in the political
fund, he determined to distance
the Relmonts and Commodore
Yanderbilt in equestrian st yle, and
hence his equipage at Long Branch
was the grandest ever seen there,
with the single exception of that
displayed by James Fisk. There
was an incessant rivalry between
this brace of fools; but in the long
run Fisk came out ahead, which
might have been expected from his
unbridled ambition and vast re
source. Helmbold changed his
team every day in the week, but
still Fisk excelled him. They
have both reaped their reward of
their lolly, the one lying in a dis
honored grave, while the other is
a wanderer in a foreign land.
Pit! Si i:ai.. A bill has been in
troduced into Congress proposing
to pay to all the railroads of the
United States, for the transporta
tion of troops and military stores
and supplies, during the rebillion,
the ditierer.ee between the rates
paid them for such service by the
Government and the rates charged
by them to private persons. The
period covered by the bill is from
August 1801, to August 1807, dur
ing which time th? Goveninv.'nt
paid, probably, three hundred mil
lions of dollars for transportation.
The railroads claim that they only
got one-half that thev ought to
have got, consequently, this claim
is equal to the whole amount act
ually received 113- them. The rail
roads tno-t likely have agreed to
"divide" with Grant, and in that
event the passage of their bill may
be regarded as a sure thing. IF
IF JStnteMiian.
Disoii'LiXK. A Virginia City
man thus describes his method of
conjugal discipline :
Whenever I see she's got her
mad up, if it's a dozen times a day,
l just quietly say nothin', but
kinder humor her, and she comes
round all right after awhile. Then
when she throws things at me, or
gives a wild slash for rue with the
broom or rollin'-pin, I just dodges
a little, and she never hits me the
third time before I get my eyes on
her and let her know I disapprove
of such action on her part. Per
haps I have to leave the house to
show her this, hut she sees the
point. Then, by being careful not
to irritate her, and letting her
have her own way, I manage to
make her do as I please.
. .
Is it InoNV?- A professed Re
publican paper, in assigning rea
sons why Grant should be re-nominated
for President, says : "Grant
is needed to restore the South to
its harmonious relations in the
Union. It wotdd be difficult to find
another man who could accom
plish this so speedily and effectual
ly." He has been President near
ly four years, and instead of hav
ing "restored the South to its
harmonious relations in the Union"
he has harried it by means of
force bills into desperation, and
his creatures have impoverished
the whole section by their rapa
cious and stupendous robberies.
--. -
Passing Away. The Adminis
tration party in New York, Penn
sylvania, Illinois, and Indiana is in
such a demoralized condition that
Grant will not be able to carry
those States. There arc ninety
seven electoral votes for the oppo
sition candidate to begin with.
The Democratic States of Dela
ware, Maryland, Virginia, Alaba
ma, Kentucky, Tennessee,Missouri,
Texas, Oregon, and West Vir
ginia will furnish more than
enough additional electoral votes
to give the same candidate the re
quisite 179 electoral votes neces
sary to a choice, and we could add
oth.er Spates to this list.
V ashioa C'liit-Cliat.
From the New York Evening Mail.
There is now no excuse lor us to
laugh at the quaint fashions of our
grandmothers, since we are copy
ing them with all earnestness in
the very minutest particulars.
Look at the high-heeled shoes
and slippers, the fantastic little
bonnets, the gayl y-flouneed chintz
es, etc., which once were so dear to
the breasts ot those whose beauty
has laded long ago, and which
now seem to embellish the charms
of the modern young belle.
The reign of the flowers has
commenced again, not only in na
ture itself, but also in the toilet, for
the latest Parisian hats are laden
with a profusion of blossoms, and
floods of every fabric are strewn
with garlands and bouquets of
beautiful ilowers.
The bonnets, which are the pre
cise mode of 1830, have this season
two advantages combined, as they
serve either for round hats or for
bonnets. The hat, placed upon the
top of the head, and having the
stiings tied behind, becomes a
round hat; the same little millinery
device placed a little further at the
back of tlie head, and having the
strings tied under the chin, be
comes the stylish bonnet.
Many costumes of black silk, are
trimmed with colored silk, violet,
blue, and pearl grey, also rose col
or, being the favorite hues.
These bits of color upon the
sombre black have a charming ef
fect. Suit en, LaincAti.
ai e
two snaoes ot me same coioi
as fashionable as ever, all shades of
brown, of gray, green, etc., being
united to form a pleasing cont rast.
This style of dress is usually made
with the Louis NV. vest and tunic,
the latter being open in front,
tight-fitting in the back, and also
the bottom of the sleeves.
Fringe and lace are the princi
pal trimmings in vogue.
Linen dress of all shades, also
satinets, are made of blue, pale
green, mauve, salmon, and pink.
These should be trimmed with
needle-work or white lace. Many
ol these dresses are elaborately
braided with white, and trimmed
with white guipure.
Tlie comfortable linen blouse,
with a long skirt looped at the
sides, is fastened at the waist with
a leather belt and fancy buckle.
To this belt is attached a useful
little contrivance for carrying one's
scissors, thimble, vinaigrette, etc.
The wide ilounce for the bottom
of the underskirt seems to retain
its popularity. A very stylish
dress was made of blue poll de soie,
with basque and oversku t of gold- ;
en-brown silk. The skirt and ;
basque were trimmed with a bias
baud of the blue. Upon the blue;
underskirt was plaited a very deep
ilounce of brown silk, scalloped
upon the bottom, and beaded by a ;
double row of scallops. "With this j
dress was worn a jaunty little j
j saequo of white cloth, richly braid
ed, lhissacque was open behind,
had a little cape, ami very wide i
sleeves. It was trimmed around
with a bias band of blue silk and
fringe. The back of the cape was
can Jit together with blue bows.
A new style of overdress for toi
let is made of the gayly-brocaded
foulard, having a deep skirt, and
being cut low in the neck, and
with short sleeves. The skirt is
trimmed with deep black lace,
and the low corsage has a puffing
and full of lace. A scar fe of crepe
do chine, of any bright color, as
blue, pink, or yellow, may be
worn with this polonaise, being
fastened upon the right shoulder,
and crossing to the left side. This
garment is very dressy, made of
the pretty-figured grenadines, and
trimmed in the same manner, or of
organdie and finished with rallies
of the same.
A very stylish visiting dress of
blue silk is made with the skirt a
fraitie, and without trimming. The
waist forms a Louis XV. vest in
front, and has postilion basques at
the back; a casques of black silk,
tight-fitting, and elaborately trim
med with wide Chantilly lace.
Hat of blue lulhy.vith white plumes
and blue bow, and blue strings tied
under the chin.
Another stylish walking dress is
made of pale yellow mohair, the
skirt having a deep flounce bound
with maroon. The barque is trim
med with the same color. With
this is worn a black silk casque,
richly trimmed with black guipure,
and bias bands of satin.
Charming little mantles or fichus
for Summer may be easily made
by anybody who possesses a wide
flounce of either Chantilly lace or
white point. The Ilowers may be
platted, caught at the back with a
bow of ribbon, festooned graceful
ly at the shoulders, then crossed in
front and carried to the back, may
be arranged so as to form a little
overskirt, or to fall en coquilley that
is, in a spiral form. A flounce of
black lace thus arranged is suitable
either for the promenade or for in
door toilet, while a white lace
fichu of this style is an elegant ad
dition to a full-dress toilet.
Caterpillars. Our orchards
are alive with these little pests, and
any simple mode for their exterm
ination even for a single season
should be hailed with delight
by fruit growers. Mr. J, P.
Kagan, of Monitor, in this county,
has placed us in possession of
what he asserts to b a sure shot
on the caterpillar and its moth.-
Here is the way he goes for them.
Where a.tiee is one, foot in diam
eter, take an inch an rtr and bore
a hole into the tree about three
inches deep, angling downward;
place about two tablespoon fids of
sulphur in this hole, then stop the
hole with a piece of a limb of the
tree, and see that it fits snugly.
This does tlie work for the cater
pillars on the tree. Within the day
they become stupid, and in a few
days die. If .any stray one hap
pens to find its way up the tree af
terward, the same fate awaits it.
After caterpillars have changed to
moths, no eggs will be deposited
on any tree treated as above dur
ng t hat year. How long the tree will
retain the effect of this treatment,
Mr. Kagan is not able to say.
Power of the Press. I love
to hear the rumbling of the steam
power press, better than the rattle
of artillery. It is silently attack
ing and vanquishing the Malakoffs
of vice and Redans of evil, and its
parallels and approaches cannot be
resisted. I like the click of the
type in the composing stick, better
than the click of the musket in the
hands of the soldier. It bears a
leaden messenger of deadlier pow
er, of sublimer force, and of surer
aim, which will hit its mark,
though a thousand years away !
Horace and Uly- ses. A Gr int
partisan said, when he heard of
Greeley's nomination: "Why Hor
ace will, if elected, plant the
White House yard with onions."
To which a friend of Mr. Greeley
replied: "Well he won't wait
to have the onion seed given him."
lie might also have added, re
marks the Troy Press, that it was
better to have onions in the White
Iloue yard than so mniivjf in
the White House as at present.
SrooEsTivi;. The Cincinnati
Tuticstwyx: "Tlieie is a power in
the old watchwords, "Grant ami
Colfax," which no other combina
tion with Grant can give."
Whereupon the Detroit Union
remarks : "We suggest Johnny
Steele, the "Oil Prince," as betteV
fitted, morally and intellectually,
for a tail for Grant's kite than any
other man living. Think of the
"power" and suggest iveness of the
combination of 'Grant and Steele.' "
A tender youth in Oregon made
a venture in the breach of promise
business lately, his feelings having
been outraged by a lady, false as
fair. She pleaded that the engage
ment was broken, and that she gave
him 812.50 and a bottle of Florida
water as a compensation for the
loss of her affections. The jury de
cided that was quite enough, and
gave a verdict for the lady. Ohio
The Republicans of Pennsyl
vania in favor of protection, say
Greeley is their candidate for the
simple reason that he is a protec
tionist, and, if elected, will shape
his administration to thatj end
This will be good news to the
free-traders of the West, who may
propose, to elect a candidate in
everything of that kind directly
against Western and Southern in
terests. AoArxsr Greeley. Hon. Dan.
Voor'nees of Indiana delivered in
Congress a strong speech against
Greeley. Since then he has writ
ten to a constituent in which he
says: "The statement is malicious
ly and absurdly false that I will
support Greeley. He is no better
than Grant in any respect, and in
some points he is worse."
The Haiti more and Ohio Rail
road ami all its Western connec
tions will issue round trip tickets
to delegates and others desiring to
attend the National Democratic
Convention at Raltimorc July 9.
. --
The Jenkins of an Iowa paper,
in writing up a reception, says :
"Miss Moody was noticeable for
her large feet, and Miss Summers
for her excessive perfume of musk
rat ordor."
An Iowa justice fined a young
man a V., for kissing a lady five
times "against her will." That's
very reasonable a dollar a time.
Lady clerks arc the latest fashion
in Salem. The fashion takes well
the locals of the Salem dailies.
A dead setThe cor-set.
Low Rents Holes in the tops
of your stockings.
Men horn blind can't be carpen
ters, because they never saw.
When Lot's wife was yarned to
salt, he took a fresh one. 0 O
A man at Gosport, Inl., ha no
ears, but hears through his mouth.
A good receipt for removing
stains from the character Get rich.
Do!ly Yard en" brooms an -
said to be more ornamental than
t t
In Old England there arc 512,
5S2 more women than there are
In England it is not permitted
to marry after twelve o'clock in
the day.
Th-e Montana Democratic Terri
torial Convention will meet in
Deer Lodge City on July 1st.
A drunkard's face has been de
scribe 1 as "a cluster of carbuncles, O
wit h a ruby seen tel." o
Motto for railroad diaeclors
Never mind passengers; it's
freight that makes the cargo,
If you would lay in a supply of
old wine, be sure and make it
from elder berries.
In reaping wheat never take it
bv the beard. It is found to go
against the grain.
Why does a sculpture die the
most horrible of deaths ? He
makes up laces and busts.
White Mountain tourists com
plain that the juices are
than the mountains
The most warlike nation0 of
mordern times is vaccination, be
cause it is always in arms.
Young folks grow most when in
love. It increases their sighs
Many poor doctors are rapped
up every night of their lives not
j wrapped Up warm, though.
A charter has been granted ror '
bridging and tunneling the Mis
sissippi river at Memphis,
A Missouri husband obtained a
divorce because his wife insisted
on naming the baby "Forney."0
A boy in Iowa has a silver
quarter stuck fast in his throat.0
It can't be a good quarter or it
would pass.
It was woman who first prompt
ed man to eat, but he took to
drink on his own account after
ward. In conversation, a wise man
may be at a loss how to begin,
but a fool never knows how to
In Chicago, the other morning,
a young man named Phoenix O
arose from the hashes of tfe
Briggs House.
A noted prize-fighter lately an
nounced that, having got married,
he sdiould tight no more battles
outside of his o vn shanty.
A Yocxft lady in a town near o
Danbury has taken up dentistry
for a living. A 1 the gentlemen
patro iiz her. When she puts her
arm around the neck of a patient,
and caresses his jaw for the offend
ing member, the sensation is about
as nice as thev make'em. One
young man has become hopelessly
infatuated i;h her, consquently q
he hasn't a tooth in his head. She
has pulled every blessed one of
them; she is now at work an his
father's saw. He holds the saw.
The" protection of the Arizona
settlers from Indian aggressions
costs annually nearly $700 a head
for eve ry resident in that terrified
Territory. The question is wheth
er it wouldn't be cheaper in the
long run, as well as ple-asanter tor
all parties concerned, to remove
the white inhabitants somewhere
else and allow them a small income
on condition of their staying away
from Arizona.
"How manv children liavi you?"
inquired a gentlemen of one of his
laborers, looking around in surprise
upon his family. "Better than a
dozen, sir." "I only make out
eleven," said the gentleman.
"Faith' an' isn't that better than a
dozen, v, hen one has to feed 'em?"
exclaimed the laborer.
A little boy was lisping hig
. i . i . i. .
prayers witfi his iwiu mnujei ae,
his mother's knee. When he
came to "Give us this day our
daily bread," he was astonished to
hear a fraternal whisper, 'Ask for
cake, Johnny, ask for cake."
A voting gentleman
create ! quite a sensa i n while
reading to a circle of young ladies
a poetic effusion "To a beautiful
Belle," by pronouncing the last
Trord in two syllables.
O o