i o o o o G o o o o o ) o 0 o G o 0 (m) O o o o o o G o o o o o o o 0 l)c tUeckin ntcvjmsc. FRIDAY, .MAY :il, is BEXIIOLLADAYIX FIVE CHAP TERS. Kia.l, and Hand to lour Neigliljor. F ro m the Willamette Farmer. We do not deal in sensations, but in soliev facts ami calm reason. J leaders of the Fumcr, Citizens of Oregon, these things are published fSr your good; as friend forewarns frierid, so" we forewarn yon. If you profit not thereby, it shall not be our fault. Altfiousjh Ilolladay, with Itis wealth of millions, has seen lit to make war upon us, striTjlini; bv day's work for daily bread, and with base libels attempt ed to ruin our business, yet we shall toll you sober truth without anv admixture of malice. And this brings us to consider HOLLA OA V A AS LAW-MAKICR. It has not been forgotten by the people of Oregon, and especially not by those of this city, how IIol laday went int o the Legislature of lSGSr and secured from that As sembly the land grant franchise on which"the Oregon anl California Railroad has been constructed. It was the shame of this city, and the disgrace of a majority of that Leg islature, that Ilolladay and his satellites held high carnival in Starkeys's Block, with wine, whisky, women, and feasts, to which' were added, not unfrequnt y, midnight reveling and drunk enness. Easy-going members of that Legislature were wined, dined, made drunk, and put to bed, to wake up supple tools of the great Ilolladay. Those of a tinancial turn of mind were enabled to start stock-ranches, and saloons, buy ele gant homesteads, pay oiTold debts, and even have 2,000 checks to bet on "ookei albeit tliev came is ljoor as church 11 .1 1 1 up to this cit v mice, to serve the people at tnree dollars a day. We have hoard it said that the little resolution passed for him cost him j'ft'.l thousand ij(i!,'iirs in yold oji.it. 'I he corrup tion and unhii'-ful means then made use of by him are notorious and unden'able. But here bear it in mind that we have never denied, and do not now dt nv, the right of 3lr. Ilolladay to seek bv hoifjrible and fo.ir means the legislation he desired. But, mark vou auaimil is to the n.ubiir- fti.l, cri niirtiif, and ir'c-L'rd manner of his piocee( liu; and to l lie - 1 uan , and ('emus cormiitions he maU di makes, use of, that we do object and protest. Then, for the first time in the history of our fair young State, was the vile leaven ol corruption introduced into our halls of legislation. Then, Cit izens of Oregon, did the poison asp ol 'nion-tiifl.(!iiioi insert, his fangs m- to the 1m ai t ol Oregon politics, to -.it. amt destroy with it- loatliesome virus the purifv of our laws and elections and tin; honor of our public men. Such was the moral code used by Ben Ilolladay in his efforts as a law-maker in Oregon; and such will ever be his evil influ ence until voted down by the voice of the people. But, looking further, we see that the resolution of the Legislature of ltrGS was of no use to Ilolladay without a confirmation by Con gress; and to secure such ratifying act of Congress, to give him the lands now patented to his railroad, Mr. Ilolladay tjr.id to and (:: pt:d the following proviso: Ar.( provid.'d furdnT, Tli-it the Hn1.--graniffl by the Act nfor-s:ii.t shall be sold to '''fd sti'i-rs only. i:i quantii tcs no preait'r th-tn one quarter section to one tirc-hsiser. ;nil for a price not (xcecdbij (: rf-'H'irs ami fifty cent yer ai-re'' This is another illustration of law making, and which brings us to consider IIOLLAPAY AS A L-UV-IiUEAKEU. Whv did Congress put on these railroad lands the above restric tions as to iriee and settlement? W e answer mat it was done lor the express purpose of preventing Ben Ilolladay from speculating with these lands and extorting high prices from the poor settlers. and how has Ben Ilolladay res pected that law of Congress? We answer, again, that he lias deliber ately violated every provision of it, and basely perverted a law, de signed by Congress to aid, protect, and benefit poor settlers, as well as secure a railroad, to his own sel fish purposes, and to add millions of dollars to his already colossal fortune. According to his own oath in the Elliott case, Ben Ilol laday has deserted the poor, land less, homeless men of Oregon, and sold this great land grant to a company of wealthy men, of which he is chief, called the '"Oregon and European Ltftid (. ompany, who are now demanding trom tour to twenty dollars per acre for these lands, wiueii were intended to be sold oniy to our seiners nr two dollars and a hall'. At. the maxi- mum price placed on these land by Congress, toe grant was prohahiv worth ten million doHats, but at the rates it is now being sold by these speculators, it will put in their pockets, as a free gilt, thirty or forty millions. If the proceeds of those lands were applied to the extension of Oregon railroads, there might he . some show of excuse for this viola- i tion of the law. But the juice of: 4he lands is not so expended. The ; railroad is being built with the ' proceeds of sale of t lie bonds, ac- ; cording to Ilolladay's testimony. The lands are not moitgage.l to secure the bonds nothing but the railroad. Ben Ilolladay has got ' ail the money used in building this road (according to his own oath) I from the sale of these bonds, lie has therefore not invested one dol lar of his own money in this rail road. Wherefore, then, is the rea son for allowing Ben Ilolladay, in addition to the railroad purchased with'the bonds, millions upon mil lions of dollars, the proceeds of this great land grant, and for all of which he "has never paid one dollar or one honest day's work? This brings us to consider IIOLLAPAY THE SAINT AND BENE FACTOR. It is the pleasure of some men, especially those Who bend the supple hinge? of the knee. That thrift may follow fawning." to point to I Iolladay as a great bene fator of the State. We do not grant this. He has done nothing more than those ht- found here were en gaged in doing, except to kick out all the pioneers in the work. The only difference is that Elliott and others did not pretend to have any money to build roads, while Holla day has boasted loudly of what he had, hut spent not a dollar or nis own, but scattered that of las Ger man bond purchasers. The con struction of our railroads by hon orable and reasonable men wouhl certainly have been a great bene faction to the State; but Ben Ilol laday lias proven to be a curse. We "charge that, by his intrigues and shameless interferences in elec tions and legislation, he has demor alized public sentiment and cor rupted public honor; and that the wrong and injury thus inflicted on the commonwealth exceed any possible pecuniary benefit. e charge, further, that the above mentioned violation of the land grant law, by which four millions of acres of our lands have been nan od over to a uuie cuuue oi foreign speculators, with Ilolladay at their head, and the prices so rais ed as to render every poor man settling on them a verital-le slave, and for which neither the State nor the people receive a single dollar or another foot of railroad we charge this to be an injury to the State, incalculably in excess of any possible railroad benefit from Ben Ilolladay. We charge, further, that by reason of Ilolladay's mon opoly of steamships, railroads, river boats, dravs, trucks, and hacks, and by reason of his domineering and tyrannical nature and disposi tion, that he has alarmed the pub-i- i i .. .i. .. lie and aroused suspicion, mat ne has frightened away ail capita! not in his own interest, and effectually checkt d immigi at ion. . o inde- pendent oaiiKer, capitalist is fool here and invest m an niacin re r, or enough to come lis money where he can plainly see that his fortune and investments may be ruined at any time by this factious and un easonabie railroad king. They have man. stopped coming, knowing the state Xo poor of affairs here-, will come to pay Ilolladay more for timber and brush land than good prairie will cost in Kan- sa and -peel allv not when he -i learns that a passenger or a pound of freight can get in or out of the State without paying tribute to one man, whose only rule of action is iiiialit. and not riiht. Call you a beneficial state of affair 1 1 1 i s Call vou the man wh o produced it a Itenetaei or r ay, vo 'rily ; he Oregon Lvorst enemy. noLL.vn.vy as a politician Every citizen has a right to his political views, and to the free ex- pre don of them. But what right has Ben Ilolladay. a citizen ot New York, to be interfering with the politics of Oregon? As the owner of property here, he has a right to demand equal protection for viroocrtv along with that of our own citizens. And now ask. has he not alwavs had we it ? Where is the citizen, wh-ie is the party, that has ever proposed to do any injustice to ii'mi, or one rule for him and a dif ferent one for other people? There have been two serious of the Leg islature since he came here, in both of which he sought for (Old rn ir cd sptc'nd h:-n ''-' it (I h yjt-d'dh:e J't ri to himself. Ami where was tlx-: member that proposed to do him an injury? The fact is that Ben Ilolladay has been feted, and honored, and petted, and fattened by the people of Oregon as no ot h er man ever was by any other State. And how has he returned our hospitality? Look at his malign and corrupting iull'iences in our Legislatures; look at his violation of the land grant act, in quadrupling the price of lands upon poor settlers ; look at the employment of his "red shirts1' in the Portland elections; look at his recent interference in the primaries of a political nartv j in the same city; look it his hos- I tility and malice spit out. upon ev j ery man that does not obey hi j orders and wishes look at his coin- i pulsion ot j steamboat: men to give up their hacks, and drays, or ruinous opposition. i submit to Hi.- political platform is 'Rule or rum, 1 and, for one, we propose to give him a good square tight to see whether he can. the i:i:mt:i)y. The ballot-box; offers you the on ly remedy to free yourselves from the imposition of this unreasona ble man. And we appeal to you, citizens of Oregon, to pa-s not these words lightly by. You men of bro'nzed cheek and i ... horny hands, m the sweat oft whose honest toil your daily bread is earned, how do yon like the pic ture? Are you ready to do Ilol laday's bidding at the polls, and thus perpetuate his power over your labor and earnings ? And you immigrant and settler on yon distant hillside, 'with your all stored in that humble cabin erected by your hands! you labor like a galley slave to clear that land and earn a living,and for years pay interest and ten dollars per acre for land which Congress told Ben Ilolladay to sell you for two dollars and a half. You and your wile have come thousands of miles to settle in and build you a home in fair young Oregon. You were told that land was here cheap; and, once here, you cannot retrace your steps, The Congress of your coun try has endeavored to protect you, but this King Ilolladay has set at defiance the law made for your protection, and is now engaged in robbing you by slow degrees. X'o politician or political party in Ore gon has dared to speak out in your defence. But the WiUamtttt ' lu inn er has dared to speak, and will Continue to defernl yon. TbH p;ipt-r was established and is published for the beno 'it of the biborer and fanners of Oregon, and it will never be bought, nor threaten ed, nor bullied oti the" track. We know neither oi the political parties, but we tVht. for the freedom and independence ot labor and laboring men all the time. (iie us an honest man. who will stand bv the working men. and oppose the rnonop o'iH, and we care not what ticket he b on. Workingtnen. farmers, mechanics, and merchants, oiuzens and all, read this; and pa.-s it. around, and if any man find aught herein, amiss, demand ht3 reason, and send it to u:s for 'eplv, if you need to do so. But if this doctrine suits yon. then we ask you to buckle on your armor and o to work at once, for the time is short, liemeriiber that your enemy is organized, has money to sjuMid. and unscrupulous hirelings at work. Attend all political niee:iugs, call out the candidates, and make them pledge themselves for Of agiinst you or the railroad king. De ttta.nl fence laws (or railroads. p. lyment for killed stock, equal taxation of the rail roads wi'h other property, arid full pro tection for producers an 1 shippers of freight; and. la.sily. dt in md t lot. no man be sent, to the Legislature, to Congress, or to the .Senate, who will not. pledge him self to enforce the two dollars and a halt clause of the land grant act. Ilolladay's minions will give you a terrible light: bit' go to the election to assert and maintain your rights as freenn-n. II yon tire op posed by force, or monf-y (lthr. in any part of the .state, meet it promptly and etfeCU vely ; -.Strike for your alters and j-our fires. Strike" and leave not a single base born wretch to tell ihe tale. Jrixn: Boisk. This political mountebank is traversing Polk and Yamhill counties, tolling all sorts of lies and slanderous things about the Canal and Locks at Oregon City, and the Swamp Band law. If the swamp Land law is such a swindle, the dudge is as big a swin dler and thief under the provisions of that law, as any other one con nected with if, for he has applied in his own name, to purchase 10.-9-bS acres of Swamp and overflow ed hinds, and if the law is a swin dle, he becomes a party. We have the documents to prove what we say. We are also inform ed that lie is interested with two other Radical applicants in 100,000 acres more. Anw here is cheek tor yon, and shows how much candoi there is in any of the statements ol this would be Cnited States Sen- a t o r. JLcrcnr . Vv'iUiam "Wells, of Marion county, i largely engaged in the cultivation of hops. His cron this year will exceed 10.000 pounds. The amount of property destroyed by the fire at Corval'Ls on Wednesday eve ning is estimated at $:'..0 )0. I.i.ankh. All kinds of blanks can be had at this office Job Printing of every description neatly executed, at short no tee. PACSF BOOT AND SHOE H8US E! Fall anil Winter Trade. HAVING RECENTLY FILLED UP OUR uss rimciit of Imported Stales in Ladies' ami Gents' We will take great plea-nre in displaying and i eceiviiii; orders troai our patrons and the pu.iiic gcn-raily. We h:ive. received fr un New York a tew p;ur of the (Meboited KLPUAT OI'EUA BUT ION FRONTS, by which a Lace Shoe can i e tallied into a lii'.iuti'ul Rut ton (latter Will take oid rs f.,r the same at any time. We have th Ri-t and Latest styles in Mi-ses' and Chihlreu's button G li ers and 15 ihiior lis th '.t are im ported . hut for go d s ibst.autt.il W'-ar there are none that can e.iine up to leir own make. We Warrant tliL-ni iu every respect. Seven pn'odv New Strips of Ladies' and ri-ses' RU MR Kits T e'NilUin, Congress, M trie Antoinette, Queen's U Turin, Velvet Fr.'iit a n' Alaska. I'g'nt, .' is'i Durable and Xeal Fining. A !., a lot, of Children's Rubbers. Rri-ig on your feet. TO WOEIiEI. COME AXI) SEE CUF5 CHAMPION BOOT! Respectfully, PROTZIilAN, GILLIHAN & CO., Cor- Front and Morrison Sts-, PORTLAND, REG ON. Dec. 1. IsTLtf V VOID QUACKS. A victim of eirly in .liscretnoi. causing nervous debility, premature rieeav. Ac , having tried in vain everv advertised remedy, ''as a simple means ot df cure, w hich he vH send tree to His fellow sufferers. Ad Iress J . II. KLL L, 7S N-issan st., New York Sept. 1:1 y GOOD NEWS, G OD NEWS! 7 X 'P' LOOK OUT FOR GOOD NS! S. AC5CERSV1AIM & CO. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE Stok of SPRIXG & snniER GOODS, WHICH THEY OFFER Cheaper tiin t2ie CBaeapest. We would suv, come and convinee your self bt-fire pnr i hasing elsewhere. Our stock consists in part of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY-GOODS, CHOTHING, II ATS, ROOTS AND SHOES. NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, ami a great main- articles too numerous to mention. ALSO, Doors, Windows, Glass and Putty. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. ALSO, WOOI.. wanted, for which we pay the HIGHEST PRICE. ACESRDIATJ & CO. Oregon City, April 21, lS71:tf RESTAURANT LEOHDcLOUEY, Prop'r" LA TE OF THE CLIFF 1I0U.F. il MX STKKKT, OKKOOX CITY, OH KG ON. rl?IIE UNDF. JL speelfuliv UNDERSIGN E D R E- iliiiioiinces to h his vl; V : leinl ami t he ti ave nue pno.ie, t! at he has -opened the al.ove named lit staurant. The proprietor knows how to serve his esuti.mers with Ovsteis, Pis Feet, a good cup ot Coille or a SQL' A RE MEAL. LEON DtLOUEY Oregon City, Jan. '-'7, lb7l:tf W 1 L L A FJ1 SINGER FOIl HIE MAXITACTOLV OF SASH, BLINDS AND CCQRS AND MOULDINGS OF ALL SIZES. r,7T They will nlso do TURNING, of v"ry description to order, With Neatness and Bispatcl 1 o ALL WORK WARRANTED. Shop on the River, in Lewis' shop. opposite Oregon City Mills. SHADES SALOON, C. A. HAAS, Proprietor, Main Street, Oregon City. U. t BILLIARD TA II L in OR EG O .V Have been introduced, ami the Proprietor in vites the attention -f the lovers of this popular amusement to them THE B A II IS SUPPLIED With all toe choicest qualities of Liquors nnj Cigars. Scot, h, Irish and Rouibon alreadj famous Whi.-kies and Punch. ALSO, A NO. 1 SHOOTING GALLERY Is connected with the Salot n. Orenw:! City, Jan. 1, ls7'2:tf i:. pope, firoeer & Provision Dealer, Next door south of the Court House, Main Strut, Oregon City, Oregon, DEALER IN BEST FAMILY GROCERIES, COFFEE. TEA , SUCrAR, FLOCK ND M 10 A L of alt kinds, PICKLES. SO U SALT, CANNED FRUITS and OYSTERS, Also, all kiuJs of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. BUTTER. CHEESE and EC-CS. TORACCO and CIGARS, GLASSWARE, Etc., Etc. All kinds of country Produce tiken m ex change for woods at the highest mat Ketrates, j'Coocfs delivered in the city free of e! artre. A fair share of patronage solicited. March 23. l72:tf HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE rpiIE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR JL sale his re-ioence in Oregon City. There are four lots, a good houe and barn, with a tine cellar and a good well of water. There is plenty of land, and it is well adapted for early grd"nhi purposes. Part payment rnav bo" made in stock. For particulars ap ply" to GEORGE CLARK. ' Ore on City Jnna 2 1?71 C- W- POPE & CO-, DEALERS IN STOVES, TIN FLATE, SHEET IRON, BRA lERiv COPPER, LEAD PIPE, 1R N PIPE AND FITTINGS, RURRE . HOSE. FORCE AND LIFT PUMPS, ZINC, COPPER, BRASS ANDIRON WIRE. Also a general asscitment ol I'cr.s nishing Goods. MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware. ROOFING AND.jORRING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE TO ORDER, AND AT LOW PRICES, o Also, at POPE'S STOVE STORE you will tiud HARDWARE AND BASKETS, WOODEN, WARE AND TINWARE, LANTERNS, LAMPS AND OIL. LUCINK AND SIGHT LAMPS. ALjsO PERAM UULATORS. o AR of the shove articles are for sale at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. C. W. POPE 4S; CO. :lyl Oregon City Oregon. jNtk JEW WAGON AXD Carriage Manufactory ! The undersigned, having increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City Oregon Takes this method to inform his old pat rons. and as many new ones as may b pleased to call, that he is now prepared, with amiile room, yrooil materials, ana tne very bet of mechanics, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete anv sort ol a vehieie trom a com mon cart to a concord coach. Trv me. Placksmiliiing, Horse or Ox shoeing, and general jobbing nratlv, quickly and cheap Ivdone. DAVID SMITH. Opposite Excelsior Market R. F- GAO FIELD, COItXKR MAIN AXI) SKVKXTrl STKEKTS. OREGON CITY, OREGON, i:i!ei in DRY-EOODS & GROCERIES, CROCKERY and GLASSAYvKE. Also, a fall assortment of Hilllner) iM Fancy Goods 2 OF THE LATEST STYLE, JUST R SLC E I V E D. COUNTRY- PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Oct. i, 17 ) M JOHN UiYEKS, OREGON CITV, OREGON, RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES, BOOTS SMOISS, ILlBDWAIti:, I also keep constantly on hand SALEM CASSIME R E S, FLANNELS, T W E EDS AN D ULA N K ETS, Which I will sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. ;"I will also pay the highest price for Butter, Ejrsrs, and ail kinds of good country produce. I will sell as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash o-its equivalent in good merrhiin table produce. 6- (Jive me a cull and sntKfv yourselves JOHN MYERS. Jan. 13, 1871. tf Eye, Ear, Throat & Lungs. JOHN B. PILKINGTON, W. D., T ATE OF SAN FRANCLH'O, HAS LO cated in Portland, Oregon. Olhce : In Holmes' Duild.ng. First street (t oree doors from Ladd k Tilion- Rank) where he may be consulted daily, and will treat dUease of the above named organs as specialt es. All operations upon the Eve and Lai per formed in the most scientific and careful manner. ,, , . ARTIFICIAL EYES, having all the beauty and mobility of the natural eye, inserted. Refer bv'permission, for Ins professional standing, to L. C. Lane. M. D., Professor of Surerv. ami Edwin Pentley, M. I)., Profes sor of Anatomy, University of the Pacific. San Francisco and for his success in the treatment of cases, to over 1,500 cases tieat rd by him, in San Francisco ; also, to Levi Ests. Esq., Rey. T. L. Eliot, Portland ; Wm. If. Dillon, Esq., Vancouver, W. T. ; and many others Oregon and Washington Ter-rito-"y. aug25:m6 OREGON CITY BREWEEY! FTITTVT? V II IT II P.PT I I . r- I i r r. n I Vi n f f 1 t'hft n V. f v Cm. T? rr rm- r m t n X " : , 1 .. . ... - ..... es to.ntorm tne pnonc inal ne s now prepar ed to manufacture ;a No 1 q-ityof . i lJ C, v Pr't'n , . iV Aa good as can be obtained anywhere in the Stale. Orders solicited and promptly filled. THE HOUSE WE LIVE IN AND THE LMIABimTS OF THE rrlE CAUSE OF A GREAT MANY DIS JL eases, that have been pronounced incur able ty the most eminent physicians, for the very reason that they overlooked the vituxe. and as Dr. Van Den Rergh has made the Entozoa a life long Study, he would inform the sick generally that by close observation and great txperiments, has come to the con clusion that there are more acute and th run ic dUc;ises caused by Worms, Hydatids, An imatcuhe, or other species of Ent zoa. The public, generally, or the profession at large, lire not aware of the number of Patients who are treated by eminent Physicians, tor th s, that, or such a complaint, without any relief. If the disease had been understood, a few doses of Dr. T's. Sun rc:jn 'orin Ji'emeiy would have immediately cured the complaint and saved a great many lives. INHABITANTS OF THE KAN BODY! HU What think you reader, of your body be- in;i a planet, inhabited by living races, as we inhab t the earth? Whatever may lis your thoughts on the subject, it is even so. Your body may be but u home for parasites that craw over the Mirtace. burrow netieaii the skin, nestle m its entrails, and riot and propagate their kind in every corner oi its frame. The following is from the Sun- Frnici.c Bui'hlin, oi- January 20th, 1872. (A recent date. ) Carl yartins recently died iu Cleveland, Ohio, from eatitiir meat infected with the Ova of Tuna fa Stli-tm. At the Coi oner's Inquest, on Tuesday, (January 2d.t it was shown that three weeks before ChriMaias, Mai tins piirchast il a cai cass of pork. Some of the meet was aten the same day, i.nd some was made into h.-visage. About ten il.ivs later, some of the sausage wa eaten, and in a holt time the whol'i family were taken sick. Marlins died m Sunday . Decern her 31 st. 1S71. Mis. MarCns and tier two children are now very sick, and the tomer is not likel to recover. The verdict was in accordance with the facts. For further par ! icuhu s. see Cleveland, Ohio, papers of above date. A Coroner's inquest brought this fact to liirht. Now 1 would ask how many more Mich deaths ,v inquest would bring to light Y Ponder well, reader, upon thi, and thn k ol ihe thousands that die every ear and no cr.u-e can be as-igned ior their deaih. Now the question that would naturally enter the mind of the reader, is what shall I d ? Tin advice of the Dr. would be go to some one that is competent ol treating such cm p'aints. And who is more competent than the one that has made Worms a speciality. Ti xias. Yesterday, Dr. J. V. Van Den Rergh exhibited to ns a number ot para.-ites which had been removed from persons af flicted; then; were several d fh rent species, oneof which appears to be entirely unknown to the n edical pudes-ion . This new taenia is shaped something like an orant'e seed, but perfectly flat, or lather like a cucumber seed, with a tail about a quarter f an inch inlergth. Anoth'T '-is a tape worm S7 feet in leio-'h, consisting of l,'e'o joints. Among medioal a. en theie ex sts no little difference of o inion relative to the oiigin of these c-ntoa -a. One class of writers be lieve that tuevi parasites, at least many of them, onginat iu ihe endowment of animal tnleciile.. wish vitality from the parent body, favored by cer aPi states ol the vital forces of that body; the states originating their organization and promoting their g owth and proj airari -i. Thai, ail descnjdions of entozoa are met witii far more frequently where animal toed is used in greatt'jt abnnd ance. is an imlisnntahle tact, especially where ti e food is the Ilesh of the '"unclean beasts," iv hicii the Jews and Median medaiir !ie li.ibi Idi i. to pai lake of. Rut our iuteii lion is not to write a thesis upon this suhpv t: we only desir. to . ronxie t lie fact that Dr J W. Van Den linidi hast. 'mid a med:cii:e . a simple veget ible which glows in ; bund ance in Caliiornia, which is a d- ad shot to a ento.oa. of wliatever de-eiitoti, giner a lv aceompPshing i!s e!jeet in tf'-m a:i hour anil a half to six h on rs.--.lo-; 'g Cull. Had we the siace I ere. hundreds t testi monials coal 1 be produced, testifying to the truth of the assenions thai have here been made, but it v. ould be useless and woul.l only occupy the reader's time. The foiiow n are some of the diseases that Worms are often mistaken for. Dyspepsia, Chronic Affections of the Liver and" Kidneys. Con.-umption, White Swelling. Palsy, Sjerm;.torrhea. Diarrheea, Incmti nence of Urine, ti ravel, Flor Albas, Diabetes, Dropsy, etc. Dr. V. would advise those ladies troub'ed with uiiy 1 rrej tilarities of the Uterus to t ry his new remedies and u;et cured. Dr. Van Den Rei ch's Infallible V rm Syr up for Children. 1 rice 1. Warranted to expel the worms. Stilt everywhere upon receipt ot price. Dr. J. W. Van Den Rergh's, Hair Tonic a sure c ire to destroy all animaleu're of the Hair Follicles, prevents falling out. and pro moting the G row th ol the Hair. Price 1,. 10; Warranted. Uy Consult niil Vmlt rgoiiis SIMPLE EXAMINATION, The ttfflieted can learn if their disea-e is caused by Woirns or no'; at all even's, Dr. Van lien Renxh can tell them from what dis ease they are MiflVring- Consultations jiml Elimination FKKE OF CIIAHGK. OFFICE ROOMS N0S. 33 & 39, OVER THE POST OFFICE- Letters describing the symptoms will be promptly nnsweied, and persons livingat a distanc will be saved the expense and trou ble of c.dliag upon the Doctor. A ldnss IJU..T- "V. VAX IE?f HEKGII. R. O. RON 172. SALEM, OREGON. Test iniiui ia 1. PoitTi. vxn, Pcb. Dilh, 1872. Dr. J. W. Van Dkx P.kkoii Jiv.ur Sir: Our child, a little girl eight years of age, has had fits and convulsions for the last two years, ;;nd we bad tried many doc.t r and "iranv remedies without much benelit, in fact our darling was getting constantly worse uiitd we heard of your worn s rap through a fri nd of ours. We thought, that pejhaps it might do some good to give it. a trial, and you cannot imagine our surprise when over 2o0 worms were expelled with one bottle ol your valuable worm syrup, and from thi "time on we certainly shall never be without it so long as there is a possible chance for it to be had. You are at liberty to publish this if you choose, and may it do much food. Respectlully vours, S. H. OKTON. M.J. ORTON. Symptoms of "Worn, Alternate pa eness and f.nshing of the countenance, dull expression of the eves, drowsiness, itching of the nose, a swelled upper-lip, tonrue whitely fV.r.-isi nod thick ly speckled with red points, fetid breath, and enlarged abdomen, a part:al or gen eral swelling or puffingness of the skin, a startling iu the sieep and grinding of the I teeth, a sensation as if something was lodg- eo in me mroai, a lamiai wasting of t tie flesh, sickness of the stomach, vomiting, a short and dry cough, appetite somptime s yo racous, at other times feeble, bowels some times costive, other times loose, great fret lulness and irritability of temper, pains in the stomach and bowels, colic, Gts, convul sions and palsy. - , .he worrn cvrno is not to be naa in i tow pend brd;rf: tn the manfacturer , 7fc wi gent ,,tly to any address ' free of express charces. Direct orders to Iree t w V N DEN RERtiH ' K' p' 0.BoVl72, 5alem, Oregon, jNEW YORK HOTEL, (Detitfches Gafthaus,) No. 17 Front Street, opposite the Mail ste ship landing, Portland, Oregon? H. K0THF0S, J.J. WILKENS PROPRIETORS. ' J 3oard per Week. tsoo- 6 Oo I oo with Lodging. Pay. TMI3 OJLiIJ AND rJ? IX 'IU BEST DR. HUFELArJD'S 'CELEBRATED e SWISS STOMACH BITTERS. The First and most healthful Tonic ever introduced in the United States. These Hitters have been in the San Fran- cisco Market for over j'l w-nty Yfars.aud j notwithstanding the fa many new candidates f! for public favor, the g sales have constantly S :rereased. TAYI.(Ht & IIEX- KKIi. Sole Agents, ft 4o'.l and 411 Clay St , gSan Francisco, 'ii'.-lv'. " a1 ii m " IV Pi! l $ "Will sew everything needed in a f?.n3;y, froa taa heaviest to the lightest fLLrlc XT lOX:S SOKE WiJilll, SOKE liSTiU.'-i WOKK, AVI 3IETTEK Than any cthsr machine. Tf there ia n, riorcrico Fewirg Jla clilno v.hhla or.e thousand iiiilcs of Ban Francisco rt vorkiiig vtll and piving cr.'. ire K.-L'.isf.Ttion, if I am in formed of it, it Mill Lo attended to vilhout expense of any kind to the owner. EAAIILEL 1IILL, Arrcnt, 10 f.'c.v f'ontrjomery Street, Grand Hotel Du!Id!nrj, Saa FranciDCo. SftKl for Circulars and samjnrs rf the trorlc. slctive Agrnts iviiHlcd ii frt-yif Jtl'TCf. PRIVATE tEBICAL AID. Quick tines :t nl Plinlfiutc Cljaige, Or- W. Kboherty's Private Medical fe Surgical nstitnte. Ko.519 Sacramento Street, corner of LPtriPsnrft. (a tew doors Wm r t the What Cheer House.) (Private entrance on Leidesdorif street.) Establish! d Expressly to A 11 Vo u the All! cteif Sound ami Scientific Medical Aid, in the Treatment and Cure of all Privale and Chronic Diseases, Cases of Secrecy and all Sexual Disorders. To tiit a in it t i. DR. V. K. DOIIEUTV re! tn ns his si; rere thanks to his iiumerous pntients lor their patronage, and would take this cpportiniitv to remind them that he continues i consult at his Ii.sliiute for the cine of chrorii dis eases of the Imngs. Liver, Kidm-vs, l'ltres tive and Genito-lTi inary Organs, and ail private di( ases, viz : Syphilis in its ferri s and stages, Seminal "VYeakne s and all the horrid consequences of self-al.ue. (h.in rr htea, Cleet, Strictiues, Nocturnal ami Diur nal Emissions. Sexual Debility, 1 lisesises ef the Hack and Lome, inflammation of the Dl.idder and Kidneys, etc. ; find he hopes that his long experience and sncces-lnl prac tice will continue to insure him a share ef public patronage. I!y the practice of many years in Europe and the United Slates, he is enabled to apply the rm st efficient and si c cessful remedies againsfdiseases of all k nds lie uses no mercury, charges moderate,tre;it his patients in a correct and honorable av, and has references of m questionable veraci ty from men of known respectability atul high standing in soc;ety. All j'arties cen sulting him 'by letter or ethei wise, w ill re ceive the best and gentlest treatimn aid implicit seci ec-. To .Females. When a female is in trouble, or afll: ted '.villi disease, as weakness of ihe bac k and limbs, pain in the head, dimness of ' sie ft, loss of muscular power, palpitation of tbfl heait. in itabi.'if v, nervousness, extreme ur inary difficulties, derangement of digest if functions, general debility, vaginitis, all dis eases of the womb, hvsteiia, steiilitv and ail other diseases peculiar to females. sheshould go or wri'e at once to the ceh hinted lemala .lector, W. K. DOIIEUTV, at his Medical In stitute, and consult him about her troubles and disease-. The Doctor is effecting mora cures than any other physician iu the State of California. Let no false delicacv prerfBt ou, but apply immediately and save yourself from painful "suifeiinga and premature death, All married ladies, whose delicate health or other circumstances prevent an ineiease :r, their families -hould write or call at DU. W. K. DOIIEin V'S Medical Instiu.te, ai.d they will rect-ive every possible relief and 1 eln, The Doctoi's c dices at e se, arranirf d that l e can be consulted without fear ol' ohn vatum, To Correspondents. Patients residing ia any part of thef-fai-. however distant, who ma v"des:re theopini?, and adviceof I'B.DDIJEliTV in theis rcsjt tive cas.es. nd who think propet; to aut niit t. written siatenitfnt of such , ia preference ifi holding a person! interview, are respectful: ly assured that their communications will he held sacred and confideetial. If the case bfc fully and candidly described, personal eeni mnnication will be tin necessary, as insfrnc tions for diet, regimen and the general t'eat ment of trie ca--etvlf finchuling the reme dies), will be forwarded without" delav. and in such a manner as to convey no ideaof the nurport of the letter or parcel" so transmitted. jMfConsultatipn by letter or otherwise, FPEE. Permanent cure guaranteed or no pay. Sperm at orrhorn. DB. DOIIEKTV lias j-t published an im porlant pamphlet, embodying bis own view and experiences in relation to Impotence or irility ; being a Slmit Treatise on Sperma torrhoea or Seminal Weakness, Nervous and Physical Debility consequent on this affec tum and other diseases of the Sexual Orgars This liu'e 'ork contains information ot the utmost value to alt, whether married orsine'e and will be sent FLEE by mail on receipt of six cents in postage stamps for return postage- Address. W. K. DOIIFRTY. M. jnivSnly San Francisco Cal 1 A. NOLTNER, NOTARY PUBLIC, ENTERPRISE CFflCE Oregon City, Jan ;i3:tt ,J; "mmam - - - a T " T flfTl