19 m. --ft' t-. " .... (4 O O o o 0 o G o O o o o 0 O o o o G t o O O 0 o o O 0 G l)c Ukcfcin (iJutcrprisc, FRIDAY, Mai' zi. Lml e-" Concluded from First Page. nny say rapidly, increased under low tar i:fs'; in fact, it is shown tbat the produc- tion of pig iron has increased more rapid v in periods ol low tariff than in periods of high tariff. Thus, from 1832 to 1810 there was an increase in the amount of pig iron produced of seventy-three and a half per cent., and from 1852 to 18C0 there was an increase of seventy-five per cent. Iloth periods were under low tariffs, the last being the lowest since 181G. while from lSGii to 18(59 the highest estimated increase is seventy-seven per Cent, for O nine years, being a less average per cent, than in either o! the other cases. The average price of pig iron in the city of New York, from 18.'0 to 18t0, was S2G 3D per ton. and sold in the last year. 18(iU. at an average of $23 l." per ton. O This was iimW a low tariff, but under the increased tariff it roe to $10 25 per ton in 18ii5. equal to thirty dollars coin, and is iuw selling for fifty dollars, equal to $ 11 1 coin, tin increase of nearly one hundred per cent. These facts and figures deinonsua'e that there is but the one ob stacle in the way of the successful and profitable, building ot iron or wooden snips in tlie United states, that is our tar iff laws. With an average duty of forty three per cent, upon the materials which enter into the eon-tiuction of ships, and labor enhanced at least thirty per cent, by tariff exactions, it is not to be wondered at, that, American ship building has declin ed. If we would revive our commerce, we must repeal our protective tariff laws and return lo 1 v a-id .strictly revenue iluiies. If we do this we shall itgiin see our il ig upon every ocean. The proposi tion to sub-idize the boiiding of American ships to eng.-i.re in foreign commerce as a means of regaining our lost commercial rank is the crowning act of this vicious .sys'em. u:ul a lkt;ug end to this comedy of errors. .Mt. Chairman, another p'e i that i al ways in the nfHi'h of the protectionists is the suing of oi.r laborers from competi tion with the pauper labor of Europe, and doubtless this argument has drawn more support to the side of high tariff than any other, and yet. sir, what benefit, results to the laborer to increase his wages from one il'uiur per day to $1 50 or two fvo'lars per day. if at the same time the cost, of living is so increased that his increase of wages will have no greater purchasing power than his lower wages? This is precisely the result and working of high tariff-. A careful examination of t!ie wages in ,(). and the price of neces saries and cost of living, as compared with Jb'71. will disclose t he fact, that the day's wages of 1.S71 will buy scarcely so much Oot the necessaries or luxuries of life as tfie day s wages, would in LSi'i). ami this is not otiiy the practical but the logical working of protective tar'lfs. There is another class, however, larger than a!i the o hers combined, which con- stitiUe by far the larger part of J the great bo ly of consumers, which have not been remembered by the protectionists. They are that large class engaged in agricultural pursuits. If they have been remembered it has been only that they could bear burdens and pay taxes. I know. sir. that, it is claimed that, bv fo-tering our m.muTactU! inir interests. higher prices are secured for farm prod ucts. Here, again, the sophistry is answer ed bv the fact that that which the f irmer a id laborer must purchase is also enhanc ed, of; en even beyond any incidental in crease of the value ot the product of their labor. Iiesides. sir, the great, staples of the farm and plantation, such as wheat, corn, iiiid cotton, must always, at least for a long period of time to come, depend upon foreign markets. The history o' tariff legislation and the opera'ion of tariff laws entirely refutes aiitl overthrows the idea thit protection lias ever in any way b--nelited agricultural pursuits. It may be shown that in addi tion to the increased cost of everything, the farmer mast buy under high tariffs, tha' his staple prod "ctions have almost in variably lirought him a lower price in protective periods than in periods of mm proteciioii. As an il!utr-it;on of this I have here a able which gives tin prevail ing price of wool in the city of New York from 1825 to lS(ii). by periods of lime cor responding to the continuance of the dif ferent tariff enactments ' Cb'li07. 3?"ihiO Pulled. I "' ii!s. O.'iils. C'c )i ts. 1825 to 1828. high tariff 24 12j 27 1S2U to 1832. htjfh tariff 2!i 1 1 3? is:;:j to isn. low tariff 31 -1!) -t. J 112 to 1S-IU. high tariff 23J 32 27 IS 17 to !.";;. low tariff 32 3'.) 31 1857 to lsf,0. low tariff 35 -il 28i These prices are the averages for ear: h period. Now compare the prices of wool in the sain-' city in lf0. at the cdose of sixteen yeirs of oon protection, witli the price iti ISG'J, after eight vears of protee- iityu : Saxony lleeeo h-U-OKyn Fe.ll blond Merino -Gils F.x'ra nulled .... 4Lv(-' H'c SI)'J -jro'd. 4ie ( "i)c o i tc I't'xi (fr,;Si; 25c f.,27ic t flae p -1.. :',! ( A h: 2S 0i :Ve Xo. 1 pnli.-d . Cal. unas!iel. Mi .:j-Je :e 0,,1 5e As a further illustration, take the arti cle of wheat. The market reports of our principal cities show the remarkable tact th it uiui remark able regularity for more tl'aa li'tv ye its this staple product of the farm has uniformly ione up as our tariffs Wt-nt down, and d.-elined a- our tariffs ad vanced. I have here a table sliowintr the price of whea? in th city of New York lioi i IjS'.i to IS.'i'.) !ty periods of ten years: 1S.MI. IS tfL.T rote0tion. per b: s'lel . . .S 1 no Is;! !, under or. t -e'i iu. per bushel . . 1 OH lsli) noil pro'eet ion. per busliel . . . . 1 (it) Is.)-:), iioii i ro ce-ioii. ptr busliel.... I -, 1 SCO. nun -protection per hn-hel . . . . IS:;:), jirotectioti. irold. per bu-hel... l ot! I h ive here another table vvliich I find i-i a work entit!" I 'Does rroteetioti i'ro tec!"' trotn which also the data in the two l-id tatifes 1 have triven were taken, r'tvinir tlie price of (lour during various periods from lso'.l to lSli7 AVKItAOK rittCK of Kt.oni. Tour veais. from IslI'J to 1812. (free ' ';.!-.) $5 15 lour vears. from Is 12 to 1810. (pro tection.) 4 4, lt-rlif years, from 1851 to lSt)l. (free w trade.) 4 47 Six years, from 1SG2 to 1807. (pro tection, ) 494 Average price foi twelve years under free trade G13 Average price for ten years under tec'ion .' 4 75 These illustrations mtsht be exten f d. but they are quite snflieient to esiabli-h the fact that. great staple pro ducts of the farm have aiwavs t a id the best markets under tlie lowest tariff; and therefore it is ttue that every effort to levy protective duties is so much tax upon agriculture. But. Mr. Chairman, (he whole burden is iot, as I have heretofore shown, confined, to the duties levied. Who. sir. can esu lnate the burden which is imposed upon the agriculturists of this country in the in creased cosi of products to market caused by the enhanced cot of railways, every mile of which pays some S3 000 duty upon its iron, or what is equivalent, if of'Amer 9 iean manufacture, the enhancement in juice to the full Margin of its protection; with which, enormous as it is. the iron ni as ters are not content, but having grown insolent with thir accumulations, have the impudence nmi audacity to ask that new lines of p-ojeete I nUivav. seeking congressional ac'on, shall not have the privilege of paying tfce duties and lay down foreign iron, but have been requlr- ed as a condition upon which the favors of Congress haFe been awarded tbat they shall lay down none but iron of American manufacture? Mr. Chairman, having referred to the condition ot the effect of tariff legislation. I desire to'say in conclusion that the re forms which are demanded as the necessity of the hour are radical in their nature, and should be thorough and sweeping in their application if relief to an overbur dened people is to be expected as a result. In the last fiscal year our receipts from customs revenues were $20C,270,Gf)5, be ing an average of forty-four per cent, up on all duitable goods. The bill no w un der consideration proposes a reduction in gross of $18,952 438. which is not one ihird of what it should be. Sir. a reduc tion of at ieast $60,000,000 of the customs duties should be at once affected, or upon such notice to the country as not to too suddenly disturb the business of the country. Twenty-five per cent. duty, as an aver age, upo.i foreign importations would give a revenue, upon the basis of last year's mporls, ot $130.000. 000; but with the known elasticity of the revenue, as evi denced in past ears, together with the in creased importations of articles now prac tically prohibited, we might with certainty expect the revenue from customs in the first year after such reduction to reach at least" $150,000,000. This amount, with our revenues derived from internal taxes, even after the reduction proposed by the pending bill, wi'l give $280,000,000. a sufficiency for an economical administra tion of the Govenment and the payment of the interest upon the public debt. Then, sir, having put your system of taxation upon a sound basis, thrust the pruning kniie of reform in the civil list. Turn out the snperiiumeries who infest every department of the civil service. Dismiss the incompetent from place, thrust from office with the brand ol dishonor the dishonest mercenaries wlo cling to power " that thrift may follow fawning.' Break up the plundering rings which infest your capital and pursue their nef irious schemes ot peculation upon the Treasury. Give amnesty to the .-outh in the removal of their disabilities, and peace to the coun try, and then reduce your standing Armv for which jou will no longer have need except upon the Indian frontier. These reforms effected and you will have from $25.0;.10.0!)O to 510.000 000 to apply to the leduetion of the national debt. Politic confidence will be restored, the industries of the country will no longer be depress ed ; no longer plundered by your unjust and iniquitioiis tariffs, will receive a fair recompense in unjust divisions of its joint earnings with capital. Your ship-yards will again res jund with the clangor of the shipwright, and our national ensign will again lloat from the masts of our ships upon every sea. What Wi: See About Us. What do we see about us? asks an Uastcrn paper. Only military rule in the shape of Power; a mil itary head, a military stall" milita ry subordinates, military edicts, rude eiit'oreements, the decay of civil ambition, partisan slavery in the Senate, the narrow and abso lute and submissive Order that pre vails in all despotisms; discussion silenced or overawed; the depart ure of power from the 3Iany to the Few; the congregation of moneta ry interests, like vultures, about the carcass of the spoils; demoral ization and corruption in the opera tions of bureaus and of prominent oiiice-holders; an immense produc tive constituency neglected and dis tressed for want of provident statesmanship ami for lack of na tional cor.liidence in the future; a dissevered people. These are some of the tilings we see about us. Those are grave symptoms too that Labor shows, which look like threatening clouds reminding us ot Paris and its Commune. The na tion is drifting awav from its old ! landmarks. It is not progressing; but it is retrogressing. It is oil the. path of safety. Luxury, arro gance, exclusiveness, seltishness, contempt for the sober masses reign in Washington. Vet a little while and we shall know how long or how short their reign shall last. PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE! Fall ami Winter Trade. II AV1X(1 ItECENTLY FILLED IT OUR assortment of Imported Styles in Ladies' and Gents' ; 3$oots sialyl alters, We will take great pleasure in displaying and receiving orders Irom our patrons "and the pu iiic generally. We h ive received from Xew York a few lai- of ti.p C. lele ut.-f! I'l 1'IMTIlPn.M j LUTTON FffoNTS, bv which a 'Lace Shoe ; can he turned into a beautiful JJutton Caitcr 1 ill take oid rs tor the same at any time. We have the P.est and Latest Styles in Mi-ses' and Children's Huttoii (iaiersand H drnorals that are imported, but for i;o'.( s-ibstantial wear there are none that can come up to our own make. We Warrant them in every respect. Seven entirelv New Sfvles of Ladies' and Mi-ses" RCi:iJI-:iiS T eXillsn. Con-ress, Marie Antoinette, Queen's German, Ythet tr nt ami Alaska. Li-ht, - is 1 Durable and Neat Fi.tmg. Also, a lot of Children's Lubbers. iJriug on your feet. TO COME AND SEE CUR CHAMPION BOOT! Respectfully, PROTZBIAN, GILLIHAN & CO., Cor- Front and Morrison Sts-, Dec. 1. ISTLtf P0KTL1. REG OX. Treasurer's Notice. Cocxtv Treascrkk's Office,) Clackamas Countv, Oregon pOUXTY WARRANTS OF CLACKA V nws, endrose.1 tor interest prior to Xo yember 14th. isn, wil be paid on presenta tion at the County Treasurer's office at Ore gon C ty, Or- sron. Interest will cese Troni this date. H. SAFFARRAXS. Treasurer. Oregon City, April nab., 1S72. wl. SPRING GOODS JUST RECEIVED BY LEVY. T HAVE JUST REDEIVED A COMPLETE X and well-assorted stock of CUSTOM-MADE CLOTHING, AND GENTLE.MENS' FlBMSlllNC GOODS, Which I will sell at reduced prices. Call and examiue my stock before purchas ing elsewhere. Produce Taken in Exchange for Goods. A.LKVY, Mu in street, Oregon City. THIS OI.il EST y AND rJO XI E 13 IE S T DR. HUFELAN D'S .CELEBRATED SWISS STOMACH BITTERS. The First and most healthful Tonic ever introduced in lite United States. These Hitters have been in the San Fran cisco Market Cor over '1 urnly Year, and notwithstanding the i nianv new candidates l .sales huve const .ntlv w 'nereased. 3t.-yyl.ou & UKX- KKL, Solo A Kent s. 4! and 411 Clav St . g San Francisco. w-ly. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. PORTLAND, OREGON. GE. I.. CUKKY, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE A XI J OTHER IX VESTMENTS. Commissioner Selecting Swamp and Ovei flowed Lands. Farm Lands sold and purchasers obtained for all kinds of landed property. Valuable securities transferred in exchange for real estate. Loans negotiated m property, and titles examined and determined. ommisMons solicited and executed with fidelity and promptness. OFFICE No. 1 t Cu tei's Huilding, corner of Alder and Front streets. Fib. 3. Js7o:tf a1 ii nz r Til f"j "Will sew everything nesdod in a ftn'!y, fron the heaviest to tia lightest fabric IT 5) o ;:.' jions y;ni, Axo nsriTr.:: Yuz:::i, Than any other machine. If there is n, T'orr-nce Fo'w inq Jl.a cliine v.'i.Liu ore thousaml miles of San Francisco riot working well and giving entire s.-tti.sfrtctinn, if I nrn in l'orineil of if, it wiU Le attendetl to without cxpenso of any kind to the owner. EAinJIL HILL, Agent, ID fi'c-.v r.!ontomery Street, Grand Hotel Bu'idinr, San Francbcc. Snrl for Circulars anl ttampif.t of tlie tf . siclivc Agents tcantcd. in NEW GOOD AT TUB L1HG01NJ1AKERY. WILLIAMS & HARDING, HAVE JUST OF EX El) A FULL VARIE ty of choi'.-e FAMILY GROCERIES. AXD PROVISION'S. The Rakery will be constantly supplied with fresh BREAD, CR CKEIJ, CAKES, RASTrtY, CAXDIF.s AXD XUTS. All of which wi'l be sold at living rats. Iteinember that we do not sell goods at cost. Also, please bear in mind that it takes money to do business. To the faiming tmde we would say, CASH for you. produce, and CASH for our roo Is. Goods delivered to all parts ot the city. Feb, It, ls72:tf REAL ESTATE, REAL ESTATE- JACOB STITZEL, C. 0. WAY. JACOB STITZEL & CO., SUCCESSOR TO STITZEL & UPTOX., FATE A N I Cor. Front and AV'asIiIngton Ss., P O Ii T L A X I) , O R E G OX . Special attention given to the sale of farm ing lands and city" property. A II cortes pondence relating to the recources of Ore gon will be promptly answered- REAL ESTATE JOURNAL Published monthly. Sent free of charge to any address. JACOB STITZEL A CO. March 15, !872:tf VVOID QUACKS. A victim f early in discretion, causing nervous deliility, premature decay. Ac , having tried in vaiu every advertised remedy, lias a simple means of Melf-eure, which he wdl send free to lus fellow s-itierers. Address J. II. REEVES, 7S Nassau st., XewJJYork Sept. l:ly GOOD NEWS, COOD NEWS! LOOK OUT FOE GOOD S. ACKERfVl ASM & CO. II AVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE Stock of SPItlXG & SUMMER GOODS, WHICH T1IEV OFFER Clicapcr tSaaii tlie CBieapcst. We would say, come and convince your self before purchasing elsewhere. Our stock consists in part of FAXCV AXD STAPLE DRY GOODS, CI10T1I1XG, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES. XOTIOXS, G ROCERIES, HARDWARE, and a great many articles too numerous to mention. ALSO, Doors, Windows, Glass and Putty. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IX EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. ALSO, WOOL wanted, for which we pay the HIGHEST PRICE. S. ACKERLIAN & CO. Oregon City, April 21, ISTLtf TAS!D A m TT LEOriDoLOUEY, Frop'r- I LATA' OF THE CLIFF 11 0 USE M I.V STUF.KT, ORKIiDS CITV, OKKUOX. ''piIE UNDERSIGNED Illv X. spec; lull v announces to ins c fi lends and the ti ave'mg public, that he has re-ojieued the above named Restaurant. The proprietor knows how to serve his cstiti mers with Ovst'-ts, Pin's Feet, a good cup ot Cotl'ee or a SJU A R E M EA I LEON DkLOUEY Oregon City, Jan. 27, ls71:tf WILLIAM SINCER FOll 111; MAXLFACTOhV OF SASH, BUNDS AND EGOBS AXD MOULDINGS OF ALE SIZES. aT They will also do TURNING, of ev ry description to order, With Neatness and Dispatcl 1 o ALL WOKK WA UK AXTED. Shop on the Kiver. in I ..wis' shop. opposite Oregon City Mills. SHADES SALOON, G. A. HAAS, Proprietor, Main Street, Oregon City- o It.t niT.I.lAlll) TABLES in- ORECOS Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to them THE It All IS SUPPLIED With all trie choicest, qualities of Liquor anj Cigars. Scotch. Irish and Hourbou alreadj famous Whiskies and Punch. ALSO, A NO. 1 SHOOTING GALLERY Is connected with the Saloon. Oreao'i City, .Jan. 1, ls7'-':tf X. POPE, Grocer & Provision Dealer, Next door south of the Court House, "Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon, DEALER IX BEST FAMILY GROCERIES, COFFEE, TEA , SUGAR, FLOUR AND MEAL of alt kinds, PICKLES. SO IP, SALT, CANXED FRUITS and 0 STERS, Also, all kinds of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. UUTTER. CHEESE and EGGS. TOiCCO and CIGARS, GLASSWARE, Et,-., Etc. All kinds of country Produce taken in ex change f .r tronds at the highest ma' Ket rates. Good.- delivered in the city free of charire. A fair i-hr re of patronage solicited. March 23, 172 :tf HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE rpiIE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR L sale his residence iu Oregon City. There are four lots, a sond hou-e and tuiru, with a tine cellar and "good well of water. There is plenty of land, and it is well adapted for early gardening purposes. Part payment may be made in stock. For particulars fcp ply to GEORGE CLARK. Ore on City Juna 2 1871 tf C. W. POPE & CO., DEALERS IX STOVES, TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON, BRA lERb COPPEU, LEAD PIPE, 1R X PIPE AXD FITTINGS. RUN BE HOSE. FORCE AXD LIFT PUMPS. ZINC, COPPER, BRASS AXD IRON WIRE. Also a genera CE3oitn;cnt ol Ileus nishing Goodb. MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware. ROOFING AND j CUBING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE TO ORDER, AXD AT LOW PRICES. o Also, at POPE'S STOVE STORE you will liud HARDWARE AND BASKETS, WOODEX, WARE AXD TINWARE, LANTERNS, LAMPS AXD OIL. LUCINE AND NIGHT LAMPS. ALSO PERAMBULATORS. o All of the above articles are for sale at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. C. XV. POPE & CO. Oreou City Oregon. U:ly JEW WAGOX Carriage Manufactory ! The undersigned, having increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City Oregon. Takes this method to inform his old pat rons, and as manv new ones as may be pleased to call, that he is now prepared, with ample room, good materials, and the very best of mechanics, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete any sort of a vehicle from a com mon cart to a concord coach. Try me. Blacksmithing, Hot se or Ox shoeing, and general jobbing neat I v, quick lv and cheap ly doue. DAVID SMI r II. Opposite Excelsior Market R. F- CAOF5ELD, COUNER MAIN' AMI SKVKXTII STRKKTS, OREGON CITY, OREGON, Deiilcr in DRY-GOODS & GROCERIES, t l i CEO CK ERY an d GLASS AWEE. j Also, a full assortment of I Milliner and Fancy Gooils ' OF THE LATEST STYLES. JUST RECEIVED. COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN' IX EXCHAXGE FOR GOODS. Oct. tj, 17':U OREGON CITV, OREGON, RETAIL DEALERS IN HOOTS IL1KDWABE, I also keep constantly on hand SALEM CASS I M E R E S, FLANNELS, TWEEDS AXD ULAXKETS, Which I will sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. ?71 will also pay the highe-t prices for P.titter. Egirs and all kinds of good country produce. I will sell as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash or its equivalent in good merchantable produce. AS- Give me a call and sati-fv yourselves JOHN -MYERS. Jan. 11,1871. tf Eye, Ear, Throat & Lungs. JOHN B. FILKINGTON, M. D., T ATE OF SAX FRANCI.SCO, HAS LO j cated in Portland. Oregon. Office : In lb lnies' Ituildinar. First street (three doers from Ladd k Tilt;n"s IJ .nk. where he may be cntiMilted daily, and will treat diseases of tlie above named org uis as specialties. All operation-' upon the Eve and Eat per formed in the most scientific and careful manner. , , ARTIFICIAL EVES, having all the beauty and mobility of the natural eye, inserted. Refers bv"permis-ion, for his professional standing, to L. C. Lane, M. I)., Profe-sor of Surn-erv. and Edwin lientley, M. D., Profes sor of An itomr, University of the Pacific. San Fiancisco;" and for his sncce-s in the treatment of cases, to over 1,".i cases Heat ed bv him. in San Francisco ; also, to Levi Estj's. Esq., Pev T L. Eliot. Portland ; Wm. H. Dillon, Esq., Vancouver, W. T. ; and many others Oregon and Washington Ter ritory. nng-J.':mS Notice. JOHN MYERS, ESQ., IS MY DULY AU thoiizod Azent in Oregon Ci'y, nnd also A vent for the Estate ot Daniel Harvey, de censed. MRS. E. HARVEY. October 1. lS71.in A, NOLTNER, NOTARY PUBLIC, EXTERPRLSE OFFICE Oregon City, Jan 13:tl Oyer's Ague Oure, or Fever and Ague, Intermittent Fever, Cliiil Fever, liemittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Feriodioal or Bilious Fever, &c, and indeed all the auctions which arise lioai malxiou3, marsh, or miasmatic ooisons. Xo one remedy is louder called lor by the necessities of tlie Aiiierican people than a Mire :uiil sate cure for Fever and Airue. Such we are now enabled to oiler, with a perfect certainty that it will eradicate y the di-ease, anil with assur ance, foun-le 1 on proof, if.at no harm can arise I'loin its use in any quantity. That which protects from or prevents this dis rder ;ua-.l !. td" immense strvi-e in ttie cotn-aiunili-i where it jivevails. 1'rerention is better iiian cure, for the patient escapes the rik which he liiu-t run in violent attacks of this baleful (lis remoer. Thi "Crr.K" expels the miasmatic loi-oa of F icvk.i: isn At;i K from the rvstcin, n 1 prevents the development of the disease, if taken on the lirst approach of its premonitory symptoms. It n not only the best remedy ever vet discovered t-v this class of complaints, but ";!-. the cheapest. The large quantity we sup ply lor a dwiiar brings it within tlie' reach of everybody; and in bilions district, where Ki'.VMt ai Ai.rr. prevails, everybody Mioulcl have it, and u -ie it freely, both for euro" and pro lection. It hoped thi.s "price will place it within ihe rea -h of all' the poor as w ell as the rich. A great superiority of this remedy over any other ever discovered for the speedy "and certain cure of Intermiileiits is, that it contains no CJui nine or mineral; consequently it produces no quinism or other injurious etl'c'ts w hatever upon the constitution. Those cured bv it are left as he.nlthv as if they had never had the disease. Fever and A '-rue is not alone the consequence of the miasmatic poison. A preat variety ot dis orders ari-e from its irritation, among which are Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Headache, P.lindness, Toothache, Lara he, Catarrh, Asth ma, Palpitation, Painful Affection of tlie .Spleen, II vstt'ii -s, Pain in the Dowels, Colic, Paralysis, aiid derange. nent of the Stomach, all of which, when originating in this cause, put on the in termittent tvpe, or become periodical. This 'Ci'iu:" expels the poi-on from the blood, and consequently cures them all alike. It is an in valuable protect!. ni to immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily residing in the mala rious districts. If taken occasionally or daily while exnosed to the infection, that will be ex creted from the system, and cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into disease. Hence it is even more valuable for protection than cure; and few will ever suffer from Inter mittent: if they avail themselves of the protec tion this remedy affords. For J.irrr i'oui nlnints. arising from torpid ity of the Liver, if is an excellent remedy, stim ulating the Liver into healthy activity, alid pro ducing many truly renuu kuble cures, where other medicines fail. PKEPAUFD ET Dr. J. C. A.YEK& CO., "Lowell, Mass., J'mcticil ami Analytical Chemists, AXD SOLD ALL ROUND THE "WORLD. J'JilCE, $1.00 J'Kll JtOTTLE. 21. VEGLTABLE SlCiL. Jverv year i!iT':ses the ja.jml.-irity of this valtialyle I!air 1 'i ej ;-':i i i n : wiiieli is ilae to incvit uhaie. We c:;ii assure our old j rt t i . s lr. ii is keji fully up to its iiiidi slnudtird: :;t;d it is the only ixial'e and j erlee'ed rei aration for restoring (i;;.v oi; Faikd IIaiu to its youthful color, mkiuo; il soil, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, bv its use, heroines while and clean. Jt remove-! all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic properties, prevents the hair from failing oul, as it s'imu lales a?id nourishes the h.'iir-o-h-nds. J)y ils use, the hair ;tovs thicker and stronger. In baldness, il restores the capillary glands to their noi-mal vie;or, and will create a new trrowth, excej-t in extreme old aue. It is the most economical IIaiu Dul.ssixc; ever used, as it reiptires lower ajj)!ic:Uions, and oftves the liair a splendid, ulossy aji j.earance. A. A. Hayes, M.D., State Assay or of Massachusetts, says, "The constituents are pure, and carefully selected for excellent quality; ami I consider it the Ii:st i'ia:i'Ai:.vTiuN lor its intended purposes."' Sobl lJ all Drurj'jUt., and Dealers in Medicines. Frice One- Dollar. Buckingham's Dye FOE THE WHISKERS. As our Uenewer in many cases re quires too lomx a time, and too much care, to restore jrav or laded Whisk ers, we have prepared this dye, in one 2r partition; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash oil". Sold by till Druggists. Price Fifty Cents." Manufactured by R. P. HALL &. CO., NASHUA, 2NT.K. Smith A- Pavis. Wl olesale Agents, Front street, Portland, Oregon. Read Physician's Certificates Below!!! o cr CD P. Ui S fi CD -i o D 0 m CD eTJ o ELEBRMEDj O o i bESTTuHlG IN USE A Most Efficient and Pleasant Tonic. These T?ittrs am prppsre.i fromtbn most clioica end wholesome herbs nnd roots, and have friven universal satisfaction wherever tried. Thousands of dyspeptics havu found relief through their nse, and physicians recommend them tor the, enrn of all d iseasea of the blood anil fiver, and irregularities oi th digestive organs. Headache, Hiliou-nfss and Constipation. General Pehilityand Los of Appetite, alt ; re caused bv tha derangement of the fetomuch. l.iver nnd other functionaries of th system. '1 h 1XL Hitters hava been snccessfnlly nsed and arp w arranted to alio viuto the sullerer in til theal ove casci. CERTTFTCATES. Mfssi;. IT. Epstf.i.- Co: CJeiitlemen : 1 taka pleasure in FtntiniT that aeT' ahly to your wish I have carefully tested and exum inelthe sample of your I XL. Uitters, which yoa eent me, and rind it not only an ntrreeable Hitters, but also one that cannot, tail to bo beneficial ana tonic and promoter of D.gestion. U. 1IOLLAXD, M. D. Crrr and rorvTT Hospital, Saa IVancisco. Jua ith. 1ST I : I havj carefully examined Dr. Henley's IX L Bitters, and have failed to detect anything which could injure even the most delicate constitution. From tho composition of the Hitters, as faras I Jw to determine it. I should judge that tha IXL. Hitters must be a very efficient remedy in Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Loss of A ppetite and simi lar complaints, beinsr composed of a number ol vegetable drugs which tin principally used in dis eases of that nature, and are of the treatest emciency in their cure. . F. n. EXCELS. M. TV. Ass t Kes. Physician Apothecary C. 4 C. liospital. 21tT'71 VSSAiai S 0iFICE' Saa Francisco. Jaly Messes. H. Epptt.tn 4 Co Gents; T hare made careful lamination of yonr IXL Hitters, and have lound thera entirely free oi deleterious mineral substances. Yours, etc . LOUIS FALKEXAU, State Assayer. lieware of Counterfeits. None genuine without Dr. Henley's signature across the top of each bottle. Every Family should have IJottlO ill tle house, ftold everywhere. " "SohTl'roprietors, ' "So. .! Front Street. San Francisco, Cat. L. GROSS Ji CO., 675 W. iaku st.,-Chicago, lila. l Ji-'W -J - Jl MIL I PRIVATE MEDICAL AID. Q,uick Cure and Moderate Char- r Dr. W. K. Doherty'g Private Medical & Surgical Instltl No. 519 Sacramento Street, corner of Leidesorft; (a few doors belowj the What Cheer House.) (Private entrance on eidesdorfFstre ira Established Expressly to AflVjrdthe m Sound and "Scientific Medical Aid in1 Treatment and Cure of all Pnva'te Chronic Diseases, Cases of Secrecy anM Sexual Disorders. 3 and To I lie Afllicte,!. DR. XT. K DOIIERT Y returns hi. sinCcr) thanks to his numerous patients forth' patronage, and would take this opportiirf" to remind them that he continues tocon i at his Institute lor the cure of chro-icH eases of the Lungs, Liver, Kidneys tive and Oen. to-Urinary Organs, 'and n private diseases, viz. : Syphilis in all its f()," and stages, Seminal "NVeakne-s and all it horrid consequences of self-abuse. Conor? ho?a. Gleet, Strictures, Nocturnal and I)i. nal Pmissions Sexual Debil.tr, Diwa8 'l the lJack and Loins, inflammation of th. Bladder and Kidneys, etc. ; and he hot,! that his long experience and successful prac tice will continue to insure him a share of public patronage. By the practice of rnanr years in Europe and the United States he i enabled to apply the nn.st efficient and sis cessful remedies against diseases of all kind He uses no mercury, charges moderate treafc, his patients in a correct and honorable way and has references of unquestionable veraci ty from men of known respectability anfl high standing in society. All parties con sulting him by letter or otherwise, will re ceive the best and gentlest tieatrutn: md implicit secrecy. T Keiiinles. When a female is in trouble, or aflhcUd with disease, as weakness of the back nnd. limbs, pain in the head, dimness of siht loss ot muscular power, palpitation of'tbr heart, irrit.i biiity, nervousness, extreme ur inary dillicult ies. derangement of di;estiT functions, general debility, vaginitis. Till di. east s of t he womb, hysteria, sterility and !) other diseases peculiar to females, sheslmuld go or write at once to tlie celebrated lcmaU doctor, W. K. DOUEKTV, at hisMedicid In st it ute, and consult him about her trouh!i and disease. The Doctor is eCecting mor cures than any other physician iu the Sim, of Calif rnia. Let no false delicacy prevent nu, but apply immediately Sod save yourself from painful siifleiings and premature de;itb. All married ladies, whose delicate health er other circumstances prevent ;tn iuen.-Hse in their families should write or call at I)K f K. DOIIKKI Y'S Medical Insti'iite, ar d tlir will receive every po-sible relief and l elp. The Doctor's oflices are so arranged that he can be consulted without fear if observatioD. To Corn spondcnli. Patients residing in any art of tbr .ctat however li. strut, wl.o mav'tb sire t lie opinion an.l advicoof Uli.DoHEliTV in their rrspee tive eases, ami who think proper to mu niit a wi itu-n statement of sueh. in preference to hobliriff a persoi al interview, are respectful ly assuied that their eoiiiniuniciit;r iis willb lu-1.1 .sacred and confidential. If the case b fully and e;mdid!y described, personal rem municatiou willl.e in, neressa ry, as instrnt lions for diet, reirirnen and the general feat inent of tlie ca-e itself (iuelndinir tlie uemt d:esi, will he f -rwardi d without" deliiv, aia in sueh a maimer as to convey no ideaof the purport ol the letter or parcel so tiaiismitttrf. '"Consultation by letter or otherwise, F1IEK. 1'ci manent cure guaranteed or nopaj. Si( rnuilorrlKi n. 1)11. nOHEIlTY has jut published an in., portant pamphlet, emb'.dyiiifr bis own virt and experiences in lelation to Impotence er ' irility ; being a Slu-it Treat'.-e on Nperma- orrlnea or Seminal Weak ness, Nervoim and IMiysical Debility c nseinent on this afire t on, and other diseasi s of I he Sexual Orpin This little work contains information of the utmost value to a!', whether married ort-inle and will be sent KHEK by mail on receipt of -ix cents in postage stamps tor lelurn pnt age. Addiess. W. K. HOIIFRTV. 5L ?.. jnivgoly San P'rancisco Cal 1 ryo you r.Ei.oxo the fltuke of JL our beautiful and fast jrrowmir St;(t. Soon thesbiiil whistle of the IKON IIOKSR. ; s he comes Miioking across this great cc tinent. drawing after him the rich prudut'i oi the Nation's Wealth and Industry, mil announce the " GOOD TIME COMING," e when Oregon's own Sons and Daughttrs will be called to till the new avvnues oi liai ness. Everyone should prepare for an ACTIVE BUSINESS LIFE. Great changes hare .been made in the com mercial affairs of Oreiron iu a few Tear. What the developements of our State Will ba in the lutuie. is a fuestion wbicli dr'e!'! upon the BUSINESS (jUALIFICAl ION of her li onng .Men. Within the past four years of continued prosperity, the Ka tic nal Business College, of Portland, Oregon, has rent out SC0I1F..S of young men fully qualified, and many f whom are now filling lrgh and lnci aUTe'po sitioiis in the Hunks. 'on nt ng-Kooms ird Stores of our State. So great is the deii)ad lor Good Accountants, that Business men have been frrqunt!T compelled to send East for as 'stance. N'o ehtt tpii'ng, studious young Man who hit j.assed through the pre.-cr'ibtd count t studies at this MODEL COLLEGE has con plained for want cf a situation andt at good salary, too. Every laciliy is here ufibided acqnir ing a SOUKD BUSINESS EEUCATICW o in the shortest possible time, and at THE LEAST EXPENSE. Every student will have an A CT UA L 11 USI NESS I'll A CTICE ! After having completed the Theory, be i introduced into a ' MINIATURE WORLD OF BUSIMS. which has the eflect of thoroughl v faniiliarii ing him with all the minutia; ot real businf'--The course of study embraces Double i"'S single Entry Ko(k-Keepiii?, Commerci 3 Arithmetic, Commercial Law, Corre.p' ence. business I'l-hm anslup, r gular special Lectures, etc., etc , combining theory with practice. also,' Superior advantages for securing a rboronRfc knowledge of ORNA V ENTA L PENM ANSI! IV, TELEGRArilY i'iio.o;RArin FRENCH, SPANISH, GERMAN, ITALIAN. ETC For full particulars, call at the College )f fice. in Cartel's building, corner of Fu" and Alder stietts. fentrance on Alder) Fort land, Oregon, or send for cicular. Addres DeFRANCE &. JAMES, PORTLAND, OREGON. Merch 31. 171 :yl JMPERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaRoque & Co., OREGON CITY tr,Keep constantlv on hand foi sale Midlinps, Bran and Chicken Feed. I .' !" tr-qo-indlng feed must furnish the sa'ks. O e V "V- COURTESY OK BAKCR0FT LlbdARl, p