J Q JO- gSBttgiiaKaaa' t . T hr lilfrK n V.lUllP'lv' I U'...!n.P;.t:lV eVCC" THK I)CinX.-u ... - lns las. ilOii - " opposing candidates ioi me JI. Durham, oppo - r iwfciitiuir Attorney, addie.-t.ed oaiceof Iiu- ' p.dkical ia- fll Slfot'ht .he Lock liiil. all t .edeouit -r-- . , . T ., y . t ...;..!..-r... Sa i he vudors- .r;-U.nt Gmn. and -he act, of hi. Vd niniraii.M, and h tho brt;Uh -iid the Republican party were m la- . 'ti i des.Yo. lie again relered to Hie "Loo'v j Swindle, said urn i..''i'-" "."J not sponsible lor any part of it cUmdy because they had a tew dishonest ineui Wis in the Mature, lie dodg.-d so a.m fr.uu one thing to another that we e.-ihl hardly keep run of his subjects. "".Mr i:eliinr look .he Hour ami d im mense applause. Haid lie was the lVm ocrauc candidate for Prosecuting Attor ney; the ufiiee tvus not a political one; ueitlier Dm ham nor hini-eit would have an opportunity of custi:: a vote on any oolitical question. Showed the Legbdat ve enact tueirs to be ii'ht and pi o per. CurDuo-niled present State oi'i. ials fur tlie honeit Adininistralioii of the i (fairs of this Siate. Said he didn't blame Durham for vn.lur.-in Graut as he was a Federal cilice holder, said such men generally en dor.-ed (.rant. Showed the hardships of the tari.'f upon consumer-. Showed the lii-itls to etidors.; a principle and i:s contradiction in tlie fame brea'h. vvle.'ii tliey (pjaci-d am.'.esty in tin ir platform, and an endorsement ul ( iraut's adtninis tration; also, when they favored ihe grant ing of public 1 ni ls to ia lioa Is ami endors ed Grant. Said diiiin? the en: ire Admin- istnttioti of Grant, amnesty i, ui iM.t.:i , j fused the people- ul' the Sou'h Grant in j Lis last aanu i! niesae to Congiess aiu he was opposed to the further gratiMiig of public fuels to r.iilr j.id:-."' Mr. Jleilin- ger disciss-d the i.o meal ls-ues t the . ., , , ... , . ,t j campaign uitli credit, to Inmsell and li-.nt- or to the partv that placed hi in in nuni . . ration. Diinmr the tta:.- he wa speaking Mi: D;:.-!iam was freqtiently coim-el.-d by lion. Carey J.din.-on. Sherdl Wa'-ner. and Others who le'.t lie.' little boy tf;u pt'eity ! badly dissected. Mr. Diirh tm closed Urn o.-ba!e by -.rytng to revive the i-s-o-s uf the wat 5aiii i! Uepublicau pirty was -an a (the 'ruest : statement he ever lirid) ttt'el the reason j iretd.'V, Tiuiuooil, Tipton all l others i li i'l tie- party was because thev eouldu't ! Hoaiik it :i ih.-v oe-.l to iri its iiit'iiiev. ' lie b"gg.'d ihepardoti of the audience, j said he di'l not mean it; but Mr. Helling''!- j had "warmed the wax in his ear-', atid he j dal nut know what he was s.avmg. j i tie m eweg cio.-e.l v. iai tl;e ui-.!;ion that lion. (..'. ii. Eeiliuger' was the man lor the people. Mr. '! hom ;.-, ei 's friends could p -t ee the pr.qriety uf Durham ealiing him a di-honest m i:i because he favored Jh c-asM-.ietiua uf the Loeks and they vi:l hive Mr. Durham a wide berth cn the lid d iv uf next J une. M;t. J iix - v .1.. I kemncrat:e candi date fu- ('( iir.ty J,mm"ssi..iier. d-'.-iri-.s us to eon ; rad.ut the !-lanilerous statemeni tnuh- to C I-'. Ih-ut;.' un -the l-ihinsi. ; v .i.ip 'usief io tiie eili ct that he (Sawl.-II) puu hasi-d goods at tin tore ol ..id lo-ter lu the amount of 5 i or i i-i the year of i;-. and lelt a riti-r worth i uboui ,-f'j. us seeurt: v lor the articles pu rchased . and never relumed to settle the bill, Mr. S .-.yiel! says In- never was id Fosters .store until l.sr.". when ha trad ed to the amount of od Cents, and paid lor the same, and s'ands ready to lostity to this statement., lie has se.-ti ami con versed wrh Foster at numerous times kuioo the ai.o.'e Irani ici iou i said to have b ei male, and that if l'o.Cer hid had claim airainst ! 1 i i : i or a n vone bearing in name. o. euuni nave pror-eno-d it. ;.ir S. has lived (!l the Mo! i il l since 1 .-,:, and U well know n to I,.- an limiest and uprigin Cllu-ii. So;;h a s! a u 1 e i'o u s sta:eijte;;t wsi lnhiie no one but I lie audior ot it. Titrt CuMTiir. List Tueslay evening ll'-v. -Mr. Selhvood gave atoncorl in vocal music at the ('uiigi'e-ili.u-a! Church. The house large. Tlie music excellent. Too class coiisi.-ted of upwards of :;o scholars. The pieces ami characters are too niiuH'tous f; i f us in notice singly : but wo cannot avoid -!;o owin r it nttic par ! t1)Ty : : : MAY 24. I S 2- tlallty to Pome uf the pieces. Summer." J will be elected. The chances are that M i b the juvenile VUs was excellent, j , j, will come all rhiht in June. 'J he - ill you l.iv- mh th.o, as now." Mi-ses ; attempt ul Ren ll.dl.olav to take ihe urn ii u.du!! and Lizzie HcdVes. was She piece j o;v ,;H. .,, trv tini v,,c. ,;,, h,.. of tin- ev. nme;. -Trust her tmt.v by the ! Nides slumping a w.'.rk that w:M pro'ect Miss. s Good and Mi, !er. was very semi ; the p.-.;p'e .n-aiiot his a-'-'r.-ion. h liav menml. "Roam tn- o'er t!i- Meadows." : afreet in this count v. ard many was excellent, an I elicited -roa! a;:p! -jse. j an !em-st R.-publio in Ian do u ed 1m -A 11 by Miss Rope and Mr. Selhvood : will no l.m-.'f led by him. His cloven wus il n'"vv M,'!!,,"i ot' t" :nn- the Alpha- ft,.. h is I a shown to") plainly. bet. iaki.-cr V a!;..,:e'h..f the concert ! Setiator Xesmuh returned hero Tuesday was very sttislie'ory to the public, show- rom :l ,,,!1V,KS ;n Southern Or- t. and l.f. Mr-SeiLvood on hTst.tuds mi. sio ; i-epm-ts (hat thin-s look very cle-ei ft si in !,',:'"1'1-' " 1 v ,,f boa te's were be- , ,!ia action for au increa-d m aiority hir htowed uponjhe Pon-st.-rs. j tho D-mocratic ticket. !,. will'speok in " j Oregon Citv sotnetitne next week. Old MASTKiti.Y si'K;:r!t.- e .surrender our i F!.,xbrake. Ren Ilobtdiy'.s Attorney flen- onlire otitsid.. uf today's piper lo t!;e !iiast--i-!y speech delivere I by Hon. Jas. 11. Slau-r, in tlie h ills of Congress, on the -1 1 n (.t . i nrii. 'o e a-d t'Vi-i v reader i I,, ... ; . . ,1 . . I -. - i it i e.iii-iii pi.asii. as ii it repay lor the time employed. The 'inures and facts presented cannot be conti iuFc'ed sue - e-sl a I i v. It is a credit to the author and to the. pc":t!e of Ore jroe whom he represca-s. and' in wiios (.ociest ; e is eTlel'.--.' ee i,- fi Hi oor ...... ,.. i .l, . .. .. . , - Jhe errors of a Radical Con-;res. Read o. an. i pass it around am-.n-y our -proiee- I HOI fliniets. It V.id llive them ti -Ules ' whicti emu .t fail lo brio- convict. on to 1 " , tluor n.in.I t the ; tor and n.jt.st syst. m Rdlon! frreat Pdl of Aver roil on' ' p i. sued by t:ie Radical ).arty. Read the j Throu-h m- es embowel roll ' rpecch and ;oss it around. j " R ,1! on! " "" " Thrui -h tliose wl... livers chafe tho f.til ! 1-iKo. In this ctty on We.lnesd ty last Turou.zh tho-e whose fec-'.le soun ichs fail i between the ho.. :s of 11 an 1 l' nVl.e'- ! T'uronuh m -sent i rie . waxen pale ! n ,,r u ., ,. T L" r-;- Throu.h nil who live on aches and ail 1 P-ta.. I'r. lur.iy ii rans. alter an ill-! Ever loll on 1 ness of several weeks. Tie' deceas-l was ! R 1! o'er the prairies of Rip nation -aman highly respected by all .ami his death For the sick and di of evrv st ,ti.m will leave a blank in this community. He i u ,!I d wa t!i s And.-s toa e'i ine; mountains ! leaves a wiie and several children to ! uVer -Vl'lc's ffolden f mmmns ! inouni his death. j Through India and the Chers-n -.-e ' The funeral services wiil taku- n? .. ' T,''.n,l,-h tlisfa,i,t l? of .Tapa-'ose ! from the C nre-atton il Ch trch to-dav at ! J ' rt'V( T dvve,ls . he-art 1 ij o'clock. ' 1 j U ,A .voir mi-htv part. Rt:w.u:o.-The Shorm (;f TiHimoo County, I. A oilers fifty dollars reward for th ! lor the capture and return to hmi i.s. U-es-,. w,!n he arrested ! City on Sund. y ever-.irt- lat and I of Ley in this vi ho escaped fr.-m him on M !!,! v tiiorn- intr. 1 he Sht rilf was t ik ur the prisoner to the boat when he asked to jr ia the Barlow House to change his shirt, and when insldo avt the SlierUI' the slip. An additional force of hands wore ota p.'yed on the Locks the first r.f this week iK'spite the opposition of Ho Had ay and th Radical leaders the Locks will be cunp'ete l according to law. The report current in the Radical press that lumber n HMn: used in their cotistt uc'ion is a ' uncut ion T(.tt.'.ii mi v.,r ii .ai., v's tOOiS tor pohucal elfect. C. II. Walker, of Dayton, will deliver a lecture at ihe Court House, this evening A-ay -ltu. commencing at 8 o'clock. Sub- ti.o T r ; T, ;J! Treranoe Reform a ad FoI: I """"'"" ' 0Ei.KO-i.TEri. ThtJ follawing members bave 'en eK' -'elevate, fnm Wil Iamette Lodge, Xo. 15, I. Q. G. T.. to the C'ranrt Lodge which convenes at Salem on Tuesday, June ilih: John Blackweil. J. M. Uaeoii. T. J. Spooner. and J. D. Loce" Alternates: II East ban. .Mis Annie Good! 11. Gerry and Eugene Dement. Logos & Albright, butchers, have re ceived a fine lot of beef cattle from Uma tilla county, and our citizens can now have as good beef as thy country affords. Eastern Oregon cannot compete "with this 'al!ey in the raising of grain but for a itock country id far ahead. Hon. W. Carey Johnson of this city. t uketl VOicy to inlander 1 uesdny evening lasd. The peopl jrw - talked po!i::ca!!y to the Portlanders on lo of spoak- i.i.i.iv.ioL.- .tuuif.. mere vm foe a "liaise Meeting'' under the direction of the choir, at the Congregational Church, on Sunday evening next, ia place of the ris. ........ . -v- ti ... . regular service Goot) Kxai.wuE Tlie Radicals of Port land exchanged Gibls" of that place for W.Carey Johnson uf this place. About equal. Oregon City rather got the best ol it. The rr.ar- who thinks he can buy a suit of clothes cheaper, or of better quality at Ford in 1 than of Thus. Charman, ought to be sent to the Insane A;lum. Ss;win; So'.'iKT y. The Ladies Sewing Society, of the Episcopal Chinch, will meet next Tuesday, at the residence of .Mrs. Green in an. liev. L. Oolmsteali mis been engaged by the Presiding Elder. Eev. William liub- ens, .o ta,;e charge ot t!ie (iregon City M. t:. Ch'.tch r.;r.i Conference Cnt i:i The It; corder's court has been it si-.-ion several times this week- We ,i. ... , . ;, , ,., , .-suppose die treasury will soon be tided, 1 . . 7V. i , rr: , r v7 " r CttVNui.o. lheoliiceut ehs. rartroA 15 l;as changi d (rem A. Levy's to S. I). I'upe's The gi'uss receipts of the Good Temp- t,u- s ,.xtiibition on Thursday evening last week, was nearly C0, S. I. Iiq)e will give yon anything you vant in i!:e line of groceries cheap fur CaSIl TiHNK..--Ili,n. Jus. If. Sailer La on thanks f.r valuable public document, rKtt-j.A' u..--Gov. Curry put in an ap pearance at lid--; ollk-e on T::esd.iy hist. Rkao I r. ( )ur Washington, letter this wee!; is uutisually in olio Read it. Litton coals are coming into use. of lute davs. r"U:.K'-i Ni-.w.s. The Crand lodge of tlio I udo'ie!! ! cot ( ); ,lei- of O ld '.'..'.tovvs mo' at -"al' in last. lues. lay. 1 here are vry lull delegations tovseiit irotti all the Lodjr- es. of the jurisdiction The L degree was coti'V-rred on about -Id Fast Grands on the opening of the Lodge. All the Grand officers are present. The business is pro gressing finely. L. L. Ih istow . W. G. M. delivered his annual report on Tuesday, which, was very interesting and furnished much useful inhumation. Mr. Ilristcw has made a most fuithlol officer, and the jurisdiction is tmder -reivt obligations to him. (. ctpt J. 1. Apperson of our city, will probably succeed him to the honor- bio po.-t'ion. !h.t i;:cs arc. v ry warm and every'.hin indicates that the Independent ticket will be successful. .Mr. Win. Langhead was bought of ihue ticket for ch-rk. and siys tiiat he did not Want to endanger the suc cess ihe ILidic.d ticket. The poor foul, didn't lie want to be elected when he went cut the ticket'.' !.'. . rj. lty, a bel- to,- m-iu has been out in hi.: niae er;-l refused to iliytde titr.e with him. showing his n;oc r heel (hereby, lie is too U:M- v. coward to allow .1 m in with to ore brains than he has to renlv to him. ; , i .i , .-. .... oil i' iii.i'vnii.i .in .lumen ill. unin i:il the independent Republicans in (his coun ty and we know of a hire number id old time Republicans who declare they wili vote the entire Independent ticket. Jiller is on the renortoria! i , ... r .. .-. . ...... .... u.v i,i ..ju:.fii !; I Portland I.e-al Tender to. viror .,. ,,.,,-. .i.,Pl. q,c(. i a.io a i ins, io.i on : . Pittu.tm f r October. l . . , ! io.,oe .e-.eiiue s'ann . ,.... tV' i o ot ,r- i;i v H? U'-uewer. Take no oTh er ' ut with a likeness of Mr 't!.,i ' - l;.?- i e 1 1 - :ne atr ). i . (. . . j naivi tor an mc.i-.i . e .. .. . . . , ! drne i ree. N. V --- ;-- ...se.ise. v..ol Oy i sis. or by ii sii, (;o certs. P;.in: hl.o I AOarcss lv. . I'.erce -l.J) l!.,W,i' . . i Fr t'.r-,, K , 1 t-r t..oveijbe-tphotwraphs. to Biad 1 lev A Rulofs ai's GaPerv yi b oit -r in. rf Kfrvn Tv -,. ' ' 1 -M" -'v--'1' A. 1111. LLIAATUR, m .Joutaciueiy.jreet, Saa Francis;-,. Special "otlco. Iyi.TCr.TIOK is the cans? of nu-tfiiih of -11 diseases the iinne ir.ehni is sut jpet to '. G-vi V-...C so.iuue aua cn-est ive orsans. and vou 1 vll mw more, tnnn l.elf ,a your doctAr'f kO?u nded hy.n rhj-s,cianS to Dv "r" icsST; ' Comfi-ists of t- e LivF.K and Dtotivb g.ns. feee dv,ruS.at lR.ath.r 8 ! ALL The use of a single battle of Hall's Yen- ! etable Sicilian Hair Renewer is siithcier t to ' shov, its etHcacy in restoring tl e nafaMl color the Lair aa-i c'eansiES the s.fcln. ' - strawberries aro ripening in this local ity. fALLS Et.VMPMKNT NO. 4, 1. o. F. Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall on the FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAY EVEMXQ cf each month. Patriarchs in rood stand ing are invited to attend. Feb. S, lS72 tf WILLIAM DAVIDSOIT, aJf-AI Pq?S?s" npu rr, ! m n a is & i i. II a 1 OlSUc-, So. POUT LAX D, 6i Front Slrett, OKEGOX. REAL ESTATE in ihU CITY and I-ASri'OltTLAXI), in the nmt desirable localities, consisting (,f oy i ltbOCKS and 1JL0CKS, llOL'SES "and ! STOUES; also ' ' j IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable uncultivated LANDS, located in ALL parts ol the STATE for SALE. HEAL ESTATE and fttrPmr,ortr purchased for Corresoondent, in this tdTV I and throughout tue STATES and TEUP.1-! TDKlhS, wit h great ea:e unj on the most ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS ' i HOUSED and STOIiES LEISED.' LOANS XE(it)TIATEi). -Au CL VIMS (F I ALL DESCRIPTIONS P K O M P T L Y COL- j LECTED. And a (Jet.eral Fl XCI L and AUENCi" UUSINESS tran.sacicd. j j AGENTS uf this OFFICE in all the ; CITIES and TOWNS in the SI A I E, will re- i ceive deseripti.tns ot FAliM i'liOI'FUTV j andjforward the same ta tho above address, i teb. isri. IsJctiul A'otiet. INFALLIBLE WORM SYRUP FOR CHIL DREN. Messrs, II ji i t t vV IJrul lit i s, V.'hole sale and Retail Me chants, Cauhy Station, On-eon, are my aut'ovrietl ayeiils fur the sale of tlie Jafuldhla Wunu Syrup, who will constantly keep ; sapidv mi hand. " DR. J. W. VAN DEN BERG II. Sa'cm. March 2'J. l-T'-'.tf Oregon L()!!,'r So. 3, I. O. of O. 1". Meets eviry Thurschiy even -vSt ,nK at 7 o clock, iu Odd Fellow's H a;i. Main s ect. Members of the Order are invited to attend By order. ?v. i. ti-!)Cfca Degree !t!c X. :i, . ii. O. TP CL Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDAY i:Vl-fL;S. of each month, at 7 o'clock, in O Id Fellows Hall. M embers of the Dc-ree ate invited to attend. 'Iult auiiiB !i Tjoile K. 1, A. F. : ti it ft A. .12. Holds its regul.ir Cninmunica X'.', YV turns on the Fir-l and 'l'!ih ! .i!ur- "'C in each mouth, at 7 o'clock from ihe '':'t!i of September to the L'oth o! March, and 7A o'clock from the. 'iuth of Marcii to the Ihuh ut Senteinher. Hreth ren in good standing are invited to attend. Dec L' ".,! -7o, i:v order of V. M. 'pilE PLACE OF VOIINCJ RV LIXX -JL 'bv j.r.-ciiK-t, !! l.e at Shannon's ScLeol H ois,, n the "d dav of June. 1-7''. JtillX c.oi; iiisv, M, 51. PERRIX, Linn Citv, May '-', Is;-.'. s. PrcpccalG for Hauling:. ROPOSALS TO HAUL LUMPER FiltiM Me-srs. Holmes A Hensley's mill on Al.ernethy, to On-con City, will I e received by the undei s;L-ncd. either at the mill or thrwuoh ihh PosL-otiiee. HOLMES A 11 ENS LEV. Oregon City, May s, K 2. Qhctlrf Sale. pgr viin i K or ax kxi; i d iox isscrd " "'U of the Circuit Court of the State of re- run, lor the County of Clackamas, and to mo di- rc'ted, iu favor of A. ?,!. .Ieir, plaintitl', and au- iiest ):. A. (iii.f...n, defendant, for the sum ot . lii-.-e .omd.-vd ami i-a-iv-six dollars and forty-six ce:d ': ! lit, 7nc.y due and v.iih interest ut t he rate of O u pt r eviit. jier aui.um from the 7lhU;:v of .Jum; IS71, and th..- further sum of forty-four dollars ami i:ftv-fit- e. nt-. .Hi ". costs, I" have lcvicdin.ou ;oid on S:,tui,!;iv, 1!,.. -22 dav of lieie, ut I -2 o'.dock. j;,., at the Coiirt ib.use do ,r in ( tiv-e-o:! it v, ( iiu kani is comity, re-on, I Will sell atj.ld.lic at-ctU'll t.i the behest bidder, to satbd'y said execution, costs ;i nd accri: in-j-costs, ail of th,- ri-d.r, title and interest, of said lh A. Oi.s.ui in au i to the fo'hi .virur dveriU-.l real .-r-.pia-t y sil anted in said ClacUanias count y, 0 wit : die south half ot section ele en. 11, in town snip thr.e, i, so-ith, ran ire one, I. west, contain-''-; thu-e hundred and twenty, :!!, ades. AKTIlUlt WARNER, shi l it! i f Choduimas county, ( irevron. ('rc;-or. Cji y, M.iy .A, 1 sT 2, ' le'Iiu t W-Wii MASONIC II ALL P.UI LU- 8- r - ... -1 l V ( I 1 . . CEEGOIJ CITY, V.' tUV4 L. . KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HANI) AM) .'or sale, ciiitAC roi: cash, PAHLGB, EEBUGOH, OFFICE, SITTIKGKOOn, and KITCHEN FUSITUEF, ! I Bureaus, I.ounjcres, Rocking Chairs, What- j nofs. Ref'siea ls, M'a-listands. Curled AT I ask, is a fair chance and jni-k pay Jlair and 1'tdu .Matresse", Pulu Pil- ! ,,u'"!-f- Bclicv n, as I ,!,., th.it nineteen ' Veer.: i. - .. ... : . . t,.,,. s.-. ....... i. . , . ir;.. i ... t -...-. , J . i , i i - JL O S, M IIIUUl. Shades, Pic-tare Frames, Mmiidiri-s, Arc, Arc. ':'o! "Special attci.ti n jriven to rplio'sfe-rv c .. o : , . i .... l .... . i i ... . . . . , 1 1 ...... ...v o. .tii its i.ttiie.ocs. w i i ie: s i o o i ! I ri jn'omrfos. airitur d no w i t It reatm sa 1 ' iosiaioii. roriiiiure m oie io or iter. i ."C. ' ..".. .LV....ltL ... any pait, of town : tree ot ciiiugf. t ail and examine for your seHas. inivl7n2a urn BQHRim JI.MX STKEET, - OKEfJOriflTY. 31 ANITAl'Tt HER 1XD piPORTLTi OF DI.KS, II A K N 5 lets, rK S.'J)PI,Ia!V-U All!)- f IV. It I'm Ac, vtc. iC ruu il HE OFFERS .vS ( HEAP AS cm be had iu the State, at Wholesale or nc'.a:!. f.TTl w.irrud all mv crods as representee:. OrcL-ou City, Apiil'17, 1.72. niUtf. Guardian Sale. WK rFRSTANtK I'F AN OR T) Kit OP TIIE ironor.il le Ci'-ir.'v ( onrt ot re k unas county. . . .... ... . : . ... i il-: i:u-rr.i 01 oc:ii'Lri? a;i.io;iv, , n.oioi in tne estate of Charlotte Jl.irhway late of said cwnuty. decea-.b 1. iny: the imlivj.'.e-l one-thu-.l par uth halfof the f.ltowi!cr.les.Tit-.l real estate. sou a i- .oi i;c,, ii,v.cs. i-i.iiiroo, i ..t in.. . ore Invest 1-K an 1 lots I, 2,... Cnbi. of section j l". I S.. U. 2 E.. lot 3 of tion No- T. S., i It. 2 E., outainina: 2 $4 7-lou acres. 1 will s. U ! to the Lii.-lH-r bidd'-v, at the Court boose U.-v.r, i iu sail ,,,.mtv, ti.e ahove d .-erii,l f pror....-r- j '. '," Saturday, th.- pvh day ot -June, next, !tt j ........ i . . . . .i i ........ .. .-.j-.i. tu- nouro! 1 octo, k, n in,, ot sael aa. lenos ; Deed at the exi use of Tc.'.ych -w-r. ... r,i .e1 iive.il I'liou s i in '. i l. iiiw SYLVKSTER HATHAWAY, Hinrdian. Mil-wiukie, Mav 13th, 1S72. v6ni9:w4 A d m I !1 1 St Tc to T S flOtlCe. I frE COL XT Y COI-PT OF CLACKAMAS ! A eoum v. OrWn, having T.po'intM me Ad- 1 mtr.i-iratorof the estate of JESE V. HOONE, " -'-'vs All trson havina- claims aaramst ; rf rV "T qnca Qnt lT 10 ? , .lux fc'hSr r CAREY Adminietrator. 117 17, 1575. c-O-w-i To the Voters of Clackamas COUNTY! Tlie Candidates of tac Republican Of Clackamas county, will address their fel low citizens at tlie following times and olrtces : Kock Creek precinct, at Union school house, May ,h, at 1 o'clock p. m. Ccade precinct, at 1-. lvonue s, May ; 1 . in , at l o c loc it p. in- isti;;l"t i'Vc!ockCp: mU1'ilIi: Fd5tcl,'s Mj-V Springwater aid Harding's, at Matfoou's Chinch. May ''oth :Stl o'clock ,. m. eeaver creeK pr-fceum, m, cu. oi irotise, Ma '.'1st, at 1 o'clock p. m. Upper Mlalla and Cu'ttna: s, at Stir sch' oi hous'' May -'I'd, at 1 o'clock p. m. Marqnam's precinct, at M:rquatu's sch Upper Molalla and Cutting at Stipp's hool house. May 'iSd.at 1 o'clock p. m. Low. r Molalla, at Camp G.'oand, May 21, at 1 o'clock p. m. Union pncinct, at V "in. Harlow's, May 2-", at 1 o'clock p. m . Canby ptcciuct, at Car. by, May 27. at 1 o'clock i. m. Pleasant Hill and Tnalibin, at Sl ort's school house, -May -s, at 1 o'clock p. m. Ositi!-i precinct, h: school house, 0?weg-o, May -''.'ill, at t o'clock a. m. -Milwaukie & Matsl.licid, May 3 ', at y o'clock a. in. Oreiton City, at the Couit House, June 1 , ut 1 o'clock p. m. Tii:' Candidates uf ths Dc-tnoe-, a jc. Farty ate rt-speetftdly invite 1 to he pro-cut lor tbu pHd"-o of di cussing the p-d.tical i-sucs ol t!le 'ay. n'Jsw'i . . M . . . a;im:nisrraiMX s bale c Real Estate. In the mat ter of the estate of Daniel II. Good, " 5ee;tsed. dTiri: is ni.ttKiiT givi:x that, p.y vii-tue ut mi order of Male made and entered of Record J.y ti.-;ilu:i. Count y ('oait of ( laek iitmis eo'.miy, at the May term thereof, 1S7'', I v, ;li st !t at the Court House do:r, in Oregon City, t 'laekamas eouuty, (.'oeou, at public auction, ou Si t ui-clii l!se lotli la.y dI'Juhc, ls7:3. at 1 o'clock of said day, the t'ul .'iii;r dest-i'il ed real estate, tiie property of said estate, to-wii I '. norlh hait'ot lot .No. two iu hloe'c No. four, in ()re,L'o:i t.'ity, Claekataa.-i county, OtVeon; also lots No. seven and ekmt iu ido, k No. six! v-jiine in Oivpiii lty, Clackamas county, ?;,,. ,, ( ri. irnii ; aFo the West l:alf of see! Loa nine, '1, -1 S., II. 1 K., contrdmi: al m-ns, beiufa- the donation .la ill! of 1), il. (iood, deceased. 'IV ....... ..... ......1,.. O" .1. ,- . I T - T- S. (Odd Coin, the remainder in two eoiiai install ments payal-ie respectively in six and twelve months alter sale. Scoured l.v iiiortaa- on Tirem- ises sold. 11AHV L. coul). Adniini-tratvi. of .said estate. dre.r-on City, May 17ih, ls72. MijiJ'J:vvi THOMAS OHAEMAN i:si AIIIISIIKD is.3: TkESIRES TO INFORM THE CITIZENS y of Oregon City, and the Willamette VaiLy , that he is st.il on hand, ami Uoiiiir husi.icss on the old motto, that A NiEuble vix-It isee is bitter Hum a Slow M;j!itj4 ." I have just returned from Sail Francisco where I pui chased o'.;e of th i,aih;i:kt and jjj::st 2:li:cti:d Stock of Goods cvet bcf.i-e ol!' red i i this ci.y; and con-dsts iu part, as foli .jw.s : Loots & Shoes, Clothing, Dry Gocds. Xlats & Cajs, Hosiery of every Description, Haidware Gro ceries, Paints & Oils, Sash & Doors.Qneens ware, Crockery, Glassware, i OiifWr" cWirciw PhtvVorn VlU!1,""" -RAarC, i latcUV,' ai C, v cveiry of various qualities A st2,'les, Clocks & Watches La dies & Gent Israeli's Furn ishing Goods, Fancy Motions of every description, Patent Med icines, Hope, Fanning Implements of ail kinds, Carpets. Mattirgs, Oil Cloth, Wail Paper, &e. Of the above list, T can s-y mv st--k is the MOST CO.MPLKT),- ever otf--r? I in this mar ket, and was s CCti-d wit h t-.-pc- i;i 1 fit r- for tm. iiuoiLt:. All ol whicu I now oiler for iia'e at the o'wu ii-lOS tigs. li'&iilCQi Xo use for the ladies, or any one else, to think ot iroiuo t0 Portland to'buv '0 ds'fer I am Dili 1:um!!;d TO SliLL CilRAPand not a low myself t j be rvni, I M1LRSULI) TH!- STTP l)V t)nT't'.). -v". . ... .o in iiejuii ttv eioit.ies tne 1 to Kiiniv in,; reqirement.s ot the trad .3. 'ome nnc: and ai!, and see for yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CHARMAN cannot be beat in qualify or price. It wmi'J qe useless me to tell von ail the advan- t.-.o-es 1 can oUer ion in ihe sale of oih, as evcy stme Imt a;'.ver!iscs fl s that, and prub.ib'y you have l.cen di-appointed. All I wish to say is. come and see u'.d exaadne tor yourst-ives, i'or I do not wish to mukeativ in stakes. My obi ct is to tell all mv old no iios now that I am stul alive, ami ik-sir- I ous to sell c-oods cheap, for cash, or on such ; terms as agreed ujam. Thaiikinit ali for the liberal liatronase he. ctolore be&towed. TiPS. CHARMAN, Main street, Oregon City. r-jff .o -d Tenders and C. unty Script taken at matk. t rates. TIIOS. CHARMAN. rXf-.3O:O0O p,s wool wanted by THOS. CHARMAN. Dr. B. Rm FREELAKD, fegff) DENTIST, T)nOM -2 DEKUM'S BUILDING, CORN 1 V er First and' Washiniitoii Sts., Portlaiid. Nitrous Oxide admu.i.sterrd. l.i.'ltr. X"1 Oil 0-JLjJl1j. j nv r-vrt.--v.-iivrn ii'-'strr? r-' T.Krt r I 1 s. --. -T- -- rr,.,P pMvrv'i;vFl) DF-sIRI- S TO FT I i ' ' L A i ' , ' ' t u -V los property in Oreo ,n Citv will se.l at a baraui, to a good parcii;k-er. Lot s. in block 3. vvliereon th-ie is a irood Dwelling House wit h -i i Ooms pai 1 1 v hard finish. Lai- an,.e clolh and lo-er-and the Li very Stable fl0.,,..;-,,i hvMes-rs. Wil is A Rrrmehtf Water pipes laid on the premises, from j i eae s water vvors.s. Also i town lots ia Canemah, vit'a good -; ace around. i lei A'.o -2 town LVs in 1-wer end of Oregon j City ; also l5o of laua known as the dona- tion laid clam- of Wm. Stone, S miles; southeast of Oregon City, with some im- ' provements, thinly timbered, no under growth, co-.d lasting wat.r &T1' " County Clerks offic. ,, , . J--1- FKAZER. O.egoa City, May tth, 1:2. t?o23 Business Dircftory of TortlaiiJ, Oregon. Pl tLlSUED BY I,. S.VMCEI.. G'jntT'il Advirtising lgcnt, l3 Irani Street. Ackerman's Dollar Store, .o. Kir.t Mrrrt. Importers and Job bets of Fancy Goods, Toys, Crockery, Glass ware and Plated Ware. A st r House, Firs' st , between Oak ami i V. Pine. Even thing neat. Ii. L. Loaiifel- low, l'ropiietor BOOKS, STATIONERY VJ PERIODICALS, . . .r. wl. , t B-V.CUOI.-r tV lOnM -i-:ii ioi .tiauie, i oou a: eo. s cCii,ora'.ea liolll ltlt. Iviim, nb.keman, TaGor i Co'i Sehoo! Books. Just, i'uihixfuj, a full line of l.tg'd Blank for (hits &tat:'. ) arman, the on! y dii ect Importer of Cloth 3iug, Ac, cor. Front A Washington sts. CIIAS. C. BARRETT, W 11 O L Ei.M K BOOKS EI. ST ATION KH, LAUUKST STOCK' AY POKT.AXI). . "O I'rniit si iid Xn. 5JAVi!i liilon Streets. TECK, WILLIAM A So.V Pit. Front st. ! JLJ Importers and oe.oeis in j Importeis and de.deis in Ga;is, liiilc-s utitl llcvulvei of every descript:on. Fihin Tackle, Fancy Goods. Beads, Bird Cajjes, IJaskets, Croquet Games, and Babv Carriuires. Agents Tot the California Powder Vrnk;" also, fur the- Wheeler ,- Wilson Sewing Machines." T""ck, John A., P-".) Front street, practical ) W rciooaki. r A Jeweler. Work done for the Trade. liOOK AMJ.10H l II I NT!-: IIS. HIM ES A BACHilidJER UZ Front street Briijham A Reinha Pine, imooiter iu'uim A Ueinhai t, First st. Oct ak &. -is of Stoves, Kitchen Uten-ils. " iv Mianan, W. A., s. w. cor. First A Tavlor 3 sts. Cheapest Furniture House in Port- laud. c 1 A PPETS WALTER 15 IKK. J t-'J Front street. Cllarke, ' Henderson A Cook, SI A s:i First ) street. lKalers in Diy Goods, Faucv G .o.is. .1?. rtohn A Ro.senf. hi. Ids Front st. Commis 7 sion Mercljaids & Dealers in Oregon & California Produce. Congle, J. I! . Manufacturer A Deilcr in Saddles, Harness, and Saddlery Hard" w are, tut Front s'reet. (Virrier, W A Co.. PC. Front st. Merclui J Tailors and Clothiers, Hats Furnisjii "lilt iit.Siiing Goons. ieLi.shr.Hitt A O Oman, U2 Pr-mt utivt Real E.state Agents, money loaned lioiises l-o::t..l nouses rciited T.-v 'CIAL GOODS, C. II. Wgodard A Co. 1 ol I rout street. ! TnruCilSTS, C. II. WOOD Alt D & i S. S t;i). im r run t street. - ' ' it i .-j . '..ii i . i 7 ' 1 1 i i . ' . I yi i ; t. . 'uitr to i ue rib'ries carfuliv til'ed bv m i l or express. 2md, I.owenstein A Co. Furniti.re and si J Carpet dealers Stores from ITU to l.'ts First stieet. lmplovmcnf A -ency. AVitherfl! A Hoi I J man, So Front st. Furnish all kind of help. Tvord'ntr t Red.e, lo Front street. Com,. 1 J inissiou Merchants and dealers in Do UOstic Pioduce. Tashion Livery Stable, cor. First k Salmon A sts E. Corbclt, Prop. Good turn-outs always on hand. Ii-hel .t Roberts, rnr. First A- Washin st-.. Dealer!; &, Manulac. Cothiiifr, F cf on iirr.- IS'iliC' t.eO'iS. 1 7 re chin d, Dr. H. R., Dentist Oitice, No. 2, I'ekum's Block, cor. First & A'ash- melon sts. i ill A: Steel. 7." and 77 First street. Ilea v.T crs in I5ook-, Stationery, and Music H- ical 1 instruments. GRAY'S MUSIC STORE. The lare.-t Music House on the Coast. STEmYAY El'SIiETT ORGANS, CJ. Li. Qi-PUAXS, Manager. "SOI.K AGENC'V I'O It TIIE u SIowc'' Sv'vvisj? ?facljiiie. -?Ae:ent,s wanted. ijf ackeney .t Stcnie. Grocers and dealers .JL hi all kinds of Seeds, cor. First and Ma.n sts. Hamburger, lb, l-i'l First street, importer and dealer in Staple Fancy Dry Goods, .Niiiuuerv. T J'tndee. I) IL, I'hof oamphic Artist, s. w. j I cor. First and Moirison sts. Child s I'ict. s; ec It v. e'li'icnseii, l. t,. A. t il, toy l- i-st street. . Manufacturers and dealers in Jewelry, War. lies, Ac. Hihb ud, Geo. L., I'S Front st., wholesale dealer iu Groceries, Doors, Wa.on Ma terials, Ac. Uuil.'i-, Cab f A Co., !'7 Front, st., vh .le s.ile dealets in drills, I'aints, Oils, Glass. Ac. ROME Sewtmr Machine, strai.bt needle, under bed, "h ck stitch." Competition cha.lemreJ. At. E. Travel, Front st. IJ'.irirren A Shindier, No L Fu st st. Itiipm ters Fu bin. Her, X"s. 1r,i, to 17-2 urn it u re, Red- I on s's. M. Rudolph, Proo. Free Ru.-s atteiahs stemicrs. retail dealer in Fine Clothing, Furnisti- ine; th.ods. 1 I .'ii-on Doree Restaurant, private rooms J.T.JL t.u- haimhe-s cor. 1st ami Cine streets, (. 'oos. Pioji. f .'.rtin, E. A Co., wholesale dcab-r in iues A Liquors, O. S. N. Co's Block, ami San Fran f cier A Schnieer, 111 Front St., wholesale and retail Confectioners. i -X iller, John R., t'3 1st st. Watcfnmker & j Jt JL Jeweler, oilers to the public a tine as- sortment of Wutcoes. Clocks and Jewelry. eller A Co , Front near C st., Dealeis iu native and lorein Wine. Liouors and Cigars. "Xortrrup. E. J., Hardware. Iron, Steel. J. llr.bs. Spokes, Hardwood Lumber, Pc, Portland. Occidental Hotel, cor. First aad Motrir sts. Soii'r. A Cook, Pi opriet rs. Tarish, AVatitns A Conic-!!, Red Estate Ascr.'s, -0 Front strctt, bet. Aid. r and S ashincjton. PHOTOGRAPHIC GOODS. C. IL Wood i ard A Co., lot Fiont s Iice, J. M.. 127 Front street, wholsuie V dca'er in Tin.vare and Stoves. T 'cbter, Paul. 105 First st.. i.-nporter of Berlin wooden Carvings Parlor Orr,a- nt.&c. ) juer q C R-al Feat? A R " h k Money Broker, and. K .senbnuTi., I.N.A.C0., i o .aeeoiiisi . import ; ersof Fottiga and Horne-tic L quors. Ru-s House. Front i-t. On First Class Pi ic cipaL Thoq?.- llyan, Proprietor. Sherlock, S., 61 Front and t2 First sts , Oealer iu liaruess. Saddlery and Sad dier Hardware. Simon. J., Zti Front street, dealer jn Doors, Sash fc Blinds, Window & Plate Glass. Sinsheimer, H., l")7 First St., importer of Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Mu;ic In struments. Sk idmore, S. (I.. t First st. DruggTs"rl: Ap-.thecirv, a large stock cf Perfumery & T'-iiet Arti -h-s. South Jt Davis, 71 Front sti e. t, wholesnie dealer in Drugs, Paints, Oils. Window Glass, Perfumery, Ac. O now & lions, 7-i Fi st siret. Fie ures. O Fiames, Moldiegs, Artist's Mat". s, Draw jug Listi umen 1 . Smith, Put.. Broker, oo Front st. Dtaler in Leeal Tenders, Go1 eminent Bonds and (Job! Dust. OTOXE, It. L., Xh 1()7 front Slret. (O Vv'atc'innaker & Manufac'ur'n Jeweler is appointed A?ent for the V.r dtioim, E'irin E. Howard A Co., Chas. E. .Jacot, and the Calit'ornii Watches; d, for all the pruduc- tions atd 'mioi ts of the California Jewelrv aiitornia jewelry Con pany. Sail Francisco. Send tor circular. I aiciies repairea in me very i est manner and wakunt;..i to ;ive satisfaction. rierry Bros.. X. 17? First street, mamifac 1 tinis and atoilcrs in Furniture, Bed- ! dmr. Carpets, Ac. r phe ctofhin-store 1 Ft Frm.t st. Clothm?, I p..:,;-, r;.. ir.m, ,i 'Pile C X Fur ii o i i n; vw.4 , iy.,i.n. ukiu "" Harris A 1'iatrer. ''puttie, II. II., 142 A 144 Front st. Dealer J in Wagons & Agricultural Implements. rpyne, E. D., n. w. c r. First fc Oak sts., J. dealer in U run dies. Wines, Engliob Ale and Porter, rpvler. .1. A., 147 Front St., wholesale deal- JL er iu Hutter, Eggs, Cheese, Lard, I3a- con, Ac Ailliams &, Myers, 5 Central Rlock, ? Front st., Commission Merchants A dou I's in Produce. Y"7hallev A Fei.hl timer. Attorneys & So T t l'.eitorsia LSanki uptcy . OJlice in Odd Fellows Tenide. a u a ti oy l SB COMMISSI 02- AUCTION E EPw ! Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland AUCTION SALES Of Ileal Estate. Groceries, Oer.eralMerchan diie and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday ! A. Ii. IIiciiakdson, Aucticr.eei AT PRIVATE SALE. Ensrlish refined Bar and Bundle li on English S.paare and Octagon Cast steel Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws; Screws, Fry-pans., sheet iron, R. G. Iron a ;..-; : A large assortment of tiicccrics and Liquors A. B. IvIClIAHDSO.V, AtlC'tlOtiler SPafKGfe SUMMER GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT DEAI.EP. IX DRV GOODri, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, II ARD WA RE. G ROCERIE, CROCKERY, NOTIONS, &C. 2IAIN STREET, OREGON CITV. PROr.UCE of all kinds bmi-l.t, for which I j pay the hiabest market price. If you desire crood Goods, at ROW Prie .. G ill at 1. SKLRIXtPS, and examine his fro-h s'ock of Spr ng Goods. GIVK ME A CALL AN!) CONVINCE YOURSELVES. Mr Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. Wool Waited, For which I will iay the higheet market price. I. SELLING. April 14. IsTKff OREGON CITY B II E W E II Y ! Having purchased the above Brewery wish os to inform the public that he is now piepar ed to manufacture a No. 1 nuality ot f.AGi:i: bi:k it. As irood as enn tie obtained a nj where in the Stale. Orders solicited .ind promptly lilled. LOST. IROM THE UNDER! ED. LIVING AT Caiifiiiab. :ib out the nth iiist , a Soi red .Mare. almnt lifteen hands high; six years old: small w.ht;e streak in the torei ead with si idle maiks; shod ail anmnd. An' j.erson ret in ninir sa d mare or giving information of her whercab eats, wi'l he suitably rewarded V.'M. H. MARSHALL. Cunemah, Feb. 11. 1-72 House For Sale. t DWELLING HOl'sK CONTAINING V seven ro .ms, s tnated on the hill, t r of fered tor s do on reasonable terms. For pi'r tieulars apjdy to Geo. Hard'ne; at the Raruum Saloon, or to Henry Harding' at the Lincoln Rakery. Oregon City, April n, ls72. ff JOHN FLEMING DEALER IN v-' ' T- .rrr J nf BOOKS AND STATIONERY IN MYERS' FlUE-rnOOF DRICk, MVIN- STItEKT, OREfiOX f!TV, OREGON. JlTEW YORK HOTEL, (Deutfches Gafttaus,1 No. 17 Front Street, oppos:te the Mail steam ship la iding, Portland. Oregon. H. ROTHFOS. J. J. WILKEKS, P K O P II I E T O Ii S . Board per Week . . . " with Lodging. " Dav... . . . 6 oft . . . 1 00 Ull'KOYI.) HAND AVS HIuMing Ula-cUine, 0F.TISERS, rt'S.-V-fj-of Wood-workiee Ma-2?'-- cbioery and Planing MiU supplier AddremvApLACEi Ma hinery Depot, 112 California .-t. San Francisco. nov24er,w,m . .. t 1 ..1,.1-i- .o . t.. : r'r ivk' -VI I Kino- iii."". -co b id at this offi?f Jo rrmtmg 01 every descrip(ion;.neatly Executed, at short -. . - tr . ' notice. T II U HOUSE WE LIVE IN "and t u i: miAIUTAXTS OF TKE ''piIE CAUSE OF A GUEAT MANY DIS L. eases, that have been pronouu'-ed incur able !iy th-t most eminent physicians, for tho very reasuii that they overlook, d ttie caus, mid as lr. Van Den lTj;h has made tho Entoz'i i a hre 1 oig Siurly. he won tl inform the sick ieueraliy that by close ob.-et vhWoi) and i:re at ipenmeuts, has come to the coiir elusion th at there are more acute and thrun tr. dije:'$ caed by Worms, llrdat.ds, An- iina cuhe o other speeiej d' Eut'-joa. Tin ...... .. ....r:i;iv ,.r ,. ..r,...;,,,. ilir. (.e ....t" aware of the number of Patient who are treated by eaiineo't Plivsicimis, for th s, that, or such a complaint, -without any relief. It the disease ImJ been undei stood, a few doses uf Dr. Vs. Sonreitjn- ll'mm Ittiiudii would have tmined.ait ly cured tbu complaint ai.d saved a great uiauy Eves. IKHAIITAKTS OF TKITgHU II AH BODY! What think, you reade'", of your body te iiiLf a planet inhabited by ! i . t: r riices, a we inhab t the earth? Whatever may U your thoughts on the subj. ct, it is even so. Your body may be but a h-une for parasites that crawl ovi r the surface, burrow bencutb the skin, nestle in its entrails, and riot and propagate their kind in every corner ot it frame. The followinc; is from the S.tn franctrw Bu!U lin, of J a unary 'ij'th, 172. (A receut date.; C ar. yartins riceetly (lied in C ev-land, Ohio, from .. Ktitix m-eat intit teJ with tho Ora of 'I'.innnt .-tii. At the Co otu-r'a Inquest, on Tu sday, i January "2d.) it was shown that tloee w.iks before Chiistma-, -Mai tins purchasf d a ca. cas--of Pol k. Som of the no et was aten ihe same day, and some was made, m'o i.s en.,'.-. About ten days he.er, some (' the sausage was eaten, and in a sho t time the whob; tauii y were taken sick. M. rtins d.ea on Sunday. Decern her 31st, I""!. Mrs. Mlirt ins and her two children nre now very s ck, and the foiner i not likel to re: ver. 1 be verdict was iu O accordance witii the facts. For further par-Q ticulars See Cleve uud, Chi . papers of uboro date. A Colon-, r's Impicst brought thii fact to light,. Now" 1 would tihk leoy m:;:iy men .iieh deaths a" inquest w'ouhl biitig to Iiixt.t t Pondei well, lt-a h r, upon this, and thi k of tlie thoii-ii! ns thatil.e every eur ami u-t i:i.u-c can be as igncd -or their clea b. Now the question thai would naturally enter the itiinu of the reader, is what shall 1 d ? Ths av ce of the Dr. would be go to s uae one that is c-.mpefe nl o! treating such c-ols-piatnts. Au.l who is in ie com petci.t ttiatj the one that has made W. rim n spe. i-.dl t v. T;-mas. Vest !d..v, Dr. .1. W. Van Deii De: gh esh'bited t; us a number ot parasites which bad been re in-ved trom persons af flicted; there were sevtral d tl.-rent s;eei.s one ot w hicb appears t o be entirely uuVi.owti to the medical ptotes ion. Tins new t.uni.v is shaped something like an orane seed, but perfectly Hat, or lather like a c ictMiilurr seed, with a tail about a quarter . f an inch, inhrgth. Another w.is a t.ipe worm Id t m length, cn si?llnj of '.t.i'.oo joinfy. Among Riedic.l men theie ex sts no liitl i uitlereme of opin on relative totheoiigirt of t-'Cse entozoa. One cl :ss of write i s be lieve that these par., si t-s, at least many of them, originate in the emio'.VM ent of arii rnF mole coles with vitality from the parent body, favoi e l by certaia st ifes ot the vital fon-r uf that body ; the st.it-s originating fliei. organization and pronuninir their r owSlv and pn.pagatio-a. That ao iipiiit!on ei.tozoa aiv met with far more fr. tU.MitJ where anitnal tood is ue.-f in greatest abu:id anee. is an indisputable tact. sp.-cally where the food is the tlesh of the "line cult beasts," which the Jews and Mob immebins are Ioi bidden to partake of. Rut our in'-n tion s not to w. ite a tliesi- upon this subicr-tr. we onlv desire to cfroircle the fao- that I)H' J. W. Van ll'-n Reigb los found a med'ciiift' a simple vegetable wceli glows io : btiu.t ance in Culiiornia, which is a h a.l shot to a len ozoa, of whatever cle erij ton, gener ally aeeomplishi! g its olject in Ir- ni a-. h or and a half to six h nrs. Mnig Cull. Had we the space I ere hundreds ot testi monials could be produced-, testifying to the ti iub of the asset" ions thufc have l.ete been: made, but it would be wseless ami woul-J onlv occupy the reader's- li ne. The follow ng are some of the diseases thai Worms are often mistaken for. Dyspepsia, Chronic A flee! ions of tlie Liver nml Kidneys, Consumption, hi:e Swell ntr. Palsy, Spcrmatoi rheea. Diartl ce i, I .c-nti nenceof Urine, Gravel, Floi Albas, Diabetes-,. Dropsy, etc. -Dr. V. would advise t'ftse ladie troub'ed woh any 1 rreirulai ities of the Uterus to try' his new remedies and get oaf I. Dr. Van D- n Berth's In fallible V rm Syr: up for Chihlien. 1 rice ?!. Var. anted to expel the worm. Sl nt t veryw here upon receipt ot tu ie. . ' i Dr. J. W. Van Den Rergb's, Hair Ton e: a Mire euro to destroy all aainia!eu':e of ibo Hair Follicles, prevent- fulling out . and .-iro--nioting ti e Growth ot the ll.ar. I'l icl,."0; Warranted. I5y (oiunlt'iig ami Vmliiciiitf SIMPLE EXAMINATION,. The aflbctcd can learn if their disease i caused by Weims or no'; at all eveu-s. Dr. Van Den liergb can tell them Innn what di-' ease they are mi tie ring. Consultations and Eianilii:iti(ini! FIi.EE OF (HAUGK. OPFICE HOOSIS NOS. 33 & 39,: o OVEH THE POST CFriCS. Lef'ers de?cri"6:'g the symptoms wirl b. promptly answetc', and persons lixfngt' distance will be saved the expense and trous' ble of lailliug upon the Doctor. Address mL .T. W. VAN DEK nKUflir,. P. 0.- BOX 172. SALEM, OREiJON.- Tt-Rtimonial.- Portland, Fib. loth, 1T'2 Dr. J W. Van Dk.v IIergii Dear Sir? Our child, iv little jrirl ignt years of are, bus bud tits and c livulsions for the last two" years, and we bad tried rnariy d .etors ami' many remedies without much bencfi.t, in fm Otir darlin.' was Lo fting constantly vrortj nut I we heard of vo-ir worn syrup thi. nli a fricmrof ours. tho-.glc that perhaps it mihf do sojue goo.I to give it a tual, and vou cannot imagine our surprise when ..ver oiio worms were expelled with one bo tie of vour valuable worm syrup, and from this time ou we cert tii ly daH ne'er be "gthont it so boo' as there is a po-sibl- chance tor it to be bad. You are at liberty to p.iblisI this if vou . ho se, and may it do rnucl. d. ReVpecttuily yours", s II. KTuN. lm M.J. OlifON. Symptoms of Worn, O V'ternat'e p:i or s- xnd finshin-, of the roumenance, di II expression of the eye, rirow-ine-s. itclnn o' tlie' nose, a swelled upper-lip. ton.ne wmierv mr.e-' ano tiiieK ly speckied with red points, fetid breath, and enl .rsred nbd ai n a pari al or gen eral swelling r putlingness of the ?kin. a startling io the sleep and griodi-iff of tho tee'h. a s'-n,it on a if something was 1 "de ed in the throat, a (rial al wasting r.f th flesh. sickness of the stonnch, vomiting, short and drv cough, appetite s meti-nc vo rac on, at oth. r time- fee. Ie, b ve!s sotnaj tiuies costive, other times loose, yreat fret ltiiness and irritability of ternpe-, pairs in the stomach and bowels. Sidia, fits, convul sions and palsy. I the worm syrup is not to b had in vor.r tow n. sei.d ord- r- t the manu'acturer . .11 u .. . .... . .. u 11 win ue tirit. pii v i- a v auuifi U'tc Oi eii ies-. eaaiu-M. inri-ii inueis ! Dk. J. W. VAN DEN DEbC.H, l O. Box 17?, .Salem, Orecrv o o o o O o o 0 O O 0 O 1