1 v ' ,tr O 0 is o G o O o o o o G O o o o o O o o o o o o O o o O 0 O o o O O o SIjc lUcckhj (Enterprise, FRIDAY. : : MAY 17, 172 Good for Ilutler. A rather amusing story is in cir culation "at the expense of the em inent gentleman from Massachu setts commonly called "Old Stra bismus." At the President's levee the other ni'ht, which was densely crowded, an old lady from the in terior somewhere, in a faint condi tion, Requested her husband to get her an ice. "Can't be did," responded "hub" in some irritat ion, "there ain't no refreshments here." "Don't believe it. Didn't we U"et plenty at Ielknap's the other nijjht"?" the old woman said angri ly; "now go and get nc an ice and some lemonade." "I tell you now don't he a fool; o there ain't no refreshments, every body says so,' grunted the lord and niater. "You are quite mistaken sir," said the lion. S. S. Cox, who hap pened to be near, and who never loses an opportunity to put in a o joke. "The President always pro vides substantially. "There is his butler, whose harness is to show ladies to the supper room,"and the Hone little jester pointed to Gen eral 1 hitler. "You'll find him a littlestuek up and cross, but you miis'nt mind that; tell kirn to get you terrapins." This was said so gravely that the two struggled through to where General Ibitler stood talk ing to some ladies. 'I. say, Mister I am told you are the butler," said the man. "I am General P.utler," said Old Strabismus pleasantly, thinking the 0 two some country people lilled with admiration of his greatness. "f don't care whether you are General Putlcr or not. but my wife want some terrapins and lemon ade." "Sir?" snorted old P., in amaze 9nent and disgust. "Oh. don't take on any airs, old o cock. Come, now, hurry up them terrapins. "You must, be drunk, sir! you must be drunk!" Xo he ain't," screamed the wife. "Ile'.a Knight Templar, he ain't drunk, but 1 guess you air." IJoart; ot laughter greeted this, in which S. IS. Cox was forced to join. General Butler reddened in the lace, and began pulling his cheeks out in the most violent man ner. "I don't understand this extraor dinary conduct. What do you want what do you want?" o "Tarrapins, I tell you." "What do you take me for, yon cussed ibolV" roared Benjamin. "You call me a cussed fool and I'll hit you on the snout," screamed the man. At this juncture an oflieer of the police seized the beligerent hus band and led him away amid much laughter. Butler turning sudden ly, saw the mischief maker. " say. Cox, did you do that?" "Well, yes, I'm afraid I did." "Well, I owe the terrapins, and I'll pay you, mind that I'll pay you." And the two walked lov'mcdv away. 0 The Savannah Ac ".".?, says: Wm. V. Stokes, who has secured a free ticket for the Penitentiary in the District, of Colunilua from the Criminal Court of Washington for the forging of soldier's claims, was a late 1 Jepnhiiean memher of Congress from Tenuesse. In I, SCO ho was the Uepuhlican candidate fur Governor of thai State. lov e:t another Kepuh'ican Congress man from South Carolina, had pre viously heen sentenced to the Pen itentiary, as well as Cailicott, for merly Uopuhlican speaker of the New oik House of Assemhiy. it' things are -allowed to proceed in this way. there will soon he more lk'-pu't!;can celebrities in in prison than in Congress. It has been compute;! that over Si.ooo iias lo-en paid (luring the ast thirt y years for print inn the sing'e worl "height erv in t he Cov ( wail (i'lihi It is ju'esumeil tisat it' the computation also cov ered the word "applause" the amount, would he tripled or quad- rupled. 1 ne most curious part of the business is the fa-t. that a con siderable ior;ioii of the amount was paid ''aplausc and laughter" interlaiderd in speeches 1 hat were J'.ever delivered, but which were printed by consent, their authors Obving allowed to insert the "ap plause," etc, where in their opin ion il would have been jiven had the speech really been delivered. V Lknotii v !b:n.-.F. A long bridge in fact, the lot gest in the world is on the line of the Mc- bile and Montgomery llailroad. It. exti'inls trom I ensas station to the city of Mobile, a distance of lit'teen miles, crossing both Mobile and Tensas rivers, ain't including ten draws one for each of the navigable channels into winch the rivers are divided. The bridge itself is construct el of wood, but its piers or supports are iron cylin ders which rot on a solid surface of wooden piles driven, dawn even ly. What Sue Wanted. 'A weak o;: oman" writes to the Xew York TlliUi 'I d I am lift anxious to qct into any r'r '-',!;it; 1 d?"t hn covct doctor s ilpjrree; but I do want a scat, in a car or omnibus, especially vshen I have paid lor one.- 1 ' Patriotic Mr Clews. It turns out, says the Detroit Union, tbat Mr. Henry Clews was the cbief-eook-and-bottle-washcr at tbe Grant meeting in New York lie circulated the call, got the Post-office to send out the circular? gratis, that is. without being pre-paid by stamps as the law provides, called the crowd to order and furnished twenty-nine or his own olerks to act as Secretaries of the meeting. Clews is the fancy banker, for whose ben efit the financial agency of the Govern ment in London va3 taken from the Bar ings. Of. course it v; s pure patriitism that caused hitn to act as the chief lugle tnan at this meeting of '"the people lor the endorsement of Grant. The Chicago Tribune editorially en dorses the Cincinnati ticket and asserts that the nomination of Greeley is the work of the people against politicians. It pre dicts that he will carry, with one or two exceptions, all the Southern and South western States and New York and Penn sylvania, and at least three of the New England States. Woli.d Reject (Jr.vnt. The Cincinnati Kinqxdrer expresses the opinion that if either Charles Francis Adam, of Massa chusetts. Lyman Trumbull, of Illinois, or Salmon P. Chase is nominated for Presi dent by the Cincinnati Convention, that city- would reject Grant by at least ten thousand votes. He would not carry a single Ward. The governess of Miss Nellie Grant, says an exchange, has been appointed to a twelve he. nd red dollar clerkship in the Interna! Revenue Pureau. She performs no duties for the government, but has the name of having an office so that she may drov !:v out of the treasury for doing ch res for Miss Nellie. W. W, Ilolden was formerly Governor of Xorth Carolina. lie was impeached of high crimes and misdemeanors, tried, convicted and turned out of office, and forever disqualified to hold oilice under the Government of that tate. lut the crimes proved upon him do not disqualify hun to hold office under President Grant, who has just tendered him the appointment of Minister to Peru. Near half a million of dollars has been expended by General Grant in maintaining a fleet upon the coast of San Domingo, to keep Baez in power. This is one por tion of the San Domingo job. - - - Tin-: Difi'ekicnce. .V farmer gathers what he sows ; while a seam-tress sews what she gathers. Ad I'l.NTS FOlt THE EXTKltPlllSE. The following persons are authorized to act as agents for the- Kxki.:pi;isk : J. M. Baltimore, Portland, Oregon. : Thomas Boxce, San Francisco.'" L. P. Fisher, Hudson A Menet,41 Pa' k Row, New York. Geo. P. Rowel 1 & Cc, 40 Park Row, New V(: lv. Abbott .V Co., No. 82 A- St Nassau street, New Yoi k. llnd-on, Mciet k Co.. rhicao, Illinois. ('of. Weti.erill & Co., GOT Chestnut street, Philadelphia. ItcHgious Scivifts, St Pauls Tpiscop-d ) Church, the Rev. John ". Sellwood, rector. Services on Sunday at ioj a. m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Bode class at 2 v. M. 1st Congregational Church Scats Free Morning Services, )t. Sabbath Sch. ol, 12 o'clock M. Evening Services 7 o'clock. Rky. K. (Ikukv, Acting Pastor PKtYKIt MEETINGS. . Sunday evening f o'clock Tue.-day evening 7 o'clock. - o M. E. Church Seats Free. M or iiui ir Services, 1 o.;jo. Evening Set vices, 7 o'clock. Sofl.VI. MKKTINGS. Clas Meetiuc: following Mot nincr Sprvces. Praver M'-etinir T hnrsd ivevenin:: 7 co'clok. Six'.i.utli School at 2 o'clock P. M. SOOT AfID SHOE HOOSE! Fall and Winter Trade. HAVING RECENTLY FILLED UP OUR assortment of Imported .-tybs in Ladies' mill Umiis' We will t Tcp sreat pleasure in disjdavinsr and iccaiii!; orders Irom our patr ons 'and the pu die ;cncra!lv. Wo h ive received ?rf-m Xfn- Yoik a few pai" of ti:r Cfiehiatcd ELI It AT OPEK iU.-Ti'ON FPONTS, hy M-hici: a Uce Shoe can oe tuned into a be-i uti.'ul Uutton Gaiter Will takt? oi-d, rs f..r the same at any tinie We have the Pest and Latest Stvles in Mi-se-' and Children's Put ton Gaieisnnd 15 ilniorais th it an- imported, hut tor good s .hstantial wear there are none that" can i-une up to our own make. W'o Warrant them in every respect. Seven eotireh- New Stvles of Ladies' and Mi-ses lUnUJKKS T e XiJIson. Congress, Mane Antoinette, Queen's German, Velvtt Fr -nt a io Alaska. Li-lit, Uh Durab!- a'td Near. FiitmS. Alio, a lot of Children's L'looers. Hria on your feet. COME AND 8EE CUB GilAMPIOfl BOOT! Respectfully, PROTZHAW, GILLIHAW & CO., Cor- Front and Morrison Sts-, Dcc.l.lSTl:tr rKTLAND- REG0N. Treasurer's Figtice, 'V. 1 "ease rek's OrricE, ) Liu kamas County, Oregon. ( ' v nias etidmsed tor interest prior to N '2':z " c ,v- "'on. i Iaterest V''1 c.e '" rron' thi date. Oregon CitVApnTth6: SPRING GOODS JUST RECEIVED BY LEVY. I HAVE JUST REDElVED A COMPLETE and well-assorted stack of CUSTOM-MADE CLOTHING, ASD CEMLE.11EXS' FLEMS1I1G GOODS, "Which I will sell at reduced prices. Call and examine my stock before purchas ing elsewhere. Produce Taken ia Exchange for Goods A. LKVY, Main street, Oregon City. AND T XX IE BET DR. HUFELAJ D'S CELEBR A TED SWISS STOMACH BITTERS. The I'"irst and most healthful Tonic ever introduced in the United .States. 3 Those Hitters have k been in ther-ian rran- cisco Market for over ' Ht-nty Yfstrs. and not wit list indin j the iiiiinv new candidates H for public favor, the sales have constantly Sj hiere.ised. 3 'r K KEL, Solo Agents, H 4o!) and 41 1 Clay St , ;san rraticisco. -jo-m . REAL ESTATE EXGHANGE- PORTLAND, - - 0EEQ0K". ciao. Ia. curby, DEALER IX REAL ESTATE AXD OTHER INVESTMENTS. Commissioner Selecting Swamp and Ovet (lowed Lands, Faini Lands sold and purchasers obtained for all kinds of lauded property. Valnab'e securities transferred in exchange for real estate. Loans ne.ijo! rated on property, and titles examined and determined. Commissions solicited and executed vviili fnl'-lity an i promptness. OFFICE Xo. M Carter's Rudding, corner of Alder and Front stteets. Feb. W:tf 'X1 II I S 4. r 4 V4 7 J I s ... i5t 15- "Willsev evsrytliing neoded iz. a fsmlj, from taa heaviest to the lightest fabric. IT J50r.S THOHT. V.'ttSHI, Than r.iiy ether machine. If thoro i.-j r, I'orr-reo pe-wirq Ula ehlne vnhin or.o thoii-and miles of S;n Francisco i-ot vnrliiup; -will ar.cl ftiviKr enl ire FPdi.sfp.clifin, if I nm in forir.ed of it, it vill o nifcr.ded to v.ithout expense of any kind to tLe owner. CAIilUEL HILL, Arent, 19 ficw Mor.Iomery Street, Grand Hotel Bu':d!nrj, San Francisco. firnd for Circular and eampir.i nf tlic irorl;. Active Agents tvantctl in rvrry jilucf. IEW GOODS AT THK INGOLrl BAKERY. WILLIAMS & i-3 A E? D 5 R3 Q , UAVE JUST OF EN ED A FULL VARIE tr of choice FAMILY GROCERIES. AXP I'ltOVLSIONS. The Thikery will be constantly supplied with fre.-h UK FAD, PR VC.'KFRS, CAKES, IWSTHY. CANDIES AXD XUTS. All of which wFl bo sold at lirit'g rates. Keiiiember that we do not sell goods at cot. Also, please bear in mind that it takes money to do business. To the farming trade we wonld say, CASH lor you. produce, and CASH lor our goods. Goods delivered to all parts ol the citv. Feb, K), lS72:tf REAL ESTATE, REAL ESTATE- JACOn STITZFIL, C. C. AVAT. JACOB STITZEL & CO., SUCCESSORS' TO STITZEL & UI'TOX., REAL ESTAT 5 A X I) Cor. Fjoiit ami "IViisIiiugton Sts., P O R T L A X D , ORE G OX . Special r-.ttention given to the sale ol farm ing lands and city property. All cones poudenci' relating t the recources of Ore gon will be promptly answered- REAL ESTATE JOURNAL Published monthly. Sent free of charge to any address. JACOD STITZEL & CO. March 1.3, lS7-2:tf VVOID QUACKS. A victim of en ly in discreti'n, causing nervous debflitv, premature decay. &.a , h i ving tried in vain every adveinsed remedy, has a simple means of elf cure, which lie wdl send free to ids fellow s irierers. Address J. II. REEVES, 7S X.issau st., XewTW-rk Sept. l:y 1 C 0 URTES Y OtSAli C ROlfT GOOD NEWS 3 GOOD NEWJ LOOK OUT FOR GOOD BARGAINS! S. ACICERKlAn & CO. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE Stock of SPRIXG & SIlOiEU S00DS, WHICH THEY OFFER Clieaper tl&a tlae CEaeapest. Ve would sa, come and convince your self before purchasing elsewhere. Oar stock consists in part of FAXCY AXD STAPLE DRY-GOODS, CI10TI11XG, HATS, BOOTS AXD SHOES. NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, and a great many articles too numerous to mention. ALSO, Doors, Windows, Glasa and rutty. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. ALSO, AVOOIj wanted, for which we pay the HIGHEST PRICE. S. AOKERMAN & CO. Oregon City, April 21, 1571:tf RESTAUR LEOflDeLQUEY, Prop'r- I LATE OF 'THE CLIFF HOUSE m vix sti:i:i:t, oukgox citv, oukgox. ''pilE UNDFRSIGN EI) IiK- JL spec fully antiounces to his nJx fi tend and the ti ave'ing pnh'.ie, fiat he l a- re o;encd the above named Restaurant. The proprietor knows bow to serve bis Mitoint-i-s with Ovst'-rs, Fi's Feet, a good cup ot Coffee or a SQCAKK MEAL. LKOX DkLOUEY Oregon Citv, Jan. '27, lS71:tf W!LLIAIi SINGER FOR 1HE MASIFACTOLY OF SASH, BLR13S AND DOORS AXD M )ULI)INGS OF ALL SIZES. They will also do TURNING, of ev rv description to order, With Neatness and Dispatcl 1 o ALL WOfiK WARRANTED. Fliop on the River, in L"Wis' shop. opposite Oregon City Mills. shades ALoora, C. A. HAAS, Proprietor, Main Street, Oregon City- o TIM Till. U ART) TABLES in OREGON Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to them THE BAR IS SUPPLIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors anJ Cigars. Scotch. Irish and Bourbon alreadj famous Whiskies and Punch. ALSO, A SO. 1 SHOOTBftG GALLERY Is connected with the Saloon. Orcw City, Jan. 1, 1872:tf I. POPE, Grocer & Provision Dealer, Next door south of tbe Court House, Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon, DEALER IN BEST FAMILY GROCERIES, COFFEE. TLA , SUGAR, FLOCK AND MKALof R kinds, PICK LFS. SO I', SALT, CANNED FRUITS and OYSTERS, Also, all kinds of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. BUTTER. CHEESE and EGGS, TDD A COO and CIGARS, GLASSWARE, Etc., Etc. All kinds of country Produce taken in pt. change for goods at the highest mai ket rates. Zu& Goods delivered in the citv free of charge. A fair shcre of patronage solicited, i i ii cu i., z:u HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE rpHE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR JL sale Ins rest ience :n Oregon City. There ire four lots, a go d hop,-e and tarn. with a tine cellar and a good well of water. There is nlentv of land, and it is well adapted for early gardening, purposes. Part payment mav be made in stock, fcpr particulars Bp plvto GKORGE CLARK. . "Ore on City Juna 2 1871-tt r LiDittfuTr -TeaygSVriiiiiwiiftiii- ' r- 0 C- W. POPE & CO., DEALERS IX STOVES, TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON, BRA lERjy COPPER, LEAD PIPE, lit PIPE AND FITTINGS, RUBHti . HOSE, FORCE AND LIFT PUMPS, ZINC, COPPER, BRASS AND IRON WISE. Also a gaueral cssoitmcnt ol Hous nishing Goods. MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware. ROOFING AND JOBBING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE TO ORDER, AND AT LOW PRICES. o Also, at POPE'S STOVE STORE you will fuad HARDWARE AND BASKETS, WOODEN, WARE AND TINWARE, LAXTEIIXS, LAMPS AXD OIL, LUCIXE AXD NIGHT LAMPS. ALSO PERAMBULATORS. o All of the above articles are for sale at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. C. AY. POPE t& CO. Oregon City Oregon. J:ly N JEW WAGON AXD Carriage FsSanufactory ! The undersigned, having increased the di mensions of his premises, at tho old stand Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City. . , Oregon. Takes this method to inform his old pat rons, and as iminv new ones as may be pleased to call, that he is now prepared, with ample room, good materials, and the verj best of mechanics, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete any sort ol a vehicle Irom a com mon cart to a concord coach. Try me. Blacksmithing, Horse or Ox shoeing, and general jobbing neatlv, quieklv and cheap ly done.' DAVID SMI I'll. Opposite Excelsior Market" R. F. GAOF5ELD, CORNER MAIN AM) SEVKNTII STRKKT3. OREGON CITY, OXEGOIT, Dealer in DRY-GOODS & GF.0GEH1E 3 CEOCKERY and GLASSAVvBE. Also, a full assortment of Milllsicry and Fancy Goods f OF THE LATEST STYiJE. J u O k RECEIVED. COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN" IX EXCHANGE FOR GOODS Oct. i), 171 :tt OREGON CITV, OREGON", RETAIL DEALERS IN BOOTS & SIIOEH, I also keep constantly on hand SALEM CASS I M E R E S, FLANNELS, TWEEDS AXD BLANKETS, Which I will sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. 2?" I will also pay the highest prices for Butter. Eggs, and all kinds of good country produce, i will sell as low as any house in Oregon- for Cash or its equivalent jn good merchantable produce. &S Give me a call and snti-fy yourselves JOHN MYERS. Jan. 13,lS71,tf Eye, Ear, Throat & Lungs. JOHN B. PILKINGTOK, Til. D., rATE OF SAN ERA NCI .SCO, HAS I.O J caed in Portland, Oregon. Oilice: In lb lme-i' Building. First street (three doors from Ladd & Tilton's Bank), where he may be con ulterl daily, and will treat diseases of the above named org-ins as specialties. All operations upon the Eve and Eai per formed in the most scientific and careful manner. ARTIFICIAL EYES, having ail the beauty and mobility of the natural eve, inserte '. Re'ers by permission, for his professional standing, to L. C. Lane, M, I).. Professor of Surgery, and Edwin I'.entley, M. D., Profes sor of An ltomy. University of the Pacific. San Francisco; and for his success in the treatment of cases, to over l.oOO cases tieat fd by hjmf in San Franptsc ; nlso, to Levi EstVs. Esq., Rev. 'i L. Eliot, Portland ; Wm. II. Dillon, E-r,., Vancouver, W. T. ; and manv others Oregon and Wa.-hington Ter- ritpr3-. aug2"):m'i Moticc. . TOHN MY ERS. ESQ., IS MY DULY AU- 1 tboi ized Aeent in wrgo,, v. ,.. Aitent for the Estate of nr,.el U""'??- ceased. MRS. L. U Ahi k. . October 1, lS71.m3 A. NOLTNER, NOTARY PUBLIC. ENTERPRISE OFFICE Oregon City, Jan J 13:tt Ayer's Cherry. Pectoral, For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, such a3 Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma,, and. Consumption. Among the great discoveries of modern science, few are of cj. ",,' more real value to ' iTJ. J f XTA'. mankind than this ef- - "T A loctua remedy for all ui-eases ot rue inroar and Lungs. A vast trial of Us virtues, throughout this and tJher countries, has eJiowu that it does surely and effectually The testimonv "of cur best citi control them. zens, of all classes, establishes the fact, that Ciieiikv PiicrouAi, will and does relieve and cure the attUeti.ng disorders of tbe Throat ami Lungs beyond any other medicine. The most dangerous a'd'ectjons cf tho Pulmonary Organs vield to its power; and cases of Consump tion, cured by this preparation, are public ly known, so remarkable a hardly to be be lieved, were they not proven beyond dispute. As a remedy it is adequate, on which the public may re!y for full protection. By curing Coughs the forerunners of more serious di-ea.-c, it saves unnumbere I lives, and an amount of suffering not to be compute I. It challenges trial, and con vinces the mt sceptical. Every family should keep it on hand as : protection agaiust the early and u: i perceived attack of Pulmonary Affections, which are easily met at fir.-t, but which become incurable, and too often fata!, if neglected. Ten der lungs need this defence : and it i vr.iwiso to be without it. As a safeguard to children, amid the di-tre.ssing diseases which beset the Throat and Chest of childhood, Cmkuky l'rnor.AL is invaluable; for, by it timely use, nmlti tudes are rescued from premature graves, and saved to the love an 1 ntU-ction centred on them. It acts speedily and surely against ordinary colds, securing sound and health-restoring sleep. No one will suffer troublesome Inlluenxa and pain ful Bronchitis, when they know how casily they can he cure"!. Originally the product of long, laborious, and successful chemical "mve-tigution, no cost or toil is spared in making every bottle in the utmost possible perfection. It may be confidently re lied upon as possessing all the virtues it has ever exhibited, and capable of producing cures as memorable as the greatest it has ever effected. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. YERYWHERS. 9 For restoring to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. A (Iresshti vvluc-h is at oiice agvt-c-ullo healthy, a n t cBectual for ' '.-i'--it ireservui the f-'A hair, .it ... r-,, . , V. i . i vlr- -iftfc. 3;V; C-'-lUiiJ.s 1111(111. 'J'-'' criar, with the gloss and f rc-li hops of youth. Tliirj hair is tliiitkf-iiC-il, failitiy hair checked and lialdness often, though not always, cured hy its use. Nothing can resto.ro the hair where the follicles are. de stroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed ; hut such as yeniaiu can ho so, veil hy this application, and stimu lated into activity, so that a new growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gi'y or falling oil", and consequently prevent haldness. Tho restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the forma tion of dandruff, which is often so un cleanly and offensive. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and inju rious to the hair, the Vigor can only hencfit hut not harm it. If wanted merely for a WWW JTRES.SIXG, nothing else can he found so dc-sirahle. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white eamhrio, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rioh, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., .Practical ami Analytical Chemists, LOWELL," MASS. Smith A- Davis. 'Wholesale Agents, Frnt street, Portland, Oregon. Read Physician's Certificates Below!!! G a o in a CD & i-t o f-l O CD l-i 1 CD CD 9 ?ftSiLI HJh4 it i Ll o o fc n 5ESTTDN1G IN USE A Most Efficient and Pleasant Tonic, Thesfi Wttprfi nrP T,rpPnrpd from tho mn!t chores Jind a liolesouie lii ls and roots, and have Riven universal satisfaction wherever tried. Thousands of dyspeptics have found relief through iheir nsp, and physicians recomim nd t hem tor the cure of all diseases of the hlood and liver, and irregularities of th digest ive orcans. Headache. Bdiou-ness and Constipation. General riijliility and Lossof Appeiite. allnre caused 1. the derangement of the Stomach. J-ivfr and othee functionaries of th system. 'J he I XL Bitters havo l'n suecesstiilly used and are warranted to ally Viato the suiltjieria all the above cases. CERTIFICATES. 5Irs?ii5. H. H -si i ts A-C'i: Gentlemen: I take pleasure in statlnsr ttiat asrre& ably to your wish 1 have carefully tested and exam ined the Bamplo pfyour J.XL j'itters. which jon pent me, and lind it not only an asrrc shle Bitters, bntaNoons that cannot fail to to beneficial aa a, tonic and promoter of D.gestion. G. HOLLAND, 51. D. Crrr avd Tor-STT IIosriTAL, Saa Trancisco, June 21th. IT I: . , I hivo cnrcfully nsmmcil Dr. Ilonley s 1 A Lm Bitters, and have failed to th-tect auythintr which, could injura even the most delicate constitution. J'rom tho composition of the Bitters, as farss I m ollo to determine it. I should judpe that tbe 1XL. liitters must be a very efficient remedy in Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Boss of Appetite and simi lar complaints, hoins composed of a number ol iFf-eetablo. drugs which ar principally used in dis-rasr-s of that natnro. anc are of the greatest efficiency in their cure. F. n. EN-GEBR. M. D.. Ass't Res. Physician Apothecary C. & C. Iiospital. State Assates's Office, San Francisco. July Slst. 1S71 : MrssRs.H.ErsTnrN'iCo -Gents; I nave made a careful ' xamination of your 1XL Bitteri. and have found them entirely free of deleterious mineral substances. ours, etc 1 LOUIS FABKEXAU, State Asaynr l7ilnri'iv-.C0UnCrfeits- None genuine without Dr. Henlej s s.gnature across the top of each bottle. iJ7Zr, Fn,nil' honW have n. IJottlO in the house. Sola everywhere. cot- i c- Sole Proprietors. I rtnsE- V&JSPp-fi Francisco, Cal. Ayer's ft 3 i i rfi PRIVATE MEDICAL AID. Quick Cures and Moderate Clar- T . m Dr. W. Koherty's Private Medical & Surgical InsitMt No. 519 Sacramento Street, corner of Leidesorft; (a few doors below" the What Cheer House.) (Private entrance on LeidesdorfTstreet Established Expressly to AftWrd the AfHicte Sound and Scientific Medical Aid, in the Treatment and Cure of all Private arid Chronic Diseases, Cases of Secreev and a'l Sexual Disorders. To lie Afflicted. DR. W. K. DOIIERTY returns his sincere thanks to his numerous patients for their patronage, and would take this opportunity to remind them that he continues t. consult at his Institute for the cure of t hrorie di eases of the Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Dices' five and Genito-Urinarv Organs, andall private diseases, viz : Syphilis in all its forma and stages, Seminal M'eakne.-s and all th horrid consequences of self-abuse. Gonorrt hu?a. Gleet, Strictures, Nocturnal and Dior nal Emissions, Sexual Debility, Diseases tbe Pack and Loin?, inflammation of th Dl .ddcr and Kidneys, etc. ; and he hopI tbat his long experience and successful prac. tice will continue to insure him a share of public patronage. Hy the practice of many years m Europe and the United States he is enabled to apply the most efficient an'd suc cessful remedies against diseases of all kindii lie uses no mercury, charges moderate treats his patients in a coirctt and honorable why and has references of unquestionable verac:ii ty from men of known respectability and high standing m society. All parties con sulting bun by letter or otherwise will re ceive the best and gentlest treatui'en: d implicit secrecy. To Female. When a female is in trouble, or nShcUd with disease, as weakness of the bark and limbs, pain in the dimness of siht, loss of muscular pw??, palpitation cf the heart. iriitabi!ily, nervousness, extreme ur, inary dillicnU ics, derangement of dice-five functions, general debility, vaginitis, all dis eases of the womb, hysteVia, steiility and all other diseases .peculiar to f males, sbeshon'd go.ee write at once to the celebrated female doct W. K. IlOMEKTY, at his Medical In. stitute, and consult him about her troubles and disca.'.. The Doct r is ejecting more cures thaw any other physician in the State ot California. J.( t no false delicacy prevent you, but apply immediately and save vr.iirself from painful surt'eiiiigs and jwematnre death. All married ladies, whose delicate health cr other circumstances prevent an inciease in their families Mionld write or call at DI. W. K. POUEM Y'S Medical Insti-nte, ar.d they will receive every possible relief and help. The Poctoi's ollices are so arrancrd that (, can be cousulted without fear of observation' Xo Correspondents. T 0 I atienfs residing in any ait of the Stats nowever iiistr nt. M ho mav'desire the opinion and advice of I'H.DOIlKl'TV in their n.p(f. tive cases, and who think proper to su! n'it a wiitt.-n si.-itemt nt of smb. in preferf r.ce to holding a perioral interview, a e resirctful, l v assui ed Vtuit their communicat'cns ill k-e held csai-red and confidential. If the cast U fully and candidly described, personal ccm innnication will i,e ut, ne cssa rv. as irstrnc tions for diet, tcgimen and the general tMrt meni of hv? ca-e"itself (inclndin- the remc. dies), will be forward, d without" dehtv, and in such a manner as to coiiv v no ideaV-f the mirport of the U tter or parcel" so ti anstnittrd." . 5P"('""slll,il,i"n hy letter or otherwise' FKEt:, Peuuanent cure guaranteed or noj aj fpt riiiji inn lior n. fTi. D(HEUTV has ju-t puldi-hed an iti; poi tant pamjddet, enib'.dying his own vii-v ;oil e.xr.crii new in relation to Impotence or Virility; being a Shoit Treatise on Sj.jrn.a lorriioM or Seminal Weakness, Serv-v.n ami I'hysical I)t l iiity ei nsefjiient on thi a!rc t on, and other diseases of the Sexual Drears This little v.ork contains infoi jnatii n of the inmost value aP, whether marrii d or si ng! and will be sent KJiKK by mail on rcrrij fof six cents in postage stamps for retuin po.st. age. Address. W, K. POIIKHTV. M. P.. juivOoIx San Francisco Pal 1 ryo you r.Ei.oxG Tin: fltlte of JL our beautiful and fast growinr Stat. Soon thesbiiil whistle of the'lUON JKlKSKi . s he coa-cs Miioking i-ross this eteat ccn tinent. drawing after him the rich pr dnctg ol the Nation's Wealth and Iudvistiy, will announce the GOOD TDIE CC)aJX(t.'' when Oreccn's own Son va o e8 will be ealhd to fill tbe new a vetoes of l!ni ness. Everyone should prt pare for an -ACTIVE BUSINESS LIFE, Great changes have been made in the com mercial a Hairs of Oregon in a lew vcars. What tbe deveb.pc ments of cur State will bo in the lutui e. is a question which depends upon the BUSINESS QUALIFICA'I I0N8 of her iui)ir Men. Within the pil four years of coctiintej pros pci ity, th Katicnal Business College, of Portland, Oregon, has set out SCORES of yor.:ir men fully qualified, and manv tf yhoni are now filling bi.cli and Irci ative po sitions in tbe Banks, f'ount.nsr- Booms and Stores of our State. So great is the demand .or Good Accountants, that Business men have bcr n frequent ;T compelled to send East for as-istance. No entct pi i-inj:. studious Young Man whiilms O passed through the prc.-ctibid coursa 9) studies at this MODEL COLLEGE has complained for want cf a situation ap at good salary, too. Every taciliy is here afi'orr'ed acquir ing a SOUND BUSINESS EDUCATION in the shortest possible time, and at O THE LEAST EXPENSE. Every student w ill have an ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICE! After having comnlettU th? Theov, be introduced into a MINIATURE WORLD OF BUSINESS which has the eflect of thoroughly f aniiliariz-. ino: him with all the minntia? ot nal business Tbe course of study embraces JJoublc and Single Entry Uook-Keejiing, Comnierci Ariibtuetic, Conunercial Law, Correspf n; ence. Business Petiinanslop,' regular ar special Lectures, etc., etc , couibining theory ' with practice. ALSO,' Superior advantages ,'for sccurin"- a thoror.glp knowledge of 0 R N A M E X T A L TENM A N S II I P. TELEGRAPH V, PflONOCRAPIIY, FRENCH, SPANISH, GERMAN, ITALIAN. ETC For full particulars, call at the College i fice. in Cartel's building, corner of Front and Alder streets, entrance on Alder) Porf land, Oregon, or send (or cicular. Addtcs? DeFRANCE &. JABIES, PORTLAND, OREGON. Merch 31. lTLyl JMPEMAL MILLS. Savier, LaEoque & Co., OREGON CITY. fiuKeepconstantly on band for sale Midlines, Bran and Chicken Feed,Paries 6mp.Hidin?j Iced tnusl furnish the s&cks. 9 o