)c lUctliln (enterprise. FRIDAY, MAY 17, la 2. TOWN 4XD L'OIXTV. Tub KxTEiiTAixMi-NT. Myers" Jlii W"s j crowded last eight on the occasion of the j Good Tecanlars' entertainment. The per- j k. . .... in be lauiei api - ... ,f(. k.ii!ihii was pissed: the reaumg "J , . . . . ;i il.e reau i s' -y . " ' .. . .... . toleibly pood ; MaStfT Millie uir.m-3 . i ...;. ... ii as well reuueieo. tiun ho'a him to be u young boy of good memory it i : ii a vei v i .i. ii . - - - i. . i - ... i formanee was -generally very creaii;.i . ( K,nK llc ,lon t believe the offices The opening piece by Jw P;; ; arf. aH for his family, and he will Messrs. i'or J y thatt.u-k and ! appoint a competent and qualified sun" : the dnetie by j.i.s , . , 1 . . a I SVlui very wfi'ng.j111"0!'"" j person ior the position. some" uiii. i ui - -- of U characters should have been stud- : i""i;i"lt). "iiu f is fleeted, bc-i.-d more tktron:h!y ; Miss Crawford was j longs to him. They will, if elect- . - i i . .,,.., of,. I i,. was Mr. Kii'Tt-ne ,..1 . ... 1.. f . e -i . , T...,..t 'I'm. iiiaitetle OV 111" .Hli-SfS Shattuck and l'...-t wa. well r.m-, and the ! 1 MC, .Is t 1c yonn ladies M-.mcl to have nlieved j i.u I leal did last year. Are the thenuelved ol their first Mi;lrari-men. ! people iroin to trust these Radi Tfcu n adhi- by Mrs. La U.-cq-.e was well , ca cIJatlIcS araiu- .jfodejed. -30 minutes for Kelrei-btaents.-- j 2 'wi'itl e J'iece of the evening, and the ! Tv.Vi, rr, lf - " -,. , L .etar-.TH were all well .uMained, Mr. J. j Ly lS;' 1 he ldieal candidates A. Smith taking the leading part, and we ; and t heir dirty tools are ena-T'd nnit sav that ii is seldom performed bet- f . i- " " irr bv nrof.ional plaveis. The rest of : tlie charACters were v.en nsiaineu. iue closing t-oitg was good and well sung. ' i . . : . i rii Stani'Im; Com mi ttlk.-. The following Siandin Committees were appointed at i.e meeting ot ihe Council lasi Moi.div : l'inahee Conimiitee. II. Caufield, A. J. Avpetson, S. W. Moss. Comruitiee on School. J. L. Mill r, 11. jtitielJ. W. L. White. Committee on Fire and Water. L. White. Julius Logus. ami A. J. Appersoa. Coimnittec tn Streets. S. W. .Mu.-s, Jnmes Aibey, J .1). Miller. Commit. t-t; on Ileal, li.- James Alhey, Juluis. Logus. V. L, while. Okkickks. The annual election of t fTu th Ut the Oi'enn City Manuf.icl tu ing company took i.lace la.it truini'day. when lue lolio.ving Directors were eb eted: 11. Jacob. 1. Jacob. W. S. Ladd. The new j lionrd then met and completed tl, ovgnn- j Uutiori by electing II. Jacob riident; I Jacob, Vice l're.-id-nt; M. A. S'ratton, St trctary. and W. S Lucid. Tieasuier Skukusi.v Ii.i. The imuiy friends ol" Fr. Sarfarrans will regret to learn lha: his di fioe has as.-umed ;i .-'laee that mak. s lii- recovery a'.niosl iiiipiK.-ib'.e. Ir. liar c'.ay. of tins city, and I)is Kinney ai.d Wukins of l'oitlanil. are lending ii him. and doing till iliat is possible fur human skill to do. lb. S. is a man nuiveis l!y esteemed, and we hope that he may jet recover. ExunsiT. The ofliciit I exhibit, of our City a fr.tirs nitty be found in to -day's pa prr It is anything but satisfactory, and dors not show (lie condition of our city fliianc.'S. It only shows what was done lnt year, aid It. tit ve i ii in j. I -:e. It 'tows one thing an I that is. that over $11 Oiio w collect -d last year, and not enough left of it to pay i!e in'erest on the ou'.s andi! g deb'. We shall have pouiethiiig to .-ay ab. tit this m .tier ht re ft ter. Nkaiu.y A Fii:k. Some boj' crnmnied ptp'r between the walls of the Seminary huilding. uiid si't it on lii A timely dis- Covery was n'l that saved ;he buildinr. The boy is too young to comprehend the in ignitiide of hi- act. but jiarents should be cirelul how ihey allow children to handle in a'ches. CoNCKur ok Vocal M;.u-. The Rev. Mr. Sellwood will give n concert i'i voe.il music, wish his Mngmg class, on Tuesday evening. May 2t. at the Congreg 1 1 ioia 1 Church. The public are cordially invited. Admis-ion fifty cents: children under l ears of age h vlf price. Doors open at 71. nud concert begins at S. I i A l i t In.h !:ki. Mis. Moore, of Salem, laughter of Mr. Mehlrum. of this ci'y fell la-t week w'rli a kettle of hot water, .tilting bor.elf very badly, and H f ill ing injured herself so that, her life was dpaired of for time. Las acfoon-s pek of ln-r as being in a f.iir way of rc C overy, Frnv: ri t:t:. We call attenti. t the advertisement of Mr. Jas. Milne, fund tur? dealer, in to-day's paper. He is pre pared to sell goods as cheap as they c:n hi had in the State, an.', he is also prepared to manufacture t-j order. Give h i in a call. Doi.i.v Vakhkn. The boys h h orgati- Ir.ed a bae bill club under the fascinat- intr nam of 0 dlv Yanlen. We have no doubt but wh it the club will become as f ttlllOII close. as Dollv heiself bef ue the season Doi.i.v Yit:o::K. turn -liti'' tias tii --We r.oiice this little oie Ii-r appearance in ur town. If we wine allowed to be the judge, without danger, we should siy that Dolly is a Tr.nst horrid looking cre.i'ure, and we don't wsnt tiry of her in ours. IIkmovkh. Leon PeL.ouey, of the Far. ruin IIcsMiarant. has removed ore door north in the tmilding known as the "Fash- Jon Saloon.'' where he is prepared to ac rrmmodati pis friends and the public enra!iy in a ielter and rgore cotjifot'ia lle manner, lie understands li is business and the public can ai ways get a square meal at his nlace. I'KSTIU ( TIVK.- Lot are in ttV -We an: informed that habit of des'rning frees in the br.ver end of town and perpetraf- j log other oisgra.-ern 1 ac's. W. would I .Ci'ition these mischief makers, that, they J ju ty be caught at it. and be compelled to ; safTer t lie consequences. I Wknt I-'ishin.;. The E. N. Cook' went 10 Portland last SaOir.hiy afternoon, took on l,oard Mr. Hollad.iy and a parly of his friends, and went io Astoria on a pleasure excursion. The Cooke returned yester day. iSKw Corxcii.. The new Council met Jat Monday evening in special session and organized. The first regular meeting will ,e held ou the lirst Tuesday evening in June. " 0 Sink. A ll it Lo:it loaded with stone .was sunk in the Clackamas last. Saturday iwhile it was being brought down. The rock will be .aved. and the boat raised, consequently the loss will be small. Nkw LvMuonn. Mr. llolton, a well known hotel keeper, has taken charge of the ClirT IL.e,ie. This house cannoT fail to become popular under hid manage ment. 0 LtnoK School. The Oregon f'iiv ti.m jmry is the largest free "school" in the Stat numbering three hundred There are five teachers employed. Rkmuioi'S- Kev. Mr. Rosenborg of St. Stephens Chapel. Portland, will preach at St Paul's (Episcopal) Church next Sun day, both morning and evening. Increasing. Tl;ere are three hundred i and sixty mea now enploye.I on the locks. ! The work is progressing finely. j Wool Wool is selling at the factory 1 ix this place at lj to 17 tea!?, ' j I 1amsby is trying to make capi tal atr:i'iIlst Capt. Hedges on the I that he will place in ofHee j- son ye are i ti Fonxj ed ' that Kamsby proposes to put in ! his own son as deputy, who is not l,nlf as well qualihVd as young Hedges. But the Captain is not jiko J,ar5t and the rest of the Rad- vm.no jmi-.ji, a nc liautcni iiCK- ll - l . i -- j.... v.ci mm um1cr natnc C)f 0 puidieaii, in this ., , i , , i . .. i- t .1 1 1 1 1 . v. I s ii. i ill-. 1 1 w 1 I r tT i: of 1 ... i f-- i- ,n 'I KMVls ot lies about the lemocratic; candidates. Wo warn the people against reiving on anything the fellows may say between this and election dav. If they will lie to get into ofilee. they will do voie when they get in.- The' are not to be trusted. I I)i:sTt:ttTiVK Finn. We learn that a destructive fire oecured at Corvallis last Thursday morning, ; -destroying almost tl.e entire block which was burnt two rears since, j Mr. Wm. Fliedner and John W. i A illiams are amoing the heavv ; losi'is. Wo have not received the ' j.articulars, but learn that it was t he woi k of an incendiary. . J.rKsN Coi'nty Fmmc-cuat.v T: :;!:r. Tin; J)u:no'racy of . ifkson county nomin ated she following ticket : ln- llepresen t;l Jvef K. C Mason. Henry Klippel. L. I). Wade : Comity Judge John M. iiiack; t'o'.in'y Ct.inmissioners lohn O'lJrien. Thomas Wrbght : Sheriir J. S. MiMer ; Clerk S. J. Pay'; Treasiwer J. F. Far ey : Assessor Wm. Gregory : Surveyor (i. 1 1 . Lytic.' ; Coroner L. T. Davis. . We suppose the Radical stump ers will be fortified with "oflieiar statements of the economical ad ministration of county affairs. The county is in debt is the strongest argument against such assertions'. S.:wi(; Sociki v. The La. lies' Sewing Society, of the Episcopal Church, wii! n c.v next Tuesd iy, at the residence of Mrsl'hil. Sha;:::ou. Sj e ,cer Fntte Lodge. No. !). I. (). O. T. ll H elected the f. to the Ciaul I 1 111 !iel Tue- : Representatives which meets at S. II. Fr'e.uHy, F. F. 1 j; ris. J. 11. McClung. A. Xo'.tucr. TF hi. oi F'i-. II. ntie ' . o! he Fugeii'- City, wiii regret to barn that has become insar.e atid.bcea takea io the asylum at Portland. The use of a single bottle of Pali's Vt?i . tab e Sii-i!ian llair llenewer is si.l'iicient to hov its ctlieaev in lestori-ng the natural co or of the hr.ir and c'eaiiaiuj; the scalp i'Slc Juvulk' V I'oi I'iiluro See her jiiiid eour.teuane.i, but a short tune ag the picture oT i u idy h'.-aitli, the nvy i f tlio sc: ool and the pride ef the houvhiild. She was ahvavs weleo ii'ru bv her schoolmates, 'for h.er lithe form and pleasing disposit io i can ied cheei fe,',ne s into llieir ranks. Dilligsnt. punctual and exemplary, ' e lent and rn elul at. boa:e. woa t e le'.irts ot all. lit a'us we are s.ar.-wed. Thi-se ro.v cheeks and ruddy lins are blanched bv (.nsu:n! r t . n. Tae l voice oix e so e;ict:at,'t' ng in buitifi and j song i f.'.-ble, hu ky and supplanted by a I a hollow c u. 'h. Let us apjeoi- h here: u.'li j gently and take her bv the hand. Do not r .can- d' ti.e Ice! e and !asie- h'ssuta p. The hard once so hea;tv a';d jduinci is . niai eiated, and shows bony nut, il'ies. wh.iie the cords :n 1 tertums veins are t liit.lv nia d upon t'ie surface. The pe.'jjj that In urn led with leph-tion, carrying li.' ir In ihe w In le s strou and impartimr lit-- beauty, iv.ic t, , health and strength, is h bcate to ihv t uieh. The fe.ible heart cau le t propel t!i" thin, sct:ty 1 I 1 with force. Must we h se le r while y.t in her teen-? ( 'o apanio-is ; nd friends ea h i am n 1 with w rd.s ot" cl e with moit n an 1 eonsi iation, and depait d eyes s id si'.. r,t st; s. Must Nol there is a lelief! We w e lose la r? fni st - V this .1 oyer of our happiness, and s of s bright u eeni. not su!l r the P.- s of s bri-! Soon th u ; more is tep j ed n w than diet ary or hv !.ient. obs- rvance, for ua'ure calls f .r aid, and she sh.,11 have it. Take this pVa-ant m"dieiu'. 1 1 is iuvigi r iting. llmv it ail i vs the irritable cough, iaip'.oyes the njip' tite and di:re.-ti n. and sends a healthy ti-.g'e through the !i ame. The blood is eii richt.'d. tiei vous loice l nci e ised,aTid the heart h uinds with a new impulse. See her fiee btirhten bv ile rees.- ti;a ,v.!'ir is ii'hirn h.t j her voice is isobar chaiitjr, 'm.I h asant j w-rd- ate spoken. The slien-'th falters rt. but is gaii i-ig-Let us take I t r out in the warm sun-hine. In a sl'.oi t time she will be able to g i without our aid, a cheerful gill. Th.s delightful medicine must be God-bl.-ss-t-.l. It is r. storincr health to our hived one. She is emerging from her .sickness sweeter and nobhr than helore, an t Pr. Ihetce's (Jo'deti Medical Discove y must have the credit. It has raised her. Soi l by all first class druggist cveryw her?, II.ov Vi- I'Mi'tl to if Piiystt kni, Who does not remember the time when -pring purgation was considered indispens- ' able to summer health? No matter for wry faces, the inevitable salts and senna, lhu Laro, or calomel andj-dap, must be admin istered. These 'spring medicines," the youngsters were told, wereti make them hale and hearty during the summer. We all know now that firs was a fa'aey: that new igor, not depletion, is what is reoui" ed at the commence. cent of the summer soistice. As a preparatio-ii f.-r the enervat ing c fleet a of oppressive summer weather, a cuuse of Hosteller's Stomach Fitters is highly expedient. This Linr-us vegetable has three prominent prupntie.-: It reuo vates, purities, an, I regulates all the fnnc tioiisot the body, ft is composed exclusive ly of pure ve-etable production, viz- the ess. ntial principle ol' Mononahcla live and the most cth acious toaic and alternative rods, barks, and -.itus known to iedical beta. lists. Hence, it is an absolutely sale me.J:cp;e, and no tincture of the I'barm ieo poa can compare with it either in puritv, or in the variety of its o'j.;ts, and its com' prehensive res-dts. Happ.iv- for mankind, t.-.e theory taat it was necessary to piwstrate a uatie'it 10 ii ,l. . , ' .. i oaSidra Lr 't P!li!oal d : - . 1 .V?.r ls tae S'it at'-urmi-t ------- - ".v.vi i j L-uie n rr 1 ,wt 11C- r. r V'Trr ; ' " ,t3 l'lace' ilostetter's Jitters is an mvigoraut, and hence it is the proper nieaicme tor the feeble at this mott t rung season ot the rear. Be sure that you obtain the genuine arti Oe as tnere aM innumerable vile imitations ,, !i !Uret' L-',ok, tu lh ornamental pai.ip.the engraved label, and the nam b.tiCIs la S.dd la oottk-s only. For the very best photographs. m to U(ud ley Rulofsfns GaPerv wiihout TA.IR. ASCEND IN THE ELEVATOR, '"Js .Moutgcmeiyitrc-tt, Saa Frauc:s;o. tyK'IPglMJiJIM FAL.JLS E.CANPME.'T AO,4, I. O. . . ' F. Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall on the FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAY EVENING of each month. Patriarchs in good stand ing are invited to attend. Feb. 3, ;s:2tr WILLIAM DAVIDSOIT, REAL ESTATE DEALER. OfiitT, o. 0-1 Front Street, POUT LAND, - - - OREGON. RE AT, ESTATE in this CITY and EAST l'UKTLANP, in the most desirable locauiies, con.-isuiig til I,( I J S II I !,' BLOCKS and STOliES; also liLOCKS, HOUSES and IMPl.'OYED FARMS, and valuable uncultivated LANDS, located in ALL puts of the STATE for SALE. REAL ESTATE and oilier Property purchased tor Correspondents, in this v'lTV and throughout the SPATES and TERRI TORIKS, with grwat . are aul on the uioat ADVANTAtiKOLhS TERMS. H017SE3 and STORES LEADED LOANS NEtJOTt ATKI). and CLAIMS 0!r' ALL PESCUfl'lIUNS PROMPTLY COL LECTKD. A',.i a Ce.i.eral FIN ANCIAL and ACEXC1 BCSINESS transacted. AfiENTS of this 0F1-TCE in all the CITIES and TOWNS in the S I A I E. w ill re ceive descriptions of FARM PKOPEKTV aajforward the same to the above ad.lrt-ss. Feb. a, OT', JijK-elul -Votitf. INFALI.IRLE WORM SYRUP FOR CI1IL DREN. Messrs. Ivnigtit & Ii rat Ueis, Whole sale and Retail Me chants, Can by Station, Oregon, are my authorised agents for the sale of the Infallible Worm Syrup, who will constantly keep a snoidv on hand. " DR. J. W-' VAN DEN RERGIL Sa'eni, March 'i-., ls7-j.tr On gon Ltnlt- a. 3, I. O. cf O. h -s-'v's- !,ets every Thnr-0a' even iW- 'n.' at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's ij Mains cet. .Venihersof the Order aru iy order. invitod to attend Kobe i-en Dt gri t- I,o;lge Xo. :4, . O. O. V O Meet mi the Second and Feurth TUKSIKX Y KYA'.XIXUS, of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Old Fellows Hall. .Members of the Degree ale invited to attend. ."I i; I ( ii.iiMU !i ro.tf 5io. 1, A. F. and A. .ii. Holds its regular c.mimuniea venous o;i tae t r.-.t. n n, . I nr. .- each mouth, at 7 o'ebx k from ihe 'Joth i,t" Septtmber to the jiotli ot Mare!, and 7k o'clock from tiie Jo-h (, March to the I'otli ot September. Ibeth ren m good standi. ig are invited to attend. Dee. g:j. 1 5 70, Ky order oi" W . M. Special 7V j !-. IsmnF.PTIoN" is the canst- of nine-tf-nttis of all tbsmi.ses tim living iiiac-!;ine is subject to! iivo ti'i.K. to the stomach am! tuestive organs, and you will save more than half in your .lector's bills. 5 r. E I -xi I?- - Ci-lt-lTa t.-l 11. fit i tt--N a-y r"COIH iTo-niicil liy all physicians to OYsriaTl. s and for Al.l. I 'OMIT.AINTS of tee I.IVl ll ASH 1 1: KST1 VJS OlitjANS. S-.-e a'.Ivertisemeut in ai.oll.cr coluuiu. Uti? MASONIC II ALL Lt'ILD-'-J 1N(L OREGON CITY, OREGON. TEEl'S CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND JL tor sale, cuk.vp KOi: cash, PARLOE, EEE'RCCIrJ, OFFICE, SiTTIIIGROOSI, and KITCHEN FUr.NITUSE, Rurcaus. Lounges, Rocking Chairs, What nots. Pee' Meads, Wa hstands. Curled Hair and P,du Matresses, r! p;;. low.- Wit; h)W e't-.s, Pictare Frames, Mouldings. sVc, Arc. 2:?"Special atterti -n given to Fpho'sterv work in ai! its branches. Orders filled wrMi juoni jit :iess. Rejiairing d-.n- with r.-eatne.ss and .bspateh. Furnituri; ni ide to oiv'er. .'" -;oods deli vci ed to any paitol town free of ciiaige. Call and examine for your-s- lvas. ni i v 1 7 tiii MAIN STIIKET, - OKEfiOV CITT. 3nMF.('Ti jli:R AM) DIPOUTEll OF 7HICII HE OFFERS .-S CHEAP AS cm be had in the State, at Wholesale or Retail. fi'SI warr ii:t all my goods as repreentec. Oregon City, Apiil'17, IS 72. n2str. ITiiance SlxJObil of Oregon, ("tiy. Ain't p;.,id into Citv Fund Ain't paid into Citv 1'mid' fur ft.r.io r,7 license, coin f SS7 00 Ain't jiuid into Citv Fund from Taxes, Sciipc,...". 2,72t C7 Ata't pail o-st of fifv Fund... 3:oK. i;; r;p; c: ; A ra't i aid oat for w-i'i-r rent.. . 8S7 0U ! Alu'tJ.-f Script can;-cl!ed .., 2,7 iJ 67 3,1110 G7 i Am't cf scl-.ool fund paid into I Treasuiv j Am't ot school fund paid out of -i.t'.'i.i S2 4,CCj 82 l,Mi 4i the liisiirv 3. v)i 2r, Italanre seltm.ii fun-t 011 hand.. 1,:173 -7 Am't road ta for the vcar end in ' May Cth, 1S72..I Am't collected and expended in labor and imtteriitl. , 92s 00 Am't collectctt and paid into the Treasury fiO" 00 Am't lxc;upt tioin Firemen... SO 00 Am't l'elin.pieiit 3;5'.i .".1 Ain't to i al an. e i'.l Am't i',. 1 1 tax p 1 into treasurv " " out of " " 51.5 35 I'-alanee on baud in the " tOCl Am't of in ! rs issued, payat la 1 .n:. 1 4 1 ;; oi) (.07 00 from citv lund, tor the vc-ar eadin-jr "ray (ith, 1x72 '. 2,473 01 Am't of orders cancelled for the year endimr May 6th, 1S72. . . 3,729 fJ7 Am t of script can,; -Hod over and above the issue for the vear eudiiig Slav tifb, 1S72. . . 25f fI 2.7 ''0 67 SI. C. ATIIF.Y . Reeordl-r. Guardian Sale. TfN PER-UANCE OF AN ORDER OP THE Hon.irable County Court of Clackamas county. Op'smi, pranting me license to si 11 the v, hole of the in'erest of Georcre Hathaway, a minor in the e-t ite of I'lv.irlorte ll.-tthvvay late of said e-j-aut y, decea-ed, beini? 'he un iivi leil ono-third part of south half of the followin .ifs.aitied real estate, tii-, wit: south 1-4 of northwest 1-4: the east 1-2 of the f-oni Invest 1-4, and lots 1, 2. 3, 4 and 5, of section 32. T. I S., R. 2 E., lot i oi' section Xo. , T. 2 S.. I. 2 E., containing 231 72-100 acres. I will sell t'i the highest bidder, at the Covrt house door, in sid county, tin - above ile-'oribel Jproper tv, rn S ate.r d;.y. ties lath day of June, next, at the hour of I o'clock, p. ia., of sat I day. Terms cash, i-r approved credit secured by inortgr.ric, lted yt thexpen- of porchas.-r. SYLVESTER HATHAWAY, Guardian. Slihvaukie, May 13th, lo72. vCn2S:wl Administrator's Notice. rriHE COUNTY C(;URT OF CLACKASIAS county, Oron. having appointed me Ad ministrator of the estate of JESSE V, BOONE, deceased. All persons having clainn aa-ainst s lid est.tre are reqirei to present them to ine at th oiSce of Johnson. & SlcCown, Oregon City, witaiis six months from this date. W. CA.it EY JOIIXSON, Adiainistrator. M37I7, 1?72. cCS.wl COURTESY OF To the Voters of Clackamas COXJjSTTY! The Candidates of the Republican Party Of Clackamas county, will addi ess their fei 0'.v citizens at the following time and places: Rocic Creek precinct, at Union school house, Mar litth, at 1 o'clock p. m. Cascade" precinct, at F. Revenue's, May 17th, at 1 o'clock p. m. Young's prec net, at Phillip Foster's, May 18th, at 1 o'clock p. m. Springwater at d Harding's, at Mattoon's Church. May l'"th. at 1 o'clock p. m. heaver Creek preeitiet, ut School House, Ma 1'Iit, at 1 o'ch et p. in. Upper Molal'a and Cuuing's. at St;pp's scb ol house. May '2'2d, at 1 o'clock p. ro. Manjuani's precinct, at M.irquaui's sciiool house. May '2od,at i o'clock p. m. Lower Molalla, at Camp Ground, M.y 31, at 1 o'clock p. m. Union pricmct, at Wm. Harlow's, May 5-, at 1 o'clock p. m . Can by pt telnet, at Cabby, May 27, at 1 o'ch ck p. m. Pleasant Hill and Tualit.tn, at Short's school house, May at 1 o'tSook p- m. Oswego precinct, at cLooI houso, Osivcjn, Miiv ".".uii, at 1 o'clock a. 111. Mdwaukie A MarshfU-hl, May 3-.i, at y o'clock a. in. Oregon City, at the Couit House, June 1, at 1 o'clock p. m. The Candidates oT the Pemoeia ic Party are respectfully invited to be pre-ent tor the purjiose of di.-cussing the jod.tical i-sues el the day. " n'iiw'2 Administratrix's Sale Of Real Estate. In the matter of the estate of Daniel IT. Good, d. Ceased. VOTH'M IS HEKEHY GIVEN THAT, 15 Y virtue of an order of sale ma.'.e and entered of;.r.ecord by thejllon. County t omt of ( la. ll amas county, at the May tei 111 thereof, i-S72, I will sell at the Court House door, in Orwun Citv, larkamas county, Ul'."e-o.i, at public auction, on Salunla y, tSie 13! ll iliij-iif June, ISJ i. ; of said dav, the fuUow mg decrib -d at 1 o'clock real estate, the proof-rty ot sud estate, t--wi. : the north half of lot No. two in block Xo. four, in ( Uegoii City, Clackamas county, Oneron; also lots Xo. sevfa and t-itfht in bl.vk X"o. sixty-nine in lliepjii City, C'ac'.iamas county, State of Oil Km ; also the wc-it half of s. tiuu i.ir.t-, t. Vf, 4 S., R. 1 K., containing 320 acres, -beiyir 1U0 dotation claim of I). 11. Cod, deceased. Terms of sale are one-half cash in hand, in V. S. field Coin, Ihe remainder in two espial install ments payable respectively in six and twelve mouths alter sale. Secured by mortgag on prem ises sold. MAltV E. I. OOl, Administratrix of .said estate. Oregon City, Slay 17th, iS72. vtin2S:v4 THOMAS OHARMAN I I AJIIISIIEn - 1S3.'J! ESI RES TO INFORM THE CITIZENS f Oregon City, ;tiid the Willamette ValUy busi at taat l,e is stdl on hand, and doing s on the old motto, that 'A.T'imlile S i x-le nee is better tlimi i Slow .SlilMin." I have jast returned from San Francisco, where I pu: chased olc of the I.AKC;i-:ST and lii:ST fjELKCTia) Stock of Goods ever before offered in this ci.y ; and consists in part, as follows : Boots & Shoes, Clothing', Dry Goods, Hats & Caps, Hosiery of every Dsscription, Hardware, Gro ceries, Paints 6c Oil', S&sh. & Doors. Uiecns ware, Crockery, Glassware, Chimware, Stoncvarc, Platsdwarc, -Jewelry cf various qualities ev styles, Clocks & Watches La dies & Gentlemen's rurn iohin Goods, Fancy Iotioiis of every description, Patent Med icines, Hope, Farming Implements of all kinds, Carpets. Mattings ' Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, &e. Of th list, I can sav niv stock is the -MOM COMPLETE ever o lie re I in this mar ket, and was sleeted with peri it 1 : rt- for Hi in iiiarkti. All of which I now oiler for sa'e at the Lowest Market Rates. No use for the ladies, or any one e'se. to think of iro'uifr to Portland to'buv goods for I :.m DETERMINED TO SELL CHEAP and i.ot a low myself to be I NDlRSOLI) - THE STATE OF OREGON. A I I ask, is a fair chance and quick pay ments, lieliev ug. as I do, th it nineteen years' experience 1:1 Oregon City enables me to Know the reqiremeuts of the "trade. Co ne one and ail, and see for yourselves that the eld stand of T H O fvl A 8 C H A R A N cannot be beat in quality or price. It wmi'd qe useless for me to tell you all the advan tages I can oiler you in the sale of goods, as every st.,10 that advertises does ihat, and probah'3' you have been disappointed. All I wish to say is. come anil see and c.xa nine for yourselves, for 1 do not wish to make any mistakes. My obj ct is to tell all my old liii-nds now that I am still alive, and desir ous to sell ods cheap, fur cash, or on such terms as agreed upon. Thanking uJI for the liberal patronage heretoforo bestowed. TIPiS. CH ARM AN, Main street, Oregon City. .SIT Legal Tenders and County Script taken at ntaikct rates. TH0S. CHARMAN. VF?-.jO,)00 lbs wool wanted by TH0S. CHARMAN. Or- B, R FREELAND, DENTIST, i iSii V- r-Zi TOOM -2 DEKUM'S i V er First and Washington Sts., Portland. Nitrous Oxida admit, istercd. nfi'ltt. JORSALE. rpilE UNDERSIGNED DESIRES TO PELL X bis property in Oreg .11 City will sell at a bargahi, t "a pood ptircha-cr. Lot s, in block H.' whereon there is a good Dwelling House with S tonus partly hard tinish. bal ance cloth and paper and the Livery Stable now eccujdel by Messrs- Willis it Hroughton. Water pipes (aid on the premises, from Pease's water work-. Also 4 town lots in Canemab, with good fenoe around. Also '2 town lo's in I w.r eud of Oregon City; also 160 of laud known as the dona tion, laud cla m of Wm. Stone, 3 miles southeast of Oregon Ci'y, with some im provements, thinly timbered, no under growth, good lasting wat .-r fyiuQ-qire at Couuty Clerks office. Oregon City, May tith, 17?, v6n23 BANCROFT LIBRARY, Easiness Directory of rortland, Oregon. PCELISHED BV L. SAM VEL, General Advertising uigeiyt, t'3 f '-ont Street. Ackennan's Dollar Store, No. 1,9 First Street. Importers aud Job bers of Fancy Goods. Toys, Crockery, Class ware and Plated Ware. A st r He xY I'iue. ouse, 1-irst st , between Oak and 'iue. Evervtbinrr neat. It E. I.m,irf,l. low, Proprietor. 0 BOOKS, STATIONERY AND PERIODICALS.- 1$ A. X CIIO FT i MOUSE, Agents for Mabie, Todd & Co.'s celebrated tiolvl leii. Ivison, nienidn, Ta lor A Co's School Rooks. J't ,;('..')e, a full Hue of J.i-gal !.inkiJur thi !staie. 1ar:nan, the only di:ect Importer of Clot h Jg. &.C, cor. Front A Washington sts. TV HOLE S A L E BOOlHLI.l'.U i STATIO.XTK, Largest stock ay poxtlaxik X.-j. Ty Front nl X,i. 5JT.Va.U tii;:oi Slret-t. BECK, WILLIAM & SON, 129 Froutst. Importers and dealers in On ns, llitlt-s :iiitl lie vol vers of every descript on. Fishing Tackle, Fancy (l.v-.ls. Reads, Rird Cages, Baskets, Cr. quet Games, and Rabv Cut l iUires. Agents foi the "California Powder Woiks;" also, for the ' W heeler A- Wilson Sewing Machines.'' T eck, John A 120 Front street, practical .JL) Wateiimai.e & Jevyeler. Work uone for the Trade BOOK AND JOB PH. I XT IS US. DIMES A- HACHEI.DER !,T Front street. IdirighatitAPeirdiait, First st. bet Oak A y Pine, importers of Stuvisi, Ranges, Kitchen L'tensiN Tm hanan, W. A., s. w. cor. First A Taylor .13 sts. Cheapest Furniture House in Port land. c tap.pf:ts- - WALTER RKOS. hit Front street. Cllarke, Hendersc J street. Dealer. on & boon, M A S.i first rs in ory uoojs, iaucy Goods, Ac jf" toh 11 A Eo.eufidd, 14- Front st. Comniis Vy sion Merchants A Dealers in Oregon A California Produce. CVmglo, J. P., Manufacturer A Deiler in Saddles, Harness, and Saddlery Hard; ware, '.e; Front street. (Terrier, W A Co., F:! Front st. Merchant J Tailors and Cloihieiv-, Hats Furnishing doous. I L.shmutt A Oatman, i' Front street. Keal I-.state Agents, money loaned. houses rented ENTAL GOODS, C. H. Woodard A Co. Io Front street. D Ul'GlilSTS, C. II. WOODARD A Orders from any portion of the State or Ter ritories caifu'lv tibed bv mad or express. T.nil, I.owenstci J Carpet dealers First stref t. A, Co. Furniture and -Stoics from 131 to ICS Employment Agency. Witherell A Hoi j man, so Front st. 1 Furnish all kinds of help. , ,11 i. 1 1 L: lir,. ,,'-, ll, c I I'OI J mission Merchants and d 1 .. t. i...,i. 1,. 1.".....,. si 1 eet. Com ealers in l o- nistie Produce. TVishion Livery Stable, cor. First A Salmon sts. K. Coil-tit, Prop. Good tin n-otits a ivva vs fin hand. 1 ri-ne I A Rebel is, cor. Fiist A Washington ., Dealers A Maiii.tac. Cotliimr, Furn 1 st ishing- Goods. T rceland, Dr. P. R., Detitist Oliice, No. 1 tf, Dekum'ii liiutdc, car. First & 'tVash insifon st. Gi ill A Stael. 75 and 77 Fir.t street. Deal r ers m Rooks Stationery, and Mnsicn 1 nstrumetits. GRAY'S MUSIC STORE- Tlw. largest Music House on the Coast. STEIN WAV FI.WOS, Ul'RDETT ORUA.NS, Oi. Ts. Ut-PRAXS, Jliiiiiiger. SOLK AfiENCY I'l 'It TIT K " '"Agents wanted. ""el .5 it lit' keiiev A rstcrpe. Orocers ami dealers all kinds of Seeds, cor. First and Main sts. "amburger, I! , 13.! First st reef , im poi ter and dealer in Staple Fancy Drv Goods, M liiinerv. tnoee. l ll., 1 iuingr.ipu.o -iriini. s. ve. , ft IF T-l . 1- . cor. First and Monison sts. Child s Pict. spec It v. Henr'.chsen Manufacl L. C. A Co., lo;t First street. cturers and dealers in Jewelry- Watches, Li: c. ihbird, t'.eo. L.. !S F'ront ft., wl-.olesale dealer iu Groceues, Doors, v agon Ma terials, Ac. "odge, sale s. Ac. Calef A Co., 'j7 Front, st., whole dealers in drugs Paints, Oils, OME Sewing Machine, straight needle. under feed, " ck stitch." (,'omiietition challenged. M. E. T raver, 112 Front st. urgren .v Shindler, N'os. C, to 172 Impel ters Furniture, Red- First st. IlIILT, Ac. f uternational Hotel, cr. Front and Morri X son s's. M. Rudolph, Prop. Free Rus. attends steamers. TTchn.J. !1 Front st., wliolsale and iV U-t ail i ti ir Goods. aler in Fine Clothing, Furniah- ai-o:? Doree Restaurant, piivate rooms for Families, cor. 1st and Pine streets. Voos. Pi op. Mw m, k. ct to., wnoiesaie neaier in ines A Liquors, O. S. X. Co's Pioek, and San Fran eier A Scbmeer, 111 Front st., wholesale and retail Confectioners. Miller, -John lb, f r ? 1st st. Watchmaker A Jeweler, (diets to the public a line as soitment of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. I oeller A Co , t rout near i st.. uealers ,31. in native and loreigu Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ""VT"ort!,rup. p. J., Hardware. Iron, St el, JJ Hubs. Spokes, Hardwood Lumber, tOc, Portland. Occiilental Hotel sts. Smith A C Hotel, cor. First and Morrison V i opn rs. 1)arish, Watct Agents, 10 F root street, bet. Aider and ashington. I )IIOTOGRAPHIC GOODS. C. II. Wood ard A Co., loi Fiont s' ice, J. M.. 127 Front V dealer in Tinware am Street, wholsale and Stoves. 1) icht V Per ter, rani. 10o r ust st. . importer of ierlin wooden Carvings, Parlor Orna ments, Ac. J) ider. O. C, Real Estate & Money Broker, V 'J-2 Front street, Portland. T T osenbaum, I. S.ACo.,Toiacconists, import Aj ers of Foreign and Domestic Rquors. Rasa House, Front st. On First Class Pi ia- 1 ctpal. Thomu3 Ryan, Proprietor. 1 r Sherlock, S., 61 Front and 62 First sts , dealer in Harness, Saddlery and Sad dler Hardware. Simon, J.,fi Front street, dealer in Doos, Sas'a A Rlinds, Window A Plate Glass, Sinsii isneimer, ll., lo( Jr ust St., importer 01 ianos, Organs, Sheet Music, iiiuic In- struments. O ki.hr ore, S. G 12 ) t u t i. 12: Fllsit H. llggist A O An k ) An thecarv, a large stock of Pertunierv A T. ilet Articles O until .x. Davis, 71 Front street, wholesale O dealer in Drugs, Faints, Oils, Window Class, Perfumery, Ac. Snow tt Rons, 7ii First strtet, I'ictures, Fianies, Moldings, Aitist's Mat'.s, Draw ing Instalments. L'tnitti, cut.. uri.Ker. o rroai sc. Dealer C3 in Legal Tenders, Go' eminent Roads and !. 1 I Dust. V-,YJ,-tii SI. I w vTO.VE, H. I... X 107 Front Str--t. aictimaKer iV. .vi aiiuucxgr.cg Jevveier s appointed Agent tor the Walt'iam, Elgin. E. Howard A Co., Cbas. E. Jaeot, and the Californii Watches- also, fur sill the produc tions and impoits of the California Jewelry C"ii pany, San Francisco. Send tor circular Watches repaired in the very best manner and WAitRANTtn to give satisfaction. Ierry Pros., No. 17S First street, nianufae tureis and Cealers io, Furniture, lied ditig. Carpets, Ac. fCbe Clothing store. IE! Front t. Clothing, J Furnishing Harris A Prag. r urms'iing oius, ro;ts ana c-noes. T uttle. H. IE, 142 A 144 Front st. Dealer in WairouiA" Agv;cnltur;;l Implements. rFvne, E. 1. J. dealer in D.. n. v. cr. First A OaV sts., Rrandies, Wines, English Ale and Porter. r pyler, J. A.,1 17 Front st., wholesale deal X er in Putter, Eggs, Chee.-o, Laid, JJa con, &.c. W7 -.or..... r- 1 . - ... I TO 1. iiiiams ci .overs, temrui looeiv. Front st., Commission Merchauts A deal's in Produce. 7hallev A F ha'dev A I echfeimer, Attorneys A So- t V beitoisiu Rai.kt uotcv. Oliice in Odd Fellows Temple A U C TI ON A JS'lJ C OMMISS1 0 JV 8 15. Iiio2isir4lsoia9 AUCTION- Ell ! Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate. G raceries, GeneruIMerchan disc and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday ! A. I. JiicitARPsux, Auctioneer AT I'll I Y ATE SALE. English refined Par and Pur.dle lion English Square and Octagon Cast steel Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws; Screws, Fhy -pans, sheet iron, R. G. Iron a 1. so : t I i 4 . , - ... .v. wi -e.issoi linen l oi liIOCCIlCS illlO J.iquOrS A. U. liiciiAKusox, Auetiotietr SPRING & J EST RECEIVED AT UliAI.KK IX DRV GOODS, CLOTHING, ROOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, GROCERIES. CR0CKERV, NOTIONS, AC. MAIN STREET, OREGON CITV. rilODUCi-J of al km U bought, for which I pay the highest mai kt,t price. If you desire rood Goods, at LOW Prices, Call at I. SELLING'S, and examine his fresh stock of Spring Goods. GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE VOLT.SELVES. Mv M.dto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL I'i ;o FITS. Wool "Wsasaflcd, For which I will pay the highect market price. I. SELLING. April 11. U7I:tf 0P.EG0IT CITY B HE WE Ii Y Having purchased the above Brewery wish es to inform the public that he is now piepar ed to manufacture a No. 1 quality of As good as can be obtained anywhere in the Stale. Orders solicited and promptly filled. LOST. 17 ROM THE FNDEKSI I'D, LIVING AT Canemah. about the rah inst , a Sorrel Mare, about, fifteen bandit high; six years old ; small white streak in Hie foreLead, with saddle matks; shod al around. Any person returning .t u mare r giying information ol her whereabouts, will be suitably rewarded. WM. H. MARSHAL! . Canemah, Feb. 22. Is72. S. lll.'ELAT. CIIAS. K. WAKIIES. HUELA7 & WARREN Attorneys at Law, OKI ICE CIIAIIMAX'S I1I1ICK, MAIN" STREET, OREGON CITV, OlIEGON. March o, !-7'J:tf House For Sale. A DWELLING HOUSE CONTAINING 2. seven rooms, s tuated on the hill, is of- f.-red for. sale on reasonable terms. For par ticulars apply to Geo. Harding at the Parnr.m Saloon, or to Henry Harding at the Lincoln Raker y. Oregon City, April is, 1sl, ff A. G. WALLIXG'S Pioneer Book Bindery. Comer of Front ami Alihr Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK ROOKS RULED and ROUND to anv desired pattern. MUSIC ROOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound m every variety of style known to the trade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. IMPROVED BAND 3 AVG IIolIing ?Iucliic, H0RTISERS, i-V.v -5f--:Aw'ii-4n'l eve' v descrid:on tT,llJo Woodworking Ma- "-"--' cliiuery and Planing Mill supplies. Addre-s PERRY A PLACE, Machinery Depot, 112 California Jst. San Francisco. nov24cow6m Blanks. All kinds of blanks can be had at this r.ffie Job Printing of every description neatly f executed notice. at snort f; Lt!v-I I .- el THE HOUSE WE LIYE IN A 2T D T n Ii LMIABITAXTS OF THE rpHE CAUSE OF A GREAT MANY DI&- O JL eases, that have been pronounced ineur able by the most njineiU phyii&iaiis, for tha very reason tbwt they .overlooked the cautt and as Dr. Yan Den lergh has made th Entozo j a life long Stuy, he would inform the sick generally that by close ob.-crvatioij aud great 1 X'periiheijts, has miiiw to the con elusion that tlt.ere are more (if Hie and throa ia diseases -aiiMcd by Worths, Hrdatids, Au- ima'cuhe, or ot'ner species of atzoa. Th public generally, or (he profession at large, are not aware of the number ofPatient w ho are treated by stiiin-ent Physicians, for th's, that, or such a complaint, without aijf relief. Jf the disea had been understood, a few dass of 1). Vs. Sovereign, li'wtt Htmetly would have immediately cured U19 compUit xitid sa-veJ a great many lives. INHABITANTS OF THE KAN BODY! HU- What think you reader, of yoor body htr ing a planet, inhabited by living races, as we itdiab t the earth? Whatever may be your thoughts on the subject, it is even so. Your body may le but a home for parasite that crawl over the surface, burrow beneath the skin, nestle 111 its entrails, and riot .and. propagate their kind in every corner ot itdi frame. The following is from the San. FraneUra JluJrtii, of January 20ih, 172. (A recent date.) Carl Martins rccet.tly died in Cleveland, Ohio, from eating meat infected with the 0 (h a of Torwfn Solium. At the Coioner Inquest, on Tii - sday, (January 2d.1) it wa shown that three weeks before Christmas, Martins purchased a cai cass of Pork. Some of the meet was eaten the same day, and some was made into sau-age. About teu. days laler, some of the sausage was eaten and iti a .-hoit time the whole family were-' taken sick. Marlins died on Sunday. lecem ber -list, 1ST I. Mrs. Martins and her two children are now very sick, and the fomer is not liked, to recover. The verdict was in accordance with the facts. For further par' ticularj. see Cleveland, Ohio, papers of aborts date. A Coroner's Inquest broiight this f.u-t to light. ,Now 1 would a,k how many move ucl deaths a' inquest would bring to light f Ponder well, leader, upon this, and thi; k of the thioisaeds that die every year and n cr.u-e can be as-igned tor their death. Nov the question thai would naturally enter th mind of the reader, is what shall I d..- Tb advice of the Dr. would be go to some onu that is competent of treating isiieli com. plaints. And who is more competent than ihe one that has made Worms a specialhty, TiiNi.vs. Yesterday, Dr. J. W. Van Deii Beigh exhibited to us a number ot parasite which bail been removed from persons af flicted: there were several ddlerent species oi;eof which appears to be entirely unknown to the medical jo. ofession. This new tacni is shaped something like an orange seed, but perfectly Hat, or lather like a cucumber seed, with a tail about a quarter of an inch in ler gth. Another was a tape worm 7 frfet iu length, consisting of 9,t;oo joint. Among n-.edie.il men theie exists 110 litth-. difference of opinion relative totheoiigiu of these eutozoa. One class of writers be lieve that these parasites, at least n. ny of them, originate in the endowment of animal nioh cules with vitality from the parent body, favore 1 by curtain states of the vital force of that, body; the states originating their organization and promoting their growth and propagation. That all descriptions - of ento.oa are met with far more frequently where animal food is ucd in greatest abund ance, is an indisputable fact, especially where the food is the flesh of the "unclean beasts," w hich the Jews and Mohammedan are lot bidden to partake of. But our inten tion is not to w. ite a thesis upon this sul-jeriQ we enly desire to chronicle the fact that Dr! J. W. Van Den It. igh has iotiud a med'cine a simple vegetable whicti grows in iibaiptf ance in California, which is a dead shot to .. lemozoa, of whutdver da -eript ou, gener ally accomplishing its object : Ir- in an lmiiF and a half to six hours. Morning Calf.. Had we the space here, hundreds of testi monials could be produced, testifying to the truili of the asseri i.uis that have here boeii made, but it wa.dd be useless aud would only occupy tha reader's time. The following ire somo of the disease that Worms are often mistaken for. Dyspepsia, Oh ionic Affections of the Livep and Kidneys, Consumption, White Swelling, Palsy, Sncrniatoi rh.ea. Diarrhoea, Inc uti nenceof Ui ine, G ravel, Flor Albus, Diabetes, Dropsy, etc. 0 Dr. V. would advise those ladici troub'ed with any Irregularities of the Uterus to I ry bis new remedies and get cured. Dr. Van Den Bergh's Infallible Wt rm Sy-rl up for Children. I rice 1. Warranted tj expel the worms. Sent everywhere upon receipt ot pric. . O Dr. J. W. Van Den Bergh's, Hair Tonic a sure euro to destroy all animalcuhe of.tha Hair Follicles, prevents falling out. mid pro moting ti e Grow th of the Hair. Price .l,5u; Warranted. I5y Coiisult'iig (tr.tl Vtitl rflf 11 C SIMPLE EXAALIXATIOX, The afflicted can learn if their disease is caused hy Woi rus or 110'; at all eveni. Dr. Van Den Bergh can tell them from what dis ease they are suffering. Consultations ami Kxumlrintlon Fit EE OF ClIAItOK. 0 OFFICE ROOItlS NOS. 38 & 39, OYER THE POST OFFICE- Letters describing the symptoms will bo promptly answered, and persons living at a distance will be saved the expense and trou ble of calling upon the Doctor. Address K- J. AV. VAN DEW ItEUOll, P. O. POX 172. SALEM, OREGON. T Mliiionla J. Po:iti.axd, i-M). 10th, 1S72. Dit. J. W. Van Hex Bkhgii J'ear Sir: Our child, a little girl eight years of age, has had fits and cnviilsions for tlie last two vears, and we had tried many doctors and rranv remedies without much-benefit, in fact our darling was netting constantly wors until we heard of your worn syrup through a friend of ours. We though, that perhapt it might do some good to give it a trial, and you cannot imagine our surprise when over 2o0 worms were expelled with one bo'tle of your valuable worm syrup, and from this time on we certainly shall never be without it so long as there is a possible chance for it to be had. You are at liberty to publish this if vou choose, and may it do much jfeod. Respectlullv yours, S. H. OKTo.V. 1 " ' M.J. ORTUN". Symptoms of Worm, Alternate pa'eness and finshing of the countenance, dull expression of the eyes, drow-ine- itrlnmr of the nose, a swelle.t upper-lip, tonjrne whitely fur.-e" and thick- l.,,t!ell Wltl Ten IOU113, l.e uir..u, ! ami enlarged abdem n, a par alor gen ! era! spelling or pulhngness of the skin i staithn.r in the sleep and grindm of the I teeth, aVns.tion as if s-mething was b.dg i. a : .r, !h.nt a trrab'al wasting of the j fl j rfu eu i ii mi, .... v... -, - . .,- . esl'. sickness Of tl,e siomacn, ......nuji, ort and drv oough, appeuie a unci me, m- racons, t other times feel le, 0 weis some times costive, ouier innen io.j. fulnes-s and irritability of temper, pains in the stoniac-i'i and bowels, colic, fits, convul sions and palsy. If the worm syrup is not to be had ir ronr town, send order- t the manu'acturer it will be sent promptly to "ay address, free of express charges. Direct orders to Pk. J. W. VAN' DEN BEUOH, 1. O. Box 172, Salem, Oregon, 0 O 0 o O O o 0 o o o 0 o o o e o o o 0 e o o o o o o o o o TnT-nrnnn -rm-rr