ji liin mir-T-1 iViirirt-nwnnaiiiii itfninfitil-i--in irtiin iiWjuiiiliinfi'"'i"'"" (Ei)c iDcckly (enterprise, FRIDAY. : : MAY in. 1812 Sn cet Spirit, Meet Ie Then." Oh. vvlifn the rosy blush of morn O'er wakened nature beam-. And bright and lovely oVr the hill An. 1 sparkling ya'.ley s: reams ; When lit- sweet forest warblers Are e'latving forth their 1 ivs. Iliruninmiis with the th'Misurid tongues That welcmn ' ck the davs; Oh. as the j 'ytn! minia swells Frnui i (T : l ; 1 1 : : i 1 1 . valley, jjli'll. In myriad echoes iijr in Heaven, Sweet. Spirit, meet inn ilit'ti And wtfeW the last (tec!tntii beam Of panliirht lades away. And uvilisrin-a jrolilfii mantle shrouds From view tlie kiti of day; "When na'nre weary of .her joys, it murmurs sink- to rest; Tin eairtf U his eyrie- flies, The linnet to her nest; The spirit stHln.'Ss of that hour Awakes my heart ag lin To tnusi ui moments that are fled : Sweet Spirit, meet me then."' And oh. at midnight's lonely hour, My sjiirit wanders tree; And forth on magic pinions speeds To wing i'a way to thee ; And hovering near thy pillowed head I watch thy tips the while. To he ir "perchance my wirmured miine. Or see my dreaming smile; And then I turn from tlee to Hiin Who rules the t.i e of men, To breathe one prayer tor thee ayd me; Sweet Spirit, meet me liieti.'' "SWi'KT Si'liMT. VIKKI' MH T 1 1 K X ' Au Ungrateful Railroad. T.ost'.n Times Jones liad heard about a widow who saved a train of ears from de struction by warning the engineer, as the train approached, that a cer tain bridge had been vasiiel away; and wjio had been liberally re warded, receiving a tree pass tor life on nearly nli the railroads in the country, ami a present of ten thousand dollars from the company whose train she had saved; Mi Jones thought it pretty profitable business and concluded he'd try H. lie lived mar a railroad bridge and lie anxiously watched and waited for it to wash away, feel ing sure that it must go some time. Every rainy night he got up and paced tiie floor by spells, then took his umbrella and went out to tsee if the bridge was begin mug to go ; but it was no go. At lat he concluded that if an accident would not happen of its own accord he would make one to order, so he got up on a high bank at the side of the track one after noon ami rolled a bi rock down upon t he rails. In was just a few minutes before the lightning express was due, and throwing oil his coat and hat. so as to appear as excited as possible, lie went forth to meet it. lie saw it coming in the distance, so he tied a red cotton hankerchief to a hot handle, and waved it above his head in a wild, exc ited manner as a signal of danger. Jiut he pre sented such a singular appearance that the engineer thought him a ciazy man, escaped from a neigh boring lunatic asylum, anil so paid no heed to him, and the train thundered on. There was a sudden whistle of "down brakes," a rapid reversing of the engine then a terrible crash. Ti terrain was wrecked ; the engi neer and tin-man were instantly killed ; the conductor ami all the brakemen dangerously, if not fatal ly wounded ; and about ten per cent of the passengers horribly 1 mangled. Jones did't get a pass for life on the principal railroads of the coun try and a purse of 810,000, but he got ten years in the p' tiitentiarv for manslaughter, having been seen by a neighbor when in the act of rolling, the big rock on the track which caused the calamity. And now he is learning to man ufacture shoes by the original pro cess, and is of the opinion that railroads are a curse to the country. Who Pays the Public Deht t Some genius, with more of a turn' for figures than he has for facts, has ciphered out the proposi tion that "President Grant has Yednced the public debt 8250 every minute' since he was inaugu rated. " Very well, but where did he get the money ? asks the De troit Uiiioi. Was not everv cent wrung from the people by a sys tem op extortion such as no peo ple were ever subjected to before ? Then where is Grant entitled ti ered il fot "paying the public debt Kadieal papers talk of this a though it was a matter of wonder that Grant should have applied the money extorted from the peo ple toward paying the public debt, Perhaps it is. We confess that it is a matter of surprise that he did not steal the whole, instead of ap plying the small amount he did toward paying the public debt. It was more than could have been ex pected of him. Taken I)ovn. A good storv is told of a St. Louis nobby drv gooils clerk who attended a dance in the rural district a tew evenings since. . He wore a Chevoit shirt and put. on a great many airs. He was somesvhat taken down, how ever, when he heard a country lass say to another, "That St. Louis chap slings on a heap of style for a ni!ovv that wears a bed-tick shirt." Likely. They in Dubuque, Iowa to subsist entirely without touching have a pauper , who manages on milk punch, any more solid applications for particular poor become numer- i.iu runem. i he admission to that house are likely to ous. life's Brightest Hour. Not long since I met a gentle man who is assessed for more than a million. Silver was in his hair, care upon his brow, and he stoop ed beneath his burden of wealth. We were speaking of that period of life when we had realized the most, perfect enjoyment, or, rather when we had found the happiness nearest to being unalloyed. 'Til tell you," said the millionare, "when was the happiest hour of mv life. At the age of twenty-one I had saved up $800. I was earn ing 3-300 a year, and my father did not take it from me, only requir ing that I should pav for my board At the age of twenty-two I had secured a pretty cottage, just out side of the city. I was able to pay two-thirds of the money down and also to furnish it respectably. I was married on Sunday a Sun day in June at my father's house. My wife had come to me poor in purse, but rich in the wt -filth of her wornanhod. The Sabbath and the Sabbath night we passed beneath my father's roof, and on Monday morning I went to my work, leav ing mother and sister to help in preparing my home. On Monday evtning, when the labors of the day were done, I went not to the paternal shelter, as in the past, but to my own house my own home. The holy atmosphere of that hour seems to surround me even now in the memory. I opened the door of my cottage and entered. I laid mv hat upon the little stand in the hall, and passed on to the kitchen our kitchen and dining-room were all one then. I puhcd open 1. 1 1 o kitchen door and was in 'heaven. The table was set against the wai! the evening meal was re a 1 y prepared by the hands of her who had come to be my help mate in deed as well as in name and by the table, with a throbbing, expectant look upon her lovely and loxing face, stood my wife. I tried to speak, and could not. I could only clasp the waiting angel to my bosom, thus showing to her the ec static burden of my heart. The years have passed long, long years and wealth has Ho wed in upon me, ami I am honored and envied ; but as true as heaven I would give it all every dollar for the joy of the hour of that June evening in the lonrr. lonnr ago f ' ., A ojy' T ileitis); Common Sense. There is a chilly, disagreeable kind of article, called common sense, which is, of all things, most repulsive and anti pathetieal to all petted creatures whose life has con sisted in flattery. It is the kind of talk which sisters are very apt'to hear from brothers, and daughters from fathers and mothers, when fathers and mothers do their duty by them; which sets the world be fore them as it is, and not as it is painted by flatterers. Those wo men who prefer the society of gen tlemen, and who have the faculty of bewitching their sense, never are in the way of hearing trom this cold matter-of-fact region; for them it real'y does not exist. Ev ery phrase that meets their ear is polished and softened, guarded, and delicately turned, till there is not a particle of 'homely truth left in it. They pass their time in a world of illusions; they demand these illusions of all who approach them, as the sole condition of peace and favor. All gentlemen, by a sort of instinct, recognize the wo man who lives by flattery, and ive her her portion of meat in due season; and thus some poor women are hopelessly buried, as suicides used to be in Scotland, under a mountain of rubbish to which each passer-by adds one stone. It is only by some extraordinary powtv of circumstances that a man can be found to invade the sovereignty of a pretty woman with any disagree able tiding; or, as Junius says, "to instruct the throne in the language of truth. " Infamous Oppression. The Vallejo Ctrotiidc, says the Exam titer, complains that the continu ance of" workmen in employment at Mare Island, depends upon where they drink their rum. Sev eral of the foremen are interested in whisky mills, and they expect the men in their gangs to patron ize their establishments. We know the proprietor of the Chronicle and esteem him for his moral worth. Ho would not make such assertions unless he had the most proofs. The Cftronk-leU a Repub lican journal, in favor of the Ad ministration. Xo one can visit Valejo without being surprised at the large number of low places where liquor is sold, and reflecting how heavy must be the cost on the working men to support them. The scandal of last year was the "pen paste-board ballot that the worktngmeu were dr ven to the polls by their foremen to vote. 2s ow comes another, that they are discharged if at the usual "tjme th. y do not drink their whisky at the establishments in which their bosses are interested. ould Do Well. Christian workers would do well to ponder the observation of a murderer who was recently hange.I. It was this : "If I had received as much atten tion before being put in prison as 1 have since, I should never have been here." Everv column of a newspaper contains trom ten to twenty thou sand distinct piects of type. The displacement of a single- one makes an error. Is it strange that errors occur? TIIE HOUSE WE LIVE IN AND THE INHABITANTS OF THE HTOAN BODY. rpriE CAUSE OF A GREAT MANY DT3 I eases, that have been mo-oiur-ed i cur able by the most eminent physicians, for the verv reason that they overlook- d the cants, .ntl as Ir. Van Den" Bt-rgh has made the Entozoi a lite tt:g Study, he wou'd inform the sick "generally that by close observation and meat xperimeuts, has come to the con clusion ih;it ther-- are more acute and thron i; diseases caused by Worms, llrdut.ds, All ium cuke, 0! other species of Eti'j za i. Hie yubl c generally, "v the profession ;.t lar.e, re li 't aware of the number of Patients who are treated by eminent Phvsieians, ior th s, that, or ucti a complaint, wuhnut am relief. If the disease had beer, iitvlet stood, a few doses of Dr. Vs. Sonrtijit- 11 vrm L'tmeJij wuiil l have immed aiely cired the complaint aid saved a great many lives. INHABITANTS 0? Til3 HU MAN BODY! What think ynx reader, of your body be in.tr a pi.inet inhabited by li ia races, as we inhab t the- earil,? What ver may i vur thoughts on the suhj ct, ii is even so V ur h 'tty may be hut a h.ine for parasites 'liat crawl ovi-r the j-urfa.ee, burrow beneath tiie skin, ne;-tU; in ts entrails, mid riot and .rop.igate their k.nd in every corner ot its frame. The follow in a is from the f'Ui- Franchco Du'hli,, of January 20 di, 17-'. (A recent date.; Car. Yartins recently died in C c-veland, Ohio, from atiiiii meat imeete J with the Oca of Tinna Stiiium. At the Ooioner's iquet. on Tuesday, ( January 2d.) it was s own that three w. eks bef ie 'hrit:nas, Mat tins purchased a ca' cas of P.rk. Sorm of the m et was eaten the same day, and -omo was made into sa i-age. Ab ut ten d :vs la er, some of the sausage ivm eaten, and in a .-ho t time ihe wholi family were raken sii k. Martins dteU mi Sunday. Decern-ln-r 31st, 1 -71- Mrs. Martins and her twu c iildren are now very sick, and the foiner is not iikel t rec ver. The verdict was in accordance with the facts. For further par tieui.i li s s -e Cleveland, Ohio, papers of aoove date. A Coroner's Inrpiest brought this tact to l.rzht. Now 1 would ask how mnny more snch deaths ,v iiiqui-.st would bring to liht? Ponder well, reader, upon 111 is, and thi k ol the thousa ids that d.e every year and tiu c;u e can be assigned tor their dea'h. Now the question that would naturally enter the inimi of ihe reader, is what bhal! I d-.? The atvice of the Dr. would be go to s an1 one that is competent ot treating sueii cm p aints. And who is m -re competent than the one that has made Worms a speciality. Ti-.xiAS. Yesterday, Dr. .1. U'. Van D-n-Be gh exh'hited to us a number ot parasites which had been removed from persons af diete I; there were several d tferent species oneo which appears to be entirely unknowb to the c.edical pi oles-ion. Tins new taenia is shaped something like an orange seed but perfectly M it, or tat'.ier like a cucumber seed, with a tail about a quarter uf an inch in lei gth. Another w is a t.ipe worm 7 fe t in leimth, consisting of 'Jeio joints:. Among medic ! men theie exists no litti difference of opinion relative totheoiigiu of tnese eutozoa. One class of writers be lieve that these parasi es, at least many of them, originate in the mdowinent of aiii iinl molecules with vitality from the parent body, fa ro e l bv certai i at ties of the vital forces of that body; the t-taUs; originating their organizati n and promoting their g owtli and pr.oagatto i. That ail descriptions oi e .tozoa are met wit.'i far more frequently where .mini, tl food is used in greatest abun i auee, is an indisputable tact, .-sp-eially where t e t'oj is the ilersh of the "one can beasts," hich the Jews and Mohammed ins ire forbidden to panake of. But our in'en lion is not to w ite a tnesis upon this subject: .ie on'v desire to c iron c!e the fact that Dr J W. Van Den I! igh has tound a med;cine a simple vegetable wnicli grows in : bund ance in Caliiornia, which is u dead shot to alien ozoa, of whatever de cri t on, gener ally accomplishing its object n Ir in an hour and a half to six h airs. Morning Cull. Had we the space I ere. hundreds 'd testi monials conl 1 be produced, testifying to the triiih of the assertions that have here been made, but it would be useless and woul i milv occupy the reader's lime. The fol'ow ng are some of the diseases that Worms are often mistaken for. Dyspepsia, Chronic Affections of the Liver and Kidneys, Cou-umption, W hile Swell ng, Palsy, Spermatorrhoea. Diarrhoea, I .c m ti nt rice of Ui iue. Gravel, Flor Aibus, Diabetes. Dropsy, etc. Dr. V. would advise those ladies froub'ed with any Irregularities of the Uterus to t ry his new r -m 'dies and gH cure I. Dr. Van D u Bergh's Infallible Worm Syr up for Children. 1 rice $1. Warranted to cxp-d the worms. Sent everywhere upon receipt ot nric' . Dr. J. W. Van Den Bergh's, Hair Tonic a Mirecnre to des'iov ail animalcuhe of the Hair Follicles, prevent- falling out. and pro moting te Growth ot the Hair. Price $1,0; Warraot"d. By Consnlt'ng mid I lid I go i UK S I M P L E EXAMINATION, The ufll cd cm learn if their disea-e is cause I by Worms or no'; at all events. Dr. Win Oen Bf-rgh cn tell them from what dis ease the are suffering. Cortsultatious siutl Eiuiiiiiial ions FREE OS CHARGK. OFFICE ROOIilS TJ03. 33 & 39, OVER THE POST OFFICE- Let'ers describing the symptoms will be !romty answere', and persons living at d stance will be saved the expense and trou ble of culhag upon the Doctor. Address. IU J. AV. VAX VZJi BEUGII. P. O. BOX 172. SALEM, OREGON. Test J:noiial. rORTHXD, Feb. loth, 1S72. Dr. J "W. Van Dkn Hergu J)e:ir Sir : Our child, a little girl . ig ;t years of age, has had fits and c nviilions f,,r the last lw years, and we had tried nuny d cors and rany remedies witiiout much benefit, in fai t our chilling was netting constantly w use unt 1 we heard of o.ir worn syr.ip th'-'umh a friend of ours. We tho 'gh'. that perhaps it might do so ne good to g.ve it. a trial, a ,d ou cannot imagine oir s trprise when over "1 Hi worms were expelled with one bo tit o' v ur valuable worm syrup, and from thi time on we certainly shall ne' er be w thout it so fins as there is a po-sible ehance for it to be had. You are at liberty to publish this if you cho se, and mav it do much good. Respectfully vours, ' S. H. ORTON. M.J. OR rox. Symptoms of Woins, Alternate pnleness and flu-hing of the countenance, dull expressjo i of the eves, drow-iness, i ching of the nose, a swelled upper-lip, tongue whltely furred and tnickly speckled w"th red points, feted breath, an en larger) abdomen, a parti or -renei-al swelling or puilinj-n -ss ot tne -kiH. a startl ng in the -lo'p and irrindtng of tlu teeth, a sensat. on as f something was 1 d -ed m the throat, a a radii il wasting of the flesh, sckness of the stomach, vomiting, a short nnrl ilry cough, appeti e sometime voracious, at other times teebl. bowels sometimes costive, oth er t'mes looe, sreit fretfu'ness; ami irratibil itv of te nper, pains in the stom Teh and bow-els, colic, fits, convulsions and palsy. D the worm syruo is not to be had in your town, send orders t the manufact urer and it will be sent promptly t' any ad dress free of express chirgea. Direct or ders ta Dr. J. W. VAN DEN BERG II, V. O. Box 172, Salem, Oregon. GOOD NEWS, GOOD PJEWS! rt h" Aft LOOK OUT FOR GOOD S. ACSCEnAi & CO, II AVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE btoi. k of sP!iL3 & suIjIer goo:; VnilCH THEY OFFER C5:ea;er tlinn tlso Cheapest. We would say, come and convince yur self before pu.; chasing eLcvvLcie. Our stock consists in part of FAN C V AND ST A V 1 .E DR Y GOODS, CilOTHiNG, HATS, BOtiTS AND SHOE ' NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, and a great many articles too numerous to mention. ALbU, Doors, Windows, Glass and Futty. ALL KINDS OF I'RODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. ALSO. VOOT, wonted, for which we pay the HIGHEST TRICE. Oregon City, April 21, lSTDtf BAENUM LlC?-DeLOU!iY, Prep's- I.ATE OF THE CLIFF 1WUSF lf MX STI'EKT, OUKriOX CITY, OKUGOX. rpiIE UNDERSIGN E D R E- , v JL s jiecT f'u 1 1 v asinouiices to his V- -'&J .. .... . ...... , ..... v. . a, t , ""w'j that lie l as re-o;ened the aho e named Restaurant. The proprietor knows how to serve Ids csutoiiiers with Ovst-is, Fid's Feet, a good cup of Coti'ee ur a U AR E MEAL. LKON DicLOUEV Oregon City, Jan. '27, ls7i:tf I fn 1 1 j ti i n 1 thi. t . MVo'inir I 1 1 i n - V w i k a zz. ti lit IJztt.blitlie.l i 1 r T5 . tt I'.'Mt'ii'i" FOR IHE JLlSV ,'FACTOL V OF FlTHXETfJIlIi:, SASH, BLIHD3 AMD OGOR S , AND MOULDINGS OF ALL SIZES. ear They win also do TURNING, of evry description to order, Vith IToatness and DIsioatc 1 o ALL WO UK WARRANTED. 'Shop on the River, in Lewis' shop. oppos te Oregon Cit' Mills. GMADEO OALOOTJ, G. A. HAAS, Proprietor, Main Street, Oregon City. o Bust BIT A' A A Til) TABLES in ORFGOX Have been introduced, find the 1'roprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to them T 11 E E A 7? 1 .V .S VP PLIED With al! the choicest qualities of Liquors anj Uigurs. Scoteh. Irish and nouibon a'.read famous Whiskies nnd Punch. ALSO, a no. 1 GSSCOTIfG GALLERY Is cennerted with the Salomi. Ore: City, Jan. 1, l.S7"-':if Administrator's Notice. 3" IIAYK P. I 'EN APPOINTED PY THE County Court of Chtekarnas Countv, i mron, the Administrator of the estate of ,t. s'. MeCam nem, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate will present them to me duly verified within six months of this date at the ollice of Johnson Aj HeCown, Lawyers, Oregon Citr, Oie-g-oa. A. J. IUcCAMMO.V, April 1, lS72:wt Administrator. CHEG0IJ CITY BR E W E II Y ! g U N R. V II V M 15 K T., flaviorr purchjised the above Brewery wish es to inform the public that he is now prepar ed to manufacture a No. 1 quality of LAGER BEER, s crood as can be obtained anywhere in the -"tale. Orders solicited and promptly filled. VV'UlD QUACKS. A victim i f early in discretion, causing nervous debility, premature decay. &.c , h iving tried in vain everv arlvei Used reined v,l as a simple means of -elf cure, which he w'll send frep to his fellow suflererp. Address J. II. REEYES, 73 X issau st., New York Sept.. l;iy HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE THE UN DERS I ' N KD OFFFRS FOR salehis resi iencein ' ro-ro'i Oity. There are four lots, a good hriu-e and barn, with a fine cellar and a good well of water. There is nlentv of land, and it is well adapted for etrly tr-irdoinsr purposes. I'art parment mav be made in stock . For particulars ep plv'to GEORGE CLARK. Ore on City Juna 2 l?Tl'U ( C- W- POPE & CO., DEALEKS IX STOVES, TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON, BRA. 1 Lilts' COPPEIt, LEAD PIPE, IR N J'IPE AND FITTINGS, RUBlJfS . HOSE. FOIU'E AND LIFT l'U.MPS. ZINC, COPPER, BRASS AND IRON WIRE. Also a general tssoi tment ol l.'tv:s niahing Goods. MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware. ROOFING AND JOBBING OF EVERY D ESC 1 1 1 PT I O N DON E TO ORDER, AND AT LOW PRICES. o Also, at POPE'S STOYIi STOKE you will fiud HARDWARE AND BASKETS, WOODEN, WARE AND TINWARE, LANTERNS, LAM PS AND OIL. LUCINE AND NUUIT LAMI'S. ALSO PERAMBULATORS. o AH of the above articles are for sale at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. C. V. I'OPE & CO. II:lyt Oregon City Oregon. pTE'YY" AY AG ON AND GarriagD -E-lanii-Tcistory ! The ondersii-ried, having increased the di mensions of Lis premisesat the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets. Oregon City . . Oregon. Takes this method to inform las old pat rons, and as iaanv new ones as may be pleased to call, that he is now prepared, with simple room, good materials, and the very best of mechanics, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and turn out sill complete any sort ol a vehicle from a com mon cart to a concord coach. Try me. Blaeksinithinir, Horse or Ox shoeing, and general jobbing neatlv, ipiicklv and cheap ly done. DAVID SMll'fl. Opposite Excelsior Market RB F3 GAUFsELD, COKXEtt MAIN AND SEVENTH STEX-EIS. OSEGON CITY, OBSGOrT, omf-eooBS a groceries, CROCK EHY and GLASS A WHE. Also, a full assortment of OF THE LATEST & TiLE, JUGT R E C E E V E D. COUITTR1T PKOCUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Oct. G, 1M71 :tf OREGON CITY, OREGON, RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY C001Si GROCERIES, II Alt I WAR E 9 I also keep constantly on hand SALEM C A S S I M E R E 3, FLA NNELS, TWEEDS AND RLANKETS, Which I will sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. 7I will al?o pay the highest prices for Butter. Eggs, and ail kinds of good country produce. I will sell as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash o- its equivalent in gond merchantable produce. Give me a call and sati-fv yourselves JOHN MYERS. Jan. 13,1871 tf Eye, Ear, Throat & Lungs. JOHN B. PILKIPJGTON, BI. D., X ATE OF SAN FKANCIACO, HAS LO Lj cned in Portland. Oregon. Office: In il-dme-' Ruilding. First street (thi ee doors from Ladd & Tiltoti's lhnk'l. where he may be conulted daily, and will treat, diseases of the ab- ve named orsr ins as specialties. AU operations upon the Eve and Eai per formed in the most scientific and careful mariner. ., , , . ARTIFICIAL EYES, having all the beauty and mobility of the nateral eye, inserted. Refers bv"permis-ion, for Ins professional standing, to L. C. Lane, M. D-, I'rofe-sor of Suigerv. and Edwin Fentley, M. L., Profes sor of Anatomy, University of the Pacific. San Francisco; and for his success in the treatment of cases, to over 1.50n case 3 tieat nl bv him, in San Francisco ; also, to Levi Est-s. Esq., Pev T. L. Eliot. Portland ; Vm. M. Dilbm, Esrj., Vancouver, W. T. ; and many others Oregon and Washington Termor-, augS.'-mS Notice. JOHN MYERS, ESQ., IS MY DULY Au thorized A sent in Oregon Ci'v, and also Asrent for the Estate of Daniel iiarvfr. de ceased. JJ US, E. HARVEY. October 1, lS71.m3 A. NOLTNER, PUBLIC. ENTERPRISE OFFICE C:ty, Jan '13;tl NOTARY Ore run Ayer's Sarsaparllla Is -widely known as one of the most effectual remedies ever discovered for cleansing the sys tem finil rmrIA.-JnfT Slf the blood. It has r,r stood the test of years, with, a con stantly growing rep utation, based on its intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its re markable cures. So mild as to be safe and beneficial to children, and yet so searching as to effectually purge out the great cor ruptions of the blood, such as the scrofulous and syphilitic contamination. Impurities, or diseases that have lurked in the system for years, soon yield to this powerful anti dote, and disappear. Hence its wonderful euros, many of which are publicly known, of Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases, Ulcers, Eruptions, and eruptive dis orders of the skin, Tumors, Ulotclies, JBoils, Pimples, Pustules, Sores, St. Anthony's Fire, Kose or Erysipe las, Tetter, Salt Iflieum, Scald Head, ICiiitf-iTorm, and internal Ul cerations of the Uterus, Stomach, and Liver. It also cures other com plaints, to which it would not seem especi ally adapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspep sia, Fits, Neuralgia, Heart Disease, Female AVeakness, Debility, and Iieucorrhoea, when they are manifesta tions of the scrofulous poisons. It is an excellent restorer of health and strength in the Spring. By renewing the appetite and vigor of the digestive organs, it dissipates the depression and listless lan guor of the season. Even where no disorder appears, people feel better, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. The system moves on with renewed vigor and a new lease of life. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and. Analytical Chemists, SOLD EY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. frns, .,;;.' X'y-vwv-, xv r! -f ?r J : -.1 Kverv yonr infronsos tl;e . i;!;ii ii of tliis' v.iiij.-il'.lo !:i'u- IY-.''nt' ion ; wl ik-li is tlno to merit ::L:ie. Wsj c::n assttre our old .';; roti.s tl.;it it ;s i.ept till! v- up to its t;i::'i t;;i;il:u'! ; .".ful it is tho only re'i.tl-'e f.nd erj'ecli-il pre' nnit io:i iv rQ.-'iorlwx Vai.w u Faded II air to its youth fill color, i linking it solt, lustrous, nni siikisi. "Lc fc;i!, by its use, l;eeonit-s v.'hilo vv.d c!eau. It removes all erupt ions am! lnm!ruif. ami, ly its tofiic properties, ievt;its the hair froio. finl'im.- (ut, :.s it stimu lates and nourishes the h;iir-e;iamls. By its use, the Imii-grou s thicker :nul stronger. In lialuncss, it restores the cajiilht.rv frhuuls to their normal vior, ami will create a r.ew rovv'tli, except in extreme old au'e. It is the most eeonomii'.il Haiti 1 )jucs.sing ever used, as it requires fewer application?, nnd pives the hair a splendid, cdossy ap pearance. A. A. Hayes, JVL.I)., State Assayer of 3Iassaehiisettr-, sny.s, --The eonstite.er.ts are ure, and carefully selected for excellent quality; audi consider it the Best IRErAUATioN for its intended purposes." Sold by all Drufffliiits, an 'I Dealers in Medicines. Price One Dollar. iiCKHiRiiani s FOB TH2 WHISKERS. As our Ie:iever in many cases re quires too lon-r a time, nnd too much c:iro, to restore gray or liuled Vliisk ers, wc have prepared this dye, in one pi'tpuration ; which will quickly and elieetually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash oil". Sold by all DruiLrists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL &. CO., NASHUA, "N".II. Smith & Davis, Wholesal- Ajenls, Frvut street, I'ort'.a d, Oregon. Read Physician's Certificates Below!!! G o OT rt- t - 1 CD CD p -- O -t W ts o d W a G P m P a O D in - tirnrnTWiiin m nnri --Xl Dt-il lUiliU 1NU5C.I A Most Efficient and Pleasant Tonic. Thesfi Bitters ar prr'lrf'-1 from th most choice and wholesome lirbs and roots, and have given universal satisfaction wherever tried. Thousands ot dyspeptics have found relief through their use, and physicians recomni' nd them lor the cure of all diseases of the blood axid liver, and irregularities ot thn digestive oreans. Headache. Hiliounens and Constipation, General Debility and Lossof Appetite, all are caused b tha derangement of the IStoruach, laver and other functionaries of th eystem. '1 he IXL Bitters have been successfully used and are van-anted to allo viale the sullerer in all the above casea. CERTIFICATES. Kkssrs. n. Epstkis fc Co: tienilemen: I take pleasure in statlncr that aBTe ab!y to your wish 1 have carefully tested and exam ined the Bamjle of your IXL Hitters, which voa Rent me. and find it not only an agreeable Bitters, but also one that cannot f ail to to beneficial as a tonic and promoter of D.gtion. G. HOLLAND, M. D, Crrr avd Cottktt IlosprTAL, San Francisco. June 20th, 197I : I havj carefully examined Dr. Tlenlev'B IXL Bitters, and have faded to detect anything which could injure even the most delicate constitution. Iroin the composition of the Bitters, as far as I am able to determine it. Ishonld judge that tho IXL Bitters must be a very efficient remedy ia Uyspepsia. Indigestion, Lossof Appetite and simi lar complaints, being composed of a number ol vegetable dru?3 which, ar principally used in dis eases of that nature, and are of tho greatest efficiency in their cure. . . tv .F- n- EGELS.M. D.. Ass t Res. Physician Apothecary C. t C. Hospital. 2jtTA1' Assayeh's Office, Saa Francisco, July MrasBn.EpsTEr A Co.-OMn: I have made a careful xamination of your IXL. Bitters, and have Ik. them entirely free of deleterious mineral substances. ours, etc r A?1-'1 ALKENAU, State Assayer. Heware of Counterfeits. JSone genuine without Dr. Uenley s -ignature across the top of each bottle. Every Family lionll linve n Hot tie La tli house. Sold everywhere. II. JCX-rrTf, Sole Proprietors. o. .ii- r ront r-rreet. san t rancisco, eai. I L. GEOSS 4 CO., 675 W. Lake eU, Chicago, Ilia PRIVATE MEDICAL AID. Qniclt Cures and Moderate CI, a r- s Private Medical t ..i...., . .iitut Iio.5iy Sacramento Street, e. Leidescrft; ( ft-w doors v:oh Of tlie hat Cheer House.')" (Private entrance on Leidesdorfftr Establishtd Ex,,rtssly to AtWd the ?' Sound and Sfientilic Jledlia! Aid i i (1 Treatment and Cure of all Ji,, - ,1J6 Chrome Diseases, Cases of Jsec-ec v l ?n'1 Sexual Disorders. aEd fall To the Aillitttd. DK. Y. K. DOHERTY returns h.Vsircere thanks to Lis numerous, patients for tit patronage, and would take tl.is ni ori.-, i ,'r to remind them that he continues . Cfl,. . at his Institute for the cure of t hrori, eases of the Lungs. Liver, Kidneys, Jh "i?" five and Genito-Urinary Orgaus, ard . 'i private diseases, viz : Syphilis in all its for. and stages, Seminal Weakne s and all 1)1 horrid consequences of self-abuse. Gcni rr hoea . G.eet, Strictures, Nocturnal and biul' nal Lnassions. Sexual UebiLtv, Hisensvs 0; lie Uack and Loins, iiitiaiumaUon of t! Bladder and Kidneys, ete.; aEd liel-,., ttiat his loriir experience and sueee'-.-fat t, , uce wii! contiiine to insure hfrn a Sfia,f public patronage. I!y the practice of m, I years in Lurope and the United States .v '' enab'ed to apply the most eflicient zud'.,? cessful remedies against diseases of all k u.C Me uses no mercury, chafes moderate UKi'l his patients u, a cone, t and hoi-oral.t-and has leferenees ot uiique.-tionaLi,. ' ty from men of known rcspcctabi itv a,-,' hiK . landing m soc ety. All rartiv; con-sult.n-r hun by letter or otlierwe, will ceive the best and gntrest tieatnu n- iU d : implicit secrecy. T. Ktiaales. Whr-n n female is in trouble, or aHlittc. with disease, as weakness of the La, k ,,, imbs pan, in the Lead, dimr.ess of tlt lossot imiscnlar power, palpitation of'tU heart init, ,:,(), nervousness, extreme lnary dUliciilties. deran-emtnt of ditiv, functions, general debility. var'niiis In d ' eases of the womb, hysteria, steiilit'- and all otlier diseases peculiar to feimiies.shei, u d go cr xMite at on, e to tlie cehbiated Wu. doctor, V. K. DOHLKTY, at hisMedie.d 1, stitute, and consult him about her tn ul '(' and disease. The Doctor is Rectin. n ore cures ihan any other phvsk-ian in i'., St t of California. LH no false delicacy rrev,- i yon, hut apply immediately and save v( ur-Hf from pau,fd sutl'eiiiigs and premature de-.th AH married ladies, w hose delicate heahi, ,',r otlie-r circumstances prevtnt an iiut.fw u their families -l,..,ild write or call at H; y K. I0IIKK1 Y'S Medical Insli rte, ai d ii(-v will receive every po-sible relief i.n.l l-I. The Doctor's ofliees are so arrant: d tl-i.t i t can be consuheu without fear ji cl se! vutio'i To forro 'xindciits. Patients residing in anv pait of t!.e?fn'e however disrnt, v.'l.o ir.av'di s re the opir;,'-i and adv.ee of DIl.DOHEUTY in their i ,-;.('. tive cases. ur:d ho thii.k proper to sin li.n s wi ifiei, statement of si.cli, in pief( n ., ,. ; . holding a personal interview, : re res-.ectfci'. ly ns.su ted that their coiiununicnt (is wii'ie held sacred and confidential. If the c:.m It fully and candidly described, persona! -n. munication will he unnecessary, as ii.stux lions for diet, regimen and the ge;ei:il t r;,f inent of tfie ca.-e itself (inchulintr t!.e ion:-. d;es), will he forwarded wnl,' i,t delay, -1 in such a manner as toennvry no ideai 1 tie purport of the letter or pa reel" s-. tiansidiucl. iTC.nsuUation-by letter or t!.civ,:n-, FULL. I'trmanentcure guaranteed ori.or u-,. .Spcrtt;;t toi-,I,nrn. D1L POIIKTiTY has jut published an i-n-pm rant pamphlet, embodying his. vn v,,w5 and e.-)erietices in relation to Imj -otei.ct i r Virility; ing a Sh. rt Treatise on Spvti; ; torrhwa or Seminal Weakness, Xervi tls 1 fiysical Debility nseijiieni on thi- s t on, and ot her diseases of the Sexufl Oi -e This little work contains infoimaii. n of utmost value t al'.whi ther married mir and will l,e sent Ll.EE by mail on rei ti; six cents in postage stamps for return p age. Address. V. K. DOIiMTV M T ; K :n s i be San Francfsco Vu 1 ryO YOU MEKONG TIIE FL TI.'I: K Of JL r beautiful eihl fast rowintr ,t:,fr-. Siinn theslniil whisi le o! the I RON 1;M:M., he (j;i es rinukinj; ncns this gr t iiii tiiu'iit. diiiwing niter hirn the rich 'n ui rt of the Nation's Ve,1ltll and Industry, w.li announce the "GOOD TOTE COMJXG.-' when Orejri-in's ovyti Suns arid L'auel.itrs will be c.illed to till the new avenues fllu.-f-ness. Everyone sin u!d nnpare lor aa ACTIVE BUSINESS LIFE. Great ehanjres have been made in ihe com mercial iiihilrs of Oretrcn in a few v ats. What the developenients of our State w ill Le in the future, is a question whieh d( i c ls upon the 1;LtSIkss Q U A L 1 F ICA'l i 0 S it her i ouiij; ileu. Within the pat four years of continued prosperity, the National Eusiness College, of Portland, Oregon, has sent out SCORFS vi wii.112 men nuiy qiiiinned, and inanv ol whom are now filling hitrh and lnciaiivf po sitions in the Hanks. ('oiintinir-Ilooins ard Stores of our Stare. So c;reat is the dtinar.d lor Good Accountants, that Eusiness men have been freqtieMH' compelled to send East for as-isfam e. X' enterprising, fjtudioua Younpr .Alan wlol.fs passed through the pre.-cribtd couise of studies at this MODEL COLLEGE has complained for want cf a situation and at good salary, too. tvery laciliy is here aCorded acqnir- SOUND BUSINESS EDUCATION in the shortest possible time, and at TIIE LEAST EXPENSE. Every student will have au ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICE. After having completed the. Than.T, he r, introduced into a MINIATURE WORLD OF BUFINESt which has the efiect of thoronpMv familii:. ing him with all the minutiie ot real btisice-. 1 he course of studv embraces J..ulIe ad ---ingle Entry I'ook-Keeping, Ciuiint ici 1 Arithmetic, Commercial Law, Corr-sp'"-ence. Business reninansh-p, regular ard special Lectures, etc., etc , combining thc'jt)" with practice. ALSO, Snperior advantages for securing a thorough knowledge of 0 UNA M EN T A L TENM A N SII IP, TELEGRAPHY, PHONOGRAPHY, FRENCH, SPANISH, GEHMAN. ITALIAN. ETC ' For full particulars, call at the College Of fice. in Carter's buihlinp, corner of Fiei t and Alder streets, (entrance on Alder) Port land, Oregon, or send for cictilar. Address DeFRANCE & JATdES, PORTLAND, OREGON. Merch 31. l"71:vl JMPERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaRoquf & Co., OKEGQX CITY. 'TS.Keep ccDEtantlv on hao fi sale Midlines, Bran 5Dd Chicken Feed. Parses tijr.diDg feed must fornlsli the saffes. o