-r 0 o 6! 4 Cljc lUttkln (Enterprise. Fill DAY, MAY 10. IS TOWS AND COUXTV. Simmauy Covnty Coi n r Puockkiux. Expenses of Circuit Court ordered paid. An order issued to pay one-half the VilJ;;'t!.fi: and the new one declared a pub- 11 peSon for the Rock creek bridge roa-' wa allowed to be withdrawn when cos were paid by petitioner.- The matter of the Weismandle road was referred back to viewers with instructions to make report more specific. viewers anoointed to view a road up Ea.de Creek above Phillip J. A- Burnett. W. J. Howlett and Robert kirk- Lam appointed viewers. A new precinct across the river wa? es UbVhed, called Linn City precinct. .Top. V Field, John (Jordan aud M. F. Perrin. appointed judges or the election. Cudered that a bridge be constructed across the Clackamas near Frank Pierces, kn wn a.- the Upper Clackamas Bridge. Ab.-I Mattoon appointed to superintend it construction. The Sheriff tiled the delinquent t tx liM. The Court ordered the Clerk to examine the same and report at next term, and in 'the meantime return the same to the Sher iff for collect icn. B. drier allowed renewal of ferry li ce n.c. The Pittock road was established, and petitioner ordered to pay damages to the amount of $30 to John and Henry Nach and. We shad have something to say in regard to this road in our next issue. Crrr i m.i.'I ion. The city election last Monday resulted in the election of the Democratic candidates for Mayor. Record t. Assessor and Collector, Marshal. City Attorney and five out of the seven Coun eiltnen." The following is the vote of the difh-rt-nt candtda ea : Democratic ticket Mayor. A. X.oltner. 1U1 ; Recorder L. Diller, 100 ; Council men W. L. While. 107 ; Julius Logos. 101 ; L. W. Moss. lt)7 ; James Aihey. Iu2 ; R. Canfield. lul ; George Clark 101 : James X. Doland, 00 : Assessor and Col lector 11. L. Kelly. IE); Treasurer A. Levy. 77 ; Attorney A. F. Forbes, no opposition. Republican ticket Mayor. Thomas ('harm in, 07 ; Recorder V. P. Bonis 0t ; Councilim n A. J. Apperson. 110 ; J. D. Miller. 112 ; J. G. Bennett, lol ; Charles Logos. 9 'J ; J. Milne. !J!) ; J. M. Frazer. 98 ; J. If. Moore. J) 4 ; Assessor and Collector W.J. Caldwell. )l ; Treas urer C. O. T. Williams. J 29 ; Maridial! Thomas Miller. 94. K'ew Pueci.vct. The County Court es tablished a new reeinnt this week across the river, to be known as Linn City pre cinct, with the following boundaries : Commencing at t'ae N. M corner ot D. I). Tompkins" land claim; thence west follow ing the north line of I). I). Tompkins' land claim to where it intersects the section line, between section -' and 24, T 2 S 11 1 E: thence South to the corner of sections 24. and in said T 1 S P. 1 K; thence due west following section line to the Tualatin liver; thence down said Tualatin river following its m-'anderinyrs to its month, where it empties into the WilUrnei te river following its meander ing, to the place of beginning. IwKAn ir. We call especial attention to the advertisement of Mayor Charman in i hi issue of the Extkimmmsk. The Mayor Inn a line stock of goods, bought in San Francisco at the lowest, rates, and which he propones to dispose, of to hi customers at low r ites. Whiie he was not success ful in yettum re-elected Miyor, he is a complete success in ihe mercantile busi ness, an l can and will give bargains t,, wh will give him a call, lie is on old m-rehtut in this place, and knows th. wvits of the people. Give him a cal lie sells both wholesale and retail. iN.srAi.fTiox. The following members nf Willamette Lodge, Xo 1... I. O. G. T.. were installed last Saturday evening as officers for the ensuing quarter: J. M. ibciiii, W. C. T ; Miss Nannie Holds, W. V. T. ; Win. Greaves. W. S. ; Mis Annie Good. W. A. S. ; T. J. Spooner, W. F. S. ; .Lnngdoti Caldwell. W. T. ; Miss Ella Jennings. W. D. M. ; E Gearv. W. C. ; Miss Alice Moore. W. L G. ; N. Lane, W. O. G. ; Mrs. Laroque, W. R. II. S. : Mrs. Bradish. W. L II. S. Skxtekced. The jury in the case of Jacob Engel returned a verdict of guilty of murder in the second degree, and both Engel and McCormick were sentenced to the penitentiary for life on Monday morn i'lvr. Enge! was defended by Mess rs. llue lat it Warren and A. F. Forbes in an able manner and they did the bet for their client. IToth the prisoners were taken to Sa'em last Monday. llox. Gko. R. Hkt.m's SrKi.ru. lion. Geo. R. Helm addressed a large audience at the Court House in this city last night. Our paper having been ready for press before the speaking, we are forced to de ity a review of it until nt xt week. It was a masterly speech, and did good for the cause. Skiien-ade. The Oregon City Bra.s Rand was out last Monday evening to enenade some of the successful candi dates, and to celebrate the vic'ory gained by the Democracy. We return our thanks tor the honor conferred upon us. and hop e mai such successes m it be be the of their frequent turning out. cause IIarnkss. Mr. Schram, the old harness dealer in this city, has an advertisement jn to day's paper. He proposes to sell bi? goods cheaper than the same quality can be bought iU any place in the State. (Jive him a call. Xmtt.ovixo. V'e notice a marked im provement in the Oregon City Brass Rami. The boys are getting in good trim again since they have resumed practice. It is a good band, and we hope that they may meet with the encouragement due them. Big Fish. Mr. Diller caught last Mon day night two of the largest salmons we have seen. One of them weighed 57 pounds and the other 4S. There was a good deal of fish about them. City Com mitt-he. A. Nolttier, R. Can field and George Harding were appointed the Democratic City Committee for the ensuing year. Returned. lion. L. P. Thompson re turned home last Sunday morning over land, lie looks bail and hearty, and ap pears perfectly happy. New Goods. Mrs. R. Canfleld ha? just received a lot of spring goods for the la dies. Go and see them. ' J Council. The newly elected Council will hold their first meeting next Moad iy rvenmar. Sewing fcociETi. loe jjjiu.es oewmg Society, of the Episcopal Church. wirl meet next Tuesday. afternoon at the rest dence of Mrs- C. F. Kent. A full attend ance is reqne-ted, as important busiuess in to be: transacted. Foi: Sale.--Mr. Frazer offers in to-day paper some valuable property for sale, both town and c untry. Persons wishing to purchase should give hini a Call. 1 hanks. We ate under obligations to Hon. James Kelly. U S. Senator, and Hon. J. 11. Slater, lor valuable Congres sional favors. . Tualatin and Oswego Canal. We take the following in relation to the Tualatin and Oswego Canal from the Her ald of the 3d inst.: From the report of the President of the company, we obtain the information that the liabilities of the company have been liquidated, and that the concern is now free of debt. Sufficient means are within the control of she company to complete all its proposed improvements the con struction of the can il from Tualatin riv er to Oswego Lake, and the erectiou of new aud nnre efficient milli at Oswego by the fiit of September next. The old mill h;is been pat in good rep.iir. and all ihe lumber tor the new dam. which is to be several feet higher than the present one. has been sawed, and work is com menced on the erection of the new darn. Ground has been broken on nearly one half of the enure length of the' canal say two thousand feet. The. sections ad joining the lake, upwards of tour hun dred feet, have been completed. Sixteen hundred feet bare been excavated to a depth ranging from two to ten feet. In clodng his report, the President. Govern or Currv U ser ine following language I recommend that the worK be poshed forward with all possible energy and dis patch, and if so. in five months time the company will be in possession o! a water power -at Oswego, unsurpassed in charac ter and of immense value, with a line of water communication extending sixty miles t-o the interior Westward, affording new and superior facilities for cheap trans portatiou of the products of the active industries of all that .section of country." The stockholders, at, their meeting yes terday mornintr, passi-d a resoluHon di ree ii-.iT the vigorous prosecution ot the work until the several improvements, in hand by the company, shall lie completed. Then transportation cart be die red by means of the canal, by steamboats and barges, at a very low rate, from SI to f"2 per ton. The completion of this great en tei pri-e will be of vast consequence to the people of Washington. Yamhill. Clackamas, and Muitnom th counties, and an event worthy of the most cordial con gratulation. The Statesman remarks thusly on the cat erpillars in Polk county: "The caterpillars are carrying all before I hem in Polk coun ty and soon the orchards will be one scene of devest ition. stripped of everv gn-en thinr. and black and wriggling with these insatiable j rose-bushes, and can lo endless Iran dundeivr.' Th-v cover the the fences. are th'ck upon seen cr issir the roads in s tha' stretch from orchard to orchard. What C;.n be done to stay their ruthless march? Give them a dose of kerosene oil, and they will soon be ended in their ruthless mireh. It. is a dead shot. We know of a ladv who used over twenty gallons last vear. and her r chard is entirely clear of ihe pests tins year crop last year. and saved her fruit Tilt: Swamp Land Grants. Horace Greeley, the editor of the New York Tri iiw was a member of Congress when it was first proposed to cede the swamp and overflowed lands to the several States. In his "Recollections of a Busy Li'e' be de votes a chapter to the subject, which is worthy of reproduction. He says : These lands we were told were merely worthless while undrained ; they bred levers, ague and all manner of zymotic diseases, shortening the lives of thj pioneers, and reod-'rrng the good lands adi icon t n nil !iv and worthless. iit cede these swamp finds to the States in cluding them respectively, on the condi tion that they should sell them and de vote the proceeds todratuincr and im proving them, and all would ho. lovely the neighboring dry lands would sell rapidly" and the Treasury be generally re plenished. Tut: Past. We find the following item in the Stales Ri'jhl.i Democrat of March 21. 180(5, while the present editor of the It'iV el in was proprietor and editor of that paper. How does he stand on this ques tion now ? The rich factory owners of New Eng land make a profit of one dollar on evt-ry pound of raw cotton they manufacture. They tire enabled to do this under the operation of the high tariff imposed on imported cotton goods by the Abolition Congress. With n tariff similar to any ever made under Democratic Administra tions, these intuit rise profits would not be secured to the rich otton factory lords of New Etist'and. They make the money. The poor, who have !o buy and wear cot ton goods, pay these great profits ; upon th m is the burden of the tariff thrown. There will be no new and just tariff until Democrats again succeed to power. Union Coi'vry; Democratic Ticket. The Democrats or Union county have placed In nomination the following ticket: For Senator, James llendershott ; .Repre sentative. O. D. Andrews ; Joint Repiesen tative for Union and Baker conntier. Dun ham Wright; Sheriff. Arthur Waruick ; County Clerk. S. M. Black ; Commission ers. John Childers. J. W. Kennedy ; Treas urer. James Raker : School Superinten dent, Ilarsha White ; Assessor. Terry Tat tle Surveyor. J. L. Curtis : Coroner. G W. Webb. An Oi.i Man's Puattt.-c:. The C titcisi'm says: Grant's prattling old d idy exclaims: How rich my son has got. Just to think of it! Ulyses is worth now more;n a million dollars; but be was almighty poor three years ago' Poor old tool., lie is too s'umd to see that his son's wealth is .' ... i. r t. -t- - , ., tht truit ot tueii. oi onue ami use price of dishonor. Filling the Executive chair unpoveri country hhd every other President the has bad. But the Thing has grown rich at the eape salary that impov erished rich men. Thf, Thus NEws.!r2ii That which would represent the true mission of the press of tbb wonderful age of progress must have a great heart in it. and a never sleeping conscience. It must be magnan imous and godly --with charity toward all. and milice toward none.'' It must speak the truth boldiy for the trtr.h's sake and cherish justice as the apple of its eye. It must seek by the propagation of right principles an right thoughts to be useful as weli as popular to build up the truth and tear down error in short, to improve and enable, as well as te enlighten mankind. I1K. On Monday evening April '2'jth. Mrs. Olive Csmphejb agr-d 79 years, w-ifs of Hector Campbell of Milwaukie. We find the following in the editorial correspondence to the Eugene Journal from Washintou, under date of April 17tb: In the Senate, this morning, Mr. Corbet t introduced a bill tor ttie relief ot Warrer, receiver of the land office at Oregon City, for money paid to federal officials in Ida ho, deposited to their credit, and after wards misappropriated by them. How We t'sttl to ?je Phyrclttd. "Who does not reraembir the tune when spring purgation was considered indispens able to summer health? . Nc matter for wry faces, the inevitable salts and senna, rhc baro, or calomel and jalap, must be admin istered. . These 'spring medicines," the youngsters were told, were t make them hale and hearty during the sura me?. We all ku iw now that th s was a faSa-y: that new vigor, not depletion, is what is requir ed at the commencement of the summer soistice. As a preparation fur the enervat ing, ettects ot oppressive summer weather, a course of i tostetter's Stomach Bitters is h:ghly expedient. This famous vegetable has three prominent propti tics: It vtno rates, purifies, and regulates all the (unc tions ot i tie body. It is composed exclusive ly of pure ve jetab'e production, u: the essintia! principle of Motionguhela Rye, and the most t fii -acions tonic aud alternative roots, barks, and ;ums known to medical butanis f. ileuce, it is an absolutely sate medicine, and no tincture ot ttie Pharmaco poeia cm compare with it either in purity, or in the variety of its o'.jeets, and its com prehensive results. Happily fur mankind, tue theory that it was necessary to p; o si rate a patient in order to cuie hire, is forever exph dfd, and the true philosophical doc trine that, vigor is the great ant a.oni-t of disease, has taken Us place, llostetter's Bitters is an invigoraut, arid henc ; it is the proper medicine tor the feeble at this most trying stusou of the year. lie Mire that you obtain the genuine arti cle, as the-e are innumerable vile iniita'ions in the market. Look to the ornamental stamp, the engraved label, and the name blown into the g'sss 11 stetteis Stomach Bitters is s 11 in bottles only. Iie;l StiItlely of Heart Uhtasc. How common is the announcement. Thousands are sinhldenly swept into eterni ty by this fatal malady. T.tis disease gen erally has its origin in impure blood Jilted wi ri irritating, poisonous materials, winch, circulating through the heart. irritate its del icate tisaus. Though the irritation may at first tie only sdigbt, pr-iducitig a little palpi tation or irrpgniar action, yet. by and by ihe disease bee ones tjfinly seated, and milt (ini tio:! or bvpetrophy, or thickening ot ttie lui ing membrane or of the valves, is produced. How wise to give early atteation to a case of this kind. Unnaturtd th robbing or pain o.i the region of the heart should admonish one that all is not rgh!, and if you would preserve it. horn further disease, yon must help it to beat ri;htly by the use of suco a remedy as shall remove the cause of the trouble. Lisa Dr. Pierce's Golden Meda al Discovery before the di.-ea.se has become too -seated, a id it will, by its great blood parity ing and wnndei f-d regulating properties, (fleet a perfect care, it contains medicinal properties which act specifically upon the tissues of ll e heart, bringing about a healthy action. Sold by ail firjt-cla-s iliuggists. A sure preventative tor grav hair is Hall's Vegetable iiair lientwer. Tiy it. VfLLU K VCA.U?.IKXT M). -1, I. o- I". Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall on the FIl.'ST AND THIRD TUESDAY EVENING of each m nth. Patri-ichs in good stand Patri i chs to aitetid. ing are inviteil Pe; it For the very best photographs, go to Br ad ley & Ruiofs iii's Gallery without STAIIJtn--gT ASCEND IN THE ELEVATOR, 429 ,Munt rnci v Street, San Franei.co. VH.X.IAM DAVIDSON, REAL ESTATE DEALS 1 1 1 lHUt-e, ?io. PORTLAND, OREGON. REAL ESTATE in this C ITY and EAST PORTLAND, in the most, desirable localities. eoni-t irirr id' LOTS, HALF BLOCKS ami BLOCKS, HOUSES and STOUbS ; also IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable nncnltiva'ed LAN DS, located in ALL parts of the STATE for SALE. REAL ESTATE and other Property purchased for Corresnondents, in this CITY and throughout the STATES and TEKK1 TOitli'iS, with irreat rare and on the most A i VAN TAG EO US T K R.M S. BOUSES and STORES LEASED. LOANS NEGOTIATED, and CLAIMS OF ALL DESCBII'lIONS PROMPTLY COL LECTED. And a General FINANCIAL and AGENCY BUSINESS transacted. ' AGENTS of this OFFICE in all the CITIES and TOWNS in the St ATE. will re ceive descriptions of FARM PROPERTY andjforward the same to the above address. Feb. 3, 1371. Special ."Votice. INFALLIBLE WORM SYRUP FOR CHIL DREN. Messrs. Ivn!si,t & IJrotlit-rs, Whole sale and Retail Mediants, Can by Station, Oregon, are my authorized agents for the saie of the Infallible Worm Syrnp. who will constantly keep a snpplv on hand. " DR. J. W. VAN DEN BERG II. Sa'em, March 22, 1372. tf Oregon I.oilge So. 3, I. O. or O. I-1. . xt,",. Meets every Thursday even --'"ji big at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's 'w.'v- if all. Mains eet. Members of the Order are invited to attend By order. iictjtct-a Degree Luv.Sge No. 53, . O.-O. F" C$ Meet on the Second and Fourth v" TUESDAY EVLWIXGS, ot each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree aie invited to atteud. Mtiltiioma li Tiwl-c No. 1, A. F. unit A A. M. Holds its regal ir commenica Ations on the Firf, and Third Satur 'Ity in each month, at 7 o'clock from the 2oth of September to the 2oth oi March, and 7i o'clock from the 2oh of March to the 2oth ot September. Breth ten iti eood standing are invited to attend. D e c ."::. i S7o, By o r d e r o f W . M . fXoc!at iiV t 5 -o. Indigestion is? the cause of nine-tenths of ell diseases the livimr machine is subject to '. Give tone to the stomach and digestive orpans. and you will save more than tiaif in your doctor's biUs. Ir. Ilralr J Crlffcrati-d 1X1. Ii t-r are reccm. mended by all thyicians to DysFFrTirs strut fnr ALL CojlrLAlSTS of t' e LlTElt AND DtGR-Tl VK OsGANts. See advertisement in another column. FOR SALE. IE UNDERSIGNED DESIRES TO SELL his property in Oreg n City will sell T at a t.arga it, to a pood purcha-er. Lot 3. in block 3, whereon th-re is a good Dwelling House with S ro ms, psitlv hard finish, bal ance cloth and paner and the Livery Stable now occupied bv Messrs. Wil is & itrouhton. Water pipes laid on the premises, from Pea-e's water works. Also 4 town lots in Canemah, with good fence around. Also 2 town loS in lower end of Oregon City; also 160 of laud known' as the dona tion la id cia m of Wm. Stone, S mib s southeast of Orejron City, with some im provements, thinly timbered, EO nnder growth, go d lasting wat ;r EEflnquire at County Clerks office. J. M. FRAZER. Oregon City, May 6th, 1S7'?. vCn23 1 COURTESY THOMAS 0HAEMAN ESTABLISHED - - - - 1S33! D ESIRES TO INFORM THE CITIZENS of Oregon City, and the Willamette ValUy, thet t,e is stdl on liand, and doiug business on the old motto, that "A Ximle Sii-Ptnie is Ietter tlian a. Slor SlIlilliIlJ;.,' I have just returned from Sau Francisco, where I put chased one of the LARGBST aud II EST SELECTED Stock of Goods ever before offered ia this city; aad consists iu part, as foliaws : Boots & Shoes, ClothiEg-, Dry Goods, Hats & Caps, Hosiery of every Description, Hardware, Gro ceries, Jfamts cc una, Sash & DoDrs.Q-ieens-ware, Crockery, Glassware, Chinaware, Stsneware, Platedware, Jewelry of various qnalities & styles, Clocks & "Watches La dies & Gentlsnea's jTurn is.hing' Goods, Eancy Ilotions of every description,Fatent Med icines, Hope, Farming Implements of all kinds, Carpets. Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, &e. Of the above list, I can sav my stack is the .MOST COM PI, El'lO ever ofi';red ia tins mar ket, and was s ecte 1 with especial cure for tii is ii;i-Jitt. All of which 1 now jfL;r for saie at the Lowest flarket Rates. No uss for the ladies, or any one else, to think ot going to Portland to buy go-jds fur 1 am DETERMINED To SELI, CHEAP and i.ot a. low myself t be LMJERSOLD U THE STATE OF OREGON. Ail I ask, is a fair chance and quick pay ments. Reliev ng, as I do, th it nineteen years experience in uregon Litv enables me to Know ihe rcqirements ol the trade. Come one and all, and see for yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CHARMAN cannot be beat in quality or price. It w u'd be useless for me to tell you ail the advan tages 1 can offer you in the sale of goods, as every store i hat advertises d ies itiat, and probably you have heeii disappointed. AH I wish to say is, come and see and examine for yourselves,, ibr I do not wish to make any m stakes. .My obj ct is to tell all my old friends now that I am still alive, and desir ous to sell good cheap, for cash, or on such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all lor the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed. Til )S. CHARMAN, Main stieet, Oregon City. ; ? r. g-d Tenders and County Script ta'ien at maikvt rates. TIIOS. CHARMAN. JCgT'COjOOO lhs wool wanted by THOS. CHARMAN. Busiii:ss Directory of Portlimd, Oivgon. rUULlSHKJ) BY L. SAMUEL, General -ttlvtrtixing Aent, ,.;3 I-rout Street Ackerman's Dollar Store, No. 1..) Kir, t Street. Importers and Job bcis of Fancy Goods, Toy. ware and Plated Ware. Crockery, Glass A st.. r House, First jt , between Oak and Fine. Ever) thing neat. B. L. Longfel low, Proprietor. HOOKS, STATIONER! AND PERIODICALS, nANCROFT cS; MORSE, Agents fur Mabie, Todd k, Co.s celebrated ttll Phi. Ivison, Blaeemau. Talor & Co's School Books. Ju$b J'ubllshed, a full line of Legal Jiankf jur tins State. Oarrnan, the only direct Importer of Cloth- lyin?, iv c, cor. b rent & ashnmton sts. CHAtJ. A. BARRETT, WHOLESALE BOOKSELLEn & STATIONER, L AUG EST STOCK AY PORTLAND. No. St) Front anil No. 5gVU ington Sre. T) EC K , WILLI A M & SON, ly Front st. JL Importers and dealers in Ciiiis, Ilitles and Revolvers of everv descript-on. Fishing Tackle, Fancy Goods, Beads, Bird Caies, flaskets, Croquet Games, and Baby Carnages. Agents for the "California Powder Works also, for the " Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines.'' "Deck, John A., 120 Front, street, practical JL) Watchmaker & Jeweler. Work done tor the Trad. BOOK AND JOB PUINTEUS HIMES.t BACHELDER 93 Frontstreet. Iritiam & Reinbart, First st. btt. Dak k y Pine, importers of Stoves, Ranges, Kitchen Uten.-ils. 1m banan, W. A., s. w. cor. First & Taylor 3 sts. Cheapest Furniture House iu Port land. c A RPETS WA LTER BKOS 89 Front street. C larke, Henderson & Cook, 81 & S3 First Goods, Ac. Cohn i'c Roo-enf. Id, 14s Front st. Commis sion Merchants & Dealers irr Oregon & California Produce. ryoffc J. B.. Manufacturer & Dealer in J S-iddles, Harness, and Saddfery Hard; ware, Vri Front s'reet. tMirrier, W & Co., P:i Fiont st. Merchant Tadors aud Clothiers, Rats Furnishing Goods. DeLishmutt & Oatman, P'2 Fr.mt street. Real Estate Agents, money loaned. houses rented. D ENTAL GOODS, C. H. Woodard k Co. lol Front .-treet. DntGGISTS, C. IL WOODWARD & CO. 101 Front street. rders from nnv portion of the State or Ter ritories carfmlv" hLed bv m id or cypress. E' mil, Lovvenstcin .t Co. Furniture and Carpet dealers Stores from 134 to 133 Fnt street. - Tmplovment Aaencv. Witherell .t Hoi Vj man. SO Front st. Furnish all kinds of help. "Tverd'ncr & Beebe, 1U Frontstreet. Com raissioo Merchants' and dealer3 in Do mestic Froduce OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, I fashion Livery Stable, cor. First & Salmon sts. . Corbet t, Prop. Good turn-outs always on hand. Iishel & Roberts, cor. First & Washington . sts., Dealers &. Manutac. Cothing, Furnishing- Goods. T7 re el aud, Dr. E. R Dentist Office. No. -, Dekum'a Block, cor. First & .Vash- iujrtou sts. ' Gill & Steel. 75 aud 77 First street. Deal ers m Hooks, Statijiiery, and Musical Instruments. GRAY'S MUSIC STORE- The largest Music House on the Coast. STELWAY PIANOS, BIRDETT ORGANS, G. I,. OtPHAXS, Manager. SOLE AGENCY FOR TIIK "Howe'' Sewing IVIacIiiue. i5TAgents wanted. "C Hackeney & Sterne, Grocers and dealers in all kinds of Seeds, cor. First and Ma.n sts. Hamburger, 11., 138 First street, importer and dealer in Staple Fancy Dry Goods, -Millinery. TTtiidee, D IL, Photographic Artist, s. w. JLJL cor. 1- ir: Piet. spec It v. TTenrichsen, L. C & Co., K"j First street. JLJL Manufacturers an and dealers in Jewelry, Watches, &c. ibbard, Geo. L.. 9S Front St.. wholesale dealer ia Groceiies, Doors, Wagon Ma terials, Ac. Hodge, Calef & Co., 07 Front st., whole sale dealers in drills. Paints, Oils, a.ss, ive. II OME Sewinii Machine, stra bt needle, ..,l,. r.Jt.,i iit,i- " (loin petition Front st. clialeiiiied .M. E. Traver, 11: TTurgren k, Sliindler, Nos. ICG to 172 JLJL First st. Importers Furniture, Bed tlliliT, kc. nternational Hoief, cor. Front and Morri son sts. M. Rudolph, Prop. Free Buss attends steamers. T7"ohn,.J. Sc Co., 91 Front st., whofsale and JL- retail dealer in Fine Clothing, Furnish ing Goods. asoon Dorce Rcstur.int, novate rooms Tt 3L for Families, cor. 1st and Pine streets. O. Voos, Prop. frtin, E. tt Co., Wines & Liquors, wholesale dealer in O. S. N. Co's Block, and San Fran. " r'eier Schmeer, ill Front St., wholesale xtl and ret i retail Confectioners. lHer, John B., 03 1st st. Watchmaker & Jeweler, offers to the public a tine as rtmeiit of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. yvjnivi u kju , i iuiiL near i, sr.. ueaiers in native aud lorcign Wines, Liouors and (hilars. Tort .rup, E. J., Hardware. Iron, Steel. Hubs, ispokes. Hardwood Lumber, dc. rtland. Occidental Hotel, cor. First and Moaison sts. Suiitn & Cook, Propriet jrs. 1 parish, Wat. tins A, Cornell, Real Estate . Agents, 00 Front street, btt. Alder and Washington. P II O T i ) ( J R A P II 1 C G O 0 D 1 aid & Co., lpl Fiont st. C. II. Wood- Iiee, J. M..127 Front street, wholsalc fij dealer in Tinware and Stoves. Tichter, Paul. 105 First st.. importer of 1 v IJet an w ivooden Carvinij--, Parlor Orna- ments, Arc. I ider, G. C, Real Estate & Money Broker, XlU 02 Front stieet, Portland. ft isenbaum, 1. t5. iV: Co., loo oco import ers of Foreign and Domestic Liquors. 1 uss House, Front st. On First Class Prin Aj cipal. Thomas Ryan, Proprietor. Sherlock, S., 61 Front and (!2 First sts , dealer in Harness, Saddlery aud Sad dler Hardware. Simon. J., r.ti Fiont, sti eet, dealer in Doors, Sash & Blinds, Window & Plate Glass. Oinsheimer, lb, 157 First, st., importer of O Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Made Iu- truments Skidirore. S. G.. 12 3 First st. Druggist Ap thec.u y, a large stock of Perlumerv & Toilet Artich s. O instil A Davis, 71 FYont street, wholes.tle iO dealer in Drugs, Paints, Oils. Window Glass, Pcrti mery, Ac. Snow it it os, i -j f sirtet, i ictures, Fuunes, Moldings, Artist's Mafls.Dia w- imr Instruments Snnth, Put., Broker, 0o Front st. Dealer in Legal Tenders, Go- ernment Bonds Jill.ii.'i' mTDVE, H. I,., Xo 10T Front Street. lO Watctimnker & Manufacturing Jeweler is appointed Atrent for the Waltham, E!;rin. E. Howard k, Co., Chas. E. Jacot, and the Calit'oriii i Watches; also, for all the produc tions and imports of the California Jewelry Coirpany, San Francisco. Send for circular Watches repaired in the very hest manner and warranted to give satisfaction. f jcrry Bros,, No. 178 First street, maiiuiac i Hirers and dealers in Furniture, Bed ding, Carpets, kc. rPhe Clothing store. 113 Front st. Clothing, JL Furnishing Gotds; Boots aud Shoes. Harris Ar Piager. rputte, H. IL, 142 & 14-4 Front st. Dealer I ia Wagons & Agricultural Implements. rjyne, E. D., n. w. cor. First & Oak sts., X dealer iu Brandies, Wines, English .rtie and Porter. r jvler, J. A., 147 Front St., wholesale deal JLer 'in Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Lard, Ba con, &c. T7iHiams & Myers, 5 Central Front st.. Commission Mercht Block. tuts &, deal's in Produce. Thalley & Fechheimer, Attorneys & So- V Pcitorsiti Bankiuptev. Ofiice in Odd Pcitorsiti Fellows Temple. S. HCELAT. CnAS. E. WARREN. HUELAT a. WARREN Attorneys at Lav, OFFICE CIIARMAX'S BKICK, MAIX STREET, OREGON CITY, OREGON. March 5, ls72:tf House For Sale. A DWELLING HOUSE CONTAININ Jt seven rooms, s tuated on the hill, is of fered for sale on reasonable terms. For par ticulars apply to Geo. Harding at. the Bart. urn Saloon, or to Henry Harding at the Lincoln Ba' r v. Oregon City, April 1!, 1K7-2. tf A, G. WALLIXG'S Pioneer Book Bindery. Corner of Front anil Alder Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RULED and BOUND to anv detred pattern. MUSTC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety of stvie known to tne trade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. Blanks'- All kinds of blanks can be had at this oMiee Job Printing of every descripfion neatly executed, at short notice,-. BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE! Fall ami Winter Trade HAYING RECENTLY FILLED UP OUR assortment of Imported Styles in Ladies' and Cents' Hoots Cjiiilfe'i's, We will take great pleasure in displaying and receiving orders troui our patrous and the public generally. We have received from New York a few pair of tha CVIebiated ELPRAT OPERA BUTTON FRONTS, bv which a Lace Shoe can be turned into a beautiful Button Gaiter Will take orders for the same at any time. We have the Best and Latest Styles in Misses' and Children's Button Gai ers aud Bilmorals th.it are imported, but for good substantial wear there are none that can come up to our own make. We Warrant them in every respect. Seven entirely New Styles of Ladies' and M Uses' RUBBERS T e'Nillson. Con cress, Marie Antoinette, Queen's German, Velvet Front and Alaska. Light, .' is'i Durable and Neat Fit ting. Aiso, a lot of Children's Rubbers. Bring on your feet. TO W O II li M E IS" COIIE AND SEE OR CHAMPION BOOT! Respectfully, FE0TZMAN, GILLIHAN & CO., Cor- Front and Morrison Sts-, TORTLAND, REG CX. Pre. 1. 1c71:tf LOST. TT'ROM THE UN DE I ED, LIVING AT 1. Canemah, about the 5th inst, a Sorrel Mare, about fifteen hands high; six years old; small white streak in the loretead", with saddle marks; shod all around. Any person returning sa o mare or giying information o1. her whereabouts, will he suitably rewaided. WM. 11. MARSHALL. Can in :h, Feb. 22, 172. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE- PORTLAND, - - OREGON. CiJEO. Ha. CURRY, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND OTHER INVESTMENTS. Commissioner Selecting Swamp and Ovet flowed Lands. Farm Lands sold and purchasers obtained for all kinds of landed property. Valuab'e securities transferred in exchange for real estate. Loans negotiated on property, and titles examined and determined. Commissions solicited and executed with fidelity and promptness. OFFICE No. 11 Carter's Building, corner of Alder and Front streets. Feb. 3, Js70:tf SPRING GOODS JUST RECEIVED BY -A.. LEVY. II AVE JUST REDEIVED A COMPLETE and well-assorted stok of CUSTOM-MADE GLOTIIIHO, AM) GEMLE.UENS' ITRMSIIIXG GOODS, Which I will sell at reduced prices. Call and examine my stock before purchas ing elsewhere. Produce Taken in Exchange for Goods. A. LKVV, Main street, Oregon City. AND THE BEST DR. HOFELAN D'S ICELEBRATED S "W I S S STOMACH BITTERS. The First and most healthful Tonic ever introduced in the United States. These Bitters have been in the San Fran cisco Market for over 'I -veni y "V ears, and notwithstanding the many new candidates for public favor,- the sales have const . ntly rucrensed. 3 TAYLOR & 1513 X- KEL, Sole Agents, 409 and 411 Clay St , San Francisco. Sjt 1 v. IMPROVED BAND SAWS Molding DIachine, MORTISERS, And e-rey description ii";!' of Wood-Working Ma chinery and Planing Mill supplies. Address BERRY k PLACE, Machinery Depot, 112 California St. San Francisco novSlemvt'm Treasurer's Notice. Cocxtv Treascrek's OrricE, ) Clackamas County, Oregon. BOUNTY WARRANTS OF CLACK A- j mas, endroseu tor interest, prior to ao vember 14th, 1871,- will be paid on prefen'a- tion at the County lreasurer s omce at ure gon C:-, Oreon. Interest will cease from this date. H. SAFFARRANS, Treasurer. Oregon City, April Hth, 172. w4 Dr. B. R. FR EEL AND, DENTIST, T)OOM 2 PEKUM'S' BIT! LD ENG. CORN- It er First and wasninwu ------ Nitrous Oxide administered. n23tf. AUCTION AND COMMISSION A. 15. Hie!ia,rdson$ , A U C T I O N E EE I Corner of Front and Oak streets, Fortlaiia. AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate, Groeeries.GeueralMerchaB disc and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday 1 A. B. Richardson, Auctioneef ' AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Bar and Bundle Iron , English Square and Octagon Cast steel Horse Shoes; Files, Rasps, sajvs; Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, 11. G. Iro also: A large assortment of Groceries nndLiqn.tri A. 13. Richakdso&, Anetibu REAL ESTATE, REAL ESTATE-- JACOB ST1TZEL, C. C. WATi JACOB STITZEL & CO,, SUCCESSORS TO STITZEL & UPTO.; AL ESTATE A N t" MOjXEX HISOIiERS Cor. Front and Watliington Sts., r O R T L AND, OREG ON .- Spttfta! stfenf ton given to the sale o( farm ing lands and city property. All corres pondence relating to the rccources of Ore gon will be promptly answered- EEAL ESTATE JOURNAL Published monthly. Sent free of charge id any addrcss.- JACOB STITZEL- & CO. March 15, ls7-2:tf HEW GOODS TUB LINCOLN BAKERY. WILLIAMS & HARDING, HAVE JUST OPENED A FULL VARIE-' tj--of choice FAMILY GROCERIES and provisions. The Bakery will be constantly supplied with fresh BREAD, CR VCR ERS, CAKES. PASTbY, CANI)IE AND NUTS. All of which wi'd be sold at living rates. Remember that we do not sell goods at cost. Also, please bear its' mind tufat it take money to io business. To the farming trade we would say, CASH fVr vou produce, and CASH tor our goods Goods delivered to all parts ol the city. FVb, PL lb7'2:tf s rr ii is rr .jgi 1- ii I ft st,r--:yl Will sew everything needed in a fani:3y, from" tie heaviest to the lightest fabric ad inrni-'E: wokk,- Th.au arry oilier machine. If Caere is r. r!orence Sewing J1& cliine '.vithiu or.e thousand xr.i.'es of Baa Francisco not v-orking veil and giving entire patisfaetion, if I m in formed of it, it will Le attended to T.i'hout exjenso of any kind to the owner. CAmjEL HILL, Agent, 19 f.'ew r.'or.tjcmery Street, Grand Hotel Bui'dlnrj, Saa Francisco. SrnZ for Circulars and anmpim of tJie tvarh. Active Agent wanted in every jilitce. f. 33. POPE, Grocer & Provision Dcalcry Next door south of the Court Il6nse, Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon df:aler in BEST FAMILY GROCERIES COFFEE, TEA-, SUGAR, . FLOUR AND MFALof all kinds, PICKLF.S, SO i P, SALT, CANNED FRUITS and OYSTERS,- AlsO', all kinds of Fresh Traits and Vegetables. BUTTER, CHEESE and EGGS. TOBACCO and CIGARS. GLASSWARE, Etc., Etc. All kinds of country Produce taken fn er-' chancre for goods at the highest mat feet rates.'. tifGoods delivered in the city free of charge. A fair share of patronage solicited. March 23, 1872:tf S?BtNG&SUMMERGOODS JUST RECEIVED AT I. SELLING-' nr.AT.ER nr DRY GOODS,- CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES; " HARDWARE, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, NOTIONS, AC 51 A IN STREET, OREGON CITY. ' BODUCE frll kinds bought, for which t pay the highest market price. If tou desire trood Goods, at LOW Prices call at I. SELLING'S, and examine hia fresh stock of Spring Goods. GIE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. Mr Motto Is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. Wool Wanted, For which I will pay the 1 igheet market price. I. BELLING. April U 1671:tf o o 0 o o o O o o o o G O o o O G O O o o o o 0 o e o