o o o o o O O O G o o o o o G 0 O O o o o 0 O O 0 o o o o o o o o o o O O O o Eljc lUcckhj (Enterprise, FRIDAY MAY 3 1872. How to Commence IJusiness. There are many youncr, men "who o are in the habit of excusing their idleness and inefficiency with the plea that they can do nothing without - capital. The lack of means is the ready reply they make to every appeal to action. They imagine that they possess in them selves all the perquisites to success except capital. If they only had capital, in addition to their imay hied virtues, they would do great things in the world; they would grow and astonish the natives with the boldness and brilliancy of their enterprise. They would become immensely rich, and lay the world under perpetual obligations to them by the malignance of their bene factors. ' This is the way they think and talk, and they roll the vain glorious idea over their minds until they come to imagine that the world is an immense loser by their poverty. These persons forget one import ant fact that all" capital is the product of labor. That nearly all rich men in this country were once poor. That nearly every personal fortune they can enumerate is either the product of its owner's toil and skill, or the representative of his father's toil and skill. How did the makers of these f .rtunes get along without capital? Had they spent the vigor of their youth in idle and foolish lamenta tions over their poverty, they would have lived and died poor, and left nothing but an inheritance of honesty behind them. Capital allied to labor and skill can work wonders in the war of material en terprises. ut money is not the only indispensable thing to young men. There are other kinds of canital besides accumulated mon- ev; brains, muscle, industry, hon esty, diligence, truth, fidelity, skill, tact, education all these are cap ital, and all of them have a com mercial value, -which the owner -will be able, sooner or later, to command in the market. Provid ed with these, any young man in this country may make more than lie needs to spend every year, and thus have something at the end of each year to invest as money cap ital. If he needs money let him go to work and make it, and thus give proof of his ability to use it profitably and judiciously. Jf we go into any great city, or into any prosperous agricultural district, we iind the capitalists are those who have made their fortunes without any outside aid. They did not waste their poverty, and in silly dreams of what they could do if they had the money to do it with. They went boldly and resolutely to work; they toiled and thought and planned, and kept toiling and thinking and planning, patiently, until at last they grasped the for tune moment, and succeeded. l'lsclid)ajc. Win xi xo. There is a class of people in this world by no means small whose prominent peculiari ty is whinhu;. They whine be cause they are poor; or, ir rich, i . ii.i. because they nave no health to enjoy their riches; they whine be cause it is too shiny; they whine because they have "no luck," and others' prosperity exceeds theirs; they whine because some friends have died and they are living; they whine because they have aches and pains, ami they whine, ami they whine, and no one can tell why. Now we would like to say a word to these whining per sons. First, stop whining it is no use, this everlasting, complain ing, frettinr, fault-finding and whining. Why, you are the most deluded set of creatures that ever lived! ' Do you know that it is a wel'-settled principle of physiology and common sense that these hab its are more exhausting to nervous vitality than almost any other vio lation of physical law? And do you not know that life is pretty much as you make it? You can make it " bright and sunshiny, or vou can make it dark and shadowy. This life is only meant to discipline is to fit us tor :i higher ami purer iug. Theit stop whining state ot oeiug. 1 hen stoi and. fretting, ami go on your way rejoicing. , "1? V" Tl oi,,,,-., !.v,,.l .,., 4 - 1 1 v h'hm l u-ciiu n stamped upon every gun sold by llobeson to the French Govern- tnont. What does it mean? has been the all-important question. Every interpretation of which the two letters are susceptible has been given. lut now comes Mr. ti.fiitev, iii lain .-e!.u ter, Ilartlev So (iraham, and swears that it was stamped there in obe dience to the requirements of the Ereiielf government. Now. please tell us, remarks the Detroit liioa, bow it was that our Government, knew nothing about who these guns were for when such instnie tions were sent as to how they were to be marked? OnsnnvANT, The Japs are an on returning from a convivial nar observant people. On being aked ty, under the misaprehension that for a description of America, one of! ha was the door, and then bade the eminent visitor replied, with an s the door good night, recalls a siai elo'juent shake of the liead, "'A j ihir instance of mental preoeeuna- piaee wuere it snows. ' QncKEn. -If a man Jose his breath, he shouldn't run for it; he ' will euU'h it quicker by standing I .ii i still. Tup. Way. uAss tult with in-i iciu to iieconie insane, they put deadly assault A i T s the way ; now. - ! L-pr(iw .'-' ''.-ri' v Marriage. At the present time, when the marriage relation occupies so much of the public attention, the follow ing views of the late Theodore Parker on this subject are not without interest : "3Ien and women, especially young people, do not know that takes years to marry completely two hearts, even of the most lov ing and well assorted. Put nature allows no sudden change. We slope very gradually from the cradle to the summit of life. 3Iar- liage is gradual, a fraction of US at a time A h-rmv w-il1oi-L- U l' ,1 , I'P) ? t,UOc k ' 'X long tailing in love. I know young )ersons think love belongs only to Ii i , " , me. imuhii nan, anil piump, roumi, crimison cheeks. f?o it .Iocs for its bt ginning, just as Alt. Washington liegins at JJo.-d.on Bay. Put the golden marriage is a part of love which the bridal day knows no thing of. Youth is the tassel and silken flower of love, age is the full corn, ripe and solid in the -ar. Beautiful is the morning of love, with its prophetic crimson, violet, purple and gold, with its hopes of lays that are to come. Beautiful also is the evening of love, with its glad remembrances, and its rainbow side turned toward heaven as well as earth. Young people marry their opposites in temper and general character, and such a marriage is commonly a irood match. They do it instinctly. The young man does not say, "3Iy black eyes require to be wed with blue, and my over vehemep.ee re quires to be a little modified with somewhat of dullness and reserve." When these opposites come to gether to be wed, they do not know it; each thinks the other just like itself. Old people never marry their op posites ; they marry their similars, I T f t -. . ana irom calculation. Iv.ie.h of these two arrangements is very proper. In their journey, tliese two young opposites will fall out by the way a great many times, and both get out of the road ; but each will charm the other back again, and by-and-bye they will be agreed as to the place they will r to and the road they will go by, and become reconciled. Trie man will be nobler and Jarger for being associated with so much humanity unlike himself, and she. will be a nobler woman for bavin-.; manhood beside her that seeks to correct her deficiencies and supply her with what i-he lacks, if the diversi ty be not too great, and there be real piety and love in their hearts to 1 icirin wan Th hl 1 groom, havi a much )': ci te L-n lonrnev to nuike, mut a.-soci;; himself with one like him and women are mairied fraction- ! ally ; now small ft .;ci ion. ft. hen a huirt fraction. ery few are married totally, and thev only, 1 think, after some iorly iht years of gradual approach and ex- ! periment. Such a large and sweet j iruit .'s a comp'ete marriage to;. I x a verv long summer to it needs ripen in, and then a long winter to mellow ami season it. ihtt a real happy marriage of love and judg ment between a noble man and worn at) IS one oi the tilings so very ere. handsome that if the sun as tne Uriri-; poets tat a, a god, he might stop 'the world in order to ilast his eyes on such a spectacle. "Sr.oppKn O v i :k." The Corval-vbr:-:iy lis Ga:cMe ".-'ojis o when it says '!:, cr" ve rallroad ha doubled the price of wheat, by giving direct shipment from Ore gon, instead of sending it to fSan Francisco, and ):y enabling the farmer to put it into market in the dry season, and before the boats could take it." - Conundrum: Did the Oregon rail road double the price of wheat in San Francisco and Europe? Another: If the railroad doubled the price of wheat in Oregon hist fall why didn't it keep it so? The juice of wheat is subject to the demand, and the only effect len Ilolladay had on it "was to raise the price of transportation. W e are now ready to hear some one give Ilolladay "credit for the hiifh iii-ire of wool 'in f)i-,.,roi j p!H'-tiit. will prob ibly speak first, j lnjt v-5 speaks uaxViFai'.na". . I 'v ..riv '.'il. 1 liV. (iuLKLCY'.s CmcivKs.s. An ex change siivs: "Mr. Ciwlev on his I I'.,,.,,, 1-,..,.. .I... "'I "i, i . v-1 ' .- . i i : 1 1 1 u i i ;h i ( 'I ! 1 1 Willi j the hens, double entrv. When a ! lr-n lavs one e-,-g s'ie runs pi-o-md the bases, and when i l ikes the nome hi ase where the book-keener is loeateu, sue sings out, 'tally l. .. !1 . 1 . i one, "i tan v i wo . as l ;e e:is( mav be. I localise some ot them are rei"at- i ei, anu ine ooo h i . ... i credit, and el ini gives iier irges In-i- tor her i meals. In tins way Horace can ! tell what hens are "shirking, and now much lie makes on each hen. lie says that his experience is that roosters are a glaring fraud, pat ting on st yle all around, and never ia) int, an egg once m two Avee The absent-minded yoe,.,g ladv who rnppe.l her lover in the face ' tton on the part ot i I . I HI HI - j j i-iei man wiio, on retiring, i.laeed ir:ng, piae Ins elothes in bod w H u his ov- pedant brivle and hun himself on the back of a ehair DlFFCSKI.- 7 I ! ! t ni'll llrV, ing thoroughly dufused auwoiMlie masses. Every man tiiat rings a ' door-bell is a wire puller. T II E HOUSE WE LIVE IN AND THE INHABITANTS OF THE HUMAN I302X. T IIE CAUSE OF A CHEAT MANY Dis eases, that have been pio iOuuced incur able iv til-1 moat eminent physicians, for the j very reason that they ovcrlu'.kcd the ci US', 1 and as Dr. V an Den herh has matte the j Entozo-i a hfe Yvz Stu.lv. he would inform the sa-k -enerully that by close ob-eivation i and 't t xptriineiits, ha- come to the con- i cl isi-.m that then- are more aeule arid thron- ic dise ises e.!..st'i by Worms, livdut.ds, An ima enhe, or other species t' Kutzo-.t. The pnbl c generally. !,r the profession at lare, me i!-t aware of the number of Patients who are treated by e ninent Phvsh-ians, for th s, that, iir -uc-h u complaint, without any relief, a few If the diseu.se had h- en nudei-stood, dose's of Dr. Vs. il'Mr hj would have imiiic l:uUly cured the complaint and saved a groat many lives. irjnA2iTiirjT3 o? tied eu- JEAIJ BODY! What think yon reader, of vonr body be- inz a planet mriabite ! by li io jj r u es, as V Whatever m ay be we inhab t the earl W y-x.iv thoii 'hts on the ib et, it is even so. Y -ur hotly mav he hut a h-nie for parasites that crawl ovt r the .-nrface, burrow beneath the skin, ne.-t'.L- hi .Is entrails, and riot and propagate tilth- kind in every corner or its fnun". The following is from the &-ia Francisco Bifid-n, of January rJiElr, l 7i'. (A recent date.) Car! T:irtins recently died in Cleveland, Ohio, from -aing meat in.'tcted with the T t in" " .,.i;im. At the Coroner's I-qmvt, on Tu lav, ('January 2d,'i.it v.:s so.wn thwt three weeks bet re I !:ri.-tma-, Mai fin's jmrcaased aca. can- of P.-rk. Some oi the in. et wa t-i-.teo the sar.ie d-vy, nd .-ome Wits rnatle in'o ..-i.-a-e. Ab ut ten days huer, some i..f the san-,are w;is eaten, f.ti-.t m a sho. t time the who'1; i'amtiy were takt-n sii k. Martins do-iii-n Sunday. D-. eem. Ixr -Ust, l7t. Mis. Mart, ns and ;!:r two children-are iiov very sick, and the fomer is not t- reo vt i-. The verdict was in accordance witu the facts. For farther par tie nl. i rs s t- t "ev eland, )hio. j,-a oers of above date. A Cot oner's Inqueat brought this .'act to li :h:. . o-.v rh I) ,sv rn.-inv m re Mini qil.st would bring Hi l''ht? rt-a is r, i!j:o;s th;.-, and thi. k of the.t .i.e foT ? i!' .iiid no S otj.ier we.! ;he tiioa-u. . c-k'i-e e in b the rim-Mio: :".S- !i t ;. -, hi "or t.tajr t'oa; u. 4ow or, id -.toii-.U eat; r the i i v, ;:l ',..'; I The "d-i bv g' to s ia ;t;e o 1 1 1 i' i !' ; r:-;e!i e".o- inin-i i.f .5ie r-a a :v;:.e of the i) t:;-.f is C o;;-,;'i V:j ! wi o is io r ooi.,'t.-;.t th:;a is a .--ret-iiht v. ' ::e M.V H- !- Vesf.-rdar. Jr. . W. Va-i L. i.. ttei to as t i:;:od.er of ar.t.-!t--s Wli'C.t !).!'! O -e'l i i, ;!' fi- t ioT" were u:.e-! which i.; io t !.e ir t licrtl p: ) is : i - :i c '. ! IT but pert ctly ii.-'.t, y-eed , With .s lid! a !o-f.t in.lil 1 '?:-;;;:-. :.!- .--.( r.ii ih.J rent, species io he t'i. 1 1 rel '' mski.ovvp s- top. 'i'his fu-vv t-it-i.ii ; ii .e : '! (, ; j m- i ::;iher ii-a; a f-:i.':iii:;hcr - :t a oiiai-'ft-r f a i iooh v. I r -t I u) Ao;on.' hi' r i, of t -ese lieve tii t'ieoi, o m ! .! f.'V-o. e ! IO: Ur! W,,S H i.if.e wo: r;i :, it : joints, t-x'sts tin iiuie e t tiie oi ; j ri i. i : I thi'-e rt i.iti ; o p s i w 1 1 rs t'f- !'. t it in:i i ill ; tlf r. t l.o.i y . .i vit-d fo.-i-.'s iaaMu their .' i t : i! : fi roir. 'hi.; H iin-i e t-.- i where- :i .me;1. ;s ivhe-rt' t b - r I e iiii i: mm- of o : -n rl ; ''i!i'!y li:i'-i'-,:i) 'iled., 'is H m - : eat:, hi Li,!, of lisj ami 'oh : e t h ,11. i the J.ov to par.ai; ,v iie a t ot. nut our i ire-ii i t: :: this s't' t: eie t!ie fact t oa i)r ; s l.-tlOil A in: d ei rie ,e'i U( o'.v.i i o ..hinid e 'j;:, v .. : ; , " e '-; t ,i in i V) J 1 a ;i to'. ,t . i . o; n win ci i - a u t t..) ii;h n n,'. i i, vi t w , a. t: v t-'! ii; itg it.-, ( 4. TO ! h mr and .i h i!f ' Hai we m oi': d . or-. Lsdt ir- m.i ti cf i t;ei i :'.;:d : oe.-n w od-i oi:i v o (;"' u or tr . i hi Ol -S'.'S the Idver 1 e-'iiti- t'i it. Wm-m:; : ?'ys-.t:iia, :Hl i i i::HVJ, S'.i's. , S-.er:! re oiam r.; .- ( 'i.:i-;:'ini mo, '". hi" -; j-.t'ii rh t' i. i-'i irrhe, O' !!C" (. f I.J: Cravi or A.o-.s, D bet es . 11- -l -V, (!;. r. V. ,; a l-:sr thc-.-e la-'tes troiih'ed with '.; ItTf.'rd.iri-!' of th's L'icrus to try his i-.evv . m -dies ami vTt t-nre i. Dr. V.iit i) :i lhi:,':i's ! fi.hbi Worm Syr o.p for t.'Lih i r--ii. 1 rme i . Vr'arrauteii ti c:;r . i thj v. or, us. Svti: cvery.vLc-re open reeeiot of fr'.z, . Dr! d. V. Van Den ihvrr'n's, f,'fl;r Tonic a -i:r-.- no to di-snoy ail a'drna'cal o:' the' ll-.ur F .ihcl"s, pev v,t- f;dii- out. and pro ui(,!i'.s t e Growth oi iht; iLtir. I'i ice l,.u; Vh.( ra t -d. SIMPLE EXAMINATION, The afi! cf d cm lp;ir:t if ihrir di-pti'-e is 'un-f i by W'f'Tiris or l.o ; at ail events. Dr. V.'ti Iea H-. r'xh cm toll th-.-ui irom what dis-ea.-o tht y i.i o ali'.ria. Coninlfailoris a:i:l I'Tai.iinatioiis FlifJK OTP cnxiiai:. O-TV-T nriTTT' --"n f-3'? HI? Letters decrilhi2 tl svmpronis win up . A . - T 1. . motiy :n.r.vere !, am d sta'i wil! he saved t! pM-s"!is 1 i v i c at 'i cxr-L-ase and trou- bi tc oi cauiti upon the Di'.etor. A !drcs, Oil J. 1V.VAS I)P2." I3EI1C;II, P. O. I:OX 172, SALTIM, OliKGOX. -'. b. 10th, 172. i:.tr.;t J);tr S'r : d yen s nif a ije, has i'-r '.ho last iwo lii inv d -ctors and Dm. J Y. Vix i :x i O. h i. ,i idtl ' jrrt ij; S .'.il l c o v d - i : ' :i 1 ha 1 i rit-I v-ti i tra::y te .I'- Iics witaoi our da' sin z as irctU i 'int. ' we h"rd oi , :,.'!ir ill i v ia fa- t V:l! S T -o;it oru srr oi ; ti OU4 o 1, j a i'": ti i :.f ns. We tho -uii tiiat perhaps i u iazii? h .-o-m? tjoo.j to j.vo i: a trial, at-d j ion cuiioot imai-im; our u-pri when nV'-r j - 1 - v.-oi-iii w.'ro ox;vdo I witi; o-ii? bo tie of y-u- v; ... r w-'rm - r i .', a-.l uom tin- i i ;iv-' '., w t .i . ! y sh iii i-i it so 1 ,nr as t:u-re i- a on -.sib!" i- bi v.tliout hii-ice tor it T-i !:' h.id. V:1 a tv ;;t ''! . y t- publish ;s e in so. mav u . runoo coo.l. :v vein's. S 11. OilToN, :i. j. oitiox. yy;nptitus IVorsij, A'lmri'ii mat .ma x i n r-ss aa -nm::; i t tii th: c a, Of i O.do.; I: t'Vr til! i .st, a swe IT' '.V tn. r--d and t',i,:Liy f ti- 1 bnmJli, n vn or .cni'ail w-'lliniT i. a stai tl ti jt io t i i e tr-ith, :i s?usat n t-i m the throat, a I t . rod 1 ts, ;:ii ' a.'- ab-.?.. mien, a j -r !"tt.in u .-s d: t .-!e-p iiod uriodoir ol th a- soan'thi a.; w s 1 -d vradu d w ts'ia-r -f tii-' II i-' ih sh, s ck';ess ( tho a s;i ri .-oi 1 dry C.i'i;ii, st.nuafdi, v.miion ;i:'(i.'i i o s.i;:o-,i'. :o-,i',:os vnrac-iou-, al ot:r tim-'s hiv:'. Iiiwi.i so'ijofim - osnve, oiti -r t m? i (-', ora.it fro iu n-j.-s ami iiMMtibi!' itv .if to o , v, p litis io t :e ,st ):o ch ami b w. !s, ailio, tit-, convol-ions -.nul palsy. l tho w 'tiii syrui is n t t he had in v oir trvii, -;id or.hos t the tn.in ifict iir r a .! r will 'e sor.t orofnpt'.y t a,;y yd-dr-.s-s f i ee d i xpross oiiir -s. Direct nr dcts to 1k..T. W. VAN Ii7X ir.:T;GfI, l'. 0. Uos 172, i?ilem, Oregon. 1 C CURTESY OiTBAKCROFT D !3EW8 GOOD MEMSl V.'-'V 'iii1Tap5i5?i. Si l --aT 2i i LOOK OUT FOE GOOD BARGAINS! S. ACKE51EV3AN Ss. CO, II AVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE htock of SPRIXG & SUMMER GOODS, WHICH THEY OFFES Cheaper tiinu the CSieapest. We would say, come and convince your self before purchasing elsewhere. Oar stock consists in part of FANCY AM) STAPLE DRY-GOOLS, CilOTHING, II ATS, HOOTS AND SHOE-. NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, and a great maaj article3 tco numerous to mention. AL-O, Doors, Windows, Glass and Putty. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. ALf.O, AVOOIj wanted, for rv-hich rre pay 'he iilGHZSI rilTCS. 3. LCZZRIilLn CO. Oregon City, April 21, 1971 .if p GIT A!m A T LEODoLOUEY, Prop'?- J.ATE OS TII a CLIFF HOUSE ST H EXT, Ollfr.ns CITY, CttSGO-f. rs"ii:-: uxdt:?.sk;.ved ue- - i spi-t-fii!!.; aimouncas to his : ( oj f: ii-m!,. ;n;d t!,e t av.;'inr jMibtie, At.-'.y ti.at l.e has re-op eiu'd the above natm-d Restaurant. The j r-.iprieti r knows hor to serve his i!t rn.-rs with Oyst--ti, i'i's Feet, a good cup cf CoC'ee or a So C ARK MEAL. LION DkLOUEY Oregon City, J,in. 27, 1371:.f to. d uiii ik-ttwJ d ii L 3 4 FOil 1UE MAX UFACTOTiY OF '571 TT"? ""!v Tt rn pfr ? 7 I AN D MOULDINGS OF ALL SIZES. enr They will also do TUP.NJNO, of rvry deecription to ordar, With ITeritr.:3 ar.d LicDr.tc 1 o ALL WOilKi VA ivfiANTZO. J-hop oil ti-o: 7liver, in Li wis' ;hop, cp osite Oregon City Mills. SHADES SALOON, C A. HAAS, Proprietor, TJain Street, Oregon City- Best niT.TJAIU) TABLES in OREGON Hayc been introduced, an 1 the Proirietor in vites the atU'idion of the lovers of this popular amusement to them T If E BAB I S S UP PLIED With all the choicest rpiahties of Liquors and Cigars. Scotch. Irish and Bourbon alrcadj famous 'Vhi.-kies and Punch. ALSO, A NO. I SHOOTING GALLERY Is erniuM'ted with the Saloon. Ore- o ITity, Jan. 1, IsT'Jdf Administrator's Taoiice. havi; b::kn atfoixted by the -- r.nintv t'oavt of Clackamas i 'oontv, Oregon, tho A.lmiidstrator of the estate of J. S". McCam imm, -aH-ci-o,!. il ei-sms havhitr elains aain-t s.ii I . will )ii". s' n- ihfva to mo duly veritkd v.idii'i six ni'itohs of this date at tin; office of Jolmson - llaC'o-.vij, Lawvefs, Orea-on ' i'v, Viv-fc-o i. .i. J. McCAliMO'.V, April l, 1872:wi Adininistrator. 0KEG02I CITY B 11 E W E Fv Y ! Mavi-'c; purchased the ahove Brewery wish is tuinf.Vrio the puh'i'- that he is now prepar ed to manufacture a No. 1 quality of E AGE 11 BEER, As crood as can he obtained anywhere in the Stall. Orders solicited and promptly lilled. VV.ID QUACKS. A victim of eailv in discretfii, caasintr nervous debility, i r-o itore decav. Ac . having tried in vain every advertised reu:edv,l as a simple means oi s,':f-cure, which to- "11 send ?,!" rf-'d.-.-.v s .ih.itrs. Address J.1I. RLL E, 7 Nassau st., New Yui'k Sept. 1:1 y HOUSE AHO LOTS FOUSALE rpilE I'NDFRSD.NEP OFFERS FOR JL sa'e his resi ier.ee in Oregon City. There ; are tour lots, a io d bon e and Iirn, with a tine cellar and acod well of water. There is plenty of land, and it is well adapted for early aardet.inir jou-poses. Pait pnyment in.ivhe made in stock. For tart leulars ep p!v to GEORGE CLARK. Ore on CityJuna 2 1-71 trj LIBdAxiiJ 3 C. W. POPE & CO-, DEALERS IX STOVES, TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON, ERA. lEIisy COPPER, LEAD PIPE, IK PIPE AND FITTINGS, RUBHE HOSE, FolJC'E AM) LIFT PUMPS. ZINC, COPPFR, BRASS AND IRON WIRE. Also a general tssoitiiifent o( Ileus nishing Goods. MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware. ROOFING AND JOBBING OF ETEKY DESCRIPTION DONE TO ORDER, AND AT LOW PRICES. o Also, at POPE'S STOVE STOKE you will find HARDWARE AND BASKETS, WOODEN, WARE AND 'UN WARE, LANTERNS, LAMPS AND OIL. LUCINE AND NIGHT LAMPS. ALsiO PERAMBULATORS." o All of the aboTe articles are for sal at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. C. AV. POPE & CO. IDlyJ Oregon City Oregon. JEW -WAGON AND Carriage FvJanufactory ! The undersigned, haying increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old stand Corner of Maia and Third streets, Oregon City Oregon. Takes this method to inform his old pat rons, and as maiiT new ones as may he pleased to call, Dint he is now prepared, with ample room, good materia's, and the very best of mechanics, to build anew, recon struct, make, puirt, iron a? d turn cut all complete an' sort ol a vehicle fro:a a com mon cart to a contcrd coach.. Try ma. Blacksmithing, Horse or Ox shoeing, and general jobbing usat'.v, ouicklv and cheap ly doiio. DA VI 1) KM I r II. Opposite Excelsior Market R. I-. GAUFIELD, cosxea axis xan srKrt.i zzi:zi, OHSGCZ7 CZTZT, CP.UGvIT, tiiil UUuLiO Lit w:4;ii.iii.juOj Also, a rd! afisortrieat of Mlllmcrj an;l Fancy GqsiIs ' 0 F THE LA TES T STYLE -', JUST R E C 2 3 V S D COUNTRY PHODTJCS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOil GOODS Oa. 6, 71:tf OREGON CITY", OREGON, RETAIL DEALERS IN BUY 3 BOOTS & SSSOES, IIAIlWAISISi I also keep constantly on hand SALEM C A S S I M E R E S, FLANNELS, TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Which I wi!l sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. lTI will also pay the highest prices for Butter. Ergs, and ail kinds of good country produce. I will sell as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash or its equivalent in good merchantable produce. - Give ine a call and snti-fv yourselves JOHN MYERS. Jan. 13,1871 tf Eye, Ear, Throat & Lungs. JOHN B. PILKIIJGTCrJ, EI. D., T ATE OF SAN FRANCISCO HAS LO 1 j cate.l in Portland. Oregon. Olhcc : In ILJmes' Building. First street (three doors from Ladd Jt Tiltnn's Bank), wntre he may be consulted daily, and wul treat diseases of the ab..ve named orir ms as speeialt es. Ail operations up-n the Eve and Kai per formed ia tiie most scient.uc and careful manner. . ,, , , . . ARTI FICIAL EYES, having a 1 toe beaut and mobility of the natural ();, inserle-1. Refers bv' permis-ion, for ins prort'ssmnai standing, to L. C. Lams M. D., ,E'de-s-r ot Snif'erv, and Edwin l.entley, .M. i n es sor of Ap itfimv, Univer.-iiy ol the Pacific San Francisco; and fcr his soccers in the treatment of cws. to over R.'oo ca.sts tieat f d bv him. in San Francisc ; also, to Levi Ests. 1'sq., Pev.T. L. Eliot, Por'l ind ; Wm. IL i)i!hin, Esq., Vancouver, W. T. ; and many others Oregon and Wa-hington Ter ritory. ausT:m( rictice. TOHX MTF.llS, ESQ., TS MY DULY AU fj thoiized A sent in Oregon Ci'v, and also Acent for tiie Estate of Daniel liarvev. de ceased. MRS. E. II A RYE Y. October 1, l?71.m3 A. f-OLTTJER, NOTARY PUBLIC. ENTERPRISE OFFICE Oregon C.ry, Jan Z:t Ayer's Cathartic I'or tho relief and cine of all lieiange ments io tho stom ach, liver. :uid how-t-l.s. They are a :a:ld apc-rirntj ar.d an c ':ci.ik-u! purjiat'u e. )c:.r.ir p-nieiy veyc t i'!'!e, l!ic-y eoiilain Kn i.i.H iiiy or ,,;h:e M- i ".IS -1.' Sit. -.'Ss JHi. i. i-ifv-'.'h.X i- pi even- ei bv ioeir loaf: use; and every family should haw iUem or. Uan for their protci tio-i a id lvhei", l.ca io pi.H Long experhiK lias proved ti.fiu to he ire -:t est, surest, and .boss oi :nl tie.- t'i:L niiii Mhici the market aholi'i'l . i i - - o-.-.-a'-hund km- the bioou is vntro.'j'.t, tUv corrianata.s vi Hit- m- teai expc-Ued, .!:.: ,i -ion : wbole mu'-iiiaery ci" Sir ve activity. In.t-rm.l ora: v. and tluggjj.li aie '.-.;:.:. -d 1. stimnhuo.l i-no achci. 'i is changed hi h.d-ii, the -, : Avliutt reckoned on the va-t : it, can hardly 1 coniji-, (;!. makes then; ple-i'-imt to t.ds virtues uninip;d .-d fe.r i:.r: that thev aie evu- fn- h, a i . d i; t Tl-: i;v .'.'o.e ci.' .v.- i;n ip'.er.t hi .'III; easi ne a :t". - v ho enjo; ir .-';--.:;r i.oatii:; iU i' -o- a iv Os tiles. il;'0 ii" lime, t i'-i l!v vehc hie ": . :0!d oi'.'raf .'.i.t'mii, or diet, oi Although soari-hir.-, V. without disturbance to O'. Cltj'.U iou. 1'ull hrect"cv:-,5 ;-.ro fivoii ori t-e wrapper to cull box, !w"iV bi H -v !r.C i:i i. s a yam'dy Phvsio, and !'or the t'ollon'mg fouijdtdnl.s, v lik-h liiesi J'illx rapiddy fiatf : For 25.riJ;.i o. - :i.: Br-. aituu'UJi-f ami t. t should be taken t:io-h...-.i: ; t-. -ri. arh, and vestoro it, .. . c...v.: : tom-S Ji'SHiiJ-. ti-.:--.''-..-. Ul'iit'. i!iIkHil3v- :.- -t, 5'-'-ir ,-i iu .'liv and j J t - -j -- t- rti. !.itIoii- i -kwj'J tl;e 't:v stoia .--..'tioil. . :i . :!- svsnj.' i'i. .it- i ill-. ihonci , i'i" i i'-'l tla be jiidi'.dou-ty takea !i.r c -. n e. r. disease, 1 a'.'lioii or j ei.i.i . c L..e wo:-Uu a.? n i.i( i. causa it. For B5T.0!rrr t'tiivvl: iis, htit O'.'K miid 1 it i? arcieiv.!!v le-.-r ci. ? For 2i5j-u -?.:r :. tsT- I?fittiJJ sf t.-j.- tlvii''!. i i"- iy Pti!. and iJ..oi-... il c' r;:o Ut '.' -'".i; i. nOllsiy t.oo.'n, a l'-'.''i '- ' 1 :.' i '-,'.. i':-" C' c . O Xietioo ol' t-.;o .-;.-.-:. -io. ' i'.-i ; .. . e.'.:.L:r-'e tlio.o C0llid.n:0'-, , ' For S '.' a ad .'n:"i."a ?";-it-w they should be 'taken in i;.' :. ci .-'.-;... i-.n.t io.-e-to produce the e -i i.." a .'; "i ii r i, .'. For ftHlJj.''-siiio, :i. l-.r.e ':- .-Id h taken, as il piod.ici, thJ ue.-Lvd .::'- t by syn. patliv. As a Dhit'fr yUl . t..V ec o;- J-.y;. .".'s t promote ilie.-tioa :'.t:.; vA.-:- tho a ' i - "n. An oeea-ioual .- e ila. j vh-.t -to..!;.:t'h :n.- bcwt.ds re -1 :'-- ' '. 1 m i., ;::;. '.: i i : v :-r.' r:! . - ti. system. Il'-n.-e i; i- o .!,! ro vn.!: iiii sei ioiis deratu-eou-m e.i-i- ti toh-rabiy v-U, o:r;o :.. t a v J'il.-i makes f.oii ic ! .; . -h y cleansing and auuv.. : 'e.,; i' .v t . j appai-:.tui. ; v. lie. l.o i'.'C -1 1 v i ' Hr.J. C. AYT.li A to., J FOxf SALS BV AL.L I.L vH-; - . ir, ;..-?? L.'i.h v wiir.Ki: 1 ji. y SI o o. 7J f- For restoring' to Gray Eair its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing tvliioh is at once agveetible, Leal tii y, a n el efvVctuul for preserving the hair. Ji cocn rcstcres faded cr gray nair to its orijirtcl color, with the gloss and fresli,iess of youth. Tlun hair is thiekf-iifi, falling hair cheeked, ami baldness often, though not always, cured bv its use. Xoihhir cr.n restore the hair where the follicles are de stroj'ed, or tie glands atrophied and decayed; bat such as remain can bo saved l3r litis application, and stimu lated into activity, so that a new growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling tiie hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently p. re vent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the forma tion of dandniii", which is often so -uncleanly and offensive. I'reo from those deleterious substances which make some ' preparations dangerous r.nd inju rious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. if wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can t o f und so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long 011 the hair, giving it a rich, glossy ustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Choinisls, liOVIiLLi, 2IASS. Smith iv Pavis, V": oles do street, l'orii.t: d, tlngon. A iron's, Front Read Physician's Certificates Below!!! 1 - -s ... 1 o cr tn t .31 W ft CJ p. fi G o W a. - j- a. f am1 i O -t 1 P O -t o 3 t d, z. a ! BHS1 T0?:i'J USE A f!ost Efficient and Pleasant Tonic. Tbe?? P-itter cr prpprel from thn most choice an 1 v hi)!.?so'!--3 hi'i-bs unci roots, and have given universal patiafaction wtierever tried. Thoasanda ot ly?p. itic3 h.tvo fo-jnd relief through their ns, and physicians n toiaiin nl tht-m tor tlx; enre of all (f ise;ies of the II ood tuid liver, and irregularities of tho ui'estiveortrans. Ho-iOaehe, Biiimi'n"5 Rrd Constipation. General Pebility and Loof Ajietite, ail are caused b-. tha e1eraiEiuent of tho fio:ukc!, l.ivrr and other f u:ielio:i.iriP3 of th- cysffm. 'iho IXI, BittKTS havo leen unccessfnlly nsed and er varrjinted to alltw via to th sua'ertr in ail the aLove casti. CKTlTTrTCATES. SfrsT'. TI. EfTri.i t: Co: ( ..'ia J. ?ri -n : 1 t:ik plea.tarrn ntatinsr ttint ttcrfG t'v t i your w?-h I havo c.irf-fn!!v tested and exam ine 1 the ELimt.l!; cf your l.L liitiers, which yon fiit in', and lind it not only an nsrrecabl Bitters, tnitnl-.onno that cnnn-. fail to Lo btntlicial as a toaic aud proiaoier oi D-ge'-tinn. G. HOLLA XT), ir. T. Crrr avd CorSTT HoseiX-vi baa Francisco. Jan-; 2'Tt.i, 1; i : I hr.vj crefully es-min-jd Dr. TfAnWs IXL B.tWs. r.nd havo failed to d--.eet anj'thinst which could injure even the most delicate constitution. trotn tha composition of iht bitters, as fares I ? "V a ,',V to Jet.'r:ijin it, 1 aiionl-t judge that the JL. Ij.tters must bo a very r fficif-tit rempfly ia Dyspepsia. Inditfrstton, Loss of A i p' tite and simi lar corfplatnta. httv.1t cctr.popd of a nrnnVt of Tejrta!il'j druxjs which ar s prineinii!!y nsea ia rtis eiso, f t--at natnro, and are "of tha greatest etaciency in their cure. . . F. TT. EGELS. ?T. T.. Ass't Res. Physician Apothecary V. t C. Iiospitaf. oiRJA,T?, Assaxeb s Oi l ICE, San Francisco, Ja!y ict. IS, J ; Mrssp.H. TI.EPsTrr? A Co Gent?: I h.ivo made careful ' xaininatio i of your 151. BittPrs. and have found t.i?:n entirely free of deleterious mineral substances. Yours, etc LOi IS KAI.KEXAU, State A?aypr. Bware of f'nnitsrfeits. .None genuine without Dr. Henley's signature across the top of each bottle, llwry Family To?i!tl fiave n XSotlle in flic IiO;:se. Sotd cveryw here. Sola Proprietors, '-'o. M3 T"rort Preet, San Francisco, Cal. L. GEObS ii. CO., 675 V. Lake St., Ciuca, Ilia I24md :V'J1'..-"MK.X t t n PRIVATE MEDICAL AID. Q,niclc Cures and Moderate Charo- Dr. V. K, Dohertys Private Mccllral Si Surgical institM(e No. 519 Sacramento Street, corner of Leidesorlii (a few doors below tho What Cheer House.) (Private entrance on Ueidesdorff street 1 Established Expressly to Afford the Afflict a Sound and Scientific Medical Aid in th Treatmeut and Cure of all Private a A Chronic Diseases, Cases of Secrecv ?n Sexual Disorders. ' nd a11 To tle AfHictrit. DR. W. K. DOIIERTY returns his si thanks to his numerous patients for the patronage, and would take this opportunity' to remind them that he continues u.consui at his Institute tor the cure of chronic d eases Of the Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Di-ri! live and Genito-Urinary Organs, and private disease viz : Syphilis in all its fornl and stages, heininal -eaknefS and all thl horrid consequences of self-abuse, Gonorr hunt. Gleet, Strictures. Nocturnal nJii:.. " '.f1 I'V,1liTi0,1S'J S,exual 1)tbiIity, Diseases of the Back and Loin?, inflammation f i Bladder and Kidneys, etc. ; and he how that his long experience and successful prac tice will'.c tmue to insure him a share of public pat. jage. By the practice of mam years in Europe and the United States, he ia enabled to apply the most efficient and cessful remedies against diseases of all kind Me uses no mercury, cfarges moderate treat his patients in a correct and honorable war and has references of unquestionable veracit ty from men of known respectability and high standing in society. All parties con sulting hini by letter or otherwise will re ceive the best and gentlest treatment aid implicit secrecy. To Kt males. When a female is in trouble, or afHicted with disease, as weakness of the-back and hn.bs, pain in the head, dimness of sight joss of muscular power, palpitation of th heart, lrriti bidty, nervousness, extreme ur inary diiheulties. dtfrr-ntrement of digestive funclions, genera! debility, vaginitis, all dis eases of the womb, hysteria, sterility and all other diseases peculiar to females.sheshould go or write at one a to the celebrated female doctor, W. K. DOIIERTY, at his Medical In stituta, and consult him about her troubles ar.d diseas-. The Doctor is c-fiecting more cures than any other physician in the State of Ca'if rnia. Let no false delicacy prevent j on, but apply immediately and save yourself from panifvl sui'ei injes anil premature death.. All married Jacliej, v hose delicate health or other circumstances prevent an increase in their far.dlies sh..-jld write or call at Dli. W. K. I)0HER1 VS Medical Institute, ar.d flier will receive every po-vihle relief and felp". The Doctor's edicts are so arranged that be can be cjusultad without fmr of observation. Ts Correspondents. Patients residing in any j.art of theFlafe however distant, who may defers the opinion and adv,e?of DIl.DOilEliTY in their respe. ti r-e cases, and who think proper to sul niit a wi i:tt-n staten-.tct cf ench, iu preference to hohhng a p.Tsonal interview, are respectful ly suied tiiat their c.-nnHiuaieat:on.s wil) be held .".ered and cocJential. If the case h frjly ard .-oi.'idly described, personal com mnnieaf.on wi!l be uncifeessary, as instrne tions ibr diet, regimen and the general treat n.er.t of the ca-e itse) f ( including the rente d;?s), will be forwarded wi:hotif delay, and in rush a m. inner as toeonvfy no ideaof the purport ct the letter ot parcel' so transmitted. iC nsuiiaf ion by letter or otherwise, FREE. I'trm-inct .ore g-uirauteed ornopaj .Spfrrastarrhorii, DP.. DOIIERTY has jest published an iro portant pamphlet, embodying his own view and experiences in relation to Impotence er V iri::ty ; being a Short T realist?" on Sperma torrhea or Seminul Weakness, Nervmts and Physical Di billry ecsserjuent on this aPpt tlori, :u: I ciher diseases of the Sexual Organs This liuie work contains information ot the utmost value to wht ;her married orsinglo and will be sent FKKK l;y mail on receipt oi six cents in postage stamps tor return post, a are. Address. W. K. POHEPTV. M. D., julv3'dy San Francisco Cal I TIIE FLOHEI10E Will sew everything needed in a famdy, from the heaviest to the lightest fabric. it does ?Tortr: VORK, MORE KISDS OF WORK, ArVO BETTEIt WOKK, Than any other n.aebine. If there is a Florence Fewing Machire w ithin one thousand miles of Pan "Francisco not working well and giring entire eati-fac-tion.if I am inforined ot it; it will be Jit tended to without expense of any kind to tl. owner. SAMUEL Illlili, 19 KEViT M OX TGOMEIir STREET, Grarid Ectel EuildiEg, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA end for Circulars and samples of the work. ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED IN EVEKV FJ-AtK. Feb. 2, 1 frilly fJctlco f o Creel itors. Estate of John K. Wekey, deceased. P'1ICE IS IIEEEBY (ilVEX THAT "WE, x the UTidersww.-d, have been appointed Ad nuiostiators ot the aiove named estate; And all perrons luiin;r claims atrainst tfce said estat.-,aie hereby re.-nivd to I -rosent them, -w it tt the proper vouchers, within six months from the date of this notice to the nndi'ivinod at the late residence of d eea-ed, in Cutting's precinct, Clackamas coun ty, btate of Oregon. - RAYMOND DTGKEY, JAMES O. DICKEY'. Dated, April 2, 1872:w5. Citation. i In the Connty Court of ('lackajaas conatv, fn (he Slate of Oregon. In the matter or the Eidate of Francis Jor.e, deceased, j B J. CARD, ADM JN l'l liATOH OF TIIE. : ahoVe nainod Estate with the 'iil anncss j C-d, l:avin filed his thud amount, and prayed tu ! he eisehrije'l. it i? oixle-l bv the Court that i Monday, the Wh day of May, i7;, he set apart j as th" day f ir liearinjr obje.-i ions to tueh final ac count and the s-cttlcinciit thereof, j J. K. "WAIT, ! A.ttC' . County Judge. J. M. I'RAZER, County Clerk. ajwl A. (i. WALLING Pioneer Bock Bindery. Corner of Front ami Attler Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK ROOKS RULED and EOL'XD to anv desired pattern. MUSIC HOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS TAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety of stele known to the trade. Orders from the country promptly fl tended to. Fair Warning. KAI.STt N'S ACCOUNTS 51 EST i T ! fj . b be settled iigl-.tnv.nv to mv. coMs. Vaijk'i-.N'A fchke.. C :rejtn City, ifarch 15, 172. tf r -xisSk- ..... G It - '