Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, April 26, 1872, Image 1

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NO. 26.
S !Jo
!) iDcckln (Cntcvpvisc.
Businessman, the Farmer
OFFICII la Dr. Thess'ng's Brick Building
Single Copy one year, in advance $2 50
Transient advertisement, including all
legiil notices, , sq. of 12 lines, 1 w.$ 2 50
For e.icli subsequent insertion I 00
One Column, one year $120 00
Half " "
Q i.trter " " 40
Business Card, 1 square one year 12
it Remittance to be made at the risk o
Subxcriber, and at the expense of Agents.
ft7T The Enterprise office is supplied with
beautiful, approved styles of type, and mod
ern C!11N'E I' It ESSES, which will enable
t'ie Proprietor to do Job Piinting at all times
Neat, Quick and Cheap !
ft"S Work solicited.
All IS-xiiue tr.itii ict'wn upon a Specie bai.
F. SAftCLAY, m. n, C. 8.
Formerly Su:-fuon to the Hun. If, 11, Va,
35 Itars Experience.
M:iin Slrei t, Crrgoti City,
of the Kt,it
- ,; :"j,-i i il intention pe'ven to cacs in the
U.'&. Land Oiiiee at Oregon City.
April ., Is7'':tf
j. M. Til )M PSOV,
(i W. FITCH.
T 11 J ?Jl r QQH & FSTQH,
A N I)
Real Estate Agents,
DfrKMiTH'O noons north of the i-ostoffick.
YV f 'rille ol property in Eugene
Citv, and pel feet pi its ot the same, prepaied
with great care. We will pi act ief :i the
dill'erent (Joints of the. Stat. Special at
tention given to the collection ef all claims
that may be placed in our hands. Legal
Tenders bought and Sold. sen-tt
Importer and Dealer in
STATlOXEliV, ri:P4 UJMEUY, Ac, &c,
Oregon CHy, Oreyon.
4t Ch;irin:t S,- l',tmer'j old ni-Utd, lately oc
ctpifi by S. Aefcrmin, Main street.
10 tf
OFFTCE-In Odd Fellows' Ten pie, cor
of First ami Alder Stree ts, Poithmd.
The patron age of those desiring superior
peratio is is in special request. Nitrous Oi
1 to- the painless extraction of teeth.
;j-Aiti,ieial teeth ('better than tlnbest,'
in 1 'f c'(.-tf the chr tpet.
Will be m Oregon City on Saturdays.
Nov. 3:!.f
7 II. V ATKINS, M. D ,
SURGEON. roim.Axn, Oi;kc( n.
OFFICII Odd Fellows' Temple, corner
(,'irst.ind Mder streets Residence corner of
liia and Seventh streets.
pt.blished since ISilj.at the old stand,
Miin Sired, Oregon City, Urf'jon.
An Assortment of Watches, Jew
jA'tl elry, and Srth Thomas' weight
ZrZt Clocks, all of whi-Mi are warranted
S L-f to be as represented.
fxSJk. Bepairings done on short notice,
tT md thankful for past favors.
jlv. City Drayman,
-i& 07? EG OX CITY.
V; All orders for the delivery of merch.m
:se"Tr p ickaxes and freight of whatever des
iprioti, to any part of the city, willbeexe
;el promptly and with care.
f Dentfehes GafthauO
'o. 17 Front Street, opposite the Mali steam
s h p ! a -i d i n g , Po r 1 1 a n d . O regon .
Boir 1 per Week 5 00
' with Lodging 6 "'0
Day , 100
Don't Let Mother Jo It.
Daughter, don't let mother do it!
Do not let her slave and toil ;
While yon sit a useless idler.
Fearing jour Pol'i hands to soil.
Don't you se the heavy bunleria
Daily aha is wont to bear
Bring the lines upon her forehead
Spinkle silver in her hair?
Panghter, don't let mother do it!
Do not let ber t ake o boil
Through the long, bright summer hoars.
.-hate with her the heavy toil ;
See. her eye has lost its brightness.
Faded from her cheek the g'ow,
And the step that once wa.s buoyant
Now is feeble, weak and slow.
Daughter, don't let mother do it!
She has cared for you so long ;
Is it right the weak and feeble
Should be toiling for the strong ?
Waken from your listless languor,
Set-k her side to cheer and bless,
And your grief will be less bitter
When the sods above her press.
Daughter, don't let mother do it!
You will never, never know
What was homo without a mother
Till that mother lieth low
Low beneath the budding daisies,
Ftee from earthly care or p.in
To the home so sad without her,
Never to return igain.
Cause and IKh'cct ol" the Prceiit Short
Supply in wool.
The Pilatlelphia Tyntirer of Feb
ruary 0th Pays: lor ssoine time
nt there has been great excite
ment in the wool market, owing to
the steady increase in the price of
this commodity. This has been
occasioned by a wool famine all
over the world. Prices have ad
vanced in England and on the
Continent, in all the wool markets
corresponding to the advance here
and in some instances the advance
on the other side has been larger
than here. This wool famine will
last, probably, (ill through the pres
ent year. The clip of 187-3 will
no doubt be the largest in the
world's history, Every one will
make an effort to increase it. The
reason the clip of 1872 will not
be much in excess of 1871 is be
cause the irreat advance did not !
take place until after the lambing 1
season was over.
The advance in woolen goods
has not corresponded at all with
the advance in wool, and this is in a
measure, caused by there being a
no less number of yards of goods
produced than there has been pre
viously. A great many manufac
turers who have heretofore made
up woolen goods are now using in
the place of wool, other materials
which cheapen the cost of goods
per yard, but do not lessen the
production of yards, o, while
there has been a famine in the
wool market, there is scarcely any
decreased production of yards of
From the present appearancpof
things it is highly probable they
will make the manufacturing busi
ness one of the most profitable
that can be carried on in a short
time. The reason is that soon
there will be an enormous amount
of wool to find a market, with
scarcely any increase in the ma
chinery to use it. This will, of
course, diminirdi prices and proba
bly in 1873 we shall see wools
bring lesd than half the amount
they now bring, and goods at al
most the same figures. This is be
cause the number of yards will be
kept about the same, and the de
mand for goods will be about as
large, while the production of
wool will be double what it is at
The small supply of wool in
port has been owing to the fact
that a great many farmers thought
the growth of beef and porlv, as
well us other agricultural products,
would pay them better than the
growth of wool. In the years
I860, 1S70 and 187J the slaughter
of sheep in ihU country wasi very
great. As a consequence the sup
ply of wool in 1871 was not over
two-thirds of the product of 1807,
In other parts of the world, as the
wool tariff in those countries was
different for wool off the skins and
wool on the skins, it created a de
termination to kill sheep so as to
bring the wool here on the skin,
trusting to reproduction to replen
ish their Hocks. Now the wool
tariff is the same for wool on the
skin as the wool oil the skin and
reproduction has not been so rapid
in the countries where they slaugh
tered so heavily, as was anticipated.
C puscquently the supply from all
those quarters is greatly diminish
ed, and the fact stands'boldly out
that a wool famine is being felt the
world over.
In 1870 there arrived in this
country the skins of over five mil
lion sheep. Last year the receipts
of skins were much Jess, because
the duty is now the same oji wool
on the fckin as off. Everywhere
the loss is felt of the number of
sheep slaughtered to supply the
market in this country. The wool
business in this city is extensively
carried on. In domestic wool Bos
ton is first, Philadelphia second
New York third.. In foreign wools
Xew York eel's the most, Phila
delphia comes second and Boston
ranks third, If arrangements
could be effected so that the opera
tors in wool in this citv could im
port directly to Philadelphia,
there would be a great increase in
the receipts of wool at tins port,
and duties paid here which go to
increase the business of Xew York.
There is a vast amount of wool,
and oils and other stock imported
by Piladelphia merchants to Xew
York and then shipped here, the
duties and other expenses being
paid in Xew York. Philadelphia
docs not stand first in the wool
business simply because of means
to bring the product here.
There has been a steady im
provement in the price of wool
last year. The Chicago lire, and a
tight money market following, for
a short time interrupted this ad
vance. In fact it softened prices
a little, but to men taking a closer
view of the case at the time, it
showed that this demand was not
a speculative one, inasmuch as the
consequent depression following
the fire did not effect the price so
slightly. It was really caused for
legitimate purposes. As soon as
money grew a little easier prices
again took an upward turn.
Yool has been higher during
the war than it is now, but then
gold was very much higher also.
The. highest prices for wool ever
riding in this country were in 1804,
in July, when some stocks brought
81 25 per pound. Gold stood then
about 224, and wool is really high
er now than it was in that year. It
is a fact that wool is really bring
ing a higher price to-day in gold
than it ever brought before. Even
in the most speculative times wool
never advanced to the figures to
which supply and demand have
raised it. In other cases it was
simply speculation. Now it is one
of wool. It must be had or the
machines will have to be stopped.
With all the efforts made it is
believel that a considerable pro
portion of the machinery of this
country must stand idle from the
first of May to the first of July,
Mills that have confined themselves
to woolen fabrics will have to stop.
All the efforts to buy a sufficient
amount here at reasonable rates
will prove insufficient in supplying
all the mills. Wool is now simply
being sold to manufacturers who
greatly need it. The great fear
among wool operators is that there
will not be sufficient advance in
goods soon enough to prevent a
great many of smaller manufactur
ers from succumbing and perhaps
crippling seriously some of the
larger establishments.
Tub-wool, which opened in In
diana in June at 09c per pound, is
now worth 00c, I fence wools
which to-day are Toe, cost in Ohio,
it) June, 5gc. Pulled wools worth
to-day 0 5c, in September started
selling at 00c.
. - .
Card from E. V, Love rid go, Esq.
j From the Herald. J
We have received from E. T
Loveridge, Esq , late editor of the
Olyinpia Courier, the following
card, to which we assign a place
in the columns of the JLirahl with
much pleasure. 3Ir. Loveridge, a
few months since, took editorial
charge of the Courier a new Re
publican paper, understood to have
been established in the interest of
I Ion. Selucius Qarfjelde, the pres
ent Delegate in Congress from
Washington Territory. But, as
3Ir. Loveridge fult that he could
no longer coneientiously act with
the Republican party, of course
he retired from editorial charge of
the Coiiticr, He shows himself,
in this card, to be an honest, frank,
outspoken man:
Olympia, W. T., April 11, 1872.
To TjiK Eofioii of the IIkuald:
My conscience compels me to
avow, both on the score of expe
diency, principle and thought, my
full faith and' sympathy with the
Democratic party of the Gotjntry.
I cannot longer juggle with facts.
To deny my political convictions
would be dishonest. I believe
that only through the Democratic
partr is there hope of redeeming
our fair land from ruinous misrule.
I fully realize all that obloquy I
must receive from those who do
not comprehend the political purit y
of my motives. This administra
tion io alike false to the people and
the age. I confess I had hoped,
until very recently, that there was
sufficient pure life in the Republic
an party to support the Republic
an "-Reform movement." I am
now reluctantly satisfied that it is
solel)- by union with the Democra
cy of the con ii try that we have a
hope of defeating Grant. Mean
while we can afford to, and should,
take "back seat:
To tie feat
Grant and his crowd should be
our first business.
E. F. LovEimxjE.
A servant girl told her master
the other morning that she was
about to give his wife warning and
quit the house. " Happy girl J
would that I could give her warn
ing and quit the house tool" was
the brutal response,
Rhode Island Strange Xews and A
.Strange Condition of Things.
From the Sacramento Reporter.;
The unexpected news from
Rhode Island is just such as would
come from that State every year
if the laws and Constitution of
the United States were not openly
defied in the little commonwealth.
The Fourteenth and Fifteenth
Amendments, and the Act cf Con
gress of May 31, 1870 (to which
we will hereinafter more particu
larly refer), were adopted as Rad
ical measures to prolong the sway
of the Radical party. Whatever
they may have accomplished in
other States for their inventors
they can certainly be made to
plague them in Rhode Island.
The dominant party prates much
of obedience to the laws of the
land (which they have framed),
but the Rhode Island Radicals
claim to be exempted from obedi
ence to such enactments as may
militate against their supremacy
at home. The recent constitution
al amendments and the Act of
May 31, 18?0, are therefore prac
tically in operative in that State.
The Fourteenth Amendment
says that all persons born or nat
uralized in the United States, and
subject to their jmisdictioa, are
citizens of the United States, and
of the State wherein they reside.
The Fifteenth Amendment says
that the right of citizens of the
United States to vote, shall not
be denied or abridged by the Uni
ted States, or by any State on ac
count of race color or previous
condition of servitude. The State
Constitution of Rhode Island is at
war with these amendments.
That instrument requires the nat
uralized citizen to own unencum
bered real estate to the value of
at least 13 4 as a condition pre
cedent to voting. One year ago a
proposition to rtmove this condi
tion was submitted to a vote of
the people (not all the people who
were entitled to vote under the
Federal Constitution, but only to
those who Rhode Island said could
vote,) and was defeated by a large
mai'ority, the Democrats of course,
voting to remove and the Repub
licans voting to retain the propeiv
ty qualification. As it was made
a party question, the result was a
plain confession by the Republic
ans that their lease of power would
terminate upn the adoption of the
proposed amendment. It is care
fully estimated that this property
qualification denies the right of
suffrage to nearly eight thousand
persons. Ail of these persons
are under the Federal Constitu
tion citizens of the United States
and of Rhode Island. They would,
if allowed to exercise the right
which is ckarly theirs, give their
support, it is fair to presume, for
the party that has zealously la
bored todifranchise them against
the party of proscription that spits
upon their manhood. With their
help the Democrats would regain
anl retain the State.
The Rhode Island Republicans
pretend that the property qualifi
cation to which they so tenacious
ly cling, does not deny or abridge
the right of citizens to vote on ac
count of ruee or color or previous
condition of servitude. We ad
mit there is a chance for contro
versy on this point, but we think
the Supremo Court, if a case were
made up, would certainly declare
that naturalized citizens are as
much entitled to vote in Rhode
Island as in any other State, and
that the Rhode Island Constitution
is in conflict with that of the United
States. The Xew York ConstiUw
tion still contains a requirement
that citizens of the African race
must own at least 250 in real es
tate, to entitle themto vote. Thi
provision js treated by every body
as a dead letter, and jnstl' so be
cause it is in conflict with the Fif
teenth Amendment. The eminent
publicist, William Beach Lawrence,
holds that the Rhode Island prop
erty qualification is as directly
against t!;e Fifteenth Amendment
as the Xew York provision is.
But there is a sure way to bring
Rhode Island to her senses speedi
ly. The second section of the
Fourteenth Amendment provides
that Representatives shall be ap
portioned among the several States
according to their respective num
bers, etc!; but that, when the right
to vote at any election for nation
al or State officers is denied to
anv of the nure inhabitants
of "any State, being twenty-one
years" of age and citixms of the
'United States, or in any tray
abridged, except for rebellion or
other crime, the basu of represent
ation in such State shal be reduc
ed in proportion. Now if Con
gress, which proposed and rejoiced
over this amendment, will see that
it is duly enforced in Rhode Island
as elsewhere, that State will either
have to treat its naturalized citi
zens as other States treat them, or
else loose a member of Congress.
If it should loose oae it would! have
pnly one left,
Jt is an easy matter to make up
a case and bring the points herein
touched on before the proper tri
bunals, and we hope the present
year will witness their adjudica
tion. The news from Rhode Island is
cheering. The election of a Dem
ocratic Lieutenant Governor was
a noble achievement. Like Con
necticut and Xew Hampshire,
Rhode Island holds a State election
every year. In 1870 the Republic
an candidate for Governor had 4,
198 majority in a total vole of less
than 17,000. In 1871 the same
candidate had a majority of 3,573
in a total vote of only 14f000.
Sow the same candidate lias only
1,175 majority, while the Demo
crats elect their Lieutenant Gov
ernor and make gains in the Leg
islature. We have been getting
good news of late. The little
State of Rhode Island and the
great cities of Cincinnati and St.
Louis furnish fresh and shining ev
idences of the inextinguishable vi
tality of the Democratic party.
Protection is Driving oiTOur Trade.
The opening of rivers and small
ports of China, and the develop
ment of the India and Japan trade
have created during the last few
years, in these waters an immense
demand for light and swift steam
ers. Xo one could build these
steamers like our American me
chanics, for American light draft
steamers, like American clippers,
are the lightest, the most graceful,
and the best, in the world. And
previous to the enactment of the
Morill tariff, m 1801, all the orders
for the steamers for which such an
immense demand is now springing
up in the East, came to the United
States. But when, under the pre
tence of "protecting American Me
chanics," the duties on timber and
iron, copper, cordage, and every
thing which enters into the con
struction of vessels, were so enor
mously laised, the orders went to
England, for there they could be
filled for little more than half the
price which the "protection" tariff
would permit our ship and engine
builders to do the work for. But
deft workers in iron, as the Eng
lish mechanics are, they could not
build boats to take the American
Steamers, and the first vessels sent
out to China from the Clyde and
Thames were too heavy and con
tracted in their accommodations.
To get over their difficulty Ameri
can mechanics, whom the tariff
had robbed of employment, were
sent for to come to England and
hundreds of them now are there
building the upper works for the
English hulls, and teaching their
cunning to English apprentices.
Out of 231 screw ctcumers built pu
the Clyde, last year, 125 were for
the Eastern trade, and their upper
works were constructed.!)' Ameri
can mechanics. A 11 of these vessels
would have been built in the Unit
ed States wepe it not for the tariff,
j ;uid probably I lie greatest part of
them m -an Francisco or oil the
Sound. And this i.s "protection'
what our stupid Mechanics' Insti
tute declares in its report necessary
to encourage! California industry !
-S. F. Post.
Fixoku Marks. A short time
ano a gentleman employed a mason
to do some work for him, and
among other things to 'thin whiten'
the walls of one of his chambers.
This thin whitening is almost col
orless until dried. The gentleman
was much surprised on the next
morning after the chamber was
finished, to find on the drawer of a
bureau standing in his room white
finger marks. Opening the drawer
he found the same on the articles
in it, and on a pocket book. An
examination revealed the same on
the contents of a bag. This prov
ed clearly that the mason with hi
wet hands had opened the drawer
ami searched the bag, which con
tained no money, and then closed
the drawer without once thinking
any one would know it. The
lthin-whiteu'mg' which happened to
be on his hands did not show at
first, and probably he had no idea
that twelve hours' drying would
reveal his weakness! Beware of
evil thoughts ami deeds. They
will leave then finger marks which
yill one day be revealed. They
may be almost, if not cpiile, invisi
ble at first. But even if they
should not be seen during any of
your days on earth, yet there is a
day coming in which all will be
made manifest.
Ought to. A knowing traveler
who had chartered halt a bed at a
crowded hotel, and who was de
termined to have the best half,
buckled a spur on his heel before
turning in. His unfortunate part
ner bore the infliction as long as
he could, and at last roared out :
"Say, stranger, if you're a gentle
man, vou ought to cut your toe
Men slip on water when it is fro
zvn and on whisky when it isn't,
The TariiT,
From the S. F. Examiner
The leaders of the Cincinnati
Convention indicated in a recent
letter that a platform will be
adopted favoring a tariff for reve
nue only. It aims, by foreshadow
ing this policy to obtain the sup
port of the Western States, by
having trade as free as it can be
by raising a portion of the revenue
by low duties. Some who are ex
pected to act with the Convention
are willing to leave the tariff' ques
tion untouched, by allowing the
various Congressional districts to
decide it for themselves. The de
bates in Congress in the House,
during the month of March, exhib
it how unequally the burden of
protection falls on the agricultural
States. The membeis of those
realize the tact that they pay more
in enhanced prices to home manu
facturers than they continue in
duties to the Government. Taxa
tion for the latter, if rendered in
any degree equal, may be tolerat
ed, but to pay a greater sum to
manufacturers in the shape of
bounties or tribute is intolerable.
The annual value of agricultural
productions is nearly live-fold
greater than the value ot manufac
tures. Our imports during the
IMit year, including free goods,
milieu, etc., amounted to 518,
759,518; on the duty-paying arti
cles 202,450,073 were collected in
gold. On similar articles produced
under the productive duties, the
consumers paid a tax nearly, if
not fully, as great as to the Gov
ernment. The foreign articles en
hanced in cost by the duty, enable
the home manufacturer to sell his
goods at the same price. On salt,
iron, steel, leather and hides, cotton
and woolen goods, the whole
amount of woolen goods, the
whole amount of revenue collected
was 71 ,2 1 9,904. Salt pays a duty
ot 139 per cent; iron, fioai 43
to 101; steel, from 31 to 53; cot
ton goods, 50 per cent, and up
wards; woolen goods cloth, G8;
blankets, 100; flannels, 113, etc.
Annual vaue cotton manufactures, $170,000,000
" " woolen " 1 TO.OOO.OOO
" " iron " 202, :.).( KM )
" " leathar " l.S0,l)O0,000
Total ..738,335,000
The total value of agricultural
productions is 3,580,904,000.
With the restrictions imposed on
trade by high duties the farmers
are shut out from purchasing where
they can purchase cheaply; they
are also obliged to sell their pro
duce in the limited borne market,
diminished in importance by re
strictive laws. This high taxation
has destroyed our shipping, and has
rendered what was once our most
important industry almost a lost
art among our people, We have
hedged around our immense sea
coast a species of blockade more
effectual than if enforced by iron
clads. We have denied entry to
foreign merchandise except at ex
orbitant duties, and what now
reaches our shores comes tinder for
eign flags, for so inexorable have
been the demands of protectionists
that they have laid their palsying
touch eveji on shipping, make it
more costly for an American vessel
to sail on the great highway of na
tions than ships under any other
This high protective system is
the principal cause of the extrava
gant expenditures of government.
The greater- the annual disburse
ments and the greater the forced
effort to pay off more of the X"a
tional debt than is necessary for
the best interests of the country,
the stronger becomes the plea of
the manufacturer for high duties.
We imported last year cotton
goods to the value of '$20,588,000,
t he duty on which was 10,774,000;
but this formed a small portion of
the cotton fabrics consumed by our
people. This quantity, however,
while it did not prevent high
prices to the consumer prevented
an absolute monopoly on the part
of the manufacturers. The mo
ment the prices exceeded the cost
of the foreign artjple with the
duty, imports to a certain extent
came in competition and benefitted
the consumer. Of manufactures
of wool the total importations last
year were 52,700,008, which paid
of 33,529,475, an average of 08
per cent., and up to this high scale
the home manufacturer was secure
of his market, for in addition to
the duties, freight and insurance
operated also in his favor.
The tariff question will be the
most important in the coming cam
paign for on the reduction of du
ties depends the economical admin
istration of the Government, We
now collect revenue on nearly four
thousand articles of merchandise;
the duties on some of which do not
pay the cost of collection.
The reduction of duties on leath
er and w oolen goods is more impor
tant to the people than on tea and
coffee, but as the latter do not
come in competition with home
manufactures, their free admittance !
......;... t,. 1, keot u on somer
thi-else, The farmers fee thej
burden of tariff taxation more than
any other class. They feel it as
consumers of the necessary articles
of life ; they feel it as producers 8f
staples, the value of which is in
cTeased by the exchanges of recip
rocal commerce. An important
duty to them is, reality, an export
duty on their productions. They
also feel the high tariff more than
any other class, because it taxes
them so heavily on the implements
required in their struggle with the
toil. The sickle, the scythe, tho
mowing blade and tho plow, ara
taxed for the benefit of the iron
masters, and that art the most an
cient of all, in a country where
the farmer has in his hand the
control of the nation, is condemned
to use inferior instruments, because
the improved reaping and mowing
machine are taxed beyond the
means of the farmer to purchase.
There will be an unrising of tbw
people against the iniquities ot the
present tariff in the next campaign
and we recognize the ability
of the leaders of the Cjn
cinnati movement who have fore
shadowed their probable pro
gramme in adopting thermcipltx)
so long maintained by the Demo
cratic party a tariff for revenue
only, o o
ThQ Mighty West.
Xo longer, says an exchange, is
it a dubious proposition that tho
expression of Bishop Berkely was
correct when he declared : "West
ward the course of empire takes
its way." The discovery of gold
in California gave the first impetus
to the tide of immigration which
ever since rolled towards tho
Pacific coast ; but once set thither
ward, that tide has swept over ad
jacent interior regions and devel
oped astounding resources of min
eral and agricultural wealth. On
this western marge of the Ainer
ican continent, we predict, will be
ultimately manifested the highest
intelligence of the coming cen
turies. Here will be concreted tno
concentrated essence of theXJnental,
physical and moral powerof all
the nations of the earth. In tlioo
citv of San Francisco or in its
threatened rival municipality,
"The Central City" of the Pacific
Railroad Company, will be congre
gated, in less than twenty years,
exemplars and illustrations of ajl
that is eminent in mechanical inven
tion, all that is superalative in
poetic production, all that is sur
passing in practical judgment all
the attributes, faculties and capacio
ties which determine intellectual
supremacy. In short we are a
great people; or likely to be. In
proof of thi! proposition thatgthe
Pacific Coast is progressing rapidly
on the road to future grandeur, W03
reproduce the following from the
llural lress : g
Xo longer that out of the way
place on the globe, Oregon, fioirP
the indomitable energy of her
people and the grand system of
railroads now being inaugurated
and rapidly pushed from point to
point in her wide domain, is, as a
State, assuming oil important that
cannot but attract the attention, if
not the envy, of some oP her older
sister States. Her cities and towns
have awakened to renewed life and
activity, her population is rapidly
increasing, and other evidences of
a progressive and prosperous fu
ture, from this day onward, ar
apparent on every hand.
A similar spiritQ of enterprise8
with like results, seems also to
have seized upon the people of
Washington Territory, where new
and vast improvements are already
in progress, that will have no re
lapse till a developed country and
a mjghty people be fouii where,
and of which, but a few yeans
since we knew but little more of
than as the great North Wpst.
Belikvkp ix His WiFEj2-Durv
ing the trial of a case,a witness per
sisted in testifying to what his wife
told him. To this, of course, the
attorney objected. Re would pro?
ceed again to tell '-shust how it
vas," when the attorney wQtijd sing
out: 'IIowr do you know that?"
My wife told me," was the an?
swer. This was repeated several
times. Presently the judge be
coming unable to contain himself
longer, interrupted; ''Suppose your
wife were to tell you that theheav?
pns had fallen, what would yoi
think?" "Yell, I dial: dey was
. o
Woman J still more interesting
when we contemplate her, night
and day, watching by the pdlp,
of a friend, administering the heal:
in '"balm, sustaining the dropping
head on her sympathizing boSom,
and wiping the clamniy dews of
,lc.ath from the sunken cheeks it
is in such a scene lovely woman
shriiied unrivalled, and constrains'
man to pay Jiomage due to angles
ot hunianity.
A ohotoorranher advertised!
"Babies taken and finisfied in fiva