o 'Ty-''--'8-" o. 0 ljc llUcklij aSiitcrprisc. 1UIDAY, AVUlh in. 1.' TOWN YXU tOi.VTV. Su A n-i.icno.v. A- V White. a we known citizen'of this co-my. it'll at It is .1 CI residence on the J'" 'hr v al : lesidcttce on in !. . - i 'V ,11;- r i" -It.il-t. twenty- . ........ f J -s hi- wiJow anil a daughter lo I i.u V--s und : circle ot lrieuds mourn in- , . to WM'!!' Lo was ciiu.iieu. in - man of s en t lin r integrity, direct l:otn's mill CoriScU! lions, in tin- dischaige ot his lations of I iff. I"' ci.nnnui'.iiy in wmci .e - l.HhurtiSv in th.-ir sad bereavement, li the loss of a good citizen ami a lino man. -.lno,.s7d. (-1'. -) Bniltll,.. The deceased, A. W- White, was the eldest brother of Cat. W. L. White of this city, who Las been Tor many years a resident amongst 3, twenty-two years of tli State. i :.., I... i:-t-..j ili-iri'4 Willi Jutv List. The following named per sons hurt V.eea drawn to serve as jurors at the special term of the Circuit Court, to le held in this city on tlie 'i'Jih hist. : Cbus. Uwen'mgs. C. 1'. tlleasuil, V- M. fiiii. 'arson. f'eo.tiitldns, I .Canj'.hers. John C. Wolgamat. 11. Fellow, J. it During. ( hiti Price. John I'iilimiteer, A. J. Stout. U. (J Moody. A.ni Sander, W H- Slai k-weuir.t-r, Joseph Wright, W. B. I'arllow. E. U". Swail'ord, I'eter Wilson. J. L. Stnithor. Ii. V. Short. Jonathan Winner. James Elton, A- J.Siubb. Edward Koibos, (J. (J. Smi h. Will Eiongton, Francis '"cvenou, i'eter i'aqued, James Garret. O.h'j Kriise. Knocli Sisirvin. Ukavv Ei.ast. Yesterday afternoon a lieavy blast was. let off" at the Locks which threw pieces of rock on this side of !e' river. (Me' stone si ruck a Lal:-bree.I n. inn-. 1 Dick iLiwe on the head, inflicting a seven wound on his forehead. Anoiher ink struck the roof of Mr. Loirus" L tlie bu'eher jiud m i shoji pi'.vsir.g througli root reck ; S e.l iiinir in the cieS! nt 1 his weighed J() tlirouiih Ihe jxuir.iis. and a: o 1 r p windo'.v of Mr r. .s r'.i- leiice, i iking Mrs. F. on the stunilijer. bill, doing no scri'iii-J damage. We under stand that jivecau l ion will be taken to avoid .such accidents in the future. A.voiiiKi: Mtr.r.Kit. Henry C. Eerr'mgev, better keowu in this place as Ciay Holes, v as shot this morning about 4 o'clock by James fj.trdon. at Linn Ci'3-. and died ubout 7 o'clock. The idiot took eifect at the, thigh shattering the leg bone iti'.o pieces. Eo'h fuinies Itavc been engaged in ti-ldng. and il ajijoars that C'- v Ion had destroyed ihe boat belonging to Leri inger. who nt lo ihe house lo asceriain W hetht -r i wl'fti he was Guidon l h ; t did i: or not. in.nelia'ey shot him. We i before, and friendly !! ireitmg t-io the (iar.ie-1 Imve not bern i n ins for sometime. Murders aie freijuent in liiis conn ty. Lkctit.k.--Dr. lit (Veiling Eon rise delivered;;! lect al. the Court House, ire on "'lie tion llled evei ii !), i's preservation, ami its restora- '. tie !us, in'ii dniil -a hlidiit flw no r,f i:ie.-? lie delivers a lect tin :is ur.ir to men alone. I, emir otherwise e iged we were unable to attend last even i i Cki.kj:PlAT!o.x. We are informed t'n t the meuiiieii ol the I. O. O. F. in Yamhill county have combined and proposo to have nroeest'im, inusfo, oraiiun. Ac. Mr. Cha. E. Waireu, of tilts city lias been in vited to deliver tlso address. W! icti we pre Ect will le very iutereslin C'x'.i.vui. We had ihe pleasure if a call from M i s. A. J. Duidway, editress of the Yec X: -.' !( si. yesterday. She informs u- that she had quite a revival at Lafay ette fur the cause id' Woman Suffrage, and that her cause goes marching on. Thespeciil term of the Circuit Court will be held on Monday, April 2!)'h. instead of the 2fi(h. as announced in oiw last is.-me. fur the trial of several eases, which may be found in the adver tisement elsewhotT-. Nkaki.y Di:nvKi. -V couple of young men were in a skiff last Tuesday, opposite Judge Can field's landing, when the boat, upset, and one of the young men nearly drowned before lie was rescued. Hor-K i on Sai.i:. A comfortable house and two lots on the Li!I are advertised for sale. It is a desirable home for any per son, the house U nearly new and pleasant ly situated. Cai.ti'o B.u.i. . We are interred thai there will be a calico ball given at Myer's Hall next Friday evening. The beauty and fashion of our town are expected to be present. Skwim; SotaFTV. The Ladies' Sewing Society of the Episcopal Church will meet next Tuesday afternoon, at the residence of Mrs. A. Noltner. W'n.r. Cki.khatk. We learn that it is the intention of Oregon Lodge. No. .. I. O. O. F. to have a celebration next Fri day. The programme is not yet settled upon. It will be given in our next. Nkw Goons. A. Levy has just received B new stock of spring and summer goods, which he is offering at a low figure. Give li s in a call. Arcnox. Mr. Wm. Singer proposes to sell his entire stock of furniture at auction oa the 27th inst. Ix Tiavx J. R. Ualston, Esq., formerly pf this city, now of Lebonan, arrived in town yesterday. R.EMKr.;r.u. There will bo a special meeting ol the Vestry of St. Paul's Church this evening. The ;ate will have on hand this fall out $100,000 as the proceeds of the t'swamp land swindle."' r his sum could have been ia the State treasury ton years ago, bat instead of that, the incompetency ot rascality of the Radical officials nearly lost the entire grant to the Slate. This swimtte ' ia put vac wmtuu iu lue '.ate Treasury. Goon Selkctiox. Hon. C. P. Bellinger was placed in nominal ioa by the district delegation f01- the oflicc of rroseciu:rr Attoruey uf this District. Mr. IE is a citizen of East Portland, a lawyer of good ubiiifie?. an honest man. and reliable Democrat, and if he is elected will make a goed and faithful officer. lYrt.tc Spkaslm.;. Gov. Grover will address tho people of this city and vicinity. on me political issues cf tha da- on fiTilijlir- 4.U ".-!, J -s-LJ j .i'lU UUU. i I'roccedings of the -State Democratic Convention. Pursuant fo a call of the Democraic rateCen;rul Committee the Convention ,,?somb!cd at The Dalles on W. dni-sday. ! A nil If - 172. and was Called to order at j l;i o'clock a. m. by lion. Eon. Hay, ieu, i Chairman of the State Central Committee; ; w Leienpon ihe oUowtnjr tcii'.jK r.-.ry o 11 -j eers were elected: Hun. J. V. Xe-jni:li. jf i I'o'.k. Chairman: Mart. V. Ilrown. of Linn. Secretary; Een. L. No! den. of M ultnotn-Ah. Assistant Secretary; ami O. S. Savage, ol Wasco. Sei eant at-Arms. On motion, the following gentlemen were ai poinied a enmie.it'ee on creden tials: J. 11. Neil, John F. Miller. IE W. Morrison. N. II. dates, and -f. II. Frr.it. On motion the. following gentlemen were appoin'ed a committee on organization and cider of business: J. C. Averv, E. Colby. J. C. Carroll, A. II. Erown, J. M. 'i'l.nm pson. On molten, tlie representatives of the press who were present were invited to convenient seals, within the bar. On mo:ion. the Convention took a re cess until 1 o'clock p. mv AFIKUXOON S:SS!OX. Onk o'clock v. m. Ce-UYcri'ion met pl.rsoant to adjouriiment. The ct mmittee on credential reported ihe following delegates entitled lo seats in i his Convention : Jackson county J. U. Neil by Dr. El lis, proxy: W. A. Childers by J.U.Neil, proxy ; Ma'heu Fountain by Neil, prow; W. F. Simmer by Neil, prow; L. P. C. Duncan by Neil, proxv ; James Miller by Neil, proxy; Jacob Winner T. (EEieh ni'iml. proxy; Eenjamiu Ilaymoud by L. F. Mosht r. proxy. Douglas County L. F. Mosher; James Eurneit by iiosLcr. proxy; Aaron liose bv .uosLer. proxv: A. iui ;s ly .Motier. i .Mosher jiroxy ; 11 Ellitr bv Mother, proxy: F. LI. ii ill by . If. Lowe, proxy; 1-. Sa di es liu by II. II. leisve. i'o.y. Cor.s county U. II Lowe. William Tnrjiin by l,owe, proxy: J, Curry county W i 1 1 ia m Jas. Allien, proxy. Josephine county A. L. O. Uiehmond. ju oxy; T. inu-s Aiken. Ticliemu- by Vv'aldon by T. , Patterson by Uichmond. jnoxy. JJenttin ouiiicy J. C. Avery. Green ber ry Smith. John Euineii. IE S. Sirahun by Eurneit.' l'l'oxy ; John T. Hughes by Smith, proxy; John Foster. Marion county John F. Miller, William Cosjicr.C. Curl.T. 11. Caun by William Tliomjison. jurxv; E. F. Coltiy. K. C. Kinney, F. E. Kldridge by J. C. Perry, proxy'; J. C, Ferry, F. Malhevv, W. J. 1 lerrin. J. 1". Ei ovn. Linn county George II. Helm. M. V. Erown, Nimnv.i Price. J. Wlieeler. J. J. Crabtree. Proton M linkers' by A. Huckle-m-in. jo oxy ; Part. Curl, John Settle by W M.Smith juoxv; O. P. Coshow, 11. F. End 1. J. 1 1. Smith" P. Fallow. Multnomah county Dr. J. A. Chapmen, E. A. Croi.iu. Al. Zi. ber. IE J. Ladd. E. J. Ji lilies. C. Il alii rty, I. C. Carroll. Thomas K an. Pen. E. Nonlen, (Jeorge L. Curry. Washington county Uiysse.s Jackson. J. E. Shiuette. J. A. Eichaidsou, J. H. Porter. Columbia cotinfy Squire Benuett, 3. A. .M lies. la'soo eoiintv -IE W. Morrisou. Wasco ci.urit v II M. Eeall, IE kerri- son. N. 11. (Jates. Emaiilla coHiitr J. IE Fruit. O. F. Clark. II IE Ca dwell by W. IE Earnhart. proxy; IE C. Puge b) L. Kerr, proxy; J. A. 1 ioreiice. Union county --A. C. Sm'u'i. A.C.Craig. T. 1. Uhir.ehart hy A. C. Smi h, juoxv ; John .Miller by A. C. Craig, jiro.vy. Haker ceu'ity A. II. Erown. G. W. Lake by Ilt'o.wu. juoxy: James Odeil by itrown. pvix ; il. 11 Chandler by Erown. proxy; IE P. C Euvch by Erown. proxy; J. E. Gidliu by Drown, pmxy. Grant coun! V. E. Laswell. George Ch.miberlain. E. E. Turk by Ceovge Cliatn beilain. proxy; Tlionia Howard by Geo. Cl-a i i ber I a it) , p lo v. Polk ci.umv J.'Vv. Nesmith.E. McDan- iel. J. E. V. Euiler. E F. Lurch. W.D. .leilVeys ty J. IE ihiski-t. proxy; 11. N. Y. Holmes. 'L'. (E Uichmond. Yamhill county J. IE Upton. P.. F Lewis by Upton, proxy; J. C. Eraley, J. C. Nelson. J. Grazier. J. C. CU!eiu. Lane county - John M . Thomson. J. J. Walton. Jr . J. P. Hoi; by Thomson, poxy ; Era is S. I i ay. J ohu Do vs. proxv; Jesse Whi aker by (i. J Cox by E G .y. nroxy : E. W. Ehea bv Thomson, proxy; A. M. Osburii by '1 horns ui. jiroxy. ackamas county- -W. E. B. Jenni Wh 'e. A. W. IE N.d .er. Joi.n Myers. Vang bv j: by White, j roxy; J. .V. Burnett Young, proxy; W. E. P arkley. Till On amool- CO! ill v Unrepresented motion., report w;ij adopted and committee tli.-ch irgeJ. 1 lie. committee on organization and or der of bu-iness submitted the following report, w hich was. on motion, adopted : To the Democra ic State Convention : We. youv c-'mmittee on permanent or gaui. uton and order of business respect iul!y fuibgnit th; following report: We recommend the following gentlemen for jiermanent officers of this Convention : lion. J. W. Nesuuth. President. ; .Mart. . Brown. Esip. Secretary ; Ben. L. Norden. Esij., Assitant Secretary O. S. Savage. Esq . Serge.in t at-Arms. OllPKK OK llUSIXKSS. 1. Selection of Committee on Resolu tions. 2. Nomination of a candidate for Con gress. :E Nominal ion of three candidates for Presidential Electors. 4. Election of six delegates to tho Dem ocratic National Convetion. .". Selection of a State Central Commit tee. G. Selection of placa for holding next State Convention. 7. Ratification of District nominafions. J. C. Avery, Chairman. Hon. J. W. Nesmith. on assuming his duties as President of the Convention, de livered ihe following address: which will be found elsewhere. At the conclusion of the President s re in, uks. on motion, ihe following gentlemen were appointed a committee on platform: George L. Curry, ot Mullnom ih. Chair man; J . R. Neil, ol 'Jackson; L. F. Mosher. of Douglas; It. H. Lowe, of Coos; James Aiken of Curry; T. G. Richmond, of Jos ephine; J. C Avery, of Benton; J. F. Mil ler, of Marion; Mart. V. Brown, of Linn; Ulysses Jackson, of Washington; S. Ben nett, of Columbia; IE W. Morrison, of Clatsop; N. II. Gates, of Wasco; J. II. Fruit, of Umatilla: A. 0. Smith, of Union: A. IL L'rown. of Baker; W. B. Laswell. of Grant; IE N. V. Holmes, of Polk; J. IE Upton, of Yamhill; J. M. Thompson, of Lane; A. Noltner. of Clackamas. On ni'ition, the Convention took a recess until 1 j). in. Fotii o'clock p. m. Convention met. and was ascertained that the committee on platform were not ready to report, where upon the Convention took a further recess until 7 p. m. tvuxixo s ess, : o x. :.kv:x o'clock n. m. The cctnmittco on resolutions submitted the following pl.it- 1 1 01 ta, wLicn was on motion, unammousiv n was on motion, unanimously Piatform wiilbe fuund eise"- adopted where. Nomination of a candidate for Con gress being now in order, the to! lowing . gcnuemeri vt re propiwd to the Lo.iveu- i tioa as cmutdates; Ceo. R. Helm, of Linn ; Bet.jumin Ilayden, of Polk : John Burnett, of Eeiiton : J. II. Slater, of Union. Fitst ballot Helm. 30 ; Ilayden, 21 ; Burnett. o' : Slater. Illl. Second baiEu Ileiin.32 ; Ilavden, 20 : Burnett. 3 f ; Slater. 32. Third ballot Helm. 2? Ilayhen, 21; Burnett, 3b' ; Slater. 32. Fourth ballot Helm. 37 ; Ilayden, 10; Burnett, 33 fc pater, J-'. 1 v Fif.h ballot Ileitn. oO ; Ilayden, 20 ; Burnett, 38 ; Slater. 30. - - After the fifth ballot the names of Messrs. Ilayden and Slater were with d. aw n. Sixth ballot Helm. 47. ; Burnett. 71. Tne Chair having announced that Mr. Cui'iiett bad received a majority of nil the votes cast, he was unanimously de claied, by acclamation, the nominee of ihe Democracy ot On-gou fcr Uepiesenta tive to Congress. Nomination of three candidates for Presidential Electors being next in order, ihe fallowing gentlemen were pnosed lo the Conveirion : George It. Helm, of Linn; L. F. Lane, .,f Dongl s; N. IE Gates, of Wasco ; O. II umason, of Wasco Upon the vote being taken, ibe follow ing was announced us the result : Helm, US ; Lane. 11.3 ; Gates, 1 ; Hiun ipon.43 The chair un.uou need that Messrs. Helm. Lane and Gates, having, each re ceive 1 a majority of all the votes cast. were lilt; nominees, jt 1 Te.-iJcnilal liec- tors. The following named gentlemen were elected by acclamation as Delegates to the National Democratic Convention : A. Eush. of Marion ; J. T. Glenn, of Jack son ; Al. Zielier. of MuLnomah ; J. V Virtue, of Uaker i O. S. Savage, of Wasco: E. F. Colby, of Marion. "i'he toiloing State Central Committee we.s appointed : J. A. Chapman, of Mult nomah. Chairman ; Benjamin Haymond. of Jackson : A. Pose, of Douglas; W. H. Jackson, of Cods. ; William Tichenor, ol Curry ; A. L. Waldron. of Josephine ; J C. Avery, of Pen ion ; G. W. Gray, ot Marion ; N. Ik Cranor. of Linn ; F. A Bai c-y, of Washinirton ; Y. A. Musgrove, of Columbia ; A. Van lusen, of Clat-sop . Victor Trevitt.of Wasco ; IE C. Paige, ol Umatilla ; A. C. Craig, of Union ; J. D. II tines, of Baker ; J. W. Baldwin, of Grant ; II. N. V. Holmes, of Folk ; J. H. Upton, of Yamhill ; J. J . Walton, Jr., of Lane ; W. L. White, of Clackamas ; W. II Faucet t, of Tillamook. The following Judicial District nomina tions were ratified by th Convention : First District F. r Judge. P. P. Print, of Jackson : for District Attorney, J- It Neil, of Jackson. Second District--For District Attorney. C. W. Fi-ch. of Lane. Third District For District Attorney, J. J. Shaw, ot Marion. Fourth District For District Attorney, C. B. Bellinger, of Multnomah. Fifth Ph irict For District Attorney, W. IE Li -well, of Grant. On motion the Convention proceeded to vote fiT the place of holding the next State Convention, with the following re sult : Portland (10, Salem ."2, Eugene Cily P). El e isburg 0. The Chair announced that Portland had been selected. Tlie !o llowing resolutions T.erc unani mously adopted. 7iV.sor, 1. That the members of this Convention return their liiauKs to its officers for the efficient manner in which they have performed their respective duties. 2. That we return our acknowledg ments to the Oregon Steam Navigation C impany for favors and courtesE- ex tended to us. Cn motion the Convention adjo lined sine die. J. "vV.NES.MITTI, President. Manx V. Bnowx. Secretary. B. L. Nouiikn. Asst. Sec'y. Democratic Platform. -.-.'?, 1. That we the Pernoeratio party of the State ol Oregon, are jdedged to u strict construction ol the Constitution, t.l.e restoration and pieservation of the rights of the States to regulale their internal affairs. and estiechi tl. elective franchise, free from t:.e Ciiitrol ;f intefeience of the Gen era! G.'vein men'; the protection of individ ual rights in ac.ti-rdance with the fund amen ta! laws of the 'ail', including the lights to the writ of labe.is crjuis, trial by jury and free-lom from unreasonable searches ai.d seizin es. 2. That we are opposed to every species of con n; tion in all !ep 1 1 1 m eiJs of tlie -.lunici pal, Stale an I Naiional (jlove nnients. a. That our motto is, no privileged classes and no ivii ged capita!. 4. That we are in favor of a tariff t ratse money only for the necessary expenses o: the Federal !ove: nai- nt, and not for the benefit of monopolists. o. Ihat we view with alarm the flagrant i nd open violations of the Pons! if ution by the party nov contndling the Genet al Gov ernment, in t-,e'p.isa re and enforcement of the Ifeconst: ti' ilon an I Ku Ivlux laws, and the corruption a;al fraiul whicli cliaractei i.es their adiuinistr.it ion of every di'partineut of Govei nie.eiit, and we pledge ourselves to u-c all lawful and peaceable means to secure a spvedy correction of these outrages and usurmitions. (i. Tiuit the freedom, welfare and rights of the jK'ople are superior to the interests ol ineoiporat ioiw, and should be protected against the ex.-.ctions of oppressive monop- oiies. 7. That we favor the appropriation of the fund aii-ing iiotu the stile of the swamp lands to p'.rpost s of internal improvements and the aid of common schools 8. That the construction of locks at the Falls of the Willamette is a judicious and effective safe-guard of the commerce of the Willamette Vallej, and we favor legislation to the end that the commerce of the Colum bia river may be in like manner benefited and jM'otected. y. That the thanks of the people of Oj-e-con are due our present State administra tion lor its successful efforts in securing to the State the grants of land which other wise would have fallen into the bauds of grasping corporations IIcrh.ui rott Rhode Island! At the election held last week in Rhode Island, a State which has always majorities rang ing fron 4.000 to 8,000 for tho Radicals, the Democrats elected the Lieutenant Governor and gained several members o! the Legislature' Joe Wilson does notlikethe Democyitic j'latform. How strange that is ! The Democratic convention should have a"- lowed htm to dictate the jdatform. lie might then have been satisfied. It was a terrible oversight in the Convention not consulting bis w ishes in that respect. Disloyal. The Montgomery (Ala.) Siale Jonrnal is a staunch Radical newf paper. but it denounces tho ofilee-holders in Alabama as a "mob."' and therefore it is held to be disloyal to the party. At the residence of Mr. Orin Belknap, in Clarksville, Oregon. March 31st, IS72, by R v A J Josdu. Mr. Phillip M. Bclknan and Miss Laura Caittouwine all of Clarks- viile, Oregon. lltlisis Services. St. Pauls ( Episcopal) Church, the Rev. John W. SelEvood. rector. Services on Sundar at iiij a.m. and 7 r. )t. Sunday School and Bible class at -J p. m. 1st Congregational Charch. Morning Services, Sabbath School Evening Sei vices . .Seats Free jo. 12 o'clock M. .7 o'clock. Kkv. E. Gekky, Acting Ptor TRAVEK 3IEETINOS. Snndav evening 5 o'clock Tue.-day evening 7 o'clock. o M. E. Church, Seats Free. Morning Services, lo.3o, Evening Services 7 o'clock. S-CIVL MEETINGS. Cla Meeting following llomiu? Servces. Praver Meeting Thufsd iv eveninc 7 co'clok. Sabbath School at 2 o'clock I'. M. Rev. E. Gerry responded to Mrs. Duni way the other evening, and carried off the laurels. Xo II urabug. We d') not wish to inform you, reader, that Dr. Wonderful, or any oMi-er-irmi, has discovered a remedy that cures all dist-a-es i f mind, body or estate, and is d signed to make our sublunary sphere a bhsslnl Paradise, to which Heaven itself shall l-e but a side shi-w, but we rto wish to iuform yon that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy has cured thousand of ca-es of Catarrh in its worst forms and stages, and the ju-opi it-tor will p y -J500 for a case ot this loathsome disease that he canuot cure. Sold bv di ugi.-ts. By using Hall's Yeetable Sicilian Hair Rem ver30ur l air will resume its original itaaty and color. The True (aonnili of oiiii'ltiUf. Whence comes that ftim leiianee, that ahso lute, v.nJoubting faith in the efficacy of IIos tetter's Stomach Bitters as a remedy for in digestion, billions disorders, intermittent and remittent fevers, which rotot iously prevail in all parts of the United States? This con fidence ha been growing f r twenty years, and it is still extending." It is t the. result of credulity;; it has not been engendered by any human device, bat is the spontaneous and natural consequence of experience. What peeple see daily going on under their oivn evt$.they cannot question. W lien fam ilies in urdiealtEy districts that resort to this wholesome vcgetabk tonic, as a preventive, e-cape periodical fevers, and tluir inuncli ate ueighbors, who negjeU this precaution, are prostrated by the disease, bow is it jios sihle tlait thd phenomenon sho -.dd be with out i's lesson?. In like manner whfn it is seen that obstinate cases ot dyseDsi.a, of liver complauit, o consiijation, of nei vous weakness, and of general debility, yield to the operatLo-t of the famous remedy, how can even incredulity itself withhold, its en dorsement,? Eyewitnesses of th salutary etf.cts of the Hitters are to bn found in ev ery civilized settlement on this continent. The thousands tqion thousands who owe their icsto.atioa to health and strength, 01 their preservation from sickness, to its ex traordinary medicinal projei ties, are enthu siastic, in its juaise. The multitudes who make public their est mat ot its virtues, are ahvavs ready to state their reasons for the faith "that is" in them. They have ali either felt, or witnessed its beneliceut opera tions. l'.Xl,i,.S. BACA?IS51KXT "tO. i, I. O. v . F. Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall on the ITPST AND Till UI) TUMSDAV EVENING of each m rnth.. Patrurchs in good staad inu are 'n.vited to attend. l eh. S. tf For the very bet photographs, go to lh ad lev & Rulofs ni's Gal'ery wiihovt STAIU. ASCEND IN THE ELEVATOR, Pit) Montgomery Street, San Fraitei co. WILLIAM DAVIDSON, REAL ESTATE- DEALER. OliUf, fto. Ci l-ioit Street, POilTLAXD, OREGON. REAP ESTATE in this CITY and EAST POiiTEAND, in the most desirable loealilies. consisting of EoTS, HALF HI-Ot'KS and BLOCKS, HOUSES and .STOKES; also IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable uncultivated BANDS, located in ALL parts of the STATE for SALE. PEAL ESTATE and other Property purchased for ( 'orresnondents, in this E1TV and throughout the STATES and TEKRI TORll'.S, with great rare and 011 the most A I) V A N TA GEO US T E It .MS. BOUSED and STORES LEASED. LOANS NEGOTIATED, and CLAIMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COL LECTED. A'id a General FINANCIAL and AGENCY BUSINESS transacted. AGENTS of this OFFICE in all the CITIES and TOWNS in the SI ATE. will re ceive descriptions of FARM PROPERTY and pou-ward the same to tho above address. Feb. 3, IsTl. Special tVoIiee. INFALLIBLE WORM SYRUP FOR CHIL DREN. Messrs. !viiu & Ilrollici s, Whole sale and Retail Me-chants, Canby Station, Orejion. are oiv an t ! oi ized agents for the salt: of the Infallible Worm Syrup, who will constantly keep a snpjdv on hand. " DR. J. W. VAN DEN BERG 1 1. Salem, March 'J'J, ls7.tf Imp ii taiit to tliv I.:i;l!es. I have jiist received a supply of Clark's 'pool C'otton.O.I and Needles, to suit the r- biituee Sewing Machine, which arc for sale at the lowest market price. I go to San Fraiici-co to purchase goods for the Spring tear e on the in xt trip of tlie Oriilamme. So look out for a fine su ck at 1 educed rate-i. Narch 2;;:tf THOMAS CHAItMAX MiilliiuHiati L(il; Sn. 1, A. K. ami A Holds its regular communica V"'v'tions on the Fit-it and Th ird .Satur-f?-7y in each monih, at 7 o'clock from the 20th of September to tho 20th of March, and 7i o'clock from the 20th of March to the Vfoth ot September. Breth ren in good standing are invited to attend. Dec. -J3.1 S70, By order of W. M. Special ot!eo. Tntiksfstios,- is the cause cf ninp-tnfhs of ell diseases the livintr niachinn is subject tot Give tono to the sUomnch and digestive ortrans. and ou will save more than half in your doctor's bills. r. lfi-tiIy'N .li-lira I.VI. tl ii t?v ar; recom- mendi'd by all physicians to Dtspeftics and for all Complaints of t'e Liver and DiorsTiva Okgans. See advertisement in another column. Oregon Lodge So. 3, I. O. of O. F". os'.!. iRets every Thnrschij' even inS at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's 'j,vivs 1Ja!ii .Maui s ec-t. Members of the Order are invited to attend 15 V order. V. i. Kvlierca Diijicc Lodge No. '4, . O. O. F Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDAY EVL'XIXGS, of each month, at 7 o'clock, in O Id Fellows Hall. Members of the Legree aie invited to at ten d. Blanks. All kind- of blanks can be had at this office Job. Printing of every description neatly executed, at short notice. 7)w To-I)y. SPRING GOODS JuaT received bv LEVY. HAVE JEST RFDElVED A COMPLETE and w ell-assorted stock of CUSTOM-MADE CLOTHING, AD GEXTLDiEXS' FI RMSI11NC GOODS, Which I will tell at rcdaced prices. Call and examine my ttoclr, before purchas ing elsewhere. Trolnce Taken in Exchange for Goods. A. levy:, Main street, Oregon City. Circuit Court rsaotice. State of Oregon. 5 Cocxtv of Clackamas. ' Circuit Court of thft State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. XX VACAT'OX FTKR THE MARCH te.tn, A. D., 17 2: Now on this eleventh day cf April. W2, it is ordered and ap pointed by the uedersig' ed Circuit Judge in the 4th Judicial DEtriet x said State, and presid-ng .Paige in the said Court, that a term of the sa:d Court be In Id at the Circuit Couit ioom, at the Court House in said county, commencing n Monday the 2uth day of April, IsTl', for the transaciion of the business following: to wit, for the trial of the following cases, namely : The case of the State of Oregon against Mirhael McCi iunck, in which the said Mich eal M Cot mick is accused of the crime of murder. The case of the State of Oregon agiinst Jacob Engel, in which the sui I Jacob Eeget is acc lsed ot the ciimt of murder. The case of the State of Oregon against Jim, an Indian. Toe case of James M. Moore against Got leib Greaj e. And the eae of Cans against Gans. And also for the convening a id selection of a Grand Jury, and of triul j u ies, the em panneliing ui l organiz ng a trrand jury for siifcl term, and a ay aad ail proper uciion and jiroceedincs of such pratid jury in any and er.ch of the cases a!ove mentioned iu which the State of Or. gon is a party. Jt is ordered -and appointed ihat said te: 1:1 tt" held on aid twenty ninth day of Ajnil, lb72. and until tlie lu'rther order of the said Court. W. W. UPTON, Circuit Junde. Filed April l.'th, 172. at 0 o'clock, p. in. J. M. FAZER, Clerk. House For Sale. A DWELLING HOUSE CONTAINING t V. seven rooms, s tuated on the hill, is ot tered for s ile on reasonable terms. For par ticulars apply to Geo. Harding at tlie Itanium Saloon, or to Henry Harding ut the Lincoln IJaki ry. Oregon City, April H, 1S7'. tf Treasurer's fJotico. Corvt y The a sen En's Oi-tm e, Clackamas County, Oregon. COUNTY WARRANTS OF CLACK A nias, endrosed for interest pr.nr to No ember 1 lib, ls71, will be paid on pre.-en'a-lion at the County Trci.s iter's cilice at Ore gon C.ty, Or. gon. Interest will cease from this date. 11. SAFFA EUAN'S. Treasurer. On gon City, April I'J'rh. lbTJ. w4 S. HL'ELAT. CH AS. E WA It II It K. HUELAT &, WAR ESS Attorneys at Law, OFFICE CUAUMAX'S 11U1CK, MAI"" STUEET, OIIEOON CITY, O:iEG0N March 5, ls72:tf FRSELAN m tt D E U T I s )OOM 2 DEKUM'S I5UILDE"E CORN- V er First and Washington Sts., Pot ilaud- .Nuruus, Oxide adunuistered. irSt.. t. H3. POPS, Grocer & Provision Dealer, Next door south of the Court House, Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon, DEALER IX BEST FAMILY Q5GGEBIES, COFFEE, TEA , SUGAR, FLOUR AND Ml-.ALof all kinds, PICKLES, SO T, SALT, CANNED FKU1TS and OYSTERS, Also, all kinJs of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. BUTTER. CHEESE and EGOS, TOliACCO and CIGARS, GLASSWARE, Etc., Etc. All kinds of country Produce t iken in ex- clianiri; fur tjoods at the highest mai ket rates. "t'"l ji ods debreied in the city free of ;ir(;e. A f.iir share of pAtionae solicited. March .j, l&72:tf ' REAL ESTATE, E.SAL ESTATE JACOB ST1TZEL, C. C. WAY. JACOB STKTZEL&C0., SUCCESSORS' TO STITZEL & UPTON., iEIL ESTATE A N I) Cor. front ami aliiiigton Sts., P O Ii T L A XD, O R E G OX , Special attention given to the saleol farm irg lands and city property. All corres poVidencc relating to the iccources of Ore gon will be promptly ans.wered- HSAL ESTATE JCTJUNAL Published monthly. Sent free of cliarga to any address. J JACOB STITZEL & CO. March 15, 1R72:tf SPE!H&S0Mfv!EeQQO0S JUST RECEIVED AT - X. SIS 31.X DF..V1.EII IN DRY GOODS, CLOTillXfJ, BOOTS AND SHOES. HARDWARE, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, NOTIONS, SlC. MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. PRODUCE of all kin Is bought, for which I pa' ihe highest niaiket juice. If you desire irood Goods, at LOW Brief s, call at E J" IR.L1 N'li'S, and examine l.U fresh stock of Spr.ng ioods. GIVE ME A CALL AXD CONVINCE YOURSELVES. My Motto is, QUICK SALES AXD SMALL PROFITS. I. SEELING. Aoril 14. l7I:tf Administratrix's fJotico. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undor-unied has been duly apnointod Ad. rainistnitrix of the Estate of Lawjcuce Hums, dceca-ed, Int of Clie"ja'oa cunty; therefore, ali persons havintr claims against said Estate are required to j.reent them tome, properly veritied, at the atfW of Johnson & Met .'own, -within six months from date. MARY A. BURNS, Admr'x of the Estate of Lawrence Uurus, dee'd. .X dlNsi )N & MtCOWX, Att'ys. March 1S72. Tna!5w4 piPEUIAL MILLS. Savier, LaRcqne & Co., OREGON CJTY. "S-Reep constantly on basd foi sale Midlings, Bran and Chicken Fced.Par'ies t-jqo.tnling feed Cist furnish the sacks. F BOOT AMD SHOE HOUSE! Fall and Winter Trade, II AV1XG RECENTLY FILLED UP OUR assortment of Imported Style in Ladies' anil Gents' -L R P 3 ? I-? 5S.1 VTe will take great pleasure in displaying and receiving orders from our patrons and the public yeneraily. We h-.ive received from Xew York a few ne.ir 01 vticuiaieu M.runi eit.SA BUTTON Fft;NTS, by which a Lace Sho can l e turned into a ben utifal But torn Gaiter Will take orders fur the same t any tiiua. We have the Best and Lat)t Styl in Misses' and Children's Lutton Gai era and U ilmorals th:it are imported, but for goi-d substantial wear there are none that can come up to our own ntake. We Warrant them in every respect. Seven entirely New Stvles of Ladies nnd Misses' ItUBEEKS. T 4 Xills.m. t'onress, M.ir:e Antoinette, Queen's Gcruuin, Velvet Front am' Alaska. Light, . is'i Durable and Neat Fii ting. Also, a lot of Children's Rubbers. Bring cn your feet. v.v czs a y -n t ' X iV U. tmi i. i COME AND SEE M?m BOOT Respectfully, PROTZHAIJ, C-ILLIHAN & CO., Cor- Front and IIcrrisGn Sts-, PORTLAND, REG OX. Dee. 1 . 1s71:tr OL IW MA1X STREET, OitKtjox Crrr, Ottt-coN. jf rpiHS POPULAR HOUSE HAVTXt; Re-n 1. lately REFITTED and FURNISHED, the Proprietors are now ready t aocconuno date their ce.sto.i ers with ll ED-FINISHED double or sit.ttle ro; tns. Tk'-v invite all tlmsa fond of a GOOD ME L and a GOO ll BED. ti call ai.d tive them a trial, for they are confident they Cit juoase everybody, because they know bow to keep a H ti l. Prices to suit the times and Evektbody, according to the rooms occupied. Attached to the House is a For the accommodation of csutomers. MERRIAM & FOURMER, .Tine D.. Is7':tf Proiuietors. LOST. 7 ROM THE UXPERSf ED. LIVING AT Caueniah, ab ut tlie oth i nst , a S01 rel Mare, ab-ut tifteeu hands high; six years old; small white streak in the fort-Lead, with saddle marks; shod all around. Any person returning sad mare or giying inf rmation of her whereabouts, will be suitably rewarcd. WM. IE M R3 HA L. Caneniah, Feb. 22, 1;72. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE- POETXAIID. - - OREGON. GEO, jL. CETISHY, DEALER IX REAL ESTATE AND OTHER IN" VESTMENTS. Commissioner Seiecling Swamp and Orei- dowed Lands. Faini Land ' sold and purchasers obtained for ail kinds of landed propeitv. Val'iab'e securities transferred ia exchange for reul estate. Loans nejrot iated on prc.jieriy, tnii titles examined and deterndneil. "?onimi:ions solicited and executed with fidelity and promptness. OFFICE Xo. I t ('ni ter's Building, corner of Alder and Front stieets. Feb. :s. 1 -7o:t.f AT? TWK LtNOQLH BAKERY. AVE JUST OPENED A FULL VARIE ty of choice FAMILY GROCERIES. AXD PROVISIONS. Tlie Bakery will be constantly supplied with fresh BREAD, CP. VCKERs", CAKES. I'ASTRY, GANDIE- AXD NUTS. All of which will be sold at living rates. Remember thai we do not sell goods at cost. Also, please bear in mind that it takes monev to do business. To the fat ruing trade we would say, CAH for you. produce, and CASH tor our goods. Goods delivered to all parts of tlie city. Feb, M, L-7-l:tf summon 3. In tl County Court loi CLuUaww county, State ot Ul-pi.l. A. MEiK, Plaintiff, ji Civil net ion to recover vs. 1.. jv. e 1 1 .suj , nci t. ) To the above named Defendant: VlOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED AND RE quired to appear in the above entitled (ourt and answer to the complaint- of the p.1 On tin, tiled iu the above entitled action, within ten days is cm the date of the t-erviee of this sum mons upon you, if served in Clackamas count v; and if served in any other county tf this State! . . . .-Tl.. . . ' T .- . . I tnen v.ittun twenty uays trom sueh service; and it serveil t-y pit 1.1 1e.1t ion, you are notified and re qu-.teitto appear and answer said complaint on or l-etore tne 1st .Uonuay m Jlav, 1ST 2, that be iua th - iirt day of the next terra of the County Court tvrOax-.kar.ms eouul.y, Orepon, which will bf; liei J next . aiu r the expiration of tin- period preMTUH'..! ry tne ora -r ol said Court for the pub liea'ionot t'.is M.niin ns; and if vou fail sj to appear and answer, the phuuUti' vi!l take judg ment aMmst y,,u tor the sum of ? 'AH 40, with le-al interest from June 7th, 187 1, and for costs ana uisour.-cmenot this action; the said action iK-ini nroup-nt ty j ;auititt to recover the atore said balance due on book account for mcrehan ilise soia lietenn.mt l,v idamtilf. A?,l x-on turtlier notified, that the Hon. J. K. Wait, Jud-e ot County Court, on tlie 5th day of Febru ary, 1872, made an ovder directing tlie summons tobesrve i by publication in the Oregon City Liiterprise for six sueeessive weeks. WARREN &: EOHBES, -.larch I, 1S72:w6 PIS 's AH vs. IMPROVED O A r j D SAWS -.. cntnery and Mill supplies. Address BERRY & PLACE, Machinery Depot, 112 California St. Saxi Franci3Co. rjov21eotTtjri ! A XpXr M0BTISERS, '5' VV' f And eve' v descript'on Xi-'--' J '--v'J..f r.vod.Vorkina- Ma- PUnmg AUCTION AT D COMMISSION A 13. Ilielardsoii, AUCTIONEER Corner of Frost and-Oak atreU,r9rtItg. AUCTION SALES Qf Ul Estate, Groceries, GenraliIerho djse and llorsas, JEh-ery Wednesday and Saturday f A. 13. IIichardsov, Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SALE, English refined Bar and Bundle Iroa English Square and Octagon Castetr Horse shoes. Files, Rasps, saws; Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iroD, R. G. Iron also : A large assortment of Groceries andLiqri. A. 13. UiciiiiDsoN, Auctiocstc riO YOU BELONG THE FUTURE OF JL our beautiful and fast growing StaU. Soon the shrill whistle of the 1KOK IIORSE as be comes mokinJr across this sreat co-, tinent, drawing after him the rich products ot the Nation's Wealth and Industry, wiU anuouuee the "GOOD TIME COMING," when Oregon.3 own Sous ad Daiirhtra. will be calhd to till the new avenues or BubU ness. Everyone shculd prepare for an ACTIVE BUSINESS LIFE. Great changes have been made in the ora-. -mercial flairs of Orf son in a few rers What the developtrEneuts of our State will b in the future, is a question whith depend upon the PL'SINESS QUALI TICA TlOSa of her oung Men. Within the past fonr jrs f afciaac prosperity, the National Eusiness Celled of Portland, Oregon, has sent out SCORES of yimtii men fully qualified, and niar.y f whom are now Idling h gli ami luct alive po sitions in the Batiks. Counting-Rooms and Stores of our State. So great is the d.emnd lor Good Accountants, that Business men have been frequently compelled to Fend East lor as-istance. N eiitcrprisinjr, s-tudions Young Man who hi a. passed through the prescribed course of studies at this MODEL COLLEGE has complained for want cf a situation ami at good salary, too. Every faciliy is here fforded acuir-i inga S0UPJB EUSII-JESS EDUCATION in the shortest possible time, and at THE LEAST EXPENSE. Every student will have an ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICE ! After having completed the Theory, he ia introduced into a MLXIATURE WORLD OF BUSINESS, which has the eSect of Thoroughly familiaria--. ing him with all the minutiai ot real busineos. The course of study embracess-Double and single Entry Hook-Keeping, Commercil Arithmetic, Commercial Law, Correspoa etice. Business I'emitansh p, regular and special Lectures, etc., etc. , combining theory with piactice. Also, Superior advantages for securing a thorough knowledge of O R X A M E N T A L P E X M A X S I II P. TELEGRAPHY, PHONOGRAPHY, FRENCH, SPANISH, GEILMAX, ITALIAN'. F.TO For full particulars, call at the Collcee Of fice. in Gaiter's buildings corner of Front and Alder streets, (entrance on Alder) Port land, Oregon, or send for cicular. Address EeFHAKTJE &. JAEIES, PORTJL.VXD, O REG 02?. Merch 31. lS71:vl Sheriff Sale. FPY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION ANDk ic- enter ot sale, issued out of the Circuit Court of tlie Ht.-tte of irejoji, for the county of Claeka rnns, dated the 27ti day of M:urchx A. P., 1872. and to me directed, pursuant to a decree in favor ot J. U. . .Strowbridfje, Administrator of tbeestate ot John Torrence, decead, plaintilf, antl airainst Ueonre Abcrnathy and Uiram Clark, doing busi ness under the tirin name of O&trve Abernethy and Co., defendants, for tho sum of sixteen thou sand, three hundred and twenty-one doflars, lfi, 321 00 and tlio further um of twentv-eiKht tiO-100 doiiars costs and disbursements, by Tirtno. ot a decree of foreclosure of mortae on reall estate, 1 have, on this 28th day of March, A. 1, is, 2, leviixl on the following descrribed parcels of land, specified in said decree and order of sale as iotiows, to-wit : iAt number seven, 7, in Block num!'r one, I, and tlie north half of lot number seven, in Block number twenty-nine, 2V, in. Ore-. (son City, Clackairias county, "Orejron,, sw dtsi-. nated upjn tde othcial niajw thereof, UetthT with the appurtenaniM-s tliereunto belong-inir or in anyw ise appertaining, as tlie property of tho said Ceorge Abernethy and Uiram Claik, defend ents, and on Saturday, the 27th day of April, A.. D., 1872, at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said day, in front of the t'ourt House, in Oregon Cityt ju rjxin county, x win proceed t-j-sell the same to tlie lushest bidder for cash, to-sathsfv Kail execu tion, costs ajid, uccruint; costs. ARTHUR WARNER, 0 kherur of Cl.tckamas county, Oregon.. I'ated Oregon City, March 28, 1872. wi Sheriff Sale. VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION AND -M,J order 01 sale, issued out oi the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, fur the county of Clacka mas, dated the 27tnday of March, A. P., 1872, and to me directed, pursuant to a decree in favor of Henry Jlumbel, plaintiff, and airainst John Ste;;e. defendant, tor the sum of two thousand and fifteen 2.5-100 dollars, in U. S. gold coin, and the further suej ot forty-seven 06-100 dollars costs and disbursements. By virtue of a decree of fore-, closure of mortfraire on real estate, I hare this, 2Sth day of March, A. D., 1872, levied on the fol lowing described tracts or parcels of town lota situate iu Oregon City, Oregon, specified in aid decree and order of sale as toHowis, to-wit:. Tba undivided one-half of lots numbered fonr, 4, and live, .5, in block number twenty-three, 2a, accord ing to the plat of said town now on, tile in tho County Clerk's otiiee of Clackamas, county, Ore-, fron, together with the hereditament and apper-. tenances thereunto be!onf:ing or in anywise arK Iertainiiig as the property of said John Stege and on (Saturday, tne 27th day of April, A. IX, 1S72, at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said day, in front of the Court House door, in Oregon City in said county, I will proceed to sell the same to, the highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin, to satisfy said execution, costs and accruing costs. ARIHUlt WARNER Sheriff of Clackamas county, Gjegon. Dated March 28, 1872:w4 Guardian's Sale. OTICE IS IIERD1SY GIVEN THAT, BT viitue of an older of the Honorable County Court of the State of Oregon, for tine county of Clackamas, uutde at tho February term, 1872, I will sell to the highest bidder, at the Court House door, tn Orej-'on City, Oackamas county, on Sat urday, the 4 h day of Miy, 1872, at public auc tion, the following described real estate, the pro-, jierty of the minor heirs of Enos Slover, deceased to-w it : Eots nundtred one, 1, two, 2, live, 5, nix : li, seven. 7. and eiirht. H. in Block mimbeml nix-v ty-two, in th.e town of Oregon, City, county of Clackamas. State of Orefrou. Terms of Sale. One-half down and the re mainder in two equal quarter-yearly payments, secured by niortea-re. T.J. TAYLOR, Guardian of M. E. Slover, K. A. Mover, A. J. Slovcrand.JSlover, MiDOrs. iaiTTree! Plants t FLUWEK A-UJ CAUUES SEEJJS, inn'e and Crab, 1 00, 2 f o 4 ft., 4; 4 to 6 ft., $6 00 IV ir -td extra 1 vr.Bartlett &c,3 to 4 ft.,doz. 2 50 Seeds' ' Peach, bu.,'?-; Apple, Osae, new, bu.,12 00 I'o'awii White Peach Blow.Farly Bose,bu., 2 00 PeeVuin'sr-, Soft Maple, 1,i0,1; Ash,? K1W, 2 ft Illustrated Catalogue, 100 page, and New l'n'ee last 10o F. K. PHOENIX, liloomintrton, Illinois. feb 2:w8 Fair Warning. J R. RAESTOX'S ACCOUNTS MUST be settled right away to save costs. 2j " WaRSEN & FORBES Oregon City, March 15, 1BX2. . H o O o o G O o o G o o o o o o O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 1 :i..swems4f; jm-- ' - 1 C0URT35Y OF BGHuFr LIBRARY,