V o V 0 P VOL. 0. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1872. NO. 25. y t ' " ' ,. .... . ,i - y A "P TP P A 1J PTTW UMTPDDDTQP OJililiOW U11 i JMM 1 JiKrKlMi. "SI Sljc iUcckln Enterprise. m"jjEMOCnATJC PAPER, FOR THE Business Man, the Farmer J ad the FAMILY CIRCLE. liSl'EU EVERY FKID.VY "DY A. HOLTP4ER, EDITOR AND rtlRLISHER. OFFICE la Dr. Thc'sing's Brick BuilJing O TERMS of SUBSCRIPTION: Single Copy one year, in advance, $2 50 TEH MS of A D VEll TISLXG : Transient advertisements, including all Ic-xnX notices, l sq. of 12 lines, 1 v.$ 2 50 For et'h snbsequentinsertion , . 1 00 (He Column, mie year $120 00 Half " " M Oiarter " " 40 Business Card, 1 square one year 12 tCg- Htmitlitnrf: to be made tit the rink o Subscribers, and at the expense of Agents. JJOOIC AND JOB PJUNTING. ry The Enterprise office is supplied with beautiful, approved styles of type, and mod ern MACHINE PRESSES, which will enable the Proprietor to do Job Piinting at all times Neat, Quick and Cheap ! tiT3- Work solicited. All lluine tran-ntctions upon a Speeie hn-si.-'. B USINESS CA RJJ S. F. BARCLAY, Kl. ft. C. S. l'orraeily Suvt on to the Hon. II. 15. Co. 35 Vtars Excel lence. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Main Mret, Oregon C'ily, ATTORNEYS AND COLNSELORS AT-LAW, OREGON CITY, OKEG0N. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS of the State. 2--"peci:il attention n'ven to caes in the U.s. l.iind Otik-e at Oregon City. April ", l-72:tf J. M. THOMPSON', C W. FITCH. 7H jmGQfi l FITCH, AU-oi'sacys sit ILsaw, AND Real Estate Agents, EUGEH i CITY, OREGON, OFFICE TWO DOOIIS NORTH OF THE POSTOFFICK. "REAL ESTATE I'.OITOIIT AND SOLD, LOANS NKUO HATED, AND AB STRACT OF TITLES FURNISHED. ,TE HAVE A COMPLETE ABSTRACT of" Title ot till i.rouertv in Eugene ftv and iipitVet nlatsot the same, pifpai ed with great care. We will practice in the ditr-rent Courts of the Stat -. Special at tention iiiven to the clL-chon of all claims that inav be placed in our hands. Lpral Tenders bought and sidd. senst! JOHX M. 15 AC OX, 1 av-a-H CIX C05 'XZ5 K?s3 STATIOXHILV, lEUFUMERY, &c., &c, Oregon City, Oregon. At Chann-i" "- ll'trrner'.-i old nturi d ', lately oc cupied bu S. Ack' riiom, Maii street. 1 10 tf JOHN FLEMING, 1bJI DEALER IN BOOKS AND STATJONEP.Y) IN MYERS FIRE PROOF BRICK, M STItHET, ORF.OON CITY, OREGON. DR. J. WELCH, DENTIST. OFFICE -In Odd Fellows' Trnle, for ot First atut Alder Streets, Portland. The patronage, of those desiring superior operations is in special request. Nitrousox idj for the painless extraction of teeth. 7 Sff Artificial teeth "better than the best,' 3a 1 t'.hntf) '' the cli" ipc-it. Will he in Oregon Citvon Saturdays. Nov. 3:tf y II. W ATKINS, M. D., OFFICE -0 Fellows' Temple, corner Pirst ,Tid Mder -streets Residence corner of rj.ain and Seventh streets. V7. F. KIGHFIELD, pstil.lished since IStO.at tl-.e old stand, M tin Street, Oregon City, Oregon. An Assortment of Watches , Jew elry, anil Seth Thomas' weight Clocks, allot" whi"h are warranted to he as represented. Renaninsrs done on short notice, md thaakful for past fa vers. CLARK GHEENMAU, --t. .!-Ci l.itV ilrn vm.in. ri-'Tiv- filtLz on EG o X CITY. tS VI! orders fiir th lelivery of merchan dise or p-vkages and freight of whatever de ciptioT. to anv pirt of the city, will beexe jive l promptly and with care. TEW YORK HOTEL, (D-Mitfchea Oafthus. No. 17 Front Street, opposite the Mai! steam ship landing-, Portland. Oregon. H. R0THF0S, J. J. WILKENS, PROPRIETORS. Board per Week $500 " with Lodging 6 00 " " Dar 1 CO 1 "WHEXKVER I SIT IX THE TAVI LIG11T." Whenever I sit in lh twilight, At rest from toils, of the day. And the little ones gather around me, Too weary for laughter and play, I think, with the ioagin ol sorrow and love, Of the one little child that's away. Away from the arms of the mother. And sometimes it grieves me to know. Content wi:h the love that surrounds him. lie will never miss us below: For he looks ia the face ot the Father above And walks with the saints to and fro. I love, in my fancy, to follow Their steps by the river so fur. And list to :he wonderful stories The angels are telling him there The beautiful angels of Paradise. And dear little Silverhair. There's the angel that spake unto Ilagar. 'Fear not. tor God heareth thy moan;" And the one that came tlyiti;,' to Mary. All shining with light from the throne: And the strong, bless'd seraphs that sooth ed '.lie dear Lord. "When tempted and faiming alone. But grandest of all is the angel. Whose story I often have n-ad. "Who came to the tomb of the Savior And rolled back the stone from his head. And sa'd to the weepers that trembled to hear The Lord is gone up from the dead." Oh. angel of life and of glory. Come whisper the message to me. When sadly I sit and remember The child that has gone from my knee; For I know in the mansions where Jesus has gone. His little ones surelv vmst he. New Hampshire Election. COERCION' AND BRIBERY. Looking over returns lrom towns in Xow 11am psliiro, as published in the Xew York Tribune, we see that the Republican tiins have been mostly in the mainifaetuiin towns. For instance, the report ed Republican uains are 200 in Dover, 500 in .Manchester, 100 m Xashua, 200 in Portsmouth, (Xavy Yard, itc.,) Somersworth, 300; Concord , 200; Rochester, 100, and smaller lnauufactutinir towns in proportion. Ot course the operatives were coerced this year over and above other years. I5v this mennis 2.000 or 2,500 frain was made for Re publican candidate for Governor Straw Superintendent of the Manchester Mdls. ihc tale ot fraud m the use ot" money is thus told in a special telegrams to the World: A HEAVY VOTE BRIBERY. The vote east is unprecedented ly lar;e, as was expected would be the case, but from information already received, it is certain that the fraudulent vote cast by the Radicals far excels the Radie.d majority, Xot less than one hun dred fraudulent votes were east in this city, while more than double that number must have been cast in Manchester, and in other places in proportion. Rribery was open ly resorted to, and voters were bought like cattle in the market, At some of the votinrr l daces in - this city greenbacks circulated as freely as ballots. Considering the circumstances, the Democracy have made a noble fight, and have done even better than could have been reasonably expected. They have cast a majority of the hon est vote of the State, and that in spite of all the corrupt appliances of the opposition. They have fought the combined power of the Grant administration, the Pacific railroad, and the manufacturing corporations ot this State and Massachusetts, and against such fearful odds have well-nigh tri umphed. On a fair, free vote, Xew Hampshire is Democratic to day by 2,000 majority, and al though the Democracy are disap pointed and indignant, they have no reason to be despondent, o. -V o- Amid the strife and bustle of ceaseless labor and constant strug gle amid the plans and calcula tions for private fortune and public growth amid the boasts of future and financial success how many pause to think of the never ending stream that, year by year, flows steadily from out our midst into that silent city across the river? There lies another population, from us but not of us, quiet, peaceful, resting, X'o police are needed there, no physicians for body or mind. With soft luted foliage waiving above their heads, or soft er Hakes down-dropping a mantle of purest white, they f.'ar no theft or wrong, but sleep" in silence un disturbed. There is no Deed for impatient longing to share their caltii repose, tin in good season Time will bear us all, upon the mighty current that beats against the shores of etti-nity'o domain lust might not an occasional pause for contemplation of this common goal, bring softer thoughts and broader charity? Might not an hour, g'p-en now and then to mem ory or to thought of the inevitable, go far to smooth our path in life and tend to soften the acerbities of the struggle all too bitter in anv event which lies between each one and final rest? Ben Holladay vs. The Farmers and Working Men- From the Oregon Farmer. The individual who invests Ids money in the construction of a railroad, or in steamships to navigate the sea. or in steamboats to ply upon our rivers, is en titled to a fair return on the money thus invested, and as much as Oie farmer to a reasonable profit on his year's work, or the mechanic to wages that will place him. with ordinary economy, beyond the reach of want. But when the owner ol the railroad, or steamship, or steamboat, adds a single cent per pound more on rates of transportation than is equitable and just, the man that produces and the mechanic stiller to just that, extent; the one cent per pound is taken from the workhigman's pocket without any equiv alent, and placed in the pocket of the owner of the lines of transportation to enrich him. With reasonable charges for transportation, the farmers ot Oregon would be enabled to place their surplus crop in San Francisco. New York, or English market, and successfully compete vviln grain growers of other sec ions, and would realize enough to give them en couragement and facilities o make im provements on their cuhivation uniil the "State would produce a hundred fold above what it now does. Without these reasonable charges we are deprived of a market, and we must stand idly by and witness our farms go to wreck, or at least remain unimproved, and see our lands and slock depreciate in value. Our chil dren must remain uneducated, because v.e have not the means with which to ed ucate them. Instead of prosperity ami happiness to encourage ;is on to a bright future, want and misery stare us in the lace, and promise nothing for the long days of toil expended in producing ma terial to enrich this nabob that, carries it to market, and the farmer sinks to a state of vassalage or serfdom not unlike those toilers in India for the Brush Last India Company. In the Willamette valley we have two lines of railroad one on the east and one on ihe west side of the river, and one steamboat transportation company, all owned by one man. Owing to the great cost of railroads, no one will bnild an opposition; and owing to the falls of the Willamette at. Oregon City, no one can run an opposition to his steamboat line, without great pecuniary Joss. Instead of a gradual reduction in charges for freight on these lines as the amount in creases, the thumbscrew of this monopoly is gradually being tightened on the peo ple, and their prosperity sapped where gain should be derived. The coolest piece of impudence ou record is that the tools ol this monopoly suouid assure the people that the charges for transportation now are lower than when Mr. Holladay look charge of the People's Transporta tion Company! Mr. llolladay's paper (Ihe Z(ef)"has taken some pains to ex amine Mr. llolladay's tatilfs, and has com pared them with those of the People's Transportation Company, and asserts Umt treiyh', is carried for luss money now than ever before. " Such an asser tion coming from Mr. Holladay is quite natural. It is not expected that he or his paper will tell the people that he is charg ing them more for freight now than they were paying before, lie has got too old a !i:ianc:al head for that. Put we make the assertion, unqualifiedly . is oil Ihe charges on. Hie W'ilbimeUe river to Porlbwd. are ye'iter (ii'ia btore. Mr. lli!iu.bty enne to the Stule. (Out before ijroHiid cts brvh en for t niU rond ! Mr. llolladay's paper may cry out that the tat ill is lower, but the .svV pers, the men who pay he bills, tell us that charges are at least fifty ccd.s i ton more than when the People's Transporta tion Company had the carrying trade on tlio river, We care not what .Mr. llol laday's liiriff is, but. Cradgrind iike, we want, those' facts contained in the dmnjes for freight made by the monopoly, paid by our merchants and shippers, and litti allv coming out of the pockets of our farmers and working men. We desire to create no undue prejudice against Mr. Holladay. AU we ask is justice between the carrier and the produc er. We wish to cause trie wot kinsmen to maturely reflect on their situation, and arrive at a candid conclusion. They have seen the Legislature corrupted, and the members bribed; the ninety thousind acres of land intended for an Agricultur al College thrown away; and the people's school money appropriated, by the Leg islature, for the construction of locks at the falls of the Willamette. But they can now afford to let Mr. Holla day get control of the nest Legislature, and by the passage of - a lew littie bills." become the owner of those improvements which the people's school money has made, and seal the navagalion of the Willam ette river to all others except himself, and thus f ive as complete a monopoly as the world ever saw? Can Ihe working men afford to let this one man get rich from exactions that are unjust, and become op ulent on he toil that commences at early dawn and ends only7 with the going down of the sun ? Thure is but one way to avert this evil, (or we might say. calamity.) Acts pass ed by the next Legsslature will seal the destiny of this valley, either for good or bad. If the bribery of four years ago is successfully repeated by the coming Legislature, the most powerful t.de-cope planted on the top of Mount Hood could not. in ten yeais lrom this time, discover a successful and prosperous farmer in Oregon, except perhaps Mr. Holladay himself, as proptietor of his. -little farm,"' coveting the entire Willamette valley. More Radical Rascality. The Radicals have a majority in the Illinois Legislature, and that State is to be devided into nine teen Congressional districts, of which fifteen Congressional dis tricts, of are Republican and four Democratic, The vote for Con or rests mam at largo at the last elec tion in that State shows that the Democrats polled 110,171 votes and the Republicans 137,131, Thus, while the Democrats cast 45, $5 per cent of the vote, they aie not allowed one-fourth of the Representatives in Congress. This is a fact to be borne in mind. Saws. A Warsaw reporter saw a war among the wives and wid ows of Warsaw, and remarks that "of all the wars we ever saw, we never saw a war like the war we saw among the wives and widows ot YvarsaWf The Cincinnati Covcntion A Silly Plot and Foolish Alarm. From the New York World. lie it understood that the atti tude of Democrats towards the Cincinnati Convention is that of spectators. We do not propose to "meddle or make" in this intestine Republican quarrel. We watch it with interest, as we do everything which bears upon national politics; but we recognize the. f'm-t that Democrats are outsiders, and that our proper role is to ''wait and watch." The apt and happy phrase of the German minister of foreign affairs in the late Franco-Prussian war, very exactly .1efines our posi tion respecting the Cincinnati Con vention. He spoke of a "'benevo lent neutrality;" and in the present quarrel between the two wings of the Republican party, we wish it to be understerstood that our atti tude is that of benevolent neutrali ty towards the Cincinnati move ment. If the Cincinnati Conven tion shall prove to be wise and courageous, we have no doubt that the country will support it and make it victorious. The partisans of Grant dread the Cincinnati Convention, and they have hit upon a cunning plan for nuHifyi'i'g its influence. They propose to pack it with crea tures ami tools of Grant. As it is to be what is called a mass con vention, that is to say, as no for mal credentials are to be required of the delegates, the Grant people think it wilt be an easy matter to pack the Convention and make it a Grant demonstration. If the partisans of the President should till the hall in which the Cincinnati Convention meets with their own creatures, they might nominate Grant by acclamation, and make the whole movement ridiculous. There are many reasons for suppos ing that thty have such a plot in contemplation. For example, the following extract from an editorial in yesterday's Herald, shows what is in the wind : "What the friends of Grant should do is to go to Cincinnati. We are told it is to be a 'confer ence' of Republicans. Well, if it is to be a 'conference,' let the Re publicans atUnd in a body. There is no reason why it should not bu a full conference. Let Came ion and Morton, and Carpenter and Conkling, and the rest of the lead ers, with their followers, go to Cin cinnati and 'confer.' It will do them no harm. The Queen City of the West is noted for its beauty, its hospitaiily, its delicate native wines, and corn-fed pork and bel ligerent newspapers. Let there be a fair 'conference,' with the party fully represented. Mr. Sumner can make his oration, Mr. Schurz can repeat his devotion to that German government which was anxious to hang him twenty years ago, Mr. Fenton can shake hands with everybody, Mr. Greeley can tell what lie knows about farming, Mr. Trumbull can recite his exper iences as a politician and his con versation two y;ars ago and the Herald will see that the orations and debates are well reported. The conference over, nothing will remain but for the 'conference' to take the sense of the convention, nominate Ulysses S. Grant for re election. This will be a good ending for Cincinnati, a good be ginning for Philadelphia, and an auspicious opening of what promis es to be the most exciting and im portant canvass since that of 'Tip pecanoe and Tyler too,' over thirty years ago," This a hopeful scheme for revers ing the guns of the Cincinnati Convention and turning that move ment into a Jiaaeo, The plot has leaked out in other quarters, and the Tribune thinks it so serious that it felt impelled, yesterday, to utter the following protest: ''The Federal otiice-holders have called their convention to meet at Philadelphia in June. Xo one purposes to disturb or interfere witn them. They have even com plained that the editor of this jour nal did not sign their call, in-ist ing that this would have been only a formal or ministerial act; thoagh, had he signed, they would at once have argued that his signature bound him to abide by the result of that convention. We trust no one will attend that gathering who has not fully made up his mind to let the present incumbents have another four years' lease of office and power. " Rut the Cincinnati Convention is none of their affair. They did not call it; they are not invited; their presence is not desired. Let them mind their own business and run their own machine, "Yet it is plain, from the forego ing extract, that they had formed a plot to surprise and capture the Cincinnati Convention, and are chagrined that the opportunity is not to be afforded them. They may do as they will at Philadelphia; but they cannot have their way at Cincinnati," It seems to us quite superfluous to warn off the Grant men, in this emphatic manner, from their plot to pack and control the Cincinnati Convention. It will require but a moderate amount of practical skill to frustrate such a mana'uvre. The Cincinnati Convention cannot be packed with Grant's satellites without the most foolish negli gence on the part of the Liberal Republicans. The means of pre vention are as simple as they arc ! obvious. The hall in which the Cincinnati Convention is held must be engaged beforehand, ami will be under the the control of those who become responsible for the rent. They can admit or exclude whom they please, ami nobodv can question their legal right. This rightful control over the hall is a complete guarantee against a con vention being packed by Grant's partisans, unless the anti-Grant men are inexcusably stupid. Hav ing engaged the hall, and havinur thereby acquired the right to ad mit or exclude whom they please, the Liberal Republicans car. easily head off the plot to pack the Con vention with Grant's friends. The interest excited by the occasion will bring together ten times as many as could get inside of any hall in Cincinnati, and it will ac cordingly be necessary to admit people only on tickets. If tickets are given to Grant men, it will be the fault of the lessees of the hall. They will naturally give, each day, tickets of three kinds: delegates' tickets for the members of the Con vention, reporters' tickets for mem bers of the ress, ami spectators' tickets. Only those holding dele gats' tickets can participate in the proceedings; and we do not see liow partisans of Grant can get such tickets, if the affair is well managed. For example: suppos ing Mr. Greeley and Mr. Fenton to be present at Cincinnati a day or two in advance of the Convention, they would know every person present from the State of Xew York, and could decide at once whether he was a reformer or a Grant man. Xo tickets of admis sion would be given to Xew York delegates who were not indorsed and vouched for by Mr. Greeley or his known friends. And the same respecting Missouri and all the other States. If Messrs. Schtitz and Rrown are present from Mis souri, they can easily divide the sheep from the goats in pretended delegations from that State, and prevent the admission to the Con vention of men who are not acting in good faith. The well-known and recognized leaders from each State can be trusted to decide who are their friends; and tickets of admission should be given only to members properly endorsed by the anti-Grant chiefs of their respect ive States.. This simple and ob vious expedient will preclude all possibility of packing the Conven tion with partisans of Grant, and ; insure for its proceedings the re spect due to deliberations of earn est, sincere men. The Cincinnati Convention cannot be packed ; and Democrats look forward to its pro ceedings, with mingled solicitude and hope. The Sin of lion-owing1 Trouble. r,Y DE "WITT T.VUI.KGE, Such a habit of heart ami mind is wrong, because it puts one into a despondency that ill tits him for duty. I planted two rose bushes in mv garden; the one thriving beau tiful the other perished. I found the dead one on the shady side of the house. Our dispositions, like our plants, need sunshine. Fxpec tency of repulse is the cause of many secular and religious failures. Fear of bankruptcy has uptorn many a fine business, and sent the man dodging among the noted shavers. Fear of slander and abuse has often invited ai! the lean beaked vultures of back-biting. Many of the misfortunes of life, like liycnas, flee if you courageous ly meet them. How poorly pre pared for religious duty is a man who sits down under the gloom of expected misfortunes If he prays, he says: "I do not think I shall be answered." If he gives, he says: ''I expect they will steal the money." Helen Chalmers told me that her father, Thomas Chalmers, in the darkest hour of the history of the f ree church in Scotland, and when the woes of the land seemed to weigh upon his heart, said to his children, '"Come, let us go out and play ball or fly kite," and the only difficulty in the play was that the children could not keep tip with their father. The McCheynes ami the Sommertiels of the church who did the most good, cultivated sunshine. Away with the horrors. The j' di-til poison; they dig graves; and if they could climb so high, they would drown the re joicings of heaven with gobs and wailing!. A Horrible Story. AI.ONK SICK FORTY DAYS WITHOUT t IHE, AND FIITKEX WITHOUT FOOI OR WATElt. From the Menasha (Wis.) Press, March 9:h. An occurrence which makes the blood freeze within the veins of the reader, came to light, last Monday, over in Clifton, Calumet Countv, Wis. Thomas Downing, who for some tone has lived alone in a small shanty, back from any road, over in that locality, and quaried stone for a livelihood, was taken violently sick at his home, on the 22d of January, with billions fever, and was confined to his bed from that time until Monday, March 4, During the long weary days of his illness no one called ; no one to h-ud a helping hand in administer ing to the wants of the sufferer, and all because the location ot his residence was so secluded that he had been missed from his daily round of toil. Last Monday, how ever, came the good Samaritan. A gentleman who had sold Mr. Downing a quantity of butter last Pall called at his resilience on Monday to make a collection on the same. Upon approaching ihe house there were no visible signs of lite, but from the interior eman ated pitiful wails that were most harrowing to the soul. An en trance was forced, and the suffering man found on his bed with boots and clothes on, in which condition he had passed the length of time above stated, without food or wa ter. In this dying condition he was lifted from his cot, conveyed to the house of a near neighbor, medical aid at once summoned, and, at this writing lie is pro nounced in a fair way to recover. This certainly is a most singular case, which can be better imagined than described, and if Thomas is permitted by the gods to rally from his afflictions he will be justi fied in ad vocating, to the best of his ability, the blessedness of the credit system. "Wendell Phillips on Orant. We find a circumstantial account m one of our Republican exchang es of an interview with that rug ged Ishmuelite, Wendell Phillips, from which we venture on an ex tract : Grant's chief concern says Mr. Phillips, appears to be money making. Q. Do you think lie makes money in a corrupt way ? A. i shouldn't like to say that; but he has managed to make some seven or eight hundred thousand dollars during his administration, ami lie thinks he has not enough yet. A friend of mine residing in Xew York, who was until very recently a very warm admirer of Gene al Grant, stated to me that luring a conversation with him the President had disgusted him by remarking that he did not think his (Grant's) friends had yet sufficiently rewarded him for the services he had rendered them and the sacrifices lie had made the re mark, as my friend took it, being a strong hint for more presents. Q. Does Grant really desire to occupy the Presidential chair an other term? A. He has but two aspirations re-election and another million. Q. In case of the nom'u a ion of Grant, is it likely that Sumner, who is now opposed to him, will supper; him use his influence for him during the campaign? A. Mr. Sumner will not under any circumstances support Gener al Grant; he entertains the most contemptuous opinion of him. During quite a recent, con vcrsat ion I had with him at Washington. Mr. Stunner said that the President was the most ignorant orrapt, di 'fill on est man living! If there was no other choice, Mr. Sumner would rather not vote at all than vote for Grant. Once Yai.ua ulk. A handsome young gentleman walked into the Adams Express office the other day, ami desired to express a pack age of letters to a lady, to whom he desired to return them. "What tire they worth?" asked the clerk, who, in making out his account desired to know what was the risk. The young man hesitated a mo ment, then clearing his throat from a certain huskiness, replied : ''Well, can't say exactly, but a few weeks ago I thought they were worth about four hundred thousand dollars." The Size. An ignorant oil-merchant, on being asked how large an advertisement he wanted in a certain newspaper, replied that they might "put in about three pints of type." m m 9 . Saved his Life. A Kansas Cit y man who blew out the gas before retiring saved his life by rushing down to the office of the hotel ami inquiring if there was "a glue lac torv next a Mayorality on Small-Pox Huntington, away off in' In diana, is blessed with a Mayor whose wisdom and energy deserve a wider field for their exercise. Small-pox threatening an epid&nio visitation in his bailiwick, his Hon or has issued a proclamation "En joining general vaccination?" Xot a bit of it. "Directing the strict isolation of all patients with the dist-ase?" Xo; but .decreeing flog ging and imprisonment for any person who shall dare to go into any public street after having been exposed to the contagion. Tie trifling objection that people aro frequently exposed to contagion without their knowledge cannot of course be allowed to si and in the way of this enactment, for it is an axiom in law that ignorance is no excuse for evil-doing ; but where such extreme precaution is deemed necessary against contracting the dreaded malady there are other difiicuh ies harder to lie overcome. The officer who arrested an infect ed wayfarer, the justice before whom the prisoner is brought, and the executioner who inflicts "the lashes ordered will thereby expose themselves to contagion, and will consequently be obliged either to inmure themselves in "immediate privacy or to flog one another in public, and the time must ultimate ly arrive when all the inhabitants of the place will be in prison, with the exception of sthose who con stantly remain within their own doors, and the Mayor himself, who will walk the streets in solitary dignity, like a Crusoe without a Friday, a Zimmerman with every w"sh gratified. "Rut when infect ed persons who are too dangerous to be permitted m the open air are sent to jail what on eatth is to be done with the other prisoners?" That, dear madam, is a question, which his Honor has not yet deign ed to solve. "Rut won't the prison be a perfect nest ?" Yes, a May or's nest. Some of Josh Killing's Moral Precepts Q Forgiving our enemys has the same refreshing effeckt upon our souls as it dus to confess our sins. What a lamentable cuss man is he pitys his neighbors misfor tunes bi calling them judgments from Heaven. Good Breeding iz the art of avoiding familiarity, and at the same time making the company satisfied with you and pleased with themselves. Tew be happy take tiling as they cum, and let th-Pm go jist as they cum. It takes a great deal of money to make a man rich but it don't tako but little virtue. It iz the little things of this world that plague us. What an agreeable world this would be tew live in if we could pump all the pride and selfishness out out of it! It would improve it as much as taking the lire and brimstone out of the other world. Don't mistake pleznre for happi ness; it is iutirely a different breed of dogs; there is exqnizit plezure in happiness there is a great deal of happiness that has no pleasure in it. Experience has effect on most men that age has on a goose it makes them tuher. iOV I 1 1 LI It II . O t- m-liv I ai ly places what- the wimmen meGt to rip and so up the neighbor hood. It takes a smart man to conceal from others what he don't kno. A lazy man always works hard er than a bizzy one the battiest work I kno ov is to grunt it s harder to pet still and fight flies then to get up and escape from them. The man who controls hiz pa shuns sits at the helm ov hiz ship. It is very difficult to kalkulato upon success, unless a man set? up for a phool in this department I have known hundreds to succeed, contrarj' to their expectations. ' B- " Any Time." I'd give anything to hear Ole Bull," said an tip coun try lass to her lover one evening, "Well," answered he, "dad's got G an old brindle chap, and you can hear him beller a'most any vimu I von lik O Sokrv. A young lady of In dianapolis was very sorry that her wedding, which was to take place at the same hour, would prevent her attending her sister's funeral. . Pketty. A Western girl who has been well brought up, knock ed down every man that kissed her and sh is so pretty that half the' married men in town have black eyes. Before. An Irishman once bought a pair of boots and they were too small. He said : "Faith, I shall have to wear them thray or four times before I can get them on." o o o o 0 o o o o o o G O O o G