O 0 G o 0 3 O O o GO O O o o O O G O O 0 0 O ft, 1 o 5ri)c lUcckiij (gntciyvigc. FRIDAY, MAUC1I 29. 1872. THE IXHJIISTKJP. The conference meeting through at last, We boys around the vestry waited To see the girls come tripping past, Like "snowbirdi waiting to be mated. Kofc braver he that leaps the wall By level musket flashes litteu, Than I, who stepped before them all Who longed to see me get the mitten. But no. she blushed and took ray arm ! We let the old tot -a take lb highway, And started toward the Maple Farm Along a kind of lovers' byway. I can't remember what we said "Twaa nothing worth a song or story. Yet that rude path by which we ptd Seemed all transformed and ia a glory. The snow crisp beneath our feet. The mooji wad Cull, the fields were gleaming; By hood and tippet sheltered sweet, -Her face with youth and health va3 beaming. The little hand outside the muff O sculptor if you could but mould it! So lightly touched my jacket cuff To keep it warm 1 had io hold it. $o have her with me there alone, 'Twaa love and fear and triumph blended ; At last we reached the foot-worn stone And that delicious journey ended. She shook ber ringlets from her brow. And with a " Thank you. Ned," dis sembled But yet I knew she understood With what a daring wish 1 trembled. A cloud passed kindly overhead, The moon was slowly peeping through it. Yet hid his face as it ii s.iid. 'Come, now or never, do it, do it!" Mv lips ti'l lneu Bal on known The kiss of mother and of sister, But. somehow, lull upon her own Kweet. rosy, darling niouth I kissed her. Terhaps 'tis boyish love. yet,, still. O. listless woman! weary lover! To feel once more that fresh, wild thrill I'd give but who can live lite over? A JIOTHEil'S LOVE. Her, by her smile, how soon the stranger knows ; How so;n by his the glad discovery shows. As to he? lips s'he lifts the lovely boy. What answering looks of, sympathy and loy ! He walks he speaks. In many a broken woid. His warns his wishes, and his griefs are heard. And ever, ever to her hip he flies. When rosy sleep comes on with sweet surprise. Locked in her arms, bi3 aims across her Hung (That name most dear forever on his tongue). As with soft accents round her Deck he clings: How blest, to feel the bevitiTgs of his heart. Breathe his sweet breath, and blis3 for bliss impart : Watch o'er his slumbers like the brooding dove. And. if she can. exh tuf a mo'her's love? His Portrait.; lovin, of tlio New York Independent, a Repub lican for anything for success pat tern, lias recently been to Wash ington for the purpose of sounding the political shoals, and taking a reckoning as to Grants chances for the Presidency. Among the first lie interviewed, was Senator Stun ner, "who upon being asked if under any circumstances he would sup port Grant, responded in the fol lowing truthful portrait of the great 'lift-taker: " I am satisfied that Grant is a dishonest man. That is sullicient to justify me in saying most posi tively that I cannot and shall not support him. For other reasons he is unfit to be President of the United States. He is igjiorant of the details of civil government, and does not manifest a disposition to learn them. He is venal, ambi tious,, vulgar in his habits, and possesses a cunning which is low and dogged. He has a strong will, but it is never controlled by reason, hence becomes perverse, and the man when he should be most yield mg and gentlemanly is most obsti nate and unmanly. Such a man is unfit to be the President of the United States, and most unfit to be the candidate of the -Republican party. He ought not to be nomin ated by that part', and shall not be if I can help it. I cannot hon orably support a party that will sustain such a man." D ELECTABLE G OV E UN ME XT. Duringithe Mexican war, remarks the Caucasian, Ulysses the Gift taker was Lieutenant in the army, and acted in the extremely dangeV ly dangerous position of Commis sary and Quartermaster, not one of whom has been killed since the world began. His accounts with the Government have never been settled, and the Washington Pa trick asserts that he ows the conn- i try the stun of 85,000 money placed in his hands by the Govern ment agents at that time to be handed over, but which he played ofF at "poker," being a little 'green" then. An ancient default er at the head of a numerous host of defaulters ! What a delectable Government" of picked jail-birds and penitentiary-deserving scamps Tre have to represent us at Wash ington ! Nothing but Venom. The Cleveland Herald ( Republican) thus belabors that God forsaken retch, Ilrownlow : "If there is one thing more disgusting than another, it is the exhibition in the United States Senate of a confirm ed paralytic or cripple whose only active member, a foul tongue, o seems still capable of littering the lowest slang of the ot-honse. Poor lrownlow, there seems noth ing left of him but his venom." Br .axks. All kinds of blanks ran be had at this office . Job Printing of everv description neatly executed at short notice. o How Money is Made by Farming. Much labor is clone on farms that is not farming in its true sense. By such labor no money is ever made. A man may support himself and his family, keep out of debt, and have a few dollars in his pocket by practicing the most stringent economy. If he is oth erwise than industrious and sober, he is on the down grade with loose brakes, and the end is soon reach ed. Rut farming in its true sense is a profession equal in dignity to that of the law or- medicine, and needs equal study, mental capaci ty, and intelligently directed labor, to command success in it. The principles which underlie the prac tice of the true farmer must be wtll understood, and a steady, con sistent course of operations must be followed. Having thoroughly learned the nature and capacity ot the soil he possesses, and chosen the rotation most suitable and the stock to be most profitably kept on it, lie does not swerve from his chosen course, but in good markets and bad raises his regular crops, and keeps his land in regularly in creasing fertility. No special cry tempts or affrights him. He does not talk dairy this season or crops the next, but'doubtless, if any par ticular product bt, in demand ami bring a good price, he has some of it to sell and reaps Ids share of the advantage. He saves as much money as some men make by care and economy in purchasing and preserving tools, seeds, manures, and machines, and his business habits and constant readiness for all occasions give him reasonable securitv against the effects of ad verse seasons and bad weather. Always prepared, he is never too l ite, and always calm he is never too soon, and thus, "taking Time by the forelock " he has the stern old tvrant tit his command, ami turns him at his will.- He has no losses, and his gains are steady. Hearth and Jlonte. Straws. That was a significant vote in the House of Representa tives recently, remarks the Detroit Union, on the motion of Mr. Nib lack, of Indiana, to change the phraseology of a resolution to ac cept from Rhode Island the statue of Roger Williams, so as to make the acceptance "in the name of the people ef Jie United States" in stead of, as proposed, "in the name of the nation." Every Democrat present voted for the change, and every Republican against it. The preamble to the Constitution says: "We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union," etc, "do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States." Nowhere in in the Constitution is the Union called a nation. That idea was express! v and emphatically reject ed. Rut step by step Radicalism marches to consolidation and des potism. Married Man. There is an ex pression in the face of a good married man who has a good wife that bachelors cannot have. It is indescribable. He is a little near er the angels than the prettiest young fellow living. You can see that his broad breast is a pillow for somebody's head, and that lit tle fingers pull his whiskers. No one ever mistakes the good mar ried man. It is only erratic ones that leave yon in doubt. The good one can protect all the un protected females and make him self generally agreeable to the la dies, and yet never leave a doubt on any mind that there is a pre cious little woman at home worth all the world to him. That Democratic battering-ram, the Lexington (Mo.) Caucasian, con t i n u es i t s v igoro u s bio w s agai n st the falling wall of Radicalism. Noticing the announcement that the American Tract Society issued 127,000,000 of tracts during the past year, it remarks that "it will take a million billions, printed on forked lightning-bolt type and hell blistered paper, and bound with deadly scorpions and adders, to reach the sin hardened hearts of this vile, Radical generation." San Francisco foundries and ma chine shops, says the Erening Post, are nearer to China and Japan than any other workshops in the world. If they could buy pig and barium free, they could monopolize the machine business in the Orient ; but Pennsylvania iron masters black mail our mechanics, forcing them into idleness, and call it protecting native industry. San Francisco is starving on protective statues, while Pennsylvania iron men and English mechanics are growing rich. President Grant, it is afiirmed, was a larre stockholder in tlie 'Emtna ."Maine," whose stock Min ister Sehenek tnaniunl.it ed in the London Market. Public indicjna tjon compelled SHienck to retire t'rotn the directorship of the mine and we are curious to know how (Tt-ant is to eondonn tor his prosti tution ot the Presidency in th in- iertsi or t tie same jobbing concert). wild cat btock- - A d'tructjve f;re occurred in Deer Lodgo Cisv. Moutan i. Oil t r mnrnin-i 1 Felru try buildings. February IR'li. and con-im 'd fi ton Loss is f-s'i-riited at Sfj(hK . Lewen recntly uppoinu.,1 one of the Jus tces for Washington Territory, is to succeeu .veunenv or the W.ilU Walla Di ...... aou uui Greene, as has beea rionneed. an- The ci'V Iir-or,,. iKalarua Us beea fixed at oJ ir r.i t - - it ? THE HOUSE WE LIVE IN AND THE IMUBITAATS OF THE rpiIE CAUSE OF A GREAT MANT DTS X eases, that have been pi o;ioufi:etl incur able l.y the must eminent physician, for the verv reason that they oeiloi k d the came, and as lr. Van Dm tVrgh h is m :de the Katoioi a lite l-.iHjj Study, he woird iufoi m the sick generally that by close observation nd trie it xpei itntnts, ha-: come to the con clusion iht t'lere Hie more acute ud thron-itfdise.ijM-sciii.setl by Worms Hrdat'd, n iina'eula:, or other S;iecit-s of Hnt.zo.i. The publ c genera. ly, or the profession ;t Jare, are mt aware of the number of Pti-uts who are treated by e.nioeut Phvsi -iiiis, ior this, that, or Mich a t empi dot without nv relief. If the itiMrase had b-ea i.n.iei stood, a few dose of Dr. Vs. Siircrrijn H'w lirnt-Jjf Would havi imme i attly cured the complaint ai.d baved u great uiaay live. INHABITANTS OF THE EU EIATJ E0BY! What think y n reader, of your body be a plaiu-t inhabited -by living races, as we inhabt the earti? What ver way in V"ur thoughts on the stibj-ct, il is even so. Y.-ur b'xJy may be hot a h-ine fr parasites that, crawl ov r the surface, burrow beneath the skin, ner-tle in is entrails, arid riot, and prop .gate their k:uJ in every corner ot Us frame. The following is from the .S'?- Francisco Lu ltt.n, of January SiG-h, 172. (A recei.t date. t ail 5!artin recently 1ied in Cleveland, Ohio, from eating meat infected with the tvntf 'l'liDont sufinm. At the Coiomr's Inqii'M, on Tu f lay, (January 2d.) it was s. own that thite wi cks bet ie tdiii.-t:na-, Mat tins jvrcliast d aca cas-of P..rk. Some of the in- et w -as oaf4-!i the same day, ami otne was made into ss i-as;.'. Ab -it '.en d .ys ia.er, some f Hut sausage was eaten, and in -ho t time the whol-i iutiiily were taken si k. M.inins d ! '-n Sunday. Deceit; ln-r 81st, I --7 1. Mis. .Viart ii and her two children are now very sick, a. id ttie toint-r is not likel t recover. The veroict was in HCcordunce with the facts. For further par ticul.irs. s e Cleveland, Ohi-i, paper of above date. A Corotnr's Inquest brought this iact to liht- Now I wonld ask how many more such de..ths a" inquest would biin to lilit ? i-'onder well, reader, upon this, and t!)i .k of the thousands that die cverv jenr and u c&u-e can be as-igned tor their dea'li. Noiv the question that would naturally enter the 111 i it) j of jhe reader, is what shall I d ? The a Ivice of the Dr. would bo ro to s tine one that is competent of treating such cuii p aints. And who is mne competent than ihe one that, has made Worms a spei iallitv. Ti mas. Yesterday, Dr. J. W. Van !.-- He:gh exhibited to us a number ot parasites which had been removed trom persons af iliete i; there were "Several d tt- rent .species otieof which appears to be entirely unknown to the tr:edical piofes.-ion. Tins new taenia is shaped something like an orange sfv-d but perfectly tl.it, or lather like a cucumber seed, with a tail about a quarter of ai inch in ! 1 gth. Another was a t tpe worm T iii t in lentri h, consisting of t,rtoo j ,nU', Among medic d men tlipie ex:sts uoli'tl '.iU'en m e of opinion relative to the 0; igin of f ie.se cntozoa. One class of writers be lieve that these par.isi'es, at least many of thesn, originate in trie endowu.ent of av,i nul m ..decides with vitality from ihe. parent body, favoied by certai.i st tes of the vital forces of that b'.vlv; the st.tt' s originating their orguniziiti ri and promoting their tr:owth and pro.-aatto-i. That ail description of e tozoa are met vvit'i tVir more frequently where animal too t is u-ed in greatest atom i ance. is an iiidi.sf.ut.jlde tact, esp-eially where t-c f d is the flesh of the 'une'ean beasts." h;cii the Jt'ws and Mohainmed uts id"c It tbidden to par.ake of. Hut our in' tioti is not to, w ite a thesN it' . this nut-jeet: w e -n'v d sire to c iron-cle the fact, fiat Dr .J W. Van Den i- ih h is inumi a tntd'eine a simple vegetable vvuic.li glows in ; bund iu.co in Catirorni.i, which is a dead shot to alien ozo.i, of wi.atever de-cript-on, gencr ;dly iiccomjilishing its, otject in f r -m tm hour ami a half to six ii un -. Morning Cu'L Had we the space i ere. hundreds of testi monials could be produced, testifying to the tniib of the asseiti ms that have here been made, but it would be useless and would on!v occupy the reader's !i:ue. The follow ng are some of the diseases tTiH t Worms are often mistaken for. Dyspepsia, Chronic Affections of the I.ivcr and Kidneys, Consumption, Whi e Swelling Palsy, Siiertnat.u r!io?a. Di ii rhoea, I c nti nence of Urine, Gravel, Flor Aibus, Diabetes Dropsy, etc. Dr. V. would advise those ladie- troubled wi'li aty Irregularities of tht Uterus to try his new r- m -dies jtnd g't ctire-1. Dr. Van 1) 11 Ueigh's I.ifailibh; Worm Pvr up for Children. 1 rice !. Warranted to cxp-.d the worms. Sent everywhere upon receipt ot prn;- . Dr. J. W. V;n Pen 13orghs, Hair Tonic a sure cure to ties' roy all !i'iinia!cu!;e of the Hair F.dlicles, prevents falling out. and pro moting t' e Growth of the Hair. 1'iice ?l,.!i'J; Warra.ited. 3y Consulting n tul T Tjfoina SIMPLE EXAMIXATIOX, The afflicted cm learn if thei'- disease is cau-ed by Worms or no'; at all even's, Dr. Van Deu Hi rgh can tell thiiiu iivirn what dis ease they are sulTji ing. Conti! tut ions and Kitiailnntions FnEI2 OF CHAIIGK. orrzcE eooi?i3 kos. 33 & 33, OYER THE POST OFFICE- I.et'ers describing the symptoms will b promptly answered," and peVs uis living at 9 distance will be saved the expense aad trou ble of cali.ng upon the Doctor. Address. IU J. XV. VAX DE3 KEItOII. P. O. LOX 172. SALEM, OliKtiON. Testimonial. PoRTLAxn, f-'eb. 10th, 1172. Da. J W. Van Den Hkroii Dear Sir : Our child, a little girl dg';t years of age. has had fits and c nvnlsions for the last two years, and we had tried many d ic'ors and irany remedies without much benefit, in fact our darlinir was trotting constantly wins-1 i nut 1 we h-ard of vo ir worn svrcp thr"iuh a frie.nd of ours. We though: that perhaps it might do some good to g vc it a trial, a.-d you cannot imagine our surprise when over 2'.'0 worms were 'expelled with one bo t;r of y-ur valuable worm syrup, and from thi time on we cert duly sh:ill never be w thout it so 1-mg as tliere i, a po-sibl chance for it to be had. You are at liberty to publish tins if von cho.se, and may it do much food, liespectlullv vours, S II. OKI'O.V. " M. J. UUI OX. SymptoiiH of tVornn, Alternate paleness and flu-hing of the c utnteuauce, dull expressioo of the eves, drow-in'ess, ich ng oi the ruse, a swelled uppe-!i,., tongue whitety furr-d and t'ik'!dy s-peckled with red points, feted breath, an en birired abdomen, a partia or general swelling ,.p oiiOiii-'ncss of t: e skin, a staitl ng m the-H sleep and grinding of the teeth, a sensation as if soriiethi ig w'-s 1 d ed in the throat, a eradu A wasting of the fl--.h, s cki ess of the stomach, vomiting, a short uid diy cough, appe'i e s.-nietiiues voracious, a: t;.er titns o'pbl., b i.vels sometimes costive, oth er t mcs h o e, : reat fre.fu ness a ui irratibil itv of te o) r, pains iu tfie -stonuch aud bowels, col e, tits, conrul-ious and palsy. I the worm syrup is not to be had in your town, send orders t the man d'.ict rtrer a id it wili be sent promptly, t any ad dress free ot express clnrg-:s. Di tee t or ders to Dr. 3- W. VAX DEN BEKGH, 1 O. Boi 172, Salem, Oregon. J. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, I mIVERSITI OF CALIFORNIA. I good ryews, GOOD FUEWS! vW-SA ?f2cN ?jf ikA! ... WT V7. i" " ? 1 . 1 ' 5 .-J1 it? -J-- - -- ' LOOK OUT FOR GOOD BARGAINS! S- ACfCERIVSA ii. GO. HAVE JUST btotk of RECEIVED A LARGE siTiixc & mmm goods, WHICH THEY OFFER Clieapr lli:a tits Cheapen. We would say, come an 1 convince your self bef'u e pui chasing elsewhere. Our stock consists in part of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY-GOODS, CHOTHIXU. HATS, BOOTS AN D S110I7S. NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, and a great many articles too numerous to mention. AL.-O, Doors, Windows, Glass and Rutty. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. ALSO, VOOL. wan tod, for which we pay the HIGHEST TRICE. 0. ACSERrIAIJ & CO. Oregon City, April 21, l71:tf RESTAUR AN LEOrDcLOUEY, Prop'r LATE OF THE CLIFF HOUSE "M MX HTllKET, Ol'.KOON CITV, OltKOOX. 1 spec:fully aniioimces to his S ( f;ie.nd and the ti ave'ing public, tSat he has re-opened f he above named Restaurant. The proprietor Knows how to perve Ids osutorners with Ovsteis. rig's Feet, a good cup ot Cuilee or a SQ", ' ARE MEAL. LKON D iLOUEY Oregon City, Jan. '27, ls71:tf WILLIAM SiNGER r'Tiw His JZafabt'isfmil 1 FOli IFiE MAXUFACTOIiY OF FtUIliTSLrKK, SASi!,DLmDSAN3 DOORS' " 2 AND MOULDINGS OF ALL SIZES.; iTSr They Avill ulso do TURNING, ot cv ry description to order, With Heatness and Dispatcl o ALL W011K WAURANTED. fShop on the River, brick of Ackerinan's Store, Oregon City, Oregon. s HADES SALOON, C. A. HAAS, Proprietor, 51 An Street, Oregon City- Beit ' BILLIARD TABLES in OREGON Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of Hie lovers of this popular amusement to them. THE II A Jl I S S UP PLIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors anJ Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Bourbou alreadj famous Whiskies and Punch. ai.si, a xo. 1 SHDOTlfIG GALLERY Is c nnected with the Saloon. Orege;. Citv, Jan. 1, ls72:tf Lest, ft IiOUT THE 1ST OF AmiL. nour - Orcjon Citv. a b;i v thoron-j-ii-breil A nierican MA It K, cijiht years old, about ifr5 & 11 iuin-ls high, a smiil wliife Ftiirie the near lore tool, and the hoot black and white. no brands or other marks. Any one returning said mare or leaving information of where she may be found, at the postotiiee, in Oregon City, will be liberally rewarded. SAMUEL RAMSDEX. Oroimn CPy, July 14, 1871. 0EEG02T CITY BREWERY! Ilavi'-p' purchased the above Brewery wish es to inform the pubV thu he is now tire par ed to manufacture a Xo. 1 nniilitv of LAG Ell EE EH, As trood as can be obtained anvwhere in Stale. .Orders solicited mdJ irompt!y tilled. A VOID (QUACKS. A victim . f eatlv in- (HscreTrn, causmir nervous dehilitv premature decay. Ac , bavins tried in rain every advei Used remedy, I as a simple means of self-cure, which he send fiee to liis fellow sutferers. Address J. II. REEVF.S 7S N issan st.. New York Sept. 1:1 y HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE rpilE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR sale his re-i ience In t)recon Citv. There are four lots, a good hou-e and barn, with a fine cellar and n good well of water. There is Plenty of bind, and it is well adnnfed fnr early gird-rinsr purposes. Part navmenf may be made in stock. For nart.irnl.iVa r. PbT to GEORGE CLARK. Ore ou City Juna 2 lS71-tf C- W- POPE & CO., SEALERS IN STOVES, TIN PLATE, SHEET IROX.BRA- 1ER1V COFFElt, LEAD FIFE, 1R JS FIFE AND HTflNUS, EUBBE HOSE. FORCE AND LIFT l'UMPS, ZLN'C, COFFER, BRASS AND IRON WIRE. Also a general tssoitment of Ileus nUhiug Goods. MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware. ROOFING AND JOBBING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION HONE TO ORDER, AND AT LOW PRICES. o Also, at POFE'S S'Htvs STOtt you will liiij HARDWARE AND BASKETS. WOODEN, WARE AND 'I IN WAKE, LANTERNS, LAMPS AND OIL, LUCINE AND NigJIT LAMPS. ALs-0 PER Ay UU La TORS. All of the above articles are for sale at PRICES 10 SUIT THE TIMES. C. AV. POlE & CO. 1 1 :1 y j Oregou City Oieicon. TEW WAGON AND Carriago Flanufactory ! The undersigned, having increased the di mensions ot Lis pieui.s.es, at tue om siitnu Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City ' Oregon. TaVea this method to inform his old pat rons, and as many new ones as may be pleased to call, that he is now prepared, with ample room, good materials, ana me er best of mechanics, to build auew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and tura out all complete anv sort ol a vehicle troio a com mon cart to a concord coach. Try me. Blacksniithing, Horse or Ox shoeing, and general jobbing ueat.lv, quickly and cheap ly done. DAVID SMITH. Opposite Excelsior Market R. F. CAU7IZLD, COKXKR MAIN AM) SEVF.NT 1 STREETS OREGON CITY, OHEGOX?, DPiY-OODOS Si CRGEFJS. CE0CKSUY and OLAS 7WI It Also, a full assortment of Milliner) and Fancy Goods OF THE LATEST ST. 'I E . JUST R E C u S V E D. COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FO : GOODS. O. t, o, ls71:tf OREGON CITV, OREGON, RETAIL DEALERS IN GSSOESIES, BOOTS IIOIvS, I also keep constantly on band SALEM C A S S I M E R E S, FLA NN ELS. TWEEDS AND RLANKETS, "Which I will sell at the Fnctory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. pgT will also pay the highest prices for liutter, Eggs, and ad hinds ot good conn try produce. I will sell as low as anv house in Oregon, for Cash or its equivalent in good merciiantaoie produce. Xtir Give me a call and satisfy yourselves JOllNjdYERS. Jan. 13,lS71.tf -r Eye, Ear, Throat & Lungs. JOHN B. PILKINGTON, M. D., T ATE OF SAN FRANCESCO, HAS LO .1 cated in Portland. Oreiron. Othceiln IP -1 tries' Ruildirg. First street (three doors from Lad l & 1 ikon's R.ink"), where he may be consulted daily, and will treat diseases ot tue lib ve named organs ns specialties. All operations upon the Eve and Eai per formed in tiie most scientific and careful manner. ARTIFICIAL EYES, having all the beauty and mobility of the natnml eye, inserted. Refers bv permis-ion, for his professional standing, to L. C. Lane, M. D., Professor of Surgery, and Edwin Benlley, M. D-, Profes sor of Anatomy, University of the Pacific San Francisco; and for his success in the treatment of cases, to over 1,500 cases tieat fd by him, in San Francisco ; also, "to Levi Ests. Esq., Rev. T. L. Eliot. Portland ; Wm. H. Dillon, Esq., Vancouver, V. T. ; and many others Oregon and Washington Ter ritory. aug2.5:m6 Notice. T01IN MYERS, ESQ., IS MY DULY AU fj thonzed Agent in Oregon Ci'v, and also Agent for the Estate of Daniel liarvev de ceased. MRS. E. HARVEY. October 1, 187I.mS A. HOLTKER, NOTARY PUBLIC JENTERPRISE OFFICE Oregon CityAJaaf I3:tl vxriti. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is -widely known as one of the most effectual remedies ever discovered for cleansing the sys tem and purifying the blood. It has stood the test of years, with a con stantly growing rep utation, based on its intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its re markable cures. So mild as to be safe and beneficial to children, and yet so searching as to effectually purge out the great cor ruptions of the blood, such as the scrofulous and syphilitic contamination. Impurities, or diseases that have lurked in the system for years, soon yield to this powerful anti dote, and disappear. Hence its wonderful cures, manynf which are publicly known, of Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases, Ulcers, Eruptions, and eruptive dis orders of the skin, Tumors, Blotches, Boils, Pimples, Pustules, Sores, St. Anthony's Fire, Kose or Erysipe las, Tetter, Salt Klictim, Scald Head, Kinjrtvorm, and internal Ul cerations ot the Uterus, Stomach, and Liver. It also cures other com plaints, to which it would not seem especi ally adapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspep sia, Fits, Neuralgia, Heart Disease, Female "Weakness, Debility, and Lieucorrhoea, when they are manifesta tions of the scrofulous poisons. It is an excellent restorer of health and strength in the Spring. By renewing the appetite and vigor of the digestive organs, it dissipates the depression and listless lan guor of the season. Even where no disorder appears, people feel better, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. The system moves on with renewed vigor and a new lease of life. PKEPARED BY Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Cliemists. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. r -4. -A "V'ttsaYwV V r. A h Every year incronse- the ojntlat it of this valuable Hair Irej?.r.'it ion ; vhicli i: due to itierit altme. Ve c::i assaro our old "patron.- that it kejd tally u to its Itih standard; aiul it is the only re'iablo and erfc-oteil "; aration lor rest;.iinof Gr-VY ok Fadkh Hair to its youthful color, making it r-olt, lustrotts, and "silken. The scalp, by its vise, becomes white and clean. It remove.- all eruptions and dandrulfj :md, by its tonic properties, prevents the hair front falling; out, as it stinu lates and nourishes the hair-elands. 1V its u-c, the hair xrows thicker and st router. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal virxor, and will create a new rrrowth, except iu extreme old aue. It is the most economical Il.un Dur.ssixo cveru.scd, as it requires fewer ajipiications, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy ap pearance. A. A. Hayes, Ji.I).. Mate Assaver of Massachusetts, says, "-The constituents are pure, and carefully selected for excellent qualit v; and I consider it the Best I'jiepaiiation for its intended purposes." Svkl by all Drvggi$!s, and Dealers in JTedictiics. Piicc One Dollar. Buckingiiam's Dye FOll THE WHISKERS. As our Kenewer in many cases re quires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whisk ers, we have prepared this dye, in one jveparadfji; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wasli off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL &. CO., NASHUA, 3ST.H. Kniith it T fivis, W! olesale Age t , Fr ;t t stre t, Po t'a Oregon. Read Physician's Certificates Below!!! -- 3 G ct in c3 - in o o D in o -f Jd m PS 1 p -- o -t ti o mwm teg??' e 8ESTTDHIG IN USE A Most Efficient, and Pleasant Tonic. Thepo Bitt(rsrr'r6P'lrc'J from trie most choice and vholeuiii lieiOs iml roots, and have piven universal satiafiiction wherever tried. Thousands of dyspeptics have found relief throuph their use, and physicians reconmn nd them tor the cure of all diseases of the blood and liver, and irregularities ol thn dijxestivo organs. Headache, Itiliou-new arfl Constipation, General Peliility and Loss of Appetite. (Jin re caused b the derangement of the btomach. Javer and other functionaries of th system. 'J he IXL Bitters hava been snccessfnlly used and are warranted to ftllb viato the suilerer ia all the above coses. CERTIFICATES. Mrj-no. IT. ErsTF.ist & Co: (ientlemen: I tako pleasure in statin that airree ably to your wish I have carefully tested and exam ined the sample of your IXL Bitters, which yoa pent me, and iind it not only an agreeable Litters, but also one that cannot, fait to be beneficial aa a tomo aad promoter of D.gestion aa a li. HOLLAND. 5L D. JVIBttT8" Francisco. I havj carefully examined Dr. Henlev'a ITf Bitter, and have' failed to detect any ihme which could injure even the most delicate consUtution Irrom the composition of the Bitters as far ,i rwJiltter? m.ust.be very efficient remedy in Dyspepsia. Indigestion. Loss of Appetite and mm 2 1-S0y?ipi5,"t- lin? composed of a number ol ZfK ot 'laS nature, and are of the create efficiency m their cure. greatess Ass t Res. Physician Apothecary C. A C. Hospital. SlstT'Tlf381'8 FFICE Saa Francisco. Jaly .SiBS' H EfSTTrs & Co -Gents : T have made DrHenleysMgnature across tbAopof eall TbtUe! fuTe lbSES"!?1 ,,aTe n ta n lae House. Noia everywhere. vio ? & C0 ' 676 w- Lae et,, Chicago; Ilia 02ra3 A St.-. - Vw. PRIVATE MEDICAL AID. Quick Care and Moderate Cbart Dr. W. KVpoherty's Private Medical & nrgkal Institute. No. 519 Sacramento Street, corner cj LeidesorlfJ (a few doors beiow the Wbat Cheer House.) (Private entrance on Lcidesdoifl street.) established Exju-essly to Afford the AU.cted Sound and Scientific iledicul Aid, iu th Treatnieut and Cure of all Private and Chronic Di.-easi-s, Cases of Secrecy and all Sexual J). sordcrs. To te A ill U led. DR. V. K. DOIJERTY reinrns his sincere thanks to hi, numerous patients for their patronage, and would take this opportnnitr to remind them that he continues to consult it his Institute for the cut e of chronic dis eases of the Lungs, Lirer, Kidneys, Diges tive and Genito-Urinary Organs, and all iiivate diseases, viz : Syphilis rnall its forms and stages, Seminal "Weakne.-s and all the horrid con.-equences of self-abuse, Gonnrr iioia. Gleet, Strictures. Nocturnal and Dinr :at EniisMous, Sexual Debility, Disei s s of Uie Dack and Loin?, inflammation of the Hl.idder and Kidneys, etc. ; and he hopes that his long experience and successful prac tice will continue to insure hint a share of ptihlic patronage. By the practice of many years in Europe uml the United States, he is enabled to apply the nrmst efficient and suc cessful remedies against diseases of all kinds He uses no mercury, charges moderate.trents his patients in a cm ret t and honorable war and has references of ut.questionable veraci ty from men of known respectability anil high standing in society. All parties con sulting him by letter or otherwise, will re ceive the best aud gentlest treatment atd .mpiicit seci cey. T. Females. When a female ism trouble, or afflicted with disease, as weakness of the back and nmbs. pain in the head, dimness of sight, jo.-s of muscular power, palpitation of' tho heart, irrit ibi'ity, nervousness, extreme ur inary ditliculties. derangement of dige-tivo functions, general debility, vaginitis, all dis eases of the womb, hysteria, steiility and all dher diseases peculiar to fem;iles,sheshould go cr write at once to the celebrated female doctor, V. K. DOHKRTV, at his Medical In stitute, and consult him about her trouble and di-easf. 'I he Doctor is efltcting more cures than any other physician in the State of California. Let no ialse delicacy prevent vi.u, but apply immediately and save yourself from painful sulli'i h.'gs ani premature death. All married ladies, whose delicate health or other circumstances prevent an incrcp.se in their families -houkl write or call at 1)U. V. K. DOiiEIti V'S Medical Instruf, ar.d they will receive every possible relief and help. The Doctor's offices are so arranged that he can be consulted without fear jf observation. To CpiTenpor.tii'nla. Patients residing in any part of the S-'tato nowever distant, who nmv des:re the opinion an;l adviceof 1 II. DO J I ERt V in their resper ;ive cases, and who think proper to sunmit a wiittcn stiitcn.fciit of such, in preference to holding a personal interview, ;.re respectful ly assuied that their communications will be held sacred and confidential. If the ca.-.e ba fully and candidly described, personal com munication will he unnecessary, as instruc tions for diet, regimen and the general t--et-ment of trie ca-e itself (including the reme dies), will be forwarded without delay, and ;n such a manner as to convpy no ideaof the purport of the letter or parcel so tiansmitted. fif"""" Con sul tat ion by letter or otherwise, FiiEE. Permanent cine guarantied or no pay. SiHrmatorrhan. DR. D011ERTV has jut published an in., pottant pamjdilet, embodying his own views ami experiences in relation to Impotence or - irility ; being a Short Treatise on Xperma torrhcei or Seminal "Weakness, Xervous and Physical Det iiity consequent on this aficr t'on, and other diseases of rhe Sexual Organs This little work contains infoi math-n ,,f the utmost value to a!', whether married orsingle ami will be sent FLEE by mail on receiptor -is cnts in postage stamps tor return post, age. Address. W. K. DOITERTV. M. D., julySOly San Francisco Cat I T II E FL Will sew everything reeded in a family, f;o:a the heaviest io the lightest fabric. IT DOICS MORE WORIC. MOU13 IvIXOS OF wonii, AXD BliTTEIt Avortif, Than any other machine. If there is a Florence Sewing Machire within one thousand utiles of San Francisco not working well and givi.!g entire satisfac tion, if I am informed ot it; it will be ntr tended to without expense f anv kind to the owner. 19 NEW M0XTC0.MERV STREET, Grand Hotel Building-, SAW FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA Send for Circulars and simples of the work. ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED IX EVEKY PLACE. Feb. 2, 1871 :ly AG EATS WAMIJD. THE LOST CITY; O R cx-x X o o- o Ai T WAS AND AS IT IS- A I1IST0RY OF TIIE GREAT CHICAGO XV fire trustful and accurate. A vivid and detailed account of the most terrible calami ty that has ever befallen the civilized world. Staitling incidents. "Hair Dreao'th 'scapes." The fearful ravages of the Fire Fiend. Tlie rein of Terror. Profusely and beauti'ul.y illustrated, including views of the citv before and since the fire.stiil suprcmelv grand in its rums. Orders will be tilled and received. The fastest selling book ever sold hv agents. Send $1 for canvassing outfit and secure an Agency immediately. Agents also wanted lor WOMDERSOF TIIE 1VORLD. One Thousand Illustrations, comprising startling scenes, inteiesting incidents and wonderful events iu all the Countries and among all People. A. L. BANCROFT & CO., "Sin Francisco, Cal, A. G. WALLIXG'S Pioneer Book Bindery. Corner of Front and Alder Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOK.S RULED and B0LWD to any desired pattern. MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety of style known to the trade. orders from the country prorapfly 4t tended to. O 0 0 0