""V, Ijc iDtckin (Eutcrprier. FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1872. TOWN" ASD COt'XTV. The Enterprise for the Campaign- We will furnish the Entkrfkise to clubs f fire sbbscribers nnd upwards, for Gfty cents, commencing with the issue of the JCtb of March, and ending with the issue f June 7tb. which will contain the elec tion returns. We hope that Democrats will see to it that the paper is in the bands or every voter in the county. Who will eend us the first list? Mubuek ok Jks.sb V. Boon The pad news reached here last Monday morning that Jesse V. Boone, the owner of what id known as Boon's Ferry, about 12 miles oouth or here, had been shot dead, by a turn namedacob Engel. Later in the day, the constable of Union precinct ar rived ia town, having in charge Engel, who was arrested about a mile south oi bare. The case ia now undergoing judi cial investigation, and we shall endeavor to.avoid giving anything calculated to prejudice the public mind against the prisoner. The trouble originated about tome sheep, getting into Mr. Boon's pas ture, and MrT Engel went there to drive them out. In doing so. he was about to drive out eome belonging to Mr. Boon, when Mr. B.'s son told him to leave their fheep in the pasture. Mr. Engel made threat! against the boy and told him he would shoot him. at the same time ad vancing towards him with his gun cocked. The boy about 1G years of age, alarmed, ran to the bank of the river where his father wax, and informed him of Engel's threat, who immediately came up and as they met Engel fired. the fchot taking effect in Mr. Boon's Tace and breast, thre snot entering the heart. Mr. Engel advanced towards Mr. Boon, and was about to dis charge the other barrel, but seeing him bleeding and staggering, ran towards his place. There were three persons present at the time of the shooting, and the above are the circumstances as they were told by the prosecution on the examination last Wednesday before Justice Burns. No evidence was offered by the defence, and the case has been postponed until next Tuesday (or the defence to produce testi mony which they claim to h;ive and will produce on that day. Engel left and started on foot for this place for the pur pose, he says, of giving himself up. but before he reached here the constable, as above stated, overtook him and made the arrest. Mr. Boon has been a citizen of this county for a number of vears. and was generally respected by all who knew him. He leaves a wife, and we believe, nix children. Engel is a bachelor.in com fortable circumstances, having a farm of live hundred acres of land, considerable stock and by many it is believed, that he has several thousand dollars buried some where. Following is the report of the Coroner's Jury. We the undersigned. Jurors, having been duly summoned and sworn to exam ine the dead body, Jesse V. Boone; now lying before us, we find on due examina tion and by tJi- testimony of witnesses and the post mortem examination made by Dr. F. Barclay in our presence that the deceased came to his death from gun shot wounds inflicted by Jacob Engel. Signed : W. A. Cresell, Lewis W. Tid man, Joseph Graham, J. Hamilton. Au gUKtus Vonger, A. Warner. Fokhks Bakcj.at. Coroner of Clackamas Co. March 2fi, 172. CntcriT Coriir I'ltocKKiuxcis. The fol lowing are tne Circuit Court Proceedings for the Match Term 1872, W. W. Upton. Judge. The Court appointed W. I. Burns crier for the term, and W. J. Caldwell. L. T. Barin and W. T. Whitlock, bailiffs. J. A. Strowbi idge, administrator ol the Ette. of John Torrenee, deceased, vs. ileorge Aberethy and H, Clarke, et a! ; Judgment, in favor ot the pUiutiff for the Bum of U :J21. Job Card vs. Mason Warnick ; Judg ment in favor of del'endent in the sum of $K3 3S. nnd costs. Jas. M. Moore vs. G. Grepe ; Judgment In favor of the defendent, for $15 and the cotts. Motion filed (or new trial. O. A C. Railroad vs. Daniel Harvey, de cked, continued. S. C. Calahan vs. Josiah Franklin, con tinued. K. E. Stuart vs. Elizabeth Welsh ; ver dict for defendant. Jas. M. Moore vs. W. F. C. A. L. Co ; ta ken tinder advisement. E. J. Westfall t. B. C. Westfall ; di vorce grant-d. Isola Gans vs. Henry Gans ; taken un der advisement and parties allowed ten days to tile briefs Geo. A. Pease vs. G. Grepe ; In hands of referee. F. M. Blanchard vs. Geo. Abernethy ; continued. II. F. Highfield vs. G. W. N. Tylor ; decree of foreclosure granted. Enoch Lonsr et !, vs. Marion Long et. al .; commissioners appointed to partition real curare. Henry Humbel vn. John Stege ; decree f foreclosure granted; Win. Barlow vs. John Ayers ; confirm ation of sale. L. A. Seely vs. D. Sebastian ; confirm ation of sale. Joseph Kafka vs. Chas. Vandervort ; continued. State vs. B. F. Caton : indicted for as fnnlt with dangerous weapon ; verdict, not juilty. State vs. Indian Jim ; indicted for as sault with dangerous weapon f released on his own bond. Cavght. Mick. McCormick, who was indicted by the grand jury of this county at the October Term for the murder of Tora Montgomery, and broke out of jail, has been arrested at Seattle, W. T. Mr. Joseph Sloan of Portland l-.ft last Tuesday with a requisition from the Governor, and will have him herein a few- days. It is likely that justice will yrt overtake this calprit. Wnrrixf Schoot..--We call attentiou to the advertisement of Prof. Macrura, who it will be seen, w about to open another term of writing school. We hope all who desire to acquire proficiencv in the art of penmanship will improve the opportuni ty now afforded them. "Dik Mow-.nwkltv' The February number or tfei fashion book has been re ceived. It is published at Berlin. France, imported by S. T. Taylor and translated by Mrs. C. A. Sicker. Price. $3 a vear. Address, S.T. Ttvlor, 3LU Canal street, N. Y. RETTBxrx. 5fr. C. F. Kent, who left Lere a short time ago for the Islands, is passenger on the Ajax which is due in Portland to-morrow. It wflT be sad in telligence for him to learn cf the death of his onlv child w hen he reaches Portland. Removed. Mr. Wni. SlngvT has remov ed his shop to the large building formerly Tised by Mr. John Lewis, opposite Oregon Uy Mills, where he is prepared to furnish all work in his line. Goe. Hon, D. P. Thompson left for last last Tuesday. He expects to be ab lest about two months. .Democratic Countf Convention. Pursuant to notice, the Democratic County Convention met at the Court House last Saturday morning at 10 o'clock The Convention was called to order by Hiram Straight. Esq., member of the County Central Committee. On rtoticn, Mr. Straight was cbosen temporary Chairman, and A. Noltner tem porary Secretary. On motion of S. Iluelat, a committee of three was appointed on credentials, con sisting of Messrs. Iluelat, Myers tnd White. On motion of Mr. Iluelat, a committee of three was appointed to report resolu tions and order of business, consisting of Messrs. Iluelat, Moreland and Cuttings. On motion the Convention took a recess until l o clock, p. m. At 1 o'clock the Convention was called to order. The Committee sn Credentials made the following report : Oregon City H. Straight, S. Iluelat, John Myers, Reuben Smith by F. li. Col lard, proxy; J. Dickens, Joseph A. Fields, Dr. Saif'arntns. Col. W. L. White, ' Hardings W. W. Strickland," Mark nation. Young's S. Ranney, F. Foster, Joseph Burnett. Beaver C. F. Beattie, P. S. Noyer, R. X. Worsham. Upper Molalla W. II. Vaughn, G. Dougherty, J. Hamilton. Canemah A. F. Hedges, Wm. Ganong. Lower Molalla W. M. McCowu, W. Moreland. Isaac Clowser. Cascade F. Revenue, Thos. Comm. Rock Creek W. W. Cook, B. F. Green: well, A. M. Lovelace. Cutting's J R. Str'ukland, II. C. K:ngo, D. Wright. Chas Cutting. Marshfield X. R. Mark wood, Douglas Jones. Oswego A. R. Shipley, J. W Cain. Springwater E. B LueMing, John Lu eliing, W. Strickland. Union F. Mack, E. X. Brackett, R. Ir vin. Marquam'a Lucien Ogle, James Muse. II. F. Kaler by James Muse, proxy; W. L. Barclay. Tualatin C. D. Turner. Wm. Evans. Pleasant Hill John Zumwalt, W. S. Young. Mihvaukie Thos. Sellwood, Jonathan Wills. Mr. Iluelat moved that no proxies be allowed seats in the Convention, which motion was Kst. and the report ol the Committee adopted. The Committee on Order of Business submitted the following report, w hich was adopted : 1st. Report of Committee on Creden tials. 2d. Permanent organization . 3d. Report of Committee ou Resolu: tions. Nominations. 1st. One Stale Senator. 2d. Three Representatives. yd. Sheriff. 4th. County Clerk. 5th. County Treasurer. (:h. Two County Commissioners. 7th. School Superintendent. th. Assessor. yth. County Surveyor. HJth. Coroner. 11th. Election of seven delegates to the State Convention. The Committee recommended the nom intions to be made by ballot. The same Commit lee reported the fol lowing resolutions, which were unauimous ly adopted : Jit.solrvd, That the Democratic party recognize no test or qualification for office than honesty, fidelity and capacity; and no test for standing in the party other than good citizenship and obedieuce to the laws of the land. lis solved. That we. the Democracy of Clackamas county, are opposed to the centralization ot power in the General Government, and that we lavor the teder alive feature of our Constitution, and as a consequence, the right to local self-government, and that government is lor the defense and protection of the citizen and not for the depletion of his finance by taxal ion. On motion the temporary officers were declared the permanent officers of the Convention. On motion, C. F. Beatie was elected As sistant Secretary. On motion. Messrs. Myers and Hedges were appointed tellers. The Convention then proceeded to nom inate the county ticket in the order above, which resulted in the following persons being selected for the respective posi tions named: State Senator. John Myers; Representatives, A. R. Shipley, J. II. Mar tin II. C. Ringo; Sheriff. A. F. Hedge; Clerk. Robt. F. Oaufieid; Treasurer, T. J. MeOorver; County Commissioners. Wm. Sharp. John Sawtell; School Superinten dent. A. Xolter; Assessor, R. X. Worsham; Surveyor, Joseph A. Burnett; Coroner, Dr. H. Saffairans; Delegates to the State Convention. W. L. Barclay . John Myers. A. Xolter. B. Jennings. W. L. While, W. H. Yaughan Joseph A. Burnett. The following persons were elected the Democratic County Committee : A. Xolter. C. F. Beatw, S. Huelat. A. F. Hedges aud H. Straight. On motion, it was ordered that the County Committee have power to fill va cancies on the ticket should any occur. On motion a vote of thanks was tender ed to the officers for the faithful and im partial discharge of their respective duties. On motion, it was ordered that the Sec retary have the proceedings published in the Oregon City Extekpkise. with a re quest for other Democratic papers to copy the same. On motion the Convention adjourned sine die. II. A. STRAIGHT, Chairman. A. XOI.TXKR, 0 . . C. F. Beatie, ) retar.e.s. Oregon Citv. March 2S, 1S72. Ei. Extekprise : A few days siuce some workmen engaged in clearing away earth a short distance above the Falls. pre paratory to blasting out a bed for the ca nal, now being constructed on the oppo site side of the river, dug out a six pound iron cannon ball. Mr. Gavin.tbe foreman ot the party states that the ball was about five feet below the present fcurface.embed ed in the solid ground, composed of small arrg-irhix stones, cemented together with clay, so compactly as to make it difficult of removal with the pick. Mr. Gavin says that previous to a former removal of earth from the same place last autumn, used in the construction of a dam the ball must have been buried nearly ten feet. The oldest inhabitants heve have no knowledge of a cannon balF of any description having ever been discharged in this vicinity. It might be probably supposed that it had been purloined from some ship or the military stores at Van couver, by some Indian, and subsequent ly buried with the deceased possessor in accordance with one ot their customs, but tor the reason that it was found in such a situation as they never select fir burial purposes, and also that the ground where it was dug out had not the appearance of having been previously disturbed since iiy original deposition, which must have ocenred' hundreds of years ago. J I'STIX Chexoweth. I m roRTAXT to- School Ci.erks. By ad vertisement it will-be seen that the School Superintendent has more money on hand for the various school distrists.which they are requested to call for immediately Sewing Society. The Ladies' Sewing- Society of the Episcopal Church will meet ! next Tuesday afterncou at the residence ' cf Mrs- James Milae- Gone into Bustness. Capt. Charles Kel logg has retired from the steamboat busi ness and engaged with bis brother, at Ilillsboro, in the mercantile business. Charley is a good fellow and we wish him success in his new line of business. New Goods. Mr. Ackerman received his Spring stock of goods this week. It is large and elegant. Give him a call. Odd Fellows Anniversary. Hon. E. L. Bristow, Grand Master of fhe Grand Lodge or I. O. O. F. of Oregon, has issued the following circular letter : To all Lodgts subordinate to the R. W. Grand Zxjdje of Oregon : la Friend ship, Love and lruth, Greeting : Whereas. The Fifty-Third Anniversary of the establishment of our beloved Order in the United States ot America is at hand, and believing that the commemo ration of that event will be fruitful of good, freshening in our memories the ma uy glorious principles that cluster in bright radiance around Odd Fellowship, under whose broad philanthropy we may gather, with confraternal hearts, and re new our acts of helpfulness by strewing the roses of Relief and Condolence along the pathway of the Widow, the Orphan and the Destitute, thus strengthening our ' Bond of Union Therefore, I. E. L. Bristow, M. W. Grand Master of the R. W. Grand Lodge of Oregon, and the jurisdiction thereunto belonging, do hereby grant this dispensa tion to ad Lodges in said juiisdicfion. em powering them to appear in public with the Regalia and Emblems of the Order, on 2fith day of April. A. D. 1872, and oth erwise appropriately celebrate said Anni versary by abstaining from their usual av ocations and assembling themselves to gether as Lodges, with joyons thanksgiv ing to God. the fountain of all good to wards mankind, devoutly praying that the genius of Friendship, Love and Truth. Faith. Hope and Charity may shine with lustre undimmed through the centuries to come. Given under my Hand and the Seal of the R. W Grand Lodge of Oregou, the day and the year above written. E. L. Bristow, Grand Master. ' Attest : Chester N. Terry. Grand Sec'y. Apportionment. Following is the apportionment of Dele gates to which each county is entitled in the Democratic State Convention, which meets at the Dalles, on April 10th : Baker fi Benton 0 Clackamas 7 Clatsop 1 Columbia 2 Coos :s Curry 1 Douglas 8 Grant 4 Jackson S Josephine 2 Lane S Linn 12 Marion 11 Multnomah 10 Polk 7 Tillamook 1 Umatilla 5 Union 4 Washington 3 Wasco 4 Yamhill C lieligiou Services. St. Pauls (Episcopal) Church, the Rev. John W . Jiellwoou, rector. Services on Sunday at Io a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Bible class at '2 p. u. 1st Congregational Church Seats Free Morning Services, ) 0. Sabbath Schr.ol, 12 o'clock M. Evening Services , 7 o'clock. Kkv. E. (Jerky, Acting Pastor PRAYER MEETING S. Sunday evening Tuesday evening , 5 o'clock 7 o'clock. M. E. Church Scats Free. Morning Services, .lo.3o, Evening Services, 7 o'clock. social meetings. Class Meeting following Motnins: Kervres. Prayer Meeting Thursda veveiiin? 7 co'clok. Sabbath School at 2 o'clock P. M. dii:i. In this city, March i'7th. after a short ill ness. Mabie Eliza, daughter of C. F. and Elizabeth Kent, aged 6 month and 2:j days. Fre the cloud had dimmed the skies, Sweet lamb, she was at rest. At his residence, on Deer Creek, on the 14th iust,, of enteric lever, Mr. John Collins, aired ;,3 years and 6 months, a native of Del aware. Spet-iu.1 A'otlce. INFALLIBLE WORMSYRUP FOR CHIL DREN. sale and Retail Me chants, Canby Statton, ngw.j.me niv auuiorizeu agents for the sale of the Infallible Worm Syrup, who will constautly keep a supply on hand. , J)RJ,W- VAN DEN BERGU. Salem, March 22, lS7-2.tf Pcrixg the fever epidemic of last month, the stock of Ayer's Ague Cure in the Old North State became exhausted, and before a supply could be received from Lowell, the sull'enng from chills and fever became fear ful. A tew parties were so fortunate as to have it on hand, and in Iredell County, the druggists eked out their slender stocks bv selling doses a spoonful each for a dollar. Many paid ten dollars for a bottle, when the regular price was but one, and thought themselves favored at that, so valuable are the curative properties of this preparation, which not only expels the poison from the system, but leaves the patient with unim paired health and vigor. Raleigh (N. C.) StuHtlard. Hall's Yegetable Sicilian Hair Rewnewer never fails to restore the color of the hair. Try it. Important to tlie Ludlcs. 1 hare just received a .supply of Clark's .'pool Cotton, Oil and Needles, to suit the Floience Sewing Machine, which are fo- sale at the lowest market price. I go to San Francisco to purchase foods for the Spring trace on the next trip of the Oriflarnme. So look out for a fine stock at reduced rate. ' Narch 23:tf THOMAS CHARM AN. Itcbtcrn I)-grt-e Lodge o. 3, . O. O. F Meet on the Second ?.-vd Fourth TUESDA Y EVEXIXGS. of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Half. Members of the Degree are invited to attend. Orrgcm IxOtlge Xo. 3, 10. of O. f.- o3g3&fe. 5Ieets every Thursday even ip& ing at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's H3ll, Mains eet. Members of the Order are invited to attend By order. jv. 0 Multnomah IoIjje Xo, 1, A,. F". and a A. 31 Holds its regular communica tione on the First and Third Xatur fd.iy in each mwvth, at 7 o'clock from ir , , , iu me otti of March, and ,J o'clock from the 2o'th of March tntY.a -)AK o ... " " 1 Wl oepcemoer. tfreth ren in good standing are invited to attend Dec 23.1 sq, By order of V. M. Special ZS"otIoo. In-dicestio?.- is the cause of nine-tenths of all a?X8he.hvinlInahjne is subject to ! Give tone to the stomach and dicestive organs, andyoa will save more than half in v, ti? lr. hi5 Cci.br.w i viVKHtrrereoom ' mended by all physicians to DTsrEPTirTand i ft ALL COMPLAIN Of the LlVEH ASD DlGMlw Urga-s, 6e9 advertisement in cnother column. WILLIAM DAVIDSON, REAL ESTATE DEALER. Office,, 3To. 64 Front Street, PORTLAND, - - - OREGON. REAL ESTATE in this CITY and EAST PORTLAND, in the most desirable localities, consisting of LOW, HALF BLOCKS and J3LOCKS, HOUSES and STORES; also IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable uncultivated LANDS, located in ALL parts of the STATE for SALE. REAL ESTATE and other Property purchased for Correspondents, in this CITY and throughout the STATES and TERRI TORIES, with great care and on the most ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS. HOUSED and STORES LEASED. LOANS NEGOTIATED, and CLAIMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COL LECTED. And a General FINANCIAL and AGENCY BUSINESS transacted. AGENTS of this OFFICE in all the CITIES and TOWNS in the STATE, will re ceive description of FARM PROPERTY' and forward the same to the above address. Feb. 3, 171. FALLS ECAMPMEXT NO. 4, I. O. F. Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall on tie FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAY EVENING of each month. Patriarchs iu good stand ing are invited to attend. Feb. 8. lS72:tf For the very beat photographs, go to Brad ley fc Rulofson's Gal'ery withovt STATRft Z? ASCEND IN THE ELEVATOR, 429 Montgomery Street, San Franci co. AGHA'TS FOU THE KXTEHPUISK. The roflowing persons are authorized to act aa agents for the KxeixtPiiisE : J. M. Baltimore, Portland, Oregon. Thomas Royce, San Francisco. L. P. Fisher, " " Hudson ,t Menet,41 Park Row, New York. Geo. P. Rowell fc Co., 40 Park Row, New York. Abbott & Co.. Xo. 82 & 81 Nassau street, New York. ' Hudson, Menet it Co.. Chicago, Illinois. Coe. Wetherill & Co., G07 Chestnut street Philadelphia. New- To-E);ay. EYEXIXti WJilTIXC SCHOOL Ladies & Gentlemen. COMMENCING MONDAY EVENING, J April 8, 1872, in the rooms formerly oc cupied by Prof. Pope's Grammar School", op posite Masonic Hall. School in session four evenings each week, from 7i to K o'clock. Terms Five dollars per term of forty-four lesions. See specimens at the i'ostoflice. I. ALLEN MACRUM, March 29, w3 Instructor. Notice to District Clerks rpiIE INTER E.ST FROM THE IRREDU JL cible School Fund, apportioned to Clack amas count', has been placed in the hands of the County Treasurer, nnd warrants in favor of the several Schoel Districts for their portion of the same have been drawn and me ready for the District Clerks. E.GERRY. Sup't of Common Schools. Oregon City, March 2$, 172. 2w Stockholder's Meeting. HPHE ANNUAL MEETING FOR THE Jl election of Directors of the Oregon Citv Manufacturing Company will be held at their ollice, in this city, Saturdav, April 27, lb72. R. JACOP, President. M. A. Strattok, Secretary. w2 SPRING & SUMMER GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT DEALER IS DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, GROCERIES CROCKERY, NOTIONS, AC MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. PRODUCE of all kinds bought, for which I pay the highest market price. If you desire good Goods, at LOW Prices, calf at I. SELLING'S, and examine his fresh stock of Spring Goods. GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. My Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. I. SELLING. April 14. 1871:tf Sheriff Sale. Y VIRTUE OF AN EXF.CUTION AND order ot sale, issued out of the Circuit Court of the Mate of On-gon, for the county of Clacka mas, dated the 27th dny of March, A. 1872, and to me directed, pursuant to a decree in favor of lLi-nry Humbel, pluiutilt, aud against John fctejre, dcfciulaut-, for the sum of two thousand and fifteen 25-100 dollars, in U. S. gold coin, and the further sum of forty-seven Oli-loo dollars costs and disbursements. I5y virtue of a decree of fore closure of mortgage on real estate, 1 have this 2Sth day of March, A. 1)., 1S72, levied on the fol lowing described tracts or parcels of town lots, situate m Oregon City, Oregon, specified in said decree and order of sale as follows, to-wit: Tlie undivided one-half of lots numbered four, 4, and five, 5, in Block number twenty-three, 23, accord ing to tin; plat of said town now on file in the County Clerk's oUice of Clackamas countv, Ore gon, together with the hereditaments and "apper tenanees thereunto belonging or in anywise ap pertaining as the property of said John Stege, and on Saturday, tiie 27th clay of April, A. D., 1872, at the hour of one o'clock p. in. of said day, in frontofthc Court House door, in Oregon City, iu said county, I will proceed to sell the same to the hiyhest bidder, for U. S. gold coin, to satisfy said execution, costs and accruing costs. A Ki U C It ' W A RXER , Shctiff of Clackamas county, Oregon. Dated March 28, lS72:wl Sheriff Sale. fY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION AND order of sale, issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Clacka mas, dated the 27th day of March, A. IX, 1S72, and to me directed, pursuant to a decree in favor of J. DStrowbridge, Administrator of theestale of John Torrenee, deceased, plaintiff, and against George Abernathy and Hiram Clark, doing busi ness under the firm name of George Abernethy and Co., defendants, for the sum of sixteen thou sand, three hundred and twenty-one dollars, 321 00, am tWr further sum of twenty-eight 3U-10U dollars-costs and disbursements, by virtue of a decree of foreclosure of mortgage on real estate, 1 have, on this 2!tth clav of March, A. D. 1872, leviod on the following described parcels of land, siecined in said der-o aud onler of sale as follows, to-wit: Lot hiukVt seven, 7, in Block number one, 1, and trie north half of lot number seven, in Block number twenty-nine, 29, HvUre--gou City, Clackamas county, Oregon, as design niitv1 mwin e- official maps thereof, together with the appurtenances thereunto belonging1 or manvwise appertaining, a-s me prupeny oi uic said George Abernethy and Hiram Clark, defend ers, and on Saturday, the 27th day of April, A. D 1S72 at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said lav, in front of the Court House, in Oregon City, in said county, I will proceed to sell th same to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said execu tion costs and accruing costs, non, cotis ARTHUR WARNER, Pheriff of Clackamas county, Oregon. Dated Oregon City, March 23, 1S72. w-i- Fair Warning. JR. RAI-STON'S ACCOUNTS MUST a be "settled nirht awav to save costs. WaRREN & FORBES. Oreroil City, March 15172. tf X. POPE, Grocer & Provision Dealer, Next door south of the Court House, f Ma, Street, Oregon City, Oregon, DEALER IN BEST FAMILY GROCERIES, COFFEE, TEA5, SUGAR, FLOUR AND MEAL of all kinds, PICKLES, SO AP, SALT, CANNED FRUITS and OYSTERS, Also, all kinds of Fresh Fruit and Vegetable. BUTTER, CHEESE and EGGS, TOBACCO and CIGARS, GLASSWARE, Etc, Etc. All kinds of country Produce taken in ex chancre for Roods at the highest market rates. RfGoods delivered iu the city free of cl urge. A fair nhare of patronage solicited. March U, lS72:tf REAL ESTATE HEAL ESTATE JACOB STITZSt, 0. C. WAY. JACOB STITZEL&C0., SUCCESSORS TO STITZEL Jc UPTON., REAL ESTATE AND MOIVEY HROK12RS Cor. Front anrt Wathlngton S., PORTLAND. O R E G ON . Special attention given to the sale of farm ing lands and city property. All corres pondence relating to the recources of Ore gon will be promptly auswered- REAL ESTATE JOURNAL Published monthly. Sent free of charge to any address. JACOB STITZEL & CO. March 15, 167'2:tf Patrick and Francis Donnelly. SEVERAL YEARS AGO TWO YOUNG men, brothers, named respectively as above, quitted Ireland and settled in the Un ited States of America. Should both or either oi them be still alive, or if otherwise should they have left after them children lawfully begotten, the survivors are hereby informed that by late events they have be come entitled to considerable property, and are advised to correspond without delay on he subject of their newly acquired right, with JAMES SIN NOTT, ESQ., 13 Lower Ormond-quav, Dublin, March 15, l72.w3 " Ireland. Guardian's Sale. NOTICE IS HERDHY GIVEN THT BY virtue of an order of the Honorable County Court of the Wtate of Oregon, for the county of Clackamas, made at the February term, 1ST2. I imju hj me inquest oiuucr, at tlie Court House uoor, in crefjron city, t laukainas county, on Sat urdav. the Itith diiv of nril l.r- .,,i.i;.. tion, tlie following'described real estate, tlie pro perty of tlie minor heirs of Enos Slover, deceased, i-mu . i-uLa iiumoureu one, i, rwo, Z, nve, a, six, li, seven, 7, and eight, H, iu Block numbered sixty-two, in the town of Oregou City, county of via'-iv.uiia, niii'.c Ol V-MeTOU. Terms of Sale. Onc-h'tilf laanulor iri two wjustl quarter-yearly payments, T. J. TAYLOR, Guardian of M. E. Slover, E. A. Slover, A. J . Slover and C. T. Slover, Minors. F. BARCLAY, R. C. S. Formerly Surgeon to the Hon. II. B. Co. 33 Vcura Experience. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Mai n Street, Oregon City, Final Settlement. In tlie matter of the Estate of Daniel Trulling-er deceased, in tlie County Court for Clackamas,' State of Oregon. 'RriiE ADMI NISTRATOR OF SAID ESTATE bavins? tiled his aec-ounts and vouchers for final settlement thereof, it is ordered by the Court, that Monday, tlie 1st day of April, IH72, be set apart for said final settlement with N. li! TrulliuKer, Administrator, and Elizabeth Trul liujrer, Administratrix, of said estate; and no tice be kdveu by publication for four successive weeks iu the Oregon City Enterprise, a newspa per published in this county, this order. March 4, J. K. "WAIT, County J udge. WARREN & FORBES, Att'ys for Adin'r and Admr'x. ma.SwI Notice of Final Settlement In the matter of tlie Estate of Henry S. Moore, deceased. VOW AT THIS DAY COMES JAMES M. L Moore, Administrator of said Estate, by his Attorneys Johnson A: McCowu, aud filed his final report, properly veritied, together -with his vouchers for final settlement. It is ordered and adjudged by the Court that Monday, the 1st day of April. 1S72, be set apart for said final settle ment with said Administrator, and that notice be given by publishing this order for tour sucees Kive weeks iu the Oregon City Enterprise, a news paper published iu this county. J. K. WAIT, County J udge. t T a ( Attest, '( i J. M. FRAZER, ( County Cleric maSw Oregou City, March 4, 187:2. Summons. In the County Court for Clackamas county, State of ( rern. A. MEIlt, riaintiff, Civil action to recover vs. money. E. A. GIBSON, Deft.) To the alove named Defendant : OL ARE HEREBY" NOTIFIED AND RE-- quired to appear in the above entitled Court and answer to the complaint of the plain tiff, tiled in the above entitled action, within ten days from the date of the service of this sum mons upon vou, if served in Clackamas county ; and if served in any other county uf this State, then within twenty days from such service; and if served by publication, you are notified and re quired to appear and answer said complaint on or before the 1st Monday in May, 1S72, that be in the first day of the next term of the County Court for Clackamas county, Oregon, -which will le held next after the expn-ation of the period prescribed by the order of said Court for the pub lication of this summons; and if you fail so to appear and answer, the plaintiff will take judg ment asrainst you for the sum of J'JKj 45, with legal interest from June 7th, 1871, and tVr costs and disbursements of this action ; the said action being brought by plaintiff to recover the afore said balance due on book account for merchan dise sold defendant by plaintiff. And you are further notified, that the Hon. J. K. Wait, Judge of said County Court, on the 5th day of Febru ary, 1S72, made an order directing the summons to Ix; served by publication in the Oregon City Enterprise for six successive weeks. WARREN & FORBES, March I, 1872:w6 riff's Att'ys.- IMPROVED BAND SAWS Molding Machine, M0RTISERS, And etfe1? description of Wood-workinp- "ma chinery and Planing Mil) supplies. Address BERRY k PLACE, Machinery Depot, 1T2 California St. Sati Fraucisco. nov24eow6m Administratrix's Notice, "jVOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Tn.VT THE undersigned has been' duly appointed Ad ministratrix of the Estate of Lawrence Burns, deceased, late of Clackamas county ; therefore' all persons having claims against said Estate are required to present them tome, properly verified at the atfice of Johnson & McCown, within six months from date. , , r v MARY A. BURNS, Admr x of the Estate of Lawrence Burns, dee'd J OHN SON & McCO WN, Att'ys. Maioh 1172.- mal5w PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE ! Fall and Winter Trade. HAVING RECENTLY FILLET) UP OCB assortment of Imported Styles ia Ladies and Gents' Boots sibkI (waiters, We will take great pleasure in displaying and receiving orders from our patrons and the public generally. We have received from New York a tew pair of the Ct lebiated ELPRAT OPERA BUTTON FRONTS, by m bieh a Lace Shoe can be turned into a beautiful Button Gaiter Will take orders for the &auie at airy tims. We have the Best and Latest Slyl in Misses' and Children's Button Gai era and Bilmorals that are impoi ted, but for good substantial wear there are none that can come up to our ow n make. We Warrant them in every respect. Seven entirelv New Styles of Ladies' and Misses' RUBBERS. T e' Nillson. Congress, Marie Antoinette, Queeu's German, Velvet Front and Alaska. Light, ylish Durable and Neat Fitting. Also, a lot of Children's Rubbers. Briug on your feet. TO WOKIOIIDjY. COME AND SEE CUR CHAMPION BOOT! Respectfully, PR0TZMAN, GLLLIHAN & CO., Cor. Front and Morrison Stfl-, PORTLAND, REGON. Dee. 1. !S71:tf CLIFF HOUSE, xsiL Okec;on- City, Ohkoox. THIS POPULAR HOUSE HAYING Been lately REFITTED and FURNISHED, the Proprietors are now ready t aoccommo date their customers with IlARD-FIN ISHED double or single rooms. Thev invite all thos fond of a GOOD MEAL and a GOOD BED. to call and give them a trial, for they are confident they cat p lease every b-dy, because they ' know how to keep a Hotel. Prices to suit the times and Everybody, according to the rooms occupied. Attached to the House is a For the accommodation of csutotners. MERRIAM & FOURMER, June 16. 187l:tf Proprietors.. LOST. I7R0M TIIE UNDERSI ED, LIVING AT Canemah, about the 5th inst , a Sorrel Mare, about fifteen hands high ; six years old ; small wtiite streak in the toretead, with saddle marks ; shod all around. Any person returniug sad mare or giving information ol her whereabouts, will lie suitably rewar ed. WM. 11. M liS UAL. Canemah, Feb. 22, 1872. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. PORTLAND, - - OREGON- GEO. li. CITBRY, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND OTHER INVEST .MEM'S. Commissioner Selecting Swamp and Over flowed Lands. Farm Lands sold and purchasers obtained for all kinds of landed property. Valuable securities transferred in exchange for real estate. Loans negotiated on property, and titlss examined and determined. Commissions solicited and executed with fidelity and promptness. OFFICE Xo. 11 Carter's Biiildinc. ffiriaor of Alder Sod Front streets. Feb. 3. 70:tf R3EW GOODS JkT THE L I M C 0 L NJB A K E R Y. WILLIAMS & HARDING, HAVE JUST OPENED A FULL VARIE ty of choice FAMILY GROCERIES. AND PROVISIONS. The Bakery will be constantly supplied with fresh BREAD, CRACKERS,- CAKES. PASTRY, CANDIES A$D NUTS. AM of which will be sold at living rates. Remember that we do not sell goods at CO:7t. Also, olease bear in mind that it t.iVea money to do business. To thp' farmino- trade wp wnnM cov f'ACTI r- - - '-J , v 4 a. . m. for you. produce, and CASH Iof our goods. vjoous uenvereu 10 an parts ot the city. Feb, lti, lS72:tf NEW HARDWARE STORE, CORSET FRONT Si STARK STS., PORTLAND, OREGON. JOHN 15. FOSTER Is now receiving and offers f6r sale, at the i&west rates, a rull stock of SHELF jSJST BUILDERS' lH A RD WARE, Mechanics' Tools, Tabic and Pocket Cutlery, MINERS' GOODS Nails, Ropes, Shovels, Anvils, Axes, Etc., Which he incites buyers to call and examine before purchasing el-ewhere. Would invite particular attention of buy ers of Rudders' Hardware and House Trim mings, either at WHOLESALE or RETAIL. May 2G, lS71:m3 JOHN R. FOSTER. iffl, Trees ! SS Plants ! FLOWER AXO GARDES SEEDS. Apple and Crab, 100. 2 to 4 ft., t; 4 to 6 ft., $6 00 Pear,8td.extra,l vr.Bartlett &c,3 to i ft.,doz. 2 50 eeds, reaoh,bu.,2; Apple, Osafre, new, bu.,12 00 Potatoes, "White Peach Wow.Early Rose.bu., 2 00 Seedhmw, boft Maple, l.Ooo.Jl; Ash, 3; Wm, 00 Illustrated Catalogue, iw Pt Price Lit . . . 10c F. K. PHOIIN'IX, Bloomington, Illinois, feb 2:w& AUCTION AND COMMISSION A. IS. Riclia,rcIsoii9 AUCTIONEER I Corner of Front and Oak straatSPortlaB J, AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate. Groceries, GeneralMarsba dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday A. B. Eichardsok, Auction AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Bar and Bundle Irou English Square and Octagon Cast stesl Horse shoes, Files, Hasps, saws; Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, K. G. Ir also: A large assortment of Groceries sndLiqusr A. B. Richardsojtj Auctioneer HOLIDAY PRESENTS. TBI L1BG1ST ill riXCST STOCK IW PORTLAND, OF FINE WHTCHES, EICH JEWELRY AND Silverware C L. STONE, "WHOLESALE AD K8T1II. BALKft t WATCnES aud JEWELRY No. 107 Front it PORTIANO, Would invite attention of his frisnis l the public to his Large and Choice Assort" ment of FIXE WATCHES, From the most Celebrated Makers f Howard & Co.. lio.aton ; Apelton &, Tracr, P S. Bartlett, Waltham, Mass.; Elgin Watches Q Jncot Self-winding Watches; English Also the be.-tselected STOCK of LA DIE'' IVlTeflt'J r n j ..niviiiA', ui an ue.vcripiiou aa ijls, which be would be pleased to show to alf O who may favor him with a call. AGENT FOR CUAS.E. JACOT WATCHES, Fine Jewelry and Solid Silver Ware, Faftcy Articles, 8iiitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Silver Watches, of different maters. Diamond l'ins, Ear-rings an Finger-ring, Gold Bracelets. Ould Cbatelain Guards and Walch-cbahis, Gold Necklaces, Armlets, Crosses, Locksts, Gold Uieast-iiis, Ear-rings, Finger-rinf s, Gold Charms and Keys. California Gold Rings am" Bohrass' P sil ent Bbckels. Opera Chains.- Moss Agate Setts, Rings and Cuff Buttons; Wedding Rings, made of para gold, pressly for that purpose. Gold and Silver Thimbles, Opera ad Marine Glasses; Pebble Spectacles and Eye-glass6s .soliil Silver Napkin Rings. Silver Fruit and Butter Knives. Solid Siler Table and Tea Spoons. Relators, Seth Thomas Clocks, Marifr Clocks, Gilt Gallery Clocks, Ac. All fhe abote articles sold Cheapfor Casfa and warranted as represented.. Particular attention given to repairing and adjusting of Chronometers, Duplex and American Watches-. R Ij STONK nov24tt 107 Front st. Portland, Oregott.- TO YOUX(J MENJ TO YOU BELON'O fflE FtrtfJRE Or' our beautiful and fast growing Stat, Soon the shrill whistle nf th lunv urvnuv as he comes tmoking across this reat coa tinent, drawing after him the rich products of the Nation's Wealth and Industry,! wiH announce th "GOOD TIME COMING' when Oregon's own Sons and Daughter will be called to fill the new avenues ot Busf ness. Evefvone should orenare for an . z i - - ACTIVE BUSINESS LIFE, Great chantrA hnA Kdan tvaa ;n mercial affairs of Oregon in a few vearsv "111 x At. j . . . - t uai tup Qeveiopements ot our State will b in the fwture, i.s a nswi which depend unon the HSJSIVF'nS fjff A f AK'in TVrttrt of her Young Men. w uuin ttie past roar yaars af ontia prosperity, the National Business Colleft, of Portland, Oregon, has seh out S6RE of young men fully trrtalifted, and man f ""' c hvw Hinag aign ana lucrative po sitions m the Banks. Countinor-Rooms and Stores of oar State. So great is the demand? tor Good Accountants. that Business men have been frequently1 compelled to send East for assistance. N enterprising, studious Young Man who hag-passed- through the prsssitibed coura f studrea" ai this MODEL COLLEGE has complained for want cf a situation- and at good salary, too. J-very faciliy is here fforded acquir ing a SOUND BUSINESS EDUCATION in the shortest possible time, and at TIIE LEAST EXPENSE. Every student will have an ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICE1? After having completed the Theorr'.- n J introduced into a MINIATURE WORLD OF BUSINESS, which has the effect 6f thoronghly fa'mifiarii ing him with all the minutr ot real bnsruefs. The courje of study embraces fAmble and Single Entry BooR-Kceprgr, Commercil Arithmetiey Commercil Law, Correspon -ence. Business Penmanship, regular and special Lectures, etc., etc., combining theory with practice. ALSO, Strperior advantages for securing a thorough, knowledge of ORNAMENTAL PENMANSHIP, TELEGRAPHY, PHONOGRAPHY, FRENCH, SPANISH;. GERMAN, ITALIA X. ETC For full particulars, call' at the College Of fice. in Carter's buildings comer of Front and Alder street, (entrance on Alder) Port land, Oregon, or send'for cicular. Address DeFRANCE & JAMES, PORTLAND, OREGON. Merch 31l7.I:j-l JMPEKIAL MILLS. Savierr LaRoqne & Co., OREGON cm HB-Keep constantly on hand fo sale Midlings, Bran and Chicken Feed. Fa,ai purchaiiinjtfeedniust faroisb the ea.