3 EEI)C iDcekhj 'Enterprise. Y HID AY, : : : MARCH 22. S72. TOWN AND tOtSTV. The Enterprise for tie Campaign We will furnish the EsTKKrmsK to clubs cf five subscribers and upward, for fifty cents, commencing witb the issue the ICth of March, and ending with the issue of June 7ib. which will contain the elec tion returne. We hope that Democrats w ill See to it that tins pap n the hand9 of every voter in the county. Who will lend us the first list? rr.iMAHY Convention.-l'ursnant tono lice, the Democracy of Oregon City pre cinct met atlhe Court House last Satur Hay, and organized by calling Col. W, L. White io the Chair. and. electing A. olt her Secretary. After a few preliminary remarks Uv the Chairman, the meeting proceeded" to banot for eight delegates to the County Convention, which resulted in ibe. selection of the following gentlemen : U Straight, S. Ilnelat, John Myers. Keu u Smith J. Dickens, Joseph A. Fields. IV. Safl'arraiis. Col. W. L. White. The rllowin,' are the delegates from he var'.ons precincis as they have been reported to us, and we presume the list is corrtc t Ilardings W. W. Strickland, Mark Halton. t, Young's S. Ranney. F. I- oster. Joseph Burnett. Heaver C. F. Deattie, P. S. Noyer, II. K. Worsham. Upper Molalla W. II. Vaughn, G. Dougherty. J. Hamilton. Can-mah A. F. Hedges. Wm. Ganong. Lower Molalla W. M. McCown, Chas. is'ublett. Isaac Clow-er. Cascade F. Revenue. Thos. Comm. Kock Creek W. V. Cook, 15. F. Green Well, A. M. I.ovelac. Cutting's J It. Strickland, II. C. R'ngo, D. Wright. Chas Cutting. Marshfield N. U. Markwood, Douglu3 JolH-S. Oswego A. II. Shipley. J. W Cain. Springwater II B LueU'mg, John En tiling, W. Strickland. Union F. Muck, K. M. Brackett, R. Ir Vin. Marquam's Lucien Ogle, James Muse, . Kaler. W. U. Barclay. Tualatin C. D. Tinner. Win. Evans. We have received no reports Irom Mil waukie and Pleasant Hill. An Attemitko EsoaI'k (?). A man who was confined in our city jail for some tu ning olfense. was taken out last Saturday by the jailor to take wood into the pibon. Ttie juilor assisted him by taking an arm full lo his arm lull. The prisoner allowed the young ami sprightly jailor to get the utari of liirn and gel his arm lull first, and when he started with it into ilie jail, tbe prisoner started oil" in a hurry. Tlie jailor started after libit and by good and sub stantial yelling, succeeded in getting him (topped by a couple of men who headed hitu off in the cut near the Congregational church. Now the j ulor is extremely loyal mid a righteous citizen, and we give the following as it comes to us, and ive may mate it comes in a maimer we are willing to vouch tor its authenticity. The prison er addressed the jailor in this wise : "Your are a nice old man ; you told me to run when I got a chance, ami then you was mean enough to run after me aud bring me back, when you agreed to let me go if 1 would run off and not come back.'7 We hear that this is a practice with certain parties. II a man should happen to be a Democrat, and he is likely to be here on election day, these city officers tell them to -run" and never come back. If this is hot playing the game low down we would like to hear who can beat it. We believe that is "high' If the fellow who attempt ed his escape last Saturday had only cried out "MnaU-pox." his persner would have been on In Iarui again before daylight on the toilowing morning. He is a brave old win, but can't face the small pox. i n k rt -a i.. Immediately after Clifford Jones fell over the basin last week, a sub scription paper wa!5 circulated among his fellew boat haeds, and we are informed Over $1"'J was 'contributed in less than a half hour. This shows that the heart of the labeling man is always in the right place, aud their hands always open for the relief of tile deserving. We are in jormed that Mr. Jones' condition is yet critical, and that it will be a loug time, if ever, before he will be able to go to work ng.iin. The steamer K. N. Cooke did not return to Oregon City until yesterday afternoon. Detained till fate Saturday evening ferry ing flour tj the Ajax. (Jrejoe.an. 9 This in about as correct as the general items in the l'ortlaud papers from this place. The Cooke did come up as usual on Saturday afternoon and put on a load rt freight and returned that evening io Poi Hand, coming back liere On Sunday afternoon. Personal. We received calls dur ing the tail week Irom Messrs J. C. More land, U. E. Ilicks, Chas Goldstein and E. St. John, and H. L. I'ittock, all of Fort land. We like to have our friends give us a call when they visit our town. In Town. Among I he strangers from abroad in town this week we noticed, W; S. Ladd. E-q.. Judge Strong. Judge Iiro nough, Hon. J. II. Mitchell. B. Killin. Esq. Prosecuting Attorney Gibbs, M. F. Mulk ey, Esq., Theodore Hurniesler. Esq. The Jurors who are in town attending Court do not appreciate Judge Upton's plan of adjourning Court every day in time to go to Portland on the 2:40 train. Taey rould like to gt home to attend to plowing. The Judge probably cafes but little for their interests. Error. In our report of the apportion ment of school money for this cCtmty, we Hated that the sum of $0 o. in currency apportioned to each scholar. It j stn.iifa nave been four cents and five mills. FfvR Weather. The weather has been beautiful during the past week and we ire now enjoying a most delightful spring. People hare commenced making garden. nd the" trees are beginning to put forth their buds. When the weather is pleasant in Oregon, it beats the world. Departs. In consequence of the contin ued ill-health of Rev. Mr. Hines. Method ist preacher at this place, he has" been compelled to give up his charge, and we are informed th-.it he proposes to go to Eastern Oregon next Tuesday, for the benefit of his bealth. Crowiied. In consequence of the Cir cuit Court bein.5 in session this week, our town Las presented quite a lively appear ance. Going E.vst. We are informed that D. P. Thompson, Esq.. proposes to leave on the Oriaamme for the East, Practicing. Cataracts Xo. 2 were ont with their hose last Tiesday practicing. Rcnawat. TLb team belonging to Mr Ilunsacker took fright last Saturday and ran np Main street at a furious rate, dis tributing particles of the wagon as they went. They ran as far is Canemah. when they were caught. The damage to tbe wagon was ail the injury done. Thanks. We ftrb under obligations to Messrs. N. R. Markwood. of Marshfield precinct, Thos. IJ. Jones, of Cutting's pre cinct, and J. W. Strawser, ol Union pre cinct, for large lists of campaign sub scribers. Lecture. Mr. L. Lelaud is.announced to deliver a temperance iccture at the Court House this evening He had good luck in making: the Radical ticket, and we suppose be wants to try Lis luck on Democrats- Foomsh. A dear was chased by dogs to the bluff last Saturday, when it took a leap over, and was badly injured. It was killed by some young men who saw it. It came over the highest-point on the bluff. AjtGooD Time. We hope as rxauy of our delinquents as can conveniently, will call on us and square up. We have recently ordered some new material and need uiuru'y to pay for it. Going to San Fiuncisco. Mayor Char man leaves on tbe Oi iflamme for San Francisco to purchase his spring stock of goods. He will ialorm our readers of his return by a large advertisement. Reckiveh. Mr. I. Selling has received his stock of spring and summer goods, which he is offering to his customers. He also wants all the wool our fanners have to sell. Skwixu Society. The Ladies' Sewing Society of the Episcopal Church will meet next Tuesday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. R. CaufieSd. Fkoimses to IYkchask. Mr. La Rocque. of this city, intends to purchase a home situation near Vancouver on account of the beauty of situation and scenery. Lecti ue. We are requested to give no tice that Mr. L. Lelaud will deliver a tem perance lecture at the Congregational church next Sunday evening. I.ncwkuect. Most of our State exchanges in giving the number of school children in our county, s'ate tin; number to be l,ol)7. It should be 2.."07. Make Ur Ci.t ns. We wi!l furnish the EvrEuritisE till after the eu ct'on for fif:y cents. Let every precinct make up a club. Contract Let. We are informed that the contract for building the bridge qgp-oss Butte Creek has been let to Mr. Collen. Wheat. The Alice brought down for the Imperial Mills last Sunday one hun dred and thirty tons of wheat. Arm Buokk. A little girl, daughter of Doc Bar!ow.tell between two piles of lum ber last weeK, and hail her arm broken. Telegraphic Clippings. Cleveland, March 17. Four powder mitls of the Austin Powder Company, situated about five miles south of here, blew up yesterday afternoon with a series of explosions. 300 kegs or about four tons of powder being fired. Two men named Leonard and Sherman, at work in one of the mills, were blown in to pieces, fragments of the bodies being thrown hundreds of feet away, and three others, wotking in the vicinity, were more or less injured. The 'mills were b'own to atoms and the ground tor acres was strewn with fragments'. Nearly every building in the city was severely shaken by concussion, and quite a commotion caused among the inhabitants. Loss to the Company about $15,000. Concord. March 13. Reports received from 201 towns give Straw. Republican. :-5l.70y; Weston, Democrat; 31.210; Black mer. .'Ifi'J; Cooper, and scattering. 37."); making th majority for straw l.fiSo. vhich will be reduced below 1.500 by the re maining tow:,s. The 11th Senatorial Dis trict is dcubtful. Ai.ii vNY (X. Y.), March 13. Tn the ex amination by the postage Stamp Commit tee, French testified that Cashman. former clerk of the House, furnished him $50 worth of one cent, stamps at the expanse of the county, by instructions of the Dep uty Postmaster. A subordinate expended $7,000 worth of stamps on documents and bundles from the legislature. He stamped everything lor legislators, also the Ectning Journal, almanacs by the wagon load, packages of dirty linen, dirty stockings, etc. Ex-Senate clerk Terwilliger said he didn't, have hts ac counts, but thought the State lost nothing in these transactions. He gve stamptsio Senators without chrtrge. It is to be re membered that Terwiliiger was formerly the Chief Clerk of Collectoi Murphy. New York. March 11. Particulars were received this afternoon of the loss of the ship Denmark, originally the larg est clipper ship in the world, built by Donald .McKay, at East Boston. Washington; March II. A Washing ton special has t!1e following items: The President has suspended the removal of Distiict Attorney Bates till Mie result of the case now pending in the Supreme Court regarding Courts in Urah is known. It is now believed that decision ot the Court will virtually declare that for a year, under Mclvean, no defendant has been brought into a Court legally formed. New iork. March 19: A limes Wash ington correspondent says: ,-Ou unques tionable authority I am able to inform jotf that a change and an important one has come over the spirit of the admin istration, on the subject of the Cuban war for Independence. The immediate cause of this change is not learned, but in well interned circles it is supposed to be the receipt of some important aisputches from Madrid. Whatever may be the im mediate carrses, Of the fact that the retl tions between fh'isT Government and that of Spain are at. this moment of the most critical nature; such iu fact, as to warrant the suspicion that an open rupture may supervene .any day. Gen. Sickles will not return to Madrid, nor will any one replace him just now. The mistake into which Secret!. ry Fih fell with regard to the personality of the newly appointed Spanish Miniver to this Government, lias served to embitter the i-pirit between the two cabinets."' , Lowell. Indiana. Marcli 19 .The entire business por'ion of this town was burned last night. Loss heavy; insurance light. Both hotels and the printitur office were destroyed, and the jail and other houses were burned, besides a number of stables and out bouses. There was i'rrmrnce on four housis. It is impossible to esti mate the loss at present, but it will be about $10.000, New Yoke, irarfh 19. General D. L Stanton, Colfecicr for the Fifteenth Dis trict of Mary land, h: s been arrested and deposed from his position, charged with being a defaulter in from $20.00o'o $30 000. Boston, March 15. Harvard school house, at Cbarlestown was burned tlrisj afternoon. Loss $40.fKHf. At the lime the building took fire there were 320 chil dren in it. but by the presence of mind of the teachers all escaped. Some wore con siderately injured-, but none severely. State News. Travel on the Oregon Central Railroad is increasing. Marion county has over $12,000 for schools this year. 'The city election at Eugene oonies off on the first of April. There are four hundred and sixty-one school chtidreu in Albany. Benton county has 1.95a school child ren. Number of school districts. 34. The Herald entered its thirteenth vol ume ott the lUih. May success attend it. Eastern papers are now arriving by way of the Idaho and Columbia river route. Tiie Postmaster of Kalama is anxious to learn the whereabouts ol Hugh Bulgtr. One morning last week the por'er. who sweeps out the otBce of the Statesman, The amount of taxable property, both real and personal, in Albany, amounts to $735,500. Joseph C. Holladay, youngest son of Ben Ilolladay. died in Hung Kong, China. on the 12th inst. Tbe Jefferson Hosiery Manufacturing Company is now turning out an immense quantity of stockings. The population ot Baker City is on the increase. A large number of new build ings are being erected The Corvallis Gazette learns that the schooner Elnorah was beached at Yaquina Bay on Wednesday last. One hundred "bonnie las-sea." from old Scotland, are to arrive in this State some time during the coining season. Mr. McCorkle. of Howell's Prairie, in forms the Slates-nin that the prospects for fall wheat are unusually promising. Albert Merchant has been indicted by the Grand Jury of Marion county lot li bel aud slander against J. F. Chute. found a '-Deal Duck"' lying upon the threshold of the door to that establish ment. What did it mean ? Mercury, Tbe patent from the Government to the site of Lafayette has been issued and is in the possesion of the town authorities. The Mountaineer says that a number of citizens of the Dalles presented the Rev. Thomas Condon with a purse ot $350. Frank Parton. a well known citizen of Albany was severely, if not fatally, in jured by the kick of a horse on the 18th inst. A convict by the name of Shepherd. who was sent from Union county last fill for horse stealing.died at tbe Penitentiary one day last week. Hon. Geo. K. Shiel delivered a very in terestiug address on tbe occasion of the celebration of St. Patrick's Day at Port land last Monday. A man named Franklin was arrested in Salem, Wednesday evening, but on being taken to Ibe calaboose resisted, fell down anil broke his arm. There are -J.32G children in Linn coun ty between the ages of four and twen'y years ; and for 172 they are entitled, to JG.31G oloTschool money. The Courier says that wheat sown last fall looks splendid throughout Yamhill county. Fall sowing always insures a g-ood crop and a superior quality-of grain. The Ore-joniaa says that a report has reached Portland that the Wisconsin de tective has reached home in safety and calls on the Bulletin to make its disclos ure. Among the passengers which left San Francisco on the Oriflamme last. Tuesday, we notice the names. Hon. J. S. Smith and wife. Colonel Joseph Teal and B. Gold-f-mitb. Blaze Perrin. convicted of selling liquor to Indians, and sentenced to one year's imprisonment in the Penitentiary, was on Tuesday last tinned over to Superinten dent Walkiuds. The Democracy of Washington county are to hold a mass meeting to morrow at which Hons. George R. Helm and Ben. Hayden ate expected to be present and address the people. Four of the indictments aginst S. E. May have been ignored by the Circuit Court of Salem; and sent back to the Grand Jury to be repaired, and the fifth indictment was quashed. A few days since the body of- an un known wl.i.e man, in a forward slate ol decomposition, was washed ashore about seven miles below Portland. Deceased had on a .lark blue coat, light pantaloons and a heavy pair of boots. A knife was found in one of the pockets. Gov. Grover has made the following appointments : James II. Buchanan. Commissioner of Deeds. Baltimore. Md.; Joseph B. Nores. Commissioner of Deeds, New York City ; R. S. Morrisson. Com missioner of Deeds. Denver. Colorado : O. F. Bell. Notary Public for Multnomah county, to reside in Portland ; O. B. Bel linger. Prosecuting Attorney.4ttiJudici.il District. Oregon, vice A. C Gibbs, recent ly appointed U. S. Attorney for Oregon. The State's Rights Democrat says that 't is informed by a private letter from Ore gon City that the Radicals of Clackamas county had a general uproar in their nom inating Convention last Saturday, and that a large number of -Pubs'' swear they won't vote the ticket. The Good Tem plars got away with the Convention aud the prohibitionists 'Tilled the roost." If the Democracy of that county make judi cious nominations they will have no diffi culty in redeeming Clackamas in June. The following, from Mr. Mcl). Lewis: Chairman of the Democratic Central Com mittee of Polk County, is taken from the Herald : "I am authorised to say to the Democracy of this county that ji banner. With a suitable motto and inscription, will be prepared and presented after the next June election, lo the Democracy of the precinct that shall show the greatest Dem ocratic gai;i since the last general election in 1870, based upon the vole of Congress man." Dr. A. D. Ellis furnishes tbe following report ot Insane Asyltiril matters lor the quarter ending February 29th: Number of males in Asylum December 1. 1S71. 115; fern iles. 44; total. 150. Males admit'ed during the quarter. 17; fern ales admitted. 2; total, 19. Males dis charged during the quarter, 5; females ditto" 5: 'otal. 10. Died during the quar ter, Henrv Gilkingson. George Whiiehouse Snd Pollv Hi dines". Ilernaiuing t tbe end of the quarter males, 125; fenialea, 40 total, 105. Rotoit It is ctfm'mly reported on our streets that our Republican friends heid a caucus last week in ihi5 cfty for the pur pose of inducing their nominee for State Senator to withdraw from the contest. We are informed Jbat be, after deliberate con sideration and instructions from head quarters, refused to comply with the mod est request. They continue in trouble. In this city. March 21,1?72. to the w: F. O. McCotfn, Esq., a Daughtcr of DIED. Near Damascus Post Office, Clackamas count v. Match 13th, of apnoplexy. Win. Welch, father of Dr. J. Welch, of this city, ffged 54 years, 5 months and 1 day. BlAHlUED. At the Barlow House, Ooregon City, March 15, 1S72, bVRev.E. Cerrr.Mr JohnC.Reed, and Mis. Anna Talbot, both of Oregon City, Oregon. On tha lfitb inst., at the residence of the officiating clcrgvma, bv Rev. W. II. Palm er, Mr.U. O. Hubbard of Marion county, to Miss. Ellen Ki.liu of Clackamas couaty, O.egon. Announcement. We are requested to announce the name of A. LEVY as a candidate for the office of Treasurer of Clackamas county, subject to the nomination by the Democratic Conven tion. To tlie Democracy of CI sit It nnt as County. I hereby announce myself as a cand date for the' nomination for County Cicrk, subject to the will of the convention. U., L. KELLY. Impjitant to llic Litd'cs. 1 have just received a supply of Clark's .Vnool Cotton, Oil and Needles, to suit the Flotence Sewing JLichine, which are to.- sale at the lowest market price. I go to San Francisco to purchase pooils for the Spring trace on the next trip of the Orillamme. So look out for a line stock at I educed rates. Xarch t'Sitf THOMAS CIIARMAN. If you desire rosy cheeks and a eomplex ion fair and free from Pimples and Ijlotcht-s, purify your blood by the use of Dr. Pieice's Ooldeu'Medieal Discovery. It has no equal for this purpose. Those who wih a reliable bir prepara tion should buy Hall's Yegttable Sicilian I I j i r Uenewer. " It is compounded of the purest ingredients and with the strictest care. For the very bet photographs, go to Brad ley & Rulofson's Gallery withovt STAIRS lf- ASCEND IN TIIE ELEVATOR, 4-JO .Montgomery Street, San Frauo.uco. Kcbeixu Drgrce Ijotlge So. 3, O. O. F r ileetontne Seconu and fourth TUESDA Y EVENING X, of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree aie invited to attend. Oregon Lodge No. 3, I. O. of O. I'1. Meets every Thursday even ing at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's Hat Main s eet. Members of the Order are invited to attend By order. X. ii. fil t-ol;il ZV ( I-o. Indigestion is the cause of nine-tenths of all diseases the livinjr machine i.s Rnbject to Give tone to the stomach and digestive organs, and vou will save more than half in your doctor's bills. lr. ifrnirys "-!, -tr t.-.l uitte-r are recom mended by all physicians to Dyspeptics and for alt. Complaint of t: e Livr.u ani Digestive OuiiANij. See advertisement in another column. The American Slack Jui rnal tor 1 eicra ber, contains engravings of Sacred Cattle, Houpan and Game FowT-.; also. Pig r.nd Poultry llou.-es, with plans and elevation, besides some twenty welt written articles that should be read by every Fanner. Spec imen Copies will be seut free, by the Pub lishers, N. P. Boyer k Co. farkesburg, Pa. -5?vYe furnish this valuable Journal with our paper for J3 a year. WIKLIAM DAVIDSON, REAL ESTATE DEALER. Oflico, ISo. GV front Street, PORTLAND, - - - OREGON. REAL ESTATE in this CITY and EAST PORTLAND, in the most desirable localities. consisting: of LOTS, HALF BLOCKS and BLOCKS, HOUSES and STORES ; also IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable uncultivated LANDS, located in ALL parts of the STATE for SALE. REAL ESTATE and other Property purchased for Correspondents, in this CITV and throughout the STATES and TERRI TORIES, with great care and on the most A D VA N TAG EOUS T ERMS. HOUSED nnd STORES LEASED. LOANS NEGOTIATED, and CLAIMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COL LECTED. And a General FINANCIAL and AGENCY BUSINESS transacted. AGENTS of this OFFICE in all the CITIES and TOWNS in the SI ATE. will re ceive descriptions of FARM PROPERTY andjforward the same to the above address. Feb. 3, 1371. IL.L,S E.VCAMPJIE.VT NO.4, I. O. '. F. Meets at Odd Fellows. Hall on the FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAY EVENING of each month. Patmrchs in good stand ing are invited to attend. Pel). S. ls72-tf ACJKxVTS FOII THE EXTEltPUISE. The following persons are authorized to act as agents for the ENCKiinusB : J. M. Baltimore. Portland, Oregon. Thomas Boy ce, San Francisco. L. P. Fisher, Hudson & Menet.41 Paik Row.New York. Gr-o. P. Howell & Cc, 40 Park Row, New Oi k. Abbott A Co.. Xo. 82 & St Nassau street, New ork. Hudson. Me net A Co.. Chicago, Illinois .?e; Wut!,er'H A Co., 007 Chestnut street. PhiladelpLia. X. POPE, Grocer & Provision Dealer, Next door south of the Court House, Main Street, Oregon CHjr, Oregon, DEALER IN BEST FAMILY GROCERIES, COFFEE. TEA , SUGAR, FLOP It AND M ! AL of alt kinds, PICKLES, SO l SALT, CANNED FRUITS and OYSTERS, Also, all kinds of Fresh Fruits and Vegetab'es. BUTTER, CHEESE and EGGS. TOBACCO and CIGARS, GLASSWARE, Etj., Etc. All kinds of country Prodrice biken in ex change for goods atthe highest mai Ket atw. IrSfGuod.s delivered in the city free of charge. A fair share of pati or fle solicited. March 2.1, 1872:tf Administratrix's PJotice. OTICE 18 lIEItEB'i' GIVEN THAT THE -L undersigned has been duly appointed Ad ministrutrix'of the Estate of llavrence iSurn deceased, late of ClackaiSas county; therefore,' all persons having claim against said Er-tate are required to present them tome, properly verified, at the arfiee of Johnson & MeC'own, within six months from date. MARY A. BURXS, Adnrr'x of the Estate of Lawrence Burns, dee'd. JOHNSON & McCOWN, Att'ys. March 15, 1872. mal5wt Fair Warning. JR. RALSTON'S ACCOUNTS MUST be settled right aav to save cots" "WaRREN A FORBES. Oregon Cify, March 15, 1?72. if REAL ESTATE, HEAL ESTATE: JACOB STITZEL, C. C. WAT. JACOB STITZEL & CO., SUCCESSORS TO STITZEL & UPTON., EAL ESTATE AND MOXEY JBUOK1SRS Cor. Front and "Washington s5s., PORTLAND, OREGON. Special attention given to the sale of farm ing lands and city property. All corres pondence relating t. the reconrces cf Ore gon will be promptly auswered- REAL ESTATE JOURNAL Published monthly. ent free cf charge to any address. JACOB STITZEL & CO. March 15, g-2:tf Patrick and Francis DGnnelly. SEVERAL YEA US AGO TWO YOUNG men, brothers, natned respectively as ahove, quitted Ireland and settled in the Un ited States of Amerh a. Should both or either ot them be st.ll alive, or if otherwise should they have left after them children lawfully begotieu, the survivors are hereby informed that b' late events they have be come entitled to considerable property, and are advised to correspond without delay on jhe subject of their newly acquired liirht, with JAMES SINNOTT, ESQ., IS Lower Orniond-quav, Dublin, March 15, 1S72.W3 " Ireland. Guardian's Sale. "NOTICE IS HEEDBY GIVEN THAT, BY virtue of an order of the Honorable (.'ounty Court -of the State of Oregon, for the county of Clackamas, made at the 1'ebruary term. 1872, I will -U to the highest bidder, at the Coufr"Hou:;e door, m Oregon City, Clackamas county, oa Sat urday, the Kith day of April, 1S72, at public auc tion, t follow ing described real estate, the pro perty oTthe minor heirs of Enos Klover, deceased, to-wit : lx)ts numbered one, 1, two, 2, live, 5, six, G, seven, 7, and eig-ht, H. in Ulock numbered sixty-two, in the town of Orujjon City, county of Clackamas, State of Oregon. Terms of Sale. One-half down and the re mainder in two equal quarter-yearly payments, secured by moitae. T. J. TAYLOR, Guardian of M. E. Slover, E. A. Slover, A. J. Slover and V. X. Slover, Minors. F. BARCLAY, M. R. G. S. Formerly Surgeon to the lion. II. B. Co. 35 Years Experience. PRACTICING l'HYSICIAX AND SURGEON, Main Strct, Oregon City, irinal Settlemen;. In the matter of the Estate of Daniel Trullintrcr deceased, in tlie County Court for Clackamas' State ol Oregon. rami-; administrator of said estate having filed his accounts and vouchers for final settlement thereof, it. is ordered by tlie Court, that ilonday, the 1st day of April, 1S72 lu' :iT?ivt ti r w-iiil tii.-tl ii-, I, .... ... . 1. -K- -l r TriillmLTer. AlnOnistr:,tr,r nn.l Hi..il.th 'I'-,,! , ........ ( ...... . ........ -i. ill iiui- linger, Administratrix, of said estate: and r.o- -i... .. i... i.i.- . ...- . 7 iirewjiiuiuy puuucuuou ioriour sueees.-ive nctiu iu iiic yiiijn my jt.uierpri.se, a newspa per puuusueu in uns county, tins order. March i, 1S72. J. K. WAIT, County J udi;e. "WARREN & FORBES, Att'ys for Adia'r and Admr'x. maSwI Notice of Final Settlement In the matter of the Estate of Ilenry S. Moore, deceased. AT THIS DAY COMES JAMES M Moore, Administrator of said Estate, by Ids 'in""".)" nuiiuwu ct .uot-own, anil tiled his liual report, prorierly verified, together with his vouchers tr final settlement. It is ordered and adjudged by the Court that Monday, the 1st day of April. 1872, be set apart lor said final settle ment with said Administrator, and that notice be iriven by publishing this order tor four siiciu-s- sive weeks in the Oregon City Enterprise, a news paper puoiisxieci in una county. J.K. WAIT, County Judsre. Attest, J. M. FRAZER, County Clerk. rr:iS-4 T S L" b" j Oregon City, March 4, 1S72. summons. In the County Court for Clackamas county, State oi 'r;ron. A. MElit, riaintiu", Civil action to recover vs. J money. E. A. GIBSON, Deft. ) To the aliove named Defendant : TOU Alt E HEREBY NOTIFIED AND RE'S- ipiired to appear in the above entitled Court and answer to the comjilaint of tlie plain tiff, filed in the above entitled action, within ten days from the date of the service of this sum mons upon you, if served in Clackamas county; and if served in any other county ef this State, then within twenty days from such service; and if served by publication, you are notified and re quire! to appear and answer said complaint on or before the 1st Monday in May, 1S72, that be ing the lir-t iltty of the npxt term of tlie County Court for Clackamas county, Oregon, -which will be held next after the expiration of the period prescribed by the order of said Court for the pub lication of tiiis summons ; and if you fail so to appear aud answer, the plaintiff will take judpr meut against you for the sum of $3 Pi 46, with letfal interest fioni Juno 7th, 1871, and for costs and disbursements of this action; the said action beiiv-r brought by plaintiff' to recover the afore said balance due on book account for merchan dise sold defendant by plaintiff'. And yon are further notified, that the Hon. J. K. Wait, Jude of said County Court, on the 5th day of Febru ary, 1872, made an order directing the summons to be served by publication in the Oretfon City Enterprise for six successive weeks. W ARK EN 4' FOHBES, March I, 1872:wG Tiff's Att'ys. IMPROVED BAWD SAWS Molding Muclilnc, M0RTISERS, And eve' y description of Wood-working Ma chinery and Planing Mill supplies. Address BERRY PLACE, Machinery Depot, 112 California St. San Francisco. nov24eow(3m SEW HARDWARE STORE, CORSET FROM & STARK STS., PORTLAND, OREGON. JOHN IS. FOSTER Is now receiving and ofTerg. for sale, at the lowest rates, a full stock of BUILDERS' HARDWARE, Mechanics' Tools, Tabic and Pocket Cutlery, MINERS' GOODS Nails, Ropes, Shovels, Anvils, Axes, Etc., Which he invifes bnyerR to call and examine before purchasing el-erhere. Would invite particular attention of buy ers of Bladders' H--rd care and Houm Ti rn minis, cither at WHOLESALE or RETAIL. May 2;, lS71:m3 JOHN It. FOSTER. Ulultiloiuah Tofl5i; ;Vo. 1, A. F. ami a A. Holds its regular c-immuniea 2 Nations ori tlie First and 'lirrf Satur hdi'J in each month, .at 7 o'clock from the 2oth of .September to the 20th of March, ami J o'clock from the 2"th of March to the ""th ot September. Breth ren m good standing arp invited to attend. Dec; 21S70, By order of y, M. BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE ! -Tirade Fall and Winter II AV1XG RECENTLY FILLED UP OUR assortment of Imported Stilts in . Ladies' and Gents' I5ools C-isiiters, We will take great pleasure in displaying and receiving orders irom our patrous and the public generally. We have received from New York a tew pair of the CMebiated ELPRAT OPERA BUTTON FRONTS, by which a Lace Shoe can Ire turned into a beautiful Button Gaiter Will take oidi rs for the tame at any time. We have the Best and Latest Styles in Mi-ses' and Children's Button Gai ers and B ilmorals that are imported, but for good substantial wear there are none tlfat can come up to our own make. We Wan ant them in every respect. Seven entirely New Styles of Ladies' and Mi.-ses' RUBBERS. T e" Nillson. Congress, Mane Antoinette, Queen's German, Velvet Frent and Alaska. Light, ylish Durable and Xeatt'iiting. Also, a lot of Children's Rubbers. Bring on j our feet. TO WORKMEN. COME AND SEE CUR CHAMPION BOOT! Respectfully, PR0TZHAN, GILLIHAN & CO., Cor- Front and Morrison Sts-, PORTLAND, REG ON. TVc. 1. l71:tr rpHIS POPULAR HOUSE HAVING Been JL lately REFITTED sunl FURNISHED, the Proprietors are now ready t aoccommo date their customers with RD-FINLS1I ED double or s-itijile rooms. They invite all thosa fond of a GOOD MEAL and a GOOD BED. to call and give them a trial, for they are confident they cji piease everybody, because they - know "bow to keep a lintel. Prices to suit the tunes and Everybody, according to the rooms ccupied. Attached to the House is a r For the accommodation of csutoners. MERItlAM & FOURMER, June 10. 1871 :tf Proprietors. LOST. I7ROM TIIE UNDERSI ED, LIVING AT Canemah, about the ,5th inst, a Sorrel Mare, about fifteen hands high ; six years old ; small white streak in tbe lore Lead, with saddle marks ; shod all around. Any person rttuinimi sad mare or fiiying information ol her whereabouts, will be suitably rewared. WM. II. M li.Sll A L. Canemah, Feb. 22. is 72. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. PORTLAND, - - OREGON. GEO.. 1, CUIUS If, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND OTHER INVESTMENTS-. Commissioner Selecting Swamp and Over flowed Land.?. Farm Lands old and purchasers obtained for all kinds of landed propeitr. Valuab'e securities transferred in exchange for real estate. Loans negotiated on property, and titles examined and determined. Commissions solicited and executed with fidelity an I promptnes. OFFICE No. 14 Carter's Building, comer of Alder and Front stieet. Feb. 3, Js70:?f AT TUG L I N C 0 L NB A K E R Y. WSLLIAEV7S & HARDING, HAVE JUST OPENED A FULL VARIE ty of choice FAMILY GROCERIES. AND PROVISIONS. The Bakery will be constantly supplied with fresh BREAD, CIUCKERS, CAKES. PASTRY, C A NDIE- AND N UTS. All of which will be sold at living rates. Remember that we do not selfgoods at cost. Also, pleasa bear in mind that it takes money to do business. To the farming trade we wonld say, CASH for you. produce, and CASH for our goods. tioous uenvereu to an parts ot the citv. Feb, 1K, l;72:tf a Trees ! Plants ! Ir LOW Kit AXD GARUEN SEEDS. Apple and Crab, 100, 2 to 4 ft., ft; 4 to 6 ft., f5 00 r'ear,Mii.extra,l yr.Uartlett fcc,:i to 4 tt.,doz. 2 50 Seeds, 1'eaeh, bu.,2; Apple, Osae, new, bu.,12 00 Potatoes, White 1'eaeh Hlow,Earlv Rose,bu., 2 00 Seedlings, Soft Maple, l.OOO.fl; Ash, $3; Kim, 2 00 Illustrated Catalogue, 100 pae, and New l'nce list, JOe F. K. PHOENIX, Blooiuington, Illinois, feb 2:wS Dissolution Notice. MR. A. C. BAILEY'S CONNECTION with the Lincoln Bakery cc-asvd by rnn tnel conse it on the 1st of Febiuary, 172.' Mr. c. O. T. Villiams haTina: boncht his ;n tereft, and the business will be continued at the old st ind under the firm name ot Wil liams & Harding, who will pay aT debts against and receive all moneys due the late A Deslrnble Iliga Tlitro f 1, r,l'a f ridicule, the hiss of scorn, the hiss of snaked m tl e gi ass ; but the most delightful bis-s that of Tarrant' AVrTcsrrnf Seltzer Atierient.' In the sparklinir sroblet. izivincr assurance to the invalid that his thirst will be delicimjsly asnaged ; that his stomach will be refresh en and purified : that if he is feveiish. his body will be c -oled by healthful evaporation; that if he is constipated, the difiVulty will pass away without a pan? ; and that if the condition of hi. cer.er;il health is impaired. it will be speedily restored. Of eoiwse, he will tike care tn preenre none but the genuine. CLIFF HOUSE, hff) MAIN STREET Sg&t ygil Okegon Citv. Oregon. ff SOLD BY ALL UKUUlrl&iSv AUCTION AND COMMISSION A. B. Richardson, G AUCTIONEER! - . - Corner of Trobl abd Oak str'e'etg, Portland. AUCTION SALES ...... Of Real Estate', Groceries, GeneralUrchaa diie and ilorses, q Every Wednesday and Saturday I A. I. Richardson; Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SALE. English refiued Bar and Bundle Iron English Square and Octagon Caststeol . IIM'se shoes, Files, Rasps, saws; Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron; R. G. Iron - also: . A large assortment of Groceries andLiquora A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer HOLIDAY PRESENT Si THE LAUGH.-. T AH I FINEST STOCK I PORTLAND, OF FINE WHTCHES, RICH JEWELRY AND Silverware 13, L; STOIESFE, WHOLESALE AXD RET-llL isALBft lit WATCHES and JEWELKY No-107 Front si PORTLAND; Would invite attention of his friends fcid the public to his Large and Choice Assert nient of FI3VE WATCHES- o . From the most Celebrated Makers of IS: Howard & Co.. Boston ; Apelton & Tracy, P; S. Bartlett, Waltham, Mass; Elgin "W"Ubeii; Jrtcot Sell-winding Watches; Engljgii Watches and others. ... Aiso, the be-tselected STOCK of LADIES q WATCHES, of 11 descrijition and styles, which he would be pleased to show to alt w ho may favor him with a Call: AGENT FOR CHAS. E. JACOT WATCHES. Tine Jewelry and Solid Silver Ware j Fancy Articles, suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Silver Watches, of different makers. Diamond Pins, Ear-rings an Finger-ringi; (idd Bracelets. (dd Chatelain Cti;irds anil Watch-chaini." Gold Necklaces, Armlets; Cresses, Locket: Gold Bitast-ins, Ear-rings, Finger-rings. Gold Charms and Kt vs. California Oold Rings arid Bbhmea' Pat ent Buck els. Opeia '.'bains.' . . Moss Agate Setts, Rings and Cuff Buttons. Wedding Kings, made of pare gold, ot1 pressly for that purpo:-e. Gold and Sdver Thimbles. Opera and Marine Glasses. Pebble Spectacles.-and Eye-glasses." (Ndid Silvt r Napkin Kings. Silver Fi uit siiul Butter Kuiv.es. SiJid Siier Table and Tea Spoons." Iiegulatois Seth Thomas Clocks, Marias Clocks, Gilt Gallery Clocks, Ac. All the ab-i ve anrcles sold Cheapfor Cash, and warranted as represented. Particular attention given to repairing and adjusting of C hrcsometers, Duplex and American Hashes'. , -- , . . . . . B. l. stone; nov24tt 10 Front st. Portland, Oregon. TO YOUIVG ilIE -V f rpo YOU BELONG THE FLjTCnE OF X. our beautilnl and fast crowintr State." Soon the shiill whistle of the IRON IIOftSE. as he comes tmoking across this creet con tinent, drawing after him ti.e rich products of the Nation's Wealth and Industry, wilf annouuee the " GOOD TIME COMING," when Oregon's own Sons and Daughter will be called to fill the new avenues of Busi ness. Everyone sbonld prepare for ad ACTIVE BTJSINESS LIFE; Great changes have been iade in the com-" mercial affairs of Oregon ip a, few vearaV What the developements of our State will be iri the future, is a question which depends upon the liUMNKSS QUALIFICATIONS of her Young Men. v itbm tbe past fotjr years of eontinuet prosperity, the Natiffnal Business College of Portland, Oregon, has sent out SCORES of vnimrr mon f"i i H , , . . . 1 1 , I .. ,1 .. n whom are now filling high aud lucrative po- Miiuiis u ine maims, "younnng-iioorns. aoo. Stores 6f bar State. So great is the demand tor . Good Accountants,' that Business men have been frequently compeueu io sena rast lor as-istance. jNo enterprising, studious Young Man who has passed, through the prescribed course of studies at this MODEL COLLEGE has complained for want c a situation arid" at good salary too.' ;-. , Every tacihy is here Corded acpiir- SOUND BUSINESS EDUCATION in the shortest possible time, and at THE LEAST EXPENSE. Txetj student will hare an ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICE ! After having completed the Theory, he ia? introduced into a MINIATURE WORLD OF BUSESS, which has the eflect of thoroughly familiariz ing him with all the mfnutije of real business; The course of study embraces Double and Single Entry Book-Keepin.', Commercil Arithmetic, Commercial Law, Correspon -ence. Business Penmanship: regular and special Lectures, etc., etc., combining theory wuii practice. ALSO, Superior advantages for securing athdrongK knowledge of ORNAMENTAL PENMANSHIP, TELEGRAPHY, PHONOGRAPHY, . , FRENCH, SPANISH; . GERMAN, liALlAN. ETC . For full particular; call at the College Of fice. in Carter's building, corner of Front amd Alder streets, ( entrance on Alder) Port land, Oregon, or send for cicular. Address DeFRANCE & JAMES, PORTLAND, OREGON'. Merch 31. lS71:yl JMPERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaEoque & Co., OREOOJY CITY. ttP5Keep constantly on hand foi sale Midiings, Bran ami Chicken Feed. Par tie rTurcbasinfl feed, mutt famish tbe f aelr. c c 0 c