o 0 o o O o o o o o o o O o o o o o o o o o o o G G O O O O 5tI)C iDcckln Enterprise FRIDAY, MARCH 15. 1872. THE AVISB ITEHPUTEK BT TEXV.U RIVERS. Nature is God"s interpreter ; Wiser tban Seraphim, She speaks to all who come to her, In varied tongties, of Him. Before His golden throne she stands In reverntial fear, And molds her voice at His commands To fit each listening ear. To regal bears whose thrones are high. God's princes, kings and czars, She speaketb nightly from the sky The language of the stars. The holy words these great hearts hear Glide down the rays of light Too softly e'er to stir the clear, Derp silence of the night. And what she speaks from the bright land To mankind may be told Only by those who understand This golden tongue of old. To hearts who keep their watch fires bright, On steepy headlands, she, In many tones, ppeuk3 day aud night The language of the sea. They hoar her voice, deep-toned and grave, Breaking against the beach, As it roles in wave after wave, Into a mighty speech. At interval it comelh low, Soothing, and soft, and calm, "With urdulalions like Ibe slow, Smooth waving of a plan. And there are thoughtful hearts, and meek, Tender, and wise, and good. To whom I think .she loves to speak The language of the wood. Fair words that wear the sunshine' gold Between the April showers. Come to them softly in the mold Of tender leaves and flowers. Soft whispers on a Summer day Come floating through the trees, And thrill" these hearts, while others say, "'Tis but a passing breeze' Toward the wood their footsteps turn, Tho' cold, and bleak, and bare ; They always hear her voice and learn A sunny wisdom there. Oh ! bless this wise interpreter To whom the gift is given To soothe the hearts who come to her, And charm them up to Heaven J 1 "WONDER WHY. I wonder why this world's good things Should fall in such unequal shares ; TThy some should taste ol all the joys. And others only feel the cares ! I wonder why the sunshine bright Should fall in the paths some people tread; While others shiver in the shade Of clouds that gather overhead ! 1 wonder why the trees that hang So full of luscious fruit, should grow Only where some may reach and eat, While others faint and thirsty go! Why should sweet flowers bloom for some, For others only thorns be found! And some grow rich from fruitful earth. While others till but barren ground ! 1 wonder why the hearts of some O'erllow with joy and happiness, While others pro their lonely way Unblessed with aught of tenderness! 1 wonder why the eyes of some Should ne'er be moistened with a tear. "While others weep Irom mot n till night, Their hearts all crushed with sorrow here ! Ah f well we may not know indeed The why's, the wherefores of each life ; But this we know there's One who sees And watches us through joy and strife. Euch life its mission here fulfills, And only He may know llie end ; And loving Hint we can be strong Thro' storms and sunshine lie may send. How Radicals Get Rich. AN ENTERPRISING SECRETARY. George M. Kobeson's sudden rise from poverty to nfiluence since he became nominal secretary of the navv is accounted for by recent transfer by E. G. Cattell, of Phila delphia, of 30,000 worth of Wash ington city property to Robeson w as the first clue. Goimr behind it, it was found that Cattell is a Philadelphia ship-chandler, and a brother of ex-Senator Cattell, of Xew Jersey, himself a big contract or and that E. G. Cattell, of Phila delphia supplies the navy-yards at Philadelphia, Ilrooklyn, and Marc Island with everthing that is con sumed there,under contracts award ed him without competition and without proposals. Robeson would have given him the Washington navy-yard on the same terms, but Sam Brown was an incumbent that he could not dispossess. Xow, however, he has been bought off by a swindling live oak contract of 500,000 in Louisiana, and proba bly after this month CattelTs sway will include that yard. THE CASE OF THE TENNESSEE. Some of the contracts made by Cattell on behalf of the navy de partment show how he became able to transfer Washington city prop erty to Robeson. The Tennessee, of San Domingo memory, laid by as worthless since that, her tirst service, was built in 1SG4, in the Brooklj'n yard, and cost $1,500, 000 there. Then Porter expended another 8250,000 on her. Her hull was condemned as un-seaworthy six months ago. Robeson and Cattell secretly and without pro posals, contracted with John Roach fc Sons, of New York city, to build an entire new set of engines and machinery for the rotten steamer Tennessee. Robeson and Cattell agreeing to pay 700,000 for the job. Xo board of survey ever con cerned her present machinery, and not an engine-buider in the country save Roach & Sons knew that the navy department ever contemplat ed such repairs, and engine-builders are unanimous in the opinion that there was a pofit of at least 8350, 000 in the job. ' Blanks. All kinds ot blanks can be had at ttnVoffice Job Printing" of every description neatly executed, at short notice, The Farm and Home. OILED FLOORS. From the Manufacturer and Builder Oiling improves a floor in sever al ways. Giease spots, of course, will not affect the wood thus treat ed : and much less scrubbing than is necessary for a plain floor will suffice to keep it clean. Moreover, the appearance is improved by the oil. Many of our native woods prepared in this manner becomes positively handsome. Finally, it gives the surface a harder texture, which makes it wear longer and more uniformly. Paint costs more, takes longer to dry, and wears off more easily, since it simply forms a crust or coating upon the surface, while oil penetrates the wood. Hence an oiled floor looks better than a painted one, especially if a little color, such as Van Dyke brown, umber, or burned sienna is added to the oil To prepare a floor in this manner, take raw lin seed oil, or some cheap oil, not of fensive in odor and capable of dry ing; mix it, if desired, with some such transparent color as those mentioned above; and apply it with a common paint brush, Lay it on smoothly, so that it will strike in uniformally, over the whole sur face and not stand in spots. This may be done at night after the day's work ; and the place will be ready for use again the next morn ing. As far as oiled surface is con cerned, it might be stepped upon at once without injury; but there would be danger in that case ot tacking the grease to other parts of the house. A new coat of oil, applied in this way once or twice a year is sufficient to keep a floor in perfect order. This treatment is to be heartily recommend for the floors of kitchens, pantries, veran das, closets, bath-rooms and labor ers' bed-rooms. It is also a good plan in children's apartments, par ticularly in training them to do their own house work, to leave without carpet or matting that part of the floor where the bed stands, with a few feet around it, and to oil the wood. The floor under the bed can then be kept free from dust, and the sweepings can be readily removed ; while wash stands, etc., can be so disposed as to give the youngsters free scope for their duck-like ablutions, with out injury to carpets. In country houses the plan might be carried still further. We recently had all the floors in a newly-built house oiled; and we think it wise econo my. Many well to-do families in Europe have no carpets at all ; and, though there are some disadvan tages in such a course, there are some points gained. We think it gives cleaner houses, with less house cleaning. Putting down, taking up, and beating carpets is the most vexatious and laborious part of our domestic economy, as their cost and destruction consti tute one g-eat item of expense. Still, we do not attack carpets though, speaking of attacks, what a tax'the tacks are! we only say, where you don't need a carpet, by all means oil your floor. LIME. We find the following in ex change: A standing antidote for poison by oak, ivy, etc., is to take a handful of quicklime dissolve in water, let it stand half an hour,then paint the poisoned parts with it. Three or four applications will nev er fail to cure the most aggravated case. Poison from bees, hornets, spider bites, etc., is instantly arrest ed by the application of equal parts of common salt and bicar bonate of soda, well rubbed in on the place bitten or stung. ATE YOU It REDS. Some advocates for excessive neatness have the beds made im mediately after they are vacated. It is not healthy. They need to air for a couple of hours. Open the windows as wide as possible, and set open the door also. Unless there is a thorough draught there is no true ventilation of a sleeping room. The only exception to this rule, is during high winds, when the door cannot remain open, and in very wet and foggy weather. ECONOMY IX FATTENING ANIMALS. It has been proved by experi ment that the more rapidly an ani mal is fattened the less quantity of food is necessary to sustain its mere vitality. Thus, an animal can be more cheaply fattened by consuming ten bushels of corn in two months than if four months were occupied in the process. Lib eral and abundant feeding is the most economical, and a saving of time in producing the same result is a gain in the profit. Her Views. Just listen to Grace Greenwood: "If she had the framing of the law, only such women would be allowed to vote as had sewing-machines and knew how to use them; no woman would have a vote who could not cast up her millinery accounts and cut them down, who could not make a loaf of bread., a pudding, sew on a button, wash the dishes, and on a pinch keep a boarding-house and support a husband decently.' Longevity of Presidents. Washington died at the age of 67 ; John Adams, 91 ; Jefferson, 83 ; Madison, 73 ; John Quincy Adams, 81 ; Jackson, 77; Van Buren, 80 ; Harrison, GS ; Tyler, 72; Polk, 54; Taylor, 00; Pierce, 65; Buchanan, 73; Linco'n, 56. Those who have filled the office and are still living are Fillmore, now 62 ; Johnson 62; and Gen. Grant, 50. A soft blow : A gentle breeze. Amnesty. Senator Schurz con cluded his speech, in the United States Senate, m favor ot universal amnesty, in the following language: "People are fast becoming aware that great as the crime of rebellion is, there are other villianies which imperatively demand correction. They are beginning to look behind these vociferous assertions of aus tere and exclusive patriotism, to see what abuses they are intended to disguise, and to discover that good and honest government in the South, as well as all over the coun try, would do infinitely more to re vive true loyalty and a healthy na tional spirit than laws calculated to keep alive the prejudices and re sentment of the past." IT emiliating. The carrying capacity of the merchant navy of Great Britain is very nearly equal to that of all the rest of the world combined. How much that navy contributes to the wealth, dignity, influence and importance of that nation is simply incalculable. If we attempted to draw a comparis on between the ocean commerce of Great Britain and that of the United St ates, remarks the Detroit Union, the result is most humiliat ing to our-national pride. Yet we have none to blame but ourselves. We have made her a present of a large part of her ocean commerce bv our suicidal system of "protec tion." Ax Insult. A Mississippi pa per says: "It is an insult to the reorh of Mississippi that Ames should register his name at Wash ington as a 'Mississippi Senator He doesn't own a single foot of land in the State nor pay a single dollar of taxes. . He once resided a few months at Vicksburg as an army officer, but on return there he even refused to pay his poll tax. And this shameless carpet bagger never intends to become a citizen of the State which he thus misiep rcsents. lie belongs in Maine, and when his term expires, if bayonets are not again used to force his re election, he will live with his father-in-law, Ben Butler, as he has not brains enough to earn an honest living for himself. " . - Much Love. The Philadelphia Post tell of one John Henry Bor aef, of that city, who was stricken with small-pox. He was engaged to Miss Mary E. Ewing, and she in sisted on marrying him to nurse him. Xo clergyman would per form the ceremony, so articles of agreement were drawn up. Both died of the small-pox. JEW WAGOX AND Carriage Manufactory ! The undersigned, having increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City Oregon. Takes this method to inform his old pat rons, and as many new ones as may be pleased to call, that he is now prepared, with ample room, good materials, and the very best of mechanics, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete any sort ol a vehicle from a com mon cart to a concord coach. Try me. Blackspiithing, Horse or Ox shoeing, and general jobbing ueatlv, quickly and cheap ly done. DAVID SMI I'll. Opposite Excelsior Market SHADES SALOON, G. Am HAAS, Proprietor, Main Street, Oregon City- fift BILLIARD TABLES in OREGON Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to them. THE B A II I S S VP PLIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors anj Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Dourbon alreadj famous Whiskies and Punch. ALSO, a no. 1 SKOOTISC GALLERY Is connected with the Saloon. Oregon City, Jan. 1, 1572:11" WILLIAM SISMGER rrrTZyrm litis Established FOR 1 HE MA iV UFA C TOTi Y OF SASH, BLINDS AND DOORS AXD MOULDINGS OF ALL SIZES. They will also do TURNING, of evry description to order, With Neatness and Dispatel 1 o ALL WORK VA K RANTED. Shop on the River, back of Ackerman's Store, Oregon City, Oregon. A Desirable HissThere is the hiss of ridicule, the hiss of scorn, the hiss of snakes in ti e grass ; but the most delightful hiss is that, of Tarrant's ffcrvrsfrnt Seltzer Aperirnt In the sparkling goblet, giving assurance to the invalid that his thirst will be deliriously as-uaged ; that his stomach will be refresh ed and purifiVd ; that if he is feverish, his body will he c ole 1 by healthful evaporation; that if he is c -nstipated, the difficulty will pass away without a panj ; and that'if the condition of his general health is impaired, it will be speedily restored. Of coarse, he will t ike care to procure none but tlie genuine. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. GOOD NEWS, GOOD ftSEWS! LOOK OUT FOE GOOD BARGAINS ! S. ACKERIVJAS & CO, II AVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE Stock of SFRIXG & SIMMER GOODS, WHICH THEY OFFER Cheaper tliau the Cheapest. We would say, come and convince your self before purchasing elsewhere. Our stock cousists in part of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY-GOODS, CHOT1IING, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES. NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, and a great many articles too numerous to mention. ALSO, Doors, Windows, Glass and Putty. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. ALSO, WOOL wanted, for which we pay the HIGHEST PRICE. S. ACKERMAN & CO. Oregon City, April 21, 1871 :ff ESTA13 LEONDeLOUEY, Prop'r- f LATE OF THE CLIFF HOUSE M UN" STREEJ, OREGON CITY, OliEOON. ryilE UNDERSIGNED R E JL sped fully announces to his fi lends and the t. ave'inir public. that he has re-opened the above named Restaurant. The proprietor knows how to serve his csiitomei s with Ovstcis, Pin's Feet, a good cup ot Coffee or a" SOU A U K M HA L. LION DiiLOUEY Oiegon City, Jan. "27, l71:tf Lest, A POUT TiTF. 1ST OF APRIL, near " Orison City, a hay tliorooirh-brcd AmeriiMii MA K K, cirht years oH, about 1 (hands hiLrh, a small white htiipe on. the near hue toot, and the hoot black nnd white, no brands or oi her marks. Any one returning said mare or leaving information of where she may be found, at the po.stolli.ee, in Oregon City, will be liberally rewarded. SA MUF.L P.AMSDEN. Ore.arm City, July li, 1871. JO MX II. sen RAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in SADDLES, HARNESS, etc., etc., A! (in Street, Oregon (Hty, ITS" Wishes to represent that he is now as well prepared to furnish an' article in his line as the largest establishment in the State. He particularly requests that an examination of his stock be made before buying elsewhere. OREGON CITY BREWERY! 1 1 KX IX Y II U M B C I., es to inform the public that lie is now prepar ed to manufacture a No. 1 quality of LAGER BEER, As crood as ean be obtained anj-where in the Stale. Orders solicited and promptly filled. A VOID QUACKS. A victim of e:irly in JlV discretion, causing nervous debility, premature decay. &c , having tried in vain every adveitised remedy, has a simple means of self cure, which lie will send free to his fellow snflerers. Address J. II. REEVES, 78 Nassau st., New York Sept. l:ly HOUSE AND WIS FOB SALE THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR sale his residence in Oregon City. There are four lots, a good house and barn, with a tine cellar and a good well of water. There is plenty of land, and it is well adapted for earl' gardening purposes. Part payment may be made in stock. For particulars ep Pl.v to GEORGE CLARK. Ore on City Juna2 lS71tf Jacob Stitzkl. James P. Upton STITZEL & UPTON, Heal Exlate Brokers avd General Agents, Corner of Front and Washington streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. X"-7 Will attend to the sale and purchase ot Peal Estate in all parts of the City and tate. Special attention given to the saleof East Portland property. Address P. O. Pox 42, Portland. Oregon. STITZEL Sc UPTON. 9tf. Real Estate Brokers. GREfiT WINTER TONIC. liegeman's Cordial Elixlrof Cnl ia ylx Bark, a pie sant Cordial which strengthens and improves the Digestion, an excellent preventive of Fevers, Fever and Ague, Ac, and a great Renontor and Tonic for inva lids and debilitated persons. Heoeman A Co , New York, Sole Manufacturers. Sold by ail Druggists. A. NOLTNER, NOT ART PUBLIC JENTERPRISZ 0FFICF Oregon City 'Jan; J3;tf P- W. POPE & CO., DEALERS IX STOVES, TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON.BRA JEUb' COPPER, LEAD PIPE, IK PIl'E AND FITTINGS, RUUPh . HOSE, FORCE AND LIFT PUMPS, ZINC, COPPFR, BRASS AND IRON" "WIRE. Also a general cssoitment ol Ilous nishing Goods. MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware. ROOFING AND JOBBING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE TO ORDER, AND AT LOW PRICES. o Also, at POPE'S STOVE STORE you will liud HARDWARE AND BASKETS, WOODEN, WARE AND TINWARE, LANTERNS, LAMPS AND OIL. LUCINE AND NIGHT LAMPS. ALSO PERAMBULATORS. All of the above articles are for sale at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. C. AV. POPE & CO. Oregon City Oregon. ll:lyl FALL AND WINTER GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, NOTIONS, &C. MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. PRODUCE of all kinds bought, for which I pay the highest market price. If you desire good Goods, at LOW Prices, call at I. SELLING'S, and examine his fresh SLOtk of Spring Goods. GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. M v Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. I. SELLING. April 14. lS71:tf R. F- CAUFIELD, CORNER MAIN AND SEVKXTII STREETS, OREGON CITY, OREGON, cr in DRY-GOODS &, GROCERIES, CROCKERY and GLASS WAR Also, a full assortment of Millinery and Fancy Goods OF THE LA TEST STYLES, JUST RECEIVED. COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Oct. 6, ls7;tf JOHN OREGON CITY, OREGON, RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HiKDWARE, I also keep constantly on hand SALEM CASS IMF RES, FLANNELS, TWEEDS AND P.LANKETS, Which I will sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. ZTI will also pay the highest prices for Butter. Eggs, and all kinds of good country produce. I will sell as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash o- its equivalent in good merchantable produce. Give me a call and sati-fv vonrselres JOHN "MYERS. Jan. 13.1S71 tf Eye, Ear, Throat & Lungs. JOHN B. FILKINGTON, M. D., I ATE OF SAN FRANCLSCO, HAS LO J cated in Portland, Oregon. Office: In Holmes' Puihling. First street (three doors from Ladd & Tilton's Rank), where he may be consulted daily, and will treat diseases of the above named organs as specialties. All operations upon the Eve and Eai per formed in the most scientific aud careful manner. ARTIFICIAL EYES, having all the beauty and mobility of the natural eye, inserted. Refers bv" permission, for his professional standing, to L. C. Lane, M, I)., Professor or Surgery, and Edwin Rentier, M. I)., Profes sor of Anatomy, University of the Pacific. San Francisco; and for bis success in the treatment of cases, to over 1,500 cases tieat ed bv him, in San Francisco ; also, to Levi Ests. Esq., Rev. T. L. Eliot, Portland ; Wm. H. Dillon, Esq., Vancouver, W. T. ; and many others Oregon and Washington Ter ritory. aug2o:m6 Notice. JOHN MYERS, ESQ., IS MY DULY Au thorized Agrent in Oregon Ci'y, and also Agent for the Estate of Daniel Harvev, de ceased. MBS. E. HARVEY. October 1, lS71.m-3 Ayer's Ague Oure, For Fever and Aue, Intermittent Fever, Chill Fever, liemittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever, &c., and indeed all the affections which arise from malarious, marsh, or miasmatic poisons. No one remedv is inmW called for by the necessities of the American people than a sure and safe cure lor Fever and Ague. Such we are now enabled to oiler, with a perfect certainty that it will eradicate the disease, and with ssnr. ance, founded on proof, that no harm can arise from its use in any quantity. That which protects from or prevents this dis order must be of immense service in the com munities where it prevails. Prevention is better than cure, for the patient escapes the risk whirh he must run in violent attacks of this baleful dis temper. This "CuitK" expels the miasmatic poison of Fkvek and Ague from the fvstem, and prevents the development of the disease, if taken on the tirst approach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not only the best remedv ever yet discovered for this class of complaints, but also the cheapest. The large quantity we sup ply for a dollar brings it within the reach of everybody; and in bilious districts, where Fkveu and Ague prevails, everybody should have it, and use it freely, both for cure and pro tection. It is hoped this price will place it wiihin the reach of all the poor as well as the rich. A great superiority ot this remedy over any other ever discovered for the speedy and certain cure of Intormittents is, that it contains no Qui nine or mineral; consequently it produces no quinism or other injurious effects whatever upon the constitution. Those cured by it are left as healthy as if they had never had the disease. Fever and Airue is not alone the consequence of the miasmatio puison. A great variety of dis orders arise from its irritation, among which are Neuralaria, Rheumatism, Goiit, Headache, Blindness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asth ma, Palpitation, Painful Affection of the Spleen, Hysterics, Pain in the Bowels, Colic, Paralysis, and derangement of the Stomach, all of which, when originating in this cause, put on the in termittent type, or become periodical. This "Citue" expels the poison from the blood, and consequent-lv cures them all alike. It is an in-, 'valuable protection to immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily residing in tho mala rious districts. If taken occasionally or daily while exposed to the infection, that will be ex creted from the system, and cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into disease. Hence it is even more valuable for protection than cure; and few will ever suffer from Inter mittents if they avail themselves of the protec tion this remedy affords. For fJerr Complaint, arising from torpid ity of the Liver, it is an excellent remedy, stim ulating the Liver into healthy activity, aud pro ducing many truly remarkable cures, where othor medicines fail. PREPARED BT Dr. J. C. AYER& CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists, AND SOLD ALL ROUND THE WORLD. 1'ItICE, $1.00 PEIl HOTTIjUI, VEGETABLE SiCiLI RENE WEB. Eory year incren-ses the popularity of this valuable I fair Pj eparation ; which is due to merit alone. Wc ear. assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its hi2;h standard; and it is the only reliable and perfected prep aration for restoring Gray on Fadi:i Hair to its youthful color, maVinir it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, bv its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruir, and, by its tonic properties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimu lates and nourishes the hair-clands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a. new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most economical ILviit Dressing-ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy ap pearance. A. A. Hayes, AI.I)., State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The constituents are pure, and carefully selected for excellent quality; and I consider it the 15kst Pkeiwiiation for its intended purposes." Sold by all Druggists, and Dealers in Medicines. Price One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye FOR THE WHISKERS. As our Kcncwer in many cases re quires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded "Whisk ers, wo havo prepared this dye, in one preparation', which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL &. CO., NASHUA, N.H. Sn;'lh & Pavis. WI olesale Ajcnts, FroLt sdrett, Foi t'aad, Oiegon. Read Physician's Certificates Below!!! G or 3 CD c-t- o cBESTTDHIGINUSEl A Most Efficient and Pleasant Tonic' These Bitters are prepared from the most choica and wholesome herbs and roots, and have given universal satisfaction wherever tried. Thousands of dyspeptics have fonnd relief through their use. and physicians recommend them lor the cure of all diseases of the blood and liver, and irregularities ol the digestive oreans. Headache, Biliousness and Constipation. General Debility and Loss of Appetite, all are caused by tha derangement of the (stomach. Iiver and other functionaries of the system. '1 he IXL Flitters have been successfully used and are warranted to allt; Tiate the BUilerer in all the above cases, CERTIFICATES. Mrspns. IT. Epstf.is & Co: Gentlemen: I take pleasure in statinc that agree ably to your wish I have carefully tested and exam" Inedthe sample of your IXL liitters. which yon pent me, and iind it not only an agreeable Bitters, but also one that cannot fail to bo beneficial as a tonic and promo lerofDigestion. G. HOLLAND. M. I. CrrT avd corsmr Hospital, Saa Francisco. June 20th, 1B71 : I have carefully examined Dr. Henley's IXL Bitters, and have failed to detect anything whicU could injure even the most delicate constitution, from the composition of the Bitters, as far as I am able to determine it. I should judge that tha IXL Bitters must be a very efficient remedy in Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Loss of Appetite and simi lar complaints, being composed of a number of vegetable drugs which are principally used in dis eases of that nature, and are of the greatest efficiency in their care. F. H. ENGELS. M. D.. Ass'tRes. Physician, Apothecary V. & C. Hospital, State Assayeh's Of fice, San Francisco. July 21st. 1871: . Messrs. H.Epstetk & Co. Gents: I have made a careful examination of your IXL Bitters, and have found them entirely free of deleterious mineral substances. Yours, etc , LOUIS FALKEXATJ, State Assayer. Beware of Counterfeits. None genuine without Dr. Henley's signature across the top of each bottle. Every Family should have a Bottle in tli bouse. No Id everywhere XI. EPSTEIN, Sole Proprietors, Xo. M8 Front Street, San Francisco, Cal. L. GROSS S CO-, 675 W. Lake et., Chicago, Ill ' PRIVATE MEDICAL AID. Quick Cures ami Moderate Cb Dr. W. K. Doherty's Piivate Medical XTurglcal Institute No. 519 Sacramento Street, corner of Leidesorfij (a few doors below t!ie What Cheer House.) (Private entrance on Leidesdorff street.) L.stablislied Expressly to Afi'erd the Afflicted Sound and Scientific iledical Aid, in tha Treatment and Cure of all Private and; Chronic Diseases, Cases of Secrecy and aU fcexual JXsorders. To the A filleted. DR. W. K. DOIIERTY returns his sincere thanks to his numerous patients for their patronage, and would take this opportunity to remind them that he continues to consult at his Institute for the cure of chrotic dis eases of the Lungs. Liver, Kidneys, Diges five and Genito-Urinary Organs, and al private diseases, viz : Syphilis in aU its fbsms and stages, Seminal Weakne.-s and all the. horrid consequences of self-abuse. Gonorr hoea, Gh et, Strictures, Nocturnal and Diur-i nal Emissions. Sexual Debility, Diseases of the Back and Loins, inflammation of th BLidder and Kidneys, etQ. ; and he bopest that his long experience and successful prae tice will continue to insure him a share ot public patronage. Hy the practice of many years in Europe and the United States, he ia enabled to apply the most efficient and sue-, cessful remedies against diseases of all kinds He uses no mercury, charges moderate.treats his patients in a correct and honorable way, and has references of unquestionable veraci ty from men of known respectability and hiirh standing in society. All parties con- suiting hi in by letter or otherwise, will re-v ceive the best and gentlest treattneat slJ iinxlicit seci t-cy. To females. When a female is in trouble, or afflicted with disease, as weakness of the back and limbs, pain in the head, dimness of tight, loss of muscular power, palyitatiou of tli heait, irrit.ibiiicy, nervousness, extreme nr inaiy difficulties, derangement of digestive functions, general debility, vaginitis, all dis eases of the womb, hysteria, steiility and all other diseases peculiar to females, sheshould go or write at once to the celebrated female doctor, K. DOIIERTY, at his Medical In stitute, and consult him about her troubles and diseases. The Doctor is efiecting more cures than any other phjsictan in the Stale of California. Let no false delicacy prevent you, but apply immediately and save 3-ourself from painful sull'eiings and premature death. All married ladies, whose delicate health or other circumstances prevent an increase in their families should write or call at Dli. 'V. K. POHEIITY'S Medical Institute, and they will receive every possible relief and help. The Doctor's ollices are so arranged that he can be cousulted without fear of observation. To Correspontlents. Patients residing ia any part of the State however distant, who may desire the opinion and advice of DR. DOIIERTY in their respec. five cases, and who think proper to submit a written statement uf such, in preference to holding a iersonal interview, are respectful ly assuied that their communications will be held sacred and confidential. If the case be full)' and candidly described, personal com munication will be unnecessary, as instruct tions for diet, regimen and the general treat ment of the case itself (including thsifinw d-.es"), will hu forwarded without delav, and in such a manner as to convey no idea of the purport of the letter or parce'. jeiTConsuItation by letter or otherwise, FEEE. Permanent cure guaranteed or no pay. Sperm a forr horn, DR. DOIIERTY has just published an it portaut pamphlet, embodj'ing his own view and experiences in relation to Impotence or it ility ; he:n:j a Short Treaties on Sperma torrhoea or Seminal Weakness, Nervous and Physical Debility consequent on this aflcc tlon, and other diseases of the Sexual Organs This little work contains information of the utmost value to all. whether married orsinjrle and will be sent FREE hy mail on receipt of six cents in postage stamps for return post age. Address. K. DOIIERTY. M. D., juIySOly San Francisco Cal I T II E Will sow everything needed in a fanidy, from the he ivitst to the lightest fabric. IT BOKS MOKE UtlRX. 3IOKE 1CIXOS OF AVOR1C, AXD ilETTEK WORK, Than any other machine. If there is a Florence Sewing Machine within one thousand miles of San Francisco not working well and giving entire satisfac tion, if I am informed of it; it will beat tended to without expense of any kind to tie owner. SAMUEL HILiIi, .SX. J3K2 nSC 9 19 NEW MONTGOMERY STREET, Grand Hotel Building-, SAW FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA Send for Circulars and simples of the work. ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY PLACE. Feb. 2, lS71:ly AGKMS WANTED. ' THE LOST CITY; on CHICAGO AS IT WAS AND AS IT IS- A HISTORY OF THE GREAT CHICAGO Fire trustful and accurate. A vivid and detailed account of the most terrible calami ty that has ever befallen the civilized world. Startling incidents. .'IJair Ureadth 'scapes. The fearf ul ravages of the Fire Fiend. The reign of Terror. Profusely and beautifully illustrated, including views of the city before and since the fire, stll supremely grand in its, ruins. Orders will be filled and received. The fastest selling book ever sold by agentsl Send 1 for canyassug outfit and secure an Agency immediately. Agents also wanted for AVOXDEIISOP THE WORLD. One Thousand Illustrations, comprising start ing scenes, interesting incidents and wonderful events in all the Countries and among all People. A. L. BANCROFT & CO., San Francisco, Cal. A. G. WALTJQ'S Pioneer Book Bindery, Corner of Front finA Alder Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RULED and BOUND to any desired pattern. MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety of style known to the trade. (jrders from the country promptly at tended to. f r ' 1 0 o O G0 Q O O ! 1 . ' I . 4 7 C0URTFSY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY.