Jf Sl)c iMttkli) (Enterprise MARCH 15, 1872.' FRIDAY, TOWS AXD COPSTT. The Enterprise for the Campaign- We will furnish the Entkrfwsk to clubs of five sbbheribers and upwards, for fifty cents, commencing with the. issue of the ICth or March, and ending with the issue of June 7tb. which will contain the elect-on returns. We Lope that Democrats will see to it that the paper is ia the bands of every voter in the county. Who will seud us the first list? Democrats Take police. The primary convention for Oregon City 1'reclnct will convene at the Court House at 1 o'clock to-morrow afternoon. Let 'every Democrat turn out. IiEi.rciofs No-net?. During Lent Season 'services will be held at St. Paul's (Epis Vopal) Church en each Wednesday morn ing, at 10i o'clock, and on Friday even ngs at 7 o'clock. Docket. The following constitute the bases before the next Circuit Court : Law Cases. O. C. 11. li Co. vs. Instate bf Daniel Harvey. Joseph Kaf ka vs. C. Vaudei vol t. Jus. M. Moore vs. (i. Grepe. U. K. Stewart vs. Elizabeth Wells. Sidney Calahan vs. J. Franklin and wife J a. M. Moore vs. W. F. C.fc L. Co. Equfty cases E. J. Wrstlall vs. B. C. West tall. Administrator of John Torrence, dee'd, V. Geo. Aberne'hy et al. Isola Gans vs. Henry (Inns. Geo. A. Pease vs. G. Grepe. F. N. Bkuichard vs. Geo. Abernelhy. W. F. Highfield vs. G. W. N. Taylor. Enoch Long et al.vs. Marion Long et al. Henry llunibel vs. John Stege. A Hook ox Okkuux. We have received a book entitled -Oregon and her resourc es," written by Hitch Small, Esq. It is a pamphlet containing 130 pages.'and is the best work ever published about our State. It is a most excellent book to send east to triends who desire information in re gard to our State. The Jinlktin states that this valuable book has been written and printed at the expense of Mr. Holla day for tree distribution. He deserves the thanks of the people of Oregon for his liberality, as it will certainly be of great benefit to our S'aie. This is the first book we have seen that may be term ed "On Oregon. KKerm.iCAX Ticket. The Republicans met in convention at this place la?t Satur day, and nominated the following ticket: For State oenn.'or. Hiram Cochran, of th s 'city ; Representatives, L. IJarrin. N. N. Matlock and John D. Crawford ; Sheriff, Robert Uamsby ; County Clerk, Peter Paquet : Treasurer. W. II. Pope; County Commissioners. L. 1. C. Latourette and Warren Corby ; Assessor, Nelson McCon be!l ; .-chool Superiiitcn Lint. A. J. Ma eniin ; Coronor, Dr. F. Barclay: Surveyor, iS. L. Campbell. Jrrtous. Following is a list of the jury men drawn for the March term of the Cir cuit Court for Clackamas county : W. S. Failing. John Wnlfer. J nines McNamara, J. C. liackett. Chas. Holds. Iaac Stonier. t-orgt; Randall. G. W. Sharrock. J. II. P.lacker, Calvin Harrington. Jos. Franklin. J. H. llatnilton, Chas. Knight. L. C. Lacy. Calvin MeCraken. J. J. Gard. Hiram Straight, J. II. McCubhin, Wm. Whitlock, .M. Howard. Albert Harrington. Jos. A. Fields. P. S. Noyer. Stej.dien E Coleman, Augustus Engle. Aaron Graham. S. L Stephens. J. A. IJ trbur. A. H. Holcomb. Allen Mtttoon. J as. M. Ware. lltsToiiY Couisectki. While the early hitory of Oregon ?s a prominent subject for disciission, we ntust correct an error which liiis generally been acknowledged as a lact. S. J. McCortnick Esq.. of Tort, land, claims to be the Pioneer Hook Print er of Oregon. This distingui.-hed honor ViVlongs to Uncle John Fleming, of this City, who printed a lot of Webster's Spel. ling Hooks in this city in ISlfi. The ma chine by which they were trimmed was made by Mr; Jas. Athey. Hoth these old pioneers are now residents of this city. Sr.hiHis Accmkxt. Last Monday morn i ig. as Mr. Clifford Jones was walking the gang plank from the steamer Alice to the whirl the plank slipped, throwing him over the basin.a distance of about 15 feet, injuring hint severely, if not fatally. He struck very hard as he fell on the back of his head and back. He was taken to Sa Jem where his family resides. Thanks. Mr. William Davidson, the enterprising real estate dealer of Portland, and who is ever ready to .idvance the in terests of our entire State, has our thanks for a large pamphlet entitled "The North ern Pacific Railroad, its resources, pro gress and business,'- which contains much useful information. Lr.CTt ke. Rev. Mr. Nicholson, of Van couver, will lecture in Myers' Hall on Monday evening, March ISth. Subject Jonathan's Eng'.isti. or the difficulties of acquiring a correct use of the English languaee. This is an interesting and prac tical subject, and we hope that the lectur er will be greeted with a full house. Ciitccir CoritT. The March term of f.he Circuit Court for Clackamas county, W. W. Upton. Judge, convenes in this city next Monday. We learn that there will be but a small amount of business before the Court to be disposed of. Pf.iisoxai.. We had i. call last Satur day from G. C. Curl. Esq.. of Salem. On Moudiy we received a call from II. L. Pittock, Esq., proprietor of the Orcjoman. ' Temperance Lectvke. The temperance lecture delivered nt the Court House last Friday evening, by Mr. L. Leland. we are informed, was well attended, and had con siderable effect; ia fact, it nominated the Radical ticket on Saturday. Ctu ncit Notice. Rev. Mr. N.eholson. of St. Luke's Church (Vancouver) will preach at St. Paul's Church (Episcopal), In this city, next Sunday, both morning nnd evening. Empty. The warehouse in this place is almost entirely empty at present. We do not remember the time when its floors presented such a barren appearance. Change. The Albany took the place of the Sboo-Fly last Wednesday, and the lat ter boat was laid np. The Alice and Al bany are doing: the wort on the- upper river. Rix Ovek. a cow was run over by cars last Wednesday, at fhe depot.- rvnet badly injured. Forty additional hands were added to tbo working force on the locks last W edoesday. Open. S. D. 1 ope nas opened a new grocery store, on door above the Court House. His new advertisement will ap pear next week, in the meantime give him a call. I.v Towx. Ex-Gov. Gibbs and our friend Dolph Hannah were in town this week. Doipb. looks as pay a"? 'vv. The Governor appears to be enjoying good health as his dimensions are till on the enlargement. New Po.stoffick. A postofiice has been recently established at Capt Norton's Place, in this county, wiih the Captain as Postmaster, and tlm ofiice uiamed alter him. False Alakm. The lite alarm last Wednesday morning was caused by the burning out of the chimney in Mr. IIaas? saloon. No damage done. The lire com panies were promptly on hand. Head. We call attention to the ad vertisement ot Messrs. Sritzel & Co. real estate dealers in Portland. They are tbnroughly reliable. Mr. I. M. Johnson, etiir tipograpbical friend paid us a friendly visit one day this wetk. Sewing Society. The Ladies' Sewing Society of the Episcopal Church will meet next Tuesday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. John Myers. General News Items. Hismack favors cheap postage in Prussia. That is one point in his favor. One-four: h of the present senior class of Yale College will enter the ministry. fTA ranch of 1.270 acres, located near Chico. Cal., was recently sold for $7(J.O!)0. It appears that Helen Josephine Mans field formerly trod the stage uuder the mame of "-cmily Thome. All the Masco w students who signed the address in favor of liberty ot the press have been banished to Siberia. Royal T. Sprague, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of California, died at Sacramento on the 2-llh of Febrnary. A $75,009 appropriation has been in serted in the deficiency bill to complete the survey of Nicaragua and Tehauntepec for a ship caual. Patriotic commercial French citizens in San Francisco expect to raise 500.000 francs toward paying in advance the Gei; man war indemnity. San Gabriel mission. Cal.. has on old native Ca'ifornian woman who is 132 years old, and was a mother when the mis sion church was built, 102 years ago. Forsyth. Ga.. negroes derive a handsome income by forcing quarrels with white men. getting knocked down, and then compromising for five dollars. Jay Gould, the great Erie Railroad King, has been decapitated by the stockholders-and forcibly ejected out of the Presidency of the Company. J. W. Forney, advocates the renomina tion of Grant. Grant has paid him well for his support. The Collector of Port laud also favors his renomina'.ion. The action of the House Committee on Commerce voting a half million subsidy j for the Australian line doubtless secures the final success of the measure. On the morning of the 8th i.istant the house of Captain James Bryant, of Ma chi .8, Maine, was destroyed by fire. The C iptain. his wile and two grand-daughters were burned to death. The Railroad is reported all right and in good shape between Cheyenne and Og deu. Trains from the Eist are rnniiini; on lime from the West from twelve to four'.eon hours late. Weather reported fine. 1 he schooner T. Starr JCmj. for Coos Hay. last January, and the brir Knhia. lor the same port. January lS'ih, have never been heard from since they sailed. and are given up for lost, with all on board. A New York dispatch of the 10:h says that in the Harbor Master Investigation yesterday, one witness stated that he wouh! give $25,000 for the privileges en joyed by one of the Harbor Masters, of whom there are eleven. Near Areola. Douglas county. Illinois, otie day last week. Henry Landers, en old citizen, was shot three times prob ably fatally by his son, a young in in 21 years old. The old man had a violent temper, and had driven the family out of the house, which caused the difficulty in which he wa shot. C. H. Der.io. i!i;ion at Mare Island, pub lishes a letter in the Alia, two columns in length, addressing to J. M. Coughlan. member of Congtess from the Third Dis trict, denouncing him for all sorts of alleged in the matter of appointing to positions at the Navy Yard, and political tergiversations generally. He charges that Coughlan has boasted that he meant to make the Navy Yard a Coughlan yard, and that he had made war in every man ner upon those who were favorable to other candidates before the recent elec tion. The Territories. . The bridges between Pumphrey,s and Montecello are all gone William Jarmin, triod for fhe murder of Janes Farmer at Rellinghani Hay, has been acquitted. The total lows of cat fie in the Yakima valley during the winter will not amount to over 150 head. A new paper will be; issued at Lewiston, Idaho, to take the place of the Journal; lately suspended. On his contract on the N. P. R. R., Hal let is to do over six miles of pilling. The number of piles to the mile is 000. A few nights aoro the house of Juluis Stahl at Walta Walla. y?as destroyed by fire. - There . was insurance of $2,700 on the building. A young man named Geo. F. Hoffman, while returning irom Tumwater to Olvm pia. a few days since, fell down an enbank ment and was kilted. A bill to provide for the irrigation of lands between Hoise and Snake River in Idaho, h is been introdjeed in Congress. It grants six sections of land to lhe"mile. VeFy grrod mines are being worked on Payeffe itver. Idaho, six miles below Horse Shoe Rend. Four rrten in ten days' washed out 51.216 95. There is pay in the dirt all over the hills for miles around. Active Operations are again commenc ln? oi the railroad between Wallula and WaljU Walla The Company have secur ed depot grounds at the first named place. A gang of hands are grading. The move ment means business. Walts, who killed' a man sortie' time" ago on San Juan Island, has been tried at Port Townsend and Onvieted of mtrrder in tbc- first dfgree. The case has been long delayed, ow ing to disputes about jur isdiction of the civil authorities over acts done on San Juan Island. The Orenonian says the present State Government costs more than it did under Radical rule. If that paper had any re gard for truth it would make no such as sertion Will it specify the extra coals ? Whom the the gods would destroy the? first make mad." This ;sp(m the cas3 with tne ltadical party. From all parts of the State we Writ that a gen eral bad feeling existed in all their coun ty conventions. Such is Radicalism. The Astoria correspondent of the West side says: The bartfen title Jane A. Falkin bnrg has cleared for Honolulu with a car go valued at $5,500, over $3.000of which was taken on in the Astoria Customs Dis trict. One "noticeable article of the cargo is linseed oil. which speaks well for the Oregon Oil Mill. The 'wife a prominent and highly re spectable citizen of Albany attempted suicide last Tuesday by taking arsenic. She was insensible for some time-from its effects, but was finallv restored. No cause is known to exist for the rash act. Washington county delegates to the Republican Convention will support W. I). Hare for Prosecuting Attorney. Mult nomah has instructed for Mr. Durham, and we learn a large portion of this county's delegates are for Mr. Durham. This will give him the nomination. Dr. McDowell, of Salem, announces himself a candidate for Congress on the Temperance and Woman's Suffrage plat form, and adds that he will send his photograph to any one wishing to vote for him for fifty cents. Announcement. We are requested to atinoiir.ee the name of A. LEVY as a candidate for the ollice of Treasurer of Clackamas county, subject to the cotiinatiou by the Democratic Conven tion. To tile ituoci'HCr of (lai!uuii.is Count'. I hereby announce myself as "a candidate for the ncriuation for County Cleik, subject to the will of the convention. II. L. KELLY. A beautiful dressing and invigorator of the hair is Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Itenew er. Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., in his hook on Chronic Diseases, says in regatdto bis Golden Medical Discovery, with which our readers are familiar: ' From its wonder n I power over Consumption of t!e lungs, I had thought strongly of calling it my Con sumptive Cure ; but from the lact tliat it is a perfect specific for the sore throat and hoarseness to which ministers and other pub lic speakeis and singers are subject, and also for BroiiChtit, an ad were Coughs, and is an iiivaluahle remedy for diseases of the Liv er, and also as a Hlood I'm itier, 1 decided not to apply to it a name which might mis 1-ad and prevent its use in other diseases for vh;ch it is so admirably adapted. "It will 'cure a eouts'n in one half the time ncce-sary to cure it with any other medicine, and it dots it not by drying it tp, but by re movit g cause subduing the irritation and healing the affected parts." This valuable iiiedici;.e is sold by all first For the very bet photographs, go t Hi ad ley Si Rulofson's GaFery whhovt STAIRS lT ASCEND IX Till- ELEVATOR, 42'J .Montgomery Street, San Francisco. Iiclect-H. Degree Lo.-Igc o. V!, . O. O. F" (O (3 Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDAY EVE SIX US, of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree are invited to attend. Itilt nomali fjf?.'l-;c ?'n. 1, A. F". uml ft A. II.--n(!iiS its reirnl.ir Ciiinmiiiiica. tions on the First and Third Satur ility in each month, at 7 o'clock from the 2i'th of September to the ioth of March, and 7 o'clock from the 2"th of March to the 3ioth ot September. Rreth ren in good standing are invited to attend. Dec'JO.ISTO, Hy order of AV. M. Orrgon LMlge So. 3, I. O. or O. F". Mtets every Thursday even inS a o'clock, in Odd Fellow's Han, Main s eet. Members of the Order arc iuvited to attend By order . S. ti. Sjicclal rfoticc. ISDiOF.STlOK is the cause of nine-tenths of nil diseases the livinjj machine is subject to .' Give tone to the stomach and ditrestive organs, and you will save more than half in your doctor's bills. lr. Uroires Ceirbrntrd tiiit-r.H are recom mended by all physicians to Dyspeptics and for a i,i. Complaint of the I.ivku and Digestivb Obgans. See advertisement in another column. The, American Stork Journal for Leieru" ber, cnt3ins engravings of Sacred Cattle, Iloupan and Game Fowls; also, Pig and Poultry Iliui-es, with plans and elevation, besides some twenty welt written articles that should be read by every Farmer. Spec imen Copies will be sent free, by the Pub lishers, X. P. BovEtt & Co. parkesburg, Pa. -7VVc furnish tiiis valuable Jocrt.wu. with our paper for $3 a year. WILLIAM DAVIDSON, REAL ESTATE DEALER. Office, Xo. CI front Street, POIITLAND, - - - OREGOX. REAL ESTATE in this CITY and EAST PORTLAND, in the most desirable localities, consisting of LOTS, HALF BLOCKS and BLOCKS, HOUSES and STORES; also IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable uncultivated LANDS, located in ALL parts of the STATE for SALE. REAL ESTATE and other Property purchased for Correspondents, in this CITY and throughout the STATES and TERRI TORIES, with great care and on the most ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS. HOUSES and STORES LEASED. LOANS NEGOTIATED, ami CLAIMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COL LECTED. And General FINANCIAL and AGENCY BUSINESS transacted. AGENTS of this OFFICE in all the CITIES and TOWNS in the STATE, will re ceive description of FARM PROPERTY andpbrward the aamd fo the abote address.' Feb. 3, 1871. PALLS tCAMP3IET JO.i, I. O. . F. Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall on the FIRST AXD THIRD TUESDAY EVENIXG of each month. . Fatrurchs in good stand ing are invited to attend. Feb. S. lS72 tf AGE.VTS FOIi THE E'MEKPIilSE. The following persons are authorized to act as agents for the Exeehpeise : J. M. Baltimore, Portland, Oregon. Thomas Boyce, San Francisco. L. P. Fisher. ' Hudson & Menef.41 Park Row.Xew.York. Geo. P. Rowell & Cc, 4o Park Row, Xew York. Abbott & Co., Xe.'S2 & St Xassau street, Xew York. ' Hud-cm, Menet & Col. Chicago, Illinois. oh. Wetheriir & Co.,-007 Chestnut street Thilad.stpr.ia. ' Administratrix's Noticed 7-OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE . undei-M-ned has been duly appointed Ad mmistratnx of the Estate of Lawrence Burns ' deceased, late of Clackamas countv ; therefore' all persons having claims against sa'id Estate arp required to present them tome, propcrlv verified' attheaHice of Johnson & AIcCoivA, within six months from date. V V t . MARY A. BURNS, March 15, 1;:, maI5tvj jVcw To-Day. REAL ESTATE, REAL ESTATE- JACOB ST1TZEL, C. C. WAT. JACOB STITZEL&C0., SUCCESSORS TO STITZEL & UPTON., REAL ESTATE MONEY BROKERS Cor. Front antl AYasli ngtoii Ss., PORTLAND, O R E G OX . Special attention given to the sale of farm ing lands and city property. All corres ponclence relating to the recources of Ore gon will be promptly answered- REAL ESTATE JOURNAL Published monthly. Sent free of cbarga to any address. JAC03 STITZEL A CO. March 15, 1872:tf Fair Warning. JR. RALSTOX'S ACCOUNTS MUST be settled nlit awav to save costs. WaRREX & I' CUBES. Oregon City; March 15, 1S72. tt Patrick and Francis Donnelly. SEVERAL YEARS AGO TWO YOUNG men, brothers, named respectively as above, quitted Ireland and settled in the' Un ited States of America. Should both or either of them be still alive, or if otherwise should they have left after them children lawfully begotien, the survivors are hereliy informed that by late events thej' have be come entitled to considerable property; and are advised to cut-respond without delay on the subject of their newlv acquired right, with JAMES SINNOTT, ESC., 13 Lower Ormoud-qnav, Dublin, March ir, 1-S72.w3 " Ireland. Guardian's SaSe. "OTICE IS HEltUBY GIVEN THAT, BY virtue of an order of the Honorable fount y Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Cluekama-i, nuide at the I'ebruuiy term, ls;, I will sell to the highest biddf r, at the Court House door, iu Oregon City, Claekainas countv, on Sat urdav. tl;e Hitli iliiv .f Viril lxro ut - ' . i , - - , . i "in, it m: tjon, Die lollowiii!,' describc-d real estate, tlie iro- l.-n ui iuu junior neirsoi jmios fitover, deceased to-vit : Lots numbered one, 1, two, 2, live, 5, six 6, seven, 7, and eiidit, 8, in liloek numbd-crl'sK-I ty-two, in the town of Oreyon City, county of c j.u-Kauias, rniare til .r;iron. ieiins oi ciuie. -one-nan aown and the re mainder in two equal (juurtor-yearly i)ayments, seemeu iv iiiorta-.re. T. J. TAYLOIi, Guardian of M. E. Slnver, I-:. A. blover, A. J. hlover and C. T. fc lover, Minors. F. BARCLAY, M. R. C. S. Formerly Surgeon to the lion. II. 15. Co. 33 Vein's Experience. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN" AXD SURGEON, Sliifii Street, Orrgon Cliy, l-inn! Settlement. In the matter of the Estate of Daniel Trullingcr deceased, in the County Court for Clackamas, State of lierou. 'J-WIL. Al)itL ISTKATOR OF SAID ESTATE liavinu- hied his aci ounts and vouchers i final sett lenient thereof, it is ordered bv tl Court, that .Monday, tlie lt day of Airil."lS7 be set apart for said final settlement with N. II. TrullincT, Administ rator, and Elizabeth 'i'rul liner, Adininisaatrix, of said estate; arid n--tice be jjiven by publication for lour .successive weeks iu the Oregon City Enterprise, a newspa per published in this countv, this order. Mareh 4, 1S72. " J. K. WAIT, Countv Juiliie. "WARREN & FOR BIOS, Att'ys for Adru r ami Adinr'x. ma8wl Notice of Final Settlement In the matter of the Estate of Henry S. Moore, der-eased. WOW AT TIIIS DAY COMES JAMES M. Moore, Administrator of said Estate, l.v his Attorneys Johnson & Mc( 'own, a;id filed hi final report, propel ly verified, togctliT with his vouchers for final settlement. It is ordered and adjudged by the Court that Monday, the 1st day of April. 1872, be set apart for said final settle ment with said Administrator, and that notice be priven by imhlislmur this or lev tor four succes sive weeks in the Oregon City Enterpiise, a news paper published iu this count-. J. K. WAIT, County Jude. Attest, J. M. FRAZlMi, L. S. t ounty clerk. raaSwl Oreyoti City, March I, 1872. Summons. In the County Court for Clackamas county, State A. MEIR, Plaintiff, vs. Civil action to recover r.ioiu'v. E. A. GIBSON", Dcf To the above named Defendant : "VOli ARE HEREBY NOTIFIKD AND RE-a- quired to upioar in the above entitled Court and answer to the complaint of the plain tilf, filed in the above entitled action within ten days from tlie date of the service of this sum mons upon you, if served in Clackamas eo-mry and if served in any other eoimtr f this State then within twenty days from suVh service- and' if served by publication, you are notified and re quired to apiear and answer said complaint on or before tne 1st Monday in Mav, 1872 that be ing the first day of the next term of the Countv Court for ( lackainas county, Oregon, which will be held next atter the expiration of the period prescribed by the order of said Court for tlie pub lication of this summons ; and if von fail so to appear and answer, the plaintiff will take iud" ment. against you for the sum of JG li; witli leyal interest from June 7th, 1S71, and f costa and disbursements of this action; thesaid action beinsr brought by plaintiff to recover tlie afore said balance due on book account for merchan dise sold defendant bv plaintiff. And von are f urther notified, that tlio Hon. J. K. Wait Jude of said County Court, on the 5th day of VcbrTi ury, 1872, made an order directing the summons to be served by publication in the Ore-'on Citv Enterprise for six successive weeks ,r , AVARREN 4c FORRES, Marcn I, !S72:wO luif's Att'ys. BATaD SAWS 3IolHug rim liiue, K0RTISERS, - vt5?i A n'l ve v description ?y,lf V."orlAi-,l-;,. f.. chinery and l'lanintr Mill supplier. Address . : BERRY. PLACE, Machinery Depot, IT 2 California St. San Francisco. nov2-feowGm SEW HARDWARE STORE, CORNET FflOXT fe" STARK STS., PORTLAND. OREGON. JOSirS II. FOSTEE Is now receivisijr and oiTcrs for sale, at the lowest rates, a full s-toc!: of BUILDERS5 H A RD WARE, Flechanics' Tools Table .and Poekct Cutlery, MINERS' GOODS flails, Ropes, ShoveSs, Anvils, Axes, Etc., Which he invites buyers to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Would invite particular attention of buy era of Builders' Hardware and House Trim mings, either at WHOLESALE or RETAIL. Mav 26,1871 :m3 JOUST. FOSTER. THE HOUSE WE LIVE IN AND f HK INHABITANTS OF THE TI1E CAUSE OF A GREAT MAN'Y Dis eases, that liave been prU:iounced incur able by the most eminent physicians, for the very reason ttiat they overlooked the ciuse. nd as Dr. Van Den I!er:h lus made the Entozo-i a life long Study,' lie would inform the sick generally that by close observation and meat t xperitnents, has come to the con clusion that there are more acute and eiron ic diseases car.sed bv Worms, llrdatids, An- lina cui-.c, or otner species oi lniMZoa. me public generally, or I he profession at large, are not aware of the number of I'atients who are treated br eminent Physicians, for this, that, or such a complaint, without any relief. If the disease had been understood, a few doses of Df. Vs. Sovereign Worm Jiemeiy would have immediately cured the complaint and saved a great many lives. INHABITANTS OF THE HU MAN B0BY! What think you reader, of your body be ini? a planet, inhabited by living races, as we inhab.t the earth? Whatever may be your thoughts on the subject, it is even so. Your body may be but a home for parasites that crawi over the surfaceburrow beneath the skin, nestle in its entrails, and riot and propagate their kind in every corner ot its frame. The following is from the San Francieo Biuhtin, of Jamiarv '20th, li-V-i. receut date.) Call Martins recently died in Cleveland, Ohio, "from eatintr meat infected with the Ova of Tanaea iSuiiunt. At the Coroner's Inquest, on Tuesday, (January 2d.) it was shown that three weeks betuie Christmas Martins purchased a carcass of Pork. Some of the meet was eaten the same day, and some was made into sa.iage. About ten days later, some of the sausage was eaten, and in a i-hoit time the whole family were taken sick. Martins died on Sunday, Decern- lier 31st, 1S71. Mrs. Martins and her two children are now very sick, and the fomer is not hkel t i recover. 1 lie verdict was in accordance with the facts. For further par ticulars. see Cleveland, Ohio, papers of above date. A Coroner's Inquest brought this lact to light. Now I would ask how manv mare uch deaths a' inquest would bring to light ? Ponder well, reader, upon this, and thi: k of the thousands that die every year and no c&u-e can be as.-igned for their death. Now the question that would naturally enter the mind ot the reader, is what shall I d.? The advice of the Dr. would be go to s jme or.e inai is competent oi iieiting sucli com plaints. And who is more competent than the one that nas mane w orms a sneciallitv Tkniar. Vcsterdav, Dr. J. W. Van D ot Bergh exh'bited to us a number ot parasites which had been removed Irom persons af flicted: there were several ddh-rent species oneof which appears to be entirely unknown to the medical profes.-ion. This new taenia is shaped something like an orange seed but perfectly flat, or lather like a cucumber seed, with a tail about a quarter of an inch in lei gth. Another was a tape worm fe7 lect iu length, consisting of I'.fioo joints Among medical men there exists no little difference of opinion relative totheotigin of these entozoa. One class of writers be lieve that these parasites, at least many of them, originate in the endowment f anPnal molecules wiih vitality from the parent body, favo. ed by certain states of the vital forces of that body; the states originating their organization and promoting their growth and propagation. That all descriptions of entozoa are met with far more frequently where animal food is used in greatest abnn ! ance, is an indisputable lact, especially where the food is the flesh of the "unclean beasts," hicli the Jews and Mohammedans are forbidden to partake of. But our inten tion is not to w ite a tlicsis iuum this subject: e n!v desire to c'iromcic the fact that Dr J. W. Van Den IJergh has loiuid a nicdxinc a simple vegetable which grows in i.bund anCa in California, which is a dead shot to al lenTozoa, of whatever de-cript.on, gener ally accomplishing its object in Ir. in an hour and a half to six h .urs. Morning Call. Had we the space I ere. hundreds of testi monials could be produced, testifying to the (ruth of the asser ions that have here been made, but it would be useless and would onlv occupy the reader's time. The foliuw.ng arc ssiritj of tlie diseases that Worms are often rmstaken for. Dyspepsia, Chronic Affections of the Liver nnd'Kidneys, Consumption, hife Spelling, Palsy, Spermatorrhoea, Diarrheea, Inconti nence of Urine, Gravel, Flor Albus, Diabetes, Dropsy, etc. Dr. V. would advise those ladies troub'ed with any Irregularities of the Uterus to try his new rcni-.'dit-tf and get cured. Dr. Van Den Bergh' d Infallible Worm Syr up for Children. 1 rice ?1. Warranted to expel the worms. Sent everywhere upon receipt ot price. Dr. J. W. Van Den Bergh's, Hair Tonic a sure cure to destroy all rtuimalcuku of the Hair Follicles, prevents falling out, and pro moting tlie Growth ot the Hair. Price $1,30; Warranted. By Cmu!t:ng and Undergolixs a. SIMPLE EXAMINATION, The afll'.ctcd cm learn if their disea-e is caused by Worms or no'; at all events, Dr. Van Den "Bergh can ttll them from what dis ease they are suffering. Consultations and Examinations FREE OP CHAUGK. OFFICE H0OB1S N03. 38 & 39, OVER THE POST OFFICE- Letters describing the symptoms will be promptly answciel, and persons livingata d stance will be saved the expense and trou ble of calling upon the Doctor. Address DU J. AV. VAN DEW BERGH, 1. O. L'OX 172. SALEM, OREGON. Tcstt mon Portland, Feb. 10th, 1S72. . Dr. J. W. Tax- Dux Bergii Dear Sir: Our child, a little girl eight years of age, has had fits and. convulsions for the last two years, and we had tried many doctors and Vrany remedies without much benefit, in fact our darling was getting constantly worse tint I we heard of your worn syrup through a friend of ours. We thought hat perhaps it might do some good to give it a trial, and j-ott cannot imagine wrr surprise when over 2o() worms were expelled with oue foale of vonr valuable worm synip,pnd from this time or, We certainly sbail never be without it fo long as there is a possibl.chance for it to be had. You are at libeity to publish this if von choose, and mav it do much good. Bespectiully vours, " S. II. ORToX. M.J. OKTOX, Alternate paleness and fluking of the countenance, dull expression of the eyes, drowsiness, itching of the nose, a swelled upper-lip, tongue whltely furred and thickly speckled with red points, feted breath, an en larged abdomen, a partfa- or general swelling or puftiugness of tiie skin, a startling in the sleep and grinding of the teeth, a sensat:on as if something was lodged in the throat, a gradual wasting of the flesh, sickness of the stomach, vomiting, a short and dry cough, appeti e sometimes voracious, at other times feeble, bowels sometimes costive, oth er t nies loose great freifu'ness and irratibil ity ot temper, pains in the stomach aud bowels, colic, fits, convulsions and palsy. D the. worm syrup is not to be had in 3-our town, send orders to the manufact urer aud it will be sent promptly to any ad dress free ot express charges. Direct or ders to Dr. J. W. VAN DEN BERGII, T. O. Box 172, Salem, Oregon. PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE! Fall anil Winter Trade. II AVING RECENTLY FILLED UP OUR assortment of Imported Styles in Ladies' and Gents' IScoIq sisacl sailers, We will take great pleasure in displaying and receiving orders from our patrons and the public generally. We have received Irom Xew York a few pair otic tjeieoraica M.rttai urttiA DCTTON FRONTS, by which a Lace Shoe can be turned jnto a beautiful Button Gaiter Will take orders for the same at any time. "We have the Best and Latest Styles in Misses and Children's Button Gai ers and 1$ llmorals that are imported, but for good substantial wear there are none that can come up to our own make. We arrant them in every respect. Seven entirel'v New Stvlps of Ladies and Misses' RUBBERS. T o Nitlaon, Concress, Marie Antoinette, Queen's German, Velvet Front and Alaska. Liyht, ylisli ; Durable and Neat Fitting. Also, a lot of Children's Rubbers. Bring on your feel. TO WOKliiliEN. COME AXD SEE OUR 0HAMP10N BOOT! Respectfully, PROTZEIAN, GILLIHAN & CO., Cor- Front and Morrison Sts , PORTLAND, REGON. Dec. 1. lS71-.tr - MAIN STREET, jLM Okegos City. Ouegox. rrIIIS POPULAR HOUSE IIAVINt; Been JL lately REFITTED ami FURNISHED, the Proprietors are now ready t aoccommo date their customers with II A KD-FIMSIIED double or single rooms. Thev invite all thosa fond of a GOOD ME.L and a GOOD BED. t call ar.d give them a trial, for they are confident they car please everybody, because they '- know how to keep a Hote l. Prices to suit the limes and Evekycost, according to the rooms cccupieJ. Attached to the House is a EMI a OOM, For the accommodation of csutomers. MEBIIIAM & FOURMER, June lft, 1ST l :tt" Proprietors. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas county. Henry Huinbol, Plaintiff, 1 vs. Suit in Equity. John Steg-e, Defendant. J TO JOHN STEGE, SAID DEFENDANT: X TIIE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE gou : You are summoned and required to be and appear in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, lor Clackamas county, on or before the first day of the term of said Court next following the expiration of six weeks after the date of the first publication of this Summons; to-wit : on the 3d Monday in March, A. D., 1S72, and answer the complaint tiled in the above entitled suit, or the plaintiff will take a decree against you for 1,7B, in U. S. gold coin, and interest there on since Jan. 5, 1S71, at the rate of one per cent, a month, and for costs and"- di-bursinenrs ; and wiil apply to the Court for a decree foreclosing a mortgage given by you Jan. 5, 1871, on an undi vided one-half of Lots Four, 4, and Five, . in Block Xo. Twenty-three, 2.1, in. the town of Ore gon City, Clackamas county, Oregon ; and gener ally fjr the relief demanded in tho complaint. liv order of Hon. "W. "W. Upton, J udge of said Court. JOHNSON i- McCOWX, Feb. 8, 1 872. wG - Plif 's Att'ys. LOST, . 17" ROM THE UN DE-RSI ED, LIVING AT Canemah, ab iut the 5th inst, a Sorrel Mare, about fifteen hands high; six years old; small white streak in the forefead, with saddle marks; shod all anuuid. Any person returning sa d ma"r5 or 'giving information o' her whereabouts, will be suitably rewar ed. WM. II. il USUAL. Canemah, Feb. 22, 1672. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. PORTLAND, - GEO. Ii. OREGON- DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND OTHER INVESTMENTS. , Commissioner Selecting Swamp and Ovet fiowed Lands. Farm Ij-.mds Sold and purchasers obtained for all kinds of landed property. Valuable securities transferred in exchange for real estate. Loans negotiated on property, and titles examined and determined. Commissions solicited and executed with fidelity and promptness. OFFICE No. H Carter's Building, corner of Alder and Front streets. Feb. 3. Wo: tf NEW GOODS AT THS L I H C 0 L NJB A K E R Y. WJLLSAPS & HARDiEMG, HAVE JUST OPENED A FULL VARlE ty of choice FAMILY, GROCERIES. AND PROVISIONS. The Bakery will be constantly supplied with fresh BREAD, CRVCKERS, CAKES. PASTRY, CANDIES AND NUTS. All of which will be sold at living rates. Remember that we do not sell goods at cost. Also, please bear in mind that it tafres money to do bnsine."s" To the farm big trade we wonld say, CASH ior jbu. proauce, ana UAMl tor our goods. Goods delivered to all parts of the citv. Feb, 1(5, lS72:tf 13, Trees! Plants! FLOAVER AXD GAItDEX SEEDS. Apple and Crab, 100, 2 to 4 ft., ?4; i to C ft., .ft 00 I ear,Std.extra,l yr.Bartlett &c,3 to 4 ft.,doz. 2 50 S eds, reach, bu.,.2; Apple, Osaj?e, new, bu.,12 00 I otatoes, AVhite I'each Blow. Early Kosc.bu., 2 00 . - .-iiiii?, o,jn jiaiju.-, i,oiiu,.ti; Asn,j.j; mid, z uu Illustrated Catalogue, 100 page, aud Xew I'ric Lit 10c F. K. I'HOLXIX, Ultxmiington, Illinois, fob 2:v8 Dissolution FJotice. MR. A. C. BAILEY'S CONNECTION with the Lincoln Bakerv ccassd by nu tuel consent on the 1st of febiuary, 1S72. Mr. C. O. T. Williams bavinz bought his in terest, and the business will be continued at the old st.md under the firm name of Wil liams & Iltrding, who will pay all debt aga':nst and receive all moneys due the late firm of Bailey fc Harding. feb!5w HOUSE, A U CTION AND COMMISSION A. 15. KicIiaiMlson AUCTIONEER! , Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland: AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate. Groceries, GeneralHerchan - dise arid IlofseSj Every Wednesday and Saturday A. B. Richardsok, Auctioneer AT PRIVATE &ALE. English refined Bar and Bundle Iron 1 English Square and Octagon Cast steel Horse shoes, Filesi RaSpS, saws . Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, R. G. Iron also -A large assortment of Groceries and Liquors A. D. IIichakdson, Auctioneer HOLIDAY PRESENTS. TIIE Li.Rfjli.ST AND' FISEST STOCK IS PORTLAND! Olf FINE WHTCHES, RICH JEWELRY AN Silverwares 33. L: STONE WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL IEALBR 13T WATCHES and JEWELRY No-107 Front st PORTLAND, Would invite attention of his fr.iends a4 the public to his Large and Choice Assort ment of FIRE WATCHES From the most Celebrated Makers of K. Howard i Co!. Boston ; Apelton Jk Tracy, 1 S. Bart let t, AValtham, Mas-.; Elgin "Watche; Jjicot Self winding Watches ; English Watt lies and others. , Also, the be-tselected STOCK of LADIEAf A'ATCIIF.S, of nil description and tttyles, which he would be pleased to show to all who m:iy favor him with a call. ... AGENT FOR CHAS. E. J ACOT WATCHES. Fine Jewelry and Solid Silver Ware; Fancy Articles, suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS- Silver Watches, of different makers. Diamond Pins, Ear-rings an Finger-rings. Gold Bracelets. G"'ld Ch itelain Guards and Watch-chain. Gobi Necklaces, Armlets, Cresses, LockctsI Gold I'tcast-ii'.s, Ear-rings, Fmfcer-rings. (!old Charms and K vs. , California Gold RiDgs and Bohmes' Bat- cnt Buckels. Opei a 'Jhains. . JIoss Agiite Setts, Rings and Cuff Bnttonsi AVfdding Kings, ma!e of pte gold, x- pressly for that pnrposev Gold and Sdver Tlvtmoles Opera and Marine Glasses. I'ebble Spectacles ami E3'e-glassei.' ."ilid Silver Napkin Rings. Silver Fruit nnd BuKer Knives. , Solid Sil .'er Table and Tea Spoons. " ,.lrQ Regulaiois Sth Thomas Cot ks, Marina Clocks, Gilt (Jalieiy Clocks, Ac. All the b' ve ariicles sold Chcapfor Cash,' and warranted as represented. Particular attention given to repairing ind adjusting cf Chrcnomttefd, Duplex and American v a cues. B. L. STONF, . nov24tf 107 Front st. Portland, Oregon. TO YOTOG MEN f rjO YOU BELONG THE FUTURE OF JL our beautiful and fast growing St.-ite.' Sot. 11 the shrill whistle of the IRON HORSE, :-.s he comes tmoking across this creat con tinent, drawing u'ter him the rich products ot l he Nation's Wealth rind Industry, will announce th'i "GOOD TIME COMING' e wi v,,-.., o vi 11 unr auu iAiituui ii will be called to tjie new avenues of liusi- ness. i-.veryone snould prepare for an ACTIVE BUSINESS LIFE.' Great chanses have been made in the com mercial affairs cf tVejion. in a few rears! What the deyeloemc-irts,of our State will ba in the future, 'is a question which depend upon the BUSINESS OUALIFIOA'I IONS of her Young Men. lUnn the past four years of ontinued prosperity, the National Business College, of Portland, Oregon, has sent out SCORES, or young men tony quanned, ana many oi whom are now filling high and lucrative po sitions in thft Bunk t "niint!Tirr.liffrr an A Stores of our State. So great is the demand ior r t j Good Accbuhtants," that Business men have been frcquentlj compelled to send East for4 as-istance.. No. enterprising, studkms Young Ttkn who has passed, through the prescribed course ot studies at this MODEL COLLEGE has complained for want of a situation and at good salary, too., Y , . Every faciliy is here afford ed acquir ing a. , s-v -...-.- , . -7 SOUND BUSINESS EDUCATION in the shortest possibje time, and r THE LEAST EXPENSE. Every student will have an ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICE! . .After having completed the Theory, he is introduced into a - , MINIATURE WORLD OF BUSINESS,' which has the effect of thoroughly familiariz ing him with all the minntia; ot real business. The course of study embraces Double and Single Entry Book'-Kecpin r, Commercil Arithmetic, , Commercial Law, Correspon -ence. Business I'enmanslup, regular and special ieciures, etc., en-, iuCUij with practice. also, Superior advantages for securing a thorough knowledge of ORXAMEXTA L PENMANSHIP, TELEGRAPHY, PHONOGRAPHS, FRENCH, SPANISH, . GERMAN, ITALIAN. ETG For full particulars, call at the Collepe Of fice in Carter's building, corner of Front and Alder streets, ("entrance. on. Alder) Port land, Oregonor send for cicular. Addres DeFRANCE &. JAMES, PORTLAND, OREGON. Merch 31. l?71:yl JMPERIAL MILLS. Savier, Laliocrae & Cff. OREGON CITY. frLKeep constantlv on hand fot sale Midlinga, Bran and Chicken Feed. Parties parcbaslnn feed. mu6t furnish the tactic o o 0 O 0 O o o o o o o o o c0 o G o o o o "gHP" V "watt 1T1 T TTif) 15V