ir Mi il)c lUtckhj (Sutcrprfer. FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1ST: TOWN ASD COCXTY. The Enterprise Jbr the Campaign- We will rarnl-h the ExtkhiW to clubs of flve subscribers and upward, for fifty cents commencing with the issue of the Kith of .March, and ending with the issue of June 7th. which will contain the elec tion returns. We hope that Democrats will see to it that the paper is in the hands of every voter in the county. Who will B.'nd us the first list t . n:s Notick. During Lent Season porvicrs will be held at Ft. Paul's (Epis copal) Church on each Wednesday morn ing, at li o'clock, and on Friday even l.igs at 7 o'clock. Imi-oktant. The following correspond ence explains itself, and is of importance those interested : . Okkcov Citv. Feb. 28. 1872. Mr. Xoi.txer. J'jlUor of the Enterprise JjenrSir: Will you oblige me by pub lishing in your paper this week Ordinance No. fcS. .vhich reads as follows : Ordinance No. S3. Be it ordained and futabiished by the City Council of Ore gon City, Oregon : . Sko. 1. That it is unlawful for any per son who keeps a saloon within the corpo rate limns of Oregon City to permit, or allow his agent or barkeeper topennit. iriy minor, except a member of his own fumiiv, to viit his saloon. Sec. 2, If any saloon keeper, his agent or bai keeper, shall permit any minor to filter and remain in his saloon, or one un der hir charge, he shall be fined not less than live dollars, nor more than twenty five dollar, for each offence, when found guilty before the Mayor or Recorder. Sec. 3. If any minor shall enter a sa loou, ithall be the duty of the saloon keepesl or his agent, or barkeeper, to or der said minor to leave the premises ; if H.tid minor will not leave peaceably and at once, it shad be the duty of the saloon keeper, agent or barkeeper, to eject said minor: I'rovid&l. that this shall not be construed as to debar a minor entering upon an errand from his guardian or par ent : provided, such minor so entering is not allowed to remain longer than is ab solutely necessity to attend to such errand. My object in having the same publish ed is. that citizens, especially all saloon keepers, may have no plea of ignorance of the same. My attention having been called to the fact that very many of our youths and young men are tiep;enting Hie saloons, much to their injury. I there fore deem it my tln'y to have the law plainly set before all parties, and then see that all who violate said ordinance are properly punished according to i:s provi sion. Twos. ClIAIlMAX. Mayor of Oregon City. Otti'HAXACK at Mii.wai Kin. We under stand that Rishop Morris, who is now on bis way up from Han Francisco, has a lady with him who is to conduct a home for orphans, at Milwaukee, in the building commonly known as spencer Hall, and we rejoice to know that liishop Morris will be able to begin this important work of Christum charity. It is very much needed in the State. So far as we know, there is no Protestant Orphanage in Ore gon, except it be the Orphan's Home, in augurated some year or two since, by a few ladies at Salem. And yet there are numbers of Protestant children who are rendered orphans. These children should be provided lor, and that by Protestants. This want will, we trust, be met by the proposed institution at Milwaukie. Spen cer J fall is a building well adapted for the purpose, having been formerly used as a boarding scbool tor girl., and the lo cation is also a good one. Milwaukie is a quiet village, healthy and -beautiful for situation. ; We know of no better place for an inftiiniion of this kind, and we wi-h the liishop and all connected with it every success, for it is a work that cannot fail to be productive of great good la this land. Ckxsi s ok Or.i-roox City. We are in debted to Mr. S. D. Pope, fur the follow ing report of the census of this city, just taken : No. of voters 238 No. of females over I'O 20i No. of males under 1 No. vt females under 1 04 No. of males between 4 and 20. . . 18'.) No. females betwaeu 4 and 20 1!)7 Total males 021 - Total females 47!) Total population .1.100 The totals include Indians, Kanakas and Chinamen. The census report last vear gave only a population of H24. Raiucai. Pki.m.usiks. The Radical prim aries for this county will Ire held to-mor-row. There is considerable stir among them, and a great deal of trouble is ex perieneed to find offices enough for the number of candidates. Several cliques nnd combinations have been formed, and ench one seems to be sure of success. If we mistake not. there will be some terri bly sick chaps after next Saturday. They will, however, have the consolation that their successful competitors will be sicker on the '3d of June. Kstatk Transactions. A couple of 'very important real estate sales have recently taken place in our city. George A. Pease sold his fine residence on Main street, to Chas. W. Pope, for he sum of 2.f00 ; and Jas. Winston sold bis resi dence, on Main and Ivighth streets, to Julius Logos, lor the sum of $2,200. The rates property is held at, both these most desireable places sold cheap. Mr. Lewis has also disposed of his residence to Capt. AppersiHi. for the sum of $1,300. That Bkiuuk Mattkr. Having been very busy during the past week, being behind with oor paper on acconnt of our recent illness, we have not been able to obtain further information on this sub ject The County Judge claims that his Court is in nowise censurable for the loss. We shall inquire further into the matter and whether it is or not. Our article tast week was written on information which we regard thoroughly reliable. S,vn Acer pent. A little child, son of Mrs. Lansdale, four years of age, fell last Tuesday at the residence of Mr. Pope, from the second story to the first floor, striking on its head. The little fellow has been suffering greatly ever since, and it is feared that the brain has been effected. Dr. Barclay is attending on the child and doing all that can be to relief its suffer ing'?. Vote ok Thanks. At the last meeting of Cataract Hose Co., No. 2, a unanimous Tote of thanks was tendered to the young ladies who donated the proceeds of the Leap-Year ball to the Company The members of that company will always bare a tender feeling towards those noblg nearted young ladies. Retcrxixg. We notice the name of Mr. F. O. McCown. of this city, amoDir the passengers on the Idaho. He will proba bly be home to day. Dkcxks. Our City Marshal has been doing a lively business during the past week in the way of locking up drunken men. The number of drunks has been larger this week than at any previous pe riod of which we have any knowledge. Imi'kovkmkxt.s. Messrs. Fields & St ick ler. Harlow &, Fuller and Mayor Channan have ail had the in placea of business re cently painted and whitewashed. It has materially improved the appearance oi their eastablisments. Fikemkx'.s Ei.Kcnox.The election for Chief and Assistant Engineer takes place next Monday, instead of last Monday, as announced in our last issti". We hope the boys will get up a spirited, yet ftieiidlv contest for the honors. Rkscmko. The water having receded. work was resumed in the Factory last Saturday. The boats are also enabled to come into the basin to discharge and re ceive their trieght. New Goods Mr. S. Ackerman pro poses to leave on the next steamer for the purpose of his spring stock of goods. He expects to return with as fine stock as has ever been brought to this citv. Laoiks Skwino Sociktv. - The Ladies sewing society of the Episcopal Church will meet next Tuesday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. E. I). Kellv. Nkw Stork. Mr. S. D. Pope is fitting up the building adjoining the Odd Fel lows' Hall, and will shortly open a family grocery store. Lost. We call attention '.o uq adver tisement in another column from Mr. Wm II. Marshall, who has lost his horse. Sai.k. Sheriff Warner will have two sales of real estate to-morrow. A good chance for somebody to buy a fortune. Goxk. Chas. Weeks has closed his place of business in Linn City and gone to San Francisco on a visit. Cot xcit.. The regular monthly meet ing of the City Council takes place next Monday evening. Coi'XTY Corn'Pi The March term of the County Court commences next Monday Cheek. The Kadieals of Dong las county, in their call for the County Convention, declare in fa vor of economy This may le re ga riled us rather cheeky, when it is considered that when they went out of power in that county, they left it badly in lebt, while the Democrats have relieved the coun ty from indebtedness, on a smaller tax lev, and had near 3,000 on hand at the close of the last fiscal year. We are of the opinion that the people of Douglas can see into this little piece of demagogism and will not soon reinstate the old Hungry ring. The Governor's Private Secretary. Gov. Grover has a Private Secretary at $1,200 per annum, who is constantly em ployed in the duties of his office, render ing services which would command even a higher salary in tiny other State but this. The Oregonitui ihinKs that this extrava gance is awful! ae.d '-unconstitutional"' besides!!! Gov. Woods had his Pri vate Secretary (nominally) his own son. a little boy, in the 'pot-hook'"' stage of chi rography. who never did an hour's work in the office, but was attending school most of the time. He simply permitted the State to use his name in the vouchers and for this service his father drew $000 per (irt)inm. The Orojouimi thinks this is com mend able economy. Sihm Mcrvnnj. Pkxstox fuinw. The Secretary of the Interior and Chief of the Pension Bureau ! iuform Congress that fully one-fourth of J the pensions now paid are frauds.'' The pensions now pant amount to j1.U'J0,000 annually, which gives in round numbers. S8.O00,O00 annually of which the Govern ment is cheated in this one item. This disclosure is a terrible commentary on the honesty and capacity of the Grant ad ministration, and calls in trumpet tones, for a change from Grant down. And yet, in the face of this disclosure of incapac ity or dishonesty, the Republican parly seriously contemplate the re noininali' n of Grant ! The Temperance Convention, pays the Mercury, appointed Mrs. Duniway a committee of a half-a-dozen to urge the passage of a law at the next session of the Legisla ture permitting women to vote on the subject of temperance. If she goes " at large" among the mem bers of the Legislature as she did in the Convention she will be very apt to win her point. Throwim; Off. The Oreynninn gives George Woods the cold shoulder, and says that even his management of the pen itentiary "wasn't, very creditable." This is cool, considering how much the Ore-jo-itinn did toward making Woods Governor, and how vigorously it defended him as long as he held that position. The infer ence we draw from all this is that George, the "sneezer' is a '"dead cock in lha pit. JF. W. Statesman. It will be seen from news pub lished elsewhere that the German citizens are taking active measures to support the anti-Grant Jlepub lican Presidential nominee. This move is carried forward bv those Germans who have al way "hereto fore acted with the Republicans. Apportionment. Following is the apportionment of Dele gates to which each county is entitled in the Democratic State Convention, which meets at the Dalles, on April 10th ; Baser Benton Clackamas ..."..'." Clatsop ....... Columbia - - - Coos Curry , Douglas Grant ."...'.".!....! Jackson Josephine Lane Linn , J" " Marion .'."..".! Multnomah Polk '.'.'.'.'.'.'.WW.'.' Tillamook U mat ilia ! .... 1 Union Washington Wasco Yamhill ..C . . 7 . .1 . .2 ..3 . .1 . .8 ..4 ..8 , .2 '.'.8 .12 .11 .10 .,7 . .1 . .o ..4 .A ..3 ..6 Oregon City Prices Current. The following are the prices paid for produce, and the prices at which other ar cicles are selling, in this market - WHEAT Whiter bushel, St 00. OATS r bushel. 75 cts. POTATOES "p bushel. $1 00 ct ONIONS bushel, SI OOfgl 50. FLOUR bbl. 5 50f?,$(i 00. BEANS White. fay, cts DRIED FRUIT-Ap.ples.) fo..56ct Peaches, -g lb., Hl.c: Plums, ! It,., 1G cts.; Currants. "H it,.. 10(,20 ets BUTTER -r lb.. 35 iojfs. EGGS $ dozeu. 25 cts. C 1 i ICiv ENS j dozen , S I. AUGTHrUS!,e(l' p- 20 cts.; Island & lb- 1O012J cts. ; N. O.. -f Jb.. i j cts. ; San Francisco refined. ff . cts. TEA Young Hyson, 11,.. SI 50 ; Ja pan. '0 II)., 'J0e?l 25 ; Black. 3b.,'75e. r5 r l oo. COFFEE r? 23f7iy?5 ct SALT "f It.., lj2lcts. SYRUP Heavy (Golden, "pgal!.,$l 00 : Ex. Heavy Golden. p: gall., si" 25 RACON Hams, h; cts . ;jt.s, 15 cts. 'jr It..: Shoulders. 11 ct LARD t P)., 14 cts. OIL Devoe's Kerosene. eall Liiweed oil. raw. H gall.. ;! 25 : Linseed oil. Ooiled. gall., $1 50. WO )L r! lb.. 35 cts. REEF On foot, )710 cts. a It.. PORK On foot. y',l(Jcts. Vt ft. SHEEP Per head. $ 002'2 50. HIDES (been, lb.. 5c. ; Dry.IJj. 15 cU ; Salted. 8c lUliglou Sett-ices. St. Pauls (Episcopal) Church, the Rev. John W. Selhvood, rector. Services on Sunday at ih a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Bihle class at 2 r. m. 1st Congregational Church Scats Free Morning Services 10. Sabbath School, 12 o'clock M. Evening Services, 7 o'clock. Rt;v. E. Okkky, Acting Pastor I'KAYKK MEETINGS. Sunday evening,. . . 5 o'clock , . .7 o'clock. Tuesday evening. M. E. Church, Seats Free. Morning Services, 1 0.30, Evening Set vices, 7 o'clock. SOCIAL MEETINGS. Class Meeting following Moi nincr Servces. Praver Meeting Thursday even inn 7 co'clok. Sabbath School at 2 o'clock P. M. For the very best photographs, go to lb ad ley & Rnlofson's (laBcry withovt STAIRS XT ASCEND IX THE ELEVATOR, 429 Montgomery Street, San Francis o. Thf A mfflcan Sleek Journal tor l.'c.en -ber, contains engravings of Sacred Cattle, Houpan and (Lime Fowls; also, Pig and Poultry Ileuses, with plans and elevation, .besides some twenty well written articles that should be read by every Farmer. Spec imen Copies wiil be sent, free, by the Pub lishers, X. P. Boykk k Co. Parkesburg, Pa. We furnish this valuable Joinixu, with our paper for :? a year. SYJII'TOMts Of CAT.i.K.5411. Indisposition to exercise, difficulty of thinking or reasoning", or concentrating t be niird upon any subject. lassitude, lack of ambition or energy, discharge tailing into throat, some timrs profuse, watery, acr.d, tlrck and tenacious mucus, purulent, offens ive. In othets a dryness, dry, watery, weak or inll.imed eyes, ringing in ears, deaf-ne.-s, hawking and coughing to clear throat, ulcerations death and decay of bones, scab.- from ulcers, constant desire to clear nosit and threat, voice altered, nasal twang, of feniry breath, impaired ortot:d deji ivation of sense of smell, and taste, dizziness; men tal depre-sioii, loss of appetite, indigestion, dyspepsia, eularocd tonsils, tickling con-fb. ditlicnlty in speaking (plainly, general debil ity, idiocy and insanity. Alt the above svmotoms are emmtm t; the disca-e in some of i s stages or compile -t.ions, yet housaiuls of cases annually term "mate m consumption or insanity, ait (lend in tii s grave without ever having manifest ed one-ihi i d of the symptoms above enum erated. No d:scac is ni'-re common or 1 ss under stood bv phyM'-bms. The proprietor of Dr. S.ige's Catarrh Remedy will p.ty "oo reward toi" a case of catarrh which he cannot cure. Sold bv drnguists, or s nd sixty cents to R. V, I'ierc ,' M. I)., VI?, Seneca street. Pufla lo, X. V., for it. A pamphlet free, beware of counterfeits and worthless imitations, b'emember that the genuine has the words "II. V. fierce, M. I). . .Sole I'roprieior, buf falo. N V.," printed upon the wrapper ; al so lias 1 J r. Fierce s p Ttrait, name ana ad dress on his private Uovcrnment stamp up on each package. Tur. Wii.n (fkksr do not regard Dr. Aycr's wis, loin in migrating north such immense numbers of them as are flying over us now, while ins al ma nac says : 'bleak and blus tering about this time, with heavy snows.'' Cedar rapids (la ) Time, March 3. We were to fast last week in our item on the conflict between'fir. Ayer and the wild geese. The Doctor's science beat their in stinct this time. Not for years have we had such a snow storm as that of last Sunday. The snow lies three feet deep on a level in Minnessota and two feet n Wisconsin, while the storm has swept from the Atlantic to the Rocky Mountains. Snow fell to various depths us far sounh as Denver, Fort Union and Santa Fe. Learned as we believed Dr. Ayer in the arcana of nature, and wonderful as we knew his medicines to be, we were not prepared for so signal an instance ot his su periority, not only ovi-r the wise men, but the wisis: of animals whose instinct is considered unfailing. We drive up the peg, more fii mlj than ever, over our hearth for Ayer's American Almanac. Cedar Rapids Times, March 10. Hall's vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer for the scalp, and for restoring the hair and its color, has no equal. Sinking Slowly. Diseases that progress rapidly to a crisis are not the only ones to be dreaded. Canker or dr3 rot does not blast a tree as suddenly as a stroke of lightning, but unless arrested it destroys it as certainly ; and in like man ner chronic debility, although it does not kill with the swiftness of yellow fever, is as sore to sap the springs of life eventually as any acute disease, if not checked by invigor ating medication. There is something inex pressibly touching in the spectacle prema ture decay. Languor, pallor, emancipation, depression of spirits, and a distaste for ex ertion, are its ordinary symptoms, and they should be promptly met by a tonic treatment. The best invtgorant and exhilerant that can be administered in a case of this kind is llo.-tettei's Stomach IJitters. The stimulat ing principle of the preparation rouse the dormat energies of the system, and the strengthening and regulating properties give a permanent and healthful impulse to the vital forces thus brought into play. The failing appetite is re awakened, the procc-s of d gestion and assimilation are quickened, the quality of the blood is improved, the se cretions become more natural, and every or gan that contributes to the nourishment of the body undergoes salutary change. Ry these means the repair or the physical struct ure is effected and its health and vigor re stored. In no class of diseases has the ben eficent operation ot the Bitters been more marked and striking than in tho-se charac terized by general debility and nervous pros tration. Ladies affected with these ail ments find in this most wholesome of all tonics and correctnses the safest and surest means of relief. It is strong to restore and powerless to injure. Such is the uniform testimony of "cloud of witnesses-" AGEXTS FOB THE EXTERPRISE. The following persons are authorized to act as agents For the Eneekprisk : J. M. Baltimore. Portland, Oregon. Thomas Boyce, San Francisco. L. P. Fisher, " ' Hudson & Menet.41 Park Row.Xew York. Geo. P. Rowell & Co., 40 Park Row, New York, Abbott t Co.. Xo, 82 & 31 Nassau street, New York. Hudson, Menet. & Co.. Chicago, Illinois. Coe. Wetherill & Co.. 07 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, WILLIAM DAVIDSOIT, REAL ESTATE DEALER. Oflicc, ';o. OA Front Street, PORTLAND, - - - OREGON. REAL ESTATE in this CITY and EAST PORTLAND, in the most desirable localities, consisting of LOTS, HALF BLOCKS and BLOCKS, HOUSES and STORES; also IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable uncultivated LANDS, located in ALL parts of the .STATE for SALE. REAL ESTATE and other Property purchased for Correspondents, in this CITY and thro ighout the STATES and TERRI TOUIfciS, with great care and on the most A D V A N T A G EO US TE KM S- TIOUSES nnd STORES LEASED. LOANS NEGOTIATED, and CLAIMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS TUOMPTLY COL LECTED. Ai.d a General FINANCIAL and AGENCY BUSINESS transacted, AGENTS of this OFFICE in all the CITIES and TOWNS in the SIAIE, will re ceive descriptions of FARM PROPERTY andfnrward the same to the above address. Feb. 3, li71. FALL!) lirvC.V3IIMlK.Vl1 0. 1, I. ). K. Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall on the FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAY EVENING of each month. Patriarchs in good stand ing are invited to attend. Feb. S. lS72-tf llcbec-cu Degree Liortge Xo. 3.I.O. O. V Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDAY IlVEXJXGS. ot each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree aie invited to attend. 31 iiltnnmn H Io.'1;e o. 1, A. F. am? A. 31. Holds its regular comuiunica 'Actions ou tne i-i'.iT ('Jul h wd tfittur- V' eacn nioiun, :ii 4 o clock trom the 2oth of September to the 2ot!i of March, and 7h o'clock from the 20th of March to the 2oth ot September. Bt eth ren in good standing are invited to attend. Dec. -J.ISTO, Bv, order of W. M. Oregon Loslge Xo. 3, I. O. or O. F. Mtefs evcrv. ThurMhiv ,-r,r, l0$m ing at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's "-v;V5 Hall, Main s eet. Members of the Order are invited to attend iy order. jy. o. ?!Xoctiil Notice. IxPTOESTlov is iho cinisa of nino-tenths of all iiieiif-tr ino uvular niHciiine is suoject to! liive tone to the stomach and iiestivo orirans, and you will save more than lialf in your doctor's bills. Hr. ESritle'N ttvit-l J.Ll. flSi t,-r. ure recoin- ik-'iiicii oynii iuy?icians to 1'Ysi'ei-tics mid for ALL 'OMrl.AISTS Of t!'C 1.1VKU AMI IT(iKSTlVS OiiOAN.s. Hvc adverWscment iu another column. "T 1ST OF LETTERS REMAINING IN 1 the Postoflice at Oregon C ifj-, March 1 Allei Alfred. Burk, Ubick, Bell, Nathaniel, Beverly , John. Cvphcr, llenrv, Ghapman. W T, Gleason,, Hamilton, John H, Lewis, Nellie Miss, Li vinnetl -n, Mark, Morgan, John Peier, Richardson, Solomon, R utter, J, Shannon, J Mrs, Wilev, Mr. Wills. M C. Baker Mr, ( Boots fc Shoes) Rracket, E, (leek, R L, Fal low, W II. Gross. A ncn.tiia. Hunter, Charles, Lyon, J Capt, .McToon, Cai len, Jbithenp, A L, Rup.e. Emanuel, Reieison, A, Thompson . Wm, Wallace. Wm M. Registered letter Edward Robeit-on. If cubed fur. ldcase sav ' advertised." BACON, P. M. J. M summons. In tlie County Court for Clackamas count v, State of li ciron. A. Ml-.ll:, l'laintiir, J Civil action to recover K.A.f.jTUSoX,IvrtJ ,"'"T- lo the above named Defendant : VU A1!I: llKRK1,Y NOTIFIED ANT) KK- quired to appear in the ;i!,ove entitled r.lln'f,ii"ni1 alu v-f"-' to the complaint of Die j l.iin f lit, tile 1 in flu- uhove entitled action, within ten uays iroiii tin: date of the .service of this sum mons upon yon, if served in Clackamas eountv ii nd if served in any other eountv of this Sta'e tiien witlim twet'ty days from such service- and if served Dy publication, yon are lioriiied aiid re quired To a pi .ear and an-wer said complaint on or beioie tne 1st Monday in M;iv, 187 tit-it De-m- 'i";111': ,l".V of the next terra of the ( ountv Court tor Clackamas county, Oregon, which will he hel l next after the expiration of the period prescribed hy the or.ler of said Court the pub lication oi this .summons; and if you fail .- to appear and answer, tlie plaiutiil" will take iud--mcnt a-amst you for the sum of 45, with leiTHl interest from June 7th, 1H71, and for costs and uisburs, ments of tin's action; thesaid action beii. broufit by p'.aintiif to recover the afore said bahniee due on book aecnuut for merchan dise sold delendant by pluintitf. And vou are turtlier notified, that the Hon. J. K. V,"aif .Tnd-'e of se.iu County Court, ou the oth day of Fclirii ary, IS, 2, in ide an order direct iuvr the Miinninin to be served by publicafion in the Orcsmu City tntenmse lor six successive weeks . t , r. WAltitEN & FORBES, March I, 1872:wG VUVs Att'vs. BAND SAWS Molding Msicliine, M0STISERS, And every description of Wood-woik'uu Ma chinery and I'lanini' Mill supplies. Address BERRY & PLACE, Machinery Depot, 112 California St. San Francisco. nov2teowtm LOST. XT' ROM THE UNDER! ED, LIVING AT A Canemah, about the inst , a Sorrel Mare, ab uit fifteen hands high ; six 3-ears oid ; small white streak in the forehead with saddle marks ; shod a II around. Any person returning sad mare or giving information of her whereabouts, will he suitably rewar ed. WM. II. M RSIIAL . Canemah, Feb. 22, 1S72. Fireman's Election! I X COMPLIANCE "WITH ORDINANCE -No. 04, Section of this citv, an election will be eld f r the purpose of electing one CliH-r nfjineer, one Asst. Engiiicer, for the ensuing year. Slid election to be held on Monday, the 1th day of March, at the House of Cataract Hose Comnanv, No THOMAS CHARMAN, Xahor. Oregon City, Feb. 22d, 1S72. AGEXTS WANTED. THE LOST CITY; on C H I C O O AS IT WAS AIID AS IT IS. A HISTORY OF THE GREAT CHICAGO Fire trustful and accurate. A vivid and detailed account of the most terrible calami ty that has ever befallen the civilized world. Startling incidents. "Hair Breadth 'scapes." Tlie fearf ul ravages of the Fire Fiend. Tlie rein of Terror. Profusely and beautifuliy illustrated, including views of the city before and since the firerstiil supremely grand in its ruins. Orders will be filled and received. The fastest selling book ever sold by agents. Send 1 for canvassing outfit and secure an Agency immediately- Agents also wanted for AVOXDEKSOP THE UORLD. One Thousand Illustrations, comprising stattl'tng scenes, interesting incideots aud wonderful events in all the Countries and among all People. A. L. BANCROFT & CO., ban Fraacisco, Cal. 5"jfe-a AUCTION AND COMMISSION i A. 15. Iil2SB,34'IS01S9 AUCTIONEER! Corner of Front aud Oakstreets, Portland. AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate, Groceries, Geiieralilerehan dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday A. B. IiiciiARPsox, Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Bar and Bundle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast steel Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws; Screws, Pry-pans, sheet iron, R. G. Iron also : A large assortment of Groceries and Liquors A. IS. Riciiaijdsox, Auctioneer NEW GOODS AT THE LINCOLN BAKERY. WILLIAMS & MADinC, TTAVE JUST OPENED A FULL YARIE- JLJL ty of choice FAMILY GROCERIES, AND PROVISIONS. The Bakery will be couttaatly supplied with fresh BREAD, CR VCKEBS, CAKES. PASTKY, CANDIES AND NUTS. All of which will be sold at living rates. Remember that we do not sell goods at cost. Also, please ber.r in mind that it takes moncv to do business. To the fanning trade we would say, CAII for you. produce, and CASH tor our goods. Goods delivered to all parts ot the citv. Feb, 10, is72:tf A I5csiral;le Hiss Th-re is the hi-s of ridicule, thehisscf scorn, the hiss of snakes in ti e giass ; but the most delichtlul hiss is that of' Tairaiifs ElT. rvcsctnt Seltzer Aim.' rii' nt In the sparkling goblet, giving assurance to the invalid tbat bis thirst will be deliciousiy as-uagtd ; that his stomach will ba refresh ed and purified ; that if he is fcveiish, his body will be c-oled by healthful evaporation; that if he i- constipated, the difficulty will pass away without a pang ; and that if the condition of hi general health is impaired, it will be speedily restored. Of couise, he will take care to iiroeuve none lint tlie SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. SEW HARDWARE STORE, CORSET PKOST & ST AUK STS., PORTLAND, OREGON. j v-iaiira lAi. jl" vrs Ji. iiiis Is now receiving anJ offers for sale, at the lowest rates, a run stock of liEi- AND I0ILBER85 HARDWARE, klechanic5? Tools, Tabic -and Fodiet Cutlery, MINERS' GOODS railSj Ropes, ShoveSs, Anvils, A Which he invites Luyeislo call and examine before purchasing cl-ewhere. Would invite particu ar attention ot buy ers of 15u:ldcrs' Hardware and House Tiim- tniiiL's, cither at W1K)LKJALK or RKTAIL. Alay ;, ls71:mJ JOHN K. FOSTEIL Sheriff's Sale. 'SPY VIRTUE OF AX EXECUTION ISSUED -K out of the Circuit t'oart ot the .t;itc of Oregon, for the county of Clackamas, in favor of J j. A. Seely.plaint ili'.iuid against Uanicl S. iScbas tian, defendant, for tlie sum of two hundred and twenty-five .Vi-ino doilavs, ,2.' jo, now due, and with interest at the rate of ten jier cent, per an num from the 11th day of ()ctolr, A. D., !S71, ind the 1 urt her sum 01 tortv-nmo ob-iutl dollars. till Ali, costs, and for want of personal Troierty out of which to make tlie same, I have levied njioii all the riuht, title and interest of said lauiol S. Sebastian of, iu and to the following dcscribcil tracts of land, lo-wit : li.iriiuiiii at the N. i-;. corner of the X. W. J-4 of section T. 3., S. K. 1 AV. of tlie Willamette meridian ; thence W. '2'i chs. aud 13 links ; thence S., 10 1-2 decrees E. 14 chs.; thence E. '20.M chs.: thence X. 13.77 chains, to tlie place of beginning, con taining 30 acres, more or less; and also tlie fol lowinj'deserilcd tract, to-wit : lj.'ghmiiuj at the S. E. corner of Section !, in T. 3, S. It., I W.; tlieiicc X. 40 chains; thence W. 2j chains; tlicnx! S. 4(1 chains ; thence E. 2 chains, to the place of bc-inniiiif, coiitamiiifi" 100 acres, more or less; also the following deserilel tract, to-wit: The north-east quarter of the soutlreast (juarter of Section 10, in T. 3, S. 11., W. of the Willamette meridian ; and on Saturday, tlie 2d day of March, A. J., 1H72, atl o'clock p.m., at the Court House door, in Oregon City, in said comity, I will proceed to sell tlie same to the highest bidder to satisfy f aid execution, costs and a-cruinsr costs. ARTHUR WAHXEK, Shoriif of Cl.ickamas wantv, Oregon. Dated Jan. 2i!h, 1872:w4 Summons. In the Circuit f cut of tlie State of Oregon, for Clackamas county. Henry Humbel, Plaintiff, ) vs. Suit in Equity. John Stege, Defendant. 7 TO JOHN STEGE, SAID 1EI'UNDAXT : X THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE cron : You are summoned and l-equired to bo and appear in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas county, on or before the first day of the term of said Court next following the expiration of six weeks after the date of the first publication of this Summons t to-wit : on the 3d Monday in March, A. IX, lJj'72, and answer the complaint filed in the above entitled suit, or the plaintiff will take a decree against you for .l,7io, in U. S. foM coin, and interest theie 011 bince Jan. ", 1871, at the rate of one per cent, a month, and for costs and disbursinenU ; aud will apply to the Court for a decree foreclosing a mortgage civen by you Jan. 5, l71,on an undi vided one-half of Lots Four, 4, and Five, 5, in Biocic Xo. Twenty-three, 23, in the town of Orc fron City, Clackamas county, Oregon ; and gr;ner allyfirthe relief demanded iu the complaint. By order of Hon. W. W. Upton, Judge of said Court. JOHXSON & McCOWNr Plff 's Att'ys. Feb. 8,lS72.Wfi Fruit, rnrtr, I Garden, shade, irees ! i.tt4 Plants ! FLOWER A S V GARDEN SEED, Apple and Crab, 100. 2 to 4 ft., ?f; 4 to 6 ft., . 00 rear,Std.extra,l yr,iiartlctt 4:c,3 to 4 ft.,doz. 2 50 Seeds, Teach, bu.,?2; Apple, Osatre, new, bu.,12 00 Potatoes, White Peach Elow.Earlv Bose.bu., 2 00 Seedlings, Soft Maple, l,Kx,$l; Ash, 3; Elm, 2 00 Illustrated Catalogue, 100 page, and X"ew Price List..T ".' lOc F. K. PHOENIX, Blociuington, Illinois, fob Z-.vtH THE Will ew everything needed in a family, from the heaviest to the lightest fabric. IT DOES 3IOI&E tVOHK, MORE KIXDS OF WORK, AM BETTER 1VORK, Than any other machine. If there is a Florence Sewing Machine within one thouand miles of San Francisco not working well and pirinp: entire satisfac tion, if I am informed ot it; it will be at tended to without of any kind to the owner. SAMUEL IimL, 10 NEW MONTGOMERY STREET, Grand Hotel Building1, SAM FRASTCISC0, CALIF0HKIA Send for Circul.irg and samples oi the work. ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED IN EVEKY PLACE. Feb. 2, 1871;ly BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE! Fall ami Winter Trade II AVINO RECENTLY FILLED UP OUR assortment of Imported i?t 3 ks in Luclics ami Gents' Cr iters. We will take great pleasure in displaying and receiving orders from our patrons "and the puhlie generally. We have received ironi New Yoik a tew pair of the (Mebiatcd 1. LI 'RAT OPERA BUTTON FBONTS, by winch a Lace Shoe Ciin he turned into a beautif ul Button Gaiter Will take ordt rs fur the same at any time. We have the Rest and Latest Styles in Mioses' and Children's Button Gai ers and II llmorals th-it are imported , but for goed substantial wear there are none that can cme up to our own make. We Wan ant them in every respect. Seven entirely New Styles of Ladies' and Mbses' RUBBERS. T Nillson, Congress, Marie Antoinette, Queen's German, Velvet Fn.nt and Alaska. Light, ylish Durable and Xeat Fitting. Also, a lot of Children's Rubbers. Rring on your feet. TO COME AXJ) SEE OUR CHAMPION BBBTl Respectfully, PROTZEIAN, GILL I AW & CO., Cor- Front and Morrison Sts-, TOR 1 LAND, REGCX. Pfc. 1. 171 :tf T rpo YOU BELONG THE FUTUCE OF I our beautiful and fast growintr State. Sunn the shrill whistle of the IRON HORSE, as he comes unoking across this great con tinent, drawing after him the rich products of the Nation's Wealth and Industry, will announce the " GOOD TIME COMING," when Oregon's own Sons and Daughters will be called to (ill the new avenues of Busi ness. Everyone should prepare for an .ACTIVE BUSINESS LIFE. Great changes have been made in the com mercial affairs of Oregon in a few years. What the developements of our State will be in the future, is a question which depends upon the BUSINESS QUALIFICATIONS of her Young Men. Within the past four years of continued prosperity, the National Business College, of Portland, Oregon, bas ?nt out SCORES of young men fully qualified, and many of whom are now filling high and lucrative po sitions in tlie Banks, Counting-Rooms and Stores of owr Stase. So-great is the demand for Good Accountants, MODEL COLLEGE has complained for want cf a situation and at good salary, too. Every faeifiy is here afforded acquir ing a SOUND BUSINESS EDUCATION in theshortest possible time, and at THE LEAST EXPEKSE, Every student will have art ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICE! After having completed tbe Theory, he is introJiveed into- a MINIATURE WORLD OF BUSINESS, which has the effect of thoroughly familiariz ing him with all the minntia; of real business. The course of study embraces Double and Single Entry Book-Keep in,?, Commerci I Arithmetic, Commercial Law, Correspon -ence. Business Penmanship, regular and special Lectures, etc., etc , combining theory with practice. ALSO, Superifor advantages for securing a thorough knowledge of ORNAMENTAL PENMANSHIP, TELEGRAPHY. PHONOGRAPHY, FRENCH, SPANISH, GERMAN. ITALIAN. ETC For fufl particulars, call at the College Of fice. iu Carter's building, corner of Front and Alder streets, ( entrance on Alder) Port laud, Oregon, or send for cicular. Address DeFRANCE & JAMES, PORTLAND, OREGON. Merch 31. lS71:jl , that Business men bar; becrT frequently compelled to send East Iot assistance. No enterprising, studious Young Man who has passed through the prescribed course of studies at this PRESENTS, THE LAROKsT AND FINEST STOCK If t PORTLAND, OF FI WE WHTCHEd, RICH JEWELRY AND Silverware 13. l. STonsns, WHOLESALE AXD BET AIL BEALES 1JT WATCHES and JEWELUY No-107 Front st- PORTLAND, Would invite attention of bis friends an4 the public to his Large and Choice Assort--nient of fiot: watches, From the most Celebrated Makers of B.- ' Howard & Co.. Boston ; Apelton & Traey, Pj S. Bartlett, Waltham, Mas; Elgin Watches j bicot Selfwinding Watches; English Watt-lies and others. Also, the he-tselecfed STOCK of LADIEV VATCIIES, or all description and styles, which he would be pleased to show to all who may favor him with a call. AGENT FOR CHAS. E. JACOT WATCHES Fine Jewelry and Solid Silver Ware, Fancy Articles, suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS- Silver Watches, of different makers. Diamond I'ins, Ear-rings an Finger-ringS (bild bracelets. (J'dd Chiitelam Guards and Watefi-cbain, tlol.l Necklace-, Armlets, t'f esses, Locket, Cold k ast-ins. Ear-rings, Finger-riua. Cold Charms and Keys. California Gold Rings and Robmes Pat- ent Rnckels. Opeia 'Jhains. Moss Agate Setfsy Rings find Cuff Buttons Wedding King, made of pure gold, 11' presstv for that purpose.- Gold aud Silver Thimbles. Opera and Marine Glasses. Rebl.le Spectarles ami jNilid Silver Napkin Rings. Silver Fruit and Butter Knives. Sdid Table and Tea Spoons. Regulators Selh Thomas Clocks, Marin Clock-, Gilt Gallery Clocks, Kc- All the ah. ve ariit les sold Cheap for Caaliy and warranted as n-pi esente.i.- 1'articular attention given to r-pairntt and adjusting o'J rouonieters, Duplex fin A ei ican V a.cs V.. L. STONE. lot Front st. Toi tland, Oregon. Read Physician's Certificates Below! It c3 r-l Ui a E a D Q 2 W a c-t- o A Most Efficient and Pleasant Tonic. These Titttora nrp prepared from the most choictf and wholesome herbs and root, and have given universal satisfaction wherever tried. Thousand of dyspeptics have found relief through their ust. nd physicians recommend them Tor the cure of all diseases of t he blood and liver, and irreguiaritiuit of th digestive organs. Headache. Hiliou-ness and Constipation. General Debility and L.ossof Aretite, all are caused bv th derangement of the htomach. Iiver and other" functionaries of th- fvstem. 'J he I XI. Rittera haveF been successfully used nnd are warranted to atlw viato t he sulltsrer in all t he cbove Cases. cTERTIFTCATESi Mrssns. IT. ErsTF.i.- i Co: ientli?men: I take pleasure in stating that apM ably to your wish I have carefully tested and exam ined tho sample of your IXI Bitters, -which yott Bent me, and iind it not only an agreeable Bitters but also one that cannot, tail to be benvneial a tonio and promoter ot" Digestion. G. HOLLAXD. M. D. ClTT AVD CoTTKTY IIOSPITAL. San Francituvt Juno 2'lth, 117 1 : 1 Have carefully emmine;! I Jr. If enley g IX u Bitters, and have failed to detect anvtlrintr which! could injure even the most delicate conatif trtiotl.- ! roin the composition of the Hitters, as far as I - nm ante to determine it, i should judjre that the IXL. liittera must be a very efficient remedy in Dvsnensia. Indicestion. Loss of Ai.netite anrl simi lar complaints, being composed of a number .61- vegetable arugs wnicli ar principally used in dis eases of that nature, and are of the greateaf efficiency in their cure. F. H. ENGELS. M. !.. Ass't Res. Physician, Apothecary C. Jt C. Hospital. State Assateb'S OFFICE. San Francisco. J! 21st. 1S71 : Messrs. H.-EPSTTEKf Co. Gent": I have in ad av careful examination of your IX I Hitters, and hav found them entirely free of deleterioua mineral substances. Yours, etc . J-.Ol'IS FAhKEXAU, State AsBayef. Bewaro of !ounterfeit.s. None ranninti rithnn Dr. Henley's signature across the top of each bottle. Every Family xTioiil1 have n. tUUtUi In tlie bouse. Koll evcrvwbrr JI. J3If!,T,TC:XTS". Sole Proprietors, Tfo. SIS Front Street. San Francisco, Cal. Iu GROSS fc CO , 675 W, Lake atw Chicago, 111 REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE- PORTLAND, - OREGON- DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND OTHER INVESTMENTS. Commissioner Selecting Swamp and Orei flowed Lands'. F;irm Lands sold and purchasers obtained , for all kinds of landed property. Valuable sccuritfes transferred in exchange for real esfate.- Loans neotfated oft property, and titles examined and determined. Commissions solicited and executed with fidelity and promptness. OFFICE-No. 14 Carter's Building, coriur of Alder and Front streets. Feb. 3. s70:tf Xew I5oot and Shoe Store. rruiE UNDERSICNE WOULD KB' JL pe tlullvcai the a ntion of the pub lic to 1 is plendid stock. CUSTOM-MADE BOOTS and SHOES, for Ladies' and Gent's wear, just opened, one door nerth of the Lincoln Bakery, Ore gon Citv.- All kinds of BOOTS and SHOES tept consdanlly on hand, at CHEAP RATES, and ordeis taken for the same, to be made m the latest stvle, at the PACIFIC HOOT and SHOE MAN UFACTURE, PortaDd, Oregon. COUNTRY PRODUCE Taken ia EXCHANGE AT MARKET Kafes, AL. WHITE. Oregon City, Nor. 17, 171. Dissolution Notice. MR. A. C. BAILEY'S CONNECTION with the Lincoln Bakery ceased by mo tuel consent on the 1st of febiuary, 1572 Mr. C. O. T. vV'illiams bayinj; bought his in terest, and tle business will be continued at the old stand onder the firm name at Jfih liams & Hiirding, who will pay all debt aga'mst and receire all moneys due the lata fcrm of Bailey & Harding. febl6w4 HOLIDAY iir .. . 1. .1 o o o o o G O o o- 0 o o o o o o o o O G o o o 0 o o O O O G O o o