Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, March 01, 1872, Image 1

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vol. o.
'J 1 i H 1 ft, !
-a X 1 .. M JJ A JUL Viz i
eijc iUcckln (enterprise.
0u sin css SVlan, the Farmer
jisricn EYF4iiV yuinAV nv
kditoi; AN1 rur.nsiiEK.
HFF1C E la Dr. Thes3i.'s Brick IiuilJing
ft'agla Cipy one year, ii advance, 12 50
Transient advertisements, including all
lei?al notices. 4 . of 12 lines, 1 w.$ 2 50
For each suUenieiitin.seitiuii 1 )
One Culu-nii, one year $120 00
H.ilf " " (;0
yuirter " "
Uusinest Card, 1 square one year 12
gg RemUtinr to be made (it the risk o
Subscriber, and at the &fpene of Agents.
ttW The Enterprise nflke i supplied with
beiiiitit'u!. approved styles of type, and mod
ern MACIIIN'K Uip-iES. which will enable
'ie iMuia'H tM- t do Job 1'iinting at all times
iVci, (Juick and Cheap !
13 Work solicited.
A,'l tr trt ictiont upon a Specie bast.
Cll . K. WARRES.
F. A. FOiU'.ES.
Attorneys at Law,
oreon city, ouegon.
Nov. lo, l.s7l:tf
Jf. M. Til )MPS()N', C W. KITCH.
7H 3r?isoN & FITCH,
ittiv2iuy sit Lsiw,
Rea3 Estate Agents,
qfpice two noons north of the i-ostoffice.
of Title ot nil property in Eugene
City, and perfect plaUid the .same, prepared
with great care. We will practice in the
diilVrcnt Courts of the Stat . Special at
tention given tq the collection of n claims
1 1, at ni4V placed in our hands. Legal
'Jrendurs bought and sold. seiiSti
importer aqd Dealer in ACW
Oregon City, Oregon,
j.t Ch.irm-vi.fy JYtrn,,' old xUnd, lately cCr
cufiUd by S. Ac.k.rrrit'.n, Main atnet.
' ' lo'tf
OFFICE In Odd FellowV Teirplc, cor
wi-t .... ililutrni.t I'mtland.
til t lir-i. iiiiu inm i-...,. v.- , - -
Tne putrona.; of tho-:e desiring superior
oper.itio is is in special request. Nitrousox-id-i
for the painless extraction of teeth.
f-Arti!icial teeth "better than the best,
and ; ap .. the che tpcat..
Will be in Oregon City on Saturdays.
Jj'ov. S:tf
Dr. J, H. HATCH,
The patronage of those desiring tint CUist
Op'rtif'toti, is respectfully solicited.
Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed.
Oxyde administered for the
i?aitless Extraction of Teeth.
Offick In Weigant's new building, west
ide of First street, between Alder and Mor
sgn itreots, Portland, Oregon.
yy jr. watkins, m. d.,
SURGEON. Poutlaxi), OitKOtn.
OFFICE Odd Fellows' Teniple, corner
irstAnd Vlder street-Residence cyruer of
-j.aiu and Seventh streets.
it drtished since lS40.at.the old stand,
M. tin Strett, Oregon City, Oregon.
An Assortment of Watches, Jew
elry, aud Seth Thomas' weight
Clocks, all of which are warranted
to be as represented.
Repairing done on short notice,
ind thaukful for past favors.
ITSul" . city Drayman,
All orders for the delivery Qf merchan
dise or packages and freight of whatever des
caption, to any part of the city, willbeexe
cited promptly and with care.
(Dewtfches GafthausO
No. 17 Front Street, opposite the Mail steam
ship landing, Portland, Oitgoo.
Board per Week . 500
with Lodging 6 00
' Da5" 1 CO
HJ. J I 111
For the Enterprise.
Evening has graced her thoughtful brow.
With a wreath, sparkling dew,
And Ihti silver moon is shining now,
Above, in her home of blue.
The toils and cares of another d;iy,
lis joys and its sunshine, too,
Ilnve alt with ihe twilight passed away,
Forever hidden from view.
Oh. sweet is the solemn eventide,
Ibit sweeter the rest it brings.
To body and spirit, worn and tried
ith the day's long wanderings.
Cheerily blazes the fire to night.
The red sparks glimmer and fall.
Tracing in shadowy lines of" light
Quaint figures on e iling and wall.
In the dreamy quietude I sit.
Watching the flames at their play.
A- they flash and glow ;.nd h-de mJ flit,
Like the dreams of youth away.
I read stranger tales in the embers red.
And strange visions see.
The ghost ut days that have long been dead.
Has come back to visit me.
And I look with a tender longing
T nough lite rosy shadows Cxst,
For a smile from the loved ones thronging.
The avenues of the past.
I hear sweet voices softly singing
Joyous, ghsd.'-iu.je songs of yore.
Each note, and chord, and echo bringing.
Bright thoughts from memory's shore.
Glad thoughts of the gay and sunny hours,
In the careless long ago.
When we culled at ease the bright young
That g:ew in the valley low.
I had a dear sister then, her brow
Was fair as the sky at noon.
She is dwelling with the Angels now,
"Mid flowers of fadeless bloom.
Days of the past, your splendor has fled,
Then why your image retain ?
Why. when the rosp is laded and dead,
Will its fragrance still remain.
And why does my fancy love to dwell,
On happy scenes that are o'er?
Remember the days 1 loved so well,
Forgetting they come no more?
But the blaze on the hearth has faded,
The umbers buin'!u;i and lovv.
And my sighs of regie 1. un.dded,
Cannot rekindle the glow.
Rut dear is the last taint, fitful gleam.
The dying embers impart.
Like a lovely and vanishing dream,
It lightens my saddened heart.
Oregon City. Feb. 21th, 1872.
The meat Daniel Webster was
accustomed to titter weighty senti
ments upon weighty subjects;. Ills
lieal w;is generally light, however
his heart may sometimes have Tail
ed to respond. Whilst in the ma
turity of his mental powers, lie ex
pressed himstdt tints with regard to
the essential importance of religion
as the first eleniept of character:
"Political eminence and profes
sional fame fade and die with all
things earthly. Nothing of char
acter is really permanent but virtue
and personal worth. These remain.
Whatever of excellence is wrought
into the soul itself belongs to both
worlds. Peal goodness does not
attach itself mainly to life; it points
to another world. Political and
piofesstonal 1'anje cannot last forev
er; but a conscience void 01 ollense
toward God and man is an inherit
ance for eternity. eligion, there
fore, is a neccessary, an indispensi
ble element in any great human
character. Theio is no living
without it. Peligion isthetiethat
connects man with his Creator and
holds him to IJjs throne. If that
tie be sundered or broken, he floats
away a worthless atom in the uni-
verse, its proper attractions an
gone, its dc-stiuy thwarted, and its
whole future nothing but darkness,
desolation and death. A man with
no seiiec of religious duty, is he
whom the Scriptures describe, in so
terse but terrific maimer, as -living
without God in the world. Such
a man is out of his proper being,
out of the circle of all his duties,
out of the circle of all his happiness,
and away, far, far away from the
purposes of his Creator.""
-o- e-
Who is Old? A wise man will
never rust out. As long as he can
move or breathe he will be doing
something lor himsejf for his
neighbor, or for posterity. Almost
to the last hour of his life Wash
ington was at work ; so were
Young, Howard and Xewton.
The vigor of their lives never de
cayed. Xo rust marred their spir
its. It is a foolish idea to suppose
that we must lie down and die be
cause we are old. Who is old?
Xot the man of energy, nor the
day laborer in science," art or be
nevolence; but he only who sutlers
his energies to waste away and
the springs of life to become mo
tionless; on whose hands the hours
drag heavily, and to whom all
things wear the garb of gloom.
Is he old? can he breathe "freeh
and move with agility? There are
scores of gray-headed men we
should prefer, in any important en
terprise, to young men who fear
and tremble at approaching shad
ows, and turn pale at a lionTn their
path, a harsh word pr a frown.
Or.o Aoe. In general, eyery
pne should meditate seriously with
himself and have the concurrence
of other men's opinions with his
own, that it is not the longest life
that is the best, but that which is
most vi rt uous. Plutarch.
Live Stock in Eastsrn" Oregon-
A correspondent to the Herald
of the 19th ult., says :
A correspondent writing from
the Dalles, under date of Sunday,
February 18th, furnishes us with
the following account of the con
dition of the stock in Wasco coun
ty. It will be seen that the reports
heretofore, received were of the
most exaggerated character: '.:For
the past tew days I ha.ve been
making diligent inquiries in regard
to the loss of stock in this vicinity.
So far during the present winter,
we And the report and rumor al
most without foundation, or great
ly exaggerated. The losses, so
far, are hardly worth mentioning.
What lew cattle have died Ave re
emigrant stock, brought here, late
in the season from the Willamette,
then in poor condition, and confin
ed to the section of country imme
diately adjacent to the Columbia
river and south of the Dalles, on
the Des Chutes and its tributaries
from fifteen-mile Creek south to
Mutton mountain there is at least
four thousand head : the largest
owners -being Mahoney, Mays,
Todd and Stows, Avho have met
with no loss.
It is safe to say that twenty
head would cover the enitre loss
out of the whole number. In the
section of country or range be
tween the John Day's river and
the l)s Chutes, extending from
the Columbia South to Antelope
valley, on the line of the Dalles
military road, there is estimated to
be at least five thousand head of
cattle, and owned in goad part by
Messrs. Eaton, Price, Pearson, Par
num, Donnell, Pinnigan Pros.,
Tucker and Ward. As far as the
four latter persons are concerned
they attempted to feed the other
parties I have not heard from. Mr.
Donell, who is just in from that.
s.c:kn, says he will guarantee that
the entire loss in that direction
will not exceed thirty head.
Pevond Antelope, towards Can-
yon City, there are immense herds,
and there has been no loss what
ever. Goldsmith and Te;;l may
lose ten or twenty head. Chine,
in the big bottom of John Day's,
has over one thousand head, and
writes that his stock is ;dl right
will not Jose any. On Pridge
Creek, Mr. Sutton av rites, under
date of February 10th: "We have
had a good winter; our stock is all
fat. 1 haye not lost even a calf.
There has been no loss anvAvhere
around here. I have not fed any,
and Avould like to get a chance to
sell my hay." Mr. Sutton has
about two hundred head of cattle.
Mr. Wood of John Day's, near the
South Pork, and partner of Grant
Pros, of this place, Avrites that
they have had a very mild
Winter; have not been compelled
to feed their stock, although they
were prepared to do so if necessa
ry, lie desired Mr. Grant to make
a sale, if possible, of one hundred
head of very fine beef steers, i
which he now has on hand ready
lor market. .Messrs. ood A:
Grant have about five hundred
head of stock cattle.
In summing up, I can hear of
no complaints, except from those
who have no stock to lose, and nat
ural croakers. The settlers, gen
erally, are in fine spirits, and are
looking forward to the next season
as the most prosperous they have
ever yet experienced. These notes
refer to thy country South of the
Dalles. I have not had opportu
nity to hear from the country on
the north side, embracing the
Klickitat ami Yakima, but am sat
isfied that all will be right in that
In addition to the above, Hon.
O. S. Savage, Avho arrived yester
day evening from the Dalles, in
forms us tliat the Loss ot stock in
the Klickitat and Yakima Yalleys
amounts to scarcely nothing; in
fact, the loss if it can be called so
is no greater than it Avould have
been during any portion of the
year. Out ot three thousand head
of sheep Avintered in the Klckitat
Valley by Mr. Xye not a single
head has perished.
A physician in Sioux City, Iowa,
uses an ointment made of charcoal
and lard to prevent pitting in
small-pox. This is applied freely
over the face, hands and neck as
soon as the disease is distinguished,
aud continued until all symptoms
of suppurative fever have ceased.
The application allays the itching,
and seems to shorten the duration
of the disease, and leaves the pa
tient, without a blemish the erup
tion protected by the pintment not
even showing signs of pustulation
the charcoal preventing the ac
tion of light, aud the lard that of
The Atchison Daibj Champion
announces that the balance of the
iron fqr the Atchison extension of
the Topeka and Santa Fc Railroad
has all reached Xew Orleans, and
will be forwarded to its destination
at once.
A Iefc'erfroHi Canyon Cr y.
A correspondent of the Ihillctln,
from Canyon city, under date of
the 12th ult., says :
Of the 19,000 head of cattle in
our county, it is safe to say that
less than "one hundred have d'd
from the severity of the Winter.
Grant is decidedly the best cattlci
county in Oregon.
A mill is in process of construc
tion at Prairie City, only fourteen'
miles above this place.
The snow on the Blue Mountains
betAveen hero and Boise is about
six feet deej, and toward Harney
about four feet deep. The Camp
Harney express has not missed a
trip each week all Winter and
that on horses. The trail is kept
open by using the cavalry horses,
which is a good plats. The snow
fall is not over average here.
James Oldtield Avas severely
stabbed by "Dad" Akers at Prair
ie City lately. Pr. Tierney says
he will recover.
Dr. F. C. Horsely Avas severe
ly injured by falling of his horse,
while on a professional trip a few
days ago. He dislocated his an
kle and fractured one of the small
bones of the foot, Avhich he man
aged to set and bandage himself,
and rode home. He is now very
bad oil", but not dangerously so.
The. Odd' Fellows of this place
propose giving a ball on the 22d
instant. The same Order propose
building a new hall over Judge
Sels' brewery- It will be com
menced immediately.
The Post Oiliee at this place is
sued moneA orders last year amount
ing to s;17,213, Avhich is a good
showing, as it beats Orpgon City
over "3,:300. It is useless to growl
about our mail facilities any more.
It seems that all Ave have ever done
and said ha had no effect. Our
good people begin to suspect that
our postal agent is of little account
to anybody, and they Avould not
mourn if thvlcv-rfood were Umler
'jtinl. If Ave can get no mail in
Winter Ave ought to have it more
than once a week in Summer.
From the JSfouittuhtecr of the
21th, we have the following addi
tional items from Canyon City:
Some time in January Messrs.
M'Cullough & Ilellman had their
books stolen from their store for
the recovery of which they offered
"a reward of 500 coin and no
questions asked." On the 14th in
stant the books avciv found by Mr.
John Powers who received the re
Avard. There is some mystery at
tached to these books Avhich our
informant did not exactly under
stand. Xothing further has transpired
relative to the rich gold quartz
strike mentioned in the JfoKtt'tin
' 1 1' some Aveeks ago. It is said to
be all a hoax.
A Goon Examplk. When Ad
miral Farragut's son Avas about ten
years old, the father said in his
hearing, that when ho Avas old
enough to make a compact and
keep it, he had a bargain to offer
mm. 1 lie son rose up and asked
his father Avhat the compact Avas.
The Admiral said, The proposal
I intend to make is this: If you
will not smoke nor chew tobacco.
drink intoxicating or strong Avines,
till you are twenty-one years of
age, I will (hen give you one
thousand dollars." 1 am old
enough to make bargain ppav,"
said young Farragut; T will accept
the offer. The1 bargain closed, and
when young Farragut Avas twenty
one, the cash was handed over.
Fiftekx Grkat Mistakes. It
is a great mistake to set up our
standard of right and Avrong, and
judge people accordingly. It is a
great mistake to measure the en
joyment of others hy our own ; to
expect uniformity of opinion in
this world; to look for judgment
and experience in vouth ; to en
deavor to mold all dispositions
alike;. not to yield in immaterial
trifles; to look' for perfection in our
pAvn actions; to worry ourselves
and others Avith Avhat cannot be
remedied; and not to alleviate all
that needs alleviation, as far as lies
in our power; not to make allow
ances for the infirmities of pthers ;
to consider everything impossible
which Ave cannot perform; to be
lieve only Avhat our finite minds
can grasp: to expect to be able to
nude rs t a u d eve ry thing.
Ciiickkx with Ilonxs. Mr. E.
T. Wall, residing in this township,
about two miles north of Santa
Posa, brought into our ofljcea few
days since a rooster Avith horns
full- a half an inch in length
growing up from the head just
above the 'cars. This chicken is
six months old, and a beautiful bird
in every respect, raised and bred
from the ordinary farm yard stock,
and is quite a curiosity in its way.
We understand Mr. Wall contem
plates taking this horned fowl to
San Francisco and disposing of it
to Mr. Woodward of Woodward's
Gardens. Santa Rosa Democrat,
General News Items.
Mrs. W. B. Astor died on the
10 th.
Conkling, absconding Secretary
of the Market Savings Bank, is re
ported in Xevada, Avorking in the
The railroad between Kalama
and the Sound is to be finished and
in running order by the first of
November next.
There are at present five hun
dred men employed on the Oregon
and California railroad, grading
the road bed north of lied Blulf.
The Grand Master of the Odd
Fellows of the State of Ohio, aged
50 years, and a very prominent
man, died at Cincinnati, on the
17th inst.
The Legislative Committee on
Legal Peform in Georgia, have
agreed to report a bill allowing
women the right of suffrage at the
Presidential election.
The Honolulu Jriend, establish
ed January 18, 1843, claims to be,
and probably is, " the oldest paper
on the Pacific" that is to say, as
we understand it, on the Avest
coast or the island of the north
Pacific ocean.
Captain John P. P. Cooper died
at his residence in San Francisco
recently. Captain Cooper came to
Monterey in 1822, and a few years
afterwards married Encarnacion
Vallejo, by Avhom he had a large
A dispatch from Sioux CitAT saAs
information is received that 12 per
sons Avere frozen to death in the
terrible storm last Monday in Ne
braska. Many head of stock per
ished. It is feared there was more
loss of human life than is yet re
ported. The Senate confirmed the nom
ination of G ratio Washburne, son
of Minister Washburne as Assist
ant Secretary of the Legation to
France, and that of Samuel O.
Wingard, as United States Attor
ney for Washington Territory.
A Buffalo dispatch says Lake
fishermen are to hold a meeting at
Detroit, Mich., on the 20th, Avith a
view to consider the means to se
cure their right to fish in British
waters, Avhieh is denied in the
Treaty of Washington.
A JfcroliVs Washington special
reports that the President ordered
instructions to be sent to Xew
York for the District Attorney to
commence criminal proceedings
against all persons shown before
the Custom House luAestigation
Committee to have paid or received
In the Xew York State Senate,
on the 17th inst., Wood presented
a preamble and resolution, stating
that Picsidcnt Grant had been
guilty of receiving presents in
common Avit h t lie late Clerk of the
Senate, and that, therefore, the
President should resign, as the
clerk had done.
It is stated on good authority
thai the Senate Committee on
Privileges and elections decided the
contest for a seat for North Caro
lina in the Senate, in favor of P.
M. 1 iansome against General Abott,
and Avill report the opinion that
Gen. Pansome be admitted as Sen
ator. W. J. Pollock Avas arrested and
held to bail in the sum of $20,000
for alleged smuggling operations
in linen jute goods, in New York
on the 10th. Some past shipments
of these goods have been received,
and suspicion has been afforded by
the low juices at which they Ave re
sold. Investigation resulted in the
discovery of enormous frauds.
Messrs. D. Wm. Douthit and E.
W. McGraw have formed a copart
nership in the practice of law, and
have taken offices at 414 California
street. Mr. Douthitt was formerly
City and District Attorney of the
city of Portland, Avhere he was
very successful. He took up his
rcsider.ee in San Francisco four
years since. E. W. McGraw Avas
a former resident of Portland.
Tiik Japanese ladies, having in
vestigated the female attendants at
the Grand Hotel and compared
them, in their Avorking clothes,
with the ladies Ayhoni they see up
on the streets, have concluded that
the richer and the poorer classes of
American women are divided by
phisical development, and that the
richer class are distinguished from
their less fortunate sisters by a
hump upon the back, something
after the fashion of the dromedary.
Their superstitions lead them to
believe that magic arts are used to
produce the growth of this deform
ity upon the persons of those whose
wealth is acquired in their later
years. The simplicity of these fair
daughters of the Orient is really
All, girls in Indiana are called
Sissy unless they weigh 1 75 pounds.
Ths Mess-Room Cabinet.
In byrgone times, when party
strife ran high, Old Hickory was
berated by the Whigs with running
the Government through the assis
tance of a "Kitchen Cabinet."
The reported members of that or
ganization Ave re buck-tail, hard
shell Democrats honest and firm
and smoked clay pipes for men
tal relaxation while giving their
opinions to the General. It Avas
an offshoot of frontier manners.
Now Ave have a " Mess-Poo m
Cabinet" a gilt-edged institution,
which has shown itself for evil. It
was able to dictate terms to the
Collector Grinnell, how he should
manage his office. It Avas power
ful enough to name Tom Murphey
as his successor. It could over
come the protests of the mercantile
communit y and continue the extor
tions practiced on the importer.
It obtained orders setting aside
those issued by Mr. Pout well, Sec
retary of the Treasury. A higher
power than that of the cabinet offi
cer protected this "White House
Ping." The character of the trans
actions passing in Xew York, Ave re
made known to the President by
Mr. A. T. Stewart and they Ave re
not arrested.
In the Custom-IIouse investiga
tion an importer, Mr. Meyers, hesi
tated to name the high official who
Attempted tin- crimp it 1 ril i--
t . ... . -v- . J .
and the mantle of silence Avas aF
lowed to save his name from infamA
by the Avitness not being forced to
answer. To-day grave suspicion
weighs in the minds of the people,
accusing even the innocent.
In Jackson's time any of the so
called "Kitchen Cabinet" practi
cing duplicity or bribery Avould
have been sent adrift by the press
ure of Old Hickory's boot. But
the "Mess-Poom Cabinet" are of
different material and quality.
Although their exactions have been
well proven they appear to have
lost neither influence; nor power.
They are still drawing their profit
and grace Avith their presence, in
kid gloves and brass buttons, the
levees at Washington.
Tin-: Apple. The West em Hu
ral says: There is scarcely an
article of vegetable food more
widely used and more universal
ly liked than the apple. Why ev
ery farmer has not an orchard,
Avhere the trees Aviil grow at all, is
one of the mysteries. Let every
housekeeper lay in a good supply
of apples, and it Avill be the most
economical invest ment in the whole
range of eulinaries. A ripe, mellow
apple is digested in an hour and a
half, Avhilc boiled cabbage requires
five hours. The most healthful des
sert that can be placed on the table,
is a baked apple. Jf eaten frequent
ly at breakfast, Avith coarse bread
and butter, without flesh of any
kind, it has an admirable effect on
the general SA-stcm, often removing
constipation, correcting acidities,
and cooling oil febrile condition
more effectually than the most 'ap
proved medicines. If families could
be induced to substitute apples,
sound and ripe, for pies, cakes and
sweetmeats, Avith Avhich their chil
dren are so frequently stuffed,
there Avould be a diminution in the
sum total of doctors' bills in a sin
gle year, sufficient to lay in a stock
of this delicious fruit for the whole
season's use.
Pkoof 1'osrnA E. A fewT night
ago, a citizen of West Point, Vir
ginia, Avho resides in the city, saw,
late at night, a fire in the field
in the rear of his residence,
and in company Avith a friend,
Avent to learn its purpose. He
found a full-grown negro cpoking
a black cat in a kettle which he had
stolen from his house. The negro
had cut olf one leg of hi unmen
tionables, placed the black cat
therein ali'e, tied both ends of the
improvised sack, and put it in the
sack, and was boiling it over a brisk
fire. Upon making inquiry as to
the object he had in view, he said
that he had been told that if he
would cook a black cat alive and
eat it. it Avould not onlr make
him lucky at cards, but Avould give
him nine lives ; and having nine
lives, he Avould be proof against
"dem dar dreadful Kit Kluxers'"
1 1 eligion. At a social party
Avhere humorous definitions Avas
one of the games of the evening,
the question Avas put: '"What is
religion?" "Peligion," replied one
of the patty more famous as a man
ot business than ot Avit, is an in
surance against fire in the next
Avorld. for Avhich honesty is the
best policy."
' -
"Pop,, av here's the State of Mat
rimony V" "It's one of the Unit
ed States. It is bounded by hug
ging and kissing on one side, by
babies and cradles on the other.
Its chief products are population,
broomsticks and stayin' out late
o' nights. It was discovered by
Adam and Eve in trying to discov
er a North Avest passage out of I ar-adise."
Fact and Fancy.
A polygamous Evansville man Q
rejoices in sixteen wives'.
A Wisconsin church voted a
girl a gold ring for being so pretty.
There are eighty Dutch serial
published in Holland, devoted ex-
ciusively to literture.
Council Bluff is agitated by the,
birth of an .animal Avhich is half
horse and half cow.
Boston is to have a "steam fire
boat" to protect the water-front
and shipping in case of fire.
The barber Avho dressed the head
of a barrel has been engaged to Q
curl the locks of a canal.
If speech is silver and silence
gold, how much is a dumb man
worth ?
The "census,' it ig said, etubraces.
seventeen million women. Who
Avouldn'-t be a census?
Certain people study all their. c
life; at their death they have learn
ed everything but. to think.
The man avIio can be nothing bu$
serious, or nothing but merry, is
but half a man.
You may glean knowledge by O
reading, but yon must separate the,
Avheat from the chaff by' thinking
Human hair stands, or hangs,
third in value on the list of article?
imported into tins country.
The Harpers are said to be strong
Methodists, Avhile the Appletons
their great rivals, are sturdy Epis
copalians. 1 '
Maine kept down her surplus
population last year Avith 113 fatal
aecidents,77 drownings,52 suicides
and 8 murders.
Moths smashed a $300 mirror in
a house at Poughkeepsie, recently.
They did it by eating up the cord,
whereby it Avas suspended.
It is believed that the first one
who supplied the navy with sal
provisions Avas Noah when he took
1 lam into the Ark.
It is noAv proposed to put nitror
glycerine into trunks to Avarn bag
gage men against handling them
There are persons Avhp would lie,
prostrate in the ground if their
vanity or their pride did not hol'4
them up.
ihe politicians ot Atlanta Sffi
One party got up a ballot-
box Avith a movable bottom and
magnanimously allowed the other
party to keep the key.
Judging from his enterprise iii
that directipn we are led to think
that Cyrus W. Field is very de
Cyrus of securing a cable entirely
around the Avorld. '
A sentimental chap intends tq
petition Cpngress for a grant to imr
prove the channels of affection, "so
that henceforth "the course of true
love may run smooth.
No one expected Chicago woult
let New York beat in her rascality,
and so avc are not astonished tq
hear that eleven Padical Chicago
Aldermen have been indicted.
Customer "Did you call that a
eal cutlet, waiter? Why, it is aii
insult to every true calf in the,
country." Waiter "I didn't mean,
to insult you, sir."
The Burlingtpn nd Missouri
Poad sold in December last OAer
six thousand acres of Nebraska
land, at an average of seven dol
lars and sixty-two cents per acre.
Four hundred and tAventy-tAA'O
miles of railroad have been con
structed in Colorado Territory dur:
ing the past year. The Territory
has -$50,000 in the Treasury and no Q
A Boston paper alludes to the
members of the Massachusetts Genr
eral assembly as "very grave look
ing men,Avith awful dignity stampT
ed on their face, and fearful large
rubbers on their feet."
A temperance lecturer being seen
coming out of a tavern Aviping his
mouth, effectually disarmed criti
cism by explaining that hePhad
a severe toothache, and only Avent
in "to get a clove to put in his
The receiver of the Indianapo
lis. Cincinnati and LavTayettP
Railroad has been authorized byQ
the Court at Indianapolis, to bor
row money to pay all interest due
on bonds issued prior to f8G0. 0 AP
so, to pay interest that avi'11 accruo o
until the sale of the road.
3Irs. Partington entered the of
fice of the Probate Judge (called
"Civilian') and inquired in her
blandest tone; "Are you the civil
villian?" "Do you Avish to insult
me, madam?-' said the Judge.
"Yes," replied the amiable old la7
dy; "tny brother died detested. O
and left three infidel phildren, and
I'm to be their executioner; so I
Avant to insult the civil villian
about it." .