it. t 'C v.. y - FEBRUARY 23, 1.S72. FRIDAY, REUO,.oT,cE.-Drwg Lent Season .rvic Wl b at SU VAH ILPW' n rimrch on each Wednesday moi fSi o-clocVana on Friday even- jngs at 7 o clock. PkmooIaTIuVtV Convkxtiox. KIp wlM.rtf will bo found, the pall for tin Democratic Convention of this county. Tbe County Committee acted in harmony with the suggestions made by the State Central Committee, and designated the (th fur the primary meetings and the 2'Jd of March for the County Convention. We hope every Democrat will be on hand at the primary meeting?, and pee that good and worthy men are sent to the Corn?! Convention. All the people w ant is a good ticket, and tnccess will be tbe reward ol the Convention. Let every person select ed as a delegate to the County Convention be sure to attend,, and let there be no proxies. We would suggest that it would be a most opportune time to organize Democratic clubs throughout the county on the day of the primary meetings, and Jet the cause of Democracy .be kept alive from that day until the 3d of June. Lei Democrats rally. Cl.ACKAM.l.l ?KIUK CoXK. About 11 o'clock last Sunday morning, the Clacka mas Bridge on the public road,, the largest and mo.-t expensive bridge in tbe county, look Ls departure to parts unknown. This w anticipated by all who were fimiiiar witb the eondiijon of the structure. This blb'.gc wi4 built ten years ago. anil last Fiinimer the P.oad Supervisor for the Dis trict examined it an J found that F0!l!?Of the lower tenons and braces had rotted away, which required repairing. He made jvport to the County Commissioners, and recommended that the b idge be imme diately repaired belore hiirh water, which could then have been done at smali cost, and. thus saved from lloating away. But tljt Court paid no attention to the recoiii inond.t'.ions ol he Supervisor, and our jjeople are now compelled to travel by one or the other of Ben. llo! laj'ay's. lines until another bridge is erected at i;iiivh expense to the county and lorn; and ve.y:i Jious delay. All this could have, boon j..ived by in outlay of not more than S4Ud or $."(H). if our Commissioners had heeded the advice of the Supervisor, and have bad the interests of the county at lieijrt me re than the thought of how best to pro mote the interest of party managers. We are informed that other putties, be sides the Supervisor, C tiled the attention ; the Court to this master, but all warn ing went unheeded. If what we hive been informed i correct, there has been a criminal negligence on the part of the County Court, and we call upqn the uext frand Jury to investigate tho subject lor the benefit of an injured people. This was the most important bridge in the pounty. and i'S loss cannot be replaced diort of ? 4.000 or $5,000. Such action should not go pnrebuked. and if there is Uliy nay to punish the recreant members of "the Court it should be done. We shall -efer to this subject again. llniu Watki;.--Oii Sunday last a heavy flood bursted over the Willamette Valley, and rain and hail fell in such torrents as w.i perhaps never witnessed before in Ore gon. Prior to this, the streams were con siderably swollen from heavy rains, which w hen this torrent fell, caused them o suddenly overflow lliejr banks, doing pqiisiderable damage to roads and bridg es. The rai'.road line between this arid Salem was interrupted at the Bridge aero the Swuiatn. and several culverts and MU.ill bridges along ti;e route were more or less damaged. Out interior mails were stopped lor a day or two, and communication more or less cut off in all uirvctiotfs for a short time. I Jut the waters nre now receediug; the cars are rgiin running all right and everything still re tinues lovely, except the damage done to this county in the loss ot two import ant bridges, accounts of which we give elsesvljere. We have heard of no serious loijsos it; any other part of the valley, and no fears are entertained of another' fctich flood this season. I) Homer Smith well known throughout this St ite and California, died recently at the residence of his lather in law la LaiiH county. Abiptst as far back nt we can remember, we saw Homer seat ed with liues in band on the stage box. it) California. He came to Oregon shortly af ter the O. A" C. Stage Company put on their coaches, and fur a number of years drove from Eugene to Oakland. In l(J3 he leas ed the St Charles Hotel at Eugene and jsept the best hotel that IvjS ever been in Jhat place, lie. subsequently, removed to Corvallis, and there he kept ttie City Ho tel, and about three years after, he moved to Salem where he kept the Capital Hotel. After retiring from this, he again mounted the stuge box, but was soon, compelled to discontinue ou account of filling health, and has been suffering from the ef fect of his early exposures for the past, two or three years. Mr. Smith was a gen erous hearted man. a good neighbor and true friend, and many a traveler will kind ly remember him as a land lord and stage driver. Lkcti kk. Hon J. F. Caples. of Port land, gave the last lecture of the course at the Methodist church, on Wednesday evening last. His subject The Battle .f Life.' There was a very fair audience in attendance. Mr. Caples hc.s frequently talked to our citizens, and is well received. He always has something interesting and instructive to say. In his last lecture he talked more particularly to the young pien, of the difficulties lo be ovt rjoiue. and the stimilus they give in the struggle for position and honor. He regarded that life as not worth living that had not some useful end in riew. .Mr. Caples is an earn est and effective speaker, and capable of d.cing much good, outside of the direct Ij le of Ids profession. Tiik Boats. Tbe bouts ctt the upper river have all been laid up in consequence pf the high water during the past week. The Cooke is tbe only boat running be tween here and Portland at present. She brings up the passengers to this place, which is the present terminous of the rail road, the water being over the track on the. Clackamas bottom about five or six feet. The Cooke leaves Portland at 12 m. and returns at 2k p. m,. This arrangement will continue until the waters recede sufS cient to repair the track. Cacse of Delay. The editor having taken sick on Tuesday last, and being confined to his room ever since, will ac count for the delay in getting this issue out a tune for the mails. We are under obli gition to a friend who came up promptly from Portland, on Thursday afternoon and iq time of need. We hope to be ab,le to be at our post of duty tka "ensuing' week. 6 Lamks" Sewing Society. The Ladies sewing society of the Episcopal Church will meet next Tuesday afternoon at the j-fiidcuce of Mrs. rail. Sbanan. Catholic Sextixel. Mr. II. L Herman ias purchased the interest of John Atkin son and is now the sole proprietor pf the tentinel. This the only Catholic paper on tbe coast, arid Mr. Herman is an able writ er and a perfect gentleman. We. wb, him success. PKn.soxAL.-We had jiu, pleasure of a call from Judge J. F. Caples.. of Portland,, last Wednesday. The Judge came up to deliver a lecture for the" benefit of the Good Templar's Library, Remains Dkoiuut Ui The remains of Mrs. G. P. Newell, wha died at Portland last Monday, were brought to this place last Tuesday for interment. Mrs. Newell was formerly a citizen of this citv. Firemen's Ei.Keriox;. The election for Chief and Assistant Engineer takes place on Monday, the 201b inst. The boys s'loultl be picking out their candidates. " Work SrorrEi. Work lias been sus pended in the Factory for the past week on account of high water. Died. Lawrence Iiuriis.and old resident of this county, living opposite town, died at his. resilience last Sun.Iav. Parsimonious Law-Makers- The Sacramento correspondent of the Mariposa Gizelf? (probably ox-Senator Jim Lawrence himself its publisher), writes to that paper some highly-flavored sketches about penurious members of the Assembly. We copy the following: The save-il all assemblyman hires a cheap room in a cheap quarter of the city at a rental per mon'h of $7. He buys a gallon of cheap whiskey for $2. this laj-ts him a month. For food, he purchases five cents worth cf crackers, five ceuts worth of cheese and a like amount of pea nuts each day. and boards himself, except when he occasionally takes a square meal at the free lunch table. His board, there fore amounts to 4 per month, He is his own barber. booMdack and washer woman, consequently he is out nothing on this score. Here. then, we have, :is his expenses for the month. $13 o'J ! Grand total for the session the munificent sum ()t Jlf1!"1"' o'. ;'-.; His per diem, if the Legislature sits for the full time allowed by law. amounts to $1,200. Hence he will go home with exactly $1,110. and within four years come out, as a candidate fur some Stare office on anti-subsidy pi it form Four of them have struck ap excellent ih'tig in the matter of beer, and are actually sacrificing their money and health in worship of old Gambrmus. Tt.ey have found a shop where lager is sold at ten cents per bottle, and each day, after adjournment, they wend their way hjiher. draw straws to see who will treat, and then and there the quartette drink their bottle of beer. The bottles contain four moderate, drinks, thus making the price ot each drink two and a halt cents. Satmdays, when they go to the Treasury to receive their week's s'i pend, a number of them are in the habit of addressing the clerk, when he hands out the coin, in tliis fashion: Wa a l. Mis ter C'eik. can't 3o'.i give us a dollar's worth of dunes? We're goia' on a leetle bit of spree and want a leetle change." After getting the ten dimes the)' go out on the railroad: la' ihetu on the truck when the train is coming, have them fi if tened out and play them off f r smooth quarters? This, if not statesmanship, is native talent extraordinary. I am not going to say anything about a number of lower county Assemblymen procuring a wagon upon their arrival here, driving to the Capitol with their trunks and demanding to bo shown to their sleeping rooms. The Cabinet "Hess" House. Tir.c Foi.i.o"wrxu is taken from the re port of the examination of J. P. Lindsay, before the committee to investigate Cus tom house frauds in New York. Q. You speak of Mr. Leet's receiving some So.O'Ji) per annum from the general order business? A. Yes. sir. Q. Was that in the way of a salary, or as the result of a business? A. As the re sult of a business. Q. Did he give tiny personal attention to that business? A. JYyf any d nil. Q. It it was done as a business was it done by his agentr-? A Done by his part ners. I should judge, by arrangemen1; Mr. JJixby was a partner of his. bccjune lliy du hb:d Ihe Of'jrpht.-i. Q. Did he devote any of the time which he was under obligation as an ollicer of the Government to use in Ihe service of the Government to this general ord-T business? A. No, sir; only going often to Washington. Senator Pratt Q Did Colonel Lect put any capital In this business? A. Solido.' ltr. O. Did he render any personal service tq the warehouses. A. Not that I ever knew of. sir. A Western lawyer called our attention to this and s.iys that he may be mistaken, but ho thinks the law of partnership must be different in New York from what it is in Illinois. He says in Illinois men are not partners -'ec jue (hey did Is the oucr plin.'' Lect put in capital "not a dollar;'' at tention to business "not. tiny at all;"' and dre-.7 out. in any event, more than half the proceeds of the business. He got $". G2". whether thev made $10,000 or not: and. after the first $10,000. one half ex actly. In any case, therefore, he would have. $t;2." the best of the bargain. Our western friend thinks he could find plenty of men who would take Leet's place in the firm, but doubts whether the other members couid find substitutes in his country at all. He thinks that in a Western court some such question as -What, di Col. Leet do to entitle, him to one half or more (han one-half of the pro ceeds of this business?' would certainly have followed what we have quotod. And it was suggested that it might be for his influence with Grant, and consequently, also, with Grinuell. the young "limb"' put on the indignant. IxniCTED. A dispatch from Galveston, Texas, reports that the U. S. Gtand Jury, at Austin, hid returned indictmen's against the Goveror and Secretary of State for '-irregularities" in the late elec tion. The dispatch draws it mild in de noiuinatinsr the outrag; s committed l7 those worthies, '-irregularities.1' They dis franchised whole counties in order to be able to make out tbe election of the Rad ical members of Congress: one of whom, happening to be an honorable man, refus ed to accept a certificate of election from the Governor, because it was a notorious fact that his Democratic competitor had beaten him by a large majority. There is a good deal of excitment in the Third Auditor's Office concerning the squabble between General Rutherford and some of his clerks, growing out of the very recent exposures of the manner in which business is transacted th"re. Alto gether the showing made by General Rutherford is much the more honorable than that of other people charged with indebtedness to. tbe Government, fox Ruth erford has paid up like a man. while Grant is still b.chind in the sum of $4,441 and interest for twenty-three years. We call upon the President to follow the ex ample set by General Rutherford. When the President pays we shall look for some response to our appeal in behalf of the Govern men t to Mr. S. P. Brown. Vhen these gentlemen have settled up. we may make a public list of other defaulters whose names are somewhat noted, and whose little defalcations ought to be squared up. Oregon City Prices Current. The following are the prices paid for oduce, and the prices at which other ar cles are selling, in this market pro cic WHEAT White54 bushel, si on u.vir3!. 7o cti. POTATOES y bushel. SI 00 cU ONIONS-? bushel. $100 -5 1 50 FLOL'R-lJ bbl. $11 0Ufg,$tT50 ' DKANS White. rc) .. 4(, ? C's Dili KD FRUIT Apples.) ffj., 50 cts Peaches lb., lfi-fe: Plums. -j 15 16 els.; Currants. lb.. lOQ -0 ! 1 UTTER ) lb.. ;io.!oets L;OS "jj) dozen. 30g,:i3 eta. CHIC K LNS " dozen. $1. . WL(VTKri'SlledC) fo" 20 cts.; Island jji lb.. 10l Cts.; N. ()., t) !:.. 15 cts.. San I raucisco refined. f . lu? cts 1 o-ung llysou, 7f lb., $1 50; Ja- j pan. -1 ID., 20c,$l 25. ; Uack. "H 75e. j (API no. c CO 1 1" LL " lb.. 2So?2. cts SALT clb., li2Tct5. S RUP Heavy Golden, ''(-"'gall.. $1 00 : Fx. Heavy Golden. "i --lX s; .- RACON Hams, r.lo cts; Sides. 15 cts. "rj lb.; Shoulders. U CU- LARD lb., 14 cts.' OIL Devoe's Kerosene, "p call., 75. Linseed oil. raw. gall.. $1 25 : Linseed oil. boiled. pi gall., $1 50 ' WOOI "jjj lb., :J5 cts. BELT On foot, !)10 c'.s, f"X !b. POl'K On foot. fj(.l(ics.5'lb.''' SHELF Per headr$2 00 $2 50. yiiDL-S Green lb.. 5c. ; Dry, B.. 15 cU ; Salted, tic An Offti:.-We will give to any yousg lady who will get up a club of fifteen sub scriber-5 to the Jnierprise, before tha first of January, and pay ia the sum of $37,50. worth of Messrs. J. L. Peters' new music, the young lady getting up thcelb having the privilege of making her own selections. Here is a chance for some young lady to get enough music to 'last her lor a few years. We will also furnish Peters' Musical Monthly for six months to all who will send in three subscribers with the money, or for five subscribers we will furnish them the Magazine for one year. There is not a voting in the county, that plays or sings that should be without this musical work, and they can easily get this number of subscribers. Send it; the names at once, so you can commence with the new year. AGE1TS 't)lt THIS li.VrEKl'ItlSK. The following persons are authorized to act as agents far the Exiebphi e : J. M. Baltimore. Poi tland, Oregon. Thomas Ho-,ce, Sail Francisco." L. I'. Fisher, Hudson vt Menet. 41 Park Row, New York. Geo. P. Bo well & Cc, 4u Park Row, New York. Abbott .V Co., No. R2 & St Nassau street, New York. Hudson, Monet .t Co. . Phiea'jjn, Illinois. Con. WetSerill vt C-., jiO? Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Ilcligious Services, St. Pauls (Episcopal ) Church, tbe Rev. Jehn W. Sell woo,!, rector. Services on Ke.inb:y at loi a.m. a:id 7 p.m. Sunday School and Bih!e class at -2 e. m. 1st Conyregatiotiid Church Seats Ii re .Morning Serviced, 10. Sabbath Seie ol, 12 o'clock M. Evening Services, 7 o'clock. Biov. E.Gkkhv, Acting Pastor I'SHYKIt MKKTIXUS.. Sunday evening,. Tuesday evening, ." o'clock 7 o'clock. M. E. Church, Mrnuig Services,. Scats Free. 10.30, . . 7 o'clock. Lvcuing , ei vice-, MKKTINOS. Class Mooting following Jloinin; Servces. Prayer Meeting Thursday evening 7 co'clok. Sabbath School at 2 o'clock P. M. Every bottle ot Hall's Vegetable Sieilian flair Rcnewer is tested before leaving the laboratory, hence its uniform quality ami never failing results. For the very b':t photographs, go to Brad ley & Bulofsoii's GaPery withovt STAIPS l;" ASCEND IN T11E ELEVATOR, -129 Montgomery Street, San Francia o. Tho, AiHciicaa Slwk Journal tor Decem ber, contains engravings of Sacred Cattle, Ifoupaa and Game Fowls; also. Pig and Poultry Houses, with plans and elevation, besides some twenty well written articles that should be read by every Farmer. Spic imen Copies will be sent free, by the Pub lishers, N. P. UoYEii k Co. farkesburg, Pa. tit?"v7c furnish this valuable Joukxal. with our paper for 3 a year. S vr i c 1 1 j 3 : t c -ii si 1 1 r i: i . As tbe resu't of an innctive stnte of liver and stomach, producing headache, obtuse intellect, dullness-, despondency, dementia, and finally insanity, is n uncommon occur rence. All these disagreeable svirptoms and ba i feelings are most certainly" dispell ed by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medio al Di-covery. It revitalizes and builds tip the whole system. A little book on Chronic Diseases sent free. Address R. V. Pierce. M. 1).., Bntla o, N. Y. Golden Medical Dis covery sold by all druggists, D'sease3 that progress rapidly to a crisD are not ihe only ones to be dreaded. Canker or dry rot does not blast a tree as suddenly as a stroke of lightning, hut unbss arrested it destroys it as certainly ; and in like man ner chronic debility, although it does not kill with the swiftness of yellow fever, is as sure to sap thespiings of Ufe eventually as any acute disease, if not checked by invigor ating medication. There is something inex pressibly touching in the spectacle prema ture decay. Languor, pallor, emanciation, depression of spirits, and a distaste for ex ertion, are its ordinary symptoms, and they should be. promptly met by a tonic treatment. The best invigorant and exhilorant that can be administered in a case of this kind is Ho-tettei's Stomach Bitters. The stimulat ing principle (u the preparation rouse the dot-mat energies of the system ami the strengthening and regulating properties give a permanent and healthful impulse to the vital forces thus brought into pl.iT. The fading appetite is re-awaker.ed, the proce-s of digestion and assaaiilation are quickened, the quality of tiie ldood is improved, the se cretions become more natural, and every or gan that contributes to the nourisbmeut of the body undergoes salutary change. By these means the repair of the physical struct ure is effected and its health and vigor re stored. In no has the ben eficent operation of the Bitters been more marked and striking thin in those charac terized by general debility and nervous pr s tration. Ladies affected with these ail ments find in this most wholesome of all tonics and correctnse-s the safest and surest means of relief. It is strong to restore and powerless to injure. Such is the uniform testimony of "clouds of witnesses-" Summons, In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas county. Homy Humbel, Plaintiff, 1 vs. j Suit in Equity. John Stet;e, Defendant. ) TO JOHN STEGE, SAID DEFENDANT: fX THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE ijoa f You are summoned and l-equired to be andappear in the Circuit Court of the State of Oreion, for Clackamas enmity, on or bere the first dav of the terra of sail Court next following the expiration cf six weeks after the date of the first puMieation of this Summons; to-wit : on the 3d Mondav in March, A. D., 1872, and answer the complaint filed in the above entitled suit, or the plaintiff will take a decree against you for Jl,7tii, in U. S. erold coin, and interest there on since Jan. 5, 1871, at the rate of one percent, a month, and for costs and disbursments ; and wiil apniy to the Court for a d-cree foreclosing a inorfajje given bv vou Jan. 5, 1S71, on an undi vided one-balf of Lots Four, 4, and Five. 5, m Block No. Twentv-three, 2:5, in the town ol Ore-, iron Citv, Clackamas county, Oregon ; and gener iltv for "the relief demanded in the complaint. 5y order of Hon. V. V. Upton, Judge oi said CUrt" JOHNSON' & McCOWX, Teh. f , 1S72.-K0 "f i' 'B Att'p- WILLIAM: DAVIDSON, REAL ESTATE DEALER. Oliicc, ?.". Ol Front .St reel, OREGON. PORTLAND, II E A T, ESTATE in this CITY and EAST PUKTLAND. in the most desirable localities, consist itm cf LoTS, HALF 15LOCKS and ULOl'KS, HOUSES and STOHES; also IMPROVED FAT" MS, and valuable uncultivated LANDS, located in ALL parts of the STATE for SALE. REAL ESTATE and other Property purchased for Correspondents, in this CITV n ml tlit-nn.rl.oiit ti, STATES and Tlli;i!t. TOivIFS, "vvith great care and on the most AD VAN TAG EG US 'IbUJIS. HOUSED and STORES LEASED r.nvs vrcirrni'i-n and Cf,ris iik ALL DESCRIPTIONS. "PHOMPTLY COL LECTED. And a General r l. ANC1AL and AGENCY ttUSINESS transacted. AGENTS of this OFFICE in all the CITIES ami TOWNS i;i the SLATE, will re ceive des riotiars of FARM PROPERTY ancijforward the same to the above address Feb. 3, ISn. Our druggists keep br sale Hall's Vegeta ble -Sicilian lb lr Renewer, the Ijesl prepara tio i ever made for retoiing the vitality a::d color ot the - FALbi )CAaiPMKXT AO. 4. I. o. . V- Meets at Odd Fellows' Hal! on the FIRST A'D THIRD TUESDAY EVENING of each month. Patriarchs in good stand ing are inv.ted to attend. F eb. S, ls72-tf Kvbct-csi. IJegi-i-o L.ortge iVo. , I. O. O. F Meet em the Second and Fourth TUESDAY EVEXIXGS, of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Half. Members of the Degree ate invited to attend. r?Iult isoiaii li JiO'.iijc So. 1. A. I :n:t A- Holds its regular Communica vVtions on the Jumt dud Thud S.itur- f''ay 1X1 eacM ""Oiitb, at 7 o'clock from toe ii.'tli of September to the '2nth of March, and o'clock from the -Joth of March to the 20th of September. Breth ren in good standing aiv invited to attend. Dec.'C.lS70, iiyo.rderof W . M. Oregon Ixlge ?.o. 3, I. O. of O. F. i&&3g. '-liets every Thursday even iuS a 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's Slv" Hall, Main s eet. Members of vthe Order are "Invited to attend My order. s. (i. Mew ToDay. 7ROM TIIE UNDERSIGEl), LIVING AT Ca iemali, ab oit the otb inst . a Sorrel Mare, about fifteen bands high; six years old; small white streak in Ihe ...reread, with s iodic, maiks; shod a 11 around. Any person returning sad marc orgiying inf rination oi fier whereabouts, will be suitably rewarded. YVAl. 11. MARSHALL. Canenuili, Ib. 22,"lS72. Fireman's Election! IN COMPLIANCE "WITH ORDINANCE No. ;?L Seetion ;J, of this citv, an election will be held f r the purpose of electing one i litef Kninii r, one As. Kiiginccr, for the ensuing year. Slid election to be held on Monday, the itb dav of March, at. the House ol Cataract Hose Com? unv, No. 2. THOMAS CHARM AN, Mcyor. Oregon City, Feb. 2Jd, 1S72. TH LOST ITY on G H XG & O AS IT WAS ANT) AS IT 13- A HISTORY OF THE GREAT CHICAGO Firj tru.-tful and :icr ur.,t A vivid and detaiied account of the most terrible calami ty that has ever befallen the civilized world. Srtaitlii,g incidents. "Hair Breadth 'scapes." The feanul ravages of the Fire Fiend. The reigu of Terror. Profusely and beauti!n!.y illutrated, iiu ludinji' views of the citv before and since the lire, still supremely grand in its nuns, u:iers will be tilled and received. The fastest selling book ever sold by agents. .T. ini l mi .in v ur-smy uuuii ami secure an Agency in. mediately. Agents also wanted for WOXDEIlSOl!" TllVi VOItL,L. One Thousand Illustrations, comorisincr staitling senses, intei estiug incidents and woiitteriid cvciits iu all the Countries and among all People. A. L. BANCROFT & CO., San Francisco, Cal. SsTeriff's Sale. S3Y V1KTCE OF AN EXECUTION ISSUED Jt-J out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the eoanty of Cla:kainas, in favor of Ij. A. sefly,phiiutiM',aiil against Jiatiiel S. Sebas tian, defendant, for the sum of two hundred1 and twenty-live 5--lK) dollars, .22i .") , now due, and with interest at the rate of ten er cent, per an num from the 1 1th day of October, A. D., 1871, and the further sum of forty-nine 50-10!) dollars, ft'.) costs, and for want of personal nronertv oat of which to make tho samt, I have levied, upon all the iht, title and interest of said Daniel S. SeViastian of, in and to the following described tracts of land, to-wit: lJeinnin at the N. K. comer of the N. AV. ;-l of se-etiojT lo, T. 3., S. It. 1 V". of the "Willamette iiienoian : thence VV. 23 chs. and l;j links ; tlienee S., 10 1-2 decrees K. 11 ehs.; tfienee K. 20.5S cus.; thence N. 13.77 chains, to the place of heginninfr, con taining :i!) .acres, more or less; and also t he fol lowing tV-cribed tract, to-wit : Uogiiiniii!,' at the S. E. corner of Section !, in T. 3, S. It., 1 W.; tlienee N. i'.t chains; tfienee V. 2o chains ; thence S. -l!) chains ; tlienee K. 2o chains, to the place of beinniUjr, containing UH) acres, more or les.s; also the ioflowing de.crihed tract, to-wit : The nuth-east qu irter of the south-east quarter of Section 10, in T. 3, S. It., V.. of the Willamette meridian ; and on Saturday, the Sd day of Mareh, A. D., 1K72, at 1 o'clock p. m., at the Court House door, in Oregon City,iusaid'eounfv, I will proceed to sell the same to the highest bidder to satisfy said execution, costs ami accruim costs. AHTilClt WAltXIiK, Sheriff of Clackamas coantv, Oregon. Bated Jan. 2oth, lf72:wl NEW IIAHDWAHE SiOItE, tOUXET FHOST & STAU2C STS., PORTLAND, OREGON. .10IIT II. FOSTER Is now receiving and offers for sale, at the lowest rates, a full stock of BUILDERS3 HARDWARE, Riechanlcs' Tools, Table and Pocket Cutlery, MINERS GOODS Trails, Ropes, Shovel Anvils, Axes, Etc., Which be invites buyers to call and examine before pnrcha-dng elsewhere. Would invite particu'ar attention of bay era of Bu Id rs' Hardware and House Ti m-min-s. either at WIluLEsALEor RETAIL. :iay 2 , 1571:m3 JOHN li. FOSTEIt. Read Physician's Certificates. Below!!! -3 O cr CO rt- c3 m P. o t- fi a o pi O w v. - C s-. -1 C! ro CH 0 P c-- o o 'A t 1 . 4 bs n ft" A Most Efficient and Pleasant Tonic. TIipfp Bitters ar pTppr--1 fmra tho most choico and wholesuiiis i.eies and roois. and have given universal satisfaction wlifrover tried. Thousands of dyspeptics liave loim.l relief through their use, end physicians recommend tliem tor the' cure of all diseases of the blood nud liver, JUid irregularities ot t ho digest ive nrsaris. Headache, Hdiou-ress r.nd CoTiMlpation. General P-hiiity mid Losso t Aji'( it e, u i 1 are caused b - tho derangement of tho rlo:uacii. Iver other functionaries o' th cystviu. '1 he 1 Ki. Hitters havo l)e;n s'.icoess.-'nlly nil r.nd are v:m-! ir.toa lit alle viate t he iu all the a hove cubci. CK RTTF TC ATE 3. ;.iF"--n--. IT. E-sTKin '.- Co: Jen; len, en : I take pleasure in statin? that njrrP fel)Iy to your whfhl have caref ully tested and eiam imiithe sa:n;jh.of your 1XL Hitters, which you rent me, anil rind it rot only nn nsr.-e.slile Jitters, but als out that cxnn.'tt tail to to bcuc-liuiul as a toaio and roaioter oi D jest inn. ti. HOLLAXD. 31. D. Citt and Cottxtz HosPirAl,, Kaa Francisco. Jur.i t'hh, 1-U: I havj carefully eTi'nired Dr. llenley'a I X Hitters, nnd h ive faded 10 detect atiydiin 'whicli could injure even tho sm-'t di-!iatij constitution. From the composition of the lii'ters. as farasl am abln to determine it, 1 suonhl judpre that tho 1XL Bitters must he a "ry fiici- nt remetiv in. Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Loss of Appt tile and Kimi lar complaints, being composed of ii r.uiuhrT of vesetable drills which r irinoija!'y tiKcd in eases of that nature, and are cf the greatest t-thciency in their cuic- F. II. EXCELS. M. T.. Ass't Res. Physician Apothecary C. A C. Iiospifal. Statf. Assayek's OrFlCE, Caa Francisco, Juy 21st. 171 : ' Messrs. II. Epstf.i & Co Oents: I lisvemade.i careful 1 xarnir.ation of your IL Hitters, and havo found them entirely 1 re of deleterious mineral substances Yours, etc. I,(! IS FA f.KEXAU, State Assaycr. Beware of Counterfeits. -Voihi genuine without Dr. Henley's -ijrr.ature across the top of each bottle. Every FtiKiUy .3ii;Ii linrp ! Tloiila in ilso Iio:itti?. KiI evoi-j-Mlsert', fole Proprietors. "o. Front T-ircet. San Francisco, Cal L. Gr.O.SS Jc CO., (i7 V. Lake St., Chicago, UU; f-ilocIal Zotlt-o. iNDlfiF.STlox is llie cause of nine-tenths of ail 5i-ses the livniK iiiachifie is subject to ! (iiva to:io to the sO)i)i:ch arid fluvestive orirans, and you will ave more than half in your doctor's bills. EB.- E2,-i!-,. 4';-3-jritt,-,! s.v. EJitf are recom mended by?i! 1 hy-icians to DvsrniTlcs and for ail Complaint of t: e I.tvki: and Dh;kstivb OiitiASs. Meo advnrtiseriicnt in another column. AT THE I rl 0 G L H BAKERY. WILLIAMS &. HARDING, HAVE JUST OPENED A FELL YARIE ty of choiv-o FAfiIL Y GROCERIES. AND PROVISIONS. The P.akcry will be constantly supplied with fresh UREA D,CIlCKErS, CAKES, PASTRY, CANDIES AND NUTS. All of which will be sold at living rates. Remember that we do not sell goods at cost. Also, please bear in mind that it takes money to do business. To the fanning trade we would "ay, CASH for you. produce, and CASH for onr goods. Goods delivered to all parts ot the citv. Feb, 1C, ls72:tf A I?es!rjille Hiss Thire is the hiss of ridicule, the hiss of scorn, the hiss of" .snakes in t! e giass ; but the most delightful hiss is' that, of ' Tarrant's KfTri -vrstciit Etllicr Ap'-'i-icni In tho spirklinsr goblet, giving assurance to the inva'hd thaUiis thirst will be dciici'msly assuaged ; that his stomach will be refresh ed jhi'I imrifitd : that if he is feveiish, his bodv will tie cole ! by hcallhful evaporation; that if he is constipated, t!e oiur uu win pass awav witlioat a pans ; and that it the condition"' of hi general health is impaired, it will be speedily -restored. Oi couise, he will tike, care to procure -- gl'liuilic. SOLD 15 V ALL DRUGGISTS. 1 S AJ FOE STEAM PIPES and BOILERS- Saves '25 per cent, of fuel an item worth lookin? after. For by PERRY & PLACE, 112 California street, San Francisco, who also l tcp stock "Mining and Eginetr's supplies. drcIeowOm AUCTION A XD COMMISSION A. IS. Kiia5,iLIsoaa, AUCTIONE E R ! Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland. AUCTION SALES Of Read Estate, Groceries, Jer.eralMerchao disc and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday A. IJ. Kichaiidsov, xuctioneer AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Par and Dandle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast steel shoes, Files, Rasps, saws; Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, R. G. Iron also: A large assortment of Groceries and Liquors A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer Trees ! Plants ! FLOWER AM) GARDES SEEDS. Apple an.l Crab, 10'). 2 to 4 ft., ,t; 4 to 6 ft., .! 00 I'ear.Std.extra.l yr.liartlctt &c,:t to 1 ft.,doz.2 50 Seeds, Peach, bu...2; Apple, Osaj-e, new, bu.,12 00 I'otatoes, Whit Teach Uiow.Eariv liose.liu., 2 00 Feedliusrs, Soft Maple, l,00O,; Asl,$;J; Elm, 2 00 Illustrated Catalogue, 100 pare, and New Price List iQc F. K. I'lIOEXIX, IJloomiuijton, Illinois, feb 2:w8 Dissolution notice. MR. A. C BAILEY'S CONNECTION with the Lincoln Bakery cased by mu tuel conse it on the 1st of February, 1S72. Mr. C. O. T. A'illiams having bought his in terest, and the business will be continued at the old st tnd under the firm name ot Wil liams & H.irding, who will pay all dehta against and receive ait nxpuevs due the late rm cf Bailey &, Hardin 2. " febl6w4 t he FLORENCE Will pew f vcrything needed in a family-, from the heaviest to the lightest fabric. IT KOJSS 7.IOUK WOHIv, MORE KIXCS OK AVOH3C. ASD iiETTEIl M OUK, Than any other rr.acLine. If thfre is a Florence Sewing Machine within tme thousand miles of" San Francisco not working well and gitin entire satisfac tion, if I am informed of it; it will be a; tendeil to without expense of any kind tu the owner. SAJSaUIE!", ISfiliti, 33A3"ISSrr'JE3r, 19 NEW MONTGOMERY STRKET, Grand Hotel Building SAK FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA Send for Circulars and samples of the work. ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED N EVEKY PLACE. Feb. 2, 1371:ly I00T AND SHOE HOUSE ! Fali ami Winter Trade. HAYING RECENTLY FILLED UP OUR assortment of Imported Styles iu iidies' and (tents' tit Boots siikI CssiIlci'Sj We will take great pleasure in displaying and receiving orders lrom our patrons "and the public generally. We have received from Xew Yoik a few pair of tbe Ctlebite:i KM RAT OPERA BUTTON FIIONTS, by which a Lace Shoe can I e turned into a beautiful Button (laiter Will take oi dc rs L,r the same at any time. We have the Rest and Latest Styles in Misses' and Children's Button Gai ers and Balmorals that are imported, bnt for good substantial wear there are none tliat can come up to our own make. We Warrant them iu every respect. Seven entirely New Styles of Ladies' and Misses' RUBBERS. T e Xillson, Congress, Marie Antoinette, Queen's (itrman, Yelvet Front and Alaska. Light, j'iUU Durable and Neat Fitting. Also, a lot of Children's Rubbers. Bring on your feet. TO WORKMM. COME AND SEE OUR CHAMPION 00 0 Respectfully, PROTZMArtf. GILLI AN & CO., Cor- Front and Morrison Sts-, PORTLAND, EEGON. Dec. 1. 1871 :tf T 0 YOU BELONG THE FUTUCE OF our beautiful and fast growintr State. Soon the shrill whistle of the IRON HORSE, ns he comes tmoking across this great con tinent, drawing after him the rich products of the Nation's Wealth and Industr-, will announce the "GOOD TIME COMING,' when Oregon's own Sons and Daughters will be called to fill the new avenues of Busi ness. Everyone should prepare for an ACTIVE BUSINESS LIFE. Great changes have been made in the com mercial affairs of Oregon in a few years. What tiie developemcnts of our State will be in the future, is a question which depends upon the BUSINESS QUALIFICATIONS of her Youns Men. Within the past four years of continued prosperity-, the National Business College, of Portland, Oregon, has sent out SCORES of young men fully qualified, and many of whom are now filling high and lucrative po sitions in the B.;nks, Oounting-Rooms and Stores of our Stare. So great is the demand for Good Accountants, that Business men have been frequently compelled to send East for as-istan e. No enterprising, studious Young Man who has passed through the prescribed course of studies at this MODEL COLLEGE has complained for want cf a situation and at good salary, too. Every taciliy is here afford ed acquir ing a SOUND BUSINESS EDUCATION in the shortest possible time, and at THE LEAST EXPENSE. Every student will have an ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICE! After having completed the Theory, he is introduced iuto a MINIATURE WORLD OF BUSINESS, which has the eQect of thoroughly familiariz ing him with all the mintitia? of real business. The course of study embraces Double and Single Entry Book-Keepiug, Commercil Arithmetic, Commercial Law, Correspon -ence. Business Penmanship, regular and special Lectures, etc., etc , combining theory with practice. ALSO, Superior advantages for securing a thorough knowledge of ORNAMENTAL PENMANSHIP, TELEGRAPHY, PHONOGRAPHY, FRENCH, SPANISH, GERMAN. ITALIAN. ETC " For full particulars, call at the Collesre Of hce, in Carter s building, corner ot rroni and Alder streets, (entrance on Alder) Port land, Oregon, o send for cicular. Address DeFRANCE &, JAMES, PORTLAND, OREGON. Mercb 31, lS7Lyl HOLSSA Y PRESENTS, THE LAEGK-T AND FIXEST STOCK IX O' G PORTLAFJD, e FINE WHTCHES, niCH JEWELRY 4 Silverware, 33, x,. stonj:, WHOLESALE iXB KCTAIt. UKALKE IV WATCHES and JEWELRY IIo- iC7 Front st- POP-TLAND Would invite attention of his friend &si the pubi c to his Large und Choice Assort ment of 'FllVIi WATCHES, From ti e most C;-!o-rtvd Maker- pf R. Howard A Co. n ; Apelton A Tracv, P. S. Bartltit, Wfiltham, .Vla-.; Elgin Watches; Jacot Si-li ' wiii.livj Wat. hes; English Wati-hes and tiieis. ' " Also. t!lC .e t -elected STOCK of LAD1EV "YATCllES, of nil dc-criiion and styles, which he w ould be plca-ed to show to all -.v ho iii ;v favor him w ith a cull. Ai'ENT FOR CilAS E JACOT WATCHER. Fine Jewelry and Solid Silver Ware, Fancy Articles, suitable for HOLIDAY PBESENTS- SliVer W:it.-l.e: Diamond Pirs, Crold lira. el. -Is , of T,!TV.-i'6n t niaktrn. Ear-riiigs an ringer-ring. (Ldil Ch itel.un Cu irds and V-tch -chain. . fioM Necklac s, Armlets, Cresses, Lockets. Cold Biast-iis, Ear-r.ns, Kmer rings, Cold Cliarn.s and K-ys. California Cold itinys and Bohmcs Pat ent Biicke'.-. Opei a 'Jhtiins. Moss A gale Sells, Rin-s and Ci.fl" Buttons. Wec'ding Bi-gs, made of jute gold, ox-re.-slv for ihat purjiO .e. Cold and S lver TI,i-nVVi. Opern d Marine i'!asV. Pebble Spectaries i,n,l Eve-g'asoa- .Si.lid Si!-. r N.ij.khi Silver Emit : nd tut:cr Knives. Solid Sil.-er Tab'e and Tea Sixw.ns. Kegula'ois Sell, Thomas Clocks, Marine Clicks Ciit ;a!ie:y Clocks, Ac. Al! the lib ve ariielessnld Cheap for Ca all, and warranted as represented. Particular attention given to rinirin and it-'justiiig ot; hrjnonicters, Dftplex an A erican V a'c-s . P.. L. STONE, O nov24tt lot Front st. Portland, Oregon. IMPROVED DAND SAWS H0HTISERS, CI 9 -'f.i - A nd eve- y description '(J ; Wood - worki n g Ma ' - chinery and Planing Mill suppli'-s. Address BERRY A PLACE, Machinery Depot, 112 Ci'iiroia A. San Fiancsscw. nov24e .w0:;i REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, FOETIAETD. - - CFwEGOtf. DEALER IN LEAL ESTATE ANU OTHER IN ."ESTMENTS. Se.'octiivr Su-nmn ,,,i n. flowed Lands. Faim Lands sold mid nnrc'istcrt r.l.f nlnnA J . lor all kinds of landed propeity. " ahiab'e securities transferred in exchanga for real estate. Loans negotiated on property, and titles examined hud determined. Cominis-ions .solicited and executed wit fidelity and promptness. OFFICE No. 14 Carter's Building, corner of Alder snd Front stieets. Feb. i, I 70: tf icw Boot innl Shoe Stored THE UNPEESTGNH WOULD RE pec tfu'ly call the D ntion of the pub lic to lis .-plendid Mock CUSTOM -MADE BOOTS and SHOES, for Indies' and (resiV wrap, just opened, one door lurth wf the Lincoln Bakery, Ore gon City. All kinds of BOOTS and SHOES kept constantly on hand, at CHEAP RATES, and ord.eis taken for the same, to be made m the latest stvle. t the PA CI FTP itnnT SHOE M A N U F A C T U R Y , P o 1 1 1 a n d , Oregon COUNTRY PRODUCE Taken in EXCHANGE AT MARKET Rates AL. WHITE. Oregon City, Nov. 17, 1871. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED WOULD CALL X the atn ntion of vervbodv that is fat tening Hogs to sell, which will make b.ico that tin y wiil find it tu tl eir advantage to call at the old corner at Albiipht's Butcher Shop. We are tuivinj; Pork and VAYING THE HIGHEST 1'RICE of any oVe eli. Call and see. ALBRIGHT & LOGUS. Nov. 2i, 1871.:f HOUSE AKD LOTS FOR SALE rpilE UNDERSIGNED OFFFRS FOR JL sale his residence in Oregon City. "Il'r sire four lots, a good house and tmm, wiih a fine c-fcliar and n" good well of water. There is plenty of land, and it is well adapted for early gardening purposes. Part payment q may be made in. stock. For particulars ep Pl.v to G hO UGE CLA B K. Ore on City Juna2 lSTPtf Jacob Stitzkl. James B. UrTox STITZEL & UPTON, Heal Brokers, and General Agents, Corner of Front, and Washing t&n streets. PORTLAND, OREGON. Will attend to the sale and purchase of Real Estate in all parts of the City and State. Special attention given to the saie.of East Portland property. Address P. O. Box 412. Porthind. Oregon. STITZEL A-UPTON, gtf Real ExtAilf Broker. GREAT WINTER TONIC. Hepem-Ws Corrfial Kllxlror Calisay Brk a ple-isant Cordial which strengthens and improves the Digestion, an excellent preventive of Fevers, Fever and Ague, Sc.. and a Teat Reno- :os and Tonic for inra bds and df-biktatod persons. Hegemax & Co. New York, Sole Manufacturera. Sold by all Progguts. Notice. TOHN MYERS, ESQ , IS MY DUT.Y AU f I thorized A -rent in Org"n Cir. and also 4ent tor the Estate HH October J, lf71.m-3 o O O O o O 0 O o o O O O 0 O O 3 O 0 o tt a