. , l4M -SS'.i If " " Ik t$y O G o o o o o ft o o o o o o e O o o o 0 o ' o o o o o o &l)C lUcckln vSutcrpvisc. OFFICIAL PAPER FO CLACAUAS. COUNTY. Orsgois Sity, Oregon , Friday : : : Feb. 23, 1872. Clackamas County Democratic Convention- Th Democratic Convention for Clacka mas county will be held ir Oregon Ci(y. Oregon, oa Saturday v March 23, 1S72. $or the purpose oX selecting fcveii dele gates, to attend the State Convention; and o place hi nomination a county ticket to Wuppoj-ted, at the ensuing election, and ransac.t such ether business as may come before the Convention. The County Com mittee recommend that the primary meet ings be held on Saturday, March 16, 1872. XiX the usual places of voting. The follow ing is tie. representation to which each precinct is entitled, in said Convention : Qregon City 8 Cutting's, 1 Upper Molalla. ?, Cascades 2 Lower Molalla,. . . .3 Marsh Geld- 2 Qs.v.ego 2 Milvvrtukie 2 llarqiiam's, . 4 Springwater .. . Rock Creek,... I Canemah 1 tialatm,. Pleasant HilL. Heaver Creek, . Young's Harding"?! Union Tota.1,.. The Next War 1 ' It is an admitted fact that the American jieojlc are always in fa vor of " the next war." Whatev er the pretext, ho it right or wrong, whenever tlu) bugle is sounded, their "souls are in arms and eaer for the fray." Sitting where we dox in tin's far off Northwest cor-aer-of Uncle Sam's Domain, the distant "rumblings" in the Eastern horizon arc not supposed to alarm vis any more than did the grand e!cctncnl,displays we often watched in childhood produced by the vivid Vgbtninq;s in the far distant cloud on a summer's eve. And yet who knows that upon going to bed at Jight Avith such calm and secure Confidence we may not .arise in, the morning to find the storm even at our own doors. Should war be declared between the United States and threat Uritain, the Columbia Kiver would certainly be one of the first points on the Pacific Coast aimed at by our enemies. And with our present defences, one re spectable sized gun-boat could put a stop to at least one of lien. IIol laday's greatest and most profit able sources of income, unless per chance he should join, the enemy. B,Ut vc ditl not start out to. pre dict what might happen in the event of another war, (even if that W.ar was with a foreign foe,) for it would take a larger sheet than we publish to tell all that would hap pen; but that our readers might know something of " what's the matter," whicih is likely to. lead to &ueh. results, we give below a short synopsis, clipped from a near ex change, of the claims set up by this Government against that of our English cousins: The claims stated by the American Commissioners may be classified 1. Claims for direct losses growing out of the destruction of vessels and "their cargoc-s by the insr.rgent cruisers. 2,. The national expenditure in pursuit of those cruisers. The loss of the transfer of the Amer ican conrmercial marine to.the British flag. 4. The enhanced payments of insurance. . The. prolongation of the war and the addition of a 'largo sup? to the est of the war and the suppression of the rebellion. So far as these various losses arid- ex penditures grew oat of the ads committed by the several cruisers, the United States ia entitled to ask compensation aud remu neration. The following is the summary of the claim for damages against Great Britain growing out of the war, and which were frU-e-siMitcd to Count rtclopia. the President of the Board of Arbitration at Genevu. by Hon. J. Bancroft Davis, on the ran of of this Government. This list is for dived losses, the names of the merchantmen de stroyed are givea in the claim. 1 his is the. summary : iy the Alabama $C,5-17.GO0 SC, 0.488.320 31 -100 00 18.!)C 83 9o i54 8," 530,1)55 55 3. tit) 7. tiny -24 - " Shenandoah '- 4 Boston " " Sumter. , " Chiea manga " Tallahassee " Florida " Georgia " "Nashville For losses for increased war prejuiums .?y the Retribution 383.1)70 50 ti(j.5ij(j 1,120.79. 1.5 20.231 ol 5, 10 00 Sal lie Total ..Si;,?2 1, ll"J CI The Alabama destroyed 5S vessels ; the. Boston. 1 ; the Chicamaii2i 3 ; the Fbri d. 33 ; the Geonria. 5 ; the Nashville. 1 ; the Retribution. 2 ; theSallie. 1 ; the She nandoah. 40 ; the Sumpter. 3 ; the Talla hassee, 17. Total vessels destroyed. 1G!. From the above it will bo ob served that the damage done by the "Alabama" forms but a small portiou of the Aggregate claimed, although it lias appeared from the reading of our journals that the building and fitting out of this one particular vessel was the head and ftvut o.f England's offending. In addition to the aTjoye claim for direct damages, our Massachu setts brethren are endeaToring to drive a 'sharp bargain' by putting n a claim for "consequential dam ages." Xow, this latter claim is what our English neighbors object to o seriously as to make us be lieve that if rrcs?Gd tl AvouM sooner, go, to. war than grant. The term '-consequential damages" is i'W to say the W,"and if admitted, who can tell where the 4'-con sequences' would end? Once the door of the English Exchequer was opened to "consequential dam ages," we wouldn't give inuch for what remained after our Yankee inencts were fully satisfied. This I claim was not mentioned in the Washington Treaty, and Johnny Bull objects to its being urged be lore the Geneva Conference. Who shall say that he is not right? At least Ave are not exactly in favor of plunging head-long into a war of such magnitude upon such a flimsy and uncertain pretext, however much we might be supposed to be in favor of the next war. Then, again, is it not reasonable to "guess" that this war talk has more in it than simple justice to, injured parties ? We have a strong suspicion that a ' little blunter" just now is highly necessary to fix things up for the coming Presiden tial election, and if the party in power can only 'make believe" that a war with England is immi nent until after the election, why then you see Grant's chances would be increased to almost certainty. But after election, if we should be permitted to ''guess again" we should guess that our bond holding friends would favor a compromise, even to the ignoring entirely all claim for "consequential damages." Are we far out of the mark ? The tiiatestit'tji has more to say about t lie litigant printing than al most any other paper in Oregon; and yet that institution would have long since perished hJ not been for the Federal patronage it re ceives through the printing of the laws of Congress, not only supple ments for itself, but also forseveial other sickly one-horse concerns in this State and Washington Terri tory. To the spoils belong the vic tors, and while Democratic papers have no word of complaint because they receive no share of the rich spoils of the Federal crib, Radical papers ought to keep mum about the small pickings from the raw litigant bone. This litigant law is no worse than many acts of the Radical party when thev held the . ., ' power in this State, wl.Uvh. we pro- J pose to di-r up and expose before! long Come, Samuvel, be a little can't be j more generous, if you honest. Hereafter the IIkkai.d will pub! -Ii a daily market report. Xeith money or labor in the firture wi! be so u'fd to ma ki- litis a firsi-class ?if-fspaper Feb. 22d. lhtlly Ihrnld. ! We congratulate the JftrohJ on the above announcement, and en tertain no doubt that its present manngers will do all that is prom ised in the above short paragraph. Its present business manager, ?dr. A. V. Ilallock is the acknowledged " brains" of Portland, which to gether with the accomplished and neat fitting style of Col. Taylor, j its present editor, the Democracy I may confidently anticipate a com- piete and -thorough nailing down of the Radical corlhi in .lulliiomah countyr at the next June election. Ckazy Kads. The Uads in the Lower House of the California Legislature passed a resolution the other day accepting the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments. Not content with tlc foul fraud by which these so-called Amendments were declared to be a part and par eel of the fundamental. law, they yet want to stain the records of every ftatc in the Union with the black infamy. Fortunately a Dem ocratic Senate will stop the little j g:nne, and save the Strte from the attempted disgrace. Why Xot? Tho Kadical press throughout the .State still continue 0 i h.'irnni'T oil th.it. lnrtn ?nnlr l.v t1r i 1 , - - - '-' - ' v School oarl to the Chenieketa Hotel Company. The lot taken in security, it appears, sold for the j amount of money loaned and the debt paid in full. But will .any one claim that the lot on which Sam. May's house was b.uilt would have, brought the six thousand dol lars of the people's, money borrow ed by him ? We should say not. It took his line mansion and all there was in and about it to pav the debt. Strange, the Radical press never mention this little transaction. We learn that the line of the railroad via Douglas county will probablv be laid through Looking Glass Trairie. This will carry ii some miles west of Koseburc It is said to be an easier and more available route than any other that has been exam ined. 0-rcgonion. Fifty thousand dollars will prob ably make the route through Rose burg good enough. Prepare, good people of Roseburg, your bleeding time is near- at hand ! The great IX I), will be along in a few days, and pop the lance into you. Een. Harden delivered a masterly speech before the Democratic club of In dependence last Saturday. Early Oregon History. The following communication is published almost verbatim ct litera tim, by request of the author, who is an old citizen of this ancient burg, and "knows what's what." As we arrived in Webfoot land subsequent to the time of which he speaks, we are not supposed to know all that took place when 3It. Hood was "a hole in. the ground ;" hencej we let him tell his own story in hi3 own peculiar vernacular. Oregon Crrr. Feb. IS. 1872. To thk Enrrost ok tuk O. C. Enterprise. Sir: In the Morning Oregonian, of the lolh inst.. I observe thanks returned to the editor for "an old document relating to Early Oregon History' ia the first place, and an apparently hearty. " thank God!"' in the second paragraph. It is an old saying that ' truth is stranger than fic tion," but according as the ir,;nd is train ed, so is il liable to be inclined. During the fall of 1832, Dr. Marcus Whitman was not an ''Oregon,ian by adop" tiont'' nor was heat '-old Fort Walla Wal la, now WaIIiiIu;" nor was he then in any part of Oregon west of the Pocky Moun tain range, nor did he come into that country for some years subsequently. There were no "young Jesuits at Fort Walla Walla then on their way to the in terior of the country.' and consequently "a j-oupg Jesuit priest, at a dinner party given to a party of the Hudson Buy Co.'s traders."' and some young Jesuits at that point, could not have said, ' Hurrah for Oregon. America is too late ; we have got the country,'" nor could another have said, "now, the Americans may whistle, the country is on rs." The iied liver English settlers did not come to Oregon for some years subsequnt ly to 1832 aud, consequently, could have had no bearing upon any supposed visit of Dr. Whitman to Washington at that dale. If we are g"ing to publish any scraps of Oregon's early history, let them be truth ful. The idea of at'em p ing to foist upon the public a cock and bull story of Dr. Whitman's bringing into the country in lS'SA, 1H0 wagons and 875 person."?, would make any old Oregonian hide his head at the enormity o!' the fabrication. The hist immigration of any numbers came into Oregon in 18-13; the same year that Col. J C. Fremont explored the country from the Missouri river to th; Dalles, Wasco county. Oregon, and ih 'nce the fame year to California, and wMiok; re port to Congress, and Dr. McLaughlin's of the H. 13. Co.'s assistance, did more to set tle Oregon than all the missionary's acts, words. Ofeds and 1 air. afraid if in;e W . H. Ci.'s. you might throw i i prayers. I think it was in 181"). 1 heaid the vc raei;y of a Mr. W. It. (i.. attached '.o the mission at that time, called most seriously in . ue.st ion. before a missionary board at Oivgon City, by Dr. E. White, also a mis sionary connection, arid at the lime U. S. Mib. Indian Agent, tho ouiv one on ihe t.0:iSt i believe. The Oregon City newspaper being the first American me coast, l send litis to you lo dispose o! as you please. The above are facts that c.iti be proven.. 0. ''ing! For tha Pride of the Tyrant I Is Broken." The immediate effect of the call by the Liberal Republicans of Missouri for a Xa iionul Liberal Republican Convention, says the i:p:-'cr. to meat at Cincinnati on the 1st day of .May, rsust be to electrify the country. It means a great deal an 1 promises glorious things. Missouri is the stronghold of Liberal Republicanism In no other State is there a powerful anti Grant element in the Radical party. In many other States, however, if not all, this element is respectable in numbers and constantly growing. It is evident at last that a. considerable portion of the domi nent party will not submit to therenomin ation of Grant. The latier's renomination by the retrular convention of his party has for months seemed a foregone conclusion. It is st':'! generally regarded as stioli. but we are beginning to fear that his party will see the necessity' of throwing their Jonah overboard . Perhaps we nl ace too biph an estimate, upon the good sense of the leading men of that organization, but to believe they will permit so incompe tent a captain to lead then; to, certain de struction, is. in our opinion lo believe them mad. The handwriting on fhe wall, declaring that their chieJ' has been weigh ed in the balanco and found wanting is" in Characters so plain and bold that even the ddinrpieat himself must soon see them. The Liberal Republicans n;ean business. Their National Convention at Cincinnati is to be a grand mass n;eet.iiir. not a body or delegates. This is a happv idea, ft will make their demonstra'ion all the more imposing ; it will render hopeless any attempt at interference on the pjvet o.f Grunt's office-holders, and will make cer- tam the nomination of a liberal statksmax tor i'resideut. To Dkmockats. Ve would rec ommend to the Democracy of this county, when they meet at their primary Convention, to appoint a precinct committee of two or three members. There is plenty of work for such a committee to do to effect a perfect organization in each pre cinct, and attend to other matters for the benefit of the party. Let Clubs be organized in each pre cinct on that day. Important. The following im portant telegram was received at the Executive Office,, Salem, on the 20th iust : Washington, D. C, ) February 20. 1872. j To Governor J. F. G rover. Salem. Oregon All University and Indemnity School Land lists approved, except I.a Grande District f those will be approved in a feu days. (Signed) Henry W. Gilkky. Bully for Gil fry J Radical Jon. Secretary Bout well La gone into, a "job" and agreed to give one million aud a quarter for a block in Chi cago to erect government buildings on. The Chicago Tunes and Tribune, both loyal, intimate the decision is in the inter est of a i ing of speculators. The site se lected is in the seeond block south of the old I'ostoSice, and is bounded by Adams, Jackson. Clark and Dearborn streets. A dispatch from the Cascades received on Vednesday night stated that the Co- himbia was rising rapfily. They Blow Hot and Cold- We have, hitherto, adhered to the pro position that the law enacted by the Legis lature, in this State, entitled "An Act for the protection of Litigants," was a just and righteous statnte-outside of any parti san purposes to be accomplished by it. We bilieve it to be a beneficial measure fcr ths. reasons we have heretofore stated. But we went further and declared it was justifiable as a partisan movement, designed for political purposes, to aid in the sup port and maintenance of Democratic newspapers. For ih.s latter candid avow al we were roundly abused by all the hy brid organs cf the Siate. Now let us see how these Radical revilers " blow hot a.nd cold in the same breath At the last session of t!;e Legislature in Mississippi, wherein the Radical paly had a majority, bill, similar to. that so de nounced by the Radical howler in this .State, -'for the protection of litigants," was passed in both branches and vetoed by the Governor, for what causes we have uot been able lo learn. Dut a friend has furnished us a copy of "The Vicksburj Weekly Times and Republican,"- a Radi cul organ, of proximate date to the Gov ernor's veto, containing the following tirade upon His Radical Excellency, which we commend to the perusal of partisan denunciators of the present Litigant Law in this State. 1 he article in the "The Times and Republican," from which we extract, is entitled "A death blow aimed by a false friend,'' and discourseth thus: "Governor Alcorn's last veto is u cen ter shot from the enemy, who has carried one of our works am. turned our largest and most powerful gun upon us. "The veto of the Judiciary Printing Dill does not make an attempt to show, by ar gument, wherein ike Legislature has erred in passing it. but, surrounding himself with the halo of glory which attaches to the i:;diidual whom custom entitles lo be addressed as " His Excellency ."' Governor Alcorn, does not devm it even necessary that he should argue a matter upon which the very existence of every Republican paper ia this State is depending. ' Does not Governor Alcorn know that when the 11th clause of article Xil of the Constitution was inserted, that it was after mature consideration, with the - design lo give all the judiciary printing to the Re publican press of the State, and that the words 'shall hae authority' were insert ed in order to provide against a Democrat ic victory, and that the clause was intend ed to guard against a repeal o ihe Act by a Democratic Legislature at any future period? To say that the clause has be come obsolete is to talk like a child. "Decs not Governor Alcorn know there was not a nigger child five years old in all the State who did not understand that the word -loyal." in this clause of the Con stitution, means nothing more or less than Republican, and that under the shabby pretext that he is a Republican, he became sufficiently -loyal' to be elected Governor? Had he nut proclaimed himsei! a Republi can when he was nominated, he never would have become -loyal' enough to be Governor of Mis.-issippi. "Does Go'vi-ruor Alcorn suppose th it. the Legihittire can do only those things which li.e L'on&tilution makes mandatory, and that it must nol do those things which are pcrmilted ?' Does Governor Alcorn pretend that the Chancery Courts are not a part of the Ju diciary system of the State, ami ih it the advertising required to be done by them is not -legal ad vert:i:ig,' or their priming -official printing?' Doe Governor Alcorn imagine that all that clap-trap aboui lorcing advertisers to patroni.e Republican papers, the largest cii cuhu ion. monopoly, and Crti tches.wh'tcti he has copied trom the Democratic Dress Cotiveu.ion resolutions, is to- have anv weight with sensible Republicans? "i'inally, does Governor Alcorn expect that in the lace of such u cowardly back ing down, under the Democratic lash, ih.it he will receive the iiournation he courts so eagerly, for the Vice-1 'residency ? "Although the present editor of the Times is not interested to the extent o u single cent, in any printing eritei prise, and will. in ilie course a lew ilavs at most. in:ik( his final exit horn the political stage, he can not even at the risk of incurring the per sonal ill will of the Governor, pass in si lence such cowardly treachery as he has shown towards the -Republican, press of the State. If ever a man was firmly pledged to a measure James L. Alcorn was to I his "printing iniquity.'-' Men em barked in newspaper enterprises, invest ing every cent-they had upon earth, at his solicitation aud with the personal pledge of his support. He knew these nai-eis could not live a single month unless this bill became a Jaw, and yet fie must have known tit the moment when he was Ihus inducing his friends by false pretenses, lo bankrjpt themselves, that he intended to drive the nails into the cffv- of even Jlepub Horn p"per in Mississippi,, bv vetoing the bill. ' " We desire to urge in the most omphalic tnantK'r upon the Republican members of the LegUlaitire. the necessity of passing this bill over the Governor's veto, for as sure iis fate, unless this is done in six months, (here will not be more thfn one or two Republican papers alive in Missis-s:ppi-. We know whereof we speak when we say that hungry creditors 8!ato at the door ol yearly every Republican printing oilice in the State, ready to pounce down upon it. the moment the Printing BijJ f-,i!s. Tlie bill must be passed over the treacher ous Alcorn's veto or the death knell of Republicanism has been rung in .Missis sippi, for without a press the party will inevitably g0 ;u t10 dogs, and what is more, should go there, for a party that has not the courage to support its'press not only deserves ta d,ie but inevitably will d o ho. -.i' our object were to -make a Pght' upon Governor Alcorn this morning to re ward him for his treachery, we should quote, for the edification of the party, cer tain prophecies we made at the lime when we did not think as well of hi in as we do now, vheryia we predicted he would Johnsoaize his party upon tho first convenient occasion, lie has done.it. We believe that from the first he meditated so doing. "It the Legislature does not lake up fhe Printing Dill on Monday and pass it by every Republican vote, over James L. Al corn's head, we have very much mistaken the temper of the Mississippi Republicans. It is no time to falter when the "right arm of the p;irty is beintr nailed to the cross of death. It is bad enough that Alcorn should be Governor at all, but it is too much to alio-JT him to. kill out the entire Republican pres.?. A party which does this is too craven-hearied to live. It should die." Any one of the Radical persuasion who can peruse tho foregoing, and hereafter whimper one syllable of complaint against the law at present on our statute-book, must be possessed of the impudence of the devil and be as coo.cicnceloM a, Shylock. Bribery and Kepotism- ere there no more serious charges, says the S. F. Examiner, which could be truthfully alleged against Grant, as the Chief Magistrate of a, great people, there are two. well-founded and beyond success ful contradiction, which should utterly condemn him iri public estimation as to tally unfit for the high place which-he now disgraces, namely : bribery and nepotism. These frailties, of an originally weak mor al character, have brought him under the ban of popular contempt, and even the mos,t scmpalous aud resolute of b,is Radi cal followers have admitted lie avarkiou-s-ness of the man, and the potency of tie "fellow-feeling" which causes him to be so wondrous kind towards his relatives ia distribution of the people's money. It is true that some of bis organs have had the audacity to declare that '-the great smoker" has accepted no presents, since he tamo, into (jffic4tj other ,hai, SIcb as were legitimate and usual to the occu pant of his exalted place. While we shall not controvert, we may doubt the validity of such assertion. Rut the question is not.'' as a. Radical Trnal remarks, 4 whether these presents were-given since he was inaugurated, but whether tli.v.y weregiveubecau.se was about to be inaugurated, and whether he has not nom inated or appointed the d,oivrs in numerous instances, to important public offices." That he has done so, in innum erable instances, his boldest defender will hardly deny; and that he has so acted . has wofully degraded the dignified and almost S'tered position, in the public, regard in former times, which he occupies. That the present incumbent of the Pres idential office has used the prerogatives of his high place-to provide lucrai'ives sine cures, in ditfernt departments of the Gov ernment, for his immediate family, and even i!s most distant connections, is an accusation which can be more certainly sustained than that he has been influenced by bribes in his official action. TLe long list has been repeatedly published in tl:e journals of the day, nor has any successful attempt been made to show that any of the individuals mentioned were, possessed of merit, sufficient to entitle them to be ihe recipients of profitable appointments from the l'resident.oulside of their relationship to him. He hits continually been governed pi this bestowal of his patronage by the Scriptural injunction " He that provideth not, for his own household is worse than a heathen.'' While we fully endorse the good sense ol the proposition, so far as the indi vidual is concerned, we submit that it should not be the beacon-light by which the daily conduct of ihe President of the United Sta'es is guided. A ITeit 2tch. On the night of the l Jth instant, at Phil adelphia, a banquet, " high-toned and ele gant," was tenderer to lion. Daniel M. Eox, the retiring Democratic Mayor, by over one hundred leading citizens ol that city. Mayor Fox is the first gentleman to whom, upon retiring from the f dice of Mayor of his great city, such a compliment was paid. It was not a party demonstra tion, but a social gathering, at which Re publicans figured as actively a Democrats. The happiest speech of the occasion was made by John V. Forney. It was brief and viidictic, and we give it entire. Whether speaking or writing, Forney nev er fails to interest, though he often fails to convince. On this occasion he spake as follows : I do not know, Mr. President, anv more delight In! or more useful custom than so cial intercourse between men of different opinions. It js the very best preparation lor a wie and profitable toleration. 1 have believed that if mv editorial associ ate!? of all sides could more frequently meet, and mingle, it would not only be belter for themselves but better for the community, ihey might differ never so widely or so warmly, yet they would rare ly transcend, the bu uidaries of propriety. Uue is alvvavs restrained from soeakm v billerly of those who have been kind to us, whose iiot'.se we visit and whose hospi tality Y;e sjiare. We meet to-night not to do honor to the late Democratic Mayor of Philadelphia, not to applaud his particular admini.-itra.iic; or its measures bat to ex press our sense of the peisonal qualities of Daniel M. Fox of his kind heart, bis genial nature, his courtesy and Ins. inteir riiy. and. in applauding these qualities, as I most cheerfully do, with sincere empha sis, I am not the less free in expressing my dissent lrom his political opinions. hen we cease lo recognize tuch attrib- u.es as those which make him welcome in all circles, our relations, one to the other, must be harsh indeed. May that hour be far off when the standard by which we are to judge our fellow crea tures is Ihe standard ol party, and may we never lose sight of what ou-rht to be an ever present and primary duty the duty of softening the asperities of" politics, Jf discussing great questions with candor and toibearance. and of unity upon the catholic platform of an universal humani ty. 1 voted against Fox more than once, and probably should vote against, him if lie were a candidate for any office to-morrow, as doubtless he would, vote against, me if ever I was placed in any suelf posi tion ; but 1 should be ashamed' of mvself it I were not free to nave him li n.,1 r., every good work, and to join with him in j the development of our meat citv. Manr i years ago I sat, in Ihe gallery of the Senate oi me i mieii Males, and heard, a most an imated and somewhat violent debate be tween Henry Clay and Silas Wright, while Martin Van I'uren was Vice Presi dent. I was very young, full of party partiality, and soon got into controversy with a hot blooded Whig at my side in re gard to the merits of the ureal debates, and especially in regard to Van JJuri-u's claims to pub.lic confidence. The Senate adjourned, and our boyish dispute was growing into an angry aliorea lion, when .ve came into the magnificent rotunda, and saw standing before us Clay. Wright and Van Puren, hooked arms, and laughing an(i joking precisely as if they had been friends for life. Our little quar rel subsided, and so was taught a lesson I have never forgottt-n. It is in this spirit we meet to night not as Democrats, not as Republicans, but as Philudelphians. as Peunsyivanians. as Americans warm and sincere ia the compliment we pay a man with whom many of us are at issue on the mere passing politics of the hour, but with whom we 111 I agree upon the more endur ing considerations of friendship, love, pf country, and pride of city and State- Wont Pay. Grant offers to subscribe his next four years' salary to the Repub lican party for a re-election, to the Presi dency. If ihe Republicans take him at hh ofrer. say& the Oiwis'mn, they will have to do what the pastor of his church in Washington did sue him tnrp.,mrki, subscription. He will subscribe to any- if can helpttV State News. Considerable sickness prevails ia Eu gene City. The State Temperance Conventioi iftet at Salem yesierday. Last week t'e Salem mills shipped to Portland seveiity tons of flour. The late rains have seriously damaged the track on the west-side railroad. The Oregonian charges ten cents a line for inserting; births, marriages and deaths Hou. Geo. K. Sheil is to. deliver the oration on St. Patrick's Day at Portland. The winter in (he Klamath Lake conn try has been verv mild and stock has fared well. Farmers of Jackson county are a.bout done plowing and s.owiag grain lor this season. Hon. X. 11. Cranor. of Albany, address ed the Democracy of Seio cm. the vJth instant. The Portland papers speak very highly of Pi of. Cardineil's ball last week at Portland. Jacksonville is full, and houses are in demand, and none can be foiinii to rent lor love or money. An attempt was made last Thursday to rob the store of the Springfield Manufac turing Company. Dr. W. E. Rust is assistant resident phy sician of the Insane Asylum, and n,y.t principal, as has been reported. Rt. Dev. Bishop Morris will leave San Francisco for Portland to-jorrow. He was among the first who wee. snowed in. It is estimated that $.",000 worth of damage was dene by the rain to the streets in Porthyid las,t Sunsiay. All the difficulties between the railroad and Campbell Chrisman. of Lane, county, have been adjusted and settled. Sunday, Feb. 1,1th. in linker City, n mm na;ned Frank Fulford, Curing a, drunken row, was severely cti,t. About five hundred saw logs, lying in the slough above Salem, belonging to ihe South Salem saw-iiill, were washed; away Sunday night. On board the bark Weebbol which ar-. rived at Kalama last week, there was a locomotive for the Northern Pacific Rail road. A letter to the Ihdklin from Grant, county states that out of 19.000 head of cattle in the county, less than 100 have been lost this winter. A. A. Smith has ceased to be route agent for the mails on the Oregon and Cal ifornia railroad. Jihn C. Meudenhali. of Albany, Las been appointed to fill the place. The benefit given fo Prof. Newell, at. the Baptist Church in Portland, on Tuesday evening hist, netted the handsome sum of 2yo. Information from the North Yamhill states that the high waters swept away al-ino.- t all the fencing along the bottoms, and that many hogs and some cattle were lost. Advices from Ochoco state that the sl'iCiv w intered m that valley had done re marka bl v ished. D well, and that none have per- j The Union I',ciws Railroad, Coipanj iring the entire winter but lit- ! have purchased at Omaha, a. Uaet of land tie stio w' fell. On Tuesday evening. February 27lh. ex Governor Curry will deliver a lecture be fore the Washington Debating, and, Liter ary Society, at Philharmonic Hall, on " The Pioneers." During the flood of S.ihirday and Sun day ihe Uridge tit. the end of Commercial 'street. Salem was carried away. This is about the only damage of any conse quence that Salem sustained. Gen. Tiltoti states that orders have just' been received from headquarters, at New York, to put the road through and have it in working order from Kalama to, Olympia by the 1st of November next. A couple of felfo-.vs. at Rethel. Polk county, had a little 'unpleasantness." which resulted in one of them getting one finger bitten nearly off. bis eves nearly ponged lrom his head, and used up gener ally. The bond of Geo. A. E les. collector of Alaska, has been approved and Mr, K. or dered lo his place of duty. Geo. (K-s..ved some punishment for the meanness done in behalf of the Radical party, hm we hardly supposed that his sins were eonal to the punishment. A skill', with a man and his son five years old. mi it, was upset in the Willam ette, above Salem last weel;. The. Ii.tle bov clung to. the boat until his father swain ashore and Secured another boat 10 rescue him. When he gut the child ashore, he was neany dead. The JhraIJi of the lOihsava: We un derstand that the lan ls belonging to the Caruther's estate have been divided amonsi the varioti.s claimants, and all suits now pending have been withdrawn. The.deeds l ave been hauded, over to the parlies, and will be placed on record in a few days. James Ilurd of Jacksonville, has pent to ! the Patent ()?5.ce a model of a railroad ! orase. it is ho arranged- slmt V.r r,:,t;;,,rr a cord, running through tha en Are train", the brakes ate immediately applied to, every car at the sane time. Any emplovee on the trat.n can apply the lyases'. This invention is applied on flic, old brakes, costs b.ut Utile and is very simple. Some or (he papers still persist in deny ing th 'JJidlttin's remarkable kidknappinr "'J l v piav-e. saui io have occurred about a luojith ago. In reply, the Jiiilrlin sticks to it the stronger. We don't believe that paper could get any evidence as fo the truth of ils story either in Oregon City or Clackamas county. It waa a good' sell. The late grand jury for Multnomah county, in their report, recommended to the Court the aniinintmcnt nf a srwei:! committee to examine the book of the Clerk and Sherii. This looks a? though the former report of the grand jury rr.usf have been o.nly too true. We expect to see the Radical organs go after this grand jury for even casting such a suspicion on the Court House clique. The. following now post-offices have re cently beeji established: Klaskanine, Col umbia county ; Fair Grounds. Marion county. Norton. Clackamas county; Sum mer House. Clatsop county: Isthmus. Coos county; Hot Springs. Jackson eon ntvr Langelt Valley, Jackson county: Link ville. Jackson county; Yanax. Jackson, county; Woodbnm , MariSn county. From the Mercury, we learn that a full settlement of all the liabilities of the Ho tel Company have now been made. AH claims have been paid in full, except the claims of Mr. Walters, for damages on the furniture contract, which was lately com promised and is now -ettled. The Che meketa has been deeded to Messrs. Ladd & Push, the bankers. The house is now being newly painted inside, and will be refurnished in good style, and again open- The. Statesman of Thursday says Yes terday Mr. Arthur Rreyman, who has a band of cattle numbering four hundred head on the Lower Yakima, received a letter bearing date February 6th. which stated that fhe snow in that vicinity bean to melt on the 10th of January, anil atlhe time of writting it was all gone. When the letter wa3 written Mr. Brevman had lost only three or four old cows, and they were poor when the winter began. Mr. Cooper who also has cattle in Yakima valley has received news fully as favorable aa the above. The Territories. Hon. R. S. Greene, Associate Justice of Washington Territory, preaches regularly, on Sunday a,t OJympia. - Clark co.unty, Y- T., owes $26,000 which exceeds tbe leiut of the Territory. The county is under Radical rule. The Olympia Tribune publishes a list of the. lands" donated to, the N. V. R. R. at tliat place- The list emb.ra.cej $ 000 acres Henry Brown, charged with having0 killed a Chinaman in Seattle in October last, ha lueea tonvtc-tee! of murder in the aecond degree. A. J. Siiiimana. an old pioneer- of Wash ington Territory, ojied- vry suddenly on Cowlitz Prairie on the 12 h. of heart di?-i ease. He had tvided in the Territory since SZ. A man named Henry Brown has been, tried, at Seattle for the murder of a China man ii,t tkat p,Iau last f.iil.ana sentenced to twenty years' imprisonment in the Peni tentiary. One tin nd red dollars per ton is btdn I offered for hay in the Yskima V!lj, ami 1 none to be had at that figure. The cold est weather ZVs been, rmoteen degree be. low wro. Milton Herron ia the name of the mn who was murdered on Whidby's Island a few days. ago. Ilia partner, a xnmn named Dale, is Ln custody oi tho charge of hav-i ing committed the dveL Gray, the defaulting Treasurer of Idaho, has been released from custody on $8.0!)t) bail. He is trying to rai$e money Mt re lease, V-'w bondsmen from his Territoriafc bond and resign. Mt. Baker. Washington Territory. ha been withdrawn from market for railroad p.urposea. A huge draw that. What will they do with il? Not another summer cesidence for Jay Coose? Contrary to tha apprehension that one time prevailed, but few cattl h:v died in, Montana. It is estimated that at least ten thousand cattlo and horses have, died. in. Wyoming in the vicinity of L ira-. In Boise City. February Kith. Cap tun Houghton, an old citizen of that place. tell down a cellar-way in front of Wells. Far- ;o Co.'s office, killing himself iiista,n,tl jr. Deceased was kty-three. y hf. of age. and a native of Wisconsin. A telegram, from Ieer Lodge, Montana.. 20ih iust.. says a whole block on the east side of Main street, consisting of eighteen building's, were destroyed by fire Total l)ss. 3?7UfOOO; no insurance. The fire was, tke. work of tin- incendiary. General News Item?. The spread of small pox appears to, bo creating some anxiety in S in Francisco- Over 100,000 letters were- received at San Frat! -is.co. cr the. 204b, and ever ,oa paper bags. Mra. Picket, formerly connected with the press of port laud, has been selected j Recorder of Kalam a. The. California Legislature has appro priated .51.1)00 to erect a monument to the memory of e.-(xoverrfor Bigler. for depot purposes uavin." S'20'J O.'ia ihr.v. ! fore. i.-ih Jiolwiaton. the embezzling Treasury i Clerk, was sentenced fo one year' impris onment and a fine of four thous md dot-, larei. Thos. A. Watf s was shot, probably fatal ly, by dm. Ivimbill, aed nineteen in Poston on the. 1,9m. A young hdy was the-cans.e. h. W. Forney ban resigned- Ki- offVe. aa i Collector of the Post of Philadelphia. Wo see it stately toat he is to be Postmaster General. Germany np.&r the new military organ-, ization. will be enabled, in case of war. to, put in the field, within live days, an army of l.yOO.OOU men. Gen.s. Wud Hampton. McR ier and Kershaw, of South. Carolina, arrived at Washington to ak a hearing before tlm Kn Klux Committee, to defentbenvel vc-s. against the charge made in the Senate, that ihey were ia active sympathy with. the. Kit Klux. Words $f ' Cheer. His a source of congratulation to the. Qcegon Democracy to learn that their de votion to their principle, while it subjects them to the abuse of the Radical n-?s, Removes the recognition and approbation of their 'i:etren hi other States. The San Francisco Eftminer of Feb. 2. in speaking of the DemocratiSji.ntnil.-i," says; "Finn, and defiant stand the warden? of Democratic principles on the outer w.aHs. of our Republic. New; Hampshire 'aiiii Oregon are the vigilant States that more than any o.tker deserve the' title of honor winch wo accord them Th..ii- ;. ' statesmen and platforms on the great issn "f he lay,are,s.cjind of principle and able in their utterances. i wtih pleasure that we note how, in times when meaning men are weakening under tha furious assaults of Radicalism and actu-. ally considering the expediency of trail ing on,r glorious standard to Republican-, i.-m. that Oregon, jupI Xfy lamp.shire set larger States the example cf steady adher anee to Democratic principles. " The. people are Bofiiii' thes.e event?. Missouri kas Jed off-wiih'a grand reform demonstration Illinois ha? gone againot Grant by advocating one term for th Presidency. Her next move will be to, repudiate, hini and sustain her gifted Sen ators Trumbull and Logan in denouncing corruption, present taking, military rul? White Hou-su -rings"- and Custom-hon.a jobbery. Our prospects are brightening, and Califoinn and. Nevada will stand;" wilh OrVgon in the coming contest, mak ing the Pacific Slope a unit in favor of good government. Moke. Ixtkgiutt. Won't the editor oS the Oregonian read an article on our fir? page (his week relating to postoffice mat-, ters and another relating to the investiga tion of stealings in the New York Cn-tom-honse. and then giye us another lone exhortation on Radical honesty and purity. Apportionment. Following is tho apportionment of Dele gates to which each county is entitled in, the Democratic State. Cojiyenfion, which, meets at the Dal lea, on April IjOth : Maker fi Denton . 1 ,..! .".".." & Clackamas y. Clatsop . ' . . ' j Columbia .'!!!!!! 2 Coos "a Curry ' ' ' j Douglas .... g G ra n t . . .' " " 4 Jackson !"."! " " 8 Josephine . ". ' . . . '." . . . . . . . . 2 Lane , .'!'!'! I !!!!!!! "8 Linn ........ ....!.'. i i i Marion 1 1 Multnomah,' . . 10 Poik... 7 Tillamook , Umatilla , . Union '. I. '. '. '. ... '.-i Washington 4 Wascu :i O o 0 o o o O o i r f - -a V M 1 C0TJRT3SY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, T