6 Tt-oC o o e3 O o o O 0 C O 0 o o o O o o o o o o o o o o e o o o o o O 0 O o S O o -1 (Eljc lUcckln (enterprise. FRIDAY, FEBUUAliY 16. 1872 A Demure-looking chap hailed a charcoal peihller with the query, "Have "you "got charcoal in your wagon !" "Yes, sir," said the ex pectant driver, stopping his horses. "That's right,'4 observed the de mure chap, with an approving nod; "always tell the truth, and people will respect youl" And he hurried on, much to the regret of the ped dler, who was getting out of the wagon to look for a brick. At a negro camp-meeting the the colored preacher said: "lI tell you, bludded bredren, dat de deb ble is a big hog, and one of these days he'll cotrtt along and root you all out." An old negro in one of the anxious pews, hearing this, rais ed himself from the straw, and clasped his hands, exclaimed in the agony of his tears: ''ling him, o Lord ! ring him !" O t. The Now York V,rorld thinks that Connolly made a giave mis take when he joined the Democra tic party. He ought to have called himself a Republican. .Because, had he done so, his conviction as a dishonest ollice-holder would have been followed by a serenade from Fisk's baud and a complimentary speech by Opdyke. As it is, he occupies a prison cell, and awaits the verdict of a jury, while his fi-1-ov -swindler Murphy expects a fat diplomatic ofliee. . . A man in Berlin, Yt., has pos'el the following "notis" in the village post-oface : My wife, 3Jniy Miller, having deceived me in regard to her age, before marriage, claiming to be 20 only, when she was 32, with teeth badly decayed, while I am not 22, with perfectly good teeth, tliere Qlbre I will pay no debts of her con tracting. His l. n. x church. mark. O-. -O- A wealthy young fanner in Ohio made a vow at the time of his mar riage tl u; wor.M plant lortv 1 peach or apple trees for each child born during the fust ten years of his wedded life. He has been mar ried sevn years and lias about '.V20 trees. lie talks about retracting, O as he hasn t the land to spare. The noblest thing on earth is the man who rises to the dignity of self-mastery. The man who ran refuse indulgence to a clamoring desire; can hold the craving appe tite ungratilied, and can say to a rising passion: "Peace be still " is a hero above Alexander or Her cules. Wondku mongers in Poland are jubilating just now at the presence among them of a Russian peasant of giant size. This all itudinous fersonage is nearly nine leet in lnght, and modestly claims to be the tallest man in the world. He is probably correctin ids assertion. G Miss Kank, of Baltimore, set out to write a list of wrongs of women, but found so many of them that she was driven to the conclu sion that women sutler a wrong in being born at all. This disposes of the whole question in a nutshell. A society for the prevention of cruelty to babies should be organ ized at Xenia, Ohio. Xo less than one dozen wretched mothers in that poor village named their poor innocent little babies L'lysses (I rant. Tun new State Capitol of Iowa will be :JG0 feet north and south,, and 2 11 feet wide; the height of centre and wings, 0-1 feet to the top of the cornice, and the rest f?et. The last General Assembly appro priated 6150,000, and of this 120, 000 lias been spent. . Tn tr.himx down a beautiful paint ed canvas ceiling at All-Souls' Col l'.o;e, Oxford, Mnjrlaud, roccntlv, lift een .'UK-ii'iit jiaint inirs wore dis covered attached to the roof where l l.., i i. i . o iho li, u i lH'i-u uu!uos u to any one lor two centuries. ! The following notice, printed on colored cardboard, with a nice bor der, hangs tip in a place of business in Rome, X. Y.: "Mebbee you don't pettcr had loaf rount here, veil you don't yot some teesniss ain't it :'' A magnificent winter garden with r.if, and theater at tach meat s is being laid out in ibmie under the direction of an Kniish archi tect. ..V " national theater of unit ed italy:' is eonteaiulated in the scheme, "Heat Them. .V little boy in Danbury asked a lady friend of Mis mot Pl-'s: v Mew ni 'i .1 ! M i iv 1 1( it !i ;i, replie.l, "Hod." "Well,' remark ed the youiiLT hopeful, "Dr. Mercer made mother's, rind they heat vttirs by a darned siht."' Michigan woman, the wife of an invalid, and mother of twenty six children, picked cranberries enough last fall to pay o'F a mortg age on her farm. PoxrmniNi;. Horace Greeley is said t0 Ic h retirement at present, pondering the groat Muestion: "Will cundurango exnlode?'' How to no it. "Doctor, how can I expand ray chest?"' " liv constantly carrvisig a lar"-e heart in it." O Home and Farm- CUT THIS OUT. A German forest-keepery eighty, two years old, not wishing to cary to the grave an important secret, publishes in the Liepsic Journal a receipt he has used for fifty years, and which, he says has saved sev eral men and a great number of animals from a horrible death by hydrophobia. The bite must be bathed as soon as possible with warm vinegar and water, and when this 1ms dried, a few drops of mu riatic acid poured upon the bite, will destroy the poison of the sa liva and relieve the patient from all present or future danger. THE m:ST BUEED OF SHEEP. In answer to the query, which was the most profitable breed, a speak er said that, considering the varied conditions presented in our climat ology, botany and agriculture, no other breed possessed so many requisite conditions as the Ameri can Merino, it being fitted to occu py a very wide range of the de sired points in any breed, and com ing nearer to universal adaptation than any ether. The Saxou sheep may have a line fibre, the Silesian and French a larger frame and greater length ot wool, but for compactness of form, sound con stitution, strength of fibre, and quantity of wool suited to a varie ty of uses, our improved Merino is unapproachable. In some parts higl i, Unglish breeds are more profitable and popular. The Cotswoids appeared to be preferred some for their mutton-producing qualities. The Southdowns are preferred by three fourths of the breeders for their early 'production of lambs. The Leicesters "fire to highly bred. The .Lincoln as modified by the breed of last year, is a magnificent, animal, producing a lustrous comb ing wool of great length. It is greatly to be desired that the el forts of honest and reliable breed ers ot really fine animals should re ceive encouragement. Co!nuin''s Hand 'World. WHAT SLEEP WILL CUKE. The cry for rest has ahvaybeen louder than the cry for iood. Xot that'it is more important, but it is often harder to get. The best rest comes from, sound sleep. Of two men or women, otherwise equal, the one who sleeps the best will be the most moral, healthy and effi cient. Sleep will do much to cure irri tability of temper, peevishness, un easiness. It will cure insanity. It will build up and make strong a weary body. It will do much to cure dyspepsia, particularly that variety known as nervous dyspep sia, it will relieve the languor and prostration felt by consumptives. It will cure hypocondria. It will cure headache. It will cure neu ralgia. It will cure a broken spir it. It will cure sorrow. Indeed we might make a long list of nervous maladies that it will cure. The cure of sleeplessness, how ever, is not so easy, particularly in those who carry grave responsibil ities. The habit of sleeping well is one which, if broken up for any length of time, it is not easily re gained. Often a severe illness treated by powerful drugs, so de ranges the nervous system that sleep is nevr sweet after. Or per haps long continued watchfulness produces the same effect; or hard study, or too much exercise of the muscular system, or tea and whisky drinking, and tobacco using. To break up the habit, are required : 1. A good clean bed. 2. Sufficient exercise to produce weariness, and pleasant occupation. 2. Good pure air and not to warm a room. 4. Freedom from to nwie'i care. a. A clear stomach. G. A clear conscience. 7. Avoidance of stimulents or narcotics. Til E UNWEARIED ACTION OF THE UK YKT. The effect of everything that touches the heart is multiplied bv the intensity of the heart's own i chan"vs Hence it is that it is so jeiiuive, so true aim uick an m I ilex of the body's state. Hence. also, it is that it never wearies. Let me remind you of the work done by our hearts in a day. A man's tot.nl outward wos k, his whole effect upon the world in a day. A man's total ontuvn-.l woru. us w ui fleet mum the worm in twentv-foui' iiours, lias Oeen reckoned about '50 foot-tons. ii'.ai may ik taUeu as a good "hard iayV work." Daring the same tiaie the heart has been working at the ra'e of 120 foot-tons. That is to say, if :dl the p:i!es f a day and night could be concentrated and welded into one great throb, that t in b would be eno igh to throw a tii ot iron 120 feet into the air. Anl yet the heart is n,.v..!- Mauv of as are tired atter but'fee- a.i.s ; ,ew ot us can hold a l-oer out at arm's length without, a.ter a tev minutes drop. ,i,r it l'"t a tu-akhy iK.artf and inatu- ml 'm.ou.,.1 h.art, too-tliou-h sonm tunes you can tell in the eveuin by its strode, that it lias thrown ot its balance by the tur moils and worries of life-i beating through the night whe we are asleep, and whetY we wake m the mornmg, xVe fmd it at vorl fresh as if it had only jllst h lie. ii. it uoes in JI'P:1IK Iir I i.i r- . lO " ' 11 i v..v ..-w. mere toij, a period a brief but a real iws Period of rest ; because the next stnike "UIU1 is out the natural so quence of that rest, and maile'to match it ; because, in fact, each beat is, in force, in scope, in char acter, in everything, the simple ex pression of the heart's own energy and state. Apphtoris Journal. The popular superstition that overturning the salt is unlucky, originated in a picture of the Last Supper, by Leonardo da Vinci, in which Judas Iscariot is represented as overturning the salt. Very Xkar. -An impudent youngster came very near getting his ears boxed the other night at a wedding party for wishing the bride many "happy returns of the day." G3 MAIN STREET, Qkeuun City. Okkuon rpiIIS POPULAR HOUSE HAVING Reen X lately KE FITTED and FURNISHED, the Proprietors are now ready t aoecommo dute ibeir customers with RD-FIN LSI1ED double or single ro-.ms. Thcv invite ail thoss fond of a UOOD MEAL and a (JOOD RED. I to call and give them a trial, for they are confident they car ptease everybody, because they know how to keep a 11 del. Prices to suit the times and Everybody, according to the rooms f. ecupied. Attached to the House is a ATM X? &J3 j For the accommodation of csutomers. ME Li HI AM A FOURMI.R, June lfi. i S 7 1 : 1 1" Proprietors. Y YVAGOX AND Carriage 8V5 a r.u factory ! The undersigned, having i i-reased the di mensions of his prem ses.'at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City Oregon. Takes this method to inform his old pat rons, and as mauv new ones as may be p'eased to call, that ho- is now prepared, with ample ro 'in. yond materials, and the very b "-t of ineehaiii'-s, to build anew, recon s rucf, make, paint, iron and turn out a!l c implete an y sol t of a vehiele 'rom a com mon c u t to a concord disci.. Try nie. Riaeksmitiiinjr, Horse or Ox s!iocinir, and general jobbing ueatlv, qutcklv r.nd cheap ly done.' DAVID SMITH. Opposite Excelsior Market Ey3, Ear, Throat & Lungs. J0H?I 3. riLIIirJGTON, m. d., ATE OF SAX F!!AXCI.SC0, HAS LO J eafcd in Pol l hi rid. Oi i ijcon . Oiiiec : In Holmes' RuihPiij?, First street (tore.- tiors fr -m L.il 1 & Till mi's liuik). whe-re he may be coiiMilied daily, and will treat diseases of the above named organs as specialty's. All operations iijinn l he Eve and E.u per formed in the most scientific and careful manner. ARTIFICIAL EYES, having all the beauty and mohility of the tint ual ey, inserted. Refers by pennis.-'uui, for his professional standing, to E. ('. Eane, M. 1)., I'rofe-S'-r o Sm-gjry, and Edwin Heniley, M. D., Profes sor of Anatomy, University of the Pacific San Francisco; and tor his success in '.In treatment of cases, to over l,."no e:tsts tieat- 1 hy him, in San Francises ; also, to Levi Est 'S, Esq., Rev. T. Ii. Eliot. Portland ; 'm H. Dillon, Est,., Vancouvci, V. T. ; am ma :y others Oregon and Wa.-hinton Ter ri;orv. ttii :.":niij O a -4 i --d fc it it i C. A. HAAS, rest, Oregon City. Jl,,t niLLl.lRD TAr.T.ES in OA'AT;OAT Have lieen introdiieed, an 1 the Troprietor in vae.s tl.e attention f the luvcrs of this popular amusement to them. T II E 11 A It 1 S S UPPl.IED With all the ehoieest qualities of Liquors ;m,l Hilars. Seotdi, Irisli asid l!ourbon ah'eaili famous Whi.-kies ami I'uncli. ALSO, a no. 1 SHDOTirlG GALLERY Is ci'itnei-teu with tlie Saloen. Oree i City, Jan. 1, ls72:if HM5 f lAPq C- -3 T9 11 1IT FOR HIE MANUFACTORY OF SASH, BLOS AND EGORS A XI) MOULDIXCS OF ALL SIZES. f.ir They will also do TURNING, of v ry c-c, iiitimi to ot i'.er, With I7eatncss and Dispatcl o ALL WOIMv Vv'AKHAXTi:i). Shop on tlie IKver, h.e'k of Ac'kerriii'.n's Sr-.r.-, Oregon City, Oregon. Cotistiintly on hand PARLOR, BLDRUOM, OFFICE, KirCIILX.ana SITIIXG ROOM FCUXITURi:, BUREAUS, Lounges. Roekiucr Chairs, Whatnots, I'ed t tends, &c- Sdes Roo si l i Dr. Tliesing's Prick, Main street. i Jacob ."Stitzki.. J vmks C. Urrox S T I T Z E L a UPT0 PJ, Real Estate Jirokers and General A?evfs, Canter of Front and Wash initoiL streets, PO II I" L AX I), O R FA : O X . Will atten.l fo the sale and pnrchnst ot Real E late in nil parts of th Cit- at:c sf ue. Sp-ei-i! attention given to the sale o! East P-.rCa ;d pr q-ertv. Address P. 0. Rox Portland. Oregon ST1TZEL V lPTOX, ' Ot f. k'e il Estate Broker. A. G. WALLIXG'S Pioneer Bock Bindery. Comer of Front uol Aider .Street, PORTLAXD, OREGOX. UhAMv ROOKS RULED and POUXI) to ; dnv esire;i pattern. PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety of style known to the trade. Orders from the countrv promptly at tended to, - i " CODETSSI OF GOOD NEWS! P LOOK OUT FOE GOOD S.AOICERFAn a CO. TTAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE J.X fctoek of SFROG & SUMMEE GOODS, WHICH THEY OFFER Cheaper t!isi tlse CSseapcsl. We wonhl sjv, come mi l convince your self before nw ; hasiu- tUcwhcre. Our stock consists in oart of FAXCV AND STAPLE DRY-GOODS, CI10TTILNG, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES. NOTION'S, G UOCEIUES, HARDWARE, and a rreat many articles too num-rous to mention. AL-O, Doors, Windows, G!a-s and Putty. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IX EXCHANGE FOR GOOIS. ALSO. V.'OOI wanted, for which we pay the iHGllEST PRICE. S. ACIIEEItTAH St CO. Oregon City, Aj-ril -li, l.s71:tf The A in of Mineral Sittings is the Gcr man Stl .-I ; a d Tiinaiit's Eriiviiitiit St-ltzfr Is i's di!.!icate. Letters atteslinji its won-del-; ni Tonic A; er;ent ui:d at.tt Uiliou ((ua it it s swarm in li ' in everv source. The ijii .-ti n ha- l.i en settled hfh r aitiiieial medient ed wa'e-i s m.iy not b- et;'.nil to tho.-e whieli hnrst .-;;:! !s!m : from tin- eurt!i it.-sidi . Tiiev cm ; a:-t lii-i.nine. proves tlie fct. He culi'-ns Ace-jit none other. so;.d by all i.huci; is r.--. LATE OF THE CLIFF HOUSE M MX STi;i:::r. o;:;;f;ox ciTV, O5JE00X. ryiK UNDERSIGN I I) III;- n L :eeifuilv .iniuim.ci" to his o ( o J fi tends and tl.e t.nvc-'in.j public, that l e has re-opened the above named fiestaurant. The proprietor knows bow to serve bis csnloniers s'x Uvsteis, ! ie's Feet, a ood cap ot Cotk-e or a SQUAKK JiEAL. LEON DkLOUEY Oregon Cib, Jai. 17, l-7!:tf P C t y 0. T.OFT TI1F 1ST OrAl'IUt., m-a-c. ii. Oroiron Citx-, a 1 .:i v t In .ro.v.ds-bred ,-9 American MAKE, eielit yenr-old. about prv $ ! I hands hiy h. ; small white stripe on CiJ. the near tore fioi,.!id tl.e h'ot black i.nd white, no 1 ran-is or e her in iv'.s. Any one' ivt uruinir said mare v lea vm;r iut'orr.iat ion of when-she may be found, at the 7"sto.;ilee, ii Oregon t i: y, x ill be liberally rewarded. s viicKL PArr-pr.x. Oregon City, July 11,1571. JOHN II. SCH RAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in Ag SADDLES, II A US' ESS. etc., etc., Mjiii iS((f, Origan t il;!, ft"S-Vi.-.hes to represent tlmt lie is now as well prepared to f'ei nili any article in IiU line as the largest esbil.li-l.ment in the State He particiihnly reu.-t- that an examination ol his stuck be made !cbre buvinff el.-ewlere. OREGON CITY BR E W E S Y ! Havieor ptirelmsed the above Brewerv wish e toinrorm tin- p-i!eie that he is now prenar e,l to mji.ui'.cturi- a Xo. 1 quality of LA (1 Eli BEE!!, As arood ns can be obtained anywhere in the Stale. Order solicited a i.d prompt I v tilled. HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE nPIlE l'. DKIvSK.X I'D OFFI'IiS FOR X sale lit, roi'encein Oregon fit v. There are four lots, a lo-k! hou,e and barn, with a line cellar and a e0o,l well f water. There is plenty of land, and it is a t 11 adapted for ei'rly gardening purposes. Fart payiner.t maybe mad.e iu stock. For part lenlars p.p Ply 'o OKOKfJK GLAIIK. Ore on City Jnna 2 1-71'tf iteA i ulri i eh iyiilui liegeman's CeiilialElixirof Calisaya Uark, a ple isant Cordial which s'ren' lun and improves the Digestion, an excellent preventive of Fevers, Fever and A srne, Ac, and a ;rreat Tveno -tor. and Tonio tor inva 1 ds and d. bil t.ited p rsot.s. Hecemak A t'o , Xew Vork, Sole ilanuf'acturers. Hold by all Drugui.-Js. VVOII) QUACKS A victim of eul.v in discretion; causing nervous debilitv, premature decay. Ac , h iving tried in vain every advertised remedy. ' as a simple means of self-cure, wliin, l0 w;ll send fiee to Ms follow-sufferers. Address J, U, JiEEYES, 7S N'assau st., Xew VorK Fept. l;ly A- KOLTNER, XOTATtY PURLTO, FXTERFlUSE OFF Oregoa City, Jan I3:tt BANCROFT LIBRARY, f C. W. POPE CO., PEAI.EKS IN' STOVES, TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON.BRA lEIis" GOPPEP. LKAD PIPE, Hi N PIPE AND FiTllXGS, RUHR E HOSE. FOIICE AND LIFT PUMPS. ZINC, COPPER, BRASS AND IRON WIRE. Also a general cssoi tment of Hons liishing Goods. MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Vare. ROOFING AND.) ORBING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE i O ORDER, AND AT LOW PRICES. Also, at TOPIC'S S'l'OVK STOIIK yon win and HARDWARE AND BASKETS, WOODEN, WARE AND TINWARE. LANTERNS, LAMPS AND OIL, LUCINE AND NH.HT LAMPS. AL0 PERAMBULATORS.- All of the above articles are for sale at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. C. W. POPE & CO. ll:ljd Oreyni City Orcein. School LancS Notice. TJOTICK IS Itr.RKBY CIVLN THAT LIST No. 1, of Indemnity School liMids was aj) proved by tlie Secretary" of the Interior, lJuvui U r 2ist,"lS71, and hy him forwarded to the Kx ccntive Ottieeof Oregon, and is now on tile there in. Said lit iiu lud U,S'.t3 acres ot land, em braced in the Town.-liijis following, tvit : Townshii) 1, N. It., -2 east; Townshij) 1, N. 11.. 4 west; Townshin '2, X. I!., 1 west ; Township 1, S. !., 1 and 1 east; Township 1, S. It., ; ami i west ; 'l'ownship 2, S. It., 1 and 4 east; Township '2, S. V.., 1, 3, and 1 west ; Township ;$, S. It., J and ." v-est ; 'J'ownshiii 4, S. K., 3 east ; Town-hip 1, S. It., 1, '!, 4 and ' west ; Township j, S. 11. , 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and fi west ; Tow nship ti, S. 1!., 1 east ; Township (i, S. P., 1, 5, 3, 4, 5 and 7 west ; Township 7, S. K., 1, 2, 3, 4 and west ; Towiislni) X, S. l;., 1, 2, ;!, 1, and 3 west; Township !), S. It., 1 east; Township 0, S. It., 1, 2, A, and 4 west; Township to, S. K., 1, 2, 3, ." and li west; Town-hip 11, S. li., 1, 2,3, " and o west ; Township 12, S. K., 2, 3, 4 and a west ; Township 13, S. I.'., 1, 2, 3, 4 and f west. All persons ehiinuiiu' School Lands in said Townships, are lvi'iestvl to eouie before the Ho ml of' Si hool Land. 'onunissioners aiel eom jile e their payments and receive their deeds. Claimants ha vini; made no puynents, are notified hat the Hoard is ready to leeeive payments and notes, and to issue their bonds fordi-eds. T. H. ( ANN. Chrk of the Hoaid. Fi-h. 2. !S72:w4 FALL AMD WiHTEB Ql just ii:.ci:ivkd at iQBS DEAI.En IN d:.y goods, crJTinxG,': liOOTS AND SHOES, 1 1 A 1 U AV A i n , G R 0 C E U I E -. CKOCKEUY, NOTIONS, iC. MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. VllOl U( E i-v all kinds bonzht. for whkii I pay tlie hi-I-est inaiket jiiiee. U roil desire trood Goods, at LOW Priees. call at, I. SELLING'S, au examine Lis fresh sUk of SpiMig Goods. GIVE ME A GALE AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. Mv Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL I'liOFITS. I. SELLING. April lsThif t ,. ? f' n " fN U i - " i.-. hi ' l.-J ii l--' m El 3 L L m -1 ? - w u U t- ii ss Cju7 y COnxr.K M.XIX AXO SK-I.fll strekts. OIIEG-ON CITY", OH3G ON. 0 fftxr o C f-tS 1f PirP j at. his 1 i:st it ntc kr! cure of cSiroiw- dii . t fi "Ctl:tO GO ytiJwEliiitC j eases of the Lun-s. Liver, Kidneys, F-i-es, ; live ami (scnito-L rinary iiraiis, and ai CI-0 K :RY and GLASSWAE )-vii,y7.: Svoi.iEs in all its f.rn s and stajr s, Serninsil V.'eakrse-s and a!! the Also, a full Cvsortment of i !,,,,!1'5d -on-eqnetices of seif-abn-e. Oe.notr- j ioea, ;1 et, SJrictur. s, Necti.rnal and Dsur I Urfl i'.niissioTis, Sexual Hebihtv, Diseases of Miiiiiien mm ianey tiooiis; j OF THE L '. TEST ST EES, j ,3 ! A T R P P" S V P R. i CGTJllTBTZ PROSUCS A KX IX KXCIIAXCE FOU (JOODS. 0 t. (, l7ktf j OREGOX CITY, OREGOX, RETAIL DEALERS IN I also keep constantly on hand SALEM C A S S I M E R E S, FLA XX ELS, TWEED 3 AXD BLANKETS, VIiich I will sell at the Factory Frkea, and will take wool ia exchange. Z1';1"! will also pay the hijrhest prices for lutter, EprijSj and all kinds of pood countrv produce. I will sell as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash o- its equivalent'in yood merchantable produce. S Give mc a call and satisfy yourselves JOIIX MYERS. Jar. 13,lS71,tf VICK'S FLORAL GUI FOR !872. OVER OXF. iltrSDRKO PAGF.t, Piinfed in Two Colors, On saperb Tinted Patkr. Pour Iluitdrc-cl Knravlngs of KloM't-n, i'liiiits antl Vt-getubles, With desenpti in, and TWO COLORED PLATES- Directions and pl ins f.,r making Walks Lawns. Hardens &e. The handsomest and best l-liUH AI W.IDR in she World. All for XB CEXl'S, to those who think of buving Seeds. X ot a .pirter the cost. 2o.-?., sold of lb,-1. 1 J J Address, JAMES VICK. Hoelicster. IV. Y. The Great Itlcdicai IJlssovery Dr. WALKER'S C- IiirOHIIIA VINEGA.R BITTERS fa Hundreds cf Thousand Ll o c - Bear testimony to their V ond-jr-iul CurasI'1. e L:;ccts. sCsWKAT ARE THEV ?f TUKY ARE NOT A VILE ""is FANG V DRINK,??;? Mate of r::;r !::?-. Whli-Ma:: Vrwt SyiritM ::::! licrus I Sa: n r . d-x t r cd, n iced ar.-I sweetened t- .c-n t::e t.:st. cailod " To... !cs.'"Ar.stierl, " Ui-storers," AC that lead the ttppler on t dranhci-.neSAaad n:i:i. Vat arc a tra-j Medicine, i"..d. fn-.n the Xutlra Hoot,! !n Ilerhsof C.ilifurnia, (": e;- tV:. ai! A Si oli '! StiusnSasitR. Tacvare i:-.e;:: T.AT i$1.00l win I'ir.ii md i.'.r:: vin;; l'iUN- Cl Vl.H r. V-r: ! t neaov.it- r a..d Invicratv-r ul lav f..v.;tn.ar:-yi.--:-f oiTa-.: i-i.rsoiio-.s matter and restoitn;; the l.i-.-. d t.. r. h.-allhy cotutith.n. person can tal:c these I'i lers r.ec"i'uiay to direc tion and rj'.nainlor.- unw. 11. irr 1.n:!n:si:s:::try n :! 'i?ria S:!:e.; jn:i!iM:ii sir.d ioii3, It. s;'-e;-- ' Id. rcstiou, i?;:ta, K j-ini: lent n u-.I lU;'V rii'lc nt Fevs rr , Ii-4-:o: .ft!;s nio;d. Liver, Ki-lm-vs an;! ril.tdiK-r, thc lUt-let-s liava hee.i nn- t f.-.-e. is-fuh Waeh J-ou-.es fire caused liy Vaintv.I BS -h ss generally pro.VaceJ Ly d.-ra:'.i.:cai-.-nt of the I: trei-s ; v e i-tr:t!is. IY.Sir.:.w.lA IZ IN2UiK;T:N. Headache. 1'aia i.s th-: f l:o:ihie.-s, Co;tcln. Ti.-ht-ness of the Oio,--t, Dh'.zi.iess. Sov.r nrns:a:!o...-. her-l.mir.e!i.r.a.lt.-:si - i tlia -Mottili IMioa.i At- taclia. l,a:p:ti;tu.a oi i.e-n .-.i, the J.nr.js.Pa'm ia the r.-'io.is a hundred other pa'.utnl i-J".:-tv! .i;:a-.ys,i. ;.r.- ti.o springs of Dyspepsia. Tle'v iavisorati the St-mia -h a id sr;-v;hi'T the torpid liver and bow,, which render them .-f ir.i cqa'allod effleary ia cdcaas:n.; t:.e hes-d of ai". Imparities, and imparting '.vjv life aai v:mri tee whole syFte-.n. VOH S!v I N UISr.AfE5, r.rr.ptlor.s.Tetter. Fait i:iieu:n,rlol'.-hcs. f-inA , 'ia:; les, l'nstuh'S. Ho's Carhnneles, i:hu;-Wo:-is, Fcal-'.-lUv. 1, M- ro Kyes'rrysip.-'.at-, 1 teh. :3cnrf. Tlij do; .;th.e.s ef tho Ski.i, Humors and I)isva?c cfth i tfktn, of whatever na-ne or nature, arc literally das tip and carded oat of f.i: t ysteni :: a c-h--r tinio hy the vise of these B.tters. Vv.c bottle i !-h cases will convince tiiu ir.oi.-t iaercaalotn- ox t'e.- ;r carat ive effect?. Cleaaso the Vit'atc 1 Blood whenever yon ft ad in i en-irilies hurstimr tliren -h the sMn i i I'i:n- ples, Eruptions or bores; cleans.: it v.h. n yen find it obstructed and tl-as.sh ;!:G vt:n?! cleanse it when it Is foul, aad your fooling tell yon whoa. Keep the l.doo.d pure and the health of the pvstei.i will follow. FIN, TA rr.53.1 other V.'Osi:"-, lurhin-in t'iO system of so many thousand, are cdfectnally destroyed and removed. For fall directions, read carefully tlie circular around each bottle. J.VTAl.XEn, Ihven h tr. K. H. MrTON.VI.i & CO., Pih-'uh-ts :n.lC.-.-a. .V.nf,s. San. Francisco, Cal,' and Gi and Si C ;,.:ne: c j street, Nev. Vork. oi.r r-v all imraoirfTS ai dealki. Feb. 17: iv titticlt tuifs anf.o. e ate Clmrjrj. Or, W- EC-bohe fs Pi-5vate Jli'iiJca iV; Surgical Institute No. 518 Cacratnento Street, comer of Lcidcscrlfi '' tloors below the What Cheer House.) (Private entrance on Leidesdoi tt' street.) i Lstaoiished i ,xp:ess! V to A nurd the A 111 icTett So :nd and Seieiiti ik: !!.e Jleal Aid, in the Treatment and (hire f t' all Private and Chronic Pi -eases, Cases of Seciec" aud all Sexual Disorders, To li- AHUctcct. PT5. V. K. IXJIIERTY returns Ids sir.cc-re thanks t; hi.s nvnerons patients for tlieir patronaje. find would take this opportunity to reuiind ihem that lie continues to consul !!r,v;iek !i,i,!,-,;oi,!?' vf ,,,e hi. older ami Kidneys, etc. ; end he hopes toat ins lonix exp rieiice and sncccs.-tul piac-tie-e wii! continue to ii sure l.ini a share of public pai retia-e. Pv the piaetice of many yea-s ,n Europe and the United iMates. he is. j enab'fd to s -ily ti e most e'liecnt and sr.-.- i cesstul reined i es against Utst-asesof all kinds ! He uses no mercury, c' nrjres model ate. treats i his patients in a eorrei t and honorable wav, and lias references of ur..ertionable vcraci- tv from men of known respectability and hiirh stamline; in soc ety. All parties coti su!tinr him by letter or otherwise, will re ceive tlie best and yer.tle.st treat me, :t atd T.) iffuiajes. When a female is in trouble, or nftJu-ted with disense, tis weakness of the back and limbs, pain in the head, dimness of sicrht. i loss of muscular power, paipitubon cf Ihe Heart , in it abi ity, m rvensncss, extreme ut vinaiy dillicult ics, dei aucnii tit of dieo-tive functions, ijencral debility . vag;nii''s, all dis eases of the womb. h.vsSeiia, sfeiility and all other diseases peculiar to females. sin-should Co or wrie at once to the cclebi sited female doctor, W. K. 1)011 f I!TV. at his Medical In stitute, and consult him about her ii(i?b!cs nntl .li-'r!... T)e lliT-lf.r i I ftee 1 ! Tl ir looTC ernes than any other phvsician in ti e t-'Uife of California. Let no false delicacy prevent J yon, but apply immediately and sa e ( 1:1 self from painful snfleiinps and p.icmature dr nth. All niairred ladies, whose delicate health or cither circumstances prevent an incteasein tlieir families honhl write or call at 1)U. Yy. K. DOIIEin Y'S Medical Iusti'nte, ar.d they will receive every possible relief and help. The Doctor's oliices are so arranged tliat lie can be consulted without fear Df observation. To C'owospoiJtleiit s, Patients residing in any j ait of theFtate however distant, who ma v desire the opinion and adviceof Dlt.DOIlEltTY in their respec tive cases, and who think proper to submit s written statement of smb. in pr ferenee to holdinp; a i('i'-' i':il interview, are respectful ly assuied that their communicaCons will be liehl sacred and confidential. If the case bt fully and candidly desciibed, personal com munication will ie unnecessary, as instruc tions for diet, reirimen and the general treat ment of tue ca-e itself (includinpr tlie leme dies), will bo forwarded without delay, and in such a m inner as to convey no idea of the purpoi t of the leffer fir parcel. tfTirO'-nsultation by letter or otherwise, FREE. Permanent cure guaranteed ornopay. fijariiusfoij lift a. DR. DOHEUTY has just published an 1 t pnrtant pamphlet, emhudyine his own views 1 and experiences in relation to Impotence or ! Virility ; bring a Short Treaties on Krcrn,a. torrnct-a or Seminal u eakness, Nervous and Physical Debility consequent on thi- arlec Fon. and other diseases of the Sexual Organs This little work contains information of the utmost value to aM, whether married orinle and will he sent FREE by mail on receipt" of six cents in postage stamps for refmr. .,o W, K. DOHERTY.M. D., San Francisco Cal 1 Blanks-. All kinds of blank? can be had at this office Job Printing of every description neatly executed, at short notice. 1 N lfi fll III V.z" I i::. -;f- c'.? ay -1 1.. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, f For the relief and i- .ii ., . . cure oi an derange ments in tlie stom ach, liver, and bow els. rJ hey are si mild aperient, and an excellent purgative. UeinK I'tiiely vc-yc-talde, they contain no mercury or mine ral whatever. Much sierions sickness and snfi'eringr is prevent-. ftl bv their titnelv use; and evcrv fan:i!v should have tlieni on hand for their proteeti .n and relief, wlien rcaiurcd. Lonjr exiierien -e has proved them to be the sat-, est, surest, and best of all the Mis with winch the market abounds. 11 their occasional use, tlie blood is v.untied, the cerrv.pticns ol tlie sys tem exocdied", obstructions removed, ana tno whole ma diinerv of life restored to its liealtny aetivify Internal organs which become clog-pea' and 'luikrish are c.'unsed bv A ?-i-'s Mis, and sti'iui' ited 'nto r.etioa. Thus incipient disease i rh-u.r,i i-uo health, t!:e value of which change, , wleni reckoned on the vast multitudes who enjoy it, rm hardiv be computed. Their sujrar contins m ikes tiieai ;de;isant to take, and preserves their-virUtf-s v.nimpaiwd for any length of time, so, ti,.,, t'H-v a-e ever fre.-h, and pei leetly reliable.. ithou--ii seareidii-', thev are r.uhl. and operate, without distnrbanee to the fon.AitutioJi, crdiet, or oeeimation. . .. . Fall directions are jriven on tno wrapper t? each box, how to tt-e iheni ::s a Family Physic ami for the following coniplaints, which thescr 'I'itr.t rapidly cure: For SSriii'iii- or ffi:-p-f tf n. C.tt. ta-i-i. gAinnuor and S.cii if i jifis'iif.". they should be. taken moderatr ly to stimulate the ttom--:c!i, and restore its heaUhy tone and action. For JLiYS'v iVsjrsJiSiJsl and its various symp--toms, SHso Br.o";!iSffc-, &icU Slt-uil-. i-5. -Tv :isjt.:' or t.iri'-f'ci aicktii'ss. Efil-. im C'.jiij- a:! Ii 3 ".3.- o !"- ihi'V a hull Id I lie iu;'ii.'i.--!-iv taken h;- ea-li ca.-e, to correct tho. (iV.'.i-cd action u.-rt'iii'-vi' the obstructions vhich can-e it. For Td5Ti:st5-y or e'ivrrSsefM, but one in: id ii.-e'is jr::,erally iv.i'i:vd. For ."i e m 'l-". . 4iMi'. f-' ! v t" 1 . s-i-tiit'iJJ 'f S? i'art. Tallin in ttm 2.;3irli Mid 5.;5k. tiiev should be contin-iion-iv taken, as reii;i. cd, lo eh.-Mijre the diseased action of t i" sy-t.-m. ' i.'i such change those cioiipl-iiui dk-ay-pe-'T. For tt r jy .-.nd S5t-.-i vl KtvoI!inpif tlun- sh.mhl be 'taken in kir-ve ami frt.-tp".enl doses t!i produce .-il'.-et oi' a tira-di p'ie-e. For Sivrir:1!!- .j'j. a larae lo-? sk.onld be taken, a.- ii proda.:c ; the -ksired efl'e -t.by sym path.v. , As' Din ?; i iko one or two I' ills to pro .no-.e .ie;e ! a" . ;e::eve i:ie f-ioaiaeii. Ah o ea--o i;:i n bowel re-! ore- th-' ,,-w...io it mi-., it i he s ; oi-.i.i-h ami and invito, ates the d van! iiifeons where no serine. s lie.-an re'ee .it exi-t-. J "lio ii-eis toh'i-ibiv v e". si i-i.d- i'r-.t a do e of the?e nit or.i e- U;,-, .-. ! .i -eide Hv from their, elean-io" a:. d iov.uk:- err -a c.i the dujcstivo, ai-.pa.-i.t;.s. J5r. J. C..i7J: x.'J '' z: '-if :, - , ki.iAt -1 V II A III V.x-yrw ye:iv iu-rc:is-.s the- viin lty f tlils valuable Hair I'l ep.'t: ;'rkA w 3 J t imc to merit ft!.: die. We can assure o:r- oM patrons tluit it is kejt fully uii to i.'s l.iiib ttaiidarcl; and it H is the only rc.iabk;- and erfectfd 'rep aration for restoring Okay ok i'ADED, ISajii to itr. voiit h f'u! color, maldiio; it soft, iu urous, and Mlken. The calp, , bv its u--e, liecoiiio. white and clean. It remove- : eruptions and d.-uidrull rand, by its tonic troperlie re vents the hair irom luliinpf out, as it stimu lates and nourishes tlie Iiair-glands. I-Jy its use, the hair grovrs thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores tlie caj)ii!:iry elands to their normal vjror and will create a new jxrowth, except in extreme old ap,e. It is the most economical IIaiii Duessixg ever used, as it requires fewer .applications, and gives tho hair a splendid, glossy ap pearance. A. A. J la ves, aI.D., .State. Assaver f 3ra:?.sae-hnsetts, stivs, u The constituents are pure, and carefully selected ibr excellent quality; and I consider it the Best Ikepakation for its intended purposes." Sah.1 by all Drvftflitx, and Dealers in ZTedlcines. Price Ono Dollar. Biicidiigiiam's Dye IS G 11 TXX3 "vII I S lilli n s . js our IJeitewcr in many cases re quires too'lono- a time, snd too much. c:::o. to restre gray or faded WitlvjL crs, wc have prep a red. this dye, in one pr p.tr'ttioii; which will quickly ami c'lce'ually acconip'ish this result. It is easily ;q';ilied, and produces a color, whir-h will neither rub nor wash otb .Sold by Druggists, rrico Fifty- f3.Ruf!ctufcd bv R. P. MALL & CO., IASHUA, ItT.II. Jiit-i;'oi- tlrtcroji, Sherhf's Safe. li'zr ynnuK of ax' execttiox axi. 01-eer of sale, issued out of the t ireuit t'.uirt of th" State of Oregon, for the eoun'y of tlacka mas, dated the lath day of January, IS 72, ami t me directed j tirsuant to a decree in f ivor f Wu , Harlow, plaintiff, and against John Ayses, d leudai.t, for the sum of one hundred and thirl . -sevca 3a-lt0 dollars, $137 30, U. H. wld coin, ai'.d nineteen .0-100 doliai-s, S'l'.J 70, eostsi'aa.l -ili-lmr merits, by virtue of a decree of foreclosure t,f mortjjag-e on real estate, I have this HI ilv o January, 1872, levied 011 the tbliowii dcseriW parcel of land.specilied in said decree and order.! sale, asfbiiows, to-wit : Tliat tract of land knovm au l deseiiheil 0:1 the plats of the I'nited States surveys as the north halt of the north east quar ter of Section lii.ht, in Township three, "south ltaiiLre, one West of the WiUainette meridian, eontainii: (iubiy aeits, SO, witii all the tene ments, hereditaments and appurtenance thereof-ljei.uig-in? or ia anywise u pertaining us the jiroperiye.f the s.iiil .!.!m A res, defendant, and on Saturday, tlw -d 'U'X of March, 1872, at tlie hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of r aid day, in front of the Court House door, in t Ueuon l ily, in s :j(i s.umty, 1 will pi'.'".-"l to sell the samo to the hiuiiKt bid der, lor I'. S. Cold com. to satisfy said ext. eutij: to-'.s and !iecri:it-,' co !s. AUTIICP. WAliXF.R, iSi:-t;u of i 'lackaiuas eountv. Dat e.U an. 2'.5tli. iH72:wt Agents Wanted for SATAN JM SOCIETY; !Y AX EMINENT PIlVSlCfAX ANl-i J Pivles.-orin one of our larcrc Medica -- t'olleirts. It deals fearlessly, but ehasfelv' with evils from which sprite; Jihybica! aiie."; mo'al detrrid.ition, and dorrestic feiicifv. It is bein. reviewed praised nnd ci itKise'ii," by ail the lea-ling religious u6 secoiyr pa pers and magazines iu the U. S., and I the ver ' diet of the iiKST and most discriminating is Vt it is a t':i.utrlabe Rooh ; . that it is time . ; that it is undid; that it will moke its', irtttil:, and do ruoii . It is of vital impart a tire to everv man and woman ui the land, and is having" a wonder ful sale. & Agents will find this a rare onnm -limit v to make money. Circulars, giving full par ticulars, with numerous notices of the press. .... ;. 1 '. sent free. A L. BiUJCTOFT & CO-, SAX FRANCISCO, CAL. JMPERIAL M ILLS'. Savier, LaFoqne & Co., oregon vrr Keep constantly on hand fot sale Midlintrs, Bran and Chicken t-Vr-d. Parties purchasing feed mu3t furnish the sacks. P3oice. yOHX MYERS, ESQ., IS MY DULY AU- thorized A eent in Oregon Cit v, and also Asrent lor the Estate o Daniel liarrey de- ceased. MUS. E. UAKYEY. October 1, lS71.m3 A o A 0