& I)c iDttkli) (Enterprise FRTDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1S72. TOYV'IV AXD.COtXTY. Concert. TLe second conceit on lasi Friday evening, was a grand success. One of the largest, as well as most select audi ences we have ever seen in w city was in attendance. The singing was even bet ter than on the first night, and was re ceived with repeated applause. At the re quest of the audience, many of the songs aim" on. the first evening were repeated, uaiong which was a song entitled "Only a little "faded Flower,'' s.u,ng by Mrs. Sell wtod. It was most beautifully sung by ier. She Las a rich musical voice. The ret of the singers displayed much musi cal talent. The Misses l'ipe, Bnrclaj and yambrun. and Mrs. L'e.tow ; Messrs. Sell wood, Buck, J,ohu4on. Tompkins, all pos sess musical taWiU. and.Jk.tt. performance yviiiaj'fi'o" wi'sa rich musical treat. Tiik I.M.r The Leap-Year 1'all given tyy the young ladies of oi city, la say ,hat it was a success, would not express the. actual facts, as it wv3. a pst grand and coiaplv-te iUCCes.. 'i ke beauty anu fashion of the city wa3 in attendance and a number fiom i'ortland. dressed in the i'igfee'st art. It would bo impossible for us to (v$?ribe the beuitifully dvssed as gemblago cS hH'S. "i'ue uiusic was good and the dancing was kept up until about 4 o'clock in the morning. The young Lirlies who managed this atlUir may justly claim having given the hall of the season. We learn that they realized about $50 fc.r the Hose Company a very handsome lit CoNVt.tox. The Radical County Com mittee fur tU county has issued its call x i county convention, to be held on the 'Jtb of March Freciuct meetings on the 2d. The following is the representation: lWver precinct .'5. Can.-mah 7, Cascade 1. Cutting" 2, Harding's 2. Lower Molalla 5. MarshlieM 4. Manpcun 4, M'Uvuiikh; 4. Oregon City 13, Oswego 3. l'leasant ilill 3. Rock Creek 3. hpringwater 2, Tualatin 2, Union 1, Tpper .Molalla 2, Young's 3. Vooii: Wkimhxu. The Iriends of Mr. and Mrs. W. II Pope gave them a surprise List Wednesday evening, on the occasion of their fifth annual wedding. The pres ent presented con-i-ded in nearly every thing of wooden manufacture, frotr'a Y.'a.sh tub to a large dole. The party spent a very agreeable evening, and a splendid lunch was provided. We hope they may enjoy many more anniversaries. l'KKSo.vu.. We had a call last Wedties day from Mr. Wilbur Cornell, foreman of the llmihl, ai d Mr. McCal-e. c.f m Dra matic CUr fitie'e. Ruth looked b;iiidsnie as usual ami seemed to appreciate the op portunity offered by the short leave of absence from duty. One of them left a note on our table in winch he slated that they had enjoyed themselves finely at the ball. Call again. Raii.ko.vl AcciiiyxT. As the passenger train came from the south 1-st Sunday, it ran into a construction train standing on the switch. The locomotive was pretty badly damaged, and some of the passen gers were slightly injured. Mrs. Weather ford, of Portland. wa,s eonsiderab.lv in jured, and alscj Mi'S- Duniway. DK.rAitrs Mr. C. T. Kent, an old and esteemed citizen ol this place will take his departure to-u;orroyy for the Sandwich Islands, whence he goes. Jar the benefit of his failing health. We h ope the journey may prove crt' much benefit to him and that he may have a pleasant trip and a speedy return . C.U.LKI).- We had a call lrotn Mr. J. II. Upton this week. He has gone back to Iafayette and started the Courier again, lie proposes tha.'. hi nisei! and paper shall be pernia:iet;t fixtures in that county here after, We wish him success. Masqii-:i:aik Bai.i.. The German citi zens of this place had a very agreeable piasopierade ball last Friday night at the Brilliant. We learn that it was a very fociable gathering, and that some of the costumes were very rich. Rki.kjioi .s NoTict:. During Lent Season services will be held at St. Raul's (Epis. (Copal) Church ott each Wednesday morti. ing. at 10J o'clock, and on Friday even ing al 7 o'clock. Fiust Tuu Iter fust trip -The steamer Alice made up the river last Monday. We are informed that she is very fast and jn every respect adapietj for th trade. Fuiii mux's Ei ectiox. The election for thltf and Assistant Engineer taljes place on Monday, the 2(l!h inst. The boys sh nld be picking out their candidates. The Ladies' Sewing Seiety meets next Tuesd y afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Marshall. Read the new advertisement of Meisrs. JVilliams k Harding, and give them a call. Lkcti ki:. Mr. Caoles? lecture has been o?tpoued until next Wednesday evening. Fnrr? Gnowtxc; rx Onhoox. From the 7iri.stiiu .-SdcoC'ile we copy the following tribute to our own State from a tourist who visited the coast last year, and also ito one of our 'real estate agents ; The followitg correspondence but only shows the increased interest abroad in in Oregon, as a first-class fruit producing country, but contains much of encouragt -Went to all who are engaged in the cultiva tion of fruit in this State- Mr. Davidson has j-endered exceedingly valuable service to Oregon in supplying strangers and others with full inform ition by means or circu lars and letters as the vast resources of this uortbwest coast. Hence this letter addressed to him : St- JosK.m, Mich.. Jan. 1, 1S72. U m. Datslon, q YiiAr Sir : Here wtth find copies of ihe Giuntry Gcn'lrmm. published at Albany. New York, contain--ut'" correipoa'leaci concerning yoiir ' ' i,,n, a'f wri ing articles for Tilton's Jonrn-n -r HorCcnilare. published al Bos ton, which will give you the details of mv observations on the fruits of Oregon, and will send you the numbers as issued. Be jng a monthly, it will require some time jto publish ?.U my letters on the subject. Knowing the adaptation of -the ciiiu ate and soil oi your State to the production to all kinds of fruit. I feel it a duty to call the attention of those desiring to en gage 'in the busiaes. as well as others to Its superior advantages. At no very dis tant clay "will it' become an important b'ranch'of industry, and a source of great wealth to individuals and the State. Thanking you kindly for attentions re ceived, I am yoiirs,' very respectfully, J. A. Dovu.nson Hi.VKIllEU. On the Sth mst., at the residence of Z. C. Norton, J. p., bv thf same, John N. Lewelleii and Miss SarahE. Howell, all of Clackamas county. Feb. 11th, 1S72, at the Stra-.ght. Esq., by Rev. E. honse of Hiram Gerry, Mr. Isaac 1 U5l.iM ts Juha Straight, ail of Clack County Court Proceedings. The following is a synopsis of 'he pro ceedings of the Comity Court for Clacka mas county, for the February term : J. M- Irike was appointed to superin tend the construction and letting ot the contract for building a bridge across IJutte creek, the expense cf vhicli is joint ly paid by Marion and Clackamas coun ties. Wni. Evans was reimbursed in the sum of $55 35 lor taxes paid, by- him and the purchase pj icn aa a certain piece of land belonging. to D. W. Williams. John M. Drake and E. Weddle were al lowed, $ i 40. each for examining the L'utie creek bridge. A. J. Barlow, G. Q. Smith and Isaac Frost were appointed viewers to locate a road from Can by at the intersection of the county road leading Irom Aurora to Os wego viewers to lyeet on the 1 1st inst. The report of M. Oaifieid, supervisor of District 2o. 2, was filed, and he was re appointed for tin; ensuing year, and extra pay for three days allowed. $6. Ueport of C. A- Wade, supervisor of road district No. 3. was filed, lie claimed 1G days' extra pay and lyr three IIikmt boards; allowed 10 days extra nay' st) auu .joiui miger uoarus, and H. Mickey .. arijumim Biqiei visor jor tne eiisuiag j Kit The report of Jas. Roots. C. A. W,b. and J. Desbuyer, appointed to locate a road Irom the Tualatin to lAqn Cilv, re ported adversely to the location.'which report was approved f.nd the petitioners ordered to pay the costs, $24 DO. Report of S. Grove, supervisor of dis trict No. 5, was approved, and John Park appointed for the ensuing vear. Report' of Daniel Giim. supervisor of district No C, was approv ed, and he was reappointed for the ensuing year. Report of C. R. Roork, of road district No. 7. was approved, and allowed $10 lor extra labor. Reappointed for the present year. Report of F. VY. Foster, of road district No. was approved, and S mlowed for extra services. Reappointed. Report cf John 1. fc-irowbridge, road district No. !). was approved and allowed 8 tor extra labor. L. Wiltfong appoint ed for th'- pre.se.it year. Report ot Phillip Mop,re. road district No. 11. was approved, and $7 allowed lor extra labor. W. J. Ilowlett, supervisor of road dis trict No. 13, made his report, which was approved. Ueport of Jesse Bullock and A. Brad bury vlocal:,ng a ruad. was approved and the change ordered as per report, and ex penses ordered paid by the county, amounting to, $jU. On petition oi . McCoi;nell far a change of road, K. Barker, rf. B. Franklin and T. liiggs were appointed viewers to locate said change. T. A. R. Sell wood, supervisor of road district No, 1, was approved and 'allowed $3'4 f2 Jor e:;tra lu'ror. Ross Merrick was appointed supervisor 'for the ensuing year. Report, ot J. W. Falmalier, Supervisor of district No. 11, was appion-d, and he waij rea jitjpiiitL'vl tor the ensuing year Report of J. SI. Tracy, supervisor or uimi ici -no. lo, was approved and allowed $10 lor extra labor. B. C. Lewis was ap pointed lor the ensuing tenri Report of J. M. Foster', supervisor of district No. IK. was approved, and allow ed ?j fur extra labor. V.'. W. St' ickliu appointed tor the ensuing year. Report uf Mathew Richardson, super visor of district No. 19. was approved, and 4 allowed for extra labor. A. Hart tp- pointed for the ensujng year. ol. iiatton. snpervi.Mir of district No. 17, was approved and allowed .$8 for extra labor. H. S. Hess aonuinted for the ensu ing year. 11 Report of E. A. J'arker, of district No. 21, was approved and allowed $10' 80 for extra labor. W. B. l'artlow appointed for the ensuing year. Report of M. I). Baldwin, of district No. 22, was approved. G. B. Smith appointed lor the ensuing year. Report of M. K. Ferrin. of district No. 23, was approved and allowed S12 for extra labor. J. K. Fields appointed for lor the ensiling year. Report of S.a?i!uel Miller, of district No. 21. was approved. He was reappointed for the ensuing yea;:. Report ot G- W. Wallingof district No. 25, was approved, and allowed 65 lor ex tra pay. A. Bradbury appointed lor the ensuing year. Repeoit of A. 11. Shipley of district No. 2(5. was approved and allowed $18 for ex tra labor. Reappointed lor the ensuing jeai Report of W. Carman, of district N 27. was approved. C. W. Bryant aj:oci' No ocint ed the ensuinrr year Report of Joseph Barstan, of district No. 2U. was approved, and allowed .$3(5 lor exiia labor. John C liamiltou pointed for the ensuing year. ap- Report of E. B. Lewellen. of district No. 31. was approved and allowed 626 for i x ra labor. .Mason Warntck was appoint ed for the ensuing year Report ot l'eter Lewis, of district No. J2. ;, as approved. II.; for the ensuing ear. was reapjiointed lleport ol Jones Cutting, of district No. 33. was approved, and allowed $4 for ex tra kbor. Reappointed for tho ensuing year. - Report of C. F. Beatie, of district No. 34, was approved and allowed $8 for ex tra labor. Reappointed for the ensuing ear. Report of J. W. White, qf district No. 3'5, was approved, and allovyed $S for ex tra labor. Rudolph Gea$y appojijied for the ensuing year. Rejiort of Robert Lvin. of district No. 37. was approved, and allowed $3 for extra labor. Jacob Bailor appqinted for the ensuing 3"ear. Report of Heinan Lee? of district No. 38. uas approved, ! and allowed $5 25 for extra labor. Reappointed fqr the ensuing year. Report of R. 11. D.irnall, of district No. 3!). was approved, allowed 610 for extra labor. C. T. Howard appointed for the ensuing year. Report of Joseph Walton, of district No. 40. was approved, and allowed 64 for extra labor, Wm. Mayfield appointed for tie ensuing year. Report ol Wm. P. Scott, of district No. -11. was approved, and Scott reappointed for the ensuing year. Report of J. P. Taylor, of district No. 42. was approved, and allowed $6 for ex tra pay. Reappointed for the ensuing year. Report of Brazilla Savage, of district No 43. was approved and allowed 68 for extra labor. Peter Noyer appointed for the ensiling year. Report of Clifton Calahan. of district No. 44, was approved and allowed 65 for extra labor. Geo. Holgate was appointed ior the ensuing year. Report of J. C. L. Miller, of district No. 4j, was approved and allowed 7 for ex tra labor. Robert Officer appointed for the ensuing year. Report of Jonathan Wagner, of district No. 47, was approved and allowed 60 Tor extra labor. Reappointed lor the en suing year. Report of T. B. Killen. of district Xq was approved and allowed 614 for extra labor. J. E. Ross appointed lor the tnsj mgyear. " " ' Report of John Ring, of district No 10 was approved and allowed 68 for extra labor. Jr R. Spobr appointed for the en suing year. ' Report of Alien Sanders, of district No. oO. was approved. Ym. Lotu-rige ap pointed for the ensuing year. lleport of W. J. Kendall, of district No. 51, was approved and allowed 630 for ex tra labor. W. P. Herman appointed lor the ensuing year. lleport of George Ridings, of district No.52. was approved and allowed $15 for extra labor. Thomas F. James appointed for the ensuing year. T Kep.ort of Josiah Franklin, p.f district No. 53, was approved and allowed $1G fur extra labor, and $5 39 for spikes. John P- Egan appointed for the ensuing vear. Report of Robert Thompson, of district No. 54. was approved and allowed S7 for extra labor. Enoch S. Kisviu appointed for the easulng year,. " Road district No. 21 was divided as fol lows, to-wit : ail that portion of said dis trict embraced in section 1, Township 3 South Range 2 East. a.nd fractions 5 and 3 from a line 20 rods west of the mad lead ing from Oregon City io Harrison WrMitV and fraction 32 ar.d 33. T. 2, S. R.2 E. south c A.W.eiiie.thy 'creek, and east of Oregon City claim, be known as one dis trict, ami be known as No. 55. And that portion of said district embraced in T. 3 S. R. 2 E., sections G and 7, and fr ictions of sections 5 and 8, Irom a line CH) n west of the road leading fYoia Oregon City to Harrison Wright's, and fraction's of sec tion 61 1. 2. b. K. ' lu. not included in road district No. 22, to be known as distric 1 tript AO. LI. The County Judge was authorized to procure a county map. The Deputy County Treasurer made a special report, showing to the Court that on t'ue t;th day of September. 1871, he had received a communication under seal of the Court and ullicial signature of the Clei k thereof to pay out any money in his hands at that date belonging to the com mon school fund on county warrants, and to replace the same in Hie month of Jan uary. 1872. out of any funds in his hands belonging to the county in the treasury. Now, at this day he has placed to" the credit of the school funds. from the county funds, dollar for dollar used of such school funds. It was ordered that the reoort be approved. Henry I en rice was appointed supervis or of road district No. 22, in place of Chug. V; alker, removed fro?:i the county. Bills to the amount of $311 73 exclus ive of the above mentioned, were allowed and o deie ! p, id l'uor.A i K i!i siNEss. In the rnatler of the estate ot 1). II. Good, deceased ; inventory filed and personal property set aside for the uqe of widow. In 'the the patter ol the estate of J. S. McAmnion, deceased ; bond filed ; Wm. A. Jack, Jas. II. Muse and Calvin Hairing ton appointed- appraisers. Letters testamen'torv r ranted to R. Can field on the estate of llligh Burns. In the matter of the guardianship of the minor heirs or Harrison Wright; Mrs. E A- Wright appoionted guardian ; bond hledj dtdia Siipp. Micheal Eoveridge and J. X. Smith appointed appraisers. Senator Giimes, of Iowa, died at Bur lington c.rt the gth. Dkmocjiatic NEW.sr.vfKK.s. We take the following sensible remarks on the support of Democratic newspapers from the Albany Deu,ocrni: It is the duty of Democrats in the coun try to support their county Demociatic paper. li able to take but one Dem ocratic paper, let that be Ahe one nub- tished in your county. If able !( take oth er papers, give preferance to those most earnest in defence of Democracy most, earnest to attack Republicanism most, determined in behalf of the people, ami lor the protection of their earnings. It is the (!'; of Democrats to 'support Democratic papers--those papers that speak out openly, boldly ; but ii is not the duty of Democrats to support papers which are timid, undecided, and utterly won Ii less. Follow not the bugle that gives Yi icertahi sounds. Let Democratic newspapers be properly patronized and Democratic victories would be more fre quent and more easily achieved. He wiio doubts the power of the press, would do well to, study the effect of the great circu lation w hich Radical papers'" have had among the people all over this country, and ht? who doubts that the more expen sively cumulated Demociatic newspapers become, the better will be the prospects of the Democracy, can have but little faith in Democracy or in tho intelligence of the people. itv-iiy ions .Services. St. Pauls (Episcopal) Church, tho Rev. John W . Sellwoo'l, rector. Services on Smuh.y at liiij a. m. and Bible clas and 7 p. m. S iit '' r. SI. Sunday School 1st Congregational Clmrcli horning Services, ftabbath School, Evening Services Rkv. E. Gkkuy Seats Frc-c )o. . .12 o'clock M. 7 o'clock. cting Pastor Mt-VYEtt MEETINGS. Stinday evening,. . 5 o'clock ... .7 o'clock. luesday evenii M. E. Church, Morning Services Evening Services, SOCIAL MKKTINCS. .Scats Free. in.30, . . . 7 o'clock. Class .Meeting following Morning P -ervees. Prayer Meeting Thursday evening 7 eo'elok Sabbath School at 2 o'clock P. M. Sinking Slowly, Diseases that progrcs rapidty to a crisis nre not the only ones to be dreaded. Canker or dry rot does not blast a tree as suddenly as a stroke of lightning, but unless arrested it destroys it as certainly ; and in like man ner chronic debility, altleuigh it does not kill with the swiftness of yellow fever, is as sure to sap the springs of "life eventually as any acute dis'-ase, if not checked by invigor ating medication. There is something inex pressibly touching in the spectacle prema ture decay. Lauguqr, pallor, emanci itiou, depression of spirits, and a distaste for ex ertion, are its ordinary symptom-;, and thev should be promptly met by a tonic, treatment. The best invigorant and exhilerant that- can le administered m a case of ibis kjnd is tIotetter's StomnchBitters. The stimulat ing principle of the preparation rouses the dormat energies of the system, and the strengthening and regulating properties "ive a. permanent and healthful impuW tpthe vital forces thus brought irto plaj. Ttie fading appetite is re-awakened. the"proce-s of d gestion and aiujiIatioii are quickened, tiie oualifj- of the blood is improved, the se cretions become more natural and every or gan that contributes to the nourishmu'ut of ihe body undergoes salutary change. Uv these means the repair of the physical struct ure is ei'ected and its health and vigor i e slored. In no class of disea-es has the ben eficent operation of the Putters been more marked and striking than in those charac ter zed by general debility and nervous pros tration, bailies affected with these ad merits find in this most wholesome of all tonics and corret tnses the safest and surest means of relief. It is strong to restore an 1 powerless t injure. Such is the uniform testiuiony of "clouds of witnesses-'' "There was a frog who lived i n a spring He caught such a cold that he could not sing." Poor, untortnnute Batrachian ! In what a sad plight he must have been. And vet his misfoitune is one that befalls sin"er M any a one's tuneful voice among those who belong to the ' genus homo" is utterly spoil ed by "old in ttie head," or on the lung's or both combined. For the above "mentioned "croaker" we arb not aware that any rem edy was ever devised ; but we rejoice to konw that all human singers may keep their neaus ciear anu meir mroais in tune bv a timely u-;e of Dr. Sage's Catarrh liemedv a: ind Br, Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery both of which are sold bj druggists. b I et the bald and gray use Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Kenewer if they desire as good a head of bair ns in youth. Oregon LiO.lgc Xo. 3, I. O. of O. F SSSgu. Meets every Thursday even iuS at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's Hall Mai0 g eet j Members of the Order are invited to attend 3 viuci . A- G Ax Offek. We v,ill give io any young lady who will get up a club of fifteen sub scribers to the Enterprise, before the lirst of January, and, pay in the sum of $37,50. $15 worth of Messrs. J. L. Peters' new mivs.io, the. young lady getting up the club having the privilege of making her own selections. Here is a chance for some young lady to get enough music to last her for a lew years. We will also furnish Peters' Musical .Monthly for six n-.o.nths to all io will send in three subscribers with the money, or for five subscribers we will furnish them the Magazine for one year. There is nut a young lady in the County, that plays or sing? that should be without this musical work, and they can easily get this number of subscribers. Send in the names at once, so you can commence with the new year. 'My FifiExn. st-ap that terrible cough, and thus avoid a consumptive's grave; by using Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical 'Discovery. For curing all throat, bronefciat and lung diseases ithas'.ifver 1-eeii equaled. Sold by drug gists. A II : ii l i 1 ul V oniun. Tl;e pereep tive faculty of women .s unusually keener than tiie sar..e phrenological ii'g911 ' men. Women know that beauty rather thaa geni us is worshiped by the sterner sex. A man May talk with bis lips of the latter to his lady-love, but the keenness of the woman knows that he is thT&.kiiig of the former in Lis heart. All women have an innate desire to ple.ase. their beaux. Tln-y are fond of ad miration ; heuce one of their longings is to he bea;!tiul. The grand secret of female beauty is health' ihe secret of health is the power to eat, digest and assimilate a proper quantity of wholesome food. Take Vixko au Bjtteks. It will cleanse the stomach, tone the vital organs give a perfect digestion, pui ify t he blood, clear up the complexion and produce a state of mental and physical electricity, which gives symmetry ot f irm, blight eyes, white skin, glossy hair and a genuine type of female loveliness, which no Cosmetic can Compare with. Dr.lt. V. Pierce, of iJuiiaio, A. i., Sui proprietor of Dr. Sagts Catarrh Remedy, whose name is printed on the wrapper of the genuine, has for over three ytais oil'-red through nearly every newspaper in ths Uni ted States, a standing reward of ."oo f',r a case of Catarrh in ttie head which he cannot cure. That he has treated thousands of cases and had no claims presented tor the reward, from any one who has male a thor ough use of his means of cure, is strong and conclusive evidence that he possesses sure means of curing this loathsome disease. The Catarrh ftemedy is sold by all druggists, or sent by mail on receipt of sixtj cents. The Almanac Publishers complain that their business is destroyed by Aver" s Amer ican' Almanac. The people prefer it to anv other, the Farmer's, Western, Southern, Jr the numerous local almanacs when they can get Aycr'.-. It supplies the best astronomic al data, weather and jokes of them all, ami above all medical advice which is invaluable for every family. It is supplied gratis bv the druggists, anil should be preserved for constant reference and use. We are sure that no good housekeeper or grandmother goes willingly without one Anti-Slavery aiaiviard, N. Y. WILLIAM DAVID30IT, REAL ESTATE DEALER. J2U-o, Su. G l lVont SI reel, PORTLAND, - - - OREGON. HEAL ESTATE in th-s CITY and EAST PORTLAND, in the most desirable localities. consisting of LOTS, H LF 15 LOCKS and JiLOCKS, HOUSES and STOKES ; also IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable uncultivated LANDS, located in ALL parts of the STATE for SALE. REAL ESTATE and other Property purchased for Corresoondents, in this CITY and throughout the STATES and TERRI TORIES, with great care and on the most AD VANTAOEO L" S T EK.MS. "TlOrsl-: and STOKES LEASED LOANS N EC Old ATE D. and CLAIMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COL LECTED. And a General FINANCIAL and AGENCY BUSINESS transacted. AGENTS of this OFFICE in all the CITIES and TOWNS in the S 1 ATE, will re ceive descriptions of FARM PROPERTY audforward the same to the above address. Feb. 3, FAhbS E3II?JIKT AO. 1, I. o. . Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall on the FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAY EVENING of each month. Patriarchs iu good stand ing are invited to attend. Feb. S, ls72:tf Krbcrt-ii Urgn-e lcnlc JV. tf, 1. O. O. V QJS Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDAY EVEXLXGS, ' of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the I),., i attend. ree .re invited to MulJiioinnl, I.o.jgt a?0. 1, A . F. irl A ;V w Holds its regular communica Vtl0lls on the First and Third Satur rfdii in each month, at 7 o'clock from the 2oth of September to the 2otli of March, and 7A o'clock from the 2oth of March to the 2ot, of September. Rrcth ren in good standing are invited to attend. Dec. '23.1S70, By order of M . M. A IScly ami Mind rI St'?SC. Such is dyspepsia. The stomach and the brain are too intimately allied for the one to suffer without the other, so that dyspepsia and despondency are inseparable. It mj be added, too, that irritation of the stomach is almost invariably accompanied by irritation' of the temper. The invigorating and ti'&uquili.in? ppcra tion of Ilostctter's bitters is mosrpower fally developed in cases of indigestion. The first effect of this agreeable tonic is comfort ing and encouraging. A mild glow pervades the system, the chronic uneasiness in the re gion ef the stomach is lessened, and the nervous restlessness which characterizes the disease is abated. This improvement is not transient. It is not succeeded by the return of the old symptoms with superadded force, as is always the case when 'unmcdi cated stimulants are given for the complaint. Each dose seems to impart a permanent a'--crsdon of healthful invigoration. But this is not. all. The aparie.Vt and anti-bilious properties of the preparation are scarcely secondary in importance to its tonic virtues. If there is an overilow ot bile, the secretion is soon brought within proper limits, and if the hilary organ is inert and torpid it is toned and regulated. The effect upon the discharging organs is equally salutary and in cases of const ipation the caihartie "action is just smUicieet to produce the desired re sult gradually' and without pain. The Bit ter?, aisp pronsote healthy evaporation from ihe surface, which is purticuh rly desirable at this season when sudden spells of raw unpleasant weather are apt to check the' natural perspiration and produce congestion of the liver, coughs, and colds. ' 'Ihe bet s"gt'7j-d aain-t all dt,s(ae is bodily vigor, iud this the great Vegetable Restorative es pecially promotes. Especial Notice. "VE HAVE IN OUR HANDS FOR COL V t lection the notes and accounts of J R. Ralston, alsc of the late firm of Wort man & Fields, and Joseph Kafka. Persons knowing themselves indebted to titw e the above persons, will please and sett! t it without delay. - eCl WARREN & FORBES Jan. 12.1372.tf ' 0 Dissolution Notice. "ATR. A. C. BATLEY'S' CONNECTION -i-Tl. with the Lincoln Bakery ceased by mu M f't0 n tlie 1st of Febtuarv, 1S72. -nr. C. O. T. .V-Uicms having bought his in Teres, and the business will be continued at the old stand under the firm name ot Wil liams & llurdin2, who will pay all debts against and receive all mouevs due the late una or uMiey & uardin I'ebli3w4 AT THE U H C G L NB A K E R Y. WILLIAMS & HARDEC, HAVE JUST OPENED A FULL VARIE ty of choice FAMILY GROCERIES. AND PUOViS;ONS. The Bakery will be constantly supplied with fresh 1 BREAD, CR VC REUS, CAKES. PASTRY, CANDIES AND NUTS. All of which wi 1 be sold at living rates. Remember that we do not sell goods at cost. Also, please bear in mind that it takes money to do business. To the farming trade we would sav, CASH for you. produce, and CASH for our goods. Goods delivered to all parts ot the citv. V'cb, K, l&7 A DesiJsille inss There is the hiss of vidicule, the hiss of scorn, the hiss of snakes in tl.eirrass ; but the most delightful hiss is that of Tiii-i-iiuC i flTvrvfscent Seltzer AlJerieitt Iu the sparkling goblet, giving assurance to the invalid that his thirst will be deliciously assuaged ; that his stomach will be refresh ed and purified ; that if be is feverish, bis body will be coied by healthful evaporation; that if he is constipated, the difliculty will pass away without a pang ; and that if the condition of hii general health is impaired, it will be speedily restored. Of couise, he will take care to procure none but tHc genu Inc. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, lor (ilaekamus county. Henry 11 umbel, l'laintil", John Stege, Deft-ndant. ) Suit in Eriiity. TO JOHN ST HUE, SAID DEFENDANT: N THEN A5 R OF THE STATE OF ORK-- cron : You are summoned and reouired to 1; and apxear iu tlie Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, ior ( lackainas county, on or In-fore tlie iirst day of the term of said Court next following the expiration of six weeks after tlie date of tlie first publieation of this .Summon; to-wit: on the 3d Monday in March, A. IK, 1872. and answer tlie complaint tiled in the ahovo entitled suit, or the plaintiff will take a decree ay.iinst you f9i sl,7tiO, in U. !S. gold c.'un, ami interest there on since Jan. , 1H71, at the rate of one per cent, a mont h, and for costs and disl.ursments ; and will apply to tho Court for a decree fort-closing a mortgage given by you Jan. 5, 1871, on an undi vided one-half of Iots Four, 4, an.1 Five, 5, in JUoi k iNo. 1 wenty-thrce, 2 5, in the town of Ore- ally for the relief t; Mi i ii , lacKar.ias county, irtr. n; ami gener m the coimilaint. lly order of ion. V.'. Yv" L xtou, J uage ot said Court. joiinson & :-i(-rowN, Hit 's Att'vs. Feb. 8,1872.wf, FOR STEAM IIPES and EOiLERS- Saves '2." pt r cent, of fuel an item worth looking alter. For sale by RERRY k PLACE, 112 California street, San Francisco, who also 1 top stock Mining and Eginecr's supplies. dccR Sheriff's Sale. Y VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION ISSUED out f Die Circuit Court of the " State of regon, for tlie county of Clackamas, in favor of I.. .V. Seely .plaintiff, and against Daniel S. Sebas tian, dei'endant , for the sum of two hundred and twenty-live j.j-luo dollars, 5"), now due, and witli interest at the rate cf ti.n fer ci-nt. ier an num fi-oin the 11th day of Oetober, A. D., 1871, and the further sum of forty-nine ati-l(K) dollars, if-W 5t, costs, and Jor wunt uf i;.ivpnal property out of wiiic.li to make the same, 1 have levied upon all the light, title and interest of said l a ni 1 S. Sebastian of, in and to the following described tracts of laud, to-v.it: Beginning at th; N. E. corner of the N. V.". J-4 of section 13, T. ;!., S. 11. 1 V,'. of the AVillamette meridian; thence V: 23 chs. and 13 links ; tlience S., 10 1-2 degrees E. 1 1 ens.; thence 10. 20.38 chs.; thence N. 13.77 chains,' to the I'kiee of beginning', con taining 3i) acres, more or less; and also tlie fol lowing described tract, to-wit : llcginniusf at the S. E. corner of Section 9, in T. 3 S. 11., 1 "V; thence N. 40 chains ; thence W.'23 chain's ; thence S. 40 chains; thence E. 23 chains, to the place of beginning, containing 100 acres, more or less; also the following described tract, to-wit: The north-east quarter of the south-east quarter of Section 10, iu T. 3, S. It., W. of tlie Willamette meridian; and on Saturday, the 2-1 day of March, A. 1 )., 1H72, at 1 o'clock p. m., at the Court House door, in Oregon City, in said county, I will proceed to sell the same to the highest bidder to satisfy said execution, costs and ie-cruing costs. ARTHUR WARNER, Sheriff of Clackamas county, Oregon. Dated Jan. 23th, lS72:wl A UCTIOXAXD COMMISSION A. 15. ItcEa3.-ylsoBi, AUCTIONEER! Corner of Trout and Oak streets, I'ortland. AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate, Groceries, GeneralJIsrchan disc and Horses, Eecry Wednesday and Saturday ! A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Rar and Bundle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast steel Horse shoes, Files, Rasps', saws; Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, li. G. Iron also : A large assortment of Groceries and Liquors A. JL. Richardson, Auctioneer IS, Trees ! iKS?- Plants ! i'LO'tVEH A X li GAItUKS SEEDS. Apple and Crab, 100. 2 to 4 fr., si: 4 to 6 ft., ii 0Q l'ear.Srd.extra.l yr.liartlctt :c,3 to 4 ft.,doz.'2 50 Seeds, I'eai-li, lu..2; A)j)!c, ,-;a,;re, new, bu.,12 00 Potatoes, Wliite Teach JL'iow.Early Ro.ie.bu., 2 00 Seedlings, Soft Maple, 1,)00,1; Ash, 3; Elm, 2 00 Illustrated Catrdogue, 100 paye, and New Price last..": ioc E. K. PHOENEK, Bloomington, Hiinois feb 2:ws WAITED TWO GOOD TWO HORSE TEAMS with drivers, for permanent work on the AVillamette Flails Canal and Locks. Apply, statiug terms per day, to Isaac W Smith, Edgineer of the works. 'Jau. 12, 15';2.tl " r THE FLORENCE Will sew everything needed in a family, from the heaviest to ihe lightest fa'oziC IT DOES MOIIK A Oltlv, MORE KIXDS OP AVORK, AXD BETTER WORK, Than any other machine. II there is a Florence Sewing Machine within one thousand, miles of San "Franciscp not working well and giying entire satisfac tion, if am informed ot it; it will be at tended to without expense of any kind to the owner. SAMUEL IsfiLIt, 19 NEW MONTGOMERY STREET, " Grand Hotel Building', SAW FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA Send for Circulars and s imples of the work. ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED IX EVERY PLACE. Feb. 2, 1871 :ly BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE! Fall and Winter Trade. HAVING RECENTLY. FILLED UP OUR assortment of Imported Styles m ' Ladies' and Gents' Hoofs snacl CHn,iicis9 We will take great pleasure in displaying and receiving orders from our patrons and the public gcLic'rsilly. We have Received from New York a few pair cf the Celebrated ELRRAT OPERA RUTTOX FRONTS, by which a Lace Shoe can be turned intp a beautiful 1'utton Gaiter Will take orders for the same at any time. We have tiie Best and Latent Styles in Misses' and Children's Button Gai crs and Ralmorals that are imported, but lor good substantial wear there are nona tharcan come up to our own make. We Warrant them in every respect. Seven entirely New Styles of Ladies' and Misses' RUBRERS. The Nillson, Confess, Marie Antoinette, Queen's German, Velvet Front a:u' Alaska. Eight, ylisU Durable and Neat Fitting. Also, a lot of Children's Rubbers. Rring on vour feet. TO WOKKiSIM. COME AXD SEE m CHAMPION BOOT! Respectfully, PROTZBIAHj GILL I AN & CO., Cor- Front and Morrison Sts-, rORTLA:i), REG OX. Dec i. isri.-tf TO UTdA MEN? "n A"ht nnavn ttiit' rTiT,rrr?T7 nc our beautiful and fast pro wins State. Soon the shrill whistle of the I ROX HORSE, lis he comes smoking across this great con tinent, drawing after him the rich products of the Nation's Wealth and Industry, will announce the "GOOD TIME COMIXG," when Oregon's own Sons and Daughters will be called to fill the new avenues of Busi ness. Everyone should prepare for an ACTIVE BUSINESS LIFE. Great changes have been made in the com mercial affairs of Oregon in a few years. What the developements of our State will be in the future, is a question which depends upon the BUSINESS QUALIFICATIONS of her Young Men. , Within the past four 3-ears of continued prosperity, the National Business College, of Portland, Oregon, has sent out SCORES of young men fully qualified, and many of whom are now tilling high and lucrative po sitions in the Ranks, 'Counting-Rooms and Stores of our State. Sq great js .e demand lor Good Accountants, that Business men have been frequently compelled to send East for assistance. No enterprising, studious Young Man who has passed thror-ib the nre.-ci ibed e.onrso f studies at this - . MODEL COLLEGE has complained for want cf a situation and at good salary, too. livery faciliy is here afforded acquir- SOUND BUSINESS EDUCATION in the shortest possible time, and at THE LEAST EXPENSE. Every student will have au ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICE ! After hayji-g completed the Theory, hs 13 introduced into a .,.- MINIATURE WORLD OF BUSINESS, which has the efiect of thoroughly familiariz ing l.im with all the minutuy ot real business The course of study embraces Double and" single Entry Book-Keeping, Commercil Arithmetic, Commercial Law, Correspon -enee, Business Penmanship, regular and special Lectures, etc., etc , combining theory with practice. ' J ALSO, Superior advantages for securing a thorough knowledge of a ORNAMENTAL PENMANSHIP TELEGRAPHY, PHONOGRAPHY, FRENCH, SPANISH, GERMAN, ITALIAN. ETC For full particulars, eall .if. thi r, lice, in Carter's building, corner of Front and Alder streets, (entrance on Alder) Port land, Oregon, or send for cicular. Address DeFRANCE &. JAMES, TORTLAND, OREGON. I'lercU 31, IS71.yI . " ' HOLIDAY' PRESENTS TEljE;; LAR-vf E T AXD FINEST STOCK IX f!ORTUND( OP FINE WHTCHES, RICH JEWELRY ANB Silverware. 13, L. STONJEx MTUCJ.ESALS AND K ETA I L DEALER IX WATCHES and JEWELRY No-107 Front st PORTLAND, Would inrite attention of his friend 1 theptddicto hi. I,re and JbSSS From the most CVlet.rated Makers of F Howard & ( o B,,n - A pulton A Tracy P" S. lrtlett VCuhh, y.J.; Elgin Washes Jacot Sebvwnuling l Vatehe.s and others. V",,u W AICHLS, i-l s.ll de-cripti.m ar,d style, wmch he would be ph'ed to shbyy to who m:iy favi.r hi,,, .vitl, n rii ' u" AGENT fOR CUAS.E.JACOT WATCIiES. Fine Jevelry and Solid Silver Ware, Fancy Articles, suitable for. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Silyer Watches, of uUToreul makers. Gold HrtelS Gold Cli:ifc!,.i,, (:,,.rds ai;d Watch-cbai.w. Gold Neekiae, s, AnnletCrc.-s. s, LotkeU. Go d JJrcaSt-,:,s Kar-.ri.igs, Fmcr-rin. (old Charms and K-y.s California Gold Rings' and Rohmes' Pat ent Ruckels. Opera Chains. Moss ;sto j Setfs, RiIlirs and Cv ff Rnttons. eddinjf Ri!;?s, made of pu.e aold, ex-' pressly for that purp e. ' " Gold and Silver Thimbu. Opera and Marine (ilasses. - Pebble Spec-fades and Eve-dases .Nohd Silver Napkin Rin'rS 0 Silrer Fruit nnd Rutter Knives Solid Sii.-er Tab't- and Tea fcWus. Reffidato.s Set!, Thomas Clo. kn", Marina Clocks, (Jilt Callery Clocks Ac. All the ab; ve ariieles sold Cheap for Cash, and warranted as represented. ' Particular attention Kive to rt-iiairiri and adjusting oC hronometers, Duplex an A ericy.11 hics. ' 1 noy24ft lor Front sf, Portland, Oregon,. BAND SAWS Molding 3Icnine, SIQRTISERS, 'MjHXif A nd eve" y description 52S?.2;g of Wood-working M. ehinerv sinr? l'lm.in Mill supplies. Addiess RERRY A PLACE. Ma. binery Depot, 112 California St. San Fi ancis'c'o. noy24eow6m ' REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, PORTLAND. - - 0REG01?. ' DEALER IN LEAL ESTATE AND OTHER INVESTMENTS- ' Commissioier .Selecting Swamp, and Over flowed Lauds. Farm Lands sold and purchasers obtained for aif kinds of landed p.topertv. alunb'e securities trauslerred in excliane for real estate. Loans nc-oti, fed on proj.erfy, and titles examined and determined. ' ;' Coniinissions solicited and executed with tioelity an.! Mom;itiif..s. OFFICE No. U(!iWw!!;i.i:. of Alder am! From sticcts. J-tb. 3, -T0:tf NEW HARDWARE STORE, CORXET I'XIONT & STAItK STS., PORTLAND, OREGON. JTOHX If. JPOSTI3B Is ' now rei eivintr and offer for n!e, at tho - o BUILDERS5 HARDWARE, Mechanics' Tools, Tabic and Pocket Cutlery, MINERS' GOODS SMaiis, Ropes, Shovels, Anvils, Axes, Etc., Which he invites buyers to pajl and examine before purchasing eNewhm rp. Would invite !irticu!ar attention of buy ers of Dividers' ILirdwiire and Hons Trim mings, eiiher at WHOLESALE or RETAIL: May 20,lf71:m.1 $Oll?i Ii. 'FOSTJittl " Xcw Hoot and Shoe Store. - - 1 4 THE JJNDEHSIGNE WOULD RE I e tuill.v call the nti n of thp pub lic to l is s-'pleiidjd s-tock CUSTOM -MALE BOOTS and SHOES, for Ladus' and Oen's wear, just opened; one door nertb of the Lincoln Daken-. Ore yon City. ' J All kinds of BOOTS and SHOES kept constantly on bund, at CHEAP KATES, and ordeis taken for the saiiie. to be made in the latest style, at the PACIFIC UOOT and SHOE MANUFACTUICV.Poitlaud, Oregon! POTJNTRY PRODTJCI? Taken in EXCHANGE AT MARKET Rafes. AL. Wl Oregon Cit3', Xoy. 17, 1 871. : THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD CALL the atttiition of 1 verybody that is fat tening Hots to sell, which will make bacon that thev will iiud it to fl eir advantage to call at the old corner at-Albrilit's Ibitcher Shop We are buriiifr Pork aDd PAYING; THE HIGHEST PRICE of any one els: Call and see. ALBRIGHT & LOpUS. 71.:tf Nov. 2-1, IS Our druggist keep for sale Hall's Vegeta ble Sicilian Hrir Renewer, the best prepara tion ever made for rer-torinsj the vitality and color of the hair. ' " - '', -