( 9 0 I f r y Q "x-r (Ti J o VOL. 0. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1872, NO. 16. CI Sljc lUcckln (Sutcvprisc. 1 DEMOCRATIC PAPER, FOll THE Qusiness fVlan, the Farmer JuZ Ae FAMILY CIRCI-E. fSSVEO EVEUY F21ID.YY RY ehitor and ru:;i-is!ii:n. I.i Dr.The-s-us LtricK jju.iuih;, TERMS of SUnSCRIPTIUX Siagle Copy one year, in advance, t eh ms of a i) 1 1: i i tisi x a Transient advertisements, including ah letr il notice:, q. of I- Lit, 1 u'- 2 r,!l ForVa.-h su':)-ciiu.-iitin-flt'U;ii 1 '.l! One (J..!u nu, one year : H. If " " y rf-r : U tiiness CiAvA, 1 square one year. .... U J-.') '(tiuri .' r,.i',Jc at the rhk u Su'jsc ij' , it'iJ at Cue txp' ;' of Agents. nOOK AS I) JOB PlllXTIXG. ti.1T The Eritrin ofipe U supplied w'th beautiful, approved styles of type, :n.l inoil era MACHINE I'll ESSES, winch will enable the Proprietor to lo Job Punting at all limes Neat, Quick and Cheap .' 3" Work solicited. . , AH JSuiine.it tr.iti ftium upon a Spec..' . .. n usixess a a nu s cuas k w.;i;;!:v. F. a. !;: :;ks. a. r: "35 F O R t3 ;3 "J 5 OFI'ICS - Cll A It M X'.S ItltiCK, MAI OU13 ION CITY, OltKGOX. Nov. lo i71:ti'' J. M . T1I''MPS'N, C V FITCii sax jjis a ; Ron! k i jj Oil it Of KICK TWO J:oi:.S XOT!I OF TUB rOiTOI'FIJi:. IlilXL KS I'ATii UOrstllL A XI) SOLD, LOAN'S XKGO I'i ATi:i, AM) A P SriiACl' UF TITLL.S i'UiCXl.vilKD. WE HAVE A COMl'LETE Ali VTHACT oi'l'itle of all property in L::u;om' City, an 1 perfect plats of f:e same, prep.it ed witli great care. We will pi ;;ctice i;: t'.e dittVreut C mrts oi' the Stat . Special at tetiti )ti given to the c di etioti -f all claims that uiav be placed in our hands. Legal Tenders i, ought and s ,M. sepsft J OIIX M. EACOX. Inr'orter and Dealer in 12 CI 12 H2 ZZ'i. stat i x :: i i v . i' :: ; -. ! f m i : i t y. Orrtron (Ji'-V, Orison. At t CI pn I bj s. . 11,1':), I o t f ' ll.i r '. JOHN FLEMING, .. PEALEll IN BOD AC) Ms'vJ iAU IX MY EPS' Fill M V ! X o ::"; ox c "V, KF.ttOX. .f OEFP.'i: - la Odd F !!.-w-' Tirjde, et' F i r.-1 :ud Ab't r Sffe' ts. Pi Of I'll. T i ' pat oner it ') i: il l g Oi t Iio -e .es! i ig slip r or X it roils o v- id to - t.w. o.itttless extraction of teeth. fAitt ie.ial ted,;1, "better than ti.o best, and h ",',.-',in Will le 'in Oregin ejty un Saturdays. Xov, 3: f Dr. J, H. HATCH, D E NT I 3 T The :i atr.m iLte ot'tiinse destrin tint C7'- t'lfri '-');(. is respecttiiily solicited. ',S .it is lac lion in all cases guaranteed. Jj. I. A ' -r j I- adtuilll.-tCXvU f:T the Painless i - x 1 1 action of Teeth. Offick Iii Weigant's new b iildirej. wot i le i. pirst street, between Alder and Mor isoa '.roots, Portland, Oregon. U WATKINS, M. D., ' ' SiJ lit. E!X. IXjUTt -e. Oiitast n. OF''7'Vi-Odd Fellows' 'ieii.pie. c.ie.et virstan l lLr trcCts lteidetice coratr t.i j tin and Seve.tt'a streets. HIGIiriSLD. Est ihb-.'i-:1 s'n -e lspj.at th- old st.mJ, If it'n V', ' ', (V-g(j.-t C'ii';, (.Vv;;-i. An Assortment ot u aici.o.-ietv-eb'v. and Sct'i l"a..ie.as weigh: V, -ks, all of which are warranted in he a- represeatcd. Ue;..ii; iiiurs done on short notice. ud thankful for past Livers. CLARK GEEEliSIAH, o n eg o x t r. li o; Urs for the delivery of nitrehan-di,em- pickares and frctjht f whatever des ri.tia t.t anv nu o. ,.i vv, ..... .-.. c i. e otnntly ana win: ca:e. ;KW YOTHv HOTEL, ' .0cu,p..SGaftVausA . ,..,, A -nos'te tne .dan tp:im- 0. li r ruiv .-i v-, , shin la eling, Portu md. Oregon. H. ixUitic e)a, J . -i. vy . r -r ";UT,r P Tl 0 P P. I E TORS. RoJta MCr Week . " with!. " I5-.. in Art edging. . .. i -E-IL: TTIE-SE'lTEK. V, T. L. BATES. "A mere type-setter ! still a man The world, perch tflce. imy wed revere Unknown, unnoticed, one who can 11 ave nought to hope at,.l nought to fear. ei where the kingly seepteiv.l hand. J he limw that wwrs the pricely gem. 1 hat wields Si) well a wide eoiiiniand Whose "stick' may uiutcb a uiadein. "A mere lypeseiter !"' let us see: YVho gave tie; glorious stiiptM to air. That mark the banner of the bee; And o.Mii.d the siai-H tisat glitniiu-r there. Who turned the bolt of heaven aside, A,, 1 C'-nq iered its ethereal fire? '1U Uade the lightiiinjr hut niless !i;le Aluog hu h,jL,ic W;.nd a:.d wire? 'A mere. t.vpe-K-tter.:'1 Search the past, "i he record of each buttle field ; W ho nailed uar colors to the nia-t And di.'d bei.ait.-e they cou!d not yield '. Wiio tan.;ht our hand to s: l ike t he blo w 'ihioi.h toil, and danger ami distress i liat severed Kagland's Chain of woe Who but i tie ui is er uf the -i'l-ess V- A mere type-.-etk-r i To bid liie slave ( I 1 hat t v tan v .-lionid o .same of fear, IVeedoni wake ake to Lenr, .vild old o;ipies.-iuii"s einjtire sh. Is i'latiKlin a lorj;.'tiei) name. 'i"ha: men no linger ieeie? Has Prentice lost h:s. soal id" fame Ur Gn J lit. pen ol fear "A mere typc-sei'.er !"' Honored name. Thai ages yet unborn may bie.-s. Vi hea einjiires crtin.ble and their (ante lias .-'.ink in worse than nothing iie.-s ! Show the thing vhos jeers deride T!ie n. ere type setters hanihle school. Vn I I'li s!:ow yon ;. a ape ot priue. -s braiu'e.-s as the d indv tool. Longevity cf a Good HzA- Here is a neat little story from a entuck y : vlivUU twenty-live Vi'ttrs ago a young man from "that !ue touiC :i horse-o.tec rule to i"- - - i i . , nunna, wuere ins latiier came from, ami f.n ins way no nut a man r ii- ami his family removing west, s Iioor that they were, tilmost reduc ed to slai'va.lion. 1 If had com oas- s;on on the wretched group, and ii'a't nu- i a ; heir :) bill v. un w ilCli t.i reach jottitiev s e nd. In about lifieen years the yomiLr man rc-ceived a letter from the man he na-.i KcineiKlcd, saying be w;is ;i prospenms merchant m Southern iventucky, ami enclo.-mg :i bib to repay liis loan. After smother ten years, which included the gresit reoel'iou and Us was elected to the termination. ne lo er louse ol the iventucky Legislature, :nt 1 be- ig a man of t -L. nt iml insiuence, was e ! , insen rspeaker. in the contest b for v. ! iich, he had noticed that a stranger and one of the other party was his strongest supporter. J lis curiosity was aroused by this, and he ;i ever 1 to oge, seen lied th.e him be;: re. re m.-'inbvr, "vim will reestil, when 1 niention it, a liltle scene that occur red when you were si boy on your way to Yirginisi. It was you who s:icd my wife from starvation. She told me time and again that never did a morsel of food tate so i sweet, so utterly lel;cious. as tnat you gave her then. She was just six years old at that time ; bul when site saw your name, during the late canvass, ainon-r ib.-. ie iate canvsi li'iit. pridialdi c:md;-.,ates for tlie te, laid down the Spe;d( mp, lav,s as to jjow I was to vote. 1 his is all. Xeither shr, nor her father Pot' mother, m si ter, nor m s.elf, c; VO!l." ;r hi oilier nor ever foi s. 1 1 '! r 02 A1U.P Likp.- UALITIES OP FaSIIION There is St set of peo- p!e whom L cannot Lear tne i links ot h e very every able ; i i .niopaoie 'ord is propriety whose precise, sum Whose movement, is un but who though xct -pt ion- verse t 1 m ti-.e categories of polite behavior,. have not si particle ot soul or cor diality about them. Ye allow that their iminners may be abun dantly correct, There, may be el egance in every gesture, and gr:u:e fabr. --"s in every p'rtion; not a smile out of place, and not si step that would not bear the measure ment of the- severest scrutiny. This is all very tine ; but what, I want is t'.e heart and " tu: y of social intercourse ; the frsmkness tiiavspivads east' ami animation; the eve that speak alfability to ali, Unit chases timi.liy iroin every IT t bosom, si ml U ns every man in the company to oe con indent and has- ry. fhis is wl at 1 Coneei ve to be the virtue or tlie text, and not the sickemng lormalit v ot t hose who t would reduce the whole of loiman life to a wire-hound system of mis ery and constraint. Cmhunrs. - - , (iooi) Dr.i iM i io.s. A modern fashinabie wedding is iieiiued to be a grand, crisis of clothes; the 'bride" a peg on which linei v of all kinds is hung; the "bride groom, a sober black object follow ing tlie bride, of no account in particular, and yet without whom there would be no fuss and the fun could not go on." T.i-rr-r? . t -Enraged Parent- ! "Did you throw the half-brick at . ... random.-' eep'.ng l.'oy ".o; I threw it at Johny "William?.5' "Ami li'l you stike him on pur- pose ; "Ao i struck Iniu on the nose A Grant's Jets. T!lO Xew x oik Vorl:l fiirni.slics he iolloviiii;detai!eil statoiiK'nt of liie tiKitiy iiestioii:ibo'transactioits m which our present Ka.licul Chief .Magistrate is enaied: The President'.s reconuiiendation that the Government purchase the telegraph lines of the L'liitetl States is a job. It is tbe last ami worst ami greatest job of his otlicial career. As President, Mr.-Grant pushes ihe use of the Seneca sandstone in the public buildings, sidewalks, etc., ot ashuio-ton. As stock holders of the Seneca Sandstone Companv Mr. Grant si ml his mili tary entourage pocket the profits. As President, Mr. Grant pushes the purchase and obstinately' main tains the war power protectorate of Santo Domingo, Success there in now impossible would have feathered his own nest ami the nests of all the "White llou-e ring." As President, Mr. Grant ap points or removes internal revenue oilicers at Chicago. As a thrifty investor Mr. Grant sees his brother Orville, by foreknoledge and influ ence m appointments and remov- a is, imike himseu and his whii-kv rmo- rich. As President, Mr. Grant dictat ed, before and on Plaek 'Friday, the policy of the United Stales Treasury Department in all . reet. As a loud husband he had the pleasure of seeing The .1" isk- Gould-Corbiu iob pay over 5,000 on the risk and Gouid t rsmsaci ion. By the bye, will not Mr, Stewtut disclose how it w:ts invested 'i As President 31 r. Grant nomin ates persons to ihe civil service of rite ( nited States. As plain Mr. ira:it lie receives trom them pre by the score from s eolfao'e :t Lou..-' ptirt icece i I i ! ; a u i i- its i t r itn sn'rameuto. nt .Mr. iv recommends lavora l. ible l ,.,.;,,., i' ,i, jrapu ourcnase. i . vs noneM .tit. v.i rani, o ne nas (irant. iio'igiit one year ago (through "Friends ot course) 5,000 shares ol Western Union Telegraph Com pany stock at 44, which to-day is worth (is, lie has made four times Ids annual salary, and what with the power of his oiMce and the margin ot pro.it siill remaining (on a par sale to the United Stales) j ' i open to venal Kepresenial ivcs liKe A- i the late Thad Stevens and carpet- bagging Senat oi s. Air. Grant stands lair to mak ms odiee pist siDout twice as orout- as his re-election. ( irant is a jobber. So was Tweed. This is his tone. This is his conception of public and private moraiily. He is not. indeed :ui absolute thief, but (irant is last becoming a millionaire by precisely the same methods which made Tweed Vich before he turned thjef to oCt richer. Grsliti's S'".ii'c:i snnilstotie iob is weak lmutition of M weei s blue- r . tone (luarry po. it is even more scandalous, for the Seneca sand- stone a miserable stone costl y, CHIOS i '. ps badly in cutting ami is not dursible. Twceil'.- nine: kind. tone wsts Xeither the best Ot the. .rant nor 1 weed see wroii"- m such use of otlicial position for pri vate protit. Ci rant's telegraph purchase job beats Tweed's County Court-liouso job hollow. Tweed's mt pr)fit of the AO,000,000, tracked in Mr. riideifs allitlavit,is a llea-bite to the profit which will go straight to the pockets of Grant's "next friends" when the estern Union stock is Us highest, (irant will liigher than Tweed tor distributing the cost of his private gains over the b;tcks of forty millions of tax payers. For Tweed cruelly sad dled his extortions noon one mill ion. Put as betw een Giantism and Tweedism, morally, there is little to choose. A Pospi; 55 rp The Louisville Li'.hti' slings the following at U. S.Grant's ileftmlers and apologists ; "Vv'ill the Xew York Tinas and the Louisville (Jom ntrrrinl dare to deny that on the t2:Ll of May,l S30, John liussell Jones of Chicago deeded to President Grant ninety seven acres of land in Cook coun ty, and that on the same day John Kussell Jones was appointed Min ister to Pelginm? Or shall we be obliged to publish a certilied copy of the deed now on file in this of lice Ot!) Mauu G was never re garded as a paragon of neatness ; and if "cleanliness is next unto godliness," as Saint Paul asserts, it is to be feared that the old lady never attained to the latter state. Not only was she any thing but neat herself but she showed :i sovereign contempt for the quality in others. Speaking of neat people, one day she remarked that her son Josiuh was one of the most particlar men in the world. "Why," said she, "lie threw away a whole cup of coffee, the other morning, because it Lad a bedbug in it !" Rough on Eevcls. Cincinna'i Commercial Washington Letter. T heard a good story told of the colored ex-Sen ;itor from Mississippi, the other day. Pevels, while in the Senate, was petted somewhat by the Xew Enland peo,ple, and, I fear, somewhat spoiled, for he had not beep, in t he Senate a fori night Uefore hq had adopted the practice of Mr. Sumner, of never receiving jpiv cards while the Senate was in session. Every other Senator, if lie gets a card from a person, goes out into the hall to see him. Mr. Sumner instructed the doorkeepers never to bring him a card during the sessions of the Semite, ami ?dr. Revels followed his practice and became, of coarse, a little unpopu lar. Put that is nothing to the purpose. Uevels received many invitations from Xew England to lecture. Of course he could n"t make a decent lecture, and he was no speaker, but he was a col ored brother and a Senator, and they made the most of him. He was, as all know, in the Senate but a short time, yet he made it pay. lie w;is rarely in the city, ami ac cepted all the invitations to lecture that came to him. While being made the mo't of in Massachusetts 1)V the ol a. tolition element, 1 le frequently heard the name of Mr. Harrison. Jte nnaiiy askeo of his newlv-mtule friend.- ri i- ii i st m e who this man Garrison" was. They i.:3werei m ic rreatest astoni-h- meut : "Why. don't you know "William Llovd Garrison, the great Aboli tionist " Xo," he rejilied, " I doift think X know hiin. Yhere is he from?" " Why, he live lie re, in Massa chusetts ?' 1 .1 on t mean re plied here thegrtdit Senator; " I mea .v.as I:e a s.sive : I bi-iievc the answer question was never giveib 4--.c-. A Law -icu-lik :: Ansv. to this i:u -A prominent Lawyer was hailed while passing a jewelry proprietor, with : t re by the "General come in lu re a moment ; we thing for you to solve. have so me lt" si man brings his wsilch to be lived, and it costs me- ten cents to do it, .and I keep it a week, and charge him six. dollars, what per cent, do I make? "We have been ligiiring, anl make it IPM) percent, and haye only got up to on" dollar. How much d.o vim say it would be at six dollars?" Well," replied the General, t; I do not wonder at your perplexity, for it is well known, and the celebrated Babbpge calcu lating machine has deni .mstrated, that sit certain oob-'o ..nrvii o , . . i" " numbers tlu- law governing them es. in mis case the law Li would change, and long before it would reach the six. dollars, it would run out of nor cent, and lea into nit Known sts larceny. i lie London Crystal Palace aqua rium is four hundred feet long and seventy feet broad, and the' total capacity of all the tanks is 200,000 -gallons of water, weighing a mil lion pounds. Of sea anemones alone there are already in the aqua rium over three thousand specimens These riower-Iiko animals, being de prived in their captivity of the ocean currents which bring them their food, have to be fed at fre quent intervals, each having given to it a morsel of fond suited to its si. 70. -o- . ''Up :ttt:cs Si xs." The storv to of pegro who prayed earnestly that he and his colored brethren might be preserved from what he called tlie ''upset tin' sins." Tirudder," said o;;e of his friends at the close of the meeting, "you ain't got tlie hang of that word. It's beset tin', not upsettin'." "Prudder," replied the other, "if that's so it's so. Put I was pravin' de Lord to sabe us trom de ton of intoxication, and if dat ain't a up settin' sin' I dumio wat am." The greatest part of mankind may be divided into two classes that of shallow thinkers who fail short of the truth, and that of abstruse thinkers who go beyond it. The latter chi-s. are by far the most un common, and I may say by far the most useful and valuable. They suggest hints sit Lust, and sluTt difficulties which they want, per haps, skill to pur.-ue, but which may produce very line discoveries when viewed by men who have a more just view about thinking. Jhivid Iluint. Never was a Poman province won at any cost of blood and treas ure so shamefully oppressed, even in the days of barbarism, so-called, as is the South to-day. As an in stance: Xew Orleans is taxed ten cents on every dollar of real and personal property, m the city. The Picivjune says: W are ! merely working for our subsistence I our victuals and clothes, all our I profits are absorbed in taxes." i ' J Elcepin Together. More quarrels arise between brothers, between sisters, between hired girls, between school girls, between clerks in stores, between apprentices, between hired men, between husbands and wives, ow ing to electrical changes through which their nervous system go by lodging together night after night, under the same bed clothes, than by any other disturbing cause. There is nothing that will 'derange the nervous system of a person who is elitninative in nervous force, sis to lie all night in bed with another person who is absorbent in nervous torce. The absorber will o-0 to sleep and rest all night, while the eliminator will be tumbling and tossing, restless and nervous, and wake up in the morning frttful peevish, fault-finding ami discour- l.r.wl X' eu. ,,o two persons, no matter to they are. should habitnnllv w sleep together. One will tlnive and the other will lose. This is the law, and in married life is de fied almost universally, r air of JFi'iitti,. The manner in which a newspa per paragraph sometimes makes the rounds of the press, has, per haps, rarely been better illustrated man y tne lodowing, the original of wliicn was first started by the 'cant' Uosf, in Xew York, and was sunt,! v thus: loyu- i ne pos tie of whist, under the old dispens ation, is said to have died full of years and honors.,' Copying this, the day after it appeared in the 7Jt.',-.' the Xew YovL liW,7 added: "fhis is not true, lie has merely fallen asleep, waiting for the last run; p." This, again,' was taken up mid' passed around in the following order: "Wonder if the grave digger held a 'full hand' of spades?" .Lt mist' We Conri, r .Tow tin!. "He doubtless met the dtiee with a grim-ace.' " hi-.ut.jo .Kce uitt'j Jitui'tml. "And is now ex pecting I he Angel Gabriel to 'order himup."' Ac'- J nrk Cinnmcrciitl. "It is cruel to talk of him thus after he has 'handed in his chips.' " J'iffx'tUf; L nth r. "True; espe cially as it is perfectly obvious he has now tt 'play the dummy.'" Tifnsr'Ue Cmifhr. To this we would humbly suggest that it. seems rather hard to have all the papers ot the country play this "cut -throat' game on a man who has to "go it alone.'' .-e- "Wo concur heartily with the Cincinnati j'Jnuiir in saying that we nave had strong prejudices against General Logan of Illinois, but really he is behaving quite ad mirably this session. His, scathing rebuke to the Administration lead ers for opposing the General Am nesty bill because, forsooth, it won hi Xort h reheve Governor ance ot Carolina of his disabilities. and render hire, eligible to his seat in the Semite, which a mean carpet bagger by the name of Abbott is Trying to steal from him, w:is well timed and manly. Poth the Scu sitors from Illinois were formerly old Democrats, and occasionally, in their independence and in their scorn of political baseness, we see ;x spark of the old fire. It is dilii cult for one to throw off entirely the effects of si good early political education. i Most remarkable case of pet rifaction is that of the body of a lady well known in aiamazoo Michigan. On attempting to re- move ih body from the College Cemetery, for interment in Moun tain Home Cemetery, the sexton found the collin so heavy that he had lo procure the assistance of a number of men. It was then rais ed to (he surface, but in so doing the cofiin was broken, and revealed the marble-like body within. An examination was made1, and the features were found to be perfectly preserved; even the petals of flow ers upon her breast were marbleized and intact. The folds of her cloth ing and everything were wonder fully preserved, and the whole were statuesque in appoarsmce. It is said the cofiin was full of water w h en openeo L pi ALL lib nr. -Urn :asy wives who pant for freedom will be glad to hear that Indiana still stands their friend, The total number of suits for divorce, brought in the Allen county (Indianapolis) Courts this year up to the present time is 1,200. Of these 1,0S0 were grated and 112 dismissed. Forty one divorces were granted in one week. Du. Xewmax appears to be a handy mar. to have sit the Capital, and excellent at certifying to the piety of candidates for office. Af ter having certified to the piety of Senator Harlan, he cr.uld not probably have any scruples of con- science in regard to vouching for tfiat of General Grant. He is also celebrated lor his prayers, having composed a prayer for the North j Pole. A" i &n?i. j eancr than Tweedism ? Prom the Xew York Sun (RadicaP. Xearly every day brings some fresh development illustrating the resemblance of Grantism to Tweed ism, even in the most minute de tails of the methods adopted for plundering the public. (irant has a Poard of Public Works in Washington, which has been shown to be as corrupt and lawless as Tweed's Board of Pub lic Works in this city. Tweed and his accomplices had their marble qu.arry for supplying material for public buildings at extravagant prices, and Grant and his friends have a Seneca stone quarry used for the same purpose. Tweed had i l si swarm of his relations provided with soft places at the public ex pense, and Grant has pensioned his connections and his wife's -connections, to the remotest degree of con sanguinity, upon theFmited States Tresisury. Tweed used money free ly to control the action ot the State Legislature, and Grant lias used the Federal patronage lavishly to in huence the legislation of Congress, and has gone to the Capital in per son to lobby in the interest of the mercenary San Domingo Ping. Tweed even went so far as to clutch at the deposits of the industrious poor in the savings banks, and now it appears from a letter in the Sav anait Xro:s that the Freedman's Savings Dank and Trust Company in Washington3au institution which holds in trust millions of dollars be longing to poor colored people, is managed in the most reckless man ner by a set of desperate svieeubi- tors in the interest of the Seneca tiwov. iuu, oi v i nca i ijTiaiil, r w 1 ho most distinguished member. The correspondent of the JVefs, who appears to be as familiar with the interor workings of this bank as was Capt. O'Pourke with the secrets of tlie Comptroller's oilice, distinctly asserts that attempts to draw out any considerable part of the money due to depositors would result in a wreck of the concern. He says that the bank has loaned money to the Seneca Stone Com pany of a fictitious value, and that $250,000 of the freed men's earn ings have been spent for a banking house built of Seneca stone. He ui ther says that an investigation would sho v among the assets of Ihe institution shares in the stock of other s.-ivings companies, placed at a fictitious value, the officers of which are also oficers of ihe bank ; corner lots enough for a city, but many of them of doubtful value; near;' a million dollars worth ot contractors' accounts against the old and new governments of Wash ington ; and stock of fancy paving companies on which loans have been made. Ihe Hon. Henry D. Cooke, the Treasurer and heaviest stockholder in the Seneca Stone Company, who yeas appointed by Grant Governor of the Territory, is Chairman of tlie Finance Commit tee of the savings bank. Other members of the Finance Committee su e spoken of as notorious jobbers suul speculators and sire charged with borrowing the funds of the Lu:k which they control, in viola tion of the provisions of its char ter. The details of loans inside un der circumstances calculated to create the gravest suspicious are given. with great particularity, and other disclosures of a more start ling nature are promised. These charges may or may not be sustained by proof ; but they are conlidcntly made in the columns of a respectable newspaper, and are republished in the Washington I'a triot, whose editors msiy be suppos ed to be competent judges of their credibility. If it is true that the savings of the poor negroes have been misappropriated or hazarded in the- reckfess manner described, it. only goes to show a little more clearly than heretofore how closely Tweedism and Giantism assimilate in this essential characteristic. PobL-ingthe negroes, however,may be considered a Jittle meaner than robbing white folks; if so, it is but just to Tweed that his kind of rob bery should have all the credit to be drawn from this nice distinction. How Loxt; ir takes to Pi:ad tiu; Bidlk TiinoueiH. Elder Weaver, a man who has preached the gospel with good success for forty-five years, who is noy settled over the Bsiptist Chuich in Yolun town, staled in sin address to the Sunday School in the Congrega tional Church in Jewett City, that he had heard a man say that he had reati the Lible through m stxtv hours. Determined to ascertain if he had told the truth or a lie, he set about it himself, and read the whole of it aloud tt) his wife in fifty-nine Incurs and something over thirty minutes. He read sometimes an hour, and sometimes two hours a day, keeping the exact time, with the result indicated above. An enterprism r Xew Englander i r,in,m;f A IL" loat on the n ei oangt.. . i.:,.. I. ..niccnri' iteatn- ls ftrp.r.f.ism TJ Fact and Fancy. A tight fit- The delirium trem ens. A sad dog one Avho tarries long at his AvJiine. Sixteen railways of England owr 8,400 locomotives. Pour people meet a violent death, every day in Xew York. An enterprising editor of Wyan lote dates his letters thus, "Y & "Why is a beefsteak like a loco motive? It is not much accon without a tender. In dress a lady should aim. ab S mple elegance rather than osten tation of display. The Pussian Grand Dukes only have $25,000 a year each for. spending money. Poor boys ! If you should lose your nose, v.: hat 'would you do? TsikePthe.' first one that turns up. A Detroit wedding was "post-, poned" by an affidavit handed ill by si discarded lover. That New York Custom House,. ''ring" is fearfully loud. It is heard sll over the country. An honesst man gathers no moss. A rolling stone's the noblest work' of God. 1 V. Xasbn. The velocity of the galvanic cur rent in iron wire does not exceed 1,800 per second. Sol Smith liussell, the actor, has. been baptised, and contemplates, studying theology. Three hundred and five murders, in Xew York city last year, and, nobody hanged. ; q St. Louis has a Free Thinkers Society, and Louisville caps it with si Free Drinkers' Association. The County Pecorder at Boston' employs twenty ladies, besides three male clerks, one of whom is a mute. 0 Baron von Schlosser, the success or of Baron Gerolt sxs Prussrau, Minister to Washington, is. remark ably gifted as a musician. O A Georgisi negro lighted a papec bombshell, and blew it up to. hasten, the explosion. It was a sad "blow;"' to his family. Mr, Low- got "high on egg-; nogg, at Columbia, Ga., and was brought low by a little pistol in the hsinds of a boon companion. Chang, the giant, has found Q young woman, in Australia who. has consented tq change hey eoinlU tion. Xp cards. The public is getting pretty well bored with the numerous re ports of the Nev,T York Board of Aldermen. Over the door of a cobbler shop in Providence appears this legend : " Boots and shoes is made hear ladies and shentlemans repaired.' King Louis, of Bavaria, broke the msitrimonial engagement with his cousju because she ate prunes. Such a lover isn't worth a lig. A hundred and twenty Cash? mere goats have been imported, into Utah, where they will be'Utah lized in the production of shawls. An old lady thinks the Bonds, must be a family of strong religious instincts, because she hears of many of them being converted Minnie Ilauck, the American, prima donna, has been offered by the Empress of Austria the position of contratrice to her majesty for life. A young lady writes to a friend ; "Miss Smith is staying with us. We went out sailing yesterday. I didn't know there was so much in her." A quarry of round-grain marble, 200 acres it) extent, hsis been found in Brillion, Calumet county, Wis consin. It is of a pink and whitp color, and is equal to the Italian. " Loss of a China packet ship !" exclaimed, si simple minded old laday, as she laid down a newspa per, " I should think so, when not even iron sire always sate." A Xew York justice became en-ra-ed at a witness, and told him if hefspoke that way again the Court would forget its dignity and punch his snoot. The Cambridge young ladies re fuse to accept courtesies involving ui outluY of lucre from the Har vard men. They even insist on -ivin" for their tickets to the col lege assemblies. An English banker's son has been convicted of a mania for breaking widows. He would hab itually shoot at the largest and costliest plate-glass with a catapult and stone bullets. "The best way to find out is to put a ring on it," was the blushing reply ot a young woman to the re mark of her lover that he hoped her "hand wos not counterfeit." C O