-"-i-V....-, , fs &Ji. o O o o O o Q o o O Q r i&fr,, ;- 2fc f G G O t J X I G O 0 o O o ,1 0 O O O o o O O o O o 0 O 0 o o O r 7 i)c lUccIily ntcvprisc. FIH DAY, l-'IilJUCAIir 9. 1872 The Sensation of Absent Limbs - It lias long been known to sur vcov.t that when a limb lias been cat off the suaerer does not lose the conciousness of its existence" This has been found to be true in nearly every such case. Only about live per cent, of the men who have suffered amputation nev er have any feeling of the part as being still present. Of the rest there are a fuw who in time come to foriret the missing member while the remainder seem to retain a peuse of its existence so vivid as to be more definite and intrusive than is that of the truly living fel low member. A person in. this condition is haunted, as it were, by a constant or inconstant.1 fractional phantom of so much, of himself as lias been lopped away an unseen ghost of the lost part, and sometimes a presence made sorely inconvenient by the fact that while but faintly felt at titr.es, it is at others acutely culled' to his attention by the pains or irritations which it appears to suffer from a blow on the stump or a change in the weather. There is something almost trag ical, something ghastly, in the no tion of these thousands of spirit limbs haunting as many good sol diers, and every now ami then tormenting them with the disap pointments which arise when, the memory being oii guard for a mo ment, the keen sense of the limb's presence betrays the man into some c"ifort, the failure of which of a sudden reminds him of his loss. 3fany persons feel the lost limb as existing the moment they awak en from the merciful stupor of the ether given to destroy the torments of the knife ; others come slowly to this conciousness in days .and weeks, and when the wound has healed ; but, as a rule, the more sound and serviceable the stump, especially if an artificial limb be worn, the more likely is the man to feel faintly the presence of Ins shorn member. Sometime a blow on the stumi) .will reawaken such conciousness, or, as happened in one case, a reamputation higher up the limb will summon it anew into seeming existence. "ith others it is a presence nev er absent save m sleep. "If," says one man, "I should say I am more sure of the leg which ain't than of the one that are, I guess I should be about correct." LipidncolCs J!eazlae. IV.kache:: i: 1'HTTiroAT.s A church is to be established in this city, on Sunday next, under the lastorial charge of Rev. Cora Tap pan," who commanded the Xew iIexiean brigade' during the war, wlro served in the Indian Peace Commission and who was for many years a newspaper correspondent, connected with the. Xew York l'ih(;. and other papers. Rev. 3 Irs. Tnppuii was lormerly 3 Irs. Cora Hatch, and subsequently Airs. Cora Daniels, and was well known throughout the country as a spiritual medium of the '"inspira tional1' order. She is said to be possessed of a highly poetical and ornamental style of eloquence, and thoit'4'li she is not the medium of Demosthenes, like Mrs W'oodhull, she is said to be the medium of twelve departed rhetoricians, who all understood oratory as well a Demosthenes. The Rev. Mi Rur- ieigh, Rev. Aliss craves, Kcv 31 is. Hows, Rev. Miss Olympia Urown and a number of other reverend ladies, will have the honor of as sisting at the ordination of Rev. 3Irs. Tappau, who is the author of a volume of poetry lately publish ed, entitled WI Icsperia," evidently v-ot inspired by 3liiton, Pope or Ryron. A" ". Sl.u-, -Ant. ii Fi'.TA!.!'. Tasi'i-:. A cultivated taste marks a woman of e!er-iuce and refinement as decidediy as a kixwled;e of clasical literatiire do- a Lieut lesnan ; a nl t! iere is notion r in which female vulgarity is more clearly sliown than in want of ta-ue. Tins is an axiom that we think will not admit of dispute; but it is a question how far taste is natural, an 1 how far it may be ae oaircd. .V delicate taste must, to :i c.rfnn ovfnnt .lo,wmil no,.., ll. I organization of the individual; and ! ;v!1,,n- ,ho heathen," said the no il is impossibfe for any rules to be j wtsu a!alied boy. laid down which will impart taste I to persons entirely devoid of it. ; itt litis is verv f!.!o.':i tin e.-tst' with w,;;u,i ; as it is one of tll J that lmrt ot tlte ceremony, "I pro lew points in whi-i, wom,n nattt- i "T i. 7" ' u U rallv excel me:. .Men mav 1e an-l j ft'vet shoutcl -htUl-I.ea-ls ! lmll rooaniv are, n.erior to women in i hc:uls ' f the -HKement of pronaoiv are, s;n all that iv('.iires jirol";un t.h;irht a;ul general knowleile, hut in the arrangement ol' a luase, anl the ititrodnetion of ornamental t"irni tnre and articles 'oijottterie, there can be no doubt of the innate su periority of woman. Every, one must have remarked the difference a the furnishing of a bachelor's house, and one where a lady pre sides ; the thousand little elegances of tin; latter, though nothing in them-elves, adding, like cyphers, prooiiousis- to the value ot the solid articles they are appended to. j 7, - or iohacco. A vir-mi:i woman was ivcentlv cut in in the muls t. nt i, .-! ' o r i - t ,-'avs- tobacco i Old n tor she had smoked and ciewed a hundred years. About mi. o.hhj iiiiiu a coioreo w,im. i i " i 5,;,,1 tUnt " - livino- near DtntnVie, 1 Ld t- ' I a"'1 , T, S ! i-e of m ,1 o - V , att 'ias can iold his ears over the ' arc ot JJ, and it is satd timt -!l(.r t u of head, he doesn't need pTe was her constant cotupauiou." any hair, anyhow' j A Browned Man's Body Recovered Last week a man fell into the De troit river and was drowned. The next day attempts were made to find the body with grappliughooks. While the men were thus engaged, a buyer of junk stuff, named David Ilepito, an Itallian, who happened' to pass up the tTocks, watched them for a while and then asserted that he knew of something that would lea-d to- the speedy grappling up of the body. lie proposed to get a loaf of bakers bread, put some quicksilver into one end, and seri ously asserted that on beim; thrown into the water it would float to a point directly over the body, and then stand still. He was hooted at, and told to go about his junk buying, not a man believing in the old woman's whim as they termed it. Ik'plto went away and returned in a little while, threw a iouf of bread Tito the water near wheie the man went off the dock, and in a mo ment called the attention of two attention Ot two the fact that the ,r -tv. iii.l ;L o -i Ig alOlltKl l.kC a men below to i i i:i. loai was spmmn- .uui.m i.ivir a tip. It went partly under the dock, -tood still for a moment, and then went halt a block down stream, tut mm' riLiht ami lelt, ami, a ill i vouched for by five different men, stood nearly two minutes against the current, which was floating drift wood right by it. Very much excited the Italian shouted to the searchers to drag over the spot. They were farther down, and it was a half an hour before they passed over the spot, but when they did it was hooked into the clothes of the drowned sailor, and lie was hauled to the dock. De troit lmt . Dl uixg the recent terrible fires in Western Michigan, there were three brothers, owners of valuable mills and buildings, which they and their neighbors (some of whom weie Christian men) were defend ing from the fires until they were exhausted and in despair. One of tiie owners a frank, rough, wicked man, of huge frame and generous impulses, said many hard words about God's permitting the de struction of so much property for no good to any one. Finally he gave up, and said to his neighbors, k(io home, go home, nothing more can be done for us, God can do. as he pleases." Just then a few drops of rain fell ; looking up, they saw the cloud, and all redoub led their efforts. A slight rain fell, the fire was checked and the mills saved. The rough man dropped upon his knees, great tears rolled down his face, his hands were clasp ed, head bowed, and he was ago nizing to express his thanks. Sud denly he sprang to his feet, vigor ously swinging his hat, and with the most intense earnestness shout ed, "Hurrah for God I Hurrah for God ! !" Turrit is 1ui;-;f. Anybody can soil the reputation of an individu al, however pure and chaste by ut tering a suspicion that his enemies will believe and his friends never hear of A puff of the idle wind can take a million of the seed of a thistle, and do a work of mischief which the husbandman must labor long to undo, the floating particles being to fine to be stopped. Such arc the seels of slander, so easily sown, so di iieull to be gathered up, and yet so pernicious in their fruits. The slanderer knows that many a mini will catch up the ..i ". i i. i i,.. its insinuations, without ever seek ing the antidote. Xo reputation can refute a sneer, nor any human skill prevent mischief. A negro passing along the street, was astonished to hear a voice call out, "How d'ye do, Massa Mango? how d'y do, Snowball ?" and on looking. observed it proceeded from a parrot in a splendid gilt cage. "Ah, Massa Parrot," said blackee, "vou great man here you lib in gold house now ; but me know your fader very well ; he lib in de i bu.-n. A Vouxs; boy being chafed in school by some pupils older than himself, became angry, and pick ing up the first thing he came to (which hap) c led to be a testa ment) threw it at them. The teach er inquired what he was doing. Lit .1 1 1 u CasUDg till' WO HI Of V0I a recent weilumir in Klti UK beck as the cleruvntan reaelied some and the consternation of oth ers present on the occasion. -V worthy Quaker thus wrote : "I expect to pass through this wotid but once; if, t here fore, there can be any kindness I can show, or any jjjood tiling I can do to any fel low beinix, lot me do it now. Let ni not defer or neglect it, for I will not pass this way aain." When a man is unable to tell the time by his watch, because them fire two li.'inils mid lie does not know "which to believe," it a tocrai)e suro rrj, that he has oartaken or more reti eslunents tlian nature reouires. . l A llartfor.l editor havin- twit-; ted an editor in a nei-hb rin- city j of h.in, l,:vld. subsenuentlv a nolo- I A U.CTIOXAXD COMMISSION AUCTIONE E It ! Comar of Front and Oak streets, Portland. AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate. Groceries, GeneEadMercLan dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday ! A. B. Richardson, Auctioned AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Bar and Bundle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast steel Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws; Scrtws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, R. G. Iron also: A lareassortmentof Groceries and Liquors A. 13. Richardson, Auctioneer CUFF HOUSE, MAIN ST KELT, on City. Oreuon. I rims POPULAR HOUSE HAVING T?een 1 lately iniiI l TED and FURNISHED, the Proprietors are now ready t aoccomnio ,i .... 1 1,,,,- i!i with II liD-FI ISM !'! the Pronrietors are now ready t aoccomnio - cust.:.MM s with II A KD-FIMS11E 1 d .nine or single ro ins. TIk-v invite all those 'ond ' GOOD MEaL amh (;O00 RED. t i call and trive them ati i .l, lor tiicv are cullli,len, ,.K.V Cjt Tease eveivit nlv, because they know how to keep a Hotel. Prices to si.it the i:uies ami Everybody, according to the rooms t eenpied. Attached to the House is a O 6 frh m sisT a For the accommodation of csutomers. M E li III A M & FO U I M I: II , Ju:ie lf, 18 1 l:tf Proprietors. JEW WAGOX G ,;- AND Carriage Manufactory ! The undersigned, having increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets. Oregon City Oregon. Takes this method to inform his old pat rons, and as manv new ones as may be pleased to call, that he is now prepared, with ample room, good materials, and the very b '-t of mechani' S, to build anew, recon s met, make, paint, iron and tarn out all complete any sort ol a vehicle from a com mon cart to a concord coach. Try me. lilacksmithing, Horse or Ox shoeing, and general jobbing ueatlv, qnicklv nod cheap ly done. DAVID S.MII H. Opposite Excelsior Market Eye, Ear, Throat & Lungs. J0H?J B. PILKIPJGTON, EL D., JATE OF SAX FltAXCI.SCO, II AS LO j ca'ed in Portland. Oregon. Olliee : In H line-.' Ihiilding. First street (three doers from Lad 1 A Tiltm's lJ ink), where he mny be coiisnlit d daily, and will treat diseases of the ab ive named org ins as specialties. All operations upon the Eve and Kai per formed iu the most scientific and careful manner. AKT1 FICTAL EYES, having aM the beauty and mobility of th natural eye, Juserted. Iieieis bv ieiiiiis-ioii, for his pruft-s.-ional stamlinii, to L. C lame, M, !., rofesor o.' Surgery, and Edwin lientley, M. 1)., Profes sor of An itoiny, University of the Pacific. San Fi anciseo?. and for his success in the treatment of eases, to over l.-ji'D cases tieat cd bv liiin, in San Francisco ; also, to Levi Ests, Esq., Wev. T. L. Eliot, Portland ; Win. 11. Di'h u, E-q., Vancouver, W. T. ; and many others Oregon and Washington Ter rL:cjy ati;r.".:niO SHADES SALOON, G. A. HAAS, Proprietor, Ilain Street, Oregon City- .11,-st BILLIARD TA BLT'.S in OK KG OX Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention or the lovers or this popular amusement to them. T n i: B A 11 1 S S VP 1' I A El) With all the choicest qualities of Liquors anj Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Bourbon alreadj famous Wilis kits and Punch. also, a xo. 1 SHOOTING GALLERY Is connected with the Saloon. Oregw Citj Jan. 1, 1872:1 f WILLSAFsl SINGER Establish id 1 'H -.f .lOK FOR 111E MAXUFACTOIiY OF SASH, eilMOSAND OCGRS AND MOULDINGS OF ALL SIZES. rrs- Thpy will also do TURNING, of evry ile.-cription to order, With Neatness and Dispatcl 1 1 o ALL V.'OHK WARRANTED, Sliop nn the River, back of Ackerme.n's Store, Oregon Citj', Oregon. Constantly on hand PARLOR, BEDROOM, OFFICE, ' KITCHEN, and SITTING ROOM FURNITURE, BUREAUS, Louuges, Rocking Chairs, Vhatnots, Bed steads, &c- Siles Room In Dr. Thesins's Brick, Main street. Jacob Stitzei.. JamesR. Ui-tox STITSEL & UPTO II, Real Estate Brokers and General Agents, Corner of Front and Washington streets', PORTLAND, OREGON. Will attend to the sale and pnrchast ot Real E.-t:no in all parts of t he C'ity and t ite. Special attention given to the sale ol East I'ortliVid property. Address P. O. Box 4 V2, Port! iwl. Orecon ST1TZEL .V- UPTON. 91 f. L'eal Kxtute Brokers. A. G. WALLIXG'S Pioneer Book Bindery. C orner of Front an.l Alilcr Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOORS RULED and ROUND to anv aesirea panern. MUSIC I0KS' MAGAZINES, NEWS- PAPERS,- Etc., bound in. every variety of yie known to the trade. toSI,drt0ffroai the coantT Vmptl7 at any desired pattern. 1 COURTESY i J $A? t i ham W W LOOK OUT FOE GOOD S. ACICERIIA & CO. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE btock of SPI1IXG & DIMMER GOODS, WHICH THEY OFFER Cheaper tliasi tlae CSeaicsf. We would sav, come and convince your self before purchasing claewhei e. Oar stock consists in part of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY-GOODS, CHOTHING, II ATS, BOOTS AND SHOES. NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, and a great many articles too numerous to lientioii. ALO, Doors, Windows, Glass and Putty. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. ALSO, WOOL wanted, for which we pay the U CUI I EST PRICE. Oregon City, Apiil 21, ls71:tf -"W yimtjt, -mA;y The ing of Vineral Sprinas is the Ger man Sri zoi- ; a d IHiirani'ij iviiiivivitiit Scltzci A jji'i ii i;i Is its dnplicate. Letters attesting its won- lerUil Ionic Aperu-nt ;ind anti ILliou-i qualities swarm in fr .-m every source. The qu 'stiiiii hni been settled whe;h -r arti ci.d medicated waters mav not be (iiual to tho-e which burst sparkling 1ro:i) the earth its'd: Tl.ey cm ; ued genuine, proves t..c lUct. Be cauii'His Accept none otner. soi.n uv all imm:ggist?. LA TE OF THE CLIFF HOUSE MVI STltEKT, OKEfJOX CITV, OKE(;0X. JIIE UNDERSIGN ED KE- s jl speeti'uJ'y anttonnces to his vS 'V J fi lends and ti.e t. ave'itur tnib'ie, vclv that I e has re-opened the above named Rest:miMot 'J'he proprietor knows how to serve his ! csntoiuers with Oyst-is, l'i.:'s Feet, a good cup ot Uollee or a SQUARE MEAL. LEON D UEY' Oregon City, Jan. 27, lS71:tf Lost 7 Amei-iean "MARl', eiv:V.t"vear- old, about Cr J 1 1 hauils hiyli, ;i small v !n?e ftrii-e o;iU 11 the near fore toot, and the. hoot black und white, nobrands or oiher mark-.. Any one returning said mare or leavmfr information of when' she may hi: found, at the :) -toiiiee, in Oregon City, will le hlerallv rewar.lcd. SAMUEL liAJISHEX. Ore .-on City, July 11, ls7 1. JOHN II. SCII II AM. Manufacturer and Dealer in SADDLES, HARNESS, 1 .i-:'?m ! f i etc- M.i in St-tef, Oregon City, Wishes to represent that he is now as well prepared to furnish any article in his line as the larprest establishment in the State, lie nartictilaily requests that an examination of his stock be made before huyinr elsewhere. ORE SON CITY BREWERY ! (pj 1 1 K N II Y II IT 71 BEL, Havinc: purchased the above llrewerv wish es to inform the pubHe that he is now prepar ed to manufacture a No. 1 quality of i. a a -; ; n e e ii, As ccood as can he obtained an where in the Stale. Orders solicited and promptly tilled. HOUSE AKOL0TS FOB SALE rpilE UNDEHSK.NED OFFFILS FOR JL sale his residence in urepon City. There are lour lots, a good hou-c and liarn, with a line cellar and a p;ood well f water. There is identy of huid, and it is well adapted for early rard.-mu purposes. Part payment may be made in stock. For particulars ep ply to GLOUOE CLARK. Ore on City Juna2 lc7Ltf GHEA.T WfMTER TGN!C. II-;mf n's CortTial Klixlrof Ca liaaj-si. IJai U, a pleasant Cordial which strengOiens and improves the ):estion, an excellent preventive of Fevers, Fever and Acne, Ac, and a prreat Tieno- -tor and Tonic for inva lids and "dt bil t.ited prrsor.s. Heoemax & Co , Xew York, Sole Manufacturers, iiold by all Druggists. A VOID QUACKS. A victim of early in- discretion, eausing nervous debility, premature deeav. Sec . havinir tried in vain every advertised remedv, fas a simple means j ct en-cure, which he w;U send free to lus fellow sntlerers. Address J. II. REEVES, 78 Nassau St., Xew York Sept. l;iy NOTARY PUBLIC, ENTEKPRISE OFF Oregon City, Jaa 13:tt OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, f C- W POPE & GO., DEAI.KU.S IX STOVES, TIN PLATE. SHEET IRON, BRA lERs: (.'OPPEl;, LEAD PI1E, IR I'li'E and fittings, rcbke HOSE. FOPCE AND LIFT PUMPS, ZINC, COPPER, BRASS AND IKON WIRE. Also a general cssoitment ot Hons nishing Goods. MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet Eron Ware. ROOFING AND JOBBING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE TO ORDER, AND AT LOW PRICES. o Also, at POPE'S STOVE STOiiK you will find HARDWARE ANT) BASKETS, WOODEN, WARE AND TINWARE, LANTERNS, LAMPS AND OIL, LUCINE AND NIGHT LAMPS. ALSO PERAMBULATORS. o All of the above articles are for sale at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. C. W. t'O PE CO. ll:lyl Oregon City Oregon. LINCGLHBAKERY. OAS LEY & MAHDSG, Successors of L. Dillku in the Liucola Bakt ry, 1)EG LEAVE TO INFORM TIIE CITI ) zens of Oregon City and surrounding country, that they keep constantly on hand and for sale, all kinds of BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, PASTRY, CANDIES AND NUTS. Also, a good and general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Orders promptly filled, and goods deliver ed at the residence of the purchaser when desired. The highest pi ices paid for Butter, Eggs and Vegftabl s. A liberur share of public patronage is re spectfully solicited. April 'j:J, s7t:lv FALL AND WIHTEII GOODS JUST RICEIVED AT DE.W.EH IN DI1Y GOOI)S CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HARD W A R E, G R 0 C E II IE-, CROCKERY, NOTIONS, C. IAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. PRO E f all kin Is Lou-ht. for whic? I pay the hihefct market pi ice. 'i you desire jrood Goods, at LOW Prices, call at I. SELLING'S, and examine his fresh s.-. k of Spring Goods. GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. Mv Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. I. SELLING. April 14, lS71:tf hi a e sr k -UJ j 0 va E-i q COltXEK MAIN AM) SF.VKSTII STUEK'IS. OHEGON CIT1", OliSGOIT, D':i!er in CIIOCX Ti'. and GLASS Willi Also, a full assortment of Milliiicrj iwvA Fancy Goods OF THE LATEST ST E , J (J S T E O ! V E COUNTRY PHODUCS A EN IN EXCIIA GE FOIi GOOilS. Ol t. fi, leTLtf OREGON CITV, ORECON, RETAIL DEALERS IN HOOTS &SBIOES, I a!?o keep constantly on hand SALEM C ASS IM E R E S, FLA NNELS, TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Which I will sell nt the Factory Prices, and will take wool iu exchange. 5T"I will also pay the highest prices for Putter, Errtis, and ail kinds of good country produce.. 1 w;!I seil as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash or Us equivalent in good merchantable produce. j Give me a call and satisfy yourselves J01IX ?4ERS. J-.r. 13, 1871. tf VICK'S iAL GUI FOR 8 872. OV'EIl OXE UU.VDUlfiU PAGES, Prin'ed in Two Colors, On etiocrb Tixtf.d Paper. I'iiii r Iluitclrrd Engraving of Plow irs, Plants und Vegetable, with description, aid TWOC0L0REJJ PLATES- Directions and plans for making Walks sold of 1S71, Address, A5IES VICK. Hoc Hester, X. Y. JMPERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaRoque & Co., OREGON CITY jfcKeep constantly on hand for sale jjgwns. iiitrde us, c. i ne nanosomest and j eApencnces in reiaiiort to lmriotence or bpst FLORAL (il lDK in iheWurld. All i Virility ; being a Shoi t Treaties on S.,ern!a for TE " CEXTS, to those who think of! torrhwa or Seminal Weakness, Nervous and having Seeds. Not a qarter the cost. 200.000 ! Physical Debility conscoiient on this 'f-,i I fho tv r,jPsi lVcrwrv V i ii t u A U oil 1 L h s . ;2 ' Hundred.! cf Thousands c . r Ecar testimony to their AVosnJer- ci : c o i'ul Cirrali o itifccts. Ti'i' ill WHAT ARE THEY ? sr C'g 2 THEY AR!3 NOT A VII. E 3 11 FANCY D R --1 KMi Made of I'ac.r V.uni, Vh:f!;P-, A .Spirits and lie IAv, :!! rr. :' '.. ; .-'' and swtctene i t pL-ui- : t'.u t.-.-t -'. ' lcs,""Appeti2Ts," R.-st.-rers,- ac, t'.aU lea ! the tippler on to h-.::-'.:c-r.:'.i..v. tf.t sre atruo Medic ine.'.nr. jo i'i:: tttcNatlv j V.cf:'. iva Tles c-f Ca'ifc.rr.i-i. fvcv Vvt-.-.n -A'. Ayo':A.- fI iitt iilai:: q I lyz.V-1, et Kfii-'i r.t-'-r w.C. I -z v ' the Pyt-t c.irry :.U p'-'i'.-.tv-.s i.'atlv a:i; restoring ti.e hl.-.u tv i. v.V.i-? c-.t.:i. person can taV.o I'.c : : vr? ..; co:' ..r ;; to L tion an1 rc.na',-v t - nr. v.- !!. For ;r.ii:ir.i::i:;i.:-r- fin.: Chv'i- lthc:x matiKM ai:.! (Jo::?. Dysrcr.a , r lad:. eresSiou, H;;::!1!., t.i: l,!;-.;i- Miitier.t 1"J'V !, l-h : ;t' i f-'' -J5---Uvcr, KUhii'jM. a ii -I lil.i .l.l-r, ;;;'";i tet-3 liavo b ---a ! '. : S:;th - cases are c:ir.?ed by Viti;!-: ?1 5 v.;i.f. is frenerally r-roducj.1 by v..-:a:ix- :t:i.; -i t-i-Dii'f ! i v c Orjrr. ::s. lY.m'KiSiA Oil 1NTH"n');. Hcad.ielui. I'a'.ii i.i th.- f-tion'.r.c :, Ct. 1 nesstif the CUccXjy.y.y.:..''----, l-.;u- - - - the SlomaeU, T5ad t.-.it i : V.n M---V.h i:-:.:o.y.i --C-tacks, ra!i);t;:iU: of : . '- ;' - the l.u.u:.-,l'-;-i in r -. ; ::'t:iv i.-.r.. y..... a hundred oth?r painlut f-yuiptius, - C.c .... springs of Dyspepsia. '"Tlicy invigorate tiie Stomarh and rti-nnla'o ia- torpid liver tf.nl low-.-'.-, '.v!:irh ejual!ed cQcacy l:i c-iear.sinv t.,r f. '. t iinnurities, and iinparti.i g nc .v : ..i v;- i.:' I. tiie ivholc system. FOR SIS. IN mST-IAWT.Ss . m; -fw.Tc -t ter. Salt i:hcuni,.D:o,tcIics. p-ls, riaip;..-s, I'-.i.-iub-:-. Boils, Cartpnelcs, L.ie.g-Worms, s;;:;i.l-:ira L.-'or-. Eyes, Erysipelas, Iteli, Scarf, Dise.d ratior.s ol the ?kin, Humors and Dis.asos ci";Lo Skin, o: whatever nam.: or r.aiure, aiv liu-ru'dy dsi "' and carried out of the system in a r-h--r ti:uo by the visj of thesa Bitters. Ore I-n'..; iu sr..;i: cases will convince tho most iiicreiul us ol ihei: eimitive cS'ects. Cleanse the Vitiated Tdood whenever yc-.i f.::d Its impuriiics bars tin:; t!uvu:ch ti.-upkl.i itil'iin plcs, Ernplions cr Sores; cleanse n ".v'.::'U you find it obstructed and shu;,r;sh in the veins; cleanse it when it is f'ul, and your feeling w".i tell you when. Keep tie blood pure and tho health of the system will follow. VIS, TA PEand other VVOIiIS, lurlcinK in the system of so many t'.iousa.o'.s, are e'lectua'.ly destroyed and r 'moved. Eur faU din- tions, reaC carefully the circular aiv.iud each bottle. J. -WALKER. Proprietor. R. II. ?.tr l)0; .Vbi & CO., Dnm.tdst3 aadC.en. Atr.::,t-, f'aa Fran.?isf;o, Cab, and KendOl Cohimerc otreet. New Vork. SOI.P BV ALL DRUG CISTS AND DEALERS. Feb. 17: ly Ciiiitlc Curt'9 :im5 I-?e-te C l;arjcs. Or- W. lln Dofre ? y's Private rI clfcit yn-g5t-nl Institute Ho.519 Cccramento street, corner cf Leidesorff, low doors below tho What Cheer House.) (Private entrance on Leidesdoi ft' street.) Established Expressly to A tiV.ru the Alihcted Sound and Scicnt itic 1 ed ical A id, in tlio Treat iiient unl Cure ol all Private and Chronic i.-eases, Cas-os of Secrecy and all Sexual Disorders. To t!f Ai'5i iil. DR. W. K. DOllERTY returns lii.s si; cere thanks to his i.unieious jiatients for tho'i patronage, and Would take this epjiortimity to remind the:n that he continues to consult at his Institute for t'-e cure of clirorie dis eases of the Li-.nirs, Liver, Kidneys, Dises tive and J en i to-Ui inar y Organs, and ai private di-t ase, vis : Svphilis in all its foi u s and stagi s, Seminal V'cakr,es and all the hortid coiiseqneiices of self-abn-e, il v.-i h(ea, Ol ct, S t rict tin s, Nt.cturna! end Dit.r nal Emissions. Sexual Deliildy, Diseases ot the Pack and Loins, i lu'ammation of the 151. older and Kidneys, etc. ; and he hopes that his long experience and succes-l'ul prac tice will continue to insure him a share of public patronage. P.y the practice of many years in Europe and the United States, lie is cnaVf d to apply the most e Hie' cut and suc cessful remedies against diseases of all k'nds He uses no mercury, c: ai ge model ate, t i e, it his patients in a correct and honorable war, and has references ot unque.-tionable veraci ty fiom men of known resectabi!ity and high &t antf lag in society. All parties con sulting him by letter or otherwise, will re ceive the he.-t and gentlest t! c.itme :t :.r.d implicit seciccy. M I'-'unalrsi. AVlo'Ti a feniale is in trouble, or Arreted with disease, sis weakness of the ba k and limbs, pain in the head, dimness of si :ht, loss of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, irrit iliiiit', nervoiisncss, extreme ur inary diliienlties. leran;ei:-iit of uige-tive functions, general debility.' vaginit is, ail dis eases of the womb, hysteri;i, stei iiity ai d all other diseases peculiar to females, she should go cr write at once to t' e c h boded female doctor, W. K. I'tOllKKTV, at his Medical It. stitnfe, and consalt l.im about Iu r tt cubic? and diseas'-s. The Doctor icfhcting more oiireA than any other phy sician in the tte of California. Let no false delicacy pit-vent von, but apply immediately and save yourself from painful snflei ings and premature death. All married ladies, whose delicate health or other circumstances prevent an inciea-T :r. their families should write or call at 1)U. V. K. DOII KKI V'S Medical InstiMde, ar.d they will receive every possible relief and help. The Doctoi's ofiices are so arrr.r.ccd tl.nt he pan be consulted without fear of observation. To f'orrrpoadents. Patients residing ia any pa r t of the State however distant, who mav desire the opinion and adviceof I'R.DOIIF.UTY in their itsikc tive cases, and who think proper to submit s written statement of such, in preference to holding a personal interview, are respectful ly as.su ted that their communication will be held sacred and confidential. If the case bt fully and candidly described, persoaa! com munication will tie un ne' essa ry, as instruc tion. for diet . regimen and the general treat ment of ti.e ea-e itself including the icme dies will be forwarded without delay, and m such a manner as to convey no ideaof the purport of the letter or parcel. jf?fOonsultation by letter or otherwise. FREE. Permanent cure guaranteed or no pay! Spcrinaton Un a. DR. DOIIETITY has just published nn ,m pnrtant pamphlet, embodying his own view? tion. and other rliso-isr.i! S fU o,. w. j i bis httle v,-ork contains information of the : utmost, value to ali, whether married f rcir-lc ; and will be sent FI1EE bv mail on receipt" r,f ' six cents in postage stamps for return post age. Address. 1 W. K. DOIIERTV. Jf. D juIySOly San Francisco Ca'l 1 rr.AXKs. All kinds of blank" cfn be P :- tu - m i - - - - 1 .. i . - i - z A lerrv recii a (hi For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs,, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. Among the great discoveries of modern science, few arc of more real value to. mankind than this cf-. fectual remedy for all diseases of the Throat and Lnnrrs. A vast trial of " its virtues, throughout this and other countries, lias shown that it does . surelv and effectually control them. The testimony of our best citi zens of all classes, establishes the fact, that Ciiekiiv l'r.rroiiAL v, ill and does relieve and, cure the aiilictin- disorders of the Throat and; Luti-r bevon l any other medicine. '1 he most dangerous allections of the Pulmonary Organs vield to its power; and cases of Consurap-, tion, cured bv this preparation, are public--ly known, so remarkable as hardly to ba-be-,, lleved, were they not proven beyond dispute... As a remedv it inadequate, on which tho public; may rely for full protection. Py curing Coughs. the" forerunners of more serious disease, it saves, unnumbered lives, and an amount of suffering not to be computed. It challenges trial, and con vinces the most sceptk-al. Every family should keep it on hand as a protection against the early -and'imperceived attack of Pulmonary Affections, which are ea-dlv met at tirt, but which become incurable, and too often fatal, if neglected. Ten-, der lungs need this defence; and it is unwise to. be without it. As a safeguard to children, amid the distressing diseases which beset the Throat and Chest of childhood, Ciikiusy Pkctoral . is invaluable; for, by its timely use, multi tudes are rescued from premature graves, and saved to the love and affection centred on them. It acts speedily and surely against ordinary colds, securing pound and health-restoring sleep. No one wi if suffer troublesome I:ifi(ieii7.i and pain ful Bronchitis, when they know how easily tliev can be cured. Originally the product of long, laborious, and successful chemical investigation, no cost or toil is spared in making every bottle iu the utmost possible perfection. It may be confidently re lied upon as possessing ail the virtues it has ever exhibited, and capable of producing cures as memorable as the greatest i: has ever effected. rr.ErAP.ED by Dr. J. C. AVER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. SOLD CY ALL DUUGGIST3 EVERYWHERE. Ayer' s ! AJdiJ it. V .X..f?rl SLJJJL For restoring to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. A v.liich is at once agreeable, LeaKIiy, and; effect ual for. 7 '- ,"- ; ''"''-Vv pTC-.-iei'VIlig i air. Ji soon restores faded r .Vin-.c--' or (tray it air (troy hair y -A r coior, ivith the ffToss and freshness of iouth. Thin liair i i tliickoned, falling hair ehec!-:e;L and i)ahaie.-;s often, though not always, cured by it? u?. Xothing can restore tho hair v.liei-e the follicles are stroyed, or tho glands atrohieJ oe- decay e l ; out such as remain can bo saved by this implication, and stimu- lated into r4;-i:vitv, so mac , 1 f o no-or. growtli of hair is produced Instead of fouling tho haii' with a pasty tedi-. meat, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair. from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Tho restoration of vitality it gives to the. scalp arrests and prevents the forma tion of dandruff, which is often so nn cdoanly and offensive. Free from those, deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and inju rious' to the hair, tho Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted roorely for a It Alii DRESSING, nothing else can be. found so de-irable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it nx-s-not soil white cambric, and vet lasts long on tho hair, giving it n ;h, tdoss lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared bv Dr. J. C, Aver & Co, X'r; iticnl and A -. tieal CJ.cmI.sts, LOWELL 2IASS. mit'i't Iiis 1J;itian i, VV lad s;s, ent - llr " si. t e "i : e:i In ; no Covfy Cu.ut c.r Che Covutv, Oie- f-roa. In i lie naio-v or Tie (' n. ,-.';. i Ti i j of M. V, . l-iv-r, V,. A. Move;-, (J. t. Mov.-r, and A. Sir-.-r, minor ':!:; n of , '-.i :e;-. - o( ,1. ' riCi ill. r..-f K Ki; (,v i.AJD WA1:T-S, f- and ::U i'er- i :i : ci - .,. i i n t !;ei r i ..- ate : V le-V'-a ;, 'P. .1. 'i . yl:;;-. ( ; t.-r. !i.n t said jMoioi 's J-.-:';.:e, I: i'i i 'o;f hi- j 'ii.vMj, hci'- in;i thet iv i u t - ..u y, ;o:d r.oiiid , lei eii-ial to !ii - N'a:.i --. ' ! ' !e-ii i.i.: i c i in io: s , 2. il, 7 end 8, iu i'.:o. '. (-0 ie 'i":--n ''iry, iaekamas .i.uuiy, .!;.. n!i, s-:ai: sO . ' -Hi ec.i.-dj-;r to law. You undo.ieh of yoa ai-, ihMei'ore, directed to ej.'ji.'ar betoiv !- I ';.,, , hi; ( 'oai t llr.es;., ja o'ivui.n i.v. re..--.ii. on iiv t Jfondav' in 1-Vt,rn.iry, A. D.. i.sr..', 51 o . !o,-k a. jm. of sei.l day, then and tl.t :e .o : hiw e.ti:.e, if any vo;. li.nv, m li' : !ioiii'l lie ;-i-,ii.teii .',! "t .e -! ' ' - : And. s, is l..r::ev ordered th i a y "I ois y;i:i,;;- i.ec or tlrvy saeetss.ve v.--- i. . ,n ,,:.(;s ,,u Ci.e K.-p,.,-.,... a -Avckiy n-vv -r. pn' li; :2 iu o-.c-;-o'i" Vil v,' Wiine-s ir-v: j. i-r. v. ;,, nuy .r,7,-e of Q ( r ' . " - ' s.id o..i;. , . i'i in-;- or .ui e-.- 1-r eoi'inv ( - ) ': i t!,- '-;,, oi s.o,: Cr-.-iv Co::r. i'n. a.j. -l. :i i.uro. J. kkazki:, 1-m; v, :J . , . ' !-. IV.:, -. SATAN IN SOCIETY. K,,A.X i:"1Ni-i-,i-iivsiciAN .IV.. - ' I'ues-or III one o! f.oe !....,,. . , C;Vl e.es It daN leu,-e,,lv, L M . c a- vvi.h evi shorn uhich spun,, p!,y.p;a! y al .d.gr,(!,t,on. ami d,- e.Uc te!ie;ty a.l th h ading rengiouo end seeder r.a-' litrs- '''- imgazn.o ii: the I'. S., and the VV, d.et of the ,:k,t ami ditlnnm U ut;t,s a, o,(,,Wc that it is C- .. b..a it is ,:-,,, , that it will vw!:e iU !.e-',. , am! ,! wif . It is ot vital ;';;?; ,. ,v to everv man and v. (!!i,,n m the land, ai.d is having a h on J-r-ful sale. Asreii'.s x lied this a rare opren tunitv to make money. Circiil.irs, oivin full paf t;c di.r, with ni io roiis notices of the nres KC nt tt je. 1 A L. BANCT0FT & CO , sax rn an Cisco, cal. TroTK-K is iir.i: viw iivi-:x that the tlix of the e-:ic of J jTiii i if. ( ',io.i. J( e . : .1 i .i;t- i---' o .'. in .. .vulnllllslra- late of Clackamas couaiy. ( )i c-t-On. All persons aed, vri . . j.... .. i ' -.. '..ii, -.11 knov.inu' theras,-iv.- in-h-bred So the uid ( arf ivi!iese-l to make named isiie r,-,t t ee;t.. d tlie sanie: .in I ah ;k ;--.uih hu iu- hiils aair nient of i nst ine. the fttoresui i oM-e.ss- .i, inu-t ji;t-.;iit tie s.-ii denee, m Oreui :y, wi r.r, Bl:; months iVcm the date ol this. T,u: i;e;!.!io:i. , . -MAUVE. GOOD Oregon Citv J.-m. 3, LS72. Adzidmrxirix. J olmsoa own, Att'ys. iiiZwt o 0 o o o o o the o O Q G O O O o O ''""'iU..-.ii,'--N