G O O o l)c Ukckln vgutcrpriijc. FRIDAY, FEIiKL'AUY !).vL-72. TOW x axd cor XT V. Coiwcn. l'uurKE!!-Ni.:- '! !e following is a synopsis of the Council proceedings at tin meeting of last Monday : II A. Jei.kins wa' appointed nigh,f tition asking tlie privilege of landing a free ferry at the foot of Sib street, said petition " refered to tLe committee on The salary of the Principal of the Sem inary, was increased 10 1 WO per month. Some months ago the City Council iu-j-trnc'ed the City Attorney, to draft an ordinance according to law and the city charier, to govern the issuing of ci-y licenses, to sell spirituous Iiqioos wiibiu the city, said attorney having failed to discharge liis 'titty, the matter was taken from his hands, and referred to a special cnimittee. Fire ordinance No. 01 was finally ap proved and ordered to be made a matter of record. Three lamps were ordered to be placed Jxvow the Congregational Church. rr.omuii.Y a Hoax An account has Ikhmi published, in the Portland papers of the arrest of a citizen of this place, last Friday, by a detective from Wisconsin. The s'ory". as ;iven by these tapers, is badly mixed up. and gives no particulars, neither the name of the detective or parly arrested. In our opinion the whole mat ter is a grand hoax, perpetr'ed on the local."' of the Portland press. We have inquired far and near to ascertain if any prominent c t'..vii has mysteiiously disap peared, and cannot hear of any. and ii the party arrested hail been known at all in town, the arrest and abduction could not have been made without it becoming public It is undoubtedly a soil on some body, but on whom we are at a loss to know, as we took the bait, as readily as others and devoted considerable time to "work up' tlie tacts. . The Bulletin of the 7th insists that the fdory which it published about a citizen of this place being arrested is true. We don't know whether it is not. Fi.axk Ko.u. We hail a call last Mon day from Capt. Joseph Kellogg, and Mr. Marshall, formerly of the P. T. Company. From them we learn that a company lias been otgani.'d in Washington county, whose object is to construct a good plank load from Hi'. l:-boro to Portland, an 1 that ihe stock has all been subscribed, and work would soon be commenced. It, ap pears that the Railroad Company has lo cated a new town between Centerville and Hiilsbor i, for the purpose ot break ing down bo'h these towns, and forcing them to the new town holongin;; to ihe Company. The enterprising citizens of these towns can't see it. in that light, and propose to show that they are independent ui' the railroad. This road will be of great value ! the people of Washington count 5 . and to Portland, as the farmers will haul their products to (he m trkot. We wish the enterprise ihe best of success. Pkksonai.. We find the following in tice of our fellow-citizen, Ca.d. lledg.v.in a re cent issue (jf the Ikra'-l: We had the pleasure of a call, yester day, from Captain Hedges, of Clackamas county, who was among tlie earliest immi grants to Oregon. The Captain has rear ed a family of eleven children in this State, lie came tnun Ohio, brought his Democracy with him. and still h'dds fast by the faith, lie says he rejoices to see lufct the hopes of the Democracy are brighteninr. China Wi;to;:. The lriends of Mr and Mrs. E. D. Kel'y presented them with a china set last Monday evening on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of their nurriage. A large company was present i:i the evening to Congratulate them, and we are informed that a very happv time wa had. We acknowledge th receipt of a bountiful supply of line eike on the following day. May they live to celebrate many more anni vers ari s- Guano Paix The young ladies of this city are making grand preparations for the Leap-Year P.all next Wednesday evening. They have secured, good music ftnd a good supper is to be served. Judg ing from the various committees, the affair promises to be one of finest, of the season, liver) body is expected to attend. N'kw Fn;v. Mr. C. O. T. WiMams has purchased the interest of Mr. A. C. ihiilcy in the Liucol l Pakery, and the" firm wiil hereafte; be known as Harding A" Wil liams. They have just received a huge (tock of Ires!) grinds', and they invite their friends and the public generally to give them a call. Goon. Mr. Wm.Ihtlow has finally over come Pen. JIol!adays opposition to his having a mail left at his oiliee. and now a dai y mail is carried from Aurora to his law. This will probably hist un'i' r'ter the election, when the powers that be will have, the office abolished. Sink. The Day tori was beached last Saturday above Pock Island, it having been ascertained fh at a hole had been knocked in her bottom. The freight not damaged, and after the hole was fixed she came down into the basin on Sunday. P.ivce. Prof. Cardinell proposes to have a grand dance at the Skating Rink, in Portland, next week. We are informed that it is to be one of grandest affairs that has ever taken place in this Sta'e. Fu'.st Tun The new steamer Alice will make her first trip up the river next Monday. She is expected to be the fleet est boat ever run on the upper river, ft bile she is tho largest. SrorPKn. We learn that Mill No. 4, at Milwaukee, has been stopped, and ihe fiamis all discharged. We are informed ilat the mill wiil probably be remove 1 to fome other locality. .-'n .w . v,v had about four inches of ,now fall last Saturday. It remained on the ground until Wednesday. . when a warm rain made it soon dissappear. Lommittkk Mkkf.tinh;. Owen Wad? Chairman of the Radical County Commit tee of this county, has called the commit tee to meet in this city on the 1 tth inst. Ci.osKn. Mr. Win. Singer has disposed q! his furniture to Mr Milne, and closed his retail store. He continues to manufac ture to order at his shop- Cri.KSTi.vi. New Year. The Johns in th'u city fired some fire crackers last Wed nesday, in honor of their New Year. . Pkksox.vl We had a call last Saturday from Mr. Craig, formerly cf tins place.and publisher of ihe Arjux. Caluku. Wc had a call from Mr. Frank A. Cook, boukbladcr. cf Sakm. yesterday Tat: Conckkt. inc. concert wnicn was given last Wednesday evening was not as well attended as the merits of the enter tainment deserved.. The weather was ex tiemely unfavorable, which probably was ihe cause of such a small attendance. '1 he singing throughout was most excel lent, and gave genera! satisfaction lo those present. We have seldom hctvrd a more beautiful selection of musie. and better sni;g. It would be invidious in us to sp uk o( any singer in person where all did so well. The concert will be repeated again this evening, with a change ot pro gramme, when we hope a full" house will be present. YVo learn that "Dad's a Millionaire" will be repealed, and if anv our citizens desire a hearty laugh, they should not fail to attend. Tickets can be had at the posiotlice and at Meyers? store; admi.-sion filly tvn:s. Let there be a lull house. Vai.kxtink.s.-Next Wednesday is Val entine's Day. This is generally a season of amusement for young folks, and when not carried too far. is very pleasan'. 't hese "little tender epistles"' can be had at the PostoGlce and Mr. Fleming's Book s'.ore. Lkctl;:k lion. John h Caples will lecture at the M. E. Church, next Wednes day evening. The well known reputation of Mr. Caples as a speaker is sufficient guarantee for a full house. The new boarding house, for the hands on the Locks, by A. C. Euiley. has been opened across the river. TLe Ladies' Sewing Society meets next Tuesd ty afternoon at the residence of Mrs. C. T. Kent. v form Triumph in Uoston. Referring to the election of Gaston (Democrat) in Poston for Mayor over the opposkion or Republican candidate, the Poston I'l-sl has the following: M n or Gaston":! re-election, on the basis of tin- reform platform laid down last year, is a desert ed triumph of these sterling principles in local Government which are the surest guaranty of steady municipal progress and prosperity. It is "a victory o! the citizens alone, released from party trammels and wholly clear of party asso ciations. They planned this scheme of reform in adminis. ration one year ego, urged to it by the wasteful and corrupting influences that had effected an alarming lodgment in the city government ; and this year they have been but firmly con sisseni with their U r.ner purpose, and coii iirtued their last year's action by a m ijoi iiy decisive enough to have settled ihe question of" re-form beyond further dispute. He was elected not to operate as a check on local growth, but to so dis creetly administer municipal affairs that that growth uiiht go on without needless uasre and corruption. And on that same p'alform has his re election been triumph antly secured. Last year's work is vindi cated. It is done in Ihe interests of Poston alone. The citizens at large are responsi ble for it. Part isanship and jobbery have alike been made to retire with iheir pre tentions. We have the certainty of a re form mayor for another year, equipped ii:h tlie valuable experience of Hie past twelve months, and .instructed afresh in the wishes of the people. It is. I nrt hei mure, with a feeling of genuine pride that Poston regards her p reseat chief magistrate, who, by his superior qualifications ol intellect, training, and personal character, holds up the office to the respect of citizens and strangers. D::.moo::ati(j NKW.siwrF.r.s. We take the following sensible remarks on the support of Democratic newspapers, from the A'bant Democrat : It is ihe duty of Democrats in the coun try to support their county Democratic paper, if able to take but one Dem ocratic paper, let ihat be the one pub fished in your county. IS able to take oth er papers, give proferanee to those most earnest iu defence of Democracy most earnest to attack Republicanism most determined in behalf of the people, and tor ihe protection of their earnings. It is ihe dnt;i of Democrats to support Democratic- papers--those papers that speak out openly, boldly ; but it is not the duty ot Democrats to support papers which are timid, undecided, and utterly worthless. Follow not the bugie that gives uncertain sounds. Let Democratic newspapers be properly patronized and Democratic victories would be more fre quent and more easily achieved. He who dont;ts the power of the press, would Jo well to study the effect of the .great circu lation which Radical pipers have had among the peop ail over this country, and he who doub's that the more exten sively circulated Pemoeiatic newspapers become, the belter wi ! be the prospects of the Democracy, can have but little faith iti Democracy or ia the intelligence of the peop 'e. H. G. ON" G II A NT. u.ie in an article on says : " Gen. Grant The New York Trib civil service reform hr.s been adding de in oralizatlon lo a service that was bad enough before, by an unprecedented num ber of removals for reasons of personal po! t cs. instituting wlhin his own party, a rigorous fractional proscription. It is proposed to increase his control over the service which he has thus arranged to his Picinf;. ami we are asked to admire his c outage, patriotism atid unselfishness in approving the proposal. This is unreas onable. He could have established com petitive examinations at any time, and abolished partisan patronage by a mere exercise of his discretion. Why did" he not do if long ago A"PorTMKN'T. Mr. Dyar has been ap pointed Indian Agent at Kiam i!h as no body else seemed to want that position. It is probable therefore, or at least possi ble, that he will be able to hold the office long enough to g t moved'7 before some other hungry worker" is discovered. On the other hand, the President may have mule another mist ake in his pious "sum" iti division, not be: .g goo 1 iu figures. If sr.. Mr. Dyar will soon have to resign this 'seat" also. Really this, estimable gent le nt m u singularly unfortunate a a politi cian, lie gets officers in plenty, bait he eui't keep one that's worth anything. There are some men whom the authorities dire not turn out tor fear ol a bolt but Mr. Dyar is a good easy s-.ul" that they cm do as they please wrh. They me him as a sort of dummy" to fill vacancies until they are wanted. -J mo-;. Chewing goi. Py actual count, we have in the past week met with nineteen ladies., old and young, who were masticat ing with astonishing vigor a compound known as chewing gum. In order that they may chew i.riderstandiiig'y we copy i'te following from an exchange : Chew ing gum is made at Podnck. Massachusetts, of gum arable, rosin and coarse fat. Anv kind of fat even that of dead dojs. is used in ihe manufacture ; and when all the in gredients are placed iti boiling kettles, a small quantity of the most nauseous fiq. nid foam, is put in U wLUc-a the t-uni Wkatiies in Eastern Oi'.soox. At last accounts from Eastern Oregon the weath er had considerably moderated, and indi cations of rain prevailed,. The Columbia river is still dosed Poitlar. It is now stated, remarks the Detroit Union, that Grant is seriously thinking of importing a little enteric fever tor the use of himself and the Radical ma jority in Congress. He has been reading of the sudden popularity which the Prince of Wales has acquired by having it around, and thinks it would be a wise Administra tion measure to use a little of it himself. It is hoped that the plan will be carried out. A little tht.eric. judiciously adminis tered to the Administration, with fatal re sults, would be the most popular measure that could be adopted. CoMri;ousi:.--Fiom a contemporary we learn that the several adverse claimants to rights in the Caruthers estate of this city have agreed upon the general terms ot compromise, and th;lt they are now ou traged in settling the details. It is said in this connection that the property, or rath er the claims to it. will pass into'the hands of a foint stock company. Buthihx- We are informed by reliable authority that no compromise has as yet been effect ed, but negotiations looking to that end are pending. Wiit make two bites at the cherry? Congress hesitates over the question "of amnesty, and thinks to compromise by re storing to citizenship all but a lew speci fied lasses of ex-rebels. Is it rot time that, amnesty be general and impartial ? We believe this to be the sentiment of the country, and there seems lo be no need of longer postponing what must finally come to pass universal amnesty. X. Y. Trib une. Philadelphia has been heretofore popu larly known as tlie "City of proiherly Love." but. in view of the fact that Grant's National Convention is to meet there to go through the form of ratifying his re-nomination of himself, it seems lo ns that it would be proper to re-chris! sari it as the -City of a Prother-in-Law"s LVe.'? Tin; next National Republican Cotweo tion will be held in Philadelphia. Apportionment. Following is the apportionment of Dele gates to which each count' is entitled in the Democratic State Convention, which meets at the Dalles, on April 10th : Baker C Denton ' Clackamas " Clatsop 1 Columbia 'I Coos Curry 1 Douglas Grant 1 Jackson 8 Josephine 2 Lane fct Linn 12 Marion 11 Multnomah 10 Polk 7 Tillamook 1 LT mat ill a ." Union 4 Washington 4 Wasco 1) Yamhill ( When a man is unable to tell the time by his watch, because there are two hamls, and lie does not know "which to believe," it is a tolerable sure si;n that lie has partaken of more refieshrnenLs than nature requires. lltllgioua Stivirts. St. Pauls (Episcopal) Church, the Itev. John W. Sellwoo-l, rector. Services n Smiiiij at o a.m. unci 7 p. m. Sunday School and Pible class at ! v. m. 1st Coajrregatinnal Church Seats Fi(e Morning Services, 1 o. Sabbath Sch'.ol, 12 o'clock M. Evening Servicfs 7 o'clock . Pi:v. E. th-Ruv, Acting Pastor rinviiii Mr.r.i iNos. Sunday evening, Tuesday evening o- M. E. Church Morning Services,. . . Evening Services,. . . f o'clock 7 o'clock. ..Seats Free. io.:m, 7 o'clock. social jikktisus. Class Meeting following Moiuing Servce. Pray it Meeting Thursday evening 7 co'clok. SaVoath Schuol at 2 o'clock P. M. Oregon City Prices Current. The following -are the prices paid for produce, and the prices at which other ar- Cicles are selling, in this market. : W 1 1 HAT White.p bushel, $1 00. OATS bushel. 75 cis. POTATOES bushel. SI 00 cts. ONIONS r) bushel, 1 i:o7..?l 50. FLOER "pJt bbl. ?(! 00(7r t, o0. LEANS White. in.. I ,.: cts. Dill ED FRUIT Apples. V 1!., ofi cts Peaches. lb.. Hi-Jc: Plums. lb., l.", It) cts.: Currants. lh- 10(3)20 cts. RETT MR -"- 11).. llooxMOcts. EGGS dozen, :!5 10 cts. CHICKENS fd dozen. $L SUGAR Crushed. lb., 20 cts.; Island "V lb.. 10I2i cts.; N. O.. -4 lb.. 15 cts.: San Francisco refined. "H lb . 1(J cts. TEA Young Hyson, 'f lb.. $1 50 ; .Ta pan. r', ii., yUcf'OtM -o : i-iacK. t. In., ae. COFFEE V ff... 2:5ov,2. cts. SALT "jd lb.. Hpe;.2i cts. SYRUP Heavy Golden, pgal!., SI 00 : Ex. Heavy Golden. "rV gall., SI 25 PACON Hams. tY "lb.. If! cis; Sides 15 cts. "jd If).; Shoulders. 11 ct'-. LARD "ft If).. I I cis. OIL Devoe's Kerosene. "P srall., 75. Linseed oil. raw. . gaii.. $1 25: Linseed oil. boiled. gall., $1 50. WOOL -p lb.. 35 cts. PELF On foot, !)fVr,10 cts. fX 11). PORK On foot. '.);V,10cts. "p ib. SHEEP Per head. 62 0t!?2 50. HIDES Green. lb.. 5c. ; Dry. lb.. 15 ct ; Salted. 8c An Okkku. We will give to any young lady who will get up a club of fifteen sub scribers to the Enterprise, before ?. first of January, and pay in the sum of $o7.5(). $15 worth of Messrs. J. L. Peters' new music, the young lady getting up the club having the privilege Qf making her own selections. Here is a chance for some young lady to get enough music to last her for a few years. We will also furnish Peters' Musical Monthly for six months to all who will send iti three subscribers with the money, or for five subscribers we will furnish them the Magazine for one year. There is not a young lady n the county, that plays or sings that should he without this musical work, and they can easily get this number of subscribers. Send in the names at once, so you can commence with the new year. Mr Frirnd, st p that terrible couzh, and thus avoid a consumptive's grave; bv using Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Discovery. For curing all throat, bronchial and lung diseases it has never Veen equaled. Sold by drug gists. Oregon bodge Xo. 3, I. O. of O. F1. Meets every Thursday even ing at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's Hall, Main s cet. Members of th.e Order are invited to attend l'y order.. , X. T OF LETTERS REMAINING IX the Posiotuee at Oregon City, Ftb. 1, ls72 : Austin' Lilly Miss, lilossom. James W, IJrowu, Joi n T, Pakcr, C N, Counci .Jauwfs Master, Carman, A, Carter, Samuel, Culahaa. t- tiristina, Kismore, Win H, I learn, Pannie Miss, Hai t, Abuer, Lature, Agat's Miss, Morgan, Jas Peter. (2) Newman. Carrie Mrs. (Jui ley. Lizzie Mi 1 1 earn, S J. Rembree. Maud Mrs, Marsa, J W, Mart :n, Wm M, Pa vise, Thomas J, Philips, Ella Mrs, Scott, Jacob, Seelv, -lira J, Shuck, II arvrv, Taylor, Win, " Welch. Francis Mr. Plummer, O P S, Sheppard, Rolin, Sawtord, Alice Miss, trong, Jane Mrs, Toiilc, Nauev'Mis, Wn-ht, F A M,.ss. If cal.e I for, please sav J. M advertised." BACON, P. M. A UiuSD Conckkt ok Vocal Mcsicl A Conceit of Vocal Mu-ic will be given in Paptist Church, oa Wednesday and Fri day evenings, February 7th -and Oth, with a change of programme en tlie second even ing. Doors open at 7 c 'clock ; Concert be gins at 7A. Tickets for both evenings may be had af the Pc-steffiee, and at Mr. Myers' Store. Admission for one evening. CO cents; Children under twelve years of ag?, half price. A choice programme will Lie ottered. Feb. 2, 1S-7J. Our druggists keep for sale Hub's Vegeta ble Sicilian tb ir Renewer, ihe best prepara tio 1 ever made for restoring the vitality and cc.h r of the hair. A I?csmtiful Woman Tne percep tive faculty of women is unusually keener than the same phrenological oigan in men. Women know that beauty rather than geni us is worships! by tlie sterner sex. A nian niav talk witli his lips ot the latter to Ins lady-love, but the keenness of the woman knows tlu.t he is thinking of the former in his heart. All women have an innate desire to please their beaux. Thev are toad of ad miration ; hence one of their longings is to be beautbul. The grand secret of female beauty is health the secret of health is the power to eat, digest and assimilate a proper quantity of holes -nne food. Tuk ; Vixnoau Pirrhns. It wiil cleans:- li e stomach, tone the vital organs give a perfect digestion. purify the blood, cleat-u;) toe c unolexion and produce a state of mental and physical electiacitv, which gives symmetry 01 lorni, biight eves, white fcl.in, gfossv nair and a genaine type of female loveliness, which no cosmetic can compare witli. Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Ruffalo, X. Y., sole nronrtetot ot Dr. Sagos i,.uarrn ivemeuy whose name is minUd on the wrapper of tin remiine. has tor over three yeas s om red through nearly every newspaper in the Cni t il States, a standing reward of $Coo fir t c.ise of Catarrh in the head which he cannot cure. That lis has treated thousands of cases and had no claims pre -eated for the reward, from anv one who nas ma !e a thoi on-fi use dt his means ol cure, is strong ml conclusive evidence tfi.it he pos.-e-ses sure means of curing this loathsome disease. The Catarrh Remedy is sol, 1 by all druggists, or s.-nt by mail on receipt ot sixty cents. Tun Almanac Publishers complain that their business is destroyed by Aver' a Amer ican Almanac, ilie people prefer it to any other, the Farmer's, Western, Southern, or the numcioir. local almanacs when they can get Aycr's. It supplies the best astronomic al tlata, weather and jokes of them all, and above all medical advice which is invaluable lor every family. It is supplied gratis by the druggists, and should be preserved IW constant reference and use. Y"e are sine that no good housekeeper or grandmother goes willingly without one Anti-Slavery &liiii!urd, N . V. Use no other preparation but Hall's Veg Siei.i.ui Hair Kenewer for Pi. proving the growth and re.-toring the color of the hair. WILLIAM DAVIDS OU, REAL ESTATE DEALER. Clfit-o, J.'o. Cl i'Vosit Street, POUTLANf), - - - ORECOX. PEA I, ESTATE in this CITY and EAS f PORTLAND, in th most desirable localities, consisting of LtlTS, HALE PI.OCKS and PEO.'KS, HOUSES and STORES.; also IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable uncultivated LANDS, located iu ALL parts of the STATE for SALE. PEAL ESTATE and other Property purchased for Corresnondents, in this C1T and throughout the STATES and TERRI TOKIHS, wiifi great rare and on the most A DV.V.N TAOEO L'S TERMS. HOCSE-s; ;ind STORES LEASED. LOANS NEGOTIATED, and CLAIMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COL LECTED. And a Genera! FINANCIAL and AGENCY BUSINESS transacted. AGENTS of l his OFFICE in all the CITIES and TOWN'S in the SI ATE. will re ceive descriptions of FARM PROPERTY andjfonvard the same to the above address. Feb. I!, 171. FAbbS EXCAMPKICXT O. i, I. O. . F". Meets at Odd Fellows' Hail on the FIPST AND THIRD TUESDAY EVENING of each m nth. Patrisrchs in good stand ing arc invited to attend. Feb. S, Pi72-tt' Hcbm-a Degree Loslge ?Jo. 54, 1. O. O. F isceton the Second and Fourth TUESDAY ErEXLXGS, of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of thy Degree are invited to attend. ill I not:i :i !t Ijtl5;e TVo. 1, A. F. nne A. ItJ. --Holds its regular commnnicf ions on the n-.-t and Third Stttxir ift'i in each month, at 7 o'clock from the tioth (d sseotember to tlie 'i"th of March, and 7A o'cloek f ont the Joh of March to the ;Joth ot September. Ptcth ren in good standing are invited to attend. Dec.VViO, Pv order of W. M. A IScriynml riilul Uistasc. Such is dyspepsia. The stomach and the brain are too intimately allied for the one to sull'er without the other, so that dyspepsia and despondency are inseparable. It maj be added, too, that irritation of the stomach is almost invariably accompanied by irritation of the temper. The invigorating and trr.r.quilizing opera tion of Ilo.-tt tter's bitters is most power filly developed in cases of iiKpgcsti .11. The first effect of this agreeable tonic is comfort ing and encouraging. A ini'd glow pervades the system, the chronic unea-iuess iu the re gion of the stomach is lessened, nd the nervous restlessness which characterizes the disease is abated- This improvement is not transient. It is not succeeded by ihe return ot the old symptoms "ith superadded force, as is always' the case when unmedi cated" stimulants are given for the complaint. Each dos seems to impart a perman-nt ac cession of healthful in vigoration. Put this is not all. Tlie aparient and anti-bilious properties of the preparation are scarcely s.condary in importance to i s tome virtues. If there i's an overflow or bile, the jccretion is soon brought within proper limits, and if the bilarv organ is inert find torpid it is toned and rfijalutc-d. The etlect upon the discharging Wans is. equally salutary, and in cases ; of constipation the cathartic action i just sulhciert to produce the desired re sult -rraduallv and without pain. The Hit ters also promote healthy evaporation from the surJiiee, wdboh is particularly desirable at this season when sudden spells of raw, unpleasant weather are apt to check the natural perspiration and produce congestion I of the liver, coughs, ami uno. 1 he ,tst j safeguard aaimt ail lieises i bo-ldy vigor, ! and this the great Vegetable Pejorative es i pccially promotes. L, AGEXTS FOn THE EXTERP1USE. T'ae following persons are nuthorized to act as agents far the Exiirpbi k : L M. Baltimore, Portland, Oregon. Thomas Poyco, San Francisco.' E. P. Fisher, Hudson & Meiict.41 Pa: k Row.Xew Votk. Geo. P. Powell & Cc, -K Park Row, New York. Abbott & Co.. No. S2 & S4 Nassau street. New York. Hudson, Menet & Co.. Chicago, Illinois. Coe. Wetherill & Co.. 007 Chestnut street- Philadelphia. tiQGLNMSMERY. KARDiG & VVJLLIATvSS, BEG LEAVE TO INFORM THE CITI zens of Oregon City and surrounding co;.ntrv, that they keep constantly ou baud and tor sale, a! I kinds of UktlA 1), CR YCKEiJ-, CAKES, 1'ASTPY. CANDIES AND NUTS. Also, a good and general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Orders promptly filled, and goods deliver ed at the residence of the puichaser when desired. The highest prices paid f r Putter, Eggs and Yegetabh-s. A liberal share of public patronage is re spectfully solicited. Ftb. it," lS7:tr Summons. Tn the rire--.it Court of the State of Oregon, r Cla k.imus .--01110 v. lor xionry linnibel, i'liiintiti, Ju'niS!e-e, IX-ftudiint. ) Suit in lapiity. TO JOHN .ST ECi I', SAID DEFKNDANT: THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OP.E i;ou : on uvo smamonml aisul ieo,uireu to i' n!iO appear 1.1 the Cireuit Co-art of the State oi ( iivg-on, tor ( he-kamas eonn'.v, on or Ik -fore the iusi u:ty of tl:e term of i-i.l t ,u: t next toliowin" the expiration ot six weeks al'lcr tlie date of the lir.-t -..ublu-a: K.11 of this Summons; to-wit : 01; the Sd Monday in IMarch.A. !., 1S72, and answer tne complaint liled in the above entitle-l sou or the pLuutiir will take a decree against von fr $l,O;0, in V. S. fihl coin, and interest there on since Jan. 5, ls;i, at the rates of one per ceur. a month, and lor costs and disbursmn'.s ; nn-.i wnl apply to the Court tor a decree l'oreelo-in a mortsrae friveii by you Jan. 5, 1S71, on on uui'ti vuied one-haU' of Lots Four, 4, and Five, a, in ltloekXo. Twenty-thice, 23, in the town of Oro ?ou ' -'laek.un.is county, Oregon ; and gener ally for the relifi' demamlcd in" the complaint. jy order 01' iiou. V'. AV. L"itoa, Jud 'C of said Court. JOHXSOX & Mef'OV.-X, I:if 's Att'ys. Feb. S, 1N72.WO airFeltim F0S STEAT5 IIFES and L03LERS- S.hts ': r.-r cent, if fuel an item worth looking i.f.cr. lor bale bv LKUUV k l LAL-L, 112 California street, .San l- iancbco, who also liep slock Mining and K-ineir's suppi.es. decIcowOiu Sheriff's GaSe. Ji? Y YlirtVE OF AX EXLCUTIOX ISSUED out of the Circuit Court- ot the State of Oregon, fur tlie eounty of C be-kamiis. in 1'avor of 1.. .V. Seeiy.'lai:ilia',-aud against Daniel o. Sebas tian, dei'en.tant, for the sum of two hundred and tweiily-nve .j-i'.;(i dollars, S-Jij j.i, now due, and wiin iiuere.-i ai 1110 ran- ot ten :er cent, per an- num irom me lllii nay ot Ui tolier, A. 1)., IS71, and the further sum of foiiy-nine JiG-loo dollars, Jii) 5'., eots, and for want of personal propeaty out of whieh to make t lie s-iiiie, 1 h ive levied upon all the liht, title and interest of said Daniel S. Sebastian of, ia and to the following aesenOea tracts of liiii.t, to-uit: i(e;-ouiiiny at the X. 1'.. corner of the X. V. l-i of section 15, T. 3., S. lb 1 Y. of the "Willamette meridian : thence . 2, ciis. and 1,'J links ; thence S., 10 1-: d'-;i-ees E. U chs.; thence E. 20.5S chs.; them.-e X. 1.5.77 chains, to tl.e place of beginning, eou- taniiiv ao acic-s, 1:101 e or les.s ana also tlie fol low ing described tract, to-wit : lieinning- at the rs. i-.. corner ot N.run 1), iti a. 3, S. it., I thence X. 40 eiiains; thence V.'.2 eliains; thence S. 40 chains ; thence F.. 25 chains, to the place of ovmninng, containing 100 acres, more or less; alsotne lollowiii" ile-c.ribed tract, to-wit: The liorih-east quarter of tho south-east cinarterof Set lion 10, in T. 3, S. Ji., "W. ol tiie Willamette meridian; and on Satnrdaj-, tiie 2a dav of .March, A. D., 1S72, at 1 oVloek v. m., at the "ourt iiou.se door, iu tJreyon City, in said county, I wiil proceed to sell the same to the highest bidder to statist said execution, costs and acerumsr costs. a k Tiiu it vakxi:i:, Slieriil of Clackamas eountv, Oreron. Dated Jan. 25th, Ib72:w4 Sheriff's Sa!s. TjY VIRTUE OF AX EXECUTION AND -- order of sale, issued out of the Circuit Court of the Si ate of Oregon, tortile county of Clacka mas, dated the 15th day of January, 1 S 72, and to me directed pursuant to a decree in favor of Wm. i5.il low, plaintiff, and against John Ay res, de fendant, tor the sum of one hundred and thirty seven 30-100 dollars, $137 30, U. S. told com, and nineteen 70-100 dollars, Ai '.) 70, costs and disburse ments, by virtue of a decree of foreclosure of mort.u','e on real estate, I have this 23d day of January, 1572, levied on the following described pared of land,.spetiiie.l in said decree and order.of sale, as follows, to-wit: That tract of land known and de b ribed o;i the plats of the United States purveys as the north half of the north east quar ter of Sceiioii Eijfftt, in Township three, isouth l;aii;:c, one West of the Willamette meridian, containing eighty acres, 80, with ail the tene ments, hereditaments and appurtenances thereof belonging or iu anywise appertaining as the property of the said John Ayres, defendant, and ou Saturday, tlie 2d day ol March, 1S72, t tlie hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of said day, in front of the Court House door, in Oregon City, iu said comity, I will proceed to ell the same to tlie lushest bid der, for 1-. S. sfold coin, lo satisfy said execution, co.-.ts and :iccruin- costs. A KTIIUR V.'AKXER, ShrrUf of Clackamas county. Dated Jan. 2GUi, i72:w4 ScSiooS Land Notice. "VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT LIST -L Xo. 1, of Indemnity School Lands was ap proved bv tlie Secretary of the Interior, Decem Ut 21sf, "1S71, and by him forwarded to the Ex ecutive Odieeof Oregon, and is now on tile there in. Said list includes 41, 280.72 acres of land, em braced in tiie Townships following-, to-wit : Township 1, X. K., i east; Township 1, X. It.. 4 west ; Township 2, X. lb, 4 west ; Township 1, S. lb, 1 and 4 cast ; Township 1, S. '., 3 and 4 west ; Township 2, S. It., 1 and 4 cast; Township 2, S. It., 1, 3, and 4 west ; Tow u.-hip 3, S. It., 4 and 5 west ; To.viishu) t, S. 1!., 3 cast; Town. hip 4, S. P.., 1, 3, 4 and 5 west; Township 5, S. It., 1, 2. 3, -1, 5 and 0 west; Towushiu (i, S. lb, 1 east ; Township fi, S. b, i, 2, 3. 4, 5 and 7 west ; TownshiT) 7, S. lb, 1, 2, 3, 4 and ( west ; Township s, S. it., 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 west ; Town-hip :J. S. lb, 1 east; Township S. S. It., 1, 2, 3. and 4 west; Township 10, S. 1'.., 1. 2, 3, 5 and west ; Town.-hip 11, S. lb, 1, 2,3, 5 and if west; Township 12, S. lb, 2, 3, 4 and 5 west ; Township 13, S. lb, 1, 2, .!, 4 and 5 We.b All persons c-Iaiuiiriir School Lands in said Townships, are requested to come before the Hoard of School La. id Commis-doners and com plete their payments and receive their deeds. Claimants bavins made no paynents. are notitied that the board is ready 1o receive payments and notes, and to issue their bonds for deeds. T. H. CAXX. Clerk of the Board. Job. 2, 1-S72:w4 Shade, Trees ! lled-e, Plants ! FbllVl EHnD GAIIDES SEEDS.- Aiple an 1 Crab, 100. 2 to 4 f-., 4; i to 6 ft., .JC, no I'eur.St.bextra.l yr.Bnrtlett &r,3 to 4 ff...doz. 2 50 See ls, leaeh, bu..S2; Apple, s ure, new, bu.,12 00 1 'era toe.-. White I'eaeh Blow. laoiv Hose.bu., 2 00 Seedlings, -Soft Matde, l.ofjo.jl; Adi. i'l; Elm, 2 00 Illustrated Catalogue, 100 pace, and Xew Trice last.." t 10c E. X. THOEXIX, Bioomimrton, Illinois, fob 2:w 3 special fJotsce. ri: HAVE IN OUR HANDS FOR COL- lection the notes and accounts of J. II. Kafston,. alsc of tiiolate firm of Wortman Fields, and Joseph Kafka. Persons knowhig thern-elves indebted to either of the above person-, will please and settle at an early day. We are instructed to collect without delay. , WARREN Jt FORCES. Jan. 12,ls72,tf WAITED TWO flOOD TWO HORSE TEAMS with drivers, for permanent work on the Willanw-tte Falls Canal and Locks. Appl v. statin r trms per day, to-Iaae W. Smith, rdnineer ef the work. Juj. r.'l:7-'.tf T II E. FLORENCE "Will sew fvcrything needed in a fani 1 v, from the heaviest to the lightest fabri'c. it do lis ruoisrc v"oitii. iouk ii?.i;s of work;, AM) BETTER WCKK, Than anv- other machine. II th ere is a Florence Pewinir Machine within one thousand miles of San Fram isco not working well and girinc: entire sati-fac-tion, if I am informed ot.it; it will beat tended to without expense of any kii.d to the owner. GLl IZ'AZ rJE2T ii XEW MONTGOMERY STREET, Grand Hotel Building, SAK FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA Send for Circulars and samples of the work. ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED IX EVERY PEACE. Feb. 2, 1ST Ely PACIFIC BOOT AIIO SHOE HOUSE! Fall ami Winter Trade. HAVIXt; RECENTLY FILLED UP OUR assortment-of Imp n led Styles in Ladles' and Gents' We will fake great plea-ure in displaying and receiving orders troui our patrons and the public generally. We have received irrni New York a teV pair of tl.e O lebiaUd KL! HAT OPERA UuTTON FRONTS, by which, a Luce Shoe can fe turned into a beautiful Eutton (Jailer Will take ord. rs far the same sit any time. We have the Ilest and Latest Styles in Misses' and Child reu's l'litton (lai ers and 11 ilrnorals that are imported , but for gocd substantial wear there are iicnj that can cniiie opto ourvown make. We Warrant them in every respect. Seven entirely Xew Styles of Ladies' and Misses' EUIUSERS. The Nillson, Congress, Marie Antoinette, Queen's German, Vtlvet Front a u' Alaska. Eight, yiisa Durable and N leal Fh ting. Also, a lot of Children's Rubbers. Hi ing on your feet. COIE A2-;i) SEE 00R CHAMPION B0 0T!: Respectlully, PRQTZSIAN, GIL LI AN CO., Cor- Front and Ilorrison Sts-, POETLAXI), REGOX. Dec. 1. lTLtf rpo YOU r.ELOXG TIIE FUTUHE. OF our beautiful and fast trrowinir St:tte. Soon the shrill whistle of the I RON' HORSE, iis he comes t inoUingicross this great con tinent, drawing after him the rich products of theXation's Wealth- and Industry, will announce the " GOOD TIME COMIXGy' when Oregon's own Sons nnd Daughters will be called to fill the new avenues of Busi ness. Everyone should prepare lor an JLCTTVB BUSINESS LIFE. Great changes have been made in the com mercial n Hairs of Oregon' in a few years. What the dcvelopenients of our State will be in the future, is a question which depends upon the BUSINESS QUALIFICATIONS of ber Younir Men. Within the past four prosperity, the years of continued National Business College, of PortlandOregon, has SPnt out SCORES of young men fully qualified, and many of whom are now tilling high and lucrative po sitions m the Rinks, Counting-Rooms and Stores of our Stare. So irre.it is the demand for Good Accountants, that Business men have been frequently compelled to send East for as istance. Xo e"it'.-rprising. tr.di ms Young Mini .who has passed through the prefcribtd course of studies at this MODEL COLLEGE has complained for want cf situation and at good salary, too. Every faciliy is here afforded ac'j lir- mg a SOUND LUSIMESS EDUCATION in the shortest possible time, and at THE LEAST EXPENSE. Every student will "nave an ACTUAL BUSIXESS PRACTICE ! After having completed the Theory, he is introduced into a M IX I AT U RE WORLD OF BUSIXESS, which has tiie eflect of thoroughly familiariz ing him with all the minntue ot real business. The course of study embraces Double and Single Entry P.ook-Keepisig, Commerri 1 Ariihrfsetic, Comnicrciul Law,, Correspon -ence. Business I'enu.an.-di.p, regular and special Lectures, etc., etc , camh-ining theory with practice. At.SO, Superior advantages for seen ring a thorough knowledge of ORXAMENTAL PEN" M A X S II I P, TELEGRAPHY, PHONOGRAPHY. FRENCH, SPANISH. GERMAN, ITALIAN. ETC Far full particulars, call at tb-e College Or fice.in Carter's building, corner of t ront and Alder streets, (entrance on Alder) 1 oil land, Oregon, or send fur cicular. Addre!, BoFRAKCE J ABIE 3, PORTLAND, 0KEG0X. 3Ierch 3E l?7I:jl HOLIDAY PRESENTS. THE LARGE-. T AND FINEST STOCK IN PORTLAND, OF FINE WHTCHES, SICH JEWELRY AKD Silverware, O 13. L. ST03STE, WHOLEiALE AND RETAIL DEALER IM WATCHES and JEWELRY No-107 Front st- PORTLAND, Would invite attention of his friends and the public to his Iarge aud Choice Assort ment of WINIZ WATCHES, From the most Celebrated Makers of K. Howard & Co., Boston ; Apclton .V Tracy 1 S. Bartleit, Wuilham, Mass.; Elgin Watches; O .Litot St-lf winding Watches ; Eaglish Watches and oiheis. Also, the best selected STOCK of LADIES WATCHKS, of all descrintiou and styles. which he would be pleased to show to all who in iv favor him with a call. ACI.'VT mi? e:r i j l? i teoT to iTnrnx. .... A i VI I. Vll.lO. 1J. U.llJlf I II illVlll Fine Jewelry and Solid Silver Ware, Fancy Articles, suitable for3 3 HOLIDAY PRESENTS Silver Watches, of different makers. Diamond Pins, Ear-rings an Finger-rings, (iold Bracelets. CJ.ild Chatehun Cnards and Watch-chains. Col 1 Necklaces, Armlets, Cresses, Locket. Ooid Bi cast- ins. Ear-rings, Finder-rings, Colli Charms and Ki ys. California Gold Rings and Bohmes' Pat ent Uuckels. Ope i a 'Jhair.s. Moss Agate Setts, Rinps and CiilFButtona. Wedding Rings, made of pure gold, ex pressly for that purpose. Gold and Silver Thirnb'es. Opera and Marine Glasses. Pebble Spectacles and Eye-glasses. ,.li,l Silver Napkin 11 in sis. Silver Fruit mill Butter Knives. S-did Sil.-er Table and Tea Spoons. Regulators Seth Thomas Clocks, Mario ('locks, Gilt Gallery Clocks, Ac. A II the ah- ve articles sold Cheap for Cash, and warranted as represented. Particular attention given to repairin and adjusting o Chronometers, Duplex au A erkun a:c s. B. L. STONE, nov24tt 107 Front st. Portland, Oregon-. IMPROVED B APS D SAWS Molding MucHine, M0RTISERS, And e?ey description of Wood-working Ma chinery aa I'laning Q Mill supplies. Address BERRY it PLACE. Machinery Depot, 112 California St. San Francisco. nov24cowGni REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, PORTLAND. - - OREGON. GEO. JL. CURRY, DEALER IX BEAE ESTATE JES"D OTHER INVESTMENTS. Commissioner Se.'ecting Swamp and Ovei flowcd Lands. Farm Lauds sold and peircha-sers obtained for all kinds of landed property. Valuable securities transferred in exchange for real estate. Loans negotiated on property, and title examined and determined. Commissions solicited and executed vritlkO nd-!iiy and promptness. OFFICE Xo. H Carter's Euilding, corner of Alder and Front sticets. Feb. 3. Is70:tf XEW HARDWARE STORE, COKXET PKOXT & STAIIK STS., PORTLAND, OREGON. .IOIBT It. FOSTER Is now receiving and offers for sale, at th lowest rates, a full stock of BUILDERS' HARDWARE, Ttechanics' Tools, Tabic ami Pocket Cutlery, MINERS' GOODS laSSs, Ropes, Shovels Anvi!s, Axes, Etc., Which he invites buyers to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Would invite particular attention of buy ers of Rudders' Hardware and House Trim mings, either at WHOLESALE or RETAIL. May 2!;,lb71::u3 JOHN' R. FOSTER, Xew Boot and Shoe Store. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE 1 j e -tfull y call the a ntion of the pub lic to his splendid stock CUSTOM-MADE BOOTS and SHOES, for Ladies' ami Gem's wear, just opened,, one door ncrth ef the Lincoln liakcry, Ore- All ' kinds of BOOTS and SHOES kept constantly on hand, at CHEAP RATES, and orflcis taken for the same, to be made in. the latest style, at the PACIFIC HOOT and SHOE M AN UFACTUR V, Portland Oregon- COUNTRY PRODUCE Taken in EXCHANGE AT MARKET Rater. AL. WHITE. Oregon City, Nov. 17. 1S71. nocijs: hogs: G rriIK UNDERSIGNED WOULD CALL. i the attention of every body that ts fat-O tenin- Hogs to sell, which will make bacon, ti nt they will find it to tl eir advantage to call at the old corner at gUbiight's Butcher chrr- "re buyinjr fork and PAYING THE HIGHEST PRICE of any one els. Call and see. ALBRIGHT k LOGUS. Nov. 21, 1571. :tl Notice. JOHN MYERS, ESQ., ISr MY DULY Au thorized A sent iu Oregon City, and alo Aeent for the Estate ot Daniel BLarver. d ceased. MIlS. E. HARVEY. October 3, l71.to3 o o 0 O O o o 0 o 0 0 o o Oo o O O o O O o G o O O Q O O o o